The Straits Times, 23 March 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,819 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1925. PRICE 10 CENTS,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 137 1 Rk n c 4?O **'^M OPTKN "WHIPPED" NIVXB BEATKN FOR YOUR HEALTH' S SAKE USE "BEAR jp RAND" HYGIENIC SWISS MILK Guaranteed absolutely free from Microbes and Noxious Germs of any kind, and therefore perfectly safe, no matter for what purpose you use it. YOU WILL EVENTUALLY USE "BEAR BRAND."
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    • 199 1 Now in Stock NEW RANGES HAVE JUST ARRRIVED. r-Nj tqa Duro Fabrics L L J fTw GUARANTEED FAST COLOURS. F K vj CAMBRIC 38 inches $1.75 yard. SKS GINGHAM 36 inches uo y ard Stripes, plains, checks in Red, Brown, Green, Bkie, Mauve, Pink, Grey and lello'.v The most reliable
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    • 4 1 LACTOGEN FOR youa baby
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  • 254 2 Magistrates to Advise Poor Litigants. The Home Secretai>y has suggested that justices of the peace at home should eat apart one afternoon a week to act the role of the friendly Cadi to the poor seeker after legal guidance. At close quarters the law seems )ike a fine
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  • 216 2 The Success qf Systematic Draining. Crowning success hat rewarded an anti- mosquito campaign in Arkansas, U.S.A. One hospital that ten years ago treated j 350 cases of mosquito-contracted malaria, in 1923 had less than one-tenth that total; 'and in a hamlet of 300 persons where everybody suffered from
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  • 218 2 Possibility of a Visit To Singapore. Submarine X 1, the mightiest underwater craft in the world, may finish off the lengthy trials to which she has been subjected by a 20,000-mile trip to the Far East and back. The giant vessel is now apparently ready for sea in
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  • 158 2 The Westminster Gazette regards the .sumirioninjr' Home- of the Viceroy with suspicion, recalling the recent report that Lord Birkenheatl is going to visit India, which wa» promptly denied. It says that Lord Reading: does not lack tRe power of explaining his mind on any matter, and
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  • 103 2 The British Empire Exhibition Association is organising an entirely fresh Indian exhjbit. The Government of India and Sir Atul Chatter jee are giving the Association al) possible support m thi? matter. The Indian States which participated year have beeri invited to tooperate again, and the help
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 This Illustrated Guide FREE BEFORE you decide what kind of fence you will erect get this Ideal Fence Catalogue the complete guide. It illustrates and describes the most suitable fencing for every special purpose— heavy or small stock, sheep, pigs, poultry, deer, buffalo, ostrich, plantations, &c. 18 styles m all.
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    • 189 2 What makes a good baby When Baby cries it is Nature's way of telling you that something is wrong probably it is a question of food. Virol, by getting rid of digestive troubles and by supplying a properly balanced diet containing all the vital principles, makes baby's life happy. A
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    • 140 2 "The Mastertone" gr^Tgg^ TRIPLE-SPRINC, MOTOR ,WiHl JaWim a cs tone-arm and sound i iW I 9 Piano polished mahojrany case. SBftf """^■Pli zo n liy l)y in -ji ?S*si IlloHtr»te<i catalogue on application. tf l"i Monthly instalment nystems can be u'i armngfd for local eastomer. W^ SEASON CO., LTD. \3
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  • 436 3 The Different Choices Of VocMWilarV. Did you ever realise that no two people sneeze in exact'y the same way writes Ralph Straus in the Daily Chronicle. For myself, I admit that- I used to believe the process was always the same, and if I had been asked to describe
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  • 130 3 Sermon on the Mount As Christinas Leader. One of the Italian newspapers recently printed the first chapter of Genesis in the column usually occupied by its leading article. This wcs by way of a protest against the censorship. ■The first newspaper to go to the Scriptures for
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  • 267 3 Regarding the Nibelungs, the film which Mr. R. M. Donati will shortly be snowing m Singapore, the Daily Telegraph said It is a wonderful moving picture, produced on a most impressive scale, and with the most meticulous attention to detail. The settings are marvels of ingenuity. It is
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  • 108 3 Up to the end of March, 1926, Britain will have spent £600,000,000 on war pensions since 1917, said Major G. E. Tryon. Minister of Pensions, at the annual dinner of the East Lewisham Conservative Association. "I am told that we have done justice to nobody," he added, yet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 399 3 Wunderlich Ltd. A R T ri fJlti MFTAI Unique ceilings of distinctive beauty and permanence, infinite variety of designs and tints, from delicate tracery for the drawing room to bold ornamentation for Theatre and Public Hall. Estimates and plans on request Write for ART METAL CATALOGUE BOI.E AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS
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    • 382 3 i CRIPPLED BY RHEUMATISM I In no disease does the blood become thin so rapidly as m rheumatism. Not only does !,it become thin but it is louded with impuri- ties— the rheumatic poisons. Without pro- per treatment these poisons increase, the inflamed joints swell and the patient be- comes
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    • 552 3 stbmm smntcs Burns PMlp Line (Incorporated m Australia) For SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA, DARWIN THURSDAY ISLAND and BRISBANE Regular monthly sailing by the well known steamers MARELLA (7,:175 ton*) and MONTORO (5,000 tons). The *.s. MARELLA i« the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabin. Ide luxe, single berth
