The Straits Times, 28 December 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 28,055. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1925, •PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 353 1 OmW "WHIPPED" mm. beatci You Know-Evcrybody Knows THAT "BEAR BRAND" SWISS MILK Is the richest, purest and best m the world. J\ Use it for every purpose for /%Jml^\ which, if you were m Europe, Wv^^N, %J* you would use fresh milk. 3(I^SiFOT You can buy it anywhere m C4v>|wfc^jfr
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    • 103 1 ifsSB NEW BEABON 8 cr es an irtp,? ;p /^.il^^^^^^^^Sf^ These are a most attractive I^^jfea^^^^vV J&^£^tf > assortment and inspection is -^p^^^^ invited— patterns sent free of ROBINSON COMPANY, LTD. (Inc< rpirnted m the S.S.) SINGAPOKE. TURKEYS, HAMS, etc. FOR HOGMANAY ORDERS NOW BEING BOOKED. <r SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE
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    • 4 1 LACTOGEN row YOUR BABY
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  • 423 2 Missile with Range of About Five Miles. It i 3 understood, writes the Military correspondent of the Morning Post, that the stream-line or "boat-tail" bullet the new projectile that has undergone extensive trials at Bislcy and has emerged j from them successfully has received ■OBM attention at
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  • 465 2 Interim Dividend for Current Year. The annual general meeting of the Bekoh Consolidated Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held on November 20 at 2-4, Ido! Lane, E.C. The Chairman (Sir Ernest Birch. K.C.M.G.) said that the crop of 4O7,74i> !bs. wa; larger by 41,000 lbs. and the gross price
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  • 89 2 An amusing story of Margot Asquith anil the ex-Kais6r is recorded by Mr. Alexander Carlisle, who has just returned from Doom. One .morning: while I was riding m the Row a woman on horseback dashed up and knocked my foot out of the stirrup," said the ex-Emperor.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 389 2 Essfir the wide spaces of I££S] [Natural Health! Glorious, breezy, energetic Health 9 When every nerve and every cell does it* work unfailingly. I And so long as you do not suffer H II from some organic disease, such M health is obtainable by you. 8 have not yet fully
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    • 134 2 New Books for old Send m your orders now for next yearns account books to RIBEIRO CO., LTD. NATURE'S REMEDY Clements Tonic is Nature's greatest remedy for the nerves and brain, loss of appetite, debility, poorness of blood, neuralgia, insomnia, etc., and is strengthenand reliable. In the fatiguing tropical atmoshere
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  • 1037 3 Company Reports a Record Profit. The seventeenth annual general meeting of the Sekong Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on November 25 at the registered office of the company, Ceylon House, 49 and 51," East;heap, E.C., Mr. V. R. Wickwar (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 481 3 BOILS MEAN BAD BLOOD. Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills Banish RoiU by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When boils, or othe« eruptions, break out on your body it is a sure sign that your blood is in bad condition. They will continue to trouble you until the blood is made pure
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 816 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.-British India and Apcar Lines tla««Ttan»ad ia MacUad) itaUi AJ|B f ASBMNfcrB* AMD jBAJUM iKjUEUUIi rBifUBDLAB AJ«U OXIBMYaX I. H, CO. Madtr Cvaitaet vltk His Majai'iy'e GoTkraatiai, LONDON AND FAB BAftT MAIL BEBVICB OUTWABD* FBOM LONDON. BOMBWABOB FOB GMIVA ANU iATAM. FOB MABBBU.LBB, LONDON AH» AMTWBBP T«maa|«
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    • 724 4 STEAMER SAILINGS K. P. M. isoTAX rACBort hhhva'iiox co. or bai-atia) ITXUMB COHXKACf W2TA TUB NB)atIJIUL.>iNt IASI* tfOYMIUIMfIHT. Talafk*E« Na. Wit, wilk aa»-<«a»*e«lu« t» pAtiag^ Fr*(i>l, Truaklaaxaa, Maria* D*»U, uid Hanger's iimk. REPRESENT ATTVE for Singapore aun4 StnaU* !><:tt»«t#«ui »f %ka OFFICIAL TOUBBT KUREAI) OF rfAVA. All Information, tapplying of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 STEAMEH 8ABJM6S Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Iitor»oi»ttd 1b Englaad) ■■i ini i mi. 1 "ELLERMAIP LIRE Pfcss'.-nger and Freight Service! TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA POSTS AND SUEZ CANAL > ii t ■> FREIGHT SERVICES b.i. CITY OF BARODA Havre, London, K'dara and Hamburg Dee. 18 i4i. CITY
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    • 668 5 8TEAMEB WHINES ~BLOE ELLERMM FUNNEL BUCKNALL LINE S S. CO., LTD (UNii«:'itol im England) *.j» t i' mart ■bbyjci u ■otrox nmw tokk u*« baltimou vta IIB OT PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK ■H*»M Db« pom iNtl »«f MKMNON Dec. 30 Suez Phillipines and Hongkong t CITY OF LAHORE Jan. 7
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    • 694 5 STEAMER SAILINGS Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Aastralii) F«r BTDNKT, MKLBOLTUSE, ti*. JATA, BABWDI TEUK8DAY ISLAND t*4 SBISIANC ktgvlar montkly tailing by the v«U knova sUsaari Mtm.M (7l7f Uul and MALABAR (4,612 torn). v, Tfc J ii MA *7 a A B <« >"»••«•! *r*41at AmrtrriJa, Cabiaa d* lnxa, liagla
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 537 6 From Monday, December 28 to Saturdny, January 2, 1926. AT THE ALHAMBRA (TAN CHENG KEE CO.. LTD.. Proprietors). In the Second Show at 9 p.m. A. D. W. CRIFFITH— UNITED ARTISTS 1 SUPER PRODUCTION Kraturinc CAROL DEMPSTER, I.UPINO LANE and other well-known stars ISN'T LIFE WONDERFUL F In 9 Reels.
