The Straits Times, 24 February 1919

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. HO. 85.90 4 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1919. PRIGS 10 CAN i'ft
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 MUUMM tWEtTEafS CONOENSEO riwiw $20 50 fm mm BEAR BRAND MILK TUB MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRIG! QUALITY B/^^ X JbLi ALWAYS NEVER MOST VARIES *BCAR H BRAND EXCELLENT ••^ft^tfflC 3WISS ltK %i i"**l ai as aawsi aatiflf «J* J 'l j. tuveis'Tmrs, ltd. sr: 4 jr*r" j^rr.rrs" 1 tMMim
      135 words
    • 121 1 ROBINSON CO. Two Steeples ITwoSteepis Pure Wool underwear winter weight Oant'a aingl«ta— lentf tnd short mt—vm Bfzea 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 4 1 and 44 cheat Oant't pants— an k(« l*ngth Bizet 30, 32, 34, 36, 38. 40 and 43 waiat Two Steeple a guaranteed unahpinkabl* jy^L PURE
      121 words
    • 24 1 IDEAL I'NBWEETENtD CONOENBEP MILK Priea boy $14.80 BUNGALOW FURNISHING REVISED PRICEB $645 ud $416 ntfett-wtlj. i A. FRANKEL CO. Oom»l«f Mow fwwiMnw (■BTABUBHBD 18BT).
      24 words

  • 1033 2 AUSTRALIAN TRuO?b BEHWJOUR CONDEAKifcD Scut or feared Dry Transport*. The tjtiowim* ■mimdm dated Matatojaaa, Imui; 111 «i>1 iO. oauoi ffu-u exahaaaer tO bee 1 Ii woaid be MnH anataltly to osevey •ay eaaatiti Mm ut the es'eat of iadmattuM aw »a »e Milbaaiai to d*y b;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 a \k *Tbi b* M\ A ii !rn Knew How To Lather They Would Shave With More Comfort I COLGATE'S SMAUING STICK The aciloa of the lather on the beard it to femove the oily covering on each \\ar. Then thr *a:er can get at the Lur to aafgaa, it.
      248 words
    • 485 2 i or.don tfuying a W» aakr 7M mt vwtCm m kavtee )pmi tnr K>i«4«a I mHim. .lal c '^a. PMt *>a*«n virk ■mi' 1 -»«t r»»i ■•a> > BtPMs rai raeaaaaw* »n J.*' k o< d is«t inwrrani* >«!■» K^^fwrJC SSH g) <O. ajaaavaa irnM > -w iTHE STIAITI rUUAII
      485 words
    • 156 2 GASOLENE AUTOMO3ILE CO (■BAOH ROAO-NKXT TO RAFF LBS HO TIL) tj .'^sBa* IT? jfa) l Agj&g^.^ JuoiaTi. aPßattfJ* •Jp ll ■*> B^kaßgVjßakw4 <* ias7 S^iiM > vCe^B^B^B^nVafiaaw 'r^BrJ'"*il j^^sj(^a^^^^^a*t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"^ Reliable Motor Uars for Hire Day and Night Telephone 755 PAINTS all kind--. SULPHURIC ACID M aad M degrees. ACETIC ACID
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  • 911 3 IDE TRIAL OF LIEUT -COLONEL L.U KIKrORD. DSO. Seme Sad Reflations. A»l»r »djoaracd trqaeot oa Ibo body of I Mejot Hue* Setoa (wbo in ahot at Ibe ••udftoeclbikeciMiß, Sit Material Sato*, at Hol>»»d ratkl, at which a vtmSek el wilfal nuuti vitnto'vri Oofct'l N. J. C. Koihariord, D.8.0.,
    911 words
  • 124 3 (ASM* ni«H a a*at attiete oa Waal 1 >rleyi lb« Nmi Pa»toiaf"> 1 Tbto mMm Hmm Mm AUtoa kaiM t. TMa to Mw FiriiMiaaiy Cob venatooa ie M» Fraee Mm atttot Ui*. t. TMmiktPNlKMklb* P»iHwl— i| (TiniiMliii I* la* Fmh Mm 4JMw 4 Tt. •to Mm Ptnwkll I* Mm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 216 3 V^J^^j TBEN B«¥ A MICHELIN 4)*uT ftS^' ~^< Sta-hiata ttiSjr^S totril llll a Tr^ lfc u \^Ji X^Tl Ooii,tf Qway, Singaawra STRAIT 5 MOTOR GARAGE Hu|. mobile Agents srd European Stockists of Michel in Tyres We have new the largest and most up-to-date battery -charfriDg apparatus m the Straits Sett'ementa
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    • 245 3 WOtk eat jr t*.d MS H t x.»i»> |el IU beat nmIH horn i mpioyea. lOW CHOON LFHO Aiyertison rt writer. Tablets fcp*» IM ?wr at Untm* Ma rt t- la. I. v. J «a MASSA6E HALL Mo. IN, »f>oel— BteNt Open uii ily 6 a.m.- O p.m. Telephone No.
