The Straits Times, 8 October 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.998 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLAR. ESTAB. 1742 KATZ BROS., LTD. JUST ARRIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Men's Tunic Shirts s<»ft Fronts and Double Cuffs, Smart and Effective Stripes SPECIAL PRICES $1.75, $2.00, $2.75ENGLISH MADE THROUGHOUT. ALL SIZES IN STOCK, 13 to ll\t KATZ BROS., LTD. engine: movements on the bridge!! ASTERN
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    • 213 1 ROBINSON CO. I NOW SHOWING Second Shipment AND Smart Trimmed MILLINERY Exclusive Parisian Styles. ROBINSON CO. t» CAVIARE A. FRANKEL CO., (in glasses and tins) FURNITURE MANUFACTUKBRS Smoked Eel, Bismarck Herrings, Rollmops, 87Bi Viotort<t Frankfort Sausages, Sausages with Sauerkraut, complete house furnishers. Cardinal RiChelieU'S OWn HOrS d'CSUVre Our Mta continue!
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 471 2 GREAT EXPANSION OF REVENUE IN TEN YEARS. The Rubber Trade. The report of tbo Minister of Finance of Brazil was presented to Congress on September 12. In 1911, the Government paid into the special account in London and into the Bank of Brazil £300,000 and 2,600 contos in
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  • 484 2 Interviewing the Prince of Wales in France. An interesting interview which M. Andre de Fouquiercs was privileged to have with the Prince of Wales daring the stay of hi* Royal Highness in France appears in the magazine. Je Sais Toot. It wa* at a social gathering that the
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  • 609 2 Tidings of Martyrdom, Massacre and Pillage. In view of the general uprising around Turkey, the following intelligence supplied by the Constantinople correspondent of The Daily Chronicle is illuminating. He says the massacres in Armenia have spurred the Patriarch, the Bishops, and the Kltlors of the Armenian Church to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 BEAUTY fA x> Pays \\i\ Homage to Hazeline' Snow" (TRADE MAKK) 'V', Never was homage more richly ill" deserved. It stimulrtes the skin to f^)ri tri IVI I healthy action, cleanses the pores and produces the charming tone and Non-greaSy a9ky ■oftlWM essential to beauty. Every lady who wishes to
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    • 36 2 Rheumatic Weather. Don't bo surprised if yon have an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just mb the affected parts fie. ly with Chamberlain* Pain Balm and it will soon disappoar. Sold by all Dispenaarit* and Dealers.
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    • 84 2 Ft. MORTON. HORSE IMPORTER, I9R, ORCHARD ROAD. HORSE FODDER, bmt quality, of all kind* i'«-v» in Stork HORSES, COBS, AND PONIBS, fresh arrival*. Mi hi* v< -mt local nqiiircmeDts. OARRIAOE HIRES, botb Victoria and Palanquin 1 nrnoots fur private use by the month. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE repairs BBPssjaaA SHOEING carefu'ly
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    • 274 2 Synoleo WMh«t>l« Hy^Unlo Distemper. Synoleo is a paste Distemper and ia the prodact of Moasra. Wilkinson, Hoywood A Clark, Ltd., who are the largest and oldest paint mannfaotnrers in the world. It is manufactured in the palest and darkest ari shades, whioh are fast to light and line. Like oil
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  • 560 3 UNIFORM COMPANY L4W WITHIN THE EMPIRE. Liquidations In 1911. if In submitting the twenty-first annual report to the Board of Trade U|X>n matters within the Compacies (Consolidation) Act, Sir H. Llewellyn Smith remarks that con piderable progress has been made in the direction of uniformity of company law
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  • 448 3 Euology From One of His Countrymen. Mr. Hairy .Tone*, a distinguished Welsh barrister atlaw, .1. scribes Mr. Lloyd-George thus A new figure, small, slight, alert, debonair, now advances into ihc foreground with cheerful composure and bright-eyed hopefulness. It was that of a tuau destined to be the hero
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 9 3 F jr Oironio Cheat Cotapliinta, Wuodi' OreM Peppuuuiat Cbio.
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    • 652 3 BURNING, BLEEDING AND CRUSTED SKIN Had to Lie With Arms Up by Head, They Were So Sore Underneath. Itching Very Bad. Got No Sleep. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Trouble Disappeared. "Alhmii t!i. month of March, lnio. a very Itching ri^l m-!i ciiiiiinrncud on luy breaat, tiirao! und'T niy
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    • 260 3 a Climate of the Far East. 1 B H^^r^ It invigorates and builds up brain, bone and Ixxlv I H Wy HORLICK'S makes your ordinary food do you more J l^^good, because it makes it more digestible. Unlike Tea and I H^ Coffee, it produces no harmful after effects, but
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 664 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. KWO STEAM NAVIGATION CO. rQK CHINA, JAPAN, i'KNANG, CBTLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issotd for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continents, and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or abo-it MAIL LINES 1919 aomemard [for B%rop», fomsmgapore {^SoT^
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    • 646 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via port* to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twinscrnw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserab, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baobo, Kolantan, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, L.angsuan, Taku, Chuicpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure a p.m. Mat MAHIDOL Oot. 9 s.s. REDANG Oct. 1O Oot. 12 as. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 14
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    • 509 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTSCN UMPFSOIin HMTMEI. H lMta" MtßUfl Combined Servioe. The steamres of tbese Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg once a month for Bremerbaven
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    • 629 4 STEAMER SAILINGS IsTd l. Rorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremti. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well kuown mail steamers cl this Company sail (ort:.;«.utly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South amptoo, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplos (oonneot ing Marseilles, Naplos, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snei, Aden, Colombc, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1011 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honoluln, and San Franeisoo to all points in the United Statoa, Canada, Mexico and Burope. Oparatlil th. Row 11,000 ten TrlpK tcraw Turbliis Llnsrt "Ihlßfo Hani" "lasts Mar* ••< Chl>( Mary."
