The Straits Times, 25 October 1919

Total Pages: 16
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26.16J1 SINGAPORE RATIKDAI, OCTOBER 25. 1919. PRICE 10 CENT H
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 197 1 tfLUUiI 9«IkTINII MNKENBEI VilMstir jr I BRAND MILK g^^^^^i Naloral Sterilised tt c fXCp W ent qoality of the j^^f|i|?SSSi?^s& /J^^^^K original jrcduct combined aSt^SwJmXo^ *i* D c niost ptriect system V%~~ r M^^^^s of sterilisation have establish- JJ^ U ETENEI ed Pear Brand Milk es the Pl\\^S Mfs i
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    • 236 1 Home its eauty i ■.< Beautiful furniture Itt your home is a perpetual tource of pride and pleasure. Therefore, a hiphly important consideration in the furnishing of your home is the choice of furniture with a style. It is not neceeeary to spend large turns in creating an artistic effect.
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  • 716 2 HOW THE MISSIONARY WORK HAS GROWN. The rVorli ulrJkd Kauad. 11 Oily a littla while ago I used to look at mtßrtK v tho (jl«58 anl cry. Si* t boz at uyaelt aaJ iau^h" This oi<gh: woll ba :aa cj )Uo of th j fi.-nt ad?oo*te3 of »od
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  • 269 2 Scheme of Reconstruction Prosposed. An extraordinary general meeting of TiUka-Taiping, Limited, was to be held at Rcirntb, on September 24, foe the purpose of oonaideiioß the reoonstrnotion of the oom pany, Tbe diieotors atite they are satisfied that the •eoonstraotion will be advantaKeons to the company and tbe pi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 497 2 (Factory to your Home. I 11 your Dress Requirements and Household trom the great British Mail-order House. You will be delighted with the quality and workmanship of the goods, the up-to-date and attractive styles, and the low prices. You can be smartly dressed and yet be economical if you purchase
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    • 390 2 BABY'S HEAD BURNEDJJKE FIRE W th Eczema. AlsoOnFace. An Awful Sight. Cuticura Healed Him. "Eciema started with terrible Itching en my baby's head and face. He used to scrutch until it bled and it burned like fire. [^A^^is Kit (ace was one mass of if scales ard he was an
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    • 277 2 Put Your Haulage on an Efficient Basis The reason so many concerns are confn itc .1 with excessive costs for hauling is lack of investigation at tba start /lorry buywl who lakes the trouble to study the ci'iestion will find that Mot< i orry has an •nrivalled record for efficient
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  • 813 4 KUALa LUS?UR f S REPLY TO M LOOKER-ON. Anonymous Correspondence. "Locker On'a" cCuaion in the Straits Times, stys tbe Malay Mail, will bave aciOflf <i many. Somehow or otti.r these diatribes againßt the manners and morals ct St!an«o rites never etem to reach this effice.
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  • 135 4 The establishment of a Trans- Paoiflo news servioe to tbe Far Bast, aa outlined in a plan formulated by V. 3/ MoClatoby, editor and publiabcr of tbe Sacramento, California, Bee, and a member of the board of dnostots of tbe Associated Preae, haa been
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  • 128 4 Majo* General MoAndrew, Chief of Staff of i the Americin Expeditionary Foroes, told the Hcoße Military Committee that the United States must develop their Hawaii acd Panama deft coco to the strongest pot-si hie point if the Pac fie coatt is to be safeguarded agaiuet a Japanese
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  • 44 4 A mammoth shipment of 7,003 toaa of cororut oil, valued atfocr Mid tbiec qoartoi million peeoe, was taken ftom Manila by the l;/itibb Bte»mei Ohva en route for Rotterdam. The steamer Cassia take* a aiaiilai amount in a few deys to Marseilles and London.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 The Hand of the up=todate Man and his "Swan" Pen. Men rc;;!Iy modern in their Llcas use "Swan" Pens because they en.iMc them to do more and belter work with less trouble. In facl the possession of .i "Swan" Pen by a professional or business man is a lign of
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    • 318 4 I CteaasM g-vl S«lrcslics the Scalav Strcnatheas Thin and Weak Hair. and produces Thick. Liuarlaal BrlUlaßt Trnwcs. CLEAR AS CKYSTAt. CONTAINS NO DYE. OIL or CREASE. OcHghtfully Rclreshlag. Coollna and Invlgorallng to Ibe Scaln. Kan a txttia ol KOko h.nj. 141 a II Inljht anj mgrninj. >ou ».M Da rcalljr
