The Singapore Free Press, 29 October 1955

Total Pages: 68
1 48 The Singapore Free Press
  • 22 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Atternoon .Sale in Malaya S> *****. Sim -afiorr, Saturday, Oi-tuber 89, 1955. |'i i (4. 1, t>.
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  • 176 1 Princess keeps second tryst: Queen goes north .iUNCFSS MARGARET and Group Captain Peter Townsend shipped out of London parately last night in chauffeur-driven cars and nt to I ckfield House, home of Lord and Lady Rupert Nevill, near Brighton, in Sussex, for their econd week-end tryst together. This and an
    Reuter; A.P.; UP  -  176 words
  • 47 1 ina] talka to end the between Singapore and their mi union on wage md better condlof service may be lay. A union spokesman said ni had to i n r ich rller I >' k s on 13 rhe only Qu< h ttled i <> n
    47 words
  • 42 1 i iblei to the memory ol i Allan Army nurses who heii Hvei in Malaya in last war will be unveiled ifl OW a1 81 Atvlp'u. ithedral bs Blr Alan w.»f V i >t rallan ConuniMionei Ui Malayan
    42 words
  • 61 1 pAXI-OWNERS and drivers of the Singapore Hire ar Association will meet amorrow to protest against he City Council's move to increase the number of taxis by 340. The Association mainains that the 1,650 taxis ali ly licensed are sufficient meet present needs. (i ants the council
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  • 165 1 NASSER CALLS IN WAR CHIEF AFTER BORDER CLASH [EGYPTIAN Prime Minister, Colonel Nasser, had a four-hour meeting with his Minister tor War, Major General Amer, yesterday following a major Israel-Egypt clash inside Egyptian territory. [srael announcing "an eye for an eye" policy, said the raid, in which 10 Egyptians were
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  • 31 1 Rubber price down The Singapore Rubber Market opened this morning on iin uncertain tone with first grade, November ihlp tnent, ii $1 22 a Ib l cents below Thursday's clos- priCfl
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  • 23 1 R ons< rval MP ■i >i pui ISp t*r ol »f Co iis ne coi n■. ill. i i y-
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 87 1 rfiHE annual report »f '>« i! exe( jtlvf i iya the r»«'»v now n i)7i membei i and l* l)l inches omplete Island wide or* in hat ion is expc ted i>> thf end >» cembei tht report will sties* "n l 1 1 confer- U(
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  • 462 1 IT'S DISGRACEFUL MARSHALL Kofi accepts challenge: 1 won t shirk duly C, H. ICOH, the man behind the storm in the Singapore Labour Front, has accepted the challenge b) the Chief Minister, Mr, hm! Marshall, to speak on his two resolutions at the two-da} part) conference which begins this afternoon
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  • 118 1 Anti-Red is Jakarta army boss r yttih'. APDolntmeni of Colon i Abdul Harts Nt ui lon, a conttrmed anti-Communist, to fchi c >ni r >versiaJ posi of Indonesian armv chief-of-statr wu^ ann< >un i in Jakarta yesterday by Prime Minister Dr. Burhuanuddin Harahap. Thirty seven yearold, Dutch trained Nasution had
    118 words
  • 41 1 Shipping nations should co-operate on an interna- tional basis to promote seai men's welfare, it was sugi gested in a resolution adopted yesterday in Paris by the Joint Maritime Commission Of the International' Labour Organisation. Router.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 45 1 Mr. Urn Yew Hock, Minister for Labour m\(\ Welfare, who has been recalled from his vifilt to Borneo and Sarawak because ol the Laboui Front crisis, i-• jxpect Bd to arrive in Sing i pore bv air this aitern > \x\
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 167 2 pAViNo itonei were rip- D9d up and used Mam munition in demonstrations in Athens in i uppori o! the Greece-Cyprus uni< n move meni yesterday, Then vi re U i < Injured Including \1 ol a iU< del ichmeni ru hed 'rj to rei
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  • 33 2 }Mr Stuart Hood, head of tlic (ii licral English OverSeas Service oi the BBC Is expected to arrive in Sinr:;ip<.'ro tomorrow for an on tne spot study of programme reactions
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  • 52 2 Japan plans underwater rocket plane Japan's Defence Board said yesterday it hoped next year to produce experimentally the nation's first home-designed jet p^mo and "an underwater plane" firing rocket torj^does. The weapons were mentioned in the Board's request for a research budget of $16,584,000 for the year starting in Anril.
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 6 2 Mohamed' s birthday march in S'pore
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  • 254 2 BIG PEACE PLEDGE IS U.S. REPLY TO MOLOTOV MR. John Foster Dulles, I nited States Secretary of State, told the Foreign Ministers conference in Geneva yesterday his country was prepared to undertake European security commitments of the utmost gravity" after Germany was united. He was replying to a statement by
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 37 2 French entertainer Maurice Chevalier was -sued for u*****.090 damages yesterday by Arthur Lesser, NewYork producer, who claimed Chevalier broke an agreement to appear for him in a .series of televised films A P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 17 2 Chiang Kai-shek's noi Communist China has cognised the new ReDiiblii of Vietnam. A. P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 248 2 Rival plans for Eurape security gvt turned down WEST and East yesterday announced at the Biq Four conference in Geneva their rival plans for securing a lasting peace in Europe. But Mr. Harold MacmUlan Britain's Foreign Secretary rejected the East plan, and Mr. V. Molotov turned down the West plan.
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  • 61 2 rFHK United Nation* Gene- i ral Ammbly'j political i committee yesterday re- i jerted a Rovif t bid to have it debate disarmament while we Big Four foreign mini*- tera are meeting in Geneva Instead, the committee derided, by 49 votes to live with two abstentions, to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 143 3 VMERICAN born Mrs. Evelyn Loder has liamed in a London court uit her marriage six years i to John Loder, former sband of film actress edy Lama rr, is illegal. Counsel for Mrs. Loder, former Mrs. Evelyn luffmort, said her Florida
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 254 3 New family planning method 'is easy and safe' S world now has highly effective oral coniceptives that can be ELken as easily as candy. But an American scienI said in Tokyo yesterday lat more research was I'eded before they could v put on the market. Dr. Gregory Pincus told 1
    U.P.  -  254 words
  • 314 3 Denial in court by Ch u rch ill 9 s neph i> w John s. CHURCHILL, nephew of sir Winston J and brother-in-law of Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden, said in a London court yesterday that he was singing Beethoven, not
    U.P.  -  314 words
  • 69 3 INDONESIAN Vice-Presi-dent Mohammed Hatta told a news conference in New Delhi yesterday there will be no change in his country's foreign policy as a result of recent elections there. Dr. Hatta. who Is making a 24-day tour of India, added Indonesia would continue to avoid joining
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 115 3 THEY DEFEND MAN CLEARED OF HERESY A SMALL town Lutheran congregation ha.s refused to accept ih t resignation of the Rev. John G-erberding, who was found not guilty ot heresy charges recently by a synod trial boa I'd. Members Of Holy Cro ;s Lutheran Church In Menomonee Falls, Milwaukee, voted
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  • 117 3 In i he two .v Wa :i1 -ervicemen have been subjeci to Japane e l «v. 269 i h<< ii indicted ;il|f| BO ire w nring termi in Tokyo 1 Puchu prl ion, .ins Ice Mini ,try omciali §aid in
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 41 3 INDONESIA'S "killer volcano Merapl continued yesterday to hurl out hundreds oi tons <>f Lava. Forests wen- set ablaze! <uul a wide area Where there are hundreds of villages wa.s declare^ u danger /one A I'.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 46 3 m Look Lovelier in a U jJ!b| the most beautiful ■^-L most beautifying Pi f( Swimsuits A I world! Sole a* -is EXCELSIOR LTD. 66, High Street, Singapore. g 65, The \r«.,(ir Sim ipow i-i 1111 IM S I. Rodger Mini kimli Lampui i> i i
      46 words

  • 194 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion WEEK-END CRISIS SATURDAY, Oct. 20, 1955. rpHIS week-end ran be a critical one for the Labour Front party, now openly split over two resolutions urging repeal of the Public' Security Ordinance and legalising the Malayan Communist Party. Supporters of Mr. C. H. Koh, member of
    194 words
  • 1208 4 Kenya to see a year Of peace In Kenya they are putting away their guns and taking the bars off the windows. "The Emergency is all over" they say. But in this article DUDLEY HAWKINS in Nairobi, tells how the peace is only surface deep and how the Mau Mau
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 Agen^ HONG SEH 177-9. BEACH RD S'PORt" 7 TEL: 6424 b *****.
