The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 June 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND DAILY NEWS. XO. 14,302. ESTD. 1835 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1934 10 CENTS
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  • 385 1 Currency Expansion Of $940,500,000 IRITAIN SPENDS £10,000,000 TO SUPPORT STERLING Members of the administration believe the silver purchase plan will cause a currency expansion of at least $940,500,000 with a corresponding rease m commodity prices by the end of the year. was disclosed
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • 66 1 London, June ft. Dr. All red Sze, the Chinese Minister m Washington, interviewed by Reuter on his arrival m London, scouted the report that America would buy one billion ounces of silver within the next six months. The whole control of silver purchasing was m the hands of
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 90 1 Washington. June V*. The Treasury announces that silver receipts under the executive order on Dec. 21, 1933. until June 22 amounted to 940.500.000 ounces, while purchases for the week ended June 22 totalled 380.532 ounces. Purchases are now he ma made from the general fund rather than from
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 76 1 New June 27. The stocks of silver held by American refineries has dropped from 1 1.865.000 ounces to 7.174.000 ounces according to the Bureau of Mental Statistics, despite the fact that renners have been withholding supplies lor some months m order to reap the benefit anticipated m
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 146 1 Tungans In Control Of Kashgar SOVIET BEHIND RENEWED FIGHTING? Simla, June 27. THE TUNGANS are now m control; of Kashgar. m Eastern Turkestan, and practically all Southern Sinkiang to the Afghan-Kashmir; borders, according to messages rereived here. Renewed fighting recently occurred between the Tungans and attacking forces from the north
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 86 1 JUDGE FAVOURS MILK DEALERS Board To~ Settle Strike Of Longshoremen Chicago, June 27. A BLOW against the "New Deal" has been struck by Federal Judge Barnes who has enjoined the Government from enforcing the orovisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration against six ii -dependent Chicago
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 56 1 Washington, June 227. President Roosevelt, by an executive order, has established a Labour Board under the chairmanship of the Rev. Edward Hanna to deal with the longshoremen's strike on the Pacific Coast. The board is authorised to investigate the factl of the issues and report its findings
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 97 1 Washington, June 27. The acquisition of all gas rights In a 50.000 acre cliffside helium gas-bear-ing field at Amarillo In Texas for a reserve supply for defence services, is announced by the Federal Bureau of Mines. After announcing his intention of broadcasting another message to the nation
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 67 1 Chicago Criminal Ring Unmasked Chicago, June 26. The police are investigating the alleged arson gann. which is described as the biggest criminal ring ever unmasked here. Twelve persons, including one woman, have been arrested and are believed to be responsible for the majority of Chicago's most serious fires m the
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 42 1 Government Retain Weston-Super-Mare London, June 27. The Weston-Super-Mare bye election, consequent on the appointment of Lord Erskine as Governor of Madras resulted as follows I. L. Orr Ewing «Cons. > 21^06. H. S. Stokes <Lib. > 7.551. A. E. Millett «Lab.) 5.715. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 39 1 London, June 15. The Polish official delegation will arrive m London tomorrow to discuss witfi the British Government representatives the completion ol the -tariff agreement to supplement the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1923. British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  39 words
  • 76 1 Small Enterprises To Get Priority Washington, June 27. Mr Black, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, announces that the Federal Reserve Banks are ready to receive applications for direct loans to industry as authorised by Congress He adds that the needs of small enterprises will receive first
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 112 1 FIGHTING ON BURMA FRONTIER Chinese Enter British Territory Simla, June 27. •THE RECENT Sino-Burma frontier incident, with skirmishes between Chinese bands and Burma police, was apparently caused by a local chief of Pangjung penetrating; Firstly. the undemarcated zone called Hohswan, hitherto mutually respected by Chinese and British and, Secondly, into
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 68 1 Mussolini Renews His Invitation Vienna, June 2ti. According to the Reichspost, Signor Mussolini has renewed his invitation to Dr. Dollfuss, the Austrian Chancellor, and his family to spend their summer holiday at Riccione. where Signor Mussolini and his family will also be holidaying. The invitation is interpreted by
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 25 1 I According to the Daily Mail the i Government has decided not to make 'payment m kind m resnect of the .United States debt.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 373 1 U.S. TURNS DOWN JAPANESE PACT PROPOSAL No New Treaties While Present i Ones Are In Question FAR EAST POLICY Washington, June 26. ON THE eve of departing for Japan, the Japanese Minister, Mr. Saito, discussed the question of a non -aggression pa^t between the United States and Japan with Senator
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 BIGIA TEA Q r jngi the freshness fragrance of the Mm ,yan gardens to \our home. SPECIAL DINNeTa CONCERT^ 8.15 to 9.15 p.m. DANCE (fo^ao 9.45 p.m. to' Midnight THE POPULAR ARTISTS HUGO &^OSEPHINE SATI'RUAY. JI'NE 30th HUGO P riOSEPHINE___ I HAFFLES CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA
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  • 38 2 E.I. Warship to Patrol Territorial Water rom Our Own Correspondent > G Medan, June 27. -So serious has illicit fishing by SHE" oats m the waters around A low days agu the Soemba caught "ned 100 guilders
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  • 245 2 Big Communist Clean-up In Nanking Munitions And j Arms Seized By Police I Nanking, June 8. Complete details regarding a police 1 ruid on the Communist headquarters In the capital have now been published. Ii is stated that the special service corps of the local police force on the night
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  • 139 2 Australian GiiTs New Sydney, N.S.W.. June 6. During tne past few months motor j-cycling has been taken up m earnest by Sydney girls and now it is not uncommon to see them on the road, particularly at week-ends. It seems as if jpiiiion-riding will shortly be unknown. The
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  • 251 2 A Film Which Is Out Of The Ordinary I In every motion picture there is n great deal that can be criticised and "The World Changes." which is now en !at the Capitol, is no exception. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why this picture is worth seeing.
