The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 April 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS NO. 15,760. ESTU. 1835. TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1939. 5 CENTS.
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  • 88 1 tendon, M )r HORDING to the Governinformation, the rivers of Sp«ud. m ar Gibraltar had bet>n M l demobilisation Sby tte Spanish Goveij. (jrrhirt ,l Mr. K. A. the Lnder Foreifi ry. m reunions ht to Oibrmlincc m lade no I 01 the Gibraltar, Lord of
    88 words
  • 25 1 London, Apr. 24. In deno N The port rt, he of leave. v. Sir '>urse the kia, Mr. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 14 1 and 36 ded on •it cele*he new O..vern-
    14 words
  • 148 1 London. Apr. .'4. A HINT RESPECTING compulsory national service was given by Mr Winston Churchill speaking at the Mansion House today, when he revealed that all territorial units had reached var strength. Good progress was bein? made m the formation of a second line. Mr.
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 60 1 Egypt Would Like Non- Aggression Pact Cairo. Apr. 24. ACCORDING TO the newspaper Alahram. Egypt has received an Inquiry from Germany regarding her sentiment! on the question of aggression. Egypt has replied that she was not informed of President Roosevelt's message beforehand, and added that while deeply interested m safeguarding
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 64 1 A Government communique m the British North Berneo Herald says an emergency man-power register; on the same lines as of that recently formed m Singapore, is being compiled m British North Borneo. It is said that In an emergency, volunteers would be required for A.R.P.
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  • 71 1 Wellington. (N.Z.), Apr. 24. THE Prime Minister, Mr. M. J. Savage, m an interview today hinted that a force of 50.000 men may be required tor New Zealand's defence. Mr. Savage declared: 4 The first thing we have to do to help Great Britain is
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 306 1 M. Gafencu Starts London Talks TRADE AND POLITICS T London, Apr. 24. HP- Premier, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, stated m the Commons tonight that the Government was maintaining close touch with other Governments, including those of Turkey and Russia. But he was not yet m a
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 22 1 THIS RECENT PICTURE was taken from H.M.S. Royal Sovereign and shows H.M.S. Resolution and H.M.S. Ramilies following Fleet manoeuvres.
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  • 100 1 Reuter reported yesterday that arguments used m Germany's wooing of Rumania were that it was unnecessary for Rumania to join the anti-aggression bloc, that she had more to fear from joining with Russia than from Germany or Hungary, and that Germany would be prepared to guarantee Rumania's frontiers as Britain
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  • 167 1 Berlin. Apr. 14. SECOND dose of 'Axis persuasion" i |a store for the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, M. Markovitch, when he arrives here on Wednesday. Official German circles evidently are pinning great hope.-s on his visit. Little secret is made of the fact that Germany's
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 94 1 Jugoslavia, with its enormous undeveloped or only partly developed mineral wealth and agricultural fertility could be highly valuable to the Axis Powers. Germany imported from Jugoslavia last year, for instance. 380,000 tons of bauxite— the raw material from which aluminium is made 49,000 tons of copper and 74.000 tons of
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  • 256 1 A Is £i irishman who left Singapore a week ago yesterday m the liner Gneisenau on his return from Home leave lies dead and his wife seriously injured following a sensation U incident m the Japanese-occupied district of Hongkew, Shanghai, last night, according to Reuter.
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  • 268 1 ENORMOUS EXPANSION HE^m^™ t London, Apr. 23. LLTOK By water, naval correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, writes today that the British Navy is absolutely and relatively stronger than it has been since the Napoleonic Wars, barring a period m 1918 when it overshadowed
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 47 1 Le Havre, Apr. 24. pESAR FRANCK, an auxix^ liary fireman on the French liner Paris, today was committed to prison and charged with wilful incendiarism as the outcome of the recent nre which resulted m the sinking of the big liner.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 43 1 Rome, Apr. 24. Lord Perth, the retiring British Ambassador, departed for London today He was seen off by Count Ciano and the French and German Ambassadors, the South African and Eire Ministers and other members of the Diplomatic Corps. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 ITCIA TEA 00 mi nama F RAGRANCI OF THE m GARDENS 9I RECT TO YOUR HOME TONIGHT Dl NNER 0C r tQl DQnCe 7 P- m to 9 P- m DANCE (infotmal) 9.45 to midnight n KTAINMINI BY THE POPITLAK MANHATTANS 1 MRODY ACROBATIC DANCERS Non-diners $1.00. H^TRA directed by
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  • 201 2 MR. QUO TAI-CHI EXPECTS WAR TO END IN YEAR Japan Tires; Powers Resist Aggression U.S. FLEET^ESTURE London, Apr. 24. THE Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Quo Tai-chi, told the Manchester China Relief Committee at a meeting* tonight that he thought that another year, whether there were an international war or not, would
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 52 2 Shanghai. Apr. 24. IN LINE with routine bombing activity, Japanese naval planes also are engaged In "pacification" work. Already, 100,000 bills have been dropped from the air by naval planes which flew over Hunan Province on Apr. 21 and Chekiang, Kiangsi and Fukicn Provinces yesterday.—
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 2 THE WEDDING tock place at Vie CJn.rch of St. Maria Victoria m Borne, m the presence of the Croitn Princ? of Italy, of Sic/norina Maria. Imviacclata Badoglio, Duchess of Addis A^.aba, and daughter of Marshal Badoglio, who was created Duke fcr h:s leadership of the Italian troopf during the Abyssinian
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  • 77 2 Tokio, Apr. 24. fHE Japanese Emperor this morning received m audience M Anathes'i tU the newly-appointed Greek ulster, who presented to His Majesty credentials. Mr Hachiro Arita. the Foreign Minister, assisted at the function. The Greek Legation v<as reopened by M Politis after a
    Eastern News  -  77 words
  • 77 2 Hon- KMlft, Apr. 23. THE CONSTANT stream of ne'.vs of Chinese military succei ci has caused a. continuous rise m the price G eminent bond* oa the Shanghai Bond Market, on which the 1936 Cousolidation Loan today registered four to six Chinese d icrease, while
