The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 September 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 477 1 Office Tele«r«pii St. ffg Wharves Keppel O STEAM NAVIGATION Co Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENAN*., CEvToN, INDIA, AUSTRALIA. ADEN. EGYPT. MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR. MALTA. BRINDISI, VENICE. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through BHb Ladtn* mued for Ptmmn Cnlf, Cintimtnfl and American Ports, also »or Chinm Coast, and Smm Francisco vt* H<mfk,ng MAIL LINES.
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    • 680 1 pHINA MUTUAL STKaM NAVIGATIONCOMPANY.LIM TED. OUIWAWD. f<OVI».WARD. For HonukonO Sims.- For Vk akskilli«> *ND hai k J»pah Ports. London. I'tiroukih Bills vi L*dirn{ issue i to Manchester _onimct>tal ports. Ne» York, Boston. Philadelphia and Haltim re. tec. fur freight and other particulars to J HE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, Ajjents. Peb
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    • 629 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAK.B.TVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. L'ndu Contract with tub Netherlands India Gotimmirt. VCENTS AT SINGAPtIRF. AGENCY. LATH I DAENDELS 61 Co.. 2-3 COLLVER CjUAV I I HI UNOIRMBMTIOMBD DATBS ARB ONLY APFROSIMATK. I from tiDccie Will be despaicfied lor I Jawean Cotie via Ports Aug. 31 »m ,S nr ib^ya Banjermas^in,
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    • 707 1 LTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 10.000.000 RESERVE FUND *****0000 tESKRVB LIABILITY OP 1 PROPRIKTORS...^....^. •••—•••10,000,000 Coubt or Uiuctobb. R N. A Sibm, K«j.— Cnaibman. R. SmWAN, Bk,.— Deputy Cnaibnan. fl. M. Gkat, 8»q H. W. Slaob, Esq. E. Gobtz, Baa,. D. M. Mobbs, Em. K. HAvrr, E*g A.
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    • 455 1 PETER SYS 1 WOND; THE only remedy at piesent known as an INH Sprue, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, t of the B( ECOMMENDEO by SOME or thb CHIEF SPK( Sold Retail by all Chemi; THE PETER S\ (PKOrRIBTORS AND SOLE M ANUPACTURBR Nov 16 NEW ZEALAND 7i INSURANCE COMPANY J FIRR at
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    • 883 1 ERFUL SPECIFIC. AL._ibi.c. and PKFt.MANK.V I Cl/kr tor lemorrhage and Ulccrat-on DWels. :iALISrs:iKf thi MKUICAI. PKOPKSSIO^ sts and Wholesale by r S COMPANY, s), 9, Old Chi_a Strut, Shamoh»i 17.11,1900 DACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP k COMPANY rjCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL A STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND TOYO RISEN KAISHA fORUWTAL S.S.CO.) rhrough passage Uc-ets
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  • 66 2 ia tt.- i MAX lA(iE On the 15th Au,;.. si Si. Mary's. O.ilm .r Kashmir, by ih>- Rev. Wilier Fh mi'« K er. Ci-.pinn m Kashmir. Ch»rl»s Hirbmht Ai kins, i.c s.. to Amh.i* Karhi h«r only da |bter ol Ihe late i Robert Lumsden. of (ilenlockhart. Edint.urjfh,
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  • 1162 2 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. WITH regard to the recent "annexation of the fransva «l by Lord ROMSTI tlir- second "annexation" he it n. v- I—the1 the Spectator raises, bi fore ihe event, a r.itht r interesting constitutional point That jour- nal sa^s People have been woiuieiing
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  • 699 2 Sir Alexander Swettenham, the Officer Administering the Government, will be At Home at Government House, at 4.45 p m. °n Saturday next, 15th inst. The Biitish India steamer Umballa pa---edthrough the harbour Irom East to West at j.30 p m. yesterday. Mr. J. R Innes, who is at present m
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  • 152 2 I' is with the deepest regret, says th>: N C. D. News d 2Qih ulo., that we hnvc 10 tecoid the first MM HOionrst iheoffic rs -.f (lit- lndi«n troops now m the camp here, Lieut. Charles Gray Campbell pacing away at the General Hospital yesterday
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      • 37 2 A Chinese Expedition. (Special to Singapore Free Press.) Shanghai, Sept. 9th, ro 34 p.m. Sung-fan, the Manchu Vireroy of Yunkwei, started northward on the sth with a large force to rescue the Emperor.
