The Straits Times, 24 July 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 397 1 Singapore: i4O. Cecil st. ('phone sisi). PASKOE'S fOR I FURNITURE I CORNWALL HOUSE 54. Orchard B«ad. 'PHONE 2153. >^Bp^ Dissolves the Keratin |M||fflK\ln the Hair .^i vKff'yfVPjjP/ banishes superfluous hair ..J^ %r/ \^k Ak I I wJ/ troubles forever Jjk EVER SO EASY TO APPLY. i^V>-^^ 1 2—3 and the
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    • 72 1 There Is always Joy and confidence when yt>u are using the Lelca Camera. We have the latest Model HI Lelca and a wide range of accessories and lenses m stock. Singapore Photo Co.. 37-39, High Street. Stocapore FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION CONSULT M. EZEKIEL SONS. Established nearly 20 years.
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    • 145 1 KUALA IiMPU&iI IKsT. CPHtjA JSttS-"- 11 fflPl A REAL TIME SA VER AND 5^- HOME BEAUTIFIER ROGERS BRUSHING LACQUER /flk DRIES WHILE YOU WAIT r?H^^)m^l "chiding black and white, a^d^ogers «f SVi^liaa I \S r h Cle Brushing Ucquer for linoleum. FOR THOSE OCCASIONS WHEN SPEEDY DRYING IS ESSENTIAL "ROGERS"
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    • 46 1 THE LAMM C KA/.t. Artistic tinlsb (Ivrn t-.' Jeweh. Etc All kinds ot plating dnne tv modern and scientlir •methods. Platinum pU 11:15 I and Gold p'atinK m Red.) Green. P.nk. Bat k Etc K. M. OLI MOMAMEO. JEWELLER, 38. HhtU Street. |E»td. 1914 Phooe 4SM
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 622 2 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD LINE. (Incorporated In Japan) TO LONDON. Naples. Marseilles, London, Antwera Rotterdam and Middleskroogfa. YYssrls Tonnage Due Sail. KASHIMA MARU 10.000 July 26 27 I YASUKUNI MARU 12.000 Aug. 7 HAKONE MARU 10.500 Aug. 23 23 I SUWA MARU 10,700 Sept. S 7 S
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    • 598 2 THE EAST ASIATIC CO, LIMITED. (Incorporated In Denmark) PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA, LONDON, ROTTERDAM. HAMBCRG AND COPENHAGEN. Prom Prom Prom From Spore Malacca Port Penang Sham ms. FIONIA 24/7 24/7 18/7 37/7 KSSKUH i'/S S? fflK* .255 iSS iftS ift? The above vessels are combined passenger and cargo
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    • 262 2 PRESIDENT LINERS £71.12 FROM SINGAPORE TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA. This rate Includes: (a) 2nd claaa paMage Singapore to Hoag Kong. (b) Tourist clan aeroaa the Pacific, (c) let claa raU aero« America. (d) Tourist clan Atlantic m the new and famous sj. Manhattan or Washington. NOTE: If passage through the
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    • 1237 2 *^^^^^3 B^r^BM' Ts^T B^V JX r^ I lTrvSjJ THE BLUE FUNNEL LINK (Ocean THE HI A KHIOW STEAMSHIP CO. Steam Ship Co., Ltd, and China Mutual (1931) LTD. Steam Navigation Co.. Ltd. THE CI'NARD WHITE STAR LINE LTD. THE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO.. LTTt. THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP CO, LTD. THE CHINA
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  • 492 3 Alleged Rebate Offer To Home Vessels. In the House of Commons, Sir Assheton Pownall asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention had been called to the action of the Portuguese Government In offer, .g a rebate of duty to goods forwarded In Portuguese
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  • 66 3 The following passengers irom Singapore were on board when the M.S. "Fionia" sails from here for London today Mr. A. Bleumln... Mrs. D. Bleumink. Mr W. A. Brinck. Mrs. C. Brinck. Master William Brinck. Master Oerlof Brine... Master Erust Brinck. Master *ohan Brinck. Mrs M. van Calcar. Mr. A.
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  • 259 3 Did He Intend To Oust Goering? Paris, July 7. The Instigator of last week-end's executions was Gen Goring, accordIng to Herr Otto Strasser. whose brother Gregor was one of the principal \lc'lms. Herr Strasser, in a talk with the Prague correspondent of "Intranslgeant," declared: "Ten days
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  • 368 3 Points In Construction Of New Tonnage. Shipping has In the past been subject to considerable Inconvenience, delay and expense as a result of unreasonable requirements on the part of port sanitary authorities in various parts of the world In imposing automatic fumigations regardless of the sanitary condition
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  • 129 3 SUISANG. Brit., 1.983 tons, from Calcutta 24-7, tor China and Japan 24-7. MABELLA, Nor., 840 tons, from Bangkok 24-7. for Bangkok 25-7. PASIR. Dut 630 tons, from Soerabaia 24-7, for Penang 24-7. RAHMAN. Brit., 74 tens, from Muar 24-7, for Muar 25-7. HONG KEAT, Brit.. 73 tons, from
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  • 118 3 KEPPEL HABBOCR. Main Wharf Tne Cable, Sri Tunda. Aquarius. Oil Wharf Nil. Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCKS. Tanjong Paiar, Albert Dock Laxml. Victoria Dock Nil. Keppel Harbour. King's Dock Ahamo. No. 1 Dock Lch. "Lady Gulllemard." No. 2 Dock Klnta. ruesaay, Juiy hip. alongside the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 THE GIFT SHOP 33, STAMFORD ROAD. The Ideal House for Gifts suitable for Birthdays, Weddings, etc., at lowest possible cash prices. Neddaeea, Rlnga. Broochri, Clips, Bracelets, Alice Bands, Earrings, English Crystals an 4 Beads, etc.. of every descrlptton and design m Rolled Gold, Platina, PUUnlm, Solid Silver and Chromium Plated.
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    • 596 3 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated tn PJtA) LLOYDS AGENTS:— BOOKING AGENTS, F.M.S. RLYS. AND SLAM STATES -AILWAY9 KLiraONßl freight 5431 Pataagc Iftl CANADIAN PACIFIC. (Incorporated Id »w^i«fM<> STEAMSHIPS LIMJ'I CD. ■TEAMSHIPS— RAJ--WAVS HOTELS— EXP HESS. (Incorporated la England). REDUCED FARES SINGAPORE TO EUROPE First Class From £106.4.6 Up OoMMettag with Canaittaa
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 TIDE TABLES. Tuesday. July 24. II W 945 a.m.. 7 ft. 5 in.. 8.10 pjn, 8 ft 8 In. L W 2 32 a.m., 2 ft 3 In.. 2.8 p.m.. 6 ft. Wrdnrxiay. July 25. H W. 10.37 a.m.. 8 ft. 1 in.. 9.16 p.m.. 9 ft. 3 in. L
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    • 70 3 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT. Stations lesterday Last night Max. Rainfall Bright Mm. temp. Ins. Sunshine temp. •F hrs. *F Alor Star 87 0.58 4.1 73 Sitiawan 88 0.38 4.8 74 K. Trengganu 89 0.02 9.7 72 Bukit Jeram 85 1.18 7.1 70 Malacca 83 Nil 5.7 77 Singapore (Kallang Aerodrome) 82
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 428 4 SITUATIONS VACANT When applying tor ant positran advertised tn these columns tend Mpies ol tsstlmerlala. De ax tea* Ttglaala LOCAL KMPLOYEBS ht-ving vacancies for Europeans are urged to consult the Chairman of the European Unemployment Committee at the Y.MCA.. Singapore. IMMEDIATELY bookkeeper with knowledge of English and Chinese. Slate salary.
