The Straits Times, 24 May 1924

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1924. PRICE 10 CENTS. No. 27,565.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 j Mnjg -Vi COMPLEXION \i W 1| JAP ROSE Obtainable from A DE LIGHTFUL SURPRISE Obtainable f rom KIM ANN Co. awaits you when you use JAP lIIGH < ?Ja i J*J? OVISION S!l~ N /r ENG ROSE S AP f r yy Ur SHam SERANGOON STORE GUAN BEE Co.
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    • 148 1 The Charm of Style CRAFTSMANSHIP A Scrupulous attention to detail and to care taken over finish incest our productions with a character. We offer the best in materials. Our services are at ycur disposal for suggestions and estimates. ROBINSON CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) ,f "7— JULIAN FRANKEL DAVID
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  • 476 2 For Grown Up and Real Children. The something of the schoolboy in every Englishman is tho ■Jesp-iir of every other nation but aliens and Britons both will enjoy its unblushing confession at Wembley. For grotesque hilarity, for robustious humour, for a gay audacity that goes near to the
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  • 406 2 An Hour in the Life of A Producer. The terror of the nervous young actor or actress is the producer. He is the man who will bully, cajole, wheedle and coax until the play is ready for firstnight production. If it is a success his victims will
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  • 71 2 The completion of the sinking of a new circular shaft in the Oorgaum gold mine, at Kolar, Mysore, was celebrated on May 11 when the staff presented an address to MY. G. Benn White, acting Superintendent of the Mine. The sinking was commenced in 19i5 but was suspended during the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 402 2 WHY PAY MORE when by following the example of some of the B loading clubs and Ealatea fS^i»* in Malaya you can obtain M Best Quality |h soda water At less than IB Cents per dozea g$ ZJ (Urge Bottles) By purchasing one of Our Low Priced SODASTREAM MACHINES which
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    • 239 2 Live Glossy Hair Follows use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into tbe scalp, especially spots of dandruff and itching. Next moAiing shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Besp Is., Tklcim It 3d., Ointment 3f3 f Si. act! "r C J urTatMriESinst.cSiTTiiiiiMisi Sojp aiigvo without
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    • 239 2 ITS SO REFRESHING! CROWN <fsv sing properties which I m/g? ZO3L fymftfrjffi j Agents WILLIAM GOSPAGE SONS, LIMITED, (Incorporated in England) High Grade Rubber Goods FOR THE FACTORY AM) MINE Iio8»p!p«. telling, sheet*, valves, packings, buffers, rings, etc FOR THE MOTORCAR Tyi**, tube*, radiator hose, matting, vulc. compound, vulc. canvas,
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  • 541 3 Sunday, May 25, 1924. Under this heading we publish esch week brief details of the services to be held at those Singapore Churches whose authorities supply us with the necessary information. To ensure insertion, these notices mutt reach us by Friday afternoon.) St. Andrew'* Cathedral. -7 a.m. Holy
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  • 205 3 Proposed New Law to Meet Brain-Storm Cas^s. A change in the present criminal law, Under which sentence of death must autoI inatk-aliy follow every conviction for murder, is, it is understood, under consideration by the Home Government. It is not intended to abolish capital punishnunt, but to
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  • 192 3 Cannibalist Practices by A Foodshop. Details of an appalling crime, or series of crimes, in Hankow were published the other day in the Chinese press. It is stated that the proprietor of a food shop in the native city came under suspicion in connection with tfcfe disappearance
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 Certain-teed EXTRA QUALITY I ROOFING THE ROOF THAT TWEETS Pll ALL CONDITIONS— CERTAIN-TEED M Sparks, Smoke, Gases, Acids, Fumes, Tropical Sun, Seasonal Rains do not affect Certainteed Roofing. Our Construction department maintains a staff of expert roof layers. They are always at your service. Let us quote you for your
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    • 369 3 THIS BRITISH PLANTER In Far-Away Kedah Tells His Experience With BABY'S OWN TABLETS. From Jitrah, in the State of Kedah, on the went coast of tnc Malay Peninsula, Mr. M. D. Ross, merchant and planter, writes I haw pleasure in informing you that the Baby's Own Tablets sent to me
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    • 429 3 McGreadies I WHISKY A WHISKY of Good Quality r4*W****\^***aJ*Vl SStndkd v RETAIL PRICE $30 (Duty Extra) j PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Lti BIHMMinMMmwmMM SELANGOR TURF CLUB SUMMER RACE MEETING. RACE DAYS. Saturday, June 14. Wednesday, June 18. Saturday, June 21. THREE RACES EACH DAY FOR All Horse*, Stake* $1,100, $1,000 and
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    • 328 3 STEAMER SAILINGS NOMDEUTSCHER M.QY9 PASSENGER SERVICE Accommodation available Cabin and latermediate Clan to Genoa, North Continental Port* and LONDON (witk transhipment Geaoa or Rotterdam at paiseager's option). FARES. Cihli Class Intermediate Class £65 To Genoa 1(0 f T2 T* London or N«rth Continental parta £4J Dae Singapore ML SAARBRUCKEN Au/
