The Straits Times, 13 September 1921

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2ti,741 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1921 PRICE 10 OENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 2? I MILK '1 ■Ij AMI f i" J3^ -Ti U| Pilsener Beer I^l ||g|| Guinnesss Stout j^|j SOLE AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) /<rr>N ALL KODAK CHEMICALS ARE rt£ TESTED TfV thoroughly before this seal is allowed to go upon them. Vs\ ■■fii^^ c-5 Kis y°
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    • 124 1 Robinson Co. t Ltd. Exce P tional Bargains in AnDUal CaSh Clearance HARDWARE SALE= DBPT. GALLEY STOVES. Gives brilliant while Suitable for ships and launches. Strongly H^t TOILET MIRKOUS. built. Burn wood or coal. Sale Price SlS.."i(). s illustration. Size 24 in. $135. MO in. $18g. .'IG ifi. $333. .Manllts
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    • 4 1 i I;.." 'I 1
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  • 742 2 But it Wrecks Theatrical Shows. When tho important colonizers of the world line up for the roll-call in the Great Beyond, Maurice, E. Bandman, is going to stand somewhere between Hubert Owen and Captain John Smith. Li Calcutta were really appreciative of its benefactors, says a
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  • 265 2 Operation Film in Usage In Germany. The latest development of the German scientific film is reported to be an operation film which has hitherto presented insup ruble technical obstacles. These are now overcome through long study by Dr Von Rothe, director and head surgeon of a Berlin
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 374 2 ENGLISH 2 i 14-6-21 SOUTH AMERICA I We offer a complete banking service Vs^.y n l^ c following countries, special attention being given to the handling of h..u 0.. coUections. £UIITM»L,C«N*O» A Kbr. fJTIWE BRAZIL URUGUAY ii- a.i«v ■!•> Paulo. HsatstMsah i SZUEI.A COLOMBIA BR. QUIANA i'. i»«>-.' t- u«ort>iawn7taatmE
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    • 548 2 I GUPBA HEALS pjrfo In Pimples, Hair Came Out In Handfuls. Lost Rest. "A rash Iroke out on my bead. It ctaiied in the form of pimplts s.t>out the site of a pea and ylK.i they burst a small dry crust formed. Tbey itcbed and at times were so irritating;
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    • 211 2 10 H.P. CITROEN OAR ba«t of thia «chool of prodaction. 8m thli rvmarkabla Car— compara it with aay athav Ucht mi M IB MaxkaC Taka a damoaitration rlda— dri»a K yooraalf If va« Uk 4 uf,rM w9l know why it it the moat popular li»h* car la ta. w«rid. VMS
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  • 1171 3 More Precise Information Asked For. The following article was communicated to the Ceylon Observer of August 27 Having given this article a heading: which would make the reader imagine he was gefac to read about rubber, I shall 1 immediately write about tea. The point I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 HOME-BAKED p§2*2 > "2^ BREAD IS BEST. Raisley mixes thoroughly with ordinary V<£ flour and ensures every particle V§ '\^^KaSf* *fyk >rm wr cooked and conte- a^ffijj\ |flt W qucntiy perfectly digestible. is((|ft^^^ You can cat Raisley" bread straight /ft from the oven and (urthcr, unlike /ft> I I,^ l>!nailf
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    • 324 3 DAISY XIR RIFI.ES There's no end to the fun you can have with a Daisy Air Rifle. Made of the finest tempered steel, in single shot or repenting models, they shoot straight to the mark. Looks like a powerful hunting ride and is operated by compressed air. Become a marksman
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    • 891 3 HOTIOES TENDERS INVITED PAWNBROKERS' LICENCES, NEGRI SEMBILAN. Tenders will be received at the office of the Secretary to Resident, Negri Sembilan. Seremban, up to noon on September an, 1921, for the right to receive a licence to act as Pawnbroker under Tne P»*nt>r«ters Enactment, 1914," in each of the undermentioned
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    • 501 3 NOTICES TRAOt I MAPK NOTICE is hereby civi-n that the above Trade Mnrk is Die property of The llitirnationnl Overscan Compmiy of No. 4 Cecil Street, Sinjraporo, Md used by them in respect of all poods exported, imported or sold by them. Any person or persons found iming the übove
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 888 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0.- British India AND Apcar Line (Compute! Incorporated in England) MAIL AND 'PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL S. N. CO. (Under Contract with Hit Majesty's Govurnmeßt) The Ceeapaay's MAIL SERVICE EAST OF BOMBAY are at present aupeaded LONDON PAR-EASTERN SERVICE FROM LONDON I TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON
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    • 802 4 STEAMER SAILINGS STEAMER SAILINGS stlaits sjeamship co. D o LLAR LINE Steaatora Utoadeo U sail from ■ragators %xs l™ .a. d FwaJSf." 4 for Port 8 t u SINGAPORE TO NEW YORK Hl ViL°^ G .nd M ffi' M 9m m VIA SUEZ KAKA- Tuesday, at 4J« pja, ler Malaecs
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    • 411 4 STEAMER SAILIHOS o. s.k7~ IHK OSAKA BHO9EN KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated In Japan) Na. 2, Da So«ia Propoaed Sailing fro« SlngaP*** (Subject to change without notlee) ■CBOPKAN UNI r Part Said, l^raelUea, London, Aatwan Rotterdam i Ummkmtt arr. -P. ALASKA MARU Sept. 10 Sept 17 ALTAI MARU Oct. 15 Oet 16