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    • 63 4 TUESDAY, Ist. NOVEMBER LADIES' HOCKEY SCC PADANG AT 5-15 P.M. ADMISSION SI/POPPY~DAY SATURDAY, Sfh. NOVEMBER, 1955. 4 FRIDAY, 4th. NOVEMBER MEN'S HOCKEY SCC PADANG W" 1%3 I ■His ADMISSION $1/Tirkcts From: Capt. H. A. Bone, HQ 3 8.0 D. (2410 Ext. 288 Robinson Co. Ltd Aurora Ltd.. High Street. Space
      63 words

  • 153 5 i the Duke of Wellington suffi j from Whitehall and j)aj>. i work, i i was prob iblj th< first soldi* r u> against then. tVritiiu t«» tht Office In 1810—! n > afO lie laid: ii i attempted Ui taswei the futile j of correspondence
    153 words
  • 125 5 1 footballers and athletes with their training retinues, conducted parties and trade delegations Largi ;.v account tor the 1.341 Soviet citizens who visited Britain last year. But there were 403 Russians who were listed officially as "on holiday." Figures published by the Home Office of
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  • 259 5 GIRL CHAMP CAN'T WED SHIRLEY DUNBAR, 19-year-old champion swimmer, was refused permission by Nottingham magistrates to marry an Army drummer. Afterwards she said: "We'll try again in six months we love each other and mean to gel married.'' Said 23-year-old Drummer Frank Bucknall, of the R.A.S.C.: "We shall talk things
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  • 401 5 PROBLEM IS WHAT TO WEAR AT OFFICE? IB an office-worker well- j ed in shorts and shirt? No, say ipore oj!) rs. y said thi b 1 Idea] drei for fche worker Bii Btapoi as long ed shirt and lo ig ni but no I le. Very uncoinj'orta'ule in this
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  • 27 5 Mrs. Richard Dimblcby, I wife of the 8.8.0. com- mentator. escaped uninjured when her car overturned on i the Portsmouth road, near Hindlhead, Surrey.
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  • 279 5 Riddle of a death after table row a \>, \i w <)\ I) d i\ n died of a fractured skull ftA ci ly r I his 14 year old I jury 1 The fat! r. '■'<'■ iam An- !iy F rrtt, i). i i -> n drinking h< a\
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 21 5 cat^ 1 cjui tie cologne ma ftriffe i robe tl'un soir ft, fAVBI lIUBA WATCH CO ITO 18 < Hi".., 9n*ri „^w
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    • 44 5 SO G<ml O4td <WPS/? Austrian ufz^X BRODERIE ANGLAISE Blouses AV W?'' v f\ in three styles, white only V-fe. -v\\ Sizes 32" 36 \jli(lil\V 1 Prices $21.50 lo $29.50 ll' f f/^ .S^ ///^m to-day in our tfozvn department! RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE TEL 5167-8-9
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 306 5 fit KC'll OF i:\Cl..\NI) \niii ew'i Cathedral: 7 a m. oinmunion; 8 a.m. Bung and Parish Com- )il a in. Sunday 1H.30 a.m. Matins Hoepi- l a.m. Mandarin 1.30 a :n. Holy Com-, Evensong. uipel of The \scciision i .uisxiiit o ajn, Holy com--9.15 a in. Sunds 9 6
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    • 510 5 st. Inthony's hurt h (Man(laii Mass, B< 1 1 n i 5 3fl n >„ Church of our Lady's Nati\i!> i>i>« i Serangoon) Mass SexllA>li 1.) and 8. 10 a.m. AKMV B C HURCHES Church of Chris! the Klna (Tanflin): Mass, Sermon 7 30 and 10 30 a.m. Chnreh Of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 137 6 MWIIHAKi 117 Lm Falk m4 Phil Davit j^ACKAGE FOR \f TAkl r NTh£BGX/ '''n'^ ''fj COULD HE BE *"^A POSSIBLY. 1 TAH/ IX by Edgar Rite Burroughs Till: SAKVT by Leslie Charter!* '/VOW POT OOHW K HIPI V THAT HAS ONLY A X W AIT Till I PJT X
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    • 708 6 BORN today, you have Iwm.iuu I > talent for detail. You are a^SSiS dependable and meticulous in carr 4 tog out any task given you r 1 'I of this capability, you m "a I you are always Ehrust Into i u j; (Hilar. albeit important, jobs o I his
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  • 548 7 Trouble aboard the Jazx Train r pHE nimi curtain dropped on the bowing, smiling east ol an all-coloured musical. Hut it was the opening scene of a second, unexpected drama... Before she left the stage, Miss Predye Marshall, 33-year-old star of "The Jazz Train,"
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  • 163 7 The odd things THE weather stopped British Independent TeleVision viewers from seeing the 2.15 race at Hurst Park recently. It was sound only and from a background of bookmakers' voices came this comment (probably from a technician i 'I don't know what the hell he want.s
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  • 160 7 'Flats for bachelor girls SOMETHING should be done for single women when housing schemes are drawn up, it was urged at the National Council of Women's conference in London. Miss S. Preston (Royal College of Nursing) said many single women were condemned to live for ever in lodgings or rooms
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  • 98 7 Shot kills boy who loved guns AT 17, Thorn a- Lawrence, of Krdin?ton. KiriMin^lKirn, was already an expert on firearms. lie read all he <nuUi about thftn. He spent u II his spare time dismantling; and cleaning various weapon*. One day his sister heard a shot from his bedroom shr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 508 7 U.K. closing prices I<>\lM>\ ()(t '.A. Previous loduv Bl BB» No. 1 RSS cif. u lyers European Ports November 85 351( se n ers RUBBEB No. l KSS c.i.l. 34 j buyers ,-t tHiyers Euiupean Ports December 85^ sellers 33 sellers RUBBEB No. 1 K.S.S. Spot 3,; buyers 35% buyers
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    • 134 7 i More Price Cuts... More New Items More Savings at our i GRAND CA I C SEASON OPEN TILL 6.00 P. M. TODAY These are a few of the temptingly low priced bargains I "Cannon" Coloured Sheets 90 x 108 $28.00 per pr l "Cannon" Pillow Cases 20 x3O 5.50
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  • 214 8 DANCE HOSTESSES CELEBRATE AN ANNIVERSARY T dfJ S P nty S! flln and "»«*l»tef last Tursa flight ,nt Wl m^P<>r<' diace hostesses Umk ifthrit to < <l|rl>r;it(> the 17th anniversary <ji ini'ir association, MK-iaV -inn 111 Ul< <rision W UfhUffhted with a j;,; 1 1 :il th<> "*m» w«m stadium.