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 896 4 ram* n\un% PT^OT-Brllisii India «»d Apcar Line JrOmpaaUs li»»rs»raf«4 BaglandT M*IL AND PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PaWINBTTLAB AND OBItNTAL 1. N. CO. Wader Co* .'art wftk His Majesty's Government LONDON-FAB BAST7RN "KBTICB OTJTWARDB FROM LONDON HOMHWARDS FOB CHINA AND JAPAN. FOB MABBKaiBB, LONDON AND ANTWXBP Tewnar* Dne Teanage leave S'pere
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    • 628 4 STESBEB SfiiliatS KONiHKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ BOTAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated in Holland.) TJNDHB CONTBACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA eOTBBNMHNT. Telepheae Naa. Paieage Dept. 111, Freight Dept, 1202, Marine Dept. ail Traasklpmeni Dept. 1417, Manager's Dept 1«*1. VAN DER LYX— May 21. S.-lat PcnHjunc. Bonckilis and Bacnn Si Apl
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 596 5 STEAMER BAHIHBS ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. (Incorporate 'l in U.S.A.) Regular Freight Service from U. S. A. via Panama TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DIRECT. Atlanta 0 rrrv d uc nßapore May rs.s. AILAMIA CITY due Singapore Juno In s.s. STEEL INVENTOR due Singapore June 28 Taking
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    • 495 5 STEAMER SAIIIHeS Burns Phiip Line »«r SYDNBY, MFirOURNK .v JAVA, PAXWIN. THIMBDAT ISLAND Ma] KPJSDINE J c "Sl T ml) lt lT ««fll»n bT the well knows sieam.'s MAESLLA (7J78 tons) and MONTORO (SOOO tons,. The MARELLA la t». UrtMi i st*«ic*r trading to Australia. Cabtaa de luxe, aing)*
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    • 177 5 si'RUTHERs iimi OPERATING U.S. 60VERNMENT SHIPS SINCAPORH TO LOB ANGBLBS AND BAN FBANCISOO U.S.S.H. ?.s. WKST MONTOP June 20 to discharge and load A STEAMER July and aobeqnent stoaroers approximately 80 days apart. Taking cargo to all Overland point, in United State* and Canada. Tot rates a*d farther wtie&lars pif'Aie
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 496 6 CINEMAS GAIETY CINEMA SURINA THEATRE Some pictuns :nc niadi most pic- ANOTHER turos arc produced hut about once COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME a MM a K rt "t picture is created by niasur For Four Nights Only MOLLY 0 M «r 24,^26 &27 IS THE GREAT PICTURE MABEL NORMAND OF
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    • 242 6 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA From Thursday. May Tl to Monday, May 26 In the Sernnd Show at 10.40 p.m. BREAKING HOME TIES in 6 Tarts A story ahowirfr the strenir.h and hpawtj »f family 1 vc and how the tie between children and parents ran luver really be broken. At 9.30
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    • 316 6 "When I was Kinj? of IJabylon and You Were a Christian S!;;ve." mallTandTemaie .\d;ipted From J. M. BARBIE'S Famous Play THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON A Treat for Young and Old AN UNUSUAL CAST OF FAVOURITES THOMAS MEIGHAN as CRICHTON GLORIA SWANSON as LADY MARY THEODORE ROBERTS as LORD LOAM LILA LEE
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  • 102 7 Fixn ia:s. 1.17 n. r.;., 2.56 p.m. 11. Sussex v I.TJT.C v. Harlequins. Vie. Theatre, !".:JO p.m. Oh, 4.7 p.m. May 26 5^2 p.m. HHK-. noon. A. v. S.C.F.A, Vie, Theatre, 9.30 p.m. I a.rvi., G. 28 p.m. I, Vie. Theatre. 9.30 p.m. >liv. II -S.C.F.A. v.
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  • 169 7 Saturday, Kay M. .il.iiM alMqpU* :llf W hanrea or eipccicd to a:vitc. KLl'I-i.l. IIARUOUR. Kn Lady Golllemarc], Cauis, Giang Ann, bang. larilM K. tt. »r* Nil. DRY DOCK. I'«njor.g I'Hjvr Wharf GlenfaUodi Rorjiitas. Sri Muar. K.-i-i I l!:-f!iour Si Icnc. .""ply, Milo. IJunlis. Vessels Arrived. tana,
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  • 149 7 Port Sv iiu-'ubam sad F<-u*ng 8 p.m 3 p.m. i 3 p.m. Natuna Islands 1 p.m. 4 p.m. Port Said, London, nhagea 4 p.m. lii nmark 4 p.m. llongkoiig, Shanghai and Japan 4 p.m. Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi By train G p.m. lly
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  • 30 7 l>.ir e Lotidul Apl. 7 May 2 Apl. 10 May 10 Apl. 17 May 12 Apl. 21 May 15 Apl. 25 May 17 Apl. 25 May 19
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  • 204 7 EXCHANGE. Sagapon, .May 24jOn London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1/10 Demand 2/3 31/32 r.i. credits 24 1.'!'32 D«mmd r,o^ p nva*« •v ll s On France, Bank 850 nom. Bank. T. T. 164% ttn Hongkong, Hai.k d/d 3^4 p.c. prom. On Shanghai, Bank d/d 69^ Un Java,
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  • 53 7 Singapore Standard P«le Crep« Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers. .Spot Spot June July-Sert. July-Sept. Oct.-Dtc. Oct.-De& Ton* of MarktL Firm. I Lfetwt LonOon ciblee quote Spot sin; i L0%d SinKapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. 36U ■■•>■'■, M DAILY PKICES CURRENT. 11-31)
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    • 229 7 [MM Val. Fii. BuyeJB. Selien. 1 1 Balnnpr Padang C.40 0.45 1 1 Illtam Tin l."0 1.35 a £1 Id. is Hydraulic 17/- 18/- xd. 1 1 Julian Tin O.'U 0.33 1 t Jciantoh 0.15 0.20 Kamunting 15/- 41!/:i -I Kamunting Tin 86'- 10 10 Kin. a Assn. Old.
