The Straits Times, 12 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.957 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 12. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 FOR THE RACES A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF THE VERY LATEST SHAPES IN Ladies 9 Trimmed Hats. JUST ARRIVED. S^INE MODELS. Races I Races I KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Raffles js| Hotel. Special Dinner Thursday, May 13. Saturday, May IS. SAURIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. DRINK W^=^67. CECIL STREET T^ S N O A
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    • 97 1 Artie Tully, TIH MINING AMD COMMISSION AGENT, 33, Raffles Place, Over Robinson Piano Company, Has a $10,000 book opened on the forthcoming Singapore May Meeting. Double Events on the Two Griffin Races, do. Races 3 and 4. do. 8 and 5, 4 and 5 Treble Events on Races 8, 4
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    • 220 1 THERMOS a ff) tk Patent Flasks. ma* mam m H 1 I aHr^ obtainable at a ROBINSON'S. I I m "THERMOB' WITH STRONG Invaluable to Travellers. Si Jjk LEATHER CABE Invaluable t> Sportsmen. Invaluable to Excursionists. 1&& HOT BEVERAGES JH BL will remain hot for 24 hoars without any application
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    • 73 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT tl7. Orohard Road. ARRANGED FLORAL BASKETS, BOUQUETS. BHOWERB. ETC. Wedding order* reoeivs ipecial attention. Many Local Testimonials. Prices Moderate. Cat Flowers from oat own Naneries always Quite Fresh. Offloe No. 787. 10f8. A Telephone J Nurseries 190. ASAHI 1 i aa^A mam aammw rXI DlL#lL#Jtx
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    • 16 1 WAH SANG, Photographer. No. 15, High Street, SINGAPORE. DEVELOPING PRINTING Photo Enlargements AT MODERATE PRCIEB. 755
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  • 1322 2 TOTAL FAILURE OF SYNTHETIC PROCESSES. The Gottsciialk Experiment. There is a note of pathos in the report of the proceedings of the Synthetic Robber Co., Ltd., which, if it cannot be said to appeal to ns, extorts at least oar respectful sympathy. We have no desire to review
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  • 144 2 The Bengali's Naihati correspondent writes: A few days ago, Kedar Nath Kabiraj, an inhabitant of Bbatpara and "gomosta" of the local Zeminder, Mr. Clarke, died. The farcumstances relating to his death are rather singular. For several days he has been suffering from a virulent type of small-pox.
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  • 84 2 A Mukden letter states that recently certain Gorman merchants applied to the Chinese authorities through the German Consol-General in Mukden for permission to construct a light railway from Kaiyuen to Sifung, bat the commissioner of internation al affairs rejected the application on the ground that foreigners could
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 273 2 GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES.. Fitted with patent Economical Fire-box for burning wood fuel. OVER FIFTY IN USE IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. 10, 12 and 14 h.p. In Stook. IMPORTERS i BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. No More Crust IN BOILERS! WHERE "D.M." BOILER COMPOSITION IS V6ED. A little "D.M." introduced into a
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    • 4 2 Zymole Tooth Powder ti^ii
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    • 163 2 MTIY ROYAL J^IlL APPOINTHEKT. TABLE DELICACIES, .gf* PICKIZS. SOUPS, I ;^^k MALT VINEGAR Celebrated i§Sg||\J CROS SB &L OitoenbStares,|^^|BlACKWELL, 8 Truth Stronger Than Fiction A Blacksmith's Experience Wigton Street, Belfast. "I suffered terribly with Rheumatism in my right arm. It affected me to such an extent that 1 could only
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    • 333 2 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld, 80LE ASENTB FOR The UNITED ASBESTOS Co., Ltd., London. FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. This Company's awards were DIPLOMA OF HONOUR AND FOUR GOLD MEDALS. PATERSON, SIMONS ft CO., LTD., s,^e R l*The Most Sustaining Tonic I m fijwal The extremes of a tropical climate are a
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    • 15 2 The flreatest *Wm? of all Tonics ,j sJv^_Ja Proven Remedy lor «HN«rv«r SS{ Y/r* DUordeffc
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 The Straits Times, awo The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. pLL^ pe,^ 2M Weekly issue per yew la-oo per:quartor sjm B««w When sent by post, there is added far the daily issue, two dollars a quarter to Home and Foreign countries, and one dollar and h*U Johore Federated
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  • 1148 3 DRAMATIC EVENT IN EXPLORERS LIFE. Adventures of Robert Peary. Robert E. Peary, the Arctic explorer, says that the most drama ie event in his life occurred on a fire-hundretl-mile trip gome where up around the North Pole. The party had lost most of ita provisions through accident
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 679 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL GENINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors. SOLE AQ-EICTTS FOEWorthington Pump Co.'s Patent Pumps 'Pulsometer Engineering Co.'s Pulsometer Pumps Ilobey and Co.'a Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son 8 Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and
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    • 6 3 Johnson's Digestive Tablets dtfea* all food.
