Morning Tribune, 16 June 1938

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Morning Tribune
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  • 80 1 ABYSSINIAN CHIEFTAIN AMOK IN ROME Rome, Wednesday. MANY people were injured m the streets m Rome when an Abyssinian chieftain, who came to Rome to attend the celebrations of the second anniversary of the Italian conquest, ran amok with a drawn sword after catching sight of a gilded statue of
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 192 1 U.S. SPYING WOMAN ARRESTED New York, Thursday. IT is revrah-d that another woman has teen hi protective custody for a fortnight m connection with the Inited States spy investigations. The woman, whom Federal authorities regard as their most important material witness had been living m a hotel adjoining
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 57 1 Prague. Wednesday. 1 JOINT romniuniquc by the GovernA Dienl and the Sudeten .djjjptjjn states that Dr. H«.d/a stated that the ludeten memorandum and llNOonnm "nt"s nationalists statute form the ta* he would not submit the theoretical pro Sosal but only conditions which will en- hU the Sudetena to
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 259 1 Hankow,. Wednesday. CHINESE air headquarters any nouuce that d uring the Chinese air bombing of Japanese warships concentrated at Anking (capital of Anbui) and Kweichih on Monday afternoon, five columns of smoke and fire were thrown up. It is now ascertained that two warships were sunk and two others damaged
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  • 29 1 Hankow, Wednesday. THK National Relief Committee announces that Chinese directly or indirectly affected by the war total 150 millions, while destitutes total 30 millions. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 95 1 WORKERS' SYMPATHY WITH CHINA AT GENEVA Geneva, Wednesday. FACED with the impossibility ol presenting the conference with a resolution on China, the workers group ol the International Labour Oftice ha* dratted a I motion stating Chat m view ol the extreme distress of the Chinese people m consequence of the
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 184 1 CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN S'HAI New Jap Threat To Shipping Shanrhmi, Wednesday. Till Shanghai Municipal author* ties state that* cholera Is officially declared to be In epidnni< form m the whole of Shanfhai, m tiudinf the Settlement and Conors sions DeclarinK that Shanghai is an Infected port, the Japanese announce that
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 128 1 JAPANESE BRITISH PROPERTY IN NANKING London, Wednesday flhe Commons to-day, ltor. Neil Mac Lean drew atUntion to tne situation m Nanking where Japanese officials are refusing to allow Britishers to enter the town and inspect or protect their property there. Mr. Butler said that representations had been made m Tokyo
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 37 1 ON OTMtF P/%GBS Kind's Paris Visit 24 R.A.F. Sports Local Tennis %3 !K.L. Races Indian Labour 19 Malaya Australia 8 Raffles College Record, 3 I Higher Cost Of Living 3 J Tin Quota Rights I China Interview
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    • 97 1 KLIM now enables you to give your children PURE m J milk, that Ls delicious for y^^ JtSt Wf% J\ I drinking, and at reasonable MinMiK I prices, no matter where you I EBBB3B& I J may reside. I 1 Get one of the. marvellous KLIM MIXERS and mix It
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  • 346 2 Interview With Member Of •HJROPKAU democracy will have to give matmai Help to China 11 U Hie invader i>- be driven out of our country." said Mr. L. y Liv member of the tocutlve Yuan, when he arrived la Singapore vosWrclav
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  • 59 2 Before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell m and Court at 1 1 a.m. OS. 52 3tt— Re estate of Jacob Ifanasteh Meyer deceased etc A Chinese woman was rendered unconscious when she ieii oil i moving trolley bus last night at the Junction ol Tanjong Pagar Koad
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  • 519 2 WOMAN'S SUICIDE BY HANGING Husband Charged With Making A False Report (from Out Own Correspondent) Tapah. Wednesday. IN innuirv into the tragic death of I young Chinese woman named Tan Ha A kew w J held l befoie the Tapah Coroner. Enche Abdullah bin Ibrahim. At the conclusion a verdict
