The Straits Times, 16 November 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.118 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 Rubbet* 9 FVUit are protected against the attacks of and All Trees WHITE ANTS BY USING Jk RBOLINEUM J\ PLANTARIUM FQR TRIAL.— We are P re P ared to BU PP I y a s am P le four-gallon Tin for $5, SLEEPERS, TELEGRAPH POLES GENERAL TIMBER That suffer from
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    • 278 1 ROBINSON CO. The "Gyratory" Cleaning Rod. FOR '303 RIFFLES. P. PATENT BEST BtfISTLII j H HUSHES, 35C each. This improved Cleaning Bod freely rotates and takes the brush or tlannel spirally along the Grooves of the rifling by self-rotation when pushing or pulling the rod handle. One piece wood-covered Steel
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    • 98 1 GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE Tuesday, November 30, ST. ANDREW'S DAY. Special Seoted TABLEB MAY BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE. T. NAGAI CO. Have Just Unpacked, Real New Goods WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Japan esej, Curios and Fine Artware Xmas and New Year Cards and Calendars. No. K.
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  • 1188 2 THE MAKING OF A GREAT TRAVEL POST. Short Cv, to the Far East. The following is takon from the Daily Mail Overseas Edition Late last May there was a significant gathering in an auction-room in Vanoonver. Among the bidders might have been noted representatives of Austrian money kings
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  • 238 2 Natives of New Hebrides Dyinji Rapidly of Consumption. The cruiser Prometheus has returned to Auckland, from a visit to the New Hebrides. Commander John C. T. Glossop in an interview stated that the islands were quieter and in a more satisfactory condition than they bad been for a
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  • 235 2 The Proposed Shipbuilding Yards in Canada. With regard to the announcement by the Ottawa correspondent of The Times, that Messrs. Harland and Wolff, of Belfast, have decided to establish shipyards in Canada, inquiries made at Belfast show that what is in contemplation is a ship-repairing yard similar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 ttodelite. Prevents the attacks of White Ants, Dry Rot, Teredo Navalis and Decay in all kinds of Timber. At the same time it stains the wood A HANDSOME WALNUT COLOUR. Estate Bungalows built of soft woods will last for many years without attention, if the timber is "JODELITED." ONE GALLON
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    • 215 2 THE MARVELLOUS EARPHONE Professor HOFFMANN'S Great Discovery. A Wireless Telephone for the Ear. Excels anything ever invented to Restore the HEARING. marks a new epoch in the cure of yU Pfl mem is on all other devices thai 7^7 i»«" "<" coiiiikct, Koc'iJs. AMI MAC.MrV the sound waves Hi- U
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    • 92 2 BAVE THE DOCTOR'S FEE. If you are a man of moderate means and cannot afford to employ a physician when you have an attack of diarrhoea, you will be pleased to know that one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure it. For sale by
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    • 188 2 fteeklaees S Kirn 1 1 Wo havo i ll «t turned out oi our factory v very valuable and high-class collection of RZtilCGttl DIAMOND NECKLACES, also Braoel. K M j Pendants, Rings, Brooches, etc. as well m a Tho Cheapest House fine rl n>ent of jewtlUry n.t with other in
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  • 724 3 OPENING OF THE NEW NAVAL HARBOUR. Gate of North Sea. Tbe Prince of Wales, on October 16, opened tbe new naval harbour at Dover. Tbe completion of the great artificial harbour at Dover is an important step in the adaptation of the Navy to the political
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  • 246 3 Dr. Cook's Account of the Pinning of the Flag. Dr. Cook has described bis arrival at the North Pole in a contribution to the Paris New York Herald: At last we had reached the boreal centre. Tbe dream of nations had been realised the race of centuries
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the^SystenT against Disease with (UtaMMMd tinea 1119.) ESSENCE OH FLUID EXTRACT Of RCD^J*M*JCA^ w« ouanot .[n*k Wt A^LT k.. kitfelj of it." Xi lawn IhU VftVE Bl Vilß Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES .Torpid Liver, Debility,
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    • 68 3 00 IT NOW. Now is tbe time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do so by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Nine cases oat of ten are simply muscular rheumatism duo to cold or chronic rheumatism, and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment. Try it. You are