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    • 148 5 GIRL BRAND I i^SI 2 PILSENER BEER L^EKsfIaKVyBBV^B V^j&-*J^ea^^^^^Si2-}l^^^^S^^e^^^^aa^M*j'Sii&&k jBkßßb9 bB9UkmNk& v !*SB a^m*y&fts&KjsvA m a^BmS£s^ Jifflfelt^BM^CTr 1 MICROLINEUM The most perfect wood preservative and stain invented. A. Foe to Dry Rot and White Ants, SOLE AGENTS ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. 10,000 Ten Thousand UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS ORDERED BY THE WESTERN
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    • 617 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHJNEBE TYPIBT WANTED. Wanted, smart Chinese typist, good know ledge of English necessary. Fall particular* nferenoes, etc., to Box 11)2, Straits Times. 8.10 10 ELEGTRIC WIRING MALAYS WANTED. Wanted immediately, four electric wirini Malays accaetomed to the use of tools. Met with previous experience as fitters, engineer i
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    • 359 5 Theatre Royal w NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT Return Visit cf RENVILLE JENSEN Tlie Master Magician, and Ilia Entertaining Vaudeville Company. Miaa Irene Beryl, fascioatinK Vocalist and Dauct r. Gordon Rubie, Eipert Whistler and Comedian. The Warlegs, Harry and Hope, Dnetists and Dancers. Walter Melrose, Monologue Arti-t. Popular Prices t $2.00,51.00,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 MARTELL'S BRANDY. In England more Martell's Three- Star Brandy is sold than any other Brandy In London more than three times the quantity of Martell's is sold than any other brand of bottled Brandy. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND MALAY PENINSULA: Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd.,
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    • 150 6 DTJ.Collis ßrowne's jf/ai/ffD^ Th»ORIOINAL»nd ONLY OENUINEJ B The Best Rcmadf known for Tki n»oit V«iu«bk Reimty dit<o»n(lH coughs, colds. 1 V IST H MA, lIONCHITIS. A.i.nk. la I NCURALOIA, OOUT, BUIUKEA. ITSENTEIY. CHOUI*. BMBUMATI3M, toothache. I Concfncinf CKtdical /Vilimony inampinin coc/l iDolllt M m Soi.l In Bottles by HnHmaHMM '""<«*,
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  • 106 7 FIXTURES Tuesday, October 8. Hifih Water, 9.21 a.m., 8.48 p,m. Rftccx. Firit Pay. Wednesday, October 9. Hi«h Water, 5.47 a.m., 9.84 p m Lady Frederick," Theatre. Thursday, October 10. High Water, 10.13 a.m., IMB p.m R*co«, Second Da?. Lady Frederick," Theatre. Friday, October 11, Hit;') Water, 10.46
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  • 217 7 To rm Bangkok Singapore Bpm K. Pahang, Pekan, Kuaotan, Kemaman, Kutta Dungin and Trenggani Hong Ho Bpm Hongkong and Japan A. Apcar 3pm stalas"* »ad Mutr Lily Weld 3 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Penang 8 pm Bitu Pahat Aing Leong 8 pm Tobing Tinggi, Bengkalis
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  • 196 7 The Imp. German mail steamer P. E. Friolricb ,i ft Colombo at (p. in on Saturday, October 6. and may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning, October 11. The B. I contract packet steamer Teosta with mails from London op to the evening of September
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  • 647 7 Latest Arrivals Au«tna. Aust «ti 4870 tons, Captain Cotulich, Oct 7. From Hongkong. Oot 1. Q.c. and p. Rautenberg Schmidt Co. For Trieste, Oct 9. Rds. Ban Fo Soon, Dot atr. 222 tons, Captain Odink, Oct 8. From Sambas, Sept 29 O.c. and 42 d.p. Thong Ek. For
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  • 104 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. UN JONG PAG AH Bast Wum Basin— lone, Carlyle. Bait W. Section No. I— Taroba, Natuna, Sanaa W«A*r— Miodtroo, Pisa. [Austria. Maim W Ssct No. 2— Apcar, Haldie. B Hop Sang. 4 Selangor, Budge. S— Darvel.