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    • 822 4 HOUSES. FLATS TO LET NO. 1 INSTITUTION HILL. United Engineers Limited. BUNGALOW. No. 4. Angullla Park. Apply AnKullla Coy. FURNISHED FLAT Institution HUI Mansions. Gas, water and electricity. United Engineers Limited. No. 6, MT. ELIZABETH. Modern conveniences. Apply Nathan, 96 North Bridge Rd., Adelphi Bldg. TeL 48.-6. PASIR PANJANO HILL.
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    • 784 4 FOR SALE. A SECONDHAND 25 B.HP. Petter Engine. In good order. Caz> be seen at work. Apply Manager, Lanadron Estate, Muar. CHEAP SCRIBBLING PADS— FOR WORKSHOPS, SCHOOLS AND OFFICES— BEU ADVERTISEMENT— IN THIS ISSUE. CABIN MOTOR CBUISEB 26'x7'-6" Thornycroft i*— Hr n <l i englned and built sleeps 3, electric
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    • 674 4 BUSINESS CARDS, etc. "STOURCLIFF HOUSE" I (3 TANGIIN HILL) SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION. EXCELLENT CUISINE. (Modern Sanitation). COOL, QUIET. SELECT. VERT MODERATE TERMS. Every Convenience. Tel. 2478. Mra. S. J. Vincent. PUBLIC NOTICE PETALING TIN LIMITED. (Incorporated m F.M.S.) Notice is hereby given of the declaration of an interim dividend of 7tt%
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    • 1120 4 BUSINESS CARDS, etc. MB. A. C I,r,r:. registered architect, has now established aa office at room 57. (2nd floor). The Arcade. Singapore. F I T A R O Ladies Hairdressers, RUBBER STAMPS permanent waving. Of every description made to B y European Experts. Prices from 75 cSts upward*— $1 ONLY
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 178 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within Outside Without Mai* y I. Malaja PwUge. Monthly f MJ *-5t QuartrrlT f 85« SUM t 7.M Half Vearrj 1SjM Xearlj Note.— Ontatitton cheques should Inclnde the Bsnal bank dteewtnt. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Th ch»rtr« and lnslt*etlo«« ht CLASSIFIED ADVEKT1SEMKNTS mrc M •»4er:— 25 c»nts per
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  • 37 5 Following Is programme of PhohlHoiland (wavelength 16.88 M.): THURSDAY. JULY 26. 8 p.m. Station orchestra conducted by Leo Cohen. 820 Records. 8.35 Station orchestra. 8.55 Ta.k on literature by W. L. Leclorcq. 9.20 Station orchestra.
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  • 380 5 United States And Capital Ships. London, July 6. I gather that serious differences have already been revealed In the London talks preliminary to the Naval Conference to be held next year, writes the diplomatic correspondent of the Dally Telegraph. These differences refer to capital ships. The
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  • 218 5 Search For Bodies By Divers. Every tin In the bottom of the Sumlda river near Toklo for a long stretch below the Kototol bridge— and there are plenty of tins there— will be brought to the surface If necessary In the hunt by divers for the five kerosene
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  • 79 5 Empress Dowager's 50th Birthday. The fiftieth birthday of the Empress Dowager of Japan passed unobserved at the Omiya Palace on June 25. There was no celebration due to the 700th memorial service for the Emperor Chukyo which was held at the Imperial Sanctuary the same day. The celebration
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  • 80 5 First Royal Personage To Sign Own Name. At Canterbury Cathedral Festival on June 16 Sir Gerald Wollaston, Garter Principal King-of-Arms. lecturing on heraldry and chivalry, said the BlacK Prince, the 6O4th anniversary of whose birth fell that day. was the flri.t royal personage to sign his own
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 338 5 THE GREEN COW TAVERN CAMERON HIGHLANDS. Inexpensive ami Homely Holidays. Run by a European Lady. 5,300 ft. above sea level. Dairy Butter, Milk Cheese, Home grown vegetables and Salads. No Tin Foods. No Fuss. No Frills. Licensed Bar. $5,'- per day inclusive $5/Telephone Cameron Highlands 35. IN6URANCE FIRE-ACCIDENT-MOTOR FIDELITY GUARANTEE-MARINE-WORKMEN'S
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 349 5 8.8.C. PROGRAMME. Following are Empire wireless programmes: TODAY. 6.20 a.m. England vs. Australia. An Eye-Wltness Account of Play In the Fourth Test Match by Howard Marshall. Relayed from Headingley Cricket Qrounds, Leeds. 6.30 Interlude 6.35 A Shanty Party. 7.5 Talk. 7.20 Dance Music. 8.5 The News. 9.5 p.m. The News
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    • 136 5 Today 's Cross wo rd Puzzle i^Z~Z*Z (CLUES.) ACROSS. 1» Claim 22. Person of royal Mood I. Building structure JJeu! 6. Fielders ll fff!? 1 Commanding M <~ orT ra 10. Joins 11. Enters a train 13. Funeral carriage is! Freed* Trcn stone* Solution Of Yesterday' 19. Marionettes 20. Teli
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  • 2055 6 Summer Harvest In Theatreland— Men In White" —"The Maitlands "—Cyril Maude, Playwright News Of Notabilities Elisabeth Bergner St Joan— Films: The Best Of A Bad Lot. (From Our Own Correspondent.) STRAITS TIMES OFFICE, Fleet Street, July 13. FT is a remarkable sign of
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  • 224 6 Mr. Thomas And Cabinet Of Nonconformists. Mr. J. H. Thomas, Secretary for the Dominions, engaged in a battle of wits with Mr. Q. Howard Ferguson, High Commissioner for Canada, at the Dominion Day dinner at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, W. The Duke of York, who was the
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  • 80 6 Lord Stonehaven, Chairman of the Conservative Party Organisation, speaking at a meeting of the 1912 I Club In London, revealed that the National Government propaganda is being paid for by an unnamed admirer. Lord Stonehaven said: "We have been given the grant for the propaganda by
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  • 77 6 Sequel To Confidences In Gaol Cell. Meyer Wrobel and Gasper Parlsi of Chicago, both charged with stealing [auto accessories, were put In the I same gaol cell and grew confidential Wrobel admitted he had stolen an auto radio at a certain spot on a certain night. Why,
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  • 1096 6 Girl Awarded £500 Damages Against Producer. Judgment having been given against him In the High Court. Capt. Walter Summers, a film producer, of Welwyn Garden City, was cited as defendant In an action brought In the Hertfordshire Sheriff's Court by a 19-year-old
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 CnJj V ji^"* ill V infection Wheels Ulhisky THf \nIIKN AGENCIES LTD. CALCUTTA CHEMICAL CO., Hi. < Incorporated m India i 8, Raffles Chambers, Singapore. Phone 4»7« FOLRNIER'S HYGENIQUE MIXTURE TONIC ELIXIR World Wide Reputation. Refuse Substitutes. Sold by ail Chemlsu and Stores and ™rjtAL DISPENSARY, Raffle* rv.-iare, Seaport, FOR
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    • 26 6 for every purpose I^*T^ '"^^^^f^ where really good Cr^^^i^^S^^ milk is required. fj^^wyJ^^ Retail from all stores 1^ 10 cents tfr^^^veETt^^jpß "IDEAL" MILK is ENGLISH Milk.