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  • 102 9 THEY SANG, DANCED AND ACTED POSSIP over the UW 1 Biaese lood? It's your guess, but Hi *eene <o n left) is iron the Cantonese p ia v "ih, Juicistrvant." A»4 it's Still you -ness Which OQe the*) lour, Lill,an Koii Jenny Lee, Wont I'int I'm and Wok Chia Mui
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT eE Y °V# MfJWS OF em Gotta"*! lll ■I- 11. LARGE STANDARD JhF J^ IKr-c COOKERS... with large oven space r 4 two boiling p'atcs A anri grilf-boiler, wft Avdiliihle on hire 'it $2.00 per month __I_— Consult your Electrical Contractor or Ring 2419 Ext.
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  • 1103 10  -  CONCLUDING CHAPTER OF THE SPACE SERIAL BY KATHLEEN HICKEY II i-. the year ZISS. KoUr 1 urthmcn fiom (t\r RtM'kt'l Ship l&T 1 land < n tlie planet Dcuter, h lu-rt' iht > ait* taken prisomr by the PlUlllllHH II I lu'y t'M,i|h', but are
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 290 10 SPACESHIP TREATfVIENT FOR j > |"Q COLOUR •->. /CALLING all you young 1 V artists! Colour this l \r~\ picture. of a cruising space--1 ship with paints, crayons I y or chalks, and you may 1 lift-—, win one of four 55 prizes T 1 (two for boys and two
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 313 10 I I "-nH h. tart fv*/ JL\&~^J&i Wmmml ii; i iwwiiipi i '^ilwwP'iTiniiiT Wraith hid guetied all lloH| I As soon .is they were in Miss rk if f h i,'u> re.illv Hml r' litfl *tor«. Whisk s- t fiut Hi-ik hid (orgott n thit i b.< p.k of
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    • 140 10 CLUES ACROSS. 3. Sixteenth part of a rupee. 6, A brood of partridges. 7, It \i U for making milk puddings. Graham" wrote The Wind in the Willows. 11. In whicn country is Cologne? 12, FU name of the man who Perchance to Dream. 13. A ,ll oar pulled with
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  • 1674 11 THROUGH the WINDOW... 0 Stories by famous people tales that COULD Le FACT Did it Happen?' poses a problem every day for YOU to solve. Is this story FACT or FICTION fsfsfsdfsf iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii^ r |'Hi: answer to yesterday's "Did It Happen* 1 tale "THE E TRUE OF SILENCE"— is, NO,
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  • 380 12  - Your accessories are what make you chic EILEEN ANDERSON by npw< > peopl i tni !:i views on vvh omen should ear; two people worth [is- ning .in Mr-. Helen Rose, and Mr. R< x "Wom< n," said Mrs Helen Rom hould aim at having one dresi instead of .several.
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  • 367 12 PVERY DAY. all over India, housewives carry their clothes to the local laundry which, more often than not is a local river. There by its banks the dirty clothes are beaten with sticks or pounded with stones until they are clean. Now, however an all-out effort
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  • 165 12 PRETTY Jean Patchett makes a cool $76 500 a year out of a tiny bi.mish on her face (and of course a few other attributes like a .streamlined figure and photogenic blonde hair). All the advertising agencies in Now York now ring up and say: "Please
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  • Article, Illustration
    507 12 pHE-EMPTIVE bids by the opponents reate one kind of problem; but when you have opened the bidding and your partner pre-empts, his tactics are directed against you as well as against the opponents. In deciding whether to rebid, and what, it Ls up to you to cooperate with
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 40 12 llllßllllllllll^gflßßll II vddintf Pictures Make arrangements NOW for your photographs to lie taken hy a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 or write to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC OF.Pi. 140.146 Cecil swi Singapore sorvici is „n y mtkWe b Sh&pon
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    • 42 12 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS The Ring you select as your Engagement Rinj need not be costly: but it must above all 1> beautiful &of good quality— at S.P.H. you Will FIND THE PERFECTION YOU SEE! S.IMI. de SILVA LTD. SINGAPORE IPOH KUALA LUMPU^
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  • 277 13 By a Special Correspondent [ETHING will have done soon aircraft noise, ihat's not just an ty phrase. not good enough governments just rush off this proand say, -We ar< what we can." it ip a boiler factory the road from a net M i n ist e
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  • 655 13  -  ANTONY TERRY by UOW will the grey- faced German general captured at Stalingrad feel when he shuffles into a West German prisoner reception centre? He will discover that his young, attractive wife has been earning a good living for the last five years
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 103 13 "■>' ""Kim ro thi t«Tt HIHS latGlHt »l _^BH^^B MODEL (1 f\{\*\ SPO/fTST£lt w\/w Bmm CINE CAMERA IHim 11 NO lITTIP WAT TO IMI'POVI TOO« iKIII V'^' AT f,*MH AND MMlftlCl THAN TO tTUDT YOUI ■S r ACTIONS A', H'ONOID B T THI CINI CAMHA 1 1O TMf»» II NO
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 255 13 ***** 1 CLUES ACROSS B COOCIW PlaC€ for a miner college tutor Ifl the man first [81 pb-m. Venus loved (6). 6 The tihd of Maid of Perth a Paint Ls not suitable (5). Katie Qlover was (41 pittance, yet it Start* and 7 Crumbled yeast Wltn a WWttendi with
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  • 1099 14  - THE PROWESS STILL HAS THAT CHARM WILLIAM HICKEY by j Wash-up rpHE Institution of j I Professional Civil Servants has won a victory over towels. These are to be laun- '< dered once every fort- nigM instead of every three weeks. I Isnt more is needed, says the institution. At
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 81 14 THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL It's a long job raising technical standards but each year the Til B" colour photography and the Mm WB I iS H reproduction in the Annual Ilk IMm ibm improves. STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL &jf Mi FOR 1956 J>^7"' v^ T np book will ho on iale
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  • 299 15  -  SYDNEY HULLS by RWDtMI'II 11KFIN ulul.s guictinUl thr dark shadows (> i m< nt, >o lei us prot 'fed with immediate InmMbMi of the day [n| back |1m world lightA eight t'Jiainpioiisliip to mi th«> eatable Rsli of (.•loured Yolande P(nnp»v, of Trinidad.
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 15 photo. WELSH centre forward Trevor Ford, leaps high in an attempt to get England's goalkeeper Bert Williams away from the ball during the international at Cardiff which was won by Wales by 2-1 A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 128 15 TODAY RUGGER, ■J.M.S. Malaya comp€>ti(inn: H f ru<l Services v .lohore, SJJJfJ 'lirndlv. Police v x s< mbawang, SembaK l? v Naval Base, |*«ej All Blues v <r Park. IfOf KEY v lra>r ur Div i ndjan RN. Police. r.SC 1 !l nlversity v Wander- I'"^'t limali.