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  • 227 7 Volunteering may be said to be enjoying a few rays of sunshine in Malaya just at present, remarks the Mala; Mail. At any rate the M.S.V.R. hare for tli- moment as many men in the ranks as the officers oare to handle and the books are
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 110 7 SuittAf tv, <). Toaxi 8, IBM, 0» L««dm— biok lull m |/4| Demand ink rrivate a m/e m 1/4 si 8 m/B 1/4 1 1 0» aiBHAMT— Bwk d/d 188* Prinkte B.m/« S«3i Da Plun-Buk d/d I-. SS4 Private 8 m/i m MS ->■ I«uu--BukT. T. 174| Privftto 80
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    • 139 7 SIMATOU, OITuBMH H IJII 3unbiel buyurs RK) Jopra Sundrfed' do Mixed 'ewe*,*** do White r.% 84gn J««o Floor Sarawak do Bnmei No, I M Coffee Bali J" jjjjj )offee P»lemb»Dß 10% baaii f»pioc», Bm»ll flake do small pew) do oicd pearl o'gj S™ ..****** )piom, China 8,400 Straits i'2jo
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    • 155 7 Issue S Value Bayers. Sellers. 10 7.00 Amptng 6.60 par 1 10 BeiM T» 2.96 8.C5 10 10 Braang 1.76 2.00 10 10 Kansboi 2.45 2.66 41 41 Kinta Ti« 1,18.9 1.18.9 10 10 Karopar par 10 10 Kinta Association 12.00 18.60 41 41 Labal Mine* 1.9.0 1.14.0 xd
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    • 561 7 Iwoe 2 Viidc Bayers. SbUmi 3/- If*. AlUkm 3 9 8/4* 3/- I/. AngloMiUj 14/7* 15,0 2/- I/. B»Ung Mal*ka 3.4 8/41 41 Batn Ctyes 13 0.0 18.15.0 41 41 B»ta Tig» 8.16.0 4.0.8 41 41 Bukit K»jttg 2.16.8 8.1.8 41 41 Bakit Linteng 4.1.6 4.9.6 3/. V. Bakit
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    • 108 7 lame S Value Buyers Sailer* 7/6 7/8 Hleeuio Titmwtft 3/- 8/4* 10 10 FnMer Neave 60.75 61.00 xd 100 Hiw»rth Brikiae 86.00 40.00 100 T% Pitt 103.60 104.00 100 100 Kftta Bro, Oti. 180.00 100 100 8% Oum. Prel. nom 10 10 M»jn»rd A Co. 18.00 100 100 H»r
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    • 46 7 Bayers Sellers Howarob Brakiae 0% 1900,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 8% •384,000 Si n«»pore ■leotrie Tramways t% 4860,000 B'pore Municipal 6 •1,878,000 nom. Bayer* Selleio S'pore Hanieipal «J1 of 1907 •16.0 000 7% m. S'pore. Monioipal i{% of 1908 •1,000,000 10%[u, S'pore Monioipal 4% •603,900 pat
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 Tin books which people write to day Arc mrl aod lickly laid away; They have do further interest, A newer book we rtad with z< st. 'Tin juit the aaiuo with everything, And nnveltv sr» at joy will bring, Hy taking Weeds' Peppermint Cure You get a drug which will
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    • 136 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. October 16. At wleroom, term freehold allotments fronting a reserve for roal off Gaylan* Road, etc., at 2.80, October 22. At saleroom, freehold residential building sites at Tanglin, at 'I S". November 28.— At saleroom, valuable agricultural land in the Districts of Linggi and Rantsn,
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    • 24 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NieHT'S PROGRAMME INCLUDES FIVE BRAND-NEW Biograph and Itala Films Telephone No, 1116, Beteb Bokd. K. HARTMA, Sole Proprietor.
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  • 1089 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. THE POWERLESS POWERS. Nothing is mure powerless than the Powers, because they ate powerful enough to paralyse each other. If the only great l'owcr in Europe were Mussia, or Germany or Britain or France, a short sharp notice to the Balkan Confederacy, or to
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  • 22 8 A Hague telegram to Batavia reports tho arrest of the man who in May last robbed the Dusseldorfor llank of Mks. 200,003.
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  • 35 8 The King of Siaui has established a new medal for valour displayed outside the limits of the person's duty. It is to be called the Kajani^ai modal, and will bear a portrait uf the King.
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  • 46 8 A daughter of Prince Narisara fell from her horse whilst riding on Luang Suntborn Kosa's lload, Bangkok, and sustained very severe injuries, the base of her skull being fractured, with concussion of the brain. At tho date of latest advices, she was going on very well.
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  • 37 8 A telegram from the Hague dated September 25 to the >)ava Bode states on the authority of the U&ndelsblad that the Itoyal Dutch Petroleum Company is trying to purchase the assets of the Mexican Eagle Oil Company.
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  • 29 8 One of the lady artists of Hormston's Circus died on board of malaria during the voyage from Batavia to Deli, says the Sumatra Post. She was buried in Deli.
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  • 22 8 The Naval Board at Washington announces its intention of building tho battleship Pennsylvania, which will hnvo a displacement of over 30,000 tons.
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  • 31 8 The Captain of the Marudu reports having abandoned a lighter on the N.W., coast of Borneo in a sinking condition in latitude 3.48" N. longitude 111.36' E. Mariners are warned accordingly.
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  • 39 8 It is auuouuced at San Francisco that the United States submarine II has achieved a world's record by descending to a depth of 283 feet, where she travelled for ton minutes at the rate of six knots an hour.
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  • 32 8 Four postmen in Meetan entrusted with the cancellation of stamps on letters, removed them, putting used stamps in their places and postmarking them. They wero discovered and arrested, says tho Java Bode
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  • 33 8 In September, 49 vessels (tonnage :J9,.'>4S) were entered inwards at Bangkok. Eighteen were German, 1 Norwegian, 9 Siamese and 4 British. Forty-six vessels cleared outwards. 16 bcin<; (ierinau, 12 Norwegian and 4 British.
