The Straits Times, 24 November 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.817. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 316 1 Grand Hotel de l'Europe. St. ANDREW'S DAY, November 30. Grand Guest Night! SPECIAL DINNER. TABLES MAY BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE AT THE OFFICE. Just Landed. mwtr One four-cylinder, 20-25 h.p. "MORS" LIMOUSINE, painted Red, four speeds and reverse, fitted with SELF-STARTING DEVICE, detachable rims on back wheels and one extra
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    • 88 1 HALES TOURS Beach Road, Singapore. The Most Remarkable Illusion in the World of Rapid Railway Travel. lOOth NIGHT. Toups as follows i— 7.16 BOULOGNE TO PARIS PARIS FROM THE SEINE ENGADINE VALLEY 7.30 STOCKHOLM A NORWAY 7.45 TWO MOST WONDERFUL RAILWAYS IN THE WORLD 8.00 FURTHER TRIPS THROUGH HOLLAND 8.15
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    • 283 1 ROBINSON CO. Genuine Irish Linen Sale. 4 DAYS ONLY, COMMENCING NOV. 25. The Whole of Our A pTo/ Discount off the Stock Offered at JLO 1° Regular Prices For Cash Only. ANY LENGH CUT. ANY QUANTITY SUPPLIED. Damask Cloths, Linen Serviettes (hemmed ready for use). Hemstitched Sheets, Plain Sheets and
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    • 295 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. E ,r) Select fireproof residential and transit Hotel, oommanding the moat peaceful md attractive outlook in Singapore. COMFORTABLE CENTRAL LEAN I *HEERFUL OOL CONVENIENT The highest olaes accommodation at moderate prices. Specially attractive rates by the quarter or year. Those deairing economy combined with continental cooking and a
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  • 1039 2 A REVOLUTION IN PRINTING PROPOSED. Light-Tinted Lettering on Dark Background. Sball wo use white lettering on black paper in oar books and periodicals, instead of the traditional and universal black on white I That there are good reasons for the change is maintained by A. J. Marshall in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 435 2 TJSE "Eagle" Cement For HIGH -CLASS WORK. BOPIIGO CO., Ltd., Government. GENASCO Tropical Roofing. 2 Ply $1O per roll ol 216 square fe-t. 3 Ply $12 per roll of 216 square feet. Complete with Nails. Caps anp Cement for fixing. "GENASCO" is prepared for THE TROPICS, is cheap, neat and
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    • 490 2 INSURANCE Complies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, LIFE. MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. ASBETS exoaed £17,000.000. W. A. SIMS, 0 1373 Manager, Eaatorn Branob. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH A LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount inaured £883,000.000. Loses* paid 11,600,003. Premium inoome. 006,000, lnanranoe effected on
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    • 406 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM. VUIC Jewellery AIYI/l<j Bozaar.. JUST UNPACKKD, A LARGE VARIETY Diamond and other Jewellery IN NKW DKSIGNS. SUITABLE FOR Xnras Iftew yeap PE-ESEITTS. PRICES BEYOND X2j 01 k clstomeks the pi h. n/luarriri/iu LIC (JKNEKALLY ARE CORDI. UUmrETITION ally invited, a a [3,000 Doctors Recommend I 9 C <.!<
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  • 112 3 It is stated that the estimate of the Department of Communications for next year was sent in to the Finance Department a few days ago, says a Japan paper. The Department of Communications has decided to continue the grant of a subsidy for steamship services, the term for
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  • 1195 3 NEW CURTAIN RAISER AT THE ALDWVCH. Miss Fannie Ward at "The Flag Station." Quite a stirring little curtain-raiser wi s pat on in front of Fanny and the Servant Problem at the Aldwych the other night. This was called A Flag Station," is by Eugene Walter, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 476 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with (t«t«*''S«^ln««lal«^^^Kßß!o»^^^FLUl^gJ?RA^r^O^Rt^J»M7lC» "We <ann..t f»k Ba^aV&^B^B^^B^*^^BT^^aTl^^B^a^BV^l^Hi b^B^b^b¥i^bT k *t kl r <*1 it A *\aV w *hb^ I a^LT L^LW w Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES "siiw'S. 5 Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions,
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    • 157 3 G.OTOMUNE4JO GREA T KILHLE One Day More Only. XMAS PRESENTS JAPANESE CURIOS Present Opportunity!!! Present Opportunity!!! PTJ.Collis Browne s M gj&§£) Th«OBIOINALand ONLY CENUINM m COUGHS, COLDS, spasm*. i« y I U ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. A.t>iik«»durmis NEURALOIA, cout t DIARRHILA. BYSENTEIY. ft CHOLERA. RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE. I Sold In Boliles by aßaßßMaji^y^p^p—
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  • 816 4 Same, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS. Airlie, Sydney, Dec 33 Boustead Aparima, Calcutta, Deo 8 Boustead Attyanax, Liverpool, Nov 89 W. Mansfield Armand Behic, Saigon, Dec It M. Maritime* Andalusia. Honpkong, Dec 31; Behn Meyer Assaye, Colombo, Dec 17 P. O. Coy Ayuthia,
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  • 110 4 By the N.D.L steamer Buelow, due Nov. 87. B, I. steamer Teeata, Nov. 28. FROM CHINA. M. M. steamer Tourane, due Nov. 80, TIME TABLE OF MAILS DOE Left Singapore Dae in London Arrived Dot 15 81. Nov 7 Not 7 Uct 19 M. M. Nov 11