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    • 129 3 The Straits Settlements $2,000,000 RedCros6 War Loan Lottery CLOSES FRIDAY, FEB. 28 The Red Gross requires funds to-day as urgently as at any period of the war. EVERY TICKET PURCHASED MEaNS A gift of $3 to the Bed Cross and A loan of $7 to the Empire Tickets on sale
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 tTEAIU mUNM. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA mUm9^P#Sm\TbVb> aY wla#bmw) Undo* BaN QanKPOMQ #H> MM IUIOfEAN LM to IBaMMAj "MMt, till ■■!> BOM. (vto Boaa OoaaD BAOO BUBO Uvorpool Mm. 1 yi^ap— MABO to LaadM Mm. I EUtOPEAM LMi (ftoBoMOooal) lAaxfitoty Barrtoo) ■WAXAH MABO to Matoißli Pok. M TOWA M ABL to
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    • 780 4 STEAMEI SAIUNM. Pc Ot- British India ft ft l* Apcar Line (OiMjMlii loMtpirotoa to BoawoiT) BtAIIi ANO PABBENQER SERVICES PBMINB4JLAN ANO ONIBNTAL B. M. Ow. (Oaoar OMtraot wMh Hie Majeatyt OnTiramaat) Tm OMMtoyi MAIL MNw-rOSa BAST OP BOMBAY are at ptmM nil, li' INTBNMBDIATB BBNVtOB •NONI LONDON TO MABBBItLBt A
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    • 381 4 BTEAMH SAIUHBS. THE SUN iTfW MVNUnM OOMPANV. LTO. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK Wm KMtoy, TrtoMjaaa, Tiliatoo Boo* mm, Totoaia, Pataai Bia«ota, Laoo, N^OBmm^BmWL NpBmVJHBbVai r^BMV^MMBdHBK OIBUBUMB I|J bWmmTSawMu D«M Oop. ia TOOALA Pot. N Feb. M OA PABAOHTIPOB Mm. I Mat. BBt__ MBMMLaaa^MM. a\m* twaaWwl aaa^BMaa^aaV^^Ma -i» AaWfJ aBmMBMBMBaraj apTVJ UPNH BBnBMjIBBBI WIBII
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    • 331 4 BTEAMEI BAILINM STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, UMITBO. latoaded to Mil Imm Sianporo. a.a. MNI AN -Monday. IJO p.m.. to Port flTTitteolnin aad Peaaaa. P«NAM— Moaday. 4 aji, to Port ttwrttiolHi aad Tewk Aaeoa. KAKA -Mooday, 4JO pju, to MalaaM aad Mom. o^. OALYPSO-Toaadar, 4 w, to Port DiokiM aad Port rnltoolnio
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    • 436 4 BTEAMEK MILINM PboaeNo. 1888. (TNf OSAU MEIOANTIIi S.S. OS. LTGJ (laoMfeaAtw m Jataal Ho.;i. Do Boom Btoart. PBOPOBBD BAILWQ9 nmm gJNOAPOBB (Bobjart to obaaga wraboat aottw) PON LONDON fta PartooM U. CBUBBBB MABO LoadM mid. Mm. PON MANSCILLBB via PlllUlll v. IHDO9 MABO bU Pab. OA LOZOIf MABO mid. Mm.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 353 5 BTZAMEI gAIUNW. K. P. M. (KMINKLYKE PAKETYAART NAATSCHAPPY) (laooaroatTap la Batatas) MTIL fUMIi WtMWm 00. IF MTAVti. Takßaaa til in I PAJCBTVJUUrT a a, OoWyaf Quay■NMl CQNTMCT WITH THf METHEIUMW MMA MVUMIENTt. Baa**> BaaMav Baaiaaaaf. Saaaaaaya, Bttohaoa, SyoMf mi Malaaana aa4 BiaAaai. SySaay m* I ilililSi «4O aW« SSaaa«Mma «a
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    • 302 5 STEMIEa BAIUMIB. TIMOR DULY TL» lioatoto will ac itajalahll tot aaore pott oa ot aaoat Faktaaty m. Fat ftatgbt at piMigi, apply to BOUBTBAD A 00.. Aflaats, Bant Ptoilp Liaa. FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT Tba Norwafiaa t-a. Taaarad, attiTia* Blaipjpew Mweb 11. will aa O«ap*lebad let Baa FranjaMO a* at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 293 6 CllliAt XMBt POPULAR PICTURB PL4YHOUBB TO-HIOMT Nt tI.BO TO-«I«HT lEW FEATUIEB. K« COMEDIES NEW TOflOAlt latMlßf. Baby Maria Oakatwe ta A Daughter of the West Ch.rUa Obapli la EABY BiREET LoaeaaaM Lake hi ON THI JUMP Btata tia n tha %m**-*m»n\ mt thai ■ajamailf (Taplaail) AT O-CLO-B Bryaat Waabbara la
      293 words
    • 535 6 MOM •bWIETE OHANfE OF PWMIWrC FtMUAT 25. 26 ANO 17 AT THE CINAMA FRANCAIS (BUI A— B| Crime and Pnnishmenl ■■••la It'a a NJrit af tba anai aaa at tba iMataat aawtaa avat wiMm. Oaifanai paanali Naal Bart Sparta THB NINTH D&Y 3 parts THE LATEIT PATHE NEWI (NO. 17)
      535 words
    • 285 6 No Other Typewriter r —^t^ SS^MB all type styles II All Sciences ■■Lk ««pe c 1 a I I y" reproaanted in one MULTIPLEX Get a Multiplex Hammond A. CLOUET Sc Co., J i .V.^ t f BTRAITB MERCHANT BUVICE GUILD Akorairiaaim ia Raffle. Plaoe will ka aloaad bom February
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  • 117 7 FIXTURES I— way, February 24. ■la* Wntot, I M s-m IM |A Tsjaastay, Pawraary 25. ■sab Watot, 4J7 T.M mRant Baaed. 11l p m HirwMi Circa*. Beaah Read. 9J« p a. _aY J m r* _*w .a )A W MlwßVwMwiy rwvTwmry 40, ■Mi Water 6CB *.m 199
    117 words
  • 269 7 YcttcU at the Docks. Tamom* Paaab. B«at tuu Basu.— Mereary. ■Ust Wiur.- ttpataamia, S. Jaook, Bea•en Mara. hessaa Wbabv, Aliiit avd VicroaiA Dat Jskwm.- Van Heewekerk. nUia Wbaw.— Ramahras, Tosaa Maru. Nam Vina, Tamoa Mara No Iff, Oi octa Mara, Sumatra Mara. Banaa [>ocb -Van Rce*. lodoa Mara,
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  • 78 7 T*KAf I AweMraaaai aad T. Aaaaa i 80 an. BataPabat IMpa ■atoeea aad Maat 8 pat fatoatteapj P» trtaiia 9pa f. Bctoai aad Patoa Batoag 9 pat Utonattf aat Oaaok 190 a* taaakawaag, Paaaaaawal aad aatakat II to am ■r' Urn pat BweMeabaai aad Peaaag I'-* P"»
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  • 22 7 iOBMaI Peel OMaa aapaet) > i fl Jimm; Jmmmj U tummy 4 n M PtkMMy 1 I M 10 v
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  • 141 7 Ua Jaaaary M la* Hum* Otaaara waal to aUwaaa atoawa aaa aa amvaJ al baa am ■aptaai aniwii a ■■iibmb. F. W. Sharp, aa mmmim, wwa a aafcy hwUad mim tBAIBBvVaV SWBaWaT IM OttA aawaWaVw Of wMB* i A tkj •■aakaaa aaa^^Baß^^ aaa\ BBB^aaßwßHaaW I ••vvfvaial
