The Straits Times, 21 February 1919

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 26.90 tf SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1019. PRICB 10 GBNTH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 WLUUIO SWETtHtO CONDENSEO Mill P»l— a rw ***** >ar SM* BEAR BRAND MILK TNB MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICI QUALITY I H/,^^xß^l ALWAYS never ha^^^^P^ssrl most VARIES "BCAR- E BRAND j EXCELLENT KYGIEMIC SWISS rill 1 RiSjJ^M. for n-"^ inJ^J| j. Ti«wijrr^B, ltd. s^^£^ strraT' E Galvanised Pipes and Mild
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    • 121 1 ROBINSON CO. Two Steeples ITtoSrawg Pure Wool underwear winter weight Cent's singlets— long and short sleevas Sizes 30, 32, 94, 36, 38, 40, 4! and 44 chest Gent's pants— ankle length Sis-s 30, 32, 34, 36, 98 40 and 42 waist M Two Steeplea— guaranteed unshrinkable M t PURE WOOL
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    • 7 1 IDEAL UNB«UTIrIO COHJLMBEO MILK Price bow $14.80
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  • 1019 2 ADVENTURES ANOIG PACIFIC SAVAGES. Hospitable Islaad Klafj. Taaaad aad wa«tbarbaatca byezpoaaaala the Uopioai iaa ol the Soata Saaa, Caataia RwLaid ChMg, Atat cffl*r of tha wteeked OnaiiDoani tllli aailor Joha Marray, nun aad bone loeeatly to leeome tha proaate bte of a kookaeUar. Ia a grafhioally writtea
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 MAGNETO IGNITION 1 Drive the^Bs-Four I A car of great beauty and strength a car of absolutely dependable performance, its great power simply controlled. With the reserve force of the big car, this Overland has all the flexibility of a light one. To these advantages, add riding comfort. Large wheels,
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    • 340 2 FOUCAULD wlbbbwib^BbW <-'* **<>,* iw^* t rBTfl«*7 AT XifV^ W«>#W«\3 -PWAatd _J THE ITMITY MTTM FENBEM COMPANY Paadera at verleaa lamlela aai eiaea *Haaa aaßßWata, •raett Praajetl| laaealaaV VaatMy Ha, in, Tetak Avar Saraat. Aehawaai Ha. tt, Peek Baak Oat aaa. PEACE AT LAST Ia jour life oae oontibaaoa borrihia
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    • 144 2 Gasolene Automobile Go (■BACH ROAD NIXT TO RAFFLBB HOTBL) Reliable Motor Cars for Hire Day and Night Telephone 7SG PAINTS all kinds. SULPHURIC ACID U aad 86 dagteea. ACETIC ACID (Osaka) M jrnaiaataad. Always In Stock. T. NAGAI CO. eioii nun, sinoapobb. Te i ins ADVICE TO ESTATE OWNERS Every
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  • 1140 3 NORMAL PRODUCTION TO BE RESUMED. Dividend of 71 Per Ccit ZZ Tba eiibtb wml evaoral aoeeiiag of Ibe Betok Bakit Rakktt Berebr, Lid., wu hrld ob Juduj 10, at WwcbMtei Bcaat, OM Brood etrtet, BC Mi. B. L. HeauHoa (tba •mmjmm) pteaMMS. TbaCk»itß.i.a said: OraMtmen,- I prtinme
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 PRIORITY OF DELIVERY of Sunbeam cars can be promised only to those who are wise enough to order now. As soon as we are in a position to again build the Supreme SUNBEAM for private service we shall do so, but even when that time arrives, the orders we have
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    • 377 3 _mT*t^ V% Mb\A e^k JBaSf^ Ay A iMkAAAABtr -^*BLt^ Z v^i QDEtraEr JSbet I* L** i *v^ml www £^3C* jk V Mi fi j WTTHMINE s|»#BjJ^ Advorwatag la aeareßaiy to make a maaager't wctk aaaf aad no k n*kv i ts gat Mm seal retnlta f rom;« rnployta. ■lOW CHOON
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    • 759 3 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Ot 18 BASKI-H OLT> SCRAP IRON (akosl M pieols: To ke bold ta Mm ysrd at tbe rear of tbe Motor Booae, Bra« lU«ab Rood. On BUBSDAT, FaBBCABT Vt, AT II tl THB COMMERCIAL RUBBBR Co., Ltd. A-* OOVBIJBBf I PRELIMINARY NOTICE EBTATE OF CHIA
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    • 427 3 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALCABLB L'tHMBSR JKWB LI BRT At oar tsleroom, No. 8, IWUe* Plaoe, On Monoav, Fkiiku aby 24, at 11 a.m. Oonpriaiag uo>d aui diumaad krooaaga, gold and diamoel hvir pin*, pilvor kioaaagt i* with peatla, gold, diaannod and brilliant rtoga, gold paadaato *ot witb
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 tTCAagi MILIMB. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (liooareoiTOi m Jaraa UMar BMM Pant >aa< wrtttt tlta EUROPEAN LINE Awfßl JH 10 II til o— |m«R«| looaw. ot Urn nil. (via Mas Ooaal) MI>RTRA RABO tot Leaita M«r 1 BAOO MABD Uvetpool Mar. I EUROPEAN UNI (via Saaa Oaaoi) (Aexßtory Sttvtoa) rWAZAW MABD
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    • 847 4 STEAaO SMUNW. Pa Oa- British India AND A pear Line (OoMaoaiet laeorporttoil ia Bactoad) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES •BMIMBULAR ARO ORHNT4L 8 N. 00. (Uaiet Oiattoat with Hie Matottv't O imraaieM) Twi Oampaay t MAIL SSRfIOBB B ART OF RO R AY are at preeeat mmjbpilil. IMTBRMBOIATB 08-VIOH •ROM LONOON
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    • 380 4 IT£tUIEI SIILimS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION OOMFAHV, LTO. BINGAPORE-BANGKOK Fat Kretoy, Trtagpaaa, Ttleatto Boak aaro, Tiiajia t"»««ai. iia^jta, Laoo, &OMWBQa BfcAeßMßaa aUsMataVJaMRMMBa ObßvmbmmM aaiaoogbob M TDOiIA Fob 14 Fob. tA PABAOHTIPOK Mm. 0 Mat. Tht etoaman ora filled throogboM wttl etoototo ggnt, aad have exeaUeat iimmipb ialtaa tot flrot-tlMi natiogito.
