The Straits Times, 10 October 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.000 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLM. ESTAB. 1741 To Buyers of 12 tins, THE GARRICK TOBACCO V "^ijß^P f^P Beautiful V^y \Wi S V/i Tobacco Jar "^^c^^ij^^^jjj^^^^^^^ I—3>t--^^^^1 3>t--^^^^ f ree o f charge. CIGARETTE MRRICK TOBACCO f^ J^ Coarse Cut or Fine Cut VIRGINIA- BLEND 9O cent* per y A lb.
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    • 102 1 ROBINSON CO. NOW SHOWING Second Shipment AND Smart Trimmed MILLINERY Exclusive Parisian Styles. ROBINSON CO. CAVIARE SURE TIP!!! (in gUasea ud tint) To Smoked Eel, Bismarck Herrings, Rollmops, A *"H*nkbl a Co., Frankfort Sausages, Sausages with Sauerkraut, 7Sf vletoHa Cardinal Richelieu's own Hors d'oeuvre FOR FURNITURE, and a world of
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  • 1073 2 the health of the Swiss Federal Council, and to the prosperity of beautiful Switzerland and of the brave Swish people." After the banquet the Kaiser proceeded to the reception hall, where twelve young ladies presented flowers to the guests. Mile. Hoffmann, the daughter of one of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 159 2 The ideal tonic i nc osc °f Van a is ';J*^FV^ sufficient to convince the I A J^jfa <H convalescent oi its value. I JlL^'^Jj V.w\' helps to nourish y\\jH^ (J t' 1c ilcbilitatcd system and restore vi»i>ur to body and brain.^H^^ I, Tonic Wine^w \W\ is |>'ir<\ its tonic
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    • 68 2 Best for a Cold. When yon have a bad cold yon want the best medicine obtainable so as to care it with as little delay as possible. Yon will make no mistake if you select Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Yon are certain to be pleased with the prompt relief which it
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    • 240 2 D ALLI Liberty for £^f Women. The DALLI V^L saves Time. )dlCs Labour, and w^^vl all Ironing I^\*fi Worries. WKJm The best. r:ost simple (WJr^B and m>>s! comfortable Hl^ri pendent >f stove and t^Bvll I can be used ]Y|V I r iviabU fuel without f^ lUS I i N i
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    • 201 2 All ORGANIC PHOSPHORIC TONIC OF THE ACID OLYCERO-PHOSPHATEB. CREATES NEW LIFE IN THE NERVES. Supplies assimilable phosphorus For pale, thin persons Feeds brain and nerve tissue. Invaluable in anxmu Strengthens weak persons. A restorative in fatigue. Increases vitality. A tonic in debility FOR ALL NEURASTHENIC CONDITIONS. INEXPENSIVE. Bolllis ?,> D.
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  • 858 3 WHAT THE DISMISSAL OF MR. SHUSTER MEANS. Britain's Inactivity Mr. Oeorge Douglas Turner has recently returned from I Vrsia, and according to the Daily Cbronicle has already publihbed the evidence be was able to collect in Tabriz confirming the previous accounts of the atrocities perpetrated by the Uussian
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  • 152 3 The Ceylon Government's action in fixing a duty of Kb. IUJ per carat on all synthetic -.touch coming iuto Ceylon has had the effect, seemiu^ly, of increasing the price of the stum--., more particularly the ruby. It is stated that a small baud of Ceylonasu gem dealers are endeavouring to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 SIMPSONS SCOTCH WHISKY The Bine Funnel line of steamers sailing from Glasgow and Liverpool to the BaHtem an-1 Pacific Porto, an w.-ll ax Soutli Africa, Australia, and other important market* I f the world, are the laryist carrier* of whisky from Soo'.land. It was, therefore. WV™ priat.. tbal Simpton's itlionld
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    • 34 3 Rheumatic Weather. Don't bo surprised if you have an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub tinaffected parts freely with Chamberlain's I'aiu Balm and it will soon disappear. Void by all Dispunsaiita and Duiluik.
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    • 1010 3 EGZEMA A TORTURE HE DREADED NIGHT Sleep or Rest Out of the Question. It Was Unbearable. Rash Formed into Blisters. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Thoroughly Cured Him. Also Cured Daughter of Eczema. "I miffered with rczenw for v 1,, and months. Tbow uho have never suff.-rtd with it cannot imagine
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    • 108 3 Synoleo Washable Hygienic Distemper. Synoleo is a paste Distemper and is the product of Messrs. WjDrinson, Hey wood A Clark, Ltd., who are the largest and oldest paint manafac tnrers in the world. It is manufactured in tbe palest and darkest art shades, hiob are fart to light and line.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 667 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issood tor Ohina Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES MM fIOMMMrd I for 8srop«;.
