The Singapore Free Press, 25 October 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Urged Afternoon Sale in Malaya So JJ: -nu. TOMday, <)rtoh«-r i<»-,-, u.,. t, u
    18 words
  • 116 1 No, no, no! says South Africa »l least one Commonwealth country. South Africa is reported to have told the British Government that it fc opposed to any marriage between Princess Mar-arei md Group Captain Peter Townsend. wwt»*et In monned source, according to an \.P report from London said the South
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  • 88 1 BIG THREE AGREE ON GENEVA ANGLE I rn Bin Time agreement and won the Germany for ion front at the ■niacncv with sia. in Paris UJS. SecState John Dullies, British iry Harold and French Minister Antonio n a packfor reunifying and assuring ity of Europe 'oreign Minister von Brentano i
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  • 101 1 TiHE Goodyear Tyre and i Rubber Company have Increased prices of nontubeless tyres, tubes, tread, stock repair materials and recapping it u announced In Akron other tyre manufacturers are expected to follow suit. Actual increases range fi'om one-and-half per cent for all non-tube passenger tyres,
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 205 1 They meet twice —for tea then for dinner pRINCtSS Margaret and Croup Captain Peter Townsend met twrce last night within as many hours. The Croup Captain visited Clarence Hou>e early m the evening, stayed for an hour and a half then went home. Just over an hour later he and
    A.P.; Reuter  -  205 words
  • 36 1 The Singapore R nbbo r Market opened ste idilj I mornin._> With lir t ii le Novem i) e r hipment, at si.2;') 1 .1 ib., 23 i cents above yesterday's cloi ing price.
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  • 25 1 Dominican diplomat and playboy Porfirio Rubirosa and ftlm actress z i Zaa Gabor yesterday were seeing the sights of Mexico Citv togethe r. A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 325 1 THE NEW JUNIOR MINISTER 'Don meddle in our affairs phone union JHE secretary of the new Singapore Telephone Hoard Employees Union, Mr Peter Seow, today warned Middle Road not to divide the ranks of the Hoard's workers }>v calling a premature strike. The Singapore Factory and Shop WorkersUnion, which represents
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  • 27 1 Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard yesterday continued ihcir tour of the Netherlands Antilles with a |eep ride on the island of Saba. A. P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 22 1 The condition of West German Jhancel] »r Konrad Ad< nauer, ill for 18 days with bronchia] pneumonia, is satisfactory."- A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 39 1 Ex I'r n r M ihammed Mo 3 leq Per a ill ad< ctor ol liw is spendin his three year Jail sent m for tr< i- n idying to b< a docti rol n lii in
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  • 16 1 Istanbul's population ha reache I i 100,000 up mon than 300.000 In five years
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  • 40 1 Ruse to rob woman 1; -'> M Lai Ah Tai 1 ol $440 by five hotel m Rochore ore, yesterday. the police thai fien, who were had induced to the hotel on I oi promoting a Johore along the money business
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  • 56 1 Ca ve in buries man I 1! i labourer wa ip to the neck :1 1 on .i sewerage Clement! Road, his morning. 1 >ped on K>me loose I caused a land- Aide, bellow v"ik< got him out qulcklj He la in ho ipltal < >ne man tva killed in
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  • 329 1 PUBLIC TRANSPORT: UNION IS SNAG-THOMAS r ri-IE Minis*' r for Com- munications an d Works, Mr. Fri Thomas, told the E ree Press this morning that the attitude ol the Singapore Traction Company Employees 1 Union constituted 0 in:j i difficulty In running pas senger tran port for the public.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 129 2 PARLIAMENT reassembli 8 tod;ty a!t« r ,i three month summer holiday with tiie (tuvfi luiicnt braced for i labour stoi m ov< x Its economic policy and probftbl) otht i i.s »ues a.s v, til. Members returned to London yesterday i'■ o w their constituencies keyed
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 144 2 Egypt agrees to tighten boycott ITiGYPT agre( d yesterday !i to abide by the new all Arab law. pa: < d by the Arab League In < !airo on Oct. 15, to tighten the economic boycott of Israel. The boycott ot Israel has ben sun rvised by a regional boycott
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • 155 2 W. GERMAN MINISTER TO SEE BIG THREE in hH appeal to France and her >t l l i Western allies thi Bonn govern* ment lasi night called for a "new solution 11 to the explosive Saar problem to save European unity. An official communique issued after
    U.P.  -  155 words
  • 126 2 UK welcomes German communique DIPLOMATIC Quar i e ra in London feared that the outcome oi Sundays plebiscite mighi touch on* fresh Franco G< i man friction at a critical time In West European affairs. These quarters welcomed t< rday'fi exchange ol messages between M. Edgar Faure, the French Prime
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 9 2 Mt. Etna rumbled and exploded again yesterday.