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  • 127 2 WOMAN'S FATAi FALL FROM LORRY "Misadven tv re Verdict Singapore. Wedm WHEN a layer of bales of rubber ed loase from the rope which t ached it to a lorry, and fell int< road, it carried with it six Chin women One of the women died m General Hospital as
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  • 190 2 AIRMAILS BY TRAIN TWO JAPANESE WARSHIPS SUNK (From Our Own Correspondent Bangkok, Wednesday. HONGKONG and China air mailfor Malaya are held uy at Bangkok owing to the hold up of the Imperial East-bound flyinp boat scmewhere m India. They left Bangkok this afternoon by tram at the request of the
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  • 279 2 Perak Miners Tin Quota Rights SUPPORT FOR GOVERNMEAT PROPOSALS an extraordinary general meeting of the Perak Miners' Assad* tion held m Hale Street, strong support was evidenced fa Government's proposals with regard to the sale and transfer ■quota rights. A committee was appointed to s to the Chief Inspector of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 179 2 Getting Up Nights Caused By Germs Are you worried and annoyed by constant "Getting Up Nights"? if S'», \"u should know that the true cause is irritating germs which are attacking the 'J million tiny tubes or filters within your kidneys. You can't be well till germs are killed imd
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  • 465 3 FOODSTUFFS GOING tendency mi n prices of foodstuffs and the general cost of living for Asiatics Eurasians and Europeans is shown m the report compiled by the Resist rar-Cieneral of Statistics. The NMrt has been completed up to December, 19.J7. •Wholesale commodity prices andi trade values
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  • 86 3 Singapore, Wednesday Omar Khan .1 van driver. .vlu« stood charged to-day before Mr. L C uoh, the Fifth Magistrate, with causing hurt by a rash art to Tan Lye Koh, driver of a mosquito bus. was acquitted is his worship decided that no evidence of rashness was proved. The
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  • 79 3 Singapore. Wednesday. After thrre hours' hearing, a case m which Chua Chwce Teng. managing partner of Chop Teck Quail, second-hand-goods detKlY, Ol Victoria Street, was charged with allegedly having dishorn.stly retained on Feb 5. seventy pieces of bar iron value $250, which the rosecution declared was
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  • 137 3 The Municipal Health Statement for he week ending June 11, uives the total death rate as 30.46 per mille per annum compared with 27.31 'n the preceding week and 28.94 m the corresponding week of last year. The total deaths for the veek were 310. compared with 278
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  • 79 3 Singapcre. Wednesday. A N allied assault with a igerou.s Larily causing grlefoui hurt to mi L^cS&ofvol«nUrUyca«^ ,rt to Chan KH-i C^rni and a tmra wrongfully i hi:i 1 Cl l? c X hun and S'ng J» JJ^SLJS who referred against the £^;f bail o1 t
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  • 91 3 MALA YA 'S RUBBER ACREAGES of tappable rubber m n Malaya have remained unchanged during May. returning figures identical with those lor April as supplied m statistics supplied by the Registrar-Gene-ral of Statistics The estimated acreage of tappable rubber for the whole of Malaya totalled 1,873,263 for May and April,
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  • 286 3 Singapore, Wednesday DLEADING guilty m the Criminal Dis- trict Court this morning to a charge oi having driven his motor-car negligently and thereby causing grievous 'hurt to one Sher Singh on the nieht of 'May 30. Chanda Singh, a Johore Bahru i taxi-driver,
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  • 183 3 More Students Enrolled NINETY-SEVEN young men mi women enter RalTlcs College for the first time to-day, this large number constituting record m the annals «:f the College Previous batches of stu dents have averaged the forty mark. the previous highest figure being 50 The total is made
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 MUitt MAM TAMO 1 NAN YANG H«TE^ fcjg»« 1 Singapore to Muar. Malacca ft X at 7.00 a.m. 2.00 pr* Pg^ pjn 2 Muar to Spore J^^pur I 3. Muar to Malacca. K. MWfl a.m. 11.00 a.m. patlv a :1 4 Malacca to Muar. gnjraP 9.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. >
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    • 17 3 Overseas Assurance UJKPOKATION, LWimi, China Huildini?, Chulia Street, rHONG SINGAPORE. Fire, Marine, Motor ITHin ES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION