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    • 664 3 EXPERT FAILED TO CUREJ|ISECZEMA Had Suffered Six Years— Face Badly Affected -Dared Not Go Out when Air Was Raw -Cuticura Proved Only Remedy— Also Cured Ringworm on Girl's Ann. CUTICURA REMEDIES TWICE SUCCESSFUL I found three oakm of Cuttcnrm Soap, one box of Cuticura Ointment and two bottles of Cuticura
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    • 127 3 IsaxtsJiaSVl ?Ttlflt«oMW«Cll-'AWS»*? T tlflt «0MW«CIl-'AWS»* 1 •■BBBBB^'SjBBBBxA 1 A i_J X* /sBBSWV^BBBbv/ Mi mi CHEAPEST nnd BEST. Japanese Grass Matting. THE BEST For the FLOORING In the Tronics. IN ROLLS OF 4O YDS. (36 INCHES WIDTH) AMD In a Variety of PATTERNS AND COLOURINGS. G. OTOMUNE AND CO. KELLY AND
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 724 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. P. &6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang;, Ccytoa, Au.irall*. India, Aden, Erypt, Mediterranean Porto, Plymoutb and London. Through Bills of Ladlog issued tor China Ooast Psriian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Port". Steamer j will leave Singapore on or about. MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) Demi May
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    • 683 4 STEAMERS SAILING, OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB. LTD. The Companies' ateamwn an deepaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseillea and Liverpool and for Marseillea, Havre
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    • 620 4 STEAMER BAIUHBB. APCAR LINE OF STEAMER* Tbb undermentioned mail tteanera of the above Line maintain a regular etrviet) between Calcutta aad Japan, oalling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m rottft FLEET. Tons Onmniaaitßi if. -Jajab" 1,800 J.G. Ouran •.a. Oneon Atoab 4,800 S. H. Bsuoa s.s. "Awutoob Ama»" 4,(00
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    • 260 4 oTEMEt MIUNBB. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail Lin*. TBB BATIOBAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE fIA OHIBA JAPAN, OABADA and ths CNITKD BTATBB, Boats from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoonver, R.M.B. Emh*>B oi Ibdu Twin aorew steaBJU. "Eavaam o* Jam" men, 6,ooo
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINBS. HAMBURG ANER.KI LINE HAHBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servios between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and npttsriism, and ths Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Penang and Oolombo. Taking cargo
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    • 797 4 BTEAMER SAIUNIS. N. D. L. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (Jerman Mail Line. The fast and well-known mail steamsn ol this Company sail fortnighty from Bnmea, Hamborg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe vena) Port Baid, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penanf Singapon, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 572 5 Bl Liict.-Cou E. G. H»i>.\i>»ii k, Commandant, B.V.C. Singapore, May Jo, 1909. 8.V.0. Appointment. I:—Coy:I Coy Sergt. -Major D. Mcbsod Craik, B. K E. ih appointed Quar termmater Sergeant, S. V. C. from thia date vioe Bsadaworth resigned. (8i) W. B. P. Tunis.., Lieut., K.G.A., S.
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  • 76 5 OtrrwAßD Gaaiua Mail. The Imperial German mail ateamer Luetzow having left Colombo at 8 p.m. on tbe 9th inatant, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning the 14th inatant. Outwabo B. I. Mail. The B. I. oontraot packet ateamer Taroba, with the London mails
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  • 107 5 Prom Eurpoe By the N.D.D. steamer Lnetzow, das May 14, 8.1. r.oamer Taroba, due May 16. M.M. steamer Sydney, due May 17. Prom China n M.M. steamer Tonkin, doe May 17. .pr.l 1 B I. .pril S M.M. .prS 9 P. 4.0. .pni 11 N.D.L. .pril 15
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  • 222 5 List ol Passengers Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Namur, duo May 15.— Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mr. J. MeClymont, Capt. F. J. Saunders, Madame Borlee and child, Dr. O. Gray, Master Runner W. A. Houston, Mr. A. F. Thavonot, Mr. L. E. Slowe,
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  • 90 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To. Day. TANJOHG PAOAR. Bast Wsuar Basdi Banka, E. J. Spenoe East W. Sbotioh I— Bharata. Sacnoß No. 1 (Sanaa Whasf)— Nil. Saono« 3— Teeata. m i S Singora. 4— Nil. 6— Nil. B— Yangtsze. 7— NiL
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  • 189 5 May lo Bultan van Lungga, Dut atr, Singkep Hai Nam, Brit atr, Muar and Malacca Perak, Brit atr, Telok Ansoo via ports Hook Lee, Brit atr, Kelantan via ports Breid, Nor atr, Bangkok t Virginia, Brit atr, Calcutta Tringganu, Ger atr, Zamboanga via ports Lok Sok, Ger atr, Bangkok
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  • 1112 5 Under tbia heading the following abbreviations are uaed etr. steamer ah.— ship bq. -bsraue; soh. schooner; Tot. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser. O'bt.— Gunboat j Tor.— Torpedo H. p. —Horse power Brit British U.S.— United States Fob.— French Oer.— Oerman Dnt.— Dntoh; Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar.— Sarawak; O.o.—
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  • 122 5 Fob Fw Bnucn Tm Toiouow Rhio uid Indraftiri Laurent Pit 7 ».m. Mahooa ud Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. Matr and Malanoa Hainam J p.m. P. Swettenham, via port* Janet Sieoll I p.m. Penang And Colombo Maehaon 2 p.m. P«ung and Mmdn., mull. j. for Earapa via Bombay
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  • 233 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. Sokmtou, Mat IS, 1900. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4} Demand a/8* Private 6 m/s 2/4f do «m/B P3/4J On Osvmafiy-Bank d/d 2871 Private 0 m/s 241 do 6 m/s 248 On France -Bank d/d 292 Private 8 m/a 296 do 6 m/a 299 On India
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    • 51 5 Howarth Brskine 6% 800,000 1% prem. Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem. Spore Electric Traways Co., Ltd. 6% 850,000 nominal Straita Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Singapore) Municipal 6% 400,000 20%p.n0m 6% 1.878,000 7% prem. 4*% 1,600,000 8-Xprem. 4% 603,900 6% disc. Tanjong Pagar Dock Board 6% 1,060,000
