The Straits Times, 25 April 1939

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 r.'NGAPORE: 140, CECIL ST ('PHONE 5471). J See MIEN CHONG for SMART TAILORING Ai Coleman St. Singapors. Phone 1816 4j^. 'P room, dining room and verandah 4< *-afeO-^ furniture refinished. DULUX PAINTS USED THROUGHOUT ENQUIRIES TO: A i39jWni3^J P. j K^ompanu czLitnited I (ft ;>,rc!ed n England) SINGAPORE— KUALA LUMPUR
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    • 140 1 \Jne oi, theie two powdet-babei will bud uou pettectlu LOTION FOR /f*^/ J V NORMAL OR DRY t V (^.',l f g^^ BLENDED LOTION '"-SlmX \l r~ZZi^ L CYCLAX MILK OF FOR GREASY SKINS. jMN I Mt MAKES 14 DIFFERENT Smß^X^'S'^'^Ktf POWDER COLOURS TO 1 J KM $2.25. /I OF
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    • 73 1 KUALA LUMPUR. 25. JAVA ST. (PHONE 3603). r>^ r' i^y 1 1 -v fTHE RESULT OF OVER 200 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN GIN DISTILLING You'll know the bottle by the famous trade* mark, and the gin by the special flavour Boord's Gin has been popular for over 200 years. Cordial Old
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  • 19 2 ELLIS At KitiKbton-on-Tnamp«, on Apr. 4, after a long Illness, Janet bpiiwl Ellis, wife of 11. H. Ellis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 664 2 SITUATIONS VACANT SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. VACANCY FOR A TEMPORARY DRESSER. Applications are invited from qualified Dressers for the appointment of Temporary Dresser in the Municipal Water Department. The successful applicant will be required lo reside in Johore. The salary of the appointment Is $100 per month with free quarters. Applications must
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    • 823 2 WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY male puppy 8— 20 weeks old Pedigree or Mongrel. Apply 250. Straits Times. ENGLISH FAMILY requires small unfurnished nonce. Modern conveniences. Garagt Apply Box No. 241. Straits Times. ENGLISHWOMAN wishes to hear cf dance class suitable for her daughter a"!ed six, stati fees etc. Box No. 246,
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    • 811 2 BOARD ft RESIDENCE "AT SI'NNYSIDE" 1 Oxley Road. T'l. 6575. Nicely furnished flat, own bath room H. and C. water, long bath. Also sin*'.Every possible r-omtort. Well recommended. AT ROCHFORT, 4, Oxley Rise. Tel. 6700, comfortable self-contained flat, rooms, sitting, bed, bath dressing verandah, suitable for couple or friend sharing.
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    • 414 2 TENDERS P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be re ceived at the offlco of j the State Ercincer. Selaiißor, up to 3 p.m. of May 5, 1039 for the construction 3 C]a-is I IV Quarters at Bukit Bintang Twoad. Kiiato J Lumpur. Plans and specifications mty be seen and
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    • 84 2 BUSINESS CARDS Era SENS ATI3NAL SALE f From April 21st 300 Drrssr, (or all ocusiuns I. ur just arrived and will be «old .md lompMrlv I cfc:-red r. i'hin twn --lm. AT COST PRICE. SALON DE MODES Room KG. RAFH.KS lIOTKL. PRINCE EDWARD CLINIC Medical Massage Electricity. 14 Crpitol Flats.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 125 3 Incorporated 1 W \(X Ovrtiftny 1 The undermentioned are the company's Intended fixtures: OUTWARD FOB MANILA, HONG KONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN. Due S'oor* S LIPPE omits Manila, Tsingtau, Dairen and Jaoan Apr. 29 ELBE omits Manila. Dairen also calk Banukok May 1 HOMEWARD FOR HOLLAND, HAMBL'RG AND BKEMLN
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    • 564 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore Tel 5151. Chartered Bank Building, Penang TeL I ■S. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES, LONDON. N. CONTINENT AND GLASGOW (la conjunction with the Glen Line) Due Sails AJAX Mars, Casa. L'don. R'ciam, Ham and O'gow In port Apr. 20 OLENAFFARIC L'don,
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  • 447 4 New York, Apr. 24. THE following quotatioos wee inose ruUiiK when the Stock Exchange dosed today: DOW-JONES ATOL&GES Saturday's Today s Close, dose. Cbanco. 30 Industrials 123 56 1X134 off 1.21 20 tiiils 2J.73 25.49 off 2* 15 liJities 2229 22.2* 40 Encda UX13 t.8.0.7 oil A6
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  • 164 4 SWAX. CULBERTSON AND FRITZ report on yesterday's New York markets Prices declined amid quiet tradine Operators were reluctant to make commitments pending Hitler's Friday address. Outstanding events of the day werthe Supreme Court's decision upholding the flotation of 562.500.000 Gatineau Power Comany bonds and the sharp ris? in
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  • 176 4 The following ships are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected to arrive: East Wharf: Entrance Gate 1; Exit t: Nord, Anhui M. Sh'rrs Whar:: Lntrance Gate 2; Exit 3 i.oncahcs Zarco 19 Miin Wharf. Entrance Gate 2; Exit J Krinh, Benalder IS; Hopecrowu 16:
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    • 239 4 Ta*r» Aden (Imperial) 2 p.ra. Bast Africa (Imperial) 2 is m. South Africa (imperial) Z p.-/!. Burma i Imperial i 2 pcx Whole Canada (Imperil) 2 i ;u. China Hoihow (Imperial) 2r m. bgyyi., h^Lin ana < .r.e (Impertal) P'n Great »ltain and Ireland amperiali P-™-Europe Great
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    • 82 4 London, Apr. It j THE DEATH occurred yesterday of Mr Morgan Jones, Socialist MJ». for the Caerphtlly division of Glamorgan since 1921. Mr. Jones was taken ill while In the West Indies as a member of tbe Roy.l Commission to Investigate condftlons in the Islands and r?turned
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    • 24 4 The Somali has left Hong Kong and !s expected to arrive here at a.m. tomorrow. She will proceed alongside the wharf on arriral.
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    • 281 4 ■JBJHB Uiuhi riaaa Peaaas, I*aa ana Kaala Inaaiti AcriMS every rrca^K. X.L.M.: l-rom Nrlacrlxad] indirs: ArrlTn TI2IS afternoon. From Aostralia: Arrives THIS afternoon. X.MI.M: Frra Ncthi-rUnds Indies: Arrives THIS afternoon. X.L.M.: from Lurope: Arrives Icmorro* j rtniam ■Jl i.1.H.: Fraa* Saica*: Arrives >■ artrrnccn.
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    • 221 4 NEW AUSTRALIAN CABINET Country Party Is Excluded Melbournr: Ayr 24. •jrjJE exclusion ot the Country Party. which. Ls led by Six Eurlc I\r;e. from the Commonwealth Cabinet, has foOcwed trie frare split between the fjrtit2d Australia I'.irty and the Country Party. The election of Mr. R. G Menaie.s as leader
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    • 149 4 Correspondence tor transmission by air via "Netherlands'" must be fu'ly prepaid and clearly superscribed By K.LJW." I Mails will dose from Malacca as To'lows Mbohm Jit* ill Southern Sumatra, by air ifT^hrrlands) ..».45«jn. China. Japan. But Sbcrfek. MMtoI ptnes fc Western Unit-d States ot Amnica inn Ersbß) Cpm
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    • 22 4 MaOs from Holland etc. expected today. Apr. 25 by Dcmpo. Malls from China expected today, Apr. 25, by Somali.