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    • 65 3 SilviVrin DOES (i R O VV II A 1 X Removei Jtcd i v n can x'revents Fulling- n.wi jf^W unu conecu aiaufderi a. J ir»e scalp B To restore new iiair- B growth ask ycur Che 1 r^Y mlst or a Hißh-Class Ut' yj store, or Hair-dresser S^/ PURE
      65 words
    • 58 3 HORSE HEAD BRAND o fy§k K z "P f^v^' I I MADE IN BURMA I i 1.1 AHWI i:LW 100% lIIIIIIMI lIAPKK. QILnULAM 00L III), I Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, FrnaiiKWIIITF SWAN DUPLICATING PAPKR [Irfy competition m both price and quality. suitable lor all duplicating machine Price 1.25 per ream Obetainablc
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  • 3 4
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  • 143 4 London. Wednesday. RUBBER Previous To-day Chanß. Spo? M Buyers 5*13 16 Twfw ~|g Sellers 5 15 16 6 +IIM Ist Forward (July) Buyers 5 13 16 15 lb Sellers d 15 16 > 110 2nd Forward (August) Buyers 5 7 H 5 Sellers 6 lJ b 3rd Forward
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  • 131 4 London. Wediu Oistiller* Previous v-aay Ci; Dunlop Ruboer 94 9 95General Deetlir 266 9 Imperial Chemical Indusmes 72 4U +4" L 29 7» 2 29 7^2 imperial Tobacco S ni o Anglo-Dutch gtf Canadian Pacflo 5-3 8 5-Vi London Tin 33 33" Rubber Plan Investment Trust 24
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  • 41 4 jsdfghfg RUBBER New York, June 14 igf sag" Bu m s* i;t OctlDec. Buyers 12 12 3 16 4- 3 B i 6 TIN Sellers 12 316 12 5 16 +lj Ton« Dull Easy SP OI 39 38 5/ 4 4
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  • 65 4 London. Wednesday. Previous To-day Change r.T on Paris (closing middle rate) 178.38 Unchanged T.T. on Amsterdam (closing middle rate) 8.95 15 16 8.95 7 8 —1 16 T.T. on Shanghai (closing selling rate) 9 Unchanged T.T. on Hongkong (closing selling rate) is. 3d Unchanged T.T. on Japan (closing
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  • 27 4 GOLD London. Wednesday. Finp Rnr n*r Previous To-day Change *me Bar per oz. £7-0-8 £7-0-9 —ih SILVER ld 4 months' forward iflfl '^S T i!
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  • 28 4 «iv cu n noj or j London. Wednesday. TIN Standard Previous To-day Chance Bpot (afternoon iclosing price) £170 £172 J\o forward £17Q3 4 £1723 4 2
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  • 171 4 Prices Realised At Sale Yesterday AT the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 1386 th Auction yesterday, there were: Catalogued 953.595 lbs— tons 425.71 Offered 399.878 312.44 Sold 625.996 279,46 London-Spot 5 13 16d. New York-Spot 11 7 8 cents. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents per lb. Standard
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  • 124 4 SHARE MARKET Messrs. Fraser Co!s Repent Singapore. Wednesday MINING. Tin at midday was $86.00. unchanged. London still appear to be uninterested m Tin share hut m the local market sellers predominated and again a number of popular counted were lower although the turnover stil. remains lifeless. Rubber closing prices were:
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  • 50 4 The following is a list of outputs for the Estates for the month of May 1938: issued by Messrs Evatt Co. Bukit Timah 7,986 lbs., Changkat 23,049 lbs.. Hay tor 11.349 lbs., Indragiri 86,411 lbs., Lunas 34,210 lbs., Nyalas 32,300 lbs., Tapah 72.762 lbs.. Ulu Pandan 3.974 lbs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 736 5 STOCKS SHARES Issued By Fraser Company Singapore. Ju nt 15 spm \"l T O 19 6 20 6 em United 32.50 335™ do 71 P°r rd 139 1425 cd CIO 7» 2 p n ls (J 5 4(W i Ciannn.m Malaya i. 4O 145 <^ E- L. pt. pd. 1900
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  • 237 5 LYALL EVATT'S QUOTATIONS Singapore, Wednesday Buyers Sellers Ampat 3 4' /2 3 9 Batu Selangor 1.30 1.35 Hong Fatt 1.00 1.05 Hongkong Tin 20 3 213 Jelebu 0 68 0.73 Kamunting Tin 9 9 10 6 Katu Tin 23 6 24 6xd Kramai 10 3 11Killin^hall 18- 19KuchaLs 1.30 1.35
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  • 241 5 NEW YORK CABLE Maynard Co. Ltd. $30,000 g 5 105 nonr Int. Apr. 30 Oct. 31 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Mar. 31 Sept. 30 100 !M norn 190 r red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 105 107 norn 1909 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 229 5 S. E. LEVY CO, Shanghai, HoogkOßg, Mnni'H. Stnfpora Immmtment Bankert and Brokers ir\ ffeiirfftel an* &*i* m fttlm, Daiip Foreign Market Cable anu {^uo.ation i'etvic*. Members: NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC OF N.T. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 178 6 V ()NLY THE MASTER PEN OF E S I Jtf^Sl ."HILLIPSOPPENHEIM COULD i/vISksP give you such a gripping i T ..^n i» a 1 1. 1 o > bk afi I B^^'^l CARY grant; S-^Ki»^X MARY BRIAN; TheAMAZINGQUESTof ERNESTBLISS' j S IMTFI) ARTISTS RELEASE J> I THEATRE ROYAL/ m No
