The Singapore Free Press, 20 August 1958

Total Pages: 24
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press Malaya's Own Family Paper So. IMW tfngftMNi Wednesday, August 20, 1958. Price 15Cts
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  • 265 1 Now Moscow is worried about U.S. marines here onss the Soviet news agency, said yesterday 1* thai the United States marines who had arrived in Singapore were apparently there not tempon liv but presumably would "firmly establish the selves in this bastion of British colonial interests in the Far East,"
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 21 1 Youths beat up an old man hJ.J',; aulted an v Urn Chua m I t. Singapore n<J stole his italn pen
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  • 6 1 Sgftft fa n yegter
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  • 191 1 AMERICA STILL SEES MAO MOVES AS POLITICAL rpHE Communist Chinese power build-up on the mainland coast opposite Formosa appears to have a political rather than a military objective, U.S. State Department Far East experts said in Washington last night. They expressed the view that the Peking regime was attempting to
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 81 1 DEVASTATING floods in North Bengal spread to new areas of about 500 square miles in the Maldah district inhabited by abou' 500.000 persons. With the waters sti! rising, some :<,OOO famille Were made homelcs The marooned arc now shelter ing in tents and schools
    U.P.I.  -  81 words
  • 392 1 U.S. SHOWS FAITH IN R.I. TO RESIST REDS Arms solely for internal security 'JUIE United States is convinced that the Indonesian Government is now fully alive to the dangers facing it from communist subversion, U.S. State Department sources said in Washington today. The United States decision, announced yesterday, to sell
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 98 1 Indonesia shelves its Irian case in UN INDONESIA said last night it had decided against bringing her claim to West New Guinea before the United Nations this year Mr. Soedibjo, the Minister of Information, announced the decision to reporters after a cabinet meeting. Minister Soedibjo in a written statement from
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 112 1 AN Indonesian Cabinet spokesman indicated in Jakarta last night that Indonesia's purchase of arms from America was made without political conditions. Mr. Soedibjo, the Minister of Information, speaking to reporters after a Cabinet session, declined to reveal the amount and value of the arms purchased. Usually reliable
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 MontdOr ICE CREAM, MILK and SNACK Parlour Drop in :it Mont dOr and relux in tin* restful atmosphere of a fully air-conditioned parlour and enjoy delicious Ice Creams and appetising t^ Li^lit Lunclieonet served daily :it Delicious doughnuts and homebaked cakes consumed on jUp Chicken Mushroom Tomato OPEN DAILY Weekdays
      79 words

  • 507 2 7-nation Mid -East proposal put to hutry-up Assembly MR, HANS EN'iEN, Noi w man deputy Foreign Minister, yesterday formally introduced a Western-backed draft resolution on the Middl > East -tabled on Monday- and told the special General Assembly «it was the "basis upon which the
    507 words
  • 317 2 AMERICAN Secretary of J State John Foster Dulles took command yesterday of a Western drive to counteract mounting Afro-Asian and Soviet demands for a deadline on withdrawal of United States troops from the Lebanon and British troops Irom Jordan. The 28-nation Afro-Asian bloc
    U.P.I.  -  317 words
  • 120 2 rpllE Moroccan delegate. Mr. Abdel Latif Filali, told the Assembly that the demands of the Middle East region were "legitimate and natural" and it would be to Ignore them. Events in the Middle East could have serious repercussions In North Africa, ho added They were
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 38 2 The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced yesterday that the fifth of six technical study groups It is sending to the Soviet Union under an exchange programme left for Moscow on Monday. U.P.I.
    U.P.I.  -  38 words
  • 108 2 INGER GETS DIVORCE, BUT AGREES TO PAY HUSBAND SWEDISH -BORN film actress I n g c r Stevens (above) was granted a final divorce decree in Los Angeies from her husband, New York theatrical agent Anthony Soglio. 35. The actress was granted an interlocutory decree last year when she testified
    U.P.I.  -  108 words
  • 97 2 Way now open for ending A-tests IMST-WEST agreement In £j Geneva yesterday v ideas io r detecting LJ*i nuclear tests was swi United Nati.',...",;;..: V,. quarters as opening J clear road towards W mate accord on an t -nd 'i atomic weapons exDlosions Information from Geneva had given an optimistic
    97 words
  • 55 2 But authoritative American sources flatly denied any knowledge of this, and observers concluded that the rumour. In an organisation traditionally given to rumour-mon-gering, stemmed from the optimistic Geneva report? Demands for a cessation o.' weapons testa are expected to be a dominant them r of the General Assembly
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 218 2 SQUATTERS FOILED PATROLS-NOW THEY FACE EVICTION THE LAND OFFICE is takIng legal action to evict about 60 squatter families from the Mount Pleasant and Caldecott Hill areas, off Thomson Road. The squatter invasion of those exclusive residential areas has angered the residents. They think that the Government should have prevented
    218 words
  • 41 2 Badminton enthusiast, Kampong Glam have ed a new Ist ana Badm Party. It is seeking < Won with the Bini Badminton Association president ol the par! Mr Ahmad Khan C with Mr. Syed Habee marl afl protcm ie<
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 MODEI TO 50 REFRIGERATOR FOOD STORAGE CAPACITY 5 cv ft. A mnQmficent British-buili ref narrator with a host of iptCtoi ftOtureS qreafer 'jhclf spare, ogq rocks, l^ottlc racks, speciol bacon nnd buttr-i keepert. choice oi tat;ir colours. It brings COIOUF In v'' 11 l-itchen, freshness I VOI id i \'j
      147 words

  • 210 3 gHOPS in Galway. Eire, were draped in black 3 yesterday for a mass funeral of 25 unidentified "victims recovered from the sea after last iiursday's crash of a X.L.M. super-constellation airliner. An Inquest jury decided on Monday that the 34 recovered
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 41 3 President Eisenhower yesterday nominated Harry A. Bullis of Minneapolis to be chairman of the International Development Advisory Board. The board helps set policy for carrying out the economic part of the foreign aid programme. U.P.I.