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    • 47 4 Rome. Apr 34 Lord Perth, the rrtlrinu British Ambassador, departed for London today He was seen oft by Count Clano am the French and German Ambassadors the South Alrkan and Eire Minister and oth-r m?mben of the Oipk>mati< Corps.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 153 4 London. Apr J4 ASKED by Mr. W. Gallach.-r 'Communist. Rft>, in the H Commcna wbat Sir Robert Cm Sir Archibald Clarfc Kerr. British Amr to Japan and China risp itiveiv. had diicu33ed at Urn meetins in Shanshai. the Urd;rSecretary fcr Foreign Allairs. Mr R A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 548 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. < Incut poratea in b MS i in H'HDNt: tieicbt Mil Paaiac* 543 L Wf extra rail (are in Canada tm dra»'."a M' v/^^^jaay» room or "ompartmem xcur ec oy IV- RvwßiUv ODe oerson Stop-over? tl you »Tti In jjf lytf'* L r^a^Rv s'iinmei 'lie «crmc Gicat
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    • 65 4 For all troubles, even Cataract <MJf* Try SELLER'S LOTUS Jm33& HONEY —The nature's own remedy. Sue Sure, world-wioe reputed ana Tested. At all ChemL'ts Literature Free. 300 M PHARMACY. IPOH PENANfi. Beware el imiunoo— Uust on SELLERS. STRAITS TIMEsI Small Ads. if desired for insertion on the day ot receipt,
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    • 40 4 XCK C DESIGNS AND REINFORCEMENTS B R C FABRIC is an e!ect;icalry Ctesiwt\dt6 steel wire mesh mainly employed for Fl Roofs, Foundations, Roads anJ any work where latijc aitus <>f concrete are used. Gtnriicgyjßb S THE MEW TYRE BY good/year
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 530 4 TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE warn H W l.Hi.m. l.«!t.:I.Mpm. T.llt, L. W a.m. 0.5 ft.; 8.10 p.m. 3.7 ft. Tooiorrow H. \V. 2 13 am. 1.3 flllMpa. 6.t tt. L. W. 3.0* ajn. 0 ft- t-10 P m. Jt Tnursday H. W. 3 12 a m. 7(r..; 5.10 n m. tt
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    • 161 4 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE Daily Weather Report Stations Yesterday Lasnig-.' max. rait> bright tsur temp, fall fsblne teir.j T inches hrs *F West Coast. Alor Star 91 0.12 83 74 Ba- an Lepas iP.iiaug) 89 1.73 3.9 74 Stiawan 91 2.75 S« 71 Bukit Jeram 92 8.04 7.8 75 Malacca 87
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 232 5 UGIYFATGONE Trained Nurse Loses 3^ lbs a week c v ii *'•>» P"t up with a hod» ■>orry MjamNoncf nulled down wiih üßlyu B ly fat, of thcic Dre>i,-i which nuksi you look md fed Cw c I w lu'tv^'. unfjuinl}*, uncortl* ompmTour 3i;cj fortthlc, caina you to wear f^
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    • 148 5 Kill \\l> with *%iM^i\/ FLIT pjj^yj. *^t-t-» NIVISI TIMI SAVING \dii Vi.ui Kaaw U llkm Hmt Mai Inter -(oininuiiiraiiiut S»-ifii-.. rhonr S>-tems Vi* I'sed By \d\. .t(rni!» Hotel* Mink. NVuspapri. Brukcr> l.ihrari^s oil. 'HI l(,»l Dortor I" SUtioas l)rntist> K.-'iurants P.rpt. ItaMi Fartorirs Sti>re> IMH Theatrr> HoipitaU Har.hnu- full Particulars
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    • 474 5 splendid qualify for bigger pay equipment You CM be tr inod-t home jutt NaI I tionat Vhm>lt ttiini in m larv int^fiia* ft Hi X V^^tiJ m Sound R*cordinq CommtmtcaMofii T*U«Ul<m \lPtb!i? M «KW nn tr *J StJt**, JitxdA and ovrr«r«« rountri#< and M *> wr> rsdto irrM. r h'liiiin*
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 575 5 Broadcasting SINGAPORE TODAY ZIH. ?.1T> metres. ZlfP 30.06 metres. p.m. 5.00 Maia-, tsongs by S. Abdullah. t 5.20 Malay tangos. t 5.40 Kronchongs.t 6.00 Teochew Gukang selection »nd dramas, t 7.00 Children's programme. (English 1 7.15 Time, weather, new» and announcements. 7.30 Health talk.— 15— "Smallpox." 7.45 "Diary for 1934":
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    • 414 5 EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3 GSn 21.47 me/1 (13.97 m>; GSG 17.71 mc/s (16.86 m.l; GSF 15.14 mc/i (19.82 m.)i GSJ 21.63 me (13.9.1 m.i: GSO 11.75 mc/s. (25.53 m.) p.m. 5.30 BelU. n i Commemoration Sei\ice. 6.35 Ballad recital. 7.05 B.B.C. Northern orchestra. 7.45 The Thin Red
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    • 552 6 SHAKE SECTIONS VERY DULL RUBBER EASIER: TIN RISES ju Our Financial Correspondent. Singapore, Apr. 25. THE Lull to European politics continues but it is generally expected that more excitement may result after Herr Hitler's speech on Friday In the meantime there is nothing more serious than Press
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    • 42 6 N.w Yon; Apr 24. /SPECTACULAR but ■bort-llved lire t swept the kl&m Industry building i Wor'd'i rait today. Tluce ttreDi ii v.c r lnjurrd. and dUUU dOM to mi i n -.<J < :Iht deeontloM i« tjtul $IOO,OUU. Keutcr.
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    • 218 6 The following are the exchiny rates this morning according to the diilv rircalar issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING London T.T 2 I*4 London demand 2 33 3 4 Lyona demand 2O.:8 Switzerland demand 210' i Hamburg demand 133 3 4 New York demand b
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    • 83 6 Tuesday, Apr. 25. noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) ..27 ZVi No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. in rases. April 27" i 27 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fob in bales April 26 7 s 27 FAQ. R.S.S. f.o.V in hales April ?6 11 Hi 26 II IK FL'TI'RE QUOTATIONS
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    • 650 6 MINING Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers Singapore, Monday, Apr. 24, 5 p.m. Owing to disturbed conditions in Lurope a number of these quotations must be regarded as nominal. All shares quoted above are fully paid. l> Issue VaL teaser Co. Lyall Si
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    • 506 6 2 2 Alex Brick Ord 1.30 1.40 1.32'/ a 140 2 2 do. 1>2", prefs. 2 15 2 J 2.15 2.2Cxd 10 tO Atlas Ice 4.75 5 25 5.00 5 50 1 1 B \1 Broadcasting 0 50 0.60 0.50 > 60 10 5 B M. T.ustee 3 75
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    • 275 6 Mayuarc &Oa Ltd $30,000 int Apr. 30 Oct 31 9<) 100 aom SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL. o li(0l reci 19-iO S4OO 0t)0 Int. Int. Vsr. 31 Sept. 30 100 101 norn 4 '■.<"» HO' red Hi-17 51.600 000 Int. War. 31 Sept. 30 106 108 norn 4' 2 3
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    • 415 6 1.01 U.UU W.IW I UKIII dllliUUll 'Shares are $1 unless otherwise stated) Fraser Co Lyall it Evai Al t Gajah Amal Malay Ayei Hitam Ayer Mole* Aycr Pan as Biwtt B.'tu Lhitang B^i'ord P?nta B>ielli Brosas (in. Bukit Km 11 Bukit KB Buklt Kepong Bukit rimah
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  • 120 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) London Apr 24. The following are today's "bid" quotations for Fixed Trusts: s d. British Empire "A" 18 0 British Empire "B" 8 7' 2 British Empire Cumulative 13 3 British Empire C'prehensive 13 9 British General "A" 17 0 British General "B"
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  • 135 6 RADIO LICENCE REVENUE REACHES £36,000,000 B.B.C. Gets £22,300,000: £9,700,000 To Exchequer London Apr 24. *THE total receipts from wireless receiving licenses to the end of last year in Great Britain weie £36.000.000, Sir Walter Womersley. Assistant Postmaster-General, told the House of Commons today. Of this sum the Post Office had
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  • 54 6 London, Apr. 24 IN the ommodity markets today, jute was strong in response to Calcutta with trading more active, especially In the new crop. Cotton eased after President Roosevelt's approval of the export subsidy of two cents a pound but later it partially recovered
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  • 71 6 Wc-llington. 'NZ.i. Apr. 24 fHE Prime Minister. Mr. M J. Savage, in an interview today, hinud tha' a force of 50.000 men may be raqotrod lor New Zealand's defence. Mr. Savage declared The first thing we have to do to help Great Britain is to
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  • 36 6 Hankow. Apr 24. I Seven fhtnm were killed and Ml' wounded when a bomb explou a stage during an entertainment > brating the inauguration of the 1 Japanese-sponsored Municipal Go\ mmt Reuter.