      178 words
    • 186 6 IM S I IMII TO »»l \K HI rOHQN! Packed Houses greet the return of "The Jungle Princess" m another exciting MALAYAN Jungle Adventure! r^.-t-^, H SHOWS DAILY! 1 CAPITOL... 3-15 615 9-15 ■HHIOTIIY I \>IOI II "HER JUNGLE LOVE" ALSO: An Excellent BASKET-BALL Sports Subject 'BALL TOSSERS' and LATEST
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  • 447 7 Office^ ?r OdClkd al ng the llnes of tha TlL Trail llnu Cor England, n mat the undergraduate! may be iriven commissions n ,i ms, s 0 emergency" In keeping with this policy it has o e und^o R d that lM Wn7^ a?e url th C Urs(>
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  • 64 7 O.T.C. TRAINING FOR EGYPTIAN UNDERGRADUATES A PROVISION for the training of undergraduates at the Egyptian University here is part of the scheme for the development of the Royal Egyptian Army, it is announced. The undergraduates' training course r Fverrtt IMrton and Krir Blore m the R K.O Lily Pons. Jack
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    • 276 7 AIII A "4 4 r^r^ a Shows TO-NIGHT ALHAMBRA ».»> PHONK »is»ofl I KATI KINC, HB FAMOIS UKAVKK BROS. AND H VIKV! You'll Be Rolling m the Aisle.. f ,^m „lfJ* When They Swing ...H.ll-Billy St^le* Kfl/f/V** V s i m> I NUMPNRCV lOCART FRANK McHUiiN l iOUISE MZENOA* MIT
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  • 378 8 '•NATURAL OUTCOME" SAYS VISITOR Singapore, Wednesday. WITHOUT b.i»R sensational Australians are very defence -minded and ITHOI I i il H mi nia nager of the Sun News Pictorial, MeliMffi^tSJS&J**£ a" Tribune* representative this morning. Mr Pacini arrived In Singapore U .he Bleu* Zeeland on holloay. The history of
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  • Article, Illustration
    257 8 her hands very full, and it was very unlikely that she would ever think of turning to Australia. "She will have to face the whole »f the British Empire if she chooses to take Australia, and indications point to a desire on the part of '••nan to avoid an open
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  • 280 8 Tuesday, June 7 The following; were the guests at dinner given by His Excellency at G. vernment House this evening. Air Vice-Mai>haf and Mrs. A. Tedder. Commodore Si. L. Clarke, Ho.: Mr. A. S. Small and Mrs. Small. M. and Mrs. R. G. A. Guerra, Luaiv. Vudhiaara Netinati,
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  • 295 8 A- NOT-TILL-WE-ALL-DIE" legacy of The Three Sisters of Worthing is at last to be paid. The bequest of C 20.000 m the trill of Miss Eugenic Stewart, of Belsizeroad. West Worthington. to Mr. George Gilnllan Young, a City merchant, is the reward the Three Sisters
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  • 64 8 Singapore. Wednesday Mr. Hu Sing Hsiang, a well-known Chinese artist, is reported to be visiting Singapore. He is new m the Netherlands East Indies. During his stay m Singapore. Mr. Hu intends holding an exhibition, of his works which will be offered for sale Half cf the proceeds
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  • 75 8 European residents of Singapore p lieularly will be interested to hear t a Wayang Kulit (shadow act) perform ance will be given by experts at Malay Weekly Fair, Malay Sett lorn* on Saturday from 5 p.m. till about pm. There are now more handicrafts be seen at the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 *NEW HUDSOX* WINS Selangor Hill-Climb ALFRED DE SILVA recent winner of the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban-and-back Cycle Road Race m record time on a New Hudson cycle, repeated his success by winning the Kuala Lumpur Lak> Garden Hill-Climb. I HIS CYCLE WAS A "NEW HUDSON" I Whether for competitive sport or pleasure
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  • 273 9 ALL bridge players know the value 11 of Aces, but not so many are usually more m significance than intrinsic worth, of the deuces. awTanAc/S W en pays t0 throw be used toWn the f S when U should dp usea to win a trick which could hp
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  • 137 9 Tremendous Task For 800 Women Helsinki. FIFTEEN thousand war veterans were recently served with a free meal here for which the provisions included 135 bushels of potatoes. V 2 tons of pork. 2' 2 tons of peas, 2 tons of butter, 3.300 gallons of "soft" drinks,