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    • 265 5 Paid! Quotation* Last DIVUMTO Captial liSCID Company •800,000 •800,000 •000,000 £600,000 400,000 480,000 £100.000 160,000 £120,000 ♦450,000 £•250,000 £100,000 £120,000 •450,000 £27,000 10 10 10 10 1 1 10 1 10 5/. 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 100 6 10 10 10 1 i 10 10 10
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    • 431 5 £150,000 1200,000 £80.000 £80,000 £80,000 £70,000 £85,000 5150,000 £16,000 £76,000 £110,000 £810,000 £60,000 £180,000 £100,000 £820,000 0.176,000 10 l 10 1 1 1 260 l i 17/6 10 7,400 1 8.250 1 10,000 1 6,000 10/- 1 3,800 1 17/6 10 2,600 I 1 1 1 12,098 1 7,500
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    • 179 5 »1,500,00u 1225,000 15,000,000 f2,400,000 1,000,000 ♦84,000 10 60 125 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 J 4611 SO 136 100 100 10 Baatern Smelting Co., Ltd.~ 1000 KO M ft.75 j w Kraser A Neave, Ltd. (8) 142.50 16% (or '08* Hongkong
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 AUCTION S4LBS Mowed a\nd Co. May 14.— At tbe Public Works Department Store, Kandang Kerban unserviceable stores at 2.80. tf. L. Cogfalan and Co. May 14. At saleroooi, Tonglcang, Kirn Eng Oaan," at 12. May 28. At Ntlerooin, The Rim and Nyallas Rubber Tapioca Estates of Malacoa. at 2.80. A
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    • 72 5 DON'T PUT IT OFF. Don't allow twenty four boars to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home. True you may not need it within that time, but it 8 better than any doctor's prescription and worth twenty times its cost in gases of diarrbosa, cramp oolio
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    • 101 5 "-^J^ssssafcafc-w-r S!. 1 I. i.'VK«M»«x _^^^^^^T^^— ■-T^..j^.f -.<-.^-i.--i.-.-- M '--a —^r-0 -_jil I Fascination^ Ssj of the East TH|^a^^^^Bß It braufht home ta you in the ~^j isfclirJsasJ asrfectlon to which Erfptlaw Cl|trtttas have been brought <^H by Massrs. Maspero Freres Tj In ihair tw» brands known as Bouton Rouge
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 158 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, May v. High Water, 4.11 p.m. Bandmann Opera Co., 9. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlboroagh Cinematograph. Thursday, May 13. High Water, 2.60 am, 5.51 p.m. Singapore Races, Second Day. 2.45. B. I. homeward mail closes, 8. Chinese Prayer Meet., P. St. Church, 7.80. Bandmann Opera Co.,
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    • 116 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom Mat IS re Mat 18.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER TiiS H'ghk ~Tims~~| ITaSt May hrs. mm. j ft. In. hra.min.lft. 6s. WimmT \V 145 pm 8.8 6.84 am 1.1 w nsoAT ia; 41f M Bi4|pß ,0, 0 T--—.. I JBOam 7.7 10.8 am 1.6 I 4.14
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  • 1070 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. POVERTY AND CRIME. In the report of Mr. W. D. Barnes, secretary for Chinese Affairs, which we published a few days ago, the statement is made that there has been recently a great increase in the number of secret societies in
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  • 12 6 May 10 was appointed as a special day of rejoicing in Holland.
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  • 16 6 Chinese Government students in Japan are to be prohibited from taking part in the theatrical performances.
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  • 26 6 My character ig unbleaekable, stated Richard Nicholson, a defendant at the Wigton police court. You'll believe a saint rather than me, be complained, after being fined.
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  • 32 6 A shipment of 106 lbs. of rubber realised from the Tenom experimental gardens, sold at Bs. BJ. per Ib. This was obtained during the first tapping, says the British North Borneo Herald.
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  • 44 6 The first real fire oall that Penang's new municipal fire brigade has received was on 7ih inst., and the Pinang Gazette says that Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton, the superintendent, and the brigade are to be congratulated on the smart tnrn-out that took place.
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  • 48 6 Lopatict are up to all sorts of ry^T, but n Mfrnf <mn of these unfottukMß catting] ofitwo fingers to feast on, is perhaps rare! A Chinese imbecile did this at Kuala Kang-) aar, but before he eoold do further damage' to himself be had been taken into custody.
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  • 12 6 The American Navy Department hag assigned eleven torpedo boats to the Philippines.
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  • 18 6 Two more submarines itre being sent to the naval station at Csvite, P. I from the United States.
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  • 20 6 The Government of India bave sanctioned a cloth tunic for wear by native officers of Indian regiments with certain exceptions.
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  • 28 6 After an absence of nineteen days as a protest againnt a ruling of the Speaker, ten members of the Philippine Assembly returned to their seats on April 29.
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  • 29 6 H. M. S. Waterwitch has arrived at Port Swettenham. It is understood that she will remain about three months whilo further survey Work near Palo Angsa is in progress.
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  • 33 6 The United States cruisers Montana and North Carolina, which have been at Constantinople during the disturbances there, have been ordored to Manila and trill visit Singapore probably about the end of the month.
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  • 36 6 Having inoculated fifteen rabbits with smallpox virus, the authorities of the Paris hospital lost touch with them and nobody knows where they are. In consequence Parisians are somewhat shy of rabbit as a dish just now.
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  • 40 6 A constable at Willesden police-court said he beard a boy, who, it was alleged, had been gambling in a shop, say to the shopkeeper. Lot's have a packet <>' coffin-nails. The Magistrate. Coffin -nails I The policeman. He meant five-a-penny cigarettes.
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  • 49 6 For the cor 'enience of paasengen returning from the *ces to the F. M. S. and Penang the Straits Steamship Co. announce that the departure of the steamer Ipoh will be postponed till 615 p.m. on Saturday the 16th instant. A launch will leave Johnston's Pier at 6 p.m.
