The Straits Times, 4 June 1919

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 26.043 B(N44PO*S. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4. 1919. PRICE 10 CENIB
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 MILUUII IWEETENEB IBNDENBEB MILK Mac bow $ VM MM Libby's Soups THE FINEST OBTAINABLE Tkey an prepared from the choicest materials «nder perfect •oaditions and by experienced chefs, A tin makes six plates of the beet so«p jrow ever u«r. Messrs, Jvibby, McfieiTl Jsibby state "If there was a way
      103 words
    • 480 1 mit\x7 His Master's Voice NEW Records IHE TAILS UP JA/'VC BAND Xha Contdy Thaatra luootu ON Q c ***** W 7 Onee h! DaTyßnrnaby Ul c> 1UM }8 4niO Acj little IhiDR D»»j Barcaby and Looiae I vifth I-I I C an ia»q il'-" The twinkle in bet eje (<nlh
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    • 10 1 DEAL ONBWEETENEI •ONDENBEO MILK Prioe bow I $14.80 pec oaae
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  • 956 2 REAL RECONSTRUCTION THAT IS HAPPENING. Only Hope (or Peace. Tin Greeks of antiquity finely saw that the bonuconing of a toldier is a* fit a sub ject (or drama as vis departure tor the seeae of operations. The return of Agamemnon's army to its homes, as exemplified in
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  • 166 2 At the Ceybn association annual meetitg in London on Hay 3 Sir Stanley Hiis presided. There was a large attendance imluiing Bit Bdward Rosling, Means, H. K. Ratherlord, G A. Talbot, M C J. Loodoun Sband, Eimund Walker, Walter Sbakerpere, J. Ho Ewan, Alee Robert*, Alfred Brown, R.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 318 2 THE mifow CALUMET Calumet possesses the farthestreaching baking powder economy. It is the most economical leavening agent. It saves in more ways and makes more important say* ings than most other baking powders. j You save when you buy it. The price is moderate it leaves you money over the
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    • 321 2 m p Qpßtsi? TiMHQjy 4 <b J»«Sa^*> X.M. SEZTKAIa Z fOCLflfl ■*nt**«^r^^' TYRES Mom Mil** for Your Money \7ycos •'FEVER THERMOMETERS at* a—i all ta. ««M kf mvdlul profaav In hMfrastS ana in komM. Th* slslrf- urn of 9m* Pssai Thtraiomflm ol i*n pr«v*sM*asts«Sf Ulnsss la *a* fai: i T
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    • 217 2 RELIABLE MOTOR GARS FOR HIRE GAIOLICMB AUTOMOBILE CO B«au.ri Besici- nut to Raflta« Hotal Telephone 755 A Most Splendid Car Any motorist contemplating tbe purchase ot an Oakland Sensible Six, oaa safely set his expectations high, Here is a ear which will deliver all that be oaa ask ot it
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  • 729 3 Cross of Sacrifice. GRAVES OF OUR DEAD IN LANDS REDEEMED. Mr. Kipling oi Memorials. The Graves cf the Fallen is the title ol a book now issued giving a desor.ptive aeecuat of the wotk of the Imperial War Graves Commisrioa. It has been written by Mr. Rodyard K pliurf at
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  • 277 3 Parachuting From a Passenger Machine. There was a new kind ol thrill lor civilian air fliers at Orioklewood on April Ji. During one of the early trips a man, who was apparently one of the oidinary pasoongors, opened a trap doot ia the machine. He
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 A BOTTLfI of R*m Oil ii not only s convenience but a mattat o# II I i\ real •coorx»f to people who tmke pride in keeping their firearms II I a, aood it—P'" I**1 It will be found equally effective for all household II I r^ i '""7 It is
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    • 436 3 I Bynogen BRINGS HEALTH HOIPTIOIIAILY PLEASANT TO THE TABTI AND EABILY OIBEITEI i^!^l^!l Con e »*f»**d food ol acknowledged value lor all enleeklai eoadirloai ia ornvaleaeenee after severe iilaess, moatal aad laarvau eihaaetlca, iasomnia, festive trooMes, etc. la two siaes $1.25 and 92.25 fh« price cf PALOL has been increased
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 itealer saiijnss NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA .HM^UTID Ui JATAB) Oadar aiall Oontraa* with tha taaa«Pt«l <apanaaa Qo»a«ititnl. (luataot to aiteratioat wltaaat aatiaa lUIOPEAN LINI riiiiimm Saanaa Pat (Balaaaa,) Paaaat, Caioaee, Baai, Laatfaa (via Saea Oaaal) Kaga Mara Jane 4 Yokoha aa Mara Jaae 90 lamba Mara July f UIOPIAN UNI tla
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    • 777 4 STEAiEt SAIUIUS Pa 4& 0.- British India AHP Apcar Line (Oompaaiea laeorporatod ia Baglaad) MAIL AND PASSENGER BBRVIOII PBNINBULAR AND ORIENTAL B. N. 08. (Cadet Ocatraet with Hia Majerty't Ooreramaat) The Oompaay a MAIL BBRVIOBB BAST OP BOMBAY at* at pvaaaat aoaaiaail INTBRMBOIATB BBMVIOB FROM LONDON TO MARBBILLBII LOMBOB Dim
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    • 740 4 BTEAMEI oAIUMM. GLEN and SHIRE JOINT SERVICE OF STEAMERS HOMBWABBS t.a. OLBNAPP lot Loadoa and Hall ,hout Jaly 1 at. OLBNAMOT for Genoa aad Loadoa aboat Jaly 1 B.a. PBMBROSB3HIBB tot Genoa aad London ajddle Ao> OLINAVt lor Genoa o^^ lng OUTWARDS) ajk PBMBBOKB3HIRB lor Hoagkoag, Shanghai aad Japan flnt