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  • 85 7 81 -Year-Old Man's Suicide Attempt. Death beckoned George Dunsmore. 81. who believed he was "only in the way." He hobbled on his crutches to a barn and shot himself with a .22 calibre rifle, says a message from Modesto, California. The bullet ranged through his Jaw
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  • 39 7 The discovery of a number of valuable old Chinese manuscripts is reported from Tachlkistan. Russian Central Asia, of which the most valuaMr is a government decree, dated 706 A.D.. being instructions lor the Xrontier garrisons m Tibet.
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  • 1115 7 14 G.W." Gloried In Dangers And Thrills. Annemarie Lesser, Germany's most famous woman spy daring the war, when she was known as "14 G.W.", Is dead— she died at the age of 40 m a Swiss mental home. Then a dellcatcly-bulH, beautiful woman, fascinating to
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  • 243 7 Programme of Drills up to and for week ending July 29: Tuesday July 24, 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, Armd. Car Sec, Crew Drill and 30 yards Range. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, "C" (Scottish) Coy.. Platoon Training. 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, "E (Chinese) Coy., Platoon Training, 5.15 p.m.. Headquarters, M.G.P1. (Eurasian) Miniature
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  • 103 7 Shot Tower Wharf To Be Offered For Sale. A Thames-side landmark— the Shot Tower Wharf, with its big tower on the south side of the river near Waterloo station— is to be offered for sale by the direction of the Council of the Duchy of CornwalL It has
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  • 95 7 A commltee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association is to be held on Tuesday. July 31. in thp Singapore Exchange Room at 5 p.m. The agenda is as follows: 1. To confirm minutes. 2. Matters arising therefrom: (a) Moneylenders Bill; (b) Transfer of Members; (c) Election of Vice President;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 PAVILION 6.15 9.15 THE SCREENS FIRST "MUSIC-HALL" SHOW! delightful entertainment seeing this picture one felt one was actually In a London must* I hall, wilh this difference, that a 1 the show was much better than I anything supplied at r»en the best halls. No finer compliment coald be paid
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    • 121 7 J J» fOMSTMS! 200 LOVELY GISLS! 60 GORGEOUS MODELS! 1% IffISHIONS Of 1934 p Nf&«l^i ItM jniufn '42nd StrMt," "Gold Oig«*n.- "fertOaJM j \3 By toad*" bring you til* fast word la »nl.rtolnm.r,'l /X Firit National^H HE hNFHI G/ ScaMrioa tuning *Q\ I WILLIAM POWELL jVl^K^B^^^A^B^ O VEREE TEASOALE ■BlBLbM^W^.^L
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  • 224 8 Shares Steady But Tin Neglected. (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, July 24. There was no lesponse in London or New York yesterday to the steadiness of the Eastern markets. A certain amount of profit taking occurs at the present level of prices and in some quarters a
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  • 208 8 Singapore, July 24, 12 noon. Buyer. Seller. Gambler 400 Java Cube 7.25 Hamburg Cube 7.25 White Muntok Pepper 30.75 White Pepper 29.75 Black Pepper 13.00 Mixed Black Pepper Copra, sundried 2.95 Copra, mixed 2.50 2.50 Small Flake Tapioca 4.10 Fair Flake Tapioca 4.00 Med. Pearl Tapioca 5.50 Small Pearl
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  • 71 8 Europe < London malls disci July 5). by Rajula due at Pcnang 6 a.m. on Thursday, the 26th m China and Japan by Morloka Muru due at Singapore this afternoon tv China by Soudan due at .>on tomorrow. From China and Japan by Kashlma Maru due at Singapore
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      • 460 8 Issue Val. Pd. 4/- 4/- Ampat Tin £1 £1 Asam Kumbang £1 £1 Austral Malay 5/- 6/- Ayer Hitam Buyers 6/4% 37/6 15/Sellers. 6/9 40/52/6 16/1 1 1 Ayer Weng £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 2.12% 3* 9 2.20 cd35/6 £1 £1 Changkat Tin £1 £1 Chenderiang 61/10/9 50 50
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      • 298 8 issue Val. Pd Buyer* Sellers. 1 1 Malacca Electric Ord. 1.70 1.75 1 1 Malacca Electric Pref. 1.95 10 10 Maynard Co. 2.90 1 1 Malayan Breweries I.B2 2.02 Vi 3.10 1.8714 50 50 McAlister Co. 79.00 10 5 Overseas Ass. Corp. 6.00 40 40 Overseas Ch. Bk. Corp.
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      • 138 8 Singapore Municipal ft p.C of 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 108 112 nom. Singapore Municipal 4Vfc p.c of 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 110 115 nom. Singapore Municipal 4 1 /z *c of 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 110 115 nom. Singapore Municipal 4 p.c. of 1913 red. 1963 $2,000,000
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      • 364 8 Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prices Fraser Lyall Evatt Co. Allenby ($1) 1-75 1.85 1.75 1.80 Alor Gajah ($1) 1-32% 1.40 1.35 1.40 A. Hitam ($1) 1.60 LJi 1.60 1.70 A. Malay ($2) 3.00 3.15 3.10 3.20 A. Molek ($1) 1-25 1-35 1.20 1.30
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    • 223 8 The following are the exchange rates this morning, according to the daily circular issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING. London, 4 montjhs' sight 2/4 11, 64 London, 3 months' sight 2/4 5/32 London, 60 days' sight 2/4 9/64 London, 30 days' sight 2/4 >/
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    • 84 8 Rugby, July 21. foreign exchanges today were:— Amsterdam 7.46 Athens 525 sellers. Berlin 12.95 > 2 Bombay 1/6 3/64 Brussels 21.63 Bucharest 505 Buenos Aires 36 >4 sellers official. Copenhagen 22.391/* Geneva 15.48 Helsingfors 226 t Hong Kong 1/5^8 Lisbon 110i/ 8 Madrid 36 15 16 Milan 58 27
      British Wireless  -  84 words
  • 70 8 Noon, July 24. R.S.S. equal to London Standard: Buyers. Sellers. Spot (loose) 23% 237 a (F. 0.8.) July 23 X 24 Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Buyers. Sellers. Aug.-Sept. 24" t. Oct.-Dec. 25i. 2 25% Jan.-Mar. 26t/ B 26V4 Apr.-June 26vi$ 27 Tone of Market: Dull
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  • 245 8 T«*ay. Netherlands India:— Bagan (Hong Thong) ..3pm. Bengkalis, Laboean Blllk T Balei (Rokan) 3 P" 1 Fort de Kock. Padang. Pakan Baroe. Siak Selat Pandjang 'Hong Kwong) 3 p m. Java. South West-Sumatra. 8 -East Borneo Celebes. Moluccas St T. DUly (Olang Seng) P m. Tomorrow. DJambi.
