The Singapore Free Press, 31 October 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press irgesi Afternoon Sale in Malaya I Btwganw, Mtiiuiav, Oetotef ;i 1955, prk* iscti
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  • 185 1 Throne's dignity 'threatened': U.K. press outcry ii controversy raging iround Princess Marhire I and Group Captain I Townsend entered I -re urini phase yesi lay when the opinion the British throne's I lity was now threatenis expressed in the ~\i press. front page headline the "Daily Sketch" i d bluntly
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 131 1 N official statement on tiether Princess Mari intends to marry oup Captain Pet c r nsend is generally exjcted to be Issued this Is based on the fact little time Is Left to ettie the uncertainty bi Townsend returns from leave to Brussels, where he is air attache. He
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  • 37 1 The British Information Service in Washington yesterday denied reports that Britain wanted to buy an atomic submarine from the United States Britain Ls working on her own atomic submarine.- U.P. \iivv |&;ir4* for B>iM-lir%s
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 85 1 I* 1 c radio cars kepi on 1 1 c move around thfi lane circlln the estate, whiii iblc.s rhrvk< n un On t< ntitii ol all callers I" i Prln i. due back at Clare c Houj p I >n hoi c There joined
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 76 1 THREE ])< ople have been detained by the police I for questioning in connection with tin- 10.-vs of 8,000 1 detonators irom No 443 Base Ammunition Depot Woodlands, Singapore. The loss was discovered during a technical check by the army lasi Tuesday evening. None of
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  • 73 1 i ,i hi Huni ider of British expedii I m to I- pi 1953 nd Sir Fi liiuiKi ii i who con quered the mountain have i opp theii lim > two big pea <he Efte region next ye i 80l i. >unl I] 18,146--foot Kai
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  • 134 1 SOCIETY BE A UTY KILLS HUSBAND —BY MISTAKE ANEW YORK .society beauty and big imi hunter accidental;/ shot her husband dead (>^ yesterday when .h< ml took him tor an Intruder Mr.s. Am. W xxiward >!■ her hu band, i 35 yeai old bank director and owner oi the champion
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 247 1 To elect a commit lee if necessary LIM YEW HOCK, Minister for Labour and Welfare, who was elected president of the Singapore Labour Front at yesterday*! party conference, told the Free Tress toda\ that he would rail a special conference of delegates alter January. Mr. Lim said
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 *it&,cs J The Tr u food Triu a (L -A V r m HUMAN LSED TRUFOOD If y ')tj fi n f fi h i V v yOUI I It im Hum inn (J i rui i follow -on TRUFOOD A Fortified mill Foi |fowi« N*-^—*^ hilir.n of iM TRUFOOD
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  • 446 2 ISRAEL CRISIS O VERSHADO WS GENEVA TALKS r rm: United states and Britain have sent an ultimatum" to Egypt and warned Russj that further CommunUl arms shipments to the Arabs will wreck efforts to end world tension, it was reported yesterday. Informed sources said in Jerusalem
    U.P.; Reuter  -  446 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 2 Singapore a rem c n last night fougrht their biggest Colony fire |his year when two Harbour Board godowns were set ablaze. One godown containing more than 700 tons of rubber was destroyed and the other, holding sugar and general cargo, partly jiutted. I \iffiit fire engines raced to the
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  • 23 2 President Carlos Castillo |ma.s of Guatemala and wife left by plane yes•iav for an official visit to United States. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 198 2 4 GED Sultan Mohammed Ben Arafa had agreed r to abdicate the Moroccan throne in favour of his exiled rival Mohammed Ben Youssef, French authorities announced in Paris last night. Ben Arafa's abdication was announced in a letter sent from Tangiers to
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  • 95 2 IN FEZ last night nine Moroccans were injured, mx seriously, when a terrorist threw a grenade into the cafeteria of the Moroccan ex .servicemen's club. The man escaped. Tit Rabat, police threw tear pas bombs last nlghi among thousands ol stonethrowing Moroccan demontratora in the