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    • 172 3 TEA A satisfied customer is a sound advertisement. Brooke Bond Co. have Two Million such advertise ments in Qreat Britain alone, and many more in other parts of the world. BROOKE BOND'S TEA SaM l>y all respectable dealers throuKhout the Straits Settlements. Wholt ale Agents: MESSRS. GUTHRIE CO. j'^j of
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    • 218 3 tSOZODONTpor* A delicious dentifrice. Free from acid and grit. Just the thing for those who have an inclination for the niceties of every-day life. Positively beneficial, gives perfect satisfaction. The best for sixty years. Handy for the traveler, In patent Sanitary Tins. Sole Agents for tuc'Straita Settlements ami KM S.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Ladiog issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf Continental, and Amerioan I' irta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Himalaya Nov
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    • 633 4 STEAMERS SAILING. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. Two regular servioee are maintained betwaen JAPAN akd EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN SCKEW STEAMERS. under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, speoially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
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    • 601 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 749 4 BTEAMEB 8I!L!W8. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and woll-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnlghty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 199 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, November 16. High V atjr, 0.9 a.m., 11.82 p.m. Sliiold Football, S. C. C. v. Police. S. S. Dinner in Loclon. Alhambra Cinematograph. iiarima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cineuiitograph Paris Cinematograph. Wednesday, November 17. High Water, 0.52 a.m 12 I ■> m WmmmM to Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 213 5 To-Dat. Colombo and Bombay Totomi Marti Bpm Peoaog and Deli Hebe B ptn Moar and Malacca Lady Weld 8 pm Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenbam Carlyle 3 |>m Bali, Macassar, Menado, Ternata, eto. Teo Pao 3 pm Beugkalia. Siak, Pakan Kiau Ana 3pm Hnugkong Arairal Olry
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  • 139 5 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer I>ovanlia left Hongkong, at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and ia doe here at 6 o'clock on Thursday morn kltt the 18th instint. The P. nod O. cm twin! mai steamer Himalaya left Colombo, at 8 a m, on Sunday, and
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  • 294 5 Latest Arrivals. Bra str, 4178 toua. o>i>t Ha-laml, Nov 15. From Li* erpio!. Oct 16. G.c. W. ManslieH A Co. For Hongkong Nov 15 -Rds. Aminil. Dirt, F h etr 8570 tons, Captain Privat, Nov U. From Antwerp. Oot 1. O.c. Moine Comte and Co For Japan. Nov
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  • 159 5 November ia IJsMri Maru, Jap str, Moji Sclangor, Brit str, Teluk Anson via ports ■3 Han Hong Urns, Brit str, Bangkok Hye Liang, Brit str. Pahangand Kuautan Oiang Seng, Dut str, Samarang via ports Deli, Ocr Btr, Bangkok !',,gm,ir, Ocr str. Bangkok MM, Nor str, Bangkok Siraenlerroon, Dut str,
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  • 88 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAQAB. Kiht WBißtßiHiK Minilya. Bin W. Saonoa I— Heathdene, Itria. BwmoMNo. 1 (Bhe«bh WBißr)— Nil. Saonosl m I—Amiral1 Amiral Olry. a Nil. a a 4— Totomi Mara. I— Nil. a a Minderoo. a a
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  • 51 5 From Calcutta, a cargo of gunnies arrived yesterday, by the British Htoauicr Celtic King. A cargo of copra arrived from the Natunas and Anambas, this morning, by tho local steamer lUtavier. The British .steamer Indrasamua arrived from Manila, yesterday, < v route to Now York with a cargo
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  • 336 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and 0. steamer Marmora, connect ing with the steamer Himalaya at Colombo, due November 19. Mr. A. Melviu. Mr. A. McCulloch, Mr. E. Simon, Dr. R. A. Campbell, Mrs. Ellis, Mr. J. H. Molyneux, Mr. J. D. Keaye, the Right Key. the
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  • 255 5 Finance Commerce. SixeAPOM, Novembkr 16, 1800. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 l5 Private 6 m/s 2/4 do 8m/a 2/4->; On Germany— Bank d/d 280 Private 8 m/s 241 do 6 m/p 248 On Bronte- Bank d/d 204 Private 8 m/i 280 do 6 m/s 802 On India-
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    • 250 5 Issoi Paid Valdi Up Company DIT^M) BOVIM SltL M 10 10 10 10 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Brjang, Ltd. Broseh H jdranlio T. M. Co., Ltd. Duff Development Co., Ltd. Kanaboi, Ltd. Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. Kledang Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Kuantan Tin M. Co., Ltd.
