The Straits Times, 26 August 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,257. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1926. PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 Till-: EVEKTDAY MILK. A ROYAL TRIBUTE FOR BEAR J|s| 4 BRAND GENUINE SWISS .MILK. It may not be generally hmnvn that one of the very first to appreciate the value of "BEAR BRAND" Milk was Her Late Majesty Queen Alexandra, and it is interesting to note that as Princess of
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    • 4 1 < UILKMAIU HEM v HI.X.
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  • 932 2 English Duchess Fined For "Speeding." National Savings Certificates now total 775,958,839. Mr. C. M. Wells has retired from the position of assistant master at Eton College. Brondesßbry High School frirls have raised £100 to help a schoolfellow to take up a scholarship at Oxford. The Metropolitan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 HEAT/ Build up your strength to resist it! Don't let the heat prostrate you! Take Wincarnis, the 40 years' old tonic that 10,000 Doctors have recommended. From the first glass you will feel your strength coming back, new life and vigour returning to your limbs. For Wincarnis is a food
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    • 304 2 Cuticura Heals Irritating Rashes Don't suffer with itching, burning rashes, eazemas or irritations when Cuticura Soap and Ointment will quickly relieve and heal. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. Nothing quicker or safer than Cuticura Soap and Ointment for all skin troubles. So.p.
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    • 72 2 Write for the latest list EASON Co., Ltd. Ill and 113, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. WISDOM When contemplating the purchase of a Camera means choosing a Contessa(M) Nettel Prices $15.00 to $350.00. Obtainable from all first-class dealers throughout Malaya. Improved Model PORTABLE Price only $9O UNDERWOOD PATERSON, SIMONS CO LTD, (Incorp»rmt»
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  • 1263 3 Increase in Volume of Trade Returns. In a preparatory note to the annual Administration Roport (1926) of the State of KeJantan, the acting British Advisor paints a* that within the State behind a llow sandy coast-line of sdme CO miles in length (there extends a flat of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 4wBI k^V^^*9b^^C=K) 490e^^sY < 4 94 Tv»t P Aii-Cium L- .r TKe These Machines have made name for themselves for reliability and economy. Price from $450. Call at our Town Office. Ilatterv Road, and satisfy yourself that the Cycle on view is just what you require. Particulars on application. UNITED
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    • 472 3 DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? H So It Most Probably Is Due To Run-Down Nerves and Your Need Is Dr. WILLIAMS* PINK PILLS. A Rangoon Merchant's Grateful Testimony. An aching buck is one of the commonest symptoms of ncrrous debility. Loss of energy is another. With both these troubles Mr. J.
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    • 709 3 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB NOTICE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1926. Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, September 4, 7, 9 and 11. Nine racet far Open HorMS Nine races for Ex-iiriffin Honws Nine races for Ex-Griffin Poniea Two races for Open Ponies. ADVERTISED STAKES, excluding Cupi and Added Honey, J51.000. FIRST RACE commences
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    • 811 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be reccivpil up to noon en Friday. August IMS, at the Colonial Secreiary'* Office, from persons desirous of contracting for the making up of uniforms, etc. for the TVisons, I'i>!ic<' and Marino Dcjmr'.mrnU, SiiiKiiporo. for th<- period commenctnic from September 1, l'J2O, to tho end of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 642 4 Shipping Announcements NiTiR« Lint (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINE Marseilles, London and Antwerp Vessels Tonnage Dua Sail f FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 Sspt. 2 3 HAKOZAKI MARU 10 500 Sept. 16 17 HAKUSAN MARU 10,500 Sept. 80 Oct. 7 KITANO MARU 8,000 Oct. 14 15 I!.' RUNA MARU 10.500 Oct. 28
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    • 472 4 THE SIAM STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Siam.) BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE. Pot KreUy, Kcniaman, Kelantnn, Bangnara. Telupin, I'atani. Singora, Lacon, Bandon, Kohsa- ami, Langstian, Chumpon and Bangkok. Arrival Departure PBACHATIPOK In port Aug. 26 MALINI Aug. .'<o Sept. 1 The Steamers are fitted throughout with electric light and have
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    • 516 4 n. I* M. (ROYIL PACKET KAY. CO. OF BATAVSA) (Incorporated la Holland) tinder contract with tie NETHERLANDS INDIAN GOVERNMENT Telephone No. 3610, with .lib-connections tc Pa.aage, Freight, Transhipment, Marine Depts. and Manager. De.k. Representatives for Singapore and Strait. Settlement, of the Official loarlat Boreas of Java. All information, detailed itineraries,
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    • 438 4 BURNS PHILP LINE (Incorporated ia A trail a) FOR SYDNET, MELBOURNE, Til JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAT ISLAND AND BRISBANE Regular ninthly .ailing, by the veil kaow« steamers MARELLA (7,375 ton.) and MALABAR 14,512 tons). The MARELLA i. the largest and finest steamer trading to Au.tralia. Cabin, de luxe, .ingle berth cabin.,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 517 5 Shipping Announcements ELLERMAN BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. 'Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE TO THE UNITK.n KINGDOM AND CONTINENT. rKKIi.M I SERVICE OL'l WARDS To Hongkong Due Singapore s.s. CITY OF rFKIN Sept. 0 s.s. CITY OF TOKIO Oct. 3 HOMEWARDS Marseilles, London, Havre, Hamburg and Ksjberg
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    • 406 5 AUSTRAL-EAST INDIES LINE (laeerporated m Knglaad) Regalar Passenger and Freight Service via JAVA PORTS to FREHANTLE (W. A.), ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE and SYDNEY ■alntained by Da* Bail l.s. KIOTO (cargo steamer) Sept. 8 Sept. 10 s.s. CITY OF PALERMO Oct. 2 Oct. 7 s.s. CITY OF SPARTA Not. 7 Single Return
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    • 432 5 ADMIRAL ORIENTAL LINE TRANS-PACIFIC PASSENGER AND EXPRESS BIKVICI 1* dsys from Hongkong to Seattle Bailing from Steamer Hongkong PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Sept. 1 PRESIDENT GRANT Sept. 18 PRESIDENT MADISON Sept. IS PRESIDENT JACKSON Oct. 7 PRESIDENT McKINLEY Oct. 19 also a sailing every 12 days from Hongkong to Manila Through bills
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    • 344 5 GHARGEURS REUNIS (Incorporated m France) Regular monthly freight and paasenger service. OUTWARDS for Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong. Due Spore S.S. ADEN Sept. Vi S.S. AMIRAL LATOUCHE TREVILLE Met. 2 HOMEWARDS for Marseilles, Havre, Dunkirk and Antwerp. Dae Spore M.S. CAMRANH Aug. 19 (calls at St. Naxaire) S.S. AMIRAL NIKLLY Sept.