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 52 2 TERRORIST bomb in Famagusta, Cyprus. Last night shattered the entrance of the British-owned Crown Tavern wiiile 16 British soldiers were sitting at the tar. Shots were fired at the terrorist who threw the bomb but he escaped. Two military cars parked outride were damaged. There were
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 2 picture. Not one delegate M:lt from Farrer Park, constituency of Assemblyman A, K. Lasaroas, was occupied at the Labour Front party conference yesterday. The empty seats shown above were crowded on Saturday, when Mr. Laxarous was voted party chairman, an election later declared null and void. Free Press
    Free Press  -  48 words
  • 161 2 A FORMER French cabinet minister yesterday proposed that France adopt an election system .similar to that Of Britain because "nowhere In the world la there a parliament so effective, strong and healthy." It is up to u.s to adopt the same .system for the benefit of
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 35 2 Police reported in Osaka, japan, yesterday b thlel snatched b knapaack In the railroad station and ran. Thr knapsack contains 12 live snakes for use in mak IULI Hi* '.li UIC. A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 23 2 Japanese to produce ramrr;i.< v balf-ahaped lew I graph thr entire I tJI A during the world 1 Untie expedition. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
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    • 55 2 REMOVALS STORAGE PACKING G5 The Arcade, Singapore. Tel: ***** 3 Lines IN ASSOCIATION WITH SINGAPORE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED Wetlding Pieiuros Jlakr arrangements \o\v {or your photographs to be taken by a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 UEE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT. I km t(> Cecil Street Singapore A iiiis tervlce
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  • 225 3 RITAIN ordered troops n to the disputed oilrich Buraimi Oasis last week as she "had n< iher means o! honouring obligations to the twc \mb rulers concerned." r ilers are the Sultan pi Muscat and the Sheikh Dhabi who Per lan Gulf states-
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  • 158 3 Fa rou k 'not rich with $6 million THE fabled fortune of exKing Farouk actually -unt^ to about $t>i)00.000 Malayan), an Informant In position to know said in ome yesterday. This is far less than the million which rumour the monarch sent road before his exile from ypt in 1952.
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 20 3 A 10-day strike a'.vir^i apan's 10 major co 1 1 on ling companies showed of collapsing yester- A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 19 3 The c m moi ilth Telecomm ii London it 740 million iph n< I on# Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 56 3 SIAM ENVOY AT TEMPLE CEREMONY A party of Buddhist laymen and women help to carry the robes in coloured boxes decorated with flowers from the outhouse to the Chapter House at the Siamese Temple in Silat Road during yesterday's Kathina celebrations. The Siamese Consul-General, Phat Woranart, leads the way hearing
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  • 32 3 The newspaper A\ Ahram .said in Cairo yesterday Czechoslovakia had offered to build a.nn.s and ammunition factories in the Sudan. The offer was made to the Sudan Government.-
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  • 165 3 rpHE National Invest i<.-,a-X tion Co m m 1 1 1 c c demanded In Buenos Aires yesterday that ex-Presi-dent Peron be imprisoned for life as a traitor a charge that may lead to efforts to extradite him from Paraguay. The commission a-ked Federal Judge
    U.P.  -  165 words
  • 37 3 B.i mi c Premiej U Nn flew from Baku to Alma A f i yi terday, (topping 01 the way to e< hi :toric n i numeni ol v i md, ovi Radio U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 47 3 Bi tish contractors car ried out work abroad worth £70,000 000 in the year ended lasi March, the official Board of Trade journal In London aid. The 3 obtained turt h e r 01 ders wori h an< I j ,< r £75 *****0. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 11 3 Russo-Yemen pact The Red i >m of 'ol frii md i
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  • 11 3 S i .i <i itt A |»J A.P.