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  • 51 8 Messis. F. W. Barker and Co. advise that the output of clean tin ore from the Kinta Association, Ltd., for September, was: mine 240 piculs, tribute 614 piculs, total 754 piculs. Tho output of ore from Kanaboi, Ltd., for September, was inino 1 5 piculs, tribute 260 piculs, total TO
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  • 63 8 The S. C. C. Rugby season opened auspiciously for the Club yesterday eveniug with a game against an Army and Navy team. The visitors were no match for tho Club team, wh > beat them in hollow fashion, the score at call of time being S. C. C. 18 points,
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  • 69 8 The Hongkong Dairy Farm Company, for the year ended July 31, made a profit after writing off S 10,089.43 for depreciation and bad and doubtful debts, and providing for directors' and auditor's fees, of 171,006.08. It is proposed to pay a dividend of $1.25 per share, absorbing 850,000 to transfer
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  • 68 8 Geneva jewellers announce, observes the Evening Standard of September 9, that the price of pearls will be increased M per cent, this autumn. The reasons given are that the crop in the world's pearl fisheries has been poor this year, and is inadequate to meet the great demand. In recent
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  • 70 8 The death has just occurred at Keddiug, California, of a man named John Broadhurst, who lived for two months without a stomach, and never knew it was missing. Broadhurst, who «as an engiuediivei, was taken to the hospital suffering from a malignant growth. Through an operation his stomach was removed,
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  • 67 8 There was another large house at the Theatre Royal, last night, when Professor Jensen again introduced the talking skull and did other most mysterious and wonderful things. There was the usual excellent variety side to the entertainment. The professor appears at Government House, tomorrow afternoon, on the occasion of the
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  • 96 8 An Ipoli correspondent declares that tin: general impression of the F.M.S. Government's decision to abolish gambling from January 1 next, is that it is too drastic. The sudden abolition of the farm system, it is thought, would lead to grave evils, such as murder, etc. As the police would be
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  • 151 8 A Russian Jew named Nutte Zawatzky i' lias Newton, was produced before Mr. K. I Talma, yesterday, on acharge of living wholly or partly on tin- proceeds of bad living Detective Inspector Taylor prosecuted, anil among the police evidence given was that of a Malay detective constable who said that
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  • 174 8 A company with a capital of 1250,000 divided into 22,500 ordinary shares of 910 each and %i,!>oo founders' shares of $10 each is (vrites a correspondent) being formed, with a present issue uf I.OO<) ordinary shares of 10 each at par, payable ou application at 92 per share on allotment
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  • 412 8 Mr. J. Argyll Robortson, of the Chartered Bank, has been ordered to China. Mr. C. W. Marshall of Yokohama has been appointed to tho post of Secretary of the Shanghai Club. The engagement in announced of Mr. Oswald Richards aud Miss llertlia von Bargcn, daughter of
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  • 51 8 Kullwwiny in the result of onMHag oporu tions at the Kaub miues for tho fom WMki ending October f> Hiikit Koniau Stone crushed 4.1J7 tons, }>ulii obtained MM ounces, average per ton 4.l)f Uwt. Dukil Malacca Stone crushed 1,1160 tons, sold obtained l"0 ounces, average per ton 1J!"^
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  • 52 8 Headers arc reminded of the |*'rforwance of Lady Frederick at the Victoria Tucatru to-morrow evening, by the 1'erul; Amateurs Ooiupaoy ia aid ul' tin- hnkNnlM Ashuciation. Holders of ticketH aie specially re quested to call at the Kobiuitou 1'iauo Com paoy and get seat nu tubers for tho
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  • 78 8 A grand fancy dross race week ball, ul similar lints to IM one held ou January 'i lust will be«iven on Saturday, October 12. The band of tin- Dulls will be in attendauco and will play (Iming and after dinner. Tho proprictuis lmve Uecidtil to present two prizeH,
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  • 115 8 A deal has just been concluded fur tin- sale of tin- steamer Natuna, oue uf the N.D.I... n floot of trailers running betweou Singapore and liangkok, to tin- Sarawak Steamship Co. The new owners, il is understood, will put the vessel on the voyage between Sarawak
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  • 195 8 fuilur Uiu auspices of Mm t'uyluu Tamils Association, a reception w;is yi vt u mi Saturday night in Mr. Veluppillai, It. A (Cantab),, on bis roturu to tlio island witli a viow to enter the local bar, aftur aa absence of i seven years.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 160 8 MEN AND STONES Thero's nothing in the above words to attract you, but the picture with those words as title will win your appreciation more than you expect. It is a Cinematograph adaptation, by M.Remon.of Soderruann's celebrated play, played by the Odoon Company, and is included in To-Nights Change SUPERB
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisements of tho day appear on page 5 and ou page 11.
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  • 401 9 1 Reassembly For Autumn Session. SIR EDWARD GREY ON NEAR EAST CRISIS. Certainty of Restricting Area of War. RIUTBR's TbLBQRAM. London, October H> Tin House i>t (.'ominous lias reassembled and then was a I irge attendance. Sir Kl.vard (iicy replying to Mr. Bonar Law mii that at
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  • 106 9 ROSENTHAL CASE AND ANOTHER MURDER. Systematic Removal of Prosecution Witness Recurs Tblbgham. London, October 7. Then has been another sensational development of the Uoscnlhal case. On the eve •f MM trial of Police Lieutenant Becker, which i- U-uiuiiiui; to-day, a notorious Apache MMMI M| lack /dig, who
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  • 30 9 llll'llt- TSLMBAM. London, October^. -.ydncy MJMi says the Attorney <■ has annouueed that the Common wealth (iovernment seek to regulate houss it Btft. price* of food ami commodities.