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  • 80 2 Landslide Caused By Heavy Rains Canton, June 8. A train disaster occurred m the Can-ton-Shaokwan section of the CantonHankow Railway this afternoon when i Canton-bound train was hit by a landslide near Lienkiangkow. The whole section of a mountain crashed down upon the train just after the locomotive
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 69 2 Only Deaths Caused By Heart Failure Berlin. June 21. There is little hope of salvaging the 14.000-ton German tourist liner Dresden, which went ashore m a gale near Stavanger. Over 1,000 pleasure cruising passengers and crew were taken oft. The shipowners state that the only fatalities were two
    Reuter Wireless  -  69 words
  • 66 2 Deputy And Air Force Officer Traitors Rome. June 22. (Jmberto Bianchi. an ex-Socialist deputy, has been sentenced to seventeen years' impiisonment for "trafficking m news and divulging secret information." A captain and sergeant In the Air Force received fifteen and sixteen years respectively. The accused were i
    Reuter Wireless  -  66 words
  • 69 2 Disturbances In Indian State New Delhi. June 20. One person was Killed and six Injur ed as the result or the police ftrini un a riotous mob ir Rsmour State whuh forcibly rescued five arrested ring leaders m unlawrul demonstrations as a protest agatnsi certain grievances
    Reuter Wireless  -  69 words
  • 56 2 Or The Duces Way Of Saving Money Rome, J mi e 25. Mussolini has adopted a simple expedient to save 600,000,000 lire m public expenditure. He instructed all departments to classify expenditure under three headings:— indispensable, necessary and useful. II Duce scrapped the useful section and
    Reuter Wireless  -  56 words
  • 54 2 (From Our Own Correspondent! Bangkok, June 26. The new ten tical currency note was issued today. It contains a large portrait of the King, plus two views of famous Siamese beauty spots, together with a warning to would-be forgers of the penalties for copying. The notes'
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  • 582 2 "England's Historic Function To the Editor. Sir,— Will you allow me to formulate the views of a mere man-ir-the-street with no inside knowledge of worldpolitics other than that to be gleaned irom the Press, on your leader m to-day's issue? I surmise that England will be
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  • 166 2 Unusual Picture At The Alhambra J£s F u X P rcducti on entitled "Smoky." which began a mid-week run at the Alhambra Theatre last night, is a film of an unusual nature and one which should make a special appeal to lovers oi horses. n T h^"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 208 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I SUSIES I I Perfect Cleaner j The only cleaner j i that never leaves a Ring J Thi» Magic Perfect Cleaning J Powder Quickly Harmlessly J Removes Grease Oil Stains of J J Tea, Coffee Fruit. Perspira- tion Spots From Silks Cottons 2 Etc. and Does Not
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    • 384 2 TENDER^ SINGAPORE MUNICIPALm Tenders are now |q lowing materials or particulars, see Munich T Room. 4 t^Mi For Sale, at Vir Butcher's Silent topiftj Projectors, 16 m Volt D.C. drtYing Arc. Full particulj:. Tender Room a:. Date of Closing 4 July 23rd, 1934 Supply of Heavy Pip e3 a: c
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 505 2 Diary Of The Week THURSDAY, 28th. «Uh Water 12.0 b p.m.. 8.4 ft.; 11.01 p.m. 10 ft. Football: S.A.F.A. League. Div. 11. i S.C.C vs. Wiltshires. S.CC padang. Cricket: R.I. vs. ACS. R.I. ground. FRIDAY, 29th. High Water 12.47 p.m.. 8.7 ft.. 11.50 p.m., 10.2 ft. Football: Malaya Cup: Singapore
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  • 1283 3 Anglo-Chinese School App roac hing Its Fiftieth Year x RKVIEW OF THE YEAR'S WORK. Annual Prizegiving I An .Chinese School, Singapore, was founded by Bishop VN oidliam on March 1, ?886, and has thus completed its The fact of the school's long history as one of .nal institutions of tfce
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  • 629 3 POLICE WA TCH ON BATU PAHAT SHOP Alleged Counterfeit Trade Mark Transfers Cycle Co. of England lid tl ,k aCt P roduct the Raleigh at Batu ita?" velrH f Osecution "efore first magfsfih Ec, who was aue Jd t CWneSe sho P«wner named Ng transfers of the S ig h°
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 NOW IN SINGAPORE! AURELIA'S "Shoppe de Luxe Hats Dresses Novelties OPENING SATURDAY JUNE 30 HERE you will see Hats that speak for themselves very original m designs HERE you can have your old Hats cleaned, dyed, and remodelled. HERE you can order any kind of hat to suit your taste.