    U.P.I.  -  41 words
  • 26 3 Ghana announced yesterday that an agreement has been signed with Israel covering trade, exchanger,, and services in Ghana for £7 million. U.P.I.
    U.P.I.  -  26 words
  • 69 3 S A uitutr of teachers £!> from the Bedok S Boys' School lean on the delivery chute at the Singapore General S Post Office to watch 2J*U P— kages being fhuttled down from the front office. 5 fhe teachers —30 of them were tour- ing
    Free Press  -  69 words
  • 90 3 Bomb in plane call was just a hoax AIRLINERS were searched at thre c airports in Britain yesterday after someone telephoned Manchester Airport and said in a muffled voice 'there is a bomb on an airliner." Turned buvk But after a plane at Birmingham had been semi-stripped 1 in a
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 212 3 TROOPS TO BE USED AT LITTLE ROCK AGAIN? PRESIDENT Elsenhower may again be faced with a decision to use federal force to ensure attendance of Negro students at Little Rock central high school when it resumes on September 2. The Court of Appeals decision on Monday setting aside a district
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 33 3 The re-establishment of diplorrratic relations with Egypt Is not a matter requiring an urgent solution, the French Foreign Ministry spokesman said at his weekly press conference in Paris yesterday U.P.I.
    U.P.I.  -  33 words
  • 178 3 BACK INTO CIVVIES FOR BOGUS OFFICER WHO FOOLED R.A.F. WILLIAM REGINALD Stanton's short career as a bogus naval ©fflcer enjoying the hospitality of the Royal Air Force ended in court at Oldham. England, yesterday. Stanton was conditionally discharged and put on probation for a year after he pleaded guilty to
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 fegg££S(Lf jlly upholstered foi Indoors or Outdoors Solo Agents: VAN HiN FURNITURE Co Ltd. Showrooms:— li- 142 Orchard Road. yg*Por< Tel: *****/***** For Singapore Advertisers [MSSHTED adver"ttmenta and n,,uce» ol r l d "«m 800 a.i. m Saturday. mSyfrl* at our town •^turd!! U noon every ..^^"••"•rnhcr that small rttogaoW^ff
      58 words
    • 181 3 For the Lovely Lady I —Silver— I MARCA S I T E j I JEWELLERY I Necklaces Earrings Double Clips Bracelets etc. I m the most appealing designs. I I Make your choice whilst the I selection is wide from I GC DE SILV A BROS 9 i Manufacturing Jewellers
      181 words

  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 213 4 Opinion How now to ask aid? MANY so-called unaligned and neutralist nations have condemned America and and Britain for send-. ing troops to the Lebanon and Jordan. By so doing, those nations have shown themselves to be short-sighted and imprudent if not twofaced and dishonest. For America and Britain acted
      213 words
  • 1136 4 Growing threat to take over estates worrying planters i?v SPECIAL COEEESPONMSUn pKYLON'B tea Indusv uy, the country's major foreign exchange earner. is facing ii crisis. The recurrent threat or nationalisation of plantations: A glut of tea in the world which has created a buyers' market and
    Reuter  -  1,136 words
  • 332 4 They're heading for a tobacco record CANCER SCARES IGNORED IN NEW ZEALAND VIEW ZEALANDERS, in spile of all cancer scares, look like setting up n new high record this year in tobacco consumption—with 5' 2 lb. per head. Ten years ago, New Zea--1 an ders smoked an average of 4
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 PATEK PHILIPPE I WATCHES The n "ic: t, cl of| c■ < p less then 30 jewels, 28 NJbta and 2 SOpfMnfJ. It is entirely hand-made by watch on akers anJ adjusters who rigorously main- tain tf.e time-honoured traditkMH of the Geneva v\at;h making industry. S'>!e Agents: H. SENA, LTD.