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  • 40 9 KioTiks Tmmmtm, I .on i lon, October 7. Renter wins from New >ork that Amen can marines have had another tight in Nicar aqua in which thirteen rebels were killed and s. R ral marine-. \\< i< slightly wounded.
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  • 39 9 rlai'TiH'* Trliorax. l.i null m. October 7. The Morning Pout nays Sir l-'rancis l'iggot, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Hong kong, lias boii appointed legal adviser to the t Inn. c i. i\ eminent
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  • 79 9 i.'BOtßß's Tblbobam. London, October 7. Renter wirc> from Sydney that I*ord Dennian, the Governor General, had a great ovation on leaving for Melbourne because the New South Wales Government has appropriated Government House for administrative purposes. The route to the station was lined
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  • 50 9 Kbctbb's Tblbobam. London, October 8. Tho September trade returns show the following increases Imports £j,505,2H3, exports X'6,;!5.',,21.'>. Decreases Imports of cotton t'242,(K)">. Tho increases aro principally in timber, iron, steel, silk, and wool. The chief increases of exports arc in machinery, iron aud steel, cotton and wool manufactures.
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  • 34 9 Kbctir's Tblrorasi. London, October 7. The septuagenarian Ambassador, Mr.Bryce, while visiting friends in Massachusetts, had a twenty-five minutes' flight with an aviator who paid an aerial call at the house.
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  • 31 9 Kbctbb'3 Tblbobam. London, October 7. Keutci wires from .lohannisthal 'hat at tin close of au aviation week an aviator and his mechanic fell <•>< K) feet and lotli were killed.
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  • 41 9 Kbctbb's Tklborax. London, October 7. The death of Au juste Marie Francois Beernaert, a distinguished Belgian advocate and legal scholar, and president of the Nobel Prize Committee, is announced. London, October 9> The death ot Professor Walter Skeat is announced.
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  • 26 9 Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloid Tblegbam. Berlin, October 7. The Italian and Turkish mediators have returned to Ouchy with limited power to sign the peace preliminaries.
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  • 38 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. The market in London. ycstcrdAy. was quiet, with declining tendency. The closing prices were: Haul fine Para spot 4/6 forward 4 ,~>\ First latex crepe, delivery next three months 4/4
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  • 80 9 i From <)rr on..- Currkspom im.i Pt.nang, October 7. Mahomet Muushi. A.D.O. at Kuala Muda, has appealed to the Cutirt of Appeal at Alor Star gainst a conviction and sentence of three months for complicity in an attempt by Chinamen to get fraudulent possession of a murdered
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  • 117 9 lv a series of papers issued from the Waroffice with reference to the army manoeuvres there MM the paragraph Cigarette smoking is a vicious habit which all recruits tend to adopt. The young soldier finds himself with several shillings a week pocket money, and if he
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  • 145 9 The Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, acting on tho Pope s orders, recently openly denounc ed the prevailing immodest female fashions, MfMMly tight skirts and transparent blouses, and threatened to expel from church all immodestly dressed women. On a recent Sunday, while the Patriarch was administer ing
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  • 248 9 SELECTIONS FOR THIS DAY'S MEETING. The Latest Scratching. There was an ominous look iv the sky at intervals this morning, giving apparent promise of rain later to upset the bestlaid calculations of those who think to have worked out the winners of to day's events. Just before noon,
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  • 231 9 Husband Applies for Commitment Of Wife. An echo of tho Cooper- Abbs matrimonial suit which was tried in Singapore Supreme I Court in August last, was heard yesterday j afternoon. The action, it will be remeui bend, was ou a petition by Bryan Cooper i Abbs for restitution
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  • 265 9 The attention of those who arc interested in tin spread of enlightenment and education among Chinese women may be called to the existence of a new organisation, which is significant of a big stride forward in the movement. This is the Chinese Girl Students' Aid Committee.
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  • 71 9 A registered letter containing five bank notes of f. 1,000 each and forwarded by the Koloniale Bank iv Semarang to the Gondaug Lipoern estate in Goeja about September 22 reached its destination with the contents stolen. The money was enclosed* in the letter in the prescnc3 of witnesses, and tlic
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  • 573 9 ACQUIRING LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. Mr. R. J. Farrer's Right to Appear A numN'r of M IMMMM in accordance with The Acquisition of Land for Public Pur poses Ordinance of 1890 were down for hearing before Mr. Justico Kbden in the Supreme Court to-day, and Mr. R. J.
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  • 211 9 All liquor licencces, says the Malay Mail, have received orders to supply no more alcohol to Tamils or their descendants, from October 1 in the F.M.S. The Tatui.s declare they want their liquor and those in the north have petitioned the Resident of Pcrak as fol
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  • 84 9 Mis. Amery gratefully acknowledges the following subscriptions from Chinese and Tamil friends of her medical mission work Mr. Tan Tat Van (monthly sub.) 930 Mr. Lee Choon Ouan 80 Tamil friends 'ill Action 5 M Mrs. Amery adds: These friends have expressed the hope others may
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  • 112 9 The Geisha." In view of the anticipated demand for seats thr Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee have decided to give six performances of this masical play instead of five as originally arranged. Owing to the services of Bandmaster Hewitt not being available on certain days it has been found necessary to
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  • 35 9 A telegram from the Hague to liatavia papers stati-s tliat as a 'suit of tbe bill jobbing swindle, Bloembergcr's bank at Leeuwalden is iu difficulties. The Hotter dam Bank offered f.. "1)0.000 for it« reconstruction.