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  • 126 7 F.XOrIANUH BiMirou, KaaaoAat 14, 1919. Om La«KMi. M ...Baak 4 m/t 2,'i;j Daauad On New You...DtoMd m" PwiwH 90 day* B?t On Fkamcb Baak 1014 O» Imdu BaakTT IM Oh HoMiißoHa...Baak d/d Mi%aa JOn Ba^iaßAi...BMkd/d ti t On Java. Baak T T. IK 'On Japan Baak 1C
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    • 195 7 v 7£2 Bar 8eU w> 10 10 impu« 11 00 1200 1 1 Am Weo* 2 30 3 60 41 £1 K»m Kuuaating 2 9.0 2.106 10 10 KinU AMOOMttM 9.00 9.40 41 41 KiateTiß 18.0 113 0 41 41 L»h»t Miiim T OO 800 Lin«ui Tin 4 3f
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    • 98 7 vTto-? Barm. Seltan 41 41 Smeltmg 00. 7.75 8 U 41 41 h PMt. 130 14.0 6/- 5/- Klootoie T'w»y« 8/- 3,9 10 10 Fhm N<»ve MJO SSM cris. 60 60 W Uvnmei k 00. 71 00 74 00 c 1. 100 1M E»ti Bton. 186.00 116 00 10
      98 words
    • 63 7 DE BENTURES United Bnaineers 8% 11^84,600 pat Singapore Bleotrie Tramways 6% 4U0.000 norn S'pote Manioipel 5% 11,878,000 par S'poru Muaioipal 4«% at 1917 11,800,000 10% li* S pore Municipal 4 t ol 1909 9<,00o)000 10%dal S'pote Municipal 4., 2,000,000 15%dal Spo- Muaioipal 4% 4800,000 F.M.S. 6% loan 1919 116,000,000 10J
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    • 369 7 Frwaa*> and Co. and Lyall and Bvatt'a Quotation a To day's Pvioea. Pmwk Lwui A Co. BvMI ▲In Oaidb (II) B.l* •40 8i« 8 M imtl tUltytj.pd. 1.35 3.40 2.80 1M A rot Uitoiß (»8) 18 00 14.00 18 00 14.35 Aje. Kosur (II) 1M 14f 1.30
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 544 7 LATttT ADYEMTItEIIEm TO LBT. apseieas Ard lw atwa. Baa* modetato Apcrr 4. CmJ Bto*r4 WANTBO, a aatd I mslfiet eJerk tpacy to Meaafri»e Maiwimst Cotrnprny. FO* BALB, De Lexe laoto* eyeto. in «ood esaaHita Very low price Apply DeLasa, eto HSrarH Tiaw. SHORTHAND TYPI3T want d In IpoL merraattle firm
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    • 357 7 YAMATOS GASH SALE Commencing on March 1 (jreat reduction in General Goods NOTICE This I* to inform tbe public, that we tbt aatadgaed are prrparod to sell oar mottoo (Aoatraliaa and Caleoda sheep and *o*t) al tb* loUowia« rate* via RetoU «t 81 eeato pat Ik A whole eareaae al
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    • 362 7 NOTICE OF SALE IM THI COURT Of TNI JUDICIAL COMMiU'OMI AT r*ON AM KUALA KMMSM LUO a* FICf The Netherlands Trading Sooitly Cbarxeee and Mgn|;MD Oalhiravaioo ChargOK In porsoaaoe of an order made by Ike Judicial Commissioner at lpoh, on the teooud day ol Decemket, 1918, aad of aa or
      362 words
    • 57 7 ffiv^ ar*«P t«it NAarr a ««1 W*W§ luthii m*» jrw^r.T^m *s**t^£j^ im» t*« t— «m» ww»« •*«n; tt»«tL TIZ Li ■■Mil Aad, emiad tb* ■>•«• mill JW l»i« *««prfa«Btr ClavELTy t-L'jarjf^ GET A w*2?jllj WATCM W pJSSmTmm. IIPW LLtIJ a. r*m.rt-» OM»ia»U« from all _^^bB Bbbbbbbb.) d-aUnokakerk aid jewel- Baa^^^^BwL^^aal
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  • 118 8 Oisaa-Oaßataaday, Ftbiiaty M, 191», at tb* Madioal Bapaiialaadaal'a Baaaak*. Sepoy Liaaa, Biagaaiaa, Flirian lagaito, tbTdeatly lo^d wm el Of H. J. (Hake, aged 17 y**M. Deeply r*«f*tthd Tba ftriaada el Mt. B>h Haaa Obiaag an tcapaotfaUy iatoraMd Ikal tka raawtaa at kta laloTad wile will ka iaa>a»ad (torn bia
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  • 1035 8 Tk* t ato of ake Howtk Walee v. M lk« ol ft vary MTMi »knk<i is to* •Ml It*.'., aad tk* Ouaaaaaao* Mi Uo,d On» oad walk miHallr** of tU S*M do*S Dot NM k*»* had BMak *sTiat. U petat of
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  • 20 8 Tk* ladiM ConfrMM SktMtec liaaa aa ■ooao. raiMHi lr«tkl ratoa to X l, to ail ataiman tailiag altor Ftkaaaty 1
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  • 19 8 Tka latoat Loadoa aakwa to baad lata ■aw'aa ara dated aa foM*w*:-Ofdiaar« •ate rttaaaty It. atlaaaad tato Fektaaty 14
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  • 22 8 TW kaattof aaa kaaa aaaaladad ia Praaaa '(MM B f MV IkaTaiaajc la* ua aad jitaanal wm nt ky Ma. JaaMaa waadwaad.
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  • 21 8 Bxpert thieve* laat moatb rMaaokad a iliawoad daaleta ante at a Paddiagtoa atore aad atoie diamoada to tbe value ol {10.000
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  • 20 8 Tb* Canadian U->ver»meat baa decided to equip tb* Royal North Waal polioe with aasoalaaea lor patrol purpoaea ia tbe tar
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  • 34 8 The oaae in which fire Malaya are ebarged witb allied mutiny at a**, aad which waa ipaaiaail kafor* Liaat aaaat Beaaett oa aaaat day, baa been postponsd fas farther bearing till tba SfMb iaat.
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  • 35 8 Tha further baanag of tbe oaae against Wesbertoa, wbo ia ebarged oa three eooata wilk criminal breach ot kraal whilst employ ad M a arrvaat by Meaava. Brnaaaid aad Mopin waa poataoaed till tb*Mlb >a*t
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  • 37 8 Mr. A. S. Mitoball, 8.A.C.F., lln Langat waa entortoiaad to tea oa tka aveaiag en Febtuaty 30, at the Broadriek Clnb, Kajang, ntiot to hia departure to Taipiag oa traaater, by the staff ot tbe Foraat Department
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  • 27 8 Ships ia oommunieatioa with Singapore Oommereial Wiralcu Station Ibis morning were the Dilwara, Boeton, Toaaa Matu, Toyobaabi Mara, Mith-i?* Mara, Garret, laaolisde. Van Ovaralraten, Rompbina aad Artemis.