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    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot witb the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-scrnw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 657 4 STEAMER BAIUM6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bacbo, Kelantan, Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laeon, KohsamoJ, Bandon, Lrfkngsuu, Takn, Cbunvpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Dim Osparturs S p.m. i.i. REDANQ Oot. 1O Oot. 12 -a.s. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 14 Oot. 16 i.s.BORIBAT Oot. 17
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    • 493 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCH DBMPffCIIM IsMTMEf. «IMU" MMIB Combined Service. Tbe stesmres of these Companies maintain a rogular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aud the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly fnr Havre and Hamburg once a month for Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 643 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. orddeuticher Lloyd, Bremer IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fa»t and well known mail steamer? ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suos, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shangba:.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 754 5 STEAMER SAIUIItt. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Rontc Via China, Jap™, lloaolnln, and San Francisco to all points in the United Statot., Mexico and Burope. Opararmt in. ».w li,Me.tM Trial* Straw TurMn* Lla«r* "Sfelaf* aara" "TwyaMara" *.d DklK Mara," th. QiMtas
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    • 334 5 INDOCHINA BTEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The Company's* ste»n er NAMSANG, 4.035 toni, Capt Gilroy, Cummaoder; is duo here on Thursday, the l"'b instant, and will pro bably be despatched on Saturday, the 12th instant. She ha« ixcellent accommodation for ■aioon pasitngers amidships, carries a qua ified
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    • 602 5 Ismail Raheem HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VALUABLE SELECTION OF BLUE TINGE DIAMONDS ;and PERFECTLY WHITE DIAMONDS OF VARIOUS 18IZB8, 1 Suitable for Earrings, Rings, etc., ALSO A grand selection of the latest designs in Jewellery to suit all pockets and tastes. Now on View at their Showroom, BRAS BASAH ROAD.
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    • 1023 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. mam* mmcATm Theatre Rq Tenders will be received at the COLONIAL J ENGINEER'S Office, up to noon of the 2Uh NORTH BRIDGE KOAD. October, 1812, for the following works r rDrn nu lucre 1. Whitewashing, tarriug and repairs to LAST 3 r tRFOnmANCES 3. Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Every
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 Tke Sign Tne Best Quality in Brandy |f^ MARTELL'S il||| BLUE SILVER LABEL. g To *ay that a Brandy i better than Martell ll^Sni| fill is an empty boast to beat Martell for IjAyj if IB I Quality a frank impossibility. H^. j i'lmI Obtainable from all Dealers. T. NAGAI
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    • 126 6 A no RubcroM R«l B»w.low ol iki. d™,, RUBEROID bSSSSEEe^ 7 v iIZ!i 7», rool ~i.b.-. trouble Ruberold i. both ™_I .A k».i-orool III remirkible durability hu bern BUNGALOW ROOFS." X3i» r^., i"u«« wb«. ii b*. b«« »«1 lo. o«r 20 HOWARTH ERSKINE, Ud^ I T* T GLASS RUBBER TAPPING
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    • 255 6 6REEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement, In Casks ot 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prioon, sample* and full partioalara will be forwarded on applicaticD tc Agent: kV. A. STOP
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  • 125 7 FIXTURES Thursday, October io. V«*st lt.ll a.m, 1.19 pm R»on«, S«cou i Oaf. Laiy M ri k," theatre. Priday. October 1 1. Hi.-'i W.ilor, M a.jj., 11.1 p.m N. I) U citward mail rius. fin:- Kil Tii C i mtg Ex:bftnge, nooa. Saturday, October v. ■i
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  • 204 7 federated Malay Btote« Ma'.aoos »ad Penaog 6p 9jm»«.T»inpin, Miltoea, Sarembao Port Dioktoo, Pott Swetteohsm aid Kaal» Lamnur »ai Bitu Pali ft Ami; Hio Bpm «*i»pi% an J Mnar k .;> 8 pm I'trt Diekwa 1 tti'ii'i ,lv Sel»Di<or Bpm ill ri!i»M-in. Half n Km ti t,-. ViD
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  • 222 7 The lip. German mail «tramfr P. E. Friedrich wiM arrive here on Friday morning. Oct 11, and v.i'l nail for Honiikocg. Shanghai, Tsingtao, XiV and Yokohama, at 8 a.m. on Saturday. October 12. The B I MkMl packet qteimer Teosti with mail" from I/iniio np to the
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  • 506 7 Latest Arrivals. Antiii'T lirit. itr. HJ62 ton*. Captain llarbord, ()ct». From Saigon, Oct 7. G.c. aod p W. Man«ili li;.\ Co, For Marseilles, trt 11. W. i'liok Tai, (iir. ttr 1118 tons, Capt Rcher, i»ot9. From Swatow.Oct 2 (i c. and H6O dp. II Meyrr \o* I'nc IH*.
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  • 103 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAOAR Bast Wm*ar Basin lone, Wati-rwitch. Bast W. Siotio* No. I— Taroba, Natuna, Sanaa Wham— Altai. Krian. Maim W. Siot No.3— Strat'iVne. 8— Patani. I Klang. I— Ramphins. B— Antcnor PelcOP. Niw 1 1 1.