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  • 37 8 l.d. ATTD. By Spore London :ont« Rosso Jvne 14 July 3 van Olden barneve It Jun- 18 July 9 CaraRola June 14 July Uiwalpindi June 22 July Ifl a roa June 28 July 23
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  • 103 8 The rate of Issue Is Rs. 155 $100. The rate of payment Is Rs. 157 $100. The rate of payment Is the rate current on the day of receipt of the Money Order Advice by the Straits Settlements Post Office. The rates of Issue of Money Orders drawn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

    • 798 9 Future Of Debts Clearing Office Plan. London, July 7. Relations between the British and German delegates In the debt negotiations were rightly not disturbed by the distressing Internal events In Germany, and the talks were consequently able to evolve an agreement which has been received with relief In
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    • 1322 9 "INDUSTRY MADE CAPTIVE" SAYS SUNGEI BESI CHAIRMAN. How tin restriction seriously affected Sungel Best Mines Ltd. was emphasised by Mr. C. V. Thomas (chairman) In his speech at the company's annual meeting In London on July 11. "The company's output for the year Mr. Thomas said, was
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    • 513 9 William Jacks And Co.'s Report. The report from London, dated June 27, of William Jacks and Co., states: World markets should not have been affected In the way they have been by the present position in Germany, as since 1919 that country and Russia have successfully devoted their
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    • 101 9 The following Index numbers represent the estimated monthly traffic receipts of Cable and Wireless, Limited, as related to comparable traffic In the year 1929: January February March April May June July August September October November December 1930 1931 1932 1933 1931 96.0 76.3 73.4 69 9 71.8 95.7
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    • 64 9 Lambak Rubber. Ltd., directors' report «t ites: Planted Area— The cultivated area remains at 3,346.03 acres, of which approximately 2,515 acres are mature The planted area has been adequately upkept. Output.— The output for the year amounted to 1.118,117 lb. Accounts.— The profit for the year after providing
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 640 9 BANKING. HONG KONG SHANGHAI B/NKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated In Hong Kong) The liability of members to limited to the extent and In manner prescribed by CMUnance No. 8 of 1920 of the Colony. fI*AD OFFICE: HONG «<£GAuthorised CaplUl f^ 0 0 0 0 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Be»erve Funds:—
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    • 81 9 r35 I ABSOLUTELY INSIST... I TV x <7( ...on having o -KlßlKi" tozot b(od«, becous«. due Jl i *o obs«nc» of ony kind of ridgt, it enables me to t *-/W v fV« «hoy« better, ond it wears longer. V^ Y~fif c-Iftv you don> know "K't'K'" *Wg«'«« Sharpened Razor Blade,
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    • 411 9 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK 01? INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853) Paid Up Capital la 800.000 shares or f5 each £3.000.000 Reserve Fund £3 000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000,000 HEAD OFFICE: IS. Blshopsfate, London E.CJ. AjrnU ana Branch**. Alor Star nciio Sa BOB Amrttaar Ipon
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    • 66 10 PANG. Mrs. S. C. Pang (nee Boey Yee Koo) passed away peacefully at her residence, No. 15 Mandalay Road, at 10 p.m. on July 23. 1934, at the age of 70. She leaves behind two sons, two daughters, two daughters-in-law, two sons-in-law, tv.o adopted daughters, one adopted son-in-law and
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    • 65 10 Mrs. Poh Poo Yong and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many friends and relatives, members of the various clubs and associations, students and stiff of the Chinese Schools, who paid night visits and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Poh Poo Yong. and also
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  • 948 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1934. A QUESTION OF FAITH. We wish to draw particular attention to a letter which is printed <n Page Seventeen of this issue. The writer of that letter, who signs himself Truth," starts out with a criticism of the speeches de livered at
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  • 717 10 THE EURASIAN REVIEW. We have received a copy of the flrst Issue of the Eurasian Review which is published in Penang and described as the official organ of the Eurasian Association of British Malaya." Its object is to present quarterly a candid survey of Eurasian economic,
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  • 1168 10 MURDER— BY TELEPATHY! (By H. Harvey -Day.) What would Scotluna Yard do if they were called in to investigate some of the mysterious "sudden deaiihs" that take place in Darkest Africa? Clues? None. Signs of foul play? None. In this article the author describes c method of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 105 10 DRESSWEAR--OF DISTINCTION jgy* *V&£ Embodies the master Br touches of Style and Design that ensures superiority of mateclass workmanship. YOUR DRESS ACCESSORIES ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT, and here you will tind our comprehensive stocks of invaluable assistance in completing your outfit. DRESS COLLARS in J i sizes 0.50. each. DRESS TIES
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    • 169 10 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY LIMITED. Collyer Quay, Singapore. THE "QUEENS AFFAIR" LATELY SHOWN AT THE PAVILION. Hear the favourite Theme Songs and dancei on COLUMBIA RECORDS ANNA NEA6LE-STAR OF "THE QUEEN" It-inch D ***** TONIGHT (Film, "The Queen")— Duet by ANNA NEAGLE A TREVOR' JONES. With Geraldo and His Orchestra
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  • 209 11 STATE TO EXPLOIT THE MINES. Rich Deposits Found In Yanping County. PREMIER'S APPEAL. China Must Forget Past Glories. Hong Kong:. July 24. The Kwangtung Government has issued an order prohibiting farther gold mining in the Yanping District. The provincial government wrl exploit the
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 11 The coaching season begins. Competitors In the Richmond Coaching Marathon crossing Hammersmith Bridge. Horse-drawn passenger vehicles, once one of the commonest sights of London, now attract the curious attention of passers-by. Behind the coaches, motor-cars and motor-buses wait impatiently for an opportunity to pass.
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  • 326 11 Premier's Appeal To The Nation. Shanghai. July 24. If China does not forget her past glories and settle down to hard work to keep abreast of the world, China is doomed, declared Mr. Wang Ching-wel. the Prime Minister, in a stirring speech at the weekly memorial service
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  • 410 11 Control Relaxed. AIR DEFENCE EXERCISES THIS WEEK. Rugby, July 21. London will be the centre of the annual air exercises in connection with Britain's air defence during the first four days of next week. These exercises are designed as a test of Royal Air Force
    British Wireless  -  410 words
  • 114 11 "Bunch Of Junk And Death Contraptions." New York. July 23. The death roll In the bus disaster Is now 16. The District-Attorney has severely criticised the bus company and declared the buses are "a. bunch of Junk and death contraptions." He has ordered four buses to be seized
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  • 95 11 Copenhagen. July 23. The Hamburg-South American liner Monte Rosa with a large passenger list grvw.ided In a fog on a submerged at Glyvurnea, near Stroemoe In the Faroe Islands. The Monte Rosa was steaming very cl^vlv wh«r> stir grounded od the reef. The 1.200 passengers, mostly
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  • 170 11 But Early Water Famine Anticipated. London, July 23. Thunderstorms turned large areis In the south of London into lakes yesterday evening At Beckenham 1 3 4 Inches of rain fell and at West Wickham, over four inches. At Hayes a landslide blocked a railway cutting
    170 words
  • 74 11 Large Tracts Turning Into Desert. New York. July 23. It is feared that large tracts of Dakota. Nebraska. Montana and Minnesota will be converted Into a desert as the winds tear off the drought scorched top soil. The Agricultural Department, announces plans for a forest belt. 100
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 48 11 Millions Of People Hit In Chekiang. Shanghai, J11I7 23. Mr. Chan Yang-po, Commissioner of Public Works, has announced that the recent drought in the Province 01 Chekiang has done damage to harvests to the extent of ov^r $200,000,000 and has affected nearly 9.000.000 people. Union Times.