    Chinese Central News  -  77 words
  • 40 2 lion; Kons;, Apr. 24. The Chinese Government has established an office for the sole purpose of enforcing the regulation* regarding the control of foodstuffs. Dealers caught profiteering are Hab'e to be dealt with severely.— Union Times
    Union Times  -  40 words
  • 223 2 TERRORISM PERTURBS TOKIO Shanghai, Apr. 24 QKAWING attention to the fact that the recent terroristic cases m the settlement had connection with the Chinese National Spiritual Movement, Mr. Yoshiaki Miura the Japanese Consul-General, today sent an official note to Mr. G S Franklin, chairman
    Eastern News  -  223 words
  • 144 2 London, Apr. 24. A SKED BY Mr W. Gallacher (ComFife), m the Commons what Sir Robert Cragie and Sir Archibald Clark Kerr had discussed at their recent meeting m Shanghai, the Under Foreign Secretary, Mr R. A. Butler, said Sir Robert made his trip primarily with
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 63 2 MTokio, Apr. 24. R. KEIKICHI TANOMOGI, former Minister of Communications, and at present president of the Hocni Shimbun, popular daily newspaper has been formally returned as Mayor 01 TokJo, m place of Mr. Ichita Kobashi. who resigned on account of ill-health Mr. Tanomogi obtained 99 votes against
    Eastern News  -  63 words
  • 175 2 CHINA'S NEW OFFENSIVE PROCEEDS Important Gains In Kiangsi Province Hong Kong Apr. 24. QEN CHEN CHENG. Vice-Minister Of War. who is now directing a b!f offensive m North Hunan, reports the recapture of the town of Ka-j-an. on the south bank of the Tungting Lake and several important military points
    Union Times  -  175 words
  • 79 2 Fooohow, Apr. 24. TpHE JAPANESE heavily bombed Swatow on Friday. A German warehouse was razed and a beflagged American hospital bombed. The custom house was damaged and the windows m Jardine Mathesons property shattered by the force of nearby explosions. The Japanese last week boarded foui
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 80 2 Haifa. Apr. 23. rpHE Jewish community here tcday 1 telegraphed the British Government, the Hitih Commissioner for Palestine. Sir Harold Mac Michael, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cosmo Gordan Lang, Pope Pius and others protesting against the "inhuman treatment" of Jewish immigrants. An earlier
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 82 2 London, Apr. 24. WHE DEATH occurred yesterday of Mr. 1 Morgan Jones, Socialist M.P. for the Caerphilly division of Glamorgan since 1921. Mr. Jones was taken ill while m the West Indies as a member of the Royal Commission to investigate conditions m the islands and
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 45 2 New York, Apr. 21. A SPECTACULAR but short- lived fire .swept the glass industry building at the World's Fair today. Three ruomen were injured and damage was done to mirrors and other decorations. It is estimated to total $103.000. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 240 2 London. Apr. Z\. IN ACCORDANCE WITH practice. Sir John Sin.jn, Chancellor of the Exchequer, was summoned to the Cabinet meeting this evening to inform nil colleagues of the Budet propr which he will submit to the House of Commons tomorrow. The debate on the Budget resolutions
    British Wireless  -  240 words
  • 130 2 Berlin, Apr. 24. The British authorities are reported to be makin? representations on behalf of three well-known British business men threatened with expulsion, believedly as reprisals for the expulsion of three Germans from Britain recently. One of the three is John Neill, chief partner m the well-known auditors
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 69 2 London, Apr. 24. Rumania has replied to Herr Hitler's query by Note, Reuter learns. The Note states that as Rumania has not a common boundary with the Reich, it is difficult to say whether she feels threatened. The question could best be answered by Germany herself. Rumania was not informed
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 548 2 European Rugger Player To Go To Gao MAN'S APP--13 DISMISSED Ku i DISMISSING Hunter a Selangors .last yeai month i having driv< n Influence the c. I 'The public n c 1 d Ifr. E. D app; al Ad\ Pro. Mr. Shearn j I which ):t .sentence. 1 1 m
    548 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 HC^ik life.' JM^^^Sgß^^B g^^^^fcW v S^^gg»»^ J^^^ggw^ggl^^^^ggl gflgm. IJ^g* _^gmZ^^^ *^Bggl By \^Sv^^^^BgKgf^. v. K^i'^gflsggV^^^ 4*^ k^Ci^^l i tt^pM^gfl E%§ «gf Kidg^^F>%^^Av^B v c^^g^SK ggggv^kC^gfl jC^F^F^^p^^^B i < 1/L^gg^- ggi ■HB^lgf flllSllli il2 n 1 Hlllllil! lii 8 IHmH ggggglfjgggKv > -^'vgggggS^ggggKy^/iy^^^^^ 1 ggl Sggggl ggf ggg^^^^^^^ "^g\ "S.C.S.' ON
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    • 9 2 SPONGE sponge M E«"CAL HAU l!s 3 Ba v'■
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  • 354 3 i m portance In A Time SUGGESTIONS AT COUNCIL 5 MEETING nul necessity of a national radio system use m time of emergency, was stressed r. Wollerton. of Singapore, m the Legislative -i yesterday. thai there should be one powerful .mission m Malaya and that it
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  • 429 3 New Bill Before Council IN addition to the Food Control Bill j *< reported on page six> six other bills 1 were introduced m the Legislative Council yesterday. They were The Naval and Air Bases (Amendment) Bill, which extends the area of the foreshore and sea-bed
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  • 182 3 Russian Prima Donna To Sing Here THE public of Singapore will soon have the opportunity of hearing Anna Lovtsoff. one of the leading Russian lyric sopranos. She is an accomplished artiste of outstanding ability and a real prima-donna. She is at present travelling round the world. Singapore radio listeners may
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 picture. FRENCH AIRMEN, Capt. Henri Martinet and M. Paul Klein, alighting from their monoplane on arrival at Singapore yesterday m the course 0/ a holiday flight from New Caledonia (Pacific Ocean) to France.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  37 words
  • 280 3 "I AM still glad we did not go by ship/ laughed Captain Henri Martinet when he brought his CaudronRenault sports plane to a perfect three-point landing at Singapore airport yesterday afternoon. /^APTAIN MARTINET and his passeuger, M. Paul Klein took of! from a palm-surrounded field
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  • 128 3 PLANTER-PILOT'S MISHAP piLOTING his Hillson Praga sports plane, which he bought three weeks ago. Mr. H. L. Salmon, a planter on Regent Estate, of the Dunlop group at Batang Malaka. southern Negri Sembilan, struck a rubber tree near the estate padang on Saturday evening.