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    • 765 4 Take Care of Ycur K air ADOPT THE PGrULAB AND KKHBM MKES HAIR-OriLL* 1.C00.0C0 Compete HAIR-DRILL Outfits Free to Reader*. IP too lira werrl<xl ab mt tbe find «wi hail waking lltloa of your hair, if it i« «pton«» Titality and iw i i i i> v»n will 'i.h«l. WUnf
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 393 5 JtEAMgI tmftit. NIPPON YU^EN KAISHA ladaartaataa n Jataa) MlaUl Oon«p«Mt «vi«Bk «ha «f»«p«al Jaj aqu< BsjviMssxni. {Übjaat It altaratlees arttbeat aallas.) EIUIBPEAN UNI rssvaiaant Sasvioa (BMlasaa,) faaaat Ceiaake, Bast, Laidta aad Aatwsrp. (via Sues Oaaal) Mara mid, Oot. (oalliag at Hamburg) Ka«a Mara Nov. 4 Yokohama Mara Nov. PIUIBPEAN UNI
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    • 644 5 tTEAMIEB BAILINBS. P« 0.- British India AMD o Apcar Line (Oompaales laeotpotated la flaxlaad) M[AIL AND PASSENQBH SBRViiOsiS PBNINBUUIB AND OBIBNTAL (Uader Ooattaot witb His Majesty's Government) ?be Usmaaay'a MAIL. BBRVIOBS BABT OP BOMB AT an at atesuj naaimlit LONOOB FAFNBABTBRN BBRVIOB •ROM LONDON TO MABBBILkBa Ml«ja*« Das Singapore l««v*
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    • 755 5 CT£Aifle mums. GLEN and SHSRiE JOINT SCKVICC OF STEAMCKI HOBIWMH OABSiRVONSHIRa foi London and Rotterdam about Nov. 28 QLBNADB lot Genoa and London about Nov, 30 CARDia ANSHIRi lot Geaoa aad Loadoa about Mov. 38 OARMARTHBNSHIRB lot London and Antwerp about Dee. 10 OUTWARD* GLBNGTLB lot Hoagkoag, Sbaagbai or Japaa
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    • 397 5 CaWs) Sa JHk« (THE 88AU BHOBEN UIBHA. LTbV} (lacwapoaATao w Jaraa) No. 3, De Souaa Street. PROPOSBD SAILINGS rasa SINPAPOft* (Suajeet to ebaage wtiboot aotlsa) FOR MRSEILLI3. URDU AH UTVaV vUPortsald Celebes Mara Nov. 1 Alps Mara early Das. FM RERM ARR RUMRIaMi No spaoe available FOR SOUTH aKRIM via
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 490 6 BTEAMIB SAILINGS TIMOR DILI! Tbe as. Mjtto o is expected to be dosaateoed tor Australia o*liing at the above aort, at 6 a.m., oa Tutadiy, Ootobar itß, 1919 B3USXBAD A 03., Agents, Boras Pbiip Line. FOR lUNGUON UlßtfT The T.S kik-n^a i;l be de»patchjd to Bangoou sUbml m m abjut
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    • 463 6 STEAMER SAILINGS AMERICAN ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY (Incorporated in U.S.A.) Regular service betweoa New York and tbe Straits via Saea and Panama. For NCW YORK via SUEZ a* Slavi i P.'inoe about ueceaibar 10 From NSW YORK 8.8. Celtic Prins9 dut •►oot Not. 7 For all inf ormatioa, apply *o ADAMSON,
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    • 825 6 WHEAT Bupplits ot AcsVvalian whole wh e at a;e now available in Hn«apve »nd may be obtained on apsliotticn to Mjsfra. S:mc Darby and Co Ltd., Mal'.oea Street, Singapore Approximate weight par bag 188 lbr. Cost •16.76 per bag ex toJowa, Singapore. NAUTICAL ACADEMY. BAILORB HOME The afcivo Soh-.oi ia
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    • 791 6 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders will be reoeived at the Colosia Storetarj'r Offioe np to nocn of November 10 IH9 for tbe i-prly cf rat f oas and euadriee for Hospitals fcr tbe ptrici January 1, 1910. to Deeenbet 81, 1920. Tecdtrs »hrrl) be on the autbarised form* obtainabln en application to
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    • 218 6 THE IS NOW LUMINOUS OFFICE. 47-49. THE ARCADE. INGAPORE r i-7 >* > S Mz£ K v m aioiag l^ai^ JL A "LIVE" COBMOPOLITAN MONTHLY FOB COBMOPOLITAN MALAYA Ask your news agent for a copy. MASSASE HALi No. 239, Boneoolen rjneet, ftp*n daily6R.m,~Bu,B Talaphona No. 1467 MjaMAOB AND MAHIOURsI Ml.
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    • 470 6 •Ol L-™ jy~^~ t\ J**T*^ 'z^^^L THE PULIIK6 PO»VER Y-.ur a'vrtisiog mss^aij? in oar dir«ctory taVr* advuntaee o« this ru'lin^ power ol pie'urp. It sivei tbe iadivi<u\l, nndivi^ed fttt^ation of every member < f tbe family. It f-cn <>< farrily derire oa tbn advtniaed eoods ani loiscns the pnr«r- strings
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 492 7 CIHHrUS w *i *aa rwou rutimi ■•am <WS* a **xK 'JrJrBBMnW tma|aat Pager ■aaawttiait fan taa tm~ IT g.M IN THB SHOOKU SHOW &T 9M WINSOME VIOLA DANA In a rtory cl a divine tcrgi rents! THE WINDING TRAIL A five act Metro serecn vomacoe oi danger and tbe deesert.
