The Straits Times, 14 October 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Strai ts Times. NO. 24.003 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLAR. ESTAB. 1742 I** KATZ BROS., b, will hold their STOCK-TAKING SALE IN NOVEMBER and NOT in December as formerly. PIGGOTT'S Pressed Steel Tanks. All Plate* 4 ft. square. Any Multiple of 4 ft. in length or width supplied from stock. THE IDEAL TANK FOR ESTATES, MINES
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    • 99 1 ROBINSON CO. j NOW SHOWING Second Shipment AND Smart Trimmed MILLINERY Exclusive Parisian Styles. ROBINSON CO. FRESH A SURE TIP!!! GO TO Kippers, Haddocks, Bloaters, a. krankel&co., F* k 1T»*I1 A C1 O«» e\ 875, Victoria Btreet, f ish r lllets, soles, Siberian Salmon, for furniture. Turbot, Plaice, Halibut. AND
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  • 638 2 A ROMANCE OF STAMP-COLLECTING. A Famous Forgery. Philatelists from many different countries will assemble in London, in the week begin nine Octobor 14, the occasion being the Jubilee Inhibition at the Horticultural Hall of the Junior Philatelic Society, tifty years ago stamp collecting began to bo taken up by
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  • 517 2 latitude, aro base* of hills of various heights. These imaginary hills become higher and higher the farther south we go, until, when we reach the equator it is just as far over the hill as round its Halifax and Nova Scotia anil Hordeaux in France are in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 A Lady Housekeeper Nervous Exhaustion, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness ,t Mr- Taylor di 1 i Rive up her WO*, and did I I her do le o'.iiy cerlaii way keep (joint; fd It. r: i system began 1 m cry v ith daily f«f«««« ri i ders are expelled, and sne sleep*
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    • 68 2 Best for a Cold. When you ha»e a bad cold yon want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay aa possible. To» will make 110 mistake if yo» aoleot Chamberlains Cough Kemedy. Tern are certain to be pleased with the prompt relief which it
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    • 492 2 Til DEAW Or CAMJSI.B writ*. "Sir. 1 «aa •!"■>"•« bayo«d «iMrl«M> a martyr to ol for twanty-five yaara' I look L,.,,1ii madl'iM. which ara alapla awl aaajr of SSSte I wi» o»™d «>m|.l«»«ly, aod yrarv trial I ai affirm that thay an a parfMt Jk/i: i «r>.i an lno.~-.-nl and
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    • 291 2 X' *S/^P -iSX. y TBAOE Z\ |\J ImA BRAND > '7 /Nyv'S MARK V AAI MM If ToNIC WINE For Debilitated -I— A-2?^ Vr\\ Bodies and Brains VANA hastens X yvAj^c JJ recovery after Recover) ti .i|)|H-iii.- and dtgestive I power. i 1 Recovery of a healthy supply of vitalising
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  • 870 3 PRESENT URGENT DEMAND I OR TONNAGE. Ordinary Vessels As Oil Carriers. An interesting point has arisen in connecion with the present inability of nhipbuiMc is to supply vessels, and particularly oil-tank s (earners, quickly enough to suit owners, says recent issue of The Times. All classes of
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  • 157 3 An aria of four and three-quarter square miles of North London was suddenly de prived of electric light just before half- past eight on the niyht of September 9, through v tire which broke out in the switch-room of the Borough of Islington Electricity Works. From the Angel
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  • 43 3 The Japanese Government, it is stated, will not runew thu subsidy for the Nippon i Yuten Kaisha's lino of steamers to Australia, but it will add it to the subsidy for the same company's Calcutta line, in which six Teasels im now engaged.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 Redio POLISHING CLOTHS. Those cloths contain within th( m«el»e« all the materials rcquiif-1 for clianinn and poliihinß almcmt any kind of mttil, Uiuh dispensing entirely with ties of paste or liquid. They are aervioeable unt.l worn to pieces and are more lading tban any other metal pol'sb. 2O oenta each,
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    • 10 3 Kor Children'" Hacking Cough at Night Woods' Great Fcpperniiat Cure.
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    • 480 3 DYSENTERY I AND I DIARRHOEA BROWN'S SPECIFIC. I To be bad at the Sinoapobi l iispin- I sart, and of HIM BROWN, Granule, 1 River Valley Road, Singapore. I '•7* 3718 1 Rheumatic Weather. Don't be surprisod if you have an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected
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    • 220 3 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE PP., LTD. (WBAB BNTRANCB t. BORNBO WHARF) Telephone 1096 »Bea atoofta of all kinds of FROZBN MBATS, etc. mi be delivered to Shipping at tbe Wharvea, or ia the Singapore Roads, oa shot I ■otioe. 3FFIOE HOURS Week days 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays 7 a.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 676 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. rOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Taroagh Bills of Lading issued lor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amoriean Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINE* 101S Uomevtrd i /or Rtiopn
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    • 646 4 BTEAWER SAILINGS. nTy.k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO, i LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial -Japanese Government. Tho New Twin-scrpw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 578 4 STEAMER SAILINGS'. [HE SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu. Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kolantan, Bangnara, Pelupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, bangsuan, Taku, 3bun.pon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Out Departure 8 p.m. a. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 14 Oct. 16 ■.•.BORIBAT Oot. 17 Oot. 19 •a. YUGALA Oot.