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  • 171 3 OLEADING for leniency a Chinese, Lim Urn. was sentenced to nine months* rigorous imprisonment by Mr. C. H. Whitton, Singapore Traffic and District Judge yesterday, for possession of $532 worth of Indian hemp on board s.s. Suddadhib. on Mar. 21. It was alleged
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  • 51 3 Six Chinese, including two women, appeared m the Singapore Third Police Court, yesterday, on charges relating to the retention of bicycles and bicycle parts which they had reason to suspect had been stolen. They all claimed trial and the case was -postponed a week for
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  • 22 3 The s.s. Somali is expected at Singapore at 6 a.m. tomorrow. She will proceed alongside the S.H.B. wharf on arrival
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  • 284 3 "THE value of Sir John Bagnall's work is, I think, so well-known throughout the Colony, and indeed throughout Malaya, that there is litt'e I can say which can enhance the high reputation he already enjoys," said Sir Alexander Small, the Colonial Secretary,
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  • 345 3 INQUEST ON EUROPEAN SEAMAN WHILE bathing with two other seamen m the Singapore Outer Roads, west of the man-o'-war anchorage, a European seaman, James Douglas Elliott, of the British motor vessel Hopecrown, got into difficulties and died after being brought on board. AT the Coroner's
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  • 35 3 Approval of rules made by the General Officer Commanding m regard to areas at Buona Vista whicn have been declared a firing ground was given at yesterday* meeting of Legislative Council
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  • 147 3 PIECE OF CLOTH CAUSES TROUBLE HTHAT he was assaulted and hac bucket of tar poured over him, because he bought a piece of cloth which was alleged to have been of Japnese manufacture, was a statement made by a Chinese before Mr L
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  • 110 3 List of cases for hearing during the week commencing Apr. 24 BEFORE MR. JUSTICE PEDLOVV O.S. *****— Re Will of Scan Liang Scan deceased— For Apr. 25 »P.ut heard). 5.366 37— Re Yeo Soo Theam deceased Not before Apr. 26. 5.256 37— Lim Yew Phen* ft Sim Inn
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  • 47 3 A fine of $20 was imposed on a Chinese, Low Wing Kee, m the Singapore District and Traffic Court yesterday, for perjury m open court on Mar. 23, m a case m which another Chinese, was acquitted on n charge of speeding. ticrhtly
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  • 370 3 It is a well-known fact that most Un. trious men do not receive the praise honour due to them until after their dem,. c Many historical anecdotes coniirm these facts. After art (we refer here more particularly to Rembrandt, Van Gojih and many other, it is above all
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 1474 4 No 1 Ann Sheridan, attractive Warner Brothers starlet, demonstrates a speedy and efficacious "mendins" job. After removing the polish from the nail, Ann cuts a piece of transparent waterproof mending tape, wide enough to seal the break completely. JT'S just a half-turn from the
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  • 635 4  - "Chancing" A Wedding Gift BETTER WAY IS TO CONSULT BRIDE'S LIST Agnes Alford By |T Is certainly exasperating for a newly-wedded couple to find that there are a number of things they want and can't afford to buy, and at the same time they have quite a lot of money
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  • 195 4 THE wardrobe overhaul means trouble, but why keep a coat and skirt beautifully tailored six seasons ago. now too old-fashioned to wear? Get it altered or give it to a jumble sale. Old dresses, too, will have to be considered, and evening frocks always live too Ion?!