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  • 77 2 Death cell probe in murder case |NBPECTOR Ch a rles 1 Chenevier, conducting the nfw inquiry into the triple Drummond murdjer, yesterday beggn Questioning Gascon Dominici, 78--year-old fanner held in a Marseilles jail under sentence of death for the killing. The new inquiry 1* to find out if Qaston had
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  • 168 2 RED PACT OFFER? MANILA IS SILENT ITNITED STATES and u Philippine official s ces m Washington yesterclay reiused to comment on Peking reports that Com munist China's Premie Chou En-lai is offering a non-aggression pact io°the Philippines. Unofficial quarters however labelled it "premature" The Manila Chronicle quoted Chou as saying
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  • 17 2 Eight Soviet electrical perts yesterday visited the French nuclear studv centre at Saclay.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  17 words
  • 212 2 A GAY LONDON WILL GREET PRESIDENT FROM PORTUGAL FHE President of Portugal, I General Francisco Ca- veivo Lopes, and his wife who are paying a stale visit to Britain are expected in London today. They are travelling in the naval sloop. Bartholomeu Dias. escorted by six Port uguese warships which
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  • 67 2 Two of the Singapore weddings which took place last week-end: Above: Mr Oavid H<\>bs who married >li>s Audrey Simpson at the Trinity Church. Changi. Both bride and bridegroom are attached to the R.A.F. Changi. The reception was held at the Malcolm Club. Below: Mr Yusof bin
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  • 184 2 CK)UR member of thi South African del< t lotl t <)(>k i >•! it i i b limit pd a lkou t vh< n United Niil< i omm tte< bip a n the fourth Annual d< bate ol BOUI h Al ICfl o
    U.P.  -  184 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 W^F PLASTIK B\ Car and boat own- I ■Jr I rw Hl W*^ Wm crs! This remark- m J Kl |t 'lPJtliflif/ >/ iblc ht i uid p |aifle N'S 'j(BJK^\ SPRAYS on y° ur electrical and igni- V* /J" i/^ J on *y s em waterproof it. Also rL
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  • 193 3 Taxes hamper forward rubber sales Tin: Financial Times said yesterday that the rise in tht* price of natural rubber and profresi made in curbing the activities of Communist terrorist! had produced an Improvement during the past year in the position of the Malayan rubber plantation Industry. The newspaper added: it
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • Article, Illustration
    79 3 U over nor, rVbert Black me coloured i ombined Singapore johort- Bahru n r> Clubs last io|ll j Raffles Hotel ited Nations Picture t t-o -hows lr David Marshall, he chief .Minister rft) in conversation lh Luis Black, Mr. e> li e Rayner, Singa,re Rotarj < luh preslJTaO Kim Olk
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  • 100 3 PAKISTAN TROOPS ON ALERT AT BORDER ['AN border forces e n alerted iions by Aii reported in grouping akistan-Afgha- nistan border, defence officials said In Karachi yesterday. Afghanistan recalled Its minister from Karachi a Kreek ago, and In retaliation Pakistan withdrew Its ambassador from Kabul. Immediately afterward, the officials said,
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 73 3 Family passport to aid travel TOURIST official! from more Hian °.o countries meeting i n New Delhi yesterday unanimously recommended "family Passports" to promote tourist travel. They said these would eYiable families to travel on our passport, thus taring money, anil avoiding waste of time in dealing with minor documents
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 200 3 mouse of Representatives Investigators yesterday placed at $000,000,000 *1 the cost oi" a U.S. Navy error in ordering F3H Demon fighter planes With jet engines too weak to power them. James F. Eckhart and Earl J. Morgan, staff investigators, gave that figure to
    A.P.  -  200 words
  • 41 3 Pour members of uic Jewish community of Moncton, New Brunswick, are in hospital and more than 40 others were treated in their homes for food poisoning following a lunch yesterday at a coming -of aye ceremony.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 139 3 Red seamen praise UK traffic rp.RAFFIC regulation in 1 London and the city's "disciplined driving" were among the things praised over Moscow Haciiu night by Russian .^ailor-s back from their recent Visit to Portsmouth. The captain of the cruiser Sverdlov .said he was Impressed by the "very friendly reception