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    • 130 5 GOULDS PUMPS FOR ALL SERVICES HAND and POWER CENTRIFUGAL ROTARY PLUNGER LARGE KEEN STOCKS. PRICES. |g ENTR 4| I I itwciwi works ltH Eh I SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR IPOH. Vp*Jmii**JB8K OLD ■■■HIMmS 9 M Scotch Whisky M By /1rf>"in!rtmi 4f the Royal Palaces U>r 7) .c-irt. I tmCf 1S48. JOHN
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 361 6 PAVILION From Monday, August 23 to Stind.iy. Awguui 29, at 0.15 p.m. sharp. TAXI WAR (Century Coimdv) OUR DKFKNDERS (An Intcrostint; KPORTIJGHT) THK LATEST I'ATHK GAZETTK RECOMPENSE ROBERT KEABLE'S Sens;ifi.>n:il Rcquri l<> SIMON CALLED FIITEfJ PVaturinß MARIE PREVOST and MONTE BLUR With An All Star Cast. Thp romance of two
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    • 70 6 i SUKINA THEATRE ,\.,rili BrMa« I: Irl. N». JS». tiik Ymnm ranger ,">... l>Mhr«nal nf Su|»r Thrill.-.: anal m z -mi :i. N.» (;.rtc>..,. :,n.l htllM «.i?rtl<-. I \l It LA II.AM I'l i .lU.I--..1 Jcwat inttfai BatUrfl) u>\ aan ar««M hi |ir»u.l In r.-.iiii,!,-, r,,,i I :r-i Sli.,«
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    • 552 6 A SPLENDID PROGRAMME I'imiii Tuesday, August 2\ to Sunday, August 29. AT IHK ALHAMBRA In Ihc Second Show ,il 9 p.m. A FOX SPECIAL Paateravj MAY MrAVOY 111 rnmpany «i(h LKSI.IK PBNTOM. M)K!) SI KIM. INC and ROCKUm PBLLOWRB m a vivid drama nf fnt< with n Ix-aiiliful g\t\ as
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    • 174 6 COMING SHORTLY THE GREATEST SUCCEvSS OF 1926 At the TIVOLI, LONDON DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS THE BLACK PIRATE THE GREAT ALL-COLOUR FILM. Photographed by TECHNICOLOR PROCESS. Kclcaacd )>v IMTKU AKTISTS CORPORATION. (opira of thin s(or) can l:c hnd at Kiat'n. "DOUGLAS" Motor Cycle Famous E. W. MODEL Ex Stock Sole Ajjcnts Cobb
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  • 232 7 FIXTURES. Thurstlav. August 2fi High Water, v.:i r > p.m. Mi lacea Hiuh Tide, 9 a.m., 7.«, O.:to p.i.i.. M. Friday, August 27 High Water. 0.30 a.m., 1.7 p.m. Malacca High Tide, U.GO a.m., 7.5, lll.'-'o p.m., C..r>. Italian mail cloaca, i p.m. French inul cloaca, pua.
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  • 353 7 KEPI'FX KARBOrn. Main WI > -<d:i. Ud) mart. Oil Wr.arf N.I Coal Wharf Nil MU IN DRY DOCKS. Tanjong l'arar Sheers Wharf Nil All rt Due, Sinnksra Victoria l>.«-k Nil. lU'Pprl Harbour Kinn'.i Deck Nil No. 1 Dock W/ B. Splendour, Scnang No. Deck N.I. Vessels
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  • 37 7 For being drank whilst in charge of a < ar, a Sikh namcil Harat> Singh m senU'liccd M BionjMTC to nix weeks' imprisonment without the option of a line by Mr. I*. A. David, ihf Ilistriii Court Mairi.-.ira!i\
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  • 181 7 To-day. I'lailjoo nnd Palcmbnnß (Henlii noon Cucob i Tarakaa > 8 p.m. North, N. Kast and N. West Sumatra I'fruk 3 p.m. Southern Western Imlin (Teestal p.m. I'ontinnak (Khoen Hoea) t p.m. To-morrow North, Xorth, N. East and N. Wost Sumn.ia (Konintrin def Nederlaa«len) noon Italy (parcels)
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  • 31 7 PKATK.- At tl Hospital, Singapore, on Autru^t 26, IMA, Alfred Frederick Peate, and (0, Funeral will take place at H.lii.iari this afternoon, the cortege lei vine th« < t»l at 4.30.