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  • 103 4 A LITTLE folly now m relished by the wZ That "goes" for women aS The latest buttonhole for -w lapels of suits are anythl, 2 Hte smarter the, lonsi(ift^ Among the newest ut see r*» realistic, though miniaiure J? tables— geneialiy of the 3 variety. All vegetable in^rZ
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  • 80 4 A GIRL EORX at Em* aftor the mother dW^ reported "doing very t^rs reported qbe The child was delivered by p*. mortem rnosaiian opmt. hospital within an t r mother, Mrs. Anuila Czatalst Chicago died. News of tlie unusual birth hit been withheld while doctors
    British United Press  -  80 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 End Rheumatism Whc!e You Sleep If you Buffer sharp, stabbing pains, if j' ints are swollen, it shows your blood is poisoned through faulty kidney action. Other symptoms of Kidney Disorders are Burning, Itching Passages, "Getting up Nights," Backaches, Lumbago, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Dizziness, Headaches, Colds, Puffy Ankles, Circles under
      117 words
    • 51 4 Appetites gladly respond to the invigorating tonic properties 0/ ftCHIVERS ARMALADE CHIVERS A SONS LTD.. THE ORCHARD FACTORY. HlSTOtt CAMBRi I Try also Chitxrs* Olde En^aJTM^lirr!ir^^ned Fuuis «f|«JU I Agents: V. R. VICK 6t CO., HONG KONG BANK CHAMBtR* |___SINGAPQRE SANDILANDS, BUTTERY &l CO.. IMNANO- 4 «il> fi fit* 6
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  • 156 5 ABOVE: Lorr> -loads of steeU helmeted Italian troops entering Tirana, capital of Albania, after the seizure of the country by Italy. ISHV War Minister, and Earl Dc La Warr, Lord Privy Seal, leaving No. 10 Downing Street ftfltf a meeting of the Cabinet last week. ABOVE RIGHT:
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  • 302 6 Tasteless, flesh-forming tablets for thin people. All who arc too thin and weigh far too little for their peace of mind, know that if only they could take enough Cod Liver Oil. they might begin to put on a pound or two
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  • 232 6 <From Our Own Correspondent) Johurc Rahru. Apr. 23. A CONCUR RENT sentence of two years and six months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Mills at the Johore Assizes today on Chathu Nair. a 23-year-old Indian rubber tapper, who was found guilty on three charges
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  • 34 6 Under the auspices of the Singapore Teachers' Association. Dr French Oliver will give a lecture on Teachers as Character-builders" on Thursday, Apr. 27, at 5 p.m. at Raffles Girls' fecnool. All interested are welcome
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  • 1852 6 Governor And Colony Volunteers DEFENCE GRANT MAY BE SPENT LOCALLY THE General Officer Commanding, Malaya, is to recommend 1 that the Colony's £1,000,000 defence gift should be spent locally, as have previous contributions, the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, said during yesterday's Legislative Council meeting, after the
    Free Press  -  1,852 words
  • 97 6 ■TRIBUTES to Major H. R. S. Zehn--1 der were paid by the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and the Colonial Secretary, Sir Alexander Small, m tht Legislative Council yesterday Major Zehnder had found it necessary to retire on private grounds, said Sir Alexander, referring to Major Zehnder's
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  • 871 6 Governor On Emergency rood Stores HOPES FOR SOLUTION a, VITAL PROBLEM "EMERGENCY food supplies, whether aid private householder or arranged for h 1 of labour, would not be commandeered by th*. r m^ declared the Governor, Sir Shenton Thoma, m th ?S Council yesterday, speaking on the Food f^ "On
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  • 218 6 London a m ran< parks which o lid raid shelters In describing the B of dual-purpose structure! mil issued to local aurhor the country. It states curing theyo'J months a sur i great number ol sitei su?ge?trt i suitable for dual-purpose struct* and it
    218 words
  • 73 6 **>«<»* |11P1I1 i! PLEADING birth cert.:. certificate, a Mai ll lib, .said he did desperate need >• realise he had C He had an old m Senior Inspector M Abdul Mutalib applied l r into the Pen and lie WM below two eertlllcMtes to 18. by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 BECAUSE OF •CALIFIG'-. THE GENTLE NATURAL LAXATIVE THAT IS GOOD FOR HIM A £f your child is always ailing, always underweight, it's probably due to constipation And the safest, surest way to end all this is to give regular course of California Syrup of Figs. F This natural laxative is
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  • 724 7 European's 54 Years In Malaya WELL-KNOWN PIONEER DIES (From Our Own Correspondent) piFTY-FOUR years m Malaya, Mr. James r! Crawford, the oldest member of the Perak European community died m Ipoh yesterday, aged 74. The funeral tooJT place the same evening*. His earliest days m Malaya were connected with the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 228 7 <> f 20th Century-Fox Uugh Riot gr^ALHAMBRA] fe 1 1^8* WOW 20th CW l J2 VI S(I I'ATHK GAZETTE" and "BiMTISII MOVIETONE NEWS". f KAY KKANCIS' GREATEST PICTURE Bfel SIN(K WHITE ANGEL ttf OPENING TOMORROW L Jltffc ALHAMBRA W -^p' I Like A Comet -She 'jdfL FLASHED From Nowhere <
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    • 39 7 fcJßii^'; Another Hilarious Adventure m± m the hectic lives of Annabel, temperamental screen star, and Lanny, screwball I ftß^^^^coß^tS V I I MmwK3 mm NEXT CHANGE AT PAVILION A MILLION EYES TO THE SKY... lIS COMING TO THE ALHAMBRA
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  • 598 8 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1939. Defence Matters IT was not unexpected that a comparatively large part of yesterday's Legislative Council meeting should have been devoted to defence matters. The unanimous approval for the £1,000,000 special defence contribution was anticipated immediately the terms of Mr. J. R. Bennett's
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  • 888 8  -  FRANK H. HEDGES By AN impregnable military and naval position, from the extreme northern end of the Japanese Islands, through Manchukuo and China itself, with an arm extending southeastward to Japan's mandated islands, which practically touch the Equator, emerges as the basic aim of Japanese
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  • 350 8 ALTHOUGH the plastics Indus- try as we know it today is a comparatively modern development, it was built upon foundations laid long ago. Over a century ago it was shown that natural processes could m some cases be copied m the laboratory, and organic synthesis opened up
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 31 8 Here's a Device to Save Lens Strains and Breakage, P THIS SCREWLESS CONSTRUCTION is only obtained from Nan Sin Optical House Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians PHONE 6363. 325, North Bridge Road, Singapore.