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    • 107 6 GAIETY CINEMA SPECIAL PROGRAMME At 9.15 p.m. BEBE DANIELS ■ad LEWIS STONE In The Special Paramount Picture THE WORLD'S APPLAUSE By CLARA BERANGER. Daring Gowns, tense climaxes and Homething to think about. WILLIAM de MILLE Director and Producer IN 7 PARTS. New Pathe Pictorial HIGH LIKE. New Mermaid Comedy. At
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    • 88 6 SURINA THEATRE Merry Christmas Everybody GRAND PROGRAMME. At 9.15 p.m. TOM MIX In the Fux Picture NORTH OF THE YUKON A Battle of bare hands and sheer grit again*) the bloodthirsty fanga of an Arctic wolf pack. Wallace Reid In his hilarious love-comedy 30 DAYS A Rtnile-a-minute Paramount Picture. He
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    • 253 6 The Easy Way. There are many ways in which Electricity can help with your housework. Amongst other things it will boil your kettle, 5j| make your toast, heat your 1 rooms and do your ironing. /x£p Every Electric Domestic Appli\s~\ a nce is designed to save labour '<£?--.■»■■— -i and
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  • 280 7 IIXTUOEB. Monday, Drrnnlur 28 llit;h WatiT, >.'A a.m., 10.10 p.m. atalatra High Tide, 6^o a.m., 6 ft. 8 m. ti.4o p. hi., I it. I m. mc. Jay, BWBSBkSt 23 Uitsh Wa|«r, 'J.-8 a.m., 10.52 p.m. Malacca High Tide, 1 «•">■! 6 ft. 8 In. 7.10 p-m.,
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  • 305 7 day, December 28. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected lo arrive. Entrance KEPI'EL HARBOUR. Main Wharf Th« C.ible. Kedidi, Mina, Kir.L'.vak, C'iiona, Lvlat. Oil Wharf *k*rt VESSELS IN DRY DOCK. Tonjong i'OLar Sheers Whirl Janisenl A'.Lort Dock Nil Victoria Dock Lch. No. 4, Dc Carpentier Keppel Harbour
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  • 69 7 To-diiy.'tMi (G. G. Roume) 3 p.m. Samwkk iKurMnc) 3 p.m. 1,i1,'-<Aiin:i «n<t Hokow 1 t'onctainellruiAt 3 P- ra Bik« Imgn ».m. Poßtianak lKh<{co Focng) .1 p.m. Kr.vpt an" Great BtHain 1 l';ircels) (Glaacnt) 1.30 p.m. Laboeau Cilik and Tar.<ljon( Balei (SampH 1 >. 3 p.m. pttiag
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  • 174 7 MAP.AH. M. K. Marnh. I>rother of Mr. A Gumbathum of the British American Tobacco v.. and father-in-law of Mr. A. Pillay of the Treasury. Expired on Sunday, December 27, iy'2s. at (1.30 p.m. Age 52. Ht leaves behind a widow, three son's, one daughter and eight grandchildren to mourn
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  • 117 7 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sqth and family thank all kind fricmU for messages and tokens of sympathy with them m their great bereavement. Mr. O. A. Cttrmalias and the Misses M. and A. Rodrigucx bug to thank their numerous relatives snd friends who kindly attended the funeral of
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  • 243 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, December 28. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 15/32 Demand 2/4 5/32 Private 3m. credits 2/4 25/32 On New York, Demand 66% Private 90 d/s 58 T4 On France, Bank T. T. 1,475 On India, Bank T. T. 154 tt On Hongkong, Bank d/d 3&
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  • 61 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Bayers. SaUen. ipot R P (lt tanuary an.-March Jan.-March Vpril-Junc April-June SmgapoTe standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Bayers. Sf!!ors. 1.49 1.50 1.48 1.4!) lM\k 1-44 Vt 1.33 1.34 Tone of Msiket Quiet. Latest London cables quote: Spot
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    • 244 7 Issue Val. I'd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 64/- 65/1 1 Batang Padang 0.70 0.75 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.52 1 1.57 »,4 El £1 Idris Hydraulics 61/- 53/- cd. 1 1 Johan Tin 0.65 0.70 10/ 10/- Kampong 63/6 64/0 cd. il il Kamunting Tin G4/- 60/-
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    • 130 7 Issue /al. Pd. Buyers Sellers 1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.7.6 5.12.6 .0 10 Central E:u;ines 8.50 9.30 SI £1 E. Smelting Co. 14.50 15.00 cd. 10 10 Fraser Neave 54.<10 oo.OO 00 10<l Hammer Co. 185.00 193.00 .00 100 Katz Bros. def. 200.00 220.00 0 10 Mexican Eaple
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    • 96 7 U. Eng. 6 p.c. $i,234.30t jmt lift S..S. 5H p.e Loas 1019 Spore Municipal op.c. $"6,710,000 10S% 104 cL $1,878 000 of 1930 par 10% ».m. ss 5V4 j^ m 8 S P7!, So^^ 1 J£ Pt- $28,655 700 106H 106% ci. of 1907 $1,600,000 par 107. .a» jc
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    • 384 7 Frascr and Co. and Lyali and Evatt'a Quotation*. To-day's Prices 1- ra > r Lyall ft Co. Evatt. Allenby (SI) r,.5O 3.60 3.50 3.75 Alor Gajan (->1) :;.::0 3.50 3.40 H.OOex. A. Hitam ($3) 20.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 A. Kuninp (SI) 1.45 1.60 1.55 1.65 Am. Malay (S2)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 429 7 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. NELSON. On November 28, 1W5, at 13, Watt's-avenui 1 Rochcstrr, to Dorothy, wife of George Geoffrey Nelson, II. M. Naval iiuse, Singapore, a son. RENE ffLLMANN can advise you for the choice of a good wato HE IS A SPECIALIST. Rene Dlmann sells only reliable wnrciet 0 the
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    • 43 7 ■HI JnvK^ JpßWfc '_> j- #52? !v»! v» j Cat) B^sssssssssssssssssssssssV 'AJHfri <yp *!> iss^ i j fi Si i 'T* W F ''^aWw^H "if*' I1 I'l THE BEST OBTAINABLE Sold by leading dealers- m S.S. and F.M.S. Sole Agents H. Wolskel Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE.