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    • 277 4 ttUMfi tAiumt iIMMBto. IBBS. VPb aaV* JHaWa> TMI Mali MIIBANT.LI 8.8. St.. in.} daaaaraaAiaa dj Jataal Ha I, Da aaaaa ■an* rBdrOUD laoa intiKitß ankietf It ab-ai w«JmM aMtot MAB«Bir.bßa awm isbbm ftePtrtHM Imm Mara Jaae 10 AadaaMara Jaae M (>• aaaanagwi aatab avaßaMa let Banac ■paae la« Laadaa hi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 492 5 BTEWEB SAILINGS. TOVO KISEM KAIMM (laOOSPOBATBO 111 Jklt* Fos Ban Franolaoo, the new last steam ship Cboyo Mara, 10.000 toss measurement will be despatched trom Singapore, £oris» middle June, 1919. For bright and tall partiaulars apply, to MeiLISTBR* 00., LTD., Agent((nooipoiated in Bingipore.i INDOCHINA BTEAMNAV.C8 H LO. (iMOOaPOaATBD IK BHOLAKD)
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    • 232 5 STEAMER SAILINGS FOR RANGOON Janaa,4 BMtontO.K, will bedeipttebed (or Baagoun direct oa or about Jane 6. For freight or passage, apply to BOCSTHaD CO Agents, 8.1 S N. Co., Ltd. OOMBIMBD •BfTVIOB O» Hi 6CLAN 8. 8. COKPAUY. LTI (laooaresATßD at Bhhi*»d) ano THE WEST AUSTRALIA* B.N. CO.. ITU. (InooaroaATßO
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    • 33 5 yy Ely yf oF\ VAMATO CO., Singapore The Straits Motor Garage VITALIC TYRES 3O by 3V 2 Fresh stocks obtainable from SINE, DARBY AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated in PtraiU SettUmmU) MALACCA and SINGAPORE
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    • 175 5 IMMgDIATE DELIVERY FROM BTOCK GENCO ELECTRIC LIGHTING BETB COMPLBTB KITH FANS and LIGHTS (MO WIBB8) Price nett R£1,200 ex godown. Write to day lot toll partiaulars bom the Sole Agents MAGE HALL AND COMPANY Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh 80-SAN INDOOR CLOSET As indoor obemieal closet that may be plaaed anywhere
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 541 6 CINEMAS A Great Melodramatic Feature Fonoafully presented and admirably anaotad at the MARLBOROUGH The Hall lor Comiort, Oood Masio and 3ood Pioturee, Beaofa Koad SECOND SHOW AT 8.11 A greater Vitagraph Bine-Ribb-a feature presenting Harry T. Morey and AUoe Joyoe. Names synonymous with fine acting THE COURAGE OF SILENCE In
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    • 467 6 CINEIAS '"■■^■■^B *t raa mma ramrm new I taajat >iaar aax— Traaw Paaa *aa ■iar" AT 9.18 IN THB BIOOND SHOW AT 8.18 UNIVERBKL SCREEN MAOAZINB Bloebird photoplays present Carmel Mjera and Keancth Harlaa in 5 THB WIFE HE BOUGHT 5 An extremely absorbing drama. Harold Lookwood. Everybody's Favourite, aad
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    • 89 6 ORCHIDS FROM India and the Malay Archipelago OBTAINABLE AT THE NURSERY M, Sootts Road MaaßaaaaaMaaaaaaWaaMF 11 9* 9 '^fß** a^^^vjW3a>* r JSaV BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiW^C^^^WaP'*** flW Bl f ■JPaVfaaaW ksa< at t^, kaat SiMHI <P^ taaa B g^Tir^aS-ZiJMaKy3H''T I ■■.»■■■< p ..i -^—^.taaajj ■aBBbaBB^^aBBBTaaBBf 9BC^bbbbbV 4 aaaaV > x .a**- Reinforced Concrete
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    • 146 6 THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED FROM Influenza raqnnre a tonio to restore their normal appetite and strength. Hoemoglobii Deschien* U the tonlo par exoellenoe. It alto give* exoellent remits in oases ol anaemia, ohlorcals. inolplent pthials. diseases ol the lungs and ohest. oonvalesoenoe alter malarial, typhoid and other levers, neurasthenia and
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  • 118 7 DAILY TIME TABLE. fIXTURES Wednesday, June 4. High Watur, 126 poi 166 am. TUe Younger OanerMion. Ttieatr?, 8.1 5 pm. Thursday, June 5 Hi.- Water, 'i 'll p 846 am. W.t'uio tto Law. ihbatre,9 16 pm. Borasian Ms»a mtg 3 A. School, 6,80 pm Friday, June 6 High Water 8
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  • 117 7 . Veucls it the Docks. Tanjomu Paoab Ba«t Wharf Bash,— Ban Whatt Hin and Sri Mua'. Bait WuARr Hartl<pcol. Tara, Janos. SIIKKKS WIIAKI ALHKKT AMD VICTORIA DaT Do<k- Nil. Main Whakf.— Kirin Mara, Washasetts, Misbima Mtru, Burma Maro. Empiki Dock —Hawaii Maru, Ganges Mara, Ujv Lrong. Wbst WiiAKt Keishin
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  • 107 7 Oangss Mata, Jap., 3784 tons, from Kobe 8/6, lor Colombo 4/0, C S K. Barmi Mara, Jap., UBl3 tons, bom Kobe 8/6 lor Colombo 6/6, O.S.K. Van der Hiyn, Dul 1911 tons Irom Menado 8/6 lor Soarabaya 6/6, K.P.M Qiang Ann, Brit 867 tons, Irom Batavia
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  • 156 7 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. Today. Polao Sambo 3.80 pm P, Swetlenham ml Penaag 2 80 pm Batu Pabat 3.80 pm Batavia, Cheiibnn and Samarang 8 pm P. Samba, Laboean, Bilik, Taadjong Balei and Maadn 8 pm Batavia, Samarang and Sourabaya 8 pm P Batam and iulau Bulaag 8 pm Pulau Soegi
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  • 44 7 Mails for Europe. in SmaAPoai Maieb B Much 0 Match 8 Haroh 17 March 56 Mircli 37 Apul S \piil 8 Iptil 1« 38 April 8 (i B i. 38 M Ha; 10 Hay 10 May 16 Hay 24 (Offioial Post Offioe Report)
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  • 129 7 Health of the Empire. M»jot General Sir Robert Jonei presided ovot tbe first meeting ol Ibe Medical Advigory CouDoil c( tbe People* League ol Health, helJ on April 80 at tbe Savoy Hotel, London Alter a general disoossion, it wai decided to ruoommend to the General Com mitt°e the establishment
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  • 138 7 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. ■X«BAH«I Brjr**r*aa, J«mb 4, Uli Oa L«n>«ri......Baßk 4 m/s m, 2/41 Dercaad j Private 8 mjs 2/4. Oa Naw T«aa...Demaad 64) Private 90 daya t>, On Paiaoa Baak On I»di» Baak T. T 183 On Ho«oßor.e...Baak d/d MJ^poi On Sauutarui ...Baak did 48| Oa Java.... .Baak I.
