The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 26 April 1922

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 16 1 Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. m\ CENTS SINGAPORE, S.S., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1922. NO. 10,509.
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  • 144 1 (•enoa is still striving to get commonsense out of the Soviet delegates 4uit the Committee was closed down in despair Page 7. A good many hopes and fears are expressed, from the French and the British side. The Italians are doing their best Page 7. Luckily French
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  • 1004 1 i It was imperative that the trip dowa the river should be made by prau was not that the chief item on the programme At the outset, however, the project was beset with difficulties. Each Malay in the little village when questioned bad some fresh objection
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 160 1 MALTHOID RAFFLES HOTEL. j Ita Dansant, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. fTEDXESDA- Orchestral Concert, 9.45 p.m. THURSDAY Cuest Night, Dinner and Dancinjr. FRIDA. Special Luncheon; Impromptu Dance, SATURDAY, Guest Nijrht. Dinner and Dancing, j will have prior Claim to seats in the Ball Room. nj: Dress essential for Dancing. I
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    • 332 1 stste(xprks CIGARETTES f. .r cu-v f^* I < __»s DIFFER? N! FROM AIL OTHERS OBTAINABLE. Sola Manufactur.; s ARDMH TOBACCO CO.. LTD.. LONDON THE EUROPE HOTEL. I DANCINC AFTER DINNER. EV. RY Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. TEA DANCES. Tuesdays and Thursdays. ihe Hotel Orchestra under th« tl rection of Mr
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    • 137 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. English Electric Co. for industrial motors Page 10. Maaaon Viblette last two day« of sale Pa -e G. Municipality .ell boilers Page -V rhree can for sale Page 5. Ship notices re Montoro and Lorestan Page 10. Supply of lump coral wanted Page .">. (Vaigielea meeting postponed Page
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    • 1 1 ©sSEfeea:
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 114 1 THE WEEK Weduemimg. 26fA. High Water, 10.07 am., 10.10 p.m. Poio: Balestier. Tanglin Club at Home,> p.m. Thursday, 2~th. High Water, 10.42 am 10.36 p.m. HoaMward Mail closer. Friimg. tSik. High Water, U.l_ am, IM p.m. H. E. the Governor leaves for Home. Rubber Producer. Assn., Mtg., noon. Bulan
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  • 125 2 The following message erai received in Hongkong from H R. H. the Prince of H. M. s. "Renown." Saturday, 5.35 p.m. To H E. ths Governor, T am sailing from Hongkong with great ■fcgiet after an all tOb short stay snd >*ouM a-k your Excellency to
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  • 164 2 Plans for tht* Future. Thf return to England will be the sigaal for a brilliant revival of social life ia Lon*l< and Chesterfield House will bs reminiseent of the famous Marlborough House mt Queen Victoria's time. The Princess intends to realise oiu- i f the fondest ambitions "Of
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  • 129 2 Earl Winterto», who now becomes Under Secretary for India, fought his first election when he was Viscount Tumour, and only six months on the right side of twentyone. There was plenty of his characteristic exuberance about the contest, and an earlydisplay of the sense of
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  • 138 2 Lmidon. Match 17th.— The German at -ea appears to be making himself unpopular wherever he goes. The British and Norwegian customs authorities have al ready expressed themselves very strongly on the manner in which every German sailor has to be suspecteVl of smuggling. The Danes now have
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  • 91 2 Dundee kiddies have evidently a different idea of a policeman than their parents were wont to instil into them with the threat: If you don't behave I'll get a policeman." A little mite approached one of the men in blue in a Dundee street the other day,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 TO LET OR FOR SALE. LARGE COI'OWNS, newly erected area from 10,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. facing river. LARGE STORES from 6,000 to 24,000 so;, ft. near wharf and shipping. 1 Also three storied buildings for offices and godowns. Centrally situated. All immediate entry, going cheap. Apply or write to