    A.P.  -  11 words
  • 150 3 Two old friends swap wives for sake of children r r\VO happy young couples who traded mates said from their adjoining- apartments a! Igglrsund. Svvrdfti, yesterday that they made the switch mainly '•for the children/ "There are times when a divorce k> preferable to an unhappy marriage," explained 25-year-old Lennart
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 107 3 WIFE-EXCHANGE PROVED TO BE SO HAPPY mWO divorced couples 1 who exchanged partners said .at Elmwood, Wisconsin, yesterday inai evervbod.v involved, including the children, "were happy about the whole t hint;.." The two couples served n^ witnesses for each other when Ju tice i of the peace tho m a
    U.P.  -  107 words
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  • 183 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion COST OF LIVING MONDAY. Oct. 31. 1955. SINGAPORE is .soon to have a long overdue overhaul of its cost of living indices, which ;;'•<• still based upon pre-war statistics. Many changes have tafcen place since, as a Malayan Statistics Department spokesman has pointed out, in
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  • 1180 4 'Colonial Fight' in the United Nations ELIZABETH PARKER sees a dangerous trend which is diverting the U.N. from its true and useful purposes JMIE record Ol the pr« Bent B( ssion ol tin United Nations maj prove, in broad terms to have c i rength< ne< tii Or 4 a
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  • 2 5  - OAdelaide Eastley
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  • 1162 5 ars that Singa- ;in.S haw lv.sled to the cm ari h teatrica] talent and doing something rhat practical class age direction and "lion techniqui ti d last Wednesday itish Council Hall c to the interested i lie —is immensely Mar. three more to go ith these motive sessions,
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  • 155 5 mQ i's Department o\ Agricultun >' lM not be po* <"• l(i a?oJ acreage allotment marketing quot < i 1956 us rice crop Total acreage allowed in rlew ol large rice uppliej it said, probab'y will about 1,840,000 compared with i,«r,i.o;») h< 1955 aJid 2,472,000 ID
    A.P.  -  155 words
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 659 6 ;.r. r i '{Jmo^ 4^bf'sf& M AMIII AKi: b« Lee Falk anitl IMiil D«vU j T\ !j [CO LOTHATM I BSB V: >v>>< FREEZE IN MiO-A'R! WvM W* BE THE CIAV CAMEL? X TOP I SBBBHBBBBBMB WB^WMM^MBBPWWKHW^gg 41 Mff lIOHN ia\ vimi arc i as < i must be/ other-
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  • 149 7 i RAL girlj in the him 1 accounting dtment of the dental itate board at Eastare Looking for other jobs. say their supervisor them; After the of 25 you are too old this job." s of the board, Which >loys a staff of 900,
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  • 52 7 mr-year-old Alice Tulip I d her 14 month old her Alfred were alone their prefab home in ltburn-road, Sunderland, lien smoke began pouring t of a cupboard. Calmly Alice took her little brother by the hand flames swept throuph home and led him safety. The prefab
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  • 129 7 MMANDER Harry Pursey, 04-year-old Labour M.P. for East Hull, won his High Court Lawlit in which he had challenged an £1.830 Legal bill. The bill had been sent to him by Mr. J. M. Isaacs, of aor Street, London, for the defence of his
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  • 69 7 A farewell party was given in honour of Mr. M. E. Hook of Engineer Base Installations at Ayer Raja Road, Singapore, on the eve of his departure for the United Kingdom. Picture shows Mr. G. Del-Ferandez (standing on left) after giving the opening speech and Major P.
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  • 204 7 rpWELVE- YEAR-OLD Michael Hunter, gathering chestnuts near his home at Tovil, Kent, took a short cut through a disused rock quarry. It almost cost him his life. He stopped to watch a Royal Engineers officer put something behind a pile ol stones and walk
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  • 302 7 'Sudden Fear' ends. ..Then fire razes cinema FIRE broke out in a cinema as 1,500 people watched a film. Calmly the manager and his usherettes got them to file out. Minutes later the roof caved in. The cinema was completely destroyed. But nobody was
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  • 36 7 peaker ►lling villa i n H i in Norfolk a king housewi\ I >■ if,, Iff*::. I tiy need their I carrot I ir. m r Wlllian I Winch, it cona i mort."
