The Straits Times, 4 August 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.251 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 4. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 284 1 TH« CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHItKV Established 1742. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS. Large assortment of Washing Skirts, very latest styles. SATIN EVENING SHOES. SILK STOCKINGS. Superior quality Satin and imut shape. Special value in coloured Silk Stockings. Price 94.50 per pair. Prioe 51 .98 per pair. AU shades stocked. All shades
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    • 194 1 ROBINSON CO. THE BUSY MAN S TYPEWRITER. The Up-to-date Visible Writing Typewriter, fitted with qAmill %tf One Key One Character Keyboard. All the writing always in j a l^^; The "BAR-LOCK" sight from "Dear Sir" Typewriter is Simplicity to 'Yours truly.' Complete ~~*BL-> itself. in Fumed Oak Case and fIP
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    • 3 1 Good RICH TYRES
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  • 803 2 NEW CONTRACT WITH MARCONI COMPANY. Position of the Malay States. Terms have been agreed to between the Government and tbe Marconi Company as the basis of a new contract in substitution for the contract ot July, 1912, which has been repudiated by the company because of the delay which
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  • 128 2 The Berlin Medical Association has reported that Dr. Max Moszkowski, as the result of his experiments concerning the causes and treatment of beriberi, shares the contention of Dr. Ellis Fraser and Professor Fletcher, of the Malay States, that the disease is an assimilation disease, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 A Celebrated Violiniste Nervous Fatigue, Languor— The pouer to excel, the confidence which ensures her brilliant successes, says the talented violinist, Miss Sybil Keymer, is entirely due to her abundance of vigorous nerve force created by Fhosferine. How greatly the numerous distinctions and triumphant career of this accomplished musician are
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    • 72 2 Tecthinjf Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is neoeasary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 624 2 This Famous Medicine will cleanse tlic Blood of all impurities from whatever cause arising. A safe Remedy for Ivzi ma. Bad Legs, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Sores of all kinds. Boils. Eruptions, Dicers, Glandular Swellings, be. Of all Stores, Sec. 45 years' success. Beware of uuitationa. CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. Do you
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    • 196 2 x ~Yj There is beauty and t /Js comfort for the skin iHMalaWallMaß j n every particle of— HAZELINE SNOW M ITndt Harkl The incomparable Beauty-Balm. It acts as M a most beneficial tonic to the skin, cleansing it from impurities, removing roughness, ex- 1 cessive colour and blemishes, imparting
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  • 1069 3 NO UNDUE INFLUENCE BY THE SACKVILLES. Defendants To Pay Costs. ".We find that the will and codicils were duly executed, and that there was no undue influence, or fraud by either Lord or Lady SackvUle." With this verdict a special jury in the Probate Court on July
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 324 3 RANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. Established 1869 Tbe Brat Lite Offloe in the world to introduce the doc -forfeiture principle to Polioies. A Mutual Offloe. No Shareholder.. LAW P*emiuma>. Annual Income S 1.284, 384.
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    • 68 3 Are You Qoing on a Journey Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Kemedy should be packed in your hand luKßage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 679 3 STEAMER SAILINGS, BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAY. CO,, LD. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail stoamen of tbe above Lane "^"Tft l a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore. Hongkong and Shanghai en route. PLBBT Tobb Oommaader J AfA» 8,018 O. P. SSDDON. Gsasoßi Areas 4,800
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    • 810 3 STEAMER BAIUNBS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL «"ff* WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT frlli^l GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trie ste -Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venloe, calling at Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMBWARD. Doe to arrive on or about Doe to sail on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 CTEAHEi 8AILINB8. P. &0. STEAM NAVI6ATI8N CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, OBTLON, A JBTRAIJA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading Iwoed lot OLlia OomI, Persian Golt, Oontiaeatal ud American Port*. lie* men wttl leave Singapore oa of about: MAIL LINES IBIS Oi^t^iMj /flat
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    • 664 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 753 4 STEAMEi BAIUNBS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Benarah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgana, Blast, Semera, Baehok, Kelantan, Tabai. Baaaaara, Telupiß, Paaatai Patani, Biagora, Laeoa, Kohsamui, Baados, juangsuea, Taku, Obnmvon, Kohlak aad Bangkok. ua Ospartuf*. a. a. MAHIOOL Aug. 3 Autf. 6. HBIM Autf. 6 Autf. 9. PBAOHATIPOK Autf.