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  • 38 8 .Sob Inspector Jnmat, wbo baa resumed duties after a viait to Ceylon, ia at bia old work again— running gamblen to earth He had U gamblen op before Mr. Ham oa Saturday, all being oonvioted, and fined each.
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  • 41 8 The South African gold return* lor tbe yrat 1918 show tbat the gold produotion of the Traasvaal mine* was valued at 48,676,869, oompared witb £8,828.9^1 for 1917, tbe deficit being largetly atttibutsble to tba dislocation ol work daring tbo iofluensa epidemic.
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  • 53 8 A reliable forecast shows tbal tbe number ol deaths in England and Wales in 1018 exceeded tbe number of births. It waa tbe wont year on record. Tha figures lot Lon do<i, wbiob are oomp!ete, show tbat tbe birth rate waa 168 pet 10 000, but tbe death rate was
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  • 67 8 Aoeording to tbe summary ot tbe final forecast ol the rioe crop ia Burma lor 1918 19 tbe diatriot figures indioato a provincial outturn ol H4 million ewta. ol cleaned rioe or 11 million lea* than laat year's revised yield ol 95 million owts. The surplus available for export is
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  • 69 8 Tb* yoanff Belaian named O, Joatotmea was placed agaia aafon Mi. Langbam Oattot by Intpeetot Laneaatet to day in ooaneotiou with tba alleged m order by him ol a Malay oa Riow island, Oa tb* representation of (he Dntob Coatal that be would be taken to Medan fot ttial and
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  • 80 8 Ia tb* Paoaog Diatriot Court oa Sattr day. evreateea Chiaaae attested in ooaaee tioa witb tbe dißtoibaaea at tbe Huboat aod on Weld Quay tbe pwfio— tetaaooa. ware chuged with affray, aad w*t* faaaaadad Ml to day, Tbe Imp otot lofotmed Ik* Conrt Ikal a»fbt otbet men arteatod Iba prerioa*
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  • 79 8 All. Laagload, wbo h krotbet ol Bam Lu| ford, the well kaowo bcxet, aad wbo baa ■•coed a eballaage aa*a to tba whole ol Hotma to meet bin ia heavy wei||bt koxiag, «>■ reoaatly atrettod oa a otia.gx oadet tale 3 ol tb* Defense ol Udia Paaapott Kulca, lot laadiac
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  • 101 8 The deoiiioa ol tba loioa Beak ol Laaada, aeliag ia oo* jaaetioa witb tbe Natioaal Baak ol Naw Tork, to bum a aaw aoktidiaty baak log eovpotatioo, whioh will lepveieat both baaki ia tbe Fu Baat and oa tte PaeiAa ooail ol tbe Lotted dtotaa, haa a. en take* as
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  • 111 8 To* Anbdaaooa pwaaehad a powerlnl aad ■taotioal aanaaa, whioh aa ha biaiaail okiaifiit, BMgbl aot ka taraad aa tack, at M. ttfciWi OalkaJril laat •»«aing r«ga*d iag the apatiaahian Parity Oaaaaaiga, tat ■hiah 1m mbMHAmMI bht iumH, Hrn Mud ktMM VmA m a>MTOAaf MmWM OMBJM VMbmWAmM 0* HtMS .L. p-f^p-J
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  • 172 8 Tka akwk aaeinieasy *alaaraUoa erf Ik* MniH I'tiut-M Pfaytieal CmwM *m h. U elite elnbtru*.*. tilWahßoe-i akMriij aad aaadty laat, >b< a tkaa* was a large a* fartaanr of aieatki ia aad trieade. Dioacr waatwvtd mi Bal-Jiy e.«U, aftorwbiafa lka*Mtk*a iistitary, Mi. Low Moey -ai, o* k*k*M of tb* aaaoowtina,
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  • 496 8 8m 'nd Lieut. Batober, R B is espectoc to return to Singapore shortly. Mi. Richard Nolaad, late maaagar ol the Bpaattai Institute, is dtftd He was goiry to Aastralia. Mr. A. W. Bean baa b»>n re appoiateJ a Municipal Ooaaaiiasioaer tor Siogspore, aad Mr. A. F Ooodneb
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  • 67 8 W* leaic from Mi. H. W, Baeklaad, agaat ol tba P. aad O. 8. N. Compaay, tbal totegiaabie advioe* teoeired by Lijo tvom Okiaa tbia motaiDK indicate (bat tbtre wUI be ac oaaeeUalioii of tbe ttijauitioaicß ol tb* paaatagat aeoommodation ia tbe Note aad Norata. lie aaka
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  • 99 8 Tb* Ametioaa ooaamaßity in Hiagapott Qilltnlii Qaotg* Waabiagtoaa kutbday wbiek tatt oa ffalaiaay, wilk aiaafa acJa*. fiiat with a lifta at tk* Hotel Into** at wbieb U. B. tba Ooraraat, H B. tba Majoc Utaetal and otkat Btittabara waa* ptcaaat aa tK>M», loUowad ky Ika efiaial opaaiaw
