The Straits Times, 27 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,002 SINGAPORE. TJHUR&DAY. APRIL 27. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 MILK A FEW GOOD THINGS S LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS y?#/^jx* 1° cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortraei t I3't is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOW* TURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY an r VEGETABLE. tin makes six plates of the 'il'i "jllij best Boup you
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    • 367 1 NEW CONSIGNMENT Military Marching Boots JUST ARRIVED THE .SERVICE BOOT B^^B» English leather waterproofed for marching or for jungle M&> B le8 inch in thickness r mPf^k double tongue to render it u>< 'ho uppers are specially T c m "^^l^L waterproof over in-step, prepared from stout English ■1^ m,
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    • 12 1 JEFFREYS i PILSENER BEER. ADAMSON. GILFILLANi CO LTD (Im-oTM.r.atwl in Kngl ,n.|) >
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  • 1146 2 WAGES DISPUTE AT CONTROLLED ESTABLISHMENT. Trade Union Action Settled. Proceedings instituted by the Ministry of Munitions arising out of a wages dispute at a controlled establishment near London were withdrawn at Bow street Police court, as the result of an agreement arrived at after the case was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 Carbide, Box Strapping, Elephant Brand Tapping Knives, Veneer Cases, Carbolineum, Castor Oil, Liaseed Oil, Zinc Backets, Acetic Acid (European and Japanese), Calcium Cblorlde. S. J. JUDAH CO., Til. 1862 39, ROBINSON ROAD. 34 B—2B 4 LATEST ARRIVAL SIX MILES OF ENGLISH TILES 81ITABLB FOR KITCHENS. BATHROOMS AND SHOP FRONTB. Different
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    • 323 2 WHAT MEN NEED. Here, as everywhere are many men with nervous systems urgently in ne d of better "tone." The feeling of exhaustion affecting such men is the result of thin blood, whioh has become do vitalized by the enervating effects of the climate, worry, malaria, and othor causes. To
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    • 686 2 RE GEORGE CUMMING, DECEABED. All persons having any claim against the estate of the above deressed are requested to send in particulars rf tbe same to trie undersigned within fourteen days (14) from he date hereof. Dated this 17th day cf April, 1918. ERNEST JEFF, Solicitor, Seremban. 18 ll t|
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    • 539 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOSENKAISHA (laCORPORATBO IN JaHAW) (Osaka Bfrsrcantll* Ittimthlp Co Hi KOBE- BOMBAY LINE. Ihe Company maintains a regnlar cargo •ervice with six sieambrs oallirg at Moji, Yokkaichi, HongkoDg, Singapore, Port Swetttnlium, Penang, Colombo and Bombay, and on tbe return voyage oalling at Tutioortn, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. b.s.
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  • 857 3 HOW WOMEN CAN HELP IN THE HOME. New Standard of Living. The National Organising Committee for War Savings is taking care that the nation does net lack practical guidance in the task of saving to win tbe war. To the appeals already made for economy in dress,
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  • 164 3 How the Candidate's Nerves Are Tested. The Dcrvfs of the aviation aspirant in France are pat to an exbaUßtinx test by an ingenious machine. The would be pilot says tbt Paris correspondent of Tbe Lanoet— must beßin by exerting with both hands a rhythmic and continued effort, which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 471 3 U^ TL 9 e y re nicer <v baked at home. i£?* H.ivc your bread and cakes baked at A home. Then you can know for certain f\ T \I what they are made of, and l>y whom. U V «f> \j\ ■•''in,; i: home is really quite easy, if
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    • 358 3 SUFFERED FROM MSHJ FACE Pain Became Unbearable. Could Not Work. Had No Sleep for Nearly 3 Month. Cuticura Healed. St. Anne* 9t.. Wt-iimirntpr. London; 8. \V., Kng. "Tho terrible diseue flrat started through a shaving run which ■pread all over my face and under my chin and not being able