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  • 125 9 "BABEL BRIGADE" Volunteers Are Mostly Britons Burg oo AN analysis published here of I IW l) 582 international volunteers .said to have been taken by the Gal "an Army Corps recently shows that Briton were more than twice as numerous M any other nationalities. The list is stated to include
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  • 313 9  -  'Horatius') (By hand. But by sacrificing every trick he has, he cannot be beaten. He. therefore, took the first trick m dummy with the Ace of Hearts, led back the Queen and discarded his Ace of Spades and then, on dummy's four winning Spades, threw all his
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 50 9 V- KA hi U U D'r' Who Refused oil bu» W r*ly" AH °C REAM mrat'of BRAIN and th^bu^in^'up'Jf' hTalthy I V= V. VVV^'wyW (•Join BranJ Evaporated Milk is pure hkh g%^^^^l^^T MP.K -"id comes from healthy cows of the rich pa. i< l^wfp "^^^^^^^==~^j^ Safe and Good or Children
      50 words

    • 329 10 I>ICYCLE registration not having proved very satisfactory m Singapore, it is not likely to be adopted m the towns of the Federated Malay States. The Kinta Sanitary Board has never exhibited any great enthusiasm for the idea and it received what may be regarded as its death blow
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  • 1279 10 What an AIR RAID is like HIGH m the sky the silver bombers come. Only clouds keep them away. When they come at night you don't often see them because the searchlights usually fail to pick them out; but m the day they are innocent, like leaves and no bigger,
    Planet News  -  1,279 words
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  • 627 11 G ENERAL SMUTS OUTLINES UNION'S NATIVE POLICY GREAT RESPONSIBLE TASK AHEAD Capetown A CLEAR enunciation of South Africa's rt native policy was made by General Smuts, the Deputy Prime Minister, when he interrupted his general election cam paign to visit the South African Native College at Lovedale. Cape Province to
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  • 235 11 Producing Wool From Milk Warsaw. FACTORY for making synthetic wool has been opened at Pabianice near Lodz. Mr. Roman. Minister of Industry and Commerce, said m a speech that the manufacture of synthetic wool conformed to the Polish policy of reducing imports of foreign raw materials. Poland imported at present
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  • 200 11 Nairobi fIFTEEN hundred and nineteen elephants were destroyed under the Uganda control scheme during 1937. according to the annual re, port of the territory's Game Department. The report describes how the engine driver of a mail train told 01 seeing an elephant running along the track
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  • 82 11 Prague. The Czechoslovak Red Cross Society under Dr. Alice Mnsarvk. daughter of the first President, is forming through Its woman workers an organisation ol voluntary donors of blood (or the army The medical students of th Charles University are showing keen Interest In this work. They have
    82 words
  • 70 11 New York. jyiISS MARLENE DIETRICH If going la *"i form a film production company In JFngland. according to "Variety", the American theatrical and film" trade paper. The company will he financed by Miss Dietrich and Mr. Joseph Von Bternberg, who has produced many of her
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD Obtainable of all Chtmiru and Store§ j POLAROID (ilassis are the latest scientific discovrrv m jflare protection They permit you to actually see 20 to feet helow the surface of the water lOK TIN FIRST TlMF— perfect ey* comfort for driving, cruising, fishing tennis or any
      133 words

  • 165 13 the Indian Army wearing a striking heartrending the Kind's last Levee. Planet News The wedding of Lord Manton .mri Mrs. Leila .loan Player took plan* at a\ton Hall Krister otflce, London, e.nly tvo days alter Mr. J. I) Player's decree nisi against Mrs. Player had
    Planet News  -  165 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 770 14 THIS BUSINESS OF SHOPPING GOWNS IF you are m ONE OF THOSE MOODS when you feel a new morning dress is a NECESSITY, go and have a look at Prestige's new linens. These are Charming and SO original! What IMMEDIATELY ATTRACTS ONE m every case, is th? novelty of the
      770 words