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    • 535 5 2 a/--1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 3/--1 1 1 a/--i l l l l l l a/--i 7/0/ 16/. 1 -2-/-1 1 1 1 1 1 17/6 1 1 1 1 T f l l a/--i i 18/0 f 1 1 1 1
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    • 172 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 ".IB 10 7 60 10 EMtern Smelting Co., Ltd. Fraser Neave, Ltd. Hotel van Wiik Co. Ltd. Howarth Brekine Ltd. 7% Preference KaU Brothers, Ltd. Deferred 8% Cam. Preference Maynard Co., Ltd. Riley,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 563 5 fascination of the East J~3t, Ihe perfection lo which f~~ Egyptian Cmrelles rm>e j£ b«n brought by Messrs. 11 I^^^^ MASPERO FRbRE J^^—-- \BBF^.^av \tAl en their two brands f~ m_aHr Bouton Rouge bT"« I w Egyptian Cigarettes The carp Wlth whlch lhpy re made> undcf lde> 7^gßti*!£sSsM JP* climatic
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 147 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom >>••• i h;er 16 10 Novi sinzR '22.) HIGH WATBB. LOW WATKB j TimS ;~H i iht"Time H'ght October hrfc min ft hn.mta. ft. ,'j 0.9 am H.u 5 34 am 4.1 Tdbo*t 16 U-82pm 96 6.10pm 1 0 8 w 17 J O.SJ am 8.8
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  • 1218 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. THE COST OF REJECTION. Mr. Winston Churchill, whom we may, in passing, congratulate on the slight con sequences of bis latest fighting experience, agrees with The Economist in saying that the loss to the Exchequer will be about X50.000.000 if the House of Lords
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  • 15 6 Tbe Pinang Gazette hears on good authority that tbe Ayer Kuning flotation has been oversubscribed.
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  • 24 6 A Kbeh named Seah Choon was fined 125 by tbe third magistrate, yesterday, for bring ing 25 unstamped letters from the F. M. S.
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  • 25 6 Judge Powell, sittiog at Jolo, Sulu Islands, on October 27, sentenced a Moro to life imprisonment for shooting and killing an American teacher named Burleigh.
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  • 29 6 Sekong Estate, is the only estate which is at present producing rubber in British North Borneo, says the local Herald. Several expect to commence tapping next year or in
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  • 35 6 A branch of tbe Batavia Aero Club, which has just been established at Medan in Deli, already counts upon over 30 members. It is hoped to have a balloon in Deli at an early date.
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  • 33 6 Japan is contributing a sum of £320,000 towards the cost of tbe Anglo- Japanese exhibition to take place in London next year, at the famous White City, built expressly for the Franco-British exhibition.
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  • 46 6 Mr. J. H. Coulson, of the China Mutual Life Insurance Co., died at Mukden on tbe Ist inst. Mr. Coulson went north a few months ago to open branches for the China Mutual in Manchuria and, it is said, was to have returned shortly to Shanghai.
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  • 46 6 Sreejut M. Ramachandram, a member of the Vivekananda mission, will give a lecture in Tamil on Sagnnopasana at seven o'clock, to-night, in the ball of tbe Sri Subramanyaswami Temple, Tairk Rd. Tbe lecture will be preceded by prayers to musical accompaniments. All are invited to attend.
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  • 45 6 Owing to the line having sunk some 20 feet between Serendah and Sangei Tampin, railway communication between Perak and Selangor was interrupted on Thursday. An auxiliary mail train was, however, put on at Ipoh to convey passengers from Ipoh to Penang and the intermediate stations.
