The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 June 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. rgNCBNtB SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1923. No. 10,907
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  • 214 1 A late telegram states that Town Guard, the Derby favourite, and Knockando both looked fit and well when they were boxed for Epsom vwterday morning Page 7. There iH keen expectation that Germany's new reparations offer will be delivertd this week Page 7. Belgium appears now to
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  • 1288 1 'These agricultural gentlemen," MJt Adrian Feve.el observed to Sir Austin, "are delicate customers to deal with"; and in fiction, at all events, farme. s have carried the English quality of stubborn insistence oi one's rights to very great lengths. Adnan Feverel had Farmer Blaize in mind when
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 Raffles Hotel. I SINGAPORE I Telephone 2920. (10 Lines). B 1 Ml Mr. Arshak Sarkies bas received a I m that his brother Mr. Aviet Sarkies I passed away suddenly at Paris. I Out of respect for the deceased, I ail engagements at our Establishments will cease till Tuesday the
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    • 335 1 BOOKS JUST RECEIVED. SPICER PEGLER'S Book-keeping Accounts u .oo SPICER PEGLER'S Practical Auditing n STRINGER. Pioneer Railway Engineering 876 HAVEL. Handbook of Indian Art. LEIGHTON. Complete Book of the Dog 7« r KEMPE'S Engineers Year Book 1923. 20W) WOOD. Illwtrated Natural History B ]4^ 70 Messrs. KELLY WALSH, Ltd. SINGAPORE.
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    • 209 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Dollar Directory Pace 5 Bolter'* for biica.tJ-Page 1 Vcn-Yusa for the skin Page 5 Oil engines, Boitjlo Co.— Page 6 Civil en#ii>eeringr, U. E's—Page 3 Estate supplies, Guthri.'s— Page 6 mS? House > family hotel— Page 1 M. fcackiel and Sons, opticians— Page 2 N_w books at Kelly
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 91 1 THE WEEK, Tuesday, 6t/i. High Water, 1.48 a.m., 8.24 p.m. P. and O. Homeward mail leaves. French Homeward mail leaves. Government House at Home. League II: Municipal vs. Middlesex, S.C.C. Leugue II: S.C.C. vs. Harlequins, S.R.C. Leapue II: Y.M.C.A. vs. R. E., S.C.P A. Drvms and Fifes, Gurdcns, 5.15 p.m.
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  • 302 2 Dr. PsmnntnTs Btatcmant. Now York, April 12. The Director of the Lick Ob. -i v.-n ry, Dr. W. W. Campbell, annovnc d yesterday thai the photographs of the eclipsed ■un ur.d ivi lurrounding u iken by thej V.ulixl Expedition, An tralia, on Sop emc 21 la^c, eonfirm
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  • 131 2 What il the ltfbt!e element of personality' which decrees that one man shall bo known only by bis initials and another by his fall HM»#! It Wftl the fate of S f Alph.u^ < Wophas Mo ton o be d^cribod a i ways by m style, anj never— or hardly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 IO LKT OR FOH SALE. r I<C KC.< I V WN S, ae wiy erecUd arrs from k J,OOO 50,000 aq. ft. fa.:; river LAKuF, BTOUt from 6.000 W 24,00^ »q. ft. wharf and shipping. .h fee storied bu'.ratags for offices and codo-wn.H. Centrally liUiated AH fuuns#atc entry, going cheap
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    • 492 2 c^ 3ff rjy JJ irr^Wi Mj m <•■■•" A M I T^W gw**J rm"» Ist show at 7.30 sharp. KASTERN vs. WESTERN LOVE. Blazing secret serial q the forbidden city Kpisodea 1, 2, and 3in seven Reels starring Norm* Talmadge." 9mA o k^,,. ..f o >n sOn5 On J of
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    • 410 2 Our Nox. ChM* IMr, Irt „g. A* IX THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 p M M v TOPICAL BUDGET British Screwi N*m%, TBD (KID) LEWIS r. ROLAND loiM) For the Middle Weight Champi, -.>}..,, of r IVoforicd Pictures P^ent Ho Rich Men s Wives In 7 PARTS. Art tiny to