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  • 3207 4 Sir Cecil dementi's Sudden Decision Mr. Churchill Dangerously Near Political Scrap heap— Dangers Of The Drought— ls Test Cricket A Game >W. G.s View Of Leg Theory— Whipsnade Lions Stalking Men Up Goes Trade From Our Own Correspondent London. June 14. CIR Cecil dementi resigns,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 VICTORY A GOAL .And everybody sees m /^^s^ Not because he shouted not because he waved any kind 01 a handkerchief but because he waved a PYRAMID; the handkerchief which gives distinction to the user. PYRAMID M~ lit William Ja^U* f^Co. 9^\alSiia> ifd.ff| SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH.
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    • 37 4 i ■■■■■•^■■^■•■•••■■■■••••MNNlll KEEP YOUR PROPERTY FREE FROM RUST by applying WAILEB DOVE'S 11— -vwlt^Sl 111 l Hlhil i ik I 1^ j^^^M^^^M [Uilil ll BLACK BROWN RED GREY GREY CREAM Sole Agents: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SMGAFOtE BRANCHES
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  • Article, Illustration
    254 5 kj „v, Btagham, daughter of the United States .'inir. Perry, while playing m the men's singles m the French lawn tennis championships at the Stade Roland Garros at Auteuil. Paris, injured his I during his match with G. Stefani of Italy. He carried on to the last set despite great
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  • 153 5 What epics of endurance and fortitude could they not tell What breathless tales of courage, of victory and glorious defeat. For Craven Mixture has ever appealed to men of action and achievement exploring, developing, guarding the highways of the Empire on land and sea, these
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 *> v j .jii 'f ll^MLLjg^. «l^*Si^»^ MDCTURE /> In it» patent vJia. y|« Tin, Craven reaches you 1 T&* V. <*ri l Hr^ tLt »ti«>Wihi» con- *jb j* ~£iM&k &&M a /a *>« 3EJ Arudu Wurks, London. #^jS^3B^tebi|^^mHß|Ma^" f (h«- vacuum scaJ and the 3 «!»</ Double B^^Sir klruad
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  • 1391 6 BY A 17-St. NEWSPAPER Mr. H. L. Hopkin's Address To Rotarians |V|ANY AMUSING anecdotes were recalled by Mr. H. L. Hopkin, Editor I*l of the Malaya Tribune, when he addressed Singapore Rotarians at their weekly tiffin yesterday on th? lighter side of journalism. The President,
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  • 589 6 Allegations Against Detective IN THE Third Magistrate's court yesterday, two Sikhs. Prem Singh and Jhanda Singh, were charged with offering a bribe of $15 cO Inspector Byrde. It is alleged that the bribe was offered m order to secure some consideration In the investigation of
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  • 189 6 Not Enough Time To Know The Law CAUTION IN CASE UNDER RUBBER ORDINANCE "I don't think the people concerned have had enough time yet to become acquainted with the new provision," declared Mr. N. Grice, the second magistrate, yesterday morning, when the second prosecution under the Rubber Restriction Ordinance came
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  • 249 6 Mr. A. L. Welling Fined For Traffic Offence "I have been driving a car for five years m Singapore and six years m Java, during which time I never had any trouble with the police: I have been In Penang scarcely more than six months and have been
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  • 168 6 Charge Of Possession Against Malay (From Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur. June 26. About two years ago. a pensioned j sub-inspector of detectives was told I that the occupant of a room m o coffeeshop m Batu Road possessed a revolver, so he made a journey to <
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  • 95 6 Miss Olive Ellen Wright, daughter of Mr. F. Wright, of the Prisons Department. Malacca, and Mr. James William Prescott. of the Prisons Department were married at Malacca on Saturday. The bride wore a dress ol white satin with long sleeves and a Queen Anne" collar and tiny puffs attached to
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  • 417 6 Singapore Police Have A Long Memory Chinese Gaoled For Robbery Committed Three Years Ago HOW HE was lured inLo a rubber plantation by robbers three years ago, bound wii:h rope and "relieved" of his purse containing $5, was related by a poultry hawker named Tay Peng Kee m the Criminal
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  • 82 6 Two Tamils. Tharmalingam and JSingaram. charged with committing culpable homicide not amounting t«i murder, were acquitted and dischare ed yesterday morning before Mr. Justice Gerahty. Because one of them was ill ai thi trial In March the case wao postponed The jury were absent only five minutes, and
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  • 427 6 Chinchew's Al le g e d Breach Of Tr ust COUNSEL ASSERT NO CRIMINAL INTENTION Pr oVei) pjRTHER EVIDENc I 1 led before Mr j M the third magistrate. It sedition having dosed I the remainder of W hearing yesterday v... taken I Mr. A. de Melio's 90-: to 'the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 "ARTHUR'S" BAR and RESTAURANT 11 COLLYER QUAY TABLE D'HOTE TIFFIN $i(Special Dishes $0.60) SPECIAL DINNER $1.50 from 7 p.m. to 1 1 p.m. i INFANT LE ECZEIT FOR THREEJVIONTHS Of Running Nature. Formed Dry Crusts. Cuticura Healed. "My baby suffered with infantile eczema for three months. It was caused through