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  • 221 7 rnHE teacher v.-i;< ol aTV weather I >re< i'■ r w i led 1 prot< ting from a couri aft< r b< in i ftn< d I r not sendinfi her ion an i daught< r to ichool Mrs Qeoi fina W Clif I >n
    221 words
  • 133 7 BRITAIN'S leading expert on the danc'TN of radio activity warned that TV sets and ttlgb flying aircraft must l><considered hazards of thr atom ;!«<• as well is H-bombs. Dr. J. I". I.iuitif. head of the Wedical Research Council unit at Harwell, was speaking In Lcndon to
    133 words
  • 302 7 £30,000 MAN LEFT WIFE £600 A YEAR 4 widow h .1 left £600 i yeai i' r »t h^r x husband's E30,000 c I plus a l >00 am lit) from hi t)U. bile it ■<: l 000 B vt-ur had her Income i :ured at £1,100 a year in
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  • 950 8  - Germans had no secret from the Admiral in Room 40 ROBERT BLAKE by admiral Sir Reginald Hall was Director of Nava] Int< lligence in the h»l4--18 war. His name i* not much i membered today, exc< pt among ilir diminishing band of those who work* d with him and under
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  • 633 8  -  Harold M. Harris by rrHERE are .several ways of doing the bullet trick, and most Ol them are fatal. The procedure Itself does not vary much. A gun is fired at the conjurer who. with a quickness of the hand that deceives the eye. picks
    633 words

  • 256 9 May and Nellie lose old home rpHE Shepherd Market house was not pitresQiM a shop and floors above but it beta the family me of the (opsey ters, Miss Nellie and May, for almost a ury. i he two elderly splnhave now been by Mr. Justice vlin that the> would
    256 words
  • 160 9 |l< ii "old lag" of l'ri!uin\ underworld. mm of 30 different who originated j crooked role of the butler, I* dead. ter ling more than iif til i life In jail, he died at the age ol W in VVanrisworth prison. ng till 53 years Of
    160 words
  • 437 9 It was luxury and hardship Mj^ nM^ 1t Olie Of the most A JSESH »«S T^HSS'W^ have hitchhiked across Europe U8 Udla> i>akistail the Middle Kast and iuxui^ l A!uiS h U ir 2G f Mi 1 1 YipV ip tlu v "P" l^ hardship and
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  • 182 9 Put more women on juries A WOMAN told 450 other women at a conference in London: "Men think there are only two types of woman— the nitwit and the battieaxe." Mrs. R. Wright, of Gloucester, was speaking at the Diamond Jubilee annual conference of the National Council of Women in
    182 words
  • 152 9 bachelor, squandered ail his money. He was bnrn in IS"° In a blf>ck of Mali m Westminster. There was little mniioy, but his parents, anxious that lie should hav<> a trade, appron Herd him M a WOOfl-CaT-v(t and monumental i"na.s(/n. He was fond Ol his parents and
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  • 264 9 F^AR REACH ING <i I covcrh's have b«-.-n tnadc which, without holdini Ollt hopes ut a cun* for naany ftan .^trikf at the very nature vi cancer, A held out by Dr. Cornelius Rhoad I i\ the ten! h atini v<-r i; dinner ol the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 124 9 0 1 1 r^^P^ ET ■C^ 0 Ef O THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL It's a long job raising technical TM ■09 M 00k. 'M* standards but each year the I I I :;j U colour pi if)to>:r.iphy and thr» J^ >^ 111 rf[)roduM ion in the Annual mm DB BMB
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  • Article, Illustration
    211 10 THE dinner and ball of ihf Koyal Singapore Yacht Club, hold in the ballroom of a Singapore hotel, was 11 gala affair with dancing going on till the we« hours of the morning (above). Everybody had a wonderful time, including the (loverner of Singapore, Sir Robert Black (left) seen talking-
