The Straits Times, 30 January 1918

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25.61*4 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 30. 1918. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 197 1 MILKMAID SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK < trice now i $19.00 pet obm BEAR BRAND MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE NEVER sTALDEN^ffiji MOST VARIES J| "BEAR" BRAND I EXCELLENT HYGIENIC SWISS iIK I Urs if Perfect security, this mM f* c \Jf 1 Importers stools by JTDIUCDC 0 COklC ITn
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    • 36 1 Is it Turps "you want? Then ask for T U R TRADE IJ BE M. R K E N E Pure Mineral .Turpentine THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co. (S.S.), Ltd. (laeorponted in England) St. HBLBN'S COURT, SINGAPORB
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    • 108 1 ROBINSON CO. STAND CAMERAS JUST UNPACKED ILFORD EMPRESS AND SPECIAL RAPID PLATES All sizes up to full plate. r Tabloid Photographic Chemicals Johnson's Wellington and Ward's Bromide Paper Paste-on Photographic Albums, etc., etc. BOL'S GIN in stone bottles I Gordon's Old Tom Angostura Bitters Nicholson's Old Tom French Vermouth Telephone
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  • 1125 2 PROFIT SOMEWHAT IN EXCESS OF LAST YEAR. Young Company Heavily Hit. The eighth ordinary gjaeral meeting of tbe Koala Kubu Rubber BbUte, Limited, was held in tbe Council-room of the Rubber Growers' Association, Incorporat.-J, 38, Butcheap, London, 8.C., Mr. John J. Nt-wlyn presiding. The C. air ma
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 454 2 i in- null it nr r r Wincamis Of. ers llm MB i New Life. to all who are Weak, AHs«n!c"fferw."RßiwlOnii If you are Weak, Wincarnis* offers yon n~w strength. If you are Anxniic, 'Wincarnis' offers you cew rich red blood. If you are Nervy," Vincarnis' offers you new nerve
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    • 397 2 THE Bfc>T DRINk] *C^ IN HOT WEATHER. Lj^ I Large auppflea have lately I arrived from 1 onrton. Of 4LL STOMMrMMfMJtS. TYRES Mart MUM tar Tow Honey. /^TouiT'sicirrJSrtPv f COMPLEXION 1 P«rt«al r aiailiia a> 9 a. mml W ~m «W J I ft B*t*tafea\fli'« L*-«*aJ*. ll ajßwctMitW H
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    • 688 2 run ohlL rni.Ml lli On* seven seater Daimler motor ear, reoeatly overhauled and guaranteed in flrrtclass condition. Apply t j OHINO KSN« LBB a CO., Auction. oih and Bstate Agents. 16 I— n l( GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE The State Seoretary, Johore, is prepared to receive applications from qualified applicants for
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    • 783 2 int UIU PANOAN (SINGAPORE) RUBBER ESTATES. LTD. NOTIOB 1$ HEREBY GIVEN that applioation has been made to the directors of this Oompany to issue duplicate snare or rtiAaetes in plaoe of the under-mentioned whioh are alleged to have be jn lost Cottifioato No. 2658, dtted 18tb Fcbro ary, 1817, (or
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  • 937 3 The following oasualtiea are reported London, December 22. Woundf 2nd Lieut. O. V. Stevens, Lincoln* Lient U. J. Thomas, Liverpool Lieut. P. H. M. Tress. H.L.I 2nd Lieut. J. B. Turnbull, Yecmanry Capt. D. Q. Walker, H L.I 2nd Lieut. T. V. Wheeler, Livwris; Capt. B. B. White,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 Best Manila Cigars Fancy T*l*« Royal** Exoollent 8«l*otod Bud* Eapeoialle* Londr** Impariilai Londraa Fmo Parfeoto* Patit Bouquets Army and Navy Prtnaaaaaa Lorda of Cn«i*nd Hi*h Ufa in tha.Baaft Bpuquati Cortado Fino Minarvaa Nauvo Cortado ■atrwllaa Nauvo Habano Rain* Maria a.* Cortado aj.P.U. Rama Viotorla Sanorttaa Oalaatlalaa Blagantaa, ato., ate., ato.
