The Straits Times, 14 August 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS- SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924. >. 27,634
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 LACTOGEN FOR YOUR BABY EAR BRAND U nsweetened Condensed MILK FOR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES Quality Parity Richness "Trying it means Adopting it" Sole Agents for S.S., F.M.S and 8.N.8. JOSEPH 1 HAVERS SONS LTD (Incorporated m England.) SINGAPORE. 1 B B 94 SIX times the strength of HO I] Pure Carbolic
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    • 86 1 fߧ^ A SPECIAL DISPLAY I*u jf Jfyft'-- k\ Commencing August 11 *c&GI Ayjp^gl x^2 Or the Latest Creations Jnlf ''i— GOWNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS From the Wembley Exhibition WITH A VERY ATTRACTIVE COLLECTION OF MODEL ANF OTHER MILLINERY ROBINSON CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore). SINGAPORE. ll FAlßßANirffilJ v Iff- w
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    • 3 1 LACTOGft YOUR BARV
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  • 691 2 Across the Himalayas By Motor-Car. This is the remarkable feat just accomplished by Lieut.-Colonel V. A. Haddick J F.R.G.S., the Mount Everest Expedition lecturer, and a small party, organised by' Sir Francis Younghusband and Major' Noel, says the Statesman. Setting themselves the almost incredi-' ble task of
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  • 262 2 Telegraphic Ordinance To Be Amended. A bill is to be shortly introduced into the Hongkong Legislative Council which proposes to amend the Telegraphic Ordinance of 1894. The objects and reasons for the Bill are stated to be as follows "This Ordinance provides that when a telegraphic message has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 Ask Any Beauty How she beautifies her teeth If all women knew what millions tal science saw the need for better know, they would all brush tee h cleansing methods. m this new way. Research found two wayg to Ask anyone with glistening tetlh. Sgfat fifaa. One acts to curdle
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    • 297 2 LOST REST FROM ERUPTIONS On Children's Faces and Bodies. Very Painful. Cuticura Heals. "My little girl and boy had a breaking out of pimples on their (sees and bodie- which rapidly °f»e«d and formed rtattty sore eruptions that were very painful. The irrkation was dreadful and they could not rest
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    • 161 2 Underwood Typewriters The Portable =Model PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. MRIS CJHtTERS NO METAL CAN TOUCH YOU Z^SBSSS^SSSfS^&K Wide woax-e PAR IS is you r y^SSMJß?^B^^^^Xiy wear ;ii!'J gnat comfort. "^^^S^fr I- Vvsk^«^22|^^^^ and trim. Ask for the gcii vine PAKIS by name. IHlnch (jTa Muller Phippt /i 3/*^ 7m5 >
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  • 901 3 Acquisition of a Desirable Property. An extraordinary general meeting of the Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, Ltd.,' was held on July 10 in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 2-4, Idol-lane, East-cheap, E.C., for the purpose of considering, and, if thought fit, passing a resolution increasing the
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  • 85 3 There was a sensational sequel at the Mansion House, London, on August 1, to the charges of grun-runnint? from tho Thames, brought acainst James Attfielri. retired •choofanutor, and his son, Cecil. When they appeared, Mr. Beattie, for the prosecution, said that the charpes, so far as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 Railway Materials BY LIGHT RAILWAYS, LTD., LONDON These materials arc of the finest quality and our services are at the disposal of all Railway users. Stocks comprise RAILS and CROSSINGS TURNTABLES, LOCOMOTIVES TRUCKS, TIP WAGONS, etc. Prices and particulars on request. Sole A (rents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated m the
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    • 397 3 HAVE YOU BACK PAINS? If So. This Will Interest Yon. Most often backaches arise from, and are a proof of, poor blood and run-down nerves a common condition m the Fur East especially at this time of yenr. When women suffer from them usually they are traceable to functional irregularities
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    • 417 3 jBT- 9^fek W^a\\r *k Our Portrait I* ol Mrs. RODQtnS ol 9, Lietowel Street, North Brlxton, London, England, who writs. "I broke cut all over my body m large led WottUM, win. li after a little while r.imr into l.i'ec nffs. I Mol to two hospitals nu<l to two en
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    • 288 3 STEAMER SfIILJHGS COMBINED BZBVICC OF THE OCEAN S,S £<L IT1 4 (Ineorporits-i la tru'n 1 THE WESI' AUSTHJULI.iI S. N. COh LIB. (Incorporated la F.a(iaad) PertalrailT Serrice UUni rare* aad Paaaeocera frcaa fllntaaara, BATAVIA AND lOT7KABAU NORTH-WIST AUSTRALIA POBT9 V*T> FRKKANTLB (PERTH). Appmiatat* Baihena. HINDEROO «o«. 17 GORGON Aof. 18
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 611 4 STEAMER SAHJB6S KQKENKLYKE i PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (SOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION' CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland.) UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE MIWLAMM INDIA Grv*R?fMEVT. Telepaao* Noa. Paataga Pept. 131, Freight Oept, 1202, MH Ptpt. asd Dopt. 14J7, Manager'a Prpt. KKIJ. SIXGKAWANG A' 11. TaTijons-Mengei<] ,r, Tanjonc-I Asnhan nncl Belawan-Deli. BIXGKEL— Auiru t