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    • 78 4 SBANQ LINE OF STEAMERS s.b. "Glenogle" 8,760 Tone, s.s. Seang Bee 6,799 Tons, B.s. Seang Choon 6,776 Tons. FOR PENANG AND RANGOON b.b. SEANG CHOON, onjOctober 17, 1912. FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND BWATOW. s.B. JANG BEE, oa October 24, 1912. These steamers have excellent aooommoda tion for passengers, and carry
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    • 502 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD OCUfSCa MMPFSCIiri MIRTMEt. "HaNSI" IRMEH Combined Service. Tbo stcamres of those Compauies mainiain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antworp, and Rotterdam, and tbo Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg onco a month for Brnmerbaven direct,
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    • 649 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ~n7d l. orddeutschar Lloyd, Crem»r. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fa»t and well known mail steamer* of (his Company sail forte h htly Irom Brtmcn Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (couneot ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aud vice versa) Port Said, Sue*. Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 701 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL <"£>> WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT %vL x i GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai. From and to Trioete and Venice, calling at Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, b ugkong and Shanghai, and at Penang on the homeward voyage. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Dae to arrive
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    • 263 5 iNDO-CHINA STEAM NAtf. CO., LD. Cirect Service to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai and to Calcutta via Penang from Sirgapore. Taking cargo oc tbrr u^h Bills f Li.dir t ■:r Canton, Macao, [wajluej, Amo* Cbefco, Tientsin, Newcliwi. )g FaagHn Porte, Formosa ".lit Philippines, etc.. e'c. etc Steamers. Tons Commai.der Rdisamo 4.805
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    • 662 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWIBN Fremantle (Perth), North West Australian Porta, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly eailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offer<o. Derby, King's Bound (Port tot the Kimberley
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    • 614 5 NOTICES. NOTICE. MALACCA MOTOR BERVICE. LIMITED (IU LIQUIDATION). The nuJoiai, nc 1 hat ncvivod instructions from the Liquidators to sell, by Public Auction, on WedLtsday, October 1913, at 10 80 a.m at thtir Workship at Kabu, comprising the following Stock-in-trade Four Ford cars includ eg fpare part?. Three Dennis lußsesiccluding
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    • 278 5 o ABSOLUTELY *P PURL Grand Prix t jib# Paris, 1880. THE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD., ••ea la»pop*B#«. K. NAKAGAWA Annual SALE Japanese Curios and General Goods Now Proceeding. No. 2, HIGH STREET. 28 9-B 27 10 INDRA LINE. LIMITED. FOR BOSTON AND NEW VOltK Tbe Brit th itrMBM INDHA.M. f,615
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    • 289 5 THE jSTRAITS TIMES p— Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Meters, lofca UMta t Co.. Ltd. BBMBM. Xi I y and Watch, Ltd, Baffle* Hotel. AdelpH HoU- 1 Hotel dr I'Earopo. H..>.u! ran Wijk, Btatt* rd Read. Mann, K-'l! t Co fl? Bras rH«nh Road The R
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 263 6 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Roao First- olasa Meohanioal Dentistry, Gold Crowns Bridge, Filling and Vulcanite Duration of Wear guaranteed OUAROHS MODBRATB FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for sale. WINES. Special selected Wines from Rishon Le Zian, Palestine. CLARETS.— Medoc, St. Julien and Margauz.
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    • 150 6 rat— ss\ fasn i^^milih Tropic Colds ■M not only the most disagreeable, the most annoying sort of cold;, hut they also are Hard to get rid of ||i« nHi cause in the TroYYiIV r'cs vnur system is .it its fithlest. yon are worn out exhausted by the debilitating Kvcr I'ristnt
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  • 184 7 T* DtT. Malacca and Maar Kaka P pm P. Swettenbam and T< lok Anton Porab 8 pm Keniauiau. Kua. > I'ucgun and Trenktuanu Will othe Wisp 8 pm Batti Pahat Ainu Leone 3 pm 13* Ceylon, Australasia, Manritins, India, K^ypt and Em-oat, etc. Sydney Bpm Port Swettenbam,
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  • 147 7 The I*, and O. homeward mail steamer china left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 13, and may be expected to arrrive here at 4 p.m. on Wdeneaday. Oct. I*. The P. and O. outward mail steamer India left Colombo at 9.80 p.m. on Saturday, ctober
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  • 790 7 Latest Arrivals. Aruliorst. Brit. str. 185 tons, Capt Scott, Oct U. From Ba^an, Oct 12. G.c. and 47 dp. Thong Ek. For Bagan, Oct If. Kds. Mtai. I; >o Btr. 2887 ton*. Capt Albrecbt, Oct 11. Kiom oJesH*, Sept 9. (i.e. and p Homer Coy. Ltft For V
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  • 102 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR B*«t Wmr Basin— Waterwitch. Ba«t W. Sictiok No. I— Natuna. Suits Whist— Vaiiur*. Mai» W Biot No. Tecsta, Xam Sang. B—Colombo8 Colombo Maru. 4— Nil. ii S^Mindiroo. > B— Pataui.'Menelaaf", N«w Doct T—
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  • 267 7 Finance Commerce. XGHANQF. 8ib9*fobb, Octobbb 14 1613 Oa L*bd«b— Bank 4 m/i t/«| Demand 1/4^ Private f,ml* 1/4 jj 5 In/i 1/4 Jl Ob Oibbibt— Bank d/d m ibbj Private I m/i t42, Ob Fiavcb— Bank d/d m Private I d/i t80 Ob Iidu- Bank T. T. 174 j Private
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    • 160 7 V|klne <£ Bayers. Sellers. 10 7.00 Amptng c.CO par 1 10 btuai iv 2 95 B.CS 10 10 Brum* 1.76 2.00 10 10 Kanftbol 2.45 2.55 41 41 KinU Til 1,8.9 1.14.71 10 10 Kam par p» r 10 10 Kioto Asßociation 12.00 13.50 41 41 L»L»t Mine* I