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  • 84 7 Mr and Mrs. Lye Chan Iji,n nnd brothers lietT to thr.nk all relations and friend? who sent wreath*, scrolls, also those who so kindly attended the mm nil of their beloved father, the late Mr. Lye Chin Loon. Mi Wee (him Yi-iin ami fimily Ih-r to thank tlnir relatives,
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  • 28 7 I.ucy Smith. There will be a memorial celebration »f Holy t'ummunion at 7 a.m. on Batnrday, the 2Sth instant, at the St Andrew's Cathedral. All interested
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  • 236 7 SXCHANGB Singapore, August 2G. On London, Bank m/s 2/4 3/16 D«mand »/8 H/M Private 3m. credits 2/4 V 4 On New York, Demand 66 3/16 Private 90 d/s 58 On France, Bank T.T. IM° On India, Bank T.T. 151% On Honpkonfc, Bank T.T. 4M p.c. dis On
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  • 66 7 Buyer* Seller* R.S.S. uqual to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot 66>i. 67 Standard R.S.S. Spot 66% 67 Standard R.S.S. on Tender September 67 V4 68 Ott.-Dec. 09 Mtt Jan.-March 70V4 71 Tone of market Dull. Latest Cable London Spot Sheet Is. 7'id. per lb. New York
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    • 298 7 Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers lI £1 A?am Kumlinng GG/G C7/f> cd. 1 1 Batang Pailani; MS <•>'• M El £1 ChemleriaiiK M/- £1 15/- E. Siamese It/1 20/:> 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 L4S Cl £1 Idris Hydraulic 1 1 JohanTin M6 u. 10/- 10/- Kamponti i'M- 00/El il
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    • 136 7 Issue V'al. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 6.5.7 i C.9.4H a. 1 1 Central Engines 1.05 1.15 1 1 Cycle Carriage 1.00 1.10 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 17.^5 17. ',0 10 10 Fraser Ncave 56.00 5fi..")0 cb. 100 100 Hammer Co. ICo.OO 147.50 xd. 100
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    • 87 7 U. Eng. 6 p.e. $1,234,300 par 10 pm., Spore Cold Storage Deb. r^TaSSS. 103 115 3 pore Municipal 5 p.« $1,878,000 of 1901 par 5 prem. Spore Municipal 4',^ p.c. of 1907 $1,000,000 90 par Spore Municipal 4».i p.c. of 1909 $1,100,000 90 par Spore Municipal 4 p.c of
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    • 374 7 Fraser and Co, and I.yall and Evatt's Quotations. To-day 3 Prices Fraser Lyall Co. Eratt Allcnby Si) 3.10 3.30 3.20 3.30 Alor Gajah ($1) 2.60 2.80 2.75 2.90 A. Hitam ($1) 4.50 4.80 4.50 5.00 A. Kunini,' ($1) 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.20 Am. Malay (S2) 4.80 5.00 4.80
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS X WANTED FOR MURDER The Management of the PAVILION ■aTm a Reward of Iwo free box seats to iir.y person who CM ;'iw inlormation of the whereabouts of "K." JAVA CALAPOGONIUM SEED For Sale at very competitive price. PaMM ;i p;jly Borneo Sumatra Trading Co., Limited
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    • 54 7 TAKE MOVING PICTURES OF THE MILITARY PAGEANT WITH THE ERNEMANN KINETTE, fitted with F/2 Lens. BOL CINEGRAPH, F/2 Lens. so as to ensure well-exposed films even (he light is poor. Cm Standard size films a Hobby that has COMMERCIAL VALUE Sole Distributors for Malaya SINGAPORE B ISC IO PHOTO CO.
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    • 618 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see pace 16. WANTS, FOR SALE,' ETC. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, experienced stenographer. Apply 314, Straits Times. TO LET, offices m new building st No. 29, Chnlia Street. Apply 9, Boat Quay, (lp) ONE DOUBLE ROOM and mi room nvailablc Caledonia, St. Thomas's Walk, Tel. 5. TO
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    • 355 7 NOTICE MEETING OK THK BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES, SINGAPORE. 1. The quarterly session ot thp Boaril of Licensing .lu»tices for the Settlement of Singapore for the 4,th nuarter of th» year T. 126, will be helil m tl:e Kir^t Ifagtatmte'a Cenrt, Singapore, at L'.:ti> p.m. on Thursday, September l:\. l"jr,.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 62 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kcrbau Station. (By Coorlriy of Government Health Office.) For tbe 24 hour!) ending /it Midnifkt oa Aujrusi is-jb. Mn\. sh:ulf ti'mpcr.-it'irr BUY. Min. ihaM temperature 7-1 Maaa shad* temperature IUV, Miix. sun r.i.. IM P. Min. radUtlon "0.5 K Sou tempi M W. .vliiin luilh temperatBr* 74.8
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  • 898 8 The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. RUBBER AND THE PLANTER. A number of matters of interest to the rubber industry were dealt with at the annual dinner cf the Incorporated Society of Planters m London, and it is unfortunate perhaps that the speakers were so m earnest that a reproduction
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  • 241 8 "Leprosy appears to be fairly eomm n :n Kelantan and there are m particular very many Malay lepers." This SSBIDIIU I appears m the Administration report fo: 1925 of the State of Kelanton. With il.o DufT_ Devel pment Company award hanging over the heads of the ad.-.iinistra
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  • 85 8 Muthaya Chetty has been fi::ed $200 and costs for allowing his dog to be at large, unmuzzled, at Tranquerah, Malacca, on July 27. The dog m question wus suffering fnim rabies, raid was r. 'in;ng about m the Medical Mission compound for several days, until one cf the Indies attached
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  • 440 8 Bir i'r;in<is Agfea and Dame Adelaide Anderson have arrived at Southiim:>t«iM m ,iv tmpreM of Seotmmi from Shanghai via Canada. His Rom] Highness the Prince of Tahiti and his cunsort have left Siom on a Kuropean tour. Tb*y expect to be away twelve months. The Royal College
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  • 38 8 Th? N. Y. K. Japanese mail steameis, bt/Cnd from Malaya ti> Cyylon, are now ividing Indian focd for Indian passengers on beard. Arrangements have been •made with a contractor to this purpose. The charge is $8 per head.
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  • 38 8 Under the Rubber Restriction Ord;nliko, the followintr have been appointed as fixport Officers, Singapore rieah Lya Tee, Oh Ah Lul Tay Hup Choon i uy Thian Hoe, Van Ah Kian, Ong Poll S on, and Tan 'fhian Seng.