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    • 279 3 FOt SOLO AND SIDECAR ■188 A B-S-A 4</4 h.p. MOTOR BICYCLE riiie* v ik CMHinkift Tkras lan* (Mr. Wm urn nppfy yom with mnj BJJLmmmmL CYCLE CARRIA6E CO. S'ohasd aaad, liagaaara laaa, Paaaai aa« laala Laaaar j Lateat B S.A. Catalogue free. Dr. Cassell's Tablets Repair Wear and Tear of
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    • 608 3 A Great iSfc Cathedral j If And A Great Tonic Iron Jelloids. Your body, like Rheims Cathed' al. It".t* subject to attacks from r, a.ignar.t foe*. Can you ,epet ths attacks? If your body is well defended by a plentiful army of cci puscles coursing through your MUM you are
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 571 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. n/yTk. JAPAN MAIL BTEAKSHIPGO..LTD. (Inoobpobatbu in Jatab) EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained botweea Yokohama, Tie ports, and England under mail eontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining Ibis sorvioe have been specially designed and soeatruetod, and are fitted with all the latest
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    • 635 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Mpcar tUaine (COMFAMIBS INUOBPOBATBD la BNOfcANL') MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNINSULAR ANO ORIBNTAk 8. N GO. (Under Contraoi with His Majesty's OoTamuaat) The Company's MAIL SERVICES BAST OF BOMBAY an at present suspended. The Company's INTBRMBDIATB SERVICES VO AND FROM LONDON are at
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    • 686 4 BTEJWER SAIIIriQS. i HE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (iNOOBPOBATaO IN 8lAH) SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgaan, Bisat, Semerak, Baeho, gelaataa, Tabti Baagaara, Telanla. Paaarai, Pataai, Siagora, Laeoa, Kobsamai, Bendae, Langsaea Champoa, Kohlak a Bangkok Due Departure a.s. MaHIDOL Jan. SO, 3 p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK Feb. 4 Feb. 6, 3 p.m.
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    • 614 4 STEAMER SAILIN6B. OOMBIMBD asnvioa o» THEeCEANt.B.irI..LTt (Inuobpobatso in Bnb. and thewestTustmlim 8. N. CO.. LTB. (Inoobpobatbd in Baetjjro; BBTWBBH FMmantla (Perth), H«Ptr>.W AuatMtllan Port., 4awa and Singapore. Regnlar sailing, between Siagapore aa> Western Australia oalling at Java (aa ladaeomont offers), Derby, King's Sound (for*. tor the Kimberley Gold Fields), Broomb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 453 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. ABAKABHOSENKAIBHA (laooapoaATßD iii Jar am) (taaka BOTMtlta MnmMi C*, LM.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Oompaay caaintains a -■eflular onrn< ■errier wMd six steamers eallicg at Moji, Yokkaiobi, Hoagaong, biCK'aport Pert Swet teoham, Penan*, Colombc and Botnbar, and on tbe retnn »oya«e oallinc at Tatiooru Si»««pore, Honeknng and Moji. PACIFIC
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    • 691 5 JONG-KEENA (BLACK LABEL) As a result of tbe wonderful effect* of Jong Keen* as a remedy for human ailments, the proprietor has been experimenting with the preparati n in treating diseased rattle, dog 4 ir' poultry, and i> now able to offer to the public a sure and certain cure
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    • 261 5 AVERT FLOODS AND WASHOUTS BY USING "ARMCO" CULVERTS AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE TIDAL GATES ALL SIZES frc ml 2 itches to 6 feet diameter IN STOCK Largely used by the Public Works Department and Leading Estates The BORNEO Co., XJ-fcd. (iMCOIPOft&TID IM ENGLAND) SINGAPORE FOR PRIVATE SALE BUILDINGS (Shophousas, Dwelling Noumi and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 667 6 Z MADAME CLAIRE MOST POPULAR INSTRUMENTAL HITS Kuala Lumpur RAGS. OWN and FeTer, Weating Around, Rnapaody, Pickaninny, Bui, Da«y > an a Muffin, etc. MARCH TWO-ITIPS. Pride of the Regiment, Silver Spur. Army and Nary. M U.cVr7?A TbTllinnt* M»o. Tr.p to tne North Pole. Moon Face. FVPrVthlllt! fOF Santa C?ann
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    • 261 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT*. TRADE MARK NOTICE Notioe is hereby given that the Trade Mark m shown above is the property of the LiOtna Library Malaya and is used by the Lotas Library Malaya, as a Trade Mark in reapest of books, novels, periodioals and all manner of publication* articles of stationery
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    • 684 6 Consumption One tablespoonful of Haemoß'obin Deachieos is equal to nearly half a pound of Raw Meat. Raw meat harbours tapeworms and in hot countries is likely to be tainted, and is therefore injurious to take. Consumptives treated with Haemoglobin Dcschicns gain in weight to the extent {of 6J lbs. to
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  • 98 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. January 30. High Water, 0 82 a.m., 011 p.m. Thursday, January 31. Hi«b Water, 0.60 a.m 0.46 p.m. Sporting Club mtg., Exchange, 6.16 p.m. Chinese Chruttiau As«(ciation Aoniversary, 8 p.m. Friday, February 1, High Water, 1.31 a.m.. 1.18 pjn. Medical School Social, 8 pm. Saturday,
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  • 117 7 To -DAT. P. S wettenham and Penaag 3 80 pm Malacca 3.80 pm Batu Pahat 8.80 pm Muar and Malacca 3.80 pra Pulau Soegi 8 :>ra P. Batam and Palau B-olang 8 pm Keriuion 8 pm Malacca «nd Teluk Aoson 8.80 pm Kota Tingio 4 pm Tbdesdat.