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  • 182 11 Round about Singapore II anybody knows how to have a good lime it's the Ametieans and they certainly went to town at their "Hard Times Party" held at the American Club. Members and guests really let their hair down and damed in the oddest of costumes. (Above) "A Victim of
    182 words

  • 473 12  - Men live by the GUN ALAN McGREGOR /V\A. By IN SOUTHERN Egypt, 1 wh er e the Nile Valley narrows to b thread ol green between the tawny Sandstone mountains, you will find a race ol people who are as rough and as tough as any to be found in
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  • 579 12 The Russians do not forget... GARDEN TO THE FALLEN Jit/ sb spwicai j r rHE Russians have 1 created two remarkable monuments. One, of cours e, is Lenin's Tomb in Moscow's Red Square The other is the "Garden of Remembrance" in East Berlin The Garden of Remembrance was completed- only
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  • 386 12  - A WARTIME DRAWING OF PETER TOWNSEND Godfrey Smith 'Dreamer, thinker, even rebel' IT IS portrait number 62 In a wartime book called "Pilots of Fighter Command." Even among so many legendary namesBader, Malan, Finunane there is something about the face that makes you stop and look at it again. It
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  • 511 12  -  Christopher Dobson By IF you have a son, read this: If you remember your boyhood, read this: If you are a boy under 18 read this: "Lack of physical condition is somewhat widespread among recruits; this is apparent from poor muscle development and posture, lack of self-confidence
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  • 284 12  -  J.W. TAYLOR 'hi r |MiE oia soiaiers wno wore barrackmates since they signed Up for the Army together have just renewed their friendship for the first time in five years. It w;is in 1895 that John Thomas Mayes, a youn^ man from Oakham. Rutland, mounted
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  • 724 13 line patient who did not know by the SINGAPORE DOCTOR 1 L sat dejectedly I front of me. ll' L in. his face m and lie was E disinterestedly C vi him. "What C ouble?" 1 asked. lonM know." I| v have any fever Ir I did the whole thing
    Reuter  -  724 words
  • 583 13  -  Lady Cynthia Colville by ||Ai USTRATES, social workers and., in(i the general public Britain, aiv greatly C( rned today, not 9 at the increase in '>■ titution since the iit by the attitude hose who carry on •sordid and pitiful ion. In K.i. t
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  • 1632 14  -  Martin Lindsay DID IT HAPPEN? Another story to keep you guessing. The answer will be given tomorrow... f*y I^WKNTY >ears affo Martin Lindsay led a 1100-mile sledging trip across (ireenlari and discovered lf>o miles of new mountain ranges. His Arctic liooks Sledge and Those Greenland Days,
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  • 729 15  -  EVE PERRICK 'Roz' Russell explains the switch in her life by ...CCMPLETE WITH SEQUiNS, SPLIT-SKIRT AND WHITE FOX LMI.m star Rosalind Russi a, last in Bri tain in 1949 to make her curtsy before the King as one of Hollywood's more dignified d< legates to
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  • 259 15 IN her Manhattan Studio, in New Yoi k artist Aline Rhonie .sketches portraits ol Charles Lindbergh for a mural ol aviation. When she Is not doing that she is learn uw- to fly helicopters. "Bui lessons are expensive more than i'2o ($i 10)
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  • 56 15 'rj.i RE i man in Capetov n i«« teh d mn Hit( rally) him f into P€. iif is 82-year i I who th( mli II on tummy with ii cr'a bamm Ml n youn I bron mach with a mighty v. I [I then
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 1008 16  - It's delicious to be made up for television' William Hickey by t heard for the ftrti time last week why Lady Barrett gave up her pi act ice ai a doc tor. I: v. as ijiiit. simple. sh< objected t< i Mr. h» van and I he N at ion