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  • 142 7 U the answer of the upintss man to the question liminatc unnecessary over|uce costs, and thus increase thought how much extlled m owning or leasing Jfoim G down? mil all the time, rent, n ll being charged on v space. ;oini on whether there
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  • 1752 7 50 PER CENT. DI E BEFOR E AG E OF 35 Startling Mortality Figures rom Penang DR. SCHARFFS REVELATIONS THAT HE ..p en t the first few months of his career as an ""npassed cadet" m Malaya m Psnang, was revealed by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 212 7 fTANTON NELSON CO., LTD. (ollyer Quay, Singapore. A.r.D. 4. CAPITOL 6.15 AND 9.15. lie unm.i*kc3 \n I ag: l1 1 uo ltl fasped! 1f a till!.: c: Womankind ft^^ t, Creating, V B|S fvcnzj of his S' ;h: niijihtie t ol his areer A Z^^ /^^y^ SI r 1 LDIXQ
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    • 253 7 Si* comedy champiens taking .'^R^^S^l/ilf iTlT^J^yfT loom for a ride letting a new j j LA ST NICHT CHARUE RUGGLEb i MARY BOLAND j M W C FIELDS Id** AfcM ALISON SKIPWCKTH i •H^ W GEORGE BURNS i mm.,, -Smm GRACI£ ALLEN IN PARAMOIM S FUN P»;AST BVt^ j "SIX
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  • 461 8 The Singaporem Free Press THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1934 Naval Armaments TWO MOST important develop- ments concerning naval armaments have occurred during the last few days m connection with the discussions which are now taking place In London. The first is the intimation that France contemplates repudiating the Washington Treaty m
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  • 1082 8 Os I Was Saying The many people In Singapore who, will remember with a thrill of pleasure! the two occasions on which Dame Clara Butt has sung to them here will learn with very deep regret the news, re- i ceived by air mail yesterday, that the great singer is
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  • 274 8 Rao Sahib K. A. Mukundan, Agent of India, has returned to Kuala Lumpur. Mr. H. W. Cowling, of Gammon (Malaya) Ltd., has returned from his business trip to Sarawak. The following passengers travelling by Imperial Airways, Ltd., arrived at Singapore on Tuesday:— Mr. E. W. Bonar
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  • 910 8 Oiere a moment unless firmly held. For ten embarrassing. passionate I minutes he performed his rite of rapture. I am bound to add. as he allowed my diffidence no loophole of miscon- I struction. simple rapture m my presence ard person. Kef was thia due. as I was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 52 8 A PIGEON WENT DOWN THE CHIMNEY into Amersham Police Station. Other Pigeons walk sadly into the doors of Singapore Police Stations to report that they've been plucked. A GAFLAC BURGLARY POLICY pays the value of goods stolen from the home. GENERAL ACCIDENT, FIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. LTD. Hongkong Bank Chambers.
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  • 127 9 lEQUEST FOR MORE GUARDS Employees Killed And Kidnapped Habarovsk, June 8 to a report from Harbin stant chairman of the Board of Eastern Railway' Mr has sent a letter to the Mr. Li Shao-Keng. stating the coming of spring the ac■>i bandits have increased on the
    Tass  -  127 words
  • 42 9 London. June 27. >ers forecast that Government aid British shipping, to be m the House of Commons ly, will take the form of credit > build new ships provided old scrapped, the ratio to be for every new ship. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 588 9  - Coolies Shot Down In Cold Blood Sin Chew Jit Poh FOR TRYING TO LEAVE EMPLOYERS T.-> AUDI Shanghai. June 2 1 o COMPLETE their preparations for war against the Soviet and tc facilitate their immigration policy m Manchukuo, the Japanese Kwantung Command has placed the districts of Tunhua. Gehmu Nmg
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  • 188 9 Britain Only Country To Show A Decrease London. June ?.">. The First Lord of the Admiralty, referring to the necessity of havins an adequate navy for defence. In .1 speech near Worcester, said that daring the last eight years the United States had increased her navy by over
    British Wireless  -  188 words
  • 103 9 Paying Return Visit To England London, June 25. A party of Swedish Members of Parliament, who are paying a visit m return for that of British Members of Parliament who went to Sweden last year, were received at the Foreign Office today by Lord Stanhope. Foreign Under-Secretary. m
    British Wireless  -  103 words
  • 68 9 British North Borneo Co. Accounts (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 27. British North Borneo (Chartered) Co's total revenue for 1933 amounts to £294,681, compared with £292,899 the previous year. Expenditure shows a decline, from £254,787 to £233,764. After providing for general charges, the year's debit is reduced
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  • 343 9 PROPOSED LOAN OF $10,000,000 Money May Be Raised In Singapore A Free Press reporter learned yesterday from a well-known local "nines? that a movement is on ioot m Singapore to raise $10,000,000 to j organise a bank for the development .ot Southern Fukien. It is understood
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  • 207 9 Confidence In Currency Not To He Disturbed London, lane 25. Authoritative assurances are given that the Treasury, for the present at least, will issue new silver certificates only to an amount equal to the purchase price of silver which it acquires. *ays The Times' Washington c.oi respondent.