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      • 32 2 Leaves Shanghai for Peking. Lihungchang leaves for the north on the nth m the China Merchants Steamer Anping, with Climg-yi, the director, and Tang, the manager of the Northern Railways.
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      • 22 2 Harsh Msasuies Complained Of. There are great complaints of the foreign troops looting Peking, repeating the Tientsin scandal.
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  • 121 2 On lrida). at the Assizes, the Chief Justice sentenced Tan Ah Teng, convicted oi house-breaking, to four years penal -ervitude Chu Ah Song, for an offence of the nature got three years. Lei Fuh received nine months for theft, and Lo Ah Mvi, for theft also, eighteen months.
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      • 50 2 Confidence in Hia Own Plan. A speech ol the Emperor of Germany, while attending the naval manoeuvres at Stettin, declared that he was convm that order would be restored in China He felt no anxiety for the future hi plan was bound to succeed.
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      • 27 2 Praises Japanese Troops. The Emperor of Austria, in bidding farewell to Prince Fuji, of Japan, eulogised the gallantry of the Japanese in China.
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      • 16 2 France Accords Support. Ihe American ambassador in Par telegraphs that France supports Russia
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      • 17 2 Detachment Withdrawn from Ladybrand. The British have vacated Ladybrand London, September 8th, /gov.
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      • 14 2 Lord Dundonald and Genera! Brock!' hurst occupied Lydenburg on Thursday
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      • 11 2 The Boers retired to the north and aa*.
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      • 15 2 Approaching an End. The end of hostilities in Ashanti is h sight.
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      • 51 2 Britain Not to Relinquish Position Also that the Powers will demand reparation for the outrages L against foreigners,] and guarantees for their nonoccurrence He also said that the British Government would not assent to giving way over the advantages already gained, or retreating 'rom the positions already
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      • 39 2 Important Speech by Lord George Hamilton. No Partition of China. Lord George Hamilton, in a publ-c speech. declared that the Powers had agreed in opposing the partition of China or anv attempt at territoiial acquisition.
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      • 66 2 Naval Honours. Capt. Lewis T. Halliday, R. M.L.I, of H. M. S. Orlando, has received a brevet majority for his services at Peking. Commander Stewart. N., of H. M. S. A/gertne, has been promoted to the rank of Captain and Commander Cradock H. M S. Alacrity, has
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      • 20 2 THE PEKING WITHDRAWAL PROPOSALS. America has Another Plan. ierica has drafted an alternative proposal on the lines of Germany's plan.
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      • 22 2 THE PORTUGUESE AT KOMATIPOORT. Watching for Boer Trespassers. Portuguese are guarding the frontier at Komatipoort to prevent the retreating Boers from crossing.
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      • 38 2 Gen. Chaffee to be Ready to Withdraw. General Chaffee has been ordered to prepare for the eventuality of the withdrawal of the American troops from Peking to thi Philippines. London, September lath, r 9 o*.
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  • 242 2 Yesterday morning a strong detachment of the S. V. A. proceeded by launch to Tanjong Katong for Maxim and c^rnine practice on the sea-front. The officers present were Capt. St. Cl-ir, Acting Commandant, Capt Davies. Lieuts. Merewether Derrick and Hilton, with Lieut Reid, R A. Acting Adjutant.