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    • 596 3 F.M.S. 6°/o WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China for the Bank to accept payment in full with applications for Bonds in the Federated Malay States War Loan, in cases where applicants desire to make
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 940 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar Line. (Coufaniss Incorporated in Bnuland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVIGSS PENINSULAR AND ORIENTA SAI..S.J3J (Under contract with His Majesty Government). For China, Japan, Panang, Oaylon, Australia, India, Ad an, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London, Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES
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    • 815 4 BTEAMEK MILIHQB. rH E SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporated in Siax). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK For Kretay, Tringgann, Bisat, Semerak, Kolantan, Tabai Bangnara, Telupiu, Patani singora. Laooo, Kobsamui, Baadon, Langsuon, Taku, Champon, Koblak and Bangkok. Oum Departure BORIBAT May 1 M:v 3, S p.m. PAR'CHATIPOK S 1O 3P m ■■•••2*"« 18
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    • 477 4 STEAMER MILINSS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LIMITED, AND CHINA (MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) The Companion' steamers are despatch* d from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Otinoa, Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 534 4 STUMER BAILINBS M. V K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE. A sorvioe in maintained betwceu Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail oontract witb tho Imp- rial .Japanese Government. Th; New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and
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  • 134 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, April 27. Huh W»u..r I ts 7.W .i.'n Swimnjiut; Club tret ting, Drill Hall. Friday, April 2M rlign iVatur. 7 9 *.'U s 16 pm. LogUlative Council, 2.31 p.m. Krii>T nn.l N MM meeting, noon. I', and U lio'u w»r 1 mail U»»es. Municipal
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  • 252 5 To DAT. Kenukalis, Laboean Bilik, Tandjong Balei and Medan Sing»rdj» 2.30 pm Port Dicksoo and Port Swettvnham Sappho '2.30 pm Malacca and Muai Kaka 8 pm Ceylon anil India Athos 1 pm fc** A ustralap ia. Mauritius. E^ypt, Athos 8 pm Eurea*. etc. Registration up to 5
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  • 260 5 The mail trains from Singapore (or th north leave Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 8.45 a.m. respectively. Th Uirooph express to Penan* leaves KuaU Lira-pcr at 8 am. daily, arriving al Penan*; at IM p.m.
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  • 48 5 The B. I. contract packet Tara with wail f m Mt Ntxapatam at 7 p m. ou •MimUy. '.Mtli mat and may be expeetwl to arnvuat I'unaun un KruUy morning, April 28. The I', and sUaiutr Malwa arrivuJ at Mantillas o» Tuesday, tbe 'Jith mt.
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  • 298 5 Outward. Tbe folluwing pawx nger bookings to th, Straits are tal so from thn London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings msy be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, snbst qnent to the issuance of this list in
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  • 179 5 EXCHANGE. Simoapom, April 27, 1010. i'»Lo»n. Buk 4 m,i 2/4JJ Demand 2/4J Private 8 m/i 2/4 H On Francb Bank T. T. 826 uk India Bank T. T. 174] On HoNa(ONO...Baok d/d 8} On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 78 I On Java Bank T. T. 138 On Japan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 444 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, A CHINESE CLERK; knowledge of Insurance preferred. Apply A.8.C., c/o Straits Times. 27-4-b— 2-5 TENDERS WANTED for repairs to Wharf at Pulau Brani. Apply at MtnagerV Office, for particulars, Pulau Brani Smeltinu Works. S7-4--86 DISPENSARY FOR SALE, small well equipped dispensary and consnhing room" iv Singapore. Apply
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    • 450 5 JUST ARRIVED A small shipment of THE FAMOUS "BULL DURHAM" SMOKING TOBACCO. Price 20 cents per b >g including packet of Li^h-class cigarette papers. ON SALE AT A. P. Noop Mahomed, No. 1 -a, dA Imeida Street, M Sultan, 8, Prince Street. FOR SALE. DUTCH STEAM-LAUNCH JANUS. 12. tons nett.
