The Straits Times, 4 January 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 384 1 Singapore: no. Cecil st. 'phone sisi). i vv wmale oF-«aarn J(^r\EFI^ESMMEKT> fy^^BJ^l^p^^. Br^jttl Ive found a Mew and Better Way to fjt END vy^ UNWANTED HAIR 1 1^ IN 3 MINUTES iaaaaaV. *M >v M^^^ A v Better than a Razor BBBB^a^ai BBS 9k. Br >jr j At last science
      384 words
    • 91 1 Zeiss SUPER-IKONTA j This Is a camera with automatic i range-finder that ensures to every picture absolutely correct i focus whl*h Is the foundation of successful pic lute taking, SINGAPORE PHOTO CO.. 37-39, High Street, Singapore. Telephone 6389. PALMONA and DULCINE Best Refined BUTTER OIL for FRYING OBTAINABLE FROM: D.
      91 words
    • 173 1 KUALA LUMPUR: 25. JAVA ST. CPH **^^^^*fc^ I 1 I t Dawson MBwWIWP^B^bM Scotch Whisky J P/Aviil w1 ay I '•VA-^ d aaaaaaaanPßwJSffaUßaaal a^// \j\r- V MB BBBBBB^^^b^^^^^^T^^^M^^bT^HH i f*j^jk I iH 1 1 jk •^^r^Taaaaaaaa^^^^^^^^^^a'^r^^^^^^^^^^^^^J^r^J fiws PER BOTTLE SOLE AGENTS INCLUDING DCTI RnDIUCAU 8 PAP A ltd SINGAPORE 1
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    • 12 1 ONE 3G33! FOR J f RHONE 4097 L -trV^tnhrrf Road. (Amber Mansions)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 649 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. GENERAL PASSENCER ACENtS? FOR CUNARD LINE. (Incorporated In Japan) TO LONDON. Naples, MarwOIn. L onion. Antwerp, Rotterdam and Middlesbrough. Vessels Tonnage Doe 8*JL HAKONE MARD 10,500 Jan. 9 10 8UWA MARU 10,870 Jan. 25 16 FUSHIMI MARU 10,900 Feb. f HAKOZAKI MARD 10,400 Fab. 90 II I TKRUKUNI
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    • 676 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA. LONDON. ROTTERDAM HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. Fran From From From 8-por» Malacca Port Penan* US. BHam tLALANDIA 8 1 1/1 9/1 11/1 JUTLANDIA S9/1 29/1 M/l 1/3 MEONIA 19/3 19/J 30/2 33/3 AL8IA 13/S 13/3 13/1 16/1 BOitmaiA a/4 s/« s ERRIA 33 4 23/4
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    • 217 2 PRESIDENT LINERS Tourist Class AMERICAN STYLE £71.12.SINGAPORE TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA GREATEST ADVANCE IN TOURIST CLASS LUXURY. Beautltul public rooms Swimming poolDelicious meals Hot and cold running water In each state room. Cabins for two or more passengers with real beds— Modern ventilation throughout. Weekly service from Manila and Hong
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  • 434 3 Has Maximum Been Reached? That the economic limit of speed for modern liners has been reached was suggested by Mr. Raymond Carpmael in his lecture recently to the Institute of Transport, on '-Speeds of Travel of the Future. As the chief engineer of th^e
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  • 112 3 Fast Japanese Liners Win Silk War. Wahington. American railways are reported to be seeking modification of rates and other arrangements. In an effort to recover at least a part of the transcontinental silk traffic, worth something over $6,000,000 annually to the lines formerly. Previously, the entire silk
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  • 85 3 Doubled Tonnage In The Pacific. The conference of seamen of the mercantile fleet of Soviet Pacific ports has established that during recent years the tonnage of Soviet vessels In the Pacific has doubled, amounting to 172.000 tons In 1934. The fleet has been considerably increased through addition of
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  • 528 3 Passengers By The Corfu. The following passengers are proceeding by the P. and O. Corfu, which sailed at 9.30 a.m. today for Penang, Colombo, Bombay and Europe: Mr. H. S. Lloyd, Miss A. V. Jackson, Dr. M. C. Bain, Mr. C. E. R. M. Brooke, Mr. A.
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  • 188 3 Hitch In The Japanese Subsidy Scheme. The view is steadily gaining ground in shipping circles that they I should ask the Government for an extension in the period for scrapping old vessels under the subsidised shipbuilding scheme. Although the new subsidy Is fixed at Yen 30
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  • 112 3 The Conte Rosso Is due In Singapore on the morning of Jan. 1 from Trieste, Venice, Brlndlsi, Port Bald, Bombay and Colombo. She will berth alongside the S.H.B. wharves and will sail aga'n the same day about 5 p.m. for Hong Kong and Shanghai. A collision occurred In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 471 3 YESSELS ARRIVED. LARUT, Brit.. 454 tons, from Malacca 4-1, for Muar 8-1. LISBON MARU, Jap., 4,307 tons, from Yokohama 4-1, for Colombo 6-1. SHYOOEN MARU, Jap., 3,389 tons, from Moji 3-1, for Batu Pahat 14-1. TOMOHON, Dut., SM tons, from Sambas 4-1, for Slngkawang, Sambas 8-1. CAPS ST. FRANCIS, Brit.,
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    • 750 3 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In F.M.S.) LLOYDS AGENTS:BOOKING AGENTS, F.M 8. RXYB. AND SLAM STATES RAILWAYS. TELEPHONE l Freight 5431— Passage SISL CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). STEAMSHIPS— RAILWAYS HOTELS-EXPRESS. (Incorporated in England). HOME VIA CANADA. Hong Kong to England 36 days. Hong Kong to Vancouver IS days.
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    • 427 3 ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England m ELLERMAN LINE. FOR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG Via Porto and Sues Canal. Due. Sails. Steamer B'pore B'pore. CITY OF EVANSVILLE Jan. 14 Jan- II CITY OF DUNKIRK Jan. 30 Feb. 3 CITY OF ORAN Feb. 14 Feb. 16 CITY OF NEWCASTLE
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 83 3 TIDE TABLE. FrM»y. Ju. 4. H w. 9.22 a.m.. 9 ft. 2 In., 11 30 p.m.. 8 ft. 5 In. L W. 3 30 a.m.. 5 ft. 7 in.. 4 3S p.m.. 1 ft. 1 in. Utwrtmj. Ju S. H. W. 10.14 a.m., 9 ft. I In.. 12.10 a.m., ft.
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    • 34 4 Inrhe Kassim bin Abdul Hamid and family thank all those who attended the funeral of the late Dato Mentrl Besar. Johore and a se thoee who sent letters of condolence and floral tributes.
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    • 44 4 The Mentrl Besar of Johore and lan.ily baa i.i tender their thanks to relatives and friends who have written letters of sympathy and condolence in their sad bereavement and t-> those who sent wreaths at the luneral of the late Dato Mentri Besar.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 394 4 SITUATIONS VACANT V, hrn applying for any position advertlaed in these columns send copies of testlmcniala. De not send originals. F.NGINEER required by Dredging Company In S-langor for period of 8 to 10 months. Ak ly Box No. 563. Straits TimesS IMMEDIATELY, Chinese or Eurasian Off re rLI. knowledge of
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    • 761 4 BOARD—RESIDENCE. PRE-WAR rate* at "Lloyd House" 3, Lloyd RoadEAST ANGLIA, 3 mlns. to town, high level, I mod. san., garages, dally or monthly rates large grounds, excellent ruisine, tennis single and double rooms. Phone 4390. HOUSES, FLATS TO LET BUNGALOW 4 Anfullla Park, Angullla Co. HOUSE TO LET, Institution Hill.