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  • 278 7 Too mail trains from Singapore for the ■ortti !>**<• Trjifc Road ptatiun daily at 7.7 a.m (Sunday nxoi ptad) an 1 7 p.m., arriving at Koala Lumi ur at TlB p.m. and 8.46 a.m. sespectivfaly I^lie thro )wh express to Pi nans; leaves Kacla Lnuipar at 8 a.m.
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  • 33 7 (OOciiJ Pert O r »n Sutoapou No»eiibor 17 mmmkm M KjTembor 34 I>.o«uiU* 4 DeoeMbxr 16 Deeiiubw 20 Jffiot Report Auhivio London Jauuwv 12 IB H 1' 31 34 24
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  • 177 7 EXCHANOB Sinqapori, Januabt 80, 1918. Oh London Bank 4 m/s 3/4", j Demand 2/4} Private 8 m/s 3/4j On Fkanci Bank 817 On India Bank T. T. 168 On Hongkong. ..Bank d/d 29)%pm On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 68 On Java. Bank T. T. 12" On Japan Bank
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    • 172 7 vSSe Ba Beltaw -10 10 Ampans 10.00 10.50 1 1 Ayot Wen« 298 BIS 10 10 Kinta AHgooUtion 8.00 6.50 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.10.0 1.16.0 41 41 Lahat Mines f .60 675 10 10. Malayan Collieries 12 B 0 18 50 41 41 Malaytn Tin 1.14.0 1.16.6 norn
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    • 113 7 vxa Bnyew £1 £1 B. Smeltta Op. 7.75 8.00 zd £1 £1 Pwl. 1.1.0 1.8.0 xd §1- MleeWeT'wayi 8,8 4/A 10 10 FtMor Noave 48.00 (0.00 E0 60 W. Hftrnmrr Co. 74.00 76.00 100 ICO K«U Bks, Dai. pM 120.00 10 10 IhynMd A Co. 600 41 41 Shell
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    • 63 7 United Engines* 8% •1.3 M.500 par Singapore Blectrie Tramways 6% 4350.0C0 bodt b"poreManioipalß%ll.B7d 1 000 |>ar Spore Monioipal 4 T of 1907 $1,600,0 3 10% dii S'pcro Mcr.ieipa! H% oM** •I,OOO,(KX> 10%dh S port) Mnnicipal 4% 2.00 dX 10%dh Spore Monieipal 4=£ JWV.rc^ F.M.S. S<* loan 19i« tlS.nnfl 000
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    • 317 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s and Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Quotations. Today's Prioee. Frnset Lyall A Co. Bvatt. Alow Gajah (II) 4.20 4.60 4.20 4.50 Amal. Malay fy. pd. 2.86 8.00 2.86 8.00 Ayer HiUm (15) 16.00 10.00 16.00 lfl.oo Ayer Kuning (II) 183 1.40 1.30 1.46 Ayer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 "Squib's" Gripe Specific (INFANTS' COHOIAL) is a proparation intended (or keeping sn ibtant't system bnslthy. Its daily nae will ward iff such complaints as gripes, acidity, tlatnleoce, indigestion, convulsions and rustless■ess daring teething To bottle (ed infants it is S boon, aiding the stomach to digest curdled milk, thus preventing
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    • 511 7 LATEST AOVERTISLMEHTS, WANTED TO BCY, one boy's new or seeendband bicjcle. Apply to Box No. flOi, Htraits Tirne^ 80 I—l-8 PRIVATB IUI I lON. Morni- rs, Kinder, garten, elituenury, etc Apply Teaober, o/o atraits Times. 80 I— til FOR SALE, several serial sad comical rm. mi films. For (all particular*,
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    • 203 7 __^TS g_ I JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of the finest Egyptian Cigarettes in the world Bouton Rouge Felucca Maspero Specials Clysma Hemely Fraser Chalmers, Ltd. (Incorporated in England) EASTERN BRANCH— SINGAPORE Can deliver from stock (subject to being unsold) ONE RANSOME SHARPENER For Circular and Frame Saws BELTING From
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    • 29 7 Gasolene Automobile Co. (BEACH ROAD— NEXT TO RAFFLES HOTEL) If C<!l*,o i ffMEE^BBBjjE) MBaaaEt J Reliable Motor Cars for Hire Day and Night Telephone 765 *4 10— as 4is
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  • 1197 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80. RUSSIAN PROSPECTS. Chaos becomes more chaotic in Russia. Tbe people who cried aloud for peaoe are having more of war than they hive ever experienoed. and it is tbe foulest, most hope lea* kind of war that men can engage in. The thing that
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  • 22 8 Tbe students of the King Edward VII Medical School are giving a social at tbe Medical Hostel on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • 19 8 A Y.W.C.A. picnic is being planned for Monday, February 11 (Chinese New Year). Particulars will be made known later.