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    • 392 3 COMBINED SEKYK'E OT THE OCEAN S.S. CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Incorporated m England) THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England.) Fortnightly Service lakinjr cargo and I'assengerH from Singapore. BATAVIA AM) SOI'KABAYA NORTH-WEST AUSTRALIA PORTS AND FRE.MANTLE (PERTH.) Approximate Sailing*. CENTAUR Mar. 23 HINDEROO Apl. 11 GORGON
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 839 4 STEMIER SAILHWB KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCNAPPIJ (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland) UNDER CONTPACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Telephone Noa Paasag* Dept. 131. Freight Dept.. 1202. Marine Dept. and Transhipment Dept. 1437, Manager'!! Dept. 1002. REPRESENTATIVE for Singapore and Straita Settlement* i.f the OFFICIAL TOIRIST BI'RKAU OF
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 461 5 STEAMER SOILIIIBS Ellcrman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE Paasenger and Freight Servicet TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT yiA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL FREIGHT SERVICES HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG as BLOEMFONTEIN due Mar. 27 ss. CITY OF CANTON due Apl. 27 s.s. CITY OF ATHENS due May
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    • 762 5 STEAMER SAILINGS BLUE ELLERMAN FUNNEL BUCKNALL LINE S. CO LTD (laeorporaUd m England) JOINT SERVICE to BOSTON NEW YORK and BALTIMORE Tia SUEZ or PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK Steassar Da* S'por* Route Far t CITY OF BOMBAY In port Suez Phillipines and Hongkong. •CALCHAS Apl. 3 Suez Phillipines and Hongkong,
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    • 586 5 7 Stt-AMER SAILIWfiS Roosevelt Lisie REGULAR SERVICE Fiom U.S.A. Tia PANAMA to NEW YORK and BALTIMORE via SUEZ CANAL S.S. Bordeaux Maru doe Apr. 2 US. Silverelra dae Apr. 12 SJS. Venice Mam due May 17 lIS. SiKercedar due June 26 M.S. due July 22 HL$. Silverlarch due Aug.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 474 6 GAIETY CINEMA SURINA THEATRE Junction Albert and Bencuolen Htrren. N»rth Bridge tmi. Phone No. *8». I RIDAV. MARCH 2» to TIUKSDAY. WKUXESUAV. MARCH IK to TUESDAY. MMUH MARCH 24. Adventure. Hirtory. Romance, Thrills. At 7..10 p.m. !>O\T MISS TL-rt PI IDT reversal's New Serial the rLIKI TQ.MBHT It doesn't hirt
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    • 609 6 :ru UNDERWEAR FOR WEAR IN EUROPE. NEW STOCK JUST f^ All si/os. Three weights. "JASON" UNDERWEAR is guaranteed not to shrink rk l~^*?y^^\\ and we undertake to replace \j" free of charjre any "JASON** i~>:<^ garment that does not con- I/ 1 Jr^ form to this guarantee. L%U wei-rht Mttli"m
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  • 160 7 FIXTURES. Monday, March 23 High Wnter, O.L'fi a.m., 10.29 p.m. Homeward M. M. mnil closes. I.oe White Co., Vie. Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Tuesday. March 21 High Water, 10.15 a.m., 10.59 p.m. Franconia, m port, Ttllln, Raffles Hotel. Leo White 00., Vie. Theatre, 9.30 p.m. Wednesday, March 25
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  • 396 7 Monday, March 23. Ships alongside the Wharves or eipected to arrive. Entrance KEPI'EL HARBOUR, Main Whan' Pmrol. Selene, Juno, Sam)>n(lj 11. The Cable Oil Wl.arf Nil. Coal Wharf Nil VESSELS IN DRY DOCK. Tanlong I'agar Sheers Wnarf Nil. Albert D'iek Rogceveen Victoria ''nek lVr;:k. .'.eh. Iris Keppel
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  • 79 7 It-day. China, Balaam, Japan, Korea, Fornoaa, East Siberia and Philippine Islands 3 p.m. Ceylon, Southern and Western India, Djibouti, Kgypt, Europe, VSJI. and Canadn 3 p.m. tfeleeea ,4 p.m. Sarawak 4 p.m. Ceylon, Southern and Western India, South Africa ami South Kant of South Americn 4 p.m.
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  • 42 7 Iniulind* Amboite Grotiui More* Tara Kawi Chanti!ly i.en Arrn. Spore London K«h. ft Mar. 2 Feb. 11 Mar. 9 Feb. 13 Mar. 7 Feb. 13 Mar. 9 Feb. 18 Mar. 16 Feb. 20 Mar. IS Feb. S3 Mar. 20
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  • 223 7 The following passengers are duo to arrive here from Europe by the- Fushimi Mam on Monday, Mnrch W Mr. W. B. Aitken, Mr Anderson. Mr.,l. H. lirann, Mrs. H. F..- Bryhn Mis« U. M. Bryhn, Master C.'A. Bryhn, Dr g. Birchoff, Mr. ami Mrs. A. G. Baumann and Masters
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  • 214 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, March 23. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 31/32 Private m. edits 2/4 9/16 On New York, Demand 6o*a Private 00 <Vs 67* On Fiance, Bunk 1,010 On India, Bank T. T. 155 On HonKkon X Bank d/d 2 p.c. dis. On
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  • 58 7 Singapore Standard Pale Crap* Closing PrieM Buyeri. Seller*. Spot s Pot Aprii-Jtme April-June July-Sept. July-Sept. Tone of Market Steady. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers. Sellers 68% 68 2 67% 67>a 64 MV Latest Lotdoa cablet quote Spot akeet K 8<1. DAILY
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    • 252 7 bnifl Val. Pil. Buyers Sellers £1 il A?am KumbnnR 415'- 47/1 1 Batang faoang 062% 0.06 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.70 1.75 n il Idrta Hydraulics 29/6 30'Sxd. 1 1 Johar. fin 0.50 0.5.°. 10/- 10/- Kampong: 41/- 42/- ed. £1 £1 Kamunting Tin 56/- r>7/-cd. 10 10 Kinta
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    • 136 7 fl £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.12.6 8.17.6 10 10 Central Engines 4.50 5.60 5 5 Central Motors 0.75 1.25 nom. fl i'l K. Smeltir;* Co. 8.50 8.80 5/- 5'- Elec. Tramway 4/- 4/tfnom. 10 10 Fraser NV'.ve 6QL28 M.OO xd. 100 IOC Rammer Co. lT.'.OO 180.00 100 lOOKataBi-os. 'def.
