The Singapore Free Press, 28 October 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya llli)'». Singapore. Friday, Oetotef JH, 1055, Price 15 Cti
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  • 174 1 LORD READINC GIVES A HINT r uKI) XI ADING, Minister of State at the Foreign j Office, said m London yesterday that Ami .Id have to consider Russian oilers of aid i use there was an even greater field lor evelopment m the area than
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  • 67 1 THE 64-DAY ADELPHI STRIKE ENDS The Sultan of Jnhore Smile* with approbation as he listens to a song by children of the $310,000 Jubilee Home at its opening by the SuMfinah at Jalan Larkin m Johore Bahm yesterday. With him are (from left) rrincess Mriinni, the Snltan:ih ■n (I authored
    Free Press  -  67 words
  • 66 1 The 64-day -old strike at the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore, has been settled. A final aiir,e?ment was signed at noon today and the workers resumed duty. A spokesman of the management said the union had agreed to his proposal to retrench about 25 men as they could not be offered immediate
    66 words
  • 705 1 KOH HITS OUT AT 'BROKEN PLEDGE' Li m hurries liomv as crisis grows TUT crisis m tin* Singapore labour Front £>n v \v today with a forthright declaration by Mr. it. Koh, a founder member of the party, that the Marshall (Government had broken its election promises. His two resolutions
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  • 69 1 More than 40 employees ol thi Singapore China c Swimming dub at Ambf-r have called <>it th< lr threat to .strike tomorrow following ,hc<t., :<ii t.iii:., between the clubd commit- tee Rnd r< pi eaentatlvej 01 thi Singn >i Shop Wor [■he employi 111
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 106 2 C^ENKRAL Edua I U U ia, the A: c I tltin< i I iftdent faces an ultimatum from the jnj\st .i Confederation o\ i abour which may brin chao Argentina bj the w< ek-ei The Confed< rat lon, v. hich strongly supported ex-Presi dent Juan
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 Film stars Andre) Hepburn uui Mcl Ferrer, her bmrti teen Arming In Paris rrom Rome, Mcl trill discuss pi foi in* next Him, 4udrej bai no Immediate Blw
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  • 158 2 U.S. WARNING OF BLACK FUTURE UNLESS... "M/fR. John Foster Dulles, United States Secretary of state, told the opening session of the i Geneva conference yesterday that America was prepared to join m assurances related to German unity which would "produde any revival of German militarism." Mr. Dulles added: "These. we
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  • 139 2 The East-West gap can be bridged -UK MR, Harold MacMillan told the Bi i 4 Four Foreign Ministers' conference at Geneva yesterday that Britain believed the "consider able gaps" between East and West could be bridged. The British Foreign Secretary said: "We must bring to our task sympathy and understanding.
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 323 2 MAIN TASK: TO END ARMS RACE MOLOTOV \IK VYACIIKSI .\V HIOLOTOV, Soviet Foreign Minister, told the opening session of the Big lour talks in (ienex a > esterd iv that the problem oi Germany was subordinate" to tiie problem of European Security. He said tin Foreign Ministers
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 86 2 CONTEST FOR UN SEAT PUT OFF AGAIN rpHE d< ■>('■> icki d a nit st 1 betW64 11 Yugoslavia and the Philippines for a vat on the United Nafc] Security Council was In adjourned by the Genera] Assembly yesterday Ith th« l.s.sue till und rid, (i_ This time th< adjournm<
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  • 140 2 FjiGYPT and Baud] Aral j will consider an an attack against one ol them an attack against both, according to a defence agreement M-n-d and published m Cai] yesterday, Either country will rush armed help if the other is attacked, the part states. Both
    140 words
  • 128 2 300,000 menaced as Merapi erupts \f ERAPl— the "killer volcano" of the volcanic country m the world erupted like v Kiant flame- thrower last night, .showering ton.s of ash and lava down its slopes. It was erupting more than nine time.s per hour. A major blow -oft that might
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 35 2 Earl Mount batten, Bi Itain'j Pii t 81 b Loi 'i ;i rrlved In Wa hlngton jn i terdav from Can da foi talks with is <>' fence i hii ts, A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 163 2 1 WHY IS THE FOLIES BERGERE OF I PARIS SEEN BY THOUSANDS j J OF TOURISTS? I t? Mmm%- What is the big dnw j m&W$ M^fiffltiSffi^*- tn nc r shows? Paul i jBBIP JB pßytfti^K^ Derval Director of the $mmg^sSZ~*L mi Folies for 20 years, jR^ te s c