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    • 184 5 7 hese are bleiv Records JuM few from the -mnh lint for j April We shall he very pleased lo (\\c you the full list and pljy any you would like lo hear I M 1:1 I N.w Srinnl Orcliestia N tl "j/.n,,« O, c 1.., i N>«r >>ui|,l,onjr Uiclettia
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    • 451 5 FEDERATED MALAY BTATEB RAILWAYS HAVE FOR SALE About 80 tons of old carriage snd wagon tyre*. Tbete tyres are of high grade hteel and a c suitable for forcing into paraegs or implements cf various kind*. Toe tyres may be seen at tbe Central Worksbo( s, Sentol, uj on application
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    • 50 5 FOR SALE, TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLB 8} v p., in itood running condition, wi>hont I imp and born. t2i6 or mar i 11. r Apply A.. c/o Straits Times. '2? 4— .8 4 LEE BROTHERS' STUDIO. BINOWNID FOB HIOH-CL.ASS PHOTOGRAPHY, THEREFORE BNSUBINQ BEST RESULTS. Halve your Photograph taken at our Studio.
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  • 26 6 Bevmi.--Oo April 126, at the General Hospital, Singapore, Adam Bennet, representative in Indo-Chinaforthe Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., aged 49. Madras and China papers please copy.
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  • 1171 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, APRIL 27. DUBLIN IN REBEL HANDS. We publish grave news to day, news that will sadden the heart of every sane Irishman the world over. At the moment when the great war broke out it teemed an if Ireland was on the verge of civil war,
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  • 32 6 We have received from the KM S. Gortro ment I'rintiDg Ufßce, Kuala Lumpur, a copy of tin: proceedings of the Federal Council of the KM. S. for the year 1015, with appeiJix
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  • 40 6 By Tuesday Peralc MukMcriptions to tli. X.M.S. war loan had very utarly readied h million and a .partcr, Taipiuj; Lav I in about SIOO.'HX), aud ipjL uvcr »I,O(Ai,UAJ. The March robber output of the Dorian Sabatang Rubber Estate, Johore, was
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  • 24 6 Ths hotels at Me wars. Eliya are said to be very (nil and to be charging rates A la RiU during the present season.
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  • 58 6 Messrs. Whittall and Co. have received advice from tho secretaries of the Snngei Cboh Rubber Estate Co. tLat the report was issued on the 20th instant and that at the annual meeting to be held on May 2 the board of directors will recommend a final dividend of 15 per
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  • 58 6 A garden party and sale of work in aid of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Selangor, building fund will be held in the grounds, at 2} mile, Ampang Roid, Kuala Luinpar. the residences of Messrs. A. MacLcnnan ami G. B. Harley, on Saturday, May 8, at 3 p.m. Contributions can be
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  • 87 6 The P. and O. company forward us a copy of Mr. James Beck's article on The Case of Edith Cavell a study of the rights of non combatants, which has been reprinted in book form from the New York Times. Mr. Beck, it may be mentioned, was a former assistant
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  • 73 6 The Itev. W. Murray will lecture to night in the V.M.C.A., at 8.45 on "Ancient Babylon and its interest to Bible students." As tho result of exten.-ivi' excavations in Babylonia and Assyria, especially in recent years, a large number of inscriptions, reliefn, etc have been discovered, which have added enormously
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  • 84 6 A public mreting was held on Tuesday night at the I poll Club to consider the question of celebrating Empiro Day. The Hon. A. i'ayne Gallwey presided and it was agreed that there should be a oelebration all over I'erak. A committee of three was appointed with power to add
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  • 88 6 The Amsterdam Conrt has tendered a vtrdict in the casn of the young Gcffc(W) who was sentenced by the Hague Court laßt year to a week's imprisonment, on a charge of having endangered the neutrality of the country. He had sent a number of Dutch rifle cartridges to the German
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  • 92 6 An agricultural expert in conversation with a representative of the Tin aud Kubb r Journal recently expressed the opinion that the tea country of the Malay Peninsula was I'ahaug. Here the soil and elevation were all that o<uld be desired for tea, and that State has already turned its attention
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  • 85 6 An F.M.S. Government Gazette Extraordinary notifies that, whereas it appears to the Resident of Perak that a disease viz., plague exists at Pulau Pangkor Besar, it is Hereby declared that the island of l'angkor and tho islands adjacent thereto arc infected places within the meaning ot the (Juaianuue and Prevention
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  • 137 6 The Hjngkong Daily Press reports that His E.\c. lleucy the Uoveruur, Sir F. H. May, ih setting an example in the use of only a limited number of alcoholic beveragi s. It says In order to set an example of domestic economy His Excellency the (ijvernor has decided that from
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  • 148 6 The air raid on Mariakcike suggeitts that Biitmh aviators are again to be given opportuuitics of hittiug the enemy m vuluer.tblu places. Karly in the war they delivered one or two shrewd blows, aud it it a mutter for surprise that for some tiiue past, ihuHe have not been followed
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  • 160 6 One wonders what Mr. Bernard Shaw will have to say concerning the trouble m luh native city. It should afford iiiui an opportunity for displaying mental gyujnaiitici) al least, evtn if he says Dotting really help ful. By the way, the tauiuua drauialmt came a nasty cropper the other day
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  • 326 6 Mr. K. A. bench, of tho Chandu Monopolies, Kuala Lumpur, has luft for homo with the intention of enlisting. Mr. T. M. Shervington, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, goes home on Kave by the mail to morrow. Mr. W. M. Butchart, a] I'raser and Noave, Ltd., is
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  • 38 6 Respecting tho new F.M.S. railways timotable", the sheets have bet v amended shew ing that the up and down uight express trains will cease to make Rpecial stops at intermediate stations iv Joliure after April 80.