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  • 460 7 Nova Scotia Coal Offered to London. Coal f r jiu Nova Scotia rheapcr than supplies from tin North of England, is the alluring offer inado to the South Metropolitan Gas Company and the Gas Light and Coke Company, says the Daily Chronicle. The olT.r i says
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 106 7 SiasAFOfti, Octobir 10 1811 On LMMir-Buk 4 b/i ti<] Demand im Private 8 in/i 1/4 j 8 Ul/B I/«iJ Oh Oaaa*»i— Bank d/d 18BJ Prirate I m/« ml- 4 On Kimci -Back d/d Ui Private B m/l IWW O« laou— Bank T. T, 174 1 Private BOd/r 171] Ob
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    • 161 7 SiBoirou, Octobir 10 '611 buyer. 810 do (Coca No. 1) oaplekeo Copra Snsdried 11,40 do Mixed jj 11.10 Popper, Black ao'90 do White 6% 8480 Saffo FIodi Sarawak 40, do Rraaei No > aoa PcmISwj I.IC Coflte Bali gg,ge Coffee Palecub&nu 10% baaJa D3 0C T»pioc», Rtuall flnfap p
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    • 157 7 InflOC 3 VtIDA Bayors. Sellers. 10 7.00 Amptni; e-'°e P a I 1U o i 895 B.CS 10 10 Bruan* 1.78 2.00 10 10 Kmnaboi 2.45 2.C6 41 41 KiniaTia 113.6 10 10 Kampar pur 10 10 Kinta Association 12.00 18.60 41 41 Lahat Min ol 1.9.0 1.14.0
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    • 622 7 Ig»oe 2 Value S, Boyers. B tile m if- II- Allans 2 9 Ml 2/- I/- Anfjlr.M, &j 14,6 1." T| a/- BataoK Malaki 2 8 8/ 41 41 Batu Lavef 12 10.0 18.2.6 41 41 Batu Tiga 0 8 17 0 41 £1 Bnki- Kajao* UM 803
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    • 111 7 [me 2 Vtlae Buyers BeUett 78 7/6 Hieettto Tnmmji V- B/4) 10 10 Fntei Neave 50.76 61.60 100 Howutb BnkiM 85.00 40.00 100 7% Pro! 103.60 IC4OO .00 100 Kati Bro Det. 180.U0 100 100 8% Coio. Prof. aom 10 10 M» jD»rd *Co tB.OO LOO 100 B. awKrMVOR
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    • 39 7 Bayer* Dtiwi lowartb Brskiae 9% 1900,000 par ilcy.H*rsre*Tes6% 1384,000 2* inK»poto Kleotrio Tiamw»ys6% 4860,000 'poreMunieipal 6 11,878,000 nom. Huyers Sellers Spore Mumoipal 4|% 0(1907 lib. o 000 7% Spore Manioipal of ieoe 11,000,000 io%pm B'pore Mnnioip»H* 1403.900 pw
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 I'.ronrliiti", a<-tliarua, and catarrh Within my syptcin were at «ar|; I cuuld not -Ir.-p. 1 cimlil eat, Hut «v uiy head, and cold my fe&t. My nighti wire drawn out ;it;nny, My coughirg tits w<ro sad to mi' I ji^t tried Wood>' Great Ii pptrmint Caie, li .iked a
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    • 81 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co October IS. At Rtlerootn, »e»f n frethoM allotment* fronting I reserve for real off Gaylan< R md, etc.. at 2.80, Octibcr II. At salt room, freehold residential building mtoti at Tannin, at 1 87. Novemb- r 20. -At saleroom, valuable agricultural land in the Districts
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    • 74 7 SUPERFINE SUBJECTS PROGRAMME HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT, 9.80 TO 11 P.M. SCENES OF TOKIO ON THE DAY OF THE LATE EMPEROR'S FUNERAL The Narrow Road. Biugraph (It may seem bard t ravelling bnt it ib the sattat). Blaok Sheep. Biograph (An incident of Southwestern Ranch Life). A
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  • 1065 8 Sty Straits Sinus. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. WAR, BRUTAL WAR. The miracle has not happened, and so there is war. It has been declared by the weakest of the confederates the one whose territory lies away to the north-west of Turkey in Europe. Bulgaria on the East, and Servia further north
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  • 16 8 The net output of the I'lu Piah mino for September was piculs 311.52, which yielded t1V,643.51.
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  • 19 8 The children's meeting of the Ministering Children's League will be held at the V.M.C.A. Hall today, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 21 8 The master of the steamer Maras, which arrived this morning, from Palembang, reported that the Round Island light was not burning.
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  • 28 8 A rabid jackal attacked eight persons in Anuradhapura town, Ceylon, recently, and the injured who were poor men have been sent to Coonoor for treatment at Government expense.
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  • 29 8 Mr. Walter Oale, a private astronomer of Waratah, has discovered a comet of the sixth magnitude in the cansteuation of Centaarus win i an apparent motion eastwards and northwards.
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  • 27 8 Among the attractive) features of the forth coming art exhibition in Kuala Lumpur will be a collection of characteristic sketches from the brush of Mr. W. (>. Stirling.
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  • 32 8 A submarine salvago boat, specially built by Messrs. Vickors for the Admiralty, left Barrow fur Chatham on September 9. With this craft a sunken submarine can be lifted and taken into dock.
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  • 36 8 A full-grown tiger and a large cobra were brought to the police stations at Sereiuban and Mantin, respectively, by Malays. The tiger was shot at Pedas, about 13 miles from Seremban, ou the road to Tampin.
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  • 43 8 The P. and U. Nore has brought several dogs from Major Richardson's kennel for the Straits and the Chinese ports. Among them is one for Ponang. "Jack" is an Airedale terrier who is expected to do big things in the thief -catching line.
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  • 47 8 The Rev. H. G. Marshall, M.A., Chaplain to the forces, will deliver a special address to men at thu Boastcad Institute, on Sunday at B.l> p.m., on tho Dignity of Manhood. The address is intended primarily for men, but ladies aro quite at liberty to hear it.