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    • 520 4 STEAMER BAILIIHB, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD AIRTMES. IIIU Iliail Combined lervloc The steamres of these Oompanies maintain a regular aervioe botween Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Kmden, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched tortaigbtry tor Havre and HasnbaTg and onoe a month tor Bremarhaven direot,
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    • 617 4 BTEAME* BAILINM. N. D. L. ordd«utsoh«r Lloyd. B»«B«-. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNI. The fast and well-known mail steamer s a* this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soatb ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oosusetting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vtor versa) Port Said, Suoa, Adea, Oolomtr, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 j||j|> No. 5 Royal THE MASTER MODEL \\^B I^SwW// SUPPl»1tTI»IB ftLl OTHEB MAKES. I V)\ PI \^JJ\ Tl Sole Agents tor S.S. F.M.S. Vr^yj^l^y Huttenbach Bros. Co. I* 1-8-a 81-7-14 T. NAGAI. CO. JAPANESE Fine Art Curios and Porcelain (ANTIQUE AND MODERN). All orders executed promptly. Goods packed and shipped
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    • 135 5 JENATZY TYRES Prices Considerably Reduced. APPLY FOR NEW PRICE LIST. HOOGLANDT CO. 48 0 8 THE NEW ILLUMINANT FISH BRAND KEROSENE Trade Mark. The Best Oil on the Market for House Lighting. «£o en pm OMm OF 2 TINS OF ALL RETAILERS. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits .Settlements), Limited, Winchester
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    • 413 5 THE TOILET CLUB OF THE EAST, Lancaster's Country Clients promptly attended to. WRITE OB WIRE. Shaving, Haircutting Singeing, Face Massaging A SPECIALITY. Hotel da l'Europe Buildings. 6LEN LINE OF STEAMERS. LTD. FOR UNITED KINGDOM A/OR CONTINENT. (Calling at PLYMOUTH to land passeogeiB if sufficient inducement offers). The bb. OLENFARG, 8,647
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    • 463 5 ROYAL VINOLh TALCLM POWDF.R Fof chilling, rash. pricM) heat, aiitl for all liot-woatlu-r discomforts Royal Vinoli.t Talcum Powder is by Ear tlie most convenient of toilet lequisites, as wd as beinu one <>!" the most etticacious from ihe scientific point of view OWHMJ to the fact that it is antiseptic
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 703 6 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW AND COMPANY, LIMITED. Our great Sale is proving in mv- -f^/v^i^Y^ public enthusiasm as well as in J3I ever held in Singapore. Stocks feSl 3 B^!!^4b7 ha- been no skimping of Hpl^|^ MS f^ /k jf[ Mj^ quality or buying of job lots to 7 «T m *~m.
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  • 131 7 FIXTURES. Monday, August 4. High Water. 0.20 p.m., 11..51 p.m. Bank Holiday. United Missionary mtg., Prinsep Street Church, 9.15 p.m. Tuesday, August 5. High Water, 0.49 p.m. Wednesday, August 6. High Water, 0.19 a.m., 1.19 p.m Thursday, August 7. High Water, 1.6 a m., 1.50 p.m P.
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  • 202 7 To-dat. Batu Pahat Mena 8 pm Batu Pahat A ing Hin 8 pm Penang, Sabang, etc. Van Neck Bpm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm t£'t'i'\ lon. Australasia, Mauritius, India, Egypt, and Europt, etc. E. Simons 3pm P. Swettenham
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  • 277 7 Latest Arrivals. Brouwrr, Dut. str. 324 tons, Capt Lensinck, Aug 8. From P. Baroe, Aug 2. G.c and d.p. S. Agency Ltd. For P. Baroe, Aug 6. Rds. BuyskcH, Dut. str. 964 tons Capt Wenting, Aug 4. From Sourabaya, Aug I. G.c. and p. S. A«cnov Lul. For
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  • 91 7 Arrivals. Per str. Humphius, August 4. From Batavia: Mr. J. F. B. Hegensburg, Mr. Si liul/c, Mr. E. I). Herron, Mr. Dowley, Mr. sal Mrs. Hces, Mr. E. S. Hino, Mr and Mrs. IUJs, Mr. dc Kruyf, Mr. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. kmtmmm, Mrs. Sanson and 8
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  • 102 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Whabf Basin Nil. W. Section No. I... Sau t liia. liumphias. Sheers Wharf Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2...Malvern Range, Teesta. 8... Ni1. 4.. .Nil. 6 ..Dai'.Ti Mn 11. o...Calypso,. Calypso, lilnseus.
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  • 359 7 Improving Amenities of Town of Galle. Galle, once the chief, and now the second, port of Ceylon, is sharing in the general prosperity of the island, remarks the Times of Ceylon. A proof of this is the advance in rentals, which have recently gone up
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  • 105 7 At the re opening of the enquiry into the stranding <jf the oil tank vessel Saranac, off Point de Galle the chief officer, Mr. Andrew Smith, alleged that Captain Brown vas drunk when the vessel stranded at Bizarta earlier in the voyage. Witness denied that he had
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  • 94 7 A partition cane of some interest was argued in Colombo, on July 22, before Messrs. Justices Walter Pereira and Knnis, in which the plaintiffs appealed against the taxation of his o\» a Proctor's costs. This is a partition case which had been going on for five years over 14 lands,
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    • 104 7 SmoAFOU, Ai'gi'st 1, 1918. On London- Bank 4 m/» Demand Private A.m/a 8 m/a Oh Gibmavi Bank d/d Private 8 m/a a/4 2/435 2/4A 388 348i On FkANci Bank d/d Private 8 m/a 294 299{ Oh India Bank T. T. M 1M Privat 80d/s Ok BoHOKOHO...Bank d/d Private 80
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    • 167 7 SlNGAFOM, AllRST 4, 1918. Ounbier f 705 do (Cube No. 1) anpicked 11.00 Copra Sandried 18 70 do Mixed 12.80 Pepper, Black 19 00 do White 6% 88.75 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.50 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago M 4,20 Coffee Bali 28.00 Coffee Palembang, 10% basis 80
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  • 18 7 Issued by Fraser and Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Singapore, August 4, Twelve noon.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 Would You Be Happy No matter what your financial or social conditions arc, you cannot be happy with a disordered diction. If you are a dyspoptic package of Chamberlain's Tablets will make 4t new man of you. For sale by all Dis■pensariaa and Dealers.