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    • 467 7 CIHEUM To-night in tbe Seoond Shaw at 8.10 6 Chapter 11 Tha Rail Raldara aad Tha Show Down Chapter 13 of the greatest Paramount mystery serial A WHO IS NUMBER ONE P There will be a great (uprise for all ia these two chapters which I will (oveal tbe mystery
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    • 179 7 LsH^kii Bna BUTHRIE k CO.. LTD. MIDDLE EAST FILMS, LTD. NOW BOOKING OBDBBS FOB December Delivery OF THE NiW SUPERIOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING SET THE IMSCO Complete with storage batteries, Bnech magneto. Water cooled by large automobile type radiator, The ideal light and power plant fir town or country bungalow. Oall
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  • 112 8 FIXTURES Saturday, October 26. «lgb Water., 10.44 Hh 11.87 p.m. lundsy, October 26. High Water, 11.11 a.m. Monday, October 27. High Water, r .9 a.m., 11 89 p.m. Legislative Couuoil 2 80 p m. Homewaid mail olosen. Australian mai's clcb:. Tuesday, October 28. •tufa Watoi. 0.48 a.zn
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    • 113 8 Tanjono Paoab. Bast Wrni Basoi.—Nil. Bast Wharf.—S on Ann. Shbsbs Wharf, Albbkt and Victoria Dby Dsoks.—B -;r v. mam oor. Main Wharf.—Hagen, Qonyei Zira, Preusaea, Sydney, Boon ampins Dock- Mioioro, Fazilka, Hymet job, City of Newcastle, Benoleuoh. Lai Sang, Minderoo Wbst Wharf.—Knala. JaBDINB's WhABF.—Nil. Bbani Coal
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    • 137 8 Ban WUtt Hin, Brit., 107 tons, from Malacca M/U,tas Maltoca 25/10. BritiHb Knight, Biit 8168 tons, from rarskiu 24/10, Im Calootta 2C/10. Cli. for, Oh, 084 tons, from Fremantle 2"/10, fct Hongkong uno. Nankii Main, Jap 1005 tons, from Bangkok 25/10, aaa. Hapbb, Brit, 12 4
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  • 250 8 To-DAT. Pnlau Sambo 1.80 pm Bata Pabat 8 pm Malaoca, P. Swotknbaai Penang 8 pm Modan 8 pm P. Samba, Bawoao, SourabaTa, Bandjermaßßin, Stamen, K. Batoe, Samarinda sni B. Pcpan 4 pm Hongkong and Japan 4 pm Sarawak and Ooebilt 4 pm Pnlau Soegi 4 pm 3iba
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  • 44 8 Auuuml 3 t 4 AUgUfci '.2 AUkoat 19 Aogaftt 'J8 Sept. 2 Sept. 0 3ept. U •Jept. IT OflSoe Report) A.MIYBB Lom«M Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Sept. 17 1 i.%. 33 sept, as Oei. S Oit. 8 Oot. 18 Oot. 17
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  • 135 8 EXCHANOP SwaAPoaa, Octobbb 28, 1919. Oa LMMH...~.Baak 4 m/i m 1/4, Demaad i/«j Private I o|i 1/4} Oa Niw Teaa...Demaad M < Priv»te H daft 611 Oa YiAMtn ...Bask 400 Oa 1»DU.........8aak T, T no Oa Haaaa«aa. M Baak d/d 91]%nm Oa SaA*aaAi...Baak dp 84* Oa jAVA,«.....™Baak
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    • 189 8 II II iffl|Ut 11.76 11.60 x.a. 1 1 Ayet Wea* 3 20 1 40 Jl 41 Kua. KtnumMig 2.13.6 1.14.8 II 10 Kixta AaxxsUMoa 626 BXO 41 41KiataTia 2.6.0 5.1C.0 Mom 41 41 L*h»» Hiaea TOO ",J0 Liagoi Tii 6 01 6.61 II 11. MfttejM OollteflM 19.70 10.00 41
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    • 102 8 woe 2 Bb BeUefp II 41 I. SmelUag 00, 14,70 16.26 II 41 U4 0 1,17 r >/• I/- WeoMo T'wtye B/- 8/6 II 10 rnaot Kmto 44 CO 45 Ob x.d •0 N W.Hwnmei* Co. 85.00 aou IN IN KftU Btoa. 115.00 1 J6.OC II II Mljurf *Oo
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    • 65 8 Ualted Bagiaeen 91 SUM t fat SiagaaoteßlectrH Tramways 6% 4860 ,04t aon. S'potoMuaioipal 6% •1,878 00* »».> B'ffon Mumicipsl 4 T Of 1917 •I,(M,CW 10%dti Spore Mumleiaai H\ of 1909 ILSM-CM ■»< m S'pcre Muaicipal 4% 1,000 '.N M\ S'pcre Muaieipa: 1% «00,3 M m F.M.8. 8% lota 1918
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    • 378 8 F«s» and 00. and Lya'l and Kvatt'a Quotation* To-day's Prices ViMei LyaU* Co. HrsH. ▲lot Gajafa (II) 4*6 4.J6 4.C1 416 Amal. Malay ty, fd. 828 PBO 835 B.N. Ayei Hitam (16) 16.76 I6.CC 16 75 58.2: ▲yet Koala* (II) 180 146 180 ICO Aye. Molek (II)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 636 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WaNTBD, too* Boropeaa Mnistaati. Muai fco ex- service men. Apply F. G. Taylor aad Co Penang KOVBR motor oyele Bi h.p. with stdeoar, in good running order, Boscb magneto. Oan be Ken 192 Selegie Rotd. WAN .ED, uu asautant bookkeeper for a local dißjeueaty. G:o3 salary aad protpeots
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    • 429 8 lECDRE TOUR lEATS EAILI TO-lIMT •aIAPIOQIMME CHAYA BULAN will be staved by THE BTAR OPERA TIEaTRI IOT4L, lOBTI lIIMI Mai Ebairadia, Mobd. Noor. Misses Habebah and Otto tfke tbe leading parts. Oommenoing from to morrow, Sanday, a Malay bistorioal play in five aots. DAN DAN BTIAH will b given. i.
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    • 404 8 MOTOR LORRIES FOR HIRE Large aad small suitable tot moviag fa*, titure, baggage, or goods bom the dookt, Contracts arranged. For terms apply to W J, Oareia, lIS Orchard Road "notlce" Notice is Urebj givea that the private passage hading from Battery Road and adjoining No. 2, Battery Rob* will
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    • 54 8 ROBEY 4M.. LTD. Portable Engines Compound Semi-Portable Engines wltn Superheaters Horizontal and Vertloal fixed Engines Looomotlve Boilers Multltubular Boilers Duplex Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Seml-Dlesel Crude Oil Engines from 6 h.p. upwards Steam Traotors Road Rollers Sola A«em» for Btraita Settlements and Federated Malay States McAlister Co., Ltd. Singapore, Panang, it
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  • 1074 9 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26. CONDITION OF ENGLAND. What are the facts about England is a question constantly pat to those who have returned from a visit to tbat oonntry. Any man who pretends that he can give the tacts is merely misleading himtelf tad others. Nobody knows them
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  • 70 9 Important wireless telephone experiments have been made with an apparatus invented by Captains Colin and Jeanc French naval offloers, between stations in Coreioa and tbe town of Hyeres, near Toolon, IC3 miles apart. Messages of 300 words were dearly beard, and a song from La Tosca was transmitted. Under the
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  • 26 9 A general meeting of the Singapore Indian Catholic Union will be held at the premises of tbe Union 166, Prinsep Street, to day at 0.80 pm.
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  • 26 9 Six armed and ma*ked men robbed officials ol the Cork Lunatic Asylum of £1,600 in tbe presence of an apathetic crowd, aud then esoaped on bioyoles.