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  • 55 6 The two editions of the Straits Times, of Monday's date, containing an account of tbe terrible collision in the Rhio Straits, were quickly sold, but readers desirous of obtaining ttie complete narrative of the disaster may do so by sending an order for the Straits Budget, published on Thursday. A
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  • 53 6 The Pinang Gazette understands that considerable difficulty has been caused by tbe dropping of one ot the steamer Germania's anchor?, weighing two and a half tons, and about five tons of chain, when leaving port a few days ago. The anchor and length of chain cable were recovered on Saturday,
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  • 64 6 At tbe doll show last Friday one of the best groups was pent in by Mrs. Gattey. It represented Alice in Wonderland, and Alice is seated at the head of a table, with tbe Mare and the Dormouse dozing at one side and tbe mad Hatter at tbe other, while
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  • 59 6 The official returns of tho elections held on November 2 throughout the Philippine Islands show that in Mtnila, at least, only about 2.6 per cent of the total population voted, an 1 that the vast majority of the people showed no interest whatever in the election of representatives of the
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  • 54 6 The Legislative Council meets on Friday, when a bill affecting Labuan will be submitted for first reading. The measures for second reading are those relating to Liquorn, Registration ot Deeds and Deleterious Drags. Tbe Mahominedan uatrriage bill will be read tbe third time, and the Petroleum and Societies bill will
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  • 62 6 The Times of Malaya, of Saturday's date, says A large number of visitors have arrived from outstations and other parts of tbe F.M.S. to attend the lecture on Diseases of Rubber to be delivered to morrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Ipoh club by Mr. W. J. Gallagher, Government
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  • 70 6 He would go into the second ciurt lockup, but the police thought the third was a better pi ice for him and he was transferred there and a charge of trespass entered against him. He told the third magistrate, ttiis morning, that he wanted to see on* of tbe prisoners
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  • 77 6 The inconvenience of depending upon a single lino of undersea cable communication has been brought home again to the public at Batavia by a break down in tbe line from that port to Celebes. Tbe interruption set in on October 80, but nothing could be done to remedy matters because
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  • 78 6 Tay Seng, the detective who assisted in the recovery of a large quantity of diamonds stolen from a shop in North Bridge Rd. and was subsequently found to bave pawned over 8103 worth of the missing property himself, was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment at the district court, yesterday.
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  • 94 6 The case agiinst Sergt. James Dickson and the Tamil detective, Sappiah, was begun before Mr. Saunders sitting in the criminal district court, this morning. The sergeant is oharged with having given false evidence in the second magistrate's court in sayiag that he caught a man named Amin by the coat
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  • 463 6 Dr. Wright retire* fron the chairmanship of tbe Taiping Sanitary Board at tbe end of the year. A farewell dinner has been given to Mr. Justice and Mm. Woodward by tbe members of the Perak Bar. Sir Frank Swottenbam presides at the Straits Settlements Association dinner to
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  • 55 6 Abxent partners seemed a topic of conversation at the Victoria Memorial Ball yesterday afternoon, and this probably Recounted for the delay in starting Mm first practice dance for the St. Andrew's Ball. Hut when the Middlesex band got the lad* and lasties going intricacies of Caledonians, Eightsomes
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  • 83 6 At the circus, thin evening, there will be tbe first high jumping contest for local horse* and riders. A handsome trophy will be presented by Madame Harmston-Love to tbe winner. To-morrow uigbt then! is to be a grand complimentary benefit tend jred to the Harmston-Love family. The performance
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  • 149 6 Commenting on the Itirthday honours, the Tnipiug paper says ln view ot the importance these Slates bave now attained and the amount oi hard work that has been put in to reach tbat stage, it is surprising that we should have so little appreciation of the services of
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  • 161 6 Mr. Parsons addressed the third ma«it trate, tliin morning, on tin- subject of the Daxtoa Rd. and Sago Lane affray-, xaying that the trouble arose betKveu rival parties in China bat had now been settled. Arbitrators bad been appointed, papers had been drawn up and signed,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 380 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. To-Niiht! To-Night!! and. Show, at 9 30 p.m. ENTIRELY NEW PICTURES. WHERE FALSE HAlli COMES FROM. Possibly this is the most original film tbat Las ever been placed on the market and it is rather an eye-opener in some respects. In any case it is amusing and
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  • 81 7 CONSEQUENCES OF REJECTION DISCUSSED. A Way Found of Saving tbe Exchequer. [Rbotbr's TrlsoramJ London, November 15. With reference to the pr< dictions about rejection of the Itmlgct and the resulting financial chaos, the Standard understands that authorities on constitutional law have been cousuliud by the Cabiuet. They
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  • 315 7 KING MANUEL ARRIVES AT WINDSOR. A Gracious Speech In France. [Rbdtbk's Tslsoraml London, November 16. King Manuel of Portugal has arrived at Portsmouth. He was received by the Princu of Wales, and proceeded to Windsor, where he was welcomed by bis Majesty and by other royalties. [Dbb
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  • 104 7 The Sultan Speaks on Questions of Defence. [Rbdtbr's Tblbobam I London, November 16. Tbe Sultan of Turkey, opening the Parliament, referred to the extension of military service to all his subjects, and dwelt on tbe necessity of perfecting the Army and tbe Navy. He spoke of the relations
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  • 84 7 No Truth in Rumours of Serious Friction. [Kbutir's Tblbobam] London, November 18. Mr. Motono, file Japanese Ambassador at St. Petersburg, lias gone on a short visit to Japan, where hi-i father is seriously ill. Rumours that his departure is due to political complications are officially declared to
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  • 23 7 IDm Ostasiatuohb Lloyd Tslbobam] Berlin, November 14. The Russian banker, M. TamMohew, has been appointed Minister for Trade in Russia.