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  • 64 6 A stndy of the trousor legs as seen in the photographs of onr moot noted men, says the Tailor and Cotter, brings the smile of contempt from even the roost disinterested, and one wonders if.anything could be uglier than the. concertina folds of the ctnrnsv, elephantine outlines that are there
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  • 69 6 The first mail steamer to Karafuto (Sagbalien). the Hirooaki Mam, several times compelled to tnrn hack, during her voyage, through floating ice and rongh weather, arrived at Koju on April 16. Ani Bay is still icn-bonnd to a distance of five nautical miles off the coast. The Rumoe Mara and
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  • 70 6 Niagara River is frozen from bank to bank, says a wire of April 13, and the electrioal companies with works on the great falls have lost owing to the stoppage of power. Many works, wharves and piers are being ornshed by the ice, and the rail wav lines have been
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  • 75 6 This morning, Mr. Justice Snrcombe Smith allowed the anpeal of Ram Singh, who had been convicted by Mr. Howard of giving false evidence, by stating that the defendant was nerved personally with a summons. Though he was loath to vary the decision of a magistrate who had seen the witnesses
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  • 70 6 A corresponnont writes informing us of the death of Mr. P. Arulapan, whose funeral took place yesterday. The deceased was the father-in-law of Mr. Ezakiel the hon. secretary of the Indian Christmas Committee, which body presented a wreath and cross as a token of respect. The Indian Christmas Committee was
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  • 77 6 The Philippines Commission has at last taken up the slavery and involuntary servitude question in the islands with the intention of putting a stop to it. Commissioner Worcester has presented to that body a bill providing that all slavery, involuntary servitude, (which is very common all over the islands. )poonaee,
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  • 92 6 The suit of Tan Ah See against Chop Kirn Eng Choon Chang, a claim for some 41,900 odd, balance of an account for timber supplied, the defence being that certain measurements and quantities did not coincide, came before Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith, this morning. On the application of Mr. Delay,
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  • 90 6 Commissioner Booth Tucker, who has been touring through Ceylon superintending the work of the Salvation Army, gave some interesting particulars to a Ceylon Observer representative with regard to the work of the Army in the island. He suggested that some of the criminal tribes in the island should be treated
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  • 103 6 Heavy sentenoes continue to be meted out to the gang robbers at the present Ipoh assiies. Foot more Chinese have bean mo tenced to ten yearn' rigorous imprisonment each, one of whom is the man who took part in a raid on the gambling farm at Chemor. The others were
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  • 350 6 SOCIAL AND -PERSONAL. Mr. Harold VouXes, former editor of Truth, is dead. Mr. H. N. Ferrers has returned to Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Travers has cancelled his trip from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. The Rev. W. H. Williams, of the British and Foreign Bible Society staff, han returned from home leave.
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  • 103 6 Between 5 p.m. on Monday and 0 a.m., yesterday, thieves removed jewellery, mostly gold rings, valued at about 81,800, from a show oase in the shop of Messrs. John Little and Co. Diligent inquiries were made with the result that three Tamils omployed by the
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  • 103 6 Our correspondent at Malacca, writing on Tuesday, says: This afternoon, Lieut. Coleman, K. N. K Mrs. Coleman and their two children left by the steamer Selangor for Singapore. Lieut. Coleman goes to take command of the Government yacht Sea Mew in succession to Capt. Murphy.
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  • 152 6 The German cruiser Scharnhorst, flying the flag of Rear-admiral von Ingenohl, who has come out to assume the commamler-in-cbiefship of the German squadron in the Bast, arrived shortly before noon yesterday, and as soon as she had come to an anchorage, the Admiral landed at Johnston's Pier,
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  • 181 6 The Pioneer states. We are now able to confirm the hint contained in a letter of oor London correspondent some time ago relative to the possible visit of Sir Charles Wyndhaui to India next cold weather. Sir Charles has always had a wish to see
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 r t— 5? jp -r A »■#>## ■■■ES9Hb«>3SL9blbHLbbb^sHl B SEA WALL AT HORNSEA, BUILT OF CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH r\* tin 71 f^pr\ BOLE AOENTS FOR malaya cxpanaea mmz C(J Lm J*\Q\CLl% Singapore and Penang. Rain Coats FOR/ TH"B I RACES Made to order in the latest styles. $25 each. John
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    • 158 6 VICTORIA THEATRE. UNIQUE ITTIICTIOI SIX NIOHTS OMLV. Commencing To-Night Maurice E. Bandmann presents for the First Time in Singapore Bandmaan's Merry Little Maids COMIC OPERA COMPANY. 60 Artistes, including Ballet of 24 TO-NIGHT. The Screamingly Fanny Musical concoction "The Dandy Doctor" The Dandy Dootor has oared more people of Melancholia
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    • 73 6 GODOWNS TO LET. Not. I, 5 6, Palmer Godowns Area 18,890 square feet. Immediate entry. Nos. 31 and 32, Fisher Street On Hong Lira Quay, three floors, suitable for storage of prodaoe or imports. Immediate entry. Apply to FRASER A CUMMINO, 39, Wmcienter Honsn. PHOTOGRAPHY, The Oldest and Only European
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  • 75 7 CZAR VETOS THE NAVAL STAFF SCHEME. Refusal to Accept Ministerial Resignations. |R*ctsb's Tblbobam) London, May 12. A serious ministerial crisis has arisen in Russia owing to the Czar vetoing the law passed by both the Duma and the Council of the Empire to create a Naval General
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  • 69 7 LATE SITTING IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Resolution Carried by Closure Kbutsks Tklkukam. j London, May 11. Tbe House of Commons has vigorously debatedjthe liquor licenses resolution arising out of the Budget. Discussion was kept op until two o'clock in tbe morning, when tbe closure was voted by 200
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  • 57 7 PORTO RICO UNFIT FOR SELF GOVERNMENT. President Taft Advises a Change. [Kiuth's Tslsuraml London, May 12. Mr. Taft has sent a message to Congress pointing oat that the Porta Rica Assembly has failed to pass the needful appropriations He declares that the country is incapable of self-government, and
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  • 75 7 Cordial Message to the King from Malta. f 1 bk UaT4BUTii>cH* Llotd Tbimbam] Berlin, May 11. Tbe visit of the Emperor and Empress of Germany to Malta has been most successful. Hearty telegrams were exchanged between the Kmperor and King Edward when the former landed on British
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  • 66 7 A Fifth of the Ammunition Useless. |I>«H OSTASUTUGU LILOTD T*L*»BAH| Bwlin, May 11. At Belgrade, an examination of the Schneider guns is being u.ade by an official commission. They report that the locking of the guns, and tbe interior tubes are inferior, and that a fifth of
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  • 37 7 [Ksutsk's Tslbgram.] London, May 11. Retailers have raised the price of sugar by a farthing to a penny per pound. This ohange of prioe is not in any way connected with the Budget.