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 527 5 STEAMER SMUMfiS Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporrated m England) "ELLERMAN" LINE Passenger and Freight Services TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE MARSEILLES, LONDON, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG •s.s. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM due Sept. 6 s.b. CITY OF PEKIN due Sept. 28 t s.B. CITY OF
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    • 586 5 STEAMER SAILINGS ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES (Incorporated m U.S-A.) Regtthr Freight Service from U.S.A. via Panama JO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIRECT. ■.a. FAIRFIELD CITY due Singapore In port CHATTANOGA CITT due Sinirapore Sept. 10 •.s. STEEL RANGER due Singapore Sept. 20 Taking cargo on through Blila
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    • 674 5 STEAMER SAILINGS Burns Philp Line frntorporated jn Austrnlin) For SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, via JAVA. DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND and BRISBANE Regular monthly sailings by the well known steamers MARELLA (7375 tons) and MONTOao (60#i tone). The s.s. MARELI.A. is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia, Cabins de late, single berth
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 427 6 CINEMAS i GAIETY CINEMA SURINA THEATRE At 9.30 p.m. TO-NIGHT BREAKING THROUGH In the second Show at 9.30 pjn. SERIAL Episodes Three and Four THOMAS H. INCE'S Masterly Production of tu»«Bo.«oribProducbon.l«V Daughter of hobart TARZAN ROftVOORJTFS (or soul f tiie hsa"' *J\~rKJ TV V^-BV^a. AJ| OSCAR, the elephant with the
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    • 569 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE __CIN EM A From Thursday, August 14 to Monday, August 18. In the Second Show at 930 In the First Show at 7.30 m* 'rnnpn B A emm RICH MN JlLn UILIJIIIJ LAUL w 'm- Allen Whites pow.rful story of A love drama that reveals the sensational American
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    • 220 6 Thomas A Meighan F 1 GEORGE ADES BACK HOME V AND Jfel^fc BROKE T*** a^anumaanlQklair mi "^(^P «T_^^' /^EORGE ADE, Amenoa'i leading humorist, wrote this jfa itory especially for his friend, Tom Meighan. More laughs to the reel j^BaisssW .J^p thin any comedy ctr produced. o< a rea nome town"
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  • 534 7 The Human Jaw Said to Be (■rowing; Smaller. I by the Ivory Cross ivirh Krnpirc Exhibition, Wemira publicity for the Ural problem of adequate dental ion. The King and :il subscribers tn the fund, wl tutes the only service providing treatment throughout thi l>y qualified i-.k lias
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  • 224 7 MM this aftcrHlnd include Mr. and strong, Mr. and Mr. It. Billings, Mr. J. G. i:. l\ Bearcreft, Mr I -ii. C. D. Mr. E. Cheers, Mr. T. Mr. li. Flynn. necnl Gibbon Mrs In. llumv and C. J. 1 'i. Hi iruty. Mr K. lohBMB, Mr. J. D.
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  • 144 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, August 14 High Water, 10.35* a.m., 9.57 p.m. Tennis Exhibition, S.f.C, p.m. Phil. Orchestra Vie. Mem. Hall, 6.1 V Hoxing, Happy Valley, 9.13 p.m. Friday, August 15 High Water, 11.18 a.m., 10.41 p.m. Tanglin Club Dance, 5 p.m. Uo\i!ig, M.8.5., Ml p.n.. Homeward P. and
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  • 234 7 Thai Ma|. Augast 14. Ships alongside the Wharres or expected to arrive. EEPI'EL HARBOUR, Main Wharf Kareory, Per'.ak. Pnlembanjt, I'hy.-i.i, Msgnct, Sybil, Andrew Oil Wharf Bun Poh Cuan Coal Wharf Nil. VESSELS IN DRY DOCK. ['among Pagar Sheers Whnrf Kinta Albert Deck lUr.garadja Victoria Dock Van Cloon
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  • 287 7 TV-Jay. Batu Pahat 3 p.m. Penanjf r.Tid Rangoon p.n. ii. :.ud Calcutta 3 p.m Pinang, Rangoon and Calcutta 3 p.m. Kcm.-iman, Kuala Dungun and Trer.gganu 3 p.m. Pontianak 4 p.m Bangkok -1 p.m Malacca and Muar 4 p.m. Baw-oan, Sourabayti. Slagen, Kotn Barov, ?a!ik I'apan and S^marinda
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  • 48 7 By K. dcr Nederlanjen Chantilly Tara Kawi Angers Karmula J. P. Cocn Left A rd. S'pora Lotaion July 4 July 30 July 4 July 31 July 9 Aug. 5 July 11 Aug. 6 July 14 Aug. 9 July 18 Aug. 11 July 18 Aug. 13
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  • 218 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, August 14. On London, Bonk 4 m/s 2/4 V4 Demand 2/4 1/32 Private ji m. credits 2/4 9'1C On New Yovk, Demand 52% Private 90 d's M On France, Bank 870 nom. On India, Bank T. T. 163% nom. On Honitkonp:, Bank d d 2
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  • 59 7 Tone of Market Easier. Latest London cables quote: Spot theet Is. lV&d. igapore Standard Pale Crepa Closing Price*. Buyers- Sellci Spot September Oct.-l>ec. Jan.-March Singapore Standard Bibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Price*. Buyers- Sellers44 '-i •!"> 43 MM 45 Vx 45% 46* 47 Spot Si-|
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    • 229 7 Issue Val. P<1. Buyers Sellers 1 1 Batanjc I'adang 0.50 0.60 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.40 1..10 U 11 Idris Hydraulic 24/- 1 1 Johan Tin 0.38 0.41 £1 £1 Kam. Kamuntinjc 46/9 47/0 £1 X Kamunting Tin 40/- 41/10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. COO 7.00 £1 £1 K.
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    • 133 7 £1 £1 B. Am. Tobacco 5.7.6 5.11.3 10 10 Central Engine* 4.60 5.50 5 5 Central Moto"i 2.00 2.50 £1 £1 E. Smeltinjt Co. 8.50 8.7.'> hi- 5« Elec. Tramway 8/:! 9/llj 10 10 Frascr Neave 45.00 46.00 ino 100 Hammer Co. 147.50 152.50 100 100 Katz Bros. dcf.