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  • 222 9 INTENSIVE MANHUNT AFTER MURDER IN SHOP Search For Killer Of Chinese Youth WORKMAN WHO WAS LEFT WITH VICTIM MISSING fOLONY police are engaged m an intensive manhunt m an effort to find the perpetrator of one of the most gruesome crimes m Singapore m recent times, committed m a tailors
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  • 407 9 OPINION OF PUBLIC IS WANTED Parking Ban New Traffic Rules Before Council |0j oi l»': >'' li! l( l>n lhe V i,.,i on parkinf m sirti Mni.itnn ni mere -<•»»,in (i. m tht Ugis\ ««iw I '""< .on--. M t put sed the xt Ba- re- et rd H
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  • 368 9 REGISTRAR BIASED SAYS CEYLONESE Judge Told He Was Harsh "T THINK you have been harsh," 1 replied A. Chelliah, a young Ceylonese, to Mr. Justice Pedlow, m the Singapore High Court, yesteraay when the judge dismissed an application and said he would make no order for costs against Chelliah because
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  • 147 9 A PPEARING In the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday with his head bandaged and a plaster on his right arm, and alleging that he was "beaten up" by a crowd of Malays after he had stolen four flower plants, Teh Fok, a 39-years-old Hokkien, was
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  • 72 9 ARRESTED m connection with an alleged midnight armed robbery m Connaught Drive on Apr. 7, three young Cantonese, Cheah Loon, 22, Lam Lam, 19, and Tham Pak Hoy, 18, appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker m the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. After the charge had
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  • 71 9 A public address system for coping the hundreds of Chinese who flock to the court of the Assistant Controller of Labour (Chinese) during labour disputes is to be installed at the court. Expenditure of the necessary $315 was approved by Legislative Council yesterday. The apparatus will
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  • 149 9 /COMBINING the poignant drama and the romance of the reign of Queen Victoria. "Sixty Glorious Years Heibert Wilcox's companion picture to "Victoria the Great" presents a pageant of a brilliant period. Highclr,.>s technicclour photography embelUshei it with impre^ive beauty. This film, which was shown privately yesterday and
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  • 51 9 Free Press China War Supplement Banned In Japan INFORMATION has been re--1 ceived from Japanese post office authorities that the Singapore Free Press China war supplement of June 18, 1938. has been placed on the list of publications for confiscation. Importation or circulation of the supplement m Japan is also
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  • 294 9 HOKKIENS CHARGED /\N a charge of using fuses of dyna- mite so negligently as to endanger human life or to be likely to cause injury, two elderly Hokkiens, Quek Leok Teok and T'ng Tuan Lim, claimed trial before Mr. C. H. Koh m the
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  • 90 9 •T'HE passage of this Bill will indicate to people m Britain and here that there is no intention of tolerating slavery or semi-slavery m any form m this part of the world," said Dr. Urn Han Hoe, seconding the second reading of the Children Bill
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  • 54 9 X-RAY apparatus m the operating suite at the Singapore General Hospital will not function m Singapore's climate except m an air-condi-tioned room. The spending of $3 000 for airconditloning of the x-ray room and those used by the ear, nose and throat department was authorised by
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  • 321 9 TEN men who fought at Gallipoli 24 years ago will meet m Singapore today at an Anzac Day tiffin. This will be the first Anzac re-union held m Singapore since the years just after the Great War. The ten men will be: Col. C. L.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 10 9 yOU CONVENIENCE jßhr *FTER THE SKOW DIKE AT Koch Oy.un
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    • 177 9 jj|. TENNIS JJj§ RACKETS '^^^P. New Stocks Arrived tfijf F. H. AYRE'S R. c. l. $19.50 jfiSr "DAVIS CUP" 17.50 Bjf MODEL "C 15.00 H SLAZENGER'S all white $19.50 mwm FRED PERRY $i. 50 Mm S PAL DING'S kroflite $25.00 KBm "TOPFLITE" 25.00 ImK q ALL RACKETS ARK STRUNG WiTH
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  • 1435 10 Prices Marked Down But Little Selling GOOD COMPANY RESULTS (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 14. I ONDON stock, share and commodity markets have been faced this week by an imposing array of adverse factors, including the rapid deterioration of the international situation following upon Italy's Albanian
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 10 IVIARSHAL PETAIN, the French Ambassador to Spain, who presented his credentials to Gen. Franco last month, returned unexpectedly to Paris. He is seen here leaving the War Ministry after seeing Premier Daladier.
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  • 73 10 (incorporated m Vttat Reserve fund* v, excess of r 'S total Assets Ch s^^ approximately T-se-Vuiig Soc»n 8 Churm M 2 0.«H* Phong, O^k.-, aild (U| LONDON R.\VKi 5Ofll Midland Bank-o c N N^ row Kssyj? Correspondents m ,n HlN^ CU R R tm g^fi business transacted
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 453 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATH ELLIS— At Kingston -on -Thames, on Apr. 4. aftor a long illness. Janet Spittal Ellis, wife of H. H. Ellis TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders. Tenders are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars see Municipal Tenders Room: Supply of 200 tons of
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    • 406 10 DARED NOT EAT FOOD HE FANCIED. Until He Discovered Chardox. Are you at war with your inside Afraid to eat this, scared to death of that because it doesn't agree with ysu? There's a way to end this stomach tyranny there's Chardox! Chardox is a new form of highly-activated charcoal
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 174 10 PASSENGERS BY AIR Arrived from N.E.I, by KLM plane on Satuiday: Mr. J. Ter Marsch, Mr. A. G. Mac Donell, Mr. P. Jansen, Mr. A. Moes, Mr A. J. Kane, Mr. Loe Sik Hah, Mrs. Cochrane. Mr. J. Heslinga. Mr. S. v. d. Vrugt Left for Medan, India and Europe
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    • 437 10 RADIO PROGRAMMES K SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL 225 metres. ZHP 30.06 metre*, p.m. 5.00 Malay songs by S. Abdullah. 5.20 Malay tangos. t I 5.40 Kronchongs.t 6.00 Teachew Gukang selections and drama*, t 7.00 Children's programme. (English >. 7.15 Time, weather, news and announcements. 7.30 Health talk— l5 "Smallpox." 7.45 "Diary
      437 words
    • 412 10 EMPIRE STATION I TODAY I I TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 1 I GSH 21.47 mc/s (1:5.97 m.c fiae I p.m. 6.35 BaUad rental 7.05 8.8.C. Northern on-;. 7.45 "The Thin Red m 8.35 Big Ben. The DC 8.50 "Pood for Though--9.05 Greenwich Umg v 9.05 Sports news and mar... 920 Big
      412 words

    • 211 11 LONDON AND NEW YORK STOCK SHARES Ast Night's Quotations from London 5.30 p. m. Yesterday 1 nan PC 1944-64.. SJ^.pci^w -T-bafi. 3l > pc Cdxb aw* 'CJiW Jiwi Awe. Mit westfni BiJ O*pacific <>25) ,%pr.(3 Ban* l£s> twdSMngtai Bv± (1186).... All oie»: Eec'-ric Co. Ltd...... l^s Ort .c Bras'
      211 words
    • 60 11 *g W FRASEB CO. AT ftSTERDAI lh < *k» 9i ||n ;il mid up „,d thc b a I o'clock was !2£m? .lulysep- (fn »v market stagnant. condition pre,."^rubber and tin share k*q na l f UmlIn rather a t r Ut Uith enqoiria for at r
      60 words
    • 14 11 WUHM noon tfnmt Sellers i 41. 7 lUUM. per
      14 words
    • 180 11 APR, ii, 1t»39: SELLING London T.T. 2 3 23 3? London demand 2 3 23 32 Lyons demand 2038 Switzeriana demand 240 \i Hamburg demand 133 New York demand. 54 Montreal demand 54 3 16 Batavia demand 1014 Samarang demand 101 a 8 Calcutta. Bombay and Rangoon
      180 words
    • 48 11 ALTOGETHER 50.145 ships, of 33,- 047 207 tons, entered and cleared the port of Singapore last year, according to the annual report of the Marine Department, tabled m Legislative Council yesterday. This is a decline of 1.516 ships and 1.505,373 tons compared with the record year of 1937.
