The Straits Times, 28 March 1874

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 93 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1874. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Gunbter 3 4.H5. pper lUl.per 18*. Sarawak 2.55. 0.l' 1- ffee, Bontyne 20 nominal Tin H*. Mule twist 180. 4 lbs. Shirtings 2.40. 7 do do 2.00. 5 do T. Cloths tML do 1.50. 7 d.. do 1.65 Benares Opium new
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  • 625 1 lin l.egi>lativc session was opened "ii Saturday, t hi- 21st inst, by 11. R. Sir Andrew Clarke, whose speech will be found in another part of r. It sketches out a promising programme <>t Government intentions anil of public \vork< to be executed, and •ts favourably with the
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  • 532 1 Tiik speech of Sir Andrew Clarke at the opening of the Legislative Council on Saturday, is one which we think will be read with satisfaction by the public. It is singularly free of reserve, and deals straightforwardly with the various questions which have been occupying attention here
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  • 852 1 Tuk papers laid before the Legislative Council on Saturday, contain here and there some rather entertaining peculiarities of literary arrangement. The Medical Report for the year 1872 we have already had occasion to notice, and perhaps it is hardly fair to return to the charge here.
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  • 2002 1 Translated for the Straits Times.) The latest Banda Spice report runs as follows During January last and up to this date, but relatively little business has been locally transacted the crop was a small one. Nutmegs in the shell were quoted at /1 15, and
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  • 678 1 RAFFLES INSTITUTION MEETING. A mektim; of the Friends of the Rallies Institution was lu-l«l in the Town Hall, on Friday, the 20th inst. Sir Andrew and Lady Clarke were present, with a number of the influential Km-" pean residents. His Excellency the Governor took the Chair. The Houorary Secretary read
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 205 1 KKTISEMENTS. ■rtUemrnts made known into for long penoii i I'tious will be mm Office; also in Street, Cornhill, >■ Lombard Street, city; OU Jewry; in Calrtiseri mart specify in the copy the re.|iiired, else all will Ik- in«erted till countermanded i,,,,.,-,! for accordingly. M AM- CoKKKM'ONDENTS. -ne.tfully requested to M
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 574 2 Mu;iii 21-i. 1874. I re II U I, ILLBJH IIIK (io\ u:\oi:. The II n. Colonials. ,i,tar\ (Mr. Hin-h) Attorney Qaneral (Mr. Brad< dell.) Treaaurer Mr. Willana.) Col. Engioeer (MajorMeNair) 11. A. K. Whampoa. U. Little, M. 1). Bamaay Scott. Dr. Little and W. Kameay Boott, having birn
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  • 464 2 In M nl. His K\. i i ii. ritt; QOTBBWUL Tho Hon. the Colonial Secretary. '1 he Hon. the Attorney General. 'J he Hon. the Treasurer. The Hon. the Colonial Bngim Tb Hon. 11. A K. Whampoa. The K. Little, H. D. The Boa. W. H. Eoott.
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  • 2015 2 CARTOUCHE SKETCHES IN SINGAPORE NO. 8 I am really <\trenuly obliged to the public for the iataiai ttlicy are kind en.. ugh to take in this series of papers, which hay« been, are, and will lie. written with tii honeat iataatioa of amusing them. If know of uotlnug hi. .re
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  • 157 2 I'nt.t.nj, 2:;,-7 1/,, —Knou Aciikkx. The Dutch arc fortifying th c Kraton and storing it with provisions. .in Swieten proceeds to JJatavia about £Oth April, a:.d YcrspeiUHe remains with ;>,l)U(} men at Achecn. The third Expedition" will conY ln.iiee operations in October unless peaceis eoneradad before. //'-//'A//?, -l\ll,
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 385 2 Correspondence. MALACCA. (From an Occasional Correspondent.) Malacca, 2Uxu March, 1S7A. The Malay steamer Telegraph, Captain Yalberg, arrived here from Klang last Friday morning, and sails again for that port to-morrow afternoon. The Straits steamers Japan and litnmore, the former from Singapore, and the latter from Penang, arrived here yesterday morning.