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 69 9 (From Our Own Correspondent j Medan. June 27. According to the Java Bode it is expected that the search for gold at Tapanull. Sumatra, will be extended. The preliminary results have been very satisfactory, but. of course, the date of starting work cannot be decided until the
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    • 57 9 London, June 27. Spot (Sellers* 6 13 16d. <6 13 16d.) (Buyers* 6 11 16 d. (6 11 16 d.) Oct-December 6 15 16d. <6 15 16d.) January-March 7 3 32d. (7 1 16 d.) Apr.-June 7» t d. <Unq.> Market Quiet. New York, June 27. July 13.80 <
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    • 25 9 London, June 27. Spot €225-10-0 (£225-15-0) 3 Months £225- 2-6 < £225-10-0) Market .—Steady. London, June 27. New York 5.04 < 5.027a > Paris 76 716 <W*d.\
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 109 9 THE BALLIOLS By Alec Waugh i Guild Selection for Juno 3ALLIOLS are an English family ol Individuals idividually and collectively v;Mcal ol England, typical rei!-to-d i English families i ye existed against the I ackground of this coon- I m the early days of the the present day. Price 9
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    • 47 9 Articles may be handed In for SPECIAL and EXPRESS LAUNDRY SERVICE Ory Cleaning Waterproofing Invisible wending undertaken. WEEK DAYS. HOURS 7 A.M.. 2 P.M. A 4-6 P.M. SATURDAYS. HOURS 7 A.M. 2 P.M. RECEIVING DEPOT SINGAPORE STEAM LAUNDRY LIMITED. 255 ORCHARD ROAD OPPOSITE COLD STORAGE 68. L
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  • 2599 10 TRADE AND COMMERCIAL I NT EL LIGENCE "The Buffer Tin Pool Is U nnecess^ry A*4 Undesirable MR. THOMAS REPLIES TO MR. HOWESOJN Industry Never Taken Into Confidence The 32nd annual general meeting of Tronoh Mines. Ltd.. was held on June 7 at the Institute of Chartered Account- ants. EC. Mr.
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  • 197 10 June 27. >fcLUNC London months' sight 2|4 11,64 London 3 montks' sight 2 4 5,32 London 60 days' sight 2 4 9,64 London 30 days' sight t&k Lionaon. demand 2,4 7|64 Lonaon. r.T. 2,4 3|32 Lyons and Paris, demand 886 Hamburg, demand 149 New YorK. demand 58% Batavia.
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  • 27 10 The committee of the Japanese Cotton Spinners' Association has decided to curtail yarn production from October to December by 18.8 per cent of capacity --Reuter.
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  • 141 10 THE TIN PRICE June 27. Singapore tin price <per oicul> $*****. June 27, 12 o'clock noon. j tfujera Seller* Gambler 400 Java Cube Hamburg Cube 7.25 Muntok White Pepper 33.50 White Pepper 32.00 Black Pepper 14-50 Copra, Sundrled 2.95 Copra, mixed 2.55 Small flake Tapioca 4.10 Small
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  • 79 10 During the week ending June 23. exports of tinned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 69.345 cases, of which 57.891 cases were to the United Kingdom. 1.793 cases to the Continent of Europe. 5.832 cases to Canada, and 3.829 cases elsewhere. Total exports for the period
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  • 1002 10 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. Buyers Sellers Amp..t T.n iii f> 4'jd 6s 9d lAsam Kumbant <*.> 37 6d 40* c.d Austral Malay \I 53s 52 6d Ayor Hitaivi Tin ife) 15s lb> cv A\er Weng tr 1 < 1.85 1.90 Banfrtn Tin i±) 34s 9d 35s 6d i
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  • 711 10 Lack Of Serif) An Obstacle To Dealings FRASER'S REPOK MESSRS. FRASER and AVI their report, dated June 26 s t a te Although the local share remains colourless and the vo of business m progress distressingly small, a slightly i tone seems to have developed
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  • 82 10 Chamber Of Commerce Rubber Association DAILY PRICES CURRENT June 27, 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers R.S.S. equal to London Std., Spot (loose) 22> 2 22 5 8 R.S.S. equal to London Std., (F. 0.8.) 223 4 227 8 Standard R.S.S. on Tender July-Sept 23 5 8 233 4 Oct.-Dec. 24*4
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  • 186 10 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held us I.l Both. auction yesterday when there was Catalogued 1.537.301 lbs 686.29 tons Offered 1.314,756 586.94 Sold 934.341 417.11 Spot. London 6 11 16 d New York 13 13 16 cts PRICES REALIZED Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb.