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    • 144 7 issue Val. Pd. Buyert. Seller*. £1 il B. Am. Tobacco 5.3.9 5.6.3 10 10 Central EngiXM :s.5O 4JSQ C( ntral Motion 2.00 2£0 <:i £1 E. Smelting Co. 8.00 8.50 5/-B/- Elec. Tramways 4/0 4/7"£ L0 10 Fra-cr Ncavo 43.00 4C.00 30 50 Hammer Co. 150.00 155.00 100 100
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    • 103 7 J. Bag; o f.c. »l,l»4,iOO par 10 p.e. pa 3'pore Electric Tramways, b p.c. £o:0,000 66-58 i'porc Municipi! i p.*. 1,1*73,000 par 10 p.c. pn 3'pore Munieip«l VA p.e. 0; 1807 H.60MM 10 p.c. par 6 p.c. p» 5'pori' Municipal 4V4 p.c. of 1909 Jl.OOO.OOO 10 p.c. par 5
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    • 390 7 Frtw and Co. not Ly«ll and Bratt'a QaoUttoM. To-day'* Prices. Fraser Lv»ll Co. Ev»tt. Uor Gajali ($1) 0.85 005 0.85 0.05 Uknby (?U l.K'i 1.15 1.05 1.15 A. Hitam ($5) lO.r.o 1050 11.50 A. Kimintf ($1) 0.:!0 0.50 0.30 0.45 Km. Malay (i>2) 1.70 1.85 1.70 1.90
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 KEMPAS, LIMITED NOTICE Is hereby civen that the Direeil.clared an Interim Dividend of 10 im v cant, payabla on June 2, 1924, to all tnarahoMera on the rceistcr on May 31, 192.. lly Order of the Board, BODE, DARBY ft CO., LTD., Secretaries. I. Fort Road, Malacca, !..y It), 1!>24.
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    • 863 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT. Othir Classified Advts., nee page 16. Wines, Bargandies 'Still and S., l«rri«S, Liqueurs, etc., Assor' minis that lead Ihc fashion. 11. Belt* Direct Importer, Edrope Hotel Builci'ne;. 'l> LIQUIDATED STOCK BALE. Bargains i all departm nts ITS, Victoria Street, fro; June 1 to 30. lip) PRANKEL BROTHERS' smashing
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    • 114 7 THE STAR OPERA At the THEATRE ROYAL North Itridgc Road. CaSBBMSteiSSJ to-morrow Sunday. A Great Malay l! Play in 4 parts MNTA BOHAX TO-NIGHT lly Special request ,\ iin 11. Omar presents K. Dean. THE SiI.VEK MASK K. 11. CHBONG, Proprietor. Y. L. TAN, Manager, i'honr t.ififi for seats. IX
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    • 147 7 NOTICE UOYAL JOHORE CHALLENGE CUP. It is hereby notified that the competition for the above cup will he fired at the Johorc Military Forces Kiflc Kange, Johore Hahru, ">n Sunday June 21 next commencing from S a.m. Entires should be made in writing to the Staff Officer, Johorc Military Forces,
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    • 416 7 Tip-top quality and fresh! You realise the tip-top quality of Brooke Bond tea the moment you open the tin. Such fragrance What a treat it is to get tea as fresh It has lost none of its aroma and flavour since being packed thanks to the vacuum tin which harbours
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    • 535 7 OPEN AIR CINEMA Happy Valley Boxing Arena Kror> TO-NIGHT Twice Nightly at 7.30 and 9.45 SPECIAL COMEDY PROGRAMME Popular Prices IN THE ESTATE OF SIT KEE ANN OTHEWVI.SK CALLED SEET KEE ANN OR SEE KEE ANN, DECEASED Pursuant to Section 2.', of Ordinani (Trustees) notice is hereby given that all
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  • 20 8 DAY.'SON.— At Castle Douglas, Scotland, or May 13, 1924, May Nellie Mary Brown, wife of Dr. Walter Day.son, Singapore.
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  • 38 8 Mrs. Wong Chin T«ng and family beg to thank all those relatives and friends v.hi attended the funeral of the late Mr. WontChin Teng and all those who sent wreaths scrolls, telegrams and letters of condolence etc.
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  • 809 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, MAY 24. RUSSIA'S NEED OF MONEY. High hopes are entertained cs a imt of the visit of the Russian commercial rr.ission to London. In receiving the Com mission Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald delivered n singularly well-balanced speech, in tin course of which he emphasised the benefits
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  • 80 8 We have received from the Ceylon Observer a copy of the 65th edition of Ferguson's Ceylon Directory, published at the price of Rs- 15. It is a complete book of reference with regard to Ceylon and careful attention has been given to the classification of the various subjects with a
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  • 79 8 Before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay in the Seremban Supreme Court on Wednesday, a company of Indian cigar manufacmn in Kuala Lumpur sued a similar company in Seremban for $2,000 as damages for infringement of a trade mark, and also for an injunction against the dcdendant. Mr. Bostock Hill defended, and
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  • 80 8 The Epworth League Choral Union, which rendered the Christmas cantata, Redeemer and King, in December last, will meet fcr practice to-day, at 4 p.m. in the Anglo-Chinese School drill hall. It is proposed to give a concert ibout August 1, the Choral Union sing- ng the Chambered Nautilus and the
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  • 85 8 Following up his imposition of a fine it $82,GC0, on an Hawaiian seaman, he other week, Mr. E. W. Hamilton at .he Kowloon Magistracy has eclipsed *his record for the new* court by fining an American engineer, named Harold Anderson, $210,000 for unlawfully having in his possession 1,650 tads of
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  • 82 8 Seventeen Chinese were produced by the Colombo Harbour Police before the Joint Police Magistrate (Ldeut.-Com-mander G. F. Hole, R.N.), on May 15 3n a charge of having istowcd away on board the Dutch steamer Prins der Nedeilanden- The accused severally pleaded guilty. They said that they joined the ship at
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  • 16 8 The next meeting of the Licensing Justices will be held on June 19 at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 20 8 It is notified in the Government Gazette that the Singapore Chess Club and the Nanshin Club have ceased to exist.