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  • 106 2 To the Editor of the Daily Times. SIX 1 beg to trouble you with a third Subscription List to the above Testimonial, which kindly insert in your paper. I am Sir, Yours truly, W. K. SCOTT. Singapore, 2oth March, 1874. Tbe Hou. W. W.
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  • 1715 2 Si is: "The coming race is the title of a book which 1 am certain 1 have never seen, but which 1 have a vague idea treats of the future development of the human genus on the Darwinian theory. I expect that the absolute perfection *of our
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  • 54 2 To the Editor of the Daily Jimr, DBA! Sir:— Permit me with all raj heart to congratulate you that "vouriti. lies," and not you, bare conce to the i referred to in your stricture of on the Pulo l'isang Lis^ht How report Yours truly, J. K. A.'.MrNAII;
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  • 73 2 To the Editor of the Daily Timet Sir: —In reading the Jury Lilt in tin Extraordinary (inzrtte,\ tin.lti names that ought to have aiteriskiin put down as Common Juron names of people who have lefl ment for good, and about (i namei that ought not to be
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  • News of the Week.
    • 160 2 MONDAY, E3u MARCH. The Hritisli steamer /id Capt. I Harrow, from Sourahava 17th inst., an- I chored in the roads yesterday. H. K. M. S. Sumatra, from Batata I 17th inst., arrived yesterday, en roitt I to Aclieen. The Straits steamer B Capt I Guan Hin, from
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    • 45 2 Tiik P. A ft ifcaißiii lVrrins, from Bombaj lOtb, Galle 16t and Kaaag 22nd instant, bringing the EngHab mail of the 20th Febnun' arrived at kit P. O. wharf at o'clock this morning, and will Hongkong at 1 o'clock this aftcri I
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    • 280 2 Tiik extra f. ft rteamer U ("apt. Anderson, from Bombay Pinaog 22nd inst., arrived at the I I O. wharf this morning. Tiik Siamese war stcamei ('apt. Walrood, from Bangl inst., aneliorwl in the road- yest< rJ*.' I Tiik Danisli steami i f U| I Molscn, Iron
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    • 1382 3 Tin Hongkong papers contain little regarding the wreck of I I. ft (Vs tag t isited the wreck, with aa diver, but the asj was so nothing c-mld be dune. ea received herv state that u:h sold in Hongkong for I th< oargo foe |l,0 1". Ocean
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    • 215 3 The following telegram was received by the Netherlands Nice Consul, from Peuang this morning. Penanij. 27M March. Ariadne arrived from Acheen last night. No telegrams, no news of importance. lteMS. Apcar Co.'s steamer China, Captain Gardner, left Penang yesterday afternoon, and may be expected here to-morrow morning.
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    • 716 3 Tiik British it mini John Hramall, towing the Dutch barque Rancy, from Batavia, passed through the Straits yesterday afternoon, en route to Acheen. iffjHtg. Apcar Co.'s steamer Chinet, Capt. Gardner, from Calcutta 19th and Penang i6th inst., arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning, and will leave
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    • 430 3 Saturday, 21st March. British steamer Cheops, 984 tons, Jarman ccuimauder, Hongkong 14th March, consignees b'cott, Wit-ham Co. German steamer Cassandra, 937 tons, Langer commander, London 22nd Feb., consignees Puttfarcken, Kheiner Co. Sunday, :!2nd March. I '■ritisL barque Amy Warwick, 280 tons, Carstens commander, Palopo 22nd Jan., consignees C. Schoinburgk
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    • 178 3 Monday, 23rd March. British steamer Sharpshooter, Bradshaw, for Mai. and Piuang. British steamer Cheops, Jarman, for Pinang and Calcutta. British schooner Clara. Mellington, for Rhio and Samarang. German steamer Cassandra, Langer, for Hongkong Shanghai Tuesday, 24th March. British steamer Patroclus, Drenning, for London. Dutch schooner Goan Goan, Von Bargen,
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    • 628 3 Ship's Names. 1 Captains. I Flag and Rio. Tons. Datk j of ab- Wheke From. RIVAL. CONBIONEEB or Agents. Destination. MEN-OF-WAR. Avon Paterson H. M. steamer Midge Grant H. M. steamer Growlor Stewart H. M. gunboat Askold Firtoff Russian njar str. Coronation Walrond Siamese war str.