    • 135 14 JEWELLER $40 $45 Solid 18ct gold shank, platinum setting A RARE AND LITTLE KNOWN GEM Long mistaken for the Diamond Senacu t-Zircon Sole Importers CIRO OF BOND ST Represented by: HAMLEYS. 10. Battery Road HAIR DRESSER Hair Professor and f*-* de Gents France. Only the artist's flair can interpret the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 51 15 GOWNS Something to crow about MARINA 2nd. Floor Rodney House. Where the smartest clothes can be bought for all occasions at the most reasonable price. SOFT DRINKS Me REFRESHING j HAIR DRESSING t\EW BRANCH j u\OW OMX AT 3, FORT R"*U I LADIES HAIRDRESSERS >> 7t>, Stamford Road UNGAfORE. I
      51 words
    • 1296 15 M f Al m Rodll( 'v Battery Road, is a shop we always enjoy VOTING I?. r tner <* is always something nice to tell you about up rm/V?£ < rVvI or <xam P le w e saw an afternoon dress of maroon crepe, which h rt .n Vddi
      1,296 words
    • 98 15 DRY CLEANER i PARIS CO. I>KV CLKWKRS DE LUXE Dainty fabrics are handled with the utmost care. Bring your favourite frocks to us— We will return to you like new. Phone 6045! or Call at 28. Coletnan Street. SINGAPORE. GOWNS AND ACCESSORIES CHRISTIE 19. STAMFORD ROAD Phu'ie ZW>. G*«m lor
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 441 16 BY P&Oand BRITISH INDIA LINES (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Outwards. Due Tonnage Spore Tonnage S pore N ALDER A 16,000 June 17 CHITRAL 15,000 Aug. 12 RANPURA 17,000 July 1 SOUDAN 6,500 Aug. 26 BANGALORE 6,000 July 2 CARTHAGE 15.000 Aug. 26 RAWALPINDI 17,000 July 15 KAJPUTANA 17.000 Sept. 9 CORFU
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    • 480 16 Tfc^^ TO FRENCH PORTS CHARCEURS REUNIS i j HOMEWARDS. i For Marseilles Havre Antwerp Dunkirk June 17 I PARADE mEt Bordeau. Nante.s Havre July 22 J jTO SAIGON INDOCHINA t DESIRADE For Saigon, Tourane and Haiphong I S. A. M. L (from Saigon) > 4 GG. PASQUIER For Saigon. Jum>
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  • 593 17 Highest Quarterly Total Since 1930 ALTHOUGH the total volume oi Irani m the foreign trade at Unit d Kingdom ports m March fell considerably short of the hmh aggregate fOff March of last veai, thr total mOTemait durtnt thr first ouarter of liM w;i greater
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 315 17 BIRXS PIIILP LI\E. (Incorporated In Australia) NEXT SAILINGS MARFI V A JUlie 29 Jul >' 3 I LA July 30 Aug. 3 special cheap round trip tickets from Singapore to Australia issued at the tollowmg rates. First Class passengers may transfer at Singapore. Brisbane, Sydney or IdJS 10 the connecting
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    • 199 17 v v. k. lim; GENERAL PASSENGERS AGENTS CTXARD WHITE STAR, LTD. (Incorporated m Japan JO LONDON' Via Peiiang, Colombo. Aden, Port Said. Marseilles Ciibraltar. S.S HAKONE MARU June 23 s..s. HUSIMI MARU July 7 .s.v HAKOZAKI MARU Juiy 21 Rates to Ist Class 2nd Class Naples $574 $621 MM s
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 276 17 jPOSTAL INTELLIGENCtI STEAMER MAILS DISPATCHES Dungun (Parcels only* 55* June 16 lv aln Pamangkat. Sambas and Singkawang Bwloiman 15 ,i°n U K^maman and Kemasek f 4 an 16 11 a.m. Siam (Parcels only* Jv 1 16 11 a.m. Hongkong s^th' 11 16 1 I)m Europe and Great Britain x a
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    • 193 17 SHIPS IN DOCK ships ALONGSIDE tiik whakvfs or EXPBCTtD 10 AKKIVK Kntrame BxM ship (Mm date Gate Rohna 22 1 1 Hong p«mu'. M 1 1 CarUiage i« I S Dolius 14 I 3 President Polk 11 I Aranius 9 2 3 Kununing 7 2.3 Santhia 30 2 3 Boston
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  • 1236 18 Cinema Chromic Preparations Made For Filming "The Citadel" And "Alice In Wonde rland" A French Masterpiece Of Screen Art r/rfttfi Own Own Ctrr—pcmUnt) London, June 3. THKKK is one branch of film-mak-ing m which England is acknowledged to be head
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  • 237 18 THE first meeting of Christian Batata took place on June 12. under the tfuspices of the Reverend John G Bremaii, at 179. Orchard Road. The meeting was started with the singing of Christian hymns m the Bataic language Prayers were offered by puru Victor I. Hoetaoeroek. and
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  • 583 18 York. 'THE hearthstone of the landuorker is one of the foundations of national 1 character," said Mr. Walter Elliott, British Minister of Health, m an address at a conference of Rural District Council representatives here. Mr. Elliott's visit here was the first of a series undertaken
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  • 708 19 LESS PAY FOR THE WORKERS emigration to Malaya until the supply 3fo fcJffi^toJS (.quiUbriuin. The number of (nurruita was 105,000 last vtTar aw fc nearly 28.000 m tht previous >ear and th, number of Indians m Mala™ was 355M1 last year compared to 29C.000 the previous year.