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE (lacorporatot la AustralU) Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwtv huraday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, ofa orrea Straits, also with transhipment «c '.her Vletorian, South Australian ar.d Nort* ueenslaod Ports, British New Guinea, New ritain, Taaicania and New Zealand Porto. APPROXIMATE SAILING* tARELLA, 7^72
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 497 5 STEAMER SAILINGS PASSA6E UNITED KINGDOM The M/V Glennraoy is expected to sail for Glasgow via Colombo and Port Snid, about September 17. Has excellent first-class accommodation available. For further particulars, apply to BOUSTEAD CO., LTD.. (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Agents. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE PASSENGER SERVICE Sailings from Singapore to
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    • 461 5 STEftWEB SMUMeS TncsteHflmftiirg S.S. "CROOK" Sailing from Singapore, September 22 taking first-class passengers. For particulars and ratei, apply to THE ADMIRAL LINE (PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.) 2, Prince Street, Agenta. Tel. 2080. UNITED AMERIGAN UNES ING. ■■eraaaars to LITOMOU DEARBORN ft CO, INC. (Incorporated la VMA.) Isdep«ideat StoaaaaftJa Urn Ragalar Sarrle*
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    • 284 5 Ropenduranee In these days buyers want articles that will last. They do not wish to make frequent and expensive replacements. The shrewd buyers of conlaye purchase what experience has taught them is the cheapest in the long run. JOHNSON-PACKETT MANILA ROPE Greatest Creaking Strain Greatest Length Per Pound Greatest Value
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 614 6 CWEiAS "GAIETY" CINEMA To-niajht, Until Thuraday in tha Second Show, at 1O p.m. TV an.l >a>lia»lHl»| \'U ■n:;m» of tv.i. 1 uring Caiiierain- 1. ..n.' '■■■A il»- M;tn i'ntcr» ot SHIPWRECKED AMONG CANNIBALS Six BMjh of StaaVM Kevrlatii'ii Taken under cintimsUiifo- .f Ika^Baataal | tliesc siv ■ataaflaaa nsol« an tho
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    • 384 6 ENTERTAWMENTS NAHAR OPERA OF SINGAPORE At their new Beyrouth Theatre, opposite the Gaylane I'ollce Statloo, lylanj Boad. To-nicht To-n|cht INDRA BAN6SAWAN Pan B will be itajjed. SYED Ml A. M. A. Stag* Manager. Proprietor. FOR THE FIRST TIME t liichi-k Nani produce* an rnliri'lv New Malaj SHAMSHUL DHAKMAR and I
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    • 40 6 For all Defects of Vision CONSULT Mr. (L F. CHONG Fellow of the Spectacle Maker's Co. Diploma of the British Optical Association Fellow of the Institute of Opthalmic Opticians (London) OFFICE AT THE United Pharmacy, 305, North Bridge Road SINGAPORE
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    • 256 6 NEVER SAT DTE, SAT TINTEX HOW TO USE IT P Tut a tampoonful of Tintcx into a oup, add Buflicient. hot wator to halt fill tho cup, stir well and put contents into h:il( gallon of cold water. First wash the material well and pl.ioe white wet into Tintox Water.
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    • 37 6 i Good- Writing Paper In Boxes. Packets, or Pads To suit all tastes all Purses, and all demands. Die Stamped or Printed at small extra cost. ENVELOPES to match. Rickard Ltd. PROMPT PRINTERS, 76, Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • 155 7 FIXTTJUB TurMlav. Sriilraibor 13. HifEh Water, K..'!9 a.m.. 7.58 p.m. Singapore As«;zc«. Supreme Court. Real lio.i! I Maaliaa. 2\^> p.m. and O. homeward mail closet. Wednesday. September 1 1. Hirli Wat.-r, 0.^2 a.m., 8.68 p.m. Tannin Club at Home, 6.16 p.m. Thursday. September 13. Hijrh Water, 9.51
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  • 80 7 VESSELS AT THE DOCKS E»«t Wharf Basin ML East Wharf Yeboahi Muru. Sheer. Wharf Nil. Main Whnrr Haaburg Mam. Kum SanKmiiirr linck Islander, Triesta, Kmnun. \\e--r \vi,.iri Rekc. Jardinrf Wharf Nil. Palo Coal Wharf -NIL Keppal Uaxboar. Main Wharr llu!!» Dreate, It-itnvier. Abella. Launch Alert Patrol. Coal
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  • 50 7 DEMODOCUS, Brit, 4.183 ton*, from Birkcn-h.-ad t for Hongkong 14-9. HEBE, Brii 144 to from Port Swettcnham r Port Swetteahaa I'-'.'. JEYPORE, Brit, 3,209 tons, from Bombay VJ'.K for Hongkong 14-9. KUALA, Brit, tona, from Baagkoa 13-9 KIM SANG, Hrit.. '.'.UTT tony from Culcult; 12 for Haagfceag 18-fc
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  • 196 7 To-day CMatai a 3 p.m Colombo, Aden, Sacs, Tor. Said, Drin- Triest" 3 p.m Malacca and Muar •*> llatu I'ahat S p.m. Port Swettcnham. Pcnane. Colombo, Ad.'n. Port Said and Europe (via I P-m Supplementary Mai! by train to JVnang, tutins mails for Europe, etc P w
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  • 118 7 A rifcrciK o to the fliT" 'if our poets prompt! the Morning Port to call altcnt iil ti- CUTMNM .-lip.-, by tWI Of «'Ur must popular DOVvtiata. In The Garden of A!!ah. describing the dejeuner given by Oeejat Anteeni, Hielu-n-; writes: "She (Domini) fu on ih«- Count's ragat
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  • 102 7 What is the (artaaat view obtainable in Knirluii l". The üßtitiott agitated a Itttle company of balMay-niakctaj aad the majority v< niut uus in favour of the proapect froai l.t-iTli Hill Tower. John Kvcljn. aaaerted that thirteen enuntios from the top of Surrey's Moat Blanc, luit n»
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  • 30 7 ProKrammc of rliills. etc., for week ending Friday, September 16 Wodiifscuy. lltli.- kit p.m.. Drill Hall, Ooaapaajr atanaki Drill. Friday. -M in Drill Hull BjrjC ("ompiny.