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  • 29 8 His Excellency Senbor Jose Freitas Ribierto, tbe new Governor-General of Portuguese- India, reached India last month. Hrn Excellency holds tbe rank ot a frigate c.tptain in the Portuguese Navy.
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  • 33 8 It is notified tbat from February 1, foreigners entering Japan should carry pass ports or certificates ot nationality witb photographs attached and bearing the vise of a competent Japanese consular or diplomatic officer.
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  • 50 8 The British North Borneo Herald understands tbat the Government has been informed by the Straits Steamship Co. tbat it will be necessary to raise the freight rates on all Borneo cargo towards tbe end of this month. It is probable that the rates will be increased by 25 per oent.
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  • 43 8 A Chiceso Resident of Imbi Road, Kuala Lumpur, was visited on Saturday night, a brigbt aiuouligbt night, by an individual or individuals who removed four bentwood obairs tiom the verandah. He writes to warn residents in this road, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 46 8 A proclamation by the King, dated November 'J7, is gazetted. It relates to trading with persons of enemy nationality interned in neutral countries. The restriotkm now in force will operate just as though tbe enemy persons concerned were resident or carrying on business in enemy countries.
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  • 50 8 Charges ot being in possession ot dutiable liquors and utensiln for preparing liquors was bruugbt against Lee Cbee Kong and Veo Hoon in the second polioe court this morning. Tbe nrst accused was fined $50, in default two moutus' imprisonment, on each charge, while the second was cautioned and discharged.
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  • 65 8 The ease in which Mr. A. E. Pattinson, a Government Monopolies supervisor, is charged with committing extortion at a cbanuu Hhup in Seletar Road on November DO was further proobeutd with in Ibe tinr.i polioe court yesterday afternoon. Tbe evidence was ooucluued and tbe hearing was i»..j .urueu until tbe
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  • 67 8 A class for beginners in Pitman's Shortband will be started at tbe Y.W.C.A. on Friday, February 1, at 7.45 a.m. Those wishing to join are an«ed to communicate at once with tue necietary. It in proposed to hold a SLoiiiiaud examination at tbe end oi February. Stuuente, other than those
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  • 90 8 Whilst the Tbaipusam festivity was at its height in lpoh a Cbine-xe cyclist colliduu witb a motor-car in wbicii were a European and a obinese towuay, bays the lines of Malaya. Tbe cyclist was pinned down beneath the car and was with difficulty eiiricited. The onlookers expected to kee bis
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  • 107 8 A case in which an estate tindal and 21 cuuliea were charged witb rioting bas disposed of by Mr. H. A. Forrer, magistrate, laiping. Mr. G. H. (i^rtside conduced tbe prosecution, and Mr. rlowlett defended accused No. 1 (the tiudalj, the coolies being audefeuded. All tbe accused pleadud aot
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  • 131 8 A correspondent writes to the Straits Echo to say that lie is surprised that no mention has bjen made in tbe papers of what he calla the Bagan Serai Christmas murders. Ue teils uk that there were no less than tinmurders committed in two days, in one case a Chinese
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  • 116 8 Tbe appearance of Lord Robert Cecil at tbe Zionist demonstration at the Luudon O t >era Huu»e recently ti^nilicaully empuaais .i the Guveruuicut'a reteut declarai.n i.i favour ol Palontine for the Jaws, ur mis wu lua tii at uoautioa that a imxijber ot a Ministry b*.l -p ken on a