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  • 31 15 1 Todays rugger match between r.k m B .wkj Singapore Cricket Club will not bf played on the padang a.s originally scheduled, it win be played a1 Ayu" Kujali Road.
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  • 101 15 In an Inter-school soccer match at Seletar y<^ terday, soirtar Seniors bent Chang! Seniors by seven goals to ont. Seletar icor( r wrrc: R LartOfi (4 1 T Bunce 1 1 ,i Shreeve i■■ i p'or Changl: w Brown in ;i match bet w n t
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  • 500 15  -  ARCHIE QUICK by V[l Vi:R before in the his--11 tory O f f (K )tba< has there been a serial story longer th a n the Vie Groves transfer saga The whole sorry business has dragged on for weeks and everybody
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  • 145 15 ISIMEL] RADRODRO (188 lb.) of the Fiji Regiment, beat Barry Chalker ol Australia 1 176 lb i by a knock out in the sixth round of a scheduled 12- round fight at the Happy World arena last night. A barrage of rights and lefts felled
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  • 43 15 lI Mo Conaoii scored a 0 pointa i two tries) to t hree pen&lf v i ylctoi y over RAF SH< t;ir '■ciiiifl tram 111 \t.i i if] ]> and Mooi <(i foi << n 01 f and Prlc<
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 15
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 30 15 OCEAN PARK I HOTEL'S |l i FAMOUS QUINTET Ace Bond of Stngißpore i with MISS SALOMA the \Tiiliiy "MariKn Monroe" oOo« f RinK ***** foi Table Resen ftti m i
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  • 231 16 lEWIS Hoad, 20-year-old j Australian lawn tennis star, said In Melbourne last night he would tour the European and North American circuits next year in search ot the Wimbledon and United States singles titles. Hoad had yesterday turned clown an offer of £20,000 from Jack
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 16 ]>i< hire rrin umncis with thett trophies after n»<* 100 miles read cycling nice irotn Kuala Lumpur to Tanjoni Mailm r«t«rd»y, frofn Itfl! R. Lc?tn <^f Blnyapon (flrtt), SeUfifor*! Sub! Kasmbi (fteond) »nd i>. C. Podlt, Bflangof Senrleei Cycling Olub (third) irvirs' time wu I ht. W win. -Free I'rr^
    Free Press  -  50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 16 picture. BARRY Chaiker of Australia, sits in a d:i/.e as his seconds work on him after he \v:is knocked out by Isimeli Kudn»dro of the Fiji Regiment Ln the sixth round of their scheduled M round fight at the Happy World arena last night. Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 79 16 PROMOTER Ismael Pace said in Buenos Aires yesterday the title fight between world flyweight champion Pascual Perez of Argentina and Leo Bspinosa of tbe Philippines, tentatively set for Nov. 5 has been postponed indefinitely. Pace said Peres suffered a fractured thumb in wmning a decision over
    A.P.  -  79 words
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 356 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. IN MEMOBIAM 2 u H art* (minimum). TN M^.lN<; MEMORY of Angel i Vi> pl Ulh wno (li i on oqfo' 4 G km :>ut noL forgotten. lad? n€r nusband and i in ACCOMMODATION VACANT 20 H rd 52 I l/ 1 -Box >0 cts. txtra. ACCOMMODATION FOR
      356 words
    • 82 16 kJiM FULLY |y v COVERED v v A AND While on leave store y^ jz your car in our first- class godown. Expert attention by storage specialists assures you of U 5 finding your car await- B inc you at the dock i ft" airport or railway PHONE O*& it.ition
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  • Unknown
    • 229 1 FREE PRESS RACE DAY Special Amateur tipsters: Still in the lead in Thelma ■::nehy with a profit of is Singapore Amar Football Association seary POP"' LIM YONG ..lANG's turn to tip. P'-'P" shows a loss of $2 i the league table and he 3 he is confident that he improve
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    • 49 1 HOCKEY international Ronnie Barth was off-side a^ain when trying to score with HiMKiHLY on the last clay Of the Penang Autumn Meeting and drops another $10 to send him to bottom place in the Amateur Tipsters' ague with a loss of $20. POP LIM
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    • 226 1 TRESPASSES FELANDOk" JSPSOM JEEP "cAII'bOI POINTER Tr« Bten windy toner T P* 1 r Fresco VlarrHlt wSS°KInr ICTI7BE WELBHKINQ WOT PICTURE WELSH KINO woi pi. i I sVv i Skv llj h WHsh Kin« MoUon Picture II Sky HI C h SKy High Motion Picture
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    • 354 1 FOUR CHARMERS BABY CHRIS AND BRIGHT EYES II FREE PRESS RACING CORRESPONDENT |> AliY CIIKIS (Race Four), Bright Eyes II (Race Six) and Four Charmers 13 (Race Eight) are the three sound each -way bets In a difficult card ;«i Kuala Lumpur today. All three are in line shape and
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    • 276 1 KUftlft Lumpur this morn- ft workout, in 41 2/. r >. Bo Ing, mfKRY f«W horses went out What was a n«Ck In front Daw Jonos wMn Qeedf no V against till stopwatch at thC post, 'llitroduntion to Malayan on a heavy track this Credit Balance
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 1 I|Y TIIKLK 1 rsl b: is for today are RICE KING (Race I), AVENGER (Race 6) ;uul WESTOTH (Race 8). (Race SiiGESHIHE BOY
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    • 818 2 RACE 1-2.10: CLASS 4, DIV. *~SJ FURS. U KOVAI FRESCO 4v bf»a (DUmOOd Stabl. I Martin 900 (W*M 2. \iak( t-.i.i.K 5y bram (Mr. Unicorn) Donnelly 813 3 932 GLITTERING 5y brlrm 'Mien Dji Stable Allan «r> ■i t>6l kick KING M 3y chirg (8. w.