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  • 46 8 No trace baa ret boon iManoTaiatl by the poUei which nii;,r,L leaii to the eiuet of lha culprit or culprits vho took away the I parcel of goiil from the parcel clerk's r.'ibh at Pt-aanit railway station, m the X ho. The disappearance remains a mystery.
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  • 54 8 An entexwiefam crocodile, says the Brit sh North Borneo Herald, recently got, of the drains otf Penampanj; ;.ii JeastHoa, and seized there a ChinH cooly. As his only access to thi? spot wai through the Simbulan stream which he roU course it is not surprisng that caddies hesitate before searching
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  • 60 8 From Siplember 1 Siamese jnlanl uiogram lates will l*j reduced to eisht cmts a word for the first ten words and subsequent words five satansrs. The i iratieal charge of five cen'.; iur a receipt is also to bp done away with M tar as inland imniajas are concerned, ■an
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  • 60 8 The hearing of the action m which a Uutch flnn named Boasson and Van Overs?e are claiming 911.055, damages for sMsgsd bread) of contract, it m the United States Slipping Board Kmerjrency Meet Corporation was resumed before Mr. Justice Deane this morning. The evidence aad nwrtt-tTaintnatlnii of Mr. Thornitt, of
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  • 46 8 Recruiting has been generally resumed m Madras I're.sidency, but the following taluks are closed to recruiting owing to prevalence of disease :—South Areot, Chidambaram and Viruddhachallftm Tanjore, NejgajMtaa, Mann.lain, Shyali, Mayavaram, Papanasam, Thiruturaipoondy and PattucoUai Trichy, Odayarpalayam and Kulitalai Salem, Salem Town and Salem Coimbatore, Gobichetiipalayam.
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  • 88 8 So totin as Khe King and Quejn leave London for the North their apartments at Buckingham Palace are to be thoroughly ove.-haubd. Particular attention, Despatch writer, is to be paid to the Uwaeri •■Chines.- Room." which is on-- of the moel wnrnlai fu] apartments of its kind The nucleus was
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  • 315 8 A wide circle of fl lends m M.laya will learn with sincere regret ti the death of Mr. A. r. Pants, manager •>f RaaVa Hotel, Singapoie, wUeh <> carred at the General Heaattal last nitfht. Mr. PeatS was taken seriously ill s"!::!; weeks ajro
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  • 74 8 Due at Singapore On September 3. Mr. Alan C;>Mi:im wai to leave .Milbourne yesterday on his return HigM t.i England. Accordintr t'> information received m S'nsraporc, he is due on September I), and will re-fuel and leave the -same day. It will be remembered that when he
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  • 93 8 New Entrance to Stadium Provided. For the benefit of -I tick holders (rows G to L) attending the Military i'apjant —the hist public performance ox which will be given on Saturday evening —anothsr entrance has been provided v.i the Stadium. This is on then <rth siilo, close
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  • 26 8 Fro::) lndo-China by the General MetzbuMr, iaa at i> a,m. to-morrow. From China and Japan, by the Kalyan, due at 4 a.m. on Saturday.
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  • 24 8 Rubber price averages m the present Restriction quarter up to 25 an hs follows: Singapore G.'>.l!) cents London Is. 7.51(1.
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  • 42 8 Henderson, Helm and Company, Inc., New York, send us the following cable dated Aufcust their qjootajtMHUi being m K'>ld -loilur cents Rubber oxchaujrc sales to-day 562.i tons. Anajnat 4(H{s. To-day's Sinfrapcre price is C 7 cents, London price Is. 7'jd.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 106 8 FOREMOST FASHIONS lOR IHK SEPTEMBER RACES T!' MILINBRY, •'"-I KYA i^" fr EVENING W^ lpC^^* 1 r SHOES, fi-^\ l\> ttfK- SUNSHADES, Seats far GRAND MILITARY PAGEANT and TAITOO can be booked through any of our Branches. joHngLfTcoTLm SINGAI'ORE, PENANG AND* KUALA LUMPUR. A VERITY'S Jl FIHINGS Sole Agents s>
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    • 94 8 TONIGHT ALHAMBRA In the Second Show st 9 THE ROAD TO GLORY (Featuring May McAVOY) Supported by a First National Super Comedy THE GIRL IN THE LIMOUSINE (Featuring LARRY SEMON) First Show at 7.30 A Metro Production LOVE IN THE DARK (Featuring VIOLA DANA and CULLEN LANDIS) TAN CHENG KEE
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    • 90 8 On Other Pages, Pap.. ninmi by Mail 2 Keilnh State IDSS I Finance ami Commerce 7 Shipping and the Mails 7 Meteorological Kvport 7 Ileuter and British Imperial Kudio 9 Alleged Breach of Tru.-t in P«aang I Admiralty ChaflfM '■> I'm Ms Annu;.l Kt-port Cholera on Coolta Bhip It The-
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  • 568 9 Mr. Cook Approaches The Government. MEETING ARRANGED. More Police for Affected Areas. [kelier telegram] London, August -■'>. Tlk> situation m the appears t i be improving. Everythiag was reported aaiet m ihe eeahMd m the morning. The police at MhajsfMd report no pickets iii the
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  • 64 9 Under date August 7, the Netth china Daily News states -Onlj once since the records had heea taken h:ul them heea three days m succession m Shanghai iii n the temperature was over 100 4 Thai was m July I 1891 The iiMst three days, however, has seen I Bhanghai
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  • 108 9 Wreath Sent by Signor Mussolini. [REL'TER TELEGRAM] London, August 20. New York Undeterred by yesterday's crush and disorders, m which numbers wore injured, thousands of people congregated at the undertaker's establishment to catch I glimpse of Rudolph Vajentino's Lddy, which was embalmed and laid out m full
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 71 9 An Extraordinary Outrage At Pittsburff. [BEUTEB TtLKGBAM] I. .ndon, August 2">. Pitts burg'; His demand for two thousand dollars being refused, a man hurled a BOBsb m the Farmers Deposit Baviagi Bank, wreddag the interior of the buiiding, whose sixteen storeys Kicked with tho violence of
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  • 51 9 Note Presented to Italian Government. [BCL-TZX TELEGXAIi] London, August 25. Rome According t > the newspapers, the Spanish Government have presented to the Foreign Ministry a note on the Tangier question, it is reported on Mussolini's suggestion that the problems of Tangier and Geneva require "greater precision
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  • 68 9 (British Imperial Radio.) Rugby, August 20. King FeJaal of Irak concluded to-day his short v.sit to London and left Victoria by boat express on his way home. His physician ar.d members «;f his suite accompanied him, and araon;' those at the station t.» say Lbf* was
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  • 29 9 [REtTER TELECRAM] London, August 2'i. San Francisco The Dutch submarine Kl.'i has arrived and will remain twelve days, returning to Holland \ia ihe Dutch East Indies.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 75 9 (British Imperial Radio.) Ragbjp, August 23. Exchanges are as follows I'aiis 171 It. Xc.v York 4.s"> 1 Bmaaeli ITiPk. Geneva '25.15. Amsterdam 12.11 11-16. Milan l-l-p;. Berlin 20.38 tt. Stockholm 18.11. Copenhaßcn 18.28. ado tut Vienna 34.43. l'ragje 163%. Helsinisfors 192%. Madrid 31.55. Lisbon 2 17-32. Rio 7 ;;?-i;».