      48 words
    • 170 11 From London 5.30 p.m. Yesterday RUBBER: Dull. London: 77 B d. 8d- Previously 715 ifid ah May-June: V/ S d. 7 15j16d. Previously- 7isil6d 8d July-Sept.: Bd. 8 l|l6d. Previously- 8 1 16 d 2?' d Oct.-Dec: 8V B d. 8 3 16d. Previously:' 8 3 16d
      170 words
    • 61 11 From London: Latest Quotations TIN: Firm. Spot: £222 12s. t>d. Previously: £220 2>. 6cl. Three months: £220 2s. 6d. Previously: £218 2s. Sd. £41 28. 6d. Previously: £41 15s. Od. Yesterday: £7 Bs. 6d. Previously: £7s. Bd. V z Spot: 20 1 16 d. Previously: 20*. Three
      61 words
    • 65 11 Foreign Exchange Rates London Closing Quotations Method ol Pant> oeiore Latest Centre Quoting 20-9-31 Rate Previously Paris Franc to 124.11 176 1116 176 3 i New York... to 4.8655 4.68 1,16 4.68 Amsterdam Guilders to 12.10 8.81 3 4 8.81*2 Hong Kong.. Per dollar Is. 2%d. Is. 2 3 4
      65 words
    • 143 11 Raffles Museum Malays' Shyness BECAUSE the sllghest semblance or control at the entrance to Raffles Museum is certain to deter many shy up-country Malays < chiefly from the East Coast) from entering *the building no complete record of visitors has ever been kept, states the annual report. On several occasions
      143 words
    • 80 11 Warsaw, Apr. 24. General Laidoner, Commander of the Estonian Army, today concluded his visit to Poland. Before leaving, he said Poland and Estonia had many interests m common and might have dangers In common. There were no alliances or written treaties between them, because they
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    • 33 11 London, Apr. 24. SIR NEVTLE HENDERSON, Britisn Ambassador m Berlin, who was recalled to London immediately after the German annexation of Bohemia and Moravia, arrived m Berlin this morning to resume his duties.
      33 words
    • 79 11 Members of the Fortnightly Club were the guests of Mrs. P. Sammy at their meeting yesterday, when Mrs. Sammy spoke on "Old and New Vienna.' At the conclusion of the talk a typical Viennese morning tea was served A vote of thanks was passed to the speakers by
      79 words
    • 1314 11 From Exchange Telegraph Co. Fraser And Co. 's List OWING TO DISTURBED CONDITIONS IN EUROPE A NUMBER OF THESE QUOTATIONS MUST BE REGARDED AS NOMINAL. MONDAY. APR. 24, 1P39: 5 P.M, MINING Bayers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 2s 6d 3s 6d Austral Amal (ss) 4s
      1,314 words
    • 169 11 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. MONDAY. APR. ?4. 1939: I PM Total for Company Dividend Books Financial TIN Ciose Date Ex. Div. year Ayer Hitam Tin 2V 2 Apr. 18 May 5 Apr 24 5" o less tax Hong Kong Tin 2\^% less tax May 10
      169 words

  • 1325 12 System Is Producing Balanced Economy STUDENTS TO CARRY ON Paochi, Shensi, Apr. 16. THK Knontintang'a answer to both Japanese economic penetration and the social reform programme of the Communist party industrial co-operatives m the short space of seven months has grown from an ill-nourished infant to
    1,325 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 12 PRETTY MADRID GIRLS, WEARING THEIR BLACK LACE mantillas once again. They wen« photographed on their way to church where a special service was held jointly commemorating Easter and the restoration of peace to Spain.