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    • 453 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., gee psge 16. WANTS, FOH SALE. ETC. FOR SALE BCICK. m perfect condition. Letters 10, Straits Times. (lp) FOR SALE, Fiat .'Ol. Owner leaving Colony. 992, Strniti Times. (lp) FOR SALE, English car four-sentcr, spur* model, choc.p. Apply 26, Straits Times. WANTED, Knjrlish or Eurasian
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    • 436 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advt*.. s«e page 16. MISCELLANEOUS. A HUGE variety of Winei urd Liqueurs at extremely low prices. At. H. Bolter. Ip D.-: LUZE BRANDY, guaranteed 1*50. lso No. 1 Hand Ano Brandy. Ask ftr prices, (J Aurely, Plicae ITS. CHRISTMAS TOYS bif» Imrgain »t Season Co., Ltd.,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 63 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Station. (l!y Durlcfy of Government Health Office). For the 21 houra ending at Midnight on December 27, 1»2V d>tr. »!e irmprralure 79.5 F temperature 73.5 F. Mean ahade temperatun 75.9 F. Hue iua radiatios HO F. Mln. gn 72 F. B tempei HO F. Mean v.-t
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  • 1057 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, DECEMBER 28. PROTECTORATES. Thanks to a correspondent, there has been brousht to our notice a singularly interesting review of the life of the fourth Karl of Carnarvon m the November number of United Empire, the Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute. Lord Carnarvon was for some
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  • 39 8 A Teochew fishmonger cf Johore Bahru, named Seah Choo Chuan, was severely knifed m the chest, arm and back m Kirn Seng Road, on Christmas I bT Three Teochews, wha can be identified, are being sought by the police.
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  • 45 8 A Chinese, Chua Hong Khee, was charged m the Third Police Court this m rning with the murder of Tan Liang '.len n m Merchant Lane on Saturday. Tho murdered man was shot and other Teochews are suspected of being concernid. The case was postponed.
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  • 62 8 An insistent propaganda advocating a •icneral strike to protest against Japanese "intervention" m Manchuria is expected to lead to further industrial trouble m Shanghai especially m the cotton mills, feeling was exacerbated owing to the execution on December 17 of one of the most prominent of Chinese labour agitators who
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  • 71 8 The police of Batavia are being called ill-mannered. The Chief of Police has been invited to attend a meeting of the Municipal Council to hear complaints of the public regarding the behaviour of the Batavia police, which is stated to have left much to be desired of late. The press
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  • 17 8 A Chinese committed suicide on Boxing Day by throwing himself out of a train at Bakit Timah.
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  • 21 8 Mis. L. R. Macphail reports having dropped a wristlet gold watch m the vicinity of High Street on Saturday lorenoon (26th).
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  • 31 8 Tbe rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153 =5100. fne rate of payments of Money Order* from India and Ceylon is Rs. 158 $100.
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  • 32 8 The murder of a Teochew coolie, Tok Chiak Tong, is reported from Malacca. Be was shct m the abdomen m Keng Lhcow Street «nd a Teochew, Koh Sen^ Kv/an. has been arrested.
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  • 57 8 A European hotel manager at Bombay .nr.U'd P. Slioit, was sentenced on teceinber 17, to ore day's simple imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 10 for kickna a woman tiffin-canier. Mr. Framj Dinshaw Petit, the eldest son of Sir Dinshaw Pct.t, P.ait., who saw him m the -„-t end intervened,
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  • 62 8 H.E. Sir Laurence Guillemard, Governo; of the Straits Settlements and British Agent for North Borneo and Sarawak, has kindly consented to the suggestion lhat one of the ronds m Sandakan be ■asied after him, m commemoration of his visit here m 1924, says the British North Borneo Herald. The road
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  • 70 8 Twenty thousand people were present r.t Athens at the hanging of two officers vho were yentsneed to death by courtmartial for embezzling public funds, a crime which is becoming increasingly fienuent amonjt army officers. The decret import the death penalty was cnacteu after the offence was committed, but its provisions
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  • 71 8 The following have been assigned Eastem cadetships in the Colonial service as rtnH of the open competitive examinations held in August WinningtonIrvrnm, E. A. (Oxford) Blelloch, 1. W. (Edii burjch); Wark, R. (Glasgow); Moore. V*. H. (Cambridge) de Soyza, G. (Cevlcn, Oxford) Pcntelow, W. C. D (Cambridge); Anu-rasinKhe, S. F.