    48 words
  • 272 11 50,000 Families Made Destitute. Warsaw. July 20. While the rest of Europe is swelterIng in heat, which is almost without precedent, heartrending stories about the fate of victims of floods In ail parts of Poland are coming In from the scenes of disaster. The exact number of lives
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  272 words
  • 184 11 33 Local Journals Suspended. Berlin, July 18. A dozen of the Important foreign newspapers to which Germans lately have been turning to glean news of happenings In their own country are now banned, Including the Daily Telegraph. Le Matin, Le Temps, Le Journal. Die (Vienna).
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 490 11 Theatre Surrounded. CHICAGO POLICE CONGRATULATED. Chicago. July 23. Mr. Purvis, Chief Federal agent In, Chicago, learned on Saturday night from a secret source that DUUnger was attending a movie the following even- Ing and arranged to surround the cinema. He was actually watching from a
    Reuter  -  490 words
  • 65 11 Rumanian Objection To A Name. Bucharest, July 19. The Home Ministry issued on Wednesday an order restraining the import of the popular mineral water long known as "Franz Josef Bitter Wasser." declaring that its distribution in Rumania had a decided propaganda effect In favour of the Hapsburg cause.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  65 words
  • 306 11 Daily Bombings And Acts Of Outrage. GERMANY BLAMED. I Dollfuss May Appeal To 1 Mussolini And League. i Vienna. July 21. The tension in Austria has become more pronounced th.m recently. Daily bombinjj and acts of sabotage arc attributed by the I'nder-Secretary for lMih'ic Security to
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  306 words
  • 138 11 Sabotage On Soviet Railways. Moscow. July 24. The activities of a vast spy organisation, chiefly occupied In gleaning data on the Soviet Far Eastern Kailway communications, were exposed at the trial of a band of arrested persons before the military collegium in the Soviet Supreme Court. The organisation,
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 25 11 Berlin, July 19. Count V3n Der(?oltz has become the new leader of Germany's economic life m succession to Dr. Kessicr. Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 286 11 T The general economic pressure on the gold bloc remaim. Intense as is evident from the large loss sustain^ last year by the Hotel Continental, which is well known to visitors to Paris, the chairman stating that the world monetary situation was diaastrous
    Reuter  -  286 words

  • Article, Illustration
    9 13 Malay wonr.en frequently do their washing by the roadside
    9 words
  • 75 13 Fatal Ending To Motor Accident. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. July 23. A fatal accident occurred yesterday morning at the 3rd mile Klang Road, Port Swettenham. when a private motor car, belonging to a Tamil, collided with a bicycle. It appears that four Chinese were travelling on bicycles
    75 words
  • 149 13 Singapore Man's Escape. A mild sensation was caused In Argyll Road behind St. George's Girls' School on Saturday at about 3 o'clock In the afternoon, when a small car suddenly caught fire, says the Straits Echo. The owner of the car. Mr. Chan^ Tsin Chih. of Singapore,
    149 words
  • 61 13 Club House Opened At Malacca. 'From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca. July 21. The opening ceremony of the Estate Asiatic Stalls' Association was held this evening at the Association premises. 136, Lorong Panjang, In the presence of a large number of members and guests. The premises were tastefully decorated.
    61 words
  • 65 13 "A Cowardly Attack," Says Magistrate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. July 23. Remarking that It was a most cowardly attack on a blind man, the Seremban magistrate, Mr. V. W. W. S. Purcell, today, sentenced a Chinese, Chen Hong Len, to six months rigorous Imprisonment, for voluntarily
    65 words
  • 107 13 Five Fatal Accidents In A Year. Railway travel Is iA'.e said Luang Suriyabongse Blsudhlbaedya. chief medical officer of the Royal State Railways, in an address to the Bangkok Rotary Club. He said that in Siam the total train kilometres run In 1932 was 5,180,434. In the same
    107 words
  • 95 13 Mr. Lu Tsze Chuan At Seremban. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, July 23. Mr. Lu Tsze Chuan. the new Chinese Consul at Kuala Lumpur, was welcomed today at Seremban. The Chinese school band played at the reception In his honour. A brief i tribute was paid to the
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  • 122 13 Centenary Celebrations At Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, July 21. The Chinese Christians in Malacca and neighbouring outstations will hold a centenary celebration In memory of the death of Robert Morrison, D.D., next week. The Chinese mission of Christ Church has organised a special committee to
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  • 167 13 Broke Bottle Over His Head. Having suffered for a long time with a terrible pain in his head, Chla Yuen Leong, a Hakka Chinese, who recently arrived from Netherlands India, thought he would knock it out. So he picked up a bottle and brought It down with all
    167 words
  • 94 13 Minister's 46 Years In Siam. Dr. Hugh Taylor, of Nan, Is leaving shortly for America. He Is retiring after a service of 46 years In Siam under the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. One of Dr. Taylor's last actions before leaving Siam was to visit the burial
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  • 57 13 The Band of the S.S. Police, under the direction of Mr. F. E. Minns, will perform the following programme, weather permitting, at Telok Ayer on July 25. commencing at 9 p.m.: Overture, Stradella (Flotawr. Selection Tonl (Hirsch); Selection. Reminiscences of Verdi (Godfrey) Fantasia. Alpine Echoes (Herfurth); Potpourri, Tangled
    57 words
  • 427 13 Sunday, July 15. The Hon. Sir Arnold Robinson and Miss Robinson, Captain I. B. B. Tower, R.N., Captain C. G. Sedgwick, R.N.. Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, Mrs. HopeFalkner, Commander H. A. Packer, R.N., Commander A. S. Lindsell, R.N., Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hope-Falkner and Miss Bell
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  • 404 13 Passenger On Shirar Charged. After the evidence of a warder In the civil prison had been recorded yesterday the hearing was again adjourned in the criminal district court before Mr. H. A. Forrer, in the case in which Kwok Kai is charged with possession of
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  • 101 13 Sikhs Said To Have Used Abusive Language. Four Sikhs who were charged with criminal intimidation yesterday in the second police court before Mr. N. Grice, were informed that the charge had been amended. The men were then re-chargetl with using abusive language to a compatriot which was likely
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  • 136 13 Learning To Drive In Tank Road. If you are learning to drive a car do not do it in Oxley Rise or Tank Koad. For doing so Miss Noelle Frantle of Oxley Rise was fined $2 by the fourth magistrate, Mr. C. H. Whitton Miss Frantle was
    136 words
  • 73 13 \n. R. L. Daubeny, an Officer of Class 11, has been appointed to act as District Officer, Kuchlng. Mr. W. P. N. L. Dltmas, an Officer of Class 111, has been appointed to act as Assistant District Officer, Simanggang. Abang Hajl Adenan has been appointed to k
    73 words
  • 26 13 The tenth annual conference of planters' will be held under the auspices of the Incorporated Society of Planters at Port Dickson, commencing on Friday. Aug. 24.