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  • 28 7 [DSR OsTAIIASTIIJCHB LLOYD TiLSORAM] Berlin, November 14. The Hamburg-America steamers will in future call at Tting-tau, in addition to the ports already on their sailing lists.
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  • 286 7 Further Consideration of Next Year's Budget. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the board room, yesterday afternoon, for further consideration in committee of tbe estimates for 1910. Tbe fallowing were present Messrs. E. U. liroadrick (president), J. Polglase (secretary!, R. Peirce (engineer), J. Carapiet,
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  • 242 7 Thirty Per Cent. Export Duty io Some States. Consul Oeneral Anderson, in a consular report on Foreign Tariffs sent to Washingtonlast March, gives a list of export duties in Brazilian States. As we recently heard a wail both loud and long about the 2J per cent,
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  • 194 7 Thirteen Chinese Saved from a Jnnk. It in not often that a newly-married couple during their first few days of wedded bliss have the good fortune to save a dozen or so lives, but this has happened in the case of Capt. and Mrs. Urosslohmaun, reports
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  • 214 7 Mr. Farrer-Baynes continued his address to Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith, at the supreme court, yesterday afternoon, on behalf of Mr. C. A. Teal, an employee of the T. P. D. Board, who was convicted, at the distriot court, of accepting illegal gratifications for the- exercise of his official
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  • 1140 7 THEIR ISSUE AS PROMOTION PROFITS. Interesting Comments by the Economist. Tbe Economist of October 16 has an article on tbe growing practice of issuing options on shares as part satisfaction of promotion profits, and it may be remembered that we draw attention to this in our comment
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  • 1214 7 SUNKEN STEAMER A MENACE TO NAVIGATION. 200 Mail Bags Lost. The appalling loss of life involved in the sicking of the La Seyne in Rhio Straits on Sunday morning, and the shocking circumstances of the disaster, were the general theme of discussion throughout Singapore when the details
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  • 360 7 Opening of a Season at Victoria Theatre. Theatre-goers bave no cause to complain of the number of entertainments that bave been provided since the beginning of the year. Professionals and amateurs have kept them busy, company following company in quick succession and staging many popular plays, in some
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  • 280 7 Forthcoming Departure of Troops from Singapore. Oarrison orders of yesterday's date contain tbe following H. M. T. Rewa is due to arrive here at 2 p.m. on November 21 and will be berthed at the P. and O. wharf. Embarkation will take plaoe on 22nd instant as
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  • 156 7 Local Chinese Gardens Reported as Bitten. Rubber still occupies a prominent plaoe in the attention of everyone on the West Coast. ■ays the North Borneo Herald of the 2nd inst. Both the Bengawan and Kimanis blocks, at present being opened by Messrs. Butler and Weedon, have been
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  • 76 7 CRYSTAL PALACE CHOSEN FOR EXHIBITION. To Increase Mutual Understanding. fRstJTBR's TIIIORAMI London, November 16. The whole of the Crystal Palace grounds have been taken over for the whole summer of 1910 by the organisers of a Festival of Empire, which will include represjntatirc* of the life and industries
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  • 44 7 Official Murdered at Buenos Ayres. IRSDIBB'S TBLBOB4M.| London, November Ij. A telegram from Buenos Ayres states that an Anarchist threw a bomb into tho carria^o of tbe Police Prefect, killing his secretary. Tbe Anarchist thbn srio*. himself, but is expected to recover.
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  • 37 7 Two Hundred and Fifty Men Entombed. Rbdtbr's Tblburam: London, November 15. An official report states that 2 30 men are entombed in the Cherry colliery. Spring Valley, Illinois, at which a tiro is raging.
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  • 45 7 (Rbutir's TblbobamJ London, November 16. The friction in Marylebono between t tro Unionist Associations, reported on the Bth inst., has been settled. Lord Charles Beresford will stand for Portsmouth instead of for Marylebone, thus leaving Mr. Richard Jebb a free field there
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  • 30 7 [Dbb Ostasutiscbb Lloyd Tblboramj Berlin, November 14. The Crown Prince and Princess of Germany are making ai rangements to spend several weeks at Vorarlberg, in Switzerland.