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  • 377 6 Small Price Changes General London. Apr. 24. (XS the Stock Exchange today, Western Holdings provided tiio main feature of the dav's trading. They advanced sharply a'ter the puiiicatfcm of a good development renort though they reacted oefore the close In other sections the trend ni generally easier
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  • 78 6 L lidnn. Apr 24 The 'r.inwii's wtre todays .losl .g racin Fata*:— 1-6 •»•> U '•''.ens -47' i N, T«rt 4(58 1 II R.i 2 13 16 t.;o', cuers jtlii-i.ti I 1 •l« 210 1 r«»r«« i.fiO in MIMI 1 '3 J Madrid nominal Bvn'i^; 1/1 Is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 .£>4> SPEED STRAIN- M SUN-IMMERSION- g*M FRICTION ..thet* play havoc with .j?' ordinary varniin j >^ ■■■^^KF laugh* at them! I f.^^^^^^^sj|L:i"^^ jag. Ma We. KL.^^3l s^P^* /7/AO^B** B»sm P*^^^dßL «gj^^"^^^ §*J*” *jtk B^^^lf 4 P\pd^ BC A s 6 ENT I McALISTER CO., LTD. (incorporated In S.S.)
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  • 1446 7 Business Satisfactory Despite Adverse Trading Conditions GOVERNMENT RELIEF SCHEMES HAVE HELPED TREMENDOUSLY A DDKESSINQ the annual meeting ol the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce in Ipoh on Saturday, the Hon. Col Cecil Rae, the president, said:— Both of our principal industries have
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  • 354 7 Small Group Controls Enormous Capital AM expert investigation oi id Japanese joint-stock companies,) to determine the number of individual .shareholders possessing morej than a thousand shares in each, re- j veals that in May last year there, were 7.010, an unusually small! number compared
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  • 135 7 DIVIDEND OF 10 PER CENT.: 556,000 TO RESERVE STAFF GET BONUS OF $5,495 •JMIK anim.'il BMttißg of S/.c Hai Tong Ilankintr and Insurance Co. Ltd. was held in Stac*POt« on Saturday. The net profit lor the year rnded December last was 8*268,686 to which was
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  • 160 7 FRASHER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Booka Company Dividend Closa m Ayer Hitam Tin less tax 2hi% Apr. 18 Hong Kong Tin 2ft% less tax Kramat 3d. Apr. 19 Larut Tin H4d. Apr. 28 Takuapa 6d. Apr. 24 Ulu Plah 4% Apr 22 RUBBER Singapore. Apr. 24, 5 p.m. Touu
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  • 340 7 Dividend Of 4 Per Cent.: $39,688 j To Be Carried Forward A net profit of $34,228 was earned by Mentakab Rubber Company Ltd. in the year ended January laat This compares with $112,667 in the preceding year. The directors prop"-* a dividend of
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  • 193 7 Singapore, i»pr. muni. Buyers Sellers Gambler $7.5" Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube $12.00 Pepper White Muntok $12.75 White $12.25 Black 8.00 Copra Mixed $3.15 Sun Dried $3.45 Sago Flour No. 1 LIngga $2.60 Fair $2.60 Sarawak $2.50 lelotong Palembang $6.25 Banja $6.50 Sarawak $6.25 Tapioca Small Flake
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 _X-_sm_sssj .HfrQf -J ROMIIIAL CAPITAL: $40,000,000 ISSUED PAID DP CAPITAL: $10,000,000 BRANCHES tlroughoot Malaya, Siasj. Bum, South China. Frgick libs-Ciiij and NttiMrlaggg Eaat Indus. AGENTS CORRESPOUDENTS in all priicipil cities t\ the World CMKIII6 TRANSACTIONS at every description ■sdertakeii. •Tl.. End Rheumatism While You Sleep If you iniffT >»h»n>. Kt.tliMnir
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    • 332 7 BANK OF CHINA Dicorporated In China >\ vtitu CNart«;r». 12. Crcil Street Sin^aporr Telephones: Manmfer'i Ilf7ii-i '.ill Asat. Manaxer't Office ,tl' Exrharute Drpi .1 i «;<-n«Tal OffM-f SIM-9 Cable Addrmi: Till N<iKK) ••aid Up Capital Ch 10.0M.ii6i M .-»r»r Fands tr rxrfls *f <:h .I.'intl Hill Assets appraxinately <;h. :.<i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 206 8 Positively Last Day of 20th Century-Fox Laugh Riot IlS.^ft 9J5 N pTm. ALHAIfIDRA iiiiu .0 Also "PATHE GAZETTE" and "BRITISH MOVIETONE NEWS". KAY FRANCIS' GREATEST PICTURE lH| SINCE -WHITE ANGEL* OPENING TOMORROW 9^ -*tiok. alhambra mt Like A Comet -She "jdp |B FLASHED From Nowhere To Dazzle The Eyes Of
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    • 257 8 »A noble masterpiece erected to the memory of a great Monarch whose wisdom and kindliness won for her the title of •Victoria the Great." Gala Presentation at THE CAPITOL Shortly URITAIN'S GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCREEN "SIXTY GLORIOUS YEARS" Starring ANNA NEAGLE ANTON WALfiROOK FILMED ENTIRELY IN TECHNICOLOR— Produced by
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    • 169 8 LILY PONS This world-lam.^. Coloratura of M'--j- f I poliun Opera House j haa further en- hanced her popu- larity by her appea"-- yW^. ance on the screen. mMof^ Both her st««e and M^F^£.\ nim fans are agri-ii MB* N that htr performance miff Wfc^ \ls one of ouUtandniK Mr"
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  • 270 9 BRITISH NAVY STRONGEST SINCE NELSON'S DAY With Exception Of 1918 When Most Powerful In World London, Apr. 23. UECTOR BYWATER, naval correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, writes that the British Navy is absolutely and relatively stronger than it has been since the Napoleonic Wars, barring a period in 1918 when
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  • 271 9 Anglo- Japanese Incident ENGLISHMAN DEAD High-Handed Action Against Britons AN Englishman who left Singapore a week ago yesterday in the liner j Gneisenau on his return from Home leave lies dead and his wife seriously j injured following a sensational incident in the Japanese-occupied district of Hongkew, Shanghai, yesterday, according
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  • 128 9 Significance Of Troop Transfers To China Loyang, Apr. 23. HTHE Japanese decision to make large-scale transfers of force*; from Manchukuo to the various North China fronts Is significant as' it suggests that the present Japa- 1 nese strength is no longer sufficient to cope with the new
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  • 117 9 Shanghai, Apr. 24. r\RAWING attention to the lact that I the recent terroristic cases in tne Settlement had connections with the Chinese national spiritual movement. Mr. Yoshlaki Miura, Japanese ConsulGeneral, sent an official note to Mr. G. S. Franklin, chairman of the Municipal Councl'. Mr.
