The Straits Times, 27 January 1923

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 27,161 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1923, PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 237 1 l^hat It Is PELDO is a remarkable new scientific discovery (patent applied for), the result of indefatigable research extending over a long period. PELDO is a cream which, when applied to the hands, quickly evaporates leaving a soluble skin on the hands. It is practically invisible, and can scarcely be
      237 words
    • 490 1 YJ. MEW RECORDS I'"I i c for V*r |,;l; JANUARY I^k 1 M* Ly doublf-sidei! Rlack Label, $U. 75 B I X/ I Cm H X' F^'ll^ TH- CHAI.IAPINE (Baas) la jL JL.-VJL L 7' W \~S A. LJ 2 *****2 Oh, -ould I but express in aonf L.
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    • 3 1 XX^^k^k^mi NATURAL _aWB
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  • 1517 2 I. France. [By John Dili ImJ Hotel Victoria, Heidelberg, Germany. Before tho war many columr.s wore printed about my wanderings in Europe, io say nothing of two fat volumes which 1 wrote about the Far East,, with Singapore as tho centre of attraction. As a matter of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 400 2 A good start Much depends on a good start, but it is the finish that counts. Unless your tea starts good it can never be good when it reaches you, but the mere fact of starting fresh will not ensure it ending fresh. It is the combination of tea and
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    • 295 2 fwtwLu Mnl CUTICURA CARES FOR YOUR HAIR Nothing li'.:e s'.icir.poos with Caticura Scop and hot water, preceded by touches of Cutitura Oiatmer.: to spots of dandruff and itching, to keep the ncslp ond hnir heailh/TSey an ideal for all toilet uses. Cetpli TiOccnlLM.CIctnntlf 2*.u> t-Vdthi ■it.jtni.'rmpii..- i(r t»li'»^t»t FJI«W-I>-r/ftS'jr ».f.<1,,
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    • 239 2 f i FOR LIGHTING OF RUBBER FACTORIES UNDER NEW MINKIPAI. ORDINANCE. COMPLETE PLANTS IN STOCK From 1-2 Kilowatts output /g jt ff± Ef with 160 Amp-hour battery $1^9\/ SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. (Incorporated in tiic Straits Settlements! ,i ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ORCHARD ROAD. Telephone 2631. M»>MMK>I>MIIIM>M«HHI4 IMMUMIH »»».»«.«»»«««»»<» ADLER TYPEWRITERS THE
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  • 290 3 F.M.S. Officials Praise Siamese System. Mr. P. A. Anthony, QWMCal MsaagM and Chief Kngineer of chfl Federand .Maliy S'.ctcs Railways, Uajor W. H. Elkiis deputy truffle M«||«, and Mr. K I'. Walker, chief KeooaMtOt, r.mved in I'angkok on January 11*, by special tram, >:iys the Bangkok Times, which
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  • 101 3 sth List of Subscriptions. Previously acknowledged $1.39G. -> 0 Per Mrs. R. H. Adams A Friend 60 Collectid by Mrs. R. L. Eber Sisson and Delay 200 Chan and Eber 100 H. C. Cook»-Yarberoui?h 50 Richard Williamson 50 Anonymous 10 i>. Kitovitz 25 J. C. Cobbett '>',
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  • 24 3 The Turks: are the soul of honour. Whin hey i>iri.k ii sxlr-mu pledge they arc willnn to make uvo new ones to replace it.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 785 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE Tenders will lie received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of February 12, 1923, for the erection of Wards C and D, Native Hospital, Sepoy Lines. Singapore. Kvery person applying for a form of Tender will he required to deposit the sum on>- hundred Dollars with
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    • 474 3 MOTHERS IN AMERICA Keep Their Children Well With Baby's Own Tablets. Here Is The Kvidence of one of Them. Ten.< of thousands of mothers sleep soundly at mirht throughout the length and breath of America, knowing that with Babft Own Ti.bKts in the house their little ones nre safeguarded in
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    • 428 3 x~and 'Wincarnis* j gives neve vitality j to those who are Run-down because 'Wincarnis' is a ToAic, aitof a R«s» torative, arJ a illoodbj'lder.owrf a Nerve Food all combined in one I j rich, delicious health-creating preI para t ion. i i 'An Tonic it tones-up the whole 5 system.
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    • 221 3 1 McBHINES BAGGAGE W/ffcDROBE TRUNKS STEAMER SIZE. *^Bp||slLL~^y There are three major eleraentu "C^a». o which enter into the construeTJ I^Pn^_ tion "Mcßrine" Wardrobe pf^'^KL* They are appearance, convenll iLj/f/fr'^**^^ ence an( wear# Sll^^^ni^ See for yourself why Mcßrto« Baggage stands supreme. Steamer size $150 nnd $185 Three quarter size
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 721 4 gA^ K 1 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0. British India Apcar Line rToapaaief lae»T-»«rated la Bagiaa-l ■AIL AND PASSENGER AND CAmO SIKVIUK FENINBITI.A AND OBrBNTAL S. N. CO. [V»i*r Contract wltk IMs Majesty's Gov«rnn»a«) LONDON FAR-EASTERN BEBTICB FKOBI LONDON TO MARSEILLES. LONDON ft ANTWBBP D«a liagapore L*av. llagapore KAfIBMIB aboat Fob.