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  • 588 3 PHASES ft CO., EXCHANGE AND S'ifAßi; BROKERS. MONDAY, JUNE 4th. M ININ G. (.I '"i^uivs in brackets show the issue valu« of the Share in dollars unless otherwiat iv.'u-k. r :ini ,i iv> v vqua i s e, div j i.nta Pa dang Tin 47% 5-1 HiUm
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  • 128 3 At our Bcrfptane rxjimlnation (writes the mistress of a lar^e Northern t]o:nentary f/chool) the inspector was dolighttxl with tbtt keenness and knowledge of our children. •'Now tell me what the scoffers said when the Apostles spok* to the p.£<ople in the ditfeniit languages," ho asked. Thvre was
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  • 65 3 London, May 19. H. M. the King, accompanied by H. M. the Qu*en, Princess Mary, and the Duke of Connaught, reviewed 8,500 troops at Laffan's Plain. After the inspection, the whole, including armoured cars and tanks, marched past to the music of massed bands, concluding with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 2512 4 th, will be h ter Institution. and a on Sth June, 1H23 thi touml stoni of the present i■ u i and •■;■>' laid the Sir 1 SI iford Rafifli s. i i has had i centurj of „;i.-. t tunes, period- of comparative prospei i alternating
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  • 93 4 A pretty young- Parisfcnne in too »trik- ing Pharaoh gmrn, "created" in th* Rue do la I'aix, complfU.!y blocked the traffic in one Of the principal streets of Geneva. The botu(:ful dtvss was "cj.npssed" in about a dozen fflaiinp colours, and as nothing: like it had ever been sevn in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 843 4 My Debt of Gratitvide. jj^^^^jp^a- Ulcers the Size of Man's Hand.' <?sB&R<o*^^ '^k Our Portra.t ia of Mr. G. M. THOMPSON, of 4. Midland Grove JESSsT ft Edward Ro*d. Balm.ll He*th. B.rmmgham, England, who write-. $SmJ£F j£ -J^JLt t*. J v laft I happened to tJet a Blood Mixture and
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    • 146 4 Remember !Wincarni sil «PO*it"e necessity iQy^ lf you are Weak, Anamic, j Nervous Run-dowr, i Wincrni is not IS a positive who m v: a Nervous, i Because Ur extraon! bpg to* si Vitality. And this is 18 a Tonic, a builder and Me, all in one. Thus it yoa
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  • 1112 5 THK STATE OF THE COUNTRY. (From Our Own Corresponueiii). Dublin, May 7. U ifl a matter for congratulation that ►UP.J .nere is an improvement in th* state of the country and though the bandit and o, :!;uv V,. not yet Itten suppressed .there: goo.i i-.a.^.r to belieW
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  • 150 5 At this time of the year many m nor cup competitions are decided, and a referee who took charge of a final tie up North now keenly sympathises with the efforts of the F. A. authorities to euppresa unnecessary demonstration^ such as shaking 1 hands all round with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 539 5 TO LET. T -Office in Raffles Quay facing the >nt view f t> Harbour and Ma n {br<>e floors total area about 6,000 sh.rF lDir Ken t (at less than half the usual) m-nsem. Immediate Entry. |Wr Apply POWELL CO., LTD. 1,5 and 17 Raffles Place. u.c. fiA IFI in*
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    • 787 5 TENDERS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. vni.6, for the following works: o'fo™* 1 118 Kandan Kerbau Hospital WarS™ OpWation Th a re «nd Maternity 2 General repairs, pointing and eflaurwashmr to th* Now H ridge Road PoTice Station and Barrackß; 3. Conversion of Block "F" in the Male Lunat.c Asylum into a Reoemng
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    • 543 5 NOTICES, Dollar Directory i 1923-4 Issue. A popular publication at a popular price. Used in every office, home and institution. S2 Post Free. i Dollar Directory Company. I Dun Lop House, ROBINSON ROAD. HUP CARS FOR HIRE DAY AND NIGHT Also accommodation for cars. phone 2338 RATNE MOTOR TOURING Co.!