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  • 222 10 June !3. 25. ib. American Can. Com. 95 J 2 96 3 4 98 i American Telephone and Telegraph 114 3 8 113 5 8 114 Ateheson Railroad 57 1 2 57 3 8 60^ Dupont 89 3 e 83*2 90 r> 8 Firestone, Common 17» 2 16
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  • 144 11 Banishee From Singapore Gaoled When the steamship Kwongsai arrived m Hong Kong from Canton lust week, two women. Fung Man-ha and j'Chiu Pik-lin. members of an acting troupe, were robbed of framed photographs, valued at $20. The thief was caught m Lower Lascar Row. m the vicinity of
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  • 42 11 Japanese Operations In Formosa Hong Kong, June 26. Extensive air exercises are being carried out by the Japanese air forces at Formosa, whilo the land forces are having a general manoeuvre m the x: or them portion of the Island.
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  • 120 11 TABLE 111 SUMMARY < (m Thousands of Dollars* TRAnF GROSS EXPORTS GROSS TRADh GROSS IMPORTS Z. Ajr Pumulative Total Monthly Cumulative Total -=i T *~js_^jki s. _js ;k a 1( (2) (3> 9R4r| ***** 28,473 67,422 55,695 67,422 55.695 W 222 jjsS S^ "S t"o sjto. ggj
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 43 11 CREDIT-FONCIER DEXTREMEORIENT <tnco r po B r rt^ ln i 907) HEAD OrFICE: BRUSSELS RR INCHES MORTGAGE BANK agents. \senu f,,r li nloil of ParU |nsur Co. Ltd 3rd Fw rfc::^V EVER CHAMBERS: 3rd Floor. Tele. 2083. P.O. Box 134 H BARTON, Manager
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    • 523 11 ■*^t, $18[W<m A ,su,a,ce In fore, „c, »V- m Hie Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 'Incorporated m the Straits Bettleirientai HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewr? iC The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court ol England and complies with
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    • 447 11 CHARTERED BANE OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND (Hi>« (Incorporated ie England by Royal Char i «c Paid up capital m 600.00> shares of £5 eacb Reserve Fund £3.000.00* Reserve Liability c Proprietors d.OOC wm HEAD Mm 38. Blshopsgate, Londoi. IC l Agencies mot Braocbet Alor Star Ilollc iSaigoi. Amritsar Ipofc jSemaxaiit
      447 words

    • 936 12 SHIPS IN NAVAL BASE WA TERS Regulations To Be Observed In exercise of the powers vested m him by section 7 of the Naval Base Waters (Johore) Enactment. 1931 the Sultan m Council has confirmed the following Regulations made by the Officer m Charge Naval Base Waters. No person shall
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    • 117 12 Japanese Conference Announces Increase In anticipation of an improvement :n j the Sinn- Japanese trade negotiations. 20 Japanese and foreign shipping companies operating a service between Japan and Hong Kong, including the N.Y.K.. the 0.5.X.. the Kawasaki. t;:e Dollar, the States and tne Maersk Line, have formed a
      117 words
    • 88 12 Put On Shanghai Service The French passenger vessel Jean Laborde formerly on the MarseillesSaigon run. has been temporarily put! on the run to Shanghai and Japanese ports. Built m 1930 by the Society Provencale de Construction Navigation, La Ciotat, the Jean Laborde is owed by the Messageries
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 643 12 BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In F.M.S.) VKLEI'HONE Freight 5433 Passage 5431. Imperial Airways. *M.,*inc %gents for federated Malay States Railways. Ko\a! State Railways of Slam. (Incorporated In England). HOME VIA CHINA, JAPAN, HONOLULU CANADA. FOUR MAGNIFICENT "EMPRESSES/ COMPRISING THI LARGEST AND FASTEST STEAMERS ON THE PACIFIC FREQUENT SAILINGS FROM HONG
      643 words
    • 183 12 HENDERSON LINE SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS By Fortnightly Passenger Steamer Between Rangoon, Port Sudan, Marseilles, Palma and England HOMEWARD SAILINGS Port of Disembarkation Plymouth Leave Rangoon 1934. CHINDWIN July 14 KEMMENDINE July 28 BHAMO Aug 11 AMARAPOORA Aug 25 SAGAING Sept 8 BURMA Sept. 22 YOMA Oct. 6 PEGU Oct. 20