      818 words
    • 1091 3 Track form of today's K.L.acceptors RACE ONE CI 1 DIV. 3— 5»/ 2 F ROI \I. FEESCO: No i port. MARCELLE: 25-10-05 i d s\h ed In j un up the 27-10-55 Showturn Ol .•-peed in in tile straight i PERING: No track IUU KING II: No track MYSTIC CODE;
      1,091 words
    • 912 4 RICE KING, AVENGER, WESTOTH ARE THREE WINNERS TODAY MAR< i LLE: Shi (.11 l rtRING Kl4 KING n Y.. V vn :s< CODE: Goo cl \< <>:; II: Mayb< OLYAR: K ill le id them v ci a nre. PIN NER: Doubt if track uit TRES
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    • 523 4 81- Year-old Jim Fitzsimmons is America's top trainer 'UINVV JIM FITZSIMOmons of new vokk < ll* 81 -YEAR-OLD I It A l N l k 01 th E ill«ll YIAR OL 1) THOROUGHBRED coi T NASIII V CALLED THE AUG. ill RACE BETWEEN HIS HORSE AM) SWAPS Ills; "GREATEST RACE
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 -Mm -mm FO R Dj& V- 8 Customline Fordor MOTORINGS NEWEST FRESHEST STYLiNC Distinctive front grille full wrap-around windscreen fleet gracefulness of long lot* lines space-planned interiors with two-tone trims in every inch of this Fordor Customlinj you see new, style setting beauty. NEW OVERHEAD VALVE V-8 ENGINE This latest
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 16 3 r^n Vo plf *^y SoU Agents: G. H. SLOT CO. LTD. PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE
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    • 144 3 Brilliant VAUXHALLS choose from J3P*ttlSj BBBBWBf vv' J 1 r v r, i ar.d S^^^^^" 11 1 -^gSk r;r k, v.. ,it tin- verve of f, V. x phi < 1■ < 1 axurj tyllni tnd appointment ri/J /S— r- r 4 .-.n S« CYUNDI R VI I OX Out--//^J'
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  • Malayan Industries
    • 6 1 Malayan Industries WEDNESDAY, August 31 1955
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    • 911 1  - The FEDERATION INVITES MORE NEW INDUSTRIES: TAX RELIEF PROMISED TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN by Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya rjyjALAYA'S NAME throughout the world is vMinnymous with tin and rubber. Wherever m inkind lives, it is safe to say he daily uses some manufactured product whose basic contents originate
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    • 592 1  - S'PORE LOOKS AHEAD AND PLANS FOR A GREAT FUTURE mnsHAii by SINGAPORE is looking ahead md Singapore must plan ahead. In lis no empty platitude, for through its own < < cted siuornmont. the people of Singapore haw foi the Irst time, the shaping of their future in theii ttwn
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      • 123 2 p .^^^^m^^^. b IBbb^^^^m I IB fl^H^^^^^^^^Bß fl .^^^B fiß^^^l^lH^nla S^^ 1 v^l j^^H ,^H S^l& J^Hejk i^fl i^^& fl^l I iKM flffi t^» i^^f V^B u^^ B9 BB i ==zi^ii^^^^PSjM£ |jl J«1 t^^Jl^^^^fe^^^^^^^S?^^^^^ factories survhed and in them ue manufacture and c |^>S^>^ g ?S^ l ss "*>L I
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    • 60 3 FINE OIL FROM THE COCONUT i rpHC first stop in the production of coconut oil invol vrs shoving copra from sunny bags into a conveyor 1 1 which takes it to a disintegrator machine (ab ove left). The distintesrator machine crushes the copra into mill form which is then carried
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    • 729 3 THIS IS HOW SOAP IS MADE I coconut oH no. makinK m ar ff arine, refined L^S^SSiS«^L t> a h re mixcd in il mil machine (above) r i, lltLt M w finely gJained is r, rr i ri h lch ll fa sta^ iv Pl^srr. Hhrrr irrr f h!dr
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    • 2 3
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      • 130 4 I BBv BB^^^ BBs Mr^ BBS •••*III»*- 1 .^dl^^^^B^^^B^^^^ .^^^bbb Hm .^bs ■bt A bbF 1 jpp^H fl ■BT Bb^ n|M' Bbt BHt Bb/ fl B Bb/ BbT Bb; i I V Bfl Bw Bw *fl Bbbb^ Bw fl H .^■^^^^^^■B Bv BbJßc B^bßbbJK WBBBBBBjBIHHr ::::::::::::i::::::: s IHH::::::::::::::::: -m jt-
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    • 126 5 Miss I\\ KIM CUFF paints sold rims on glasses in Singapore's bitmest sjlass factory. She wa» ipeeiallj trained for three months for the job which requires concentration and a steady hand she ases i >pecial brush and liquid sold which dries uhen the glass is put through
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    • 167 5 THE Singapore Glass Manufacturers Company A Ltd.. began production over seven years ago. At first bottles w ere supplied only to Singapore and the Federation/ Indonesia and Siam. These markets remained much the same until about three years ago. when import restrictions closed the Indonesian
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    • 109 5 A factory marks 7 years of progress of bottles ana glasses of all kinds l< also undertaken. The company believes that, providing costs can be kept' low. increased expert business can be obtained in the °f competition from glass companies to other countries. On a wider scale, this applies to
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 171 6 -^^^^WfOWftffix HKVx> H -:v.98 *^B^P^^^^^^^^W i^^R E^B J ]Xn t<p♦» i <*. X.% a .^..v- '.sv n Mi- *iV i -1,-,-,-m-.- ■•'•■'if tfww^'^ooo'hvvMLiu'v;,,^!.,, < HB flB ■■'.■■<■'->■'■* ■'.■'■■■;•;<■.■ ■//.•v/.-\- j r i w4ovwr .y, """•fcv v -JHbSn,. eE "J?^sC?^Sffs3 jS^^SbCBSSSSv -WJM ''''■^KfSSSoBiSSX v¥sww«MC\' < s,v .<"^*'*Sw!'!'X*!vK^ CsSMK"i&?c^" '""AX X'lS''- 1
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    • 669 7 BUSI NESS SINCE 1883 SUCCESS STORY j list of branches and depots goes a long way j in the telling of the Fraser Neave success j story: t Singapore Johore Taiping Kuala Lumpur Buttersvorth Djakarta Penang Klang Surabaia Seremban Ipoh Bangkok Kluang Malacca j THE BREWERIES Fix VSER NEAVE are
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    • Article, Illustration
      78 7 Staff Welfare »Bilßiii^Hra»^ w hich tell their own story. Two photographs are show Co|ony s bes t games are football field where some of background Above: Avi sports pavilion is shown U> tn N singapore f ac t houses a badminton court) at t workers are served to Chinese, Ma^>
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    • Article, Illustration
      66 7 S the popular c:ill for gMd beer <** from the Sin*»P Tiger is exp ori NcW Guinea Burma Pakistan Borneo Korca Mauritius Chr.stmas Island The busy F&N Export Persian C»* pepartment is shipping Hong Kon§ |apan Fiji India Ceylon Formosa Seychelles Thailand more A I rs, <1 Ri i
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
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      • 96 8 C^f.^ SiZt > v-'Uh whit« rubber foxing and Sizes: 4— U Sizes. *-n r Ober hPf 5 i \^F^ ,1885 -6186 "RIO" Men 5 b lack casual .hoes .«n p ronc pe r,> Oxford ,h- A V; 3f 136 H^?§= =1?P 3 "Xr-2 I 5 i "TFNNIS MASTER" mOU b
        96 words
    • 575 9 They set up a record in shoe making OINCE the Bala Shoe k Company Limited was first established in Singapore m 1931, they have a chie vc d a remarkable record nf progress, a record uneaualled, perhaps, in the shoe-making industry in this part of the world. Planning and a
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    • Article, Illustration
      688 10  - Joyce Pumfrey by Making rattan furniture is no t an industry of mass production. It is essentially a cottage industry, done by skilled craftsmen in workrooms adjoining furniture shop Deep into the heart of lialaya s Jungle K o Malays and al rt- tog rattan I t:i ilture making tod
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    • 537 10 DESIGNED FVRNMTIRE with an eye to beauty 0 ATT AN furniture has come a Ion", way since the days when no man was well-dressed without his Ma lave- a cane. Today in Malaya it can, and often does, take pride of place in any room in a house and is
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 419 11 Modern Technique to an Old art THOUSANDS of sewage pipes are turned c 11 monthlj by the Goh B in Huat Pottery Works at a g unbut Kuala I impur, to supply the r of the rapidly pxI inding larg< towns in the Ft ation Thi iking of these pip
      419 words
    • 330 11 <s 40 years ago the k Mr Goh L' og Booi rived in Malaya C lina, one of i< thousands oi Chinese nts who left I tivi land to uo I to seek employment and, perhaps, fortune Mr. Goh was blessed with couragi sight I' wt
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    • Article, Illustration
      179 11 THE potter's wheel and the skilled hands of the potter have not been completely ousted by modern machinery at the Goh Ban Hint Pottery Works. For instance when the order for a specified article is a small one it is cheaper to produce them by hand than by
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    • 334 11 T HE Prtncipic of thr process of making of ancient or modern tim-;s. is simple l ne clay, dug from earth's surface, is prepared by boat ing and Kneading with the Bands, mallets or stone or by machinery after ail stones and hard Particles have been
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 75 11 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR Stoneware Glazed Pipes and Specials THEY' NEVER WEAR OUT BMADE TO THE MOST EXACTING SPECIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS QUALITY IN EXCtiDt) Uh B.b.S. Get Them From (joh Ban rluat Pottery WorKS i^lu PHONE ***** 5519. KUALA LUMPUR. rn r» t r "n A\X C "ID T T
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 62 12 i bk Kb p^ I Company in Dandenon^; I Victoria, agents in New Zealand Concessionaires in E^^' ar a n j jj^^^ sub-concessionaires |f1 J r oI I IM jEk 1 J^ .*nr SERVING INDUSTRY LUj^lt A W fvflJy CONTINENT SERVi" /t^ Chemist in tanaaa rcw rM Federation of Malaya.