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    • 108 7 Issue Val. Pd. Buyer*. Seller*. U. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,234,300 p«r 10 p.c. pir. S'pore Electric Tramways, 6 p.c. £350,000 S'port' Municipal 6 p.c. 1.&78.000 pw 10 p.c pin S'pors Municipal 4tt p.e. ot 1907 $l,GUU,000 par 5 p.c. pna S'pore Municipal 4Vi p.e. of 1909 $1,000,000 par 5
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    • 396 7 Fraaar and Co. and Lyal! an* Eratt'a QMtatlMM. To-day's Prices. Fraser Lyall Co. Evatt. Alor fiaj«>i ($1) 0.B0 00O 0.80 0.60 Allminy ($1) 0.95 1.05 0.95 IjK A. Hitam ($5) 8.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 A. Kuning ($1) 0.32',-> 0.42'/^ 0.30 0.40 Am. Malay ($2) 1.60 1.75 1.60 1.75
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 236 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Coionk'l Secretary's Oliicc, up to no.on of August 22. 1924. for the followim; works 1. Krection of quarters for Fisheries' officer at Pulau B*»ni. 2. Re-construction of the Woodlamis Road, from the junction with Kranji Roud, to a point on the Railway
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    • 69 7 LIZETTE LATEST PARIS MODEL GOWNS and MILLINERY ON VIEW at Room 72, RAFFLES HOTEL FOR 10 DAYS. Prices Moderate. HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE (Monthly Service to Philippines, China and Japan) S.S. BOEROE will load on or about August 20, 1924, for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tientsin, Kobe, Yokohama, Dalny and Tsingtau.
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    • 887 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Classified AdvU., see page 16. CAMEMBERT CHEESE, Russian Caviart, Sauerkraut and Sausages, Foir Ca:; au niitun-1. 11. Bolter, Direct Importer, Furop* Hotel Building. (lp) YOUR BABY demand, of the Be»t. Cow and Gate Milk Food. (lp) FOR PURITY AND SECURITY at babies' food, on Cow and
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    • 609 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Other Clarified Advts., see pace 16. FOR SALE, Bulck six-cylinder car, newly painted, new hood and tyres, good condition, Sfl.-jQO or near offer. linx, Strain Times. WtLLARD'9 CHOCOLATES. Fresh shipment Wlllanl's Korkdipt Chocolates just mnwil. Obtainable from usual dealers, ilpi FOR SAI.K. one second-hand two-Mater motor-car, very good
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  • 51 8 CHIA.— On August 13, 1924, at 9 p.m. at 21, Sophia Road, Singapore, the dearly bclava.i wife of Mr. Chia Soon Kim, mother of Mr. Chia Choo Seah and mother-in-law of .Mr Lim Tua Tee, aged 47. Funeral on Sundn\ August 17, to Bukit Brown Cemetery Bangkok papers please
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  • 36 8 "Ir. end Mrs. Chcong Koon Seng and fnmil, desire to thank nil kind friends and relations for sending wreaths, telegrams nn.i letters of condolence and for their kin.i attendance at the funeral of their daughter
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  • 1196 8 The Straits Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 14. EGYPT AND THE SUDAN. The pother over the Sudan is rapidly coming to the boil. The point at issue is whether the Sudan and the Sudanese shall remain under British control or whether they shall pass to the tender care of the newly-fledged Egyptian
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  • 14 8 The Scottish Company, S.V.C., wHI ittend service at the Presbyterian Church m Sunday afternoon.
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  • 31 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 162 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 167 $100.
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  • 31 8 A conference of the District Officers cf Negri Sembilan and representatives of the Malayan Agri-Horticultual Association will be held at Seremban this month, when matters concerning future shows .vill be discussed.
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  • 47 8 The second half-yearly sale of papers and magazines will take place m the reading room of the V.M.C.A. to-night at 6.30, and is open to the members ami the public. This is a good opportunity to secure some of the best magazines and papers at low prices.
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  • 44 8 At the recent Agri-Horticultural Show m Kuala Lumpur, Kedah took away no fewer than CO prizes, including a silver cup, six medals. 16 diplomas, nine certificates, and about $80 m cash prizes. Judging by the results obtained, the show was a most successful one-
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  • 52 8 In connection with the Church Workers' Association, a jumble sale of old clothes, jtc, will be held at St. Andrew's School, Stamford Road, on Saturday. September J, at 10 am. Any contributions will be gratefully received and may be sent to the Parsonage, Fort Canning Roud, not atcr than Thursday,
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  • 56 8 The next meeting of the Singapore Natural History Society will be held at .he Raffles Museum on Monday next, 18th nstant at 5 p.m. The mixed agenda irludes a paper by Mr. I. H. Burkill en--itled, The Limits, past and present, of the humid forests of the Malay Region.' All
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  • 56 8 Sugar interests are up m arms against Mr. Snowden's proposal to subsidise further the sugar beet industry. Sir Leonard Lyle, Chairman of Tate and Lyle discussing the question, declared that it would meet with opposition from British refiners, who object to a3sis4bnce being jiven to home sugar producers m treating
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  • 68 8 Thos. Cook and Son forward a folder sntitled "The Charm of England," issued oy the London, Midland Scottish Railway. Copies of this can bo obtained at Cook's office gratis on application. The foldir ?ives excellent views of a great many towns and districts covered by the L.M.S. 3ystem and is
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  • 82 8 Shanghai is to be served by a fleet of motor omnibuses at last. The China General Omnibus Company intends to put out the first part of its fleet before the end of this month, and as the months go on and they gain experience from the working of the first
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  • 74 8 The Dollar Steamer President Garfield (Capt. K. B. Lowry) arrived yesterday morning from New York via Panama Canal, San Francisco, Japan, China and Manila. She has been 62 days on the way from New York, 38 days from San Francisco, and 4 days 12 hours from Manila. She has brought
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  • 78 8 In the House of Commons, Dr. Chappie isked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received a :«ply from the Government of North Borneo as to the practice m the Courts m Borneo and whether the inhabitants jf that territory' have the right to engage counsel
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  • 80 8 On Monday last, Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd., sold by auction the following six lots of freehold building land off the 12% mile, Changi Road Lot 1, Brother Marcian for $3,200 Lots 2 and I, Father A. A. CardDzo for $7,000 Lot 1, Mr. L. Mohd. Ghouse Maricar for ?4,750
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  • 74 8 As mentioned briefly yesterday the proprietor of Chop Heap Thye Cheong of 25, Boat Quay, was charged before Mr. Pryde, with landing rubber m excess of the declared amount. After Mr. Carver, for the defendant, had explained to the satisfaction of the court, how the false weight came to be
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  • 93 8 Yesterday before Mr. Prydc, District Judge, Wan, was charged with kidnapping a Chinese girl, said to be 14 years old, from the luwful guardian ship of a lady, named Wong Ah Soo, residing m Sambu Street, for tho purpose, it is said, of making the pir his wife. Mr.