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  • 119 3 We 've got curves but we can act, too ITALIAN actresses depend just is much on their dramatic Jiility as their shapeliness lor suecesSj says the latest one of then to come to the United States. Iven it they have bosoms they are still good actresses," 19-year old Rossana Podesta
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 104 3 Marilyn-Joe divorce: It's official now rpHE marriage ol Marilyn Monroe and Joe I Dimaggio ended officially yesterday, and ilonde star said she had no plans for .image to anyone. iss Monroe filed for divorce a year ago day m California, only nine months she and Dimaggio were married She lid
    U.P.  -  104 words
  • 146 3 Restless, so youth posed as doctor POLICE yesterday unmasked a handsome 3u n g airman as the friendly phantom" who alked Into a hospital mafrnity ward at Orlando. lorida, and gave two mothers a "thorough examition." Detectives said airman "•irry L. Burdick. 18, of the Orlando air force base. typed
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  • 45 3 M p< ople re killed a• ix Injure i y§ terday v n a southbound > c'">nl(; Pacific freUht train mcd ;i pan« 1 truck 1 with Mexican bouren at a p ,te croft- 11 mile ith oi Uia», CaUloroia, U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 193 3 STRANGLED WIFE: HUSBANDS No. 1 AND 2 OFFER TO TAKE LIE TESTS T*HE husband and a former husband volunteered to take lie detector tests yesterday as police investigated the strangling oi Mrs. Winifred Adams. Mrs. Adams, who came to the United States i as a British war bride, was found
    A.P.  -  193 words
  • 24 3 The U.S a nj [I il Horn I John rockei m J •;> sacred snow-cap] Fun earlj next moi \n T i U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 61 3 A SINGAPORE Police radio patrol car sped to Bukit Panjang m answer to a message; "ShootIng m a village/ 1 But when the car arrived at the scene, the* policemen found sportsmen firing at flying foxes, FOOTNOTE: Flying foxes migrate Into t(he Colony from
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  • 83 3 Japan's new worry -food products tPAN i havl I j trouble with food p >duel red In pn d i milk, Thou U t(\ Then P i >lii i 1 ilti an i had disc] I wholi coni oi i q la mll le f n pre mrv n d
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 112 3 DEMONSTRATORS massed m front of G*T#mHtent buildings In Pretoria yesterday m a four-hour protest against the Government's apartheid laws. Asian women and European women were among the thousands Of demonstrators who had collected petitions demanding the repeal ol racial segregation acts. Two Officials the Trails
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 101 3 A warning: 'Red arms, massacre' REP Ad, i m Clayton p>well. J' laid m < >• coj di ne w Ramp ihire, yesterday that Russian ;i >4 f 'it I art' shipping „rm to opponenti of white supremacy m the Union "i South Africa Powell, i Negro, told delegates attending
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  • 95 3 Colombo Plan aid offer to PI BRITAIN yesterday offered the Philippines Government Colombo Plan assistance m the form of £20,000 worth of plant research equipment. British Ambassador George L. ciutton submitted the offer to Acting Foreign Secretary Raul S. Manglapus. The Philippines has two major plant diseases which annually
    U.P.  -  95 words
  • 66 3 The first British .soldier to be killed m the Cyprus disorders died m hospital yesterday, from wounds received when terrorists threw a hand-grenade at an army truck near Paphos last night. Police and troops were stoned and two bombs were thrown at a military buildin" m
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  • 26 3 President Nko Dinh Diem ot the new Republic oi South Vietnam yesterday accepted the collective resignation ol his cabinet. He remains prime minister, Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 28 3 A Bank of America executive said yesterday m Ban Francisco most ol the world's financial Leadei i feel that economic condition! i '>:■: are "".eni r;illy ",<>od
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 Creators of Fine Perfumery for over 200 years. Mitcham Lavender j BRILLIANTINE -fei-. Potter Moore's delicately Lv^mT^^^f^ few drop-, mnsvi^rd into the ||^K^B hair lustrous ,Tfnd easy to w> at P(M?W(mv SHAVING BOWL r^!P|^ rfc luxe >'N. yPi Twelvemonths' luxury ■•*UJV_ \fri \'mM I; >w! wi'ii li'jn'irii! r i m