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    • 1050 13 Young phi nter found the answer to a major industrial problem IT was a fortunate circumstance f°r todustry that young Bernard Wilkinson, a student of chemistry before World War I and a veteran soldier by 1918, should determine his future as a rubber planter In Malaya.
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    • 300 13 IN industries of tin present day, light 815 well as heavy, measures are taken by most managements to ensure full scale production without a break. A break In production I r any period, short or long, could prove fatal to the industry. in this fa>: moving
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    • 369 13 MalaiMfg helns in atomic power race OY supplying a special natural rubber product Malaya has found herself a part to play in the development of atomic power for the Free World. rubber called Linatex. The Malayan producers, Wilkinson Process Rubber Co I td have received reports from their associate companies
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    • 282 13 A material with many uses THE makers claim a terse variety oi applications for Linatex. varying from windowseals on pressurised aircraft cabins, to special Protective clothing for workers i n the cement industry. Reports from all parts ol the world show that a large impact has been marie "fl Jhe
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    • 197 13 INVENTED in 1946, the Linatex Ball Mill (illustrated at left) has become standard equipment tor many of th< main industries in the United Kingdom. Outlasting the more conventional typo oi grinding mill by many years the Linatex equipment £5 Secome known ior to phenomenal life and resistance
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    • 214 13 FATHER SON rWO generations father and son iave between them close o half a century of 1| service at the Wilkinson Process Limited, in Batu Caves. The father, L. Muthu (58) ias been In the company. service since 1926 and i.s still in its employment. Befon joining Wilkinson Process in
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    • 142 13 THE LINA TEXSTORY ad^to^ ture The hlw IS* 9 a PP ea very similar to Sole Crepe led i nt| in M.:u,. x u "'nerence lies in the sprrial rhrmicals vu]ca ni P m)r m,I „)v n U| V StUl a»«wing the rubber to be handSffl^tel I;itt<lli! known e ly
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 122 14 gB^HK^H U^ "Bt B f >■ >^*'^ Ji m I .^k^^^^^^\. '^^^^^Sm\ B ft m. m r~ ft ft «bI ft BT> B\ IB 1 _J% K I W 1 W m j^""*i M^^A^kWk^^^^^^t^^Z^k^^^ MMm. Am VL 1 I a I V M f^^^i__ r^-iH-'— _rm V j^A Bl jft
        122 words
    • 650 15 HE Malayan pineapple industry is j still fighting to recover the markets lost during the war. This Malayan I j pineapple canning factory is no i exception. In every department the workers are aware of the tasks before them. On the left
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 161 17 pVERY time you have a biscuit with your morning tea or afternoon coffee, the chances are that you are paying a sort of tribute to the factory shown here. This la because it la very likely that your biscuit came from this factory, one
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    • 271 17 BISCUItS FOR EVERY TASTE AND PURSE DISCUITS manufactured in Malaya to suit the .ocal palate and pocket tiave always provided a popular, inexpensive and useful variation in the diet of the people in Malaya. There Is no doubt that Malayans are steadily becoming more biscuit conscious, as good biscuits axe
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 266 18 (HUME INDUSTRIES (F.E.) LTD) QBlto^B^^.^. Ji^Br^^ l^^ \cE wV^k bbTlebl blbb^B g&Ss^f^ "^***on^ t I^^^" fIIF HI B^BB^bl '^M^" WiStMS§§ ~tt I■4 I I 1 1 1 1 eyfliME I^ l^*^ 11l Ml 111 I bWii H in W^i .^Bk. Jfc* 4b^ *^V I mmfr JBfe. Jmtt B^r^ 9^T fl
        266 words
    • 716 19 Big and small, ot steei, -ere and asbestos, they i roil 'win fKir* i inis areat d ant vided W lo Ble holders ."Mo Sf extent dep^n, the emptojUen, J P g^> Far East) L^ -v t s cialised ««e ir. anu facture «ffl a various
      716 words
    • 433 20 CANE furniture is GROWING EXPORT Hem £ANE obtained from the Malayan jungle Is proving to be an increasingly important material for the manufacture of furniture, a large portion of which is exported overseas. U f f y know as Malacca cane because most of it is obtained tromtne jungle in
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 33 20 Good design makes living more excitmg with j CANE FURNITURE j s tMJw v A J <tM*~l'V\ C\ a mII 1 1 Ivl i r I^.IAJ..IA/^ nMi^iMil-MHi^MmilMlM—ni l^ > dltiMfc'"" i lil '111l jICC/3fli/)/('
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    • 711 21 fHE Singapore (ins W orks b e g a n making gas on its present site on the Rochore Paver as long ago as 1862. Apart from a few months dur in g the Japanese occupation and the British Military Administration periods, the Works has functioned
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 137 21 US© THE M^tQl RANGE OF f J r kU *^*a#» im t vies UC A TE9C ,-t ar ■s^ r^ v %y GAS WATEIC -HE ATCif 5 cater L^ flh^%^ ~V i3^ '> for your every neec 1 t "instant end lea boiling I I Vl -*C ECONO^i- water on
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    • 943 23 Birth and growth of a local industry One of the machines in the can factory. PLANS for Malayans only paint factory, the PAR Malayan Paintworks Ltd., were drawn up early in 1938. The factory was built the same year and paint production began towards the end
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    • 1249 24 INDUSTRIAL GASES are at your service Executives at your service Bukit TfmafK G^K S /u Ma J aya) LTMITE began building their factory at the 7th Mile The iSS^of^^^^S* f 194? Started d and distributin afuel ox?d a U nt foV a r^wf* U n CS A* medic J ne
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 649 25 New techniques create new uses Apart from common place Oxy-Acetylene Welding or Cutting metal, there are a number of other processes in which gases play an essential part such as:- -y LATEST ARGON WELDING PROis an essential tool in modern ship From superstructures to ends, wherever aluminium and light allild
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 79 25 H A T^ industry g*s tef V** iJlfpr weld tnade *f* MEDICAL GASES sentlal ni.-- H ,u +K n f modern FLUXES. f I In stop with the progress oI n /uiacs- Further detail* o\ i| surgery have come development t h< duc u wiU glMliy bi I*^° I P°'