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    • 371 4 BTUMEI BIILINIS STRAITS S'EAMSHIP OOOJFANY, LIMITBO. latoadai ta tail bom e-a. RRIAN -Moaday. MO p to., lot fort Swelteabom oad Paaaa||. e^. P>BRAK -Moaday. jun lot Port awetteabam oad Tank Aaeom. a^. KAMA— Moaday, 4 00 pm, tat Maiaooo aad Moot. o«. OALYRSO-Toatdav 4 p.m., tot fo«i Uiok«oo aad
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    • 469 4 STEAMER BAILIIIIS. PboaeNa. IRSB. 2*3»0 lV« »THE OSAKA MEROANTILE 8.8. 00.. LTfJ (laooaroaATao ib Ju*m) Nfr I, Do Boom Street. 'BOPOBBO BAILIMOB rmoa SIKOA/088 (Bobleot to ohoaga witboM aottool ■OR LONDON vto Partoalil •A OBLBBBB MABD Loadea mhl May FOR MARBRILLBS vto Porteald ba lIDU* HARD Mid. Feb a* LOZOTNABU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 276 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. K. P. M. (MNiNKLYKE PAKETVAART HAATSCHAPTT) (laooarooATao U Bthj— Wm PACKET NAVWATMW 00.. Of SITIVUL Takgrom aairooo i MMTVMST anal a. OvMya* Quay. UNOil OONTIAGT WITH THE NETHEILANOS INOIA OOVEMWENTS. Boaoof S.OOO towa Ta>wf4a« tta»wiw fw* Java ta> Aawtrwloa. MM Bato««a. moiitoas Baatokaya. oVbjkaaa, Bydavy oad Molkostao aad
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    • 79 5 FOR SAN FRANCIBCO DIRECT Tba Morwfgiaa a.a. Toaorod, errma* Siagapara Mareb 11. mill aa daopatobod tor Sia FraaioMo aa at okoat Morob lft, Mil. For eptej ood tartbor portfealore, apply to 'iUM BOBBBT DOLLAR CO., 4 D Aloaaida Strcot GLEN LINE LIMiTMO HOMEWARDS m*. OLBHATT tcr Ladoo Mot. I t*Oi.BNlFFßßfjrOeooo
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    • 225 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN TRANSPORT CO. LTD NOTICE Tbe aaovo Cooapaay wik opoa a regale* nootfaly atwvieo with toar oew otoooaon ot 10,000 toaa d/w north oaoiaiaaotog laadtog ot *ragapooa, koaad tor 8o«tUo oalSog aa aosto a Moailo Hoa*koag >«ko aad Tokobaasa. Tka Brat aailtog will be aorly Maroh. PATBBBON SIMONS
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    • 232 5 Bor^^R^Bßn^ty &yM 'bet k oEL /£l .t* f^^^Mgj Ljßk HJRwjJ," CBtONG BROTHERS OaaMoto, M, doaoh Brtdfo loal FULL UNE KRTAL SiPPUES Fttotalaoi Meohaotea) Doattotry, Oold Jfowo Bridge FUliaaoodValooatte Dotatlm 4 Waat Ooafoatoad. CBAROBB M9DBRATI Boat Toaob IVwvMa tod Bnot*«o at ac CNARMINBLY 8 ITU A FED SEABIOE BUNSALOW FOR SALE
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    • 168 5 Bynogen BRINGS HEALTH EXCEPTIONALLY PLUSANT TO THE TASTE AN! EASILY DIGESTED •yaogea o ooaoootratod ta-d ot ookoowk lgjd folia tot all oaleiMid aondiiioa^, ia ooaTaloaaiaoa after eevere Llaeaa, maatol a*d aarroat oxbaaottoa, kMoatoavdtoMMTc tooaklao oto lo two otaoa $1 .25 and »2.g5 The price of PALOL has been increased tc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 342 6 CINFMAB THM6MT. Fll. FEI. tl. SIT.. FEB ft SUN.. FEB. fS 4 KON. FEB. 24 HARMA HALL NOBTH BBIDOB BOAO MBJB Ir. tha Saaond BKow At S.SO A B uaaipd photoplay In «»a aata A RICH MAN'S DARLING Boa tha ahookitd aaandal It* high aaalaty. aaa Uaw tho graat
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    • 496 6 CIkEMAS AT THE GAIETY TO-NIGHT Juaotion of Albart and Bencoolt n Strctta IN TBB eBCOAD HHOW AT 8.11 Tha ealaelyamie roauea of a primeval turn aad nodeta aiad Mid I wilda tad palaaaa. Tba aaaalaliac abayatn of Tatiia el tb* Apt a The Romance of Tarzan Tba a Ivaalaar
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    • 38 6 H. MUTO "ineraa Machine*, and Films Len«, Omeut Film and ccetfturiea. ■a. IBS rtl««PSrtflT IMIVIM II j-THE GHARTEREDI BANK I Singapore I Built of Reinforced Concrete Mrossard Kopin Co. 1 lINOAPORE ■allalaai. Haiphong, Hongkon s P* hxing], llantiln
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    • 140 6 Ko Oiher Typewriter Can DoThi*--W 1 ALL TYPE STYLE'S All lan i v a g.e.s J*^*;,. Al 1 Sciences esp c c 1 a 1 1 y represented in one MULTIPLEX Chang* T(p. in Stcjnd Get a Multiplex Hammond A. CLOUET Co., ii.V.?.7. 0 NEW BRIPMENT OF* Michelin Universal (non-skid)
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  • 111 7 FIXTURES Flidaj February 21. SJBah Waaai. ijt aoa 1 1 7 p a>. Bt Aadjaw'a Obarab Miaataa, aaaaal awaamtia. Baaaa^aTFtaaa. Paßadiaa Batardar. February 22 ■laai Watea, i 08 IK|a Baaiday, Fawraary 23. ■aaa Watar, 48 ajb B*B poa aiaaday, February 24 •Jab Watar, 8 M a-m ».M
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  • 250 7 Vcucb at the Deck*. TtWOM P»«AJL ■•at Vuw Ba»i».— Manaiy. BU»t aim* ftajoaa: Baa, Saaadoaia. laa. a. WaAar, Ataaar ajio Vioroau Uai Oaaaa.— Vaa Oaaawkark. aUui Wuu.-Dmn Mara, M. Twoa Oaacba Mm, Baaarty. Klaaa. kriH Decß.-Kohaba Mara. Kaaada Mara, Eatoac Miaaii. Maaaara. Wmt Wbaai AaarMor, Tai Laa IUMHI
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  • 90 7 SI NGAPORE MAILS CLOSE T.DAI. i- ■■iWaatiiia aad T. Aaaaa < pm Mini .Kpa OakNabaaad Bombay ».M am fatoaibaan 8 pa jatoaftaati 8 pa. Wianbiya, Baa rt^rmMiM, Jtoya. Im. DOaTfM, B. Paa|Bßal MpaVavaVSavaaat' ato. 8 pm Aaa^Wato^LJaadaaadßA. Oaaab apai Itnuti. Oaaab MOaai awaaaak kNui aMul* la.CAA.aadOaaaaa 10 aa k, K.