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  • 30 8 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 163=5100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 168 =$100-
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  • 27 8 Commissions as second lieutetir.nts in the Volunteers have been granted to Mr. M. N. bin Shaikh Ahmad, Malay Company, and Mr. J. C. P. Jung, Chinese Company.
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  • 26 8 The Governor in Council has ordered the remission of tho duty on an indenture af conveyance conveying the landed property known as Wocd.itock to the Admiralty.
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  • 28 8 A farewell entertainment is being giver by members cf the F.M.S. Railways construction department at Seremban to Mr. D. W. Brisbane, who is short';/ retiring from the service.
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  • 31 8 Rules made by the Governor in Council under the Registration of Deeds Ordinance appear in the Gazette, as also rules made under section r>o of the Post Office Ordinance (Money orders).
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  • 34 8 According to the F.M.S. balance sheet on February 29, 1924, nearly ten million dollars worth oi investments were specially ear-marked for the redemption of the 7 per cent, loan (S.S.) 1926, of 15 millions.
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  • 36 8 Some 700 divorce cases arc on the London list at present. They include the petition of Mrs. Harnett against her husband, \V. S. Harnett, who was awarded damages recently for wrongful detention in a lunatic asylum.
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  • 36 8 Inventions privileges have been granted to the Automobile Road-Speed Controller Company of Bombay in connection with road-speed control of motor vehicles and to Mr. Tan Kah Kee. of Singapore, In respect to rubber soles and heels.
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  • 40 8 The tender of Mr. Graham Hutchison, $22,500, for the erection of quarters fo: three subordinates at Bukit Tin. ah Roa<! has been accepted also that of S Muthukumaru, $33,800, for the erection of the Eurasian Club and Lecture Room, Singapore.
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  • 42 8 About 11.30 last night a female Hokien, named Ng Heck, was found struggling in the water opposite Raffles Quay and was rescued by a sampan coolie. She was brought to the Central Station and charged before Mr. Gourlay to-day with attempted suicide.
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  • 52 8 The Glen Arr.oy went ashore in a fog on May 11 on Video Island, east of Steep Island Pass. The Chekiang discovered her the next morning and took seven passengers to Shanghai. The Glen Amoy's bow is in seven feet of water and her stern in thirty fathoms. Help has
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  • 49 8 A verdict of culpable homicide amounting to murder against some person or persons unknown lias been returned by Mr. Bourne, the Coroner, in connection with the discovery of a human body on Pulau Übin recently. The body, terribly mutilated and partly covered with leaves, was discovered by a coolie.
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  • 58 8 Mr. G. C. Clarke is to be temporarily an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council during the absence of the Hon. Mr. V. Gibbons on leave, in place of the Hon. Mr. H. A. Low, resigned. Mr. J. M. Sime is to be temporarily an Unofficial Member in place of
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  • 53 8 A cable has been received by tho Shanghai Yacht Club, from the Roynl Danish Yacht Club, announcing the safearrival at Copenhagen, of the auxiliary ketch Shanghai. The ketch flying Shanghai yacht club's burgee and manned by five of its members, sailed from the Huangpu on February 20, 1923, on a
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  • 56 8 The case against the late storekeeper of Messrs. McAlister and Co.. who was charged in connection with the alleged theft of $10,000 worth of rubber. MUM to a conclusion before Mr. Pryde, District Judge, yesterday, the D. P. P. being for the prosecution and Mr. Shelley-Thomp-son for e^e defence. His
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  • 61 8 This morning a case was mentioned by the Central Police before Mr. Gourluy in which a singing girl, named Wong Ah Kiew, of Sago Street, charges Hong Pec Sin with using criminal fora and criminal intimidation by putting her in fear of death, and also his two daughters, Chew Lim
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  • 57 8 The Hon. Mr. Montague Ede, general manager of the Union Ins nance Society of Canton, is resigning as from June SO, in consequence of illhealth. He joined the society's Eastern staff in 1884. The directors have v.rted him a sum of £20,000 and his pretent commission on profits for three
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  • 62 8 By kind permtjsirn of Lieut. -Col. S. V. Julius and' office's, the band of the 2nd. bn. the Royal Sussex Regiment will play the following programme in the Botanic Gardens on Tuesday, commencing at 5 p.m. March, Kelly's Eye, Wood Selection, The Golden Moth, Xovello Serenade, Sizilietta, Blon Valsc, Lune
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  • 74 8 A coolie, named Tee Choon, was taking $500 from one towkay in repayment of a Hun to another, and disappeared with Later the man made a report to the Orchard Road police station that he had been robbed. Enquiries by the police as to how he got the money led
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  • 384 8 Mr. Ohas. Beguelin, of Bangkok, lias gone to Europe on a six months' holiday. Mr. E. S. Manasst'h hns been elected to the Board of Licensing Justices vice Mr. D- .1. Ward. MY. J. D. Dallcy, A. C. P., has enteiel hospital at Kuala Lumpur owing to
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  • 49 8 In connection with the statement that the Johore Causeway would be officially opened on the 28th inst., nur Kuula Lumpur correspondent learns that the report is unfounded, an official at the offices of the general manager, I. M.S. Railways, informing him that no data has been fixed.
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  • 93 8 Measures are now beinjf taken preparatory to the electric department <>C the Singapore Harbour Hoard farther linking up their system for the parpoaea of additional lighting. The new Municipal electric power station is to be meted :ti St. James, Teluk. Blangah, on bind acquired from Mr.