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  • 53 8 General Stephenson has just brought his annual inspection of the M. S. Guides to a close and, according to the Times of Malaya. was very pleased at the turn out aud work of the regiment. This has in every respect been better than in the year previous both at Singapore
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  • 58 8 The last match in the S. C. C. lawn tenni tournament the tinal of A Singles was played on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, the contestants being C. K. Terrell and A. H. Li nt hall. Two fast sets were played, the match going to Terrell at 7-5, ti-D. The game
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  • 64 8 The people of Muar will bo celebrating the anniversary of the Sultan of Johore's birthday this month. We hear that His Highness is about to pay a visit to Muar and the people there, especially the Government officials, chiefs and pengliulus of the various districts, are taking the < pportunity
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  • 72 8 At Messrs. II L. Coghlan and Co.'s salerooms, yesterday afternoon, tho U99 years' leasehold property comprised in lease No. 1,397, dated March 12, 1832, estimated to contain an area of 8,56 3 sq. ft., together with the houses and stabling known as 16, 101, 16-2, 16 3, 16 4 and
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  • 67 8 H. M. S. Talbot whicli left for Hongkong yesterday took away the new crewM for the Clio and the Cadmus j while the Prometheus aud Pegasus, which leave here for home to day, take away the crew of the Waterwitch. Commander Koyne and Lieutenant Rice, however, remain behind in order
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  • 65 8 There was an interesting ceremony at Harmston's Circus, Penang, on Sunday night last, when little Jeanette Evelyn liuuuett. Mrs. Harmston Love's grand-child, was christened by the Key. F. Haines. Afterwards there was a reception at the E. and O. Hotel, when a large company assembled to partake of the hospitality
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  • 74 8 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., as agents for the Colonial Kubber and Produce Investment Corporation, Ltd., advise that they have received telegraphic advice from London that, for the financial period ended September ;;n, the directors of the Corporation recommend payment of a dividend of t> per cent., upon the paid-up capital.
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  • 66 8 Professor Kcnville Jensen performed at yesterday's At Home at Government House and his clever work was followed with great interest, the tricks including the vanishing lamp, the ChiAcse rings, the Chinese tambourine, Ibycus, etc. His Excellency the Governor has promised to patronise the professor's eutertainment on Saturday night, at the
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  • 79 8 The Indian Mining Association has sent to Government a strong protest at the shocking lack of railway facilities in India. It says the system has entirely failed to keep pace with the development of the country and is now a serious menace to the industries of the Peninsula. There are
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  • 84 8 The production of Diesel oil engines on the Clyde is to be jointly undertaken on a large scale by Messrs. Harland and Wolff and Messrs. Burmeister and Wain, of Copenhagen. This combination is the outcome of a visit which Lord Pirrie, the head of liar land and Wolff, paid to
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  • 93 8 Mr. Justice Ebden, in the Supreme Court to-day, continued the hearing of the suits brought by Government for arbitration in connection with the acquisition of lands for the purposes of the Kampong Kapur improvement scheme. In one case, in which the award was contested, His Lordship was ac companiod on
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  • 323 8 Mr. R. P. Brash, of Menglembu lodo goo* home by the P. and China on October 39. A marriauL' between representative)) of the ferule and Trenggann It jyal faurlics is said to be on the tapis. Herr Paasche, who is the Vice- President of the German Parliament,
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  • 120 8 The project of forming a Malay Volunteer Corps in I'euang, similar to the one in existence in Singapore, is at pus, ut iv progress and every encouragement is 1» my im uto induce the community of I'.u aug to join. At present 120 eucrgi tie im
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  • 127 8 Over 200,000 tons more shipping of all nationalities entered the port of Kobe during 1011 than iv 1U10; whilst tho number of ships increased by nine only. A great number of vessels which entered during i HI were intended for sale to Japanese buyers. Twenty-three British
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  • 183 8 Bengal is having it* bogey like Malaya, for synthetic jute, says thu Englishman, is tho latest alleged triumph of the <>< chemist. What a vista this opens out No more jute forecasts for it will not pay to grow the plant, the directors of agriculture in
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  • 292 8 As showing the serioimuom of cltlnys in deal .nn with cargo at Port Swettonliaiu, tlio Malay Mail mentions that ciiryo diKcliur^t d (rum tliu l'erscus into tonf{kan^» .'Hi. If arid 41 on September 26 was still iv the tout; kauys up to thu afternoon of October
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 234 8 PRODUCE OF SCOTLAND. D. J. McCALLUM'S OF EDINBURGH, BIRMINGHAM AND LONDON) Perfection Scotch Whisky. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Sole Agents for the Straits Settlements. SUN BRAND NATURAL MILK STERILIZED Medium Tin per case of 4 dozens $8 25 of 8 dozens $9. 50 SOLE AGENTS i JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., Singapore.
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    • 150 8 OUR PICTURES FIND FAVOUR BBCACSK OF TBBIB Pleasant Variety, Choice Quality. TO-NIGHT'S MATCHLESS PROGRAMME Second Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. flowkbs of japan. Pretty soenos. THE BLACK SEA SQUARDRON. tub zms. Comedy Acrobats. A HUMAN MEASI-KK. Comic. TWO SETS OF KEYS. Comic. a motor boat tbip (Max Linder). MEN AND
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and on page 11.