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  • 135 8 Friday was a landmark in tliu history of Masonry in Penang, says tbe Piottut. Q .z tu>, for during tbe afternoon the buotm Muouic Temple, Logan Koad, a rouuiy »ud well appoiuted biiMing whicb had recently been ooujpleteJ for thu Scotia Lodge, was conseoratf d. Ailip'U. tbe Di-tnc Orand L>Jga
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  • 475 8 Mr. J. W. H. Former, general manager of Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd., is on a visit to Penang. Mr. Kandiab, Secretary ot the Government Widows and Orphans' Office, is shortly leaving for Ceylon for nine months' leave on medical grounds. Mr. A. W. W. Walkinshaw, of the
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  • 29 8 We have to acknowledge with many thanks tbe following contribution to the Red Cross Fund Collected at tbe Bristol Hotel by Mrs. Listerman $40
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  • 68 8 We very gratefully acknowledge tbe following addition to our fund for assisting the Overseas Club to provide smokes for our soldiers and sailors I Mr. F. H. Simpson $30 Tbe total we have received sinco we opened this fund in August, 1919, is now
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  • 173 8 Edgar Warwick brilliant little pack, Tbe Court Cards, are returning to Singapore, after playing many successful rulb H in other parts of tbe world, and will cumuienco their seaeon of seven nights at tbe Victoria Theatre on Saturday, February 9. Ou tin ir only previous trip to
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  • 180 8 The report of tbe directors of Maynard and Co. states —After writing off bad debt* of ♦H7J.83 and making proviaion for d-prtcia-tion, tbe account atiow a net profit for itio twelve months of $13,071.20, huLj ct to directors' fees. Deluding from thin amount tbe saui of •■'.353 M
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 Rone? steel cabinets FOR BULKY BOOKS No. 721. rm '.flflfrsffjgl?'/ 1 Fitted with one to ten roller shelves adjustable every half inch, and fireproof collapsible curtain. ON SHOW AT 14a, COLLYER QUAY g i RONEO LTD.. BIN6APORE \*<s ~Z (Incorporated in EnK'ond) W i Fresh shipment of Millinery i J
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    • 188 8 CHOICE SELECTION OF PUTURCS 111 BE PBEIENTED, bOMMENCINfi MO»D«V, JANUARY II AT THE ALHAMBRA Ths Rail for Music Ths Pionssr and Premier Houm Ths Nousa of Quality Beach Read. SECOND SHOW AT 9.1S A Metro wonderplaj of a t mbl* for love starring MISS ETHEL BARRYMORE IN THE WHITE RAVEN
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  • 1682 9 WESTERN POSITION. Review by U.S. War Secretary. GENERAL SMUTS SPEAKS. German and British Colony Methods. Rbxtir's Tkliokams. London, January 2\ 2.40 p.m. Washington The War Secretary's weekly review speaks of renewed aotivity on tbe western front, inclaling tbe region bordering on the North Sea, where there has been
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  • 49 9 Rictir's Tbleoram. London, January 28, 6.80 p.m. Brisbane The rivers of North Queensland are swollen torrents. Miles of country are flooded and all communication from Gladstone to Rockhampton, and as fat north as CairoH, is practically held up. Tbe down pour continues, making the outlook still graver.
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  • 247 9 The Taiping correspondent of the Times of Malaya wrote on Sunday A disaster which, in addition to the serious pecuniary loss involved, has plunged a bride in grief, occurred this evening at Kota, Taiping, wben the house of an Indian Mahommedan named Madarsah, whose daughter was to
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  • 186 9 The Algemeine Handelsblatt gives the following details regarding tbe financing of tbe purchases of Java sugar this year by the British Government. The sellers received in payment five per oent. Exchequer Bonds, dated November 7, and running for three years. Capital and interest are payable
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  • 2789 9 DESCRIPTION OF THE CAMBRAI SURPRISE. From Oar Special Correspondent. London, December 6. Tbe great battle began by Sir Julian Byng on tbe road to Cambrai exactly a fortnight ago, is still in progress although daring tbe last two days tbe fierceness of the fighting has subsided.