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    • 593 4 WANTED. SMALL HOUSE DOG (male), good home I ottered. Also cat Write 573, Strait* Times. WANTED, desirable furnished house for 8 9 months from February 1. Bos No. 577, Straits Times. SMALL House furnished or unfurnished suitable for two bachelors. Apply Box No. 570, Straits Times. UNFURNISHED BUNGALOW or small
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    • 668 4 PUBLIC NOTICES GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMITED. (Incorporated In Singapore.) NOTICE OF REMOVAL. On and after Jan. 1, 1935 the Registered Offices of this Company will be OAMMON (Malaya) LTD.. Geylang, SINGAPORE Postal Address:— P. O. Boa No. 233. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% DEBENTURE STOCK 1928. INTEREST DUE JAN. M, 1935 NOTICB Is
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    • 661 4 BUSINESS CARDS. Etc FIGARO Ladles Hairdressers. PERMANENT WAVING By European Experts $8, $10, $15 only RAFFLES HOTEL. (Room 120) and al 93, Bras Baaah Read. HAKE THE NSW TEAR BRIGHT BY STARTING IT RIGHT. Have your requirements In BOOKS, STATIONERY, PRINTING. MAGAZINES and GENERAL GOODS from G.H. KIAT COMPANY, LTD.
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    • 805 4 MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Misa HANA 60 WATERLOO STREET. Telephone 7467. OXLEY HILL. S OXLEY RISE. PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL Opening February Ist. INSPECTION INVITED. TENDERS SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST. TENDERS are invited for the demolition ol and execution of alterations to 13 houses at Patanl Street and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 183 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within Outside Without Malaya Malay. Pwtaf* Monthly S.M t t !M Quarterly f S.M tlt.M f 7.M Half Tearly flT.M tZ*M tlS.M Yrarly $34.H $4g.W $M.M Not*.— OuUtation cheques thould Include the nnal bank discount. ADVERTISEMENT RATES The charge* and Iratrnrtloni far CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS arc aa nndcr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 HOTEUS r: Malayan premier hotel TONIGHT SATURDAY, JAN. bth COCKTAIL DANCE SPECIAI M CE 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. to Midnight DINNER 3110 first appearance of n .y rc PATRICIA NELSON U A II U C THE WELL KNOWN SPECIALITY INFORMAL) LAT£ op FQLIES BERGERE casino 9.30 p.m. to
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    • 162 5 SERVICE from a Radio Company Is not confined to serving goodi over the counter, or doing a few odd repair Jobs to Radio Set? Amplifiers, etc., etc REAL SERVICE Is deeper than that. It embraces considerable experimental work with numerous types of components, various sets and equipment, different circuits etc..
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    • 184 5 WHITEAWAYS CLOSED on SATURDAY, JANUARY sth Read startling announcement in the SUNDAY TIMES, Page 17 and Tuesday's FREE PRESS, Page 4. SINGAPORE. Broadcast Programme. Station "ZHI" Singapore, wave length 49.9 metres. (Owned and operated by Radio Service Co. of Malaya 1934 Limited, Broadcast House, 2 Orchard Road, Singapore.) SUNDAY, JAN.
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    • 254 5 LIFE A BURDEN FROM INDIGESTION. .Here is a letter of the utmost Interest to all sufferers from stomach trouble In any form. It Is the experience o; a man whose life was a burden because of the terrible internal pains which followed gastric Influenza, but who finally found complete relief
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 523 5 B.B.C. PROGRAMMES. The B.B.C. announces that, owing to the change of propagation conditions due to the approaching winter, It has become necessary to make certain changes In the wavelengths used In Transmission 3. In future the following wavelengths will be used: metre. metre. 9. 35 p.m. -11. 5 OSE 25.29
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    • 553 5 PHOHI-HOLLAND. TODAY. pjn. 8.20 Dutch National Anthem and opening announcement. 8.30 Records. 8.45 Violin recital by J. R. A. Pelderohof with piano accompaniment o( Lo de Oroot. 9.00 Records. 9.20 Piano recital by Lo de Oroot. 9. SO Financial and economic talk by Dr. P. O. A. de Waal. 9.
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    • 168 5 Today's Crossword Puzzle I1Z1ZI 21 23 i|| 25 5t 2§"~ 29 5o" 31 Si (CLUES.) ACROSS. *>«•« 23. Surrender 24. Blooming 1. Rodent 25. Portion 5. Image 26. Preserve 8. Cringe 29. Artless 9. Recess 31. was furious 11. Heap 32. orair 13. Vibration of voice IB. Noosed rope 16.
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  • 1317 6 {The Malaya Hokkien Associations Convention Provincial Salvation Movement Constructive Bank Of Fukien The Experimental Exemplary Self-Govern-ing Division. (By Our Chinese Correspondent) WHILE wishing you, amiable reader, a happy and prosperous new year, your correspondent begins to acquaint you in this column for 1935 with the most
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  • 257 6 Finance Minister Said To Favour Plan. Shanghai. Dec. 23. China may commence to import; silver in the near future because of! the heavy drain upon her metal re-, sources since the world price has gone so far above the value of her dollar. I The Shanghai
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 132 6 Dynamite Put Under C.E.R. Bridge. Harbin, Dec. 23. The wrecking of a Japanese troop train and the loss of many lives was I averted this afternoon by railway guards of the Chinese Eastern Rall;way. The guards, while patrolling the line, discovered that bandits had laid
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  • 238 6 Passes Through The Khyber. Members or the Indian Roads Con-!' gress will always carry with them two particularly Impressive memories of their tour on the North-West Frontier. One will be of their drive along the Oandao road through Mohmand territory. The road nearly 30 miles long was
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 6 Mr. P. F. Woo, the Engineer-in-Chief to the Chinese Government's Postal Commission, helped to sort the Chri tmas mails for China when be paid a visit of inspection to the General °ost Office in St. Martin's-le-Grand.