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  • 553 9 Great Battle Said to Have Begun. MONTENEGRINS SURROUNDING BERANA. Strange Delay of Bulgaria and Servia. Kiotpb's Telbobam. London. < K-tober 9. A Constantinople message says the Montenegrins yesterday attacked and subsequently oompletoly tmrroundttd Berana and a big battlo is pro v lint;. It it rumoured that an
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  • 159 9 (>!■ OMTJUIIATIHCBI I.LOVI. TILM t»A» llerlin, October U. 11. S i luoff has been iuterriuwod at Kjrlin. Hi- imputes to the Mitkin sutes tho respon Hibility for, which, bu says, tho Powers will certainly localixtt Wu-u p.<\o is con elu.lod, the Pjwors will iutorforo ai I
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  • 18 9 Kbctbb's Tblbobam. London, October 10. Tho ide* of refloating Submarine B 2 has been abandoned.
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  • 60 9 TURCO ITALIAN PEACE. Kiotbb'b Tslboiam. London, October 9. The Porte has despatched cornier to Ouchy with final instructions for the peace pourparlers. It is understood that these will bring tbe negotiations to a close. I 'IK OsTAsiATiscHE Lloyd Tklforaii. Berlin, October 9. The Porte has again sent Heschid Pasha to
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  • 30 9 Dib Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tklboram. Berlin, October 9 In the Dutch parliament, a bill has been introduced for tbu abolition of government coffee estates in the Dutch Indies.
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  • 29 9 Dib OsT.isuriscHK Lloyd Tkliobaii. Berlin. October 9. The Italian Dalba, who made an attack on the Kiug of Italy, has bouu sentenced thirty years' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 35 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. The market in London, yesterday, was quiet. The closing prices were: Hard fine Para spot 4/0 forward 4/5| First latex crepe, delivery next three months 4isi
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  • 79 9 Twenty-nine Towkays Surrender to Police. (FBOM OCB OWK CoRKBNPONDBNT.) Pensng. October 9. The police have raided the Maritime Club. Arriving by motor car, they surrounded the premises and a couple of European officials entered the front. The inmates baited to the back, but finding the egress stopped,
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  • 10 9 Trial to Take Place at Singapore Assizes
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  • 22 9 (KHOM A ("l.ri-hUUM'. Malacca. October 9. The Bowen murder trial has been fixtd to be held at the next Assizes in Singapore.
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  • 187 9 Plays to be Produced in the New Season. .Mr. llan.lmann's 1912 1013 season comedy opera company will open at Calcutta in November, the pHys which it has been Mhtitaty decided shall be included in the repertoire being Gispy Love, Tho Sunshine (Hrl, IflcM Hints. Autumn Manoeuvres. The
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  • 412 9 A Desperate Encounter Near Cheras. The story of a desperate duel with parangs in a pitch dark room was told in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, when Mohamed Taib. a young Javanese living near Cheras, was charged with the murder of a Chiuaman named
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  • 472 9 CHXRGE OF CARRYING EXCESS PASSENGERS. What Skippers Ought to Know. Yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Firmstone, first magistrate, Captain A. P. Uldcrup, Skipper of the steamer Clara Jebsen, which arrived in Singapore on October 6, from Amoy, was charged with carrying 59 passengers in oxcess of the number
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  • 544 9 New Liberal Paper to be Started In India. Tbe genesis of the Bombay Chronicle, which hopes to fill tha role of tbe Bombay Gazette of the Keay regime, was the caucus promoted four years ago by Mr. Harrison, I.l' S., and supported by Mr. Lovat Fraser, editor
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  • 20 9 Lauderdale.— l3,s99 lbs. Jimah.— l,9so lbs. Sungei Bagan. 1,190 ll* Anglo Sumatra. -^2,195 lbs. l.unas. 1,927 Iba.