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  • 210 2 The Japanese armoured cruiser Atuma which was at St. Na*aire and put m at Sp*. SsiMßtt tL r lectrical fiuin *s< ieft °n 5* The Secretary for VVar has given instructions that m the eveni of troops being oVdered to pr<S to China, every facility
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 992 2 ROBINSON Co. m m Annual Cash j Clearance Sale LAST FEW DAYS Bargains m all Departments ROBINSON Co. Sept. 10 Pommery and Greno's F Champagne. is a well known fact that this is the FINEST CHAMPAGNE PRODUCED. commanding a higher price than any other brand m the London Market. Sole
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    • 627 2 TO-DAYS ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr G. T. Batty. p.p.c Board Lodging ONE commodious room vacant at Atjeh House, 1 06 Orchard Koad. Terms moderate. Sept 10 24 9 WANTED a smart and reliable Chinaman with a good knowledge of the Bazaar and well acquainted with indent business. Apply m writing to P.,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 The Week. Monday, ioth H^ h Water:- 1 1.5 a 11-9 p. b.V.R A& B Coy Bayonet exerc«e, s^ p b.V.A. Coy. Drill, 5.15 p Tuesday, nth:— W ,»*f r »»-36 a 11.53 P. N. D U Mail Homewards, due Legislative Council, 2.10 o S.V.R.. AAc B Coy. Drill,' 5.5
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  • 452 3 On Saturday, the match between a team of H. M. S Bramble and the Fath tl Kirib at the Darul Adab's ground at j lisa besar, resulted m a draw. Yesterday, the Straits Chinese Nationals met the Old Rafflesians m the Darul Adab lup competition. This game also resulted
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  • 647 3 A country curate recently receded from his MCereWeM to quit because, though unrxcepuonablr m other respect*. what this p n h reall, n--- I, I good fast bowler with a break frcn the 1 17. The curate now no longer needs To study exegest*. The less his
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  • 445 3 Lt. Ameii > G>r<ia of the Spftflbk tr*Mport Isia de Luzon report! lha' «>n Sh'uiday. whilst walking atony m the- vi< m ly of Tanj' ng I'a^ar Dock It- wa» as>«u led by a Chinaman, who struck him with a chungkol. Chase was given by some
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  • 1096 3 A iHINIM VlkW. Chatting with an influential Chinimai this morning, a representative ot the Telegraph <*. t informed that the three P..v Chines** are R Jssia, franc*- and Germany. Krai cc is sup osed to be casting mv.m! eyes upon t c Two Kwan^s and,
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  • 2411 3 Via Ceylon.) liefu, Au. ust •.\sH'-— O" ihi 191)1 instant, a mix rl lure, ol Anitn. a >•>, J*ps ami .li'i>.h att cke'l i\ Uijji' tody of the en< m> tigti m Ic* south 0 1 lent id. flic enemy fle alit-r I*o luurs' n^riuiitf, leaving 300 killed ..11.1
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  • 397 3 MARKE T PRICE LIST. Bl per ..atly ct. s L>.... htmh d.,. 16 do. 24 BelM. do. 14 m >„l jillS do. 3 li imbuu opiums do. <} <i do. it> ii l-l< do. 3 (_.< Mi .B il .via 00. N I < 14 4 uuia Imp r 1
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  • 337 3 Stabtlinc. Kpisodb. An alarming in C i lent alirndrd the funeral <>f the mm King .f Italy, Ju las the cor e.;e w« pissing alonn the Via N nionale. something approaching a panic arose imon X the put. l c. who thronged both sid s
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  • 77 3 (Corrected up to September 10) utt LoNiiu '«uJ< 11l 2 I fSr .< rridiid 2 «H rivalc cr-ditb j rn/s 2 I j^ doi um<nt> j m/s 2 i| crert'U) 6 m/s 2IA •RANCE, demand Jm -ERMANY, demand 2\\ India, I. T 154^ IQNGKONG, lemand par. Yokohama, 'lemand par
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  • 114 3 (September to 174--(jamtiier 790 dc. Cube No. 1 1^.50 Pep; er, i.atu (ordinary s'porej 30. do. Whu«, (F»,r L/W-5%; 4325 Nunne^s HOi 10 ir-.e Ib.j 58 do. (oos to the iuj 74 vlace (Banda; 93 Cloves (Amboma) 3*. l^benan Cuitee 21 Tapioca, small pearl (.hair quality) 680 do. do
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  • 92 3 a, nU r,j gU0T»TI01«. <,APIT»L. P4,D Uf. SH4K.S d Ol Wo '7 dJ^ r 2 A iCM T" 414 J1 "!***i Cell's AsUstos Eastern A k c,.c>. Nominal. 4 .0.0.0 -Sjj 4 1 BersawihGjld MmeCo. »i.7Siuvers 17-000 x,' 4 6 Nat.on.-il Bank o» NkfM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 Going Insane. A. L. Kimer of Stoncndjfe, N.Y. says:—l was or a long time troubled with sleeplessness with nten>.e ntur.»Lic pains m the liead which made fne 1 eel as thiu^d i wa-. K°'"»i insane. The physicians could do n tiling lor me. 1 heard f some extraordinary cures 1
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 80 3 a< r*• nn 1- >•. t S» pttmber 9 r«ken al <«nd«nt; Keroau Hospital Observatory v». m I 9, m. 9 v. M. da.ieo. }3 Hah 29-9*3 W. 792 29.850 1 r> r.iperaiure 86.5 88.0 81.5 Wot BulkiTherrr.orneiei... 78.2 788 78.0 D .of Wind S. S.E. Calm. I j Max.