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  • 22 9 St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association is exempted trom registration and tbe Yew Ho Scab, Penang, has been registered under tbe Societies Ordinance.
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  • 25 9 Alert II." asks in a home paper Why should Amerioan consumers be planting so vigorously in Sumatra if the (apply threatens to exceed tbe demand
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  • 26 9 Public Works matoos at Shanghai have bran on strike demanding a %'i inorease monthly. They resumed work on the Council promising to reply in ten days.
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  • 30 9 Two Chinese were placed by Mr. Costellc before Mr. Monk this morning with selling wheat floor above the controlled prioe, one being fined 160 and tbe other cautioned and discharged.
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  • 33 9 The Sixth SabmMine Flotilla, consisting of the Ambrose (parent sbip), Marszion (sloop), Moonshine (drifter), and submarines L 1, 8, 4, 6, 9, aud 16, left Devonport for the China Station on September 16.
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  • 34 9 Financial oiroles connect tbe rise in Peninsular and Oriental Company's shares with Lord Farces -'s retirement from the ohair mansbip ot Furaeu and Witby, which has revived tbe rumours of amalgamation between tbe two.
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  • 38 9 Tbe Standard Oii Company ot New York is authorised to file a specification ot an invention tor a tire extinguishing apDiratus, and Frank Ribbing ol Clifton Hill, Viotoria. Australia, a speoifioatioa ol an invention for a soldering machine.
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  • 42 9 A Chinese put up by Mr. Coatello before the second magistrate yesterday, oharged with selling 1,00 forged ten cent notes for •46, was oommitted to stand his trial at the next Supreme Court Assizes. Mr. W. A, Battenberg appeared for the defenoe.
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  • 50 9 Tbe steamship Ping S jey, built at Belfast, 1899, lor tbe China Mutual Co., but sold out some lime ago to the British Afrioa Shipping Co., Ltd has been sold to Italy. She is 6 458 tons gross and 4,168 tons net and was frequently scan alongside Tanjong PagM wharves.
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  • 45 9 A wire from Siianghai to the Hongkong Post states tbat the Shanghai Municipal Oounoil has been notified of the British Government's intention to supply volunteer with the large pattern maohineguns, alsi aa eighteen pounder battery as a resutt Colonel Young's recommendations to the War Offioe.
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  • 70 9 A memorial has been sent to HE. the Offiaer Administering tbe Government by the subordinate services in tbe Straits Settle iiients and F.M.S. praying for a revised war bonus on the ground ot f either increase in the oost o! living sinca their last appeal to Government eight months ago.
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  • 66 9 The preliminary enquiry into the robbery at Chung Thye Übong's residence Northam Road, on October 1, when •80,000 worth ol jjwellsry and oaah were taken by aim;d robbars hasoommencoi. Nine pers jus were in the deck. Tbe charge against a Chinese man and woman was withdrawn by the aoting Solicitor
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  • 80 9 The CabiU-Brooke Company gave their second and last oonoert last night in the Viotoria Theatre. The programme was well balanoed, and gave fall saope to tbe really high talents of these Australian artistes. They showed genuine musioiansbip. It will bj a pleasure to bear them later on when they again
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  • 79 9 Tbe last report of tbe Tokobama Speoie Bark states that sinoe tbe armistice, Japa nesfl trade with such newly cultivated fields as I idia, the Sooth Saas, South Africa, and South Amorioa" has decreas d very consider ably, and that, unless steps are taken to improve the quality of goods
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  • 90 9 Mr. Hurley's effort to market New South Walos rabbits, jam, fruit and other produce direct is Mousing muoh interest in London, The Diily Telograpb in a long artiole disOUBHBB tbe pißsibility of the elimination of the middleman The paper's representative irt'rviewod several distributing houees in Lon f on, who were
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  • 102 9 The rumours as to taxation of robber in Netherlands India oontinue to grow, says tbe L. and C. Express Djnbticss the Rubber Growara' Association is taking tbe matter up in tbe nterests of British companies in Java and Sumatra. To judge by reports that have rowshed as the proposed tax
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  • 545 9 Mr. V. G. Er.sohiel is to act as Coroner In Dr. J. R MoVail is to act as Chief Mai,-* Offixr, Malacca. Dr. W. H. Fry, K M.S. Medical Servioe, if appointed to ba Chiet Mjdi.'nl Office-, Ptnanir,. It is officially notiikd that Mr. H. K ibinson
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  • 40 9 The following Scholarships have bran. awardad for 1019 Tan Coong Kew, Henry Lionel Finok and Tbam Ying Thim, Raffias Institution Charles Carvalbo, Lav Hong Chiang fid An Eec Hook, St. Joseph's Institution; and Mabel Ancbant, Raffles Girls' Sohool.
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  • 121 9 A well-known British resident of Bangkok died in Singapore yesterday in Mr. Frank Tatner, who for many years was store tar y of the Royal Bangkok Bports Club. Mr. Tatner ariivcd about a fortnight ago, intend ing to go for a health trip to Australia
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  • 217 9 An ordinance to regulate tbe keeping of Drinuog premes and tbe printing of book documents and newspar^ra in boing introdrc d info the Legislative Connoil. It amplifies tbe law regarding printing presses and tbe printing of books, documents and Dewppapcrs no' 7 oontaincd in Indian Act XI
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 156 9 XMAS GIFTS TO J^ EUROPE SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Japanese 9 Kimonos Silk Gowns V m^w ALL THIS WBBK a New Season Xmas A Cards and Calendars r\ just received W e pack and post your parcels direct. Order early to ensure delivery in good time. JOHN LITTLE &f 0., Ltd.
