The Straits Times, 21 December 1861

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 5 1 \'.J' '.'I 1861.
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  • 559 1 vhit b njipi' ire. l in our i>;tP I I IV I st i I'll -Is IM to an op n in an in the lim i|m--t mi which Ml in.. ni. 'lit s. .'in* lo hit Ip\ i«■ -ili .'i im 'nit of public it teuii i We I
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  • 1059 1 guaiaiit.'c a sm.ply ..I lie suuViin' f,, r baa mmtmmpiiam of Hm piaee, a whirh .-an be siisp, mli-it npmm no sir) <k'!i C ipilrc. 'I'll, y n.,t j'Mlv MM tin- BMMMlcralimi which is liu to I lit-m, m nirioiliii'iiix a novel mni Xie.sive t ti- to |ir«'tliii|.- tde
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  • 1044 1 Waff, <l alii-r the verdiet th it was t'<- >r.i.i), wiii, h i-.uur Mtakkm ill M!fii Mm iilfiiiifi(!i»ti..ii, m («i «s at 1.' ist thai jury "-ere 'iic-med, In ynnd i|in'«lii;i. We si.iird it ti have h en in wuiiU. 'I'd,- Im.K of T. y 'inn I'iiu id liowned,
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  • 196 1 U|>t»n a |>ii»|ifi |ilan l>mll in (heir place? l^ittlut tlie tr.'thi: i-> ton great to be at present intei i ii|it'(l. or is i tliHt (III* Munici >al Funds trmiuit afford it. Id |t.llfll ,l!ill to l.llllll I In- |)I«*S lit f>»th<* i> >»e consider only to peiiietu it<'i (I
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  • 279 1 A.I. in... I It .mi il Ui.-il is Hi." hi i li«> miii ni in ..f the )(li N'ovi'iii'iiT. [>n t e 1st. I) irein'MM' Hie lirn ont■nee, -t;ul il with 4(»'O turn, ;»miI <..nn in s. in MiIm ;i r I'm ni-sr.i: <<< I5n i
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  • 828 1 TltS ->/iiiii^/uii, left S .iijiMi INI V l> I.'mii l>ec .< ml iixn-li at i* il > ('.tt iltir vvliuh I'll- I'V-.i-ii hive 1 1 i m ,».»»■»■>- siimi "t\ an i intend l<» t tint to aceniiiit by NTH lillg llli'iv ,ili Mil! t>rU>nier-. nt
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  • 589 1 llai^via, 14th I>kc, ItMl, Tw.i tiasseimers !>v tin B iti«h»arqa L-i/iii' ,'siint, Captain W II H';.is mam. I'niiii DicUetsoii ami B Biker, who s'vle tluin-cives Vrtistes li >ereniitii r»- hive W illen to the B davi.! isc .mil II tmh-l-bl-id'" ultiL'isiii^ in the highest ti'ihis tin
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  • 110 1 The (j'lmriinx nt Ceibe salt- at P«dau^ it to take plarc <>n ibfl Slat ln«'. ttemral failuns continue to take piaua in the luna ani|i. and a cuuple ot the Insolvents have Ix-en |>roviihd with ftcc hoard and lod^iu^.'' A Merry (..hristuias and a II. tp New Ye »i wwdj
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  • 714 1 Wk trive the tollouinp cxtrart from Belts l.ije in I omlnu of Ihe I Oth Novimh»r. Twe mi.-fion decided here by Adin'ral Rou«e h< ars a very b|mm respitihlance to tbnt vkM was laisrd ■it our n<rn Alituit n Me. tine, an 1 ul irh is to be irmitt.d for
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  • 124 1 FI H "tramrr FmSctm, A. C Strode E-q., Coiitnatidii, hi)'ind fium Ht»n^-k-.iiii to Calcutta, arrived here on the llih instant, having left the former [(■■it on il.t- Oth instHitt. She left the IViho on Oeuilier 14th. and anived at Ho'iffkotiir on »lie .'list id.m where she wa» dock.-d. Afttf laiiil!n>;