    26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    175 13 Japanese Fined Under 1 Passport Ordinance. For allowing two Japanese to leave the Colony in one of the Company's ships without having their passports endorsed, the manager of Tshlhara Sangyo Kaiun Koshi, Ltd., of Union Building, was fined $10 by the fourth magistrate, Mr. C. H. Whitton yesterday.
    175 words
  • 431 13 Mr. Gordon Wong is scenario editor of one of the English film studios. Mr. G. D. Kidd, of Pahang Consolidated Ltd., has returned from home leave. i Mr. John Hands, M.C.H., has returned to Kuala Lumpur from his holiday m England. Mr. H. H. Brown, of the
    431 words
  • 212 13 Kruschen Took It Off Again! A woman gene's the following account of the consequences of a motor accident m which she was Involved: "A year ago I had a very bad motor accident, which left me more or less a cripple. Having to He
    212 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 109 13 Vvhy one should use a medicated soap daily. In hot and humid climates an abundance of small and Infinitesimal organisms are harboured by the skin, causing eruptions and painful inflammations. These •re not prevented by the use of ordinary toilet-soaps which have no disinfectant properties. On the other hand, 'Afridof'soap
      109 words
    • 158 13 X L G SPARK PLUGS ENSURE A QUICK AND CERTAIN START Fit K. L. G. Plugs to your car, and the engine will respond instantly to the starter. Even combustion of fuel will provide smooth running and economy m petrol consumption. MALAYAN MOTORS LIMITED. 14 20. ORCHARD KOAD. PHONE 5484-5-6-7.
      158 words

  • 425 14 England's Tremendous Task 196 Wanted To Save Innings Defeat. MARINES WIN EASILY. Pulau Brani Fail In Front Of Goal. Marine Dcpt. 4; Pulau Brani 2. The Marine Department played much the better football to win their Second Division game against Pulau Brant by 4—2 at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday
    425 words
  • 61 14 A general meeting of the Clerical Union will be held at the club premises on Saturday next at 2.30 p.m. To elect a chairman, hon. secretary, assistant hon. sports secretary, captains of football. hockey, ping-pong, badminton, cricket, tennis and billiards and a playground superintendent A!■A 'he Sunrise Baimin-
    61 words
  • 141 14 Jack Hobbs. i From Our Own Correspondents London. July 23. Famous cricketers' comments on the fourth Test, appearing m the evening newspapers, arc as follows Jack Hobbs (Star) "The running out of Hammond was probably a decisive ealamlty. and the outlook is very gloomy. Only
    141 words
  • 77 14 Australians And Fifth Test Match. (By Air Mail.) London, July 11. It is understood that the manager of the Australian touring team. Mr. H. Bushby, approached the M.C.C. at the request of the Australian Board of Control to make arrangements for the fifth Test match at the Oval to be
    77 words
  • 1464 14 Six Wickets Fall For 80 Runs. Australia collapsed sensationally yesterday on the third day of the fourth Test match at Leeds, and lost their remaining six wickets for the addition of only 80 runs. Their total was 584. England began their second innings, and when stumps were
    Reuter  -  1,464 words
  • 421 14 Singapore-Selango r Badminton Match. (By Our Badminton Correspondent.) Considerable interest is being taken by badminton enthusiasts throughout the country In connection with the forthcoming inter-State match between Singapore and Selangor which is to be played at the Federal Capital during the August Holidays. This match for the first time In
    421 words
  • 364 14 Lott And Stoefen Win Doubles Tie. London, July 23. The Davis Cup match between Australia and the United States was continued at Wimbledon today when Crawford and Quist met Lott and Stoefen in the doubles. The exhilarating and terrific pace of the Americans practically swept the Australians from
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 28 14 Correct solutions ii Tr.e Sunday Times Picture Puzzle Competition No. 11, published on 'uly 15, are Bridge. Hunt. Hoops. Fleet, Hill. Pine, Fry, Victor, Driver, Collier.
    28 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 91 14 SAJLE! CROSSLEY SMALL OIL ENGINES ley' En do— d Type Horizontal Small Oil Engine, Lgricultural duties, represents a distinct advance m Small Oil Engine design. price of this superior m^S^^^^^. II /'i grade British made ijl E^^bt ne will In- found to be V "litive with the so- nd H/JR
      91 words
      3 words

  • 749 15 WILTSHIRES SHARE SIX GOALS. Reinstatement Of M.F.A. Footballers Military Teams Divide Honours. Pulau Brani Earn A Point. Wiltshire* 3; Pulau Brani 3. The playing pitch at Anson Road Stadium was In a \>ad condition, yesterday In spite cf the efforts of the ground staff to bale out pools of water,
    749 words
  • 98 15 Cup Challenger Leaves For U.S.A. London. July 23. Amid cheers of thousands gathered at all vantage points on the shore and in rowing boats and launches in the harbour the America's Cup challenger, Endea- roar, escorted by the motor yacht, Vila, sailed from Gosport at noon. I'nion Jacks fluttered
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 180 15 Japanese Young Men Surprise. A surprise was In store for those who assembled on the St. Josephs diamond last Sunday afternoon to witness the first meeting in the League games between the Japanese Young Men and the Singapore Cubs. The latter started off well by smacking up six
    180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    74 15 Competitors who took part in the quarter-finals of the Singapore open mixed doubles badminton championship. Standing (left to right): Wee Eng Sianc. Gan Hock Kee, Tap Chin Tee, E. J. Vass, Michael Tan, Tan Chwee Hock, Koh Keng Siang and Seah Eng Hee; Sitting, Miss Mary Lim, Miss O. de
    74 words
  • 691 15 Overwhelming Victory In French Open Final Le Touquet, London, July 13. Miss Pamela Barton, aged 17, of the Royal Mid-Surrey Golf Club, today won the women's open golf championship of France. She defeated Mile. Denise Lavigne. of the St. Germain Club, by 11 and 9,
    691 words
  • 87 15 Weather permitting, the Garrison Lawn Tennis Association tournament will be continued this afternoon when the following ties are down for decision: 1 D.m. Travers vs. Gatehouse Hamilton vs. Evans Hill vs. Goatcher Allen vs. Muschamp Hyland and Woodall vs. Uden and Brown. 5 ojm. R.N. vs. Wilts. Regiment
    87 words
  • 97 15 Tuesday, July M. Football: First Divtaion. Chinese vs. IndoCeylooeae, Anson Rood Stadium; Second Division, S.C.C. vs. RAJ., 8 C.C Police vs. Straits Cattle, Jalan Besar Stadium; Oovt. League, Second Division, AuditTreasury vs. Survey, J C.S A Friendly, Raffles Institution v*. St. Andrew's School, Raffles Inst. Wednesday, July 25.