    34 words
  • 618 12 Woman's Place Is Behind The Lines CHINA FEMINIST'S ADVICE Chungking, Apr. 16. TWANGS! PROVINCE, known throughout China as a model province because of its good government, adaptation of western ideas and the comparative contentment of its population, is also known as the Home of the modern Chinese feminist movement Madame
    618 words
  • 256 12 Anti-British Agitator Gives Himself Up £500 ON HEAD Jerusalem, Apr. 14. DALES i INE'S leading anti-British agitator, the rebel chieftain Aref Abdul Razzik, who styled himself "Arab Generalissimo stumbled into a small French military post at Fig (Syria), near the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee early today and
    256 words
  • 580 12 INSULTS FROM DR. LEY Berlin, )r A REFRESHINGLY new element is uJtrod into the anti-British tirades of the Ge by a masterly excursion into dialectical Ley, leader of the German Labour Front, wh, received a friendly welcome m London. For the most part the German
    580 words
  • 307 12 London, \m n JENNY WREN i, The Admiralty are Women's Roj il I to that which w rk ashore In 1918 i i for sea work Able Beawoman Wn n will do domestic v. :k the Jobs She will b Adjustment ol gyi .Priming
    307 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 12 ME MEL'S INCORPOKIIioN m GERMANY.-B^rtuleit, president M the Memel l)ire< torate. photographed before flyinir to Berlin to nffotiau with the German authentic a Som the MeniH distri«i>
    27 words
  • 56 12 THE Portuguese r.v rt re calves Zarco. arrived at from Macao yeiterdajr anchored m the man-.-: -u Singapore Roads Goncalves Zarco Hred I salute Of 21 guns on anchor salute has returned gun I military battery at itort 1 Brani. «ti The escort veawl will j";
    56 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 167 12 SINGAPORE HARBOUR Tiie following .-hips tra alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expo-ted to arrive: East Wharf: Entrance Gate Exit I Nord Anhui 22. Sheets Wharf: Entrance Gate 2 E-it 1 Goncalves Zarco iy Main Wharf, Entrance Gate 2- Exit 3 Kedah, BenaMer 18; HopecrowA 16; Ajax GiLn^'e 11:
      167 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 411 13 JpVIXJERITISH ypTOandBRiTISH INDIA LINES P. «Sc C S. H. CO*3 SAILINGS, r Tonnage Spore. 5 SOUDAN 6.500 June 2 6 I.ITRAL 15.000 June 16 cohfu 15.000 June 30 19 BDRDWAN 6.070 July 1 2 CANTON 15.500 July 14 CARTIIAGE 15.000 Jrly 28 rHOMKWARDS I «^s Leaves roniufe I ivtre
      411 words
    • 137 13 'Incorporated In Settlements.' GRBBUAM HOI SL BATTBEI rtf» SINUATOSft PHONI 5172 EUJERMAN BUCKKALL S.S. Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated m England.) HAVRE LONDON ROTTERDAM KAfrSBURG VIA PORKS AND SUEZ CANAL Steumet Due Sails CITY OF LINCOLN Calls Glasgow Apr. 26 May 2 CITY OF ATHENS May SO June 2 FOR NEW YORK,
      137 words
    • 525 13 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. Singapore TeL 5151. Chartered Bank Building, Penanc Tel 126<L BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES. LONDON. (JOMLNtM AMU GLASGOW (m conjunction witn the Glen Line) Due Sails S£f?A£™* IC Jv don R data Hl)urg and An twerp Apr 29 May 2 n&Ksivn Mars^
      525 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 841 13 Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD Ceylon Prpc China x Pres Adams 11 am Imperial: From Europe due Wed- Egyp Sudan* "and rSSilfe 1 ncsday, Friday, Saturday mornings. Gr «*t Britain and 'SSSSd* 2Pm Wearnes: From Penang:, Ipoh, Europe and Great BriuSn'x 2Pm and Ku»U Lumpur. Arrive, ever, BriJ^ 2
      841 words

  • 1084 14 Merchant Navy 's Part In Defence NEVER MORE NECESSARY MANY members of His Majesty's Forces have at the most a IVI ver y j iaz y conception of the Merchant Navy, of its vital functions, and its position m the scheme of Imperial defence. Still less do they know of
    1,084 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 572 14 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated m F.M.S.) TELEPHONE: Frelfht $133— Passafe S43L JcaFaoian pacimc IJnfcAV^L SViitMl (LucorDoratad In g»^]^r^«> THE "EMPRESS n ROUTE offers TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES via HONOLULU or direct EMPRESS to VANCOUVER— ACROSS CANADA by TRANS-CONTIN-ENTAL TRAIN without change— thence by CANADIAN PACIFIC ATLANTIC SERVICES TO ENGLAND or the CONTINENT—
      572 words
    • 176 14 For Everything Appertaining to Ocean Passages, Foreign Money Exchange and Freight apply colors LWQQIO TRAvIr < SgPViCf7 39, ROBINSON ROAD No Booking Fees. Telephone 5908. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. f APCAR LINE) FOR HONG KONG. SHANGHAI, MOJI KOBE AND OSAKA s. s. SIRDHANA 8,000 TONS SAILING MAY 4,
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  • 192 15 Four Goals To One In Second Half LOSERS A MAN SHORT JACKS Sports Club did well yesterday to defeat the A.P.C. by four goals to one m their Business Houses League soccer fixture on the S.H.B. ground. The losers, who were short of a left-winger, played
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 15
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  • 41 15 Today's Contract Bridge Problems J I I I I I I I and I I i II I i I B I B m m m I I ison per I -ther I H *H 4 Bs v I p ass
    41 words
  • 135 15 the will hold lts handicap 1 vimxni] carnival on May 6at Fort ning pool. The meeting is open to j> rs only and entries close tomorPrelin: heats will be held on fees are 20 cents I r eu.*h event niors and ten eentl lor juniors is
    135 words
  • 238 15 London, Apr. 14. 4LL Ihe year books nowadays :>e:*m io change their outward appearthe latest example Is 'Ayres'," which after s long and useful history mow been taken over by Dunlop and hiv. just been published as The Lawn Tennis Almanack. The look and size
    238 words
  • 76 15 Lad Footers Eleven VUE following will play for the Lad Footers against the 0.C.8.C. Sports Club m a friendly game of soccer at Farrer Park tomorrow at 5.15 p m. The same players will play against th? Chinese High School's eleven at their ground on Friday. Ah Chye, Ah Bah.