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 Tim-BiLL." on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time gun is fired at 12 o'olook noon, mdi oating Singapore standard time, on every day exoepting Sunday, when it is Bred al one o'clock. LAZATINE, the
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading Issued for Chin Ooast, Persian Gnlf, Continental, anl America i Ports. Stoamera will leave Singapore on or abou MAIL LINE. (Outward for China). 1908 Delta
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    • 1121 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO.. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL BTEAMBHIP COMPANY A NO TOYO KIStN MIBHA The three great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, Tia Honolulu and San Franoisoo, operating the new 11,000 ton, twin-sorew ateamera KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known steamers CHINA, ASIA, PERSIA, AMERICA
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    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Thee teamen of this Oompany maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they are deapatobed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremcrhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 800 4 STEAMER SAILINOB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD I n parts I Qsrtnsn Mall Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamer i this Company tail fortnightly from Brero D Hamburg vU Rotterdam, Antwerp, South, mton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nnples, (ooanwMr Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice nr Port Said, San, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 1266 5 tht> li« vling tha following tbbraTittlons an a«d:-aU.-aUaai«r: sh.-alilp; bq.-lwroM; ich.--•rooonar; Yet.— Y»cht; Cr».— <;r«taat; O'bt.—O«nboat' Tor.— Tonwdo H.p.— llor»a powar Brit.— Brltlih; U. N.-Loit«i St»taa: Kch.-PMOob Oai.— Oerm.»n Dal. -Dutch ItiU.-lUlinn Sp^n.— Mp»ni»h; H»r.— »m»w»« (i.e.— <lanar*l c.uio d.p.— Jack pa«- >IIT U.-UncartAio W.-Wh«T; T.P.D.-Twiiong Pmckt
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  • 34 5 Octwarii German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Buelow, having left Colombo at 10 a.m., on the 33nd instant ]aul may expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the 27th instant.
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  • 59 5 Fot His Braun* Too To MOKBOW Baugkok Dovre 9 a.m. P. S'tenham and Penang Kittna 1 p.m, Muar aud Malacca Sultan 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via ports KittUi S p.m. TauasDAT. Batavia Kan Sicoll 8 a.m. I\ Swettonbain, T Anson Avagyee 1 p.m. Penang and Madras, mails 1
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  • 81 5 November 33 Peking, Swd str, Copenhagen yin ports I Bangkok, Ocr str, Bangkok \ragonia, Ger str, Yokohama via ports L'hranang, Ocr str. Bangkok *4 3apri, Ital str, Penang and Bombay Klevo, Brit str, Anamba and Natana Islands Perak, Brit str, P. Swettenham and Penang Fanet Niooll, Brit str, Port
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  • 87 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAK Sast Wharf Bahin— J.L Evistoo, New Orleans. Sabt Wharf Section I— Thongwa, Bharata. Section No. 1 (Shurb Whart) —Singapore. Jicnoa 2— Vladimir. B— LightDing. 4— Strathleveu. s— Minilya. t Dagmar, Persons. 7 DaFmorfl.
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  • 434 5 Passengers Outward. Per N.Y.K. steamer Kamo Mam, due Nov. 25. From London Dr. A. O. H. Smart, Mr. S. Masterman, Mr. K. C. Whiting, Mrs. H. C. Whiting, Mrs. Skertchly and Mr. W. Mellor (Miss Xicol, Mrs. Reith and Miss M. Reith one-half yean for Bangkok). Mar
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  • 830 5 General Manager's Monthly Report to the Shareholders. The following is tho report to the shareholders of tho General Managor of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company, Ltd., for the four weeks ending November 7 Gentlemen, I herewith bog to submit my report on your Mining and Milling
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 METHYLOIOB. Taken internally, no discomfort or inconvenience. Relieve pain and give visible result in a fear hoars, cure in a few days. Better than copaiba and santal, safer than injection*. Frioelow.
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    • 604 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tax steamers of this Company maintain regular direot service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai aad Japan, taking oargo on through Bills of Lading tor Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientain, Newohwang, Yaogtazo Porto, Formosa, the Philippines. *0,, *c. Steamers Tons Commander KnTsisa 4,896 K.
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    • 681 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hall Steamship Line THIS NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE ru CHINA JAPAN CANADA ana the UNITRP STATES Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotorla aad Vanoonvnr, R.M.B. "Kurumoi Innu" ■> Twin -screw steaR.M.B. "Enrim or
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    • 177 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jot 27— At Central Polioe Station, unserviceable polioe stores., at 3-30 p.m. 21— At WoodsviUe Cottage, 3rd. Milestone, Serangoon Road, valuable teak household furniture, etc., at 3 p.m. Deo I At Sale room, valuable freehold residential properties, Strathmore and Dunearn, at 2-80 p.m. H. L.