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  • 93 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). PenunK, August 2fi. In the police court Chua K n e Boon was < -harjri-il wWI criminal breach of trust in Ntyaot <>f 11M.78 ilue to the Economical j Guarantee Company. AcCVMd was <!iip!iiyc<l :is CBBVSMM nil>l K< neral ilerk by Urn
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  • 223 9 Germany's Interest m The Meeting. Hopes for Adoption of Cecil Plan. [RF.UTEK TELECRAM] Loadoa, August 25. Berlin The forthcoming erMeal assembly of the Lsagw of Nations is completely absorbing interest m political and diplomatic circles: U is expected that the preliminary <!iseussioßS on the composition of the Council,
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  • 150 9 Nova Goa, August IG. General Mussano de Arr.orin arrived here on Saturday evening and wns greeted by the pop Lace Cast! Bfa ti^n. and especially at Marga-j, waen the Municipal Corporatioa held a special meeting to .urett him. He assumed Charge yesterday m a special BMOtteg <<l'
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  • 74 9 Peking, August 18. Two British gunboats have left for Chang-Sha t'i assist m the search for Mr. Moore, the Manager uf the Asiatic Petroleunt Co.'i installation, who was carried off by bandits with whom member-; of the I Kuominchun Army are believed to be .•onnected. Official representations are
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  • 161 9 The following appointments were made by the Admiralty Sub.-Liouts. S. D. Iloper, to Hawkins (August 13) C. F. W. St. Quintin, to Carlisle (August 15). Capts. J. L. Pearson, C.M.G., to Tamar, addl. (October 22) and Tamar, m command. ::nd as Commodore 2nd Class m charge of Naval
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  • 45 9 An action ;n; n which Sim Ah Mong sued Pirn Ah KeiiK' a:id six others was fixeJ f r hearing m the Supreme Couit thi:. morning, but was stood over until September, counsel for the plaintifF stating that there was a possibility of a settlement.
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  • 149 9 Delegates from Thirty-two Nations. Remarkable Increase In Membership. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, August 25. Kanderstejr, Switzerland The delegates from 32 nations aie attending- the fourth international congress of Boy Scouts being held here this week. A full programme of lectures, debates, concerts, official dinners and mountain excursions has been
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 485 9 1925 Revenue Exceeds Previous Year. In Us report Car the res* AH. 1341 (August 8, l'J'^4, to July 21, 1825). Mr. I*. S. Williams, acting British Adviser to the Perlis Government, s;ates that the Revenue for the year amounted to 5470.616 on a very conservative Estimate ..l
    485 words
  • 75 9 Thousand Immigrants Sent To St. John's. The Danish vessel Clara Jensen, which arrived from Hoihow this morning with 1 a thousand Chinese immigrants, bad eheleM on board. Two deck passengers died during the voyage, and theie were three cases on board. Case On J/hore Estate. No
    75 words
  • 102 9 Daring Experiments by British Airman. (British- Iwir.RiAf- ruoio.) Ragby, Aagwat -■">. A series of -■"> (iarin^ experii.i conducted by Fllgat-Llnatenaat BchoMWd, f«.r the parpeaa of reneving the daagers >:f lying m tag, described m the technical report of the Aeronautical Research Committee. Seholcfield, with an observer,
    102 words
  • 382 9 I Metallising Surfaces Duri'ci s For Cranes. i-iii interesting exJiibit of articles made by a am process for :m talli.sin;< jublnr Sin f ßMa' was inently Staged at the of the Kubber Growers Association. This process consists m metallising lubber surface by rYrst forming a metallic
    382 words
  • 82 9 Commonwealth Minister's Timely Warning. Referring to the recent report of rich gold discoveries m New Guinea, Sir T.W.I Glasgow, the new Minister for HbhM Territories, said that inquiries by t!i. Administrator did not support th< ments made regarding richness. The leases already praiiU-il at Edio Creek
    82 words
  • 133 9 The committee of St. Andrew.; Bet wishes to express their thanks to the firms and Meads who helped t'< mal;e ih I fete such a success. Up to date som tr>,!>CKl ifcs been received, 'ihe committee wishes to mention especially B'..n Baa Cold Storage Co. Lim Knon
    133 words
  • 78 9 The illustrated section <.f the i StruiU liuiiiri t. which is published i to-day, contains photographs of the Rev. P. Browning, of Eastbourne, who i>- j coming: to take up the thaplaincy of the 1 Singapore diocese, and Mrs. Browning. Then is also a p;:^ of picture.-;
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  • 175 9 Convention Signed In Bangkok. Visit of Indo-China's (iovernor(ieneral. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, August 25. The Governor-General of Fnnch Ind'>Chirm, M. Vari-mie. arrived this ev.nin;; at '<:. i.. The original programme was that h" should arrive at eleven this morning, but the steamer- encountered bad weather m
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  • 248 9 Cathedral Service and Bidadari Interment. The remain* of the luu- Mr*. C. W. Dai ji.shiri'., widow of ihu v. ell-known Singapore merchant, arrived from Hum yesterday by the steamer Glengarry, uml were placed within ilie. memorial to th<.late Mr. Darbishire at Bidadari Cemetery in the
    248 words