      53 words
    • 65 4 IT IS WISE... TO PHONE ***** IfT flf AND SOLVE YOUR PACKING f I PROBLEMS M Your glass, china, silver-w.i r W JW .nd furniture needs the attenti in of experts. \V« pack and erato 1 1 anything for you with thf w a greatest of care V W FURNITURE
      65 words

  • 259 5 (vlllKE Is considerable I speculation In Singapore al circles about the date rural district council elections They say they have reason to believe that the Government k no t very keen to go ahead with these elections, but would fathei hold the general election
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  • 70 5 The 2,980-ton atomic submarine Nautilus which ended her 6,100-mile trip under the North Pole al Portland harbaur was given a great welcome there. Here, Commander An- .\v;-.\-Mow->x"-:-x-v---»:-v.y.x-::': -ssk-kwsssji derson waves as he climbs the gang plank of the Nautilus on arrival at Portland. The Nautilus has
    Popper  -  70 words
  • 124 5 GOVT. REPLY ON CHINA TRIP SOON? rE ten-man delegation of rubber traders to China who had been waiting for about two months for their visas expect to hear from the Government within "a few days." Mr. Ng Quee Lam, Vice President of the Singapore Rubber Traders Association which is organising
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  • 235 5 ONE member of the opposition benches in the present Singapore Legislative Assembly represented the Government of the Colony at three conferences and at the Queen's Coronation between 1948 and 1954 The member concerned was absent from Singapore for 61 days and his trips cost
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 "'imillll Famous since 1627 Bait) h e Oldest Scotch Distillers c World I MIB i > _-J mi 1,,,,,. N l!lll »«l..»»ll III!
      22 words
    • 211 5 Carpets *Bfitbl M > v r Visit Persian, Bokhara, Indian, tor quality 35, Orchard Rd. (Opp. Mac Donald House) Singapore 9. Telephone: *****. AURORA LTD, The finest juice extra "or (ELECTRICAL DEPT.) ot 011 <IGH ST., SINGAPORE. PHONE ***** |1HIIIIIIIIIIC3IIUIUIIIIIC1IIIIUI!!ll!i:2lllllllllllinilllllllUI!C3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]|lltlllllll^ 5 For comfort, convenience economy S Stay at Malayan Railway
      211 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 75 6 MUCH MORE FLAVOUR I MUCH LESS NICOTINE I For tlie first lime filler tip I smokers are getting the) I want iniH'li more fIaTOUI I and aroma with much less I nicotine. After the first fey I puffs from an L 'M. mosl I smokers sum it up in
      75 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 346 6 BBBBBBBMMMMBBBBBBBBBBUiBBB 888 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B H .Bill II til X I by Jordau «*"-<bt ii.iuni, y "~^73rr7rrT~~~7~~~~~ I AS THt MART /AN SPACE QUAINT BELEA^Fs\ RsSir?*3ir~eSCAP>E MATCH GONE -Z^ E J2L E o^^^^,^- W*^-BB THE BS2. JE^FS
      346 words
    • 493 6 t I BORN today, you nave a vi-v,,,,, I energetic personality JouXX I are always "up ana doing/ W I don t know what it i to \u l: I and relax, watching the k I I world go by. You have to V I the head of the parade
      493 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 174 7 LONDON, \iu i i'ieviou> Toda\ van ports lu| 23? a buyei 23. buyei 23 sellers no sellers Sept 23% buyers 23% buyers 23tt Belters 23! sellers gUBBEB Xi I RSB 23Vj buyers 23 1 buyers 23 6 sellers 23 sellers i;l BBJ B No. I l! s
      174 words
    • 100 7 NEW YORK. Aug. 19. Previous Today UN Straits Spot 94.00 nom. 94.25 nom. fIN i u lures Straits Contract >rj)t. 93.00 buyers 93.25 buyers 94.25 seller- 94.50 sellers Gel 93.00 buyers 93.25 buyers 94.25 .sellers 94.50 sellers CONE: Steady. SALES: Nil RUBBER Futures s.-pt. 28.30 buyer- 28.30
      100 words
    • 32 7 NKW YORK. \u» IS o n Previous Today ii! r r v 502.67 503.64 aill( uN 128.81 129.68 1i t 88.64 88.49 B locks Composite \vnases 172.41 17 77
      32 words
    • 83 7 I reteie si Tn avai!ln 26',. 26 cif. Sarawak unf finS Ll r VilSS*" J 7 l 0 26 quoted Muntok white spot and. I Quote t V shl P m «nt un- awaiting release 42. afloats 41 to I vr 1)on t spot 27 40 «nd first
      83 words
    • 60 7 LONDON. Aiir. IM COPRA Philippine* c.i.r. UK/ Plfviou To*** Nortt European ports delivered jwjpetn p oHs delivered (m crude S(iaHs ■"■■oPMii ports in bulk IM(>N I OH. crude (»lon European ports in bulk I'm! i 'mvV >n AllK Sept «WH seUen eim sdiera •"iii'im COPHA c.i.f.