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  • 378 8 Mr. W. L Conlay, C.8.X., left for home yesterduy by the Ulentara Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard and Mrs Barrett-Lenard are staying at Govern.nent House, Sepoy Lines iVnang. Major \V. I). Little, D.5.0., M.C., who bM been m Penang inspecting the vurious I'acict <'"ij>s, ha; leturned to Singapore. Mr.
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  • 57 8 This morning the case was mentioned before Mr. Sennett m which Yoaop bin Abdul Rahman 'is charged with th.--murder, yesterday morning, m the markot on Beach Road of Seng Tye Yodff. Mr. A. V. L. Davies mentioned the case for the prosecution and the further
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  • 83 8 This morning, before Mr. Pryde, Mr. M. V. Pillai, appearing for the old hea.lman of the Mariaman Temple in Singapore and Mr. E. L. Talma for the pn>- tit headman, mentioned a scries of rases in connection with the disputes and ram that had taken between
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  • 83 8 At the annual meeting of the new Darvel Bay (Borneo) Tobacco Plantations, Mr. E. S. de Stein said There h n i doubt that the main difficulty this company has to face m Borneo is the quart lon of weathen, and particularly the racurmi c of floods at
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  • 135 8 A Parig message states that a womri". claiming to be one of the .supposed victims of Landru, the French Bluebeurd of Gainbais who was guillotined two years ago, has aroused controversy. Mudam<; Julia Dibarros, wife of a Brazilian journalist, and a former chorus girl m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 incur ir'lffll 1 l^j^^ garments serviceable ftj tj wf?, charming li V lyella THE ECONOMICAL LUXURY FABRIC In plain cream and smart new stripes always see name "Viyella" on selvedge. GUARANTEED UNSHRINKABLE 31 r $1.75 Z, Mm LITTLE 0., Ltd. (Incorpo-'.tod Bn»fl .m* SINGAPORE AM) KUALA LUMPUR. MARINE UECHAMCAL and
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    • 145 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. sharp LEWIS STONE m THE DANGEROUS AGE m 8 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. PEARL WHITE m THE TREASURE OF PEARL TRAVERS In 15 Episodes or 31 Reels. Episode 1 THE BANDAGED MAN, 3 Reels. Episode 2 HELD BY
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    • 94 8 «»♦♦♦♦♦«»♦♦♦♦»♦«»»»»»»<♦»«»»« On Other Pages, Pugti. A Journey Across the Himalayas Chersonese Kubbir Meeting 2 Shipping mid the Mail.s 7 Finance and Commerce 7 Rcuter TeleKram* I The Crumbles Murder <J Trouble m the Philippines I The Klocds m India U Locnl Kubbi-r Auction U Malacca Nolca !i Doublinc tho Singapore
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  • 338 9 Negotiations Reach Virtual Deadlock. Mr. Mac Donald as Mediator. [reuter mnauHj London. August IS. i- most Ifltelj that the dtciof the London Confsrsaee will reached. M. Herriot ami the Belgian conferred with Hen- Marx ai.d emann at Downing Btrsst this ii the mmtloiM of the ilatr of military
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  • 33 9 [rei:ti:r telegram.] London, August IS. Shanghai It is estimated that liO.OOO iplc perished in the floods which s-jb- rged enormous tracts in Chihli, Hunan, Hunan aad Kwantunsr. Famine is feared.
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  • 25 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, August 13. Adm The steamer Clan Cummins, from Java, wirelesses that fire has broken >.jt in the tween deck.