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  • 268 6 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Health Officer's Transfer Kedah Tun hut Leave For England Dutch Minister Returns To Bangkok. Mrs. Barron, wife of the new British Resident, Selangor, Is expected to arrive in Kuala Lumpur today. Mr. N. Hari Singh, hon. secretary of the Selangcr Sikh Union, has come to Singapore on transfer
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  • 185 6 Explosion In A Troop Train. Tientsin, Jan. 1. Twelve Japanese sodiers were killed and 34 Injured when a Japanese troop train overturned near Sulchung station (outside the Great Wall to the east of Shanhaltwan > The gunpowder and explosive* stores in one wagon exo'.od^d. resulting in the
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  • 71 6 The following constitute the committee of the Cantonese Cemete y, Kuala Lumpur, tor iSk5: Piesident. Mr. Chan Chlm Moi; Vice- President. Mr. Liew Tan" San; secretary. Mr. Wong Chow Yew; treasurer. Mr. Wong Chew Yee; auditors. Messrs. Leong Chee Wan and Sun How Ch< f cemetery Inspectors, Messrs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 Arc Your /g* NERVES g. Giving Way <?M LISTLESS, fV^A^sl! FEARFUL 3*3 poo-t in r V-va"^ HEALTH P Start taking Dr Cassells Tablets AT ONCE Nothing beats this Famous Remedy for quickly conquering nerve troubles because it contains no less than 19 Special Health Ingredi nts. There are:— Hvl TCWCt
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    • 168 6 THE "MAGIC BRAIN" created by RCA-VICTOR ocrrratrouig everything TOO HAVE KVEK KNOWN IN RADIO ■TS i'isHsv An i Tf lsaJTe RCA Victor dereloyajnt. Etfj Hks»^gH (1 > You hear every tone with higher >;!' > fidelity. t" I' <2) You reach far more stations. Mt (3) You tune tn world
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  • 813 7 M.P. Who Paid For Drinks— And Did Not Get One. TAKE a look at Lord Hewart, the Lord Chief Justice, as he presides over his own court, with Mr. Justice Avory .on his right and Mr. Justice Swift on his left (writes a special
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  • 346 7 Husband's Grief. DEAD AFTER VISIT TO BRIDE'S GRAVE. London. Dec. 17. L'ttle more than a week ago Mr3. Lillian Vincent, a bride of two months, died In her husband's arms after she had ben knocked down by a motorl?rry She was burled on Friday. On
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  • 44 7 Mrs. Vincent's photograph was lying close beside him, and one of her silk stockings was knotted over his mouth. "In a bedroom the clothing she was wearing when she was killed. Including her hat. still splashed with mud was laid out on the bed."
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  • 47 7 H.E. the Governor (Sir Shenton Thomas) has extended his patronage to the Penang Cycling Carnival to be held at thf> Chinese Recreation Club on Mor' ny. The Carnival Is also under the patronage of the Resident Councillor, who has intimated his Intention of being present at it.
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  • 292 7 'This Untidy Generation," Says Sir Giles Scott. Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, Ihe architect, who sat on the Advisory Committee which considered the problem of Charing Cross Bridge, expressed the view that overhead approach of railways Into large cities was old-fashion-ed and out-of-date, and would eventually give
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  • 106 7 Official Messages Must Be To The Point Gen. Han Fu-chu, chairman of Shantung Province, Is showing how advantageous It is to be the blunt soldier at times. He has Just put Into effect a new decree ordering all superfluous utterances of officials In official announcements to be
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  • 377 7 R.A.F. DEATH CRASHES. Safer Way Of Training. ONE ACCIDENT IN 12,000 HOURS. London, Dec. 12. The year 1934, with less than three weeks to go, is establishing: a" record for a low rate of fatal accidents in the R.A.F. Since Jan. 1 last there have been 19
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  • 113 7 US. Confident In Coining New Year. New York. Dec. 20. A bright and sunny view of the near outlook with only a few passing clouds oa the economic Horizon \ffil feffl Today"E? leading stock market experts and chartists. American business Is now anticipating the new year with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 55 7 FOURNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE TONIC ELIXIR World Wide Reputation. Refuse Substitutes. Sold by all Chemists and Stores and FEDERAL DISPENSARY, Raffles Square, Singapore. TEA DANCES WED., FRI., SUN. 5.30 7.30 p.m. PUBLIC NOTICES ON Page IV. WHITEAWAY'S CLOSED on SATURDAY, JANUARY sth Read Startling Announcement in the SUNDAY TIMES, Page 17
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    • 264 7 ONE OF THE MOST BRILLIANT D jf PICTURES EVER PRODUCED I. the BATTLE H^SK CLAODE FARRERE S FAMOUS tTOf UfiTU i" if 11 n MERLE OBERON, CHARLES M BKj w m m^. Hr*^ I, —=^^^^31 Isfl^BK S%. WStttiNu i 9IP —J HRm jS(' BRsH^te. *^J^c^^^r^^^g ftttfjtff' <■ 't^^M* mi*m 'i*
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  • 201 8 Keen Demand For Rubber Shares. (From Our Financal Correspondent.) Singapore, Jan. 4. The local rubber market was again firm this morning, with moderate interest being shown by all sections of the trade and sellers were reserved. In spite cf the auction being unusually large, 1,100 tons, there
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  • 212 8 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the daily circular issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/4 7/32 London, 3 months' sight 2/4 3/16 London, 60 days' sight 2/4 5/32 London, 30 days' sight 2/4 V& London,
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    • 301 8 Singapore, Jan. 4, 12 noon. Bayer. Seller Gambler 5.75 Java Cube 8.75 Hamburg Cube 11.00 White Muntok Pepper WOO White Pepper 65.00 Black Pepper 20.50 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 3.40 Copra, mixed 3.10 Small Flake Tapioca 3.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 3.40 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.25 Small Pearl Tapioca
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    • 305 8 Belawan and Medan (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Bengkalia, Port da Kock. Padang, I Pakan Baroe, Biak and Selat Pandjang (Ampang) 3 pjn. South Africa (Ophir) ..3.30p.m. Mauritius (Opbir) 3.30 p m Java, South W«st-Sumatra, 8-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas 4c Timor DUly (Ophir) 3.30 p.m. Muntok (Ophir) 3.30 p.m.
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    • 11 8 From Holland by Modjokerto due at Singapore noor today.
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    • 18 8 There are 600 permanent theatres In U.S.S.R. Including 44 circuses. Thi Soviet Union has 24,700 cinema theatres.— Tass.
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      • 406 8 Val. Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Tin 4/3 4/7 Vi £1 Asam Kumbang 33/- 35 £1 Austral Malay 61/- 62/5/- Ayer Hltam 13/- 14/- xd. 1 Ayer Weng 2 20 2.25 £1 Bangrln Tin 24/3 25/£1 Chenderlang 8/6 9/3 50 Hltam Tin 0.49 0.53 1 Hong Fatt 048 0.51 5/-
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      • 308 8 issue VaL Pd. Buyers. Sorters. 2 2 Alex. Brick Ord 1.30 1.40 2 2 do 7% Prefs. 1.75 1.85 10 10 Atlas Ice 10.00 10.75 £I£IB.A.T. 6.5.0 610 0 10 5 British Malaya Trustee 5.75 600 £1 £lCon. T. 8 7% Prefs. 24/9 25/6 £1 £lCon. T.S.Ord. 19/9 20/6
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      • 146 8 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% 1901 red 1940 $400,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 107 109 norn 414 1 2 1907 red 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 114>' 2 116' 2 non; iM* 1399 red. 1955 $1,000,000 TmtM&F. 31" Sept. 39 !?0 i22li norn, 4' 1913 red.
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      • 346 8 Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. -Today's Prices Fraser Lyall Evatt tt Co. (Allen by 1.90 2.00 1.90 2.00 Alor Gajah 155 1.65 155 1.60 A. Hitam 240 2.50 2.40 250 A. Molek 1.15 1.30 1.10 1.20 Amal. Malay ($2) 3.45 3.55 3.40 3.50 A. Panas
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    • 659 8 Average Price Doubled Last Year. The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the Kundong Rubber Estate, Limited, was held at the offices of the company, 9/11 Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. F. O. Souter was in the chair, and present were Mr. O. Shelton Agar and
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  • 45 8 World Tin Stocks Down Again. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Juii. i W H. Gartsen and Co. estimate world visible supplies of tin on Dec. 31, 1934. at 17.110 tons, compared with 18,600 tons on Nov. 30. 1934. and 20,140 tons on Dec. 31, 1933.