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  • 107 8 There is at present lying in a dingy little sailing vessel named th.Elly whose history constitutes a veritable romance of the sea. Built in ISriti as a yacht, and with traces of her original grace still clinging abojt Iv-r, the Elly if the story be
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  • 139 8 To-day is Empire Day and a correspondent writes to say I believe Canadians did not approve of Kipling's Our Lady of the Snows. What would they say to this? Empire Day celebrations at a certain school in Singapore wen in progress. One of tho items was where the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 94 8 ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 p.m. iharp. WALLY VAN and PATSY RUTH MILLER in THE DRIVING FOOL in 7 Reels. In the First Show at 7.30 p.m. ROY STEWART in THE RADIO KING in 10 Episodes or 20 Reels. SAVED KY WIRELESS, 2 Reels. Episode 8. THE MASTER
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    • 73 8 On Other Pages. p»««. Amusements at Wembley 2 Church Services 't Shipping and The Mails 7 Rcuter Teleiframs 0 iiar.kruptcv Court I rcctcdinirs I To-day's Shun- Market Key. Mr. Peach Km! Boxing Craze 0 Ji.pan ana Imlo-('l ma 9 M^tor Fatality at K. Lumpur ItU letter 9-10 i'oiicc Tiafedjr in<<u<:st
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  • 198 9 New Zealand and Singapore Base. Warning to Government. [RllTTB TELEGRAM.] London, May 24. United Kmpirt was the theme, of ■pMcbai at the Knipire Day dinner under the auspices of the Colonial Institute bald last Bight. The Duke of Connaught presided and there was a distinguished company of 400,
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  • 144 9 France May Not Secure The Invention. [Reuter Telegram.} London May 23.. Considerable significance is attached to Mr. Leach's reply regarding the invention known as the death ray bec.iure the inventor Mr. Grindell Matthews, is at present in France beinjf eivieally welcomed at Lyons, where a French company
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  • 83 9 [RtUTEB TELXGEAM.] London, May 23. Rijra A message from Moscow status that official Russo-Japanese negotiations have begun. M. Uykoff in a report on the financial position says the budfret deficit is increased to 400.000,000 troll roubles. The Government have decided radically to reduce agricultural and industrial credit:', but
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  • 60 9 [Reutkb Telegram.] l.nndon, May 2>. A .supplementary estimate of i"55O.OOO mition with th* Government'* airship scheme is issuul. The sum of £150,000 is for uirships and £200,000 us initial provision for the programme of airship developmrnt ntMMMag over thive Hm The total expenditure for thrt* yt'iirs la
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  • 52 9 [REUTEB TELECBAM.] London, May 23. Moscow The death has occurred of M. Nogin, presiden^of thi Textile syndicate and a member of the So\ iet execut n He played a leading pan in the revolutionary movement during the past thirty years and spent several years in prison and
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  • 157 9 Differences in Nationalist Opinion. Bureaucracy and Disobedience. [Rcuter Telegram.] London, May 22. Bombay Some difference in Indian nationalist opinion is revealed by statements following the conference of Gandhi, Nehru and C. K. Das to decide the future attitude on non-cooperation. Gandhi made a statement reiterating his opinion that entry
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  • 118 9 Efforts to Secure M. Millerand's Resignation. [Reuteb Telcokam.] London, May 23. Paris The campaign against M. Millerand, which was first considered as post-electoral bluff, is now regarded most seriously. Not only Socialists but all the prospective Premier Herriot's mor« extreme followers are clamouring for th.; resignation of the
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  • 80 9 [Reuteb Telegram.] London, May 23. Washington Senator Pepper submitted to the Senate a composite plan for adherence to the world court with reservations. The plan, which was referred to the foreign relations committee, provides for modification of the Harding proposal so as to transfer the election of
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 48 9 [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 23. The Hague The Baltic White Sea Conference, meeting here, passed a unanimous' resolution urging 1 shipowner* to approach thair respective Governments with a view to their accepting unreserve<ily the principle of equal treatment foi" shipping irrespective of flag, in peacetime.
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  • 37 9 [Reiter Telegram.] London, May 24. Newhaven, Connecticut The Yale School of Medicine announces that recent experiments with the anti-scarlatina serum cured 25 out of 26 extremes cases. Death appeared probable in six prior to inoculation.
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  • 71 9 [Rcitii Telegbam.] London, May 23. The lists for the Commonwealth o. f Australia loan closed to-day in accordance with the terms of the prospectus. London, May 23. Moscow Five and a half million ca«e» of malaria occurred in Russia last year. It is feared that the number will be
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  • 1152 9 Failure of Swanson And Sehested. The Ocean Building Contract. The public examination of Mr. S. Sehested, a partner in the firm of Swanson and Sehested, who carried out many large contracts in Malaya, Siam and the Netherlands Indies, was continued in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Acton.'
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    • 155 9 Singapore, May 24. Tin. £200 10s. down £5. Rubber.— 10%d.— up %d. Rubbers.— Notwithstanding the fact that the- London price of Rubber is l%d. above the lowest touched this week, there is very little enquiry for shans, and nearly all stocks offer at a shade above
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    • 126 9 (L. R. M»cph«H) Singapore, May 24. Rubber.— lOTsd. Tin.-^£200 10s. MinitiK. Petalings 1.20 to 1.25, Pei(gkalens 9 to 9.75. Idris Hydraulics lCs. to 17, Murais 2.23 to 2.35, Johans 31 to 33, South Taipings 87 'i to 90, Taipings 1.12% to 1.16, Noith Taipings 1.04
      126 words
    • 116 9 Singapore, May 24. Tin £200 10s. Rubber i 0" H d. Mining. Price of the metal down £5 th< market has weakened slightly and sellers predominate. Bear covering in South Taipinys Johans and Nawng Pets continues. Rawangs offer at 60 cents with lower ratis forward.