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    • 564 7 Israe 2 V»lne Bayers, Seller* 2/. I/. Allasa* 2/7* 8,2 2/- I/- Anglo SU-sj 14/8 4, 3/- I/- Batons Malaka 2 3 8/41 411 Bata Cavee 13.15.0 14.7.0 ill 41 Bata Tiga 8.10 0 3 17.0 ill ill Bakit Kajang 2.13.9 219 0 41 41 Bakit Lint&ng 4.1.0 4.8.8
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    • 109 7 Issue 2 Value Bayers Seller* 7/6 7/8 Hloctoic Ttunwayt 2/. 8/44 10 10 Frwer Ne»ve 60.75 61.80 100 Howartb Brakime 86.00 40.00 100 7% Prel 103.60 IC4 00 100 100 K*ti Bro. Del IBO.OC 100 100 8% Cam. Ptet. Bom 10 10 M»yn»fd Co, 16.00 100 100 a Httgreavei
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    • 46 7 Bayer* Heueit Howarth Brskine 6% 1900,000 par Riley. Harereaves S% 1384,000 2* Singapore Bleetrie Tramways 6% 4880,000 B'pore Municipal 6 11,878,000 nom. a Buyers Seller* Spore Municipal 4JI *****7 II6CO 000 7% Spore Mnnicipal H% of 1009 11,000,000 10%G£. Spore Municipal i% 1802.800 p r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 l'oor Mary Ann caught sucb a cold, They said it was tbe tin She took a lot of drugs and thing*. But worse and worse abe grew. At last they called the doctor io. No need fur me," he Skid But to the chemist's go and buy Woods' Peppermint Cure
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    • 266 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. October 15. At saleroom, sevf a freeholc allotments fronting a reserve for road off Oavlang Road, etc., at 2.80. October U.— At saleroom, leasehold land at Bukit Timah Road, at 280. October 19. -At No. 65, Scotts Road, furniture etc., property of E. Lehrenkrauss, Esq.,
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    • 144 7 I CIGARETTES The perfect hygienic conditions under which "State Express" VIRGINIA Cigarettes are made, the absolute avoidance of every form of added N0.555 matter, and the sublime quality of the tobacco used, maKe them the ;W> CtS. most healthy smolting that men can enjoy. Pached in patent vacuum air-tight tin*
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    • 24 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. FIVE BRAND-NEW Biograph and Itala's Films IN TO-NIGHT'S PROBRAMME. Telephone No. 1118, Beach Road. K HARIMA, Sole Proprietor.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 84 7 DAILY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES Monday, October 14. High Water, 0.29 am., 11.55 in Sea Mew Appeal at Supremo Court. Tuesday. October 15. High Wafer, 1.5 a.m., 0.36 p.m. Wednesday, October 16. High Water. 1.40 a.m., 1.0 p.m. Taurcday. October 17. High Water, Ml a.m., 1.88 p.m. Friday, October 18. High
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  • 30 8 Wmkkatne:— On October 14, Maria EKzv beth, wife of Frederick William Wijeratne. late of His Siamese Majesty's Customs, at her residence, 9, (Jueen Street, Singapore. Ceylon paper please copy.
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  • 967 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. It is seldom that anything in the nature at a financial scandal touches British political life, but the agreement with the Marconi Company for an Imperial system of wireless has aroused the gravest hostility and susply^yi y^^Fridaj aixJit Mr. Samuel moved toi
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  • 11 8 .folios-Sergeant Cronin of the Singapore force has been transferred to Penang.
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  • 24 8 The I*V** f ews °*-H^° I a cru is that afrffifco m savtefe-the vessel lias keen abandoned. She is breaking up in many places...
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  • 34 8 Th« iopar DreaOwwgbt Marlbar*jab is to be latinehoa at' «ra Oelober 24. Although it^B anticipated that the naming ceremony will be performed by the Duchess. of Mar) borough, nQ, official anaomircm.-ut has "been caade.
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  • 44 8 Th P. and O. steamer Vectis has been sold to a French company, and will be handed over at Marseilles on the completion of her present cruise. It is rumoured th« "Vectis will be converted into a hospital ship and employed in Moroccan waters.
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  • 60 8 Lake^kfltarf, Itroußd wfeich serious fighting hem been ta^inK p'*C?i >s a picturesque sheet of water ay- it 27 miles long, studded with islands. It lies partly in Montenegro .and partW *v W ™«>|t about ..araMd *i«b *ln*ic I* waters me klraWed by the*"*)* -«<»y»J* +<* a hill overlooking the lake
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  • 24 8 A sale organised by V.W.C.A. members in aid of Mrs. Amerys medical work, held on Saturday last, realised, we are informed, S l l5.
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  • 42 8 The calendar season lias opened. Ml Koh and Co., arc first in the field with a uni.iue dat€ block production, having a hand painted representation of tlie travellers palm. Particulars of bow to seem, this calendar are contained in the nun's advertisement.
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  • 43 8 deputation appointed at a recent public meeting held in the Kinta Masonic Hall, in connection with the establishment of hrst and second class European wards at the new Ipoh hospital, have wired to tho Resident urging upon Government the necessity for 'such accommodation.
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  • 46 8 Inder the British and Foreign Com panics F.nactmcnt, which came into force in the F. M.S. on September 27. the registration fee on each document which must be hied with the Registrar of Companies, was reduced from »5 (the fee under the previous enactment) to $2.r>o.
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  • 46 8 The Evening News states that Mr. George Edwardes, manager of the Gaiety Theatre, has been compelled to insert in his agreements with actresses a clause prohibiting the actresses from marrying during their terms of engagement. From Mr. Edwardes' point of view marriage is a great inconvenience.