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    • 786 4 STEAMER SAILINGS KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM (BOYAL PACKET NATTCATION CO, OF RATAVUi Incorporated la Holland) DKDKB CONTBACT WITH THE NKTHEKI.ANDS INDIA eOTBUVaTBIiT. Talaataa* Noa. Paaaaga Deat. 111, Fright Deat. 1191. Maria* Dttt aad Traa»ki*» M Daat. 1487. Mauager'e D«pt. IM| SPF.EI.MAN January 27, Riouw, Letonp, Tnrempa, Midai, Sorassan, Pocloe-Pandjang and Genttng.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 414 5 STEAMER SAILINGS towpow taw Katorl Maru Feb. 6 Atsula Jlaru Fob. 20 Delacna llarq mid Tab. Tsushima Maru mid. Mar. ■AWBcac mm Mito Maro early Feb. Matsuye Maru early Mar. Lima Muni enrly Apr. n*m roM uw via wnv aXUJTB iMMUCAH LPm woavbA: u*a Tamba Maro Feb. 8 Mojl Mara
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    • 436 5 STEAMER SAHJNGS 0. SIT r«>ns* Bainaaa fraas IHtJliyaM sakjeet ekaag* vitksat aatlee.) BUBOPRAIf LOTS Fer ■aravfllee, L*od*a, Baesbara, BaWat daas, Aatwara, via Cefoeifce, Kaea aa4 Pert laid. Art. O»9. ARGUN MARU Feb. 21 Feb. 22 LONDON MARU Mar. 16 Mar. 16 Omit ««mi!l«i mm roaa. uki Ma «aa Ftaaciacat, Paiiaasa,
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    • 648 5 STEAMER SAILINGS T7 ELLERMAN LlNfc ELLEBMAIf BUCKNALL RTJEAMSHrF- 6«s fcM. (laeerrotatad ia E*gUa<) nPABCTNQKR 8«V1CB~ OVTWAKD. About s.s. CITY OF SIMLA China and Japan Feb. 6 U. ITV OP POONA China ft Jaoaa Mar. t s.B. CITY OF MANCHESTER China Japan Apl. 22 HOMBWARDS. About s.s. CITY OF YORK Marseilles
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    • 73 5 HUIO STINNES UNFS Uaeoroorated U Gorstaay) Bacalar aaaatalr freight aad Paaaaaiat service. Thraagh B/L Issued aad Options Qraated te 0.X.. Seaadlaavian aad Baltic Porta. OUTWARD BOUND Haagkeag, Shanghai and Jaaaa CARL LEGIEN'. 9,000 tons about Feb. 20 HAVENSTEIN, 12,250 tons about Mar. 15 HOMEWARD BOUND Aaswara, tenerdass aad Haaaaara KMIL
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    • 414 5 STEAMER SAILINGS KERR STEAMSHIP CO INC. BCCCBBSOB9 TO UNITEI AMERICAN LINES! Ineorpormcd In TIH.A.i Bafnlar aervlea brtwaaa New Tork, Singapore and Java Porta, and t l v.r«». FOR NEW TORK U SUEZ HALFMOON Feb. 26 For trelfbt, apply to GUTHKIK A CO., LIMITED, Ageeta, Strait* SarUtaiettta aad PJLS. REDUCED PASSAGE
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    • 364 5 KLFree jrphotographio Gatalogue gf r,..,.h M.<« C.«Kr. fc Acxr-onn. C.«- mak Ei»l«»|;t«s L*» lrrn€ etc i ould J" 1 ita ti«.«i« »< •">«'» l l J'7 I JJjJ w f: o |,illiii l Snw<?«»»». cm fee r° u •ft *f *J lrfaf P rf f ni*- 1 it divilf.l into
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 431 6 CHiEMflS ALHAMBRA From Wednesday, January 24 to Monday, January 2t, 1*23. la the Second Show at 9 p.m. ZANZIBAR Scenic Picture. MYSTERIOUS TRACKS Pathe Film. Goldwyn Presents Reginald Barker's Production SNOW-BLIND In 7 Reels. Adapted from the famous novel by Katherine Newlin Bart. THE TOREADOR I Keela Fox Comedy. In
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    • 421 6 GAIETYHSnEMA SURINA THEATRE Flr.t Show at_7.30 .harp Spccia ProlfrllInnic HHHHH DOUGn AND HVWt A hv V wiiTt* if-' 1/« Sccnnd Show at 9.30 p.m. 1>art Chaplin jirjL ''1 CHARLIE CnAPLIX in THE IMMIGRANT wT'"cvrjL 1 o_ In two parts. ■inp^^^WVJ Special '<• •i>» > R' > Malay Picture New Eve's
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    • 133 6 1923 MODEL DODGE GARS The new Dodge Car is better value than ever as in addition to the general efficiency so long associated with Dodge Cars, there are vast improvements in the bodywork, the hood is of ai improved type, Cord tyres of a larger size are fitted all round,
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  • 73 7 FIXTCRXa. Salnrdajr, Januar> 1~ High Water, 8.11 am, 6.24 p.m. I bay. llcado, ietoria Thentrc, Matinee. Soldi, r, Vie. Tneatre, 9.r.0. •i., 7.40 p.m. Monday, January *J an-... n. 15 p.m. Ai. itralln mail i irj. ic. Theatre. i ,:i J) I'.r<§ p.m. I lane*, >c. Tkaatro,