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  • 23 7 [Dbk Ostasutiscbb Lloyd Tslbobam] Berlin, November 14. Queen Wilhelmina will not take a JDurney at present. Princess Juliana is progressing favourably.
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  • 196 7 The Introduction of Lightweight Jockeys. (Fbom Ocr Own Correspondent.) Penan?, November 16. The annual general meeting ot the Penaug Turf Club was held in the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday afternoon, under the chairmanship of Mr. J. F. Wreford. It was stated that racing during the year had
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  • 82 7 Judgment of Magistrate Reversed on Appeal. (Fbom Ode Own Cobibspondsnt.) Punang, November 16. The case in which Mr. Elton Ujll aud three peons of the department tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at I'enane, were prosecuted, at tho instance of Acting Det.-Sergt. Worton, for assault aud
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  • 36 7 (Fbom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Novombi r 15. Owing to tbe approach of tbe genera! election in England, Sir K. Liidlaw 11 I*. U postponing his visit to the East.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 53 8 'Mr. .1. McC. Reay has offered to play simultaneous games of chess against any twelve members of the Ipoh Club. We are requested to state that the monthly spoon match in connection with the Singapore Ladies Rifle Association will be fired at Ralestier range on Thursday next,
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    • 321 8 5. R. C. v. Middlesex 11. The postponed football league fixture between the S. R. C. and Middlesex II was played off on the Esplanade, yesterday, before a large gathering of spectators. Toe game proved a one-sided affair. From the start, the military had the best of matters
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  • 214 8 To be Held Ashore aad Afloat on January I, 1910. a meeting to consider the annual New ear's sports was called for 4.40 p.m., yesterday at the exchange, but when that hour arrived no one was present. Capt. Chancellor took the chair, Mr. G. P. Owen read
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  • 172 8 Enjoyable Afternoon on the King's Birthday. The King's Birthday was celebrated at Tronoh by aquatic and land sports at the Tronoh Mines which attracted a great deal of interest from the inhabitants of the township, some three thousand being present. The sports, which comprised swimming
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  • 137 8 We have received from the Director of Zi. ka- wji Observatory, Father L. r roc, the folio wing notes for publication. In addition to the signal given by the time-ball at noon, the exact China-Coast time is given, every night by Hie extinction of the four white lights
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  • 384 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, November 16-. Kubber stealing still continues on the Malacca estates, and evidently will do so until some system of licensed receivers and exporters is inaugurated. This week, the district judge at Jasin, sentenced a Chinese towkay to two years' rigorous imprisonment for receiving
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  • 146 8 Colonial Advisory Committee Appointed. In accordance with the recommendations of the recent Departmental Committee on the West African Medical Staff, the Colonial Secretaiy has appointed the following gentlemen to be an Advisory Committee on the medical and sanitary questions connected with British colonies and protectorates in tropical Africa
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  • 241 8 English Captain and Crew Murdered in Oceania. The N. D. L. small steamer Langeoog arrived at Brisbane, on October 21, from Herbertshohe for the purpose of receiving a thorough overhaul. It is reported that the vessel returned to Herbertebohe from the South coast of New Britain, prior
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  • 91 8 it should be mentioned in connection with the report of the annual inspection, on Saturday of the S. K. E. (v.) that the wireless section, under Corporal Wald, exchanged messages with the cable ship Patrol, and are believed to be the only body of volunteers in the Orient
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  • 55 8 An Arab of Muar K<l. trusted over much a fellow countryman to the tone of »83, and has invoked police aid to find bis former friend. A Hokien named Yong Chin T< k has been arrested on a charge of robbing Lao Goh in lan Qjc« Lin St.
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  • 70 8 The friends of Mr. W. C. Ephraoois, late State Treasurer, Perak, will be pleased to bear that he has now fully recovered from his illness and returned to the bosom of his family. He was for fifteen months at Peck bam and a month at Worthing, the change to which
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  • Correepoitoence.