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    • 601 5 I 14 Battery Road, 0/ r THIS long established firm has f or many years enjoyed an enviable reputation for supplying everything o f the best. An important London syndicate h as taken over the business and with the retention of the entire staff you may safely entrust us with
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  • 46 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Ii Mr. Aiohak Sarkies desires to express his i sinceiv.- thanks to all his I'riend.s in Singapore, F. M. S. and Pcnang for their kind "xpressiona I of sympathy on his bereave men t by th« death j of- his brother Aviet Sarkies.
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  • 695 6 SINGAPORE FREE FRESS TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1923. The Law's Chief Safeguard. The mail from Home brings out the full judgment of the Court of Appeal, in the case of Art O'Brien. He wa& one of the men arrested in March in London and sent to Ireland to be held in
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  • 480 6 The Bard of Hope will meet at the V. VV. C. A. on Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m. The Chief Justic*, Sir Walter Shaw, and Mi*. Justice Barret* -Lennard will sit as a Court of Appeal in Johore to-day. For the repose of the soul of the late Mr J. L.
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  • 243 6 OBITUARY. (From Our Own CorresporuieiTt. Kuala Lumpur, Juur 4. The death occurred in hospital suddenly of Mr. Robert Huson, late Captain in the Indian Army, who came to Malay* in December. He. leaves a widow. Ho was buri«d yesterday, and his; coffin, which was covered wtih the Union
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  • 315 6 Jt is known that the Children's Concerts BtC becoming- very popular among the younger generation of our city, and proof of this was se«-*n yesterday afternoon, the occasion of the .second concert of 1923. Doors were timed to b;. 1 opened at 4.40 p.m. Ithe concert commencing- at
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  • 239 6 Wo i;ve in rapid times. The last batch of Bangkok papers delivered yesterday momingr, took seven days to come down. Mr. E. A. Dickson, District Officer, Kinta, will be Joavinp on i ong: leave to Eng lan<J m July. Mr Dickscm has won the esteem of the public during: his
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  • 412 6 reiwrrtt nwM KN( v^ u n ii« B>a*ttlMtk refotcn, t. I!. Ko,k. w11 Knrlaad robb. •■•™>- l:iin: <■. nthtrii 01 t0,., I' the |a t| tvibuu to th ablest lawy r« citisens. The Chid Jus! aceonpani d B Bi rrett-L flh ar Kr U.lham M.
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  • 145 6 A Govern m.n' Gax tte Extn issued yesterday, eontaint, beside* Birthday Honours 1/?*, the folio*:; I of additions to the Cmtm Peatf- 1 For the Settlement »t Singapore, IJ Arthur Cecil Hv V.istn Jackion i Sze Onn. Hen PM K-.iT. Tan Chenp i* I Tan
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  • 26 6 Singapore D«Wi the M The news thaf l^i^t. thfc Derby favour.' l J with ticket No. *****,J»" Mr. b. Myi-. pij^ Simon* and Co..