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    • 84 7 r..-t Wnarf lixln Ml Hkarl 11. >1..-. i)«sp:.ici:. Sh. li. Wkaii Ban Hong Loan* Fielding, Clan Mac- j Eopirc !)i«-'-. Blpenor. *>„! \>l:..rl K Jardiaoa \w I'ulu iir«,ji Coal »l.arf— Nil Kfui.ll Karltoar. Ma^ii \M«,rf I.:, BaMhir*. K.'cordi-r.i i.-. Hon] A. Tng frinoa. i (ojl
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    • 105 7 E.UELY, raa 26-1, for, 19-1. torn, from Cktagwaan i no. :..-iS tons, from, I;. 29-1. i tons, from S. Pnnd ndjang 20-1. ■m I'ulombnng lenbang 17-L Brl M tona, from Mnlncca i. for l ;i vi :'.>-!. I'm' P. lias lofti i d t» arriva at thin
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  • 195 7 T»-<lav Pnlaa Baaiba 2JO p.m. U l:T 3 p.m. 1 nbatg :t p.m. j Port Bwottenhaai arJ I'enang 3 p.m.' Mfd.iii 3 p.m. I 3 p.m. I Mat a i'u'iM 3 p.m. I- nrubnyn ana '.i.nuiji rmusm r.. Bibu p.m. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. d Pulad Bulang
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  • 26 7 \*U Spore. Arr. Lqndoa. .r,m!i«r 7 January 1 b«f January 2 December U January 8 |i..,-,m. II January 8 lVcfmbt-r 21 January 16
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  • 172 7 EXCHANGE SincafMHYi January On London, Bank m/a 2/4 Demand 2/4 6/32 Private '3 ms. credits 2/4 17/32 On New York Demand 54% Private "JO d/a 56% On Prance; Bmik tso in Indii;, Uank T.T. 165Vb On Honifkonjr, Bajik d/d I. px. clis. On Shanghai, Bank d'<l 74%
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  • 60 7 Tone of market Weak. Latest London cables quote: Spot sheet la. r >'.',,i. ■i»*«por« Btandaiu F»J« Crep. Clotinf Pri«M Bnjua. lUL'tn. Spot Keb.-March April-June July/Sept Spot Feb/Marcli April /Juno July/Sept Stefmpoi* Swndard ftibtwd Smoked Sheet Closing Price. »«y«r« Itlltn, (il'i: f>2 6.': <;.:!4 CG
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    • 213 7 Issue Val. I'd. Buyers. Seller*.' 1 1 Baton? Padang 0.47 ',j 0.52 '/a 1 1 Hitam Tin 125 LM 1 1 Jclaitob 0.20 0.40 aom 1 1 Johan Tin O.r).") O.GO -'1 £1 Kar.i. Kamunt. 2.0.0 2.2.0 10 10 Kinta Asscn. 7.00 7.73 5 0 I-inpui Tin 4.40 4.60
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    • 147 7 issue \'a\. I'd. Buyers. Sellers. Q £J Br. Am. Tobacco 4.7..'f 1.0.0 cd. iO 10 Central Engines D.OO 9.50 10 10 Central Motors :t.OO :::>:> a £1 E. Smeltinff Co. 6.30 7.00 i/- 6/- Elec. Tramways 1/- 2/-nom 10 10 Krastr Neave 34.25 34.75 •0 r.O Hammer and Co.
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    • 111 7 (J. Eng. 6 p.c. $1,284,800 par 6 p.c. pan. Spore Electrical Tramways, 5 p.c. £350,000 nom. spore Municipal 6 p.e. $1,878,000 pax Spore Municipal 4Vi p.c, of 1907 $1,000,000 10 r-c- di». 3'pore Municipal 4H pe. of 1909 $1,600,500 10 p.c. dii. Spore Municipal 4H p.c. of 1909 $1,600,000
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    • 396 7 Frnser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt'a Quotation*. To-day a Price*. FMMC "lyall ft Co. Kvatt. \llenby Niw (SM LM 1.40 1.20 l.:iO Uot C.ajah ($1) 1.50 1.70 1.60 I.HO Hitam (?5) 1.1.00 15.00 13.00 14.00 Kuninj* ($1) 0.5(1 0.G5 0.60 0.80 \m. Malay ($2) 2.20 2.40 2.1",
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 BILLIARDS cushions renewed, 1 ..i qa I K.nirlnnd cloth just II 'enl Sampi." ol cloth oatimate seat on application to l!l I.I.IVAXT. r.i! Tuble Ksnert, I. (I. Singapore. t, i.ii:v>ii\m: arrived jamary M, rJO. r^r the nbove steamer from Emj aetiflad that she taargad opposite l VJ. 801 STKAD
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    • 857 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE I UOfCB an iperlatlm in Chocolate*, md Routron makes the best of them. His \ou;'ui und chocolate* aro at H. Koltrr, Direct Importer, Kuiope Hotel BuiWiap. to LR BOOMS, 44, llace Com RoaJ. Apply within. i'l LET, compound house, unfurnished. Ti-iUflin select locality. Apply 1328, Straits Times.