        79 words
    • 433 26 THIS PLANT IS A MODEL OF ITS KIND rrHF \m«.v Canning Corporation (Singapore) 1 limited one of the largest food canning and s luce nanvfaetarim concerns in the Far East, was founded in 190H. v, orei 40 P r0 c rta have been extensively I U the WOTla been widely
      433 words
    • 131 26 Delirious t-lIEEX ■s made ■m Possible for v e Wa s reslro Hon. Km lQal itram g?* »n 1954 anl t() Sil^ year bronoht d e arlv thu employees, from S° rpor atior P«rope and A ;L Vent tc th^ CorDorat lO n: hmer >- foi M-l\Vr m UHiCh lilted
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    • 474 27 THEY BUILD SHIPS *0R MANY LANDS IN EAST A QT A A LARGE number of Police and Customs Depart--A ment launches in Singapore and the Federation have been produced at the Singapore shipyard of John I. Thornycroft Comnanv sinr#» it* n*it\ihli<ihment over 35 years ago. The company has enjoyed a
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    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 75 27 SHIP REPAIRERS cuid Dim iifrq Onlr DUILULHO MARINu tNulnttliu An 1864 Sir John Thornycroft founded 1 R \|S^\ *H\l and for nearly one hundred years the name Xf^\ -a£«??* I^\ J '■'**^i > overhauling all types of internal I JmmF'"^ r *> S!™ 1 1 CHADBURHS (LIVERPOOL) LTO. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON
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    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 264 28 rn^^^^^^*™^^^ u "*^^^^^^o^^^^^% T T VL __»""^_^"^**»-»w __>^ f I ______P« __r m 1~ T'il 8 fl^lP v f V V_«X XJL v,.-^ J**^/ X R I 1 k _f \V >k; w 1 I R e(^ ucec^ bills for soap, electricity, water i\ 1% [>| I *No expensive washing
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    • 648 29 Your weekly wash on the big scale LAUNDRY'S WORK COVERS THE WORLD SINGAPORE Steam Laundry Ltd., brings to (ho Colony the benefits of the modern laundry, provides employment for locally domicii^d workers and helps to raise the standard of living of its customers. Work from this laundry goes all over
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    • 400 30 BISCUITS FLOW FROM FTITTTO A THIS ASSEMBLY LINE rpHE Khono (»uan Biscuit Factory W9S r i established in Paya Lebar R6ad I« first pore, in 1946 just after the Liberation nga When business increased a new facto™ in Howard Road and completed in 1948 ti 1S three modern automatic machines
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    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 28 30 Jw^lilllHll UUnn ujuiiuii niUaUa* tri^^^ g i WJ I SIRAM ROAD tc3J'"h:.! 5«-r. X. -<^«^^<T.^'- 'JLi U ro L DUI iLiifwußin. 'CIS. 362 [«i^^^SaiHa: Ti ffSli 1 x^?^-^
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    • 518 31 THIS PLANT TURNS OUT METAL WINDOWS DOORS The United Metal Works Ltd. (above), at the 13 m.s. Woodlands Road, Singapore. (Left) Window section being cut into lengths on the cutting machine. (Bottom left) Drilling holes in bars before they are assembled into windows and doors. (Below) A window takes shape
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    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 174 31 Wj^S^^^iM^Bp Good fw€MfS tOF r\T CiisT CCT S/ '^^^Ssi"' '5^- j y^^ EnQineets and Builders pWL *^i r"~:^_=-^ r r ""I met ru^ t P r °o^ in in Singapore and l^^*^^^- if fflWa&Xj/jL^^ Maiava Our plant 5 capable ->f treating I <T \< M X r/r^&SS&I s/m;- 7-or/vr sttn+inu
        174 words
    • 539 33 Yeo Hiap Seng's MODERN SAUCE AND CANNING FACTORY THIS HUGE COOKER, above, is used for boiling soya beans. This is the first stage in the preparation of sauce. The soya beans are boiled for about four hours and then left to cool before being taken out of the cooker. After
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    • 138 33 MR. Teo Chee Yeow, 25--year-old, son of Mr. Yeo Thian In, Managing Director, Yeo Hiap Seng Sance Factory, was educate at AngloChinese School, Singapore. He left Singapore for England to study at Loughborouph College for four years Graduated with the title D.L.C. (Diploma of Loughborough College). He went
      138 words
    • 635 34 Textile industry 115 iNli/\Y to THE AIM: MORE PRODUCTS AT LESS COST within a fev foonths of his arrival i n <?w tanker. Dr. ,v I.:u asked the Colonial ft^ m August 1950 a Chinese East Ltd. whether they would be interested P c^ e! °P me nt Corporation <Far
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    • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 310 35 SHOE COMPANY PLANS A NEW FACTORY IN INDONESIA yHE Nanyang Manufacturing Company Limited was established in Singapore over 20 years ago. The company's shoe factory at the 9| m.s., Bukit Timah Road, began production on a small scale. It gradually expanded with tho increase in business and today is one
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    • Page 35 Advertisements
      • 46 35 BVi H^P^^^fia 'wS ■>■■"'•*• -I -'■'■^^■y'^*''''''jfc^'-''"'^s-' mß&4^9^^9Sß^BT^^^Hl^B^Bß^sM^^^^^^^B^^^BW^Hlßl^^BVß^9BH^B^CKSHßai^B^Ba^B^^9A^^B^^^^BM B pfef ■SSS 2 i^* •flsf jjE" j •/<&'-■ 'i f > J£— ~aM£i3CB^MBjM bWbW^ I ft I *^j^'' BHB a 3HBB bV JoSS bV^b> ■hbbVb SkiBIH sl^bjg ■B^Hbbw3B!!?^^b^b^Bß^BbhP^s^Blß li! 5 > t•% >%& 0 8?* r JfA t o& f^s> /jT" JBt
        46 words
    • 722 37 rrfH Metal Box Company Limited, London, was formed about 30 years ago. This company was tmxlgamatlon of several tin box manufac- rers. s ()me of them were extremely old established, fl i n fact being formed in 1799. Since the amalation considerable expansion has
      722 words
    • 253 38 **^if spwuny factor ti wMalaya M K WON G THIAM, a 40-vear old cu k Cantonese k *h« year ld China-born only sprinr^u P r «Prietor of prabably the por P g akmg factor y in Malaya and Singa- aaftfi-VS Pair springs for rifles A3. rose to become a snecial
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    • Page 38 Advertisements
      • 63 38 SPRING PROBLEM? Enquiries invited for supplies of all designs and sizes of new springs for MACHINES, MOTORS, PRINTING PLANTS AND INDUSTRIES I Pie stock of Steel Spring Wires r m *or wholesale and retail sale at moderate prices. \A/^%lkl^ Tl Jl aaa SPRl^*^ f"X\w I v^tc VW/|>|VJ ni/VIVI toP y-
        63 words
    • 316 39 Woodworking company does well rpHE Union Woodworking Company was established in Singapore ii. 1943. The company's workshop is off Paya Lebar Road and the office is in Men Pirns Building, Cecil Street. Jvieaeiros About $40,000 worth of building joinery is produced each month by tfye company's workshop where 45 men