    United Press  -  708 words
  • 220 19 JHK incidence of heavy death duties on the vast properties m England and Kirc left by the Duke of Devonshire, who died at Chatsworth, his Derbyshire seat, on May (>, aged it 1 renders uncertain the future of his estates. The British Treasury, it
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  • 67 19 Singap i A (i :•<• o! (ii l V 1 1 1 t gently along Mount Pleasant Apr |Q v.. prefer] ed against E pean, Mr v Percy, m the Fourth police Com thl moi ding Mi M C( I:..: i appeal In m b( hall of the
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  • 718 19 ADDRESS BY Y.W.C.A. VISITOR Singapore. Wednesday LEISI RE is a necessary factor m the progress of life, indr idual or social. declared 'Miss Jean Stevenson, m the course of her address to the Rotary Cfob this alter noon. Miss Jean Stevenson was formerly the national secretary of
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  • 152 19 Marseilles. Tiik question of vhere locusts, kbe bane ol the African fanner, come from, has at Itjft been .solved A commission ..cut to Africa. Morocco ;iikl Algeria, by the committee mi studies on the Acridians (Jumping In i to m estlgate the migi atory habit
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 1526 20 w In Spanish. t>^" ~~r..^..^ T 1 c 20 New.^ m English. i n A j 635^.r relayed from Parls j "STEEPLEJACK KING !ON THE KAUIU «gp"a6r& killed while lJ^ ij _w 750 News m French colonial mar- f^\ WORK .^w*- -*-w^-^-- <Jlil^ lrf luril- kct prices. i fy^^.-^-^^^- p2O
      1,526 words

  • 997 21 FAVOURED by good weather this 1 time, the annual athletic sports of Raffles Institution were success. fully worked off yesterday on the Institution ground before a large gathering of interested spectators. S. K. Sundrum with an excellent performance m the track events won the individual
    997 words
  • 206 21 Singapore, Wednesday. The Singapore G.C. ladies' June Medal competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted m a win for Mrs. W. B Ruddock m "A" Division with a net score of 36, m a win Tor Mrs. R. L. Nunn m "B"
    206 words
  • 43 21 Hankow, Wednesday. CO.MX or 30u ol Hankow's I.iOO toreigneis arc evacuating the city aboard a special mi. i< ii. ii train on June Ihe train is expected to proceed direc. 1 to Kowloon with- out tun; hint; < antrii. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 218 21 PICNIC PARTY IN CAR CRASH: CAUSED BY WASP (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Wednesday. DETURNING from a visit to the caves m Gopeng four members of l picnic party from Ipoh had a narrow escape when the car In which they were travelling crashed into a drain on the side
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  • 175 21 A tea party and tea dance will be held i to celebrate the Association's good lorI tune m winning outright the Singapore I Billiards Association's 3-ball Challenge Shield on Saturday, commencing at 2 p.m. and terminuting at 4 p.m. A dance orchestra and dance hostesses will
    Reuter  -  175 words

  • 1124 22 SELANCOR SKYE RACES BEGIN TO-DAY PROSPECTS OF THE RUNNERS DISCUSSED (By "Marcus Superbus") THK Hrst day s events of the twoI day Skve meeting of the Selang or Turf (iub will be worked off at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, the first rate starting at 2.30. Rit-ht throughout the Summer
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  • 118 22 UNLIMITED TESTS ARE COMING 5-DAY GAMES FIRST London, Wednesda THE English and Australian Press s that the outcome of the First T< should hasten unlimited Tests althprobably five-day matches will i It is generally deplored that the A tralians" did not hit out when the ma was safe and relieve
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 526 22 (By "Marcus Superbus") Race I— SAM BURGER Peony Hill Race 2— BAY ROSE Leonie Race 3— M.-G.-M. Miss Labis Race 4— LADOLET Quissana Race S— BEACON Republican Rate 6— EMPENNAGE Kit Race 7— MISS SINGAPORE Wiley Friar Race a— LADY LICK Kathryn Bx "Eureka" RACE I— REBEL KING Stone
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  • 39 22 London. Wednesdn SCOT Gold Cup probables are: Asenor < Crouch*. Dadii i Elliotti Buckleiph »Beary> Sandsprite «No jock^y> Carloca Butchers > Suzerain < Perry man > Fearless Fox (E. Smith > Flares 'Pat. Beasley» Roswell <Stephenson> Reuter Victrix II Bridgland
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 141 22 The Straits Racing Association class fication of horses and ponies is fOIIOWS HORSES rlom'clLs 3to Class 2. -Gold *>:£ Hard Going. Maid of Cashel. BBH* D F?o m m S Class 2to Class 3 -Achille. P Carlos. Eastern Wave. Gee Up. Green stone. Marie Antoinette Queens