      60 words
  • 28 7 A U.S. State Department spokesman said yesterday there were no plans at present to withdraw more United States troops from the Lebanon. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 142 7 ;f> I active Recount a considerable time Jfd on a highly satisfar- l V n the London ac ocX Exchange yesterday I v taking after the «ustained rise was ih^rbod. particularly industrial sen ion !i Kama predomiedged markei quiel and ;1 ed narrowly J^lel Foreign bond
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 206 7 HALF CO-OP'S LOANS WERE FOR ILLNESS, CONFINEMENT VfOHh than 3,^00 Government employees borL rowed $1,180,6G(i from the Singapore Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society last year. According to a spokesman of the society nearly half the amount was used for confinement and medical expenses. But, he added, member*] were
    206 words
  • 157 7 PREPARATIONS are in full swing for the 41) Base Workshops Open Day to be held on August •j i An Army spokesman said all the 2,100 civilian employees would play their part to make the Day a success. It is one of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 69 7 dmiiimimiiiiiiiiMimiiimiiiiiij: I SINGAPORE I HIGH TIDES! TODAY: 2.16 p.m. E S TOMORROW: 2.47 a.m. E E and 2.56 p.m. E S FRIDAY: 3.52 a.m. and 3.43 p.m. S SATURDAY: 5.20 a.m. E E and 4.43 p.m. E S SUNDAY: 7.32 a,m. E and 6.04 p.m. E MONDAY: 8.. r >H
      69 words
    • 92 7 Today's radio programme 1.10 p.m. Orchestral Musk 'rom the Opera; 1.30 Time Bigml and News; 1.45 More Miimi rom the Opera; 2.00 (lose Down; 5.00 For Amuwmenl )nly; 5.15 Tea Dance; 6.40 Havaiian Blossoms; 600 tnvitaion to the Waltz; nl5 BBC Jandstand; 6.45 Liglits On. 0.53 knnouncements and Singapore ttmre
      92 words

  • 348 8 CAUGHT by t/ie] of LOKE WAR 'THOUSANDS of miles from here is the most exclusive club in the world. Neither money nor academic honours counts when it comes to qualification for membership. Endurance and the wanderlust are the essential attributes. It is not a large club,
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    • 9 1 FREE PRESS RACE DAY Special Wednesday, August 20, 1958
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    • 428 1  - TALENT A WINNER OVER 51/ 2 F. ALLAN LEWIS Says r\i;\ n there is F NO MORE RAIN BEFORE RACING STARTS THIS AFTERKOOX THE GOING AT KIALA LUMPUR WILL BE SOFT. Talent and Follow Me Home are the really fancied runners in the first race, which I think will go
      428 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 81 1 How many ways have you enjoyed tijjSfy REMY MARTIN? U IWk |k d Remy Martin Brandy on ice, or with Oingei Ale; Brandy water, or Brandy Soda: Brandy with thiSi Brandy with that, The important thing i that I you ask for Remy Martin VJS.OJP, by name you win be
        81 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 214 1 W^^ if > iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II i I THE FREE PRESS THE STM fS T MES MALAy mL "nYANg" amnuanu S|MG pAU m A1IXN WIS sp^«« _!!!!!!_!!!L_ _J: AU BOV ZIZZZ 8 x to.. a 1 m X°U™« Follow M, Hon., Dunce |,.,l_,,, fZTm. Horn. S£g < 1 glK£ sSStafi^ 1
        214 words
    • Article, Illustration
      145 2 KAQE ONE I NELLYNE: 3-7-5o Wen! icely over 3F h\ 40 II FOLLOW ME now ecent track report I GOLDEN GUS: 16-8-58 l Vent over 3F in 41 MJ 'overed 3F in 40 Hri TALENT: 18-8-511 Wtl L 1 oing better than Kxhlbitr i° I over 3F in 43
      145 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 89 2 •OUALITi tiR b T >• \itf^ I The finest kind I j of family motoring I j^" ML- *^i I^^^^M m m T v^rfcrt BB* Come drive the Morris of your choice! Let us prove just how really satisfying owning a Morris can be! ■f^^TtJa (In If I I AND
        89 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 911 2 PROBABLE STARTERS AMD RIDERS 1 RACE I-1.OO! CLASS 5, DIV. 1 S! «™S. 1 &31M NC1XTN1 Iff. bram < Mdm Dolly Lam) Yung.. 9.00 Ward I 8353] FOLLOW ME HOME 4yr. eheg CPU Stable) Tjoa 8.13 Buang S 0*484 GOLDEN Ul'S 5yr. cheg day Mdm. Lee) Allan 8.13 Geyer 4.