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  • 66 8 Daily Prices Current For R.M.A. No. 1. K. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Noon, Jan. 4. Buyers. iellers. Spot (loose) 21% 22 (F.O.B.) Current month 22«/« 22 <i Jan.-March 23>/ 8 23'4 AprU-June 24% 24 i July-Sept. 25 > t 257/ 8 Tone of Market: Firm. Latest
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  • 99 8 London, Dec. 12. BIyth Harbour, Northumberland, yesterday completed the shipment of 6.000,000 tons of coal so far In the year. This figure is stated to be a record for the port, and an Increase of about 12 per cent, compared with the similar period of
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  • 67 8 Kelantan Rubber Estates U933) Report for 15 months to June 30 state* rubber produced was 927.874 lb.. and sales, after allowing lor stocks, seed, ay gross price at Singapore of 4.053 d. Cost of production, including selling charges and home exp.. but excluding depreciation, 3.4«7 per pound delivered Singapore. Profit,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 27 8 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated in England A. D. 1720.) FIRE, MARINE. LIFE, MOTOR CAR, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION. Branch Oft lea for Malaya: Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore. APB 1.
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  • 1385 9 FINANCIAL POLICY IN ITALY. Will The Lira Follow The Mark? (From Our Financial Correspondent.) London, Dec. 14. The London markets, like other centres, misinterpreted the announcement regarding the surrendering of foreign assets by Italian nationals. It was thought at first that all balances held abroad had
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  • 300 9 Last Night's London Quotations. (From Our Own Correspondent i London, Jan. 3. Closing quotations today of the principal British stocks are given below. The rise or fall Is In relation ro the price of Jan. 2. GOVERNMENT STOCKS. BRITISH Rise or Fall Conversion Loan 5% 123
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  • 422 9 International Labour Office. "The country needs bold, persistent experimentation. .It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all try something. The millions who are in want will not stand by silently for ever
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  • 107 9 December Exports Third Highest For Year. Rubber exports durinjj December were the third_highest in_ 1334, being 59,575»t0n5." The only occasions upon which this level was exceeded were in September and May. Comparative fluures, which include re-exports, are as follows Monthly Cumulative January 55,055 55,055 February 57.867
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  • 120 9 Jabl Rubber Plantations (1032).Payment of 2\' 2 per cent., less tax. in respect of year ending March 31, 1935. payable Dec. 15, 1034. A profit of 8.227.526 Ten is reported by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha for the year to September 30. 1934. A dividend of three per cent, has been
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 625 9 BANKING. HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In Hong Kong) The liability c. members is limited to the extent and tat manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 8 of 1930 of the Colony. HEAD OFFICE: HONG KONG Authnrlaed Capital »50,000.900 Issued and fully paid up $30,000,000 Reserve Funds:— Sterling I 6.500,000
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    • 462 9 BANKING CHARTERED BANK OP INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter 1BS3) Paid Up Capital in 600.000 shares of £6 each U. 000.000 Reserre Fund a 000 000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors a!ooo!ooo BEAD OFFICE M, Blshopscate. London EC. S. Ageats and Branches. Alor Star Iloiio Balgoi_
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  • 700 10 She Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1935 THE "SANITARY BOARD SYSTEM. Sir Shenton Thomas, to his redounding credit, Is bent on fostering co-operation and cordiality between the official and unofficial communities in Malaya. To this end he might usefully devote a little attention to the dissatisfaction which certainly exists
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  • 257 10 This year will be celebrated throughout the British Empire as the twentyflfth anniversary of the reign of His Majesty King George V. At the King's request the Imperial commemoration I in London will be supplemented by local rejoicings, and so far as the Colony is concerned Singapore
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  • 34 10 The next meeting of the Federal Council will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, Jan. 29 at 10 a.m. There will be no ceremonial opening and uniform will not be worn.
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  • 1372 10 SOME MALAY WORD SECRETS.— II Associating Ideas With I Sounds. (Below is published the concluding portion of an address on "Some Secrets of the Malay Language" which was delivered by Mr. Charlton MaxweU at the Rotary, convention at Penangj It will be just as well to start by saying that
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  • 710 10 DY way of a reaction against too much eating and irinklng. ]au music, wearing oi* paper hats and what-not, I joined two friends In a tramp up Buklt Tim ah on New Year's Day. The path was muddy, the woods were dark and silent, and the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 Shoes with Personality CABLE BOX tfe*W PRICES $9-50 CABLE BROWN Jfe^. FORD Plain or punch- L^^feed cap, blind eyelets. fw^^'^^i^Ba^. Sizes 5 to 11. PRICE $10.50. CABLE BROWN fj Ili^l3jr*^ WILLOW OXFORD *2jk plain stitched cap, li^k blind eyelets. Sizes 5 to 11. CABLE TAN WILLOW OXFORD Stit- _4^fc,t?>-_ a/'!BiVa
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    • 87 10 Inexpensive Gowns and our well-known Hollywood Brassieres 11, Battery Rd., Spore. Phone 3164. Arriving Saturday Another Shipment of Woollen Suite and Fracta far tfcaae travelling How. r NIKKO HOUSE, Tel: 4974. 10. Batter; Baa*. Ajrent for DOEVILLE SptrU Ctothet. THE SMART SHOP 67, STAMFORD ROAD; PHONE 6707. Just unpacked the
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  • 478 11 FIRST MEETING WITH ALLEGED MURDERER. HAUPTMANN ON TRIAL. Night Of Kidnapping Recalled In Court. HOW LADDER WAS USED. WHEN Mrs. Lindbergh went into the court at Flemington (New Jersey) yesterday, she saw for the first time the man who is charged with murdering her 20-month-old
    478 words
  • 404 11 Roosevelt To Address New Congress Session.Washington, Jan. 3. The 74th Congress, the greatest in the history of the Democratic Party, met today for a session which will have to deal with 2,400 measures, many of which are of great national importance. Mr. "Joe" Byrns, the Democratic representative
    404 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 11 Hauptmann who is charged with the murder of the Lindbergh baby.
    13 words
  • 100 11 Many Tongues. The universality of Shakespeare Is further evidenced by two Tass messages received today. "Othello" by Shakespeare is produced in the Kumyk language by the I National Theatre of Daguestan in the Caucasus. The Armenian State publishing house is publishing an extensive work on Shakespeare, comprising 25
    100 words
  • 91 11 Hitler Denounces "Lies Campaign." Berlin, Jan. 3. Hitler today denounced "the campaign of lies" against Germany abroad, and added it tofts necessary that their brothers of th« Saar should want to "return home," knowing that it was a worthy home. I He ended by reciprocating new year
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 250 11 Historic Belfry Blown Up. The giant belfry of the twelfth century cathedral of Santa Cruz at 1 Coimbra has tilted over at a dan- gerous angle and threatens to fall i at any moment, says Reuter from i Lisbon. Masses of masonry have r already crashed into
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  • 454 11 Sir S. Hoare. FUTURE WELFARE OF THE MASSES. The Secretary of State for India, Sir Samuel Hoare, defended the British Government's Indian policy against all attacks in a broadcast speech from London. Sir Samuel Hoare maintained that the Government's Indian policy was one of prudent progress, that
    British Wireless  -  454 words
  • 84 11 7,000-Mile Flight From N.-W. Frontier. Twelve Hawker-Hart aircraft of No. 11 bomber squadron left Risalpur aerodrome on the North-West Frontier of India yesterday on an inter-command flight to Singapore. They were accompanied by Vickers- Victoria aircraft of the Bomber Transport Flight, India, carrying baggage and equipment.