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    • 191 9 To night' t Attractions at Singapore' t Modern Picture Theatret AL HAM BRA (pts. RECLAIMED I ptt. Featuring Mabel Julienne Boott. PALLADIUM i>u. THE LOVE BWINOLE < Fettering Carme Myers. MARLBOLROUGH i ptt WHEN THE DESERT SMILED m THE SCUM OF PARIS Last episodeTM CHIKG ME CO LID Projristors. NOTHING
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  • 810 10 Petrograd and tyoscow Advance. Speculation about Bolshevist Strategy. RiCTIB TILKjaAMS. London, Ootobei IS. Helsußtors: It is now expected that Petrogrsd will be coonpied before Ktonstadt Todenitab'ii tioopß oooop'si the sta'.ion ol Ligovo, tbiitecn miles from ihe eapital, ltd aeMbed the Potiloff railway junction in the •abuibo. A. oommaniqae
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  • 450 10 DEBTS DUE BY SOME ALLIED COUNTRIES. Genera! Mangin's New Task. RICTSB TbIBORAMS Paris, Oatober 18. la the oourse of a debate in the French Chamber ot Deputies M. Kiotz, Minister of Finanoe, remuked that many pestimistie and inaeourate statements on tbe French financial position had been made, In
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  • 41 10 RIOTS* TIUOKAM. London, October 20. Tbe Eusholme by eleotion resulted as follows i Captain J.K. Thorpe, Coalition Unionist, 0,801. Dr. R. Duct Labour, 8,412. The ex M.P. Mr, W. M, R. Pringle, Liberal, 8,023. Captain Crewdson, National Party, 815.
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  • 45 10 Service will be held at the Boustead Institute on Sunday oveuing at 8.16. The Bey. W. Ctoas will give tte address, and Mr. G. H. Watts will be the soloist, All are ordially invited, especially men of tbe Navy and Attty and the mercantile- marine.
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  • 131 10 RBDTBE TIUORAM. Lourtoo, Ootober 20. Lord Lores-holme, in a remarkable speech at 'the Authors' Club, deolared that the suo oess ol the nation depended upon the payment of high wages. Our handioap in competition with the Baited Slates was the low iati cf our wages. He
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  • 54 10 RICTKR TILSORAM. London, October 20, Mr. Winston Cburobill bas sent a letter to the Dnndeo Liberals saying that the bui ding of tbe volunteer army is so satisfactory that oonsorip'.ios will be abolished in April, possibly earlier. Over 8} millions are already demobilised. An additional half a million will
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  • 52 10 (From Our Own Corbbspon»bnt Ipoh, Ootober 24, Twenty armed gang robbers have raided Palai and murdered a Sikh constable, cut tbe telephone wirne, and tooted eleven stops. 1 Chinese towkay was wounded in the tbigb bat not seriously. Tbey deoamped with booty to tbe value ot several
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  • 307 10 (From Odb Own Corrkspondint.) Malacca, Ootober 24. At the assizes over which Mr. Justioe Whitley is presiding, tbe Malay who, some l mo back, had been dastardly enough to attaok and rob Captain Gould, on tbe Ohm Chin Road, was last Tuesday found guilty and sentenced to
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  • 112 10 Tbo Hon. Treasurer of the Singapore and South M«'".ya Boy Scouts Association begs to aokno* ledge with many thanks the fol lowing which constitute the final oontribu tions to the Fund of this Association tor the financial year ended September 80, 1010 Amount previously acknowledged $2,297 J.
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  • 25 10 A certificate of naturalisation has been granted to Mr. Henry Goldbert, a native of Raecia, and for nineteen years a resident in tbe Straits Settlements.
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  • 117 10 The harvesting of rioe in the Yangtze Valley is now over and a bumper crop has been gathered. The farmers fit in Nat king to Tatang cay tbat it is one of tbe largest for ytaiE- Tbtre is no small amount of old rice on band not sold, so with
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  • 1538 10 BEING HUMAN NOTES FROM FRONT AND REAR. ISPIOIALIY CONTSJBUTBD TO STRAITS TIMS Bt Major Cassidt.] 21. Touch and Go! Whilst Vieconnl Dalrymple wu rounding up his 200 prisoners, a moat peculiar thing wu happening in the Soots Gauds trenches. There was »n officer io tbn Suots Guards
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  • 399 10 The Laying of a Second Line Assured. In view o( reoent telegrams regarding the laying of new a cable aoross tbe Pacific an announcement in tbe San Kraocieco Coro niole is ot considerable interest. Evidence was reoently given before the U S. Committee on Commerce regarding
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  • 271 10 George Clarke, who was brought from tho gaol by Warder Voss, was again placed before Mr. Monk this morning and obarged by las- j peotor Killoarby wiltb oheating the pro prietor cf tbe Straits Hotel by pretending to be the manager of the Straits Motor Garage,
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  • 2116 10 THE WAY THE POLITICAL WIND BLOWS. From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 10. Tli. rr ii atill a good month to run before Parliament opens its doors, but preparations are already being made by the Government to ensure tbat tbere will be no need for new jihorpktes
    2,116 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 158 11 To tha E litor of the Straita Times. Sir,— One would think tbat tho looal direst iries published annually should giva full lists ot the nam"s of all employess engaged by tbe various firms in Singapore. Is there any particular reason why tbe names of olorss should not be
      158 words
    • 193 11 To tbe E lit or of the Straita Times. Dear Mr. Editor, I read the note in your last night's isdue under the above heading. Some few months ago I motored over to Woodland to catch the morning mail ferry for Johore Bahru. I tendered a dollar
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    • 172 11 To the Bditor of the Straits Times. Sir, Arrangements made lor the tote at Singapore raoes were fir from ideal and one was disappointed after bring led to believe such great improvements had been made. The club must have last thousands of dollar*, owing to the
      172 words
    • 132 11 To the Bditor of the Straits Times. Sir,— A paragraph appearing in your paper of the 22nd inst under Havas Harvey said imong the measures whiob will follow tbe record is tbe realising of tbe agreement ot 1902 concerring tbe Chinese Cußtims tariff and the agreement
      132 words
  • 96 11 In the course of his speech at tbe Union Club, Shanghai, Mr. Chu Pas-Ban mentioned, as one example of the growing native inclination for things foreign, that many Chinese now play foreign cards.' In this oonneo tioa, a home newspaper notes that Caina is ordering large quantities of playing oardfl.