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 I I COATES' I t4i ■^Wb Plymouth p^S The Navy s Choice. CAID3ECK, MAGGREGOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Shanghai). Office, 45 Robinson Road. Telephone 228. I PATRONISED B1 ROYALTY NEW AND FINEST PATTERNS IN ENGAGEMENT RINGS SET WITH DIAMONDS AND WITH GEMS IN PLATINUM AND GOLD SETTINGS Prices Suitable for
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    • 141 6 r-i] Fairbanks- Morse "Y" OIL ENGINES 1 O h.p. to 200 h.p. Thankful that they Installed a "Y" i Engine. have not had a panicle of Iroub-'e with it. After starting it in the moimnjg v. edjtrit the lubricating oil mh! cooling \v:u v and haroly ever go down to
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  • 259 7 fKNTKCTATIONS. mi ATMOSPHERE. rs Service] London. Juae S. \pi-ctation that Germ offer will be deliThi industrial magnate* ,1 the ClWll OovernOf their asset* as a payatnti to the AlHes. u"! by condition*, miliHWilH of rariiMffvieM, the abolition ■ad an ei^ht hour \,l (troßff opposition irho viv maud that
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  • 249 7 London, Junr 4. r»hiiy Telegraph, writl| l«tt mjrht, :>ay.s that the case I more serious than was > consequent on the work was subject^ yeaterday lornm* ru Mat -*f mischief i» in the ,-r. Newmarket, June 4. *\ourit(\ Town Guard, and companion, Knockando, were on ing for
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  • 429 7 CHINA'S HOPES. TOUCHING HONGKONG. [Reuter's Service] London, Jane 3. Mr. Chau Hsin Chu, shaking" at the League of Nations Opium Commission on May 29. oppose^ the request of the Hongkong Government for ton more chests of Indian opium monthly. He said if the Hongkong Government wanted to
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  • 335 7 New York, June 4. The "Wets" in Wisconsin and other states are planning to introduce similar action to that taken in New York State, repealing the prohibition enforcement. Washington admits that the Government is faced with a huge task by the withdrawal of statp enforcement. Officers and
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  • 1547 7 THE ADMIRALS ARGUE IT OUT. THE NEW NAVAL SUPER-BASE AT SINGAPORE. (From the Weekly Despatch.) Considerable controversy has been stirred by the decision, ratified by the House of Commons durng the week by 2b3 Vtttl IB 'J4, to make Singapore a great base for cur Navy in the Far East
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  • 129 7 The first annual meeting of the. Corporation will be held on June 20th at Kuala Lumpur, at 10.45 am. A long agenda has been prepared which includes election of chairman and vice-chairman (Messrs Brice and J. W. Campbell are nominated for the former and Mr. Campbell and Mr. GawLor
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  • 21 7 A collection of examples of Siamese art has been placed on exhibition in the Garnuschi Museum, in the Pare Monceau, Paris.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 608 8 BLUE FUNNEL LINE Regular Service to lONDON, AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM, ANTWERP, HAMBURG AND BREMEN, GENOA, MARSEILLES, LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. MARSEILLES. HAVRE, LIVEI.rOOL AND GLASGOW. BOSTON AND NEW YORK. Taking eargo on through Bill of Lading for all Overland Pointa. HOMII/WAKDb. AIITOMEDON London, Rotterdam an d Antwerp In port ELPKNOR Marseilles, Havre,
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    • 608 8 ELLERMAN ft BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP C«.. Ltd. ilncorportied is Ei^laud) PASSENGER SERVICE B\«smer OUIWAKD. 0«« 81»r«r-r«. fa.s. CITY OF MANCHESTER China— Japan In port fs.a. CITY OF KARACHI China— Japan Oct. 5 ♦a.s. CITY OF PARIS China-Japan Nov. lfl •s.s. CITY OF CANTERBURY Clina— Japan Dec. 27 HOMEWARD. tss. CITY OF
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    • 518 8 P BRITISH INDIA and APCAR UNEs (Incorporated in England) IL, PASSENGER CARGO SFRv iR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVKMTI >ON FAR EAST MAIL SBRVICI <(K r Contract with His Majesty'i Govennu.m from LONDON. HOMFW a and Japan. m MameQWn T<>nnap«'. Singapore, MALWA ll,0(J0 June 10 NYANZ4 lK Sn g»PoN KHIVA 9.000 Juno
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 479 9 the Ocean Steam Ship Company, limited, the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. 11 AND Fllerman BucknaU Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated i»- England.) ST 1O BOSTON AND NEW YOU via SUEZ OK PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK. Dn« S'por« Route ffc, June 23 buea Philippire and China.