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    • 174 7 . 10 10 impui 11.M 18.00 c.d. 1 1 Aye» Weag IU a 6O 41 41 bn Ktmoatiaa; 2.74 1 M 10 10 Kinls Anoewlioa 11.00 11.2 Jo.d. 41 41 KiataTia 18.0 IMOnom 41 41 L*h«» MiMI t.OO 7.78 Liagoi Ti» I (0 1 00 10 10. MaUyaa Oollienai 14.31
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    • 94 7 . v~i_~ SoyONi D6UCff 9> II 41 Bmeittefl 00. 9.48 876 II A fwtt. 1M 1.7 Jt I/- 1/ Bleetrie T'w«yi 8/9 10 10 Fimm Nekve 48.»0 47 00 60 M W.H»mmei*Oo. TB.BO 75 63 100 100 bta Bmm. HO.OO IM.OO M U Maraud 00. »M 10.00 v^^ jj Bayers.
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    • 65 7 . Carted ■agjaaaas 6% 11,164,d81 par Siagaaoreßleetrio Tramway* 6% 4860,000 sum a port Moaicipal 6 1,878,000 far Spore Muaioipal U% tt 191T 61,600,000 10% d w Spore Muaierpal 44% oi 1909 1 1,000,060 llSarl Spore Municipal 4% 3,000,006 %Ut Spore Muaioipal i% 4800,006 F.M.B. 6% loan 1916 116,000,000 101 1H
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  • 399 7 RUBBER SHARE MARKET. Fhmp and 00. and Lynll Ma^Bvaat'a Quotations Tod»j'i PriOM. Aim LnUt Co. H vtH 41ot Oa>h (II) 815 ISO B.M 8.48 Am*!. Iklky tj. fd. 1.(0 I.TB 1.48 166 lm Hitua (16) 18 BO 14 60 IB 25 14 26 A yet Ka»im 8 (ID 1.15 180
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 651 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT! FOR SALS, one two r eater A. C. oar, good as new. Prioe 11,610, including all a*» series. Box No 416, atraits Times. WANTBD IMMBDUTBLY young Malay to act as cook bay to- baobelor, Apply Boom 8, T.M U.A. between 6-8 pm. FUR SALB, Atgo ear, lour seater,
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    • 489 7 RIGS SUPPLIES It has bees brought to notioe that the public are fining difflaulty in purchasing rice in Singapore so it is published lor information that at present there ia ao shortage oi rice here. II consumers therefore find it difficult to purchase rioe at any particular shop they should
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    • 206 7 EUROPE HOTEL SPECIAL NOTICB A OANGE WILL BI BBLI) ON SATURDAY NEXT ARTHUR E. ODELL, Manager. HI MINUFAOTUREIB LIFE INBURANOE COMPANY (Incorporated la Oaaada) Atl kiadi ol Life aad Endowment Polides staed. iOTHBIB A Co Ltd Qeaeral Amenta, Maasyore. V. 8. IVANS, Manager, Sooth IHMEISIAL UNION ASSURANCE 00. LIMITED (lasorpotatad
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    • 101 7 HE I9IIKOII ROPE lAIOFIITBIIII II Lll. (UMoar«aataD i» Hanaaaaa) Kataablishsad 1883 MANOFACTUaBBB O» PURE«-»ROPE I tTUNO: CABLE LAID 4 BTIANO V to it- 6* to 10* r to is* Mm, Wbblm aad hill partietlars wiU ke forwarded oa application to Agent, ALLAN KBITH, fthJSV"" I GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD.
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  • 60 8 . Watsom— On April U, at Honor Oak park, London, Bdwia Arthur Watson, son cf tbe late Lieut-Colonel A. Watson, aged sixty. roar years, ANNODNJBMBNT The triendi ot Mrs. P. Y. Holmberg are kindly informed tliat there will be Requiem High Mass tor tbe late Mrs. Sqolbb on Thursday, Jane
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  • 1184 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. PROBLEMS TO SOLVE. The Peaoe terms have now been banded to both Germany and Austria and the real work of the Peace Conference ia about to begin. That may seem a curious thing to say, but it ia true. The most important problem which
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  • 8 8 The Caloutta postmen have keen oat os strike.
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  • 12 8 Hitam Tin, Ltd., output during tbe month ot May was 360 piculs.
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  • 20 8 Tbe forces In the F.M.S aic to be sobjMt to tbe Army Aot for a further three months from yesterday.
