Indian Daily Mail, 1 April 1954

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 16 1 Indain Daily Mail VOL. X. No. 49. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954. POUR PAGES 15 CENTS
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  • 443 1 Nehru Turning More Toward Asia And Away From West Western Diplomats Concerned Over Nehru's Criticism Of Western Powers NEW DELHI, Mar. 31.— India ia turning more and more toward Asia and away from the West and official sources said they
    A.P.  -  443 words
  • 96 1 RITSON SCALE FOR CITCO EMPLOYEES Mr. P. R Williams, yesterday, in his speech on the Adjournment pleaded that pay structure of all City Council omployees be revised and simplified in accordance with the recommendations made in the Ritson Report. Mr. T. P. F. McNeice in his reply stated thai he
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  • 76 1 LONDON. Mar. 31. Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill grot a cheer yesterday from a small boy and his mother when he returned to his offlcal residence at No 10 Downing Street aftter making his hydrogen bomb speech in the House of Commons. They were the
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  • 262 1 COLOMBO. Mar 31—According to en article published in the Ceylon Daily News today Indian Prime Minister Nehru in an interview visualizes a united Asia holding the balance between "Communist crusaders and anti-Communist crusaders.'' Mr. Nehru reportedly explained the value of the Asian community of nations and the purpose
    A.P.  -  262 words
  • 126 1 Mr Robert Eu in the City Council yesterday took a serious objection to the attitude of 'Men' Councillors in as much as due regard and oognizance was not given by them towards their 'sister' Councillors Mrs. Eu stated though there were an overwhelming majority of male members in
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  • 96 1 Mr. A. P. Rajah in the City CouDcil yesterday strongly objected to cutting down of trees along the roads by the City Council officials. He stated that individual councillors to whom the trees were a hindrance, had prevailed upon the officials to cut down those
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  • 94 1 OAIXJUTTA, Mar 31 A doctor told the city coroner that a mix-up of death certificates caused a Hindu to be buried according to Moslem rites. The inquest was on an unknown man now claimed by Mr. H Majumdfer merchant, to be his son. The doctor said
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  • 35 1 TEHERAN, Mar. 31. Dr. Hussein Faterai. ex-dictator Mossadegh's foreign minister, is near death from lack of nourishment stemming from a long neglected gunshot wound in the stomach, his doctor .said yesterday.- A P.
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  • 97 1 CITY COUNCIL TO DISCUSS RENDEL REPORT A report by the Finance and General Purposes Committee on Rendel Commission Report on the Constitution of the City Council, was tabled yesterday before the President of the City Council. The report will be discussed by the City Council on Friday at a Special
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  • 47 1 TRESPASSERS INTO LABOUR QUARTERS Mr. Soh Ghee Soon complained in the City Council yesterday that outsiders, par. ticularly squatters, were trespassing into latrines and bathrooms intended for City Council labourers residing in Havelock Road Quarters. He also alleged in some cases labourers have been assaulted by trespassers.
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  • 214 1 II M. FOR RIVER VALLEY PROJECT NEW DELHI, Mar. 31 An agreement providing India with 11 million dollars of American aid funds for the big Kihand Kiver Valley project was signed yesterday by the United States and India. The agreement, announced by the Indian government, covers
    A.P.  -  214 words
  • 24 1 TOKYO, Mar. 31. Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida got four sticks of dynamite in his mail yesterday —with a polite letter suggesting he resign. AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • 94 1 Mr. Oli Mohamtd, making a speech on she Adjournment recalled his recent visit to Switzerland and stated that swans in the ponds around which children used to play attracted his attention. He -suggested that Homo sawns be imported and left at the Elizabeth walk, which he
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  • 169 1 The two men who were slightly hurt when a Royal Naval 5.55 helicopter crashed in a padi field near the Se-remban-Kuala Pilah Road on Tuesday, Mar. 30, were back on duty again yesterday mor. ning Mar. 31. They were Lieutenant R. T. Rowe, R.N., of
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  • 24 1 The President, Dr. Rajeiulru Prasad, responding to the greetings of dome Nioobarcfe at Car Nicobar dialing his recent visit there.