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  • 139 1 H. M. S.S. Fulain, »ailed on Wednei-d-iy tor B 'iigal with Fane's Horse on hi-nrd. The men have added frrsh lanrelsin luna to thc»c nhich the Rehad pievimisly pained before the Wal- af Deihi, ami in the t'unjaub The anuiiint o| loot tIM men found at the ransacking of I'tkin,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 TKiZ STRAI7 3 TIMSS. Wfeklt tmttmm. W Vnm.llv Km. JU a i A0V*****3 «B BTTS. M in 1i knxtrn »t tlia t rela--i <'f»ll 'i l.nnkl <m1 I'-.., .ul in 1 3rr«sp3nd'Srits. ;ive •tn. or t- I in Mi-la -t of I I u:>on rial .it I tue I
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  • 85 2 hut when UOVlThsupplies the horso*. ThoOi used during Hi- liUiiMiinpaiiii «i by j, -ii, and realised prieee i KK>. Paaa*a II .i-m* ut print .mbibrd the art ol uai lioin their inUncy. Tlirir rattgMHM pi.-judice* mil her! nor they fcaaalge i" the BM ot t.ilmco. a« a Ml olf
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  • 814 2 Wh have waited now lor nearly fa* vi 'il> e\p -ctiiitr hy each the in'< Ili- t»i Mime great conflict or ot some diplomatic arrangement which would .1! re-t tin 1 uicat An.erirui revolution, and yet UM HMI BMUI hrin-is n* no more aigaiftcaut fa ts from whic'i to t.»i
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  • 118 2 was niet hy the Banks wjtii a readiness which tew expected, hut this can hardly be taken as an index af the public mind, as taxation up to this time kai been can fully avoided, and if Oovera* I iih ni are »ise the\ will conti:iue to avoid it M
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  • 164 2 We aunoimre the arrival "I the followim* pa-singes i'< r f'nlruu linm Baaigkaajg i orai ■■„i >T::i >r Faaa, ad ■*> Coajiawrae L.-nt l'| ri.-ii. Anj. I.irnl. liai'im. (,»r. Miisle* Lit nt I i rale, 1»- rmj Lhitj Lieatewai t» Keppil. ('inn! I ell. I'a ke. I i Bar,
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  • 123 2 MOKDAY, I(sth D.: 1 EMBER. H. I. M steamer Manir. Feyi'inet, rtinuiiHiider, havinjr kfl Baiighak aa tin- 9th instant, arrived litre on the iltli instant. l'«» i. MM stwderu. Wk v- d rstand the Puhlic Exiiniination ol 'the Institution Hehantw ia la he In Id on
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  • 109 2 Wa keg to call the attention of aar lriders tv Si^imr Pwaipei'i Caanert which w ill take a' the Town Hall to-morrow evening. The joarnala which we have seen of otlier count, irs s|n ,ik very highly <>» Pomai i*i pnweis hath as a Singer and dime p! lycr
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  • 65 2 Javaaeee la-car w;»s arreeteJ laal week, in the Shipping OaVse, where he arodaeed a fab>e certificate ofdraeliarge linm his last ship. He stated lie had paid ,S 1 lor the eertifuate. The man Wtut warned and dis 'liaiyrd. A \i\vz'' Shark waa hooked thk tnornintf dF the I'ul'iin, hut the
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  • 40 2 Thk liver of the Shark eaafhl hy the Master of the Prime v /•<»/<i/ a lew days si, ie \iehled 1«» ii.illon < ot oil. The morning foil, wing this captmc, a small one was ho.iked, and mea.-uied O'ilv IH inches.
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  • 39 2 Thk Coroaer*a laewaeal aajttarned till thi< morning did not aaraaahta. I'ne women s,.n» to the hospital labtratg nmler the eft <"ts <d puisuii, have ri r>vered, and arc alile to give evidenct: in the case of their drceased companion.