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    • 152 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. August 5. At saleroom, valuable properties at Siylap. Kallane, Claymore, Gaylang, etc., Estate of Shaik Kassim bin Akbar, at 2.80. August 6. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. August 6.— At Xo. 88, Orange Road, furniture, etc., at 8. August 7.— At 63, North Bridge
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    • 198 7 IN ADDITION TO OUR OWN MANUFACTURES WE ARE SOLE AOINTS FOB Babcock and Wilcox' Boilers. V X Davey, Paxman Suction Oa* Plants, J% Portable Engines, Etc. **C\^% Greening's Screening. \SAf^L^^^ Be d T. 4 W. Smith. Rope.. CMtViJeV* O<? To.i-Dissel Gould'. Pump.. \\\V^ Engine.. Circular Saw** |L\ W i*^ Ransome's
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    • 112 7 AT TUB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BI.IDGE BOAD. To-Niatht t To- Nigh l l Features in the 2nd Show. A MISUNDERSTOOD BOY A.B. The boy is alway misunderstood. Hs gtits into trouble in the Tilliage, and fleeing to the mountains with his girl wife, is accused of murdering a traveller.
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  • 910 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 4. THE UNREST IN SOUTH AFRICA. It is to be feared that the recent happenings in Johannesburg which culminated in the use of Imperial troops and involved tbe killing and wounding of some two hundred and fifty victims, will leave behind an aftermath of bit
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  • 27 8 In the House of Lords on July 8 Earl Loreburn introduced a bill to prohibit ncos paper prize competitions which entail pay ment of an entrance fee.
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  • 40 8 The construction of the wireless station at Sandakan is proceeding rapidly, says tbe British North Borneo Herald. The site has been prepared and an operator's office built Tbe Chinese who formerly occupied the land have been compensated by the Government
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  • 55 8 The preference scheme put forward by the Chairman of the Dangan Rubber Company. Limited, bas not been supported, and he now proposes the formation of a new company to take over the assets and liabilities of tbe present company. The capital suggested is 702,500 florins credited with a shilling paid
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  • 59 8 A return of tbe number of death sentences and executions in British colonies during 1912 shows that the death sentence was passed upon 866 persons and the number of execu tions was 232. In Southern Nigeria 124 persons were sentenced and 88 executed. In Ceylon, with a population of about
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  • 93 8 Last year, it will be remembered, a float ing dock passed through Colombo for the antborities in the Dutch Eatt indies, says The Times of Ceylon. News is jass to hand that another floating dock will be arriving shortly for the same destination. She is be ing towed along by
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  • 27 8 A company with a capital of £250,000 has been projected to construct passenger airships to ply between London, Brighton, and Paris and between Loudon, Manchester, and Birmingham.
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  • 28 8 The editors of eight Chinese newspapers in Hongkong, on July 28, received anonymous letters threatening them with assassination by bombs if they did not support the revolutionary movement.
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  • 28 8 Bishop Robinson will take the chair tonight at 8.15 at tbe United Missionary meeting at I'rinsep Street Church. Mr. Tisdall will give tbe address. All are cordially invited.
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  • 39 8 In the last ten years the number of letters and postcards posted between the United Kingdom and India have increased by nearly 280 per cent., newspapers and book-packets by 70 per cent, and parcels by about 182 per cent.
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  • 45 8 Quite a number of the old shop houses at tbe terminus of the tram lines at Keppel Harbour are being taken down and will be replaced by buildings in keeping with tbe more modern type ot shophouse erected on the opposite side of the road.
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  • 41 8 At Soutbport recently two suffragettes were about to hurl bundles of literature at the carriage containing tbe King and Queen, when they suddenly found their arms pinned behind them by detectives. Tbe King and Queen were not aware of tbe incident.
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  • 42 8 America's great metropolis lately paid a tribute to London by adopting its street traffic regulations, and now it it. proposed to inaugurate a system of motor-buses worked on British lines which will compete everywhere with the tramways and subways of New York.
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  • 44 8 The Hongkong Daily Press learns that the tender of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., for the repair of tbe Swedish steamer Nippon was £26,000; while that of the Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd., was £17,300. The latter tender has been accepted.
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  • 47 8 The St. George's Hospital and the Westminster Hospital will be amalgamated. They will be carried on as one institution in a new building at Wandnworth. The site of St. George's Hospital has been sold for £46,000. A palatial hotel to cost j£1,250,0C0 will be erected upon it.
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  • 48 8 The annual report of tbe Commissioner of Police of Bombay shows the following increase in cases reported .-—86,784 in 1910, 48,2)8 in 1911, and 46,752 in 1912. The report notes the decrease in the tendency of police officers to burke cases in order to show good statistical results.