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    • 454 2 \w e_K ___s_ __n_>_ I P_f *m D/ iffj -S* ~jr~ _^.^r* ~|p~0 BW awtfk Ist SHOW AT 7.30 SHARP THE "SCREAMING SHADOW" SERIAL Episodes Five, Six and Seven. Six New Reels. Continued Next Tuesday. 2nd SHOW AT 9.15 p.m. FINAL OF "SON OF TARZAN" SERIAL EPISODES 15 LAST 2
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    • 328 2 ALHAMBRA From SUNDAY, April 23, to FRIDAY, April 28, A THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINING PROGRAMME OF HUMOROUS A ESTING PICTURES including A HILARIOUS GOLDWYN PRODUCTION TOM MOORE in a story with a fine plot in which numorcus situations predon most erjjoyable HOLD YOUR HORSBi One of those pictures that delight and entertain
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 For Reconstruction fl after Illness I p no are run-down, unier-weight for those whose 5^ needs s rest, but who at the sam? tim; need building F_s 'mXml presents the potent body-building, flesh-forming, jj^f restoring elements of pure cow's milk in a form in which \g l>e entirely assimilated without
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  • 679 4 Outrage ia India. I Calcutta, April sth. The Punjab mail v. as wrecked while travelling at 50 miles an hour, between As.r.ol and Mahupur, yesterda) morning. A dastardly outrage by East Indian Railway strikers is suspected. At a spot where trains invariably travel ai their speediest fish
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  • 122 4 Speaking at Greyatanea, New South Wales. Mr. Molesworh. M.L.A., said but for the advent of the Labour Government two years ago democratic New South* Wa*es would have been inflicted with the old world fad of hereditary titles. On Mr. Storey taking over the Premiership he found that
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  • 57 4 The following programme of music will b^ played by Raffles Orchestra on Wednesday the 26th at 9.45 p.m. under the direction of Mr. F. A. Cooke. Overture II Tancredi Rossini. Entr'acte Loin du Bal Gillet. Czardas Waria Michaels. Fantaisie La Boheme Puccini. Morceau La Tango du Reve Sterling. Finale The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 961 4 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE By Order of the Supreme Court, Johore Ba!tr_ Miscellaneous Suit No 52 of l!»Jl. The Oversea Chinese Bank Ltd. o Chargeee against Ng Hian Guek, Yap Yeow Teck and Low Ban Seng Chargors The Undersigned have been fa\oured with instructions to sell by public auction at their
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    • 827 4 I TITAN /f§| OJlilYlJlilN 9 Awarded Diploma M. E. HIM, LP TO 172 BEFORE BLYISG OHEIt CEMEST. Telegrama: AURELY. Sole Importers for S.S.. F.M.S., and N [_dj *9***************^^ It is not to be expected that he AUCTION SALE OF should talk as well as VOU or I, but Stock-in-trade of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 356 5 •Hi i i ryr^.N MUST S-ziil ord< r to work both head :md *1 tne i mjrni .ci.out VOL i u M.C. "'I I m "^jtT LWi'. pound hou Road 1 reluk K In entry tibrarj I D n Kutoni a fans Appl; H on I room: t§-4 i) L__T.
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    • 549 5 I FOR SALE Mi MCIPAUY. OF SINGAPORE. 1 Sale Two M Herse-PeWer Babceeh mm Wikex Boilers, IM soaad. >re_*_r«, eomplet 1 ,lu f <» Incinerator. I1( ,v i irther intern tios sad Parsss sf Tends ">" ■ualdpal Saperin tendent of Msekinery, Pumpiag SuJon M; K l: te-der., on th, prweribe,
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    • 1347 5 AUCTION SALE OF NOTICES. AUCTION SALE OF CRAIGULLBA PLANTATIONS, LIMITBD «>'• Mow "COMMONWEALTH" (-soatot .Motor «ar, in good running order Meeting o> l mditort of the shove Compan 1 lo b< n i'l<l called for Saturday, ffth April Lfff at.lo.:?i v Ai our Sale- Rooms, 1<; and 17 Raffles Place
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    • 551 5 w v B*4_ Ii 1 1 T* Fm. __S £0 _^l ■'■'svg&£ <______! -S& v_» x v'- 'ft __^__l IWt* *^&r ]> MonK M Vr "^^P^ LN ri '"1 E .-,< fm^4J^r MKKTS TifK m Bf^-~" "rTK\ IT IS Tl-n.- *m\ <*4Kr r A,IK I NICKE > >ER PA, R
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  • 23 6 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTH. WAKEFORD.-- -At Jesselton, British North Borneo, on the 14th April, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wakeford, a daughter.