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  • 22 7 ißacm's Tiuoram] London, May 11. The strike brought about by Socialists at Buenos Aj res is at an end.
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  • 25 7 [Rbctsk'B TiuoukJ London, May 13. The Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria has banquetted Prinoe and Princes* Nashi moto. Prince Kuni is in Paris.
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  • 66 7 New Issue of Shares by the Kapar Para Company. (FmoM Ock Cokxssfondint.) London via l'enang, May 11. The Kapar Para Company proposes to issue now shares. The present capital of the Kapar Para Rubber Company is £50,000 in XI shares ol which *8,00e are paid ap aad
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  • 323 7 Hotel Manager Prosecuted aid Cautioned. Mr. H. Schutz, manager of the Hotel de rEuTupe, wan prosecuted by Capt. Bower assistant superintendent of polioe, in tbe fourth magistrate's court, this morning, on a charge of selling liquors during prohibited hours. Prosecutor stated that he was passing the hotel
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  • 229 7 Sepoy's Murderous Attack on Capt. C. W. Keene. The following information has been received regarding the murderous attack made on Capt. C. W. Keene, Commandant of tbe Northern Waziristan militia at Miranshah At about 10 30 on the night of April 27, Capt. Keene left the regimental
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  • 214 7 Big List of Competitors at Great Olympia Show. The Royal naval and military tournament starts at Olympia to-morrow and continues to the 29th inst. The entries have been so numerous that a fine display is promised. The officers' jumping competition is an innovation ho far an the tournament
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  • 101 7 From information which has reached ns from various sources we have reason to believe that the number of secret societies in Penang has greatly increased daring the past two years, says the Pinang Gaaette. Formerly such societies were composed exclusively of Chinese, bat now, it seems,
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  • 78 7 At a meeting of the Anthracite Miners' Association at Swansea it' was decided to insist upon levelling up the wages by S per cent, on the ground of the high prices of asUuacite compated with other coals. It was officially stated after the meeting that, should
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  • 341 7 BOON AND A BLESSING TO THE PEOPLE. Conclusions of Experts in Holland. A lecture delive>ed before a scientific society in Holland, tbe other day, gives up-to-date particulars regarding the working of the Opium Regie in Java. Under it, there is less smuggling than under the old farming
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  • 179 7 The Cat, Black Dress, Chains, and Solitary Cell. Some recent attempts to escape and attacks on warders by convict* at Prince town have been followed by the passing of these sentences by the visiting justices:— Convict James, for writing letters and endeavouring to give them to other convicts
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  • 179 7 Lady's Smuggled Letter Furnishes Reliable Information. A Lahore correspondent writes to the Indian Daily Telegraph The origin and nature of the Kabul conspiracy is still unknown. No authentio account of the plot has reached India, but Mrs. Gbani, wife of tbe director of public instruction. Kabul, has
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  • 142 7 The sanitation of Kuala Lumpur, has evidently made apptfeeMble Improvement of late, says the Perak Pioneer, for we read that only eleven prosecutions were sane tioned at trie last meeting of tbe civic board, as compared with treble that number in the previous month. A discriminating
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  • 87 7 The heroes of some plucky rescues were honoured at a meeting of the committee of the Royal Uumim iknmi>j -in London on April 13. Among other awards were the MlowißVT— Bronze *Md»1«o Flap-Comman-der D. T. Morris of the cruiser King Altered, for his gallantry in jumpfog from
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  • 521 7 ORGY OF HYSTERICS AT CARDIFF GATHERING. Frenzied Men Roll on the Floor. > A pandemonium of religious 'hysterics is being witnessed at the Cardiff Park Hotel this week, writes a Cardiff correspondent, i under date April 15. The Pentecostal I Dancers are holding there their annual con forence
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  • 189 7 Serious Damage Caused by Repeated Airblasts. A Kolar goldfield correspondent writes to Madras as follows, under date, April 20 Sunday and Monday were resonant with air blasts which commenced early on Sunday morning and continued at intervals throughout the days. Three levels ia the Champion Reef have been
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  • 129 7 Among planter* in Deli, especially with companies, assistants are generally bound by agreement not to marry until thvy have served five years. Tbe argument is that tbe employers do this ia the interest of the assistants to prevent them from being burdened with a family before they
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  • 96 7 With the development of a higher standardof living in Japan, the demand for alcoholic liquors has rapidly increased and, in consequence, the call for corks. Most of these are imported from Spain and Germany, to a value of over yen 1,000,000 annually. A small (|uatftity, of inferior