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  • 65 8 Sentences of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment and a fine of its. 3,000 on tbe first count and of 18 months' imprisonment on the second count, the sentences to run concurrently, have been passed on A. C. Jones, proprietor of Bakar Anoon and Co., Cawn pore, for breach of trust with
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  • 73 8 Mr. Cocks, the second officer of the B. I. steamer Bbarata, met with a nasty accident at Colombo, recently he happened to be walking along the tween deck over the hatchway, slipped on to a louse plank and fell through. He succeeded in breaking his fall by hauging on to
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  • 72 8 Demands for seed and seedlings of the Para rubber tree made a large call upon tbe time of the Singapore Botanic Gar Jen Curator and his gardeners and labour force in 1912. 897,300 seeds were despatched during tbe year and 9,559 seedlings, being the whole of the seed available and
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  • 95 8 Twenty motor cars competed on July 12 for the French Automobile Club's Grand Prix, the distance being 570 miles, aud the race taking place at Amiens. M. Boillot, on a Peugeot, won, his time being 7 br. 58 mm. 56 sees. M. Goux, on a Peugeot, finished second, 2 mm.
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  • 106 8 The prospectus bas been issued of Borneo Stock Farms, Ltd., with a capital of 440,000, in shares of £1 each, of which 80,000 shares are offered for subscription at par. The company is formed for the purpose of acquiring tbe option from Mr. John George Poole, as granted to him
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  • 173 8 The Orient liner Ophir with the London mails of June 27 wb.cb was due at Colombo at 4 a.m. on July 13, arrived at 1.50 p.m. Tbe delay was due to bad weather experienced after leaving Suez. Strong currents and ad verse winds were encountered all the way and nothing
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  • 499 8 Lieut Col. H. P. Elkington, R.A.M.C., has received the thanks of the Army Council for designing a sling for wounded soldiers. Mr. A. Weingarten replaces Mr. J. P. Crowther as district manager in I poll for tbe Great Eastern Life Assurance Co Ltd. The leave of absence
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  • 117 8 Fifty ladies were summoned to appear at the Central Police Court, Sydney, on July 9, to answer a charge of having contravened the city bye laws by having passed along city thoroughfares without having the points of their hatpins sufficiently protected. Must of the defendants appeared in
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  • 140 8 A mong the visitors to the Botanic Gardens last year were:— Their Highnesses l'rince William and Princess Marie of Sweden Major G. P. Ahem, Director of Forestry in the Philippine Islands; Professor Panl J. Bruhl, of the Civil Engineering College, Calcutta; Messrs. H. J. Elwea,
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  • 189 8 At St. Andrew's Cathedral, on Thursday last, the marriage was solemnized of Mr. li. P. Curtis, manager of Oadek Estate, Tampin, and Miss V. A. K. Beldam, of Hounslow, Middlesex. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Keppel Gamier. Tbe bride, who was given away by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 SPRINGBOK Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco. MANUFACTURED IN THE $1.20 per lb. SOLD EVERYWHERE. YOST TYPEWRITERS The Visible Writing No. 16 MODEL, with the new Imperial Clear Face Type specialfrJK^SSa^aw^^jßjjgjh [^Ky/StM write cs fob iabticclars. "GUYSH TYPEWRITER SILENCERS For ALL makes of Machines, reduce all noise and shock, gives genuine satisfaction, can
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    • 137 8 A MOST ENJOYABLE PRODUCTION ■NTITLHD THE GENTLER PASSION A COMEDY IN THREE PARTS By F. Zecco and R. Leprince. Length 1,2G0 yards. Duration one hour. AT THE ALHAMBRA Bbach Road, Sicokd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. TONIGHT in conjunction with A Saunter through Old Home. Patha'i talßMted Oaistta (1tl:k MltK.n
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 289 9 REPORTED SETTLEMENT OF THE FRONTIER. The Feats of the Greeks. Raima's Tblmbam. London, August 2. A Bukharest despatch says the agreement between Bulgaria and Roumania appears to be complete. The new frontier is practically from Turtukai to Baltchick. but with an extension in favour of Roumania of about
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  • 161 9 DBB OSTABUTISOHB LLOTD TaLBQBAB) Berlin, August 2. The main bone of contention at Bukharest is Kavalla, which both Bulgaria and Greece claim. The Bukharest conference decisions will be provisional ouly. They will b j subject to alteration by the Powers. Russia am! Austria are favouring the Bulgarian claims.
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  • 97 9 American Cruiser Sent to Meet Him. Rbutbb's Tklbgiux. London, August 2. Washington. August 3. It is confirmed that ex- President Castro has landed at C'oro. The I" S. emitter Des Moines has been or ilertd to Venezuela. London, August 4. A telegram from Caracas, published at New
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  • 37 9 RaOTßt'l TBLBOBAM. London, August 3. Swimming over tbe mile for tbe profes sional world's championship, at Bury, for fifty pound* sterling a side, Billington, Great Britain, beat Dickman, Australia, easily in 21 mm. 11} sees.
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  • 15 9 KaOTBB'd TbLSiMUH. London, August "2. Tbe Hritixh naval manoeuvres have con eluded.