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  • 248 9 Singapore School Principal's Condemnation. We' have received from the Rev. P. L. 1'iach, principal of the Anglo-Chinese School, an article on the subject of boxing, lifinjr the substance of remarks he recently addressed to students of the school. Mr. Peach condemns boxing, particularly in its commercialised form,
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  • 96 9 The following passengers nrc travelling ipore unil Pcnung by the Klephunt* i at Rangoon with the Hendenon line Kemmendine sailinp from Rangoon Mm. L. A. Blackhall and infant, Mrs. T. B. Roger* and Master W. B. Rogers. M'»* L Melville, Mni. Robertson, Mrs. H. 1.. Griffin, Mr. and Mm.
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  • 380 9 The Indo-China Customs Negotiations. Official Explanation. The Japanese Consul-General has gent us a copy of the following telegram received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, dated May 23 As it goes without saying that closer intimacy of Japan and France lies im the promotion of the commercial
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  • 120 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. A sad motor accident has ended in the death of Yap Fook Sionp, son of Towkay Yap Loong, of Pudu Road. It occurred yesterday about noon in Campbell Road. It appears that deceased was riding a motor cycle and when
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  • 79 9 (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. Two washaways are reported on the Penang line. As a result last night's mail train from here was compelled to return with the mails. The mails for Europe, which closed yesterday, were sent via Port Swettenham. The Station-master, Kuala
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  • 49 9 (From Our Own Corrospondent). ipoh, May 23. A serious charge of criminal assault upon a woman has been preferred against a young planter of Sungei Siput, named Johnson. He was bailed in a heavy sum, but was subsequently re-arrested. The enquiry is proceeding at Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 30 9 The Malacca Planters' Association have elected Mr. M. Strivens to be a member of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board, during the absence on leave of Mr. Q. B. W. Gray.
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  • 1265 9 First Budget of the Labour Government. By Our Special Correspondent. London, May 1. The first Budget of the Labour Government has been introduced by Mr. Philip Snowdea, a Chancellor of the Exchequer who has never hidden his Socialistic predilections, and England stands where it did. Our Constitution is
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  • 584 10 Lifetime of Sport in A Night. memorial of a lifetime sum!ii u dream. wcuural Sir Nigel Woodyatt had '1 at midnight after putting the >.. thing touches to liis book. My Sporting Memories. At 4 a.m. he woke up, iling !ii even limb, his body bathtd in pen
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  • 246 10 Valuable Addition To Imperial Series. The latest addition to the Resources of the Empire series, which is produced by the Federation of British Industries, U entitled Rubber, Tea and, Cacao, and it is an eshan ;ive and invaluable work or' reference, it has been compiled and
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  • 36 10 His flightless Prince Vipulya. the newly accredited Siamese Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Courts of Denmark, Norway and Swedes, and family are leaving by the Kionia to-morrow for Denmark to fill his new appointment.
    36 words
  • 605 10 The Changing Balance Of Ptfwer. May we be th. Utims cf national demi'iir.u asks James Lumsdcn in the Di By Mail. 1 asked in;>eif t!ic quettioil t ;e other day, lie says, unconsciously, spontaneously. I had just returned to England after a good deal of travelling. On
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  • 60 10 Mr. W. S. Goldie, of Messrs. McAlister and Co., Ltd., Singapore, arrived in Penang on Wednesday by the Kinta. Mr. Goldie has gone to the Northern Settlement for his wedding which is to take place to-day at St. George* Church, the bride bt-inir Mi*s Winifred Mary Jones. Mr. and Mrs.
    60 words
  • 1047 10 Graphic Details of a Constable's Crime. Mr. F. G. Bourne held his enquiry yesterday into trie l linunrtinrw attending the death ol a Malay police constabk who was shot in the Orchard Police Station shortly after midnight on the 15th instant by a tftbfe, named Nobi Hassan. On
    1,047 words
  • 52 10 Suiina is giving another complete change of programme to-night. The new .ire .links, The Slim Princesi, Pinto and A thousand to One. There will he the usual matinee for children this r.fternoon when an 8 part picture of Mabel N'ormand will be screened. Everybody will be admitted at
    52 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 490 10 S. C C Overwhelm the Malays. The S.C.C. met the Malay P. T. on the padang in the Lea gue yeaterday, and won by five goals to nil. Poor <>i the fc»al.-> were scored in the Ant half, but the .Malays were completely outplayed all the way. The Club
      490 words
    • 677 10 fraeey Easy for Jamito. Those who went to the Malaya Boxing Stadium last night expecting to see Ben Tracey, a lightweight Ironi \ustralia, put up a good fight against Silvino Jamito, lightweight champion of the Orient, were disappointed. According: to the programme Tracey has been described as my two
      677 words
    • 173 10 [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 2-. Brial i in the South Africans Gloucestershire match Gloucestershire ere oi I foi 1 1. >:;. ru k< nh four for 29. The South Africa 126 for eight and declared. Bnoskind made (ji) not out Gloucestershire made 19 for one when rain tell.
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 174 10 Y.M.C.A. Tournament. Yeslei day's play resulted as follows: Chia J'oh Cfionjr beat R. F. Voelker, C~ J, fi— S. Abed beat H. G. Stack. C— 0, C— 1. Lim Bong Soo v. I. Abed, unfinished. Monday's Tics. S. Abed v. D. David. Chia Poh Chong v. Oh Jitt
      174 words
    • 82 10 At the Garrison Goli Club on Whit Monday afternoon, June it, than will be I mixed fpursomc flaji competition. Mrs. Whitinaish has kindly consented to present a prize to the winning lady. Conditions t» holes- on handicap. .'I™ will halve their handicaps. On Sunday May :;l a men's medal
      82 words
  • 162 10 The Charm in Well-Used Commas. Rules of punctuation ai. sacred, nor exerraMr. nor quite absolute, says a writer in the Adilphi. The test of irregularities is effectiveness. Verbless glhrMM flanked by fuli-stops, the use of and at ti.e beginning of a sentence, and kindred effective ih regularities,
    162 words
    • 49 10 Ta the Editor o£ the Btnfa Timos. Sir, Will you kindly corrort an error which has occurred in my 1 Municipal Matters, namely, tx I came to Singapore" .--hould read, "before he came to Singapor. I my card. Yours, etc., NOM DB 1'1.1,'MB. Singapore, May 23, 1924.