    • 119 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your itsue of 12th inst., D. H. complains of above and asks or rather appeals to our municipal authorities to take some steps towards abating the noise nuisances." D. H. did not giva the locality of the kedi in
      119 words
  • 249 8 Progress of the Rubber and Tin Industries. A correspondent writes as follows to the Malay Mail:— Things generally here have improved very considerably of late, the steady price of tin and the high prices at present being paid for rubber having instilled much confidence into the two industries,
    249 words
  • 210 8 Pelted with Flowers by Admirers and Photographed. On returning from Moscow to his estate of Vasnaya Polyana, Count Tolstoy had a fainting attack which lasted ten minutes. Similar symptoms developed half an hour later, and the Count remained very weak for nmn time, but subsequently recovered completely, and
    210 words
  • 220 8 American Lieutenants' Thrilling Experience. Lieut. James H. Stewart, Jun., while oat swimming off Polinao Point, near Manila, encountered a large shark. He tried to frighton it away, but the shark after a momentary disappearonoo rose right under him and seised him by the calf of the
    220 words
  • 86 8 I.eeTeow Koow wan fined ">2.10 by the second magistrate yexterday, fur being the otcupier of a common gaming house at 127 4 H ii kit 'Finish Kd which was raided by acting I nap. Hunter and four constables in disguise, at noon, on Sunday. He was unable
    86 words
  • 39 8 The Amir lias now takon the matter of the disorder in Afghanistan seriously. Every Governor has been ordered to prepare a list of troublesome persons, who must either f urtuab security or be sent up to Kabul in chain*.
    39 words
  • 832 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn. Value. Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 8/1 8/3 2/- Options 1/8 2/. 3/. Anglo-Malay 14/3 14/9 £1 Adklo- Sumatra 86/- 89/--1 Banteng 86/- 89/--1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
      356 words
    • 331 8 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ESTATE OF HADJEE ABDULLAH BIN HADJEE MOOSAH (DKCEASED). Auction Sale Of VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTIES, COMPRISING THIRTY-NINE SHOPHOUSES, To be held at Powell ft Co.'s Saleroom, On Twsday, bromber 7, at g JO p.m. Arab Street, No. 46. Beach Road, No. '277. New Market Road, No. 1. Weld Road,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 359 9 K. P. Brothers, Jewellers and Silk Merchants, 9, HIGH STREET. Gash Clearance SALE! Special Bargains. ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES in Silks, Oriental Lace Work, Embroidered Goods, Grass Cloths, Mandarin Coats, Fancy Goods and several other Goods, too numerous to mention. EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. SLEDGE MILK M. Bolter A FHKSH SHIPMENT OK Unßalted
      359 words
    • 292 9 BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PENANO, RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. The Company's Steamer PALITANA, 2,998 to'js, A. D'Craz, Commander, will be despatched for the above porta on Thursday, November 18, at 5 p.m. She haa excellent aooommodation for first and seoondolass passengers. For freight or paaaage, apply to BODSTEAD
      292 words
    • 597 9 1 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers arc deapaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards 1 tor London, Amaterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Oonoa, Marseilles and Liverpool I and
      597 words
    • 627 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. CO O i I\. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail SUamsblp Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO HUROPK VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aad the UNITED BTATKP, Bonto from Hongkong, Ha Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vlotorla and Vanoourer, RM.B. •E»»aassoi Imu" 1 Twinsorew ate*KM.B. Emm 01
      627 words
    • 163 9 SALE NOW ON =r= THE GREAT SALE, FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY! Jhamatmall, Gurbamall AND COMPANY, SILK AND SILVER STORE. EVERYTHING NOW READY FOR :x:lvi:a.s se^lSO^t. GREAT REDUCTIONS!!! McKENZIE'S f f Liver Stomach 14 PILLS [McKENZIE^ are we^^ nown as a positive bjj Stomach Pi cure for Constipation, HeadpSsySESKt?! aches, Disordered
      163 words

  • 489 10 PRINCESSES AT CONCERT IN COURT OF ARTAXERXES. la the Cause of Charity. One of the pleasantest and most remarkable social events that the autumn season is likely to afford in the West-end was a literary, musical, and dramatic matinee held at 47, Brook St., in aid of
    489 words
  • 78 10 The Panama Canal Commissioners have tested an explosive— the invention of an Englishman which is cheaper and more powerful than dynamite. Neither the heat of a fire nor the blow of a sledge-hammer has the slightest effect upon it, explosion being caused only by contact with a special detonator. Among