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  • 270 9 German Pressure On Yugoslavia Berlin. Apr. 24. A SECOND dose of "Axis persuasion" is in store for the Yu?oslav Foreign Minister, M. Markovitch, when he arrives here on Wednesday. Official Gtrman circles evidently are pinning great hopes on hi.s visit. Little secret is made of
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  • 130 9 Afler Conference On European Situation Toklo, Apr. 24. A CONFERENCE between the War Office and Army General Stan was held yesterday afternoon to exchange views on the latest developments In Europe. High officers present included the War Minister, Lieut. -Gen. Seishlro Itagaki: the War Vice-Mlnister. LleutGen.
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  • 47 9 Gibraltar. Apr. 24. IT la announced that the export 1 of certain foodstuffs is prohibited except under licence, the object being to ensure sufficient reserve of stocks of all essential foodstuffs available at all times as the Controller of Supplies may determine.— Reuter.
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  • 230 9 Spanish Forces Near Gibraltar COMMONS QUERIES Why Did Britain Send I Reinforcements London, Apr. 2 1. ACCORDING to the Government's information, the recent movements of Spanish troops near Gibraltar had been the natural consequence of measures of demobilisation taken by the Spanish Government, declared Mr. R. A. Butler, the Under-Secretary
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  • 88 9 JAPANESE PLANES BOMB SWATOW British Warship Saves Norwegian Steamer JFoochow. Apr. 24. APANESE piancs heavily bombed Swatow. r>>rt in eastern Kwmi on Friday. A German warehouse was raz.d and a beflagsed Amercan hospital bombed. The cuslom house was damaurd and the windows In M.nthescns property shattered by the force
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  • 36 9 Hong Kong. Apr. 24. I*HE Norwegian Consul-General at Shanghai has protested to the Japanese against the Japanese Navy's detention of two Norwegian vessels near Foochow. Their release Is demanded. Central News.
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  • 79 9 Haifa, Apr. 23. *¥\IE Jewish community here has telegraphed the British Govern ment. the High Comnvssloner of Palestine, Sir Harold MacMichacl. the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cosmo Gordon Lang, Pope Pius and others protesting against the "inhuman treatment 1 of immigrants. An ear ler report said
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  • 37 9 Hong Kong, Apr. 24. The Chinese Government has established an office for the purpose <4 enforcing Chungking regulations rr garding the control of foodstiuls. Dealers eaaghl proMeerln liable to be dealt with severely. Union Times.
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  • 34 9 Chungking. Apr 23. T^HE British Ambas.s.u! Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr. is H to remain (ore for several we.-ks. during which he will attend to the routine affairs of the British Embassy office here.— Central News.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 1123 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APR. 25, 1939. Please Hoard! In August last it was announced that Mr. C. A. Vlieland, M.C.S., had been seconded for special duty in connection with food control in Malaya. Four months later the new appointment of Secretary for Defence, Malaya, was created ami Mr.
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  • 47 10 Le Havre, Apr. 24. fESAR FRANCK. an auxiliary flre- man in the French liner Paris. today was committed to prison and charged with wilful incendiarism as the outcome of the recent tire which resulted in the sinking of the big laier.— Reutcr.
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  • 2029 10 European Civilisation And Nazi Ambitions "THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FRONT" To the Editor of (he Straits Times Sir,— One of the great obstacles to the formulation of a clear British policy In the last few years has been the sympathy— .secret or declared of a section of British opinion
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  • 427 10 dorernor"* Stilv AFTER my eloquent description 01 the delights Of walking in the Government House domain, and my gloomy remarks about the new barrier in Edinburgh Road, It is a pleasure to call attention to a statement in today's Straits Times that a stile is to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 278 10 Battery Road Telephone 4772. Dresses for all Occasions. $5.00 to $30.00. H.P. THK SULTAN OF StLAT'.'GOR El [na«o*m*Rt Klngi Mr pl«mondi *n««r «*«lng ltyt««. Sp«i/ f*Kl and CJurt.r King. IMrilWy, All ut In Kn H«'mum 6oliTor rt«>i*i,m mounti. For rh* bait Mltcllon w* L-^V 1| P. H. HEN DRY Jeweller
      278 words
    • 53 10 SCIENTIFIC EYE EXAMINATION Most Improved American Instruments ensure Greatest Accuraty. Modern and Distinctive Glasses enhance Comfort) and cosmetic Appearance. Phenomenally Low Charges Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed. Everbright Optical Co. Qualified Eyesight Specialist* and Manufacturing Opticians 19, CHULIA STREET, SPORE. C. 8. CMONC, Dr. ot Op»omelry. HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING YOUR RAILWAY
      53 words

  • 428 11 Further Discussion At Tomorrow 's Meeting DECISION MAY BE MADE PUBLIC THIS WEEK Question Of Expediency Labour Opposition IT is understood that the British Cabinet last night generally agreed to the principle of the desirability of conscription. The question of expediency is still to be
    428 words
  • 183 11 Rumania's Reply To Fuehrer's Question London. Api\ 24. RUMANIA has replied by a Note to Herr Hitler's query whether .she regarded Germany's attitude as threatening, as was suggested in President Roosevelt's message to the dictators, it is learned. The Note states that as Rumania has
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 250 11 Sir John Simon Informs The Cabinet London. Apr. 24. IN accordance with practice, Sir John Simon. Chancellor of the Exchequer, was summoned to the Cabinet meeting this evening to inform his colleague! of the Budget proposals which be will .submit to the House of Commons tomorrow. The
    250 words
  • 32 11 Puns, Apr. 24. T.ik Italian foreign Mini.ster, Count j Clano, will visit Madrid about the < middle of May, according to the Rome ii of H:u m Renter i
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 92 11 Berlin, Apr. 24. 'rill Kritish authorities are reported to he making representations on behalf of three wellknown British business men who have been ordered to leave Germany by May 10. Their expulsion is believed to be :t reprisal for the expulsion of three Germans from Britain
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 386 11 Chamberlain's 6 No Statement Yet' London, Apr. 24. THE Premier, Mr. Neville Cham1 berlain, stated In the House of Commons tonight that the Government was maintaining close touch with other Governments, including those of Turkey and Russia, but he was not yet in a position to add
    Reuter  -  386 words
  • 66 11 Cairo. Apr. 24. THE Egyptian Prime Minister, Mahmoud Pasha, in the Chamber today referred to Great Britain's promises to support Egypt with military, naval, and air forces. He added: "Egypt is carefully watching the situation and constantly consulting Britain." He stated that Egypt 'will completely fulfil her treaty
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 62 11 London, Apr. 24. TPHE Admiralty has announced that, on the conclusion of Easter leave the Home Fleet will assemble at Portland on Apr. 28 and 29, when certain units will participate in the departure of the King and Queen in H.M.S. Repulse for Canada. I
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 199 11 London, Apr. 24. •THE Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Quo Tai-chi, told the Manchester China Relief Committee at a meeting tonight that he thought that another year, whether there was i an international war or not, would see signs of a peaceful settlement 1 in