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  • 20 8 The latest London cables to hand ibis morning are dated aa follows Ordinary rate May 38, deferred rate Maj 34.
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  • 16 8 Ships In commuoioation with Singapore Commercial Wireless Station Ibis morning were the Houtman and Kaga Mara.
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  • 25 8 Tbe Shipping and the Import and Export effiaes will be open tor one hour only (from 10 am. to 11 a.m.) on Monday, June 9
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  • 21 8 Tbe manager of Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd advises tbe May output ai 4CO picals HJ.OOO yards treated. 038 boars ran.
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  • 19 8 Tbe total output ol tbe Tronob Mines, Ltd., from all sources for the month of May wss peals 1,933.
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  • 21 8 Tbe cutput cf the Rahman Tin Co Ltd during May was '10 piculs, mill pis. 819 70, tribute pit. 190 80.
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  • 37 8 Tbe Chinese Christian Association will bold a debate on Thursday, fth intt at 8 p.m., in tbe hall, Prinaep Street, on "Is boxing as a form of sport brutal V Any on. interested ia welcome to attend.
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  • 36 8 His HighnetH the Sultan ol Perak ia totting a fine example by his keen interest in sport, particularly racing. He ia oae of tbe subscribers fir tte Penang griffins which am doe in Singapore this week.
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  • 34 8 Practically every sohoolsnd ooilege, as well as the I'oivtrsity, in Peking, is on strike against tLe award, ol tbe Peaoe Conference, of Taingtau to Japan, Immature Btodente are bar«ngaiag orowda at the street oorners.
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  • 38 8 Tbe net profit of Seremban Tin for tbe year ended September 80, 1918, was £lAU making with tbe balance btoogbt forward 47.R63. A dividend ol la per share, absorb ing £1,300, was paid in November, 1917, leaving 48,008.
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  • 43 8 The dredger Hercules, 340 tons, arrived in Colombo on May 21. Sbe ia being lowed by the Doles tag Zjeland trom Rjlterdani to Batavia. Tbe dredger Ardjoeno, ICO tons, arrived ia Colombo on May 32, trom Port Said on her way to Batavia.
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  • 43 8 Tbe British Ncrth Borneo Herald is in formed tbat Brigadier General A. E Btrtoo, D.5.0., A.F.C., has betn instructed by tte A'tt Offioe to proceed to Jesselton to investi g*te the possibilities of North Borneo in ounmotion with the air route to Australia.
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  • 41 8 The Ameiioui Consol-Oeneitl sends as putioaius t f an international expoeition oi Aaiatio ptodnotB to be held »t the (iiaod Central P*l»oe, New Votk City, in 1830, aoder the aospicoi ol the Aiseiioka Aiittio Aucciktion. Futbei p»rticnl»ra will be announced Uttei.
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  • 46 8 In eonneotion with armed robberies at Hongkong men eeoonded trom tbe garriton there have been employed aa polios men since Marob 18, 1818. At the present time twenty three men bom the Manchester Kagimeal and 25 from the 74th funjabis Uefjimenl are dciog regular police duties.
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  • 60 8 Tbe directors ol Baogawan Robber, Ltd., announce a dividend for 1918 ol 8 per oent. (lesi tax), also an interim divideea los ih i present year ol 8 per oent. (less tax), payable to all holders registered on 21st instant. A resolution waa to be submitted at the annual meeting
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  • 62 8 The Howitt Phillips Repertory Company is oertaiLly pleating large nouaes si^utiy at the Victoria I lisatre, 'X'uoir presentation ot Pag '0 My Heart yesterday waa cx c Hint, L)»inty Mhi iloris PbUlipa proving sxo&ptionaiiy meritorious in the title rote. Thia tvoning we are to bavd 1 1 1 1 Yoonger
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  • 63 8 The difficulty ol hotel •ooommodation in Bombay for Lunie-Koinx [taasiT[,inn haa been to so-iie extent solved bj the (acuities now t&oted bj the Port Trust to accommodate about 50 people at tbe Bailard Pier station and to serve them with meals. This t- Dibits people arriving by train to prooeed
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  • 96 8 Oat friends ol the Japanese oominunity have been subjected to a number ol visits of late trom tbe light Angered gentry, who have made good their ncclumal vuits. Embolden ed, no doabt, by tbe immunity they have enjoyed they have taken to house-breaking by day. Ia tin* connection a Japanese
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  • 109 8 A daring gang robbery ia reported trom the sixth mile, Chua Cbua King Road, where Chop Kin Sim, a retail oliandu, liquor and provision store, wts entered into about 1,80 a.v on the Brd iast. by a gang ot 17 Xtoohewa who, having oo wired th? inmates into submission, being
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  • 442 8 Mr *od Mrs I). A Bishop have arrived from Kualt !.iu.pcr. Mr. B. F. G. Hirtnell. of tbe Borneo Company, ia loavicg for b -.v.c at tbo etd ol the Mr. B. S Prigden, a Buropean employee of Messrs. Topbau. Jones and Kailtcn Lt.l. Prai, met
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  • 31 8 . We have received a ehi qae for ISO from Mr. D. Figart lor tbe Klott Rebel Fund. Thia baa been forwarded to the honorary treasurer ol the fund.