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  • 139 7 Exports During Months of January to April. The advance statement of weight of block tin and tin ore exported from the F. M. S. dnriag tbe months of January to April, 1909, and of duty collected thereon, as compared with tbe corresponding period of
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  • 259 7 Bandmann's Merry Little Maids in Singapore. It wax a happy party of merry little maids which Mr. Maurice E. Bandmann shipped at Rangoon for Singapore and which monopolised our gharries at Jonstone's Pier yesterday. No one saw very much of them as they were busy with trunks
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  • 256 7 Enterprising Activity of Shipping Agencies. Bohn, Meyer and Company, Ltd., agents of the North German Lloyd line at Manila, with the arrival of every vessel of their Japan-Austral service in Manila, says the local Times, are conducting an adequate launch service to and from the vessels while in
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  • 143 7 Additional police evidence was given, this morning, in the case against the proprietress of an Aoson Road coffee shop, who was charged with selling intoxicating liquors without a licence and keeping open her licensed coffee shop during prohibited hours. Mr. Kitovitc appeared for the defence,
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  • 72 7 Yesterday evening, the remains of Pte. Palmer of F. Co., Middlesex Regiment, were interred at Bidadari Cemetery. The service was read in the chapel by the Rev. W. Drury, Chaplain to the Forces also at the; grave. Three vollt>ys were fired the Last Post was sounded, and
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  • 54 7 The Key. J. H. Beatson leaves Simla on the 84th inst., for home to take up his appointment as chaplain general to Urn 1 -wy troops. The council of the Royal Army Temperance Association in India was mm* yesterday, to wtect his successor as n%n%nwinm fco tint
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  • 62 7 ALL DIFFICtLTES OVERCOME SUCCESSFULLY. Race Differences Fiially Ended. IRSUTBB'S Tua«EAM| London, May 12. At a banquet given at Bloemfontein to the Union Convention Delegates, the Cape Premier made an important announcement. He said that the Convention had come to a universal agreement, and further doclared that the
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  • 152 7 BRITISH PARTY AMBUSHED BY NATIVES. Resident and Police Killed. |R*CT*B'3 TSLIOBAM] London, May VI. The Northern Nigerian resident, Van Keneu, three other European's, and thirty five police who were proceeding to instal a chief fifty miles from Zurgern, were ambushed on March 0. Van Renen, 1101 10 ohief,
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  • 169 7 Ringers Remain at the Ropes for Over Twelve Hours. A remarkable change-ringing performance was accomplished on tbe ten-bell peal cf the parish oharch at Loughboroagh on April 12, when the bells were rung continuously for twelve hours and eighteen minutes. The peal, whioh was composed by Mr. G.
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  • 179 7 The police have arrested a Chinese storekeeper on a charge of housebreaking and theft of a quantity of carpenter's tools. Wee Ah Hok, a Hokien, attempted suicide by taking an overdose of nhandu at his residence in Teluk Ayer Street, yesterday afternoon. A Tamil bill-collector in the employ
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  • 80 7 The following promotions have taken place in the S. V. C. Co. Sergt. Major D. Mo Leod Craik, S. R. E. (V.) to be QuarterMaster Sergeant S. V. C, and Ex- Sergt.Major W. Careless to be Quarter- Master Sergeant, S. V. A., and attached fur duty to the
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  • 70 7 A sensational opium smuggling case is being heard before the additional magistrate of Barisal, India, in which Yakubali, dubasb, with twenty others is charged with smuggling opium from Calcutta and it to Moglis at Neamutpur, Dadpur and other stations, who sell it to Burmans. Sixty-five witnesses have been
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  • 73 7 Sir Bldon Gorst in his report on Egypt, says that he is surprised and disappointed that the majority of non-official educated Egyptians are unwilling to recognise ths progress made towards satisfying the aspirations of the people. Their attitude, lie ■ays, was never more critical and prejudiced.
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  • 1985 8 SUCCESSFUL OPENING OF THE SPRING MEETING. Three Wins for Sultan of Johore. Cardinal snatched victory from Second SUrt in the Maiden Handicap and sent Mr. SarWe's favoured griffin to second place, thus springing a surprise in the opening raco of the Spring Meeting, yesterday afternoon, upon many fanciers
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  • 130 8 For the first time for many years, says a correspondent, writing on April 28, St. George's Day is being celebrated in Lucknow. which is fortunate in having the premier English infantry regiment in its garrison, the King's Own. This regiment trooped its colours early this
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  • Sporting intelligence.