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  • 76 3 NEWSPRINT PRICE INCREASED npin-: Abitibl Power and Paper Company r>l Ti ri nto, haa Increased 'he price ol ii< iprini bj $15 i ton, i ffeci iv" Nov. l the i i i milton Spec! I'^r reports. The rise is the second by a Canadian newsprint manufacturer. Lasi Tuesday another
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 im 4fu9v H^ EXQUISITE
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    • 104 3 Mlllllllllllllllimilllllllllll Q IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilll!U!lllll)llililillUMlIII!ll!ll!l£ 1 Lilf* Here's a gay new "/I yIJJ/^v^^ range of colour-bright yiy\/r^\ children's play clothes! I X -SHIRTS I r"*f^JV >, cotton and rayon on white ground m^J j| with blue, yellow or coral -.tripes. t^Cv^^ Prlce From $K45 s L r 9 In self colours white,
      104 words

  • 242 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Oct. 25, 1955. Opinion TROUBLED WORLO npilE Russians are flnd- ing that p« ace, plus a few adroit if conscienceli manoeuvres, can achieve much in favour ol Communistic aims. The bitter reflection is parked by the sorry plighi ol the Fr< World where new tensions
    242 words
  • 522 4  - Russia moves into the Middle East PETER KIRK hv r ro THE Bi I ti h Foreign Office, tin 1 1 ri inc erne n fl l !t h < R ians are s elling arms to Egypt wai the most dii iui bing n< w i ycai n are
    522 words
  • 264 4 BLACK diamonds! That's what they called Britain's COal in the Hays u hen il was the basis of British industry and trade. Now the (low of exports is ending. From January, not a single (on of COal will be ■eni abroad The world's
    264 words
  • 255 4 DECAUSE they feel IJ thai America m akin g propaganda out ot the mercy treatment of Hiroshimadisfigured girls at present in U.S. hospitals, thousands of Japanese (backed by doctors and specialists) are calling for a ban on any further visits of Hiroshima victims (o America. Dr. Masao
    255 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    64 5 (■riiu;) Lain Peter 'i i end out riding recently at Billingbare Park, B In the lower picture of Edinburgh, a guest at a shooti party given in lour by Kins Fred rik and Queen Tugricl at Hillerod, Fredensborg tie in North Zeeland end of bis official Copenhagen for
    Keystone  -  64 words
  • 18 5 i Sicily, police are thief who mas- nun and stole :om the dormitory red Family Girls"
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  • 256 5 A FATHER, white-faced and trembling, heard three High Court judges reject his claim that his nine year old daughter should not be adopted by his ex- wife and her present husband. He heard Lord Goddard Lord Ohief Justice, say that after taking no
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  • 69 5 A shy. 18-year-old youth just down from Bton College became the ninth Marqueai of Londonderry on the death of Ins fatiher. lie plans to join the Army 'a hen called for National 3ervic( In the New Year The eighth marquess, a politician .rwl keen
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  • 155 5 LARGE SITE SELECTED i plan for i Muslim university m Malaga was disclosed by I):lt( > S i o Alsagoff, chairman of the Council ol ther Muslim College, at .1 meeting ol the Council at Klang this week-end. ito Alsagofl pointed out thai the Muslim
    155 words
  • 136 5 A second college necessary in this way, they w< be d( parting from th ir original aim, namely to pi ivide Mu lim education foi 2 The Ki.i OUld m trate on traJ tis and n I oils ti The propos ed college at Petalinfl i i /ould peciaiise in
    136 words
  • 227 5 PIGHT-YEAR-OLD John Wrmht has bom con*J gratulated by a red-robed judge. And tie is to get £2 $17 for being observant. John saw two men In a car outside a neighbour's house. He did not know them but what made him suspicious was that he did
    227 words
  • 75 5 There arc eight thousand registered pi^-on loft owners in West Oer many, sonic of them own int', route:, crisscross Oer many, pigeon own< r o in south' rn Germany start ins their entries from Glensburg, and the Ruhr fans Using the Pa:->sau-Duesburg course. Unfortunately this year ha i
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  • 16 5 h I. o1 '■•'> ''i 'on T ne. toi feed i t pro*
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  • 19 5 More Japanese Christmas decorations are due to arrive in Britain than in any year since the var.