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  • 811 6 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 1922. Unnecessary Expenditure The outstanding fact to be gathered from the motion in Legislative Council on Monday regarding the Penang Hospital is that there was a considerable muddle of ideas or knowledge on either side. The hon'ble Mr. Thorne appears to have been in
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  • 434 6 A number of cases of failing to report small-pox came up before the Senior Magistrate yesterday, who imposed fines ranging from $10 to $r>o. The children of the late Mr. C. H. Bruce, for so many years band master with Harmston's Circus, who died recently at Saigon, are returning to
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  • 793 6 KOI.EH RACING. Johore Bahru, April 24. Although Johore did particularly well in the regatta held during the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to Singapore, gaining first, second, fourth and fifth place in the big race, yet the Johore owners have a grievance with regard to koleh
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  • 80 6 The Chief Judicial Commissioner, Sir L. M. Woodward, and Court staff, have left Kuala Lumpur by car for Kuantan. The Assizes commence at Kuantan to-day. Two Chinese Tay Kim Siong and Chua Khia Chua were noticed prowling about Hill Street in the early hours of yesterday morning by detectives and
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  • 61 6 SAVED B! x h( (From Our (7„ A fire is reported I Sungkai. The hous,- „f the Willis, was burned tV I alone in the house ai,. Irish terrier, who dragged skirt from the humin^ t, IVrak Chamber Mr. H. .1. Coopw bl as chairman f the p
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  • 62 6 (From Our Own I Vpr.t A meting of Ma!, cultural Aaaociation Club and considered tin Committee on the reconstru. A. M. The Ohaimai ht of a strong central bod entire planting interest* also urge! th, ud**A scheme M the best the planting inter. It was resolved
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  • 35 6 H.d.oru'. \p r g Jn eonseqoence >>f of Wales' projected trip to .;,k» j Mount Fuji irai ebai do ■MfoJng a t Hakone till to mom* when he proceeds to K\
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  • 74 6 Hi> Excellency ti I informally on Friday, 4 p.m., on hii deportun the Colony. The Commission able Mr. F. S. James, < M nister the Covet nn i he read and the Oatlis will Council Chamber, <; p.m. on the same <ia\ Member- of the
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  • 81 6 The need of BOW Raffles Library hoi long bee Catalogue of Fiction compiled hg •Johnston and just inaed price $1) mm with the works of Action. In t (faction Mr. Johnston RMBtMM the Wtd of the Library and pn cataloguing. Cnutt mcthre or wor»4l works of fiction
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  • 95 6 Among th< iealt with by the M Assessment Board postal bf iftap that in regaixl to M ()w. n Roa<l, in application was mode bj th 1 permission to eject, notice from the Municipal authoritiw the house in wnich living. J'aya Lane, il required to *j flemolished. The
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  • 133 6 A nine foot pythoi wa road at West- I Malay Mail. Mr. L. L. Mills, who i I Police Officer. Pal Ipoh from Home k I Apparently the slump ladies of Kuala Lon pay Chinese amah" who even the most eleito children, $40 and mensem. (MJf.) A prettj wedd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 1 Ask For l j MARTINI ROSSI'S ITALIAN VERMOUTH Italy's Finest Production. j Caldbeck Macgregor Co., Ltd. > (In rporated In Shanghai.) Tel. 228 S? Cedi Street. m* l ESTD S_"ltf_flfMrtf 18?2 PATROMZEI> t^L-*i--gßßp^B^F^_, Jewellery and Silverware IN NUMBER, IN VARIETY AND IN CHEAPNESS THERE IS NONE TO RIVAL B.
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    • 114 6 What about your BAGGAGE YOU insure your valuable and effects at home: do you protect them in your baggage when travelling? Proporty to the value of many thousands I of pounds is lost, damaged in various I ways, or stolen every year in transit by railway and steamship, or while
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  • 382 7 RfJs siAN PROPOSALS. I n|lll MOOESI RBQI KSTS. I.inoa. April 24. of th< expert committee the Soviet! submitted in the event of qoate erodita and I ire recognition of the a complete nd a moratorium due to creditors. |M| IM ip xr.M. SOVIETS. Genoa, \pril 2.».