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  • 207 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Oct. 28, 1955. Opinion The strike bill f PHE mounting wave of 1 strikes m Singapore can only spread poverty and misery the two most powerful allies of Communism. One month's strike of the Traction Company has already meant a loss of $1,400,000 to the
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  • 551 4  - Germans turn out 'Flying Motor scooter' MARGARET KROHN by i WEST G< rman firm A v I n Bdy to begin production of a "flying m otorscool i r a •-pow< <i glid< r that Ls i cted to volutionise both glidand sport I ti..- ri rman craft, developed by
    551 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 4 radio picture. Observing a u ancient tradition, three men bear Ihe Kanaka ol Buganda, Wutesa 11, shoulder high to his car alter his official welcome at Entebbe airport Great crowds welcomed his return after two years of exile m Britain. He is back under a new agreement limiting his powers
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 550 4  -  OMER ANDERSON says yH E Saar's steel industry, backlogged with a year's orders, has done well under the Saar's economic union with France. It now fears that rejection of the Europeanisation proposal will set of! a chain reaction of events culminating m the Saar's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 30 4 I E.xquisiiv 111 \>lO\l> A UVM SET m 'llir I asliious iftf lln >loiii4iil." PHHENDRY, M.t iiiil.u tin iiitf liui Her TB, N<.r(h BrUffC M.i Spore-tv and X I uinpiii.
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  • 1223 5  -  Adelaide Eastley BY.. i \PORE HORN Roland St. Braddel] Ls comlome from a long m England and pass through the en route to Kuala pur. as born m "The ;le Cavanagh home of his ather, Thomas dell, who figured mgly m Malaya's ly history. lived long m the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 336 6 >l\MM(\kl Im Lt-e Failk aiitl Phil lhivi% —^E^^r-^— -~~Z:-— -_J 1-1 RECALLED THAT LAST YEARI I ANO YOU BY NOW HE'LL I \^U^J^^Jl? U^ m -x.-—-/^ YOU PRESENTED COPIES OF > GAVE ME THE KNOW THEY'RE _J^^ D .ii_££?? J my jewels/ Copies, when you the crown jeWEL<i to the/
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    • 725 6 o lIORN today, it is likely that the X I* unusual will become the usual with you. It appears that you have I j; guch.a faculty for attracting the X exceptional that your life will be a lull and eventful one. However, i\u{ everything may turn out. to be to
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  • Round the world Market Prices
    • 161 7 tir.itn: No. 1 rss c.i.f. 55 li 1 t 3 urop. >n Porte November 3./, seller! 35 B N.». l kss c.i.i-. ;h buyers .v b ropean Porte December 35 &U er sellers tBEK \o. i IJJ, spot 35^ buyers 35^ sellers 3 > selleis tIBBER N».
      161 words
    • 69 7 < > iJfiLta quoica m v. S. ceiits per lb. NEW YORK, Oct. 27, Previous Tod-iv futuii- (h-tober 95.50 bid expired noon 96.50 asked November 95.50 bid 95.00 bid ~>er %«> gfd^ RIB BER futures December 42.40 to 42.20 (o if--,.!, 42 30 traded 42.25 traded TONE
      69 words
    • 54 7 spot and awaiting a floats 39 to 38 1 Nov. 36, Dec. 34, m equal monthly wak spot and awaiting 32 >■„ afloats Oct. 3!. Nov. 3d' Lampong spot and awaiting release 41, n floats 39 to 38'_.. October 38. Nov. 36 Sellers ex-dock. Above price m
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    • 36 7 NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Previous Today ndustrians 155 72 4<w m »> (<S 400.11 V (lv 150 3 7 149^5 .T sli <' Bonds 98.70 98 70 U lirs 62.79 62.94 Composite Average 161.84 161.36
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    • 117 7 OH °T <( 'l'-V Philippines c.i.f. U/K Previous Today North European delivered i:ln per long ton N'ov Her. ,<m sellers $179 seller': X v Philippines f.o.b. Manila In bulk per ton Unquoted Unquoted OPRA Straits c.i.f. IK North European delivered weight per long ton Dec. £C)
      117 words
  • 249 7 All that Mrs \M\ m Hanbury A^»s wanted from hu band, said |i dje was "independence eouplod with cash." told him he could have a divorce If he made it worth her while and £10.000 or £5,000 mentioned." THE HUSBAND. Mr. Silvanus Hanbury Aggs,
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  • 49 7 Karl De La Warr, former Postmaster- General, told East Grinstead magistrates that he .shot a black-and-white dog which had been worrying ewes. He was giving evidence against William Henry Slater, forester, of Crowborough, who was fined i'l for allowing a dog to worry sheen.