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  • 774 9 A Fine Performance by Perak Amateurs. We are not particularly partial to Mr. Mangham's Lady Frederick. He is clever, therefore tbe play is smart in the sense of being extremely epigrammatic and caustic. But it has not much humour, and everybody more or less has misbehaved. The
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  • 361 9 Headquarters Wanted on East Coast. There is a growing feoling among soldiers of the i ipost experience, says the Pall Mall Gazette, that Aldershot should no longer be maintained as oar imlii.ii y headquarters for the troops at home and that some centre nearer to tlie East
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  • 158 9 SELECTIONS FOR THISDVY'S MEETING. Latest Scratchings. We give the following selections for th« races this afternoon First Griffin Handicap. 1. Snagate. ■J. Major Dooley. Bbad Stakis. 1. Bostra. 3. Friar. 8. Corzil. Up-Coi:ntkv Stakbs. 1. Ardpatrick. 3. Lassie. 3. Koyalty. Ci i ii Ccp. 1. Perilous. 2. Tom
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  • 189 9 King George as an Exhibitor in Horticulture. Kiug George V. will cuter exhibits at th« third international flower sho I of the BoDssti of American Florists and Ornamental llorti culturists at the new Grand Centrnl Palac.% April sto 12, 1913. It will be tlie first tiiuo
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  • 482 9 Hopeless As a Reliable Passenger Vehicle. The stability of the aeroplane will. Hay* Engineering, no doubt, continue t<> improve, but it can never even remotely approach tho absolute— never bo such tin', it pilot, will only have to attend to In- engiau anil titter ing during the whole
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 At the Land Office, Teluk Anson, some lays ago, nine blocks of town lots were put up to public auction, and realised the extraordinarily high sum of t35,750. As the area of the sold lots is under half au acre, the price represents something like X9,ikmi per acre. The biggest
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    • 651 9 Utan Simpan Rubber Co. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF DIRECTORS. Tapping To Begin in January. The report of the directors of the Utan Simpan Hubber Co., Ltd., which is to be presented to shareholders at tbe second annual general meeting to be held at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday next, states Cultivation.—
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  • 1114 10 WHAT AN ENGLISHMAN SAW AT TABRIZ. Mr. Turner's Adventures The truth about tho Kussian methods of Kussianisiug I'ursia is leaking out. They MMMM I story of barbarity that must give the British people cause to think. The l.i'ist tMM to them is Mr. George Doughlas Turner, an Englishman,
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  • 325 10 Proposed High Power Station at Port Darwin. Important developments will follow tho establishment of a wireless station at Port Darwin, provision for which has been made on tho Federal Estimates for this year, says a Melbourno despatch dated September 10. The Port Darwin station will be sufficiently powerful
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  • 789 10 S'ory of One Who Sailed the China Seas. After a long life spent trafficking up and down the seas, full of adventures in out of the way nook 9 and corners of the earth, there is lyinc; quietly iv Chatham avenue, ll .i\ton. a grcy-beaided man of
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  • 428 10 Considered Entirely From Military Standpoint. Everybody interested in the defence of the Empire, says the Naval and Military Record, should read the able essay by Maj. H. L. Pricliard, U.K., which has been awarded tbo second prize for 1911 by the ltoyal United Service Institution. Competitors
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  • 488 10 Mr. Borden Says There Will be No Shrinking leading Conservatives from all parts of Canada gave a dinner at Ottawa in tho chateau Laurier, on September 10, to the Premier, Mr. Harden, on his return from Europe, says the Daily Chronicle. The MMM numbered JOO, and the gathering
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  • 123 10 The Hoar J of Trade Returns for August show that very much smaller supplies of cotton yarn were exported to China and the Dutch East Indies compared with August of the previous year, though the totals compare favourably with 1910. The value of shipments to the Straits Settlements was also
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  • 320 10 How the Umegaka Maru Sank At Moji. Thanks to the second officer of the N'amsang, which arrived in port on Saturday, says the Hongkong Telegraph of September 80, we are able to publish the account of an eye-witness of the sinking of the Umegaka Maru in
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  • 405 10 Sir J. Henniker Heaton's Hopes For the Future. The reduction of the cost cf telegrams to threepence a word to Canada and the I cited States formed the subject of an interview by the Press Association with Sir J. Henuiker Heaton, Bart. Sir Henuikcf told the interviewer that
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  • 329 10 Sale of Napoleon's Villa on Elba Island. Napoleon's villa on the Island of Elba has been sold by auction under instructions from the Tribunal of Porto Longone. The bidding started at .£5,600, and a private telegram announces that the purchaser is Priuco Camillo Kuspol, of Home, who offered
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  • 448 10 Who Have Blue Eyes and Blonde Eyebrows. M. Yilbjalmar Stefansson, after four years of Arctic exploration with Dr. 11. M. Ander son, has arrived at Seattlo, says the Daily Chronicle. He spent the first winter at the mouth of the Colville liiver in Alaska, the second at Cape
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  • 126 10 Export Figures for the Past Mine Months. We have received an official statement, compiled from telegrams, and liable to correction, of block tin and tin ore exported from the F.M.S., during the months of January to September, and comparison with corresponding period of previous year. Cents and
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  • 249 10 Eminent Surgeon's Views on Disease. Col. L. M. Maus, Mod. Corps, U.S.A.. writes to the New York Sun in regard to tho bubonic plague, saying While there is a possibility that the plague may gain in trance into New York and surrounding cities, it is not probable on
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  • 13 10 |Tlio Straits Time* is not responsible tot (he opinions ol its correspondents.)