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    • Page 39 Advertisements
      • 72 39 t UNION 1 t i P WOODWORKING 1 I U\JJYIr AJM Y p 31/32 Medeiros Building, II Lfa m I ***** lOUppllCI 5 0/.Cecil Street, Singapore,l. Tel: ***** I Plywood Core.-B©qrd in Ae i I I I Philippin Mahogany N i 11l oiQmGse Teok t m PiiillJiiililJiiilliS T-ii i t-v
        72 words
    • Page 40 Advertisements
      • 487 40 bW^* ia?Rl bbbbWbbL Vv HA m bCbfH V\ kv JL^^!^AX B BwV kbl w^Kmk bbV bbTw bbe9 Ar bTsbM X 9 J^^^^ b-bjbbbmß "JB* J l^ m bßbbbb-BBBBk MAWUrnH URLRS OF AIT TVdf r\v ■^■■^^^■■■■■■■MrjBSBJ^^Bf^MB Ilk^HBS Mrv*^ fll Bi Bl Bl Ih I I H Bi^Bk fl\ BT ff >
        487 words
    • 118 41 /Modern hot I bitumen I spraying O.NF of thp hot hitumrn distributors sprayinc hot bitumen at a temp*ratur<> of 3HO F on an .^rrrss road to the new intcmittoml .lirport. With fleet of these v 'u mm IpmjnSi the lin road from Singa•rv to Pen.'ins; could be tirrlv spr:i>od with
      118 words
    • 568 41 NO greater ag BUra country >f, t can be given a young ard of living o, g and t he improved standment of to* n the d vel °POne such in d Products Ul. of ft? -L., lS Malayan Bitumen This indnstrv h T*' Bukit
      568 words
    • 99 41 CROSBY HOUSE as j you know it to-day is hardly recognisable with all the surrounding scaf- J folding One of the im- portant phases in such buildings is the roofing. j This must be sealed positively against the J possibility of rain find- ing
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    • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 386 42 MB sin, .purr Chemical 8 Manuf; etl| rtn£ Co hM xttrtr.i business in October, 1931 rh« v tin Khl lion, ,i on. time chiel ehemfetof Tan Kee Rabbit Manufactering Co. was the first managing directoi mmmm r Mr. Lim Khoon Seng, who
      386 words
    • 317 43 Three Lee brothers run woodwork THE Lee Cheonff Kee Construction Company was established in Singapore in 1948. The company was formed by three brothers who have had wide experience in construction work. They are Mr. Lee Kee Foo, Mr. Lee Wei Eng. and Mr. Lee Chong Yin. panel doors and
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    • Page 43 Advertisements
      • 61 43 Save your £/se /MODERN DOOR ls^ Bas^ H DvPIVJMLV™ liv\ I I \l lii W j__ t -^^^^^^s i|!i!u ESTATE K 7 /f I I tyl SHOPHOUSE *7/ Hi I l)| I L. t^g^g!|i,'l TERRACE UII V/ftlfl j I^Z^~~]p!B Various Designs also available 'I 4 )f\' I I Panel model
        61 words
    • 533 44 PAPER CUPS AND BAGS BY THE THOUSANDS T HE Singapore Paper Products^Limited. one 1 of the most progressive manufacturers in this country, started operating in UN. Mr Tar. Bng Ghee, son o: Mr. Tan Lark Sye is the chairman of the Boar:: o: 7 managing dlrectoi c: tue Arm is
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    • Page 44 Advertisements
      • 19 44 1 Machine for Producing "YATAY" (Ladies Sanitary Towels) at the speed of 100 per minute. HYGIENIC K "ala Lumpur.
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      • 64 44 ALL PAPER PRODUCTS PROCESSED BY LATEST MACHINERY fie on/y one o/ its kind in Sou/fc-^^f^^^^^^^.^---thF capaotToTour p rodu^ daily p aper Bags 100,000 Carrier Bags 20,000 3 Cups 200,000 J- Drinking Straws 15,000 I- Toilet Tissue Rolls 50,000 6 Ladies 1 Sanitarv Towels 200,000 To pri n, Tec ni co
        64 words
      • 43 44 4 Colour AMLIM. PRINTING MACHINE, for printing four colours in one peaces can he used either in connection with tin Bac Machine or Shee< Cutting Machi ECONOMICAL Sheet Cutting Machine f<>r cutting .^(H) sheet of paper per minute, sice 20" i JO* 1
        43 words
    • 222 45 THE Asia Rubber Works was established in 1943. The factory is in Lorong 3, Geylang Road, Singapore. Mr. Teo Kah Seng is the proprietor and his son. Mr. Teo Eng Kiat manages the compounding section in the factory. 7O 9 000 pairs u month Many kinds of
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    • Page 45 Advertisements
      • 28 45 if y^^^s^^. iinnmrrffllllffifflli^ a^/|i V -y- ,i||Bt^ **^'^^^r^ #f li I 1 1 E9 Up U ■Atf fl IV --T,^-^—^ "-Prong 3, Geylang Road, Singapore f^l: -**-t^ w-
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    • Page 46 Advertisements
      • 192 46 HwßHgßßst ■afW»W l flA'jlltnfa3BßßBl SE9 H^a > BHsdiiCJBHBt KbhIBBI'- a-£«aS ■B9BBF BBJBHEmS BHHHHBJBHh W» K/S^ JtfflHggftflßi ■BfeSaßW VWHra fIK ?if:,';/V ««f £3 hF ™r 5- 'KB BiEaSPCT j lIIPS »Rr fIPM^BMBBBBBBB^BB > ■SJ^^m sww\to^k«^^^^™ Sw**?'?'?^ B^ußb «bS B^Bt ■H m *s&f BhHB Hffli fBSm bS mbi .^< fifl^ 9HS sSbßp
        192 words
    • 622 47 VATIONAL Carbon (Extern) Ltd.. was incora porated in Singapore on Dec. 21. 1946. In June, L947, the company began building a modern factory at the 9i m.s., Bukit Timah Road. Today the with the huge repUca s^.« c ompan y of an "Eve- have been n ady
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    • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 530 48 MALAYA NEEDS POWER IN aH parts <^-^ powei .-<\ n eeds :J Even ssMsys SSfn todustri gjljg trifled f S e dlm«i«J ra te oi in vears ,;.f be douoit^S |»|s forr Uk€ as d etUng electricity ?o w d more do we n#* l nd now Is I cacn
      530 words
    • Article, Illustration
      544 48 THE ROAD AHEAD 'FllE import a: 1 electricity supply a foundation for industrial developmeni emphasised elsewhere. In recent years boi G ►vernment and lo political leaders have n peak lly ta d of the developnu of new Malayan industries as a desirable ami. and it is perhaps ble, at this
      544 words
    • 128 48 More electricty I for commerce trnd industry k tho pre-war era, I tin mining Industry l a < by far the most Vportant consumer m Ifctricity to the Fedttion ol Malaya Wr indutries vrr< Vvi> adopting i lectric We but electric motors le merely beam used l-cplace other foniM lime
      128 words
    • 65 48 I) ,«n,,l <1 Plectricit> suW out th< Jfy rw Mm T rni i fund M4 in tIH mall p»rt ■n «M 4l prtW imiiw fl ittoi iMi |r, fi)> P* v| I i ofi^ufiipi lon ,< iinu' r>« h fr M n im mtnum J 'h |v i,
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    • Page 48 Advertisements
      • 72 48 y\ h h fTHE key to a nation's progress is a ntiful suppl} of electricity Since the 13. nn:i^ formed just six vears ago the supply d electri keeping pao with this demand and enc iraging 11 [n installing more and more gei i rating plant— so assisting in the
        72 words