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  • 529 16 North South vulnerable Ka S t d r.) 1c NORTH 10 3 7 6 I I 7 ojs 3 9 6 •VEST EAST A k i j o .965 3 2 I OQ 10 7 4 > A X 9 8 *X 0 Q 5 4 3 A
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 248 16 DAILY CROSSWORD i.i i ■> ROSS you diacover II yourself! (8) i What B 110 l Waj look UP 4 The soldier and the <;ir] if) i'»r! (G. g> j I'll win a penny for this B i ibrl ■> tnual il Instru- BSrSjJPK ii 8) o mii. ical apparel
      248 words

  • 571 17 few stars can tell the WORTH of a story 1 1 >W many toj 11 know a good story When th( 5 1 <! out Or a good picture when they see It? These questions come up repeatedly during idio renci whenever an important box-office figure steps in with a
    Associated Press  -  571 words
  • 232 17 fr- and all because of Miss Dietrich lp VEGAS is on the H irch again facing ipping Falls season if only because a H oils. pencil thin n ma named Dietrich, m out from another uk yen more startling w s creation, shook H> spending life into saloon
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  • 306 17 They STILL call him 'Davy Crockett' fL T DISNEY i ci n't have this location :j or all the hot Of* in Disneyland a ty excursion to W mountain of Clation, GeorSte where he superlaunching of his J}£ -v.; War screen *k fhe Great aoti i Chas( I bour of
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 17 OPERA SINGER Or< K;r>- p they drop la i i for poses of b< tter publ I has a unique <\< al for ai i singer i to coi I pany uid. what few of the filn tai I I hi I AlMl 18 yotll and SLV
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 91 18 MR 6c MRS. MARCIANO IEYLON Sports Club L scored their fourth victory In the S.H A. first division league wn< n they beat g.h.q. farelf 3-1 at Balestier Road yesterlay. Ceylonese opened scoring a:* 1 1 an early goal by Nalliah. G.H.Q. equalised
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  • 23 18 RAF Seletar "A" beat Wanderers "A" 2-0 in a hockey friendly yesterday at Seletar, scoring through Maniam and Noordin.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 18 phot.), LANTASTIC Man- Chester. wins 111 t*'J hours invitation Ira c« race with a distamr of J I i miles and lIS l stl ;l world record Walton- > on-Thanies Sum M Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 393 18 Taylor's goal sends Manchester United to top of Div. 1 U.K. SOCCER REVIEW A l ANCHESTER U n i ted I*l swept to the top of the First Division in the English Football League on Saturday by winning 1-0 at Cardiff. The United, one of the most improved sides in
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  • 204 18 h i' p, [ona in ihe re Hockej A ociatl n Lea ue >vc as i win > I IRST hi v IBION P W D 1 PA PI S.R.O. S 6 0 0 14 3 L 2 G 1 i. .'•>!,<■ c 7 i 213 10
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    • 39 18 '|p? i :s J^BbBH M <v US I>h. I* I S|l.\lll i 1 IjPffiilll™ 'y/ vj: V!W N S l»» M' 111 F 6 iti^^^i^^W 7/M A .i fc^' ra >^^^C]S^S^ 1 5' Jsm wßr I nC new jr\
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  • 767 19 FOUR CHARMERS OVERCAME BAD DRAW TO SCORE FINE VICTORY Snturdoy's K*L. races reviewed By OUR RACING CORRESPONDENT M, 'iK banners, a pro- Musing t hr«'«-\ car oltl b* ,i partnership ol Il' Singapore Chinese, i> rit lime oil -t he-reel m .i he defeated the brst 1 lass 4 over
    Free Press  -  767 words
  • 631 19 SELETAR WERE UNLUCKY NOT TO SAVE GAME SANDERSON CUP Changi win by 9-8 OELETAR'S dismissal from the Sanderson Cub wai 0 settled :it Chawti on niuimi.i\ bj k Fraction ol in m<-h With eight minutes left foi plaj ilu <i l(1 l(l IL IIN a Kinfle point Bcletai per* awarded
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    • 38 19 iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiicr iiiiiiiciillHHHiMl TODAYS SPORT IIIIC JlflllllftlllCllflf tffllltfCSIIIffltlfffll IKK K I V I ,11 ;il< IM1 •"'> i i < ranfflln i I ,l.|, V\ i m,l I dl I I 'I BOXI i .i up. n i I btf W4