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  • 63 6 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. B. Ward, of Evatt and Co. French Bauk Buildings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to the above fund Amount previously acknowledged 12, 5k0 Manasseh Meyer 1,000 E. A. E. 100 Mrs. Lee Cboon Guan 100 A. Hvalsoe
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  • 135 6 The directors of the Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., at a meeting lii-ld at Shanghai on April 14, decided to declare a final dividend at the rate of 75 per cent, for thu year ended December 81. 19.5. This is equivalent to 175 per n nt for
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  • 132 6 A good many who visited the New Cirque when that excellent show was in Singapore Home months ago will be glad to hear that it has again touched here and will open to -night on the Beach lioad ground. Since leaving tho Straits, thu circus
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  • 158 6 The Malacca \uluutetr camp at IV gob Estate, Alor Uajah, broke up on Sunday, after attack practice camel out by both Kuro pean and Chinese compauiis and watched by Brig. General I) H. Hidout, (i This finished in a torrential downpour of rain through which the Volunteers had
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 Weh e VMtot WHISKIES S/a, ~\^fr > A Y initock— not Whiskies for which yon UTe w Mcy prioe or theU C/ V(JtAJtt MkertiHiDg charges, but Whikioi (or CALDBECK MACGRF COR &C? j mmjm no*- imuintimimiwui/ which yon get full Ttlne in the b:ttle. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Win* and Spirit
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    • 208 6 Tonight! Tonight!! AT THB ALHAMBRA Beach Road, The House of Quality— The Home ot Feature Attractions. The Leading Theatre In Singapore. Manager. M H. Krnyon Slade. PATHE PRESENTS Th« world-ranowned actor [HENRI KRAUBB WHERE GENIUS FAILS In 3 Parts. A powerful emotional drama of exceptional ability a wondeiful, fascinatirg and
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  • 2459 7 ACTIVE FIGHTING. Actions on Land And Sea. THE SECRET SESSION. Official Report of Premier's Speech. Rbuter'i Tklkorams. London, April 25, 4.15 p.m. DUiiiiiiiii.iu. Tbere wan intense artil lery activity at Avoccurt, bat the Germans were defeated in attempting to carry advance posts. Then was a fairly lively bombard
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  • 52 7 Riutib's TaLiuRAMS. London, April 25, 7.15 p.m. In the House of Commons, Sir J. D. Rees asked whether it was proposed, with regard to European commerce in India, that it should have only one representative on the Commission. Mr. Chamberlain replied As far as I am aware this
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  • 32 7 Ksl-tek's Th>..,kim-. London, April 26, 1.30 p m. Lord Hardinpe had an audience of the King at Windsor and was invested with the insignia of tbe Order of tbe Garter.
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  • 69 7 Rkitik's Tklkokim. London, April 26. Port Darwin A prospector reports the discovery of big copper fluids in the Victoria Kiver district. Copper is known to exist in all tbe states and has beeu mined extensively in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania. Tbe total value
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  • 36 7 (Kkom Oyu Own Cammtmrnm) Londoo. Apn. L' 7. Sembilan pays an interim dividend of t> percent. Sungti Kapar pays a final of 17}, Sunitci I'urun Cberaa 7J, Kijang 6, and Sungti Choh 15.