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  • 92 8 A Couaaka imji of Fakraary U atatet Ikal at a anatia« tf MaJay memkaaa of Ika Uaykm Abuadiyya Awoaiaiioa it waa aatvtd to aokaiit tka toUowiac raaalaliaa Tka* tka Malay iiailna ol taa Uaylo* Akaiadiyya tinniatina ■awklaJ at aiawiag tag to aaktoM to tba Oovatao* ia Ika e»*at
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  • 83 8 Majo* BrekW* Willaoa, tba Btitiafa clmc aaal to Pataatiaa aad Mvaoaoiaaua to aol i aWfl a^aA InMtiffJ V^ lataTTad to BaglMd. Ha aeMaatad M TwkMii. OaraMa. aad Awutnmm, «t towaa *«a**Mdb**» Jmmww to *kapa. Whiaa tail a**d a* Ika aanaada* at J- mi aim. Fl«f
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 A Good Smoke iHBKr c iCAa.tTT»»-j;-:fBl Worth a Trial Luncheon Baskets ■pgpjll For 2 persons W1 ffTft^ljf For 4 P ersons 535 Mgg*i TEA BASKETS 2 persons $12.50 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. Cm eatwaAtai. i» B»aL»»D) IN STOCK Finest Grade Australian EUCALYPTUS OIL In cases containing 56 lbs. nett (2
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    • 167 8 From Boadav, Fearaary It. to Friday.».r, •«^^^^*»l_i k^^^a^ auuaALaa ■■at BsstalPt hrtarwt la tfct latoaaati WILLIAM FOX FEAT U It AT IBM mLHAMBRm tka Ba* tar Baala aaa raataraa aaaak >•*« BBOOND SHOW AT 8.16 P.M. WILLIAM FOX WILLIAM FARNUM Tb* llljkiil jahntod Mala DtanaaMc Btas la Ike Fifca
      167 words

  • 3659 9 Conditions in Germany ftmriiD Prime Minister Slot. ItITUI TMMBJM Loaaoa. Fehtaar| SS. 1 M p am. Tha Mbmimi OoaaaU to* aapply aad rahat MMkak m■ J aii tali rk arrwtaßß iBBA^BMMBaaBVtBaI ■bbbbbbbbV^ Mbbbb* bbbbbHw) pOMUfI M MMaVi lanaVtaPHaTip; VVMBBBBB/rj ajrjßß_M( afjrj fVOaVt wtM OMm^bVVmMObM Oaf m) Hf*
    3,659 words
  • 177 9 MR. LLOYD GEORGE ADDRESSES THE MEN. BaUTBB't TBtMBAM. Loadoa, February SI, 11 M a.M. Mr. Lloyd Qaew* at to day t eaaftnaii of Mm ntMtiv* of Mm Miaan' F*m*mmb atatad that Mm OovaraoMat wm paiparld ta appoiat irtßMdtetaly a Royal Cocamiaaioa witb (all powar* ol iaveMigatioa. to report
    177 words
  • 32 9 Racrar, Tai.Mtf. Loadoa, Fahroary 21. IaSO p.m. Tb* N*w Zealaad. with Load aad Lady JelLoor. aaiteJ from PitlMialh tola attar aooa ia a blurlm* raiartorra aad a *oa*b waatarly rale
    32 words
  • 34 9 TIB I TMitHiM Loadoa, Fahrwvy H, a a. m. Tokia i Tbo daOb ha* iMatud at Lmm. fifiitl ITima FaiMhlMa. n Immil tl Eiraatooit, wbo a»w diaUaffwiahad *ar*i«. ia Mm Riumu JapaMM Wm.
    34 words
  • 27 9 Hmtu'i Twmii. LmJm, Foasnwy SI, 10.40 pa TWPminimiimmjm: TkaOaMMt dm dMiduJ Uml %tu> qSMMy of tpirita-to to MMM*d tbaU a* iaoraaawl by ull/ p« oaal
    27 words
  • 27 9 Aatrraa a TsLioaui. Loader, FehtMsr mj 4 p Th* mm a* Ctmmum pMttd Mm thirl readiag *l Mm Re-elect oa of Miantet* til. «MMwMk.
    27 words

  • 82 10 BarTaas TtLa-.a^v Loadoa. Paksaary 31, 4SI *m I »i- -M ik^ A^Hml *l. ii..liia Bill a^M. ISBBBWBi mm^^B nmw^j^^^m aoaad oa the 17ta. Wtteaiitet Qaaaoal Hoary ■^_»___J O*BBgiarfa\taAtaTaTaß lggggglj3jaMfAil te aaaffaVaawa aad to piaaaiti flyiag te avavy way |iaakli HA aswaTaßwMaMal waMl BJ sWwtiaßwl wXß*VaatUo PMaVafttty rsaaaaaadteMM ate
    82 words
  • 299 10 (Ajbst* Baavioa.) Batovia, Fabraary 11. At Mm ayaaaag aaaatea at Mm Paayte t OoaaaU to-day Mm abaarmM proteatod, to Mm bum at Mm Pooytea OoaaaU. agataot the toaritoatel eteim. ti Balgiaam. Thara- fclw- i4aaaaMwawaa fat BtawaTitmla^BßwA. ift wMafl BaatallM BBMaVI BBBJBJ l»a^a»a>»»Bj maj a^pr«mßwaarwi aaj> amaaa- amaanmrw
    299 words
  • 130 10 T-«k Amw* P— 'arlaaaal I at at A T*yiJ DMMMMMjFtaMFM* aUayhan aad Ua. Ltd. 1 dally taaaa) Fakaaary M. 1919. MattMMaMMaMMayV'^^w f V* Rabkii Htoarty Tav— No aafctea, as markrt B hare. —Thaaa are tew ahaagaa to layort. 'Till Oajaba MM to I JimatM 1170 to 1
    130 words
  • 145 10 ladar Mm Oaaaa Httaaiihia Ltao ftaaaidy Law Mm Npfoa Yoaaa filaki ai to aaaate) of a aahady far Mm Baropoaa. Aaatrakaa aad Naotk latirllM miiliii. Mm Oaaka Shoaaa Kateha far Mm Aaatrahaa aad Naath Amaoi om nr* m aad Mm Toyo Kiaaa Kateha far Mm aaatrahaa,
    145 words
  • 98 10 The Tokie ajiaiiat of Mm Oaaka Maiaaßßi aoya Mm* aoaao of oka Genoa* paioaam m Jaaao. who aooafcorakoat MOO aao oMH wnaiiapiaa Mm oa Kaioaa. aad i||anatl| latial to aaioto MMaMoryaoto WtlMom. bat Mm «aaator aaaa-r aao tryoai —^^^o^L^gm^ urn Maa^BatAi MaribfAol aaßaal Oaaaa aHaa tho wot.