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    • 111 7 Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers U. Ens;. C p.c. $1,234,300 par 10 p.c. pm. S pore Electric Tramway, 5 p.c. 80 AMD S'pc.e Municipal 5 p.c. 1,878,000 par 10 p.c. pm Spore s'unicipal 4Vs p.c. of 1907 $1.6.00,000 2% p.c. dis-par S'poic Municipal \Vi p.d. of 190 i» $1,000,000
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    • 386 7 Fraser and Co. and Ljall and Eratt'a Quotations. To-day's Price* Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. AHenby (?1) l.::2'^ 1-3714 1.30 1.40 Alor Gajfih ($1) 1.05 1.15 1.06 1.15 A. Hitara ($5) 11.00 11.60 11.00 12.00 A. K.uiing (*1) 0.32 H 0.37 V4 0.32 H 0.37% Am. Malay ($2) 1.80
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 RESTRINGING TENNIS RACKET with Best Black Tropical Gut. Price $5. ROSE &^O., LTO. 71. NORTH BRIDGB ROAD. SINGAPORE.
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    • 109 7 Coming I PRISCILLA DEAN m THE STORM DAUGHTER A Thrilling Sea Drama It's A Universal Jewel. THE NEW WORLD (Th« I'rcmier Pleasure Park) KELANTAN MAK-TONG, CINEMA. JAZZ BAND, KROMCHONG, etc. THE CITY OPERA New and up-to-date scenery .cistuines. Talented Actors, Actresses Clowns Various extra turns— songs and dances. To-night PRINCESS
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    • 121 7 THE ALHAMBRA Commencing April 1 to 6. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS m The Thief of Bagdad Have you ever seen a magic Bur soar above the city bearing a thief and :i I'rincesn Hare you ever seen a white horse with wing* fly through the cloud: Have you ever seen magic ropes,
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    • 862 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified Advts., see page 16. WANTS. FOR SALE, ETC. KOR SALK,.Peklne<e Spaniels. Seen Slavliclil Ktpnels. 210--. Queen Street. Mp) T<TT»K I.XT. Hollycroft, M, .Stevens Road, wcll-furnijliecl. Entry April 1. Apply 15 Dalr*g itoa.l. HEFERtNCK mlcertisencnt two reception clerks Europe Hokcl, vacancies fllled. Applicants thonlje*. FOB SALU while
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    • 792 7 ORDINANCE N 44 (BANKRUPTCY). IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SIMJAI'ORE. In Bankruptcy No. 2."> of 192.1. RE S. M. S. MARICAN. Debtor. EXPARTE R. FOmVERtJ. Creditor. To S. M. S. MARICAV, or No. lt*. Arab Street, Singapore. TAKE NOTICE that a. Bankruptcy Notice has been
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 124 7 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT Kandang Kerbau Station. (Bt Couricay of Government Health Office). For the 24 hours ending »t Midnight on March tt, HSL dcg. ■iidc temperature 89.6 F. Min. shade temperature 77.5 F, .Mean shade temperature 81.2 F. Mnv sun radiation 145.5 F. Min. gal radiation T.". F. Sen temperature 78
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  • 100 8 LIM TEK WEE.-On March 22, 1925. at 16. Stanley Street, Singapore, aged 52 years. I. m Tek Wee, son of the late Mr. Lim Kane Eng, and for upwards of Bfi yean on the clerical staff of the Straits f ime: F'ress. He leaves a widow, two sons ant
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  • 46 8 In loving memory of the late Madam Yaj Chwce Eng, who died on March 23, 1924 To-nav it brings back the memory The beloved one called to rest, Thobe who remember her to-day Arc the ones who love her best. By her beloved relatives.
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  • 1015 8 The Straits Times MONDAY, MARCH 23. THE IRAQ OIL AGREEMENT. The announcement recently made by Reuter's Baghdad correspondent that the Turkish Petroleum Company had concluded a convention with the Government of Iraq for the exploitation of oil m Iraq. excluding the Basrah vilayet, for a period cf 75 years is
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  • 235 8 We much regrst to record the death, yesterday afternoon, at his residence 16, Stanley Street, Singapore, of Mr. Lim Tek Wee, who was Chief Clerk, Jin! had been for upward* of Utt years on the clerical staff of the Straits Times Press, Ltd. He was a son of the late
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  • 7 8 Selangor Coconuts harvested 146,820 nuts last month.
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  • 17 8 Lieut.-Colonel R. Ando is the Japanese representative at the Siamese Army manoeuvres. He is an infantry officer.
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  • 23 8 Mr. H. L. Skinner, secretary of Messrs. John Sampscn and Son, Ltd., Bangkok, has joined Messrs. Fraser and Neavc, Ltd., m that city.
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  • 26 8 Sir. W. H. Ring, of Ipoh, ha» given notice of appeal against the judgment given m the recent sweepstake case heard m the Ipoh Supreme Court.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153=9100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 158 $100.
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  • 34 8 In celebration of the honour conferred upon Mr. Kee Tek Phang, who was recently made a Justice of the Peace, a dinner was held at his residence, Sungei Bakap, Province Wellesley, on Friday night.
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  • 37 8 In some parts of Java, trade depression continues. One of the latest insolvent business houses is the Java Cold Storage which recently put m an application to the Court of Justice at Batavia to be declared bankrupt.
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  • 40 8 We are still having extraoHinarily wet weather here, says the British North Borneo Herald of March 16. Some rain has fallen every day since February 19, mostly m the afternoon and early evening, and outdoor games can rarely be played.
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  • 43 8 Mr. Graem-Anderson, of Kelantan. Mr. J. A. More, of Singapore, and Messrs. D. C. E. Rainnie and L. V. Wolfendale. of Tumpat, after visiting the Beho Tin Mines at Yala, motored down to Pattani the other day to call upon the Lord Lieutenant.
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  • 36 8 The Court of Justice at Batavia, has sanctioned permission to institute proceedings against G. C. Wetters, advocate and «olicitor of Cheribon, for alleged falsification of accounts and misappropriation of a sum amounting to over 20,000 guilders.
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  • 48 8 The Parsi Boy Scout Davar, who left Bombay on a world tour on a bicycle, arrived at Brussels on March 11,. and was accorded a warm reception by the Boy Scouts. While m Switzerland he tried to climb Mont Blanc, but did not succeed owing to bad weather.
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  • 41 8 The 423-ton steamer Uwajima Maru No. 6 encountered a storm on March 11 off Kabashima Islands, Nagasaki. Five de:troyers have been searching for her m vain. The purser together with fifteen passengers have been saved a hundred gther persons are mining.