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  • 15 7 .oaaaal Paat Ofaaa Bapaat) >«aavfcw It JlllMT Jung M Wtknmj T ii
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  • 106 7 Death of the Bishop of Jaff na. Ta« death baa takaa ptoae at Jefiae of stw kU*M Im D. U«n Jtmtmrn JMI MwrfJilM, Mis L wli tip had beta to aaaTaaaf tMaaafc t* lot MSM tAtaM. _BaM asa%4 PMSfoof a* llaaasßaaaaßl Maasaasaataast. Ha am BBBBBBJaiasaIWBBPI tajßJ aaaBMI WaWaßßswasaaßi aßw*BßaßaßajasWA> MOT
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  • 135 7 BXOMANOB SwaArou, FaaacAßi 11, 1919. Om Lonloji ~...8aak 4 m/a 3/4)] Deacaad 3/4 A Private 8 m/s 2/IJj Ow Naw You...Damaad 66| Pmrata 90 d»ys 67 i On Fa*>cca Baak BOlj Oh Iwdia Baak T T l( Oa HoHOKona...Baak d/d 84%pta O* SutMiiUAi ...Baak d/d 48i Oa
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    • 189 7 V*lae BVjmn. mum*. 10 10 Ampug 11 00 13.00 1 1 A»e» Weßg S3O 'i 60 41 41 Kirn K*maoting 2.10.0 2 114 10 10 KinU jmoomMob 9.00 9.40 41 41 KuU Tin 1 8.0 1 13 0 41 41 L*iwt Miaes TOO 800 LißffaiTin IN 4 60 10
      189 words
    • 103 7 GEN ERAL £Ee| Bo S"" 1 II 41 B. Smellißs Co. 7.76 831 II 41 PNt 120 110 I'- 6/- Bleotoie Twajt >/• 3,9 10 10 FrMW A Nmts 13 00 sSoocrta. 60 60 W. Hmmmor k Co. 71 00 74 00 o.d. ICO 100 K«ta Bra. 138.00 IS6 00
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    • 56 7 UaitodßaatMan6% 11,284,600 par Tramwayi»% MUOJOOO norn Spore Manieipai 6* *****^00 (ar B'poreMaoioipal4 of 1817 11,600,000 10% dii Spore Maaioipal 4j of 1000 •1,000,000 10% d« Spore Monicip*! 4\, 2.000 000 16%d1a Spore Moaieipal 4 o £900,000 F M.S. loao 1916 »16,000,000 1(M 108 loaa 1916 »4a,OM,TCO IOI 101 Ift
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    • 372 7 Fi«mp anal Co. anal Lyall anal Kvatt'a Quotation*. ""-i-day 1 rieea. Pimm LytU a Co. I'.ntt. Alot Q*i»h (ID 8.16 140 BIS 8W itul. IbUy fy. ad. 8.86 8.40 280 366 A?e« Hitom (16) IB 00 14 00 18 00 14 25 4yet Ki»i>R (II) 1.86 1.46
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 600 7 LATEST ADVUTtUMENTt FOB ik\M, Feed lear-aMted BMtot sat. Ahaett aew. For parUealan, apply J Levy, No 10. Boatoaoa Bead. POR BBMT, soitobl* temporary sesosn ■oiaalßa oa rivet. Apply B>x No. 117, aataltoTaaea. RBQ3IRBD tor married eoapla, esd »a1 tilting toons tarnished, with a.s-d. Apply stating torma, Bjs No. 116, Straito
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    • 305 7 OPENING SHORTLY HARMSTON'S CIRCUS Location tlaaati Road BIBBER. BRIGHTER. BETTER THAN EVEI Wl 'H ARTISTES OF THE FIRST RANK PfssaaHag a programs anpariot to aaf ever witnessed ia Siaaapcre before. BSatlnaaa Wadwaastay and Saturday ■rtarnoona at 4 Obildraa half prtoe at Matiaeai oaly. PRIGtTS OF ADMISSION Fall Box (8 saato)
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    • 136 7 Te-wowoWi Saturday STAR OPERA will tire a apeoial pertormaaee •T TNI TMUTIf MTU, BSBTS 88*881 BSU TO-MIOHT TO-NIQHT H4WAI E MAJLIS (or a trip to Fairyluid) •eeee IMS tar seats. K. H. CHBONtJ, Proprietor T. L TAN, Maaatat. GOVERNMENT OF JOHONE Three qualified Boraaian or Malat teachers ara repair*) i
      136 words
    • 69 7 •SbTa lau^aw Till K4STTT TJm «BJ W*W§ LUTItI Sll*f jrjptjf^\ T&^^fQ^kAfjl !m >, v i..«a» wtrt a«r«> ■T I 1 re«asr»»f ««>■■■■ nm Ma* uiiMim ■itM'* Aad, atlad ywa, tba m—k wmU M tmia** a. toto.^rt (10VELT7 zmzsrxzz mmm GET A S«S|y^ /10VELT7 urn ilmi ■ii«..fiy- jaaTa^^™""^^^ a> mm 1
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  • 995 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, FEBRUA RY 21. NOT OVER YET. Hell tot leoaa that ie what tbe war mtut, HdilwMUM Oiira*ai who leek Mm lid off bell, aad Tied with Umm wbo eun oat of it ia act* of barbarity All the tevolliag ■bt— Mm hi I ramae* all Ike
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  • 32 8 The m ->athly meatiaa of tba V W.C*. «ifl ha bald a' (t Fort Caaaira Road, oo Hoaday, Ike »«b, at sla in Tbe Bjv. B. N. M.ka, wOl ooadaet Ibe moeeiag.
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  • 29 8 Tbe piried at eajiawf at H->r-y Otdcra kaaad ia tLe Strata SeaMcne-Jt »-4 Fayaaia almcib bow limited %o eiaaa eieatrii tram tbt laat day of lie moaaa of hwaa.
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  • 22 8 (^■uZataial Wawlaw Soaaiaa tbie aMtaaai weae tbe OtaaK DJwata, ladaa Hera, a ia TwaaUW. Hli aTCaaawaaWaW a»J»W™*i a»"aß^a>awma»a»| aaaßßßßßjaßßwaaßaaj tod OafamaV
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  • 31 8 Tke aattaakai POaM wUI be rmbibitil to day to tbe Palladiaai Tiiaattc itipn aad tba oaliro eaaaaada wiU be deretod to tbe Baattea ChiMina'i Faad aad Ike Oreraaaa Ctoa Toaaeoo Faad.
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  • 78 8 A maoaiag at Ike Club wee bald a* •"ehraary wbaa M wao dieidiJ thai ac oo ataay ajiaVii of tbe atab woaJd bo iaaviag tt ■atipe danag Ike y«at. ae emki aitioa aheaM be haid Mail IM3. Lady Brolys jaag bae kiadty at lit to ooati aa« ac Ptaatoawt aaeii
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  • 21 8 Tbe Kiag leaogatoiag the aetvicea of Ttiaity OoUage. Kandy ia making aha pro aeat of a Oetmaa gun to tbe Oattage.