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  • 131 7 Safety fast on British Railways f BRITAIN'S trains will be safer when they go luster, says an official report. Top speeds or more than 100 miles an hour are planned. Tracks are tv be strengthened and realigned to prepare for this. "But there need lie no fear that .safety will
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    • 63 7 DRITAIN'S m mod' hospital, atom ntted with ilpmeJ I I nding t v be< c the renal hospital 1 I no money to op* i it ho 1 1 al a t Dunbarton: hli I i three th Clvl Del fui, v 180 bed bit
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    • 75 7 THE pas •> you patieni i oi Brii tin are flndi: that not even an Immediate place m hospital or nursing home. i can i. a mi world lons led bj shortage of State b< van and I pita! i numbei o vailabli pri ite b d
      75 words
  • 308 7 Swimmer trapped at bottom M M ■jECIL SUGGETT is the man who nearlj poured himseli down the plug< hole a1 hi- local swimming bathj And m Birmingham afterwards, 30 year-old Mr Suggett shook ins head He will not be diving again w at [>
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  • 77 7 Boys in jeans sent home from school is i i>) m |eAni "quite respectably* 1 dvessed for school? Mr v Llnninrton, Of Soiith-YVtst Herts Education Exc CUtive Hunks so But Two boys wrir sent home from Victoria School, Watford. be cause they urn \ve;irini', jciins Councillor Mrs. f, Mov\is who
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3 7 jaub ['nilub ,j
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    • 158 7 Seiectian is better where 4Uq> Itetitfge is wider, A Lool: around at our CHEAP SALE now oft v 111 convince you to come here often. GIAN SINGH CO LTD. 30-1, Raffles Place, Singapore-1, Phone 521 l/ 5 f.'Br'BeUt HmeU jSjkrfr*'' "SPORTSTER" (MM CINE CAMERA fl^lillliliilil llf rAKES PERFECT >:,O^\\\ RIGHT
      158 words

  • 1019 8  - Mr. Adler doesn 't care about 200,000 dollars Charles Reid by MONEY? What's the good of it, says one half of the Pajama Game team who sweated out a fortune m hit tunes m an office eight feet by ten. IN THE white. scarl< I and gilt sitting room ol
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 picture. A camera, complete with the dicky bird, i s just one Of the fantastic hairstyles designed by Bond Street's Vidal Sassoon for the London premiere of the film, "I am a Camera Popper
    Popper  -  34 words
  • 421 8 His m ission English for all TN a cluster of newly decorated offices m London's Baker Street sits (when he is not pacing the carpet propounding his views) a man who has just sunk "a lot more money than I can really afford" into a scheme (his own) to make
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 Shop Early 3/io/j iVbu? a/if/ Sat^ 01/r BUSINESS GRAND SEASON a to"day l Bargains arc added! I I >/' fIX English Printed Plain Georgette 45" 1.40 Taifetta 36" l.:>r, per yd. Wain Coloured American Moire Chiffon 45" 1.25 TaiTetta 41" 1 oo n Printed Silk Plain Coloured Chiffon 45" 1.50
      84 words

  • Article, Illustration
    67 9 picture. Hlifl If the first re- lease picture of the powei ml (iloster Jaall weather I ti being refuelled Itifht at high speed, mvins it almost t unlimited rwige. The I Javelin Is fitted with 'probe 1 OH the leadcdge of its star- b iard mainptene and taking
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 98 9 Hoax fire call for the Queen rMKEMEN at Cambridge l received a telephone call the day the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh arrived at the station to visit the city. 'he caller told of a blaze the Queen's route to i Guildhall. "Smoke and' were coming from a building. Three
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  • 464 9 RAF's SWEPT-WING JET HANDICAPPED IPrasiic curbs an fighter D R £E! V. niil w tio is m Ulv flyin of the X Vl s °n*y swept-wing jet Jfi2;% Hawker Hunter, have been ordered by the Air Ministry. Limitations that mean the plane can be easily out-manoeuvred m combat by an
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  • 194 9 [^UD .singing m his bathroom early m the morning was one of the complaints made against George Henry Harnden, at Brentford County Court. His language was aiso said not to be all it should have been. So his landlord. Mr. Victor Tranter, of the
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  • 49 9 arly 21,500 fish were caught during the three-day ternational sea angling tlval at Hastings. Weight live tons was nearly 0 tona more than the pre- record for the festival Main trophy was won by bank manager, Mr. c.j. dinner, ol Bt. Leonards. •th 951 b.