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  • 280 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca. August l.">. The st;i(T and pupils of Malacca High School and his many frien/ls will learn, with regret, of the transfer of Mr. L. D. Whitfield from Malacca to Kuala kangsar. Mr. Whitfield hns been an indefatigable works* for the school anJ I
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  • 172 9 Rajah of Perak on Britain's Competitors. [REUTER TELECr.AM.I London, August 13. One of the features of Wembley has been the fortnightly exhibitions m the Civic Hall. The activities of the leading English cities have proved most valuable m bringing overseas visitors In contact with representatives of British industries,
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  • 327 9 Mahon's Criminal Record Exposed. After spending 5U hours m the witness—box, during three of which he was subjected to a severe cross-examination, Patrick Mahon, who is charged at the Lewes Assizes with the murder of Emily Kaye, near Eastbourne, completed hu evidence. He frequently broke down and
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  • 131 9 Alleged Secret Documents From Chicago Communists. It is officially announced at Manila that secret documents from Chicago communist associations, which are believed to be affiliated to the Russian S iviet, have oeen received m Manila ouiilr.injj a plan to incite the Philippine labourers to rise and
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  • 213 9 Waters of the Cauvery Subsiding. A Madras wire of August 5 says Lnrt night. Lord Goschen presided at a targe attended Sheriffs' meeting to raise funds for flood sufferers. A considerable amount was subscribed OB the spot, including Rs. 1,000 from the Governor. The condition of
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  • 73 9 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, August 13. Paris The authorities of Shanghai and Canton having on several occasions complained of seamen from Marseilles ■smuggling arms to China, a strict watch kept at Marseilles led to the arrest of two Greeks, who had bought revolvers and ammunition, which they were
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  • 72 9 [UUTER TELEGRAM.] London, August 13The Beard of Trade returns for July show imports valued at i' 108,000,000, an increase of i' 31,000 000 compared with last year exports, £71,000,000, an increase of il 1,000,000. Paris, August 13. The revenue returns for July totalled approximately Fr. 2,420,000,000, thus exceeding
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  • 128 9 Offered 311 Tons; Sold 214 Tons. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its C68th auction on August 13, 1924, when there was catalogued 1,233,942 lbs. or 550.86 tons offered 697,631 lbs. or 311.44 tons sold 480,946 lbs. or 214.70 tons. PRICES REALISED. Spot London Is.
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  • 221 9 Doubling of the Railway Track Throughout. The doubling of the railway line between Tank Road and Woodlands, which mooted some years back as a most necessary measure for the proper and efficient working of the island system m connection with the mainland, was suspended m 1921
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  • 194 9 Local Automobile Association's Concern. We learn that the local Automobile Association has approached Mr. C. Hannigan, the Chief Police Officer, with regard to the danger that has arisen through the increased volume of traffic, since the opening of the Johore Causeway, on the Woodlands-Kranji Road. It is
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  • 55 9 The accident to Mr. A. R. Hammer, of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd.. happened in the Me Lee forest, Siam. Dr. Cort and Mr. Queripel went out and brought him back to Chienjfinai. Nothing decisive can yet be stated, but the patient's condition is distinctly hoDeful, says the Bangkok
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  • 88 9 No Extension Expected At Present. (AneU's Service.) Welte riden, August 13. Mr. Kessler, the newly-appointed director of the Royal Dutcli, m an inte-^iew with Ancta, declared taat, for ths time being, no extension m oil production m the Dutch Indies was to be expected, the present mining
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  • 156 9 The Discovery of Hidden Poison. The police have discovered at Bytleet two bottles, one containing liquid corrosive poison and the other containing 24 grains of strychnine crystals, and it is stated that these bottles were hidden by Vaquier m a shed behind the Blue Anchor Hotel. This discovery
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  • 210 9 Mr. Darbishire Questions State Secretary. In the House of Commons, on July 21, Mr. Darbishire asked the Secretary of Sttte for the Colonies if he has under consideration the election of European members of the Federal Council m the Malay States other than by nomination of the High
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  • 167 9 Lord Haig on the Need For Unity. Major-General Sir Newton Moore, presiding at a dinner of overseas officers m London m honour of Lord Haig, at whicn representatives of Australasia, Canada South Africa and India were present, urged ex-otficirs to see that constitutional affairs ran smoothly and
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  • 135 9 (By Courtesy of the Nanyo Nichi Nichi Shimbunshu.) Tokio, August 12. The following appointments of Parliamentary Under-Secretaries and Councillors respectively for the Government department:-, were issued to-day :—Interior, Ohokuon Kataoka (Kensci) and Fujiya Suzuki, (Kensei) Foreiim Office, TakashiXakamura, (Kensei) and Ryutaro Nagai (Ken/ei) Finance, Seiji Hayami, (Kensei)
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  • 870 9 The American Electoral Outlook. Mr. Edward Price Bell, of the Chicago Daily News, contributes the following to The Observer. It is of particular interest in view of Mr. Davis's acceptance of the democratic presidential nomination If son<e one kindly would tell us who is the
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  • 136 9 The following supplementary details of the Japanese Government loan are forwarded for publication A syndicate, headed by the National City Bank of New York, with which the International Hanking Corporation is affiliated, offers to the public a Japanese Government loan to the extent of U.S. $22,000,000 at
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  • 123 9 Movements of British Warships. Foreign Office Conferen. [RZUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, August Malta: H.M.S. Weymouth, en iv Colombo, wj»s diverted to Port The battleship Marlboroujrh has bea spatched to Alexandria from fan. sloop Clematis has gone to Port Slid from Hurghada. The Weymouth arrived at Purl s yesteisiay. The
    Reuter  -  123 words
    • 173 9 Singapore, August II. Rubber.— London Is. 1 Hd.— down '«<! Local 44 Vis cents. Tin.— London £250 10s. Local |126Vi (75 tons sold.) Rubbers.— Quiet. Mining. Murais have buyers at sr■!!crs 3.10. Kamuntings have bu>vis ;r G'Js. 6d. sellers at 40s. Gd. ready. Tronofa utter
      173 words
    • 176 9 Singapore, Aujru Market.; are very quiet, and tli very little of interest to report n j 1 < Rubbers. The commodity is dov.:: to Is. l'.nd., and in consequence shun easier, but the actual business pa is a negligible quantity. Mentakal at ly'ij cents, Craigicleas at
      176 words
    • 163 9 (1.. R. Macphail.) Singapore, August 1 1. Rubber. Is. lVid. 45 cents. Tin.— £2so lOd. 75 tons. Sl2;; 1 Both tin and rubber have sipsilsili lil i further slight drop and a con there is practically no change m prices aid a good enquiry continues.