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 479 11 U.S. ATTITUDE TO HITLER'S PLANS CIR Nevile Henderson, the British Ambassador, arrived in Berlin yesterday. Ho was recalled to London to report after the German annexation of Czecho-Slovakia, and has remained in London ever since. Official circles in Berlin are careful to treat the return of Sir Nevile
    Reuter  -  479 words
  • 79 11 London, Apr. 25. THHE King has approved the appointment of the Marquess of Lothian as Ambassador in Washington in succession to Sir Ronald Lindsay, who is retiring this Summer— Reuter. The Marquess was Secretary to the Prime Minister from 1916-21; director of United
    79 words
  • 65 11 London, Apr. 24. THE Admiralty announces that, at the conclusion of the cruise of several units of the British Mediterranean Fleet to the western Mediterranean, the Fleet will probably exercise in the eastern Mediterranean. I'nlts to move west include ships of the First Squadron, the battleship
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 410 11 BRITISH WARNING BEING SENT TO THE FUEHRER? Counter-x\leasures If Hitler Rejects U. S. Proposals London. Apr. 25. A PLAIN warning to Herr Hitler is being con- veyed by Sir Nevile Henderson, the Kritish Ambassador, who returned to Berlin yesterday, according to diplomatic correspondents of the morning newspapers. Sir Nevile will
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 64 11 OTHER CABLES in pate* 1 and 9. That is what you'll say if you choose it from our fine selection of Australian and Argentine Beef. Why worry about your roast when you can purchase juicy joints, tender and tasty, from our numerous branches. Ensure the success of your dinner with
      64 words

  • 468 12 12 Words For $2 To Almost All Parts Of Empire ANOTHER STEP FORWARD IN IMPERIAL COMMUNICATIONS AN EMPIRE flat-rate of $2 for a social telegram of 12 words, with 20 cents for each exlra word, will be introduced by Cable and Wireless Limited on
    468 words
  • 155 12 Carrier Coolies' Strike Threat 'TWELVE sawmills operating I around the Kallang tidal basin I are threatened with a strike of I their carrier coolies, who number more than 1,000. The labourers, who have nominated 24 representatives, yesterday presented demands to the Singapore sawmill owners' suild for a
    155 words
  • 33 12 Prufessor K. B. Madhava, Actuary and Head of the Department of Actuarial Science ?nd Mathematics in th* (JnlTer it v ol Mysore. Bangalore, is in Singapore on his way to Rangoon.
    33 words
  • 195 12 SINGAPORE KAKKLi:s ISO I i 1. BL to 9 p Uinmr and Dance i.nformalj a n to midnight. < \i:r li h TIIKA1KK. CIVUM, The LucUy Texan Ai Wheels of lv Do Western Dramas at 7.4d p.m. I.I.I II WORLD Cabaret 9 p.m. to kfldalfbt. □lobe '111'-. mc kluic
    195 words
  • 72 12 TfO inaugurate the new Empire flat-rate of Cable and Wireless Limited for social messages on May 1, people may send a message of 12 words free of charge to any part of the Empire except India, Burma, Canada, Sudan and Transjordan. Messages may be handed in
    72 words
  • 223 12 Relatives Anxious About Situation TELEGRAMS AWAIT PARTY HERE 'TELEGRAMS from India expressing anxiety about the international situation awaited 54 Indian mill agents, textile manufacturers and students who arrived in Singa. pore in the N.Y.K. liner Ginyo Marti this morning on their way to Japan. If
    223 words
  • 183 12 Leaves For East Coast Tomorrow RADIO will kce. the Governor Sir Shenton Thomas. In touch with Colony and world affairs during his tour of the East Coast His Excellency will leave Singapore by the Government steam yacht Sea Belle n tomorrow morning, accompanied by Lady
    183 words
  • 101 12 A REVOLVER was stolen from a detective while he was struggling with a gang of Chinese in R'ochore Road shortly before noon yesterday. A Chinese and an Indian detective saw 13 Hokkieas tarring a bicycle and general goods shop in Rochore Road. The men threw
    101 words
  • 75 12 ■T*O enable walkers to get from Edln- burgh Road to Sophia and Wllkle Roads, a stile is to be erected at the barrier recently erected at Government House domain to prevent through motor traffic. A n^rige Is being planted along the wire barrier, to conform
    75 words
  • 144 12 MAJOR W. H Treays. of the Royal Ensin.-ers. and Mrs. Treays, returned to Singapore this morning by train from Kuala Lumpur. Co!. Cecil Rae. of Ipoh. arrivtd at Singapore this morning by train from Kuala Lumpur. Tuan Shaik Ahmad arrived at PinEapore this morning by train from Seremban.
    144 words
  • 267 12 U.S. Tin Rubber Reserves: Negotiations Have Begun MI-:COTIATIONS between the United States Government and 1 rhe British Government regarding the exchange of cotton and wheat for itratefic war materials, mainly rubber and tin. have started, Mr. Cordefl Hull. Secretary of State, announced in Washington yesterday, says Renter. Mr. Corclell Hull
    267 words
  • 210 12 CLECTRIC sirens will operate at full power in Singapore on v Friday morning, when the city's air raid warning apparatus will be tested for the first time. "We ask the public, firstly, not I to be alarmed, and secondly, to note the
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  • 106 12 MAN-POWER IN .BORNEO Register Is Being Drawn Up A GOVERNMENT communique appearing in the British North Borneo Herald says that an emerjrency man-power register on the same lines as of that recently formed in Singapore, is being compiled in British North Borneo. It Is said that In an emergency, volunteers
    106 words
  • 210 12 Divided Between Three Services GOVERNOR'S SPEECH IN COUNCIL ■'J^o.N'KY given for Imperial dofence is divided np between the Service Departments the Navy, Army and Air Pone," says Uu» Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, amplifying what he laid in the Legislative Council yesterday regarding the Colony's £1,000,000
    210 words
  • 53 12 SIR F. SWETTENHAM ON COLONY'S GIFT (From Our Own Correspondent Lor.don, Apr. 24. C)MMENTING on the Colony £1.000.000 to Imperial ci. Sir Frank Swcttenham, a former Oorernor and High CommU-sioner. said: "It is rather unusual for the British Government to accept continued Ri"> from one source. Ido not notice other
    53 words
  • 19 12 Mr. H. R. Arbenz. Swiss Consul at Singapore, leave; for Penins by Imperial Airways flying-boat this tfternoon.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      91 words

  • 651 13 New Traffic Regulations Before Legislative Council POWERS OF ARREST HAVE BEEN MODIFIED CONSIDERABLY 17IEWS of the public on (he proposed ban on parkin? in D'Almeidu Street, Fullerton Road and Stamford Road wore wmght by the Attorney-General, Mr. C. C. Howell, in the legislative
    651 words
  • 173 13 PLEADING for leniency a Chinese, Lim Urn, was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. ;C. H. Whitton. Singapore Traffic and I Diitrict Judge yesterday, for posses-.-ion of $532 worth of Indian hemp on boaru s.s. Suddadhlb, on Mar. 21. It was- alleged
    173 words
  • 123 13 ALLEGES TAR WAS POURED ON HIM THAT he was assaulted and had a .et, o, t;ir poured over him bee am be bought a piece oi cloth whlcb was alleged to have been ot JapMH m;;nulacture, was a statement .t Chinese before Mr L B Gibson. In the Singapore Criminal
    123 words
  • 329 13 Gallipoli Men Have Re-union Tiffin Today MEMORIES OF 24 YEARS AGO T"EN men who fought at Gallipoli 24 years ago will meet in Singapore today at an Anzac Day tiffin. This will be the first Anzac reunion held in Singapore since the years just after the Great War. The ten
    329 words
  • 130 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ta'plng. Apr. 24 DLEADING GUILTY to forging his j birth certificate and school leaving cf-rtiflcatp. a Malay youth, Aodu! MutaÜb, .said he did it because he was in ttc need of a job He did not tCftilM he had committed an oiTence
    130 words
  • 47 13 INFORMATION has been received, from Japanese post office authori- ies that the Singapore Free Press Jhina war supplement of June 18. 938, has been placed on the list at mblications for confiscation. Importation or circulation of the upplemcnt in Japan is also forbidden.