      183 words
    • 77 12 For everything appertaininc TO Travel. Banking Freight Apply to cooks WAGO^LIT^ [WOOLO TRAVfIL StR VIC tj 39, ROBINSON ROAD. Indiviilujl Attention Telephone 5908 STATE SHIPPING SERVICE I of Western Australia FREMANTLE (Via Port Swettenham, r\"iii* Palembang. Banjoewnn^i «nd H* Western Port* Hue Mi Singapore SinMlx"*T.s.m.v. Kangaroo July Fares Single £19.0.0.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 590 12 Local And Foreign Mail Despatches and Arrivals BY TRAIN Bangkok every Saturday 7 p.m. Thursday 7.30 a.m Kedah Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m Saturday 7 p.m Kuantan "via JerantuU Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. Saturday 7.30 a.m. 7 p.m. I Kelantan < via Gemas) every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
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    • 293 12 SINGAPORE j HARBOUR Ships ftfe&fvkfc the or expected to East Wharf (Bntrmncc t..u, i Cremer 22: KaUhi Main Wharf (lalnUMt Gate Haruna Maru. Touw 16: Bhutan 13; Sauerland v 9; Glenapp 7. Empire Dock (Kntiame G*fc Lossiebank 30; City ol H Suisang 35: Olaucui M Empire Dock (Entrance (.ate Karoa
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 390 13 P. O. S. N. COS SAILINGS. OUTWARDS uue Tnage Spore. v 3LRDWAN 6.070 July 5 RAWALPINDI n^S CARTHAGE 15.000 July 6 COMORIN AjK? o AUg 31 RANPURA 17.000 July 20 BHUTAN Sept 14 SOMALI 6.810 Aug. 1 RAJPUTANA i7*^ Cpt 27 15.000 Aug 3 CHi?RA^ A "SSSO %J" S MANTUA
      390 words
    • 489 13 Eller man Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m England) for nii; DB "ELLERMAN" LINE *OR HAVRE, LONDON, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Steamer -v_ City of Winnipeg Dto SaUl soi ssg-L- caiis S I r c c S Ssr fS. 5 55 ie 2 City of Bath (For Genoa. M'seilles. L'pool. Glasgow,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 854 14 X- P. m« 4OMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU CREMER Thursday, June 28. Hong Kong. Swatow and Amoy. TIDORE— Thursday, June 28, Selat-Pandjang. Bengkalis, Soengei-Pakning. Siak and Pakan-Baroe. REAEL— Thursday, June 28, Cheribon <not for passengers), Semarang, Sourabaya, Boeleleng, Ampenan. Padang-Bay, Benoa and Banjoewangi. OPHIR Friday, June 29, Muntok < passengers and mails
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    • 644 14 O. S. K. Line FOR AFKICA AND SOITH AMERICA tßio de Janeiro Buenos Aires via Colombo, Durban Maru Cape Town, Kio. Santos and Montevideo Liverpool Maru Mombasa. Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam L. Marques Durban, Algoa Bay, Capt ToWn< JUJV tAfrira Maru Buenos Aires via Colombo, Mombasa L Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Belra, L w
      644 words

  • 420 15 \r STRALIANS AT LORD'S A Brilliant Century By McCabe London, June 10. Australians won their match the Gentlemen by -jighi today, thanks to anochei innings by McCabe He century at the rate of a run hitting one six and 14 fours was his partner thxooglum* but the
    420 words
  • 57 15 team to represent the V.M.C.A. United Englineers on the '•A. ground at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 30, will be chosen from the ►wing: Lyne (capt.), S. D. Gauder, H. »n, R. p. Ridley, Alex Tan, S. i. G. Day, Lee Fong Lim, E Lee Kit Soon, Brooks, E.
    57 words
  • 105 15 Golf tiMnn Oml ly flXd f S ome S compettit on was^ played at the Garrison Golf SS X° n Tllesda y- T »e following were •the best returns.— Capt. J. B. Gurnhill and Mrs. Austin 45_i9i -vm Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Moss 43 g
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  • 72 15 The following were the best cards returned for the Ladies' June Medal Bogey* played over the second 9 holes at the Island Club on Tuesday: Mrs. C. A. R. Bateman <30» 1 down Mrs. R. J. Wilson »34» 2 Mrs. T. Leijssius <36> 2 Mrs. H.