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  • 56 8 On the arrival today of the 8.1. Lama, from Penang, Captain G. W. Simian reported that a Chinese deck passenger, Aung Eng Why. fell or jumped overboard last might. He was last seen on board at II o'clock by his own son and a friend. The former reported the matter
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  • 54 8 Hongkong is rinding its short railway line of 22 miles from Kowloon to the Chinese frontier an expensive luxury. Next year the expenditure is expected to be »H40,799 while the income is estimated at 5319.060, leaving a deficiency of 8521,199. Mr. A. B. Hubback of Kuala Lumpur, is designing the
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  • 65 8 A resiJent of Kuala Lumpur anxious to be prepared for the next big flood when it comes this way, has bmlt himself a boat on the lines of a Thames punt. It was launched on Friday, and sailed down river gaily for a while. But the amateur boat builder had
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  • 78 8 It is said that a noncommissioned officer of the Malay States Guides was lately retired on pension on account of an alfection of the eyes. This led a Sepoy to put something iv his eyes to inflame them and so secure a cheap pension. But the doctor was not to
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  • 83 8 company, with a capital of 1 100,000. has purchased White Island, in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, with the object of working the sulphur deposits there. It is said that there are about 40 acres of rock sulphur ore, containing about *4 per cent, of pure- sulphur, as well
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  • 99 8 There is intense excitement in Bengal, says an Indian paper. Tlie Mahomedans have held an enormous mass meeting in Calcutta on October 6 at which Btodoi ah I attended. Violent speeches wen- made in which it is stated that there was a conspiracy by the Christian Powers to rob tho
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  • 125 8 U Ipoh, Salleh, a tapper, was charged by Mr. C. H. Cox, Assistant, Klabang estate, Chemor, with refusing t<> go to work on a place about ten minutes' walk from the lines. The magistrate, Mr. Gibson, informed the accused that he was liable to two months' imprisonment or a tine.
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  • 122 8 The Penang municipal ambulance horse died last yoar from sheer want of work. So said the President at the last board meeting, and he added that they bad decided, on paper, to hand the ambulance over to the health officer as a contagious disease ambulance, and no longer to keep
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  • 132 8 The usual general meeting of the I.C.S. Students' Association was held in the Association Kooms, on Saturday, at P-m-. wnen there was a large attendance of students, who now number nearly 400 under the Singapore agoucy of the school*. the business of the evening was the election of new officers.
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  • 27 8 Mr. ti. It Oswald, from BilMprafi, has M rived ut liaub, aud taken up In- lutiei OB Urn stall of the liaub -Miuc s.
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  • 24 8 Mr. K 11. Dalla-. InMM "I Bm» «ak. is paying a visit to Kuala Lmupur. lie intends spcudiug about a week in the X.M.S.
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  • 34 8 Dr. W. R. Lamb, oculist and optician, vfco is at present in Pmngkok. states that M l'ircturn from China about.lanuary he will stop in Singapore, and that lie may be consulted during his stay.
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  • 33 8 Sergt. Majors I.niny and Smith rompleti their tour of duty with the M. 8. B. next month and will be relieved by Sergt. MajorWatkins and Starling, of the Kin-js Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
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  • 37 8 Dr. F. Oorlolt. who recently retired H Senior Medical Otlicer of Hie Ceylon Medical Department, arrived in Penang from (.olomb.. on Thursday, and is coming on to Singapore win i. it is likely lie will settle foWB.
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  • 43 8 The Chinese of Ipoh are going to put up a memorial fountain to Sir Birch OB a triangular piece of groirid near the l.aliat Road, which will be available when the mi nt to the Lahat Road has been car lied cut.
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  • 41 8 The death occurred in Singapore this mom ing, of a Sinhalese lady, in the person of Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Wijeratne, the wifo of Mr. Wijeratne, late of His Siamese Majesty a Customs and who at present is a contractor in Kelantan.
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  • 49 8 Captain .1. l'.iuiuiiu.l. who was well Unown all over China, formerly having bees iv tin China coast service, during the last teu years as hulkkecper of the Hamburg .America Line at the different ports of the Vanytse. has died of heart failure, at Hankow, at the ac,e of Hi
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  • 50 8 Captain tho Hon. Arthur Id Forester, "azettcd as major iv the Grenadier Guard"-, fs the fifth of the six soldier sons of Lord Forester. Since 1910 he has been A.D.I', to fie Viceroy of India. He belongs to the ancient Shropshire line that its took its name from its occupation.
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  • 58 8 Mi. J. Scott Mason, the newly .appointed Governor of British North Borneo, is dm berr, according to the B. N. B. Herald, in about a week's time, and is expected to hrst visit Kelantan and then go down to Sandakan, arriving at liis new charge about November 1. He will
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  • 33 8 Wo have to acknowledge $'25 from "AM onymous "on behalf of the Naval Training Ship Mercury. Tlie sum r. reived for Mm second list of subscriptions is now SI 10.
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  • 62 8 The freehold residential property known as The Castle. Cavenayli Road, NMMR. belonging to the estate of the late Mr. 11. Abrams, has been sold privately by M. Ml Powell and Co.. to Mr. C. A. BJbeiro, at Sin gapore, for JlT.ihk). The area is about thr>
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  • 79 8 The report of the ISukit Lintang Rubbei Khtat. s. Limited, states that profits for On year to June :tO, including Afili brought forward, amount t0£31,187. Th« directors recommend a final dividend of :ITJ per cent making 50 per cent., less tax, for the yea. that £4,33."'