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  • 647 7 GENEVA COMMISSION. MORPHIA FOR CHINA. Geneva, April 25. The Opium Commissi n concluded con- sideratu.n of the various governments' replug to the questionnaire sent out by to League of Nations on the opium traffic Bttd production in the Far East and passed a resolution concerning the fresh
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  • 157 7 A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held on April 19 at Kuala Lumpur, the acting Controller of Labour, Mr. Peel, being in the chair. The figures of immigration and emigration during the past quarter showed 7,659 adults and 679 minors arriving, and 12,393 adults and 795
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  • 703 7 MORE B. I. C. FINANCE. AN ENQUIRY [Reuter's Service.] Paris, Anril 24. The inquiry* into the affairs of the Banque Industrielle de Chine has been extended to the affairs of the Pacific Maritime and Commercial Company founded by Albert Gallusser in July 1918, who is now charged
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  • 840 7 Raffles Girls', Chelvan, E., Ess, I. L. M.*, Milne, L. A.*, Mowe, S. E.* r, Nicholas, V. A. M. f Tessensohn, M. A., The Convent, Tan Chee Chee Methodist Girls', Clough, L. R. Anglo-Chinese. Students not under 18 who satisfied examiners. Chamarette, M. L., Van Wickers, C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 236 7 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE." I RECORDS— Latest Popular Numbers Just Received. From "THE CO-OPTIMISTS." Mf\YFAIR ORCHESTRA Fhe Co-Optimists, Selection— Part 1 The Co-Optimists," Selection— p ar t 2 YouTh"^ To ld T,^ VHI^ V 'hall ronSSr^SJ true to~vo„" P T** *>**' ***> W no"-«CoaI Black* true to you Amapu' Mammy" -"Camden
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 433 8 "ELLERMAN" LINE I ELLERMAN is. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP Co., I*4. I (Incorporated in England). j PASSENGER SERVICE I Steamer Leaving Singapore. i CITY OT CALCUTTA For Marseilles, London M ay 11 FREIGHT SERVICE 1 i i i i i Due Singapore. «.s. CITY OF CALCUTTA Marseilles.Lcndon, Dunkirk, Antwerp May 10 s.s.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 408 9 IK SIAM STEAAI NAVIGATION CO, LTD. (INCORPORATED IN SIAM). SINGAPORE BANGKOK COASTING SERVICE i. Keiantan. Rangnara, Telupin, Patani, Singora, I snganan, Chnaapon, and Bangkok. Arrival Departure 'HA PUI May 1 May 8 yUGALA Mas May 10 'I. Mr.y 15 May IT throughout with electric light, and have excellent accom- j
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    • 338 9 (Incorporated in Japan). Proposed Sailings from Singapore. (subject to change without previous notice) European Line: For Marseille-. London, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Antwerp, via Colombo. Suez Port Said. Altai Maru arr. Apr. 2y dep. Apr. 30 Alps Maru arr. May 23 dep. May 24 Omits Marseilles. New York Line: For San Francisco
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    • 728 9 The Ocean Steam Ship Company, Limited. j The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. AND EUerman Bucknall Steam Ship Co., Ltd. (AMERICAN MANCHURIAN LINE.) (Incorporated in England.) JOINT FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE TO NEW YORK via SUEZ OR PANAMA. FROM NEW YORK Stesmers. Due S'pore Route For Kt. OF THE GARTER May
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    • 686 9 K. P. M. KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporated in Holland). ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA. Telephone 131 Passage Dept. 1202 Freight Dept. 1002 Manager Desk. 1 137 Marine Supt. Transhipment D.»Dt. 2 and 3 COLLYER QUAY. UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. »l M -II 111 6. 6. DA
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  • 277 10 The P. and O. Khiva arrived in London at 8 a.m. on the 24th April. Information has been received from the Master of the Melchoir Treub that the Etns Shoal lighthouse was not burning os the morning of April 21th. Mariners are warned accordingly. The Hamburg-Amerika Line, in
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  • 97 10 NEW HAR BOU R FOR TOKIO. Tckio. April 5. The municipalty of Tokio ivas now under consideration a plan, as a preliminary step to the construction of a harbour in Tokio Bay, to repair the Bay of Tokio an! the Sumida River. The projected work will, it is expected, spread