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  • 21 8 A Rabbet Trader* Association baa baaa formed ia Colombo to be run oa the aame baaa at Mm Tea Trader*' Association.
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  • 20 8 The latest Loadoa oaales to baad thia motaiag are dated aa follows Ordinary rate February 14, defeated rate February 13
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  • 35 8 Heeat*. A. C. Harper aad Co. adviae the Malay HaU that there ie tint class aoeom modaaiaa lot oaa tody aad ohild by Ibe ttmraar Bmpaaaa of Roaaia leaving Hoagkoag oa or about April 34.
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  • 38 8 St. Miobael* Sabao!, Ipeh, wbiob re opeaed oa Hoaday after aha hoUdayt, waa given a halt holiday ia hoaooi of having secured 100 pat aeat. of paaam ia the Standard VII. examination for the aeooad year ia sacoeaaion.
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  • 49 8 Aeeordiag to aevetal asaeaapen, it i* etotod by tbe member* of Pratideat WUaoai aatoorage that during hi* abate oe be will be replaced a* tbe bead of tbe Amatioan delegaboa at tbe Peace Coafataao* by Hr. Taft, the oaly former Preaideat of tbe United States wbo is still alive.
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  • 51 8 Whan tb4armiatiea waa aigaed, Hi. H S. Martin, manager of Uganda Betetea, Klaag, aa the oaly Armenian in the F.H.S teat a eongratulalory telegram to Marshal Koch. By a repeat mail Mr. Martin received a oard baa* La Marechal Foob, Commandant ia Chef lea Armeee Allitet. acknowledging the telegram ia
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  • 56 8 Application* for pcrmiaaioa to export rubber to tbe United State* of America should be srirtnaoed to the Commiaeioaet of Trade and Caatouis, Koala Lutapur. Notification No. 188 of January 8, 1919, whioh required tbe production of satisfactory proof of tbe iarat yt correepoading import lioenoes by tbe Wai Trade Board
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  • 66 8 The truatet* of the late Lieutenant Coloael Hope, wbo ia believed to have beea killed in October, 1917, are petittoaiag the Edinburgh Court of Seaaior* to remove the widow from tbe goardiaasbip of her two ohildren. The petition allege* drnakeaaeea tad immoral coaduet, and ataatto that aba waa under the
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  • 74 8 The Loadoa ooneepoadeat of the New Yorj Time* lean* that Sir Richard Wood maa Burbidge baa booked a paaaage from Loadoa to Koenoa Ayree on an airship, and will take hi. wife lot the trip, whioh has beta arranged lot Aogoot aext Aboat 16 (rtfa M paasamgets, ■Tft t ih
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  • 84 8 Tbe Cbiaa HaU aay* Bad aa thing* are —and they were worse laat yeat tbaa Ih C( bofoit in the matter of armed t > iea. Hfmgk"an ia aot tbe wont plaoe la tbe Beat. Shanghai baa it* abate. Tbe Malay State* perbap* beat ua both. There they go in
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  • 77 8 Aa aotcmalia telepcioaa exehaage will abortly be opaaed at Itoahpott Thia wUI be the twelfth ia the proviacee eiaaa Ibe flint, at Bpeom, tbe Bearcat to Loadoa, waa owned ia Hay, 1913. AI the Oeaeral Poet OaVe,a aewapaaai ropraaoalative waa iafarmed that it ia hoped to make a atari with
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  • 84 8 Oae buadred aad thirty ais mote Chiacee laboatirn ate ready to leave Sbaaahai tot Aaia Hiaor, wbete they will be omploycd ia military mctoriee. The majority of Iheee laboaier* ate eagagari aa oatriera, wharfhaada aad eooka (Cbiaeec). The oooki will be paid 116 pat moatb, the manual laboann •80, aad
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  • 110 8 A vaadiet of daaab tram miaadreataM waa fakaf^BBBBBBBBBi kf) bb^bb> b^MVbbbbbbl bbS l^fanßdßßaV fkaamfl tbie moraien roiaairo to the death of oae Urn Baa, amplaytit aa a coolie at Tea Ka Eee't rabbet factory ia awahawa Road Deaaaaed, it apaea-i. waa employed at a oropa maebiat, aad leanag that mtehtoi
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  • 101 8 Laat Boath, eke Hoagkoag Cbiaeat aaaao axatbaoa of Uta Hnafkoag Jeobey Gtab- At a aatiag cf Ike flhliiiH "^nVr of Com aiauM, i| woe rtnnalail to aaak mambwabip of Mat Jookey Clob aad, eoceeqaeatly, Haaaao. H. K. Lo aad J. H Woag were depatod to aae Sit Paul c hater,
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  • 96 8 Stoady pteaaai la baaaj aaide with Ik* oaViai biotory c 4 Iba war, bat it will be yeaae hk<eae it k) taiabad. Popart to of oftoaoa wMk apeeial aealalntloii ia tke Army, Ike Navy, aad tbe Ait ¥o— are eaaoteatiy aaajtaad a* Ike aaaaaaa. It ia aa atobetatobWMtat.tit *«cry leet,
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  • 359 8 It ii aaaooaced that Lord Roaabety. E.G. PC, ia seriously ill. Hi. aad Mrs. A. A. Heeayelat have Ml toe botue via Hoagkoag aad tmorica. Hi*. V i. Paate* in aa iamste of the Earopean Uoepilai, Koala Lumpur. The Raikh Muda of Sarawak returoed tc Sarawak from
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  • 76 8 There aaad be no difficulty, a oorretpoarfent writer about repatriating aba German worrea aad ohildren. There ate aizly-tix 'i.fuiaa itoamat* interned ia toe Dutch aUat Indioe, three of 10 000 toaa, five of 7.00 C toaa, and aoae below 8 000 toaa. It would aot be diffloult,