  • 117 9 413 Tons Offered .171 Tons Sold. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce kubber Association held its 774 th auctiM m August r whin there was catalogued 328,777 lbs. or 593.20 tons: offered W1.172 lbs. at i!. r ..7n tons; sold N-i'-'.Otm :■•>. t 871.4 J tons. Spot London
    117 words
  • 103 9 BagfasjUms of Kidt'-Walks In pore. An ordinary mooting 1 l;f tlit- Singapore Municipal Commissioner will be held to-moi row at 2.16. Mr. S. Kinxkw will a.U the following question Why ru, provision wa.-. made for sidewalki iwi "uylamr. Lavender and Anx-m Boads when remadi V; Why no bide-waHu
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  • 50 9 A .'■\in<ii.!;an Court ease la which n pha n elaheed over $:10,000 rail-known local Chlaeee linn vii account 1' damage dou t» a rublxr i ;n.- v; Bre, has recently trowed cob* siderabli' interest m Basjdakaa. Judgmeut was swell for pluiutilT for übout $20,000. An appeal is he Inn lodged.
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    • 81 10 Kent Score Well in First Innings. [Router Telegram.] London, August 25. Tlip match between Kent and th* Australians opened to-day at Canterbury before a crowd of 12,000, and in sultry wc:,th<r. The wicket was in good condition. Chapman, who captained the county dcviti. won the toss, and
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 141 10 Teams for India and The Argentine. [Reutor Tcleprram.] London, August 25. Tlie M.C.C. team to tour India, which will leave London about September 24, will In- composed of the following: A. K. R. Gillijran (captain), Tate (Sussex). Major R. ChK'hester-Constable (TorksUn II), Hill (Somerset), Earla (Somerset), Bcfanby (Lancashire),
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    • 92 10 Speedy Dado Challenged. Kid Aveiino bus issued a challenge to Speedy Dado f V a return contest, and having in mind the splendid exhibition he gave when the pair met before he has earned the right to try again. Moreover, the match is such a good one that it
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    • 359 10 South African Tour Abandoned. WluMi Urn arrangement was made for the M. C C. to send a team out to South Africa in the autumn the South African authorities expressed the desire that a certain proportion of the side iheold bo amateurs. The M. C. C. in making th"ir
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    • 86 10 Tn the final round of the Parliamentary Tennis Handicap, at Melbury Tennis Club, Mr. K. Ci. Penny and Lord Fermoy met Ciipt. A. S. a Reid and Sir Assheton Pownall. Tin 1 former couple, who were ewtag three-sixths to their opponents, won after a pruellinc contest at 6—2,6 2, 4—6,4
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    • 601 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Yesterday's results Newcomers Handicap. H. Craik plus beat F. Horsfal plus 2, 6—l, 6—2. L K. H. Evans scr. beat E. P. Shepherd owe 2, G 4, 6—2. T Lt. F. Dearden owe 15.3 v. J. N. Wain- wright owe (uminished). A. F. Dale scr. beat
      601 words
    • 34 10 .Maoris Heats Ceylon. The match l«>twepn the Maori* and Ceylon resulted in a win fur the Maoris by '.M points (6 Koals, 1 penalty tjoul and tries I to ii points (2 tries).
      34 words
    • 156 10 Bi-Yearly Contests Proposal Defeated. Fifteen Davis Cup nation.*, including Australia. Austria, Belgium, Owclwlo vaKia, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Holland, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Koumunia, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States, were represented a* a meeting at the offices of the Lawn Tennis Association. Lord Desborough presided.
      156 words
    • 279 10 The following are the entries for the Autumn meeting of the Singapore Turf Club to be held on September 4, 7, 9, Open Horses Alan L., Ballykeeran, Lady Amber, Kerryland, King Cole, Mure Air, Tessiam, Over There, Dnybrook, Genzano, Jacotte, Dorothy Dee, Red Tipe, Zarona Boy, Miss Hanny, Victrola,
      279 words
  • 226 10 Question of Communism In Colonies. In reply to Sir Park Gi.r" (< 1. \v!:nni. l\>. who asked m the House whether ho could give any information with regard to Communist propaganda m the Orown Colonies, Mr. Amery, Secretary for the Dominions an'l Colonies (Sparkbrook), said It
    226 words
    • 154 10 Singapore, August 2C. Rubber. Local 67 cents per lb., quiet. London. Tin £288 10s. Rubbers. Market nuiei. Ma!ai:a Pindas buyers 2.K0, sellers LB6. PaJaBH buyers 12.75, sellers 18. Brogaa wanted 1.65, sellers holding for 1 .10. Now Scudais 2.H0-2.85. Ulu Benut-- offer eentl U, buyers bidding
      154 words
  • 136 10 The!.■>.: World, the screen adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous story, will be shown at the Alhambra I from Monday, September 6, and as big attendances are expected during the season, the usual facilities for early booknng will be arranged at Ribeiro's shortly. The picture is
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  • 505 10 Travels in a Little Known Country. Because you can telegraph from London to Leh, and the road from Srinagar to the capital of Ladakh is one which any lady may travel with comparative ease and safety, Ganpat's latest book, The Road to Lamaland, has been condemned as a
    505 words
    • 101 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am compiling a list with sketches of all Mackintoshes who served m the late war. The collection will published, thus becoming not only a lasting memorial, but the latter history of this old and illustrious cian.