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    • 44 3 1 Tanjong Pagar Wharf. 2 Victoria Dock 6 Jardine, Matheson and Company's Wharf. 3 P. &O. Wharf 7 Bon Accord Dock 4 Borneo Company's Wharf 8 Government Wharf 5 Patent Slip and Dock Company 9 At Johore
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 [Advebtisehent.] Berkeley, Sept. 18C9.— Gentlemen, I feel in a duty 1 owe to you to express my pratitude for tbe great benefit I bave f rived by taking Norton's Camomile Pills, applied to your agent, Mr. Berkeley, for the above-named Pills, for wind in the stomach, from which I suffered
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    • 233 3 jHijsrellamous. FRAUD. On the 27th June, 186«. Motkewallah a Printer, was convict.-l, ut the Supreme Court, Calcutta, of counterfeiting the LABELS Of Messrs. CROSSE A BLACKWELL, London, and was sentenced by Mr. Justice Phear to TWO YEARS RIGOROUS IMPRISONMENT Ajid on the 30th of the same month, for SELLING SPURIOUS
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    • 265 3 itotirts. NOTICE. Thi undersigned, J.A.Laurent, French Cook, member of the Administration of the High Culinary School in Paris, formerly in the Rervice of His BxceUsaev the Duke of Sutherland and other Princely houses in Europe; ex Manager of the Cuisines" of the Clarendon Family Hotel, New Bond Street, London begs
      265 words
    • 272 3 FOR RAI,K An Iron* Tube Bedstead, 8 feet 3 in. by 7 feet 2 in.. Japanned Bluo, Braits Mountings, with hands., me Head and Foot Rails, Double curtain rod* and porcelain castor*. Quite New. POWELL CO. Auctioneers. Singapore, 26th Dec. 1873. Sorfed. THE PATENT SLIP AND DOCK CO New Habboub.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 857 4 O. tonipanp. SINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. oj now D'Alm Godowns At New Harbour. MAIL 1. 1 M.S. Thk proposed dates of arrival of the „ntra.t Mail Steam Sh Singapore m connection with the service f. the ti, st half year of IH/4. will be as followa AKD Homeward.
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    • 900 4 fl. Company. P. A O. S. N. COMPANY. Passengers can obtain at the Company's offices in Suez, Brindisi, and Venice, Firat-class Railway Tickets for Paris via Mont Cents at the following Rate*. From Brindisi £9. 7a. Od. Venice 6. Ha. Od. and from Paris to London, via Newhaven A Dieppe
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    • 842 4 iflisrfllnnrous. LEA AND PERRINS' Celebrated WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Declared by Connoisseurs to be THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. The success of this most delicious and unrivalled Condiment having caused certain dealers to apply the names of Worcestershire Sauce t<> their own inferior compounds, the Public is hereby informed that
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    • 871 4 THE ROAD TO HEALTH. AND LONG LIFE. Secured by HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Impurities of Blood. I N selecting the most appropriate medicine for a particular ailment, there may be some difficulty unless one can be found to purify, regtdate, and improve the quality of the blood. These PiLs possess and exert
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    • 806 4 ifli^rrllanfous. JOHN and HENRY GWYNNE, Engineers, Boiler-Makers, and Iron Founders, Hammersmith Ironworks, 89, CANNON-STREET, LONDON, E. C Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, portable and fixed: Boilers, Centrifugal Pumps, Turbine Water Wheels, Pumping Engines, and every description of Machinery for Drainage, Irrigation and Reclamation, PUMPING MACHINERY for DOCKS Ac, Hydraulic Presses Gunpowder
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    • 748 4 iflisrrllantous. MESSRS. G ABRI El CELEBRATED PREPARatiov FOR PRESERVING AND BKACTIKViv TEETH A GUMS T AMD PREVENTING TOOTHACHE ARE SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS itt IN ALL PAETB OF THK WORta PREPARED ONLY BY MESSRS. GABRIEL Dentists. Ludgatk Hill, Lovdoi r Sedadent or CDI| Toothache. Th,-,,-* Mfssrs ?ary application. Ilun 1
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