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  • 91 8 The health statement for the Muiiici-p-aii'.y of George Town, Penanjr, for the week ending December 19, shows a total ..f 75 death? 42 males and 33 females the death-rate being 29.32 per mille per innum, compared with 24*^ in the precedinsr week and with 21.58 in the cor.esp.indintt week of
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  • 95 8 A Swiss business man arrived with his wife at the Kaiserhof Hotel, Berlin, 'ihe wife went to bed and the husband went to the bathroom. The husband heard his wife scream and rushed naked to the bedroom, where he saw a man entering the window with a revolver m his
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  • 95 8 As the bones of saints are credited with miracles of healing, so the remains of Lenin, in his Moscow mausoleum, are credited by simple-minded Russians with mysterious- power to cure the ills of the •!'->sii. A graphic description is (riven of the dai!y procession to view the Soviet leader's remains.
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  • 94 8 George Andrews, a Manila business man, is to be tried m the Philippines on I charge of embezzlement, according to Information filed m the Manila Court of Fin-t Instance. It is alleged that between October 1, 1923, and May 31. 1924, Andrews and Company jffeeted insurants and collected premiums amounting
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  • 105 8 A Peking wire of December 12 states: Passengers on the international train. including women and children and a number of British, Americans and Japanese, and the four League of Nations' Commissioners, who investigated the pla.we in Manchuria, had a terrifying experience yesterday. They were forced to take refuge under the
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  • 120 8 A desperate bid for freedom from the M.M. Azay le Ridcau was made by tw^, members of the French Foreign Legion, while the vessel was m Colombo Harbour a week ago. The men were being brought from the Far East under an escort. About 'i a.m., probably while their guards
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  • 512 8 Mr. Ramsay MacDunald accompanied by his th-oe daughters departed from London on December 2) for Marseilles, where he was to embark on the Mnloja for Ceylon, where he will stay for about ten days. Lieut.-Colonel .1. G. KunhardS, I. M.S., •etired, who hus for years taken a
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  • 24 8 Saturday being a Christmas holiday m New York there was no quotation to cable. To-day's Singapore price $1.50, London price Us. 9%d.
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  • 70 8 Mr. T. N. Frost, who is residing at the Europe Hotel, is the poorer by a rob■;ery of S5O from his room, on Sunday night. This morning, Mr. Frost noticed that his boy, Ah Piow, failed to bring him his cup of coffee and about 7.30
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  • 250 8 In the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd jesterday morning, tho pontifical hinh am was performed by the Kt. Key. Louis Per. ichon, Bishop of Corona, with th. Rt. Rev. Mons-ignor Mariette, VicarGeneral, as mastir of ceremonies, Father Auriol, director of the POBgol Rosd Cemetery, as deacon, and Father
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 88 8 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT United Artist Production ISN'T LIFE WONDERFUL m 9 Reels. TOPICAL BUDGET, GAUMONT GRAPHIC FUNERAL OF THE LATE QUEEN ALEXANDRA (up to December 31) and a Two Red Comedy. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. WAKING UP THE TOWN (Featuring JACK PICKFORD) m 6 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE
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    • 57 8 On Other Pages. Pag*. Finance and Commerce 7 Shipping and the Mails 7 Meteorological Report 7 Ri-utcr Telegrams 9 Chrlatmai m Singapore 9 Medical Congress. Dr. Hoops Interviewed Singapore Christmas Tragedy 9 Aneta Radio Mews 9 City Liner Runs Aground 9 Sporting Intelligence ..10 Correspondence 10 To-day's Share Market .1(1
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  • 439 9 Japanese Propose Leaving Mukden. More Fighting m the North Expected. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, December 26. Tokio Owing to strong reprcsentat'ons m repaid to the expense of maintenance, the War Department announces the decisi n te withdraw troops from Mukden. The Foreign Office says it will only accede
    Reuter  -  439 words
  • 106 9 [REl'TER TELEGRAM.] London, December 27. Amsterdam The Congress of the National Labour Secretariat, presided over by the Dutch (Ymmunist Sncevliet, and attended by representatives of the British niimrity jKiity, also the Soviet, p.i.-sf I :i IMotaUoi by US vttcs to -1 instructing the executive to give effect
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  • 61 9 [RKL'TER TELEGRAM.] London, December 2K. Cherbourg Professor Edwin Kemmerer, American delegate to the Reparation Commission, has arrived. London, December 28. Home A message from Tcrni, Italy, ■taaaa that a short but severe earthquake fhoek was felt this evening. No damage was eaaeod. London. December 23. m M. CWeharta has
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 30 9 A Tumil. Durasamy, has been r.nvsteil on a charge of the attempted murder of another Tamil at KamlanK Kerbau on Sundav. Wounds wan inflicted on the ■lull ..f tkt victim.