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    • 166 7 Latest available Sterling Quotation* are printed on another page on Friday. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the busineai of Messrs. Vonc Whatt, of I*3 and IfiO, Arab Street, Singapore, formerly enrried on by 100 Slant; Bin, and managid by Foo Dni Peng, is now under the control and management of two
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    • 98 7 AMERICAN DRUG COMPANY, SHANGHAI Established over half a century. manufacturers of MEDICINES. TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMERY, etc, etc. Employers of thousands of Chinese labourers and many highly-qualified European and American Scientists. Merchandise tried and found effective. Prieea moderate. Onr Kofa Household Medicine Cheat*— A Speciality each Chest contains cotton wool,
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    • 484 7 NOTICE NOTICE i." hasanf jjiven I V:.rk depicted r.bove i I proper;;; of K. O. Oaauafjttf 'jo Si, Ciiui:* Street, Singapore, and is naad bj E O. Gararnetor Co. In reaped of ard in connection with Horschrcnd watefcei imported by tiiem and Hold in the Colony o; tl.e Straits
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    • 518 7 VICTORIA THEATRE Tel. IK. Vol. 524. THE J. WILLIAMSON. LTD. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERA COMPANY Including Ife, (lIARI.KS WORI.MAN. To-night at 9.30 THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER Mnnday. Janu.'irv ."i YEOMEN OF THE GUASD Tuesday, January M PIRATES OF PENZANCE Wednesday, Januao 31 KATINKA Thumria>. r.'l.rtinry I lOLANTHK Friday. February L' .MEKKIE
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  • 40 8 A high mass of requiem will be sung in the Church of St. Joseph, for the repose of the soul of the late Rdwaril Francis Hestann, on .Monday, January 29, at C.30 a.m. Relatives and friends are cordially invited.
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  • 1113 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. MALAYA'S CIVIL SERVICE. The Retrenchment Committee in the F.M.S. has written rather strongly of the unpopularity of the Malayan Civil Service. It is said that men who have come out too low in the examination lists to get into the Indian service decline to
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  • 16 8 The Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Singapore, is exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 20 8 Syed Alwee bin Ahmad Alsree and Inchc Unus bin Abdullah, are added to the Board of Visitors of the Reformatory.
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  • 31 8 The r«te of issue of Money Orders for (ndia and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 163 $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 171 $100.
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  • 30 8 A message received from Hongkong at 4.35 p.m. yesterday reads A severe typhoon within a radius of 120 miles of Lat. 11° N. long. 130° E. travelling W. K. W.
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  • 26 8 The China Press of Shanghai announces that it has arranged with the Radio Corporation of China to begin broadcastng, sending out news bulletins, music, speeches, etc.
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  • 32 8 As a supplement to the current issue of the Government Gazette is published the list of Jurors for the Settlements of Singapore, for the year 1923, as settled by the Executive Council.
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  • 41 8 Borneo Awkward Pauses. The one that occurs at the end of dinner when ycu have carefully ascertained what liqueurs your guests will take— and then discover that the gin pahit glasses have not been washed up yet. British North Borneo Herald.
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  • 47 8 The Attorney-General has authorised Court Inspector D. Lucy to exercise in the Settlement of Penang all or any of the special powers in relation to police investigations in non-seizable cases, and to conduct prosecutions and inquiries before District Courts and Police Courts in the Settlement of Penang.
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  • 10 8 The Cashiers' Union has been registered und*er the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 20 8 The draft is gazetted of a bill to incorporate the Lady Superior in Penang of the Society of Saint Maur.
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  • 30 8 After the War and Railway Conference apfJear on pages 2 and 3 and Home Sports on pages 11 and 12, while Notes from Siam will be found on page 13.
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  • 33 8 Rubber floorings, which r come into vogue in Europe and An. i a. are becoming popular in Japan, says the Osaka Mainichi. The price works out about the same as that of linoleum.
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  • 37 8 Pasteur treatment for cases affected by rabies is to be afforded in Kuala Lumpur this year. The F.M.S. estimates make provision of $8,400 to the Institute of Medical Research for a Pathologist for Pasteur treatment for rabies.
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  • 44 8 The memento of the old Merlin promised to the Jesselton Sports Club has just arrived. Commander Edgell has kindly sent the back board of the Captain's gig, on which is painted H.M.S. Merlin in gold and which will, in future, adorn the Club walls.