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  • 74 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe lot lowing addition to oar food (or aatiav'ef; the Ovetaeaa Club to provide smoke* for oat eoldier* aad aailjta Hi. L. F. Payae (moatbly) ti Tbe total we have received eiaaa we opeaed tbie faad iv Aogoet, 1916, ie
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  • 144 8 Oat alteatioa it drawn to a vary grave daagat whioh leeolto from the aae of aerated water* ia what ate kaowa aa orowa cork atoppered bottlea. Bvea wbea C carefully optaed, witb Ike iroa aoppiied tot tbe parpoea, ■anall opUatett of Rlati ate liablt to get iato Ike
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  • 217 8 We Me oOotolly tohnwil by tbe ColoaiaJ Bwtory Um* Mm 8«owtaty of Stole tot th» OoJttito* Lm tppeortd e( Um ftppoiatmtnt cf tbe Him. Hi. Oenld Aobrcy Ooodmaa, K C Atto— y OiatrU, Stoat* Itatolameate, to be Cbiel JadtotoJ CoaamiaeioMr. KMH.Mdol Um ■eprfrtoawt ol Sit J. Martooa, Jod.e,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 86 8 A Good Smoke Worth a Trial Luncheon Baskets MMM| For 2 persons $21 For 4 persons $35 For 6 persons $85 Jffiggl TEA BASKETS WE! 2 persons $12.50 JOHN LITTLE Co Ltd. British Pilsener Great Auks Head IT IS BRIWU) FROM THI BEIT MALT AND HOPS AND BOTTLED WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES
      86 words
    • 145 8 ratal MawaT.Mß. 17 THIUTMtI. tt. rr<a aaeja* taiftlllnaj a*o»air i a ervat* Shown iailiiaw kom Mm Maw they abut Mil Mm ftaieb at Mm ALHAmBRA f%g Bill WbW aawW l*«aWaV«*M| MM MM. BBCOND SHOW AT I.l* WILLIAM FOX laaeawii TOM MIX The daabiag aad datiag actor of Mm wild NetibWealia
      145 words

  • 694 9 11. Clenwnceau. Wound SlijM: No Serious Compilations. Tiaaeiaw Loadoa. Fetooary 1». 6 60 pm. X It m asanVasad that H. CliwaiaMa wee .1.,! aaa ahto to walk asM aarMaaiy wwnaawo sn w^ ■< w^.— Loadoa. Fehtaary 19, 4.10 aja. Parts Fmltor detoila ebow that M. wm driving
    694 words
  • 658 9 Slight ReductiM tbe Week's Met*. TaM SeaTaaWBOaTV CaaaaSQ&aVeV Of OOanUaMMt Robber AaaooMawa's Saasd aaetioa* waae heed ea Fehtaary 19 aad 10.1919, whea Mmm won at st*a *****W Bm-toM 1 308.80. Vsajto,! I aad looaa M* 86 The aext aaetioa will he held oa Wedaet day, Fehraary M,
    658 words
  • 54 9 The Data (>■* at Brnegbai weeeo Juw) M tfc. *mm of eseaty •«MiH iiliMtiiia by the aVv C. B D-waa*. M.A anaM BBBBBaatJaIanTaBBBBBf BaTaVVaMft kßMtt. Maf. 9 atVeanaa* 111 it.aetiaa \tw+m at Majesty* i i CNBt, aed Mm Dons Weeo, a. a -«fl aokaaai att^na* la^^m VT *%**■> aaaaßal ■JMBBfNMB
    54 words
  • 2121 9 THE CREEPING MENACE OF BOLSHEVISM. Froai Oar Special Correipoadent. Loadoa, Ueosaskar U. The ntoat atreatiag atattnunt ia the tnataatog reports bom Germany ia that Mm Swiaa, Datea aad gpaatok ataßaaaaJai kava advised theit aatioaala to leave Mm eoaatry aa scoa aa poaaikU. Thia woald kaiMnato* with
    2,121 words
  • 256 9 Personnel of His Staff Going To Australia. Tbe New Zealand baHleornieer, New Zea laad, ia whioh Admiral Lord Jelliooe ia to make the voyage to Australia, oe bit navel miation, wbieh waa to anil oa February 20, it ia anticipated, will be absent (or lh oiontlia. Lady
    256 words
  • 126 9 To-dayi BMsMN. Maophail aad Co Ltd.* dally reattt February 21, 1918. •!!▼<•.- l'aeb*aged 471. Hoagkoag.-«6% pm. ShacHbai -49* Rubber -ynUt. Tia.-Nooeatoß;aeaairket Share*.— Tbe ab*re market 000 tineas very quiet Kubbet Tbeie are sellers of Malaka Piadaa at ti.47*. Luna* 17 .90, Psjamafll 76 Talak Ansona 110 60,
    126 words
  • 93 9 The rate of martoirty ia the SetttoMtat of Siagapore tot Mm weak aaded Kekraaty IS waa SS (7 par mille of Mm aiaalatina, The total number ot deaaha waa 'A.7, of wbieb 1M were Male *uajeote aad M leaaala. Coawlaioaa elaimad «J, phUuria M, Ml 1 1
    93 words
  • 102 9 Aaaa* 1 a'atoek jtatttJay aftaraeaa darky a heavy aaaafl. Bia«aaa>a'* bat wydaaakay, at bbbm iju) tea*, the Taa)oag Bka, wbtob waa lytag ofl Mm Taajoan Rha ilipwaj toa wbeta aha waa laaaebad oa s^^mba. M laat. (Waned a part ot dm mooriag* aad mM t»
    102 words
  • 41 9 WMh Ml to MstriMaioai Net. M •ad Hi, s»btahod la Mm F.M B. Oov.ra»sat OsSOtM Cl JUMir S 1919. i» M BOtittd MM* she of Bret mdi robber la* tbe eeriod »ohteevy 11 to fehraery tf UW,i*U» ataCsVl
    41 words
  • 1515 9 SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING THE DIFFICULTY. Priority Classification. The ißitaaaaMia ot the eoaiMßaiiy reaaae* ing tbe aotioa of the Admiralty in oommandowing pa Mage accommodation aboard at the Note aaa Novere and turning adrift tome 90 orgeat ease* ot invalid Britiah women aad children ia favour ol despicable Germans
    1,515 words

  • 165 10 Tha wijlwt toB hi *»i*fc W tbow WMkl latbatbiMiafl MUbTpw*, MM Mm »n»fcik Tiaaa V«7 IMMe omro Id oflaria« rttfMi la Ihm at Hoa«kaac, ttoWki thsciaortof riM«OM«J»*»»i><l ■^■B •■■■•l BBH If HnH| ■^■^■■V* ThM hNf} dMia NlillMr •fMUkte to* rsport k»*M twy kMto lo> "ipin i at
    165 words
  • 84 10 ▼U»-A*Mtal So Pwdanah Tata Tad*. K C.M.Q OS, %»fe«i to Tiijtiilil M 10 t-m. II. hi nmM at Ik* NmiS Duajtrt tey OmnmIm Omii aai b* ■Um H» ■iiiBiiij Um Omam kiwi mm. MB M.jaOtMmVNMitlMMlM mmam Vtm A4bmI Mm to Mm iHihiii fti TlwifaW will, tt lit I.