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  • 417 9 Differences on Essential Matters. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, December 26. Cawnpore The subjects' committee of the Indian National Congress by 135 votes to 21 adopted a resolution by Pandit Moti Lai Nehru m favour of boycotting the Legislative Councils if the demands already made by the Legislative Assembly as
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  • 160 9 [r.ELTKR TELEGRAM.] London, December 27. Paris From a pc'.itical standpoint the Cabinet is certainly not having a happy Christmas. According to some of the morning pr.pcrs the Government are tottering on th-j brink of a financial precipice which has already engulfed their predecessors. The trouble, apparently, is due
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  • 53 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, December 26. N\w York One out of every five white persons m the United States owns an automobile, according to the latest statistics. At present over 20,000,000 motor vehicles arc registered, which is an increase of 2,000,000 notwithstanding that 1,000,000 vehicles were scrapped
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  • 484 9 A Holiday in Sunshine And Rain. Although Boxing Day and yesterday were spoiled by heavy rain, Christmas Day, dawned bright and sunny, and remained so, bringing with it, added enjoyment ir. the shape of outdoor sports. Having regard to the heavy rains which fell both before and afterwards,
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  • 99 9 Reef Encountered in China Sea. When the City of Baroda, of 4,503 tons net, arrived here this morning from j Cebu, in the Philippines, the captain re- 1 ported that the ship ran aground on a reef on the voyage. The extent of the damage is not
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  • 91 9 [BEUTER TELEGRAM.] London, December 28. Washington The press and public men are growing daily more indignant and more unrestrained in their expressions in discussing England's wickedness in advancing the price of rubber. Mr. Longworth, Speaker in the House of Representatives, speaking at Akron, Ohio, said there seemed to
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  • 74 9 [REl'TER TELEGRAM.] London, December 26. Washington The American Cotton Association has convoked a meeting cf farmers, merchants and bankers for Jr.nuary 7 at Atlanta, Georgia, to uisc-uss methods of reducing the 1026 crop to ensure profits. Mr. John King, socrct.-i.ry of the Producers' Association, stated that a
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  • 1378 9 Dr. Hoops' Impressions Of Japan. Health and Research Work Described. The Hon. Dr. A. L. Hoops, P.C.M.O., for the Straits Settlements, gave some very interesting: impressions of health work in Japan, Korea, and Manchuria ta a Straits Times representative this morning. Dr. Hoops attended the sixth Congress of
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  • 204 9 Engineer of the Minderoo Shot Dead. Very few wers aware on Saturday n:;,'ht when the Boxing Day festivities were at their height ti at a terriblo t:^::cdj r was enacted in the hsart of the town. Daring the evening George Neil, second engineer of the steamer Minderoo,
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  • 61 9 New Edifice Opened At Mantin. The new Methodist Church at Mantin, in Nejjri Sembilan, was dedicated yesterday by Bishop Titus Lowe, of the American Methodist Mission, who was accompanied by the Rev. M. Dodsworth, of Malacca. The site was given by G >vernment, and the cost of
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  • 69 9 Four Hokiens were charged in the Dis- 1 trict Court, this morning, with carrying dangerous weapons in New Market Road on December 26. They all pleaded Kuilty and the prosecuting Court Inspector re- j marked that there had been -too much of! that sort of thing, and asked
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  • 166 9 Extraordinary scenes occurred at the Divisional Court, when Henry Freeman was summoned for contempt of court arising out of attacks on Mr. Justice Roche. Freeman had nursed a grievance m connection with unsuccessful litigation he had instituted, and had written letters to Mr. Justice Roche, m the course of I
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  • 1663 9 WIRE LE SS TEL E GR AMS Received via Java from Aneta Press Bureau. Lord Kitchener's Death. London, December 22. In the course of to-day's proceedings m the House of Con-.mons, Mr. Bridgeman, First Lord of Admiralty, made a statement regarding the death of Lord Kitchener m the iruiser Hampshire.
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  • 76 10 Lcafield, December 23. Two experts, one from the Board o{ Trado and the other from the Board "f Inland Revenue, who went to the Continent on the suggestion of Mr. Churchill. Chancellor of the Exchequer, to consider the luxury taxes established in France, Slovakia, Germany, Poland
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  • 85 10 Berlin, December 23. The Italian Fascist Government is ccnsidci injf plans for making the former German Austrian territoiy in South Tyrol a special Italian Fascist province, with the city of Bozen as the capital. Only one G-rman paper will be permitted to appear in the German language, under
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  • 286 10 Messrs. William Jacks and Co. report under date December 2 The present month has opened with a quieter feeling, and there has been little or no speculation. Reports from all over the world, however, show an all round improvement in trade. Copper. American reports point to this metal
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  • 141 10 Space Wasted on Long-Range Encounters. A recently mooted suggestion that writers of memoirs and reminiscences would do well to keep them within narrower limits than have now become customary is one that is deserving of support," writes Jacob Omnium in the Bookseller and Stationery Trades Journal. It has
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  • 118 10 Complete Guide to The Stars. The astrolabe, an instrument used by Columbus and Drake, and originally invented by Hipparchus about A.D. 150, has been brought up to date and made available for the schoolboy by Professor C. F. Jenkin, Professor of Engineering at Oxford University. The instrument enables
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  • 119 10 To-ni(fht closes the run of the Prisoner of Zenda, at the Empire Cinema. It is a picture of fights and thrills, love and hate, blended into a colossal film and is directed by Rex Ingram. Pictures of Queen Alexandra's funeral which arrived in Singapore by the mail on
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 290 10 English and Scottish Leagues. [Reuter Telegram.] London, December 26. The following are the results of League games played to-day Division I. Aston Villa 2, West Ham 0. Bolton W. v. Manchester U. postponed, ground unfit. Burnley 6, Leeds U. 3. Everton 3, Blackburn R. 0. Huddersfleld 1, Sunderland
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    • 28 10 Members of the V.M..C.A. interested m football are requested to attend the annual football meeting, at the Association building on December 29, at 5.30 p.m. sharp.