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  • 51 8 Quite a number of the artistes and jthers connected with Almazoff's Circus, jf which the proprietress is Madame Fillis, issued writs for the recovery of salary and disbursements due to them. Failing payment an order of attachment has been made and the circus is being seized on behalf of the
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  • 58 8 The Penang Court of Appeal, the acting Chief Justice presiding, will commence its sittings at Penang on February 20. The other Judges sitting will be Justices Barrett-Lennard and A. V. Brcwn. The Johore Court of Appeal will sit on February 5 the presiding Judge, being the Acting Chief Justice, who
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  • 66 8 The death has occurred at Hongkong Df Mr. Francisco d'Assis Gomes, who was born in Macao in 1837, and was educated 'n Portugal. On his return to China he joined the firm of Brandas and C 0.,, at Canton, and afterwards Messrs. Dent and Co., at Hongkong, until 1861, when
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  • 66 8 Our Penang correspondent wires that the St. Andrew's Society organised a dinner mil dance at the E. and O. Hotel to celebrate Burns' night. The Rev. Archiaald Ewing presided and proposed the toast of the Immortal memory of Robert Burns. The Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules and Mrs. Voules were
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  • 65 8 The wedding was solemnised on the 12th inst., at St. John's Cathedral. Hongkong, between Mr. David William Tratman, District Officer, North, and Miss Rose Malory Farmer, who has for some time past been the Matron of the Peak Hospital, Hongkong. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. Copley Movie,
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  • 70 8 The rise in the price of rubber com•nodity has been responsible for a resumption of the old enaM of rubber stealing by estate coolies. There have, during the past week or so, been a number of Singapore estate coolies charged* at the local police courts with stealing rubber from their
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  • 74 8 The vigorous round-up of beggars in Kuala Lumpur points a moral for Singapore. This town is just now over run with beggars, mostly operating in pairs. A great many of them move about as though in great pain, but it is surprising with what celerity they can fade away with
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  • 79 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that the statement, which has been circulated at Kuala Lumpur, that Mr. J. Argyll Robertson, 0.8. E., is proceeding to Europe on leave in March is inccrrect. Mr. Argyll Robertson is proceeding home on retirement in, May and will be succeeded by Mr. George, of
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  • 95 8 At about 1 a.m. on the 14th instant a thick volume of smoke was seen coming over the roof of the block of bu'lding opposite the Seremban Convent, states the Malay Mail. Passers-by did not pay much attention to it until fire was seen issuing from the windows of the
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  • 82 8 Rights and privileges under the Inventions Ordinance are granted to S. W. Bunker, cf Kuala Lumpur, in connection with a latex preservative The Firestone Tire Company, of America, in connection with apparatus for drying rubber; Dr. Hans Grossman, of Zurich, in connection with an invention for Lighters A. U. Alcock
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  • 98 8 Dealing with the proposal to introduce pedicabs in Shanghai, the Centra! China Post says The vehicles appear remarkably suitable for the traffic of Hankow, where there are plenty of flat roads with passably good surface. The idea cf educating the ricksha coolie into becoming a "pedal coolie does not seem
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  • 455 8 Mr. F. W. Carrinjrton is being transferred from Kuala Lumpur to Messrs Wearne Bros' head office in Singapore Dr. W. Dawson, Dr. G. A. C. Gordon and Dr. A. A. Duffus are to be analystunder the Sale of Food and Drags Orni nance in Singapore. Mr. J.
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  • 27 8 Mails from China and Japan are expected to arrive in Singapore by the Celebes Maru to-morrow and l.y the Sardinia at C a-m. on Monday.
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  • 130 8 The Municipal health statement for the week ending; January 120 gives tho total number of deaths as 17!', representing a death-rate of 24.92 per mille, eonjttred with 27.5G in the preceding week and with 30.54 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief causes of mortality
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  • 279 8 Considerable interest is being taken in the forthcoming Fancy Dress and Poster Ball. At the request of a nu;i:i>. r of people, the management ha- decided to give 'a special prize for the cheapest costume worn by a lady. OoßMtitar* will be required to produce receipt:; for the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 OUR Annual Cash Clearance COMMENCES Monday, stfi John Little Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. /j^ SOLE ACKNTS FYTINRIH^HFR^ PENTRAI ca i inuuioncno [enSkewkTs ltdi Pyrene Liquid successfully extinguishes fires JM involving IVtrol, Oil. Crease. Benzine, Celluloid. Tar, Coal. Acetylene Gas and Other highly inflammable nul>stancei. It
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    • 105 8 ALHAMBRA SNOW-BLIND 7 pti. 7 pt». ZANZIBAR One reel Scenic Picture MYSTERIOUS TRACKS One reel THE TOREADOR 2 reels Fox Comedy THE ISLE OF ZORDA (19 reeli) Epiiodes 1 and 2. 5 reels. (First Show) ~MARtBOROUGH~ TREASURE ISLAND 6 pts. 6 pts. THE SKUNK 1 reel Pathe NON SKID KID
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  • 981 9 Gravity of the General Situation. Strikes in Occupied Area Continue. Reuter's Service London, January 2.">. Berlin The Government has firmly M "olved to resort to every available means to frustrate the French policy of violence, declared the Minister of Finance, It. ri IIcTine.;, in a speech in
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  • 154 9 RlUTER'S SERVIC1 London, January 26. The British Empire Producers Organisation has sent a letter to the President of the Board of Trade, requesting him to receive a deputation early in February to ask for a definite assurance that preference will be given in all public body contracts
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  • 92 9 Reutek's Service London, January 26. The Irregulars in Ireland are carrying out a campaign of burning civic guard barracks. Dundrum and Moylough are among the buildings destroyed. London, January 26. Practically the whole of south-west Ireland is telegraphically cut off from Dublin. The affected area is served by
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  • 38 9 Riuteb'3 Service. London, January 26. Washington President Harding has rei turned to his desk for the first time since his attack of influenza. He declared he was only ill enough not to feel like i working.
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  • 316 9 The Colonial Office Stands Firm. Reuter's Service London, January 26. In a letter to the press, Mr. James Davenport, a member of the council of the Rubber Growers' Association, dealing with the American manufacturers' objections to restriction, says that he has good reasons for saying that the Colonial Office
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  • 48 9 Riuteb's Service London, January 26. Paris The imports into France in 1922 were 23,000,000,000 francs and exports 20,642,000,000 francs compared with 22,068,000,000 francs and 19,772,000,000 francs respectively for 1922. The imports include raw materials valued at 14,048,000,000 francs and the exports manufactures valued at 11,860,000,000 francs.