      101 words
  • 310 10 Powerful Engines for Kcrr Company. The Times Kngineering Supplement has particulars of the engine., m under' construction for the new "Silver" motor vessels of the Kerr Steamship Company, to trade between North American ports and the Far East, the local agents for whom are Guthrie and Co.
    310 words
  • 772 10 Acquisition of Land at Batu Annam. I 1 I 1 I I The following lipjn is officially supjlied The annual general meeting of the Punggor Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on Friday, August, 20, the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock (Chairman; presiding. Others present wail -Messrs. fan Soo
    772 words
  • 125 10 A very good house witnessed the City Opera's presentation of I'anji ismarah, at the New World yesterday evening. Extra turns of song and dance gained considerable applause. The Happy Opera which is announced to appear at the Happy Valley is making good progress at rehearsals. .The talented artists
    125 words
  • 41 10 In the report regarding the sad death of a Chinese towkay on the Koen Hoea the name of the deceased gentleman was Theng Seng Hie and not Theng Seng Kie, who is a brother and who is still living at Tontianak.
    41 words
  • 67 10 It is advisable to repeat the remark made m the annual reports for the two pn vmus years m succession, says the 1925 Kedah administration Report, namely that Kedah is essentially a paili country and where the two industries clash, mining must give way. The location and working of lodes
    67 words
  • 2085 10 The Australians At Manchester. By Our Special Correspondent. I^ndon, July 20. Tlie Test Match series of l'J26 ii evidently fated to be a consistent chapter t,f accidents and disappointments. The fourth frame, at Manchester, at any rate, has been fully of a piece with its pr«>- It is
    2,085 words

  • 512 11 Seniors Spend Most But Study Least. The results of a questionnaire r i n'.'-.y submitted to Yale students have been made known in pan. Ketums indicate the amount of time spent in studies, 1 scholarship results, the incoxe of pa: ill's and students and expenses whiie in
    512 words
  • 131 11 Programme of drills up to and for August 2'J, I9Mi Thursday, August 20, %M p.m. Stadium. SAC. i nits, Practice .Military I'iWint Attack in Desert Mail"; 8.25 p.m.. Stadium, B.V.G. I'nits, Pnwtiic Military Pageant Highland Daacinir 1.:;0 p.m.. Stadium, S.V.C. Units, Practice Military Pageant "Malayan Army.' Friday,
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 257 11 WHEN YOU SAY 'The Best that Money Can Buy" YOU MEAN A Stein way S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. BAFFLES PLACE, RINGAPOWB. Sols Aftnts. PIGGOTT'S PATENT PRESSED STEEL TANKS. fk ADVANTAGES. (.'qniparpd to Cast-Iron and ""TnssMsssssssssssssjrfssMj Riveled Slcel Tanks (he prinJin^S^P^Bfl^H l 'P a s>dvaniaucH of Ihe I'itr/im^Sc^^^ \u r <
      257 words
    • 229 11 Raffles Hotel AUTUMN RACES. SPECIAL DINNER AND PAGEANT DANCE on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER I. til! Ml a.m. and FANCY DRESS BALL (Fancy Dress Optional) on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. LEQUIME'S EUROPEAN ORCHESTRA. Phone 2920. Sea View Hotel Special Dinner and Dance every Wednesday and Friday. Cinema every Sunday, at 9.30 p.m. C
      229 words

  • 436 12 Par Value. Company. £1 Abaco 2/ Allatjar £1 Anglo-Malay 11 Aycr Kuninc £1 Banteng 2/ Bantenjf Consolidated £1 Batu Caves il Butu Tina 2/ Bekoh 2/ Bcrtam Consoltd. 2/ Brieh £1 Bidor 2/ Bikam 2/ Brooklands 2 Bukit Cloh 2/ Bukit Mertajiim £1 Bukit Rajah 2/
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      45 words
    • 351 12 free 10-Day Tube £jjs&^^&. Mail Coupon Her Wonderful Teeth Remove the dingy film that's clouding yours and you!! be surprised that your teeth are just as white and charming as any one's make this unique teat. HERE is a simple test beauty, film is a serious dan« that proves the
      351 words
    • 175 12 VICKERY'S for High Grade Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen, Cigarette and Vanity Cases, Smart Jewellery, Gold and Silverware Bags. =3 \J^ Dressing Cases, Finest jSgr;« r Leather Goods, Write for Iffl"^ > "5 V fully M 6* V^ery Illustrated W^9 Jj Catalogue \^gv .drf lal rOCKd sent post s *s&i^-l---^jzoi'
      175 words

  • 911 13 Continued Interest m Certa:n Share?. I i Uaa aiul Co.** report dated August 20 stati-.s Tin, afler bavins further dropped ON caaa anJ r2S3 Ilk I m/i, b« m*s ■MM nin.oiy, but the closin£-p'iccs VSJ2 and MM r >s. still a loss (I ;.r.d 11 Ml
    911 words
  • 60 13 The Secretarj' of Stats for Air ha* ■aaorneed that dwteg the twelve months ended June last seventy asropKncs of l>c<st-war desi'rn and I!'J of war design had crashed. The value of the machines involved was. rorghly. f,50t),000. The Air Force personnel killed and injured were G. r > and 89
    60 words
  • 35 13 In congrutu'atlmr the Ice Company authorities on the resumption of supplies, the editor cf th? British North Borneo Herald says a hot stengah is possibly better than none at all but hot l*er is ;:tij>thema."