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  • 179 8 Rallies Hotel was probably never crowded in its existence before as it was on tho occasion of the fancy dress ball given on Saturday night. A pretty an. l varied selection of costumes was on view and danciu" was matter td MBM difficulty, 80 crowded
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  • 169 8 In the Netherlands budget of tho financial year 1913, tho expenditure is estimated a: 2:11,000,000 florins (12 florins to thoX'li inclu ding nearly 12,000,000 florins for extraordinary expenditure. The revenue in estimated at t09,«00,000 florins, showing a total deficit of 21,000,003 florins and a deficit in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 830 9 Grave Anxiety in Leading Capitals. FEARS 01 GREAT POWERS BEING INVOLVED. Extent of the Montenegrin Victories Kbctbr's Tklbobam. London, October 12 lieiiii i wins irom I'odgorit/a that the bat.l. resumed in them irning. and righting gBMMI along almost the whole of the frontier. Mai tinoviteh s
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  • 182 9 Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tilrora*. Berlin, October VI. The Hungarian delegation ha« accepted the army and navy budget. Turkey has mobilized her floet. The Suit in h;is issued an army order, calling upon the troops to do their duty against the Balkan nations. Constantinople is inclined to simply take
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  • 41 9 Ninety Australians Entombed. KBCTBR 9 TILI'.HAM. London, October 14. A Melbourne message says there has been a fire in the North Lyell mint- and in the 700 foot level ninety men arc entombed. One body lecovtred is unrecognisable.
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  • 33 9 Kbuifr's Tbliobam. London, October 12. A Chicago MH|I >.iy- lack Johnson has gone to Australia, having accepted fiftythousand dollars to box McVea and Langford. He fights Laagford on I) n
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  • 65 9 Kictbr's Tbliuham. London, October 1:(. The iac<- for the Duke of York stakes ri suited as follows Ad*u Btde Monotone 2 Uamerton 3 Twelve ran. and the race was won by half a length, a hi I 1 MpmtfagMMßl and third. The l» '.tiug was 100
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  • 28 9 KIQTRI'9 TkLI'IKAH. Londoa, Oofc 12. titt f» iisun. tin billiard professional, playing Look made a break of l.Oltl. which is a record for nil round play.
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  • 28 9 Kbdtib's Tblbora*. London, October II At Portsmouth, the siipurdrcadnoiight Iron Duke was launched by the Duchess of Wellington, who christened the ship with colonial wine.
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  • 25 9 Kll'TlK'> TBLBI.RAM. London, October 12. Mr. Asquith had an hour's audience at Buckingham I'alacc and thereafter the King received Sir Win, Nicolson.
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  • 37 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. The market in London, on Saturday, was quietly steady. The closing prices were: Hard fine Para spot 4/7 forwarl -in. First latex crepe, delivery next threo months 4/4}
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  • 686 9 THE LATEST LUXURIOUS M. M. LINER. Arrival in Singapore. It is said that before long it will be possible to tiavel from Singapore to London via Karachi and the Bagdad railway but that time is not yet and people going homewards or coming outwards must still go
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  • 184 9 In his report on the trade of Port Said for 1911, Mr. Consul-General Blech states that the percentage of British ships passing through the Canal has risen to 62 2 ;><.'r cent, as ngards numbers and 04 per cent, for ton nagc. < lerman vessels figure respectively
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  • 88 9 It may be recalled, says the Financial News that when the British Borneo Petroleum Syndicate made its agreement with the Dutch Colonial Petroleum Company, in July last, there was excluded from the arrangement the British North Borneo portion of the Island of Sebattik, on the east coast
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  • 1138 9 MOST EXPENSIVE LUXURY IN THE COUNTRY. An Ingenious Preventative. In liin report for 1911 Dr. Sansou, the Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S., devotes some considerable space to the ravages of malaria in the Native States which he des cribes as probably the most expensive luxury in those
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  • 547 9 Promising Prospects in the Red Sea Area. Mr. Consul General Bloch, reporting on Egypt for the past year, says that during 1911 the Asiatic Petroleum Company (Egypt), Limited, imported at Port Said 6,84:) tons of liquid fuel from Koumania, of which 2..1H1 tons were re-exported, and 810
    547 words
  • 189 9 Consul-general John P. liray. of Sydney. Australia, says the Trade Commissioner of the State of New South Wales in the East, has recently reported to his Government that excellent opportunities exist in the Straits Settlements for t;reatly increased imports from Australia. The Commissioner says as
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  • 121 9 Two excellent specimens of rubber tyres, one a heavy .V) inch and the other a 4-inch tyre, were unrolled at New York, before a gathering of the world's chemists there by Dr. Car! Duisberg, who declared that the tyres were composed of synthetic rubber manufactured at his
    Daily Mail  -  121 words
  • 101 9 The Matin states that the parties sent out by the French Government to explore the Sahara Desert and ascertain what facilities exist for the building of a railway and highways have now finished their task. The great difficulty of constructing a TransSahara railway is still the problem
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  • 175 9 SERIOUS HITCH IN THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Question of the Aegean Islands Rbctbr's Tblboram. London, October 12. Reutcr wiros from Ouchy that a Turkish courier has arrived with documents which led to a further conference of the Turco Italian peace delegates. A telegram from Home says the Italians
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  • 149 9 INFERENCES FROM ELECTION RESULTS. Mr. Lloyd George Abandons Land Campaign. Rkctfr's Tklkuram. London, October 12. Mi. Bonar Law. BimHl«n at banquet at the Constitutional Club to victors in the recent bye- lections, analysed the results ot the bye elections, r.nd contended that they proved that Unionists at the
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  • 75 9 HICTEK's TBLRQRAM. London, October IS. Mr. Samuel's uiotiou for a r miinittci to inquire into the Marconi contract was adopt el after considerable discussion duriug which the business MfMta of the agreement were strongly criticised, while Mr. Lloyd Qmmjl and Sir Kufus E«MMI vehemently repudiated the insinuations
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  • 49 9 Early Beginning of Winter Terrors. KICTBBS TbLBORAM. London, October 12. London for four days has been enveloped in fog, which is dislocating traflic. Numbers have been injured in the streets, includiug the well known musician Sir Henry Wood. The naval mannuvres and shipping urt held up.