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  • 136 7 EXCHANGE Singapore, September 13. On London, Bank A m/s 2/4 5/32 Dtman-I 2/:: Private S in. credits 2/4 17/. !2 Ob N'iw York Demand 4.". Private 90 days 46</j On Praaca Bank 630 (Hi Itwlia Hank T. T. Ml On Montrki nf, Bank A/A 20% p.c. preni.
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  • 54 7 Tone of marktt Quiet Spot Sept. Oct.-Dec. Tan. -March S Singapore Standard Pale Crepe Closing Prices Buyers Sellers Spa Sept Oet-Dee. Jan.-M/u<!i Singapore Standard Itibcd Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers Sellers '11 2K 28 aw 2!) M n n% DAILY PRICES CURRENT. 12 nVlii-K
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    • 184 7 Iss. Val. rd. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Ayer Weng 1 1 Hi tarn Tin 1.30 1 1 Je'antoh s'l £1 Kain Kamunting 1.15.0 10 10 Kinta Assoc. £1 £1 l.ahat Mines 5 6 1-insrui Tin 3.25 10 10 Malayan CoQ. U.OO 1 1 Menßlombu 0.35 10 10 Middlrtm 1
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    • 125 7 Iss. Val. Pd. Buyers. Seller*. £1 £1 Br. Am. Tobacco 3.0.0 3.10.0 tl i'l K. .--p.iiitintr Co. 6.25 G. 75 5/- 5/- Etoetrie Vwuys 2/6 10 10 Fraser Nntm 28.50 2D.JO 50 50 W. Hammer A Co. 80 'JO *****0 Katz Bros. Dcf. 140.00 10 10 liexieaa Eairjc 1.1T.C
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    • 94 7 I'. Er.T. C. p.c. ?l,234..°.00 par 5 p.c p.m. Electric Tramways, (350.000 nom.; S> rr Mii.'iicipal 5 p.c. i par. S'poro Mnn. 4% p-c -f s:,ooo,W)O 10 p.c dis. S'porc ."•!>:::. 4H p.c of 1909 $1,600,500 10 p.c. dis. .S')>"re Mun. 4'/6 pc. ■I tarn ?i.r.i»;i,'joo is p.c. MsJ
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  • 383 7 Frascr and Co. and l.»all a:irl Btatfl Quotations. I l t--.t nvailablc Sterling (Jubilations arc printed on another page on Friday. HOJUCK J. DICKINSON Consul of the United States tt America. O-i lays 'rices. Frascr Co. Allcnl.v (SI) Mi A!..r Gaifth (?1) 0.90 1.00 Am. Malay (U> 2.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 625 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS SHIPPING CI.KP.K required in..M Apply with references to 08U, Straits Time KOK SAI.K, Overland 4-car entirely ewaer driven nearly new, condition excellent .Straits Times. WANTED A LERI for i ml,!in Johore. Apply with copies of testimonials to s*l, Btraita Tlam TO I.XT. :«-1. I'»Kir Paojaag Roadr"n7i leaaUf hun(ral'<w.
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    • 159 7 SEA BREEZE SANITORIUM AND PRIVATE HOTEL 9. Ambrr Ituari. Tanjone Katong. OrEMNC OCTOBBB 1. Electric li t and Maaleiaal water, l'rivt^ lea ah, exjellent aathlai KaaMeati of tie S! Settlement! nmi VMM. in ncid cf v change or a quiet holiduy by lOUld write fur particular's of MjMhiy und Daily
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    • 302 7 MATTHEWS P^L flji Sataaanu fl^sfl^v IM/BHBMai _JH st—^^aflt— aaiS*. FULL AUTOMATIC LIGHTING I'LANT PRICE $950 which include* the complete unit mounted on skid* a:;ii lfi-cell standard glass jar bat:erics, fully charged. You never need ro near a Matthew* Electric i'lant to atari or stop it. It runs and it stops
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    • 393 7 THE STRAITS TIMES C'nn br aMateed at (he following place, i i Singapore Hotel van Wijk Kelly and Ltd., r>fuVs Tlaco Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel Money Changer, Kuropo Hotel Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Raffles Beta) Koh Co., Bras Basah Road Koh A Co., 1-b, Robinson Road Low Yong Swcc,
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  • 1097 8 The Straits Times TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 EUROPE AND ASIA. Mr. Kiiis Barker has been giving some very tour.:l advice to British WniJMI. much en the lines that we have occasionally followed in this column. Incidentally to Ins advice, he points out that India and Japan are bicomins Isj rawing Ij
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  • 40 8 An extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce KubDit Association was held under the presidency of Mr. J. M. Sime in the Exchange Rooms yesterday, when several amendments to the revised rules and byo-laws w:rc considered and passed.
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  • 46 8 The Ameronjran authorities have fixed the ex-Kaiser's income for purposes of taxation at 135,000 guilders. Walt.-r KiichotF, the German opera singer, who recently paid him a visit, says he wears a general's uniform which is decorated with a large iron cross and one pour le merite.