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  • 370 9 Presiding at the meeting of tbe North Borneo Trading Company, Limited, Mr. C. P. Bennett (tbe cbairmao) said tbe balance at tbe debit of tbe profit and loss account (or tbe year was £11,729, and, deducting tbe credit balance brought forward from 1915, tbe net debit
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  • 22 9 The w»t<>r logp-d jiuk tbat ww «een drifting at sqa in the vicim.y ul Kuti Chula has, since been towed ;utu port.
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  • 1794 10 SIR ARCHIBALD MURRAY'S DESPATCH. An Altered Situation. A supplement to tbe London Gazette con tains a despatch, dated Jane 28, 1917, from Oeaeral Sir Archibald Murray, late General Officer Commanding in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, covering the operations of tbe force from March Ito Jane 28.
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  • 214 10 Tbe following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co., at tbeir sale- room on Monad y afternoon 99 years' leasehold laud and house 7C, PagoJa lisas*, area 1.343 square feet, bonghi by Syui llwi o Alkali as agent for Syed AbJulrabuian
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  • 153 10 Lord d'Abernon. speaking at the London Chamber of Commerce, contended that tbe accelerated shipbuilding now being carried out in tbe United Kingdom and the United States was not being carried out on really economical lines. Vessels of large siz». and particularly of deep draught, were needed, b j;u for economy
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  • 1017 10 Crescent Flats Tenants Oppose An Application. The President, the Hon. Mr. C. J. Saunders, presided at tbe weekly meeting ot tbe Rent Assessment Board yerterday afternoon, and tbe other members present were Messrs. A. M. 8. Angulia, Roland Braddell, H. Carpmael, Gaw Khek Kbiam, M. Meyer and
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  • 141 10 The England of to day is not tbe England which, under a German King and a weak Ministry, blundered into the fatal error of attempting to tyrannise over tbe American colonies, says the Washington Post. England now exhibits the same spirit as that wbioh sustained Washington
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  • 319 10 Record of Successful Work Under Difficulties. M. Moaravieff Apostol gave a lecture on tbe work of tbe Russian Red Cross, at King's College, Strand, recently. Sir Arthur Stanley, who presided, said that 18 months ago M. Moaravieff Apostol returned from a visit to the Western front
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  • 154 10 To-day's Business. Macpbail and Co.'s daily report Silver Unchanged 43}. Hongkong.— Unchanged 2/11} 29]% pm. Shanghai.— I'ncbangfd 4/3, 625. Tin.— Sold 226 tons at 1 137 40. Rubber. The auction is a largo one 'about 20,000 piculs). but thanks to a good lead from Japanese buyer?, priced
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  • 221 10 Golf. Tbe Sepoy Lines Golf Club Oold Meda'. 1917, and Silver Me lal, January, 1918, resulted in a tie Football. The S.C.C. soccer team will resume activities tbis afternoon when they will meet the well-known Naval team which has been doing better than ever in the matches already
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  • 98 10 The first of tbe Y.W.C.A. lessons on cooking will start on February 4, from 4.45 p.m. until 6.45 pin. All attending aro advised to bring with them a large writing pad and pencil. The following ruenn will be prepared and cooked pumpkin soup, delicious chicken with fried
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  • 101 10 Peooiamms or Drills fob Fkbkcart, 1918. Friday Ist.— Both companies parade, at Pearls Hill, 6.16 p.m. Monday 4th. -Route march, fall in at Sepoy Lines Police Station. Dismiss, Sepoy Lines Police Station. 6.15 p.m. Friday Bth.— Both companies parade at Bountead Institute, 6.16 p.m. Monday lltb —No
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  • 1384 10 MR. BONAR LAW AND SILVER BULLETS. A Struggle Between Nations. Mr. Bonar Law, addressing a crowded meeting at Manchester, emphasised the fact tbat tbe war not a struggle between armies, but struggle between nations. It was necessary we should realise tbat in everything we did we
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  • 861 10 A Revelation of True Germanism. We bave lorjg known tbat the Germans, alarmed by the mortality amongst tbeir manbood, were considering seriously w lj. th"r the normal birth rate would provide fur tbeir needs, bat we bave semi times been doubtful whether tbe arguments (or a
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  • 2374 11 DETAILS OF PROSPECTS FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. Crop and All-in Cost. The ordinary general meeting of the Sablaa (North Borneo) Kubber, Limited, was held at tbe oompany's officea, 87, Tbreadneedle Street, London, 8.C., Sir West Ridgeway (chairman of tbe company) presiding. Tbe Chairman aaid Ladies and Gentle men,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 ®'His Master's Voice Gramophones AND Records Send us your name and address and we will mail you latest lists 8. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Raffles Place STRAITS HOTEL 101. 103 and 103, Tanjong Pagar Road Singapore The only hotel under Straits-Chinese management MEALB AT ALL HOURB Pionio, Tiffln
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    • 479 11 BAFFLES HOTEL AFTERNOON TEAS Will be served in the hotel lounge and on the lawn (very Thursd.y, frcm 4.30 pm. MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE ALSO Cinema Show on the lawn, especially for children, at 6.30 p.m. (weather permitting) I SEA VIEW HOTEL ~^T MUSIC h— on the lawn DURING by these.