    76 words
  • 565 15 Sultan To Play In North Perak Tennis (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Apr. 24. THE annual North Pemk tennis championships besin this Friday and continue until May 2. The entries received were very encouraging: competitors include His the Sultan of Perak. Sir Abdul Aziz, who takes part m three
    565 words
  • 316 15 Competitive Urge Becomes Stronger MANY NEW COMPETITIONS MOTHIXG m billiards and snooker circles m Great Britain is exciting the public interest more than the growth of the competitive ur^e. All around are to be noted now championship events, new handicaps, many of them open to players of all classes of
    316 words
  • 67 15 POLLOWINO are ties m the S-R.C. tennis tournament: TODAY Championship singles: P. F Souza vs. P. D'Almelda. Mixed doubles handicap: M. A. Cordeiro and Mr?. L. M. Pennefather (_3O) vs. R. C. Bain and i iss D. Aeria (—3). TOMORROW Singles handicap (A): J. S. de BOOM (—3)
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  • 230 15 Billiard Notes By J. V. Rainbow correspondent of mine told me that he had made 30 short jennies In consecutive strokes and all into the same middle pocket. My correspondent made the information more interesting by adding that he had never made use of side In playing the 30 short
    230 words
  • 74 15 OF CAIRO, and a large number of tourists watched a Ka.ditn Koman dancer, Leila Bederkian, perform Kurdish and Vocrish lcVs ut nv ht at to* loot of the Sphinx, which was floodlit. The p»rZ? r anC€ VflWntetd by the Soci.h; of Arts, and wot qiicn under the
    74 words
  • 122 15 London. Apr. 12. QN APR. 24 Sandy Hctd vriil be 71, and yet he is asrsin competing for the British Open championship at St. Andrews. A noble effort this, for it is exactly 54 years since he played m his first Open ehanpionship at St.
    122 words
  • 323 15 Rugby League Final Will Stay At Wembley London, Apr. 12. I AST SATURDAY the biggest crowd that has ever watched a Rugby League game m this country crowded out the Odsal Stadium at Bradford, 66.303 spectators— no less This revived the old argument— should the Rugby League Cup Final be
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  • 87 15 Brunei Club Pay Visit To Labuan MEMBERS of the Brunei Recreation Club visited Lab nan as guests of the Labuan Recreaton Club, various inter-state games being played between Brunei and Labuan. They resulted as follows: Boccer: Labuan won by 3 goals to nil. Hockey: Labuan wen by 4 goals to
    87 words
  • 125 15 Sze Hai Tong Pay 10% r:: lee wel nam presided at he A nnual meeting ol shareho] lers •>: the Sz? Hai Topg Ban-:. I The ciirertsrs' report and for the year under review wi re >' ed Ii was decided to pay .1 d vlden< 10 per cent amounting
    125 words
  • 21 15 The .-ccond mixed fourrcmea competition ol the Royal Singapore Go:f Club v. ill be played on Sunday afternoon
    21 words
  • 16 15 Thsre was m p-ay In either tha SRC or YJC.CJL lawn tennis tournaments yesterday.
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 591 16 SAPPERS CLOSE SECON THK tables published below show many important changes m the League. In the first division the Loyals are on to}) with nine points. Sappers have the same number of points, but a slightly inferior goal average. The Sappers have a
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 16 A FURTHER snap taken during the S.C.C. vs. RAF. reserve division match on the padang yesterday won by the airmen, 2—o.— Free Press picture.
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  • 164 16 DFN JIMENZ and Smart Cruz, the two boxers who arrived from Manila recently, make their debut at the covered stadium on Friday. Jimonz -meets Johnny Mortell and Cruz is matched with Little Bemal, the tights to be of ten rounds each. Another ten-rounder and one
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  • 377 16 Club Forwards Let Side Down, Airmen Win 2-0 CHERRINGTON IN FORM THE R.A.F. reserves won their first match this season when they beat the S.C.C. 2-nil on the padang yesterday. Much the weaker side, the Club were kept m their own half most of
    Free Press  -  377 words
  • 112 16 Y.M.C. A. Tennis Ties Y-M.CA. open i nament Uet are: TOMOKftOH re^™— s? M. Silverstein. Open Mixed DMbfcr Mr R. F. Smith n m^ r Huck Toe. Handicap Mixed Do«bfer m sigliere and C. F. J e.^ M. Flinter and R N Men's Handirai) Doub E. Simon (-30) vn J,
    112 words
  • 88 16 The Philippine basketball team bat the Chung Hwa team by the close gin of 48 points to 39 .it the Mr--World Stadium last nl The game was keen througi Philippines leading 19— h time. Early on resumption the Cbi team scored a lead till
    88 words
  • 41 16 The S. A. F. A. match Nestanglo Cold fixed for Thursday will Anson Road 81 idlutn on Fridi p.m. The match Cold Times Press fixed for Fridaj postponed and will be pla Road Stadium on Tu< 5 15 p.m.
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  • 31 16 The Mental Hospital beat the R.A. <8.M. by two goals to one m the second division (a) of the league yer terday at Yio Chu Kang Road.
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  • 35 16 TWENTY-TWO cards were taken out tor the Keppel Golf Club's April mixed foursome, which resulted m a win for Mrs. M. Waugh and R. W. McCreath. with 48 12 3 4 35>i
    35 words
  • 23 16 Playing at the Stadium yesterday m the second division (a) of the league the Publishers beat the R.A.O.C. 2-nil.
    23 words
  • 259 16 What Will Jean Nicoll Do This Season London, Apr. 14. HTHE tennis world is very much alive to the fact that Jean Nicoll is going to be a considerable force this year, m spite of the fact that she is no more than sixteen and a half. Her win at
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  • 152 16 THE following will represent the Y.M. C.A. against the Minesweepers on the V.M.C.A. ground at 5 p.m. today: Wee Aik Chan, M. Swyney, R. Lyne. G. Moxon. Ratnatunga. Hutchlnson, Mcßeath, Kite, Leembruggen. Mitchell, Tan Guan Kiat, Jackson and Swee Keng. Against V.M.C.A. school. Balestier Road ground, on Thursday,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 utility, as a medium of transportation, at the end of its first year it may be Worth for Use practically as much a* it was at the beginning, but as a Market Commodity it has depreciated m price. So if you need a car and can get a good one
      93 words