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    • 69 5 A 600 D HOUBEHOLO LINIMENT. When a bottle of Chamberlain's Paic Balm is kept in tbe honse, the pains of burns and ocalds may be promptly relieved, cuts and bruiDCH quickly healed, swellings promptly reduced and rheumatism and neuralgia robbed of their terrors. In fact, for the household ills, it
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 230 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fboh Nomura 24 to Nomura 80. HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'^hl Time H'ght Novumbor nra mm. >n8 nrs.min. (t. ins. M IM.HMBI *A 4.10 am lomdit 31 lolspm 8 .9 4.88pm 1.1 110.43 am! 9.6 4.40 am 8.7 WhmdmJ. jn.55 pm 9 .0 5.14 pm 0.8
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    • 183 5 DAY BY PAY. Tuesday, November 24. High Water. 11.16 pm. Gymkhana Meeting. Exchange. 5 p.m Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Wayang Kassim Alexandra Hall. Hale's Tours. 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Albambra Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. llarima Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. Wednesday, November 25. High Water. 10.43 a.m. 11.56 a.m. Confirmation Service.
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  • 1342 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. As a rule the novel with a purpose is a thing to be shunned, because it has neither the charm of puro fiction nor the merit of simple truth. There aro exceptions, however, and we aro inclined to make one in
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  • 15 6 The report of the death of Prince Clung, of China, is now denied in Singapore.
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  • 23 6 From New York, the Hamburg- American steamer Aragonia brought 75.500 cases of oil, yesterday. It is a!l to be carried past the port.
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  • 29 6 Tan Ami secured judgment against Mr. C. Foster in the District Court before Mr. C. J. Saunders, this morning, for 914*2.10 for firewood supplied. The defendant did not appear.
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  • 29 6 The step at the wharf at Sandukan have been entirely renewed and the position altered, which enables launches to come alongside more easily ami with less trouble than formerly.
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  • 30 6 Peng Tang pleaded guilty in the District Court, this morning, to fraudulently re moving property under seizure, and was fined ?.">0 or, in default, senteuced to two months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 37 6 The congregational reception to the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Gray will be held at the Mause on Tuesday, December 1, at M.iiii p.m. All members and friends of tho Presbyterian Church are invited to be present.
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  • 43 6 A Hankow paper states that the hull of the steamer Hanping which sank at Shanghai after collision with H.M S. Flora, was insured with the Union Insurance Co. of Canton for 10. ,000 taels and the cargo for 940,000 with the Mannheimcr Versichcrungs-Ctessell-schaft.
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  • 50 6 According to the Times of Malaya, Mr. van Cuylenberg has been successful in his suit against the estate of the late Mr. Bernard in couuection with his share of the famous Jehu iuphat Mine, and the accounts in connection therewith are all to be gone into by expt rt accountants.
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  • 49 6 Mi Nsrs. Kelly aud Walsh, Ltd.. have issued, for 1909, their useful annual the Imperial Kuylish-Muliiy-Cliiiiehe Diary aud Almanac. This invaluable requisite for every office is to well known and widely appreciat ed that it is unnecessary tor us to say more than that it is now on sale.
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  • 52 6 According to Vladivostock advices, business was never worse iv the Far East. In Vladivoxtock tho greatest business firm has had to cut dowu its staff by twenty men. Some firms have gone iuto liquidation, while others have tried to burn down their premises after heavily insuring them, and are now
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  • 55 6 The White Star liner Arabic has been chartered for two 'round the world' cruises, and will call at Labuan.and possibly a North Borneo port, iv December, 1909. She will carry about 7UO passengers, and is a 16,000 ton ship. Her arrival, says the lii itish North Borneo Herald, will cause
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  • 47 6 Keturn tickets at single fares to l'ort Swettenham, Penang, Rangoon, Calcutta, Madras and Coromandel Coast ports, by the 8.1.5. N. Co. s steamers, will be issued by Messrs. Boustead aud Company, the local agents, and will be available for use between December II and January 15, next.
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  • 53 6 The wedding of Mr. Nan Kirn Niau, Chief Clerk of the acuuin Oil Company, has taken place at Ann Siang Hill. A large number of guests were present at the ceremony, including several Europeans. Mr. Nian is a prominent member of the Anu Siang Hill Party and is greatly respected
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  • 67 6 According to a Tokio dispatch to The Nagasaki I'ress all the Japanese vessels engaged in the seal fisheries have returned home with the exception of the Kinsei Mam and the Saikai Maru, which were seized by American patrol boats. The thirty-six boats which returned brought to Japau the skins of
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  • 67 6 A few days ago, while a Chinaman was carrying a bag of cash containing coins to the value of Tioalu 300 in a lane off RachawongHe Hoad, liaugkok, he was attacked by thru- Mauiese men. The robbers were armed with swords and clubs and they indicted several serious wounds on
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  • 67 6 Wong Ah Suing, who was before the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry into a charge of committing gang robbery with a number of others at No. 71-E River Valley Hoad, was acquitted, and the complainant, a Raba named Wong Komi, was tun il .n for perjury, and an
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  • 61 6 From latest information, the Times of Malaya learns that Mr. (ireen, the wounded Assistant of Cicely Estate, Tcluk Anson, is progressing favourably. The Javanese coolies who at first threatened to strike have resumed work, including the twentythree who voluntarily surrendered themselves to Police custody. Only tlio three men alleged to
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  • 93 6 A Chinese detective at Jelapang obtained certain information which led him to go to a kongsi house usually occupied by a number of woodcutters, the other day. When the dettctive entered the house, tic found it in silence, but a search brought him upon a terrible sight, for in one
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  • 91 6 Mr. R. St. J. Uraddell addressed the Second Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, regarding the disposal of the UNO cash bail given by an Indian named KanugaHaby, who had been convicted of taking away a cjtupatnot's wife, arguing that it was the proceeds of the pawning of the jewellery worn by the
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  • 13 6 The deatli in auiioiinrt <l of Sir Henry Lotbinicre.