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  • 29 5 The Duke i( t Edinburgh 1 1 to appear in a film app< il in^ for fund (o r t h<* National Playing Field As- Delation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Py; A V f ißk iy /Mm
      7 words
    • 55 5 pFERGUZADEj It's delicious! lIK<.I/\M \^^%^^^BC^ taken <l nl\ is of T ■■\sP*BHb^. hrlir!lt ils l rint hi ;v Hi f '^^%M!Nmk\. l l( to «r»wiii« child Supremo %\*\^AXb&< rru vv'irkers, nthlrtys Uuov V' thos*- who ir.Beverage x \iV/\ tired and listless. THE FLDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. 33 R.iffiev PI«Ci Spore
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 219 6 •■•••■••■•••■■••■•••■■•■■(■•■•■■•■•■■••■■••■a iiiiiiinninntM^innm^^^mW SiAS'DRAIiK by k ■'aik anil Phil »a»is TAIIXA\ T by Ed^ar Rice Burroughs TUC CPVZOVC COMCCeNiNGTME I I V I BBPf -«c«j .MCAISIWW»ILG 4 AT AN AtKPORT NCAK THE PISTANT SLCCPIN&-SIC<NE&& EOR^ULA ■fKOfV mE NOW t?eiPTEC7 CITY OP LSOPOLCVILLE X A WHITE HUNTge GKEETEC? r* M Pt cW
      219 words
    • 636 6 BOHN today, you l U v, Rn I insatiable thirst for kni '?"1 and when you have apparent 1 muJated all the known facts!*! I subject, you enjoy delving de< "ijl and discovering thin., thai h -j^l previously unknown. I You are also original and I in your own right
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 197 7 LONDON. Ott l\ Previous I oday di |{i;i k N l RSS ci 5496 buyers unquoted |vl „M port* October 34 sellers No. 1 KSS c.i.t. 34n buyers 35 v s buyers F r u rop I>UI|S November 34 sellers Ss^ sellers j.BBtK v 1 H.S.S.
      197 words
    • 109 7 M W STORK* CM. Previous Today -]I N v. jpol .mhl nearby 96.12 nom. 9ti.ti2 noin UN future October 95.00 bid 95.40 bid 96.00 asked 96.40 Wk« November 94.75 bid 95.25 bid 9.">. 75 asked !>G."25 n.skeci l)t>i ember 94.50 bid 94.90 bid 95.50 asked 95.90 asked
      109 words
    • 51 7 pot nnd awaiting awaiting release 33, afloat.- 32 >ats 39 to M%, Oct. 31Y 2 Lampong spot and 37. Dec. 3/> 1 awaiting release 41, afloats 39 to equal monthly 38'j. 'October 37 Nov. 3G j. irawak spot and Sellers ex-dock. Above price in U. S. cents per
      51 words
    • 27 7 DOW JONES AVER AGES NEW YORK. Oct. 24. Previous Today 438.47 460.82 151.45 ].v:.oo Domestic Bonds 93 03 93 §5 "(>L\M 62!61 s Composite Average 162.59 1C3"?