    96 words
  • 95 11 The Hongkong Steel Foundry Co., Ltd., reports the disoovery in Euangsi and Kuantuag provinoes of an unlimited qaaoti.y of iroa ore, of the scientific treatment of wbiob made in America, it mjb Steel, oonstt noted therefrom may bo driven through a piese of wi ought iron over an mob tbiok,
    95 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 514 11 Championship Final on Monday. Yesterday tbe naal ot the A Class Singles in tbe SCO, Tournament waa prooc~dcl with. Doig opposes Donnell, and wben the match was left unfinished on Friday last week tbe position was that Doig had won the first set 6-4
      514 words
    • 81 11 Scoq.b Past and Present met the Mcdioa'i School at soooer on tbe S C,C. Ground yester day, and tbe medicos found themselvet up agaiQßt a very stiff proposition. It was co stiff tbat the Scouts won 6 -0, five of whiob were soorcl by Roy Smith. Coulcher's Accident. We
      81 words
    • 125 11 Interesting orickot should be provided on the S.C.C. ground this afternoon in the match between the Club and an cloven- representing Civil dervios and Liw. Tbe matoh starts at 2 p.ra The Club XI will be B. J. Bennett, W. N 8. Clark, R. H. Gale, C. Hewetson, C.
      125 words
    • 179 11 Rugby football men will learn with regret of the death of H. B. Windold, tbe Welsh international full back of a few yean ago, and former captain of the Cardiff Fifteen, He did last month in Cardiff Infirmary as the result of a motor oycle acc'dent When
      179 words
  • 173 11 Oar neglected canals are beginning to receive an amount of attention of which they should never have been deprived, and under new men acd measures it is probable that they will b j restored to something like their pre-railway usefulness. The Dnnlop Rubber Ci. is
    173 words
  • 573 11 Points and Positions of The Clubs. The following were the positions of the football leagues on September 2a P. W. D. L. F. A. Pta. West Brom Albn 0 6 0 1 16 8 10 Bornlay 7 4 3 1 12 9 10 Middlesbraarfh 7 4 1 211
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  • 588 11 Power that Could Have Ended Tbe War. At the second day of the James Watt oen tenary oommemoration at Birmingham on September 17, those precent heard a striking address by Sir Oliver Lodg? foreshadowing the possible employment of a new Bouroe of energy and also
    588 words
  • 1422 11 LABOUR TROUBLES AND BRITISH TRADE. Understanding the Position. On August 8 O.J.S. aent the following letter to the Times from Jaya The I legrams wa have received from England during tbe last few weeks have brought very disquieting news about the laboar troubles, wbioh acm to have
    1,422 words
  • 554 11 Some New Facts from tbe 1918 Record. Have you ef>n a "fabricated ship I There were at leae", 19 of these aunously designed merohant vessels ander conntructioa at the beginning of the year. Sims of them are already on the high eeas. Tbis new type is
    554 words
  • 70 11 Mr. Alfred George Morris, 6, Lingfield A venae, tf-ogston on Tbomes, late of Hoagk ing. bequeaths all the property to his wife f d daughters, stating I leave nothing to mi son, Alfred Dan .el Armstrong. God bless Litn, as be is able to provide for himself, leaving the female
    70 words
  • 69 11 The recent birth of a daughter to the Chinese Minister in London and Midamg Baa is, it is believed, the first occasion on wbioh bo interesting an event has taken plaoe at the Chinese Legation. 4 son -was born to Marquis Tseng whilst Minister to the Court of St. James's,
    69 words
  • 83 11 The new light oruisr r Cairo was to be completed to full orew at Davonport on September '28 for tiitla preparatory to beicg commissionedfor servioe on the Caina Station, when soe will carry the flag of the second in oommatd The Ciiro ii of \ht "C" typed lipht criascr. She
    83 words

  • 738 12 SHORTAGE OF ACCOMMODATION EXPLAINED The Pier-bead Jump." There are now, after allowing for po«si bly duplicate applications to tbe various steamßbip oompanies, some 16,000 people awaiting pissages to tbe Bast, says Tbe Times of September 19, and so far as oaa be foreseen at preseat theirs is likely
    738 words
  • 207 12 FLAGGED Earl Beatty Held Up When Short Of Money. Amiral of tbt Fleet Earl Beatty bad an amosing i ip; ritcoe wbea tbe freedom of Dunfermline was confined on him. Aa be stepped oat of bis motor-cw and prepared to "nter tbe council chamber a little »l i r l
    207 words
  • 98 12 The Dahlia police tie baring inch diffl eulty in tracing the icetet organisations re tponsibie Icr tbe recent cottages that it is evident tbe terrorist! aie a v<»y limited bHy numerically, bat tbe feat they have in«pit(d it Tuy widtfpu »d. In one ease a gitl save a driak cf
    98 words
  • 602 12 How to Counteract Indo-Malayan Competition The Planters' Chronicle ptiuted at Ooimbatore aad wbiob is tbe offioial organ for South Indian planters, oonoUdes an articlj regarding the efforts whioh both Ceylon and Malaya an making to woo tbe Indian coolie with \hi following advice to its clientele "In
    602 words
  • 380 12 Colonial Millioncire Laandry De Luxe. Tbe secret of Pa«k!ant'd weekly washing day it oat, says the Daily News. Tbe arUtoeratio and wealthy residents of the neighbourhood bave not been foroed by high prices to follow tbe economical habits of people io poorer dittriots. One of them at
    380 words
  • 52 12 A r» snrvey bat proved that tbe description oi tbe land oa wbiob tbe Btgan Tnan Keobil pier stands was incorrect at to tbe area and booadarict, and an ordinaice to farther amend tbe Btraitt Settlementa Potto Ordinal cc, 1013, it being introduoed into tbe Legislative Cooccil to if eot
    52 words
  • 65 12 Owitg to an oversight no data was ever fixed ior tbe ooniing into operation of tbe Kwoaft Wai Sbin Frte Hospital Ordinanoe, 19.0. On tbe aßiompticn that tbe Ordinance bad been brought into operation tbe Tiustees and Con mittce appointed under il hare performed various aott authorised by tbe Oidic.