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  • 59 8 There is now a food shortage m the eastern parts of Achetn. News which has reached Java is to tha effect that the last padi crop there had been damaged, and m addition the large supplies of rice to some estates on the East Coast of Sumatra, it has made
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  • 55 8 The M. M. Angkor, which arrived at Singapore this morning, reported m Hongkong that when near Amoy, on her way down, she ran down a junk and cut her m two m a thick fog. There was a crew of 28 people on board, of whom II men, six women
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  • 55 8 While riding into town on his motorcycle last Friday Mr. F. B. Oehlers, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., had the misfortune to run into a Chinese lad wifh the result that both had to go to hospital, the latter being still an inmate. Mr. Oehlers sustained a deep cut on
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  • 73 8 The Tamil Mission Chapel, Pitt Street Penang. was filled with a large number of the members of the congregation of St. George's Tamil Mission and their families) and several others on March 19 to bid farewell to Dr. and Mrs. l M ao Tambyah who left for Ceylon the next
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  • 113 8 Inspector Walter Kent, who is acting Chief Inspector of the Hongkong Police Force, has the distinction of jus,. having completed 35 years' Imperial service. He first came to the China Station m the Royal Marines irr 1890 During the Sino-Japanese War of *****5, he was at Peking, and when the
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  • 359 8 Sir L. M. Woodward, Chief Justice, F.M.S., returns to Malaya by the Fashimi Maru, due here on Monday next. Vice-Consul C. C. Hansen is a<*ting for Ihe American Consul at Bangkok, Mr. Charles H. Albrecht, during the bitter's absence on leave. Dr. and Mrs. Haviland are touring
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  • 40 8 From Holland ami Germany by the Slamat, due here to-morrow afternoon. From China and Japan by the Soudan, dup here at 2 p.m. to-morrow and by thv Kulderporc due here at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, the 25th instant.
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  • 79 8 Stainer's Crucifixion will be sung at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 9.15 p.m. on the Wednesday m Holy Week. It is proposed to invite the cooperation of all who would like to help m .rendering this popular work. Those who intend helping are asked to accept
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  • 156 8 H.M.S. Hawkins flying the flag of ViceAdmiral Sir A. F. Everett, X.C.8., etc., arrived at Port Swettenham on Friday morning. The British Resident of Selangor, Mr. O. F. Stonor, made an official call on the Admiral on board the tuu: .-hip at 20 a.m. Shortly
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  • 172 8 H.K. the Governor of Ceylon, Sir William Manning, G.C.M.G., K.B.E., C.B., has been elected a life member of the Planters' Association of Ceylon. In the •ourse of his reply in thanking the members for the honour conferred upon him, Sir William said in connection with rubber restriction, he
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 "Golden Specials" The highest grade tfjLlf JjMM^I I r IjSiiis BRITISH-AMKUK'AN TOBACCO CO., la' '"icu^ S^fE' (STRAITS) LTD. ft Glo^^P^ Siimr.purc, IVninK and Kuala Lumpur. P^^T^^^ffl-ligfi^^^^MJft^J SPECIAL DISPLAY O^|k& SPRING MILLINERY JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. 'Incorporated m England) Gordon's DRY LONDON IjcS jj| *g* "The heart of [f DKf CIN
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    • 112 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. PAT O' MALLEY m GO AND GET IT 7 Reels. TOPICAL BUDGET In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. WILLIAM DESMOND m THE BEASTS OF PARADISE In 15 Episodes or 30 Reels. Episodes 3 and 4, each 2 Reels. TAN CHENG KEE
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    • 75 8 On Other Pages, Pago. Shipping and Ihe Mails 7 finance and Commerce 7 Meteorological Report 7 Reuter Telegrams 9 Kir Fire at Palembnng 9 Singapore Axmies 9 •Wi'llery Theft U Ahead of the Mail 9 F.omb Outrage Sentence 9 Bukit Timah Rubber Report 1 Chamber of Commerce Alleged Libel 9
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  • 240 9 Reported Seeking Unconditional Admission. London Opinion Doubtful. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. ParU According to trustworthy information from Berlin Havas learns that Germany is prepared to seek ndmis- ion to the League of Nations without conditions or reservations. London, March 22. There is a disposition in
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 115 9 Enthusiastic Reception For Mussolini. [reuter telegram.] London, March 22. Rome The sixth anniversary of the foundation of Fascicmo was enthusiastically celebrated throughout the country. Imposing mass meetings were held and were everywhere most orderly. Over 6,000 Black Shirts assembled in the immense Augusteum auditorium in Rome and
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 99 9 Sir Henri Deterding's Notable Offer. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 21. Amsterdam In a speech at Uic Industrial Club. Sir Henri Deterding, DirectorGeneral of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., laid stress on the continued need for capital and men of responsibility in the Dutch Indies, the people of
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  • 36 9 [HKITKR TELEGRAM.] London, March 21. A bulletin regarding the Earl of Yprcs states that, although his strength was maintained after the operation on March 19, his condition still gives cause for anxiety.
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  • 33 9 [BELTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 21. (it-noa The Royal yacht, with the Kini; and Queen on board, departed for Leghorn. The King, after a restful night, briskly p.iro<l the quarter deck.
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  • 203 9 Soviet Seeks to Annul Contract. [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Moscow The Government's case for cancellation of the Sinclair oil concession in north Sakhalin has been heard in the Moscow district court. Counsel for the plaintiff asked the court to declare the contract null and void and
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 68 9 Assembly Accepts Council's Amendment. [REUTEK TELEGRAM.] London, March 21. Delhi The Assembly by 7Q votes to 50 accepted the Council of State's amendment restoring the salt tax to 20 annaa per maund, after Sir Basil Blackett had warned the house that the only effect of an adverse
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 63 9 Amsterdam Company's Big Forward Purchase. [REITER TELEGRAM.) London, March 22. Amsterdam The Amsterdam Rubber Company announces the e nclusion of a large sale contract with the General Rubber Company, involving 23,000,000 lbs. weight from the crops from 1925 to. 1929, or an annual average of 5,500,000 lbs., all in
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 68 9 [REITER TELEGRAM.], March 21. Ottawa The House of Commons by 133 votes to 38 adopted the Government resolution to refer the Petersen contract for a subsidised fleet of ten vessel;, involving Government control of ocean rates, to a committee for consideration. The Prime Minister, Mr. MackenzieKing
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 55 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 21. Sydney The Nova Scotia Maritime Labour Herald announces the receipt of 3,000 dollars from Rilu presumably the Red International Labour Union and the All Russian Miners' Union for the relief of the striking Cape Breton miners." The Herald quotes the cablegram as exclaiming
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 46 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. Cairo The King has promulgated a law controlling the drug traffic, which has recently assumed alarming proportions. Three years imprisonment and a fine of £300 are provided for infractions of the km, which U now generally applicable.