      49 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 261 10 Public Celebrations to be Held In Japan. Arrangements for the public celebration cf the wedding of His Imperial Highness the Prince Regent and Her Imperial Highness Princess Nagako Kuni, are announced. It will be remembered that when the Imperial Wedding took place last January, all public festivities were postponed, partly
      261 words

  • 1593 11 Empire Exhibition on a Second Visit. (From Our Special Correspondent.) London, May 1. There is a model in the Malaya pavilion ■t Wembley which takes everybody's eye. itns rives you in Bash the new emi way trom Singapore t» the mainland acroaa the Johore Straits. It impraeeee
    1,593 words
  • 271 11 Forty-five Derailments in Six Months. At an ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of Georgetown, IVnaiur. held on May 20 at the Municipal Offices, Mr. S. Codrington, the president, presiding, and Dr. J. E. Smith asked (1) Will you please inform mo I how many times the tramcars
    271 words
  • 89 11 Leslie Haynes. who was sentenced to a short term of imprisonment in London last year, together with other persons associated with what were known au| .the China House frauds, was charge) at the British Police Court in Shanghai on May 13 with obtaining credit from the
    89 words
  • 25 11 Programme of Drills up to and for May LW 1924. Saturday, May 24 and Sunday, May 25, I A Co. Musketry classification.
    25 words
  • 54 11 Orders for week ending June 1, 1924. SATURDAY, 24. Combined Parade Headquarters, at 4.30 p.m. MONDAY, 26. Individual Troops Parade at 5.15 p.m. TUESDAY, 27. Signalling Class Headquarters, at 5.15 p.m. THURSDAY. 29. Bar.d Practice Headquarters, at Mi p.m. SATURDAY, 31. Combined Parade
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 212 11 WniCH EVER STYLE MOUTRIE PIANO you may choose, you are assured of standard and uniform quality, of the highest grade throughout. Our Stock of the various Models is the largest in Singapore and you are sure to be able to choose one that suits your individual requirements. Call or write
      212 words
    • 255 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Tel. So. 2920 (10 Lines.) NEEDS NO ADVERTISING TEA DANCES.— Every Monday and Friday GUEST NIGHT AND DANCING Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Every Wednesday. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. Adelphl Hotel Managing Director Harry H. Willies. Situated in the Best I'art of Singapore. THE ONLY HOTEL IN
      255 words

  • 736 12 Annual Report of Singapore Division. From Mrs. A. Cavendish, Chief Com- missioner for Malaya, we have received the followinj? report of the Bingapora division of the Girl Guides, which has reached her from Mrs. Dorrington Ward, acting District Commissioner for Singapore At present we have two companies
    736 words
  • 48 12 A vessel is to he built at Taikoo Dockyard for the Hontrkonp:, Canton and Macao Steamboat Co., Ltd., Ho replace the Heungshan, winch struck Junk Rock in the Canton River a short time ajro and was subsequently abandoned as a total loss. Her successor is to cost $800,000.
    48 words
  • 28 12 The first General Council of the Roman Catholic Church in China is s*ttin{r at Shanghai. Fifty-nine Bishops are present under the presidency of the papul delegate, Monsignor Constantine.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 110 12 UUNI Worry t A I PLAIN FOOD npilil/ Framroz's USIHiiX Aerated Waters LI Vt THE HAPPY LIFE JUST RECEIVED THE FAMOUS BRITISH AND FRENCH CARS. SINGER 10 h.p. De-Luxe Four Seater. 10 h.p. De-Luxe Two Seater. CLEMENT-TALBOT 10 23 kp. 4 5 Seater. Allweather Touring De-Luxe. CROSSLEY 14 h.p. 4
      110 words
    • 355 12 BERNA MILK SOLE AGENTS FOR S. S. AND F. M. S. o u p i ;r c brothers Roll Films ta^M— j— T^_y Free from halation. Not liable to corL 'f _y tm Highly nensitirn nrthochromatir rmul- Mt M 'ion. giving abarp negatives free from fog Film-Packs Obtalnabla from all
      355 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 210 13 HOLLOWAY'S LONDON The Finest Basis for all Cocktails IMPORTKRS Simc, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In Urn Straits Settlamcati) v t-^ rf ft9s9BHB33H arc P rt; f ri'.tjly used v/here BflsaHsJaßs^Bßs^H ss r ?Cl3 importance is being Ht*. .■fflifcSy jjffi^> iff V "v«j^ cLilii. Vkßsn CHIN HUAT BIN OIL TRADING CO.