    84 words
  • 51 11 Terms Of Sino-Japanese Agreement Published. Peiping, Jan. 4. The Japanese Legation here has issued for publication particulars of the agreement for restoring postal communications between China and Manchukuo. This agreement was recently concluded and signed at Pelplag following protracted negotiations between the Japanese and Chinese authorities. —Sin Kuo
    Sin Kuo Min  -  51 words
  • 20 11 Hong Kong, Jan. 4. The Kwang-Chlu (Canton-Kowloon) Railway announce a piofit of $1,300,000 for 1934— Sin Kuo Mln.
    Sin Kuo Min  -  20 words
  • 112 11 Baptises A Former Colleague. Brussels, Jan. 1 Curious circumstances attended a christening ceremony carried out on Friday at the monastery of St. Andrews in Lophem near Bruges. China's former Premier, Liv Tseng Chang who represented his country at many international conferences. Including the Peace conference at
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  112 words
  • 179 11 Panic Reports Denied By Captain. New York, Jan. 3. Although the police and coastguards first announced that there were no fatalities in the Lexington disaster, a later check was made by the owners who report that four of the crew are missing and twenty people
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  • 110 11 Blow For British Davis Cup Hopes. New York, Jan. 3. Fred Perry, the bolder of the Wimbledon American and Australian tennis titles, has turned professional. According to a statement made to Renter by BUI TUden's man alter. Bill O'Brien, Perry is due Ir. San Francisco on March
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 356 11 ABYSSINIA APPEALS TO LEAGUE. Border Fight Sequel. ITALY'S VIEW. Geneva, Jan. 3. ABYSSINIA today appealed to the League of Nations under article 11 of the covenant in connection with the fighting on the borders of Abyssinia and Italian Somaliland. Abyssinia's action comes as a great surprise, and it is feared
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  • 43 11 Red Army Driven Out Of Seibing Area. Kweiyang (Kweichowi, Jan 4. The First Red Army has been dispersed with heavy losses from the Seibing sector by the provincial torces, states a communique Issued by the Kweichow military headquarters— Sin Kuo Mln.
    Sin Kuo Min  -  43 words
  • 275 11 FRENCH MINISTER LEAVES FOR ROME. "To Seal Franco-Italian Friendship." Paris, Jan. 3. M Laval, the French Foreign Minister, left by the Paris-Rome night express amid resounding shouts of "Vive Laval" and "Vive 'Italic" He was seen oflf by the Czechoslovakian, and Yugoslavian Ministers, M. Politis, the Greek minister. General Denain
    Reuter  -  275 words

  • 712 12 Continued Progress At Kuala Lumpur. A new Miles Hawk aircraft purchased from home, was put into service by the Kuala Lumpur flying club during December. One of the three machines previously owned by the club has been sold to the Royal Singapore Flying Club. The
    712 words
  • 116 12 Messrs. V Ahamed Plllay, serang of St. James power station, and Ismail Lebba. two of the Patrons of this Association sailed for Madras by s.s. Rohna .n their way to Mecca on pilgrimage. They were entertained at an "at Home" under the auspices of the Travancore Muslim
    116 words
  • 657 12 "LAILA-TUL-QADR." Muslim Notes. I The Night Of Majesty And Grandeur. (By Abdul) Non-Muslims, unacquainted with the Muslims' religious customs and practices, must have wondered why on Wednesday night, a few days before the Hari Raya Puasa day itself, mosques and the homed of Muslims in Singapore were illuminated and the
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  • 94 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 4. H.E. the Governor, replying to an address of welcome, said I cannot imagine any more beautiful introduction to a country than that which is afforded by Penang and never shall I forget the view which from the top
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  • 174 12 NO MALARIA EXPERTS FOR CEYLON. On inquiry in Singapore this morning, the Straits Times was informed that the question of sending local men to assist in antimalarial work in Ceylon is not under consideration. A rumour had gained currency that there was a probability of the F.M.S. Government lending the
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  • 195 12 Boy Who Made Off With A Bicycle. I only wanted to take a ride round Town I would have restored the machine if I had not been arrested." was the plea of a 17-year-old boy. Tan Kim Yam, in the police court this morning,
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  • 147 12 Mr. C. Delmar-Morgan And Miss S. H. Brown. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kenans. Jan. 1 The wedding took place yesterday evening at St. George's Church of Mr. Curt Is Delmar-Morgan, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar-Morgan of Chelsea. London, and Miss Susan Henrietta Hargreaves Erown. eldest daughter
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  • 83 12 Match Federation And Shansi. The Chinese Match Manufacturers Federation have aent an official note to the Ministry of Industry requesting that Shansi province abolish the "closed door" policy to products from other provinces so as to enable producers to find a wider market The petition is being
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  • 243 12 WOMAN HANGED WITH A CLOTH. Children See Father Cut Throat (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 3. A verdict of suicide by hanging was returned by the Coroner, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, at an inquest on a 70-year old woman, Lai Fong. She was found hanging from a tree
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  • 60 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Jan. 3. It is understood the Kedah Government intends to improve the Alor Star landing ground so that it may be used in all weat rs For this purpose land alongside Anak Bukit River is being acquired and Lt.-Col. Chasey, Executive Engineer,
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  • 140 12 Substituted Service APowed. In the Bankruptcy Court todav before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell, an application for substituted service of bankruptcy notice was allowed against Sieh Yu San. When an application made for receiving and adjudication orders against Seow Soon Jin was taken up, it was revealed
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  • 136 12 European Planter's Complaint. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 2. When Mohamed bin Noor, appeared before the Seremban magistrate. Mr. R. J. F. Curtis, today, to answer a charge careless driving. Mr. A 8. Woodroti of Sungel Salak Estate, said, that he wa» travelling from the estate to
    136 words
  • 60 12 The local Agents of the Qantas Air Mail Service notify that the aeroplane from Australia via Java Is expected to arrive at Singapore at about 5 p.m. to moirow. The ma'.l Till bi available to boxholders and window delivery ticket holdtrs Immediately. Correspondence for non-boxholders will
    60 words
  • 146 12 Phenomenon Observed In Other Parts Of Country. The brilliant green light seen in the night sky above Singapore on Wednesday night was also noticed in other parts of Malaya The doubts of the local resident who first called attention to thi3 phenomenon in the Straits Times,
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  • 148 12 Proposal To Form Old Boys' Association. A Boys' Brigade Church Parade for dedication of District Colours will tj.; held In Kampong Kapor Church tomorrow at 6. The Boys Brigade has now been in existence In Singapore for five years and more than 100 boys who have passed through
    148 words
  • 62 12 The tusk of a live boar Is regarded with respect even by Intrepid unters. but an incident in the Municipal abattoir yesterday shows that even a dead boar can be dangerous. A Chinese butcher had Just killed a boar when he accidentally walked into tiie tusk and had
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 12 The wedding of Mr. P P. Philip and Miss Harriet Campos took place at St. Joseph's Church, Singpaore Back row: Mr. Melville Campos, best man: Miss Alice de Souta, bridesmaid: Mr. Thomas Da Cntt, Sponsor Mrs. B. Lasaroo, Matron of honour and Sponsor: Miss Helen Campos, bridesmaid. Front row M.lsr
    71 words
  • 35 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Jan 3. Hundreds of poor Malays and Mohammedans, men and woiien, assembled at R. E. Mohamed ink and Co. Ltd. Klang, this mon receive Hart Raya glfta.