    97 words
  • 319 15 Unanimous Recommendation By S.A.F.A. Council. At a meeting of the Council of tne Singapore Amateur Football Association, held at Anson, Road Stadium last night, consideration was given to a letter signed by 15 of "^a Malay footballers who were c rr.ed In the charges of professionalism, which
    319 words
  • 90 15 I.C.F.A. To Meet Chinese At Anson Road. The Indo-Ceylonese meet the Chinese in a First Division match at Anson Road Stadium this afternoon. The previous meeting between these teams resulted in the Chinese winning by 10 0. The teams for today's game are as follows Indo-Ceylonese Muthucumaru P.
    90 words
  • 112 15 Muar Defeat Batu Pahat In Thrilling Game. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, July 22. In the Arab Cup Competition, the Government English School, Muar. playing at home beat the Batu Pahat English School by 3 1. The game was fast and thrilling. The first half saw the visitors
    112 words
  • 124 15 Unconnected With Charges Of Professionalism. In the Straits Times of March 29, a photograph was published of the M. F. A. players who went on the tour to Java, out of which arose charges of professionalism resulting in the disqualification of 20 players of the Malay
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  • 90 15 Poland Beat Belgium In Qualifying Round. Warsaw, July 23. In the qualifying round of Davis Cup (1935) competition Poland eliminated Belgium by four matches to one. Results. I. Tloczynskl (Poland) beat c. Naeyaert (Belgium), 6 4, 10—8, 8-b. J. Hebda (Poland) beat A. Lacroix (Belgium), 6 0, 6—4,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 541 16 Al Rivers and Arthur SuaTes will meet at the Great World Stadium, Kirn Seng Road, on Aug. 4. The following wrll represent the Roxy XI against the P.W.D. on Saturday on the Nondescripts' ground at McNair Road. Low Kee Choc, Chia Keng Hock. T. Cordeiro, E. Le
    Reuter  -  541 words
  • 565 16 Europeans Force A Draw At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 22. The annual match between the Europeans and the Rest for the De Silva trophy was drawn. The Europeans gained a lead of six runs on the first Innings thanks to sound batting by
    565 words
  • 326 16 Klang, July 22. In the last game school game of the season the Anglo-Chinese School, Klang, defeated Kajang High School at cricket by three wickets. Scores High School, Is*. Innings: Shariff run out 41, Muhlyuddin b Peter 1, Ponnlah b Sabapathy 6, Maruf run out
    326 words
  • 28 16 Playing at home the Ceylon Sports Club second eleven beat the Wilts! Ires (I eleven by tour wiclteU. 8undrain and Slnnathurai captured four
    28 words
  • 245 16 A sporting declaration by Chua Choon Leong enabled J. Edwards' XI to defeat the Chinese by five wickets at Hong Lim Green yesterday. Features, of the match were the fine batting of I Evan Wong and Douglas Ross, who both scored centuries. Scores S.CJt.C.
    245 words
  • 216 16 Segamat. July 21. Mr. R. W. Grant. Assistant Adviser, Segamat. who has been entirely responsible for the Malays taking up cricket In Segamat, must have been highly gratified wheji his team of Malays defeated an eleven from Kluang on the Segamat padang on Friday by an
    216 words
  • 235 16 Latest St. Leger Betting. London, July 23. The call over today lor the St. Leger, which will be run at Doncaster on Sept. 12 over a distance of a mile, six furlongs and 132 yards, was as follows: 9 to 4 Windsor Lad, taken and offered. 9 to 2 Colombo,
    235 words
  • 242 16 Batavla. July 19. The Batavia Nondescripts proved far too good for the Box "A" team when the teams met on the Box cricket ground on Sunday. Batting first the home side were dismissed for 61, Mackintosh, 23 not out, being the only batsman to show anything
    242 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Correspondence.
    • 1351 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, On reading the report of the speeches at the annual I.S.P. luncheon In London, one cannot help regretting the valuable opportunity that was lost of driving home more forcibly the present urgent needs of its members for better
      1,351 words
    • 1862 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— The old adage, about a certain nearness causing a certain blindness, seems to be exemplified by the present submissiveness of your Planting Correspondent to the dictates of the technical experts and the forestry enthusiasts. For my part, having m a
      1,862 words
  • 42 17 For rescuing a woman from a burnIng room, Mr. Harry Gray, 79, of Villette Place, Walte Street, Peckham. was at Lambeth police-court presented with a cheque and a certificate on behalf of the Soci.ty for Protection of Life from Fire.
    42 words
  • 44 17 Dame Sarah A. Lees, of Oldham, has given £1,000 to Manchester University m commemoration of the Jubilee of the admission of women students. The income Is to be used to assist women students to complete their studies m the university.
    44 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 85 17 troubled 9 PffWht with pir- |QJ Sl^Bii pies, ra-lies, rou^h or blotchy skin you owe it to yourself to try 4uf icura Soap. Delirattl v medicated and gently rrnnllitnt, it acts as a pro* m tion to the skin and as a prei iniive of skin troubles. Start using C'atlrara
      85 words
      232 words

  • 168 18 Brussels, July 20. The prestige of the Belgian Prime Minister, Comte De Broquevllle was Increased enormously through a great tactical victory won on Thursday by his dialectic adroitness. The central council of the Christian Trades Unions had met m Brussels to discuss the workers' attitude towards the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  168 words
  • 152 18 Kx-Germans May Lose Belgian Citizenship. Brussels. July 21. The much discussed law em.» /ering the Belgian Government to cancel the citizenship of naturalised aliens was passed by the Chambtr aiter a hot debate on Friday *iy the narrow mar- I gin of 85 votes to 78. I
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  152 words
  • 37 18 Rio de Janeiro. July 22. The country is anticipating that a Ml era will be opened by the election of Senor Getullo Vargas as President under the new liberal constitution promulgated yesterday. Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 163 18 Industry Subjected To Drastic Control. Berlin, July 20. Germans will have to pay more for clothes and textile goods as the result of the new decree subjecting the whole textile industry to drastic control by the Ministry of Economics. Supplies of wool, cotton and other raw fibres to
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 87 18 Trial Of Russian Bandits Broadcast. Moscow, July 19. Lisleners-In in Soviet Russia were afforded an opportunity of hearing a broadcast of the trial of three i bandits who have been sentenced to be shot for holding up and looting trains. The plan of the accused was to loosen metals