        911 words
    • 875 3 ■riw »i: 1G 8 58 Went I even time with Koi i; No recent track K|[\i RPOBT: No recent Bui.l.Vl'rE: 16-8-58 X 3P in even time Km US FOREST: 12-8-W m j over 3F in 43: 3 .58 Went over 3F In 12 4
      875 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
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      • 116 3 MORE POWER WITH ECONOMY THE ENTIRELY NEW .^.^jfai^.. ffi//mattftttsktf Now with the PROVED HILLMAN O.H.Y. ENGINE Yes this new Double-Duty Hillman Husky More space... And more power... offers you even more for your money. HIR E PURCHASE TERMS ARE AVAILABL /K^\ Hillman. Number, and Rapier, arc available \y for vnur
        116 words
    • 1213 8 y jib__m™|l > %*mm.,>, Fresh Mystery The Beauty I 4 (TOK 11, Who likes a heavy Kuala Lum pur track, Fresh Mystery and consistent The Beauty look three Of the (lav's best bets. They should make a Safe each -way treble at Kuala Lumpur today, second
      1,213 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 49 8 I CHICKEN I I g where you can wine, I dine and dance by the I g water's ed^e to the i I s accompaniment of I ■Ha* |j delightful music i I I ARMANDO 61 ELV Y I s with their 5 I I ITALIAN MELODIES. 1 I
        49 words
    • Article, Illustration
      850 9 Bk ;^^^^w B- y)i this. X lil" 11-'Wi, n'nc( i«Ni)fri r"n' Kj imc-ms in a Kiriii'n and as the ■\;i hi, work was K,j that birds find v the stars at night XvK v the sun by day Xv only thing entases their navlH is obscurity. HLokr In
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      1,016 words
    • 193 10 MOTHER HAS QUADS ONE IS DEAD MRS. IRENE CARPENTER, 34-year-old mother of three children, gave birth to quads at tht Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester. One of the babies was born dead. The other three, a boy and two girls, are doinu well. The first born was i boy weighing
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    • 29 10 Argentina Wterda yW drew her naval for W Snipe Islet, at the tip ot South Am< lowing an agreeme M Chile for negotiation ownership. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 25 10 Russia made B 1 test I China's U.N mci 1 yestrrdn.\ bill Hi. W A.s.sembiv.s credent 1 mit'eo Ignored tli move U.P.I.
      U.P.I.  -  25 words
    • Article, Illustration
      31 11 OB Here Mr. Loke Wan Tho gives his wife a E wiping hand up a steep slope in Northern Finland. Behind them is their noung Finnish nude. S
      31 words
    • 129 11 ISLINGTON. North LOU don, where Pentonvill* Prison is .situated, runs n library service for prison ers Most popular book ;i' present In demand says the annual report Ol the district's chief libra rian Is a dictionary. CrOM-WOrd puzzles an thought to be the cause
      129 words
    • 168 11 HAS ANYBODY HERE SEEN 'CHERRY RIPE' The Royai Academy wishes to contact a woman who must now b<« 80, or more who :at as the Blrl in 1879 for Miiiai.s* celebrated picture, "Cherry Ripe." The painting is on view at the Royal Academy I >r the first time since 1898
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    • 280 12 A STRONG under-current of discontent among the Dutch population over Holland's continued possession of Western New Guinea is becoming evident despite the Dutch Government's apparent determination to retain sovereignty over the territory. With the first strong emotion over antiDutch measures in Indonesia
      U.P.I.  -  280 words
    • 109 12 'Fallout' victims recover A STUDY of 82 islanders q °?u Kongelap, in the South Pacific, accidentally showered with radioactive fallout in 1954 has shown they are almost completely recovered from the Immediate effects. Dr. Robert Conrad, of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, made this disclosure at Burlington. Vermont at a meeting
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • Article, Illustration
      55 12 picture. A section of Japan's 'peaco marchers" Arriving in Tokyo after a 620-mile hike from Hiroshima to attend the annual World Rally Against Nuclear Weapons. The organising committee of the peace march said that more than 700,000 people joiner the procession for varying stages of the march through villages and
      U.P.I.  -  55 words
    • 50 12 BANDITS attacking the Michelin Rubber Plantation processing plant at Dautieng. 45 miles south of Saigon, systematically destroyed the power plant offices, storage buildings and processing rooms Michelin officials said the plant would not be able to produce first grade rubber again for about two years.- U.P.I.