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  • 55 8 At the meeting of the V.M.C.A. I.iU-r--iry Society on Wednesday, at 8.:$0 p.m., Messrs. R. R. Hagon, J. W. JeflY.r son' and C. J. Dawson will read papers on* Salesmanship, Do Truths or Lies test mor. and Why Young Men Shun the Pulpit, respectively. Members and friends who arc interested
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  • 20 8 The Northern Brother Light, Durian Strait, was reported to be burning and occulting on the night of the 10th ins>t.
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  • 26 8 What It stated to bo th> record claim in the history of fire insurance, totalling i'Boo,ooo, has been prepared in re3p,-<ri of the Stratford timber-yawl fire.
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  • 26 8 Th? harbour coolies at Soerabaya are on ■Mka. On Thursday they held a meeting at which over 400 were present. Their leader Semaven has been arrested.
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  • 21 8 More than G.OOO applications were received by the Commonwealth Government for positions as Assistant Trade Commi rioners at Shanghai and Hongkong.
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  • 28 8 United Kingdom mails for despatch bj the 8.1. steamer Teesta on Thursday an expected to reach London one day in advance of those sent by the Kashmir io-day.
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  • 41 8 The master of the Gurna reports lr. Lat. 4. 49. S-, Lemg. 106. 54. E. a watoriogged prow is awash, in a position dangerous to navigation. It has a bamboo with a clcth about 10 feet high flying- from it? bow.
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  • 40 8 The Sinhalese Young Men's Association is arranging to hold an All-Ceylcn Industries Exhibition in Colombo, in February next. The cost is estimated at Rs. 40,000 and it is proposed to raise the same by the issue of 1,000 ten-rupee shares.
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  • 40 8 The dredger Mudlark is employed in Jredging operations in the vicinity of the Master Attendant's pier. All vessels ar; cautioned to give the dredger a wido bulk, as she has mooring chains out from both bows, and from each quarter
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  • 37 8 During the blow from the tail of the typhocn which caught Hankow recently the steamer Chekiantr, inward bound, was driven against H.M.S. Cairo which was at anchor in midstream. Both reseats suffered a certain amount of damage.
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  • 40 8 The Canadian Pacific Steamship Co. nas acquired the Hamburg-Amcrika liner Tirpitz (21,000 tons), and is converting ler for burning oil fuel. She will be • Empress of China, and will >c employed in the service between Vancouver, Japan, and Chin?
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  • 43 8 The Colcmbo drainage system, which las been ■ndcf construction for sixteen rears, is now completed. The scheme has •ost eighteen million rupees and will bo ntended as occasion demands. It is b;» far the most extensive and up-to-date hrainage sysU-m in the East.
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  • 50 8 Housewives at home despair of the food prospect, consequent on the drought. Caboages are lod., small marrov.s lSd., peas and beans Is. a lb., plums lod., greengages lSd. to 24d., cooking apple; Sd. f eating Is. English butter 37d. per lb., zggs 39d- per dozen, and bacon 40d. per lb.
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  • 53 8 The Federal .Government has approved it the arrangements for the establishment }f trial aerial mail services between Sydney and Brisbane and Sydney and Adelaide. These arc in addition to the 'crvice which is to be establish on the north-west coast of \V3«t Australia, in respect of which Major Brenrley was
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  • 60 8 Basins; his remarks on the latest statistical ttbles, the medical correspondent of The Times draws attention to the formid:b'e increase in cancer in every civilised •ountry, markedly in Europe and America. The practically doubled rate cf mortality throughout the United Kingdom in the last 10 years and the growth of
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  • 12 8 After a protracted hearing, the Addi ional Sessions Judge at Sholapur, Bom
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  • 52 8 oay, has sentenced two members of the managing agents of the Sholupur Bank, Ltd., to five years' and two years' rigcr>us imprisonment and a fine of five hunIrcd rupees each and an accomplice of theirs to six menths' imprisonment on a -•barge of committing frauds to the extent ■>i sixty-six
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  • 72 8 The annual general lyt-eting of the. Yew Gee Hean Association was held at C2l, North Bridge Road on the 11th instant. Officials for th> ensuing year were elected as follows President, Sceh Kirn Soh ■secretary. Tan Gim Wee treasurer, Wee Woon Kho auditor, Pang Cheng Van eemmittee; L.-c Cheng Hoe,
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  • 72 8 The impending advent of trams in Peking has created consternation among the ricksha coolies. There arc 50,000 coi.lics in the capital, we learn from the Peking Daily News, and it is roughly estimated that 150,000 women and children are dej;. -ndiiuc upon them for support. A nieetir in the Central
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  • 75 8 The Secretary of State for Air (Captain F. E. Guest) stated in the House of Commons that the Air Ministry was awuiu that the late Harry Hawker, the Australian aviator, who was accidentally killed when flying at Hendon in July, was suffering from tuberculosis but an examination in December, 1920,
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  • 96 8 At the I'erak Assizes, in a ease of unlawfully returning from banishment an accused said that he had returned to fetch his wife and children who wen- here. He had no intention of remaining in the country. His Lordship said that according to the law he had nh alternative but
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  • 598 8 Tungku Suleiman., brother of H 11. tli Yarn Tunn of Nrgri S.mbilan, and friends arc spending a few days in Singapore" and are staying at Tnnjor-g Katong. Dr. Graham, Chief Surgeon of Selan. or, and Mrs. Grah&m gave an nt home 011 Saturday ever ing, at the
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  • 21 8 The outward 8.1. packit TfcOßgwsj, with mails from Europe, is expected to reach Psnanjr nt six am. to-raorr iw.