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    • 119 7 Oot 2 1 Philippines c.i.f. UK Previous Today' European delivered 1 r-i long ton Nor/Dec. $181 quoted $182 sellers 10PRA Philippines f.o.b. Manila l )U Ilk1 lk 1 >( l0 Unquoted Unquoted COPRA Straits c if. UK North European delivered weight per lon Nuv Doc E(i6'4
      119 words
  • 209 7 Such language! So the Council mid: You're out JJECM'SE i council house tenant swore in his home, Tewkesbury, (Uos, Council will give him notice to quit. Said Councillor H. L. Creeth: "Neighbours complained about the man's bad language, and the district was upset by his shouting." Last month
    209 words
  • 199 7 'L' test shock for bus driver yiuiUBERT i.hwis hai •iti driven express coasl bug services in America. Before that ha was an, lorry drive:'. For the .ix infill! he. has driven thou anda of passengers by bvu r hundreds ol mile South Wales. Now, (;ii hi. own
    199 words
  • 75 7 Ski-ins loses its terrors for film newcomer Jill Day (centre) when there's Olympic champion Not! Harrison at hand to help with advice and with fastening her boots at Pinewood Studius, Buckinghamshire, where she is playing in the Alpine comedy "All tot Mary". Noel the son of
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 273 7 A father of two boys appearing before a juvenile court told magistrates: "They should fetch the Cat back in Britain and there would be no need for remand homes and approved schools." Both his sons at Rochdale (Lanes) had been warned that
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  • 24 7 John Rryan was the only prize-winning pupil absent from Speech Day at London. Norfolk. School. His prlzf> For perfect attendance.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 Wfln /flrl X;^« BBI!( fKv Jl^i^Li v iio] H
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    • 52 7 'MARIE ELIZABETH' SARDINES PI EASE They're Tastier JOHN LITTLE (MALAYA) LTD. m n t1 RAM MS PLACE, SIIfOAPORI, TFI llfi S 0 SY.Y Mal a y I b y mot 0 rear itineraries and quotations on request SINGAPORE TRAVEL BUREAU 1 1 The Arcade (Ground Floor) Phone: *****. Singapore, 1.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 "Beat us at darts, beat us at shove ha'penny, beat us at dominoes." Units of the Russian Navy recently visited Britain.
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  • 806 8  -  SAM WHITE from They hope to smash the tax rebel before the spring |>ACK iii the news is 34-yeai old Pierre Poujade, leader ol Frai ice's ani l-tax revolt, whom i he ant hnrities are. v-\ iasi prosecuting for organised defiance of the law. It iii
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  • 246 8 TO UN GEORGE HAIGH, the acid b.tth murderer who was hanged in 1949, and John Christie, who was hanged two years cttfn, were more than two of the most notorious killers of recent y* <i They share, it appears, the "recoi d" for the la rgei t number
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  • 182 8 Was red the killer? "^EARLY 200 people have jumped to death from the 185ft. high Clifton suspension bridge on the rocks in the Avon gorge, Bristol, in the last 50 years. Now the question is asked the red oxide paint on the bridge affect hi| I strung people?" Mr. J.