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    • 122 10 Negri Tourists Lose Holiday Fixture. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I p<>M .December <2fi. In a friendly rugger mitch at Ipdi on Saturday the Negri Srmbilan touring side were defeated by Perak by two goals and a try against a drop goal. The weather was fine, and there weie about
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    • 518 10 Championship Holders Retain Their Titles. Whatever may be said of the boxing exhibition jriven at Happy Valley on Saturday night, it was a vast improvement i-n its immediate predecessors and all but those who are over -inclined to criticism must have been well satisfied. A few small showers of
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    • 292 10 Large Gathering and Full Programme. Before a large gathering of the public and the Government officials, including the Resident of Labuan and Mrs. Grant, the annual athletic sports of the Labuan English School were very successfully run off on December 11, on the Government padang. The weather
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  • 337 10 Foreign Tribute To Londoners. By the universal consent of foreigners visiting England's capital, Londoners arc the p >litest peoplu in the world, say3 the Evening News. I have been in a great many of the world's big cities, writes John Blunt in the Daily Mail, commenting on this
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  • 126 10 While whaling m rather bad weather, a big whale that had been killed was dashed against the side of the whaling vessel, bending the plates. Water poured into the ship, and although the crew pumped their hardest they could not keep pace with the inrush. Suddenly," reports
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  • 95 10 A theory that the Irish are descendants of the Eskimos has been advanced by Dr. Porkory, a Berlin professor of philology m a lecture at University College. There certainly is such a possibility," he said. "In isolated parts of Ireland and Scotland are to be found types
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    • 97 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Anent the comments passed by the Hon. Mr. J. H. M. Robson in the Federal Council on the subject of underground telephone cables he will perhaps be interested to know that in the State of Sarawak there are some
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    • 105 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir— The 12 H.P. Bean car is sold at home for £21*8, $2 850 being charged for the same car in Singapore. The 14 H.P. Morris Oxford car is sold at home for £260, this price including free insurance for
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    • 293 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Following the rise in the cost of ice in Kuala Lumpur domestic firewoods have gone up from 22 cents per 100 pieces to 40 cents per centum during the iast fortnight and charcoal from $2.50 per picul to S6 per picul,
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    • 447 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, .The Straits Budget of November 6 to hand by the last mail contains two interesting items referring to the above company, viz. Your leader Is It Enough and the letter signed Shareholder." As one of the shareholders in the
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    • 175 10 Singapore, December 28. Rubber.— London 8a. 104 Quiet ami market closed till Monday. Local $l.. r )0. Rubbers. Shares are firmer. Malak.i Pindas are quoted at 3.60-3.70 and Unitod Malaccas i.t &26-S.8J>. Tambalaks have buyers at 1.7'J'j ami seller at l.fSVi, and Mandai Tckong.i at 1.-1.50.
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    • 263 10 Singapore, December 28. Rubber. '>s. [>%<\. unchanged. Tin.— i279 5s. (24-12-25.) The market opens quietly after tho holidays with very little interest beimf displayed in any section. Rubbers. Connumaras were taken ;>t 2.72>,4. Ayer Panas made 18.50 and Jimahs 2.65. Changkats can be
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  • 127 10 Homespun Tweed that Conceals Holes. A new Manx homesnur tweed, so ingeniously woven that it does not show holes, has just been placed on the market. A tailor, to illustrate the qualities 6f the cloth, plunged a pointed pencil through it. When the pencil was removed the fabric
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  • 130 10 Nine Months Solitude After Electric Shock. Eustor Station has acquired u naim-lcs.< dog hermit. For nearly nine .nonlhs he has kenneled himself under the platforms and has skilfully eluded many attempts at capture. There is an understanding between him and an official rat-catcher, otherwise the food problem would
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  • 159 10 An American from the Middle We- 1 was talking to mo to-day of thy danger to motorists of giving lifts to stranger! on lonely roads m the States, says a writer m the Morning Post. One niphl however, a harmless-looking little man ped him and asked for
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  • 58 10 The friends of Mr. Soo Ah Yin, laic of the British Borne.> Timber Co. and formerly m the North Borneo Government service, wiil regret to hear t>f hi* sad death, which occurred on the morning of November 21, at i.he age of 40 years. Mr. Ah Yin bad been m
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  • 1013 11 The Vice-Commodore's Cup. (Contributed) The second round for the Vicc-Commo-dire's ltd Cup was sailed in thorough local Christmas weather yesterday and the outlook was most cheerless as the \urious crews prepared for the fray, the hurbour being shrouded in rain and mist, with the breeze piping up all the
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  • 41 11 Lord lianbury is coins j 0 move." m the House of Lords the rejection of that part of the Expiring I-aws Continuation Bill (h nlic of D.0.R.A.) which prevents cigarettes from being sold after eiirht o'rlock ;md imposes other absurd regulations.