    47 words
  • 342 13 A LL the .sweep and grandeur oi Britain's greatest era has been captured In "Sixty Gloiiou: Year* Heibert Wilcox's companion pictun to "Victoria the Great" which w;u> .shown privately yesterday and which begins a season at the Capitol Theatri shortly. Filmed in perfect
    342 words
  • 320 13 Going Half Way Round World For Holiday In Europe **f AM still glad we did not po by ship," laughed Captain Henri Martinet when he brought his Caud ionRenault sports plane to a perfect three-point landing at Singapore Airport yesterday afternoon. Captain
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  • 132 13 DILOTING his Hlllson Praga sports plane, which he bought three wef ks ago, Mr. H. L. Salmon, a planti-r Hi Regent Estate, of the Dunlop group at Batang Malaka, southern Negri Sembllan, struck a rubbrr tree near the estate padang on Saturday evening. The plane
    132 words
  • 208 13 Boy Dead In Tailor's Shop i INTENSIVE HUNT BY POLICE /COLONY police ;in ffffffl in a intensive manhunt, in an effoti to find the perpetrator of one of the most grncMMM ertmea m Singapore in recent time: committed in a tailor's .shop In Streiet on Saturday nlghi
    208 words
  • 93 13 (From Our Own Correapondent) TVnir Ant y., A VERDICT if Misadventure mttb n-t blr.mi attached t" any peiauu, was returneu by the Talptof On the inquiry htld irto t l^- rti of a Malay MMtMB, Awang bin Isahak. mar Port WHd last month Awan« bin
    93 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 191 13 Do You Suffer From a J Of THESE SYMPTOMS? MILLIONS of people in this part FLATULENCE or the World Ire victims of I eTifaaanu naiu constant digestive trouble. Their i STOMACH PAIN stomachs are weak. They are suffer- LIVERISHNESS ni(j fmin a condition known as Tropical I llfSnlwllllfcwfl Stomach" because
      191 words
    • 112 13 SmetMiQ /l/ao-iHjIWi. ETS I' l I T' 1 V I ~~~^~_^^^J Jl^vCibCbbbbbbbblLV^^^ t*i 'Vim W? /^<>S THK SIIKKNI| k Mil's 4 v rs==- W Made of pure snow white Egyptian ~'^L I I'Otton. A real cool hardweatnrj hemstitched pillow lUp. Takl <„. "^y\^ J£* v\ "j place ol linen for
      112 words

  • 905 14 F. M. S. Chief Justice Dismisses Appeal Of E. A. Hunter 'PUBLIC MUST BE PROTECTED FROM DANGEROUS DRIVING" (From Our (hvn Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 24. DISMISSING the appeal of E. A. Hunter, a European member of Selangor's victorious rugger team of last
    905 words
  • 155 14 "BEATEN UP" BY MALAY CROWD. SAYS THIEF APPEARING in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday with his i head bandaged and a plaster on Ml right arm. and alleging that lie was "beaten up" by a crowd of Mafcxjn after he had stolen four flower plants, j Teh Fok. a
    155 words
  • 79 14 MEMBERS of the Fortnightly Club were the guests of Mrs. P. Sammy at their meeting yesterday, when Mrs. Sammy spoke on "Old and New Vienna." At the conclusion oi the talk a typical VftflUMM morning tea was served A vote of thanks was passed to the speakers by
    79 words
  • 298 14 Dangerous Use Of Dynamite Fuses Alleged TWO HOKKIENS CHARGED /\N a charge of using fuses of dyna- mite so negligently as to endanger human life or to be likely to cause in- jury, two elderly Hokkiens, Quek Leok Teok and Tng Tuan Lim, claimed trial before Mr. C. H. Koh
    298 words
  • 74 14 ARRESTI D in connection with an alleged midnight armed robbery in Connauaht Drive on Apr. 7. three I young Cantonese, Cheah Loon, 22, Lam Lam, 19, and Tham Pak Hoy. 18. appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. After the
    74 words
  • 61 14 The engagement is announced of Mr. Gerald Summerfleld. of British i North Borneo, to Miss Betty Pearson, oi Wilmington. Devonshire. Mr. Summerfleld. the British North Borneo Herald says. Joined the 8.N.8. Servlc? I in 1919 and was. a year later, appointed M private secretary to the
    61 words
  • 45 14 The Sarawak Governnunt Gazette! states that the Rajah Muda. who Is administering the Government during tlie absence of the Rajah, has appointed Mr. C. E. Gaseoigne to be secretary of the Padi Milling and Storage Committee. Mr. Gaseoigne succeeds Mr. R r Sinclair.
    45 words
  • 430 14 I IN addition to the Food Control Bill six other bills were introduced in the Legislative Council yesterday. They were The Naval and Air Rases (Amendment) Bill, which extends the area of the foreshore and sea-bed vested In the Admiralty between the existing boundary,
    430 words
  • 34 14 A saloon car and a large motor lorry vert inrolvod in a collision in Collyer Quay last evening but no one toas hurt and little damage was caused. Straits Times picture.
    34 words
  • 355 14 Hopecrown Master Tells How He Ordered Men Out WHILE bathing with two other seamen in the EKngipon Outer Roads, west of the man-o'-war anchorage, a European seaman, James Douglas Elliott, of the British motor vessel Hopecrown, got into difficulties and died after being brought
    355 words
  • 124 14 TTHE public of Singapore will soon have the opportunity of hearin? Anna Lovtson*. one of the leading Russian lyric sopranos. She is an accomplished artiste She is at present travelling round the world. Singapore radio ILrtenen may have heard her through radio stations in Shanghai
    124 words
  • 373 14 Bias Allegation By Ceylonese cv FAILURE TO PUT UP BOM) "I think you have been luli.sli. n»- plied A. Chelliah. a young Ceylonese, to Mr. Justice Pedlow in tns Singapore High Court, yesterday, when the judge dismissed an application. The judge said that he would make no order
    373 words
  • 49 14 OIK Chinese. Including two women appeared in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday, on charge.; relating to the retention of bicycles and bicycle parts which they hid reason to suspect had been stolen. They all claimed trial and the case was postponed a week for mention.