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  • 78 9 Authorities Denounced by Excited Moslems Rbotbb's Tblbobam. London, August 4. A mass meeting of Moslems in Calcutta and violent articles in the Moslem press have denounced the Cawnpore authorities for demolishing a portion of a mosque in view of street improvement. The official defence that the demolished
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  • 483 9 Two Men Believed to Have Perished. There was a big blaze in Penang harbour on July 31 which lasted well over an hour but which, fortunately, did not spread to tbe shipping near by. Twakow No. 983, loaded with 391 drums of benzine belonging to Chop Keat
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  • 261 9 Magnificent New Steamer for Cape Route Home. The Sydney correspondent of The Times of Ceylon, writing on July 8, states:— Tbe arrival last Wednesday of the Blue Funnel linei Nestor on her maiden trip has given the papers an opportunity of describing at groat length this
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  • 135 9 The >iuiui«M >ncr of Trude and Customs, KM S Mr. W. P. Hume, states that the ex port of rubber from Port Swettenham to different places during July, 1913, was as follows United Kingdom 1,175 74 tons. Europe 181.M Ceylon 88.78 Straits Settlements 01.82 A number of changes
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  • 654 9 BANKERS AND THE CROSSING OF CHEQUES Cashier's Authority Questioned. Tbe committee, consisting of the Lord Chancellor, Lord Shaw, Lord de Villiers, Lord Moulton, and Sir Samuel Griffith, on July 10, gave their considered reasons for report that the appeal by E. Meyer and Co., Ltd., v. tbe
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  • 351 9 By Rail and Steamship in TwentyOne Days. Interesting particulars are given by the London correspondent of tbe Liverpool Courier relating to a new fast Crown-sub-sidised rail and steamship service which is planned to operate between London and Sydney, with the result that tbe journey between those centres
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  • 38 9 While returning from the Residency ball at Bangalore tbe wife of Captain F. D. Irvine, who has left to join tbe Commonwealth staff of Australia, met with a trap accident, causing serious injuries to her hand and arm.
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  • 838 9 CRICKETERS HOLD WINNING POSITION. No Play This Morning. Good progress was made in the match, Singapore v. Selangor, on the Padang on Saturday, bat it must be admitted that it was made at the expense of the home eleven. The visitors played very cautiously in the early part
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  • 543 9 Singapore Team Score tbe Solitary Goal. A large orowd assembled on Saturday evening, to watch tbe football match, is which tbe Selangor visitors were taking part, despite the fact that the cricket was still in progress. The teams were Selangor.— F. R. Swettenbam (capt.), goal A. Stronaob
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  • 268 9 Fickle Woman and Alleged Attempt To Murder. A special correspondent of tbe Bombay Chronicle wires that W. Haynes, driver, G I. P. Railway, at Bhusalal, is charged before the first assistant collector, East Kbandesb, at Galgaon, with an attempt to murder another driver named Ash. Tbe story for
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  • 297 9 All tbe nice things that were said of tbe first entertainment given by the K.0.Y.L.1. in the Victoria Theatre on the 26th ult. may very aptly be applied to the repetition of the show given in the Theatre on Saturday last. As on tbe first occasion, there
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  • 156 9 We read with great regret in tbe London and China Express of July 1 1 .—We much regret to announce that t)>c death took place at Stretbam Hill, Lond .in, S.W., on stb inst., of Mrs. 8. C. Angier, v/idow of the late Fred. J. Angier, formerly of Hongkong aad
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  • 180 9 AMERICAN PAPERS INDIGNANT WITH BRITAIN The Attitude of Germany. Rbutbrs Tilkoram. London, August 2. The American press is attacking Great Britain for non- participation in the San Francisco Exhibition, assuming it to be due to tbe Panama Canal tolls controversy. The New York Times says it is a
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  • 391 9 Possible Revival of the Nicaraguan Scheme. ttSCTBB'S TSLBQBiB. London, August 2, The proposed United States protectorate over Nicaragua suggested by Mr. Bryan was probably abandoned as a result of action by the foreign relations committee of the Senate, which instructed the chairman to ask Mr. Bryan to
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  • 45 9 Rbctbb's Tblbobabi. London, August 3. A telegram from Sydney announces tbe death of Sir W. J. Lyne, K.C.M.G., the Australian statesman, at tbe age of sixtynine. The death is announced of Lady Alicia Black wood, one of Miss Florence Nightingale's nurses in the Crimea.
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  • 69 9 Rbutbb's Tblbobam London, August 3. A Hague message says Dr. Bos has asked to be relieved of the task of forming a ministry owing to the refusal of the Socialists to collaborate. The Socialists are reconsidering joining the Liberal cabinet, meanwhile the Queen has entrusted Councillor Cort
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  • 29 9 KbDTBB'3 TbLBOBAM. London, August 3. Yorkshire beat Hampshire at Harrogato by 182 runs. Kent beat Essex by sixty runs at Leyion. Somerset and Sussex drew at Bath.