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  • 135 9 Uneasiness Regarding IndoChina Duties. [UUTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 22. L'Oeurre says that Senator Lederlin called on M. Herriot to talk about the uneasiness caised in industrial and commercial circles by the negotiations entered into with the Japanese Government, which had claimed a revision of the IndoChinese customs
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  • 71 9 Ten Years for Chinese Woman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 23. In the Assize court, before Mr. Justice Farrer Manby, Wung Sung, the woman charged with attempted murder in the recent bomb outrage at thfc Chinese Protectorate, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten years'
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  • 57 9 (Aneta's Service.) BaUvia, March 23. Fire has destroyed 40 shops at Palembang. The damage is estimated at half a million guilders. Approximately 200,000 guilders of this is covered by assurance mostly in Singapore. Enquiries made this morning failed to confirm the statement that insurance companies in
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  • 75 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 23. The application to set aside the order tallowing service of the plaint out of the jurisdiction of the Kuala Lumpur Supreme 'Court in the suit filed by Mr. H. N. j Ferrers against the Straits Time3 Press, 1 Ltd., and
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  • 244 9 Late Wireless Messages From Europe. (Aneta Radio Service to Java.) Nauon, March 18 A message from Pcrig states that King George declined the offer of the Fianch President to travel across France to Genoa on the special' French President's train because the journey was not official.
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  • 70 9 At the annual meeting of the Planters' Association of Ceylon, the Hon. Mr. F. A. Stockdale delivered a lecture on "Tha Organisation of Scientific Research for the Planting Industries." In the coconut industry, he said, the physiology of the palm requires investigation, the 1 yielding capacity of different varieties should
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  • 291 9 The Queen Street Shooting Affair. The three Chinese who were arrested in connection with the shooting affair in Queen Street on February 4, in which ai Chinese was shot dead and two Eurasian I youths wounded in pursuing the assail-] ants, pleaded net guilty to iiurd<?r at the
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  • 180 9 Holder of Albert Kahn Award Here. Mr. B. Ifor Evans, lecturer in literature at Manchester University, who was 1 awarded the Albert Kahn travelling fellowship for university graduates this year, has arrived at Singapore with Mrs. I Evans. 1 Mr. Evans has spent some months in travelling
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  • 430 9 The directors of Ulu Benut Consolidat-, e<j Rubber Co., Ltd., m their report for the 1 year ended December 31, 1924, states The result for the year shows a loss of $1,232Jil due almost entirely to reduced crop harvested on account of the lower percentage of
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  • 160 9 At the ninth ordinary general meetincr of shareholders of the Bukit Darah (Selangor), Rubber Co., Ltd., held at Colombo, on March 12, Mr. H. V. Hill, presiding, said the accounts showed a sum of Rs. *****.85 standing to the credit of the profit and loss account,
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  • 88 9 $1,500 Worth Stolen From Judge's House. Jewellery valued at $1,500 was stolon from the residence of Mr. Justice Borr?ttLennard, S, Goodwood Hill, on Satim! iy night. The jewellery wat placed by Mrs. Barrett-Lennard in ar. unlocked box in her room, and was missed on Sunday morning. It
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  • 567 9 Annual Report on the Past Year. Hie committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange, in their report to members for the year ended December 31, 1924, state that the accounts Show receipts amounting to £27,358.99 and expenditure including depreciation i $26,328.89 leaving a surplus of
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  • 175 9 The following appaintments are notified m the F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr A. R. Mynott to be Warden of Mines' Perak, Mr. A. F. Dennett to be a Chief Sanitary Inspector, F.M.S., Mr. J. H. Bassett to be a Supernumerary Officer of Class V, Malayan Civil ftervioe, Capt.
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  • 129 9 The Municipal health statement for th* week ending March M gives the total number of deaths as 177, representing a d€ath rate of 23.22 per mille per annum compared with 20.07 m the preceding week and with 22.30 m the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 524 9 Interview with Famous Revue Artistes. This is Lee White week. The famous London revue artiste, her equally famous liu.iuami, Mr. Clay Smith, and a company which includes more talent than supporting companies usually do have arrived, and will be a nightly attraction at the Victoria Theatre until
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  • 402 9 Five Per Cent. Dividend for Past Year. The report of the directors of the Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1924, states that after crediting $2,987.61 profit on land sales, I tfie profit for) the year as shown by the profit and
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  • 79 9 Under the auspices of the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association, the following dates of agricultural shows have been arranged for the present year. Brunei May 2, Bukit Mertajam June 1, Taiping July 25, Tanjong Malim August 9 and 10, Kuala Langat August (date not yet fixed), Teluk Anson October 3,
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  • Sporting News and Notes
    • 273 10 Bcotliiiul Wins International < h;inip:onship. [Renter Telegram.] London, March 21. Sixty tU'U-aml spectators assembled on tln> Sett new ground at Mur-la-fit-ld, lCdhil.urgh, for the rugby international. Bngiand v. Scotland. The wenMtor v:i< brlgfet, Mkwinf light falls of ■mm in t!'»- morning. 'lhc tally rnms were fought out with iiwni
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 351 10 'English and Scottish League Kosults. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 21. Thv. following sra the results of to- Ir.y' ijisrli.-h uud Scottish Leagus mutch' Divmron I. ft] anal Everton 1. Aston Villa 0, Notts County 0. Macktan K. I. Tottenham H. 1. Bury 4. Cardiff City 1. Huddfi-stu'ld T. <),
      Reuter  -  351 words
    • 25 10 TRpj' ft Telegram.] London, March 21. At Queen's Club m tbe inter-Varsity sports, Oxford beat Cambridge, winning 6 t vents t. "i.