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  • 829 11 Amateur Success and Failure In Singapore. The following article, entitled Broad- puirtmg in Maiaya, contributed by an enthusiast who situs himseif VVeco to the Malaysia Message, is of considerable J i interest It is nnnrttt difficult to state when broadcasting first aiouscd any interest in Malaya, but
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  • 182 11 Fitted as a Cure For Rickets. An amusin;,' incident took pUcc at the London Zoo when the pigmy African c!eI hant was fitted for surgical boots. This little elephant is a true pigmy from the Itain Forest regions, and although it stands barely four feat high it
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  • 51 11 Tlic l>i)>;utmont af Korean AfTuirs m Tokio h:is lx«n iin'Ud hy France to enter into the detail* sf a scheme for the development of zinc and coal mining m French Inrlu-t'hina. It is understood that Fiance has already drafted the scheme for forming corporation In*. need by JvpSJMS* and French
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 245 11 We have just received new stocks of THE AEOLIAN PLAYER p 1 an a A J, li X« These are recognized the WOrld OVer a8 the finest instruments of their class. Call to-day. We will be pleased to demonstrate these to you or write for free illustrated catalogue. S. MOUTRIE
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    • 174 11 NCW YCllf FcStlvltiCS new years eve Thursday. December 31, 1925. DINNER AND FANCY DRESS BALL. Distribution of Parisian Novelties. Tickets $5.00. Admission to Ballroom for non-diners $2, if seats are available. Sea View^ Hotel JANUARY 1, 1926 FANCY DRESS BALL TICKETS $5. Exlenaion of Licence to 1.15 a.m. Please book
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  • 340 12 Bolstering up u Spurious Reputation. The principal thing; America teaches film producers in England to fear is— stars. Only too often a film star is merely an actor or actiess who is famous, whose name billed outside a picture-house \ti?l bring people inside no matter what rubbish
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  • 227 12 Reaction Against Churchyard Whimsies. Jauntiness seems to be the mode with the youngest of the young musical composers these days. It is a reaction against 1 the modes of their elders the finished elegance of Ravel and the dreaminess of Debussy. Ravel is an antique. Debussism is a?ons
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  • 163 12 Latest Epigrams From America. The Daily Sketch publishes the following Epigrams from America It usually is a happy marriage if he will give and she wffi forgive. Another general aid to longevity is the fact that the good die young. The coal-mineis are doing their bit towards
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  • 179 12 Bishop Chavasse, writing from Oxford to the Liverpool Daily Post, relates what he says is an unpublished incident m the life of Queen Alexandra. At a time when he was Bishop of Liverpool (says the Bishop) Queen Alexandra paid a sudden visit to the Cathedral site, where
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  • 60 12 Mansel Pleydell, Controller of the Army Canteen Board at Simla, who has been committed for trial to the Sessions on a charge of causing such bodily injury to a ricksha coolie as was likely to cause death and has resulted m death, has been STanted bail of Rs. 20.000, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 290 12 FOR NEW YEAR PARTIES the: TODOR, Dinneß, service I I ONE OF ytf WNmAWAVS STANDARD VALUES SfiTn THE "TUDOR" DINNER SERVICE. Xxi •■Mcnt vaiue m a perfectly new shape. All white with neat eiiilxsst'd design. Set comprises G soup plates, 6 meat plates, C [HHJJing plates, G cheese plates, 2
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    • 408 12 OFFICES TO LET in LAIDLAW BUILDING. No. 3, area about 1,600 sq. ft. No. 13-b, area about 350 sq. ft. No. 15, area about 3,260 sq. ft. (can be divided). MODERATE RENTALS. Apply to the Manager, Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., L1UITKD SINGAPORE. TO LET OFFICES ft GODGWNS, ETC Offices in the
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    • 130 12 BBJBfr. fife? j2f r_?A-. !E** fls^B^^999BKbM^fl -iii i^iaiui^ lil IHSHEi i_^^op<^ ■HHhkl^b BuaufTV A water test for a cigarette! Shake the contents of an ordinary cigarette into a glass of clean water, and see the dark, uninviting tobacco, stalk, sand and dust. Do the same with a State Express 555
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 180 13 REDUCE PRODUCTION COST M!KW\ TUC \Bt\ IB YflaF-^rSft Rlocklnf Ageats SUPER BELT "'^S L MINING FACTORY lp^» GRIPOLY SOLID WOVEN PURE CAMEL HAIR BELTING. niiiiiiiiiMimHiiimtiiiiiitiitttittt oiniicii yMiio The extraordinary ponularity of the Singer amongst all types of motorists is not the result of a mere passing phase. It is a
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    • 798 13 CHEONG KOON SENG CO. AUCTION SALE i,f Singapore town nnd e--i"itry properties. Al Maaara. Cnaoag Ko.n Bong I'o's saleroom, No. 30, Ch.iliii Street, •n W edn.->daj .10. ut 2.30 p.m. I Lot 1. Vxluub'e 99 years' leasehold land h;iJ house N'i. 9, Manila Stret t, Singapore, hit.'. 1.144 square
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    • 399 13 A STILL FURTHER Reduction m Price Made possible by greatly increased sales owing to even better quality. Essex Touring Car Wire wheels, "^j f^ £T\k Kxtra lyre ant] lulu 1 1 i^M*^y *Vi* <iihl i>nvi>|o i >r 5 Side Limps. $16.">. EFFECTIVE AS FROM NOVEMBER I, 1925. MALAYAN MOTORS (Proprietor!