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  • 4031 10 EXHAUSTIVE REVIEW OF THE POSITION. Rubber Prospects. The eleventh ordinary general meeting of the Duff Development Company, Limited, was held on July 10, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Colonel Ivor Philipps, D.5.0., M.P. (the chairmao), presiding. The Chairman i>aid Turning first to the revenue and expenditure
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  • 505 10 Nature's Own Warnings of Coming Rain. More eyes even then usual are turning to the barometer on these mornings. The gardener c-ies out for rain, the devotee of sport or society for just one more fine day, and so on. But there are other barometers than the one
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  • 185 10 At a Council meeting of the Perak Chamber of Mines, held on July 27, the following were present Messrs. A. Payne Oallwey (president) in the chair, O. 3. Dawbarn (vicepresident), Q. W. Wilson, C. Pearse, L. Vaughan, V. H. Pearson, J. H. Rich, the Hon. Eu
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  • 2 10
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  • 198 10 Police Hunting Down Notorious Gang. A daring dacoity was committed at Janda Ia Shorkhan in the Gujranwala district on July 8, in the house of Ahmed Khan, Inspector of Police, Narkali, Lahore, now on leave. The daooits were fully armed, says a Simla wire of July 28.
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  • 251 10 It will be remembered that, by a law passed in April, 1912, the Government of Brazil authorised the grant of certain bounties for the establishment in Brazil of works for the purification of raw rubber, and for the erection of works for manufacturing rubber goods. The
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  • 115 10 Two Scotsman who had been spending a very con vi val evening were returning home together. "John," said one of them, "just stop a minit till I gang on abeid. Perhaps I dinna walk steadylike, an' the wife might guess something. Proceeding twenty yards or so by himself, be shouted
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  • 591 10 EFFECTS OF THE WAR IN THE BALKANS. Hoarded Gold. Some interesting sidelights on the effects of the Balkan war on Get man trade and commerce are given in the roport for last year of Sir Francis Oppcnheiraer, tho Commercial Attache to tbe British Embassy at Berlin. The Balkan
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  • 144 10 Ayer Kuning (F.M.5.)— 10,637 lbs. Bradwall.— l2,BB4 lbs. Chersonese.— B7,sBB lbs. Dennistown.— 26,o77 lbs. Highlands and Lowlands.— 92,67B lbs. Krian Plantations. 12,715 lbs. Klabang.-9,847 lbs. Sungei Krian. 11,521 lbs. Sungei Way. 35,0.15 lbs. Strathmore. 5,011 lbs. Sua Manggis.— 4,026 lb«. Straits Rubber.— l4o,ooo lbs. Penang Estates.— 80,750
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  • 142 10 A humorous correspondent sends us the following suggested programme for a grand members' concert shortly to be given in the House of Commons (admission by insurance card): Mr. McKenna will sing "I am tlio Softest of the Family." (By kind permission of tho Suffragists.) Mr. Lloyd George will perform some
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  • 1180 11 Chairman Explains the Financial Position. Mr. F. A. Oovett, the chairman of the Dangan Rubber Company, Limited, issued a circular dated July 4. to the shareholders, in which he states: You will recall that at both of the last two meetings of the company, I have fully
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  • 480 11 Satisfactory Reports of West Coast Estates. The report of the North Borneo Trading Company, Limited, states that the issue of debentures referred to at the last general meeting, held on September 30, 1612, has not, owing to market conditions, yet been made. The directors are pleased
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  • 183 11 Aftci what was described by one of the officers as the worst passage he had made between Rangoon and Calcutta for 20 years, the steamer Angora, carrying the Burma mails, arrived in Calcutta on the night of July 25, thirty hours late. The vessel
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  • 230 11 The Tronoh Mines' output for July was as follows From mine pels 8,075, from tributere pels. 114, total pels. 8,189. Value from mine 1178,000, from tributers 16,730, total 1184,780. Estimated profit from mine (after payment of all dcvelopmei t capital expenditure, etc., »51,0rn, from tn'.uters 1880, total •51,880.
    230 words
  • 30 11 Singapore, Aagust 1, 1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning Prices Quoted lo the Market This Morning.
    30 words
  • 642 11 Noa. Valui. Butieb. Diiuh. 8/. AlUkm I/- 51/74 4 1 An«loJavm 4/8 6/0 1 An K lo Johore 6/6 7/3/- Anglo Malay 8/9 0/6 4 1 Anglo Sumatra 66/- 63/6 1 Ayer Honing 12/6 14/44 2/- Batons Malaka 1/6 2/4 1 Batu Caves 160/- 180/1 Batu Tig* 80/-
    642 words
  • 152 11 10 B«Ja» 10 Brtuu)(i 4 1 Jehet 10 KAiuboi 4 1 Kinte 10 Kioto AMOoUtion 10/. Kbdug 2.40 1.80 88/10.00 0.60 2.76 1.00 200 doh 2.00 11.00 1.00 A 1 Krauiat I'nlai 780 1 I.aliat 0.60 1 Malayan Tin 48/6 t 1 Menelembn (1.00 10 Middleton 13.00 6/-
    152 words
  • 93 11 1U Eraser and Neave Ld. 60.60 61.60 10 Hotel van Wiik 17.00 19.00 110 Howarth Erskine Ld. 46.00 55.00 100 7% Pref. 100.00 116.00 10 Maynard A Co. Ltd. 28.50 25.0 C 10 C. A. Uibeiro A Co.. Ltd. 10.60 ll.OOnom 100 R. Harp-eaves Co. Ld. 110.00 120.00 100
    93 words
  • 260 11 The report of the Bukit Rajah Rubber Company, Limited, states that the net amount at credit of profit and loss account for the year to March 31, is £95,688. Three interim dividends amounting to 90 per cent, on the ordinary shares, were paid on October 17, 1912
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 40 11 I Losing Weight by the Pound Dadat Wat-fat, a —shim «t ill- WATERMMrtMETAMUZEO COO UVEI ML OOMPOUND Hi" SM to* blood with tii* wanted >'v»f and hiV-hT tab WlditK i i mis Is Vary flaUbb. I i • *nd s>a.