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  • 79 7 Rfitf.r's Tklk.urams. London, April 27. 1.40 a.m. The demand for Yuan's retirement grows daily stronger. Feng Kuochang, the Chiang chan of Kiangsa, who baa all along been sitting on the fence, has no." definitely declared himself on the side of the revol utionaries, while Tsai Ao, the
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  • 179 7 (From Ocr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. April 26. At the meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya Mr. Aid worth, Controller of Labour, made an interesting address dealing with the work of his department, especially as regards kanganni recruiting and recom mended a gradual introduction
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  • 63 7 (From Our Own Corrkspokdknt.) Ipob, April 26. There was a strike of ricksha pullers at Ipob to-day. A few were at work this morning, bnt the streets are now cleared. The strike is reported to be due to insistence by the police that pullers, when without fares,
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  • 58 7 (Fkom OiK Own Corbbspondemt.i Penang, April 36. At the Eastern Shipping Co.'s dockyard at Butterworth today, the keel was laid of the largest local steel vessel. The dimensions will be length 188 ft., beam 28ft., and moulded depth 14ft. She will have accommodation for 24 first class
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  • 297 7 President of Singapore Court Of Inquiry. We regret to announce the death of Mriga dier General F. A. Hoghton which occurred in Mesopotamia from gastro enteritis due to the climate and hardships which General Townshend's force has been experiencing in Kut. The deceased was quite well
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  • 144 7 The Kboja community of Burma have despatched through the bon. secretary of their council Kboja Kehamatnlla Mahomed a telegram to the private secretary to bis Majesty the King- Emperor thanking his Majesty for the honour conferred on his Highness the Aga Khan, a telegram to thy
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  • 1097 7 BIG SHELL DROPPED IN THE SETTLEMENT. Did It Come From Woosung? The N. C. Daily News of April 14 says: Everyone apparently beard what they thought was an explosion in tho early hours of yesterday morning, and as it sounded not unlike the explosion which occurred early in
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  • 28 7 The double wire turrit r along tlio wliuli itel^O- Dutch frontier is Marly I I In dutancu between Hrn t»-i Ki -chili, »n ii it U jOJ uietrtn.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 57 8 At the annual meeting of the Foyal Hong f Club it was decided to increase tbe monthly subscription from !■'< to 15. Alterations in tho articles of association controlling tbe attendance of visitors were also approved. The membership of the club according to tbe report presented stood at js. nude
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    • 283 8 iin Friday luornirg, tho 14th iast, the Anulo 'lunette School football team left Tank Kond Station in a special car for a trip through tbe F.M.S. They playi d the M.-thodist Boys School, in Kuala Lumpur, on Saturd%y afternoon, the 15th, and won IfcsjfMM by tbe score
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    • 285 8 The straits Echo comments on the Ipob uolf meeting as follows Although IVnaug I -t the inter team competition at Ipob to Singapore that is hardly astonishing conI. iint: that neither D. A. M. Hrown, who is suffering from sciatica, nor K. T. l> iJ, »iiu is
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    • 108 8 The following thr result of play in the Laities' Lawn Tennis Club tennis tournament y. mW r lay i Hakmi vr. Final. Mis ll.ntuell scr. beat Mrs. Saundcrs scr, fc-4, 7 ."p. To-day Tics. Lu>it !>•■; !.i>- —Final. Mrs. lUitn.ll an 1 Mm. Saundern scr. v. Mias Lauib
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  • 78 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear «»pages. The Palladium to night is screening a picture tbat deserves more than ordinary attention. The Hoy Fra' Lancashire is a thrilling war picture, true tv lite and to the times, park. -I with incidi nt and thrilling to degree. It
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  • 115 8 *«s»e n-coverud from the Sussex, the cross channel steamer which wa» l..rpudo«xl on April 24 between Dieppe and Kolkntooe, artived at Bombay on tin P. »0.l O. steamer Safeottv. Jta inventory of tbe mail bans carried by tbe Sussex is being made. The deflaite auniber of bag* cannot fee aaoertaißcd.