    35 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 210 13 P.-.-. L Q>>;:\t>nrst Exit thm cM labd EfmteS 9 this P@W ■-..■V:V UcCallum'i labtl, bottl« ar..l even their y^r'/-M I idely imitated that MeCallam Ltd., have been com- MWM re'leJ, for o .w. ;.y.£ :-:v; CROM non- onwards every S^': 1 bottle of jrcruinc McCaDm's "Perfection" shipped to the W$&M
      210 words
    • 223 13 ijj' There's a whole lot K'SA *otid satisfaction m a Capstan Cigarette. First, the satisfaction that r comet from the personal enjoyment of a V <^~~ rrtti'y. good cigarette. Secondly, the Jb^fZS, /A p'easure derived and gijer by offering >v i ly/ a Capstan to one's friends. fS __j*J Acceptable
      223 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 520 14 Assets over $6,500,000 B.C, Aantunct In fore* over $22,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Stralti Settlement*.) HEAD omCI i Winchester Honse, Blngaporo. LONDON OFnCX IS, Old Jewry, I.e. Tk. Company has atO.OOO deposited with the Baprama Coort of England and compliea wltk tk* BrlMak Ufa Aaiaraaoa
      520 words
      1,099 words
    • 452 14 BANKING THB BANK OP TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Ineorporatod by Special Charter la Vapaa). Capital Subscribed n T48,000,00« Capital Paid-up Yt9,876,000 Reserve Fund V 1.700,00a President H. Mori, Est. DIRECTORS D. Takita, Esq. T. Sisamnne, Esq. G. Kawasaki, Esq. M. Shuto, Eaa. HEAD OFFICE: Taipeh, Formosa (Taiwaa). ■RANCHES AND AGENCDM I Keelung,
      452 words
    • 788 14 GHEONG KOON SENG GO. AUCTION" SALE OF SINGAPORE PROPERTIES. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s saleroom No. 30, Chulia Street, Singapore, on Wednesday, September 1, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and substantially built two-storey European compound dwelling house known ns No. 3-a, Scotts Uouil, Singapore, area 49.9G5
      788 words
    • 835 14 ESTATE OF TAN BIN CHENG, DECEASED important Auction sale of valuable freehold and leasehold land and shophouse premises situate nt Boat Quay, Bukit Timah Road, Killiney Road. Paterion Rond, Race Course Road, Hylam Street, South Canal Road and Gaylang Road, Singapore. To be held nt Messrs. Chconfr Koon Seng Ss
      835 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 118 15 Loir-cost Transportation ft VffH^¥^Va9^r^r^P^9v^K«l ll FEDERATED MOTORS SINGAPORE. 509 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST W^o^llßELLi Filled with SUPEnI LLA .CORD Trial runs invited. ITALASIA, LTD., Engineering Dept. 189, Orchard Ko«i IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINT OR VARNISH PROBLEMS Let Wilkinson Hey wood Clark Solve them for you With their experience of
      118 words
    • 185 15 Fisk Balloon Tyres Ensure Comfort, Security and Quality. p 'I w cmE ca c c 926) THE FISK TIRE EXPORT COMPANY INC. 14, CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS. SINGAPORE. THE HILLMAN TOURING (British) Hillman's standard of excellence is more pronounced than ever m the 1926 models experts and critics praise it enthusiastically
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 355 16 DIAMONDS AT Reduced Prices ISMAIL A. RAHEEM BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. Phone 22*2. f3f GUST W IRON rir_o roa RAIN WATER SANITARY Better and not more expensive than zinc E. Etabliazt—aßti BROSSARD MOPIN ilncorporatcd m Frtnce) SINGAPORE. NOTICE la (!.p KUiie of SHAIK ABDULLAH »!N AHMAD BI! All BIN AHMAD
      355 words
    • 264 16 COAL TAR (FROM BINGAF»ORE GAS WORKS). CRUDE AND DISTILLED THICK, MEDIUM, THIN. SOFT SOAP Packed iit 1 cwt. Drums. Packed m 1 cwt. Cases. (20 by 2\i Kilo Tina). Enquiries solicited. Lee Kirn Soo 40, HIGH STREET. MALAY LAND 14 TAN AH MALAYU." Some Phases of life m Modern British
      264 words
    • 967 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS THE TREPAID charges for Wants, For Rale, To Let, etc., In ordinary done let type (average six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ma. 4« ct?., three ins. 04 ets., four ins. 82 cents, five inn. $1.00, silt ins. $1.13, ten ins. $1.40,
      967 words
    • 873 16 MISCELLANEO£S GARAGES TO LET. Apply Burlington. THE VALUE of Highland Queen Wfclaaj is m the bottle. $:,(i.OOO TO LENT) on good property. Apply 25H, Straits Times. TYPEWRITING OFFICE "Mrsr Cooper Abba, Ko. 4, Mpycr Mansions. WANTED to buy sheep. Srntl particulars v.-i!h f.o.b. or f.o.r. prices, til, S. Tinus. FEENCH
      873 words
    • 183 16 f I Meet Your Friends 1 AT FRANKELS THE MALAYAN EXHIBITION KUALA LUMPUR August 27, 28, 29 find SO. You are Welcome 1 1 ■I THE NAVY'S CHOICE PLYMOUTH GIN j OBTAINABLE ITOBYWHSBt. "I EDISON BELlTrECORDS "WINNER" and "VBLVKT FACBO." 10 inch double sided ?1 each. \>k for Lists. Your
      183 words
    • 336 16 IJooks by MARIE CORELLI Trio* VENDETTA.— Or Lh« nlory of on* li:r|i»lien $2.00 INNOt KM.— llrr Fancy and liin fact $2.60 BARARBA8.— A dream of lh«- V«tf) Tragedy J.'.ui) IIIK III!: i:\ i:i:i.\STINC— A reality ..I lUaiaaa l?.00 TUB SHI I. OF I.U.ITH S2.90 M«l:\Tll— The Mory if a dead
      336 words