      U.P.I.  -  50 words
    • 138 12 PHILIPPINE Consul-Ge-neral in Hong Kong Eduardo Rosal said the Crown Colony was facing a "dim" economic future. Mr. Rosal. who is now in Manila for "routine" consultations with Foreign Secretary Fclixberto Serrano, attributed this dim future to the flooding of cheap goods and foodstuffs
      U.P.I.  -  138 words
    • 53 12 The Muslim Nahdatul Ulama Party had offered conditional support for President Sukarno's concept of guided democracy, the Antara news agency said. The conditions were that there should be no dissolution of parliament or of political parties, and that power should remain in the hands of an elected
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • Glimpses
      • 81 12 Banana money' in Siam: Final settlement HPHE Japanese Govern- ment has decided to give a £9,600,000 sterling loan to Siam to settle the long-pend-ing question of special yen currency. The special yen currency was issued by the Japanese military authorities in Siam during the last war. The loan will be
        Reuter  -  81 words
      • 26 12 New Delhi sourer I that a Japanese I would shortly give 1 I a U5525,000,000 loan b I od by U.S. bank" t« volop shipping. U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  26 words
        U.P.I.  -  25 words
      • 51 12 Sadao Takai, 40. who <rd a Japanese air squadr< the attack which the battleships B< and Prince of Wale ffJ I Malaya on Dec 10, ll met in Tokyo An^'^ 1 correspondent 1 Brou?u and Brii/>7i I wan Horace i4bra'':"«s, X bo«/i of whom sir > 1 Me Repulse sinkH
        U.P.I.  -  51 words
      • 36 12 Colonel Suprajoßi, Inflo- nesian State Minister f«r B Economic Stablisatloß, said in Jakarta that rem- nants of the proceeds derived from the bartel trade in South Sumatra would soon be taken over by the government Reuter
        Reuter  -  36 words
      • 33 12 I The Communist government of the Indian State of M Kerala has set up a 'die- tatorship" and is trying to "brainwash" students, the Catholic missionary news agency Fides charged In Rome. U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  33 words
      • 44 12 The Indian Government has returned to Japanese na- I tionals their properties in 1 India seized during World S War 11. It is learned in New Delhi that Indian 1 property worth about U553,000,000 held in Japan will be returned to Indian nationals. U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  44 words
        Reuter  -  40 words
      • 28 12 Bangkok police have been Instructed to "drop every- thing" and to concentrate I in an all-out effort to wipe out prostitution in I the Siamese capital.- 1 Reuter
        Reuter  -  28 words
      • 26 12 The Sunday edition of the New York Times contained a 16-page maga-zine-like separate advertising section sponsored by the Government and business interests of South Korea.— U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  26 words
      • 41 12 A Canadian accountant. Mr. Austin Hamilton, said on his arrival in Hong Kong after a five-week tour of Communist China that a number of Chinese In Canton told him they wanted to go to Hong Kong to look lor jobs.— Reuter
        Reuter  -  41 words
      • 38 12 Mr. Chou En-lai. the Peking Premier, has written to Brigadier Abdul Karim Kassem. the new Iraqi Premier, saying that Peking was ready "to take measures to develop the political, economic and cultural relations between our two countries. Reuter
        Reuter  -  38 words
      • 35 12 During the first six months of this year, according to national police statistics. 71 persons were killed and 152 others seriously in- jured in South Korea by the forgotten explosives U.P.I. of the Korean war.—
        U.P.I.  -  35 words
      • 49 12 Japan's new Minister of International Trade and Industry, Mr. Tatsunosuke Takasaki. believes his nation can boost its exports to the United States to the billion-dollar-a-year-level within five or 10 years. He said Japanese businessmen could do this by developing merchandise lines that are not now exported in volume.— U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  49 words
      • 41 12 Moral disarmament delegates from Japan, the Philippines. Indonesia, South Vietnam. South Korea, Siam and India have gone to Washington to "give evidence to United States leaders and foreign representatives of a su- perior ideology now at work in Free Asia."- U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  41 words
      • 39 12 Japan's ambassador to Moscow has been Instructed to lodge a protest with the Soviet Union over the seizure of a Japanese fishing boat off the Kurile Islands on Aug. 1 and to demand the vessel's im- mediate release.- U.P.I.