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  • 74 8 . Exoessive heat is being experienced ia India. At Jaoobabad on May 20 it waa 114 degrees. Abbotabad, Delhi and utber places were in tbe neighbourhood ot 110 dtgreeb and Calcotta 118 dfgreea. Two Maropeiina, a local jute mill assistant, and Bruoe, rttired military offioer, died of
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  • 142 8 . We are officially iofoim jj that His Bsoellenoy the Governor, Sir A. U. Young G.C.M.G., baa received tbe following telegram from the Seoretaiy of State for the Colonies It gives me maoh pltasme to inform yon tbat His Majesty baa been graciously pleased to approve of the following
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  • 206 8 One of the biggest tanks ahead of the Umpire in connection with reoonatruotion is the work ol organising ibe supply o« information on the thousand* of matlera of importance cf the empire's trade and bum nees Ibat will have to be promptly derlt with. Tbere are, ol
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 "EMBASSY" No 77 |SHI INO. I 1 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES C ;-.v INEXPENSIVE J9 TEA FROCKS l. adapted from the newest Paris models DAY AND EVEN.N. 60WN8 jl VunV a speciality. •9 |V RICH SILK STOCKINGS BTRONO WEAR Garter top Silk Stockings splendid wearing quality, in black and white, with silk
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    • 184 8 Frem tatsrtay, Mai 11 te Ttsrsway, Jan* I SOMITHIN3 INOAPOBB HAS NOT BBN FOB OMB TIME A mammoth piotcre in ten reels at the JUHAMBRA fbs stall tar Basis anal Hat* res, ■smb. leas 8f eond Show at 9 A William Fox Stan ard prodretion 01 roper feature, pnseating his
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  • 1654 9 Cessation of Hostilities Probable. Amir's Order to Armies. KICIBB TILIOrUMS S mis, May (0, 6 20 p.m. Thai is quiet. The enemy still ooonpy the adj.r.ct hills. Aeroplanes havo severely damaged the enemy camp at Yurauf Khel, fcur miles above Thai. There ia nothing fresh at Miransbah where tbe
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  • 264 9 REMARKABLE SCENES IN LONDON. Hawker's Aeroplane Found. RaUTBB TILBUUH* London, May 28, 12 56 am. Oa the arrival ot Hawker aid Grieve tbe street crowds were oofqualled since Armistics Day. Tbe dense masses held op the thoroughfare, whereupon Hawker deto»ded from tbe earrlage, mounted a constable's horse
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  • 92 9 Raima liuoui L»dcn, May 28, 8 a.m. Ottawa In tbe Commons, Sir R. Borden made a statement oa the Labour unrest in I Caaada and pointed out that a Royal Com- 1 mission was at present investigating the oonditiona. Meanwhile the Governmant was determined that law and
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  • 37 9 Rbltsb Tslbobam. London, May 28, 4 80 p.m. Renter ia inlormed that tbe national services referred to ia aa earlier Capetown message relatad to speciSe services rendered by the Sooth African railways to tie Imperial authorities.
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  • 114 9 The Ceylon observatory aUte. under d«t> May 17 From Kirn ral appearances the monsoon his been graduail v approaching ftr the last two days. The wind in dir ct'on bu been steady from the W 8 W. bot tbe laila at present experienced an. r rain rqaalls ate not
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  • 364 9 100 Per Distributed in Dividends Last Year Tbe report ol the Selargor Robber Cr.. pany for thr> jear ended December 81 la«t htates tlikt ICo acres wire planlid in lubber durn gih year, end tl e-n l\v -to! area now eomprisea 2.R11 aerer. The ooni>eot ot the Tressaiy
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  • 345 9 Fifth Light Cruiser fquadron Allotted. Admiral Sir Cecil P, X.C MG who baa bt ea i romoh d to (ail fi ig rank, was flag captain ol tbe Koi; AUn d on the China Squadron, whtn that eruiwr —now about to be sorapped— earn) J the
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  • 351 9 Proposed Reforms and the World War. A Pionoei spec al cable, dated Lotdin, Hiy 1 1, nays Sir Vaieatiae Cbirol, Icctat ing oa ladian Retiring, said tbat the serious troubles that had ccourred dune; the last (ew week* allowed lad a was scfl.ring, like the
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  • 84 9 N:r way's piohibi.ion i.f Soaday newspapers will u.a>e pr«ctioallj the oily c inntry utsire tbe Bii iso Erpiie witbcot asevto daj i -uo We, hke law Uuited S*tm, lave long l>td cor fpfc »l honday j -mv s tut in tla Om hi D i.iLi.Ds SLnJay is (tiiotioally ne»spaperle's.
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  • 1723 9 . THE FIRST LAP IN THE NEW PARLIAMENT. By Our Special Correspondent. London, April 25. The first Up in tbe new Parliament has been run, and in the brc atbing space which comes with the Easter recess, members aad tbe pub'io have been taking stock ot what has
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  • 265 9 Smuggling Opium. Tbe judgment of the Appeal Court at Bangkok in the oaae in whiob Lewis and Fsrrar, ot the steamer Linan, wen ohaigcd with smuggling a large quantity of opicm into Siam was read on May 27. The International Court, it will be remembered, found the accused guilty and
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  • 1333 10 ITS IMPORTANT PART IN DEFENCE WORK. Losses During the War. Now that the question of the merohant navy is regarded as one of the most im ponant at the [resent time, it ia not without interest, from a French point of view, to make a few observations on
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  • 464 10 Some Characteristics of America's Black Troops. J. W. T. Mason writes frcm New York in the Daily Express as follows Amerioa is accumulating a new kind of folklore of tbe sayings cf the negro troops who went to France to fight in the great war.
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  • 106 10 Malayan Gent ra'.-72 487 lbs. Sedenak —62 228 lbs. Mengkibol.-S'mi lbs. Pontian.— l6,7oo lbs. Kluang— 22,426 lbs. Digwarrab.-18 508lbs. Johore Para —17.991 lbs. Sungei Patani.— 24,000 lbs. Hi .-er view Betatea -9.167 lbs. Rubber Estates ol Kriaa.— 29,6oo lbs. Permas.— l9,B92 lbs. M.jedie (Jobore).— lS 6o9 lbs.