    • 68 8 The Australian cricketers are now play' ing Northamptonshire. At orioket, Surrey beat Northamptonshire, on the Oval, by 106 runs. The S. R. C. will play football against the K. G. A., this afternoon. A change is being made in the dates of the forthcoming meeting of the
      68 words
    • 147 8 Oarrison Golf Club. Play for the Ladies' medal is postponed from Friday, 14th. to Friday, 21st instant. May Medal. C. Emerson 89—18=71 H. Addie 80 8 77 D. Kerr 94 18 78 J. CrabbWatt 78+ 4 82 Sir Arthur Young 90—6 84 Keppel Oolf Club. Members are requested to
      147 words
    • 553 8 S. C. C. v. V. M. C. A. On the S. C. C. ground, yesterday, the Club's first team played a cricket match against the Y. M. C. A., the Utter team winning. The Club's second eleven is down for a match against the Y. M. C. A. on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 104 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The bass Passle is simplo if worked in this way. The contents of the bags are as follows:— IIS (8 bags), »9 (B bags), »6 (3 bags), >8 (3 bags), %T(1 bag), total 1100. A advanoes B «1 whioh
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    • 90 8 Te the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Anent Pussier which appeared in your issue of the Bth instant I am of opinion that Tan's method of working to arrive at the answer is quite a different thing. The proper way in which the sum can be divided it as
      90 words
    • 108 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l read with much interest the suggestion made to me in the Straits Echo of the Bth instant but lam sorry to state that time will not permit me to go up there. I shall only be too pleased to
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    • 135 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l do not think any good purpose would be gained by our correspondent Son of a Gambling Mother airing his grievance in the public press with regard to gambling of Chap Ji Ki. Nowaday! nyonyas are given too much
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    • 309 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir,— Having read lately in your Rubber Notes some remarks about the salaries of estate managers in Malaya; I should like through the medium of your oolumnß to draw attention to the amount allowed for superintendence in the estimates given
      309 words
  • 174 8 One hundred and fifty people were present at the Presbyterian Church, at Manila, at a box Bocial given on the roof-garden. The boxes prepared by the ladies were elaborate in the extreme and auctioneers Black, Musgrave, Sibbita and Crazier had no trouble in disposing of them at
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  • 308 8 A correspondent writes On the arrival of the steamer Hong Wan I. from Rangoon via Singapore and Hongkong (April 80, 1909) the Customs found a quantity of ammunition, percussion caps, etc., in the galley and on of the ship's servants promptly decamped and his place knew him no
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  • 131 8 When it was proposed to stage a Bernard Shaw play in Australia, Mr. Williamson's new musical conductor, Mr. Campbell, told bow be once led the orchestra at a matinee presentation of one of Mr. Shaw's new plays. At the end of the play the author strolled wearily
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  • 67 8 From Pulo Laut. 1 ,300 tons of coal arrived, yesterday, by the Norwegian steamer Dott. The British steamer Yangteze arrived from Kochinotsu, this morning, with a cargo of coal, consigned to Messrs. Mansfield ana Co. From Penang, 576 pa— ringers arrived, this morning, by Messrs. Wee Bin
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  • 121 8 The connection of the South Manchuria and the South-Eastern Railway, as well as the oonnection between Shanghai and Dairen, is now completed. The next thing to be nnrtortakon for accomplishing communication between Europe and Asia is to effect connection with Australia. At present, it takes about two months by sea
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  • 18 8 A Chinese who ported a letter bearing.a oaed stomp was fined 120 by the fourth fpgyffr^tn, this morning.
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  • 193 8 Referring to some pretty fish stories, the Asian says These are as nothing compared to what was accomplished by Mr. F. H. Skrine, late of the Indian Civil Service Mr. Skrine told us bow once on a visit to' Yarmouth we think it was Yarmouth he kept a tame
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 54 8 WEATHER REPORT. Kmdmt Ktrbam Hotftua. M»y U, IM. 9 4. n. it r. a. 9 r. m. JUotall. BiiJIFib M.915 19.837 M.8W Tamp 84.8 88.5 NO nil. Wat Balb Thar 78 8 78.8 79.C DiiofWInd.. calm 6. E. calm Mm. Temp.. 89 i Mid 75.0 Max. In Bon.. ItO.O Tan
      54 words

  • 716 9 Some, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. BTHAJUBB ttirtte, Sydney. June M Bonstaad Assays, Colombo, Jane 17 P A O. Coy Ayathia, Bombs, May Borneo Ooy Astyanax. Liverpool, May 16 W. Manineld Arratoon Apoar, Oalontta, May 17 P. Simons A. Behio. Marseilles. Jane M| M.
    716 words
  • 21 9 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 12 noon, Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 185 9 Our PIANOS are am Selected Personally AT THE FACTORIES AND ARE The Pick of the Best ENGLISH AND GERMAN MAKERS, and are built in every particular for this climate. Hire or Monthly Payments. «HBb^**«b**)*************lbb>lb.i***********«b******lßb^BßSb^******* THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LD, CINEMATOGRAPH PATHS SINGAPORE. 1 SOLE AGENCY FOR 15*1* Pathe Freres, Paris.
      185 words
    • 1069 9 TENDERS FOR REVENUE FARMS. Tenders are invited tor the lease of Revenue Farms in the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set oat hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements (or the leasing of the Farms for the next Farm
      1,069 words
    • 129 9 Schedule A. Toe Opium Proclamation No. 16 of 1901 as amended by No. 7 of 1904. The Liquors Proclamation No. 17 of 1901. The Pawnbrokers Proclamation No. 14 of 1902 as amended by No. 1 of 1908, and No. 8 of 1906. Tbe^Gambling Proclamation No. 8 of 1891. 809 Steams'
      129 words
    • 472 9 STEAMER SAILINGS* BOTMH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. UNITED. FOR PENANO, MADRAS AND NEOAPATAM. Ihs Company** T.B. Stammer TEE6TA, 6,198 ton., C. Willis, Commander, will be despatched for the above port* on Thursday, May 13, at 8 p.m. Erne ha* exoellent aooommodation for first and Bsooad-eJass passsngen. For freight or rssssge,
      472 words
    • 435 9 STEAMER SAILINGS, KY.K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIPGO.LTD. Two regular servioes are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPB by tbe Company's well-known TWI> STREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with exoellent accommodation for First and Second Class
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  • 655 10 MARRIED AFTER BEING ENGAGED TEN YEARS. American Press Reporter's Methods. A young lady who is said to be worth £1,000 a day has just been married in America. She was Miss Sylvia Green, daughter of Mrs. Hetty Green. She is 38 years of age, and her husband,
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  • 286 10 Popularity of Talking Machines with Chinese. The talking machine is rapidly becoming a most popular instrument with the Chinese, who purchase by far the greater percentage of the imports into that country. It is said that the business done with the foreigners in China does not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IBOORPORAT4D BY ROTAL CHARTER. raid np Oapital In 80,000 Share, of IJOeach 11,900,000 Beeerve Fund 11.575,000 Baatrve Liability of Proprietor* aU.MO.OOO BAB SERB. Bank 0* England. National Bank of Bootland. Tie London Cilj A Midland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooonnts
      622 words
    • 469 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. e aidup capital m.000.000 3ESERVE FUND Sterling Rat«nr« 118,000,0001 ttosMOOO Silver Reaerve •14,500,000/ dUwrre Liability of Propriaton 116.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTOR!. Bon. Mr. W. J. OreMon, Chairman. H. E. Tomkim, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 8.0. Barrett, Esq. a R. Lenimann. Esq. J. W. Bandow.Btq.