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  • 257 8 Successful Sporting Events At Penang. Socially the visit of the Singapore Chinese to i'unang has been a decided success, and although it has been run on a somewhat tjaieter scale than the visit of the Penang Chinese to Singapore tbe roeulta should go far to consolidate tbe fruits
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  • 214 8 Professor Arthur Keith on The Long-Headed Man. How ucder modern conditions the longheaded man had ousted tbe round head type was emphasised by Professor Arthur Keith, at the Royal Institution, when discussing the influence of sea-power on the evolution of race. The long-beaded people from Portugal,
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  • 70 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, April Tm:asDAY, Ai'Kit 27. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. Friday, April 28. i.1.-) p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. Officers and N t O.s 4.3d p.m. Balestier Kange S.V.K. 5.15 p.m. Tarjglin Barracks Veterans Officers and N.C.O.s Drill
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  • 259 8 There is much that is deserving of praise in the new programme which the Humphrey Bishop Company put on last night, and which they will repeat to night. The changes, for tbe most part, were all for tbe better, and those people who were at the
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  • 80 8 The death has been reported in a northern paper of a Black I -In character known as Hanjish the Hermit. The rugged old man, «lv lived in a cave with his invalid sister and adopted daughter, was always smiling, and extracted great comfort from his black
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  • 43 8 Times Naval correspondent is of opimon that submarine activity must be (hiuhlic, and we are at present experiencing it at its full blast. The April losses are likely to exceed those of March. The official total for March is slightly over 60,000 tons.
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  • 1345 8 Twelve Per Cent. For The First Dividend Year. The N.-C. Daily News reports Besides declaring a final dividend of seven candareens per share (making twelve per cent, for the year, and this is the company's first dividend year) the Bata Anam (Johore) Rubber Estates, Ltd., passed a
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  • 681 8 Annual Meeting Decides to Support War Loan. The annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilao Planters' Association was held in the StiDgei I'joog Club on Saturday, April 22. Mr. J. I). McCullocb presided, and among those present were Messrs. F. J. L.loyd, A. R Thompson, D. li
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  • 79 8 The undtrmentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. All. n. Dennys and Co. at their auction sale at Penang, on April 25:— Smoked ribbed sboet 1107 to 1176 plain 158 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 161 166 Lnsmoked sheet IS6 158 No. 2 nnsmoked sheet
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 891 9 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of VALLABI.K KKRKHOI,I> LANDS AT TBLOR BLANGAH, Io be hold at Ml-hih. Cbing Keng Lee k Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, May 1, 1911, at 9.50 p.m. (1) All tliat pi<C(! of Ud(l Hi.uate and froDtiug Momi t old, off IVIok Blangah RosJ Singapore, ci-timated to
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    • 556 9 or shares in 99 years leasebold land and bouse, No. 30 (formerly No. 20), Upper Cross Street, Singapore, estimated to contain an area of 1,-60 sq ft and comprised in Government Lease No. 662, subject to the annual quit rent of 12. CHINO KSNG LEE k CO., Auctioneer?. 26 4—29-4
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    • 602 9 SURVEY DEPARTMENT. MALACCA. Wanted immediately, two thoroughly qualified Surveyors. Salary 1126 and Fixed Allowance I2S per month each. Also one Draftsman at a salary of 160 per month. Applications with copies of tbree recent testimonials to be addrented to tbe CHIEF SURVEYOR, Survey Department, Singapore. 22-4 n— 4 6 SUNGEI
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    • 548 9 V V> SAFETY RAZOR V y The only caf ety razor at less than $9 tat can be stropped without removing blade. Tf>" "7 o'clock" gives a beautifully :rrr;:;!i diavi tute \ou ..Iv. i s hay? a perfect edge on l'ne blade. Tl c rtr< ping is I chn? in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 544 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. VVHA.X OTHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incobpobated in Straits Settlements) HSAOOFFIOBi Winohsatsr Houie, Smgapora. LONDON O'FIOBi 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has 4820.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of
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    • 392 10 INSURANCE. lUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. (Incobpobatbd in England). Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds. 48,260,000 Annual Income 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents tor the above Company, are prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short periods of ten days as longer periods at current rates to be named on
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    • 504 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honokono), PAID UP CAPITAL 16,000,000 RESERVE FLND3 41,*****0 at I/. 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,0004X10 BaMtre Liability of Proprietors 118,000,000 COURT OF DIRIOTORI. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq Chairman. 8. H. D )dw(.ll, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 0. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq Hon. Mr. D.