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  • 121 10 Cable delays, by keeping tbe trade in ignoranoe of what supplies are available, inevitably tend to f oroe op prises, says a home paper they also bare a paralysing .:f ct on tbe freight market. Ship owners experience *>e*t difficulties in oom munioating with their agents
    121 words
  • 1548 10 (From Oca Own Corssspondbnt Penaog. Jane 1, 1919. Wast constitutes selling rioe wholesale and what by retail This qiestion arose at a 1 meeting of the Pdnaag Muoioip»l Commisjaionars 01 Toasday last. Mr. yi»b B -ng Koe, one ot ths commissioners, expressed the opinion that those wh
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    • 64 10 A football matoh between the National Union Olub and the Subordintto Civil Serrioe association, played on St. Joseph's Sobool ground yesterday, waa won by Ihe N.U.C. by two goals to nil. Tbe following represented the winners F, Albuquerque (Cap!.), N. Ramaobandra, C. de Silra, H. Abmat, Tan Hong Boon.
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    • 85 10 In connection with the Garrison Golf Club, the following c jmpeiition ia notified For two pieces ol Malay silver presented by Lieut -Col. Home. Conditions— Stroke competition, 18 holes, under lull handicap, to be played on Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22. Only one olub m«y bo used
      85 words
    • 278 10 Tbe whole day match arranged botween teams oaptained by Dr. Noel Clarke and tbe S C.C. respectively waa played oat oa lbs litter's ground, yts'.erday and in spite ol tbe inclusion of some stalwarts notably Sobarenguivel, tbe visi ton were beaten, most of tbe batsmen receiving tbeir qiieas at
      278 words
    • 95 10 The following was the resalt of Monday's play in the Ladiea' Lawa Tennis Club, tennis tournament Ladixs 1 Doubles (Fiaal.) Misa Lamb and Miss L Ltmb owe 16 beat Mrs. Blair and Miss Kiaha.'jaoa owe 16, 6-8, 8-6. Mixbd Doublis, k Class. Mr-, and Mr I>»y owe 4
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  • 96 10 Tfco B.N. Borneo Heaald regrets to annonooe Ibe death ol M other TereM, Mother Saperioc ol tbe Haudtkaa Coaveat, on April IS, MoUiec Ten** had beea in Borneo tot oral 80 yean and during that loog period bad only onco been to Buiopa. Sbe ra one of tbe fir-ii fire
    96 words
  • 534 10 Penang and Province Wellesley Representation. "John Wilkes writes to the I'.nang Gaz <tte as follows Sir,— Penang oaqbt to k)4 ia th tbrora oi labour, for sbe is about to give birth to aoms strange offspring that may be aa enfant te-rible Tbe email close boroagh ol
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  • 290 10 Twenty-live Per Cent. Dividend For tbe Year. Tbe report of the Soagei Way (S langor) Rubber Company lor the year ended December 8i last (a telegraphic summary cf wbiob appeared in yesterday's iaaue) stiles that 101 acres were planted in rubber daring tbe year, and tbe cultivated
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  • 153 10 Tbe First Kipling." Few wbo are reading Mr. Kipling's new volume of poems, says th-j Mom ng V t, have teen a copy of that precious itf in f Kiplingana, the first edition of Depart mental Ditties." II vti, M its av.hor say*, only a sort of bock a lean,
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  • 74 10 I It is new offltrially stated tbat the inoome I of tbe Cbaiob Musionary Society for tbe last year end.d March was £130,870. Of tbia ram .£34, 881 waa subscribed aa tbe Paaee Ihtok. ff -ring ani £110,970 appropriated for specified objaota. Tb« total difigit on tbe General Kaod. iaeladinf)
    74 words
  • 1072 10 In Occupation. THB RED TRIANGLE ON THB RHINE. By Robert 0. Priogle Cologne, i piil 24. Cologne ia tbe M wsa of Red Triangle men (aad woman) in these Jiyi Tue contra of intdtett baa shifted from Fran to ruiinj, and application for Irantfera pour in upon the responsible V
    1,072 words
  • 44 10 Tbe leaiob foi the treasure ship of that Spanish Armada wbiob waa sank io Tobermory Bty baa been resumed. Before the wai tbe position of tbe gallon had beea looated, and many parts of tha old timben and oannon fittings reaorend. It is hoped.
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  • 1025 11 BEVERLAC (SELANGOR) RUBBER. Dividend of Twelve Per Cent. Declared. The thirteenth annual meeting of Beverlao (Selangoi) Bobber Company was held at Metftrs. Leechman and Co.'s, agents anc aeoretariee, at Colombo, oa May 9. Mr. J. J Wall (director) presided. Present Sir J Thomson Broom, Xt, Mr. D. T. Rioharda (directors),
    1,025 words
  • 53 11 Correspondence. |Tbe Stt tits Times is not re«poasible loi kbe opiaooi of its oonotpondeate. Corro«r.oDdents should ke»t ia miad tbat Letters matt be short and to tfie poict Lodr rambling epistles ue liable to be ttjected oi 'leeslj rat dowa.| A Pooi Man should wad hit line ud his Liter
    53 words
  • 707 11 . Introduction of a Cover Plant Being Made. The eighth annul ordinary general meeting of the shareholders in toe Lower Pertk Ooeooat 00 Ltd., ni held on Miy 14, at Oaffeor Buildings, Cole no In, Mr F J Hawkes, direotoi, presided, and ihete weie present Hi. F.