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 313 10 J.b.b m T W 9 9 *j*tw\ *W**** SS'SJiSj m *}M*M^m» Mm mm3>9ggm**§. MULLINS Motor Boats I Snon-sinkable, equally reliable in fresh, salt and brackish water. j SOLE \CENTS. i I ALDENS' SUCCESSORS (Eastern) LID j t4. Collyer Quay, Singapore 9 an_ 33c Beach Street, Penang f a Ttlegram. "ALDENS*
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    • 506 10 s.s. MONTORO, (April 23). Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Australia are hereby notified that she has now arrived and is discharging opposite godcwns Nos. 4 and 5 West Wharf. BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., (Incorporated in the F. M. S.) A rents. For MAURITIUS. The s.s. Lorestan will sail
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    • 150 10 •j Genasco Hoofing I COMPLETE WITH' 'PATENT KANT-LEAK DUti I AND W* m FIXING i the result: of j| _B j" e '<>"j! manufacture .^*rftO___E-<B^ Vv/L s^-r— 1 ttcm.i/ hr f i j •> a t isfies /ro~ withstands SvingcJffl^H bbetf/nn/ng t 0 tropical heat fej^jSg Jrc/u/. /„t,7/k„ and ra/7t
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 410 10 MAIL TABLE. TO-DAY. Kerimon Soon Lee <> a m Cucob Kdina 9 a.m. Hon« Aik 9 a.m. I ulau Soegi Benuit 9 a.m. Bangkok Kepong <♦ a.m. Djambi, etc. Singkep <» a.m Palembang, etc G. G. Daendeis noon Basran, etc. Esmaralda 1 p.m. Mersing Hong Lian 2 p.m. Bangkok, etc
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  • 78 11 April 26 Bank 4 m.s. 2;3 15-10 Bank demand 2j3 3-1 Private credits 3 ni i I 4 i-i»; New York, demand 50% France, demand 525 Hongkong, demand 11 p.c. Prem. Yokohama, demand m; Java, demand 135 U Bangkok, demand 90»4 Sovereign, Bank Buying $8.54 Bank of England Rate
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  • 108 11 April _"> Tin 210 Tom $7Gambier Cube Xo. 1 13.00 Gambler 9.60 Pepper Uhu-k 13.75 Pepper (white fair) 26.50 Tapioca, small flake, f.g 7.00 Pearl Sago .mall 8.00 Copra Sundried 10.7."» Opium, Benares oaostti 4,500 Rice, Rangoon whice 230 Rice, Siam No. 1 for export 860 Rice, Siam No.
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  • 55 11 12 o'clock noon, April 25, iy__ Pale Crepe. Ribbed Smoked St Closing Price.. Price.. Bayer? Sellei. Buyers Sellers Spot 28' 29 May to June 29 29* July to Si-pt :V_ Oct. to Dec. :'i 1 (Latest London Cables Quote.) Loudon Spot >",d. London Spot
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  • 274 11 Report ol Mercantile Bank of India for 1921 shows net profits, after providing fo« bad and doubtful debt?, and intruding £127,638 brought forward, of 6390,671. The Directors have a. hied £50,000 to restive fund (raising it to £1,150.000 >, £15.000 to officers' pension fund, and written
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  • 37 11 I HE TIN POOL SCHEME. (From Our Own Correspondent) IVnanjr, April 2."». j Ihe scheme f r restriction of tin output ,in the F.M.s., Siam and Banca, has been submitted to Government at Penang.
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  • 133 11 Singapore, April 2.». I Tin.— £ls4. 15s. M $7s.::7'_. 210 ton sold. RaMers. Bukit Sembawang buyei 1 3d., Allenbys $15.20, Ayer Hitams $9.75 $10, Bassetts 67V. 72Vi, Katoyangs $92*4 ''7',.. Nyalaa Belters $4.60, United Malaccas <0.90. Tins. Norths 95 $1, Taipings 674 72V4, Hitams 90 $1,
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  • 119 11 Singapore, April j.*,. Ti*. £154.15.0. 210 tons sold at $78,371. Rubber*. Little doing. Mining— Malax.,, Collieries $12.75, Taipings 67*. North Taipinga $1.02»/i, South Taipings Rawangs 57 Vi ♦;2'._>. Unguis $3.10, Tongkah Harbour $9.50 $9.75, Ulu Yams 17>. ♦;<!. 18s. 6d., Ronongs 21 1. im 22 9d., Murais
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  • 274 11 Singapore. April Silvei 34*4. Hongkong 11 per cent pre n*ium. Three months gold 53. Share market. Dull. Rubbers.— Feu enquiries. Allcnhvs 12 i">, Craigieleas 23 20, Baasetts 62ft 67H Tambalaks 47-.. 52%, Chembongs Malays buyers Is. hi., Bukit Sembawangi i l». M.. and Singapore Uniteds enquired foi at
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 456 11 A«^ts approximately $5,000,000. kJ ASSiL-rtFi (rnnwfif /iiiri a rfi a- A r»rrnr_a- Assurances in force over $17,000,000. THE GRFAT .ASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE:-Winchester House, SgSorf *fa <_ Old T.wrv Fr Tho o, m pany has £20,000 deposited with^tKupreme Coa^^_^ C^ £X iS^ritbh Life .■TRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSURANCE