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  • 91 1 NEW DELHI, Mar 31 The Defence Ministry has ordered a full investigation onto the reported drowning of a junior officer and 42 men of the Indian Army during an attempted river crossing while on manoeuvers in Jammu State. 9, spokesman said today. Reports reaching here said
    AP  -  91 words
  • 94 1 Th<» Agreement entered into by the Federation of Malaya and the Colony Government with Malayan Airways Limited is deemed to have commenced from May 1, 1947 and will remain in force until Apr. 30. 1957. The Agreement empowers the Governments to suspend any of the Agreed Services
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  • 68 1 Major A. Amor, an officer of the Ist Battalion, Royal Hampshires, died as a result of injuries received when a Scout car in which he was travelling overturned into a ravine near Bentong. Pahang. The incident occurred on Saturday Mar. 27. Major Amor was
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  • 45 1 HANOI, Mar. 31 French claimed all their positions at Dien Bien Phu were still held this morning. A]l available French planes were rushed to the support of the defenders Napaim ng and bombing the attackers. French launched six counter attacks. Reuter.
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  • 36 1 PARIS, Mar. 31.— Mr. Moutoussamy, the Mayor of Pondicherry, and his hrs% deputy Mr. Edouard Goubert have been suspended from their posts, the French news agency reported from the French Tnriin settlement today.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 249 1 By Our Staff Reporter Mr. JLoke Wan Tho, a multi-millionaire of Singapore and owner of Cathay Organisation, presented a beautiful mace to the City Council yesterday. In an impressive ceremony, which was attended by the elite of the Coiony, the President
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  • 265 1 Will Kamaraj Become Chief Minister From Our Own Correspondent MADRAS, Mar. 31. Mr. Kamaraj Nadar. President Tamilnad Pradesh Congress Committee and Member of Union Parliament was elected Leader of Madras State Legislature Congress Party at a meeting held last night in the place of Mr. Rajaji, who resign, ed on
    A.P.  -  265 words
  • 217 1 KARACHI. Mar. 31.— Prime Minister Mohammed Ali said yesterday the United States was extending; aid to Pakistan and 28 other nations only because the Americans wanted to protect the great progress they had made in their own country. Winding up the debate
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 563 2 Indian Dialy Mail S'pore, Thurs. Apr. 1, '54 A Shocking Recommendation Ji was in Malacca Settlement if we remember right, that the first popular elections to the Municipal Council passed oft without any polling whatsoever, there: being only us many candidates as thi.e were seats to be filled! Viewed irom
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  • 1075 2  - United Nations Invasion OF Himalayas! HAROLD K. MILKS By JtfEW DELHI: If this keeps on, traffic policemen may soon be required to control the rush of mountain climbing expeditions to the Himalayas. This year no less than a dozen parties are among the world's highest peaks-m the wake of last
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  • 167 2 COLOMBO Nineteen llldian workers were injured when private estate guards opened fire on 200 striking iaboui<?rs of Neeriacotee esidte in Maskeliya. in Central Ceylon. The workers have been on stliln for the last 10 days as a protest against the dismissal of 13 active members
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  • 127 2 The wife <if a CM. ««UW>r expects a child Ui about tax weeks although she gave birth ten days a*o to a daughter. The mother, Mr». Thelma Chapman, 31, said that this dual birth condition wa» discovered by Lieutenant Pauline Clark of the Navy Medical
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  • 332 2 WASHINGTON, Mar 25- Two training centres to instruct Indian personnel in the operation and maintenance of heavy earth-moving and construction equipment will be set up in India as part of the technical co-operation programme the U.S. Foreign Operations Administration (FOA) announced today. The training centers
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  • 417 2 KARACHI: The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr Mohammed AH told Pakistan Parliament that "a lcng term air transport agreement between Pakistan and Syria has been nnalised, and is only awaiting .signature.' The Prime Minister, who enclosed this during question nour, aoded that 'negotiations fcr .siiiuiar agreements are
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  • 214 2 KARACHI Sardar <«.bdur Rab Nishter. member of the Pakistan Muslim League Wonting Committee, toid a public meeting here that the present regime was ruining the Muslim League. Sardar Nishter, who Is a former Central Minister of Industries, was speaking at a meeting here. Me said, he