    707 words
  • 336 11 Tbe fallowing Singapore properties were mid by public motion by Messrs. Ching Keog Lee sxd Co- at their saleroom on Monday sttemcon. Freehold land and boose 387, Confederate Batate, area 14,20) iq. ft bought by A. L. V. Sapiab Cbitty, 11,700. Right title and interest in two
    336 words
  • 110 11 Ad tffiaial cablegram seat heme bom Sia- gapore Malts that the export oi ooltiTared rabbci from Straits Settlement* parti in the month ol Hatch amounted to 30,908 tans— j the bigbeet on reoord lot one month oom- paied with 15.C51 toes in February and 8,868 tons in the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 172 11 IMFFLESJMTEL RACE WEEK SPECIAL TIFFINS AND DINNERS ■aturday, June 14 Cinema displaying specially selected pictures and DANCING ON EACH EVENING ADELPHI HOTeT Every evening The Versatile Band will play from 7 to 10 MS yon are la need of a chaoge and rest and you ar# unable to get a
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  • 1731 12 PROBABLE ISSUE OF REMAINING SHARES. Improving Outlook. The nioth annual ordinary general meeting ol the Java Amalgamated Rabbet Estates, Ltd., was held on April M, at the offices of tbe company, Misoinß lane House, 59. East obeap, K C, Mi. Herbert Wright (obairmaa ol tbe company) presiding.
    1,731 words
  • 344 12 MR. SNOWDEN ON THE NEXT WAR. "All Democracies to be Ranged 0a one Side." The tf ins to be submitted to Germany will not end wu, declared Mr. Philip Snowden, Socialist ex M P lor Blackburn, ia his preailential sddieu at tbe Independent Labour Party's annual conference at Huddenfield on
    344 words
  • 167 12 Programme ol drills, etc., let weak 6id ag Saturday, Jane 7, 1919 1— Wbdnssdat, .Tomb 4. B.V.C, Bstate Scouts.— Bel. Range, 4 p.m. Fkioat, Jtma 6. S.F.A. Co.— Drill Hall, 6.16 p.m. Satcidat, Jess 7. Veterans 1 Co.— Bal. Huge, 3.80 p.m. J. A. R. Glsmkis, Lieat.-Oor.,
    167 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 145 12 LA MINERVA CIGARS The) flneet M.nll a mside> a There are) FtHaMrant no more Bd M HL pleaaaat COOI j£ j^^ imoket Parf c ot oa A trial will I *S|rJiS| PlM oonvinoe J on you -H"^'- i^afa^M^BBBBBW appl oation N. P. U. ««>n« V.ot or, a U MIHtRVA OIBIW
      145 words
    • 164 12 bbbbV! v^L^fl^B I^^/ XT j^ nj^ r A THE M^^Osbbb! i FOOD FOS l\ MEft Jj**-> -^^-T^^^i^HßnSSsHsßSßr^sßsl Obtainable at all Dispensaries throughout Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Just Arrived Paige Motor Cars lIX-OYLINOER FIVE-BEATERB AND BEVEH-BEATERS The most beautiful and reliable cars built in America CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO..
      164 words

  • 1165 13 LANCASTER SCHEME FOR BRAVE DISABLED. Move Already Made. Weetßeld Memorial Village at Lanoaster it, says The Times, an endeavour to out; oat in ptaotioal way the Imperial obligation" I ■et out in Mi. T, H. Mawson'a bock Dealing j that title, namely, the daty of the eoantt
    1,165 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 182 13 lOP SURPLUS Oanta' tan or fill Qanta* tan op blaok oalf blaok oalf lar>fcy Darby Boot. This week s, This woek 11 V™ 91 7.60 per pair. SI 7.76 per pair. SPECIAL OFFER IN FOOTWEAR THIS WEEK AT WHfTEAWAY'S Ladie.' blaok op tan glao. kid /^N. 1-barthoaa S Sisos
      182 words
    • 393 13 FIREWORKS lor th 9 fortboominx PEACE CELEBRATIONS ARE IN STOCK The SECOND sfaipme.t has arrived in j Bia«apore aid is ready for immediate distri I ba»ion to meet orders already received and paid (or and inolades Torahlipht. (Bengal, lights) (or prooesslons, mortars, flying pif<eoas. day aad aigbt bimb shells, etc.
      393 words
    • 39 13 f tTit i BaTa £^fT^iasTi^lLTCLJss-AXjLsthiBSSSSSsi 01 SPORTSMEN Y^s^L^ SPECTATORS Ik 1 i i FRAMROZ ft CO S 3 is' Aerated Waters. LEE CHONG CURIOSITY SHOP Room Ho. 120, Raffles Hotel Icspection cordially Invited from H A.m. to 9 p.m.
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 984 14 STRAITS SETfLEMENTS WAR LOAN (CONVERSION LOAN) BONDS ■aariat Intersil from Mranbar 11, 1911, U i aaraaat. par annum, p«j«t>le half-raarli aa ■a| 11, «nd loan Mr U. rWPAYABLK AT PAR ON NOV. 18, 1929. Under tbe authority of the War Loan (Conversion Loan) Ordinanoe, 1919, the Treacnrer cl c BtMbl
      984 words
    • 776 14 NOTOR LORRIES FOR HIRE Large and small suitable for moving toBiture, haggagn. or goods from the docks. Ooatraets arranged. For terms apply to W. J. Garcia, 319, Orchard Road. BT. MARYS HOME. TANK ROAD. BIMBAPOBE A Boarding House aad Orphanage tot girls attending school. Thoroughly practical lines Dreas-makiag, Cooking and
      776 words
    • 535 14 IAUKWI CHARTETED BANK Of INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA IncoaroKATßD im KxatAti l> it Boial Cba»tb» Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of 420 each £1,300.000 Reserve Fund £J,100,C00 Reserve L'aWlity of Proprietors... 41,300,000 BANKBK i The Bank ot England. The London Joint City tad Midland Bank, Ltd. Tbe London Cooaty
      535 words
    • 507 14 BAJvKINH IONRKONB ANI SHANBHAI BANKING CORPORATION naeenreaanD n Heaeaom) FAID-CP CAPITAL m |l|Jt*)J9J BBSBBTB FUNDS •MBBJ 41,t0MM at I/- ili,fag,M Wives ka ti1 ,000,000 |86,M0^W0 Beserve Liability oi hronrleton 115.000.M0 Court of Dlrawtor* J. A, Plummer, Bsq., Chairman. B. V. D. Parr, Bsq., Deputy Chairman. A. H. Compton, Bsq. Hon.