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    • 48 10 New World's Smiling Champion. [Router Telegram. 1 I.uiidun, March 2!. Sydney; Major (IciiHlsell wun the world's sculling championship, dpfpatnicr W. McPevitt by l'( urtet-n lengths. II mm caaae into prominence m connection with this event last year, when be oh;illrii('rd I I'idiliin, winner thire sad was defeated.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 633 10 Services Defeat Public Services And Law. The Services won their first S.C.C tournament fixture on Saturday, when they decisively defeated the Public Services and Law on the padang. The Services, who knocked up 151 runs on Friday evening, brought tneir total up to 275 when play was resumed on
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    • 260 10 Keppel Win Wei-Hai-Wei Cup. The Keppel Golf Club representatives' s-tiii-i-tl a good win over the Singapore Golf Olub team yesterday in the first competition for the Wei-hai-wei cup. Keppel were successful by five matches to two. Details are as follows L. Hardic (Singapore G. C.) beat M. D. Rutley
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    • 69 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 23. The third annual sports of the Municipal employees was held on the esplanade and were most successful. There was a large attendance including the Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules. Mrs. Codrington gave away the cups. The Health Department retained, for
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    • 635 10 Selangor Polo Club Gymkhana. Our Kuala. Lumpur correspondent writes The Selangor Polo Club held a very .successful gymkhana on Saturday afternoon on the Race Course. Tho weather was not as good as it might have been. There was a slight drizzle between' 3.45 and 5 but this did not
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    • 49 10 Bantam Championship Changes Hands. (Rcutcr Telegram. J London, March 21. New York In a fifteen rounds contest for the world's bantamweight championship Rosenberg beat the holder, Eddie Martin, on points. The bantamweight title has changed hands more frequently than any other during the last two or three years.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 89 10 Oxford Row Full Course. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 21. Oxford rowed the full course from Putney to Mortlake in 21 mins. 46 sees., but it would be incorrect to say this was a genuine' teat of their beat speed. It was probably a wise policy not to
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 24 10 The Japanese contingent for the Far Eastern Olympiad will probably number 157. Tho competitors are- leaving for Manila on May 4.
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    • 635 10 The Final of the Odell Cups. The third and last met' for the Od«ll trophies will always be noted by the Yankee'* remark that "London beats the States every time because it's historic" for this applies in a small way to the i rase that came off yesterday morning,
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  • 152 10 Several of the Labour Guilds m the Colony ordered their members to stop work yesterday as a tribute of respect to the late Dr. Sun Vat Sen, says the Hongkong Daily Press of March 17. The Chinese newspapers, which had already suspended publication for
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  • 46 10 Atlantide, or The Hidden City, was presented to a full house by the City Opera at the New World on Saturday evening and was well received. There was also a fine display of firework* which* were enjoyed by those who preferred the open- air.
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  • 36 10 On and after February 27 the offices of The China Express and Telegraph anil Eastern Engineering will be removed from 79, Graeechurch Street, E.C.3 (where they have been situated for half-a-century) to 5, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3.
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  • 151 10 The report of the Balau Planting Syndicate for the year ended December 81, 1924, states that the net profit for the year, after providing for depreciation, is 189J65.38 to which has to be added $17,403.63, the balance brought forward from the previous year, making a total at the credit of
    151 words
    • 190 10 Singapore, March 23. Rubber. London Is. 8d. Steady. Local GS'.i cents. Tin.— London, 21/3/25 £251. Rubbers. F rm. Allenbys have buyers at 1.30 ard Pantais at 78 with sellers at 82 cents. Mmrakahs have buyers at 22 wfth sellers at 21 cents. New Craitfielcas have buyers
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    • 137 10 Singapore, March 23. Tin.— £251 (London 21-3-25). Local 126 '4— 126. Rubber.— Is. 7%d. Unchanged. Local 08 U. Rubbers again provide a quite market, Kempas have enquiries at 3.70 and Kadclla:; v.i)b ex., New Scutlni.i offer at 1.39, Jeram Kuantans 42 cents, Jimata 1.21, Bukit Katils 72
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    • 173 10 Singapore. March 23. Rubber.— Is. 7T»d. 68»4 cents. Tin.--fe>51 S126H, tors 125. With no cabled news of tin and rubber rnchanged the market is quiet but steady in the mining and rubber sections. Industrials are firm and loans in demand at quotations.
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  • 174 10 Several months ago the Burma Radio Club made an application to the Government of India for a licence to broadcast from Rangoon. The Government's reply to that request was to the effect that a second application had been made by the Burma Wireless Club and that it
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  • 146 10 The mystery of an air tragedy in the desert in Iraq has at length been clear 1 up. On July 24 of last year, Flight Lieutenant William Conway Day and Flying Officer Donald Ramsay Stewart were reported missing. Rescue machines, the same day, discovered their
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  • 1199 10 The Imbi Road Town Planning Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lmnpor, March 211. Nobody who has recently made it a poiiit. to go down Imbi or Circular road:. could have failed tu notice ■that Cor some months past a little town had been growing up in
    1,199 words

  • 1748 11 Twenty-five Per Cent. Dividend Paid. The annual meeting uf M«Mn. Fraser"^ and Ncave, Ltd., was held at the new promises of the company in Trafalgar Street on Saturday, there being present Messrs. W. H. Macgregor (chairman), C. V. Bailey, D. T. Lewis. E. Waikw (directors), W.
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  • 83 11 Amalgamated.— 27,s69 lbs. 8a1au.— 17,700 lbs. Uukit Kepong. 10,154 lbs. Brooklands.— 4l,ooo fcs. Beranang.— 2o,l32 lbs. Borcili.— lo,ooo lbs. Chen-b0ng.— 24,615 lbs. Cheras.-5-20.600 lbs. Connemira.— l9,3o6 lbs. Equatorial.— 27,o4s lbs. Fosbrerr.— 6,lol lbs. Glenshiel.— 2B,69o lbs. Kama.-an. 16,900 lbs. Kopong Ma1ay.— 49,976 lbs. Kong Sang. '!,500 Ills.