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  • 63 8 We hear that a Colombo message suggesting the almost immediate arrival of the 2nd Middlesex Regiment to relieve the Ist South StaiTords in Singapore was misleading. The Middlesex nun an- coming here direct from Egypt, but their urrival will not be earlier than the- end of the year
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  • 100 8 The local of the Yokohama Specie Bank, 1.ti1., are in receipt of a teleirram from their head office stating that at the eighty-third half-yearly fjewpsj meeting on the 10th inst. the following resi.luticr.s have been Passed That thud profit for the half year ending Jane :)0
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  • 183 8 In the Court, this morning, the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, delivered judgment in the case of Messrs. Swans'. n and S-hesteU v. U. Currie, a form.r employee of the plaintiffs' linn. Mr. Demuth appeared for the plaintiffs iind Mr. A. V. L. Davit* for the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 Special Offer of HENDERSON HATS r% v >?fe\ 1 A hurfV idectioil of these famous hats at exceptionally low prices Price $4.60, $700 and $10.00 These lials are noted for their durability Usd will not chanpre their colour or lose their shape. JOHN. LITTLE CO LTD. S'NCiU'ORE A fdJALft LUMPUR.
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    • 115 8 ALHAMBRA Besrh Itoad. 7 KEriTATION 7 p t Featuring MstUls Dean Talhc Review. QassMS and Harry Tcillard Comedy. Tathe Serial TIIK I'HAXTOM FOE K'miil Episode marlboroughT liearh Road; .1 IN. TIIK C.IARDIAN 5 Pti. Kciturins Montaßuc l^ove and Jane Elvidge r.:i'v Gazette, I'^thr Ileriew and Variety Fair Comedy First Show
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  • 207 9 RK.rrr.K's Service. London, leeaoaaher 11. Simla: The report of the committee ippo:r.ted at the end of ]!)1!) to investii'at sugar growing and manufacture in India is published. It emphasises that India produces enly one ton. of sugar per acre compared with over four tons in Java and
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  • 131 9 Kti tek's Service Paris, September If. Moat Battens, notably Great Britain, Inpan, Siam .--.nd the Netherlands, were officially represented nt the commemoration of the Mama victory of 1914 at Mcau>:. The Pari^ shr part of La Bourget is ■hawing inereaaiag activity. Darmg August r >';ii aeroplanes were used
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  • 111 9 liF.t iu'i Service London, September 11 Sid .lights on the present conditioa of the shipbuilding industry in the United States are thrown by Mr. James R. Preston, th<> shipbuilding expert connected with the Fuller Construction Company of America. Int TV, iivid at Liverpool on arrival from New Yolk,
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  • 121 9 RtIITER'.S SERVICE. London, Semptcl>-er 12. Sun Francisco A sensation has been created by the arr?«t of the film actor, Fatty Arbuckle, who is charged with mur-d,-T in connection with the death of Virginia Rippc. a film actress, who died after J party at Arbucklc's apartment. The !i.-t;iit attorney
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  • 56 9 I:kitu;'s Service. London, September 11. Birne A feat which many Alpine climb t> lia\e attempted in vain has been accomplished by a young Japanese, Vukomaki, of Tokio. who with three gulden ascended the Kiger by the cuMern approach. All the party were in splendid i -nnditinn at
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  • 82 9 Relter's Service. London, September 12 Paris Negotiations have been concluded by which a powerful American financial syndicate will champion the claims of the Austrian Archduke Fre-derick against various Central European Governments which sequestrated and confiscated his properties. The latter are estimated to be worth £40.000.000, and consist
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  • 46 9 Reltfr's Skhvice. London, September 12. San Antonio The floods were not so sVrious as they originally threatened to become. The dead are now estimated at 30 and the damage at $10,000,000. London, September 12. Lyons Thirty-' ight people wero killed in the S.r.irburg-Lyonx express derailment.
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  • 103 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Per.ang, September U, In the case of Police Inspector Bartels versus the Crown heard before the Appeal Court, the Chief Justice ar.d Justices Whitley and Branch gave a unanimous judgment to-day in favour of the appellant. The court held that the Crown was
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  • 633 9 According to the Dili Courent, Dr. Hunger was astonished at the extent of th: oii-palm culture in Sumatra a number of estates leave no possible doubt as to soil and climatic conditions being very sat isf actory. The plant is alsj hams; cultivated in Java but en
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  • 1027 9 Firm's Suspension Leads To Litigation. An action of considerable local commercial importance was begun, in th« Supreme Court, this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, thi parties being Messrs. Goodall and Co.,' Singapore versus Mcsars. H. S. Godwin, J. J. Blandin, R. W. MtcKerrow, R. SNelson,
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  • 389 9 i Singapore's Farewell to Father Lynch. On Sunday, September 4, after the Uenediction there was a large gathering assembled undor the porch of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd to bid farewell to the Rev. Father Lynch, who returned to Manila by the Granite State, which sailed on
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  • 357 9 The ff Mowing particulars have been supplied by the Colonial Secretary, Singapore The committee are paying from the fund pensions to seven persons amounting to $1,720 per annum, owinir to high cost of living it has been decided to dcyble these pensions making annual payment $3,4-10
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  • 117 9 Notice was (riven for an extraordinary meeting of the Mandai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates Limited to be held at 01, 65 and G6, Market Street, yesterday for the purpose of passing the following resolution That the directors be and they are hereby authorised to create and
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  • 1648 9 (From a Correspondent.) September, 8. The monsoon has at last broken and !we have had heavy showers every day, almost for the past ten days or so, accom-l p.-mied with much wind though but little or no thunder and lightning. A few plant. rs are advertising for rubber