        U.P.I.  -  39 words
      • 53 12 A Nationalist Chinese farm products marketing expert, Mr. W. C. Fung, said in Tokyo that Formosans should take advantage of their knowledge of Japanese to study with research agencies in Japan. He has just completed a six-month study in his field under the U.S. International Co-operation Administration's Tokyo International Training
        U.P.I.  -  53 words
      • 14 12 Japan is sending trade missions to the United States and Australia this month Reuter
        Reuter  -  14 words
      • 33 12 A Japanese Diet (Parliamentary) mission of five members, headed by Mr. Mikio Mizuta, has lett Tokyo to study the Parliaments in the Philippines. South Vietnam, Indonesia, Siam, Burma, India, Pakistan and Ceylon.— Reuter
        Reuter  -  33 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 116 12 Studying Overseas? t jrou'lt shoitly due to go to Immediately to (lireulation Britain or Australia (or In Manager. Straits Budget, :»«t any OVCTMM country) for Times House, River Valley Itadiei you <annot do better Koad, Sin»;;ipon- Six months rW kriping In tourh with costs only $24.00 by airmail mnta at
        116 words
      • 11 12 H W m 9 H Ha '"till "ni pl^^Wi Wm *v:^%
        11 words
    • 564 13  -  JONATHAN RUSSELL By A love tragedy by Wagner wiurvciv: lviusic irom tier Fiieffende Hollander; Tristan Und Isolde; Die MersUinfer Yon Nurnberg Tannhauser. The Bavarian Radio Orchestra. Conductor: Eugen Joe hum. (Fontana 12 -Inch. 698 005 CL). T ET'S face it: WagLi ncr often composed with a heavy hand
      564 words
    • 317 13 pHE Peruvian rolK I songs that are weeping the world best- days derive mien of their popuaritv from a gentlenan by the name of jUis Alberto del Parala l As leading songster or Prio Los Paiaguayos he las achieved worthy fame. ,Vith his golden vocals,
      317 words
    • 195 13 SWEET-SONG MATHIS REVIVES AN OLDIE Pick of the 45 r.p.m. JOHNNY MATIIIS. VVhat'll 1 Do, Come To Me Wild Is The Wind, No Love. (Fontana EP, 461 026 TE). What/11 I Do (when you are far away) is one ol t h c sweetest melodies composed by the prolific Irving
      195 words
    • 144 13 FLAMENCO. Vlncente Escudrro, with Mario Escudero, (Rultai) and Carmita Garcia (castanets). The Mountain-Maiden, The Virgin, The Reed, The Polo Song, The Young Galiclan Maid, Pilgrim Songs Songs of roncllnrss, Solea Apola, Tangti of the Antiquarians of Cadla. (Fontana 10-inch, 662 008 TR >- The singing here might be
      144 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 166 13 PETROF FAMOUS SINCE 1864 PIANOS Tels: ***** ***** Bell Howell TOP QUALITY PORTABLE MODEL 775 TAPE RECORDER i HANDSOMIt tlllh sZ^j*r* r S. (ii-ul« i .iMv i.rii rl oortihle tIKSSI^fS&ZJ -i S~ unit cm iiiatrh il<«> ,/^^E»^S^ ~j^ s M'ldrl ;*!."> ror siiiiiHi'ri'd J lop qualil) p'-rform jfll J
        166 words
    • 511 14 WARDLE IS SACKED FROM ENGLAND TOUR TEAM JOHNNY WARDLE, the ielUarm spin bowler who was selected to tour Australia with the England team later this year, had his invitation withdrawn alter a meeting of the lull M.C.C. committee at Lord's yesterday. Wardle, who wus dismissed by Yorkshire recently, was yesterday
      511 words
    • 280 14 N.Z. game peters out in a draw THE New Zealand match against Nottinghamshire petered out into a draw. The tourists, set to score 181 at the rate ©f 80 an hour, lost their openwrs, Laurie Miller and Bill Playle, without a run scored. This threw them immediately on the defensive
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 103 14 TIIF Harlem Trotters basketball team will be playing in Singapore in November, Mr. Leo Lavitt, their manager, said yesterday. Recce "Goose" Tatum, whom many local fans will remember witli delight, will be in the team. Tatum, featured in many magazine articles, has been called "the court jester",
      103 words
    • 173 14 FLOYD WANTS A LONDON FIGHT CUS D'Amalo. manager of Floyd Patterson, who knocked out Roy Harris in a bruising battle in Los Angeles to retain his world heavyweight championship, says that London is a possible site for Patterson's next title defence. "When I left London earlier this year, I told
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 657 14 County battle will be close WITH victories by Hampshire and Surrey yesterday, the closest finish for years is promised in the English County Cricket Championship. The leaders Hampshire. who beat Essex by three wickets, now total 132 points from 24 matches. Surrey, champions for the past six years who yesterday
      Reuter  -  657 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 245 14 rnmw*m«m«rWiU* Rg^&^^^-k! J coaaßßa ß a-— MMM flllJJLIU]«iyilllllllllllll Him'lllllJllMillMllilLJL 111. L llUllliy—M 2^ 111 WSwi CLUEB ACROSS 6. A large room for Henry (4). 1 Pa turns round in the t>hed 7. D'ist round the horses (4>. (8). 10. Raced text this way (9). 8. TTaitor without an alterna- 12.