      507 words
    • 708 14 m>Kim. nercantllebank OF fNIM. LTB. (laecari utn> a Baeaannl Capital Autboriaed 4i,tM,oao Capital nnbwriljJ 41 too 000 Oanttal Paidof *TMOOC Beaerve Faad aad Boat JTM.TM BOARD OF DIBBOTOB8 1 a J. Black, Isq., Oharrmaa i"' ST*** I H MelTlu Blmone,-sq. t. B. Obalmen, Ban, Sir Davtd Tola. Lord Oarwilahael. ObJef
      708 words
    • 826 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. naiHiNuy nstice v- M T r i_ Chta &cm 3 Loe ad Co-. h**e been lasts uotud to offer lor sale by nubue Motion, at an early daf that very desirable bouse known as No. I Adis *oad, Singapore OHINO KBNO Lll k PA)., Aoetionee.l and Istete
      826 words

  • 831 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Task Evolution. The story ol the tanks ia told in recent issues ol the Hovning Port. It appears that, apart from the prophetic conceptions of Leonardo da Vinci and H O. Wells, Capta n (now MsjorGensral) Swintcn-the first eje witneae with
    831 words
  • 183 15 Links with the Past. A few years ago, (writes a correspondent), in a borne paper, being in tbe town of Wbitohuroh, Salop, with a large party cf gentlemen, we visited ibe Chiron of St. Alkmund, and there saw tbe monument erecled to the memory of Sir John Talbot, tbe English
    183 words
  • 72 15 The Bishop ol London baa spf oiated a eoiaausaion to mqoira and npott m to tbe present ud future ase ol the obarehe* within the City if Loadoa. Lotd Puillimore will be chairman, and the other memben are Bishop O F Browne. Lord Hugh Cecil, U.P., toe Hud. Herbert Uibba,
    72 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 175 15 PyALVE-IN-HEAD /fej) Cv^S MOTOR CARS Utility and Service Utility is the watchword of bueine 88. It is f- c quality that has made BUI GK cars the favourites amongst business and professional men. The m )tor car of to-day is truly a servant— constantly serving you in but- i ness
      175 words
    • 479 15 "EARLY MORNING FATIGUE Wbea you awake ia Ibe morning feeling tired oot, feeling worse, ia tact, than when yon weal to bed, yon aie ooatrontod with one of the ahaiaeteriitio tymptoma' of neurasthenia. Ik ia due to the ran down aonditicn of your news thai rest doe* not bring renewed
      479 words
    • 305 15 DUNLOP TYRES BIT¥DCT* r IKo I Having founded the tyre iTjdaatry in 1885. in other worn having Pnonmatlo Tyre 35 years MO. II aeems bat suitable that we should be making the first tyre to-day First in breadth of acoeptanoe. first in uniformity of of serrloe, and first in rookbottsm
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 830 16 SITUATIONS VACANT ■XPHRIBNCBD COMPOSITORS *_NTBD lot the Straits Times tncws department). Good salariee Rivi ato capable ■DO*. W»NTBD eompoteat ty,i»t Apply Box No 441, StrnitH Tltui p WAN TBD. expert, n-ied ihofthand typist* eitbei Bex. Apply Bstateß e/o btraita Times. WANTED, Boratian girl to do Rowing »nd mondial at home.
      830 words
    • 821 16 SITUATIONS WANTED RUBBBR PLANTBR, M years old, with nix yean' experience, seeks pisition from oetobci as manager. A p>y Bji No. 484 Straits Tim»« PLAN'jER detinsapp.iiii.eot Unirer si»y decree. E.«l.t yean manager, 1,300 lisengt*ed Jonel, IHB. Replj Box No 488, attain Tim 'S. RUBBER PLANTBR, a«fd 80, mwried, seeks billi
      821 words
    • 925 16 KIAM KIAT CS Market Street. Jnst received a new shipment of Hack Saw Blades Morgan's Plumbago American and English Aluminum Paints Web Saw Blades Luzon Ploughs NOTICE It is hereby notified tbat the Bxobaave Backs will be olosed on Monday, Jane 8, Whit Monday. NOTICE Our establishment will be dosed
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    • 526 16 HOUSES TO LET OR FOR BALE COMPOUND HOUBEB with garage, stun mer home and water aad gas laid on, at Lorong 13, Oaylang, area 18,408 sq. ft .LSO VACANT LAND bon p Letar, either to* lease or for sale. For particular?, please apply to TAY GUAN KIAT NO.SB, Phillip Stfsst
      526 words
    • 263 16 Always wat oh thin npttoa) It mbans money to yon aow-svdaya New Rooda 0 nstartly received to Bo<t all requirements tror Fafhioni eorce uid faahioa.n go Bat to os it is mi so JUST ARRIVED BUNTING Assorted oolonrs. hamlmers Ball Pane, Stoawareakiag, 81eda«, Boiler scaling. Nicholson's Files Manganesite Paste Brass
      263 words
    • 334 16 In s-tsnlon of our prsssnt Ha— Nwsi hava added m number of M ew Irs ThosM aw* at thai dlapoaal off Our c 1 »om. i For HIRE Day and Night I I'Phowe 1233J STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE > 114 to HI, Orchard Mai. TO P ANTERS, M NERB AND SHIPPERS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 200 16 Straits Uinjes TELEPHONES Editorial and General t Manager's Office III; Job Printing Office m Uu All communications relating to editorial *ai ten and news should be addressed to T 1 > EDITOR. All communication! relacttf M business matters -advertisement!, •> acriptiona, accounts, printing, etc., be addressed to THE MANAGE*. ADVERTISEMENT
      200 words