    84 words
  • 37 10 Tb. iliw Myi*. Mil kv It* NmMm Im* »«4} fat "tJIuji ute 1 JOB iitiii I, k p. m4 m in^ail I* »>— < «l 10 kMU. Oa b« tewi j^^tHB^^^^^^I^^^ Mftflkfl4 ft MAA1MW of 14
    37 words
  • 415 10 Saall Uu oi List Year's Workitg. 1m aiatb yMtly f .port af tka ttrtrni to tha ikiiihillinal firtl.LtaW.iWMi Yw miili kaR to Mmn Aml u4 ptcAt Mi mm miom! f at Urn yoMNlad Ottoto 81. IMS TM —ail ktoojhl torwivd Imm Iml y«*t ta 1i.61 i.Ol m k^s
    415 words
  • 183 10 It aadaeatooi. hii t b« Times If alayt, th»t Uh etafl of Um M*l»y Stele OiMm witb akoot IUmiin naiatia to tatora to *»l»yt ia July, ud Umm* kaHaaattati is Tmkfim* M ketaf aleaady mm! tern Um nun of Ptmk'i wm botoea. Captua Oold >■« will be
    183 words
  • 200 10 Ceylon And the Colonia l Office. Tba CaylM SuhmI Ciilinan, whaah waabaidal Ooloasko laal aMtah, mw aha Maaihiaai 6im<m at Jmm Mte KwildMMtMlO llfludlO MMtllt dauM <* Omykm Urn in Tuluiw Tha Km kka a* tha laliimi na aba* Owwa Oataay »a»lalafca*iu« ia m«M I* HMNMpWM Of HM fSVaWV 4M1
    200 words
  • 13 10 aMMiI 9i MUaVMi |mbmM| fttitV Mm. Q__^_«_^t^C^_J_»Yj_^J lA iHrnßtfaTMal MMBat
    13 words
  • 406 10 Enjoyable Time Duria| Cbristmas Week. Dr. C. 8. Atkia, ii|arlhag oa Ike F.M.B. nospstaJ tor Daaaaskar, says Aa waa anwoipated. the aaaibaraf aanaiad atoatb, leaving7l patientaoaly oa Christmas Day, aad giving a daily average anmber ot aaaaJßiad beds tor the month of Hi. Twealy sight pattest* wan discharged
    406 words
  • 286 10 We take Urn following from tbe Timea ot Ceytaa, eoatriklei by that paper's ■aßuaraa aorisapoadaat nnder date Jaouary 1H -Farther information relative to tbto prcjaet (Sydney to London aerial service) ia now available. Mr. K Lloyd, under whon laaderahip the pnhmiaary work ia being carried
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  • 151 10 II oattaaftai by Um OWU Lite FMotoUoa loaiaty ot Soatfa AJnoa Um* at IomI dm Ihwiil aoifcteoa hovo booa Ml otptaaa w bmUIbIi Um Caps Peaiarala aloaa m imH at the tatrikU mflneait n Md »>■— >rly Um wmiH wnipBiin b*v« re •rivad oUiiM dmm! o( Umbb
    151 words
  • 176 10 aVaVwOS MajUDaSaßt Vttal flafaflMßMd MwlwOWM Steak Biabsage ainUa at U» and at Noveaa aat wbea it was isportai by the AaatoaMaß Metal Biawiaan that Urn f aaiia |nalaaliß for spot lead aad riaea ac leas taaa 411 pas ton. to XtO 10 1 par tan.
    176 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 107 10 To ihe Bdiko* of Ibe SMita Tina*. Sir,— I wm gltd lo m BaadoNoa'i I«Mm in yooi oolamoa. The D.aaund Jabilae ii m» >JflM«n to a tyes it ISO pw moath. MikM om woadw wh»i the; pay tbaii cwtkte tUff ud UkM> If D. J. waste to i«uk
      107 words
    • 196 10 To the Bditor ot Ibe Straita Times. Sir, -I notice that moat ol the restrictions relating to War Time ban been ramo?a*. bat I have beea waiting aiaea Daoamber, 1918, tor another of tbeae war reitriotJoaa to be removed— it ia those reatrictioas which olose Urn gates of
      196 words
    • 234 10 To tbe Biitor of the Straiti Timea. Sir,— The above suggestion is indeed a gooi one, bat if I nmembor rightly, there was oace a proposal put tot ward for tbe (onuatioa ot a OUrioal (iiild. tbe propoaer being Mr. Siow Obooa Leng. the Chinese Diraatory Oospiler. I
      234 words
    • 328 10 To the Bditor ot the Saraito Timaa. Sir,— Aboat Ihm waaka ago a letter appeared hi yaw paper dn wiag ■atiaMia to Urn mak of Urn maaaa for saviag life at th popular seaside assort, Sea View, Taajoag Katoaw. bat to date nothing has apparent!;
      328 words
    • 113 10 To tba Biitor ot the tMsaita TiaMa. Sai.— AMßß^amhaabMaaaaatoHavaioak Wikwß aad iiltsial doakt Urn sailors will MSBiva neawa to down toola. They will do aW Wifefa MM •MafaAaiaaMa) it lab* •falM MfliaMaM aaw safaa* to oasry thaw baaatiy easgo aay lartkai It ia tfmaiuii ap to Urn
      113 words
    • 96 10 To the K jitor of the Strait* Time*. Sit,— With iitmnn to the latter pnb'ith ed in yoor inn of Um 18* in*, udu the ftkor* beading, I ihoald k* o»li«ed it ,on >»oaM bn good enough to afford me the p,iortaaity ot sttting that I m
      96 words
    • 355 10 To the Bditor of tbe Stvaiti Times. Sir,—Tbe eoatsoyesay ragiog over tbe resignation ol Mr. Kinderaley from tbt ohair manabip of tbe P.A..M. woald be amazing it it were not so childishly patbetio. Planters' deportment befwe Government ia not Urn oaase, bat tbe effect of general
      355 words
    • 333 10 To tba Bditor ol Urn Straita Times. Sir, —Ia tbe raoeal pnsa oommaato aad aaasalabe Hja. Mr. R. C. M Kinderaley to vaoate the chair at a rseaal waiialag of tbe P.A.M Koala Lumpur, there seems to be a ■trange ooafusioa of tbe iaeaes. Tbe first issue Barely simply amounted
      333 words
    • 255 10 To Urn Bditor at Urn Straits Timea. Ba»,-Caa yon plaaaa ealigbtea myaalf aad gibers who bare often woadasad why oa arrival at loaal aad other ateimars, pacially batwaaa Jahnatna's Ptor aad the are pnrmittad oaaSjly to aoUeot tottaito iGaiasas el an——) who asa joana; sain wardaaades Urn
      255 words
    • 146 10 To the Bditoi of the Strain Tim*. Si*.— la a recent iarae of yoo* pap** I aaw a nottre to tba effort that is aaiwar to IM reqntut of AurtrUn c ffieeti aa>] dm to be aUowei to eaiiat ia the O.I
      146 words