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 127 18 Mr. Norman And Mr. Harrison On Same Boat. London, July 19. The Governor of the Bank of England, Mr. Montagu Norman, accompanied by his wife, left on the North German Lloyd steamer Europa on Wednesday to travel In company with Mr. Harrissn, Governor of the New York Federal
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  127 words
  • 109 18 Built In Leningrad And Re- Assembled. Paris, July 10. The Russian emigre Press of Manchuria declares that submarines constructed in Leningrad have been transported in parts by rail to Vladivostok, where they are being assembled. About 60» speed-boats with torpedo tubes are also reported to have arrived
    109 words
  • 56 18 Vienna. July 20. A German translation of the latest boo* by Mr. Knickerbocker, an American Journalist, entitled Kommt Krieg m Europa <Is Europe facing war his been banned by the Austrian Government under provisions of the law for the protection of the State. The book first appeared
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  56 words
  • 148 18 Most Northern Port In The World. Moscow, June 17. A number of ports will be built along the Northern Sea Route, to supply the passing steamers wi«h fuel, fresh water and food, and to handle the freight traffic. The port at the Bay of Ti::i in the
    148 words
  • 41 18 Paris, July 18. M. Francois Coty, the well-known scent pfoducer and founder of the L'Ami dv Peuple who ls also the founder of the Fascist organisation, Solidarlte Francalse, is seriously ill. He is not expected to recover. Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  41 words
  • 51 18 Zurich, July 19. In connection with the Germanoi Swiss economic and financial negotlaI tlons that began m Berlin today, the Swiss Federal Council has instructed the Swiss delegates to inform Ger- many that her demand that interest ■on loans be reduced to 4 per cent. cannot be considered.—
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  51 words
  • 60 18 Paris. July 20. French scientists evidently underestimated the intensity of the clamour and din of street traffic because foghorn signals they devised to give Paris warning of the approach of "enemy" I bombing planes could not be heard ]by the public when they were tried out on Thursday.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  60 words
  • 140 18 Simultaneous Swoop In Paris And Milan. Paris, July 19. A long-sought band of International counterfeiters was finally run to earth on Wednesday by the combined action of the French and Italian secret services. This final success Is the culmination of three months' chase by detectives
    140 words
  • 64 18 Austria's Improved Finances. I Vienna. July 20. That Austria Is now out of th^ pawnshop Is commented by ono financial authority following the announcement that at the banrt's request, the Government has discontinued to guarantee deposits In the Credit Anstalt owing to Its strong position. The
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 75 18 London, July 19 On the Stock Exchange today the volume of business continued moaest owing to the approaching end of the fortnight account but the sentiment ls brighter and some good features were displayed, notably aviation shares which strengthened substantially on Mr. Baldwin's statement In the House of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 226 18 Try this free 10-day beauty treatment for your teeth Pepsodent Tooth Paste contains a special cleansing and polishing material that removes film quickly safely DONT miss this opportunity to get a fret Pepsodent the special film-removing tooth te n-day tube of Pepsodent Tooth Paste paste. Its new cleansing and polishing
      226 words
    • 519 18 BRITISH CARS. v uxh s-iite c ra h e:r' n s HJne New verj v I Mr. Leslie Walton. The President of he I*l a the Society of Motor manufacturers ""A a> *m im«B IB 1 and traders and Chairman of Vaux- cesstoj mM JA m/f HI J*. I hall
      519 words

  • 55 19 'Mm,, W»« Jilt. <l IUII \< II Ol I'KOMI I M»MII II II h '••**tl*4 In il». n." ml- Mr liLllff ihf him.. »w. rM«*v<af MM *rl«U i AW Mi.- r^f»«.U«. MM »1r Her iMtl^ WMM ttM ••<*«' "iwiicil Mr J9hH ■mM.,1 with MM (|MMtl. Ml
    55 words
  • 18 19 News And Pictures By Air Mail Illtp'l whii h Oh i I thHl a Mm i»WijW W*r* nwafM
    18 words
  • 18 19 Mnthrr Mr, Ami DiiiiirMrr 77. >h*fe nwmili r wm Mm i flow 1 uirlt i 1
    18 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 19 I I < I* r I ...I annual rrlrkM match tolwttn Harr«w ar.4 ri«n at
    14 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 19 I han*«ll»r Miller afMr^lnf Hi* R*kh,laf W»MI h* *«»laln*rl m th*m th* *f*nt* whlrh l*d lip In Ih* rw*n« m,,,,rr* af former m*mh*r, «»f «h* R*l<-h«Ua and »»4h*r, «fMwH r»f plnttlnc a»aln,l «hf> ltltl*r l)»T*rnmi>nl
    35 words
  • 180 19 WELCOME FIRED BY BRITISH GUNS. w««\he'. mat Mttt The? wcrn |l M »el«Mlt« n of m fUM three yenr* i vimt »»f^# the men nf Mil fiivi»'s with ftjti lie r vli*" "M iinlreritil F> I ti flea. O«(h' Salute iiml« IjPjtf lh« MMMMM of Rp«r
    180 words
  • 371 19 lamhrMv*. 1.1? 14. Mffurhrlda* Fair, hum a lli»n,nnd fMN am. haa h**n **nt >'< H*a»h In Ih* millr* of M, *,*Mill«n. laavM t hint nf rnmanc* «r ml*flvlii« Nnw, th*r*fnr*. I. a, Horrritrr nf fttnt* fur IH* Hntn* f>*aarl,ml on and «o f. MKRrnV
    371 words
  • 66 19 Hittorir Avenue In Punjrer. fclnrfiwr. Jnif n Rim tU**M* hit MtUtkMt ».<■ hit of rifflu i' Walk, miIkm?' M wJSS AHiMfCI M|ii#«<rl(ifi (if (Xvirf "i MHH MM imr im Onrt rwiM^fi th« rtlnpsw «#«k M<> w»i»n Imth »f«^ W»r rt-r fMI fmm#f»im»> Kt^p* MM lak^n
    66 words
  • 124 19 Hill Me Wan A I way Nice NHrrwnrcK Lm4m. Jn\f II A MttOOlHtMttr. WhO WM MM 10 h«»* rtnwt hi* wile. app*ar«l at Hlfthiftte. K, •tMatgi it wIMi p^Ml*(#nt rt u^itv Mi> H trnofrt «Mff Mtijlituii, -< Af««4M, CrtmfAi fid N m. wife. Mid that bHi«*
    124 words
  • 230 19 Austrians Rush To Join Churches. More Converts Than Accommodation, ■'</ i An Mtfaorrtlnarr pi "ll«l mm iifp in n Mornlrm V«*< roprpiw,.' JTMt. I rtispiRin t» ||m Bf VlMiim Mr M Rnnlfx (hi* t**t hu h fffoM Allfltri i mm "The ptKNI »t.,i lr,f Iho munl«l|wllti«| M*m ♦Irog nn« nfifl
    230 words
  • 46 19 "GRIEVOUS INCREASE" IN CRUELTY. fhililrrn Suffer. \l II Ml MM In \h Iftwarri* rhllitrPH h «»ni- nnriNMl twr* at Ihf Nullnn M> lh^ tf hIMrf HinhMi mwitti IN I NM In i" "<W(llflR Whirl. I ly b«i»« slmwlfiu p/T( r'Mims will' MMtfpri tn WlHi rut Ififix
    46 words
  • 32 19 \llll If \V;^ Ih,!.,,,- llfiil WV WMpii |H« sl.iH- temp. MMfK>M .s .;t W A cap*. Two hi" Thrw i' c Two p Iftfi <«r ii !.<• mim> h^r frl*nrt>
    32 words

  • Article, Illustration
    257 20 Jt/VENILE cowboys at a kiddies' rodeo held near Melbourne. (Planet News.) LITTLE MARY LLOYD off to school at Besseis Green, Kent, m the pony -cart drawn by Joe, the pony, and accompanied by Betsy, the sheep, who insists upon following; the pony. (Planet N.) MABEL, the hippopotamus at the Zoo
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