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  • 64 9 She turned left off flew her ring I Isa Friedman on >liday from New York driving t,> London Airp t! one i [hi She put f it ol the car wind b r turning [< fl -'I ofl !i- her X 1 i(i nond ring, weni bad to look th
    64 words
  • 121 9 MRS. Nelda r-ipprtt left ikt bungalow at Pareham, Hants, for a lev, minute, to telephone her mot her. ''i have pit Nina i her five pear old daughter) to bed v.ii h the mea 1e hi i aid. On i he way b v
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  • 260 9 Church share deals boost parsons' pay ijeavy buying on the J1 Stock Excha n g c boosted tlie Church's income last year by £1,475,000. And from next April, clergymen will get more money £200.000 to be bared dj Incumbents, £50,000 for bishops, .ii chde i i ms, and cat hi
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  • 192 9 Bargeman awarded £5,000 rE British Transport Commission has lost Round One of a High Court action brought by the man a judge called ""this village Hampden." He is Mr. John Gould, of Newbury, Berks. And m court Mr. Justice Roxburgh heard that the commission would pay Mr. Gould £5,000 damages.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 mi nun Him lltlllllllliiiiiiiiiunii, ||,i, i \sv close io-«l.i> ;ii I p.m. on \\w occasion ol ilu I (k Propnei Hohammedl*s Birthday ,hs(-:ni(-:r. g| aw feY/1 P^ S p Ir. 1 I (vii. ml Iti indy N V J ffo r X J jC^*-) w\ rPADF, INQUIRIES tNVITED TO
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  • 360 10 |>ICTIKFS on this page show members of Britain s Ro>al Family at places and 1 occasions which mude news recently. Top pictures: The Queen iimeils tht national memorial to her father, the late Kinii (ieorge VI, m (arlton (iardens. London (left). The sta-tue.
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  • 635 12 LOKE S DRAMA TIC WILL ILLUSTRATE NEW BOOK ii/hfa' former Commissioner-General Mr. Mai- colm Mac Donald and Mr. Loke Wan Tho explored the fabulous ruins of Cambodia's Angkor Wat m February, 1954, they agreed to record their impressions. Accordingly, they united their talents- Mr. MacDonald'S writing
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  • 193 12 CHIPS are dying at the rate of more than one a day. In the first quarter of the year, according to figures .Hist reLeased by Lloyd's, 108 ships arrived m port after their Last voyage. Another 45 vessels met ttieir end m .some form of sea
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 875 13  -  GEORGE MALCOLM THOMSON A book review by The Duchess of Windsor played for high stakes. Did she win or lose? iiniirvni i>ii»». a> sHI MIGHT DAVE BEEN Ql i EN. By Geoffrey Bocca. (press, las. <>d l'A:l pages. PHIS i.s
    Popper  -  875 words
  • 737 13  - Lively record of Far Eastern experiences ADELAIDE EASTLEY by V VI LIVE IN SINGAPORE; By Donald "Moore. Lon(1 o n Horider s tciushton. 16s. 287 pages. JJERE is a pertinent book by Mr. Donald Moore, better known as producer of plays and publisher of Sinua- ana over the many ars
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    134 14 I o producer Edwin n. Knopf ii<»* s i->< credit for diseoverins Tftina I tin films. Tod&j she is hailed as one of the most exciting I tti< pean Stars to make a hid fOf tame m Hollywood. Horn m lltisinivi. slic is the daughter oi two famous Finnish concert
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  • 902 14  - He's a GREATER fan of Danny's than ever Mark Swain nDDIE DUKOFF back In town. The m :i who has ju>t i merged free and sane after 16 yeai as Danny Kaye's agent manager and daj nur le waa In iv >ndon to look for new enterprises, So we hopped