    35 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 110 12 Points of Protection i *jt%L VALVES H Not only require periodical care, but an expert knowledge to make the tin* %A hutments necessary. •Jt*U IGNITION t^^^F '^^B trouble anu bother can be saved by IBar^^jß^^ i.b.vuiß our expert attention and advice. >**U CARBURETTOR t^fl m .vreiiltou to the ca:burettor
      110 words

  • 330 13 Amazing Story Of Revenge Unfolded In Police Court. A 12-YEAR-OLD boy, Soh Ah Sam, pleaded guilty before Mr. J. M. Brander in the police court yesterday to stabbing his two younger playmates (a six-year-old Chinese boy and his 11-month-old sister) with a piece of
    330 words
  • 232 13 Police Detain Two Men On Suspicion. A crop of burglaries in European residences in the early hours of Dec. 30 has been reported to the Singapore police. Mr. F. D. Barretto complained that burglars who broke Into his residence in Thomson Road at 2.30 a.m. got away
    232 words
  • 110 13 SINGAPORE. AMAMBKA Happiness Ahead with Dick Powell 6.15—9.15. LANTOL Stamboul Quest with Myrna Loy tt George Brent 6.15—8.15. GLOBE THEATRE, GREAT WORLD The Queen's Affairs OKr/AT WORLD Cabaret—As You Desire It Tarxan the Fearless. HOLLYWOOD I. SERANGOON Eskimo 8.15. MAKLBOROUGH Seetha Kalyanam 6—9.15. NEW W OKI Ii Side Shows,
    110 words
  • CorresDondence.
    • 177 13 For St Patrick's School Pupils. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to the Tanjong Pagar— Katong omnibus service an extension to St. Patrick's School during the rush hours of the morning 1 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) will prove a great relief to
      177 words
    • 188 13 Motorists Who Race Along The Sands. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -I am wondering If It Is possible, through the medium of the Press, to put a stop to people using Morib beach as a speed-track on Sundays and public holidays. They not only
      188 words
    • 160 13 Appeal For Help From Malaya. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— May I be permitted to appeal through the medium of your paper to all citizens of Malaya to subscribe freely towards the relief of those thousands stricken by the malaria scourge In Ceylon. Those of
      160 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 13 A garden snapshot ef Mr. Gunji. Japanese Consul-Uenenu «t Stofmpoi with his wife and children.
    15 words
  • 275 13 WHAT IS A "FOOD FACTORY" Conviction In Kuala Lumpur Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kflala Lumpur, Jan. 3. Ong Siew Tek appeared today, before Mr. F. K. Wilson, in the Kuala Lumpi;- police court, on a summons issued at the instance of the Sanitary Board for allowing his premises at
    275 words
  • 123 13 For Kuala Lumpur And Klang Districts. The Licensing Board for tbs Kuala Lumpur sub-district for 1935 comprises the District Officer, Kuala Lumpur and Ulu Langat (chairman), the Protector of Chinese, Selangorand Pahang, and the Assistant District Officer, Kuala Lumpur, with Mr. George C. Blunn, Mr. Wee Hap Lang,
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  • 20 13 The Anglo- Malayan International Correspondence Club will hold Its annual dinner at the Chinese Swimming Club at 7 30 today.
    20 words
  • 350 13 Plague Report From Kiangsu Denied. A notification of one case of plague from Bassein in British India was the jonly one received from the eastern I ports of the week ended Dec. 29. A case at Pnom-Penh was reported in the previous week. It may be
    350 words
  • 179 13 Programme to be broadcast by the Malayan Amateur Radio Society. Kuala Lumpur, at 7 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 6, 1935, from Station ZOE on 75 metres. H.M.V. Records supplied by Messrs. Robinson and Co., Ltd., Java Street, K. L. Selections, "H.M.B. Planofr. e" Band of H. M.
    179 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 158 13 PILES Suflerers from the maddening irritation, the exhausting, agonising pain caused by piles! Do not wait until piles (haemorrhoids) reach such a terrible state that a serious operation may be necessary. Ask your chemist all about this special remedy. He knows the ingredients from which this inexpensive and scientific remedy
      158 words
    • 16 13 THOMPSON Optical Co. Qualified Eyesight Specialist?. 5. lUfßcs Square (Entrance through Fra.nk.e!'s) Eye examinations. Eyeglasses. Exclusively.
      16 words
    • 299 13 VI V% VI VI ...iii^^ Tumblers— eight I I beautiful colours I MOTTLED GREEN A 1 t." bit ALL) IH'.^B FLAME VH jf 'A wonderful opportunity for you to get one oi these iovely Odol TumbUrs in a shade which will match every colour scheme. All you have to do
      299 words

  • 378 14 SEASON SHOWS PROFIT OF $1,750. Loan From Government Reduced By $2,000. Notice is given that fie annual general meeting of th« Singapore Amateur FootbaH Association will be held at the Stadium, Anson Road, on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 5.15 p.m. The agenda for
    378 words
  • 1870 14 RUGBY TOPICS. Both Teams Have Improved. Recalling Former Finals. Our Three Internatio nals. The First Broadcast (By "LEJGHTON") TOMORROW'S Malaya Cup final If the fourteenth to have been played since the competition was first Inaugurated In the 1921-22 season. Perak will be making their ninth appearance
    1,870 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 14 \ouiig Fruto who is luminc to Singapore for a match with AJ Rivers.
    13 words
  • 114 14 Hockey. Visitors Leaving Malaya Tomorrow. This afternoon Macao will play the last match of their tour against Singapore at the SCO. The teams arc as follows: SINGAPORE: O. C. Aera: R. A Ashworth and Lt. Douglas; O. Ross, Lieut. Read and Choo Beng; Yong Foong.