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  • 15 2 TUESDAY, ii:i DKCEMBXR. 11. M. ii. Boaghlft from Peaaag l'Jth liistant, and Malacca ljthailived yesterday.
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  • 17 2 Thk {'<)luinbi<.n will Miil for China to-morrow at Ba. in. The will close at G o'clock.
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  • 30 2 Right 0! ma S nipansj towed the Dredge Ironi the. rivi-i this ■aaraiwg to the place wlu-iv it will undergo the BOeetaary alterations for convening it into a H.m. I.
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  • 94 2 Thk premises «t Messrs. Puttfarckeu, Kheiner N ('.*>., were enteied last aaaakaj hy i ohhers, bit the amount of propei ty stolen is not yel ascertained. The sale in which the office hooks were kept was opened, also the C'usliiei's lion chot. and a small cash box contained in the
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  • 25 2 Thk jury re-assembled yesterday to ciii-uire into the cause a tending the death ol a ChiaeOß woman, alleged to lihvi* been noi.-oncu, rtiurntd a vcidict
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  • 46 2 of Found Dead," there beiag BO evidence how sh*' met her death. One Ah Chon- (<■ ook I is «uspe led of hay mjj adininisreieil piiaaa, and id iranls ii the CMaeae bajraage a4re<haj reward lor his Hp|irelieusi >n Ii ivt* been ciiculatcd thtoagh t .c town.
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  • 20 2 Thk fMhiatiag (ominissinner of I'nlice reluroed tV.-m Paaajag yenerdiv in the. MHeagatv," and lias resumed the duties ot his eaaVßi
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  • 25 2 The Court of Knjue^t will he eloaod tiimi the evenini: «n the -4lh Instant, and will re npaa on the inorain^ of the Jiui pioximo.
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  • 324 2 VfBONaWOAT, Man DKCBMBHL At a Breetiag ol the t'lnh held it ihe BKehaageaaTow'day alii r«, a icsi! iitinti to wind up the affairs nf the Clah was carried by a majority. The aiidertahtag may aaw In- said to In- ut an end. We nevi r ihoughl uch an instilminn
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  • 137 2 Is the early part af this nun h. ro> ferriog tv the cost of Mipplyinaj Ihe 1 ivil HewpiUkl at tins ~t.niin. (or the otlicial yen trj we stated Ihe esfj. mate to exceed hy a Very large mum that of the previous We h.iw had
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  • 231 2 ntIDAT, Jiith DK'KM KU. Tiik Annii il Ex iminati n to k |da c at the liistitutiiiii tie day before yeeteiday, whin His Honor the Governor ami acveral l<adiee and Dei tieaaen attended, aad dis'iihuicd thn >igvtent Mat* ti> the Scholar-. The (iiivcrnor was well pleaaed :it the progreiw nude
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  • 54 2 We giveaar Correspondent's letter with the Saigon news to ttie l.ith inst. It would appear that the French there are far tiom being inactive. The possession which hns been take'i of rale Coaatae may possibly give rhas to some voiresp'jndence with our Indian and Imperial (iovernments. vVe will probably refer
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  • 32 2 BATURDAY, 21st DECEMBER. The P. and O. Co.'s steamer Aden anived this morning from H aigkoag, which she left on the l&tk inst.,we will gioa the summary ot ue«» in Monday's paper.
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  • 18 2 Mails per r*. &O. Steamer Adm, fur IMiihii*;, (>alle, and //oinha*. will daaC to-iiiinidw at I P. M.
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  • 33 2 An cxantinaiiou of the Scholars at die Convent t*eaual took place yi xteriay. The HaaaraMetaa Ooftraar aad n largf iiiiinher af Ladlea and (ienlli:inen attended «lio expre-s.-d tlieinselves Miislicd with the pro-rt».s in.ide.
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  • 22 2 Wk extract the fcaMaarlag from a coimntiniiati.-n we h.ive recrived tiuni Captain Stauton. of [1- M. >. dated .MintucU Did in er Ut.