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  • 17 6 Dr. Highot. the Mailed (Moat of Bangkok, and his bride arrived at Baugkok 011 the lHtb instant.
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  • 21 6 Sir Oibbs Bergn.-, of the Foreign Offic, British Delegate to the International Copy right Conveutiou, has died at Beiliu .1 pneumonia.
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  • 26 6 Commander Basil R. H. Taylor, 11. N. (retired), the Harbour Master ot Hongkong. is on a holiday, and dined at tho Adelnln Hotel, ou Saturday evouiug.
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  • 26 6 King Edward has conferred the Uoyal Red Cross on Nursing Sister Mary Giny in re coguitiou of tho devotion shown by her during the Mohmand oporationx.
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  • 31 6 The dinner given by the Royal Asiatic Society toDr.Sven Hedinattho Palace Hotel. Shanghai, on the 3th inst., was of a private nature. Sir Pelhaiu Warren. X.l' M.U mtm in tho chair.
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  • 34 6 Lieutenant C. W. Ueckwitli. K.N., has boen appointed to act. at Hongkong, as Harbour Master, Marine Magistiale, ami so forth, during the absence ou leave of the Hon. Commander Basil R.H. Tayhr, K N.
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  • 41 6 Major Sir F. Came HaHoh. Conservative M.P. lor Mid Essex since UK, lias resigned his seat. Mr. Ernest George Pn tyiuun. who was Unionist Member for Suftolk, Wood bridge, 1595- 19(16, will be I ukiust date at the by -election.
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  • 46 6 For the first time, it is believed, iv tho his tory of British North Borneo, a Him wed ding was celebrated in SaudaUan. recently, tin- happy couple being the geuiul Mr. Liiu Swee Cheng, General Manager ol Labnan aud Borneo I'uited Opium Farm-- nut] his wife.
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  • 53 6 Major Harrington, Chief 01 the British Noith Borneo Police, met with a moot unfor tuuate accident ou October Itt. He m riding down to office when his pony km] denly bolted, eventually falling down a bank with him. Fortunately, Major Harringtou was uot severely hurt, and was only lnid up
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  • 102 6 The German community und liis numerous friends of other nationalities have exlendi I a hearty welcome back to Had von Prollius, the German Minister at Bangkok, who arrived on the lHth inst by tin- stcanni Deli. Mis Kxcelleucy weut on leave iv February last, and, during his stay iv Qer
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  • 71 6 The 1! I. M.S. Dufferiu in expected to arrive in Singapore on Saturday from Hong koug. The M liattalion Middlesex Regiment will (list mbaik aud march to thp llarrack.i. leaving the ship at 4 p.m. The W«bl Konts will leave barracks at 4 .'MI p.m. aud
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  • 125 6 The King of Siam has ncnt a painting of himself to the Harvard Cosmopolitan Club. The painting, which MMH 4 by 3 fit, < t, travelled all over Europe before rcmliing Harvard, as it was misdirected. With the picture was an autograph letter from tinKing
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  • 118 6 Ah in gnnerally known, the Order of the Doublo hiii^uii «a.-> iu.-.niuU.l by 1110 Wai Wu-pu and intended to be conferred on foreign princes and olllcialg. Hays the Cluiiu Critic. Now, in view of the possibilitirs of for eign nionarcliH and prexidentH coining to China, and
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  • 169 6 Mr. Woolley. District Officer, Provinc-i-Clarke, writes to the British North Korm-o Herald of a strain;.' pbenoiuouou that took place at night recently at Kwala iVunyn. Mr. Woolley was suddenly cnllud by one of his boatmen to come and loo!, at a payon^ api < umbrella of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 !^£3jj pts $28 ufg«P Sole Agents: ffl JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. hnuimc Museum BRITAIN'S BIGGEST D K I D \Jk C.O ARE COATED WITH BRIGG'S BITUMINOUS f\ a |iV| r\ A I PROOFS OF THIS SOLUTION'S VI i I I I 1 IV] PECULIAR PROTECTIVE «J 1] 1 I I
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    • 233 6 ALHAMBRA PHONE. No 969. 9 am to 8 p.m. No. 639 7 p.m. to 10 pm. NEEDS NO PUFF. The NEW ORCHESTRA, direot from CALCUTTA, have been HPECI ILLY engaged l.r LOVER-J of good MUBIC. ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE OF NEW MUSIC. Td-JTiskt— Mn llungr of I'nigraHnr. From tlie Popular and
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  • 377 7 SHAH DISSOLVES REFORMED CONSTITUTION. Relies on Clerical Advice. Itm ikk's T_yMß_f] London, November -'■>. A Teheran _hg__ -.tatm that the Shah has issunl K proclamation ou the constitution. His Mnjesiy states that as to has learned that the p<M>plo do not want a constitution or .i I'.aliament he
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  • 91 7 Standard Oil Trust's .Astounding Profits. IRmdtbr's Tklk .ram., London, November 24. i Mr. John D. Kockofellor. head of the standaid Oil Trust, has bejn under a severe eross-ex-iiiiiiiiitinn lor s.vci;il days ill the < Federal Cou't, at New York. His appearauee is in connection with a
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  • 41 7 Free Port Privileges and Chinese Competition. RkI'TI-R's Th.LKUKAM Lond'Hi. November M. The litiaucial Committee of the Duma has recommended thu abolition ot tree port privileg s at Vladivostok aud other A-uitic p< rts „wing to GWmm c.uupi-titioii.