    98 words
  • 929 10 BANGKOK OUR DAY LOTTERY. Official List of the Wlniig TktWMMitMMolMMtlthtwli iia« nahm m Mm BiBgfcib O«i D»f 1918 UMmj lti Pbim M Pbb Cut Tr*. 1W.000. No. IM1N, HoMw Dt. Km, Ih| Ua poo Ui|, Bfffcoa 1 Pwzm lAca, T<». Ma N*. U1160, Nsmc ThlM Ui, o/o la N*. lMltl,
    929 words
  • 308 10 Chirac Traveller Fined $15,000. At Mm Hoackoag Magtetraey, kators Mt. J. R. Wood, Iwt> Chlßaai wars ahargod with baiag to aalawful poaaeesina of 199 taala of ajfajaj Mi. Lao d'Almada. who appeared tot tbe Illnliali, pleaded gaiMy oa behalf of Urn ftißtdefeadML laspaatot (r-jtdoa stated that tbo two
    308 words
  • 604 10 Output Enlarged and Cost Reduced. Tbo fi*h MBoal roomml meetia« of Abaeo (Sotaagor) Robbor, Ltd., wm bold at the mwtarod offiooa, 7, Marwa'a -laae, Cannon atrott, Loaloe, ■.0., Mr. W. Arthot Addia aoll, abaanaaa of Mm oompaay, preaidiaß. Tbo Chairman aaid Ooatlomoa,— l more I That the direotora'
    604 words
  • 66 10 Tbo oatotoaoUag ooatoaary of Mm year Mm berth of Qwoa VMtooia, whioh matnl at Iwiliiin Poteao aa May M, 1818. It. aatekraatoa aot Uktly to bo aiojiMiii, tot tbare are vjaay aujvif uoa. oaoojao of Mm wßdooi aad bar kiadaoaa. A oaaate at aooro of TiolonM all ovor Mm gteho
    66 words
  • 415 10 Molti- Millionaire Peer Who Rode On Buses. Lord Miobelbam, rapoted to as oaa of tbs wealthiest men ia Borope, died at his Liadoa issidoaoti ia Prince's, gate Loadoa, laoaaily, from paswmoait, It wm oaly a few days before Utat bte bob, Mm Hob. U. A. Stara, who
    415 words
  • 599 10 Suggestions for Domestic Economy. Tbe folliwiog appeara ia Urn Raagooa Oaaette Mat) Utat atorw are difficult to let ponidßee aia a problam Tba tollowioK aae only ladiM prodoota Md are both iMxyaaaiTe and dolteiooa. For two pvteona pot one aad a half table ipooarola of jj>/-
    599 words
  • 58 10 A aoooar gaoao wiß toko ptaM aa Mm S C.C aaaaai tbia inatog aatwooa Heffl m goteat XI aad tbo 4C C. Tbo BaSao taaai ia C. BiWfgii. L. M Pnul Mi aad B O. WbaMtoy w RaoaoU. W A. Aona, aad tt. A. Boaaa. V. U«oh. B. BoaMk,
    58 words
  • 550 10 Depleted Fleet to be Brought To Former Standard. Tba report of the BJ 8 N. Co.. Lt 1 idirao toaa: Lord laeboaaa. Lord Bulgarian. I. H. Canard, H. N OladatosMS Sit W. R. I LawiMM, W. O. Ralhboae, F. Ritchie, 1. M. Hhielda, P Williama, Lord
    550 words
  • 238 10 Capt. Kearton s Adventures With The Camera. Many of Urn email boya who li.toaed to Mr. Riabard Keartoa nataral btetory loataro at Mm Caxtoa HaU, Waatmiaatar, mart have ooaoladod that a natoraUata life wooid give them mare taa and aJrentare tbao any other. Capt. Oborry Kaarton, who should
    238 words
  • 175 10 To aight'i taatara at Mm alhamara te a WUUam Fox piataro Tbo Bad of Urn Trail yraaaatteg Mm well kaowa WBHam Foraaß. te aaa^at Ivo roote aad the Haty heart iatitait Tba programme toaaadea aa I Iteg aamaat at Mm Piotortei Nowa ahowiag amoag other Utiaaa Mm
    175 words
  • 26 10 At Mm L'ai-a Charab, Haapfcoag. Mr. Aaaaaw darko Miaahao, at ghaaghai. waa ■ir ill to Mioa Miraaaoa UUo MoCatikna. at ObMajrw. Tbo Re J, Kirk Mnaaiakii
    26 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 77 10 To tbs Bditor of Urn Steaito Times. >ir -Regarding Cterioal oioa, I may mention that owing to Uck of sopport the formatioa wm sUently dropped over a Tea* ago. It is sorely advisable (or tbe wettara of thia corner ol the Empire to natekliah aoob institute It is
      77 words
    • 66 10 To Mm Bditv of tba Straite Times. Sir, In my opinion, tbe Cterioal Uateaw if formed, ahoald h%va "bo dteMaattea) of ooloai or religion (m it is tbo ease te) some aMoeiatiooa). Sooh a t'aioa biibM bring oloeer unity amongst the elerka thaa aow, wbioh, of ouarae, woald give moral,
      66 words
    • 187 10 To tbe Bditor of tbe Slraite Timae. Bir,-The tormatija of a Clerical Uaiaa ia Smgtpora with branohox ia 'he Pnaiasnte soggonted by Pro Bono Publics in yoas paper, dated February 20, 1019, is oerlainl* a o>ae that abxUd raoaive the warm support of ovary oaa aoaoeraed sopaoialry at a tima
      187 words
  • 327 10 How Scotch Breweries Threw Light On Coral Islands. A aattuaiirt, Kaiing down oa Bdiokosgb, noted that, whereat ita ktewottee ooearred bore, there, aad everywhere, a etralttht liaa would ooaneot all Iheir baokyarda all, at leaat, aave a tew through wbooe baokjacda ooeid be drawn another atraiKht line,
    327 words
  • 212 10 Profit of £531,095 oa First Year's Working. Aa Army loaaiaolioa raeaaily iaaaai gNaa Mm Naalta of Urn flrat year 'a tradiag at Mai Army aad N»vy Caatoeo. aiaoo tooy waaa tokaa <ma by tho Oooac.l. Tho piUey bM baaa to oarry oa Mm omwaMß wMaaVoftfßaVl 041 aM ftaato^bD
    212 words
  • 19 10 Mr. C. V B. SowoU. tmnujM, baa oaaa aawontod aa Aaaaaaat Hay inatiaiial. Ba> vaaaa Barrow Baaaab. Sarfay Uueartmoat,
    19 words

  • 1817 11 PLEA FOR FIN4NCUL HELP FROM GOVERN IENT. Clril Scmct Istercsti The Iwwawa arvtote writoea by a awve EMM hi the Civil aad Utbwry OaaaMo wfll appeal to oh; mbJim ia ya aa oa buj potato thaw ova mm have am atoariy eet lo*th la Kwaraa\a\il wwtawa^wa.w:Bl ia
    1,817 words