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  • 555 9 Compradore Absconds with half a Million Dollars A very great se-nsation was experienced today in Hongkong, Rays the China Mail of September 80, when it was known for a fact that the compradore of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation had absconded with, it is alleged, half
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  • 280 9 Howe Wins the Trophy After Two Sets. Tl.c retarded final tie for the S.C.C. lawn tennis championship, which had to be stopped and postponed on account of raiu last Weduesday. was played to a finish on the padang yesterday evening in the presence of a large company
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  • 236 9 A pretty wedding was solcuiui/.od at the Presbyterian Church, ou Friday, the 4th inst., the contracting parties being Mr. Halph C. S. Booty, of Messrs. Richardson and Itooty, Johure Bahru, and Miss Laura M. Roberts, only i luiiL'! i ti r of Mr. and Mrs. John
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  • 610 9 FINAL DECISION OF THE GREAT POWERS. Concerted Representations to be Made. RirTm's Tklfijuah 1 London, i > ■> J, The ItalpliH .SuLianju lm> pulsed »,th acclamation the special military estimate anil otlier measures necessitated by the niobi lisation. Political circles declare that if tho Powers collectively guarantee
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  • 65 9 RBCTBK'S TItI.KOKAM. London, October T. A St. Petersburg message says the preh tuinary elections for the new Duma show an immense preponderance of ek r^y who an certain to form a MNB) majority in tlic final elections. Dbr Ostasiatiscuii Lloyd Tklk.ram. li.rlin, October 7. In the primary elections
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  • 730 10 PLANS FOR BUILDING TEMPORARY CITY. A Unique Opportunity. Altlioii|>li Australians have not yet been able to nnrco upon a name for tbe new fedoral capital of the Commonwealth, which is still known as Yass Cauberra, and is still little morn than a wilderness, some details <>f the plans
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  • 211 10 The Berlin correspondent of the Naval aud Military Keoid says that the composition of the German Asiatic cruiser squadron is to undergo no chauge during the autumn period. This force includes the armoured sister cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. the protected cruisers Nurnburg, Leipzig, and Kmilen. four gunboats,
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  • 142 10 A ghastly outrage was perpetrated in a house ..i Wat Lifp, Dear tho Siaiu Electricity Co.'h premises, Bangkok, a few nights ago, a householder, a Siamese, being murdered by thieves. The ruffians broke into the bouse at night and no .xil the owner, who was I'l'imtiil to
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  • 412 10 Industrial Development Keeps Pace with Production. A Kusswiau correspondent writes to (be "inaucial News: The reportß coining from ,he Central Asian cotton growing districts ue of a favourable nature, according to tlic nforination published iv a souii official paper in St. Petersburg. It states that up to
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  • 372 10 Abnormal Conditions and the Results. An interesting account of the physiological problems connected with the use of the aeroplane has I ten given by Dr. von Schrotter to the Medical Society of Vienna, says the Vienna correspondent of the Lancet. Dr. von Schrotter says that for the
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  • 226 10 Competition With the Straits Company. At the half yearly meeting of the Siani Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., held at the offices of the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., Bangkok, the report of the directors was presented, as follows: Your directors bee to submit to you the eighth
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  • Correspondence.
    • 253 10 There's Nothing Like Advertising To the Editor of the Struts Times. Sir, The Ninth Annual Convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, in June, 1913. The association is composed of 132 clubs in the United States and Canada with an aggregate membership approximating
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    • 351 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Referring to your leader of the sth inst., headed as above, the dreadful state of affairs disclosed in the passages of H. E. the Governor's address relating to the death-rate, deserves the serious attention and consideration of
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    • 397 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— We are thankful to you for your valued suggestions to the local Chinese community to start Medical and Prisoners Aid Societies and shall feel further grateful if you would lend your pen to the formation of a society, or failing such
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  • 573 10 Explosion in Mid-air and Terrible Descent. An aviation fatality, bringing the total of deaths among the army flying corps within one month up to six, occurred on the morning of September 10, when Sn-.ind Lieutenant Claul Bcttingtun and Second Lieutenant B. Hotchkis-, of the Special Itesorve Hoyal
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  • 470 10 American Comment on the Law, Car and General Case. A striking verdict and judgment was, stays the Wall Street Journal, rendered in a recent case in the Court of King's Bench, London, which is of more tban passing interest to the American investor. On the strength of
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  • 713 10 Suffragists' Invasion of Balmoral Castle. The grounds of Balmoral Castle, where tbe King and Queen are now in residence, says the Evening Standard of September 9, have been invaded by the suffragists. Much pnblic comment was caused by the discovery on Saturday morning that during the preceding
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  • 231 10 Arrivals. Per rtr. Selangor, Oct 8. From Port Swettenham. Mrs. WalltrandMr. Anderson Per str. Mahidol, Cot 7.— From Bangkok. Messrs. Ayuin, Millard and St-rritsler. Per str. Ekma, Oct P.— From rUngoan Mrs. McLaren, Miss A'bcroft, Mr. and Mrs. H Manner*, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Phillip?, Miss
    231 words
  • 79 10 Kenipa*. 4,000 lbs. Tanah Merah.- Km lbs. Hukit JelotonH. 2.1 H lbs. Kubbcr Company <>i Maluy.— I,«>1 llm. Indrauiri.— '2,oo3 lon., niakiutt a total for the current financial year of 19,086 lbs. Glenealy.— l,sl7 lbs. Thf shortage is duo to the occurrence of Hari H .m-l ilrou,{Uv.