    114 words
  • 581 14 ETHICS WINS BOTH THE CLASSICS. Viceroy Nearly Takes His Own Cup. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) CUcutta. Dec. 28. THE dual victory of the Australian horse Ethics In the King Emperor's Cup and the Viceroy's Cup will be of great Interest to lovers of racing In British Malaya,
    581 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 312 14 SELANGOR CLUB SIDE. ■g3g 3 J 1 3 5 7 i f I 1 -g t m 1 I I I I POST OFFICE AND GOVT OFFICES SIDE. The plan of the Rugby field at Kua la Lumpur numbered to enable those listening-in to follow the broadcast commentary of the
      312 words
    • 159 14 Was Fretful And Weakly Until BABY'S OWN TABLETS Were Tried. Mr. F. A. Flesstng, who resides it 3331 Mopeth Lane, Siphya Road. Bangkok, is so g.-atlfled with the great benefits his little daughter Victoria has derived from Baby's Own Tablets, that he sends detail.* of the child's case for publication
      159 words

  • 893 15 SELANGOR F. A. ANNUAL REPORT LOSS OF $850. DUE TO BAD WEATHER AND CUP FAILURE. Marked Improvement In The Conduct Of Players. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Jan. 3. The eleventh annual meeting of the Clangor Football Association will be held at the Y.M.C.A.. Kuala Lumpur, at 6.45 p.m.
    893 words
  • 308 15 Brilliant Goalkeeping By G. Paul. MBS. 1. St. J.L..1. Brilliant goalkeeplng by G. Paul was the outstanding feature of the football match played between St. Joseph's Institution and the Methodist Boys' School of Kuala Lumpur on the former's ground in Bras Basah
    308 words
  • 105 15 Friday. Jan. 4. Hockey: Macao v». AU-Stota-porc. 8C.C. padang; 8 C.R.C. w. Police, Hong Llm Green. Golf. Keppel Q.C., Women's Spoon (Stroke). Ping-Pong: Methodist Boy* School of K.L. vs. Oldham Hall. Oldham HaU (morning); Methodist Boys School ts. AngloChinese Contlnuitlon School, A.C.C. Bchoal (afternoon) R»tw«aj, Jaa i. Itugby:
    105 words
  • 684 15 D.G. BARR'S FINE RECORD. Tiny Lewis Still One Of Their Best Forwards. The following pen pictures of the Peralc Rugby XV, which will appear In the final against the United Services will probably be of Interest to the Increasing number of rugger players throughout the country.
    684 words
  • 666 15 Sport In Brief. Island Club December Bogey Competitions. Barbados. Jan. 3. The M.C.C. commenced the second match of their touf today, a three days' fixture against Barbados. The tourists, thanks to a brilliant not out inning of 158 by W. R. Hammond and 85 by R.
    666 words
  • 729 15 Mainly On Boxing. Young Frisco Coming To Figkt Rivers. Another Fight For Weber. Conducted by "LEIGHTOS" •T'HE New World boxing arena has been quiet for a little while but Mr. Bell tells me that, subject to the approval of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control, he has
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 125 16 Taiping Magistrate's Verdict At Inquest On Revenue Officer. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Jan. 3. TN returning a verdict of death in consequence of a rash act of Man bin Filus, the magistrate, in his finding at the inquest on Megat Jaffar, a
    125 words
  • 77 16 Second Victim Succumbs To Injuries. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 1. Mr Poh Telk Huah, a young CMn*se clerk, employed by the Klnta Sanitary Board, who received serious injuries In a motor-car accident near Kuala Depang on Saturday— when Mrs. Cheng Hoe, of Taiplng, received fatal
    77 words
  • 74 16 Body Of Malay Woman Found In Kinta River. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 1. The corpse of an eldtrly Malay woman was found floating in the Ktnta River near the Brewster Road Bridge. Ipoh, this morning. The body has been Identified as that of n Karapong Java
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  • 180 16 Hokien's Death. SINGAPORE CORONER'S COMMENT. Scalded all over the body after having fallen into a cauldron of hot pig's food three days' previously at the sixth mile, Buona Vista Road, Tan Her, a 37-year old Hokien, succumbed to his injuries at the General Hospital early on
    180 words
  • 57 16 Ipoh Passenger Train Delayed. Ipoh, Jan. 1. A wagon attached to a goods train, which left Ipoh for Tanjong Malim early this morning, was derailed during shunting- operations at Lahat station. In consequence of the line being blocked the passenger train, which leaves Ipoh for Malacca at
    57 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 16 This group of happy conspirators who style themselves the lodine Boys entertained patients, doctors, sisters and nurses at the General Hospital. The programme was arranged by Mr. George T. Bond.
    30 words
  • 132 16 Trial Of Tan Soon Tai Fixed For Feb. 20. An echo of the fracas after the Rivers-Aide fight at the Olympic Stadium on Boxing Night was heard In the pollr court yesterday when Tan Soon Tal made his second appearance before Mr. Norman Orlce, the
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  • 69 16 Under the Reservation of Lands Enactment, a site in the mukim of Telok Panglima Garang has been allotted by the Resident of Selangor for the purpose of a burial ground for the Chinese community, to be maintained by Ng Ah Kql and Ng Tlek Shin; and the Resident of Negri
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  • 139 16 Young Chinese Sweeper Sentenced. A European teacher In the Changl Military School, Mrs. Molly Evans, appeared as a witness before Mr. Norman Orice, the second magistrate, yesterday in the case in which a 24-year-old Chinese sweeper, Ng San, was charged with the theft of
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  • 47 16 Two hundred and two deaths were recorded in Singapore during the week ended Dec. 29. Pneumonia (27) was the chief cause of mortality, followed by phthisis (19), convulsions (17), enteritis (15) and berl-beri (11). Seventeen cases of chicken-pox were reported, but there were no deaths.
    47 words
  • 203 16 Young: Players Show Very Promising; Form. (From Our Own Correspondent) Talptng Pec. 31. Some excellent tennis was seen at the Chinese Recreation Club Courts yesterday, when the Talping Chinese were 'at home' to a team of young players from Ipoh, captained by Leong Choon Kean. Four singles
    203 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 39 16 jMELg^K^ 4ji m mm I MmWymMMMW **M^mMMMMW&&&!»*~^ W m WtjKkWKSmmm^^A mm^^mm, f Mm^MM mm <•'_■. I m i 1 mh. E^B A^^B^ M Jms^' Wm\ 1 iJI I J m In 1:: •'fJRN"VI»*i mm \k mV* i| I "i^^dmmr^m) mW
      39 words
    • 183 16 SHE LOST 32 lbs. New Frocks No Longer Worried Her "How did she lose that 32 lbs. of fat?" Is what you will be asking. Let her tell you herself:— "About 18 months ago I weighed 12 st. 10 lbs. which I can assure you annoyed me very much. Everything
      183 words

  • 856 17 A Country Of Never-Failing Hospitality. QUCH unexpected developments as revolutions and monarchical abdications may come to pass in Siam but still the designation long since applied will hold, writes Marc T. Greene in the Christian Science Monitor. Siam will continue to smile, for has it
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 17 December lambs born in East Yorkshire look oat on a cold and bleack world from the shelter of their shepherd's warm coat.
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  • 529 17 Two Battalions Supported By Armoured Cars. The British contribution to the Saar International Force will consist of two battalions supported by a detachment of armoured cars. A mechanised unit will also accompany the Italian contingent (writes the Geneva Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph).