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  • 394 9 The Proposed Operations of The Company Me-M--. Eoustuld and Co.. P«BUff, forward the following particular! j This company, which was formed late y< :.v to work a v.rv extensive area of rich alluvial near Kopah in Siam, is about to construct the first (if two large
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  • 130 9 Under trie tiLit- of New BMtttoda in the treatment of Syphilis" the Winer Klinischc Wochensehrift publishes n article by Professor Frohlich- One's disappointment is great when it is 'discovered that this "m remedy is a patent and of secret composition. The reason given for keeping its composition
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  • 1514 10 Full Description of the New Course The new course of thi» Selantror Golf Club, writes a correspondent in the Malay Mail, Ikis been laid out to the south of Kuala Lumpur on the flat terrain between alar and Sereinban-roads, the former hi -iii;r to the west and
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  • 458 10 Mr. Cecil M. Rice and Miss Ethel Blacklaw St. Andrew's Cathedral was very tastefully decorated on Saturday afternoon when Mr. Cecil M. Rice, of the Borneo Co.. Singapore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John. Norman Kice, f Dulwich, London, stood tide of his laacee, Miss Ethel Scott Blacklaw,
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  • 61 10 Macphail and Co.'s Daily Report Singapore, September 13. Silver.— Hrngkong 20%. p.c. prem. Three months gold 4GV4. Share market Dull.— Rubber. Practically no enquiry. Tin's.— Taipings 1-1.05. Norths 1.20--1.27%, Souths 87tt>7S« cents, Nawnjc II 1.50, Lingnia S-60-3.70, Tongkah Ilnrl>nui-s 14.26-14.7fi. Industrials. I'uiUvrs at 15.75-16.50, Traders l"..:.0-lt>. Wn-arnes
    61 words
  • 36 10 The ninth anniversary celebration of the k'ounc Men Kriendly Society, of 121, Bemiwn Koad, will b-.- held on Saturday ■ii 1 Sunday, ITth and 18th in.:., at 12,724, Kv.-nw i:.,:ni. t .,l I-.., l (Oast Koad.
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  • 797 10 Proposal to Build up Reserve Account, Messrs. Whittali and Co., Klang, forward the following report The fourteenth annual ordinary general meeting: of the Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate was held at Messrs. Whittali and Co.'s offices in Klang on the 10th instant, when the following were present Mr. F.
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  • 200 10 Icebreaker to Open Ip New Trade Route. Trade between Britain and Russia is developing, and on both sides is a hope of a further improvement in the ni.iv future. An attempt is to be made to open up trade with Central Siberia by the northern sea
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  • 16 10 From The Times German spies shot in Tower during w;ir. I'iiiinniii .trap lor siilc. Apply,. etc.
    The Times  -  16 words
    • 269 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The announcement that the Imaerfaj Government's refusal to sanction compulsory restriction is final does not necessarily exclude from practical politics the prohibitive export duty which is part of the proposals that I put forward I partly on the
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  • 525 10 Mr. Naulty's Scheme and Its Risks In the last few years there have been several projects announced in the United States to fly from th» New World to the Old by way of the North Pole, but none ever got beyond the stage of newspaper booming.
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  • 91 10 Frank Mayo has never had a more interesting or congenial role than that of the young physician. Dr. Bradley Yatos. in the Blazing Trail, his latest Universal photo-drama of the Blue Ridge mountains which will be presented at tho Liberty Hall, in the second show, together with Eddie
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  • 17 10 The Java Chinese Students' Association hus removed from 21, Rmv Tour-. R.ind, to 7, IJacc Course Lnne.
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  • 788 10 Messrs. Baker Morgan and Co.'s, Report. Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Kuala Lumpur, reported, at 5 p.m., on the 'Jth inst, as follows Commencing with considerable activity in tin shares, owing to the sustained strength of the metal, the week closes, however, with dull markets, rubbers being almost
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  • 102 10 General Surtees, M.P., has intro<luced a Bill in the House of Commons proposing that ewryclienflst when selftngpoirreonjnust with every bottle state on the label the ntidote to the poison, so that in case of any mistake a swift remedy may be applied. The penalty for
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  • 38 10 A memorial service for the muchlovcd and revered Bibik Lee Khin Neo of the C.E.Z.M.S. Chinese Girls' School, Government Hill, who died in Bavaria, on Sopti'mb.-r 9, will hi? held at St. IVt.-r"-. Church, to-morrow, nt six p.m.
    38 words
  • 528 10 S. P. A. Cup Competition The following are this week's fixtures in the S.F.A. Cup competition. To-day, S.C.F.A. II v. St. Joseph's, S.C.C. ground. To-morrow S.C.C. II v. K. E. Sports Club, S.R.C. ground. Thursday S.C.C. I v. Staffords 11, S.C.C. ground. Friday R.G.A. v. S.CF.A.
    528 words
  • 318 10 Remarkable Collection In V ienna Writing from Vienna, a correspondent jf the Observer says This capital is now in possession of the finest and largest i-ollection of clocks and watches in the world. A teacher lived here who had collected many watches for the sheer pas
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  • 80 10 An-10-M-ilay.— fiT.y:;:; ll.v fcroome (Sclangor).— -:!'5,148 lbs. Batu Tifta.— 4l,ooo lbs. Bruseh Tin and Rubber 13,500 Il>*. Bikam.— lK,loo lbs. Chansrkat Salak.— so,ooo lbs. Emerald.— 43,24B lbs. Glergrowrie.— 2B,o43 ll>s. Golden Hope. 10,770 lbs. Kuala Kubu.— 14,395 lbs. Kuala Kemitn.- XS.OOO lbs. Kundong.--2.9x;» lbs, I.umut.--9.^7«0 lbs. London
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  • 1042 11 Inauguration of New Service At Penang To commemorate the inauguration of the new serviic, Marseilles-Yokohama, and at the same time '-heir first call at Penang, the Messageries Maritimes held a reception on board thoir steamer Armand Behic (10,000 tons), during her stay at the Swottenham Wharf, last week.