    79 words
  • 1104 10 A SYMBOL OF ITALY'S RENEWED STRENGTH. The New Bourse da gh iiruli srngli criua in I mare Ocnova sta, marmoreogiganto. Carducci. Tho Kisorgiiuento, tlie resurrection of Italy, evoked sufficient enthusiasm in Kn^lsuid, and full nutc is usually taken of her contributions to literature, art, and science, writ, h
    1,104 words

  • 1654 11 PICTURES OF NEW GUINEA LIFE. Superstition Rife in Papua. Superstition has a tirm hold on Papua. A report on that island, issued on August 19 by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, shows at once how much has been done to civili/e the natives in
    1,654 words
  • 234 11 Muley Hafid's Unpleasant Stay in Paris. The visit of Muley Hand, the ex-Sultan of Morocco, to Paris, has been assisted to a speedy end by the French authorities, and he has left Paris for good. At the last moment, while he was dining at the buffet of
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  • 214 11 Sisters Set Out to Take Possession of £20,000,000. The treasure- hunting steamer Melniore left Plymouth last month in charge of Captain <>ray for ISarry, where she is to coal and complete her stores prior to setting out for Cocos Island, in the. Pacific Ocean, to recover jewels and
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  • 141 11 On llie arrival of the Orient express from Constantinople at the Eastrru railway sta tion, I'aiiH. a Roumanian, wboae name is given aa Jusel V abler or (.taller, was found hidden 01 the rods of a bogie under a sleeping car. Hi- gave bis age an 20, and said be
    141 words
  • 819 11 Prices Quoted la tbe Market Tbli Morato*. Singapore, October H, 1918. Mown, Lyall and Bt*M. Bxobanee and Share Broken, issue the toOtrmimu liat of quotations tbuj moramg >— V. u F BCYIRS. SKLLCRS. I/- AUaf(M !</0 0/3 I/. Optioat 1/8 H 1 Anglo-JaTa 6/8 1 Al«1o Jobort
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 Fob Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods' Great Fcppermint Cure.
      10 words
    • 297 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A LIQUEUR. A happy climax to your dinner is attained when your guests aro offered Starboard Light." It is a oreme de mentbe of superlative qualities, shipped by Humphrey, Taylor and Co., made and appreciated since George 111 was King. Garner, Quelch Co., Will AM SPIRIT MCRCHaKTI, Battery
      297 words
    • 355 11 Three Caftlef J MADE i lENGLAND!I ENGLAND! OBTAINABLE AT: WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO.. LTD.. KATZ BROS.. LTD.. ROBINSON CO. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. RAFFLES HOTEL RACE WEEK. Special tiffins on OCTOBER 8, 10 AND 12. Dancing on above Nights FANCY DRESS BALL On Night of October 12. Two prizes will be
      355 words

  • 1374 12 Itv Wii.nn. U Ra>«>bll in Thh Wi.hli.. Tlie Chief Kiigeuist sat in his private office sorting' piles of statistics, and frowning ■lightly, as betittod one in charge of the •redit of the Anglo Saxon race. His goMriiimiol spectacles rodu triumphantly on a hillock in the exact centre of
    1,374 words
  • 501 12 Calamitous Outlook for Regiments In Australia. There has been one calamitous result of the new Territorial organisation of the military forces in Australia the kilt is threatened Says a home service paper i Lord Kitchener's mathematical system made small allowance for local desires and none for national
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  • 266 12 Dearth of Men for French Civil Service. Kvery Frenchman's dream, one always thought, was a safe berth in a government olbce, with small pay, it is true, but with hardly anything to do as a compensation, Hi tiie Hiiro prospect of a pension. But the French
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  • 1230 12 Suggested Amendments In the Game. Several of the suggestions lately made by the Rules of Golf Committee for alterations in tho laws of the game will arouse but a comparatively languid interest in tho breasts of the majority of golfers. The definition of the respective functions
    1,230 words
  • 645 12 FORTHCOMING DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It shonld be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 85 12 Homeward Bound. Per P. and China connecting at Colombo with Macedonia, sailing October 18. Rev. K. Gamier, Mr. R. P. Brash, Mr. Alexander, Mr. D. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. Per P. and O. Namur sailing October 28.— Major and Mrs. Vanrenen, Hon. R. Young, Mr. E. Lees, Mr. W.
    85 words
  • 16 12 Per Austrian Lloyd steamer Koeber, sailing October 25.— Mr. I'intorius, Mr. B. Schwandes, Mrs. H. Belle.