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  • 1687 12 SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE OF RUBBER-PLANTING SCHEME. The Local Shareholders. The annual general meeting of the Pusing Lama Tin Mines, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, 65, London Wall, London, E.C., Mr. William Antrobus Luning (ebairman of tbe oompany) presiding. Tbe Chairman said Gentlemen, tbe
    1,687 words
  • 278 12 Jews Thank the Government For Palestine. A great meeting of Jews was held at the London Opera House recently, when a resolution was passed unanimously thanking the British Government for its declaration in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish
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  • 218 12 Clerk's Narrow Escape From Suffocation. An alarming adventure recently befell a clerk in a Trowbridge brewery. He was accidentally imprisoned in the strong-room and had a narrow escape from suffocation. Mr. Walter Gardiner, employed at Usher's Wiltshire Brewnry, Trowbridge, had placed the firm's books in the
    218 words
  • 1597 12 SATISFACTORY FIRST YEAR OF OUTPUT. Loans and Options. The third annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Central Sumatra Rubber Estate*, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, 14, Great Tower St-eet, London, E.C., Mr. George Croll (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman
    1,597 words
  • 526 12 A Deliberate Policy Of Extermination. Ever since the beginning of the war the Greeks in Turkey have been the victims of a shameful persecution, the deliberate parin..- of which is the extermination of llullenism. This disgraceful chapter in the history of the Yoang Turks and
    526 words
  • 31 12 For the purpose of clearly defining the 'l rank of bombardier and ibe appointment I of acting bombardier, the appointment of I acting bombardier baa been changed toi| lanoe bombardier." I.
    31 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 NEW ZEALAND Stilton Cheese Ample supplies now available. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in Strait* Settlement*) ANOTHER B G POPULAR VICTORY f&~lf9yTn Ds y °7 day Julian's popular fornitnre hoose L>^ ■rVff^TS scbieves victory against tbo umjemooratio fOJ^U-fjk t forces of high prioes and the rising oost ot living.
      248 words

  • 1054 13 DABBLING IN FORBIDDEN THINGS. By Dr. Arthur Lynch, M.P. My respect for France baa prevented me from writing about 8010 or Boloism for 8010 is a typo— bat the advent to power of M. Clemenceau has acted like a tonic, and no danger now exists of discussing this subject.
    1,054 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 110 13 Great Stocktaking Sale NOW PROCEEDING AT WHITEAWAY'S l' LADIES' IMITATION PANAMA |i' tf; Xmi^ HATS y^ x Sale Price *^a w^ v S3 95 LADIES' CAMISOLES V newest styles. Bale Price $1.25 each. I LADIES' COTTON VESTB yk- superior quality. Bale Price 40 CTS. each. LADIES CHEMISES I supe-kr quality.
      110 words
    • 256 13 ft I Analysed by Sir Charles Cameron, C.8.. M D., President Society of Public Analysts, England. Does not contain Cocaine, Morphine, Opium, literal, or any of tbe Coal Tar Products. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS. Honourable HnLo«lh > r,«llt of t ha Speaker •f tfce H>UM«f Commona, Lenrjen, England, WritHl Mr»
      256 words
    • 17 13 1 HIGH ik CLASS PATENT CANVAS BAGS for packing RUBBER B. ARISAKA, 496. North Bridge Road. Singapore.