      163 words
  • 70 9 Among the visitors nrrr. ing in pore yesterday by (he PresioViv was Dr. T. Cedwin .Tustph, chief for the D. L. and W\ Railroad I Scranton, Pennsylvania, who ii recreation trip. but will medical investigations i>s he the world Mr. W. E. WhoeU r a pr nent lawyer of St.
    70 words
  • 28 9 The followinK appointments made by the Secretary of State fi I Colonies Miss G. I). Trevor-Snn ing sister. S.S.. and Lieut. C K. M.R.C.S., L.R C.P., M«dic«l Officer,
    28 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 75 10 Saturday's Malaya Cup Match. The following will represent Malacca ,n tin- MUaya Cup* match :u Malacca on Saturday: la; CarvaJho and Fisher; AH. Liang Swi Abdullah, Ogg. Hi. k, Leong and d<> Vriea. but is unable to play on ace. nnt ni indisposition. The team is ly the same
      75 words
    • 88 10 1 Ikg i\ irecourse Links. local golfer draws attention t,« a ,<irt that has been circulated tV us.- by the Singapore Turf 'hit) of the present Kace Course golf links. dent says that this would bo mate move now, m view of coarse ;>t the Reservoir "ill want all
      88 words
    • 55 10 Major .\;i!l:u-<Ts Reneflt. b < row ia expected iit the 'I. ppy Valley to-night, wan hoi lag show is to be given fi the benefit of Major Millard, who is shortly leaving the boxers m town id there will be several novelties, including a battle royal and a boot
      55 words
    • 23 10 To-day's Match. g, a mntch between Mr. Vi npion of J:iva Mad will be pkya I st the S. C ion.
      23 words
    • 21 10 The WtagiaM Scuils. London, taanal 7. J. Beresford re-tairu-ri the I eulte, Amateur Ghamtiionship, /lffcating K. Cnig by tin U'
      21 words
    • 62 10 London, August 6. Tracery, the winder of the 1012 St. Leger, who was solAfor the record nun of £53,000 mid retfcd from the Argentine la 6 yesterday. It will U. recalled that in ltI8 Tra- ;>• mi tbe victim of a Suffragist outrage a: Ascot where
      62 words
    • 119 10 .il SiiiK.'.j)<>re Yacht Club arrangements are announced On Sunday ttie second of the series of races for tlu. Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Cup will L-e sailed for over the Tanrjong Rhu course, starting gu at It) a.m. lU'd on the result of day's race, aie :»-Polly scratch, Joan II
      119 words
    • 74 10 [Reuter Telegram.] London, August U. between the South Africans sM Mi. H. D. Leveson-Gower's XI (Harlequins) was begun v.t Eastbourne I unsettled weather after overnight rain. The wicket was soft. The Harlequins were out for 73, Blanckenberg and I'egler each took five wickets for M. The South Africans
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 17 10 [Ueuter Telegram.] London, August 13. fietermaritaaeurg The British Rugby team drew with Natal 3 points all.
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 43 10 Then will be a quarter mile free style ran- at the Chinese Swimming .i Sunday. A .■ports meeting of the Indian Assoriatidn will be held at the premises at r,.:;u i..m. tomorrow. All the captains with their players are asked to attend.
      43 words
  • 123 10 .luiiii Rom CempfceB. Editor of the Workers' Wfcekly, mi remanded on bail ut Bow Street on Aufoet (> on a 01 belting lo mutiny in the Army and Navy in the COWTM of an article in his BUttai rv:is raided in the Comwona, wfcea tim AttorneyQenual,
    123 words
  • 424 10 RUBBER RESULTS. Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. The Beaufort Borneo Rubber Company recoBMMail dividend of 5 per cent, (actual) in respect of year ended April HO. IM4 Nat profit of Rim (Malacca) Rubbei* BaUUl for year ended March 31, 1924, 12, alter allowing 10 per cent, depreciation on builiiings and
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  • 506 10 Crew Said to be Murdered And Women Abducted. The correspondent of the Sydney Sun stati that an unconfirmed rumour is current in Darwin to the effect that the rs and crew of the Douglas Mawm were murdered by blacks, and that the females were taken into capitivity.
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  • 51 10 Colonel Frede Steiner, of the Siamese Provincial Gendarmerie, Singora, hap gone I leave taking the B. I. steamer Khphunta from Penang to catch the Henderson liner Martaban at Rangoon and Bailing on the 16th. Mrs. Steine,r went to England about four months ago to take her two little boys to
    51 words
    • 168 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time. Sir, We are always trying to improve matters m this age of advanced civilisation, and if there is anything to be improved, it is the Chinese New Year which seems a puzzle not only to foreigners but to us as
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    • 189 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, After reading a few days ago one or two of the addresses on prohibition given by an American advocate of prohibition and his wife, it does one good to read m your issue of to-day what ihe Bishop of Durham has
      189 words
  • 302 10 The picture Salome, starring Nazimova, will be shown at the Victoria Theatre fo.the last time to-night. There was another large house las; night at the Alexander Hall, North BridKe Road, when the Mahay Opera Co.. of Malacca, staged a fairy tale entitled The Three Wonderful Swans or Tiga
    302 words
  • 106 10 The Committee beg to acknowledge with many thanks the following subscriptions Previously acknowledged $7,005 Ning Yeung Wui Kun 30 Jin Hua Kok Association 25 Nam Sun Wui Kun 20 Thung Van Society 26 Si Si Club 10 Luan Tiang Jlub 10 I. im Kai Pit
    106 words
  • 44 10 At the Chetty Temple, Tank Road, last night, Sri Paramahamsa Sachithananda Yokesvarar, of Cuddapah, has delivered a lecture m Tamil on Yoga Philosophy. Paramahamsa, and many other Vedanta secrets. During his stay m Singapore he will give a few more lectures on Hindu Philosophy.