    1,042 words
  • 1079 11 What the Disaster in Morocco Means. Mr. H. Wilson Harris, writing in a home paper, says Overshadowed by a Greco-Turkish war, an Anjrlo-French controversy, daily meteorological speculations and the interview Lorn Northcliff did not Rive, the catastrophic blow dealt in the past fortnight to Spanish prestige
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 MOUTRIB PIANOS •re still the most popular In the East g The same high quality is maintained but 3 iCof PRICES HAVE •flCo/ Iv /o BEEN REDUCED 19 t I This Offer for Spot Cash Payment only ALL NEW STOCK send to-day for Illustrated Catalogue S. MOUTRIE ft CO.. LTD.
      176 words
    • 342 11 Raffles Hotel MONDAY.— Tsa Daasant, I to 7 p.m. (Admission tr—). WRDNESDAT. Special Musical Profrrsmm* after Diana*. THURSDAY.— Co«*t Night and Dancing. (Ermine Drsss esssatlal l«fl Dancing). FRlDAY.— Special Lnnch— Orchestra. SATURDAY.— Guest Night and Dancing. (Evening Drsss ssssatlai fat Dancing). PICTURES Sunday, September 11, 1921, 9.30 p.m. WON BY
      342 words

  • 1642 12 h rot:. Era of Magic to Science Of Preventive Medicine Sir Clifford Allbutt, the Regius Professor of Physic at Cnmbritlge, who was a classical scholar before he took up medicine, has published an interesting book of lectures on nncient medicine, with supplementary essays on the progress
    1,642 words
  • 300 12 Grave Allegations Against Administration. .Many serious allegations were made .-tltrainst the administration of th? Calcutta University at tht Bengal Council on August JO whtn motions demanding a raamittae of enquiry with particular rrfcrcnci- to the financial situation were debated. J Indian speakers successively declared that there is a
    300 words
  • 146 12 The development of aeroplane mail services abroad is prrailually extending the pioneer collections of aero stamps. Up to date there arc ju«i 71 varieties of postage stamps issued expressly for use on letters conveyed by air services, and most of these arc still accessible to the collector
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 Kiam Kiat STANDS for AXIS FACTORY ERVICfi DO NOT WORRY, WE WILL HELP YOU. THE MARK OF PURITY /y g g A PEACHES, APRICOTS PEARS OR CHERRIES served with LIBBY'S EVAPORATED MILK -Wake an exquisite dish. Remember, libby'a Evaporated Milk is the milk with that creamy taste and Libby's fruits
      203 words
    • 170 12 Your Transport It is false economy to run your lorry if you are not getting full efficiency out of it, never know when it is going to breakdown and cause annoying delays to deliveries We specialise in the repair and overhaul of lorries are executed with the minimum of
      170 words

  • 789 13 Prime Minister's Moral of The Eisteddfod. Mr. Lloyd George attended the Eisteddfod at Carnarvon on August 4. He re-j ceived a mighty welcome from 13,000 Welshmen and Welshwomen, who filled the (Treat pavilion. He improved the occasion by extracting from it a peace morgj of worU-wide interest.
    789 words
  • 243 13 Pins His Hope on a Spirit Of Trust The Dean of Durham (Bishop Welldon), in an interview on the Irish question, said It may prove by the blessing of God that the spirit of trust which has reconciled the Transvaal may also reconcile Southern Ireland to partnership in
    243 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 268 13 W'DeftlJfl QtOlft I zz Cal. Rifles and Cartridges calibre rifle* ore more universally u»e<t than any other. It ii with thii calibre that every boy learns to thoot— lh« adult sport smao uaei it for target end field shooUii;— it it U>c torn HI of T"" 11 bore rifle club*
      268 words
    • 441 13 The Brand of Confidence EUROPEAN PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL AND HOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS, SINGAPORE. GLENSHEE," No. 1, St. Thomas' Walk I ('Phone Xo. 104). 14 St HELENS," No. 3. St. Thomas' Walk i ('Phone No. 2437) SHERON," No. IM, Riym- Valley Road ('Phone Xo. Proprietreai Mrs. B. KIKKPATRICK. European Soperrialou. Excellent Calainc. j.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
      828 words
    • 271 14 SNEONfi KOON SENG CO. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE room. No. 30, Kling Street, •>n Wedneaday, Septemhcr 11, at 2J« pjn. sii ?TT? cCc S u''! lU of va l"=»ble freehold and and the well-built brick and tile roof I 1 T.r i P f r P< if ty known No 43
      271 words
    • 641 14 A«Mto .t« $4,tM,MI 8.0, ftMtrance 1b force ever $17,000,00« THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LTD. (lacerperatod la Straits lettlaasats) MAD OHIO I Wtoehester ateaae, .tngipera. LONDON OFFICE M, Old Jewry, E.C Tae Company has «2*,OM deposited wita th* Supreme Ceart *t Eaglaad aad eosiplUs with th* British Life Assarane*
      641 words
    • 457 14 NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE HANDELSBANB (NETH. INDIA COMMEBCLiL BANK.) Established 18S1. 0 CAPITAL Fl. 60,000,000 (abort 0 f6,«00,000). 0 ISSUED AND Fl. 65,000,000 Übou PAID UP *4,I8S,OOO). RESKBVE FUND Fl. 48,000.004 (aboa< <5.E86,000). HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. HEAD AGENCY IN BAT A VIA. BRANCHES Hongkong, Shanghai, KeVe ttedan, Soerabaya, Semarang, Bandoeng Weltetreden,
      457 words
    • 479 14 F BANKING THH BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED (laeeryorated by Special laiperU) Charter la Japan.) CaplUl Subscribed T 00,000.000 CaplUl Paid-up Ta.0«0,00« Bsserve Funds T10.180.000 President K. Nakagawa, Esq. yiee-President S. Mori, DIBECTORS S. Mlnaml, Esq. T. Hlsamuna, Ess. O. Kawasaki, Eaq. K. Moriuage, Esq. M. Kaakl, Esq. T. Ikeda, Eaq.