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    • 520 10 ■MKHIB. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BT i ROYAL CHARTER ?«id up CapitsJ in 60,000 Sharoe ot *M «>»*H 41,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietori... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank ol England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd.. The London County and Westminster
      520 words
    • 704 10 i INBURANCE. LET THE SHANGHAI LIFE SOLVE YOUR LIFE ASSURANCE PROBLEM. As long as yon are alive and receiving your salary, the wife and children will be provided for. Granted. Suppose, however, you die. What then I Do yon wish the wife and children dependent on your people or her's
      704 words

  • 640 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor-Cycle Items. The motor-cycle aad side car which is listed at £100 becomes tbe competitor of the cheap car and tbe motor bicycle at from £70 to £80 is outside tbe means of many 1 m en and youths whereas a
    640 words
  • 54 11 From Mrs. D. S. Jackson's Publicity Ideas, we have received a copy of tbe second edition of tbe Singapore Motorcar Directory, 1916. It gives an alphabetical list of automobile owners in Singapore, tbe make, horse power and license number of each car, and the same with regard to motorcycle owners,
    54 words
  • 346 11 Appalling Simplicity of The Public. What be calls groap imbecility is tie scribed and condemned by an editorial writer in tbe Medical Times (New York, February). Tbe sndden attacks of panic and hysteria to which crowds are subject have often been htudied by psychologists, but tbe foolishness of
    346 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 187 11 SERVICE. Have you considered this question? WE can give you Better Service than any firm in Malaya for the following reasons 1. WE stock in Singapore and at our branches for the cars we sell— spare parts and accessories to the value of $100,000. 2. WE have fully equipped branches
      187 words
    • 148 11 Motorist: "Suit me? I should think solas none other can." DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. The Motor Car for the Million. The Aryo Car is the first to combine Imp t—\ with utility and beauty. It is a sturdy emr, The Argo is the envied ear in tin- low s am a
      148 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 565 12 1 SITUATIONS WANTED. PLANTEK, steady, well recommended, i .(.'quires good billet to improve po-ition. Apply to Box No. 814, Straits Times. '26-4-28 4 WANTED, BILLET by conscientious and i hardworking conductor, ÜBeful in office work 1 also Please reply H.. c/o Straits Times. 10-4—B-5 1 INCORPORATED ACCOUNTANT, good uftnociß, all
      565 words
    • 667 12 HOUBEB TO LET. TO LBT, No. 2P, Kirn Keat Road. Apply 1 (0 Yeo Hook He, No. 8, Raffles Place. 26 4-u TO LBT, Rooms at Zetland House, Armenian Street. Apply Stephens Panl dk Co. 161— v TO LBT, No. Thomson Road. Entry May 1. Apply Meyer Brothers, 14, Collyer
      667 words
    • 545 12 KIAM KIAT CO. Nos. 108 and 109, Market Street. Just Received A Big Shipment of HUBBUCKB COLOURED PAINTS PRICES REASONABLE. VACANT LAND FOR SALE. Divided into 600 lota situated at about half a mile from Serangoon Road tram terminus. The locality Is healthy and the water Is good Please apply
      545 words
    • 305 12 ALWAYS AT THE TOP BtcAUsa or oor ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES GUAN KIAT CO.. SUPPLIERS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES TO THE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. COTTON WASTE We fell a lot of it. Cc me before it is all fold out. Sole Agents for tbc GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The ideal fluid for cleaning and preserving steam
      305 words
    • 479 12 NOTICE. How to solve servants difficulties, such as cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, conductors, shortband typists, b-.ok keepers. etc. Charges moderate Also sborthand (Pitman's) and typewriting are taught by an experienced teacher. For particulars, apply to the straits Employment Agency. Agents Patal Ie Co 9. Selegie Koad. Singapore. 8-4—7
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 348 12 Straits Isimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Offico 262 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, ctc.-slioulil be addressed to THE MAN.U XX. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— MißcellaJoone wants of
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