    49 words
  • 50 9 Dbk Ohtasiatischb Llotd TiLiuiia. Berlin, October l'J. The President of the licichstag, Ilcrr Kii-tnpf. has resigned, as objection to luh action is certain, but he will again be a oandi date. The Kaiser will keep to his autumn programme The Imperial Chancellor is ordeiod to go to Hubertusstock.
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  • 28 9 Dmk Ostasia nsriii Lloyd Trlkobam. I., rim, October 12. The Shantung railway will give for mining rights M.4,k00,000 railway share*, bceidc* taking over M.:t,7'>O,OO»> niiniug debts.
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  • 2290 10 LAST DAY OF THE AUTUMN MEETING. The Case of Lodestar. The pleasant conditions that favoured the first two days af tlii' race meeting were happily maintained right to the end of Saturdays sport. A large crowd was in attendance ou the lawn anj stands and although the Boldß
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  • 693 10 Dangers of Optimism in Regard to Cultivation. In 1907 the cocoa plantations of Surinam, in Dutch Guiana, were destroyed by a devastating disease, says the Daily Telegraph of September 10. Naturally the Dutch colonists were anxious to make good their losses, and their thoughts turned towards the
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  • 83 10 Sir Horatio Davies, Lord Mayor of London in 1897-98, and ex MR for Chatham, whose death took place last month, was 70. Daring his term of office, Sir Horatio (pent more money in entertaining than any Lord Mayor of the last quarter century, giving dinners to the Army. Navy, and
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  • 1575 10 FULL DETAILS OF SMASH NEAR LIVERPOOL. Casualty List. The l>aily Chronicle to hand by Saturday's mail gives fall and harrowing details of the terrible railway disaster, wired previously by Renter, which occurred about ton miles from Liverpool on September IT. One of the London and North -Western Railway
    1,575 words
  • 76 10 Notes in General. Messrs. K. K. Ahmad Marican and M. S. Mohamed Kassim Marican, president and vice- president of the Hushdiah Club, have signified their willingness to give twentytwo medals to the players of first and second teams of their club, this evening, at the Malaya Football ground,
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  • 139 10 Yin Shield Competition. An interesting and lively football match in the Dr. Yin shield competition was played on the police ground, Beach Koad, on Saturday, between the Mercantile, Bank Football Club and the Sunrays F.C. No time was lost in settling down and in the first moments there were
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  • 281 10 Arrivals. Per str. Mcrkus, October 14. From Pakan Baroe Messrs. Bluntschli and Cope. Per str. Giang Ann, Oct 13. From Saniar ang. Mr. Momsile. Per str. Menggala, Oct. 14. Froiu lndragiri Messrs. Pommerenck and Winter. Per str. Circe, Oct. 14. From Deli Messrs. Holse, L'dharam, and G.
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  • 952 10 NOVEL EXPERIMENT IN PAGAN DISESTABLISHMENT. From the Sublime to the Ridiculous. With deep ami general regret, to ChiMH as well as foreigners, says the haily News an<l Leader, it is learnt that the Ministry of Agriculture proposes to convert the Temple of Heaven into a model
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  • 78 10 For the period from October 1H to 31, inclusive, thu duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the 1- M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules under thu I'ustniim Duties Enactmont will be assessed on the following prices: Sbeot
    78 words

  • 1551 11 AWAKENING OF THE ASIATIC CONTINENT. Evolution of the Japanese. We Ukr (hr lollowinK froiu tin Morning Tost:— It limy be said that tin- Kasl us a musical centre is known to us in two ways. On the oue hand wt have Mm unreliable, if charm in«. treatment
    1,551 words
  • 418 11 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Bulletin. Mt— .1-. Samuel Montagu aud Co. writes from I. ii'lun. under date September 19: Oiili>.— The arrivals of bar gold amounted t>> about I'sOO.OOO, of wliich £150,000 was inn lit-^cl for shipment to Now York. although the profit oil tht triusartion
    418 words
  • 32 11 S( rcUuij Central. —6,669 lbs. .January to September r,2;>~2 lbs. Manchester North Borneo. —July 4,2R21b5.. August. '..ll4 lbs., Septcmbor -.144 lbs. Nine ■nun t ht of year. :t:t,;,o<', lbs.
    32 words
  • 794 11 Prieci Quoted in tbe Market Thli Morning Singapore, October 14, 1912. Utmn. Ljall and Bvatt, Bxohanee in I Share Brokers, iwne the followma list ol qaotatioai this aoioms i t Xom. Valuk. Rl'yiks. Sillrrm. I I/- AJIat" 8/8 8/ 4 1 Anglo-Java 5/9 8/4 i 1 AnRloJohort
    794 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 76 11 Tbe Captiin stooa upon the bridge It was a foggy night I think he raid that 1 mu-it have Another Starboird Light." Tbe mate replied in accents clear, While gazing to the West Give me a port, the one I like is Hunt's, it raits me best." STARBOARD LIGHT PEPPERMINT
      76 words
    • 8 11 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*, Woods' Great Peppermint Core
      8 words
    • 388 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Losing Weight by the Pound h^tft" Wei KK."K h condition of ill- j ow y° nr MMmiUtiTe powers i »M decreasing. < WATERBURY 8 METABOLIZED I COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND Supplies the blood witL the wanted noormhin,; aod health, flesh bnildin K matoriata. Very relaUMe. OF ALL CHEMISTS.