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 99 14 jgyyff^yWg^^^Avy^/yyy^Sßiy^-;- -'j$SQfKG&ickJ&. w MfrC^BBfIBBtt^B^BBBSS»SSS^ISSSSSsBIS^ISSS^I^BBSSSSM^BII^ ?v?vw9vvsvy ''y'sjy, < -V sT -i*T-X r^6W»aBBS»»sHMS!BBB»BIa?PKjDBBBB^W ■'■'■">'■"•'-*-■-'■*■■■'-*"■■".* .'.vX'.', 1 .v^wnWv f JppySfTfWßlPWfr > i **-j9b^Bbbbbbs^^BhE§ 11 II gf K^^&i&^y^- *v v^^^i'"! balanced food, supplies correct fHP^ nourishment right from the lilUt f?rak W start. r. A( r TO G^ is i ro p erl y
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 249 14 DAILY CROSSWORD < i.i i.s ACROSS 5 Refuse to be away with jTo have the French begin- ntv: everyone (5). ning is a weighty matter 6 Could such b movemenl des(11). cribe b tube ti.-.m? (11), 8 Something unequalled that 7 Bernard Shaw and a BronIncludea one's appearance toi iui
      249 words

  • 351 15 L vs,S or 4NATOMV7 TH« WO^ M^K«T .s o, octob Eß 955 I I WAS B Monday I irnlng so I looked ard to meeting the lidates for the World" beauty corn]" tition. )ts of beaut y\ I a lit.
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  • 706 15  -  WILLIAM HICKEY ■>.' I felt that these Statlsi proved Adam Smith's about the matchsupply and demand right up to the hilt. |ND a.> i studied the insures on the chart m and more m I l (1 lt many a bankany a stockbroker.
    Popper  -  706 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 63 15 I m '||l Une bnlllc i m..vyifm 1 1 Icin llOlJ) i-hfpiJßfe^il i vn it \im\\i i|j I years younger! Firmo Lift Treatment Lnlinn A remarkable lotion thai worka against wriuklcf, fixepeynesf and age lines i MAYNARD CO., LTD. 11, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE- 1. TEL: 6 115. REMEMBER SAT, STH
      63 words

  • 1634 16  -  MAURICE COLLIS h V gJtllllllllllllllllllt* lIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII^ E VTAI RI( i: COLLIS is a man with two distinct careers. The E first has helped the second. After 25 jreara m the Endian Civil Service, he retired m 1936 mid ;tt once l>« »;in writing books capitalizing: his
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 548 17 Jimmy FINDS a wav out -SO HE KEEPS THE PROFITS! I II V\II <UOSSIS» 11 Y SBiIJLAII l-ll AILVU IMV STEWART has idcci to keep all profit! on his iiim ventures s t ea d of splitting So. lie's formed own company J.s. prises with wife as liis partner. Bergman
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  • 477 17 J rth-south vulnerable dealer NORTH 7 9AQJ 7 6 4 0A R 4 4A 6 2 2 FST EAST J 10 9 3 4 2 l 0 9 9K8532 J 10 9 6 OQ 8 3 2 8 5 J 10 9 SOUTH 9---0 7 5 << 7
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  • 110 17 He's now on right side of the law B RODERICK CRAWFORD is about to emulate Jack Webb. David Brian, George Raft and the other law-enforcing cops on television a complete unshackling from the gangsters and low-grade characters he's played so long m pictures. He'll portray Don Masters, chief of a
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  • 129 17 WHILE m Paris recently Riming early scenes for the Charles Lindbergh autobiographi ral film, "The Spirit of st. Louis/ Jimmy Stewart showered friends back m the States with picture postcards not the customary snappy numbers but specially photographed items COyenng the 'picture's progress i "Paris M I
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  • 262 17 MARLENK DIETRICH has been stepping gingerly around shadowy, cable-cluttered S 0 v n d stages m Hollywood and Germany for more than a quarter of a century without suffering even a minor accident. But the glamorous grandma confesses she was within a hairs-breadth of tumbling into
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 43 17 •I vddit tij Pictures Make arraiigr m c n I s NOW for your photographs to he taken foy a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT. I io.i l<> Cecil Street Singapore This service is only available id SintfApOfli