    49 words
  • 36 14 A Pi'ROVAL of rules made by tin- General Officer Commanding in reyard to areas at Buona Vista whicn have been declared a firing ground was given at yesterday's meeting of Legislative Council.
    36 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 16 14 MRmßMi^gSflMt UQID P9EOU M|W BRIL^TINE Ail coon f in. mists \l C^BLs I 4 s~SKHKR J
      16 words
    • 115 14 "I always get good pictures with my TCodak' tipCTfSlW^* The SLx-20 Kodak "Vollenda." PreJP 3 cision-madc down lo the smallest detail, with choice of /4.5 lenses fof I^sflL^LlE^\ dull -day photography, 8-speed Coml WT^^mV^ pur-S-Shurter up to l/25Oth second y for quick-action subjects, and special V/t^ J^*^sr^ delayed-action device for
      115 words

  • 192 15 A Supporter Of Prohibition Mr. Hales Says India Will Succeed rvaiacin. "I AM confident that the prohibi- tion experiment in Madras and Bombay Presidencies will be a tremendous success," declared Mr. H. K. Hales, a former Conservative member of Parliament who paid a flying visit to Karachi recently. Mr. Hales
    192 words
  • 53 15 MEMBERSHIP OF THE A.I.C.C. Move To Exclude Ministers And Secretaries Fji. Dhirendra Nath Ben. editor of the Hindustan Standard. Calcutta has given nonce of a resolution to be moved at the ensuing session of the All-India Congress Committee stating constitutional changes •he membership of the A ICC. shall open to
    53 words
  • 49 15 Colombo. *JfP p r. kurup. a prominent toil an leader ol Ce-.ion. tailed for 'I on what is understood to oe illtlcal mission." Mr. Kurup told the Associated Press proceeding to Geneva to meet the au- loritii s ol th( Inti r latj inal Labour Office.
    49 words
  • 579 15 ACCEPT PROPOSED SCHEME OR ABDICATE NOW Statesman Says Thakore Saheb Is An Incompetent Ruler Calcutta, Apr. 10. "CIR Maurice Gwyer's judgment on the Rajkot correspond- enCe has restored the positon in Rajkot to what it was in Christmas week. The issue was not a complicated one and the Chief Justice
    579 words
  • 164 15 WHO ASKED YOU TO RESIGN Mr. Bose To Question Congress Premiers? Bombay, Apr. 10. IT is reliably learnt that Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose, the Congress President, has written to the Congress Premiers inquiring of them under whose advice or instruction they had offered to resign recently in connection with Mahatma
    164 words
  • 121 15 CONGRESSMEN AND SOCIAL BAN What About Mr. Sarat Chandra Bose New Delhi. |W|K Subhas Bose's lengthy stateITI ment referring to allegations of lapses on the part of leading members of the Congress from the strict path of virtue in attending official and social functions is the subject of comment in
    121 words
  • 73 15 NIZAM'S AGENT IN NAGPUR Former Madras Judge's Name Mentioned Nagpur. CIR M. Venkatasubba Rao, retired Judge of the Madras High Court, is likely to be appointed as the Nizam's Agent at Nagpur to watch the intere-ts of Berar on behalf of the Hyderabad Government, according to a report published In
    73 words
  • 86 15 QHEIKH ABDUL HAMID, an India.i architect who helped to design the Lakeview Hotel and other buildings in Kodaikanal, and was for eight years attached to the firm of Lanchester and Lodge wha planned many of the buHdings in New Delhi and Trivandrum, has been recently appointed
    86 words
  • 53 15 Calcutta Apr'! 16 UH NIHARENDU DUTTA MAJUMm DAR. M.L.A.. Bengal, has been sentenced to three months' simple imprisonment on a charge of navin^ defied a prohibitory order promulgated in the Tittagarh jute mill area in November last under Section 144 following labour trouble. The accused
    53 words
  • 48 15 Patna. IT is understood that the management of the Tatas and Professor Abdulbari on behalf cf the Labour Union, have agreed to refer certain labour differences that have recently arisen at Jamshedpur :c an Arbitration Board consisting of Babu Rajendra Prasad and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
    48 words
  • 466 15 "yilE stand taken on behalf of the people of India by the Government appears, in the light of th*.information supplied in the report. io have been fully justified," says The Hindu of .Madras referring to the recent Imlo-.Malayan immigration talks in the course of
    466 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 71 15 The Sure Way to Protection When there is disease about, always use Calvcrt's Medical Soap. Its strength 0 tmtkm Hft, sm*m is your S™ llllll il»« dangerous germs it Cahert-i fragram Toil* are destroyed. Don't take chance* i'»u/>. For your skin's -k, ma* milk i,. kecp a tablet of Q3mn
      71 words
    • 322 15 "Mttt-Creme" willcnsurecC KB that fashionable matt^ v complexion. Perfect as >s>^— V wk powder base. "4711" Cold Cream promotes skin suppleness; ideal for cleansing and "".>^s<jr^m^St ?T,. BSsf S*S^^sf-7^^r}*V-^M "^^^^^BSBBBBsI^BBBBBBBBB^hrf 2008 I BBBslll^^V. Th£ ca-FT'cfbe.-s bitten cr r^^t^SsC^^^ •ndo-.'-r .rsect pests 'es o p u s fekw TL- s^—^sl »r<l
      322 words

  • 3592 16 A RESOLUTE BRITAIN FACES CRISIS CALMLY AND COUR AGEOUSL Y Our London Letter (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 17. AN" Sunday morning I found myself in the little flower-fanning village of Marazion on the shores of Mount's Bay, immediately opposite St. Michael's Mount, that famous and lovely hill in
    3,592 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 124 16 Bflfts IDIAMOND MET\L >RODUCTS^CO*ITO. I tO^ K*wf>O^C DM IPuT"Oao|T llgL LIBERTY'S &$m COTTON CREATIONS \ft^|^ YOUR OAY WEAft Reiresh with EAU rlo COLOGNE STARINA British Product. F M. S. Duty Free litre $1.00 per bottle 1 $1.25 F:om All Dealers n *sP New Lite tor SEWING MACHINES 3-INONE Oil lubricates
      124 words
    • 295 16 Tendergum Tooth Paste Makes Shaky Teeth Firm Makes sliaky teeth firm again. Sto|>s UmSssSSJ ainlstronutlioiis unms. No more bad oilour «t the moutli. Mfd. by— KOPRAM CHEMICAL CO., Props. Maganbhai Amin Co., Bombay. OiMrlbulor^ A X RF. IN VM O. 2. Kafflrs Place. Singapore. WHEN KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES YOU TO
      295 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 405 17 ciies/sTmply "SHE" enters. All ryes arc upon t .On fypry hn the question "who b SHE?" Immaculate from head to 100t i to the minute lookmo. ?i had lust come from the Into* And then the sccr,-t 11 out. SHE only gi.c, occasionally to the hair. iji^sscr to have her
      405 words
    • 162 17 THE WORLD RELIES ON DEPENDABLE Reliable! That's Rijt Bon. And that* why the world trims him— and prefers him to other alarm clocks. Set him for your rUlng tlrrn" and he calls you riftht on the din. One ftl:trne at Bift Ben's dial and you know the correct time. Here
      162 words

  • 953 18 Silver Lace Should Win Ponies' Event NEWZY should provide punters with their best bet tomorrow, the second day of the Singapore Turf Club's Summer (Governor's Cup) meeting at Bukit Timah. With the exception of one race over one mile, the whole programme is made
    953 words
  • 62 18 The Philippine basketball team beat the Chung Hwa team by the close margin of 48 points to 39 at the Happy World Stadium last night. The game was keen throughout, the Philippines leading 19—14 at half lime. Early on resumption the Chung Hwi team scored a lead
    62 words
  • 951 18 FOLLOWING is the complete programme for tomorrow, the r second day of the Singapore Turf Club's Summer (Governor's Cup) meeting at Bukit Timah. Horses Class 2 Div. 3. 5 furs. 3 0 0 CAMBALONO »M Mr. A! in Lok' Fox 0
    951 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 18 Cherrington making one o/ many spectacular saves on the yadang yesterday in the game in uhich the RAF. beat the SC.C. by 2-nil in the reserve division.— Straits Times picture.