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  • 769 10 To tho Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, In your issuo of tho Ist inst. under the heading Surveying in Borneo you giro to several Dutchmen tho title lit rr. It is not the first time 1 have noticed this par ticularity in Euglish MMM. Why should
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  • 133 10 Arrivals. Per str. Lvly Weld, 0w 10.-Fiom Muar and Malacca. Mis. Archdeacon, Messrs. K. Pears. W. It. Ounst, Uuyorand L. Diwdall. Per Htr. Kinta, Ojt tl.— From T. .'usou via portn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Coopor and infant, Messrs. |V. Carlccn, Giddy. T. Tickol, Counsi il, T.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 35 10 II nyioitnei. Mi li.) I, y Uills us. liiw MM Ulhi. il- MMM Ma ,in 11. mm! at tha l ou'y he ilou't tad tl it MOMM W..***** HMMT M ataMk, iliau r.^ht iv jaiL"
      35 words
    • 61 10 M. Jules i di incs, tbo airman, who sailed for Now York, on the French liner La France, said he intended within the next year to perfect monoplanes capable of flying at the rate of 200 miles an hour. When this had been done it would be possible to fly
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    • 105 10 Professor Win. Nivcn has discovered a statuo at San Miguel Amautla, in Moxico, which, ho declares, proves the theory that the lirst discoverers of America, the raco which created tho ancient eivilisatiou of .Mexico, were of Chinese or at least of Mongolian origin. The statue, which was found in a
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  • 1235 11 An Appreciation in a Medical Journal. Not in thr lifetime of any of uh has tin retirement of .my member of the medic* profession from active professional life beoi attendod by regrets no sincere as the** occasioned by tin- news that Sir Patriot Manson hn» reni^iK d
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  • 797 11 Sportsmen's Experience in Gobi Desert. Having heard of the |Urn of will sin c|i to tile north west of I'cklDg, I RUG ceeded i says Mr. .1. H. Abbot Anderson writing iv the Field "i in the months o .lun. anil July, 190H, in the company of
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  • 248 11 With Increased Gun Power and Protection. The I'.. i tsiiiijutli corrcHpondent of the I'ress Association s;iys that immediately after the butt li 'ship Iron Duke is launched on October 12. the building slip will be prepared for laying down another ship which it is understood will be of
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  • 807 11 Prlcei Quoted io the Market Till Morning (Singapore, October 10, 1912. Mean. Lyall and Bvatt, Hxohanse and Share Broken, tone tbe following lirt of qaotatioM this morning I Norn. Valdi. Bdyibs. Skllbrs. I/. Allagat 3/9 8(8 I/- Optic /9 1/8 4 1 Anglo- Java 6 6,0 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 Fat Childr»«'s Hacking Cough at Night Wj-jJ*' Ort»t Fi'ppofimai Cora.
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    • 270 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "Why should every creature drink but I T Why, man cf morals, tell me why?" Cowley. No reason at all and to obtain satisfaction order from Garner, Quelch A Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS Battery Road, Singapore. Telephone 881 38 3S 918 The Man Who Gets There i
      270 words
    • 369 11 f Three A f\ Caftles Vmagnums^/ "theres no sweeter tobacco comes from virginia and no BETTER BRAND THAN THE 'THREE CASTLES"" THACKERAY- "THE VIRGINIANS* WILLS'? -J (BTAINABLE AT: WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO.. LTD.. KATZ BROS.. LTD.. ROBINBON CO. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. RAFFLES HOTEL RACE WEEK. Special Wiffins on OCTOBER 10
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  • 1323 12 MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL'S REFORMS. Disappearance of Controller. A naval correspondent to the Daily Chronicle in dmcuiwitiK Mr. Churchill's reforms in the navy sayn that Mr. Churchill is destined undoubtedly to leave tho strong luaik of his personality upon his administration <if the naval service. There is no
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  • 745 12 American Reply to British Statements. The following in regard to British criticisms of American methods at the Olympic Games is taken from the New York Sun of August 81. James E. Sullivan, the I'nited States commissioner to the Olympic games in Sweden, came out yesterday in
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  • 719 12 Gruesome Subject Discussed By Scientist. Many strange subjects on tho outskirts of Science were discussed by the British Association during the conference at Dundee, but it was left for the closing day of the meeting to reach the limit of the gruesome. Before the Anthropologists,
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  • 332 12 No Stage Hero Complete Without Pockets. Mr. Gordon Craig, Miss Ellon Terry's well known son, niivht well adopt the Divine Sarah's defiant motto, Quand mime In spite of the slings and arrows of critics and managers, he pursues his campaign against the conventionalities of the modern stage. Kecently
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  • 747 12 FORTHCOMING DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 273 12 How to Tell the Difference Between Them. A useful pamphlet, written by Mr. Noel Heatoo, B.Sc., F.C.S., is issued by the Banna Kuby Mines, Ltd., which explains the difference between rial and artificial rabies and how to detect the latter. To the mineralogist the ruby and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 54 12 Negotiations have been proceeding betweeu the North <;,rn an Lloyd and the liobenlohe gioiip lo settle the dill leuces regarding the in i iu'mi Levante line. The Hohenlohe group intended to buy the Levante shares now in the possession of the North Oerman Lloyd, but the negotiations have been unsuccessful,
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    • 216 12 TO THOSE LIVING ON ESTATES. LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS. Most delicious. Once tried always used. Packed in cases containing 48 tins, assorted. LIBBY'S SLICED BACON. Is now obtainable in tins of 1 lb. and lb. and in glass jars of 1 lb and lb. A good and appetizing breakfast marks the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 402 13 BECK'S S BEER KEY JSs BRAND SOLE IMPORTERS Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. FIRiIOEi'S APCAR LINE OK Prize Medal Safes The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line a regular servioe be AS SUttLlSi* TO bINGAPOBE O. P. O. tween Caloatta and Japan, oallinj? at