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  • 176 18  - Seletor sports letter JOHN P HAMILL hkjal hlkaiikm, WE arc feeling quite pleased with our efforts at rugger during the past week and even the selector on the touch line had a ready .smile for me, when I enquired of this sudden victorious run of matches. He winked his eye
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  • 746 18  - Wimbledon must clean up the racket in tickets FRANK ROSTRON -.V 19 I ROSTRON says: 1 Lt 't the IT L'l > aim be to make tennis < mo| f democratic > *'"i«*pread. people's < game. 2. l>etentrulise th c < S ame Wimbledon is < elegant showpiece is ut
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  • 441 18 STATION RUGGER TEAMS HAD GOOD RUN OF WINS Ed m vain for a decisive win m the Senior or Junior leagues of the S.H.A. by our Station teams, but to no avail and at. Uie present time of writing both teams occupy m their respective Leagues, the lowly placed third
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  • 157 18 FIGHT fans at Happy World Stadium tonight will Bee m action two of Australia's most promising young boxers m the persons of Barrio Chalker, 22 and Blu\v Wilier, 20. brought here last week by their nanager, Jim Johnson of Sydney. Chalker, sft. 9in. light-heavywelghi who tips
    157 words
  • 197 18 One man with a voice... THE only Football League club captain who has a say m team selection is Ivor AUchurch, of Swansea Town. The Welsh International and team manager Ronnir Burgess c nooses the side and who better? Anyhow, Swansea lend Division Two. HE TRAINS TOO MUCH: The only
    197 words
  • 30 18 BOYS TOWN won th trrprimary Bchool trlct "A" soccer fln ll they beat Pasir Panjan( English Bchool 5 2 on out ram School ground terday,
    30 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • 1678 19 BRIGHT EYES II FOR MAIN 7F RACE AT K.L. TOMORROW _my H v. 'i^y^vsi' .v*.v v.vXv '•'•'vvv!*' "i^'"' ''V.*» '*^?S^" b f J^Aw," £>t ''.•jg^^i^^^^B *^^^^^^^^^VVP^VV9VVVVPWII| I Four Charmers a safe bet Probable scratching* |)K()IJAIU,|.; s< rati flings at Kuala I.umpur are: Fasy Street, Barnfield, Disney, Holiday Flight, Hunter's Call
    1,678 words
  • 161 19 s ••'Apore Malaya open nnia championships tari today on th« sportg Association at Lorong k. Telo* Ie arc: 9 a .m. Majld v Hussein Ramid aicap angles) Hassan A B. Pakir; 10 I* fT^miri Bila] and 4 '""11 Junied v Abu ■r 1 Nairn and
    161 words
  • 41 19 SCOTS TAKE A 4 -2 BEATING j. i ootbal] i ague beat 1 '>> h League m their 1 ague .socce r mat< h under floodlight at fl( Id on W( dne day by gfoala to two after tofl B—l at hall-time.
    41 words
  • 93 19 ,sJI N 0 a POR E Bu I i Hot) tii 'm hold Its am i ie( otnoi iov bI Ihe N Hal] m River Valley R from ?> 30 p m. to i I Th( re ".i:i be v llroom da ncing and |og( I nu
    93 words
  • 126 19 IVfK. G. w. Chesterman 1 four year old colt Romany Air WOH the Jockej club Cup over two-and quarter milea at Newma rkel yesterday by b n< i k from Mr. Jabez Bai ker'i Prlj c< Barle, Loi d i > 1 1 >
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 31 19 OCEAN PARK; HOTEL'S i FAMOUS QUINTET (ll Ace H;iihl of Singapore m w ith MISS SALOMA the Malay i! H "Marilyn Monroe" Ring H551 t<u Pobl R< set .ii ions Wi
      31 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 78 19 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIf llfllll TODAY'S SPORT Mllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllß HCH KFV V kni;n« |)u SII II Police v KN A S Srnilt;m uif. mh.i WAfIK lij i i il II v Navy \oMi,t«K. r >■ it i >i 1 ruble a Wlrfk m if x r Trrtfuh C a fr— nd I ti. mil.