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  • 141 2 BASLE The Cantonal Government of Basle City tabled a motion to givo women the vote, which, in Switzerland, is the exclusive right of men. The women last month voted by 33.166 to 12,327 in favour of getting the vote but it is their menfolk, whe
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  • 211 2 No Recognition To League In E. raK. Assembly gue, which was the ruling r»arty in K. Bengal, has ceased to be a Party in the E. Bengal Assembly, winning only eignt out of 309 in the general elections. All the five seats announced on. Mar, 24 from Muslim constituencies have
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  • 61 2 photo. lMncevs Ashraf. sister uf the Shah uf Perda, get* a big hand from women member* of the Red! Lion and Lamb (the Persian JKquJvalent of the Red Cross > on her arrival at MeJirabad Airport a few days aeo after being: exiled In Eurot* on
    A.P.  -  61 words
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  • 1996 3 Madras Recognises 'Reform' Marriages Bill To Validate Passed Members Say "We Do NOT Want Priests Ceremonies" MADRAS: The Madras Legislative Council passed into law M«n -U N on-conforming Marriages (Registration) Bill, 1954, n»^ ed by tne Law Minister, Mr. K. P. Kuttikrlshnan When clause by clause discussion was taken up
    FOC  -  1,996 words
  • 278 3 TrUVANDRUM: Thirty.-six familie-, comprising 27 agricultural, ano nine fishermen families, have been selected tor settlement in the Andaman Islands under the ook>nkation scheme of the Union Government, and they are expected to leave for the Anaamans in a month. This maormation was givea by the Uuei
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  • 316 3 Amweiing another question the Chief Minister said the integration <jf services had been completed in the Departi.ienLs ol Regulation, 00-op-'eratwn. Jail.-, Agriculture, lni ustrie>\ and Commerce, and the I>epartment -tor the advancement of backword communities while the principle of [integration had been accepted in regard to 25
    FOC  -  316 words
  • 50 3 IJKARKI) ex wrestler rshaban Jalari amJ Hassan Arab, leaders of Tehran's anti-c omiminist bands are n nere at Melimbad airport en route to Iraq a few dayg ago. They plan a two. month jaunt through the Arab countries to organize anti- onmuiuist activities. A.P. photo.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 112 3 TRIVANDRUM: Sri D. Damodaran Potti Praja-Socialist Party candidate, waa elected Deputy Speaker of the Trevancore.Cochin Legislative Assembly. Three candidates filed nominations for election as Deputy Speaker Sr.s T. K. Divakaran, United Front of Leftists, P. Kunjan and D. Damodaran Potti, P.S.P. Sri Kunjan subsequently" withdrew. Polling
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  • 50 3 MADRAS: Sri C. Subramaniam Education Minister, told Sri G. Krishnamurthi in the Legislative Council that the age-linvt for candidate apnearing privately for the Tamil Vidwan examination was 30 on the date of the examination. Its relaxation Was a matter for *H«» TTn<v«r«:tv tA coaiid«r.- FOC
    FOC  -  50 words
  • 125 3 CALCUTTA: Challenged in the High Court Calcutta. University agreed to declare an examine to have passed the B. Com. Examination., Bibhiti Mohan Chakravarty. Whosat for the B. Com. Examination of Calcutta University last year, failed to secure pass mark* in one subject but got 40
    FOC  -  125 words
  • 171 3 NEW DEL.HI: The Prime Munister, Sri Nehru, read out to the House of the People, a denial by Sri o. Ra.iagopulachari, Ohi'ef Minister of Madras, of an alleged invitation to him to attend an Anti-Com-munist conference in Ceylon. Sri Nehru said a news item. emanating
    FOC  -  171 words
  • Article, Illustration
    80 3 HIS EXCELLENCY Sayid Nuri es-Said Pasha or Iraq arrived in Delhi on March 21. He was received a t the Patam Airport by Shri I. S. Chopra, Chief of Protocol, Government of India. This photograph was taken o n the arrival of the distinguished visitor at the
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  • 343 3 DACCA: Mr. A. K. Faziui Hug, a prominent leader of the United Front, was summoned by tne Governor oi East Bengal, and asked) to submit the names of Ute members of his Cabinet on Apr. 1. *o that the Ministry can asKumo office on
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  • 195 3 ent reports in the past lew days by fishermen operating in the waters between lirii .--li Cxuiana ami Trinidad of seeing a "sirangeiy-snaped **hij> which disappeared from tii« ocean surtace Have given rise to a reiwrt, that an *'unfrien<i|t.v" 'submarine was lurking in these waters. The report
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 GUARANTEED FULLY TROPICALIZED <PETRO?> PIANOS I UPRIGHT and GRAND E Outstanding Artists of the world appreciate the high quality of the PETROF PIANOS VERY REASONABLE PRICES The Sole Representative i FAVOURITE RADIO 1118, Serangoon Road, Singapore 18, Tel. 400*.