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    • 495 11 CHARTERED BANK. of India, Australia and China J Incorporated in England by Royal Ckarter. Psid op Capital in $00,000 -tares of £5 each £1,000,000 Reserve fund 1.600,000 i Keserve Liability of Proprietors t.000,000 HEAD OFFICE. B8 Bishopsgate, I^ondon, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Penang Am n tsar floilo
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    • 892 11 yoeohamF^ LIMITED. Established 1380. president: K. Kodama Esa Vive-President: R. Ichinomiy ".'"Esq. DIRECTORS T Y_«___ SBq a. N Esq. Y. Yamakawa. Esq. S. K. Suzuki Ear? If. Odagin Esq. Baron K. Morimu'ra Barer, K. Iwasaki. H. M ori Esq F sS__S_„ K Mo^ ami Esq. I 2___2_______T r JF Sq
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    • 122 11 I ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter A. I). 1720.) FIRE pl, motor"^ar marine fidelity (.uarantee— Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives Messrs. HARLOW Co Messrs. MARKER Co.', Ltd. Messrs. WEARNE Co.. Ltd I > I -*M-*.' I .111 Branch Office— 64, The Arcade, Collyer Quay. A. GORDON LEE,
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  • 1314 12 Now that the chief events in the S.C.C. Lawn Tennis tournament are over it cannol he said that the Jesuits have shown the existence of any remarkable new talent. The doubles final was a disappointment, for the play was quite ordinary and that it should be won with
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  • 74 12 S.R.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Doubles. Comes and Cray vs. de Souza and de Silva, unf. Ess and Hogan beat Lcyssius and Reutene, G -4. 6— 2. A Singles. Stack beat Ryan. i) 7, o—l.0 1. Bateman beat Norria, o' l, 6 2. Championship. elho beat Ephrauma, w-.0.
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  • 60 12 At the meeting of the Executive Council Excellency the Governor approved, of by-law agreed to by the Council of the City of Sou»- Brisbane, which prcvide. that no person in any part of the city parks shad take part in any game of football, quoits, b
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  • 289 12 The new courts of the All-English Lawn is Club at Wimbledon have bevn laid with Siloth turf from the Solway Firth. About 11*000 square yarfe were sent in ot squares, an inch ar*. a half thick. On account of its exp snse this tine turf is
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  • 24 12 (For week ending April 29.) Friday 5.15. Composite and C. Company Parades. S.H.B. Platoon, B. Co., Parade, Raeburn House, Tuesday 5.15 p.m.
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  • 925 12 A YEAR OF LOSS.The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the Batang Benar Rubber Co. Ltd., was held in the registered offices of the company, Chartered Bank Chambers, yesterday at noon, presided over by Mr. H. Robinson. Others present were the Hon. Mr. Lowther Kemp, A. Cheetham, Egmont
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  • 102 12 AN EXHIBITION QUERY. To the Editor. Sir, Will you please be good enough to publish the following in your paper Will you, or the Committee of the Judges of the Commercial Section, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition, please be good enough to enlighten me through- the medium of your
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  • 481 12 To the Editor. Sir. It would be appreciate d in many circles that at least some regard is being paid to the Muslim religious susceptibilities and sentiments by many fair-minded Englishmen who only quite recently were entirely indifferent to -earn and understand tne legitimate views of the
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  • 271 12 The Trading Comnany, Holland, merchants and importers, sued K. P, If. Huanain and Co., .igarette retailers, in the Supreme Courl yesterday for $1,525.57 in respect of two cases of cigarettes, part of a consignment of ten cases which plaintiffs alleged were ordered by the defendants. Defendants alleged
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 185 12 llljP^ HOME-BAKED P^^^J BREAD 13 BEST. W^f^^fr J R*"fc>' thoroughly with ordin iry 1 U^Ammmmm-ti nS r<S 1 !^a^( cookcd jj Yoa ran eat "Raisie) bread tight Is from tfv oven and further, an ?A n bazar-made bread, the purity and siigl*^ ncss ,n< infredienti arr usurid. iis_s3*l _7 B-_*_^/^
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