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  • 54 9 Reuter's Service. London, January 26. Constantinople A Turk fired on two North Staffordshire sergeants while they were hiring a carriage to return to barracks this evening. One died. The outrage was entirely unprovoked. The Turk escaped and the Turkish authorities have apologised to Genejral Harington. The cab
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  • 59 9 Riuteb's Service London, January 26. Melbourne There is some concern at the decision of the Government to dispose of all the under-sea craft, of the Australian Navy, which it proposes to sell, thus reducing: the total tonnage of the Navy to about 25,000 tons. It is considered
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  • 57 9 Rkuter's Service London, January 26. Foreign exchange is dull. French francs closed at 7:1.02 < 2 Belgian at 80.95, the lire 97%, while marks are quoted from 105,000 to 110,000. Sterling closed at 4.65%. The Stock Exchange has a weaker tendency and rubber shares are easier on the
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  • 18 9 Rbuter's Service. London, January 26. The Duke of York has received the freedom of Glasgow.
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  • 1869 9 Tramway Negotiations Nearing A Head. The ordinary monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held ;n the Municipal Office, yesterday afternoon. Mr. R. J. Farrer presided and the other Commissioners present were Messrs. J. A. Elias, E. Tessensohn, W. A. Sims, See Tiong Vt'ah, E. S. Manasseh, the
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  • 66 9 Canton's Former President As Peacemaker. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 27. Dr. Sun Vat Sen is leaving Shanghai to-day for Canton.' He has issued a manifesto saying he is seeking for a re-unifi-cation of the country and suggesting that all factions should combine* to borrow,
    66 words
  • 28 9 Reuter's Service London, January 26. The Pacific Mai' line announces a reduction of £30 sterlirjr in the first class passenger fare from England to the .Orient.
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  • 4666 9 Judgment on Preliminary Issues. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 25. The following is the full text of the judgment of Mr. Justice Farrer-Manliy, in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, in the case in which Mr. F. C. Peck, on behalf of himself and other shareholders of
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  • 396 10 [The Strkitt Time* Ii not renponstbU for en* opiuioni of its corrnpondentn. Correspondent! shouid bear in mind that lctteri moat be ihurt and to th« point. Long j rambling epistlei are HabU to be rejected oi rutbleasly out down. Correspondents must 1 enclose their nam«t, not ntosurily for publication
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  • 293 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, We are instructed to draw your attention to the item headed "Malayan Collieries appearing 1 in the fourth column of page c.f you.- isiue dated January U">. i It would appear from the report of ("your own correspondent" which report
    293 words
  • 139 10 The Surma's chief attraction is Camille another cf Alexander Dumas' celebrated French classics. There is also Charlie Chaplin in The Immigrant with new Eve's Film Review and Vod-a-ville movie.-. In the first show eight first reels of The Adventures r.f Tarxan serial will he screened with the Larry
    139 words
  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 686 10 The following are the weights for the third day of the Penang rasas, I Race 1. <7',i furlongs).—The Bolter 10.12, Jill 10, Avro 9, The Baillie fc»,l SteH-ng 8.4, Sorlrong 8.:!, Captain Cuttle 7.11. Mindero:. C..IJ. Race 2. (7'a furlongs).—Tijah 10.10.' Madge JO, Lucky Chance 8.7, Kuif StufT
      686 words
    • 195 10 From an advertisement Appearing in to-day's issue, billiard enthusiasts will observe that Mr. Charles Bullivant. who for some years has been responsible for the renewal of the billiard tables of most of the clubs throughout the Straits and F.M.S. is once more in Singapore, and thus they will have
      195 words
    • 286 10 Quite a good game of hockoy was played yesterday when the S.R.C. were opposed to the R. A. M. C. Although the Club fielded a weak team, they played a strenuous game, and were one goal down in the iirst half scored by Eccles at close range. Van der
      286 words
  • 522 10 Gibert and Sullivan Operu Company. Coining after such speculator operas like The Mikado and The Gondoliers would necessitate the putting forward tho beal .-irtist'c talent to keep up s succeed ing' opera to tii? lo\el ot tin v initial presentments by the Williamson Grand Open Company. The enthusiasm
    522 words
  • 97 10 Lyall and Evatt's Share Report. Mam I Lyall and Evatt report under io-dayV dale Tiri. tlßii TJs. <id. Rubbers.— Allenbys 1.20-1.30, i 1.30-1.35, Brogas i;u-70, Craigicleai OT'i--72V., Jeram Koantans W-46, Jimaha 1.60--l.(!7't. Maiaka Pindas 1.76-IJB6, Tapahd 13.75-13^6, atentakabs 27"*-32/4, Pantau 90-1.00, Utrin Shnpans 1.95-2.05. Mines.— Norths 1.10-1.1'),
    97 words
  • 47 10 (By Courtesy of the Nichi Nichi Shimbun.) Toki'i, January 25. hinese Chamber hi;s voted for rerogintion of the Chang- Cabinet excluding Dr. See from the Minister-ship. It is decided that the Aau-Bolshaviki bill shall be withdrawn in the present i>esMon of the Imperial Diet.
    47 words
  • 39 10 Orders for week ending February 4 Saturday, Jan. 27. Combined all Troops. Headquarters, 4.:!0 p.m. (compulnory. > M' nday, Jan. 2!).— lndividual Parade, 5.15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 31. Band Pratice, 5.15 p.m.