    30 words
  • 486 18 U/EIGHTB for five races on Saturday, the third day of the S.T.C. Summer meeting (Governor's Cup) races are as follows: Horses, Class 1. Div. 1, 7 furs. Tonroe 9.04 Glided Youth 8.00 Bombiu 8.11 Knight's fc)r« 8 0:i Barfora 8.11 Where Am I
    486 words
  • 96 18 WEIGHTS lor the first day of t!ie S.T.C. Summer Ex'ra Professional meeting are: Horses, Class 4 Div. 1, 7 furs. Lord Gray 9 0 1 Achilla ?.P3 Spoarto'An O.OiWce J«.<-k 8.01 Mar^he'a II 8 11 Ji!y the Orevplon 8 03 Seventh 8.00 BUverlav 8.08 SUr Lock 8.00 Cheeltv
    96 words
  • 90 18 SCRATCHINGS ORDER OF RUNNING Scratchings and older ol running for tomorrow's racei at Bukit Timaii are: Race I.— Horses data 2 div. :< .S' 2 furs. Red D-)t. Dainty Silvius. Racr Ponies, i-lass 1 div. furs. Race 3. H' div 4. M. furs. Racr 4. H div. 3, s'l> iur.s
    90 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
      17 words
    • 118 18 USE NOURISHING BOVRIL for SANDWICHES d^o} for SOUPS <^&!Jr for COOKING ff WITH MILK RJ^W MOT OK COLO LJ^_L^^ WITH SODA Qf^i^ BOVRIL is appetising and invigorating niul can be sirvod with appreciation at every hour of tlit- da>. Agents.— THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Singapore, Penang, Ipoh. Kuala L.mnpur fe
      118 words

  • 596 19 HEROIC STAR IMPRESSIVE THIS MORNING Fast Work At Bukit Timah CEVERAL horses showed up well at this morning's track work in preparation of tomorrow's races. Heroic Star (ridinjr boy) looked a picture of fitness when sent out a< medium pace, over five turlongs, while Golden Plateau (Whalan) and Nijrht Empress
    596 words
  • 149 19 Y.M.C.A. open ur b|| tourarc K.MOKKOH Men's Sinslrs Championship: M I Rcrtitj n i K c. T. I M Silverst*;n. Open Mixed Doubles: Mr and Mrs B F. Smith vs Miss Abed and Tan Hues Toe Handicap Mixed B«Hm. Miss Consighere and C. F. J Fss < 3>
    149 words
  • 95 19 km, Apr. 24. I Abuut ..SO piaurs are participator:;: In the KatUin Amateur Golf champJlWlhlp <n \,v B:rk<ia!e linky. \\,c lira round played i.iday. had no really surprising results though E. B. Tip- i pine former runner up. tx-at R. L tni by one hole. HOME SOCCER
    95 words
  • 118 19 LAD FOOTERS LAD FOOTERS TVE taUowiof will play i«r the Lid ten ifUM tat O.C.B.C. Sports Ci'.ib la r. ir.mdly puk or soeeer at nuict P.irk n.morrow at 5.15 pm. The ptayot «IB '.May a&ainsi th? Cbinem H:s^ HcbooTi efcwm at th«r t'r und on rr:f!., Ah Chyp. Ah Bah
    118 words
  • 238 19 JKE Y.MC.A. will bold iu handicap! swimming carnival on May 6 at Fort pool. The n-x-ct:::z is open to mtiKbers oniy and entries close tomorrow. P-elirr.inary heats win be heid on Friday Er.;.-y fees arc 20 cents :or each event .'or natal and ten cents lor Juniors'
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  • 110 19 The S.A.FA soccer team leit fcr Sa gon yest?rday. Composed of players from the Royal Air Force, the Police. SCTA. and the Loyals, the S.ngapcre team is a strong side and f];ou!d be able to hold its o«ra against Saigon's be;t. The t*am will be
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  • 192 19 Losers Play With Ten Men ■ACKS Sports Club did well yes- terday to defeat the A.P.C. by four goals to one in their Business Houses League soccer fixture on the S.H.B. ground. The losers, who were short of a left-winger, played v. i h ten men
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  • 208 19 Playing cricket at the Depot the I Poire had an easy win over the 1 R.A.F. headquarters. Sullivan wa; top sxrer for the winn:rs, knocking op 48. Le Cain took four RAJ", wickets lor ■10. Batting first, the RAF. were all out for 65. I
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  • 117 19 ThrJUir#; soccer Is assured at iht Stadium today when Wearnes and Hong Kong Bank meet in the Business Houses league competition. It Is the most important game since fee competition began. Both teams are unbeaten and are In very strong positions. SOCCER CHANGES The B
    117 words
  • 56 19 Today's soccer matches will b* as below. Soccer Div. 2A. Pulau Branl vs. E-A-M.C. at Pulau Branl Mv. 2B. Y.M.CA vs. Minesweepers at YJH.C.A.; Excise vs. LA. at SJCC. B.H.L. Hongkong Bank vs. Wearnes at stadium Straits Times vs. B.T.C. at S.H.B. Others sports events today are.
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  • 110 19 DERBY GUINEAS CALLOVERS The latest callover for the Derby is: 13—2 Blue Peter offered, 7—l taken 17—2 Pox Cub. 100—8 Signal Light taken ;no offered. 100—7 Fairstone offered. 16 1 Dhoti taken and offered. 20 1 Wheat'and taken and oflered. 26—1 Romeo II taken and offerea TWO THOISAND (.TINEAS ft—
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  • 390 19 Cherrington Gives Fine Display For Losers pHERTUNGTON jrave an outstanding performance on the padanjr jvsterday when the S.C.C met the li.A.F.and were beaten 2— nil in the reserve division of the league. The Airmen were well worth full points but they had to flght very
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  • 39 19 LJI LL, the London promoter, is offering Joe Louis £3n.000 free of tax to defend his world heavyweight chamoionship aijainst Tommy Farr in London at the end of July or earn in Aueu«t. Router.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 228 19 The Publishers played we!! la the R.A.O.C. by 2-nil at the .Stadium yesterday in division II (A) of the lea°u;. Early in the game the R.A O.C 'failed to take advantage of some nice openings. Shortly befon Ibc intrrva: nc.lian opened ac-ounts for
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 68 19 COR W'' tm *^k Qfft 40 M.UES f» aU */fl|^ p|l 1 THIS NEW VAUXHALL IS NOT JUST ANOTHER TEN AT A LOWER PRICE -IT IS A BETTER TEN AT A KEENLY COMPETITIVE PRICE The new Vauxhall from above. The very wide doers and absence of running boards not only
      68 words