    44 words
  • 715 10 Enthusiastic Welcome At Darjeelin-;-. The Everest BxpodlUun .muter Cohmai E. f. Norton, D.S.O.. rc'uinivl u> Darjeuling on August 1 and wa.- nut by a largj crowd. The shops and streets were docoratod for the occasion. Lady Lytton and the Government House l'.nLy also welcomed the returning expedition.
    715 words
  • 95 10 The idea that the resurrection of the dead means the re-collection of the material atoms of the body at the end of the world, is impossible and unintelligent," said Bishop Gore at a conference of cremation authorities hold at Wembley^ on August 1. "Such reconstitution," he added,
    95 words
  • 195 10 Programme of drills up to and for August 17, 1924 Thursday, August 14, 4.45 p.m., Balestier Range, Malay Co., practice 30 yards range competition 4.15 p.m., Seletar. Chinese Co., practice Chinese Co.'s interport competition 4.45 p.m., Balestier Range, M. G. Pltn., practice 30 yards range competition. Friday,
    195 words
  • 1635 10 The Strong Financial Position Maintained. The ordinary (j^ih;^! meeting of the Benam Consolidated hubber Company, T.tii., was held on July l~> at Uivir Plata House, Kinsbury Circus, L'.C, Sir Wist Ridgeway (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in the course af Speech, said The crop of rubber under the
    1,635 words
  • 418 10 iJiitiiin's Oldest National "It if u intei— tUg fact that the Great .North Koad, which la our oldest .1 highway, has now become the favourite route lor the touring motorist" says the Telegraph. "No othe* road is so typical of English scenery in alj ita variety. The
    418 words
  • 61 10 .Vr. I. IJ. i.'ivi-ll of the Queen's Own Royal Wist Xent Regiment, is due to IVnar:' > :> the instant hy the Kashmir to take up the appointment of Adjutant. P. and P.W.V.C. Lieut. Hcr.vll. who is al present Acting Adjutant, will lit 1 in to HlwifBW in take up
    61 words

  • 3831 11 Sensations at Olympic Games. By Our Special Correspondent London, July IT. At the conclusion of the week's events in the- Olympic Games at Paris one is Irft completely (lazed amid all the wreckarc "f tumbled-down records and sensations gene-r.My. The feature has undoubtedly been the domination of the
    3,831 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 226 11 8, MOUTBIE CO., LTD. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT FROM AUGUST 1 His Master's Voice Records are Reduced to Plum Label, Dance record 10 m. $1.75 12 m. $2.50 Black Label -10 m. $2.50 12 m. $3.50 Red Label Double sided 10 m. $3.25 12 m. $4.50 Buff label 10 m.
      226 words
    • 364 11 Raffles Hotel Telephone 2920 (10 Mnes) GUEST NIGHT AND DANCING Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ORCHESTRAL CONCERT.— Every Snnday TEA DANCES.— Every Monday and Friday BARKIES BROTHERS, Pronrirtots, )>M MMlllllltftttltt »»>>♦♦! Adelphl Hotel Managing Director Harry H. WiUiea. Situated m the Best Part of Singapore. THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE
      364 words

  • 19 12 SINGAPORE SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Urdcrs lor week cna:n>r August lv, 1924. Sunday 17. See Special Camp Orders.
    19 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 80 12 Danger lurks Wherever there's a crowd there's danger. Pop an occasional Evans' Antiseptic Throat Pastille m the mouth, and however many germs the stale atmosphere contains you are safe. Evans' Pastilles kill all microbes of bronchial diseases. They never reach your lungs if you carry EVANS* Pastilles From all chemists.
      80 words
    • 288 12 NEW STOCKS NEW STOCKS PALMOLIVE TOILET PREPARATIONS Palmolive Shaving Cream Palmolive Shaving Sticks Palmolive Cold Cream Palmolive Vanishing Cream Palmolive Talcum Powder Palmolive Shampoo At Mtvjiareftf& M»MHM»MIH»MM»M Tj I With the Mellow Tooe C^^^ The Melophone Portable lIShL BRINKS MISIC WHEREVER YOU 'i^ fu t<met Gramophone m TCttaJsaßflwifti. Portable form.
      288 words
    • 407 12 > AN APPEAL TO BRITONS IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. 250,000 DOLLARS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR THE ARETHUSA TRAINING SHIP 2,860 Old Boys have joined the Royal Navy and 6.800 the Merchant Service. Patrons THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN. President H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALKS. Chairman and Treasurer C. K. MALDEN, Esq.