    16 words
  • 333 12 The following circular, signed by K. Rohh Dagg, and dated lironcini, July 9, has been issued to the nhareholders of the Zongo Rubber Estate, Limited I beg to confirm Mr. Blatch's letter of June 26. Mr. Watch left on the 7th inst. for La I'az, to purchase
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 269 12 TO THOSE LIVING ON ESTATES. LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS. Most delicious. Once tried always used. Packed iv cases containing 48 tins, assorted. LIBBY'S SLICED BACON. Is now obtainable in tins of 1 lb. and J )b. and in glass jars of 1 lb and lb. A good and appetizing breakfast marks
      269 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 443 13 Charles Heidsieck's THE WELL-KNOWN "<& BRUT WHITE w vi nta g e 90 6. Pr i I il Jt Supplied by Royal Warrant OL AL i to H.M. King George V. jhK~ nB^H Sole Agents AND BEHN. MEYER CO.. LTD. OLD SCOTCH WHISKY MELLOW WHISKY well matured, as Supplied to
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      504 words
    • 203 13 CAN YOU PLAY THIS THE UNIVERSAL CABINET PLAYER Which can be used with your own Piano enables you to Play anything, and when you are not using it, it fits into a Piano Stool and is the very newest idea in Piano Players. ROBINSON PIANO CO, LTD. PRICE'S Prize Medal
      203 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 485 14 INSURANCE. CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. ■cad Otlkc Winchester ttonie, SINGAPORE I Board Of Directors 1 ii A. DBBBioa-, Bsq., Chairman ».H I-.ib, Esq., Managing D.rector. uni Kowiib. m,, 0.«., Obief Med. Omoer I r. M. Blliot Bsq- A. D. Allah Bag. lew Noam Pah, Bsq. One Seen Tbb,
      485 words
    • 299 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSUHANCt COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 188*2. Dlreot Government Supervision Govarnmant Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDE and Non-ForfeitabU, Large Nat Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Buainaaa, 1811, 0vur... 58,800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally, Numerous modern schemes J H. IVANS, Manager, South
      299 words
    • 531 14 RANK IN CHARTERED BARK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT BOTAL CHARTHK Paid up Capital is) 60,000 Shares ol 420 each 41,200,000 Reserve Pond 41,660,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200.000 BANKERS. Bank of England. The London City Midland bank, Lid. National Bask of Scotland, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current AoooOßts
      531 words
    • 495 14 BANKING. THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL MPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed V.10,000.000. Capital Paid Up 6.250.000. Reserve Funds 3,100,000. HEAD OFFICE TAIPEH, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Calcutta Foocbow Hongkong Keelung Kobe Kagi London Moji Nagasaki Osaka Shanghai bwatow Taiohu Tainan Taaow Tamsui Tokio Yokohama, eto.
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      770 words

  • 983 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Report Of The Road Board. The second annual report of the Road Hoard in England contains many features of intcrcht. In the first place, says a correspondent of The Tiroes, it shows that the funds available for use have increased year
    983 words
  • 53 15 Great interest was excited in Clerkenwell by the funeral of a lady of prodigious size, win -m' weight v. as no loss than 82 stone. A special hearse had to be provided. Eight meu carried the coffin, which measured 6ft. 6ins. in length, 2ft. Bins. in width, and 2ft. 10
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 301 15 Wolseley Autocars. To those who are hesitating between the Wolaeley and the 80 CALLED cheap oar, we wonld remind them that tbe FIRST COST ia NOT ALL that ii to be considered. Tbe car which embodic* tbe finest examples ot engineering skill, in design, workmannbip and material, is the oar
      301 words
    • 68 15 Best (or a Cold. When you have a bad cold you want tho best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay as possible. You will make no mistake if you select Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You are certain to be pleased with the prompt relief which it
      68 words
    • 294 15 The Excellence of Continental s— TYRES 3s== is proved daily by the continually increasing number of friends. Large fresh stocks IN ALL CURRENT BIZEB. CONTINENTAL TYRE RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED. Telegrams I SINGAPORE. Phone CONTINENT* 17, Collyer Quay. 2 90. Gasolene Light and Cycle Co., HSBr% MOTOR REPAIRERS. '\^^^^S*^^^^^^^%^W^*W^| MOTOR CARS
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 901 16 IDINE A tested and approved fast colour. Adheres to every kind of surface, especially Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick Facades, Wood and Glass, also to Iron and other Metals. Can be Painted en Fresh, Air-dried Walls, and Rough Castings. Dries Stonehard, and does not rub off, therefore is Washable. Can be
      901 words
    • 400 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. GODOWNS AND OFFICEB TO LET. Noe. 9 and 10, Raffles Quay. Apply Alkaff Co., 70, The Arcade. b< 8-6 n FURNISHED BEABIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BoJmont, Bonzolino and Ben Ledi, off Tudiodk Katon^. Apply H. Somapab, IS, Raffles Place, or 817. Serangoon Road. 28-11 L
      400 words
    • 428 16 NOTICES. Till TIN COMPANY. LIMITED. Applications will clo+e on Tuesday, October 8, for local subscriptions. Prospectuses can be bad from tbe Bankers, Auditors and Welsh A Co., Secretaries. 6-10 810 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Manna Kandaramy Cbitty (son of Veerana Cbittiar) has ceaecd to act as Attorney or
      428 words
    • 715 16 NOTICES. TRAFALGAR. LIMITED. Notice is hereby Riven, than an interim lividend of 4 will be paid to Shareholders *hose names appear on the Resistor on Jctobor 81, 1812. Also, notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of tho Com Mtny will be closed from October 28th to October .'Slat,
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    • 632 16 NOTICES. CUM KIAT CO. SBIPCHANDLBRS. art Municipal Contractori elephono No. 431. 108* 109. Market Street. NOTICE. Notice in hereby gfow, tbat all Roads ritbin Oovernm«nt Houee Domain will bo losed to tbo public from 1 p.m. to 0 p.m. on ach of the following daks, namely October th, 10th
      632 words