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  • 20 7 IKkctkk's Tklhiium Ixindou, November -24. I'reni'lent (astro of Venezuela is ruining to l-'.urope to uiidei-r.i an operation.
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  • 69 7 Approval Given to the New French Yellow Book. [D|B OsTASIATISCUS LIOTD TbLBQBAM] Berlin, November 28. Tho French Yellow Book upon Morocco has been published, and is .-.insidered satislactory by the interested Powers. Tiie Cisablaiica .piostiun is not touched, .ipon by special desire of M. Pichon, the Kieiuli Sicretary for
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  • 27 7 FAST SIBERIAN MAIL. |l>l> OSTA»1AII»GHB LLOTD TiUORAM] Berlin, November T.i. The Siberian Overland Mail which left Shanghai on November r> was delivered in Berlin on November 2M.
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  • 28 7 I Das Ostamatmcbb Lloyd Tumim| Berlin, November 2.'1. reaches Berlin that the problem of dirigible win less telegraphy has been solved by experts in Paris.
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  • 733 7 Final Consideration of the 1909 Estimates by Commissioners. A final special meeting for the consideration of the Municipal Estimates for 11K)9 was held in the Board Room, yesterday afternoon. Those present were Mr. J. Polglaso, Deputy President Mr. F. J. Beujatield, Acting Secretary Mr. Halloway, Gas Engineer
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  • 81 7 A number of the Scottish members of tbe Singapore Club and their lady guests are dining together at the Rattles Hotel ou St. Andrew's Night at 7Mp m. This has been so arranged in order that the i owpauy can go to the Scottish Concert and dance
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  • 156 7 Malay Police Constables 266, 342 and 567 were before tbe Acting Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Gibson, yesterday morning, on a charge of assaulting a Chinese clerk named Tan Kee Chiak at a Wayang in Boat Quay, on the night of November 15. Mr. Upcott appeared for tho prosecution
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  • 56 7 In the District Court before Mr. C. J. Saunders. yesterday. R. M. I. N. Narayanan Chetty Kin il Mr. T. C. Loveridge for 9250 a* balance due on a promissory note. Mr. Loveridge contended that he had never re ceived 9158 of this money, but judgment «a>
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  • 199 7 CHINA THANKS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Co-operation Invited in Commercial Development. |Rhutbr's Trlkobam| Londou, November 24. Tang shao-yi the Chinese special envoy to America, has arrived at San Francisco. His special duty is to thauk tbe Government of tho United States for remission of the Boxer indemnity, and
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  • 279 7 Big Vote for Government Wharves < at Penang. When the legislative Council meets on Friday. Sir Arthur H. Young, K.C.M.O, will move I. That the Council approves a vote of 929,500 in addition to the sums already voted for equipment of the Government Wharves, Penang. for the purchase
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  • 127 7 Gatekeeper Assaulted by Unruly Labourers. Thero was a fight in a coolie lodging bouse in Wayang Street, yesterday afternoon, and a gatekeeper, who is employed there to keep con tract labourers from running away, received three cuts on the chest from fragments of a rice bowl which
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  • 101 7 Sabandari, a Javanese hackney gharry syce, was before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, on a charge of rash driving in knocking down an aged Mohamed Indian, in Tanjong Pagar Road. Complainant said that accused s gharry ran into a lamp post and knocked
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  • 16 7 A thousand sharp and goata arrived from I Calcutta, vest-Hay, by the A pear liner Lightning.