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  • 96 2 We have arrived here after a long and rather unpleasant anise seaichhaj alter reels wilh const tut s-qmils and rain, the usual weather exaerkaccd ahont the ahaaga af waaatmaM The Frederick Jan rock has Been found and niiny otlier hitherto sii|iauerd doabtfal aaagera; and athen proved not to exist. We
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  • 1266 2 h'llitor i,f the Suti/ i/wr 3tr*U» Time*. Dl m MB,— I hiii not in llic In'i't -.frriilv n.k' tv nil v Miiicluri's <>ii my olflrial C.m In. -I. tml y. ur RfiieW n v«--t<-i.l n i--ie wMi re ten-r M a'i HMjinwt |.it"iv li. I I n ll.c Ii
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  • 87 2 mi cuuse for public ditsalivfnctitn. It it h I ti r\ well to lulk of the pn-prieiy of havinji European Juries on inqii, sis. but vuu little kiiuw tLt- i!ulii-ulty of KetiaMj them ahoa tln-y itrt 1 lAaiiti- Hiiil jiui nre vi-'y much tv taki ii tl you mi| one
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  • 176 2 To the I'liilor <•/ (he Miayajwrw *trmi* Times. Mr, ilio ayteia ot amdiag bilta* ehrra* vsea, »•< taal taoaa eurioui j aftVeted iiimv cxiiiini c into il'tir •"«;!.ui-urs iillhuh,ia It.y in r iaj ii.'-v ri- aaaa aiirjy* iiii; tv and im wnli iaiii.ii>- >t aeeoaata, and in- a >iij^lr ijiii
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  • 289 2 I\lito' of the Singapore Sir titx Times. M«s—l kilie.l this aftuißing, on a lull ub mi' a Bilk uu 1 :i lint tom tuwiifßeobf iae ■>i .i n*ecita eiitnel) unk«o»»B to aw. 1< arm ii mjiii.i.' i owl ifaoai •I- "i loagi -t .i n^iit oißii.f col. r, tii- bell)
    289 words
  • 416 2 CHINESE BEGGARS. To Iht Editor SV/y.';<»f liljf lime. Bia, W ten rtuiip n from a ial i the of Ni'i Jiailii.ur Id s i.. Inr»i I a perleel ibis"i» of < Inn -t- U -ga i«. vii, ii tin- ipace 11' about >.i .i> ju»l I hiuiit ..I (1.--im tin.
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  • 250 2 Tv tht Editor qftk* $imgai>ort Unit,/ Times. Bir —In vi is»in oi ihe l.s;it iu»i „,t j n we c pleaaed lo permit Mir cm. appear hgaiael ma in eoai-eoiioii anh n I". lv- Ills tmein un 1..-, y, 1 in li" kiiiu if Ut. 11l loi ekaaueiug m 1
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  • 42 2 Mai-INK MaOIBThAVU (dl RT- Si,- pare Ftidai 13 li Deccaber Isoi. li,-. lure W. Wilkineon Eaq. J. I. John Miiekeloon f 0,. UaatorortboHriJ 'u«"»f«»*«n iisl, baraaa /«M( V s Jh.*r Plaia-iff. barge, he 1•Bq to proceed :o Sta in tht: bmque Pathfindtr.
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  • 52 2 L) v I .nt Bckitowl*. pre er- iiem^ tent to ja ratkei upiiii mi beard th r\* i' De nion Ca irt. Ih il i. c m mi ie.l t.i tin- H i .-t i .in-.-lirt lab* lir t lie I .vi ..I twelte «c l;ei re bm. WILLIAM WILKIXSOX,
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  • 993 2 Li>m> >\, VW. 1 1 /A, Continwilfn.,. Tin- ll i|i in I'.i In nf iii i \<> shortly, ami tin- Ttnus B8rre*p<Hi i t givM a ino-l Linn ai- -iMini ,.f he iittciv (ii.«..rj;;uii-.i d >mt-o i Ceatral .mi >c»nt i n poi tioat Kingdom.