  • 103 10 St. Mam's Cue tea, Sauna**. (UtuRDAY, Fllk ill Hi. 6 p.m. ■▼eaaoa* ud AddMM (C W. A. luotl Swrioe), 7 pm. Ooild of SI. Mwk. 5es«t~eslraa, February 23. 7 80 am. Matiat, 8 a.m. Holy Oommoaioa, (C. W. A. Corporate Commoaioa) 9J0 *.m. Tamil Savriaa, < p.m. Cbildraa'a
    103 words
  • 155 10 Tba laport of 41m °'j CbMww of Ciimmm RoUo. ImmMm fw Ik* yoa* 1918, to be fffted »l Um mi Him to ke h»M ia Um Kmh««ic« mm m Um Mkta iMtvH, thowi tb*4 ttaa mmsm hmM to NtiMiW, til axpeaditaa*, laatodtoc iifn<»Ma«, to 117,770 (M. To
    155 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 449 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. A reminder is Riven of the important aaotion sain of foroitare fixed to be held am Saturday (to morrow) at No. Bungalow, Goodwood HJl, by Powell and Company. The two final episode* of the Count of Monte CrisJo aerial will be serened at tho Mlritmninh to night,
      449 words

  • 259 11 Messrs. Frtser tad Ce,'i Weekly Clrcsiar. ■aaaM. Fr*Mt aaa Oa. to thaw waakly mmC datod Fetoa—t SO. atoto Tk* aatoy m aaktojiMM* m tm poaoiklt to k bmbl d*al of uu «uaa»*l toaaa iipnann* «kMk MMtBUy B«Mta Itotr dMMB* *M Oimaly Tk* poutMa ot Mia aw) mmbn
    259 words
  • 255 11 Strtou laceac-Tai Qotstiea- At A MOTC«^ottO#Mt lnM to UM HaMIfOOS OliUti Aa Imimm Mil at ntatia* aMBS utmiawi wnHt wwamwot o* BMMM tamM a vary at ttoa* ua* tor aw, Tka BtMlMii wMk wbieh I u«*d m bo« Btaaa at bautrd great hmobo will at
    255 words
  • 419 11 A Geod Deaand Expected Fro* America Ttc tajktk aMtoary t>a*r*J tuMimn el ah* haiiai (aitoßy) Rafcaw Haatotiißi, Ltd vat kaM a* D «ato SI la la* Oimiß Ckawkaa at tk* Hi»n Oiawii In aHMia. SB, Bbilmibb. B.C Mr I O Ummy (aluwa o* la* j) bmbMbbb;. la* t
    419 words
  • 481 11 Death of Miss Kaihrjn Browse Decker. W* arprat to nmH tfca BMtk wblek Miami aMat a vttj arv I ilata, at tba O.a.r«i Bo> pitol. akoat 680 p m r >t iday, npotla ib* Otyioa Oktttvtt al F. Wo.rj 10, at Mm K»w>i)B Broaa* D ekrt el
    481 words
  • 346 11 ffea Curds Disimb Tbea at Tklr Prayer. Oaw* A TaMai, wbo wm tmaUy ia BataS, aaa wka oaaSwiai Urn B.rrsli** cl Kntc: Lvtl (liaMfly Pna>* Mitwtar at Raam) *f Ik* Baxter ol Ik* m Tan aad bM;. Ri»e* tattkat Mtaik) at tka •N«ady Tb* ex
    346 words
  • 47 11 Pvanaßaje at aaav, at*., to «aak Mdiag Saaaaaay, PtMftMj tt, l»lt FllKlT, FIBtCABT U. »TC fir BaU, •It M. No SPlateoa. liuhw On 5.V.0.-Dtiß Hall. UM a». attoaaaaaa at Ikra* BaataJto Pawi* a watJi la aaaaaatoary* O. A. Daamiiß, Utak Cot, o— Mi*aaai, S.T.q
    47 words
  • 28 11 Singapo re an d S.M. Boy Scouts. O»Aaw tot »a aaarn^ B*l— a»y, Kafctoary BakMaaf, Fawaary a*. -F»aU Day. laatTidaal Tiaof Omm m toaaai ay run C. ■•■aa.
    28 words
  • 74 11 WHfc ik* eaasMM at bmj mm, ta* MUak feal VeCmbmbTß EHBMafi Ba^BMatalV*B aVMttaVa^ai lOmL a »a» toaaarf ki ISC 4, Mnmbn bm Tan ml or at haat aa* naptii kaak at ■aiy Saakjaaav Tk* latoat .Mliitiri ol la» ||m-^ ■aWataTMt aVataVAfaWafafM bM4 w4SiilkC4OM ftf iWani.lla* MnfMTC,tailiai f. Mkta KocMty, IsW
    74 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 > Our constant endeavour has been to pyonoe the public with a firstclass piano at a moderate price and a convincing L proof that we are successful is that there are 2500 MOUTRIE PIANOS in Bee in various parts of the East. S.Moutrie &Co., Ltd (laoorporatod ia Hoa«fcoa«) RafftM Plaoa
      100 words
    • 221 11 RAFFLES HOTEL FACING THE SEA The largest and most successful Hotel on the Island. Luxurious suites of rooms and ipaoions lounges, verandahs and beautiful grounds. AFTERNOON TEAS Every Thursday, music in attendance Cinema on the lawn from 6 15 pm. Pint-dais cuisine. Quest Night eve y Saturday, dinner followed by
      221 words

  • 875 12 Nearly 300 Acres now Planted Witb Rubber. Tba tret orttaaiy oaactal lltlat, o« U» Ki)G Hua«-r Batama. Ltd., wm bald oa Daomsai «0, at tka ttghtatad cftteee of Urn •oopuy, 1 tad S, Of— ohoreo aetna, lmw,i. i.e., 8« ■>■■■> «r Bu«b, k cm a. (obawwaa of
    875 words
  • 246 12 Tba NBort ol Ute Laatat RaMet irtUn, T.iaimd, atMM that Urn imU lo* Urn paiiod aate nut wm »T4JOO la. al d»» ■■■Hil >m*m. MiM 1 071.M0 tta. 1 Urn bnviom y«M. Tba nomm m to la Mm ■MteMtMa of oalpat Mbana |n ay Urn Hokarr Otawan' ~ltilia
    246 words
  • 1054 12 Early Vr;uaiplioi of Normal Activities Hoped For. Tba lurturtb mbml immbJ ■wmlm af tba tbawbrtdna af Urn Baaj* Nabbat Com p«i y, Lid wm boai m OooMnbot M al tbe rooaM af Urn Ribboi Orowen AwmmUm, 88 iMlalMap, L.3MVM, IC, Mr U. Moxlf SlaaH Btaaidwf. Tbe CrurtLM aaid
    1,054 words
  • 119 12 la Urn UlaraaUaMti Coatt, BMabob. oa Urn Sib Mill, j i ifOMat mm d^.vorcd ia Umomo >■ «LMMi M< Lowm, Mjo abi. l .alsar, m 4 bU F^rat, Urn aMMd oaaaw, ol la* iaia»b»n iwiidirtMi yiaUUii al optaei mtuea wm laud ay Urn Can imi main 111
    119 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 185 12 The Straits Settlements $2,000,000 Red Cross War Loan Lottery CLOSES FRIDAY, FEB. 28 The Red Gross requires funds to-day as urgently as at any period of the war. EVERY TICKET PURCHASED MEANS A gift of $3 to the Bed Cross and A loan of $7 to the Empire Tickets on
      185 words
    • 177 12 Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY. LiMITF D CHEESE Gruyere Australian Cheddar (loaf) Australian Cheddar (Cream in tins of 5 ou.) DISTINCTIVE CARS Arc thoM fiilad wttta MACBETH LENSLS 4OMHMI kcat. aba U«htc wttfa tbe Qmm»«m, wale* lv. approach, alaaa aad llavaa NEW SHIPLOAD ON THE WAY OVEI HEM (New made to