      40 words
    • 42 11 Worrying will do no good. When a fellow's sickly And the cure is understood, Go and get it quickly. 'Tis only peppermint can sare From oough and oold and shiver Wcodti' Peppermint Cure oft cheat* the fcrare, r osipones crossing the rirer.
      42 words
    • 63 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Gall tat MOUTRIE'S vrill convince you that the GRAMOPHONE RECORD is the MASTER RECORD. 10,000 to select from. INSPECTION INVITED. S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED, Raffles Place. THE RITZ THE LAN6HAM THE CARLTON THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and all supply DENIB MOUNItS BRANDIEB. Why? Quality Tells. Garner,
      63 words
    • 333 11 v^v t^ i i:| m w™ v^~~. _--?T« > THE BEST. I Dupire Br»os»., AOENTB. l-7-o 80 RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 9. OPEN-AIR CONCERT ON THE LAWN. DANCINO IN THB DINING ROOM. By kind permission of Lieut. Colonel A.O. Marrable and Officers, the Band of the K
      333 words
    • 210 11 SOMETHING REALLY GOOD IN PICTURES ensuring a most pleasant entertainment, is what you will get ont of TO-NIGHT'S EXCELLENT PROGRAMME AT THE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THBATRB, BEACH ROAD, Sbcond Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. Raxblis in tn Bassi Pvrinsis, Tbi Vallit or Nrvi. (France). wobse than a scffraoitti. Tub Orchis. Thi
      210 words

  • 1635 12 When two men who have been playing first class cricket for close on twenty years make over two hundred in a single innings, and a third, senior to either of them by a couple of years, completes his hundredth century," and when all these events occur in
    1,635 words
  • 301 12 Health More Important Than Affection. To judge by the space given to the subject by the newspapers, it is just possible that America will be the first country in the world to pass a national eugenic law prohibiting the marriage of the unfit. In the meantime,
    301 words
  • 232 12 Huge Increase in Number Of; Factories. Official figures recently published, giving the number of factories and the value of their production in Western Siberia in 1900 and 1010 are of interest as showing the growth of industrial enterprise in those parts. In the Government of Akhmolinsk, in 1010,
    232 words
  • 57 12 From the Pelican A man's idea of an ideal wife is one who believes everything be tells her. Many a parvenue has the best of everything except manners. Many a widow doesn't really feel as black as she is dressed. Next getting the n an she wants, a woman enjoys
    57 words
  • 1600 12 A writer in The Daily Telegraph writes It was the Romans who made Bath. It is easy to conjure up the scene of her first discovery by a dusty reconnaissance of stark soldiery sent clanking westwards from Marlborough along the goat-track which led, men said, to a sea. Ttie
    1,600 words
  • 701 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may bo provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 190 12 GENTS .tf> SbSs?§| <fe^ I 'Wi SUITS Uij TO MEASURE $»25.00. I! If COLONIAL STORES Limited WE BEAT TIME and WE KEEP TIME You all have heard of tbe SYNCHRONIZED CLOCK SYSTEM Well, what others propose wo cirry oat, ami are now in a un'que position to offer you SYNCHRO
      190 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 464 13 Refreghing. Oietetio. Kaiser Mineral Water j Has received the highest Medals and Diplomas at all i expositions ■k It is shipped to all parts of ll the world and may be insII tantly obtained through Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd., BOLE AGENTS. J. CROWTHER SHAW CO., Merchant Tailors. RAFFLES PLACE. STY
      464 words
    • 752 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SRRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. Bsnram Fpamantla (Parth), North «V«Wt Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings betweei Singapore and Western Australia, oalling a' Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King*! Sound (Port for the Kimberley Gold
      752 words
    • 226 13 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS SOLID MAHOGANY FULL IRON FRAME ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LD. Face Cr*G&Lm (with Peroxide) a non-greasy skin food, unrivalled for complexion, leaving no Hiine or sticky after feeling, will not cause or promote the growth of hair upon the faoe— 6o ots. a Jar. A6ENTBI Maynard
      226 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 452 14 MMtfOMTI MIT NftVAMY. LAMEST PAID-UP BIPITIL Of AMY EABTEII COMPAIT. PROSPEROUS a*md PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICt- i Wlnohaatax Houta, llngapnra LONDON OFFICB Sfl, Old Jewry, E.G. The Compaay baa £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Ooart of aad ooaapUea wwk Iba BrJtth Lfls A—raaaa Ootapiatsa
      452 words
    • 270 14 msutwiCE. hmmlLve USUMNCE COMPMIT Of IWH. ■sTAßuaaao 1881 Oireot Qovernmant Suparvlalon Qovernmant Audit* Polioies are WORLD WIDB" aad Non Forfei.'tble. targe Not Surplua ab»«e liab.'itiea lor Reserve and all outstanding claims. Now Bualnaaa, 1911, 0ver. ..18 600,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Nomeroas modem schemes. 4. H. IVANI, Manager.