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  • 55 2 When the K i■ i fPraa i bolda iiis t-r.iA ii froai > d. tl i llit- |rae« i-t God, a 1 1 lie 111 tli ciown tio-n tin- .iii i i it mi liia li. I v. pan P ii a* lit* -in I 'aytbiug
    55 words

  • 375 3 -ill I, I •aj wlii.-ii if aer hi i nr ii .1 Ig in im ra, \v!i.i l in n Ii BH I i. t i uii^ti II th i P< i lin I t" 'i\ in I ilmt |i"lUr fiinat .r,' more ■if. l; ii ahilitr, lha H '-ii
    375 words
  • 1272 3 I T.priran «"i» .v '"t 1 1 hI rbinh .i» ra I 1 ia) v i i.. r;iu^ i.,( i ••r.lii,, r ri f !<• Si I. *in iteeai ..t th ti in," with my v-ry k•• >t j. .;t f.r I w.«
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  • 629 3 ARRIVALS. rVhWI *I P »l— a 55>t. .a, I). Xi cbi co n.ander hanibm,! 4«*« t 7<li II M. 5 V.i can. iM IOiH *tr*4e, mwa-i-'- H-"-; k ""n' lill IIU I'l1 1 il> i i '5.,,,,1, v. i:..1, 0 c m',,r. French .eumr Mam Uoo Fr.-y--..inni
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  • 129 3 //i.' >.-•■.■.. 11-.ill raatarara.—Tba »irah:.- uiyaialari "I lha K..j{ iili Jiaaala dun..,' tU« wi ir, i m .i pamiciaaa and JrWtari u» iaAwanea mi tWakH, maaaiaa, tlaadiaad lung-. keaca we Bad aryi|w laa, ifcaaimlian. aalajy IgUtMtaana! l.r..'.il.iti- p« Mf| j.r.» 1..:1 i.,« Unit*. »jv'' aaaaaiaa* hnve | thaaMalvei .t
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  • 814 3 B.,«'Xa«. C^fum. I Yum •>»>«. To« Whui C-.W n oa A>«Ta D.sxi^Tro^ \1 KS.OF-'A A R RHn MlaMW r. Km q-'.-i II o/ilv Wri-4M Ma m Ik.^\«i-.-i o hf U i *l k --TIM Ml III i >i'i < i, ti H.rniirJ rii..«- t'iiv* o t«M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 THE QUEEN INSUitANCE CO.MPiNY. LONDOh, I.lVKlil'o >L. M l\<:ilt>CEU, 4Mb hi. i sf;</it. (V. itj t^i vf.s libiI ibi am ..tiiiiiNi-i. uetaVOOb CIIaIHMaN, IIIOM1 IIOM \s It. WoUWOOD Ka*). I^Hls CuminiiT i Ken KlivK Kl->KS o( avtrj tJaaan|4Ma vi lha h**aat •tjnwil Kor ma of <ippl!iMtinti ,imv Ix- übtaiiiatj (ram
      335 words
    • 437 3 THEATRE. -^O^-.^fj *3TAL. BINGAPO?IE. CRHIHTMAt PRRP«>RMANCE. i>n M<ni<l<iy hrcniii I,'1 S 2'.\rd Dvrmber. vili 1»- p 'Itn-ed TllK rAVOCHITK MaWMUU IN TWO ArT.4. Kntl'l.d ItOBKKT MACAI'E." after whirh THE SCHEAMISci FARCK OF "LITTLK TODHLEKINS." m conclude with The yrand traffic upera of BOMBAHTEB FUKinso." Repeated by pajpVM dt—iip. mid intro'liirinj;
      437 words
    • 612 3 OR. SIDL-BBL. 90RGEOM DKNTIsT OF P.MUs. I»'I.S In i f.itm yi'U.tlinl h |iM-p-frd t.i .in'U- uke all lliv oprrit-i'.i.a rilativr to ikj i lf--i..n. Am fii-ial IVeth ii». tt.'.i by a m-w pro. h in •I'lit-nc p-t'HS'irt wtti or wiihuiu t*. l> nw.l Teith fi!i-,l .ka lm- /"Id li -ihdiiug