      402 words
    • 507 13 FRABER ft CHALMERS. LTD MMMITII HMMi, SINGAPORE BUOTIOM OB BTJOUT DREDGES FOB TIN Oil GOLD. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. S Royal Mall Steamahlp Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUBOPB Via Oiiva. Japan, Canada aid m t'KITBD StATli Roote from Hongkong, via Shanghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe Yokohama, Victoria
      507 words
    • 115 13 CAN YOU PLAY THIS THE UNIVERSAL CABINET PLAYER Which can be used with your own Piano enables you to Play anything, and when you are not using it, it fits into a Piano Stool and is the very newest idea in Piano Players. ROBINSON PIANO CO LTD. GIRL BRAND s
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 712 14 IHSURANCL IHBORMCE. REAT EASTERN LIFE FEDERAL LIFE IQQIIQIIJPE fill ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. AdOUNAHIIC UU., EE 8 T.BL, S H.Dim LlmlltU. Direot Government Supervision |»d OftlCC WlßCbMter HoniC, Government Audit. SINGAPORB Policies are WORLD WIDE and Non-ForfeiUble. •oard of Director.. Surplus above liabilities for ii A. Daaaioa, Bsq., Chairman Keserve
      712 words
    • 523 14 BANKING. 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT KOTAL CHARTHR Paid op Capital ii 80,000 Shares oi 430 eaob 41,300,000 ReBervoFund 41,660,000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors... 411,300.000 BANKBRS Bank of England. The London City Midland bank, Ltd. National Bank of Scotland, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooonti are
      523 words
    • 502 14 BANKING. THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCOKFORATBD BY SPECK L MPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed Y.1 0,000,000. Capital Paid Up 6,250.000. Reserve Funds 3.100,000. HEAD OFF1CE:-TAIPEH, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Calcutta Foochow Hongkong Keeluog Kobe Kagi London Mcji Nagasaki Osaka Shanghai Sviaiow Taicbn Tainan Takow Tamsui Tokio Yokohama,
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  • 716 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Paraffin for Petrol. In all the amplitude of discussion in the technical Press concerning the possible use of paraffin in place of petrol, says a writer in the Financier, the again and again repeated references to the difficulty of finding a
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  • 106 15 The privilege of using motor -cars in Afghanistan is at present confined to the Amir and members of his family, but it seems likely, says the Pioneer, that uigh officials who have to make journeys on important basiness of State may in time bo allowed to have cars. Sirdar Inayatullah
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  • 49 15 A new scheme is under consideration for the supply of motorcars to certain F.M.S. Government officials. The Malay Mail understands that the Government will supply the car, debit the officer with the cost plus 5 per cent, interest and credit him with 20 per cent, per annum for depreciation.
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  • 57 15 -i C. F. F. Wearne and Co. have been appointed sole agents for the S.S. and F.M.S. for U.S.A. cars. These cars are fitted with Daimler Silent Knight sleeve valve engine and the five-seated car sells complete for 13.350. The first car of this make has just been received and
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  • 132 15 We have all beard of the dear old lad; who, gazing upon a portrait of a knigbt of Malta, translated for the benefit of her daughter the letters 1. U.5., as I have suffered." About as neat but distinctly more venomous is the story told
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 276 15 Wolseley Autocars. To tbmip who are lioxitatinK bet wren Mie Wolwloy and the SO-CALLED cheap oar, we would temiod thini that the FIKST COST is NOT ALL that in to be considered. The car which embodies the fiooet examplex of eDgioeeriDg skill, in dcßigo, workmaofibip and material, ia the oar
      276 words
    • 8 15 For Chromo Chest Complaints, Woods' Ore** Peppermint Cm
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    • 318 15 You will never get full value for your money unless you decide to fit lIIRIBBED TYRES Specially made for the Tropics. Obtainable throughout the S.S. F.M.S. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., Telegrams: SINGAPORE, Phone: CONTINENT A 17, Col Iyer Quay. 290. SINGAPORE rj? YOK &C CO., OOLD STORAGE Mo H
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 821 16 SYNOLEO I DISTEMPER J Washable Hygienic. Synoleo is a Paste DMenMt for painting artistic oolours on walls. It is the prodaot of Hewn. Wilkinson, Heywood Olark, Ltd., who we the largest and oldeet paint manoiactorers in the world. It is manulaotared in the patart and dwkMl art ahadM, whioh are
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    • 408 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. 60D0WN8 AND OFFICEB TO LET. Nob. 9 and 10, Raffles Quay. Apply A Ikaft Co., 70, The Arcade. 8-6 v FURNISHED SEASIDE REBIDENCESTO LET. Belmont, Bensoline and Ben Ledi, of! Tanjong Katong. Apply H. Somapah, 19, Raffles Plaoe, or 817. Serangoon Road. 3811 D OFFICE
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    • 652 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN, that Manna Kandasamy Chitty (son of Veerana Chittiar) has oeased to act as Attorney or Agent in Singapore or elsewhere for Noona Seena Chinnaeamy Chitty or for Vana Rajamamieka Cbitty or for eithor of them, and that all Powers of Attorney and other instruments
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    • 761 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that all Roads within Government House Domain will be closed to the public from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of the following datrs, namely— October Bth, 10th and lath. J. TOWNEB, Executive Engineer. 8-10 11-10 TRAFALGAR. LIMITED. Notice is hereby given, than
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    • 663 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLBRS ■jh— j- a m.._ i— i ■viirßrVMi im ■iiiioimh DOiiraoMfsV Telephone No. 431. 1064 100. Market Street f HJJOTicET We beg to notify that we have commenood business as general importers and exporters under the style of EDGAR BROTHERB At MANCHESTER SINGAC \RE, AND
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