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  • 210 15 Qualifying Play For British Open London. June 27. In the British Open Golf Champion- i ship qualifying play, competitors with scores of 152. or better, qualified for the final stages. The standard of foil was magnifi- j cent, the score for qualifying being the I lowesr m the
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  • 59 15 Padsjham Wins Professional Tournament At Leeds London, June 11. Alfred Padgham won a remarkable final m the £750 profession*^ tournament at Moortown Leeds, on Satur !at the 28th and Passed at the 30th I hut he got on terms at the 32nd, and ftnally led for the
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  • 247 15 Yachting raZe e t£ n Sunday the frfV a Cu P Presented by the Sal' £utC,f tte< The weather w «^ry ta JT£ C a arly and as Almsmen out t a o p sr m the start was ed BHiv rIX ladys and Ca
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  • 200 15 Surrey Defeat Dark Blues London June 26. Although Surrey scored 483 again t Oxford University at Kn- Oval to-d-xy wickets is most parts of the country were m fa of the bowlers and there were some good bowling flgur; s, :eturned. Details ot the matches are as follow
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  • 123 15 Notable Results In Men's Singles London. June 27. The attendance was 6.000 at Wimbledon yesterday when the sky was overcast. Notable results m the men's single were: Lott 'America* beat De Stelani < Italy. 3_6. 6—3. 6—4. 6—4. Austin (Britain* beat Denker 'Germany* 6—l, 6_i. 6—3. Crawford Australia
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  • 115 15 The following letter has been received by Borneo Motors Ltd., from Messrs. Riiey Ltd.. dated May 26: On Whit-Monday. Mr. Raymond Mays driving a 6/12 h.p. Riley Car, broke his own record (Class F> for the Mountain Lan at Brooklands. covering the distance m 55.2/5 seconds, an average speed ol
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  • 390 15 Cricket |Bostoek-Hull Does Well With Bat And Ball <From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 25. The Selangor Club easily defeated the Kampong II"-*itan Club yesterda. 1 on the Padang. Batting firsi the visitors scored 131 They lost ;heir first wicket before a run was scored but
    390 words
  • 239 15 Badminton Tie* For Saturday And Sunda> The quarter final ties m the Junior Singles of the Singapore Badminton j Championship tournament will be i played off at the S.V.C. Drill Hall on j Saturday at 2.30 p.m. The postponed ties ,m the Junior Doubles will be played off
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  • 131 15 Batavia Teams In Action The popularity of basket ball locally was shown when close on a thousand Singapore enthusiasts thronged the j illuminated sports ground ot the Great j World on Tuesday night to see the Batavia basket ball teams m action against Singapore's second best team The
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  • 55 15 Municipal Services Club Entries A new Padmore "Walter Lindrum' has been installed at Municipal Services Club, and is now ready lor use. Entries are now invited for the ping pong tournament. The list closes on July 15. Members desirin< to compete are requested to sign tneir
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  • 62 15 At the special general meeting of the Sunrise Badminton Party held on Sunday, at Mr. Tan Boon Swee's residence, the following were elected of-fice-bearers for the year 1934: President Mr. Lim Kian Huat, Secretary Mr. Chia Heng Eng, Treasurer Mr. Lim Choon Slew, Auditor Mr. Loh Committee members Messrs. Neo
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  • 59 15 Electric Check Of U.S. Low Hurdles Record Los Angeles, June 25. Hardin's time for the low hurdles at the National Collegiate meeting was electrically timed at 23.16 seconds, which is outside the world's record of 23 seconds. It is unlikely that Hardin's watch time of 22
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  • 347 15 MALAYAN CHAMPION DISAPPOINTS Spoils Even Chance In Last Round (From Our Own C::rrospc;ndrnr I Bangkok, June 33. The open golf championship oi Siam has been played for the fourth time and has ended m a win lor Tim. the best Siamese professional m the country, and.
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  • 152 15 Harry Mason British WelterWeight Champion hoxim; London. June 12. Harry Mason brought back the British welter-weight title and LonsdakBelt to London last night, when he defeated "Tiger" Smith of Birmingham, the holder of the championship on the latter being disqualified m the fourteenth round for an alleged low blow. Mason
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 948 16 i LUCKY NOT TO CONCEDE MORE GOALS Both Teams Display Poor Combination r 5 Malays 3. pOOTBALL form by the book is always liable to be upset, and it certainly was at Jalan Besar yesterday, when the Gunners defeated the
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  • 69 16 SCENES at the first Test match at Nottingham. On the left the crowd invading the pitch to welcome the victorious Australians conclusion of the match. In the centre the Australian players are seen rushing for souvenirs at the conclusion of the Test. (Tickets being
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  • 372 16 ABED WARDEN BEAT DAVIS HEWITT •THE OUTSTANDING match m yes- terday's ties In the Singapore tennis championships was the doubles contest between Abed and '.Varden and Davis and Hewitt. This match, going into three sets. 1 produced thrilling tennis. Abed and Warden emerging winners 6—4,
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  • 356 16 ONLY TEN MEN AGAINST THE POLICE Police 3: R.A.F 1. NOTWITHSTANDING THE fact A that the Police were pressing during most of the game and that the R.A.F. were deprived of the services of Stott. consequent to an injury to his right ankle, for ihe
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  • 242 16 Post Office Beaten In Dull Game Fort Canning:..2: Post Office..o. A DULL game was witnessed a I the S.H.B.J.S. Club ground at Cantonment Road yesterday when Fort Canning met and defeated the Post Office by two clear goals m a third division "B" fixture. The losers have
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  • 49 16 The S.R.C. Sports on Batttrda commence at 3.15 p.m. jharp bership badges need not be worn. I kind permission of the II Fairburn, Inspector-G. n. rii the Band of the S.S. Police .< direction of Mr. F. E Minns will re a programme oi music durii (h# meeting.
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  • 63 16 The following arc invit.d to p| the Public Works Depart* Club at cricket against th WUtshlres on Saturday at Tanglin at pjo Samson de Siiva. V Pooniall F Ayres. T. Sta Maria. J. V T Campbell G. Morgan Capt.». a. g Cool Ahin. A. Inglis. A. E. Johnson and Carlo
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  • Page 16 Advertisements