      17 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 2122 14 Wa or Pkaox. Fam ini or Plenty, Life Insurance ib worth 100 cents on the dollars WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (braeareaarßß n Stbaits Sirrunm) HB&DOFFIOCi Wln«h««t«# Houa*. •IntfapOM LONDON OFFIGBi S9, Old Jewry, E.G. The CoKpaay baa *T»O,OOO depoaited with the Supretae Court
      2,122 words
    • 749 14 INSURANCE. ORIENTAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. BttAßkuaao 18T4. Ikcobpobatbd Bj Ikdu. ■•,•42 ASBU RANGES now in foroa for $7a,622,a«a.1« ABBBTB tiotad »31 ,800,000.00 LOWEST RATES Of PREMIUM. LIBERAL CONDITIONS. A PROSPECTUS wiU be sent on application to F p JOBBPH, Acting Branch Bearetary, r, The Aroade, Singapore. THE CHINA MUTUAL
      749 words

  • 878 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Rolls-Ford. Humorists occasionally refer to their car, 1 which may be of very doubtful lineage indeed, aa their "Rolls Ford," bat, after all, many a true word ig apoken in jest, as we have all been so frequently reminded, sayi
    878 words
  • 228 15 Sir Arthur Yapp's Story of -A Dinner. Describing himself as tbe most criticised man in tbe country. Sir Arthur Yapp, at Cambridge, said that tbe one thing that had hindered his campaign for food economy was the appearance of luxury in certain quartern. He had seen something of
    228 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 81 15 APENCER U Moulton Tyres Whatever the temperature or climate, Spencer-Moul-ton three -ribbed tyres prove ever reliable. A special process of hardening pure rubber without loss of resiliency accounts for tkis and for remarkable endurance over the worst roads. For running comfort, for economy of wear, for immunity from skids, and
      81 words
    • 122 15 FINE TREADS don t make PERFECT TYRES (JR J IT'S the material and s workmanship in a tyre that counts. Knowledge of tyre building is the surest guide to tyre The Dunlop Rubber Co., 11 11. J Ltd., made the first pneu- ifHl 11 matic tyres ever marketed Ami C~
      122 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1107 16 A. B. MACKAYS §THE ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. yj As supplied to both Houses of >■*/ Mf.'-^gy Parliament I lljH ÜBTAINABLE FROM ALL HiflLP^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS *^§!$A ADAMS9N, GILFILLAN L^^JjPjj AND COMPANY. LIMITED TIB I I i I (Incorporated in England) JLzM Singapore Penang and Malacca. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED European nurse
      1,107 words
    • 735 16 WANTED TO BUY Second hand Cbioqse or European housebold furniture of every description (big or laall lots). Good prices cCered. Apply to SECOND HAND, e/o Straits Times. 2811— n WANTED TO BUY A seoond-band Ford motor car, in good running order. Apply to 837, Beach Road, Singapore. 291—113 LOST On
      735 words
    • 411 16 KIAM KIAT&Go. lOa and 109. Market Street. STOCK ON HAND Pure White Zinc Powder (ENGLISH MANUFACTURE). THE LATEST AND Eonly UROPEAN STUDIO In Singapore IS CONDUCTED IV H. N. BUCKERIDGE Late of Meiin Lafayette, photographer! to their Majesties AT THE BURLINGTON IN boom ssrth of ths Adelphi Hotel BUN BEE
      411 words
    • 274 16 TAYGUANKIAT 36. PHILLIP STREET SINGAPORE NOW LOOK HERE Firewood is one of the chief factors in your kitchen. You will want it, so try at the above address or 'phone Office Nos. 1861, 1862 and 1863. RESIDENCES 87, Tank Road No. 1«6O Sunnyside, Qaylang... 1073 27 4, Tanjong Katong Kd.
      274 words
    • 246 16 FIRST-CLASS CARS-HIRE DAY AND NI6HT 'Phone 1233 We have numerous enquiries for second band care from our clients in the Straits and F.M.S. It you wish to buy any, oonsult us, we will be able to fulfil your needs. When you intend to sell, oonsult us, wo shall fetch a
      246 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 261 16 Straits V>imes. TELEPHONES i Editorial and General... B 8 Manager's Offioe nil Job Printing Office 1144 XI) communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed tc THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subrriptions, accounts, printing, etc— should be addressed to THE MANAGBR. Cheques and money
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