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  • 391 7 SEDITIOUS OUTRAGE IN PUBLIC GARDENS. Headmaster and College Student! Arrested. On the 13th instant, it was discovered that the white marble statue of Queen Victoria in tbe Maharaj Bagh, one of the public gardens at Nagpur, India, had been desecrated. The statue had been blackened with some
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  • 207 7 Pope's Contrast Between Ireland and Ireland. Replying to the address from the Irish pilgrims at Uomu on October 27, the Pope remarked that the fact that he was receiving the beloved sons of Ireland after having received tin Bons of England the previous day recalled the parable of
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  • 157 7 There was commenced in the Supreme Court, this morning, before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndman Jones, au action in which It. M. C. L. Shedambaram Chetty sought to recover from S. Saiboo Marican and S.M.H. Karim the sum of 92,800 alleged to be due for
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  • 155 7 A Hylam named Leng Ah Kian was tried in the District Court before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge of housebreaking at No. 44, Middle Head, the home of a Macao named Hob Ab Chi, on the early morning of Friday last. Sergeant
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  • 221 7 Ownership Claim Settled in the Supreme Court. On the 4th inst., the Chief Justice. Sir W. H Hyndman Jones, had before him, in thu Supremo Court, the case of Harry Pfort against Bagat Singh, in which plaintiff, the master of the steamer Labuan, claimed that be was the
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  • 300 7 Question of Protection Raised in Hongkong. At the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, a letter was read from the Colonial Secretary, dated October 9, stating that the Government had under consideration tin question of amending the law of the Colony in regard to the registration of
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  • 205 7 Titanic and Olympic Longer than Mauretania. The White Star liners Titanic and Olympic, according to announcement made by the officials of the line at New York, will be in commission on the New York, Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton service iv about two years and will
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  • 202 7 Bright Specimen of Humour Captain Frank Shaw, whoever he is, writes as follows to the Sheffield Weekly Telegraph Your first view of Singapore shows you a noble esplanade, along which pass in orderly procession the jinrickshas of the white population, drawn by fierce-faced Malays, the lineal descendants of those old
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  • 68 7 The Government of Selangor has placed > an order with Francis Snow and Company, i Bradford, Manchester, through their Malayan 1 agents, Messrs. Gutbiie aud Company. 9 Limited, for a washing machine to be installr ed in the Government Expei imental Gardens, Koala Lumpur. The machine is arranged with diamond-cut
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  • 303 7 SUMMARY OF THE COMPROMISE PROPOSALS. Managers and Tests Abolished. Km; ikii's Tklh.ira*! London, November 38. The chief features of the new Education Hill are as follows Cowper-Temple religious teaching shall be given for a period of three quarters of an hour daily in the provided schools. In
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  • 427 7 Migration of Teachers and School Inspectors. One of the subjects of first importance brought before tbe Official Conference on Education, convoned by the League of the Empire, on Empire Day, 1907, was that of iutcrchango of teachers aud inspectors between the different Countries and Crown Colonies. Although
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  • 120 7 Berne has just unveiled with enthoaUam a memorial statue of Albrecht von Hallar. Tbe Great Haller was his contemporaries name for him aud he, Jean-Jaoquea Rousseau, and Salomon Gossner were styled collectively "tbe three great Switxera. They were the three men who first in spired enthusiasm for
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  • 42 7 Tbe Board of Finance, at Peking, haa telegraphed to tue Viceroys and Governor* of all the provinces asking tbeir opinion as to whether auy abuses are likely to take place in regard to tbe stamp duty which is about to be levied.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 226 8 The dates definitely fixed for the next Kace Meeting in Ponang arc Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, January, 26, 28, and 30. .lack McAuliffe, former champion lightweight of the world, who was formerly in Singapore, asks for 95,000 as balm for his injured feelings because his name was
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    • 48 8 5.C.C. v. Garrison. The Club and the Officers of the Garrison tried conclusions at Rugby football on the Esplanade last evening, and the Club won easily by two goals and ono try (thirteen points) to nil. Play was iuteresting, notwithstanding tho slippery nature of the turf.
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    • 104 8 Shanghai Grand National. The result of tho Grand National Steeplechase, run at Shanghai, is as follows I Mr. John Peel's Cotawold 1 Mr. Robson's Edmonton 2 Mr. M. O. Springfield's La France Hose 3 There were 23 entries for the race. Derby Gold Cup. The race for tho
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  • 461 8 Mineral Resources of British North Borneo. In mentioning this, we do not wish to raise f also hopes over our latest mineral discovery all the same, we feel certain that the day is not far distant when the minorals of our territory will play an important part in