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    • 249 3 MAILS CLOSE. I O-MORROW. For fVr \t K. Pahang, Arc. Amhtrst 7 am Ba j'v g Le tjier Halaban 11 am Sultana noon Lai.uan. &c. Ktdih 1 pm Muar di Malacca Sultan 2 pm M it P. Uukson Eugemt 2 pm Penang, flic Meanatthy 2 PM P it
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    • 1528 3 IIIIULI IN FORT. Men-o.-Wa. Fl.e. and Ton. Con_m.nd.n_ Arr.v.d From For VVB.s Hka-Blb Bnt. g.b F. W. Leak- ft? 6 Vi SS Sfl. 1 Amer. g.b., 1534 Sawyer* Sept. 7 Nunolk „n_r Ve..e.s Flat. "i 00. N_..u_„ Amve d From Con.ienee. Fo, Wh,Ali.ernby Norw. .987 Tn* .Id Aug Jl Kuchmouu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 McAlister Co. m m AGENTS FOR SANDEMAN Co.'s Ports Ports Ports. SANDEMAN Co.'s Madeira i\#l Madeira. SANDEMAN. BUCK Co. s Sherries Sherries Sherries. G. H. MUMM Co. s Champagne Champagne Champagne SUB AGENTS LFOR Tivoli Beer Tivoli Beer Tivoli Beer McAlister Co.
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    • 1099 4 FOR SALE. (OWNER LEAVING FOR EUROPE.) A Victoria phaeton $250 A Mail phaeton $15° A palanquin 9o A set of brass mounted double harness 9 7° Two sets of brass mounted single harness (each) 35 Apply to N. TROTTER. iBth Auf ust, 1900. v c ORCHARD ROAD AND GRANGE ROAD.
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    • 1232 4 SALE OP VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1 Tub Propepty of A. Sisson I.-* at "Maisonette" o(T Tanghn Road. Saturday, 15th September, at a p.m. THE undersigned have been instructed to sell by auction the household furniture consisting of polished teak centre and side tables, teak bookcases, carved te.k occasion*! chairs, teak
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    • 460 4 California Wines BIG TREE BRAND Samples HB Samples Freo Free HOCK No. 8 Per Case 12 Quarts $12 00 do No. do 24 Pints 13.75 BURGUNDY No. 3 do 12 Quarts 12.00 do No. 3 do 24 Pints 13 75 do No. 12 do 12 Quarts 15-75 do No. 12
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    • 813 4 Passengers for Straits. China ft J:<pan Per N. D. L. Sachsen, due Sept. v.—Mrs. H. Wilson, Mr. E. A. Kennedy Reid, Mr. Max Fleischer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Koger, Mr. O. Krebs. Mr. F. Lot*, Mr. L. T. Unver^agt, Mr. K. Ziegler (jur.), Mr. H. Bangers, Mr. Otto Eckert, Mr.
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    • 870 4 TO LET <( "THE Grove Tamou* Kaiong. For pam. 1 Lulars Apply to MEYER BROS. July as ux. TO LET NO. 30-A Raffles Place lately occupied by A Keat and Co. For particulars apply to MEYER BROTHERS, July 3 v.c. TO LET FROM Nov. Ist, Irwell Bank Hou^e, Grange Road,
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