  • 75 11 tUtSCf^Iwfc 1, ltlt»— Movdat, f— til M. MC. i—ili -PnU tUU, I U hl Tcbuui. Fi»bdaji> M. V.C. BlIMili DrtM H*U, U Ml. No. 1 rUM Immi Oc. 1.TA— Drii Vihmui Fsasc&at M. V.C ■iiiiMi Drt« HO, < U fjm. Fidii, PwaeA«T M. S.T.C. Iwiih-M H*tl. IU
    75 words
  • 65 11 OawM Iw weak aadiag SaMrday, Marah It— Maaday Fohraarj M -WapaJawg Om, til pa. YMCA Onaaif Otd Saaaw L atooj Oaajatoaii Moawag. SJS p^. U, Woawwawy Fohraary M Faawmll 1 tagai lot Troop v. lad Takf. 1 Mia t m SB i ojm w> ■>
    65 words
  • 29 11 Mo Boaaad B tllißl tooMee ea The fww_at Mitoye »ho Wooafo ■tohwy ahooa^a) the had oMaw at aw. Owawa* ho tawvatad at the 1 M CA. ataoaa AB aaa
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 206 11 His Master's Voice ff GRAMOPHONES AMD RECORDS Large Stocks 8. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (laMrporatii ia Hoagkoa HARMSTON'S CIRCUS Oponini Tneeday NUht. FoDruAry 26 at 9 16 p.m. coooitiof* wwAah Rotd BIMER BIWHTEI. BITTER THAN EVER Wl i H ARTIBTEB Of THE FIRST RANK PrawaMag t prograaiwo ■apariat to aay ovw
      206 words
    • 174 11 BAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, March 1 SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE BUPPER ON THE LAWN APELPHI HOTEL Rates for monthly meals commencing from Maroh 1, 1919 Breakfast $10 Tiffin as Dinner 30 All Meals 6O The Hotel Orchestra will play every erening from 7 to 10. ADELPH! HOTEL, LIMITED B U TJBBBDBMA,
      174 words

  • 1775 12 Sungei Rey la. SUCCESSFUL EIERGENCE FROM TRYING YEAR. No Dividend. Thaa— el general lag at aae <H Royta (F.M 8.) Rakkat fettle. L*L, wwheld at Mm nglßtiMil often*, M, LaadMwall, Lialoa, 10, Mt W. 4. Imlh (Mm abate dm of Mm eomaaay) Ptatidßßg. Thn CkaJtmna laid Oaaflwßaa.-WiMi yewafawoval we will
    1,775 words
  • 411 12 Grinling Oibbooi aid Ibe Charchrs Tbe Home C janttiee Atobm jlogioal Soeiety aow that the ww ia ovw, ia looking torwwd to a period cf moteaaed activity ia Mm elodj U tbe pant. Kooently Mm mem bete paid a visit to tbe oboreh ot 81 Lawrvaoe Jewry
    411 words
  • 114 12 Cwlw Caraaito, aoa ot Joao Caraatw. bw keea iwlaawd to aw* y ww' daawtaMca to Timor oa tbe ebarge oi abootiag the Porto gaweOemeal la rtkaagtial Tbe aoaaia of Ohm On i ill i. aenag a aaa, ww watoawtt i^jamMjißmßiemanakwmA R{*-n) #*Rmmmk anm^Mmwffwm fJM RaTaRS taom tbo day of wrwt.
    114 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 170 12 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR Faaosja for its marvellous motor six-cylinder, seven-passenger touring model, fitted with Bosch high-tension magneto. ONLY ONE LEFT IN STOCK AT BINQAP3M AND PEN AN O Cyole and Carriage Co., Ltd. (laioraiwta* in Mm Federated Malay MakM) aiagaaof, famatnal. Hmm Lmmjpmp artel NEW SHIPMENT OF 1 lichelin Universal
      170 words
    • 228 12 ■b£**msN> Ik, ■*ataUaw*ejßy CIGARETTES \<j<Jd i ofxn > 51.05 /The Quality of STATE EXPRESS CIGARETTES /is exactly the aame at before the war—no tub- 1 I atitutc whatever being used in their manufacture 50l£" MAMJTACTL'RERS-ARnftTH- TOirVCCO C<7r<U» LONOON-ENGLANDv DISTINCTIVE CARS Are Mmm CMod wMc MACBETH LENSES aJMrtMt ana, Mm Hgbtfl
      228 words

  • 1096 13 NOTABLE GERMAN TRIBUTE ON OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. German) n Inferior Orgailsatioo. There baa lately reaobad BD R laad a etriaiag report, epaoially lalenetiux ia rie-w ol preeeat de».!lopmeala, whieb waa drawn op la 4o«aat laat lot Urn Uormaa Slate Admin iattatioa Department, oa Use meaaaree adopted ia Britaia
    1,096 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 324 13 FURTHER REDUCTIONS AT WHITE AW AY'S swtiai uu m in \1 1 CORSETS mvts.ii aMtfflM II f' NO. 170 C«iia»ias C'oai Prioa. [WSI Prise %*.98 M2«,MU.»«H. h\ \TWy/ sale S* BO am^ (kjk f_at a* mi smf| I \W/M ■•"•>•»»•» ■>«*• ssav, bbbbb ni IWr^r t.78 Ui mm
      324 words
    • 469 13 Semi-Diesel Engines jJ^V^^ JUST ARRIVED W. J. BATES Co^ Ltd. For particulars apply to T 1 BORNEO C^o« 9 lLi'^d. (InOOEroBATBD Dl ll«UJIOl SINGAPORE PHOTOGRAPHIC o «toh *>.«, UtALtna sulphate of copper Frame Makers POWD RED WHITUI KONG Him CHUN8 ft W. L. Y. 8WEE Co., Ltd. (Iaoorponled ia F
      469 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 456 14 aawata 99,000,000 84k a\«BMiaajio« In for>o« ov«r t9.000.000 t.C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. .buiißiißiiaa Simaire temawrn! o »r »O« Tni.aliaala. 11l n r ill LOWXOOM OXFIOaI M, ObJ daway, a.O. TVa Oaapaay haa a- |i iHil ajla bWOanai Oat t 1 wd eTnpßa wibhae BrtMah LBa I—mh
      456 words
    • 316 14 MMKIHI CHUTULkD UNI if INDIA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA ImmiiiTW m Mmutui n BotAAOaaafM, r»id rnHii to wjoo BHw Inn 1 1 f^ ANMN BwwwlWWyrfFiH A.MM BANURB Tb* Baikal J TWlMlilJ^ Otj Md feUdtaad luk, LM. The Umdm OoMty W .ltalian Md hmtak,Ud The N«HomI PnvkMi mJ Data Bwk ■Mtted LM.
      316 words
    • 454 14 MBUML HONGKONG AND SHAJttiiA! BANKING CORPORATION (laoaaroaATao n Hoaaax>»<>) >AID CP CAPITAL 1 lIIJOOJM iBSIhVB FUNDS SterUa« 41,»OU,000 M 2/ Ii.OM.M bUTfI. iie.Mcoou 00-. lillfTi f iaMHty at ftipilrtuii lIMMJm] COCRT OP DIRBCTORB i Hoa Hi. P. B. Hetyoak. Ohainru. 3. T. M. aVJklai, Bag Depary Cha!m*a LH. Ooaaatoa, Beg.