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  • 235 8 Details Regarding Alleged Contract with Outlook. It is accepted as a fact among President Roosevelt's closest friends in Washington official life, says a wire of October 20, that he has signed a contract with the Outlook to become an editor of that periodical at the close
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  • 742 8 1 It would be reasonable, says a writer in tb< Times, to suppose that the golfer, who sbou' 1 try to learn to drive by observing u i.l copying tbe style of the best players, and a second, who should rely on books of instruction on the
    742 words
  • 56 8 From Wei-hai Wei, a novel cargo reached Singapore, this morning, by the Indo-Chioa Steam Navigation Company's steamer Sui Sang. She goes on to-day to Calcutta with 478 miles in charge of 32 muleteers. Captains Sexton and K'.iaggs also are pasitengcrs, the animals being designed for the
    56 words
  • 509 8 Suggested Pony, Cattle and Poultry Farm at Kinta. Considering the high prices asked for thorough bred Australian and Java ponies, and the excessive charges made in the markets here for inferior beef, mutton, and poultry of all descriptions, it has often struck me, writes A Veteran
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 The death occurred on the Hth instant at Itaucbory, Khu-ardiiuHhiic, of Colonel .1. A. M»u Stuart, C.15. The deceased was in Ceylon two or three tinien during the past eight yearn, viwiting hin property, or staying at Nnwara Eliya. The Colonel had had an exceedingly varied career. Born in 1841,
      84 words
    • 108 8 At three ports iv Java, the Government means to undertake harbour improvements next year, the votex for the purpose appearing in the Estimates. These are Taujont: Priok i llatavim. Ssinaraug, and Soirrabaya. Tanjong Priok lirh *i!u j up too much for vessels of large draught and this is to be
      108 words
    • 237 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BILL COLLECTOR WANTEO. Wanted, a CHINESE BILL COLLECTOR immediately. Security required. 2oiB Apply THE DISPENSARY. IPOH ATHLETIC MEETINB, 1908. Entries close December 1, 1906. II eacb event FlO all events. C. E. COCKRAM, Seoretary, 3515 Ipoh. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in order to carry out
      237 words
    • 482 8 CHILDREN'S CONCERT. THURSDAY NEXT, NOV. 26, AT 5.30 PH.. IN THK Victoria Memorial Hall. Heads of schools are requested to note. 2550 noticeT Notice is hereby given that the interest and responsibility of the late Foo Teng Quee, deceased, in the business of a bakery, carried on by us and
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    • 521 8 SCOTTISH FESTIVAL CONCERT. fSt. Andrew'! Day). Under the anspioee of the Committee of the Singapore Philharmonic: Society, A Concert of Scottish Song, followed by an informal DANCE, will be given at the VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. On Mo day, November 30, at 0 p.m. Members' Tickets, 12, to be had of
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    • 67 8 The Favourite WAYANG KASSIM. The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Company OK SINOAPURB. To-Night To-Night IT i 111 Alexandra Hall, NORTH BRIDOE ROAD, the following play will be stagod DOODAH SANI. The Auto-Piano. $680. A Piano a Player Combined. m If you h;ive not heard one of -'th tse superb instruments
      67 words

    • 57 9 Bowarlh Erahlne 8% MOO, OOO 1% pren Blley liargroav." i% 123,000 1% prom 9'pore Elootrio Tramways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal Singapore Municipal S% 400,000 10% p. bom .1 v 1,878,000 6% pram *i% 1,800,000 B%nrem i 302,90" 6% d\a norn Blraikd Engineering Byd.. Ltd. t% H 000 par
      57 words
    • 125 9 On London— Bauk 4 m/i Demand 2/8ft Private 0 m/- 2/4g do 8 m/i 2/4£ On Chrmany— Bank d/d 287 Private 8 ni/s 241 do S m/i 348 On Pranee— Bank d/d 202 Private 8 m/s 207 do 6 m/l 209 On India— Bank T. T. 175 Private 80
      125 words
    • 86 9 jamoitr uuyt'rs 9 a.uj do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 18.60 ;opr» Bali 8.05 do Pontianak 7.65 Pepper, Black 10.75 do White 6% 17.50 Jago Floor Sarawak 2.96 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 'earl Sago 8.75 Joffec Bali, picked 22.50 Joffoe, I'alembang, 20% •>»■-•- nom. Jottee. Liberian '24.00 fapioea, amall
      86 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 364 9 1905 1905 1904 1903 1908 1904 1905 1906 1905 1906 1907 1906 £150,000 1100,000 £30,000 £70,000 1150,000 £18.000 «76,000 £810,000 £68,000 £180,000 £810,000 /176.000 1:17,062/11 115,600 33,750 66,700 136,000 16,000 66,000 259,680 53,750 180,000 301,500 176,000 330,960 I I I I 46,500 103,500 10,500 3,100 29,750 66,700 U. 500
      364 words
    • 335 9 Date of formation Capital Snbioribed Number Of Valne Paid Shan* np to Untuned Company yr> i-ru s. 1303 1300,000 1907 1800,000 1M1 i MOO.0O0 903 £400,000 1907 1400,000 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 1908 1150,000 1908 £130,000 1904 £30,000 1906 M50,000 300,000 116,000 600,000 860,000 875,000 60,000 100,000 99,000 130,000
      335 words
    • 195 9 1«94 I*9B I-6S ttit.-nta 3u,aou •U.MO.BM 15.000,000 7,«5S 4.500 110.0UO I 1°.,000 I 6.000 6,000 I 4,000 3,400 6,000 I 1,750 24,000 600 400,000 I.IM 1.000 4,956 300,000 11/8 50 its 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 100 10 ia/f 80 us 916
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 188 9 THE STRAITS TIMES CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE Following Places IN SINGAPORE Messrs. John Little .V Co., Ltd. Hsm K.iiy Hi Walsh, Ltd. Rafflex Hotel, licach Road. Mrssris. Kirn A Co., Battery Koad aud Aiuer. man Nw t. Messrs. .litts A Co., North Bridge Road. Koh Co.. 90, Uras Basah