    65 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 415 12 MOUTRIE PIANOS New stocks just received Gall and inspect our latest models 8. MOUTRIE ft CO., LTD. fIMSf IFSBAf BD I* EilTSrtH*) WHY USE OTHERS WHEN YOU CAN GET BRITISH ROOFINGP CALLENDERS VERIBEST roofing 1,2 and 3 Ply IN ROLLS 72 FEET LONO, 3 FEET WIDE Complete with nails and
      415 words
    • 127 12 RAFFLt^HOTEL TO-NIGHT DINNER DA*CE Dancing during Dinner and afterwards FIRftT-CLASS MUSIC ST. ANDREW'S NIGHT A SCOTTISH DINNER ft 3ALL will be h^ld on November* 99, 1919 Full particulars of spfcii) »rracgtments later. ADELPHI HOTEL TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER THE HOTEL ORCHESTRA WIIL PkAY DURING AND AFTER DINNER ADELPHI BOTBt, lIMITED O.
      127 words

  • 1277 13 LAWN TENNIS "REFORMERS" CRITICISED. Folly of Excessive Tinkering. A. B. Crawley writes in The Obietver as follows Critioism of the methods and regulation* cf a game is usually a siga, not of difoots in the game, but of intelligent interest on the part of players and spectator
    1,277 words
  • 438 13 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1010. St. Andrew's Cathbdbai 7 a.m. Holy Communion, 746 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral), 10 80 am. Matins (Choral), 4 p m. Bunday School, Bible Class Coarse, Genesis and the lonpai", 6 80 p,m. Bveasong and Sermon. Bo*v i c c Craiokshank. Psalms 120, 121, 122
    438 words
  • 119 13 Programme of drUls, etc., tot week ending Saturday, November 1, 1019 1— Saturday, October 26. S.V.R.— Part 111, BaJ. Range, 2 80 p.m. Monday, Octobbb 27. S.V.A. and S.K.B. V.)-I'*rt I, Bal, Range, 4.80 p.m. Chinese Co., B.V.l.— Recruits drill, Drill Hall, 6 10 p m. TUBHDAY,
    119 words
  • 99 13 Orders for week eadiag Saturday, November 1 1 Monday, Octobbb 37. All troops oxoept Sixth Troop parade at their owe Headqaarters at 6.1S p.m. Tuesday Octobbb 28, Sigulling Olaas, V.M.0.A., {.16 p.m. Wbdnbsdat, Octobbb 20. Musketry, S.V.C. Drill Hall, 6.10 p.m. Thursday, Octobbb 80.
    99 words
  • 64 13 Pap3i palp wm imported into Japin last year to the extent ot 28,743 toot, of wbioh 18.240 tost ostns from Uaaa-ia and O.OCO tons (com the United Statet. Tbe Qrgt oontigam'Dt of Swediib palp Ibis je»i amoantel to 600 toss; bat Ibe Japanwe mtDnfaetoicrs feel tbr j can compile witu
    64 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 170 13 U JEi* JtJ^ai^ phr MOTOR LORRIBaP^^^ cf:'good WSings ?ome to Him W6o Waits NO one ne^drj now *ccfpt apu stitute because of the Den by Factory being reqors tioned for the War. You again nn obtain the r ght Lorry for your own Darti -ular need*. An unprecedented stream of
      170 words
    • 282 13 Hal SB* vfiKl is^^yJsMslsaßsaUL^ Hssf I FOOD TO* 3 Vl Obtainable at all Dispensaries throughout Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States OTOMUNE CO., LTD. (IsTOOBPOBATBO IM JaPAH) Have removed from No. 1, Raffles Place to No, 55, Robinson Road. jOfr^^ sV I am always "up" to time g with the
      282 words

  • 1001 14 TRAIN JOURNEY OVER THE C P.R. SYSTEM. How H.R.H. Travelled. An instance of tbe minnte oarn with which the person ol H R.H. the Prince of Wales wao to be guarded doting bis long journey ovev tbe Canadian Pacific Railway, covering a large pait of his
    1,001 words
  • 93 14 Mf. CarDOKie'e gifts wtre not always appreciated. On one occasion he rff<rrtd to present a stained glass window to Daofrim line Abbey in memory ot his parents When it waa onpackel tun Abbey authorities were dismayed to find that it portrayed the Laird oi Skibo, his parents, and tbe Pittsbarp
    93 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 318 14 The Coventry j Chains THE COVENTRY CHAIN C 0« LTD. 1 Guvantry, England Tbename Taa Coventry on a chain, either a oyole, uotor-syolo or motor oar, is the symbol o( Rood •uivlee an v»lu', backed up by a 22 yean' experienoo in the manutaotu.e ol power-tr&asmission ohains. Our ahalnt have
      318 words
    • 442 14 V3f> j|^^ >j^ **W^ FOR Pf£ LJ| SPORTSMEN J/. I S*^~ m <£>W: AND SPECTATORS %S FRAMROZ ft GO'S JUST UNPACKED BLOUSES Georgette eripe, white, chicken work and plain. riIMONOS Crepe- Je obine and silk, ofaioken work and different oolour*. CLOISONNE WARE: New designs, weith psnhssing. ELEPHANTB Bbony wood. K.