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  • 519 23 MALAYS TO MEET JAPANESE IN TENNIS DOUBLES FINAL THRILLING PLAY IN LOCAL TOURNEY 01 PKKIOIt courtcraft and net play by Yadi and Kamis was the deciding factor m the semi-final oi the men's doubles of the S.L.T.A. Tournament m which the V..\l < A. pair defeated Your Loon (hong and
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  • 552 23 R.A.F. Hold Sports Meeting POWELL WINS INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIP THE R.A.F. held a successful sports meet at Seletar. yesterday. The championship was won by F S&t. Powell (13 pts.) with F Lt. Kae (12 pts), runner-up. The Athletic Trophy went to 230 Squadron, runnersuy being *he Engine Repair Section.' Results of
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  • 343 23 POLICE BE A T S. C.C. 4-2 IN SOCCER FRIENDLY Police .4; S.C.C 2. MISSKD chances accounted for the defeat of the Singapore Cricket Chil) yesterday when they met the Polite m a soccer friendly on the nadang and lost by two goals to four. In .spite of opening; the
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  • 138 23 Wimbledon L.i ml mi V\ cdncsda AMONCi Wimbledon's serried singles rs are: NDli Mndcr An tin Mm ---I Henke] Puncec Miichcii and Kh-. Sin Kir WOMEN: Mr; Moody, M.- garble M Mathleu, Miss rabyan, Ml a Stammers and BeriYm An a result oi the ftwt
    Reuter  -  138 words

  • 502 24 PLANS FOR 4-DAY EVENT London. Wednesday. L h.sno« receive* the Kings approval. The* MaK.t.c.wm be attended by the Duchess "/.^"^"pencer. Lady Sir Alexander Hai ding pr Assis tant to the King. Sir Eric Mi iv. tain Private Secretary t the Kmjj. BSvaa» awss s.
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  • 201 24 In the afternoon a concert of religious miLsic will be given m the chapel at Versailles and aiter a drive through the park and a visit to the fountains of Bassin and Apollon, Their Majesties will return to Paris. Their Majesties will be entertained to dinner by
    British Official Wireless; Reuter  -  201 words
  • 99 24 XCURSION TRA IN R UN INTO BY ANOTHER Okayama. Wednesday. OVER 20 passengers* including 16 schoolchildren were killed and 150 injured near Kumayama on the main line between Kobe and Shimonoseki. when the uptrain and downtrain were thrown oft the tracks at the same spot due to a
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 160 24 Fine Entertainment At The Alhambra LAID m the hilbilly country, dealing with the lives of hilbillies and. to a large extent played by hilbillies. "Swine; Your Lady" the new Warner Brothers comedy which opened at the Alhambra Theatre yesterday provides novel enterment. With a large cast including
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  • 101 24 Paris. Wednesday. THE peace-time basis for the French Air Force for 1938 hfttf been fixed at 3.035 officers and 59.410 non-commis-sioned officers and men. The preamble to decrees signed by M. Daladier. states that the "position of international relations had led us to envisage an
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 142 24 London, Wednesday. THE bullion market again witnessed a gold rush to-day when the turnover at fixing exceeded £1 3 4 millions. With the price eventually forced up to 12 1 2 pence above American parity. The demand emanated from all auarters of the globe, with the United
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  • 82 24 ANOTHER CENTURY FOR BRADMAN London. Wednesckt THE Australians v. Gentlemen 01 land match began at Lord's to-d. and at the close of play the Austrahar. had scored 397 and the Gents 23 for 5 Bradman made 104 after an entertai; ing innings lasting ilO minutes, hut; 13 fours. He has
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  • 148 24 Burgos, Wednesda\ REUTERS special correspondent w. the Nationalists on the Levant frc states that although the National^ 1 entered Castellon, the Republican dfenders, supported by 30 tanks fough aY Monday night m the moonlit streets and continued their resistance yesterda beneath a blazing sun. The final
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 129 24 JAPANESE TRADE CRY Tokyo. Wednescuv OTRESSINO the need to promote Japanese exports to third count y- land pointlnf that the mam objective of activities for promotion of Japanese exports is the acquisition ol gold currencies to pay for imports, tht Asahi Shimbun declares that simultaneously the Influx of manufactures 1
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  • 126 24 Canton, Wednesc JAPANESE planes raided Canton I this morning, dropping a number bombs m Central Park vicinity, desl ing a number of houses. Casualties include 10 killed and 30 injured m t 1 course of the first visit. The second visit was concentratt the Canton-Hankow
    Reuter  -  126 words
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