      479 words
    • 463 14 INSURANCE I, COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Knffland) Fire, Life, Marine, Accident, Guarantee, aad Motor. Assets exceed £<U,000.0M I W. A. SIMS-M«nager and Underwriter. 1 >tefn branch, Singapore. 1 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. CO. (Incorporated in Canada) All the latest, plans of Life, Endowaeat and Annuity policies issued.
      463 words

  • 1084 15 Notes and Comments On Current Topics. Hydraulic Brakes. While the Grand Prix Race in France may be said to have proved that brakes are -necessary to all four wheels of fast, light motor vehicles, whether they are of the large or small passenger-car type, writes H. Massac
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 333 15 1)4 KILO-WATT 32 VOLT LALLY^LIGHT THE CHEAP BUT EFFICIENT HOME LIGHT AND POWER PLANT. CmtMjag of water-cooled Kas engine and generator in one unit and 1G cell 9 plate Williard Storage Battery. EXTRAORDINARY CAPACITY OF COMPLETE PLANT. 110, 20 Watt UAMPS I hours 100, 20 Watt LAMPS S hours 90,
      333 words
    • 531 15 COTY France's Finest and Unrivalled Production in Perfumery. E. C. Monod Co., Successors in Singapore to DUPIRE BROTHERS SOLI; AUP.NTS FOR S.S., F.M.S., and SIMA "LIBERTY VJ «|^fl»* S^S,. -^^«^s^^^^^^^^i^^^a^BSgS*^Cassa«iaa»WW^^ga«maMaT^W»- _^^KJ^ M '^^SaVß^kjß^^^^^^R^r TT-TI7 MOTOR AaOTTIMsOV V^kl 1 nil j^Twinchester H^s7| A\JT JCrfJN Kj I NO VIBRATION-NO NOISE iiiffli 1
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 341 16 New Shipments Just Arrived, MINTZ METAL SIIF.ETS Size 4 ft. by 2 ft. by 1/32 in. thick 4 ft. l.y f'- by 116 4 ft. by I ft. by 1/8 in. mMTI METAL Rons All irom 1— to 1 in. d:am «ter FIRMFIt BANDI.EI) t'lilSKl.s, all size*. lIKMK.R HANDLED COUGHS,
      341 words
    • 431 16 TAY GUAN KIAT 36, PHILLIP STREET. Phone No*. 3113 and SI 14. The successful contractor for supply of FIREWOOD AND BASKETS AND BROOMS, ETC. to the Singapore Municipality daring the year 11(21. GLOBE BOILER REMEDY For cl< riring oncl preserving steam boilers of all types. Used by all factories, steamers,
      431 words
    • 962 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ik. PREPAID charge* for Waata, Far Sale, T» Le«. etc, in ordlaary cloM-Mt type (arerage six word* io line) are Per line one insertion 28 ct«, two In*. 44 ■U three ins. 64 cts., foar ins. 82 cts., five ins. fl.oo, six ins. $1.18, Us in* $140 tw.iT*
      962 words
    • 874 16 LAND AND HOUSES FOR SALE pFiVATELyT "dOVtVsT" NEST, 102, River Valley Road, close to town. For particulars, apply 26, Malacca Street. TO LET, 2401 and 2407 Joo~Chiat I_n7, rent $23 per month. Immediate entry. Apply A. P. Nathergany «nd_Co., 14 Market Street. TO LET, land nnd house area about 28,500
      874 words
    • 339 16 OFFICES AND GODOWN TO LET, (tore* and offices. Apply Ed. M. Nathan Co, 4, D» Souta Street. TO LET, second floor, 1-b, Itaffle* Quay, bright and airy ofllce. Apply ground floor. TO I—.T, newly built well- lighted aod v«r. tilated first floor office, at 143, Cecil Street, area about 6,000
      339 words
    • 322 16 Straits Motorcar Service, Ltd 111-116, ORCHARD 10 AD. Sola DUtrlbatora of BELLANGER famous French Car AD ttmia of Srpaira to Motor CycK C— ra, anal Lorries executed. Qraekea] Cjlimdtn, Crank-Caacs G«_m aW brokea parts oi all meUls WcU«*L reliableTcars and lorries hired. Goo_ Tn_ sported from Shlpa, G&iowio, Prirate Houses,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 202 16 THE STRAITS TIMES TELEPHONIC t.iiSBri;iT Bh.l Cencrsl S8 Manaecr's (iffico 1117 •lob l'rintinu Office 1244 All communications relating to rditorial matter-' and rows should bt addressed lo THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matter*—a< Hunts, subscriptions, accounts, «tc. should be addressed to THK .VAVAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For
      202 words