The Straits Times, 3 January 1883

Total Pages: 2
1 2 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. [new series,] SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, 3rd JANUARY, 1883. [dailym^
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 Inirs. KNTAI, fMPANT. r B^ES. w n be piB« the "for. BT fIVP r>.>dl BT win tor Bh bT bT B Bb- 1 1 BB Bp Bb Bk Bi HT I H I lit BJ Oct Bl 3 I 16t Bf .v, and flf I one ■f SiU W Tro
      60 words
    • 753 1 P. 4 O. 8. N. Coy., may He expeoted to Amve from BaUvia and Leave for Batavia. J ?'!I! Be p*«»^ «th d &F™* ortobtp.:: t h zz. z Oct. 23rd ji.t November gth Nov 4th Dumber I 2" I I Z &c 18th Ifith January let soth Jan. 13th
      753 words
    • 761 1 gt *btp Companies. Troemon, GoenoengSitoelieros, Ac., for Padang. ner of this service extends her t not nnder contract with GotPenang und Singapore. East Coast of Sumatra.— ria via Mnnt"k. Riouw, Bingag. F.<V-\ Telok Semawl, Samair for Arheen and back via the 'FVirlinh mail\ on the 24th 7th and 21 et
      761 words
    • 604 1 *Uam *&tp Company. I Passengers and Good, are booked at throngh lates from Singapore to all the port* mentioned above and London via j Through Rates of Passage from SINGAPORE. lrt 2nd Cl»rr PUm. To London or Plymouth $329 15*fMl 77 „«#ortBaid 2«1.73 16*82 >• s *<* 245 55 156
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    • 518 1 ingtiranrr. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE j I ASSURANCE COMPANY LONDON Established 1821 Snbioribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invented Funds, upwardsof 3,000,000 Annual Inoome upward* of 400,000 The undersigned hare been appoint*- I Agents at Singapore and are prepared to iaaue policies against Fire on the usual I PATERSON, SIMONS A 00.
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    • 545 1 Ingtirantr* THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr«. E*]. I M-..«r«. Molohen, Co.) 1' 11 h IVtmin. Hollld«T,WI»« Co. n Vl i** r v n IV)uifl»»,L»pr»ik*Co. m. i», n (Borneo Company Ltd.)
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    • 509 1 Oamtal c%j> v Chairman— Alii Omtral Manager— Connoting Actuary- d> CHIEF OFFICES: Glasgow, (151 West Gbobob. Emvn STBBBT. OHI 54 GIOROB StMIT. DOKI |2Kin« William St. Litbbpool, Exch anob St. East. Hißoinm, f S? o^* BunDiwas 20 Booth Stbbbt Mo.VTBEAL. f ST FSANCOIS XA- I ma Stbiit. Mblboubwb, 1 8
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  • 160 2 WEDNESDAY, 3rd JAN., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoapori 3ki> January, 18S3. <i«mbier ti.lo. Black Pepper 13.10. Wbit« Pepper, fair qoality. 22 s<). Ra^o Fluur, Sar i.121 Pearl Sag. 3.40. Coffee, Bonthyne 1«.75. Tapioca, small Flake 3.05. Tin 29.90. 40s Mule twist „98. <-i lb». Bhirtings 1.60. 7 do do 1.4<».
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  • 52 2 To-dat. For i*r Hongkong, Zambtti 4 p. m. Tomorrow. Malacca, Penang. Bur. mah and Calcutta I'emba Ip.m. Malacca i Klang, May fWer Ip. m. Bangkok, McAlUter 2 p. m. Palembang, Muntok and Djambie, Biak 6p. m. Ambcina Ternate and Band* CUator 6 p.m. Fridat. Malacca k Penang, Japan
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  • 40 2 fFor SlraiU Times.) FraNck. London, md Jau.—M. Garabetta's funeral is to be at'the expense of the State. The German Press consider his death a guarantee of peace. England. Lord Edrnond.Fitzmaurice has been appointed Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 31 2 The M. M. steamer Antazont, bringing the London mail of the Bth December, left Colombo at 10 a. m. on the Ist instant, and may be expected here on Saturday next.
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  • 18 2 Mr. Hooglandt, the Russian Consul, visited the corvette Skobeloff this* forenoon, and received the usual salute on leaving.
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  • 41 2 The funeral of the late Mr. Tan Kirn Tian will take place on Monday next, the Mh inst., at 10 a. m. The procession will proceed from his late residence, Teluk Ayer street, to the family burial ground at Thompson road.
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  • 61 2 Thk new system for importing labourers into Burma induced 15,489 emigrants to leave Calcutta and Madras for Rangoon and Moulmein between the months of June and September last The bulk of these went from Madras, which sent 11,664; while 3,765 were from Calcutta. The figures for the corresponding months of
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  • 235 2 We take the following further tele- grams of Home news from our Aus- tralian exchanges, as being new or more circumstantial than those yet published j here:— London, 3rd Dee— The Earl of Kimberley, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has summarily dismissed two of the leading official* of" Gibraltar,
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  • 503 2 The Queensland working-man, it will have been seen from our recent telegraphic summaries, would appear to have as great an objection to the Cingalese coolies as to the Chinese immigrant*. The 500 coolies that went from Ceylon about a couple of months ago received rather rough treatment on their landing
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  • 573 2 The Tl Maud] J'ick .1 UabfUX LotHt I'innici Q. B 1 The rac order, irai 1 J,tek» f.ottiM Mi uU II mI I were and t^B theis^H ing^^H The Regatta which was held on Men- *^H day last, New Year's Day, was the most. successful one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 638 2 aglt; and as a are unsnr- *IgE^MP^T^^^^'S ointment. $«yr and Healing Properties are mi throughout the World. w^ For j cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. OLD WofrNDS, BOBES AND ULCIRS, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rub- bed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it
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    • 814 2 will be received at 1 on Thursd<v. the HP%IBS3. from persons willing to AND SERVICES, be required from time to time for Hhe use of Her Majesty's Troops stationed SINGAPORE A PENANG during the year from Ist April, 1883, to j 31st March, 1«84. The forms of under, conditions of
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    • 813 2 SibrrtKfrnmUS. MR GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. All Lease boldersfcf Crown Lands are hereby n mit.tWa^rrmt, by the terms of their leases. th*r rents are payable without demaUd, a^Usll due at the beginning of each yeir. Quit rent due on Ist January, IPS 3, Bhould be paid into the Treasury before the 31
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    • 523 2 flfto aubr rtl i'jf mmW. NOTICE. Thb undersigned have received instructions from the Mortgagee, to sell by Public Auction, on Wednesday, the 10th Jan., 1883, at 2 o'clock p. m. at their Sale Rooms, No. 25 Ruffles Place. 1 Grant of Limd Plot No. 22, comprised in Government Grant No.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 WEATHER REPORT. A'undan;/ K*r>,vK Hospital, lit Jany., 1883. 9l>. 3 VJL 9 BIKAEI9. Bar. red. 38 Fab. i»9UI 29 848 29 W0 Temp... »lo St-5 77 0 Wet Hulb Ther. 78 0 77 5 75 1 Morning doe, daj Una, night Dir. of Wind N.E. N.E. N.E. Una. Max.Temp. in
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