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  • 199 17 To Inspect Fort, Gaol Andi Hospital. In connection with His Excellency the Governor's visit to Penang today the following official programme has been drawn up. His Excellency (says the Straits Echo) will make his official landing at Victoria Pier at 9 a.m. There will be a
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  • 120 17 Men Must Not Imitate Women Having done what should be done to keep the ladies in order, Peiping's civil authority Is now concentrating its reformative zeal on the mannPM J and morals of the men. The police have been given a special set of rules and regulations banining
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  • 337 17 I "Progress To High Tide Of Prosperity." A new year message from H. H. Sir Iskander Shah is published ty the Times of Malaya as follows: I have watched the steady trade revival which commenced about the middle of last year with the greatest interest and
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  • 36 17 It has been resolved by the Committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association that the annual dinner shall be held during the week ended Feb. 23 and that the Governor be invited to attend.
    36 words
  • 44 17 Calendars, diaries, etc. are acknowledged with thanks from the following Rene Ullmann. Firestone. N Y.K. Norddeutscher Lloyd. William Jacks and Co., Eveready. Blue Funnel Lfhe, E. J. Motlwalla and Co. Watts and Baker, Singapore Auctioneers, Bear Brand Swiss Milk, Dr. William Pink Pills.
    44 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 422 17 ""DOGS don't scratch from habit; impure blood is the cause And my condition powders are the remedy. You see I've made a lifelong study of dogs and my researches have convinced me that a dog scratches only when food impurities in his blood have set up a terrible itching sensation
      422 words

  • 592 18 Imperial And Foreign News. Negotiations For Eastern Protocol THE following is the text of the protocol signed last month by M. Laval, French Foreign Minister and M. Litvinoff, the U.S.S.R. Commissar for Foreign Affairs, in Geneva. After an exchange of opinions regarding the progress of negotiations
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  • 105 18 Former Reichstag Deputy Injured. The calm which has hitherto prevailed In the Saar was broken at PUsacastel when a meeting of the Catholic Front was dispersed by the police following a fight In the hall in which chairs were used as weapons. The chief speaper
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 136 18 Large Basin Believed To Be Found. The first prospecting for oil on Cape N >rdwick. carried out by the Chief Administration of the Northern 8ea Route 2' 2 years ago, revealed oil depots on the Cape and at the moutn of the Anabar River
    136 words
  • 128 18 1931 Shipbuilding Figures. London. Dec. 30. The Clyde led the world In shipbuilding and engineering during the year 1934 by launching 67 chips totalling MTI2I torn. The 21 producing yards have a tonnage output of nearly half the total United Kingdom output and of a quarter
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 261 18 Nanking Seeking Means To Reduce Expenditure. The administrative expensive of the Chinese Nationalist Government have to be cut down. In the opinion of the legislators in Nanking. The national budget for the 23rd year of the Republic, 1934. was recently approved by the Legislative Yuan after
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 18 Dr. C. A. H. Green, Bishop ot Bangor, the new Archbishop of Walt:
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  • 87 18 Two Defeats At Chess Tournament. An astonishing victory over the former world champion, Capablanca, was obtained by the rising young Hungarian, Lllienthal, at the Hastings chess tournament. Lllienthal (wirelesses Reuter) surprised Capablanca with a remarkable combination opening with the sacrifice of the queen and won In 29
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  • 84 18 Long: Term Credits Suggested. In an article published In the Dally Herald. Mr. Herald Williams deals In detail with ways of Improvement of British-Soviet trade and with methods ■>f financing It. Mr. Williams suggests that the USSR, should be granted a long term loan and that the
    84 words
  • 144 18 Disaster Avoided By Driver's Calmness. London, Jan. 1. A thrilling story is told today of how a crack express racing from London to Manchester got out of control and was gallantly brought up by the driver and fireman. The train waa approaching Rugby when steam and
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 94 18 Prpfound Modifications In Principle. "We can only adhere to a Naval Agreement profoundly modifying the Washington Treaty In principle and details," declared M. Pletri, Minister of Marine, In a speech denning the French attitude at the coming Naval Conference. Present tcndl* ons taken as a whole,
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 85 18 Paris, Jan. 1. I Suggestions that he was implicated in the assassination of M. Kirov are repudiated by Trotzky in an open letter communicated to the press. He says that even if every word of the indictment of Nlkolayeff is taken at its face value it is only
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  • 69 18 Philatelic Commemoration. General Gordon's death at the hand* of the Mahdi fifty years ago is commemorated in a special issue of pottage stamps by the Sudan Government, says Renter. There are nine denominations in the design of which appear variously Gordon's head, the Gordon Memorial College at
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  • 130 18 Comparison With France And Britain. Moscow, Dec. The Soviet press comments on the completion of programme of pig- Iron output before the schedule. •The Izvestla writes The production of 10,000,000 tons of pig-iron Is a victory not only for the Iron and steel Industry, but for
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  • 76 18 Movements Of Italian Troops. A further communication from the Abyssinian Government has been received by the Secretary General of the League complaining of further movements of Italian troops and urging arbitration. The communication adds that if it is established that the Abyssinian Government is responsible for
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  • 95 18 More English Cheque Transactions. The Bankers' Clearing House annual statement shows that the grand total of bills and cheques paid in the past year £35,484,000,000, compared with £32.138,000,000, the previous year. The increase chiefly is due to City clearings as the result of the larger industrial
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 181 18 Appointment Of New Bank Governor. Paris. Jan 3. France's monetary policy will remain the same, stUed the French Finance Minister commenting on M. Tannery's appointment as Governor of the Bank of France. M. Polncare's plans for financial recovery will be continued and the principles to which
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    • 157 18 MORRIS Bh.pV the perfect "EIGHT" made possible by SPECIALISATION You will experience the thrill of handling an engine that is alive the comfort of travelling in a car that neither cramps nor tires you the feeling of safety that comes from sound chassis design the satisfaction of owning a graceful
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  • 2104 19 Root Disease Control Mr. Napper's Lecture An Omission Planting Under Forestry Conditions Lessons Front Small Holdings. (By Our Planting: Correspondent) I HAVE been reading Mr. R. P. N. Napper's lecture on "Modern Methods of Root Disease Control and their Applications," given at the last I.S.P. Conference, and
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  • 612 19 Use Of The Leban Tree. (By E. J. Strngnell.) The grass known as lalang comprises two species of the genus Tinptraia and Is distributed widely over the 'tropics. Its appearance Is too well known to need description. It has strong underground rhizomes which form so extensive
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    • 29 19 PHILLIPS' Jb Dental P§B Magnesia it I Contains over 75 *"*JE 1 Ip? Milk of Magnesia *2i s t Protects the Gums Whitens Teeth jESSI Destroys Mouth Acids r^^^^m
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    • 5 19 PUBUC NOTICES ON Page IV.
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    • 260 19 THE CONTAINER PS' YOU CAN COUNT ON. f^jjßfegL^ PACK YOUR RUBBER IN IT. >1 (all sizes) A Product of Malaya by Malayan Collieries Limited Telephone P.O. Box 48, Telegrams 4265. KUALA LUMPUR. ARANG. YOUNG RUBBER AND ITS TREATMENT with ENPEKAY No. 1 Experiments show that striking growth response can b»
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  • 134 20 A happy home coming from India. (Planet News.) Many of the leading figures in French Society attended the brilliant functions which were organised in connection with the Royal Wedding. Photo ihows Madame Francis de Croisset photographed at her London hotel.' (Planet News.) Miss FUUippa Wilson, younger
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    • 16 20 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated In Great Britain) Head Office for Malaya: SINGAPORE
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