      78 words

  • 367 20 The Rahim Omar 'mystery' is still unsolved m mi spoirrs EDITOR rtVIE Rahim Omar 1 "mystery is s^'^ unsolved. The reason z: jur this star playet i E non-appearance for the E Aryonau 's in //uv/- Cup E /i/a/ uijiiinst the Manner on Wednesday S rtlff/li l^li unktioicu. There hate
    367 words
  • 38 20 tO Word* $6 (minimum). ANG-LEE: The Marriage takes place today between Peng Liat, mngesl son of Mr. Mrs. Ang j Kok Kah and Doieen Biok Noi, third daughter of Mr. Mrs Lee Teo Cheng. Roth of Spore.
    38 words
  • 34 20 2>) Word* ,S/> (minimum) THE ADELPH3 PAS'IRY Shop Re-opens Today. Once uiore-the, well known euid delicious Cakes are For Sale it the' Ariel phi Cake Shop, open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    34 words
  • 169 20 JI <> U the points < aint- 5 MIN: Nabaro broke throufirh, "sold th c dummy" beautifully :i !ui touched down near the post-. Radrodro converted (5-0). id MIN: Domoni made a treat Interception and ran straight through to touch down between th c posts. Radrodro converted 100)
    169 words
  • 96 20 BRITISH RYDER CUP TEAM IN AMERICA riMIK British Ryder Cup 1 Golf team, a serious md determined group oi profi i nals, arrived In California yesterday for the International matches with the United States team at the Thunderbird Country club Nov. 5-8. The 10-man team, headed by captain Dai Rees,
    96 words
  • 614 20 By RAI PH BLAKEMAN 1 1 rugby match at the Jalan Besar Stadium last night 1 between the Fijians and the Singapore went much the way that was expected. Few people gave Singapore more than an outside chance of winning, so it came &s no
    614 words
  • 142 20 Vnkv; York nor c racIng indicate v< si bi day ■ht Tulyar, LQS2 Epsom Derby winner, from the m i i Nut lona i B1 nf i i "i £240,000 ($2 million M ila- i i dollar An trlsri government source d i clo ed
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 306 20 STAN MATTHEWS IS DROPPED DRASTIC CHANCES IN ENGLAND XI v. IRELAND CITAN MATTHEWS. liltll.l.lANT BLA( KP(M)| \\i> u< O LAND OUTSIDE-RrGHT HAS BEEN DKOl»|>l-'i> vrcHu THE ENGLAND TEAM TO MEET IRELAND AT VVE\IRI iv STADIUM ON NOV. 8. South African-born teammate Bill Perry tvu been brought m on the left
    Reuter  -  306 words
  • 97 20 McGregor hits 111 v. Pakistan A MAIDEN Test century by S. N. McGregor and 93 by N. S. Harford, playIng m hLs first Test, helped New Zealand to a sound position against Pakistan on the .second day of the second Test m Lahore yesterday. McGregor with his 111 and Harford,
    97 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 372 20 I Straits Times Free Prrsr. Fo' the con •< on ien ct> of aJ" r tisc-ii our representative ot Ist. r 1 floor, SINGmt'ORE COLD STOR- A..t ORCHARD ROAR, wiil re- CSivC s: -ol! odvcrtis.rr'Cnt end aniwcTj to box 1 1 umbers. C.'o'.sif icd odvertiv.. ,>unt-> my S alio be
      372 words
    • 35 20 r 890A p> the food beverage chosen uy ikiiiui* C ?-^t 'Ovaltinp 1 owes its favour-! \^Sss% the world of sport to^the i For speed and stamina OVALTIMj A. WANDER LTD., (Incorporated m England), SING
      35 words