      442 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1492 15 AIBUrUM In foroe over (9,000,000 B.C. f HEGREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (iMMWeBATBB SlßAltt BBTTUaBMTS) LONDON OFFICE 82. Old dowry, 8.0. MOWBT TO LOAN. For ai! aarUeolan, ayf ly te A, H. FAIR, Managing DUeotot, ot te IWMAOTITB IPLAMb OF ASBPRAMOB, HOBAOI W. BAFIB, Direeio. ol Ageaetee, AOBNTS WANTBP-
      1,492 words
    • 490 15 JANKINB. SONSKONa AN! SHANBHA! BANKINB 60KPCXATI0N (laeeaMßAtaß w HoraBOBO) FAID CP CAPITAL tlß,sn *H BBSBBVB rUNDI Stotllag 41,50t#M at If. 818,8M,8H •Oret m 8H,f00,008 t!f,BBB I #Bi Keeervc LlaUlity ol Ptoatleton 815,000,5 M Uou*l of DlrootoM J. A. Plommor, Bsq., Chairma» Boa. Mr. B. V. D. Parr, Deputy Chairman J,
      490 words
    • 870 15 PROPERTY VALUE OF UFE has a psjebo!ogy whiab, whea aaderatood by tbe Uainaured, will oa MS tho-i to study Hh question more lhaa at pro-rat. Tl cv acoept lile a? a gilt and property as an acquest. The ptoteetion ot tbe first is regarded by bat 18 prr ent. aad
      870 words
    • 709 15 EIT4TE OF CHIa KCNG CHIN DECEAKC IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Ol valuable 998 yt*ra' HaMOboM land and ■hopbeufes Nob. 16 17, B, B, Clnb itret, Bit>K>;-ore To»r, &r a 8,078 eqnare Ipet. V:ry «u.t«b'3 (on slot lOJO gol jWbs ■ikcated wiSLu. can Aataaoe L. m T&.j-ing P»gar Dtcka aid 'In baaJi
      709 words

  • 1075 17 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Ousting the Buttock Cart. The Times of Ceyloa has been obtaining the views of business nun rf girding the future development of motor traction, and in the oourae of an artiolo siys The claims of the light van wete urged by
    1,075 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 88 17 FORDSON TRACTORS are now in constant use throughout Malaya And without exception giving perfect satisfaction. In cultivating the land for food production, these machines cannot be surpassed NEW STOCKS JUST ARRIVED For quick delivery book at once WEARNE BROS., LTD. SIHGAPBRE. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH AND PENNAB Tfrcstone FOR EFFICIENCY FREEH
      88 words
    • 344 17 Get Your Typewriting tdone by as Acoaracj, neatness, deaptteh and aeor c o y gnaraiiteed, THE TYPEWRITINS ■UREM Burlington Hoc Be, Singapore. Nerves Our ner 'es aie similar to an intri- Jt •.te network of te!»grsph wires. R Conlroiltd and nourished by a ;-j "oa of the brain known *i
      344 words
    • 55 17 <w ni'MiflP WMtM j>iJl Obtainable from all tha prin \lm Pal Paga in the 'tpaitsi WBlCli BattUmen»» and Federated \l|fip* THE DUNLOP Y_J w a OB|NgON RO O S|NSA p ORE Calcium Carbide BLEPHiNT BRAND Momi Chests FIRST QUALITY At the most favourable market prices, from MASUDA TRADING CO., LTD.
      55 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 799 18 •SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED, juaior clerk. Apply Useful, C/o Straita rimj-'. CHI NBiE junior clerk w«atea, mubt te good bj oist. Apply Clerk, c/o Straits Timib WANTK IMMEDIATELY, two kraai«, good wriui?. Apply Box No. 91*7, Straita Times, W^NXHD, yoosg CMaaM as junior olrrk, Irom soboo. prefbiitd. Apiily r>o\ No 981,
      799 words
    • 856 18 WSSELUNEBUS. WANTBD to buy, a shopbouae in Jobore Bahra. Apply No. 493, Ncrtb Bridge Boad. v'ALADIDM-t, Ctioioe oolleation, II eaoh. HO a Coaen Mrs. O Bayley, Teluk Anson. BOXRO AVDLaDQINO available, oonveiient ircaliiy, AppTy Bex No. 996, Strait; than, TO LEI, tbree top flits in Finlaysoa G.pvn. AvMi&ble November 1.
      856 words
    • 678 18 Can eflßciently handle anything in the way of Shlpchandlery, Estate and Mill Supply KlAi KIAT ft 01 108 aad 109, Market Street To the Ambitious Intelligent typists who are willing to learn how to operate the DICTAPHONE are invited to send in their names and addressee totbeSecrutary, Dictaphone S hool,
      678 words
    • 469 18 Tay Guan Kiat Contrastor to Government and Municipality FIREWOOD Sole Agent fcr the Globe Boiler Fluid The ideal flaid for cleaaing and preMrving steam boilers ct every description. Tekphcne Nos. 1381 and 1862 THB LATEST AND Eonly URCPEAN STUDIO in Singapore Is conductid by H.N.BU.KERIDQE Late of Messrs. Lafsyatte, photographers
      469 words
    • 410 18 GERTAIK-TEEO EXTRA QUALITY ROOFIIKG Very eeonatiiaal to lay and inexpensive to buy with full esssranoe that you reoeive ICO oents value for every dollar invested in it The most cfihisnt typo of root for factories, stores, warehouses at* Obtaintble bow at GUAN KIAT ft CO.. LI D. (Incorporated in the
      410 words
    • 329 18 Straits Motorcar Service THE PREMIER BARAGE OF THE CITY yrUf 5 and 7-seator oai>n Rl-ff on hire day and nigh 'Phon£ 1233 114 te til, Opchtpfl- Roatf. NtW QOODB A large ptock cf rLnting, mining, shipping goods, have just arrived NOTE THE ADDRESS BAN LEE ANN. LTD. (Incorporated in Siagapore)
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 205 18 Straits Zirr^ TELEPHONES Editorial and General .58 Manager's Office 1117 Job Hinting Office 1244 ▲11 communications relating to editorial mat ten and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All eomraunicatioas relating te business matter*— advertisements, sabtcriptions, iccnunts. printing etc- sboasC b* addressed to THB MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT XATEB Wants, For
      205 words