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    • 487 9 ADMIRAL LINE (Incorporated in U.S.A.) FAST PASSENGER SERVICE 1W DAYS— HONGKONG TO AMERICA. Steamer. Sails Hongkong. Arrives Seattle. PRESIDENT JACKSON June 15 July 4 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON Junt 27 July 16 PRESIDENT GRANT July 9 July 28 PRESIDENT MADISON Juiy 21 Aug. S) PRESIDENT MCKINLEY Aog. 2 Au». 21 And every
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    • 289 9 ■W V IT LONDON LINB. Haruna Maru June 12 Kamo Maru June 26 LIVERPOOL LINH. TataOM Maru June 26 Tottori Maru mid. July HAMBURG LINB. Dakar Mam June 20 Tsurupa Maru mid July NEW YORK LINE via SUEZ SOUTH AMERICAN LINE. Kawachi Maru end June Kamakura Mr-ru Aug. 5 BOMBAY
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    • 615 9 ISTHMIAN LINE Arriving from America via Panama and Loading for BOSTON. NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE VIA SUEZ DISSCT. ANNJSTON CITY due Bingtpore June 28 FAIKFIEL!) CITY dIM Singapore July 28 STEEL TRAVELER duo Singapore Aug. 28 Taking cargo on Lhioiign Bills of Lading to all Inland Point* For freight and
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  • 72 10 The Ipoh, formerly in charge of the late Capt Hunter, arrived yesterday from Penang under Capt. Strachan. The M. M. Homeward Mail s.s. Amboise is due here from Saigon to-day at daylight. She will leave at noon for Penang, Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said and Marseilles. The special arrangements
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  • 725 10 FEET, HANDS AND HEADS. Professor Sir Arthur Keith, continuing his series of lectures on the mechanism of evolution at the Royal Institution, drew a striking parallel between the methods of Nature and those of the fashionable dressmaker. Tn the fashion world, he said, it was a commonplace
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  • 72 10 Th« French population statistics for 1922 show a net decrease as compared with 1921 says a Renter Paris message. The children born aliv<© in 1922 totaled 759,846, as compared with 813,396 in 1921. Still-born children numbered 34,854, as compared with 37,809. Tho deaths were 689,257 as compared with
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  • 80 10 In honour of his appointment as the Eurasian representative on the Municipal Commission, the Eurasian community of PaZVT^ o Ut in fuU force the Par ,«h Hall on Saturday evening to congratulate Dr. J. Emile Smith on his appointment, to show publicly their appreciation of him, their satisfaction that the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 225 10 UNDERWOOD Improved PORTABLE Model WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Sole Agents: PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE, PENANG. KUALA LUMPUR. BOORD SON, london I UpKN DISTILLERS jj "^^^m SINCE 1744. Look for the "C4F and BARREL" 1 Trade Mark when Ordering:- I Cordial Old Tom Gin, London Dry Gin. I
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    • 343 10 "Great Auk's Head 11 fl| _^VHfeHi <jr .^^^^^BHL" -xi SOLE IMPORTERS The Borneo Company, Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Singapore-Ipoh-Penang. THE MARK OF GOOD OIL MNH 81. CIOL 1 lun VSBKrb r in KEROSENE K«l! BRILLIANT ECONOMICAL Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S. S.) Ltd. (Ue*r»orat«4 Im p»g **ni NORDDEIITSCHER HOW ANii UAMBURG-AMERIRA
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 641 10 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Kongko!,£\ Amoy and Swatow Seang Be- 8 a.m. Kenmon Fook Mow •> a.m. Sourabaya and Bamjjermaain Ban Ho Guan 9 a.m. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe and Yokohama Emil Kirdorf 10 a.m. Port Swettenham and Medan Mata Hari 11 a.m. Penang, Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said, Marseilles, Europe, etc., Amboise
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  • 49 11 June 4. Hank i pus. 2 J r>-; »2 Hongkong, demand 4 j>.c. Prem. Yokohama, demaml 109V_» Sovereign, Bank Buying 8.54 Bink of England Rate 3 p.c. Bar Silver London 91% Milan. May ITUi. Kxchanfri' <>n London UftM 95.25 pir Italian Wni- Loan 5 per cent Lires 89.10.