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  • 2122 11 International Rugby Teams Tried Out. By Our Special Correspondent. LoBwM, December 28. Particularly bright football is always iatei| with the meetings of the Nav> and the Harlequins, and the traditions of the fixture were fully observed, '.he play on both sides reaching a hgh standard. The contest, tin,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 177 11 Price Reduction Basing our action on our firm faith in the prosperous era upon which we are entering, and desiring to give you a share' in the efficiency of manufacture which public appreciation has enabled us to develop, we announce a reduction in the price of MOUTRIE PIANOS, as follows
      177 words
    • 223 11 RAFFLES HOTEL Ttl No. 292*. (i« Un««) SATURDAY Guest Night, Dinner Dance Sunday, Cinema, 9.30 p.m. EDGAR HULI.AND. SARKIES BROTHERS. at the piano. Proprietor*. > >^ Adelphi Hotel TO-NIGHT Special Dinner THH HOTEL ORCHESTRA WILL PLAT DBRTNG AND AFTEE DINNBR ADELPHI HOTEL LIMITED Thone 925. Proprietors, ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. »-««♦♦■««.«».»>♦♦««
      223 words

  • 524 12 SINDAV. JANUARY M, 192.1 St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion. (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. S. Matthew's Sepoy Lines. 4 p.m. Sunday School. 1.18 p.m. Evensong *nd Sermon. During the following week: Holy
    524 words
  • 110 12 .Miss Kilt-en McCallum, the DuchesK of Atholl's pretty ward, whose engagement to Commander Harrison-Wallace, R.N., ha? betn announced, U the eldest daughter of the late Sir Hi-nry McCallum, formerly (ilWrniM of Ci-ylon. As a child, rhirinc her parents' long absence abroad. Miss McOHlium spent her holidays with the Duchess of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 122 12 Support Local Rubber Industries by Wearing T. K. K.S Rubber Footwear The finest produttion ever placed before the public. Prices $1.20 $1.40 $1.60 $1.80. Sizes 25 upwards. TAN KAH KEE Co. Sales Department 215, South Bridge Road, Singapore. /SrDisorderSKf" theLiitev.Kliomoctt, tick h .ul.i.Hc, giddiMM, lassitude. diosniucji an.l dsfNMsM of jpirits,
      122 words
    • 813 12 OWEN ROE COMPANY H-l. COI.LYER QUAY. N'OTlCr. is hereby piven by the undersit'ned, hitnerto carrying on business in rurtnerjhlp no aactionc*rs, etc.. onder the tirm-namc of Owen Roe A Co., that the :-;.ici partnership will he dissolved on January 31, 19S8, and that nil debts owing to the said firm
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    • 130 12 GHEONG KOON SENG CO. MORTGAGEE'S SALE A valuable leasehold riMiiential property known as Xos. 37 and Sf, Dickson Ro«d Bm) Nos. 25-a, to 20-e, Pernk Road and freihoid land and houses Nos. 7 and 7-a, Lorong 9, off CnyUni; Road. At our saleroom. No. «0, Chulia Street, on Wednesday, January
      130 words

  • 1131 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Banprki k. January 18 Something: like consternation has been caused in Bangkok amongst certain classes by the large number of stabbing cases that have occurred within recent weeks, and unfortunately are still occurring 1 The police seem to be helpless, and a« far
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 341 13 FRAMROZ'S "j^W Because it is THE BEST THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., LTD. STATEMENT BY THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1922. The Share Capital of the Company is $2,000,000 divided into 20,000 Shares of $100 each. The number of
      341 words
    • 106 13 +♦»»»♦♦+♦♦■♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦« E. C. MOIMOD CIE, Agents SINGAPORE and SIAM. "SEA-GULL" BRAND Condensed Sweetened Condensed Unsweetened Sterilized Natural Sole Importers The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., (I»«f>iy.>T»t*4 la DcsMK'k) Singapore. FAIRBANKS MORSE 93. "V" OIL. ENGINES RELIABLE POWER AT LOW COST. Economy prompts the user to cut the cost of power to
      106 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 272 14 DEWARS WHISKY The Spirit of PERFECTION Perfection is the crown of all effort. It represents a finality of worthiness that only unity of brain and labour can attain. And one masterpiece of their unison is that which brings content to the mind and health to the body. DEWARS Retail price
      272 words
    • 442 14 ■■•*asaWßsß*aWW«la^BsWeW B ™MBamajejßaaajem)»a^majejs^ tWWM9MWWKWWWVWWWWWnHfWWKMttJUNBtKfBJBK9mWMBKnm?&m99WfIttf* AhvU $5,0««.CH S.G. Amntae* la ftrct «T«r |1 r The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. [I*eer»erate4 Bmrarai MlunhJ ■aTAJ) OmCJI r Vlnehcitr? Icui, *Haga»ar*. ftONDOM OmCB I H, OH /ewry, ftQ, 7M' Cesspany ha* eo.Wt (Ta»s«r>*d with the Sapreme Coart of Cagiaad aad compiles with
      442 words
    • 539 14 BANKING NEDBRLATfPSCH INDLSCHE HANDELSBANK (NBTH. DfDU COMMIBCIAL BANK) btabltahed U)SB. CAPITAL Fl. 40,000,000 (aboat /W. 000.000). IBBUKD AND FL M.000,000 (aboat £4,800,000). BESERVI FUND Fl. 10,000,000 (about 81,876,000). HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM HEAD AOENCT IN GAT A VI A BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Kedan, Soerabaya, Samarang, Bandoeng, W«ltevreden, Cheribon, Tegal,