      388 words
    • 346 11 Quality Price. MIGHELIN TYRES are the dearest, D UPIRE BROTHERS, 17c A*.nt.. sos-ia RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only nrgtolase Hotel in Sai«on. Every comfort. SpUndid verandah, fcotaarant With management, French kitchen and attendance as in the rlt-ost European Restaarants. Manager (i.
      346 words
    • 208 11 THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC is the Specific for tbe Specific oomplaiot and of whatever standing. Price 11.26. THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An efficacious Ointment for toth external and internal Piles. Price 11.26 and 76 cts. THE CITY DISPENSARY, Selegib Road, Sicgapon 10-l-c U. 1.18. 18 AUCTION SALE OF WINES. ETC. To
      208 words

  • 1579 12 AMERICANS PEREGRINATIONS THERE. Locates Unknown Lakes. Koy Chapman Andrews, assistant curator ,1 Hie department »f mammalogy of tbe American Mus< -urn of Natural History, who v,,{u b.i.k from a ton months trip to the Orient to obtain specimens for the museum and who while in C'oroa explored
    1,579 words
  • 932 12 How it is Being Ised for Many Purposes. As a set off to the decision of the Imperial Institute that Burma beans, both red and white, are dangerous feeding stuff tor cattle on account of the fluctuating amount of ptu sic acid in th< m. it is
    932 words
  • 936 12 Recent Investigations on the Continent of Europe. About two years ago we (Times, London) gave a brief account of the results obtained by the British Pellagra Investigation Commission during their researches in northern and central Italy. It will be remembered that Dr. Louis W. Sambon, lecturer tc
    936 words
  • 497 12 FORTHCOMING DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance of this list
    497 words
  • 94 12 The following list is supplied by the local agents Per N. D. L. steamer Yorck. due October 26.— Mr. S. I>. Holland, Mr. V. O. Riley, Mrs. J. S. Smyth, Mr. F. Bost. Capt. C. Davill. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. and the Misses L. and J. Gibson, Mr. and
    94 words
  • 113 12 Homeward Bound. lVr I*. and O. (.'hiua connecting at Colombo with Macedonia, sailing October 18. Key. K Garnui, Mr. K. P. Uiush, Mr. Al-xin.l. Mr. D. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. Mr. F. R. Hill, Major Payne -Callwey. Mr. McCallum. Per P. and O. Namur sailing October 'ii. Major and
    113 words
  • 35 12 Per Austrian Lloyd steamer Koubur. sailing October 2">.— Mr. I'istorins, Mr. B. Scliwnndt", Mrs. H. Belle, Mi. A. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hasenfratz anil two children. Mr. W. S. Gibson, Mr. Oscar S. Dawbarn.
    35 words
  • 131 12 When (Jueen Mary travelled to Balmoral last week, it was recalled, says the Gentlewoman, by a courtier that her journey thither was attended with far less expense and ceremony than was that of Queen Victoria to the same destination yfars ago. Had to share a sleeping
    131 words
  • 55 12 A Frenchman who has just come out of prison has, it is said, written a large number of poems daring his year's confinement, not to mention a complete novel. This seems, says the bystander, one more proof of what reformers are constantly declaring— that short sentences have no deterrent
    55 words
  • 57 12 News received from Paris states that MademoiscUa Wedman, assistant in the laboratory at the Salpetries Hospital, has become a victim of the X rays. Her arms have had to be amputated, and ii 111 1 fuared that she is dying. Kecently she received from the Government medals and honours in
    57 words
  • 213 12 THE "MEDICAL TIMES AND "LANCET" ON ARABELLA RADIO-MEDICINAL WATER. Tho Medical T.ines" sajs: The water is especially rich in tl ose t-a'tg which b»vo maie other njiu»r<tl waters fatuous in the past or at present for th-ir 1 tli'icy in the treatment of Gnu', Liver Complaints, and Chronic ContipotioD. We
    213 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 163 12 GEO. RUSSELL Turf Accountant, S-2.<i. St., Is now doing 1 Business CESAREWITGH CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Prices, etc on application. 8-10 I 11 (No connection with any other Furniture House). 166, Orchard Road. 'Phono 244. REMOVAL SALE STILL ON FOR 6 MORE DAYS. Huge Success! Correct Goods at Correct Prices. ran DBLivra
      163 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 322 13 BECK'S M BEER KEY BRAND sole: importers Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. H. L. COGHLAN AND COMPANY, photographic materials v c AND STUDIO. Auctionesrs, Valuers and Surveyors, so 6 kuiffLM place Developing Printing Neatly Executed VALUATIONS of Real and Personal Property for sales, Mortgage and B-tate Dot; AUCTIONS conducted of Land,
      322 words
    • 519 13 FMBER CHALMERS. LTD. WINCHESTER HOUSE, BINOAPORK. DIESEL OIL ENGINES. M 21-113 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. S Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Via China. Javam, Canal* amp tbi Unitid Stath. Route trcm Hongkong, via Shanghai. Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Jap»n\ Kobe Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanocaver. R.ii.b. Bmprbse
      519 words
    • 192 13 PIANOS ON HIRE AT $10 PER MONTH. TUNING AND REGULAR ATTENTION INCLUSIVE. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD., THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE. H.M.B. WHISKY Champagne, Hocks, Moselles, Clarets Ports, Sherries, Madeiras, Brandies, Cocktail, Stout, Cigars, Milk, Butter, etc. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Rautenberg, Schmidt Co a ASK FOR PRICE LIBT. MOTOR CAR FOR SALE.