      469 words
    • 474 10 INSURANCE Companies. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH A LONDON. Established 1787. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured 083,000.000. Lomm paid 11,800,003. Premium inoonu. M 808,000. Insurance effected on sdmoit ever/ desodc tion property at ourrent rates of premium. Bitki for 10 days are now aooepted at 4 oenl
      474 words
    • 64 10 RELIEF FROM RHEUMATIC PAINB. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain's Pain Balm is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful but one application of this liniment gives relief and enables the sufferer to sleep, which in many instances he has not
      64 words
    • 595 10 THE jjEWJRENCH^ REMEDY Thi* «ucrrwful And highly popular remedy, u*ed in the ContitfMiUl llo<pil]ls by Ri. nrd. Ki.«t.iri. |.1,.r1. V. Ipraa and Olhon, < .nil. v.-- all the Jr».J. r..u to he in i au-Jirinr n< the kind, and sur|.«v< ereryihinf I'iUsti U> em\>\»ye&THERAPIONNoi isblv short boto. ojt. n a
      595 words
    • 469 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGMEE'B SALE OF THE TONOKANG "KIM KNO GUAN, At Messrs. fl. L. Coghlan Co.'s Salerooms, On Friday, May 14, at 12 noon. Length 81 feet 5 inches. Breadth 30 feet. As she now lies at Godown 20, Taniong Pagar. H. L. Coghlan ff Co., ytll Auctioneers. AUCTION
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  • 1003 11 POPULARITY OF MOTOR-QRS IN EASTERN TOWNS. Cars for Municipal Service. According to recent Consular Reports, says the Siam Free Press, Bangkok, seems to be far ahead of many other towns in tho East, in the way «i possessing motor-cars, There are many big towns in China and Manchuria where
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 323 11 ARGYLL CARS. JXTST AKRIVSiD. S£S£d*- ArgyU Model de Luxe. PAINTED DARK GREEN, NICKEL PLATED MOUNTINGS, FITTED WITH HOOD, MAGNETO, WIND- SCREEN, LAMPS AND ACCESSORIES. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from SVME COMPANY, SO A L a e EN r. b8 .M..1L1.. I SlV** mm Agra to Peshawar 780 aorneininq likg
      323 words
    • 123 11 CRUSHED FOOD. TBT IT AND YOU WILL BB S ATIBFIBD I. R. BBLILIOS begs to inform the public mat his Factory for preparing Crushed food, at No. 1, Belilios Road, is now opened. Price of a bag of Crashed Food, 1 p. 1 0 oat.. f 14.60 per bag. No.
      123 words
    • 33 11 A CURE FCR BOWEL TROUBLE. No matter how severe an attack of diarrhuea may be, Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never failss to give relief. For sale by all Dispensaries and 'dealers.
      33 words
    • 466 11 W^k I J^^^ of the world-renowned firm of 118 I 1^ I^^^VICKEHa, SON 9 AND WAXIIH, LTD., J And provides the purchaser with a Guarantee of l^r Workmanship and Material wbicb is Absolutely Unique. I No other car carries a warranty which can be compared to ii I For full
      466 words
    • 81 11 DOGS HEAD Brand AHEAD of ALL. BASS'S ALE, arts GUINNESSS STOUT. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents KIM HIN AND CO., 18, Kling Street, Singapore. 726 CHARLES Hjfej HEIDSIECKS ?rf^ White Seal Xmk Champagne. T§ SOLI AGENTS t a«hn, Mayer ACo Ld A Singapore and Penang. DEPOT, lllla^R johi lithe c« w.
      81 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 950 12 Scale of Charges* PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mis oellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 6.20 Nine 8.40 Twelve 7.13 Twenty- five 10.00 (Bach subsequent month 95 per inch.) The above rate is
      950 words
    • 553 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. >"■ —Won Urn. dm or two Iwniot n.H Bf th« laah. mla mt sh&rfM HOUBEB TO BE LET. Commodious te-race houses in Wilkie Road to be let. Rent 936. Apply to u775 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 102, Waterloo Street, and
      553 words
    • 551 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. ■*"i t-9*m Urn w m tw. taMw, «L« HllNlHk.mtaJiDl Okaisw. OFFIOE TO BE LET. Offlo* on aeooud floor of. No. T, B»l»ery Boad. Apply to Galhrte ud Co.. Ltd. o 1878 •miE*B6MWNTOBELET. .W. Wl "> to?*"*** "try Ho. 7, Malaooa StoMt. Apply to OUTHBIB CO.,
      551 words
    • 593 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Per c ha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prioes. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets. VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Snotion, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardonhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicyole Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sola Agents i
      593 words
    • 595 12 NOTICE. IN THE GOODS OF ZECHARIAH HOSKEN (DEOEABED), PURSUANT TO THE CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ORDINANCE VI OF 1886. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons hitving any claims or demands upon or ag.iinst the estate of Zeobariah Hosken, deceased, late Sub-Inspec-tor on the Harbour Works,
      595 words