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  • 264 20 Rose-Marie and First Trick work best; heavy going again THIS MORNING'S K.L. GALLOPS OSE MARIE and First Trick galloped attractively on a heavy track at Kuala Lumpur this morning. Rose-M 1 1 i with John Manning up. sprinted SI iii I nst Trick ridden h> Ia r a tl. clocked
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  • 70 20 THE Australian Lawn Tennis Association is satisfied that the Davis Cup players Lewis Hoad and Ken iv>>r wall did not infringe their amateur Status when they signed piovisional contracts with the American professional promoter Jack Kramer. Mr. Donald Ferguson President of the Association.: said
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 43 20 M trdi v" mimimmm I LEI-.'- I A.\ Boon En only son Si Mrs. Hoi k I ock, to i lan mmi. i daughter ol Mr. «ft Ml I in Ah Choon of Bukit Paloh Estate, Johore on 31.10 I i
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  • 155 20 >TFW ZEALAND needed IS runs With six second inning? i wickets standing to avoid an innings defeat at the close on the fourth day of the second cricket Test against Pakistan in Lahore yesterday. Pakistan scored 561 in reply to New
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 60 20 T)AVID Choonc: boat L. T Lee in the all-Malayan final of men's singles in the Wimbledon open Badminton tournament at Wimbledon on Saturday. Choong won 15-6, 17-13, 17-14. In the semi -fin >1 round. Choons beat H T. Fmdlay, the Hertfordshire county player, 15-6, 15-1, and
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 460 20 IIfEIGHTS foi I Vl WeUne^ay, eoad daj of the s>«' aiifoi Turf < lub't «>iioi»c, niertingan Ust tit\ Saturda) .v,-. Cl2,Div.l-6F Ugk Ho;ms S.OO Kolidarit) 813 Siboney 812 Cinecolor s.ii Fifty Grand DUtine Toly'l Delight 8.07 Undecided 8.ot; j First link 8.0.)
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  • 59 20 SHELL Sports club, the defending champions, reached the semi-finals ol the Singapore Badminton Association's Inter-commer-cial houses tournament with a 5-0 victory over Jacks Sports Club at the Badminton Hall last night. Tn other quarter-finals C E. Morton beat Borneo Motor; by 3-2 and Fraser Neave
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  • 75 20 SAILOR'S Oulde an 11-2 chance joint 1' owned by A. C. Dibba and K i Hbbs w on t ho £5,600 i terlin Victoi La i terby (i ei i n Lie and a nail in Melbotu on Ti. i photo flni ii Bailor*! Guide, i Idden by
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    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 134 20 ii i etar red thi Ir Iv, fti in t in irsi cfivislon ol the capon ii y A >cla tion league rday, beating igapoi i Chin Recreation Club »-o ai 1 .r The iirn.' id !'r minutes after halftin BeU m ikln
    134 words
  • 44 20 pRiNCE John, owned by Elmendorf Fun a, won the Garden State Stakes for two-year-olds, the world's richest horse race, over one mile, HO yards In Camden, New Je.sery. on Saturday. The event carried U.S.--$28:2.340 in prize money. Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 139 20 Santee is banned yyEST Santee Arm cas greatest m was suspended day by the Mis Valley Amateur At) tic Union for acc< excessive 1 3 p c money, it was lean in Kansas City. He accepted the money for partii tion in athletic m ings in Calif or ma I/ear,
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 441 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOI \< EMENT ff v ordt It i minimum > HOUR OF MUSIC HMV. Salon, 101 Tanglln Road. Huh Fidelity Record Recital will con- this Evening m the nr'x time from 6 to 7. Sill VI lONS VAC INT 2(* H orcll $J »///i. J Woi jtt it
      441 words
    • 21 20 Are you "Sipper" type V mal T > their art requi' that, -nee i* top ar>< I J tail CorlsbdTCl of co
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