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  • 142 11 Tin 50 Tons $99.00 Ciambior Cube No. 1 24.00 Gambier 12.00 Pepper Black 14.00 Pepper (white fair) 22.00 Tapioca, naaU flake f.*r. 10.00 Pearl Ssigo small 7.00 Copra 10.25 Copra Sumhied 10.75 Opium, Benares unc. 4,000 Rice, Rangoon white 2l»0.00 Ricr, Birm No. 1 for expoit 281.00 Rice, Siani
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  • 38 11 Singapore, June 4, 12 noon. Sinp-apore Standard Ribbed Smoked j Sheet. Spot 52 52 l i; Juno 62 H S3, JulySept 54 54%; Oct-Dec 55% 56 London, quotation sheet Is 2%4L Market Steady.:
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  • 184 11 Not least of the SQCC4MM of synthetic; chemistry is artificial leather, which has been developed to great perfection, and has been made to supply tho em-rmous demand j for automobile upholstory material that natural leather could not meet. Oliver Kemp, in Export (Now York), notes that the breaking
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  • 214 11 Provincial Paper Mills at Port Arthur will €T«Ct $1,000,000 soda pulp mill in 1924. The soda mill i.s for the purpose of making woodpulp out of poplar. This pulp i* used almost .entirely in thr* manufacture of light bulky book papers^ or what if known as feat her- weight. Some
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  • 95 11 ERASER'S REPORT. Singapore, .Juik KlWht.— lg. 2%d. Tin £U»7 tons sold at |99. Tin. South Tsipwgs 1 L.06, North Taipiiitrs I.22 'is 1.27 Vk, batmng Padangi 4', Vs 56, Liniru s L25 \.l'K HHam Tina 1.37V- L4f%, Bahman Hyds l'.»:»>> 20.50, Kinta Associations >.l'/ >.?»"». Kubbers.— Basset
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  • 99 11 Singapore, June 4. Ruf;bir. London Is. 2^d. Local 52. Tin. London, Jun.:- 2nd. Jtli>7 ss. Local |99 (50 tons sold). Tins.— Taipingt S7'^ 92%, Northi U22H l27Vu, Souths 97% 1702%. Rawmngi 1 .20 i.25. Nawng- Pets 1.22% 1.27%, I*'u Piahi 1.52^ I^T%, Tongkah Ilaibours 1050 11. Lin^uis 4.20
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  • 129 11 Singapore, June 1. Tin. £197 ss. $99 (50 tons sold). Uubber.— ls. 2%d. Rubbers. Xew B togas 52 1 87% Indiapiris 4.75 5.05, Kcmpas 4.40 4.60, Malakolfs. 3 3.15, Malaka Pindas 1.47> 2 1.52% Ulu i Ba nuts 29 32, Katoyang Bahrus 95 1.05, Mentakabs 24
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  • 186 11 Emigration l>angvr. At the dinner of the London Corniah Association, htJd at the II ►Id (Veil, Sir Humphrey Davy Rolleston, who presided, referred to the distress eiMld by the slump in the lii. industry, and expressed gratifi ation at th© more r.oc^nt signs of revival. H
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  • 140 11 a. For the purpose of makinu u>«' of a I portion of tha larg<e quantity of flax straw resulting from the i!ax*eed crop, the Canadian Insulation Company, at their factory at Selkirk, has commenced the manufacture of upholstering tow. The uvw pro< breaks thc^ woody part of thw ilnm from
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 348 11 i over $5,000,000. a I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE OmmlJSmr (Incoi orated ta strait Settlements) I 2* U HVE PLANS OP ASSURANCE '«*»SR ACEN^WAN^O Secretary Manaffins Director A Actuary G, C.KNOX. HORACE W. RAFEE. C. C. NICHOLL, F.1.A., F.F.A. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. rated in England) v ished in
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    • 400 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid up Capita! in «00,000 shares £5 «aca £3,000,000 Reserve Fund 3,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors mm -,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 38 Bishopagate, London, E. C Agenciea and Branches. Alor Star Honffkon* Puktt Amntsar Hollo Rangoon Bangkok Tpoh
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    • 815 11 YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED, ESTABLISHED 1880. 77 Y 100 000 '000 CBe e F "*d Y. 69,000,000 v President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, Eiq DIRECTORS. I. Matsukata. Esq. HEAD OFFICE YOKOHAMA. Singapore Branch 31-A Chulia Street. BRANCHES. Kombay Los Anpele.^ Seattle Buenos Airos Lyons Shanchai S- pu Uauen