      210 words
    • 925 13 CHEONG KOON SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable *ov.n and country nroperties and rubber plantations, M Messrs. Cheonc Koon Seng Co's saleroom. No. 30, Chulia Street. on Wednesday. May 28. at 2.30 p.m. 1. Valuable freehold land situate nt Hukit Ti.nah Rend junction of Reformatory Road, BIM ;i?cording to
      925 words
    • 197 13 PI AT _^tA_» -7 The 19/15 h.p. rlMl 1 recommendation at [i^^^^SS^^^^^^^ |11Q famous model is recognised as a masterpiece in advanced automobile design. Its popularity, however, does not rest solely upon its unfailing reliability and pronounced durability, but is also due to its marked economy in running and low
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 684 14 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assar ance in force over $17,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated la Straits Settlement*.) BRAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 62, Old Jewry, E.C. TU Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance
      684 words
    • 452 14 NEDERLANDSCHE INDISCHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK) Established 1863. CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (absut £5,000,000) ISSUED AND Fl. 65.000,000 (about £4,600,000) RESERVE FUND Fl. 20,000,000 (about £1,GT5,000) HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCY IN BATAVIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Medan, Soerabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng,! Weltevredcn, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Probolinggo, Tjilatjap, Ampenan, Menado,
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    • 569 14 BANKING 1 THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. (Incorporated by Special Charter in Japan) Capital Subscribed Y60,000,000 Capital Paid-up Y52,000,000 Reserve Fund Y12.180.000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. Vice President H. Mori, Esq. DIRECTORS G. Kawasaki, Esq. I T. Hisamune, Esq. M. Esaki, Esq. D. Takita, Esq. M. Suto, Esq. BEAD OFFICE
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    • 487 14 INSURANCE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England) Fire, Marine, Accideut, Guarantee and Motor. Assets £40,000,000 W. A. SlMS— Manager and Underwriter, Eastern Branch, Singapore. The Imperial Fire Office. United with the Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) 1 and 2, Bartholomew Lane, London, Established 1803. Capital 6,450,000
      487 words
    • 768 14 AMONG THE POLICIES RECENTLY ARRANGED FOR CLIENTS. Client with two children aged 3 and 1 takes policy to pive 1100 and profits to each child from age 15 to 20. Married Man, 32 take* £3,000, 20 year Endowment, the permium being £43.1.0 quarterly. Married Man, 36, $10,000 Life policy, premium
      768 words

  • 350 15 Preserving Books From Decay. Booklovers can do much to save their treasured volumes from the ravages of time, nnd a series of useful hints en this ■object have been given in the Daily Mali. The first pait of a book which usually the binding. If this be ot
    350 words
  • 282 15 Year's Import of Spirits Costs £1,243,204. During the year 1922-23 117,347 gallons of spirits were imported into India at a total cost of £1, 243,204. I Thes« facts emerged as the result of a question put in the House of Commons by Mr. Duncan Millar, who asked
    282 words
  • 281 15 Discussion at the Oxford Union. The question of the colour barrier at> tracted only a small attendance at the Oxford Union on May 8, but produced an interesting discussion. Mr. A. P. Gordon, introducing a motion that the maintenance of colour barriers is consistent with the progress
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 181 15 Pay While You Ride It's true you do this when you hire a «conveyance but do you realise the fact that it NEVER BECOMES YGUfcS $400 down and $80 per month will buy you a Ford Why not make this sin ill Linitiai payment and let your hiring expenses pay
      181 words
    • 274 15 MAXWELL \^^^^^4^Pl> KLLIaBji l! ii p s**>CJ^HHßKfcs **>CJ^HHBKfc l:cst waferi; Is. siidi :is <h..<- n-.>;l tjSSwp- '.^i^^K9H| 7 ~~-X»* manufacture of THE GOOD MAX- \a^B^gsflga^3l> 'A mPfo- J? 'A <o;-.ii::n:d with cornet designs iP" »s&\ WSSii- 'Sn mtiala .f l< n;; life and reliJjaa increased the daly tales in America
      274 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 274 16 ■ISS L V. G. CAKEKOH I^t* Maynard'* BulMinr. FUw Addrra* ft?-S debar* B«*4 (near Palladium). The Latest Medical Electrical Treatment. Permanent ?ar« for RUeantidfm, Neuritis, and all Nervous*Will completely build op the Nervous System. Contracted Muscle* Relaxed, Obesity successfully r«Ibjmbl SPECIAL TREATMENT FOB ALL SCALP TROUBLES. fiaampoolnr. Hair-Cutting and
      274 words
    • 204 16 Morning Dresses $6.50 FROM PARIS Guaranteed of best quality and fashionable. Only at THE PARISIAN HOUSE 18. STAMFORD ROAD. Glazed Earthenware AND Subsoil Pipes Reasonable Prices The ELKAYES POTTERIES 20, HIGH STREET. PITMAN'S COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMERCIAL ENGLISH A Guide to Composition for the Commercial and the Business 'Man (Revised
      204 words
    • 912 16 classified advertisements Th* PREPAID chart*, tot Waota, f*r Sal*, To Let, ste. ia ordinary elcs* set type (average six words to lip*) are :—l'er: I'er line On* iasertlon SS e*nts, two las. 46 cts., three ins. 64 cts., four ins. 82 ets., «ye ins. fI.OO, six ins. 11.11, t«n ins.
      912 words
    • 628 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, No. 1, oxl*7 Rise, furnished. Apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET, No. 1, Scott's Road. i:ntry immediately. Apply to Meyer Brothers. TO LET, 3 Balmoral Rd. Particulars from Wee Mah Cheow c/o Mansfield Co. HOUSE No. 1, INSTITUTION HILL to let. Apply Secretary, United Engineers, Ltd.
      628 words
    • 237 16 YOUR EYES If Optically Defectlr* and Btrt>iaed can only be relieved if scientifically made Glasses are used. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE Perfectly equipped testing rooms, and accurately adapted Spectacles ar« AT YOUR SERVICE. JOHN~DUKE, F-8.0.A, F.B.M.C. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN. It. BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. I GENUINE Marseilles Roofing Tiles REGULAR STOCKS CARRIED BY
      237 words
    • 305 16 Th* Coniplet* Work* of Dr. MARIE CAKMICHAEL STOPES, D.Sc, Ph.D. CONTRACEPTION (Birth Control) Its theory, History and Practice. (A Manual for Th* Medical and Legal Professions) This Book is The First Manual oa The Subject and la Packed with Both Helpful and Interesting Matter, and Much that is New and
      305 words