      454 words
    • 616 14 BANKING. NEDERLANDSCH INOIBOHE HANDELSBANK (NETH. INDIA GOMMEIdAL BANK) pTaILISEII 1881, CAPITAL I n M^W-OW (about LAriTAL, 1 «8,0O0,0OO» ISSUED AND 1 Fl. M.UXMXM (aaoot paid up «v*« ooo) RBBBKVB FUNDJ J^'aOoiS)) 1 0^ HtiD OFFICB IN AMSTBRDAM. HBAD iGBNCY IN BATaVIA BRANCHBBI HoutjkoaK, Medaa, Seerabaya, Bamaraaa, Baadoeag, *el»tTredem. Cbariboa. Tarai,
      616 words
    • 796 14 THE lITI' mm INSURANCE COMPANY. Di (Ivaotv^raAttt* ia Baalaad) hEAS BFFICI 1L It ifZ.Ut STiar. LCXMM. Wboia LbV, Badowio-at aad BowMtloaal aaHeai* al rUat whict: .jt.t *ar> '..occaily wOk ItoK af a- j atta m ary Fill WIOIANOf ««yy *M"* »»1 meriUadlafl !c, lea* c« U>M aajaia. al anrrral nl.
      796 words
    • 425 14 AUCTION BALE M "MSKB-N >L OR«PIBON (•boat 251 p onto) To ke be!d in Dm jard at the teat of tb< B i O-'ac^x' 1,%M1 If at It Mi THBCOMMBR :iA!, KLBBtJH C WTntW SALE 41 M *ere. CbiM K. a« i-* Co. aak rioir On Jauidai, Miird l,tfUtl 00..
      425 words

  • 931 15 NOTES 4ND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Don'ts for Owners sad Drivers. 11. Doa't allow joat ebauffsai to kaaff hit tafiat raaaJag wbiJe Mm *ai ia waililff loatoid* a boaaa oa a ■bop. II yon bay* ta lilaatti* atartei aad the kftltoty ia ia ptjfci >idct, it dnet
    931 words
  • 56 15 U Ma <* -*'t i"ii"j i of Ik* 'I At If r IWPW^mI ir n im m. fcf* Fraaoh it tad ahewld to a mv aakMa **r~ !*»»>« tWM, ÜbM«y, pa**** *f MW I.UOOO, tart* ol »>*ta. HmH ftaaa wiarfow*. *»d kwM oa th* waAa d*ai*aiaa tktt IaBMQa katllaa
    56 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 65 15 CENTRAL Rubber IVtachines —Tf*. n a^ *TM ffy m _f| m mt Specially dssigned and manufactured in our own Works. They are the outcome "of considerable eiperience in actual workinf on estates and will be found efficient and satisfactory in every way. May we seed jou particulars? B p ll*****^^
      65 words
    • 406 15 DUNLOP THE PERFECT TYRE The covers Are full of lite to the end stys a a*. «L motor car owner yicg Dunlop Tyres. /$T ML lHi^F> Thi% is the Bccret of li a"— to lender the rubber alive to ll tne end and to make th casing of the cover
      406 words
      18 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 690 16 WANTBD, qualified trarlr. a paly to •to Director s» Joerffb't lasuti WANTBD. ft haeie laAta BeeMketarr, ejeleS et above Apply Bea No. M, StiaMe aaMBTaUMD TTFIBT wttb puriuas •spertaaee laajawaa. Apply Miawi. Bvatt a ▼ANTBi'. a foaac Bataama lady wbo saa leaab Baelieb aad Jaaaaeee a^aaaaaea. tpa*y te Be* Ne
      690 words
    • 744 16 MISCELLANEOUS. LaWBOMS to BaeHab. iteaeb aad Malay livoa by avoy V c*. c.c Btoaito TtoMa. •aRTKBR WA.NfBD ia aM-eetobawbei In of eeMctters, Apjry BexNe.ll. aateito Bwßßa WAMTBD TO BUT, oae Hartey Dftvtdaoa aIMBM. Matt be to aaai eaaattiaa. Bex Mo- BM. Btoaito TUbm. .WAMTBD TO BUT. tide-Mr, New daatoa pi
      744 words
    • 455 16 Marine Engine Oil BRITISH SPECIAL GRADE Obtainable at pre-war price* FBOaf KIAM KIAT ft CO. MARKBT BTRBBT. SITUATION WAHTEO Retaraed Ofßoer eaerfetie aad etfioiMt, seeks position promiaia« good BrMytota, ia tin. rabber os oomteree. Piepaied to pat moaev tato lattec Seven! jean K M.B. upeneaoe ia aoriag, llaiHai lavia« aad
      455 words
    • 407 16 THY GUAN KMT CONTRACTOR lortapply of FIREWOOD w* ttM toVeWVwMewt SatfJ HUaTvC'Mai C#wMsilsoiMftff far MM Mart 1111 aad IMS. Address 36, Phillip Strut, Singapore, or 'Phone 1361, 1363 and 1363. After office hours, please ring up Noa. 1073 or 1450 at Nos. 87, 87a, 8?b aad 87c, Tank Road, Singapore.
      407 words
    • 210 16 ▲lwaje wmtob thli ipu« It meana money to you. hew gooae ooaacantly reooived To tolt all reguiremenu. Btooki may oomo ana ■took* ma/ go. But we go en forerer. JU.-T ARRIVBD TYZACKB ELEPHANT BRANB BCYTHE BLAOES Vulcaa Improved Chain Pipe Wrsnohes Brades Malay Parangs Brass Garden Byringes Japan gold six*
      210 words
    • 246 16 High-cla*. MOTOR GARS On HIRE Day and Night IPhohel233f DUNLOP TYRES all the) uwaful aiaaa FOR SALB An* tlma during Day or Night STRAITS MOTORCAR BERVICE tl4 It til, SrefcaN Bead. NOTE We cater for three Shippers, Planters. Miners— and being equilateral our three- sided stock is equal in quality,
      246 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 204 16 Straits Zinjes TELEPHONES Editorial and General j« Manager's Office m; Job Printing Office 1244 All communications relating to editorial mat ten and news should be addressed to THB EDITOR. AJI communication! relat iag U> kesiness matters -advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc, aboaid be addressed to THB MANAGER. AOVEITISEMENT BATES Wants,
      204 words