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    • 46 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated i» England by Royal Charter A. D. 1720.) FBBE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives*— Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. WEARE Co., Ltd Messrs. HARRISONS, BARKER Co., Ltd Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 1146 12 ACCUSED'S STORY. The case against Capt. R. H. Whippey, for alleged cheating of John Little and Company, was continued in the Third Police Court before Mr. Gourlay yesterday morning. Th^ accused was not legally represented. Mr. Hester, of John Little and Company's Tailoring Department, went into the
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  • 184 12 Iskander Club Win First Game for Lady Guillemard Cups. Th« first match in the competition for the Cups presented by Lady Guillemard took place at Balestier yesterday evening between the Iskander Club and the Singapore Lions, a team compos-ed of members of thJ-* Singapore Polo Club. The Perak side
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  • 312 12 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Ladies Singles Championship. Mi.-. Cantrell beat Miss Andrew 6 l, 6-1. Mixed Doubles "A" las*. lln. Brooke and Mr. Hopkins, scr. beat Miss Thompson and Col. Thompson owe 15.2 6—3, 6—5. TO-DAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles "A" Class. Miss E. Brooke and Mr. Thoroutfood,
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  • 773 12 CENTENARY ATHLETIC SPORTS. The Centenary Athletic Sports of Raffles Institution were held before an exceptionally large gathering of spectators on the School Ground yesterday afternoon. There were many ladies and gentlemen present, including Mrs Lee Choon Guan, M. B. E., who, at the conclusion of the afternoon's proceedings,
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  • 115 12 London, May 22. Prince George signalise^ his clebut as a frotbaUer by scoring three goals for an •H a 4 cur team against a scratch team of CVrinthians on Saturday. The critics speak well of his abilities as a forward. ,^> The many friends rf Mr.
    Straits Echo  -  115 words
    • 499 12 COLLAPSE OF PERAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 4. Continuing their innings to-day Perak, whose total at the close of play on Saturday was 71 for nine wickets, were all out for 78. Penang's second innings produced 127 for nine wickets, when the closure was applied, Hamilton
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    • 38 12 (From Our Own CoiTesponderrt.) KuaLi Lumpur, June 4. In the cricket match at Seremban, Negri Sembilan obtained 111 runs, and Selansoi 240 for eight. Gr»jen made 128 not out. Rain stopped the play.
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    • 107 12 The result of the two-ball foursome nvitch between Married and Sinfl*> p'ayec on Sunday morning, 3d June, was a wir for Single. The following are th? details Mj rried being givm first: Montgomery and Mair 0 Jones anc Campbell I^4. Burron and Hurt 0 Fortune and Bisset
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    • 55 12 FOOTBALL— LFAGUE 11. The following wi'l play for the Y. M. C A. against the R. Es. to-day on the S. C F. A. ground Ibrahim bin Eunos; J. S Sdladurai, H. C Mills; C. D. Smith, C. A .Norris, A. Kim; R. Dorasamy, C E. Smith Peck Liang, Mohd.
      55 words
    • 33 12 The Men's Monthly Medal (Bogey) will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, Jun« 9 ftid 10. The Lade* Monthly Medal (Bogey) will be played 'or on Thursday, Juno 14.
      33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 184 12 "H.MT'^g^ Record GRAMOPHONES HAVE PROVED THEIR SUPERIORITY \v h RECOGNISED THE STANDARD OF THEwTtoH} 1 LET US DEMONSTRATE THIS S. MOUTRiE~& CO., LTD (INCORPORATED IN HONGKONG^ SING APORE NOW IN STOCK Anhydrous Ammonia Pure Ammonia Gas Liquid Ammonia IN IRON DRUMS. McAlister Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) BUY
      184 words