      192 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 479 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. lead Office I Winchester Home, BINOAPORH I Board of Dlreoto*.. 4. Dsbbicb, Bsq., Chairman 4. H. Faib, Bsq., Managing Director. MM Fewua, cm., Chief Med. Officer f. M, Bmot, Bk) a. D Allah Bag. T.w Nsam P*k, Bag. Om B*mi Tee, Bsq *..»>•
      479 words
    • 311 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ISSUMNCt COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1883. Direct Government Supervision Government Audit. I] Policies are WORLD WIDE and Non-Forfei table, L*rg« Net Surplus above liabilities or Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Buaineea, 1911, over...» 8,800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally Namerons moaern schemes 4. H. EVANS,
      311 words
    • 535 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK BF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. NOORPORATBD BY ROYAL CHARTBR Paid op Capital is 80.000 Shares of 430 6Mb 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,660,000 Reserve Liability <* Proprietors... 41,3004)00 BANKBRB. Bank of England. Toe London Oily a Midland Bank, Ltd National Bank of Soot Und, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      535 words
    • 554 14 BANKING. DIE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCORPORATED BT SPECUL MPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed V.1 0,000.000. Capital Paid Up 6,250.000. Reserve Funds 3,100,000. HEAD OFFICE -TAIPEH, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Calcutta Fbocbow Hongkong Keelung Kobe Kagi London Moji Nagasaki Osaka Shanghai Swatow Taichu Tainan Takow Tamsui Tokio Yokohama,
      554 words
    • 552 14 BALEBJY AUCTION. BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF POLICE OF-ICER. AUCTION SALE Of UNSERVICEABLE POLICE STORKS, UNCLAIMED ANO CONTISCATED PROPERTY AND INTESTATE ESTATE PROPERTY, ETC. At the Central Police Station, Scuth Bridge Road. On Thursday, October 17, txt 2-3O p.m. H. L. COGHLAN CO., Auctioneers. 8 10 if} 10 auction sale:
      552 words
    • 191 14 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. BY OROER OF THE MOKAMEDAN ANO HINOU ENDOWMENT BOARO. Ht««n, H. L. Coghlan 4 Co. mi iiiitiuctt-d to tffer for SALE BY AUCTION at an early date, THE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTT known as 180, SfOUTH.BKIDOfc: ROAD, Singapore. Tho main pjit on of the property with a frontage on
      191 words

  • 1109 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Chances (or the Cycle-Car. An interesting phenomenon oi the last yeai or »o is the development of a motor vehicle intermediate between the motorcyclo and the ordinary car, says The Times. The name cycle car has been invented for this hybrid
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 244 15 Wolseley Autocars. dorod. The oar which embodies the fioe«t example, of cn K ineerinK akiU. in workmanship .nd m.tefW, i. the car with the lastio K quaht.ea and the one which will ({ive tlj e maximnn of pleanure to itn owner. Va'ue for Taloc. the WOLSELEY U CHEAPER than the
      244 words
    • 394 15 it Not Advertisements, 111 I MAKE A TYRE GREAT. j^J I DUNLOP SUPREMACY jj V\ Is Based upon Performance. /sO— W *^ia&i T0 BE OBTfIINED 0F ALI ///Mr x^^S^flV PRINCIPAL GARAGES S DEALERS /fl^f THROUGHOUT JZ?/ x^^S. THE 88& F M S .^£r S s S JUST LANDED SOME OF
      394 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 485 16 INERTOL. Anticorrovve and Waterproof PAINT*. It prevents runt on Iron and Bbbb^ St< 1 1 Rtrnctnrts. .^^k^^^^^^^Jfc^ It waUrproofH concrete (onndationa _^r"*' V~ >^^\j' and cement surface* j SHARPE, ROSS SINGAPORE. W.t.rTow.rV*"nl'. d n rto WANTS. SURGEON-DRESSER WANTED. Required, qualified sorgoon-dresser for i -Htmtv in Kclaatan. Apply to Barlow .v
      485 words
    • 407 16 WANTS, NATIVE DRESSER WANTED. Wanted immediately. Native Dresser for Robber Estate iv Pcrak. Cal; in pereoD, with testimonials, to McAlister k Co Ltd. 410 a ORESSER WANTED. WmtaL for a Rubber Estate in Kelantan, a.jualinid d.-t«su- Situation lualthy. Apply The D;sp«n:ary. Ltd Singapore. I 810 v COMPOSITORS WANTED. Compositors, with
      407 words
    • 461 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. FURNISHED BEASIDE RESIOENCEBTO LIT. Bolmont, Benzoline and Ben Ledi, off Taniong Katong. Apply H. Somapab, 18, Kaffloß Place, or 817, Serangoon Koad. Mil a OFFICE TO LET. Gresham Houee," Battery Road. Immediately entry. Apply McAlieter Co., Ltd. I I*B v FURNISHED SEA- SIDE RESIDENCE TO
      461 words
    • 458 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. CHENGHAI TIMBER FOR SALE. FromJohore, from very old trees; may be had in all sizes. Can be seen lying in front of reclamation ground. For particulars and prices, apply to Koh Beng Co., 22 4 28 Beach Road. 810 7-11 TIMBER FOR SALE. The undersigned are prepared
      458 words
    • 671 16 jwmcEs. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the book* containing tho valuations of and rates imposed on buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of tbe Town and Fort of Malacca for the year 1918, are open to tbe inspection of Kate-payers at the Municipal Office, Riverside, daily on
      671 words
    • 746 16 NOTICES. KMM KMT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS ■■■■I ■■Ml tad Municipal Coittnot.n Telephone No. 431. 106* 109. M»rkel Street. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be rf ooived at tbo COLONIAL ENGINEER'S Office, up to noon of tho 21th October, 1912, (or the following works:— 1. Whitbwasbing, tarring and repairs to Bandar Kerbiu Hospital.
      746 words