    78 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 511 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i O. A. Dbbjuck, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Abmcs, Esq., Vice Chairman. A. H. Faib, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbb Fowlii, m.b., cm. Chief Mcd. Officer. F. M. Elliot, EHq. Rev. N. J. Couvmub, Tow Noam Pan,
      511 words
    • 426 10 INSURANCE. UNION FIBS INBUKANCB COMPAM OF PARIS MTABLJHHm IMS RESERVES ADD TOTAL ODAKANTEEB £4,000,000 lhe nndeialgned, A«ea»B (or the abo»t }->mpany, are prepared lo aooept fire ritkt or lons or abort period! »l onrrenl ratet. ;ABH SETTLEMENTS prompUy nude by he agent! in Singapore. MOINE OOMTB Co COMMERCIAL UNION ASBURABOB
      426 words
    • 569 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IBOOBPORATiSD BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital Id 60,000 Shares of INeioh 01.M0.000 Seserva Fund «1,576,0C0 guerre Liability of Proprietors i 1.500.000 BANKERB. Bank oi England. N»tional Bank of Booiland. Ctt London Ctly Midland Bank Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aeoonnia in opened
      569 words
    • 5 10 /%4S£B&J&AV£S SINGAPORE SODA WATER £staMs*«f<»vr2sj*cKX
      5 words
      814 words

  • 1022 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Rash Driving at Penang. A donkey leaped into a taxicab at Neath, did much damage to the vehicle, and attacked the chauffeur. The conduct of the Deasy Motor-car Manufacturing Company has been transferred to the works at Parkside, Coventry, where Mr. J. D.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 281 11 KELVIN MOTOR Launches Engine Sets AS SUPPLIED TO Crown Agents, F.M.S., and Singapore Municipality. Fnll particulars and prices from the Sole Agents for Strait Settlements CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Motor Accessories. EX S.S. "SOMALI" AND "OANFA: GOOtlrlCh TyreS* The rubberstud tyre cannot slip, and the fine quality of the rubber makes
      281 words
    • 197 11 1910 CARS I 1910 CARS I Brest Improvements. CARS CAN BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS, STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day and Night. MMi C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 4 160, Orchard Road. 0»T -PHONE: 114. NIGHT 'PHORE 714 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, 25. South Bridge Road.
      197 words
    • 223 11 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co. Efficient 18 to 20). ITfHE mo3t powerful Disinfectant in the World. Guaranteed I 18 to 20 times more effective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of fluids for a Guarantee of the <2J(S> Germicidal Strengths of their products (in relation to Pare Carbolic Acid) under
      223 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 396 12 WAHTS. TEICHERB WMTID. Experienced Tea. hers needed for 111 and I" Standard;.. An y So. IS, Straits Times. •J2O;S SITUATION WANTED. A young lady (Ku»i.-..> desires situation a- XI USE to om: cl.ild. Please address Miss 8.L., c/o Straits Times. 2098 SHORTHAND TYFIST WANTED.. Wanted. Shorthand Typist (Eurasian). Osod opening
      396 words
    • 583 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFIIE ft 80D0WN T9 BE LET. With immedUts entry No. T, Malacca Btreet. Apply to OUTHBIS 00., LTD. IIU HOUSES TO BE LET. Ho*. 81 mi 83, laititntioa Hill, River Valley Bond. Apply lo LEE CHENQ XAN aadOo. 1171 OFFICES TO LET. No. 95, Robinson
      583 words
    • 671 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. TO BE LET. Nos. 19 and 20, Boat Quay, at present occupied by Rud. Sieverts Co. Entry January 1, 1910. Apply Moraux Co. u1977 HOUSE TO LET. WHITEHOUSB, Dalvey Road. Entry on December 1. Apply to Fraser Cummin&, 29, Winchester Hi/.-sc. ■UN TOUT. The Offices
      671 words
    • 602 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. C. H. WILLIS has removed toofliceson first floor above Kelly Walsh; entrance 17, Change Alley. Tklipuonk: No. 696. u2146 NOTICE. J. K. BLACK. DECEASEO. Any persons having claims against tbe above estate must send same to the undersigned at 16, Battery Road, Singapore, on or before tbe ."Ctli
      602 words
    • 385 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Shootß, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Garde-nboses, Tubcß, ENDLESS BELTS. FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyros. Works Offices: PassirPanjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT CO.,
      385 words
    • 595 12 LOST OR FOUND. POINTER ***** LOST. Lost, a SMALL SPLIT NOSE POINTER *****. Anyone bringing tin MMiolnreU Bank. 29, Grange Koad, will be lewurd'.d. U1991 BOARD AND LODGIK6. BOARD ANO RESIDENCE Board and apr.rtmeits for Mingle grnll;-mcc »t 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. n o BOARD ANO LODGIN6. To be
      595 words