      177 words

  • 1178 13 DISLOCATION DIKING THE WAV. Board's Fisaacial Policy. Tbe aJjoaraed eiabtb aaaoai Roaaral Qa>6aMiaM Of %lM PvWtS* aftskfeM OtXatMsaiT Ltd waa ktld aa Jaaaary 14 at Mm reaia' tend ttaaeof aba aoa-ptay, Ceyloa Howe. 4»aadBi. Btttabaap, Loaooa, 80, Mr J. M. AUicoon (tba nhtiranat) prtaMiag. Tba Boatd vtry maob
    1,178 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 292 13 In the prcxluction of post-war PtJEZJWI light cars especially those f /'M /jS for service overseas, war ex- MMMM 1 perience will count for much. V I^rbjA This is assuredly so in the case of the A.C. car. ■"'"'■iJ't'"'*! Engaged to-day in the most intricate kind of work, we are
      292 words
    • 348 13 Appropriate, always, m !U2 With certain dishes, such as Gmmu, LfA J& A PERIIHt' SAUCE is mhmys appropriate. fcj^ It is the recognised sauce for such use. ■iSt Ia (act, far everything with whica a saace SL IfiM tmm be used. LEA 4 PERRIHT is brafiabry tae BEST. It has
      348 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2003 14 I— f tn» f5, 000,000 S.C. Ataypanoa In tm*— ova* 99,000,000 B.C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. llnooareaaiM m htuti BaTT»annrra) anwAAl UPHUM Wii-iitmai Hiiiai. T^-BTrT" l OBJDOBI OFFIOM 1 MM, OM dorwry, T) liiniij 1 IIIJ-1 I. I I*"' rj> rv»^-WA^ In erery partiooJnj. 4«JT«ACTiTB FLAM iBPUKANCE.
      2,003 words
    • 1412 14 TIE lITII Mill INSURANCE COMPANY. ITI. (laaarparatud la Eagland) NEMlfFlttj 11 IT. JAMES'S STIEET. LONDON. UFi MSOlrUrtf BP>^ altrMßlv. «h«no. LM. Amvmm bMtmteg WboU Lb» Endowment and I! tn..--i j:''i,.' at taota wbioh aoonara vary favocrabJy with thons or any other Oomnany. FIIE IIrtUIANII «fcf« on biding, and aMrehand.^ for
      1,412 words

  • 934 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Lorry Miracles in Palestine. Tba wall kanwa wae Bniieaaoariaat. Mr. I W T Maawy, aMaitaad to Mm Patoatiaa beadqnartwa, ooattiaatod to ttaa Pftlaatio Newa ot Novembat 14 aa ialercetian a»tiole daataan with Mm wot k aad aoaoManahiaaßto •I itM aawOStat iMMpOffV
    934 words
  • 117 15 Wtiito tbaat wm sSIbbI bvytVag swvs mm* m the miaat ail B»rhat at Naw Yark aa Ueoate M a it— Mm ■li»i waa -o*A It ni iMiHii that dmi tba tel o«nf wttfc exaaaaM waaa) |nbab»y to ia m r- J j '11--'|--I 1 |--1 f ■nI la
    117 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      40 words
    • 423 15 DUNLOP THE PERFECT TYRE Gfcjtf The covers are full of lite to the end siys a satisfied JSl\^ motorcar owner using Dunlop Tyres. laiaV aA jjHMfc|pp*' This is the secret of it all— to render the rubber alive to KSBKLM& II the end and to make the casing of the
      423 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 784 16 WANTBr. asaHßrw trarbrrs apply te Bee Dm slit, Si Jo>.|ks laetttßttra WtNTBD. Fr*seh Weesor. Please rom I I Ii taß Q He. M, Caba BiM Bea*. BBOBTBAND TTPI»T warn prenoae <M Mi I Apply Meaafm.BTßt«* -VANTBD. a yessf Bi isjie lady wbe asa tsaak Bsvaak aad Jepeatee leafeaea I Asp«y
      784 words
    • 856 16 ■tWLUUUft LBBBOWB hi B**Hak, Freaofa aad Malay alts* ay lady. Q—k, era Bttalta Times FAKTMBB W AWTBD tm oH isltiMekit arm el aabeitora. Apply Be*, Baraks rtaaaa. WANTBD TO BUT. oae Barley Devisa** tide eat. Moat as Rood nalftica Box Wo BM. Stsasta Tames. BACHBLOR dee res koasd aad
      856 words
    • 683 16 Marine Engine 0U BtITISH SPECIAL GRADE Obtainable at pre-war prices FBOM KIAM KIAT CO. MARKET 6TRBBT. NOTICE The patt*et*hip aartied oa oa^et the name of tbe Bast I -dies Rabbet aad Weimm Syadiemte at Not to aad 11, Bikaiiai Road fUrapote, baa b~n dietoivrd aa teirarda Kboo Kak Web ef
      683 words
    • 471 16 IW 6UAN KMT CONTRACTOR I jt tnpply ef FIREWOOD H KeM S^wTw'^'wlawßßwlt IN wMlPSPptell C#SBflMMs9eMS M fl ter the pear* 1919 aaa mt Address 36. Phillip Street, Singapore, or 'Phone 1361, 1362 and 1363 After office hours, please ring ud Nos. 1073 or 14 SO at Nob. 87, 87*, 87b
      471 words
    • 205 16 Always watota title tpaee I It meant money to 70a. few foods constantly received To suit all requirements tt cksmny oomsan istookt may go, Bat we go en tor ever. JUsT ARRIVED TYZACKB ELEPHANT BRAND SCYTHE BLADES Valosa Improved Chain Pip* Wrenches Brades Malay Parangs Brass Garden Syringes Japan gold
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    • 240 16 High-class MOTOR CARS On HIRE Day and Night fPHONE ***** DUNLOP TYRES Of all th* ueeful site* FOR SALB Any time during Day of Might STRAITS MOTORCAR SERVICE tit te til, Orchsre Seed. BAN A«Tl\ h /"Hao«lA w«e»*e"\ f-r ShJoT^s, Plant««B, Miners »n1 v-ina "qa<'«- %-W not thtee- «M«1 iit^V
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    • 198 16 Straits Zinjes TtLtPHONIS Editorial and General^— $i Manager's Office 1117 Job Printing Office 1244 AU communications relating to editorial matters and news should Ix addressed to THB EDITOR. All communications relating te basinets nutten -advertisements, subscription*, accounts, printing, etc, ahoaid be addressed to THE MANAGER. ADVERTISEMENT RATES Wants, For Sale,
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