      270 words
    • 450 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TOW BAHKINB AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. IT AND 68. KLING STRBBT. BITABIUBBD 1907. Capital paid up... 11,000,***** Reserve liability of proprietors... 11,000 000.00 Beserve Fond 1800,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Ta> Taoa Jooa Low Shook Yaa 1. Tax Swi Kai T. Sia Kia Jam 8.
      450 words
    • 483 14 BANKING. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, M, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 14,000,000 IBSUBD CAPITAL 12,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS i Lee Choon Go an, Esq. -Chairman. Lim Peng Siang.Etq. Cheok Cheng Kee, Scow Bng Tin, Esq. Esq. Yeo Chens Hai, Esq. Tan Sian Cheng, Bsq. Tan Chay Van,
      483 words
    • 986 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLANTS, ETC., At The Orange, No. 83, Orange Riad, On Wedneaday, August 6, cat 3 p.i*». Polished teak ronnd table, teak hat acd umbrella etand, rattan fancy chairs and tablos a^ 686 bcddha etc HONGKONOMADB VEKV HANDaOMELY CaRVED AND OILT TEAK
      986 words

  • 916 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Front- Driven Lorries. It will be recalled that some months ago, says The Financier, we referred to a front drive invention which seemed somewhat hopeful, and the many points in favour of this system were touched upon. We mast admit, however,
    916 words
  • 115 15 The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's have decided, in view of the difficult problem of dealing with the Cathedral foundations, to have some eiperimente made in the process of underground cementing recommended by Sir Frauds Fox. A suggestion of Canon Alexander that the site of the old Poet Office,
    115 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS ITSELF. STOPS ITSELF. Full particulars from" 'the Sole Agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Limited. SIDDELEY DEASY, B. S. A., for:d, and STUDEBAKER CARS, Dennis Commercial Vehicles WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Orchard Road, Singapore; Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur; Hugh Low Street, Ipoh.
      154 words
    • 10 15 For Children's HacMng Congh at Night, Woods' Great Peooermint Cure
      10 words
    • 231 15 DUNLOP THE CHEAPEST BEST MOTOR TYRES. fc "t Vt ißaßTl' 1 CHEONfI BROTHERS. Dentists, No 86, South Bridge Roto Kirat-class Meobanioal Dentistry, ijlA Otowns Bridge, Filling and Vulea»l»» Dotation of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES B>t Tooth Powinra and Brushes tor aai. FRESH MILK! FRESH MILK!! Singapore
      231 words
    • 79 15 THE ABSOLUTE IT FRASER 8? NEAVE'S SODA WATER. DIAMONDS, JEWELLERY AND WATCHES. We have just received a new and varied collection ol JEWELLERY set in platinum, of very good workmanship and at moderate prices. Also a large stock of BRILLIANTS in all sizes and oolonrs and at various prioes, WATCHES
      79 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 416 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your CITEX "P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple a pull and it is Fre% a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents:
      416 words
    • 286 16 WANTS. COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted, Compositors for tbt Straits Times (news department). Good salaries given to able men. Apply with recent testimonials. SHORTHAND IYPIBT WANTED. Wanted at once, Chinese Shorthand Typist for Sarawak. Apply Box No. 819, Straits Times. 29-7 v COMPOUNDER WANTED. Wanted, fully qualified compounder to take charge of
      286 words
    • 556 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. QMPOUNO HOUBE TO LET. 11 Burwood," No. El, Orange Road; to be let. Apply on the premises. SB7 n MUUBE TO LET. No. 8 c, Malacca Street. Immediate entry. Apply to Meyer Brothers 14-8 a SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Offloe to let— Coll yer Quay. Apply
      556 words
    • 620 16 NOTICES. KIAM KMT A GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, «ovsf— t and Municipal Beetr— lert. 106, 108 109, Market Street Telephone Nos. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT ffCO., BHIPCHANDLBRB GOVERNMENT COMTBACTOES. OBNBBAL IMPORTERS AND BXPOBIBBS AMD COMMISSION AOBMTB. 87, Phillip Street. 'Phone 1388. Telegrams lIMMIAT. 19 6 n OVERLANOS. The Favourite Cars of
      620 words
    • 607 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that my clerk Tay Woo Seng has left my service and employment since the 28th February last. 1 shall therefore, as from this date, not he Id myself responsible for any debt which he may contract on my behalf or on behalf of my
      607 words
    • 641 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Tim's List. The following fixtures for the current woek and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Tanglin Ciub. Tuesday, August 12.
      641 words