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1986 14 Assets over $5,500,000 S.C. Assurartce m force over $19,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Straits Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE Winchester Honse, Singapore. LONDON ONFICE 62, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assursnce Companies
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    • 14 14 KANZAKI CO Malaya's Foremost Drycleaners and Dyers. No. 1-a, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Phone 3516.
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    • 776 14 DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, S.S. F.M.S. There are now vacancies m this Department for Malay Apprentices. Candidates must be Malays, between the ages ot 17 and 22 years. They should have passed the Junior or Senior Cambridge Local Examination, or, if they have sat for this examination m 1925, the results
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    • 629 14 PENANG TURF CLUB 1926 New Year Meeting. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY, Saturday, January 1IM. SECOND DAY. Tuesday, January 12, 1»2». THIRD DAY, Thursday. January 14, 1126. FOURTH DAY, Saturday, January 16, 192*. 9 Races for Horsea. Stakei 11,760 plus Added Money. 9 Races for Ex-Griffin Horse. Stakei $1,600 plus Added
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  • 380 15 Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. Madingley.—lnt. divd. 10 p.c. Vallambrosa. Int. divd. 75 p.c. Gordon (Malaya). Int. divd. 6 p.c. i Bertam Consol. Int. drvd. 25 p.c. i Kuala Nal. Second int. divd. 25 p.c. Membakut. Final divd. 12 Vi p.c, making 17 V 4 p.c. for year.
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  • 275 15 Rewarding a Successful Coup. An ex-C.I.D. officer is said to be taking up temporary residence m Austria undt;extraordinary circumstances. He is doing so, reports the Westmins-i t«r Gazette, to qualify for £15,000 which has been left to him by an Argentine! millionaire m gratitude for services! rendered. A
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  • 115 15 Medicine to Cure Broken Bones. Medicine to speed up recovery from broken boncb is the latest idea m snrganr. Bone consists largely of calcium phosphate, and after a fracture fresh quantities of this substance must be taken from the bloody for the formation of new hone. The
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  • 143 15 And Prides with Filed Teeth. Mr. Carvcth Wells, the explorer recounts recent discovejies ;.iade m the Malay Jungle. I saw a fish come out of a hole m the ground, hop, skip, jump and walk up a tree, deliberately- winking its eye at me. He deserves his name
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 NEW MODELS. As Attractive m Appearance as m Price. Nothing m recent years has aroused such interest among car-owners as the smart appearance of the latest Ford Cars. No Increase m Prices. WEARNE BROS., LTD. »tM> ♦*>♦»*«♦♦♦«♦♦•♦♦*♦♦♦ •»•♦■«■>■»«> h\t£3sfos~/ The Whisky o? the Old Vl V>^p%JsV^;X\ Coaching days— dry with-
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    • 299 15 CLYNO This new model 11 h.p. Clyno is an economical, serviceable, good-looking car that offers value for money m an unusual degree. You will be surprised to find it so well-equipped delighted with its easyrunning, easy-riding qualities captivated by its well- harmonised lines. See the Clyno to-morrow BORNEO MOTORS, LIMITED.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 156 16 Patronised by Royalty Established 1872. GOOD NEWS Presents for young and old. A delightful stock from which to choose everybody's gift SPECIALITY-CHINESE JADE B.P. De Silva 62 and 63. HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Branch No. I, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. 1 RUBBER FERTILIZER A Proved Success and the G«rect Thing for Rubber
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    • 408 16 JVST ARRIVED White Glazed Tiles AND i Terra-CottaTiles (Natural Colour). Enquiries Invited. LEE KIM SOO 20, HIGH STREET. NEW SHIPMENTS ARRIVED LOWEST PRICES. L Tuck's Genuine Round Packing (all aizes) Tuck's Asbestos Red Compressed Jointing 1/32 ins. 1/16 ins. and 1/8 ins. Stauffer's C. I. Lubricators (all sizes). Davies" Emery
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    • 926 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., m ordinary close set type (arerage six words to line) are Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 ■si- three ins. 64 ets., four ins. 82 cents, five ins. .91.00, six ins. $1.18, ten ins. $1.40,
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    • 365 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS RKAD STREET GODOWNS Bear rireT to let. Apply United Engineers, Ltd. TO LKT, 142, Cecil Street, each floor over 5000 sq. ft. Entry April 1, or earlier. Apply David, 25, Malacca Street. TO LET, one or two apaciooa, two-storeyed godowns, m the liuberts n Quay district and
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    • 277 16 Toys! Toys Toys!!! Delight to the Kids, Memories of childhood days to the parents. Something clever yet low m price. FOR LITTLE TOTS BIG TOTS We have the toy to mit Your dollar goest a long w«y 8t M THE TOT HOUSE." JFRANESLS iiTie City's most beviWnl store VICTORIA STREET.
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    • 290 16 TO" ALL OUR Customers and Friends. Bright -:th the aunnhine of Happlnea* Dawn each new day Tor you all. |WITH THE BEST OF ALL GO«D WISHES FOR THE COMING YEAR. Annuals and Gift Books of 1926 for all Ages. Collins* Letts's Diaries of different variety. •PRICES ARE REDUCED TO LOWEST
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