    83 words
  • 56 11 Kainunting Tin Dredging. Half month I output 880 pi.uls, hour., run y.V*. Estiinuti'd realised value of ore $(°2,!M)O. Renong Tin Dredgin; Co.— First half month of March, dredge Xo. 1 21) piculs, dredge No. *i. 365 piculs. Murai Tin.— 3oo piculs. I Mambau Tin: Hours run 424. cubic
    56 words
  • 72 11 Programme of drills up to and for March 2'J, ML Thursday, March 2G. 4.45 p.m., Drill: Hall, Officers and N.C.O's Course, ard Period. Assembly at Drill Hall to proceed to Siglap Camp. Saturday, March 28, 2 p.m., Bi'kit Timah, S.R.A. (V), Musketry* Classification 2 p.m., Farrer Range,
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  • 55 11 Orders for week ending March 29, IJ>25 Monday, March 23, Individual Troops Parade, 5.15 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, Signal lint: Class, nnd Ambulance Clans. Headquarters 5.15 p.m. Thursday, March 2G, Band Practice. Headquarters 5.16 p.m. Fridays March 27. Officers and Patrol Leaders flass.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 Moutrie Pianos and Organs Are specially and scientifically constructed to stand the climate of the Far East. Perfect in TONE, TOUCH and FINISH $600.00 Call or write for illustrated catalogue. S. Moutrie fi Co., Ltd. Branches in KUALA LLMIU R. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN PEKING. SINGAPORE. I Sunlight Soap I LEVER
      113 words
    • 366 11 Raffles Hotel Tel. No. 2920. BRILL BOOM' MONDAY, MARCH 23.— TEA DANCE. TUESDAY, MARCH 24.— FRANCONIA m Port. (Thos. Cook Son, Ltd. Tour De Luxe.) Cruise Tiffin. Raffles Hotel. Orchestra. Wayang. Reservations. Tel. No. 2920. Sea View Hotel Excellent Accommodation. Moderate Tariff. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25.— Special Dinner Served on the
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  • 351 12 Difficulties of Medical Treatment. Dr. R. W. Cilento, the chief of the Institute of Tropical Medicine at Townsville, Queensland, who, for the last year has been on loan to the Home and Territories Department, and who has been conducting an examination into medical organisation in New Guinea,
    351 words
  • 216 12 Two Hundred Times Sweeter Than i Cane Product. From the desert regions of Eastern Paraguay comes a plant containing a substance nearly two hundred times as sweet as cane sugar. The plant, which goes under the name of ka-a-he-e belongs U> the family of composites, of
    216 words
  • 153 12 Over 30,000 Manual Workers Idle in Tokio. With crowds of labourers out of work gathering before Government offices and demanding employment, the attention of Japan is being forcibly turned towards the industrial crisis, says a Tokio correspondent in a home paper. Conservative estimates place the number of unemployed
    153 words
  • 148 12 Britain Maintains Pre-War Position. At a meeting of tlie Committee on Industry and Trade, held at the Board of Trade, evidence was submitted by Mr. Arthur Pugh on behalf of the Iron and Steel Trade Confederation. Mr. Pugh said the British iron and eteel industry had succeeded
    148 words
  • 38 12 Saying it is nonsense to waste money on candles and incervse burning, when they gret nothing m reward for their piety, the Shanghai and Woosung Chief of Police has forbidden Chinese to worship m Lunghu* Xwnyls *ad Pagoda.
    38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 372 12 Founded by Thomu Doniett, an«ttor. lo 1715. In honour of King George accession. The prue consisted of a red coai with a silver badge on che inn, and wai competed tor by Thamea n Watermen. The race took place on August lac if > from London Bridge toChelsea. The itcc
      372 words
    • 55 12 ____Ls__tt *Ca»v V "TJiaCs what I like— cigarettes good enough to be guaranteed! |L The NATURAL flavour NAVY CUT IP VIRGINIA CIGARETTES No tonyue-trite or throat-harm m a million of them f cigarettes are f^L^T &> made of choice treated only m Is 4 'L^^^j^^V,, the natural way. MADE IN
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 321 13 Recognised Everywhere as the Finest Value Ever Offered! 15-30 h p. from £420 19-6 h.p. from £760 Delivered, including duty and charges, at SINGAPORE and PENANG (J'VjJl*"^; Fu)l details) from Aulhorinrd Atent* The Cycle Carriage Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, ipoh. Singapore and I'enang. CROSBLEY MOTORS. LTD.. Export Dcpt.. 40-41. tmdait
      321 words
    • 618 13 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 810 of 1924. Between Allliri. RABIMAN BIN AHMAU JAM M I DIN, 1'lsintlff and HOHAMKH 3HAK1KK MOHAMEI) Alii vlv it. OefeiK'ant. BE ISMAIL AYOOB, St. H'fh Htreet, Singapore, Jeweller*. NOTICE is hereby given that thi appoint inent
      618 words
    • 213 13 IS SATISI ACTION IN IT >4fiprSQLD EVERYWHERE Can you improve a BOILED EGG? Try putting m a few drops of LEA&PERRINS' SAUCE Siam Teakwood ALL DIMENSIONS. Large Stock held by KWONG NAM HING CO. 84. ROCUORB CANAL ROAD. Past Bsts ti: 1111. SINGAPORE. B* lilc Cwurl o^^^ m i. (fir
      213 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 676 14 Assets ot(t |5,(Kr1,000 S.C AmranM 1m fare* o v«r |17,000,0f0. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. k (Incorporated m Strait* Settlements.) HEAD OFFICE i WtMhester House. Singapore. LONDON OFFIC*. U. Old Jewry, E.C. The Compsny baa 00,004 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
      676 words
    • 501 14 ssmHtl NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) EsteblUhrf 18*3. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (about £5.000,000) ISSUED IL «g^ > RESERVE FUND Fl.^O^MO (about 0 HFAD Q?TICE m A^ EmAMm SUB-AGENCIES IN THE HAGUE AND ROTTERDAM. EASTERN HEAD OFFICE, BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Medan, Sourabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng, Weltevreden, Cheribon, Tegal,.