      188 words
    • 75 9 SAVARESSES KSANTALS rCAPSIiIES e:c:i. and cmtiw or menmwnc. l^umiwTy or cum, wnit wo ixcoHvewnway |rT^D7(J7cTi!o7^^r^T7^nT^»T |^__A»t^roa. SAVARtSSt. Jeffrey's Stout AND B Pale Ale. I (Hi II ii In order that the above Flrmt-Clmmu J^uk^ Stout aud Pmle Ale may become £tk Kg^ better known in this market, S^B Both will
      75 words
      24 words
    • 148 9 MARTIN'S rraneh Kamady for all Imtful&rltlM. Thoimi«« W •iyn of jny Irrr^jl.irlty of (he SjMB timely doM Bay ba n 11 AHTIN. CfclUli, bOUrUABI'ION. EKUID.' H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY. OROUAKD KOAD A large number of thoroughly broken in harness and Saddle Horses for sale. A farther shipment of select Horses,
      148 words
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  • 462 10 THE QUAINT DEATH CEREMONIAL DESCRIBED. State Banquet to the Deceased. Some idea of the rites performed on the death of the last Dowager- Empress are given in Wade's State of China, 1m.",0-51 which was privately printed and from which R. K. Douglas drew a portion of his material
    462 words
  • 371 10 Curious Incident in Covent Garden. The firemen's bell and galloping horses startled the people in the neighbourhood of Covent Garden the other murning. Faces were thrust from windows high up in the tall houses of Russell-Street, and an expeotant crowd ran after the fire-escape in its career
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 834 10 LOOK VAN KIT. DENTIST. AND DENTAL BUPPLIEB. No. 28, South Canal Road, and 17, South Bridge Road. High-Class Work. Moderate Charges. Consulting Rooms fitted with electric light* and fans, etc., etc. 1405 DENTAL SUPPLIES. Laboest Stock of C. Ash, Sons and Co.'s Manufactures and American Goods. CHEONG BROS., 25, South
      834 words
    • 97 10 I < Many residents along the China coast and especially the seafaring community engaged in the coasting trade will deeply regret to j learn of the death of Dr. Henry Layng, of Swatow, of which port he bad been the Medical Officer for the long period of twentytwo years. <
      97 words
    • 737 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S MLE OF TWO TONGKANGS, "SIN KIM CHENG' AND"HIAP ANN," At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Sale-rooms, On Monday, November 30, at 12 noon. Length 70 feet, Tonnage 95. 62' 2" 92. respectively. H L. Coehlan V Co.. l"il Licensed Auctioneers <t Sirveyo'B. AUCTION SALE or
      737 words
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    • 634 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 Bhere* of snOeaoh C 1,100.000 Reserve Fund 41,816,000 ileearv* Liability of Proprietors 41,100,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Lbs Lendon City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooouots
      634 words

  • 1846 11 EFFECT OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON MICADVM ROADS. It is to Tresauget, engineer-in chief of the district of Limoges, that we are indebted foi the first scientific treatise on broken stone road construction. He clearly specified several typps of broken stone roads, one of which, in quite general use throughout
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  • 84 11 A Belfast labourer named James Boyle is under arrest charged with murdering bis wife. A policeman, hearing cries, entered the house just as the woman fell at the foot I uf the stairway from a blow of a fist. When picked np she was dead
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  • 127 11 The prevention of overcrowding and the clearing of insanitary areas have become bnrning questions at Saigon, where the newly-elected Municipal Board has now taken the sanitation of the town in band. The Chinese quarters are said to be veritable plague-spots. A medical report laid before the Board
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 219 11 PHOSFERINE I Tfc» ilium «a r««s«* I MlssW 4MktsVr«. Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements 1 Reduction in Prices I! THE BORNEO CO.. LTD. SIDDELEY Hutocars. FAMOUS FOR W Sole A ent CONSISTENT RELIABILITY. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. JUST LANDED: Two 20-h,p., 6-Cylinder STANDARDS, Painted Red (one sold).
      219 words
    • 573 11 Wines Wines 1 1 Oeoalne table olaret at 4.75 per do* Vermooth of Tnno I.SOp. litre bo«. Mosoat of Syracuse, an InTigoraMng win* mostly raoommendsd for weak people and Udisa at II .00 per qaart. Chianti Wine, Braoohetto (a delioioni red sparkling wine), Frelaa, Fernet Bitten highly reoommended, Byrnps, Assorted
      573 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 895 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Bates Four Lino, on. or two inMrtioiu, »1. By ths inch, m« Seal* of Charge.. FURNIBHED HOUBE WANTED. Four Bachelors require Fuxnisbed House with tennis court and stabling. Apply stating terms to M. 8., c/o Straits Times. l-2526 CHINEBE CLERKS WANTED. Wanted, Smart Junior Chinese Clerks, must be
      895 words
    • 721 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Btt»»— lit Month. HO per inch. SafaMqunt monthi. |6. Kor ihorUr p.riod> M SciU« of Chvf NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all concerned, that from this date, Thursday, November 19, 1908, Li In Tek is no longer authorised to receive moneys in our behalf. METHODIST PUBLISHING HOVSE.
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    • 1199 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Bobber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Oars, etc. Hydraulic, Bockdrill, Gardenhose, Brakert? TRWAnrKia unTHR tvpt?h noBe ioT Ra^ways, Speaking Tubes, BE-TBEADING MOTOB TYBES. CODDBINGS, GAUGE-GLASS BINGS. All kinds ol 1.8. Buffers and
      1,199 words