      539 words
    • 563 14 BANKING ASIA BANKING CORPORATION CAPITAL |4,N«,twl BUBPLUS > |2.tM,N« HEAD OFFICE FOR THB FAR BAST Shanghai. Singapore Offlee 22, RAFFLCS PLACB. Carrent, Savings Account* aad Fixed Depeeits la U.S. Gold, Sterling, Francs, Taels and Local Currency. Draft* Bought, Sold aad Entered for Collection. Commercial and Traveller* Latter* of Credit. Telegraphic
      563 words
    • 506 14 BANKING INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION (OWNID BT TH« NATIONAL fTTT MIKV OF MEW TOSK.) Capital VS. t Surplus aad Undivided Profits V*. 1*.405,»M Head O«Bre i 60. Wai) Street, Nee- Sea Franclnca Offlte IM M»Btg*merv Street. I Lenaen Offlc* I 16. BlskosegaU, If. KASTXSN BKANCHB*. Olaai Canton, Hankcw, Harbia, ■oagkeat, Pex:r
      506 words

  • 954 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Sydney to Brisbane Reliability Trial. The feUswtag is n copy of a letter from llcim. C. H. Bradley of Sydney giving details ot a recent reliability trial held between Sydney and Brisbane in which a Kover light car established a en
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  • 65 15 A hand-made silk carpet, contain ing 12,000 stitches to the square inch, is one cf the exhibits at an exhibition of Indian viliatre arts and crafts at the offices of tiic High Commissioner for India, London Mr. M. L. Chandra, who is in charge of the exhibition, estimates that the
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  • 52 15 Sit Henry Mayhury, Minister of Transport, hes expressed himself to Stirling County Council as being in favour of the construction. near,Alloa, of a new bridge across the- Forth, for vehicular and foot traffic, with the view of providing a shorter route between North and South. The bridge it estimated to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 392 15 1923 FORDS Unprecedented Value NOW ONLY $1,250 F.O.R SINGAPORE. Including the following improvements Khaki coloured one man top GUARANTEED WATERPROOF Sloping and ventilating wind shield. Detachable rims with spare rim carried at roar of car. Non-skid tyres front and Rear. Improved and more comfortable body. V~l C^. 1 T>^" srV
      392 words
    • 148 15 F. Z. 2 V^f rman H or :l English lI.I'. OUTBOARD MOTORS AND HYDRANTS (MADE IN GERMANY.) K& P Stocks and Spire parts kept. For demonstration and prior* apply ALSAGOFF CO. (Import Department). Sols Agants. S.S., F.M.9, Slsss «n<i Ditch Indira. 87. ARAB STRUT. SINGAPORE. 'Phone 2218. i IN STOCK
      148 words
    • 51 15 \c MOTORISTS LffiE FIRESTONES because they caa rely on the service they Hive. FIRESTONE ti>n;;)incs« strength and reHiliency Jl| re>suft in MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. General A»ent»:— WHEELS OF TIME Always going on A PHOTOGRAPH RECORDS CHILDHOOD'S DAYS and CHILDHOOD'S WAYS. Hake an appointment to-day— THE EASTERN STUDIO* stamford ru..
      51 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 369 16 IQAH MAT 1 CO. LTi. 15, PHILLIP STREET. New Shipments Just Received. Champion Portable Forge* with 18 In. hearth Champion Post Drilling Machine*, to drill from in. to 1 in. hole. Baardone Steam Pressure Gangea, fitted with control cocks Size* 4 in. dia. by 201 lb*. 5 by 200 lb*.
      369 words
    • 299 16 OF INTEREST TO LADIES The Parisian House 6, ORCHARD ROAD. Expected new consignment of rtal latest Paris Models in Hats Dresses SHOES, CORSETS, JEWELLERY. Better hat* cannot he obtained in Singapore at my pricea. These hat* are all mad* in Parisian house*. DO I NEED GLASSES? If ia doubt coasult
      299 words
    • 918 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The PREPAID eharg** for Want*, For Sal*, To Let, etc., ia ordinary close- set type (average aiz worda to Una) are per line one lns«rtioa 28 cent*., two la*. 48 eta., three in*. 64 et*., fonr in*. 82 ets., five ins. $1.00, six in*. 1.18, ten In*. $1.40,
      918 words
    • 844 16 LAND AND HOUSES TO LET, hoot* 70, Prinsop Street Immediate entry. Apply 8, Clark* Quay. TO LET, No. 61, Meyer Soad. Entry February I, 1923. Apply Meyer Brother*. TO LET, immediate entry. No. 86-25, Cairnhill Road. Apply to FrankeU, Ltd, Victoria Street. TO LET FURNISHED, Purmea House, 614, Kampong Bahru
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    • 743 16 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET, Godown* Nos. 82 and 83, Robertson Quay. Apply to Meyer Brothers. TO LET, office and godown, 94, Roblason Road. Apply Estate and Trust Agcney. SMALL AND LARGE OFFICES, at 11, Malacca St. Apply Sayers Co, 8, Malacca St. TO LET GROUND FLOOR of Commercial Union
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 200 16 THE STRAITS TIMES nLWBONaVI Editorial and General U Manager's Office UM AU communication* relating to editor)*} matter* and new* should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc, aLould be addressed to THE MANAGES. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. W»nts, For Sale, To Let, etc,
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