      501 words
    • 419 14 BANKING THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporates by Special Charter la Japan) Capital Subscribed T60,000,000 Capital Paid-up YW,000,000 Reserr* Fund Y18.7W.000 President K. Nakagawm, t*q. Vlee-President H. Mori, IsQ. DIRECTORS t G. Kawasaki, Esq. I *>• TakiU, Esq If. KkaU. X*«. cv I T Hi*ea.»ne, Cq M. Shuto, Esq. ■■AD
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    • 392 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION. ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated m England) Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £46,000,000 W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) 1 and 2, Bartholomew Lane, Londoa Established 1808. Capital
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    • 419 14 1925 MODELS If you have not yet carefully examined the very latest endowments you will be surprised to find so many new features. Are you interested m a model, just for your wife and yourself Or do you wish to include the children. Send ages and receive particulars, S. J.
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    • 280 14 TO LET OFFICES, GODOWNS, ETC Offices m the Arcade. 7-b and 11-b, D'Almeida Street. 16-a and 18-1, Change Allay. 16, Raffles Qus-y. 1, Collyer Quay. 7 and 10, Rohi son Road. 29, 31, 33, 35 and 87, Alkaff Quay. 234 and 236, Havelock Road. 20, (Ground floor) Raffle* Place. 42,
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  • 347 15 Penalty of Appearing Before The Public Few mortals can s»y they have been fortunate enough never to have experienced stage-fright." Stage fright is a horrible, bramrhillintr, pulse-racing condition to which every real artiste, every temperamental person who may have to do or say something in r rotit
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  • 264 15 Vindication After 485 Years. A group of French historians and lawyers are bringing a suit before the French Court for the rehabilitation of Marshal Gillos de Rais (or Retz), who was hang(1 at Nantes in 1440 for the supposed murder of 130 women and children. Marshal de
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  • 143 15 For the bravest deed of 1924, George Inpham, aged 25, of Cohen Street, Miles Platting, Manchester, was, at the annual meeting of the Royal Humane Society, held m London, awarded the Stanhope gold medal. It recorded that he displaykl exceptional heroism m attempting to rescue Alfred Bramford,
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  • 117 15 Re- Arrests Comedy. A thousand prisoners were set free from South African gaols on February 6, "by the extraordinary action of Mr. Tielman Roos, Minister of Justice, who ordered all prisons throughout the country to release immediately all tho«c sentenced before December 81, to ttire'e or hx months' imprisonment for
    117 words
  • 94 15 In a gale blowing at eighty miles an hour. Canon F. S. Resell, Vicar of St. Sepulchre's, Northampton, cltmbed the spire of the church, ut a height of 145 feet, fixed, repaired, and re-gilded the weathervane, which he afterwards sprinkled with water brought from the Jordan thirty years
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 2 Everybody's Buying FORDS AND Quantity means Low First Cost THAT'S WHY. Ford Touring Car $1,095. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Wftl<« > ♦♦> > TUOLSELEY" 11-22 II P. The equipment includes water* proof folding hood, All-weather side screens, electric starting and; lighting (5 lamps), adjustable wind screen, spare wheel and tyre,
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    • 343 15 Read This! Extract from the Malay Mail, March 5, 1925, "An equally unusual accident occurred at the Gap. On stopping the car, v 19-4 model Maxwell, th'- syce omitted to throw the engine owt of gear, with the result that when he started it again, by means of the starting
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 242 16 BsU. m». Patronised by RayaKy. A Choice Selection of Handsome JEWELLERY an introduction of the Season's FASHIONS Enormous stock m infinite styles to suit the purses of any buyer. 6. P. De Silva The Royal Jeweller. •S/l, HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. ■ranch Ne. 1, BISHOP STRMT, PENANG. THE GRACE OF FASHION
      242 words
    • 250 16 Japanese Porcelain Latex Cups New Shipment Just Arrived. QUOTATION AND SAMPLES FROM LEE KIM S00 20, HIGH STREET. T.l. f ri»> LEKKIMSOO.113th edition completing V/z million copies ENQUIRE WITHIN UPON EVERYTHING HOW TO DO EVERYTHING ENQUIRE WITHIN" has an answer for every question you put to it. It will enable
      250 words
    • 948 16 The PREPAID charges for Wants, For Sale, To Let, etc., m ordinary close set type (average six words to line) art Per line One insertion 28 cents, two ins. 46 ctf., three ins. 61 cts.. four ins. 82 cents, five ins. $1.00, six ii». $1.13, ten Ins. 1.40, iv nlve
      948 words
    • 847 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, 114, Cecil St. Apply MaH*** 8t TO LET, S4, Shrewsbury Boad. Apply 82. TO LET, furnished, 47, Cairnhill Road. Apply Sandilands Buttery k Co. TO LET, 3, Ralmoral Road. Apply We* Mah Cheow, Straits Steamship Co. TO LET, No. 159,' Waterloo Street, Slngapore. Apply Cheong
      847 words
    • 192 16 CTf^UT Give perfect vision to tfaOM requiring different sights for Reading and Distant Vision. JOHN~DUKE, FB.O.A., FJ9.M.C. Ophthalmic Optician, U, BATTERY KOAT>, BINGATOBI. British Electro-Plating (A. SHEFFIELD) ■re doinr the BEST WORK in NICKEL and SILVER PLATING at moderate cost. IW-a, ORCHARD ROAD. Columbia Storage Battery Built with all the
      192 words
    • 387 16 Pitman's Account Books. MONEY. EXCHANGE a id BANKING hy II. T. Eaiten, In Ihelr practical, theoretical, and Icjil Aspcctii. A complete Manual for Bank official*, bantnesa men, and Students of ComEASTERN EXCHANGE. CURRENCY AND FINANCE, by William 1 SpaldUf. While the apccial reqalrementa of the commercial clan hare always been
      387 words