      407 words
    • 856 12 JOHOJIE GOVERNMENT NOTICE NOTICE is hereby Riven Hint (11 < and Polic<- Officers have been inspect all motor cars and o< entering Johore with view te tl ment of the Rules relating to the i tion of does. Should it be found that a dog ll being imported In contravention
      856 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 257 13 Preservative the flrat point to consider is REI.IAKIUTY. who [a offering a wood preservative to tell you how long it lias been on it proof he (fan giw you that his material will do what he i -i the test of time m all climates, and the manufacturers hold I
      257 words
    • 212 13 TO LET OFFICES, CODOWNS, ETC. j 25 27, 30. 11. P., It, Mi 5-1 nnd H> The Ar-.i.:.'. 3 and 7, I'.-.binson Ki-.d. 5, Battery r.onrt. (Ist »nd 2nd noors). IS, RaQca Quay. 15, Stamford Rot.! 18-1 and IS-a, (lir.nsc A"-y. L'v. si. r»:t, »ti<] .it, Alkaf Qmy U and
      212 words
    • 121 13 4k SEA-GULi:' BRAND SUPERIOR IN QU/IHTY I^^^Sgi^^B SWEETENED and UNSWEETENED IHg^L^QJUjl^^ll Ask your dealer for "SEA GULL" ("CHOP BURONG") ALSO BY THE CASE FROM SOLE IMPORTERS The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Denmark) SINGAPORE about Our New Up-to-date Retail Counter DOWNSTAIR* Where We Se 1 EverythiDg for Your Car
      121 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1393 14 AmetM ovor $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance m force over $17,000,0 M ihe Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (lacorporaUd la Straits SatUsmsata.) \P OfftlOll Wlaehastsr Houss, Singapore. LONDON OFFIC* M, 014 Jewry, I.C. 17 has 120,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England aid compile* with the British Life Assaraaes Companies
      1,393 words
    • 389 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated la Eeglaad) Tire, Marine., Guarantee and Motor. Assets £40,000,000 W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Casters Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated In England) 1 and 2, Bartholomew Lane, London, Established 1808. Capital 6,460,000
      389 words
    • 577 14 SECURITY Your Future Safe Your Family Safe—lf anything happens to you A Cheque for £1,370 or £2,810 According to your Insurance Needs. ".Tied on the amount required to purchase a fixed monthly income at a guaranteed rate of interest. AT the foot of this announcement is a voucher, inserted by
      577 words

  • 634 15 The Rubber Position Still Ob3cure. The first annual ordinary general meeting of the Sungei-Timah Estate (Perak). Ltd., was held on July 16, at 4, Lloyd's avenue, E.C., Mr. W. C. E. Gibson (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I presume it will be your wish
    634 words
  • 365 15 Effect of Magic Wand on Giant Liner. Snugly berthed m close proximity to the new mammoth floating dock at Southampton and m striking contrast to its shapeless bulk, a passenger hip of handsome appearance is an object of jrreat admiraton, says the News of the World. This
    365 words
  • 51 15 Mr. Joshi, Bombay's representative on the Imperial Legislative Assembly -it Calcutta, has given notice of a Bill tor the September Session, to regulate the employment of women m factories and mines and on estates for some time before and for some time after confinement, and to make provision for maternity
    51 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 183 15 At Last A GENEROUS OFFER OP INEXPENSIVE MOTORING THE ALL-BRITISH 14 H.P. Armstrong Siddeley it; a 1 economical and popular family car of exceptional quality and merit. Tyre wear is extremely Light Petrol Consumption is remarkably Low SO THAT AT $3,150 This hitent, comfortable Top-gear car is an exceptional value
      183 words
    • 370 15 The SERVICE BEHIND YOUR Gar After Buying a Car SERVICE is one of the Greatest Considerations. The best car needs spare parts at times. Are there spares for your car at reasonable prices m this country Have the Agents got the service tools necessary to keep your car m Have
      370 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 367 16 L <L. Their daintiness and charm jfj make "JKWEL" the roost |jjl suitable timekeeper for even-ing-wear. Beauty, however, II is not their only asset, they I are accurate and reliable ul timekeepers as well. Sold at all high class stores- I E. O. GAMMETER CO. COAL TM For Painting, Marking
      367 words
    • 288 16 FRENCH CHALK Neic Shipment Just Arrived Enquiries Solicited Special Quotation for Quantities. Lee Kirn Soo 20, HIGH STREET. CASSELL'S CLASSIFIED QUOTATIONS From Authors of all Nations and Period* grouped under Subject-Headings, with Full Index of Cross-Reftranc* and Anno- I tated list of Authors. By W. GURNEY BENHAM Intended primarily for
      288 words
    • 958 16 QJCTED^ADMTTSEpNTS_ The PREPAID chsrges for Want., Fer Sale, To Let, *te. In ordinary close set type (average six word* to line) are P*r line One Insertion 28 cents, two Ins. 48 cts- three ins 64 cts., four ins. 82 ct», five In*. $1.00, six in*. $1.18, ten in*. $1.40. .o«
      958 words
    • 909 16 TO LET, No. 1, Oxley h«e, furni.hed. Apply Meyer_Brotbers. TO LET, house No. 4-l>7oxle7~Eoad. Apply to 19, Malacca Street. TO Let, No. 1, Scott's Road. Entry tmmediately. Apply to Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 3, Oxley Road! lEntry September 1. Apply to Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 4, Oxley Rise.
      909 words
    • 269 16 YOUR EYES If Optically Defect and Strained cam only be relieved if scientifically made Classes are used. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE Perfectly equipped testing room*, and accurately adapttd Spectacle* are AT YOUR SERVICE. JOHN DUKE, F.8.0.A, F-'.M.C, OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN, 11, BATTERY ROAD, 3INGAPORS. TLjjt*' IRON II Soil i Pipes y), BRITISH
      269 words
    • 366 16 WONDERS OF THE PAST Complete m 3 sumptuous volume*. The Marvellous Works 01 Man m Ancixnt Times described by the Leading Authoriti i.f To-day Edited by J. A. HAMMERTON. fTlie Romance of Perished Civilizations is Portrayed for you m these Three Wonderful Volumes). Illustrated with upwards of 1,500 photographs many
      366 words