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  • 1042 4 Commission INTERIM BODY PROPOSED FUNCTIONS OF PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION AND INTERIM BODY A paper laid before the Federal Legislative Council yesterday stresses the need for setting up in the Federation a Public Service Commission. To f actiitate introduction of a machinery on the lines proposed an
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  • 115 4 Illegal Entry Employers To Be Penalised COLOMBO: The Ceylon Government is considering measures to penalise employers of Hicit immigrants and traffickers in illicit immigration, Mr. R. G. Senanayake, Ceylon's Minister for Trade, Commerce and Fisheries sad recently. Mr. Senanayake, who is a member of the Caibnet SubCommittee considering measures for
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  • 97 4 SEMI -SLAVE LABOUR He believed that there was a large number of illicit immigrants already present in Ceylon. Several employers, he sad, seemed to prefer illicit Immigrant labour because it was "semi-slave labour." "In many cases, employers took work out of them for no return at all. If workers complained
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  • 190 4 COLOMBO: Concern at the direction in which the Ceylon Governments Ceylonization policy was progress ng was expressed by the Chairman of the Cey'on Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. R. Murray. Addressing the annual general meeting of the Chamber, Mr. Murray said that instead of benefiting the
    FOC  -  190 words
  • 287 4 WASHINGTON. Mar. SO. Walter White. eminent Negro writer, believe* racial d*scrimlna/tt<in in Washington ha* greatly lessened in recent .vmm. Writing in the current issue because southern lesrisaator-s of the Saturday Evening Post bitterly oppose c uoh a move o n 'How Washington's Colour since approximately one-third Line
    AP  -  287 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 146 4 DIAMOND TODAY ONLY 3.15 6.15 9.1S pan. NIRUPA ROY, AGHA, MANHAR DESAI BIPLN GUPTA ft Others in i NAYA RASTA A progressive and purposeful Drama in Hindustani Saturday at 12 Midnight P. hannaniba, Manohar Friend Ramasamy ft others LAKSHMI (Tamil) Advance Bookings of Ist Class Seats are available now '^"^HHHHH
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    • 49 4 TODAY: 7 9.30 P.m. Mumtaz Shanti Purnlma SANSKAR in Hindustani with VEERA PRAN FROM gm^m ICE&If 3.00. G.30 TOMORROW yVCENd and ».15 i IB fr* **^^w il I THE EVERGREEN ROMANCE OF TWO IMMORTAL LOVERS! Starring: NUTAK SHAMMJ I KAPOOR Om PRAKASH Released and Distributed bv Shaw Bros. Ltd.
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    • 194 4 NOTICE Change Of Address NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LTD., With effect from 20th March, our office adc-e ss is an I follows: BANK OF CHINA BUILDING Bth Floor, Battery R»a<<, Singapore, 1. Our Telephone No. ***** remains unchanpnl. Notice to Employers of Labour (Labour Returns Under the Labour Code) NOTICE
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