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    • 508 3 tiif; mbrc^ntii r fire lIISUIANCR < OMPAJiT. I\ I UNIkiN, For fire Inau/ancr at Hoiie and Abroad. CXPITAL CMM "0" TERI.INO. Directors. CIUBItK- JOHN WIIITK CATER E«qr., |Mtaa*a.J W, <at»r. Son, ft to.) Dr-riTT i mimnv.-i IHRI K> MORKI. s<»\. Xv,., (Meaara. Morrii«a. Dillon, Co.) Anarlmo <** Arr.iyare, Eaq. (Mt»<n.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 615 4 SIMBAFOHE DAILY TIMES Subscription to the Daily Time*. Tor one year six months' IDIVf ft mj XacbOopy oenU2» The Weekly Edition of the STBAITB TIMES, will be published every Saturday afternoon. Subscription to thetWeekly Tinaeat Annually Half yearly Quarterly One month Each Copy touJI Adve.tiaemenU and Subacriptions will be received
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    • 782 4 UVB&VOOL LONDON FIXE INSIRANCE COMPANY. THK undersign il ha»in(t Iwrn appointed 1 f,>r the r.bove Co-npm.y aie prepax**l to •rant l'ul.cies on the usual term*. STME4CO. Siorrapore, 10th Sept., 1858. CALCUTTA MERCANTILE MARINE INSURANCE SOCIETY r llllK rndersipned, unving been uj)i)ointX ed Agent* for the abava Conipmy are pfepareil to
      782 words
    • 1142 4 LEA AND PERRINS I'M 1 UK I IKIi «TORCE!fTfili*llißfl SAUCE. PK-'NOI NCEI> BT I •o\Nt»l.->KL I KS, CL'LY GOOD SAUCE AM) APPMCABLB TO EVKRY VAKIKTV OK DISH. F.jtntrt af (t Lettffrwn a HmKtm\ Oentle mr.i at JKaaVaa, to hit brother jt VWwjafaf it 'pELLL*»»nd PaafMawM their Sauce in 1 hiahty
      1,142 words
    • 1166 4 CAUTION AGAINTS COL NTEUH.I I Sun, are .;.•<.«/»" aaWbH BVI a/.;>'.'"'/< 'J H.«nd I. Perry mtd Ce. is aJWad tv h »r.«;,;»r, bloirn on tl,, -bottle 011,1 anal hottir it SWattateM Ay a pntrnt <'.i/m>i/.', himiwi the prupnetorx' mime unit arl<lrt.\s in tut-\ lt.\ L I' and Co. arc only
      1,166 words
    • 1008 4 M.i»r*. WHAtVIHOA At\DCO.s> ADVKItIbhMI'.M. BBBBBH micKorg. WHAMPOA A o. liave alwnys on JSalr an '"vlftisiTt' at,, l di.ii.- uimriiinrit of the foitcarian |ooda, (n-Ui-tt*,! ■pt n hilly fur th<-ir Sinte-.. fgaJJUUi RI-T.MI. Fill! I- X I'ORTiTION. Ct.»» anb (Croctrn. A'wnys on b.l<\ lt-;i> .ti l.> olioirest flaTors coniprisint;, Uaapowder, lYkix-,
      1,008 words
    • 759 4 "1 TARGET i 1 1 CAITR'OCtS. LEY'S AMMUN.TION •>r i i Mi m BCaimon BPORTINfI (Hi MILITARY ITKI'OSI'.v DOUI Walarwaaf CaaU W.-..1 i., preml Urn Win I K.i'nnj fl Mataaeaa, qnt'iitv. .t,-. Sole Cv.itractur V, !>,, W A< mt .Imi»ui,ition. .Ucoh'H Bifl.- Shell Tul,.». CWHihbjai and I I A.I mi.'
      759 words