        245 words
    • 266 15 RST GOLD TO BRITAIN IN EUROPEAN GAMES K 1 I and MT Czechoslovakia each medal in ■5-Khnhn yesterday ■?/;<■ three finals de- I.i the opening <>[ the European champion- t One European record was M w 2 inches) by Dana X ««e of tho crpnf I „,r^ I »e first
      Reuter  -  266 words
    • 40 15 I i frM i o1 m S(>of ■wtapwr, bmko the I n A tion Jf 3 wcordft for the men's I .V» h Ithn1 thn Br\t\'<h championships at I Hi. time: 4mfn. 28.4 sec Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 1183 15  -  CHARLES BRYCE fdgsdghsdfhsdhsdgh By H>i;Ar<>Ktf rugby flniaulus will be |»i-iTO(l according ltd tin* IUNN ril cs in I coming season. llVti local players M, c surprisingly K.ik> aboul them. Lj? is time therefore lj t-\kc a closer look, ■cfnoti- the changes ■nounccd by the In■rnijiiimal
      1,183 words
    • 157 15 HTHE United States team caused a .stir when they turned up with optical sights on their rifles for the 100 metres running deer event yesterday at the world shooting championships in Moscow. The Soviet team protested against the .sights a.s a violation of tradition,
      157 words
    • 162 15 REMEMBER THESE NEW RULES IN THE COMING SEASON In SttCh a case, oppoMiiplayers may charge the ball when the kicker be gins his run. IJNE-OL'T. If the throwin from touch is not straight, the non-offend-ing team have the option of throwing it in themselves or taking a strum ten yards
      162 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 162 15 i BHHHsSfiBSHBEB^B^B^B^^BWBIB^B^B^HHsWB^B^BK^S^ O and TRANS-CURE m tht 'L r 'JSIMtMESfa engine is as good os on overhaul /*fy CWBMSNQnL Eng nes become quiet, powerful, ico f* C^ (Tr^V. AJ^^\^ nOr n' COl Oil burnin q at once (&X No overhauls required when u%inq these *^L )l i -^~j£y L W
        162 words
    • 40 16 The U.S. embassy in Prague yesterday handed a West German note to Czechoslovakia protesting against the violation of West German territory by Czech armed patrols on Aug. 1. il was announced in Reuter Bonn last nij<lit
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 375 16 Greece rejects Cyprus plan, still backs freedom struggle \IK. KARAMANLIS, the Greek prime minister, has told Mr. Macmillan that his government will be "unable to co-operate" in the latest British plan for Cyprus. The British plan, announced in June, provided for a seven-year "adventure In partnership" with separate elected assemblies
      Reuter; U.P.I.  -  375 words
    • 37 16 Engine trouble— so plane turns back A 14-year-old Martin Mariner flying boat, schedui- ed for passenger service in Portugal, took off from San Diego Bay yesterday but W&S forced to turn back becaus»*l or 'eneine trr)ubie. U.P.I.
      U.P.I.  -  37 words
    • 30 16 Indonesia's diplomatic representative to the Netherlands reported at The Hague yesterday that an attempt was made on Sunday to set fire to the Indonesian em- bassy building U.P.I.
      U.P.I.  -  30 words
    • 134 16 broadcast yesterday sent rumours through the Iraqi capital ol Bagdad that there had been a revolution in Persia and the Snah had been overthrown. Crowds gathered in front of the Persian Embassy to cheer the new "revolutionary government" before being told
      U.P.I.  -  134 words
    • 25 16 Princess Margaret shelters inder an umbrella on her irrival at London Airport ifter her month's tour of Canada. Popper picture.
      Popper  -  25 words
    • 154 16 'SLIGHTED' GLADYS PLANS PROTEST TRIP BRITISH Mis i O v ARV > Miss Gladys AylwSil said yesterday in SI Kong she hop. v ()1 t I would help n I trip to fcfe us J n o a test to the 20th cinhml Fox Company r m\ n I to
      154 words
    • 45 16 The Anzus meeting be- 1 tween the United States. I i Australia and New Zealand I is now expected to be held I j in Washington or. October 1 1 to discuss the Far Eastß situation, especially in re-B gard to South-East A.^ia—
      45 words
    • 28 16 Mr. Strijdom. the Soir.h! African premier who iil seriously ill in a Capetown! hospital had a better day! than yesterday and Is more! 1 restful. Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 393 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOI N( I MI M 20 Words M (minimum). LAST DAY IODAY to buy Hunts and win the Necchi at Cold Storage, Orchard Road. Cold Storage. Orchd. Rd. AT VOIR SERVICE 2b Words $2 (Min.)— Box 56 etc. < ttra, POTOMATIC IS FAMOUS for fast Photostats, 58 Robinson
        393 words
      • 36 16 1 1 1 n* a Sleep on the mattress that keeps the temperature dow Dunlopillc The ORIGINAL latex foam mattrtti MADE IN THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. (Malaya; utd. SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANC
        36 words