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  • 219 9 ACID BLAST IN LAB BURNS 3 CHILDREN I y v BENTLY, 16, ■i^-i* mixing hydrochloric m phuric acid in the iat Bury (Lanes) High i when the flask ex- pioded in Mi f«£?« ■p he a cid burned his shirt. Kan 1 Lord, also }0- was work,, on another ex-
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  • 66 9 TH E court waited while the magistrate's watch ticked off 6 > seconds. Mr Leslie Marks had stopped a motoring case to test the evidence *>t ;i witness. When time was up the witness said: "I am not suggesting it was is long as
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  • 63 9 PROGRESS IN THE AIR? UP TO YOU lh <!' noise from planes regarded as too high a Price to pay, the introduc- l!l "f new forms of air Port will be delayed. Mr, Jojin Profumo, Par"«Jnentary Secretary for, aid this when opening terminal buildings at ad Airport. i! added: "in
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  • 258 9 £2ii-n-w€>vh eomple jaiU><l POCKET MONEY FRAUD A MARRIED couple, paid £26 a week for running an old folk's home, swindled pensioners Retting a few shillings a week pocket money. Plymouth ma g i strates jailed each for six months for fraudulent conversion and falsification
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  • 125 9 MISS Ethel Maude, "Goddess of Plenty" in the 1935 Lord Mayor's Show, who was told to slim before she could emigrate, flies to America this week 221b. lighter. Ethel, now 47, was given her visa at Liverpool. And she said: "At last I've done
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  • 201 9 HPHE congregations of four churches arrived In groups for services one night. They left in groups too. Their aim was mutual protection against two gangs of boys who have been attempting to terrorise them. The churches are St. Nicholas, St. John. St. Garbriel, and St. Francis, and
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  • 25 9 Two new air services vehicle ferries between Lydd, Kent, and Basle, and from Southend-on-Sea to Ostend have been upproved, the Ministry of Transport.
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  • 129 9 SAVED... Nightlong ordeal in Channel OOBERT GORE, 24-year-old Broadstairs plumber, was pulled from his 10 ft. dinghy by Walmer lifeboat men, in the middle of the Dover Strait— 2o miles from home. He had been adrift for 19 hours in a Channel gale. Twice he saw would -be rescuers close
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  • 58 9 "Teetotaler" chauffeur Frederick Preston, of East Barnet. Herts. persuaded to have a drink by the secretary of his company, was in a crash after drinking two double whiskies and a brown ale. He was fined £30 and banned from driving for a year at Luton
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  • 44 9 Eighty three year old Harry Edward Marshall, who has had a clean driving record for 55 years, was banned from driving until ho has passed a driving test, and was fined £2 at Torquay, for inconsiderate driving which caused a crash.
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  • 142 9 Rector is rescued from fire by women A 70-YEAR-OLD rector was pulled from his burning cliurch by women parishioners seconds before the chancel roof collapsed Ignoring the cries of villagers to come out, he had saved the records dating back to 1500, and was trying to save the pews The
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  • 43 9 A police dog led searchers to £1,500 worth of tobacco, cigarettes, and spirits hidden under a hedge by a man who raided the Aston Martin and Lagonda motor works at Hanworth Park. Middlesex, during the night but the thcif escaped.
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  • 23 9 Mr Guy Schofioid. formerly editor of the Dally Mail, has been appointed director of publicity at Tory Party headauarters. BlIiH.
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  • 203 9 TWICE William Swales has stolen from his employers. But, they said, it pays them to keep him on. Swales, a 40 year-old coalman, admitted stealing five bags of coal, worth 30s on the day he joined the firm for the fourth time. And,
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  • 60 9 Bob, a small, white mongrel puppy, looked sick, so a veterinary .surgeon operated. In the puppy's stomach he found; a piece of rubber tubing, a plum stone, a baby's bottle teat, some tinfoil, and several small pieces of wood. Bob will be back with his owner,
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  • 25 9 The 70 miles an hour i Rale which hit Blackpool !on October 5 caused I £3.750 worth of damage to the illuminations.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 3 9 I ffii®$t& (I
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    • 44 9 36, ROBINSON ROAD TEL: ***** Wedding Pictures Make arrangements WOW for your photograph* to be taken by a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 or write to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT. 110-lH* Cecil Street Siaftpeii Tins service if oniv ;iv;iil:ihlc in Sintftpoi* 1 mtmrnmammm
      44 words

  • 264 10 i GALLERY OF I BEAUTY picture. picture. pirturt picture. picture. pictu re. dnubtlr** i dforuSrim V! eap ncs <»nvrrsation with Nnri Said Premier of Ir Popper 2£ SS^fhSrSTfi ho;, 1 3 1 11 K ,i ne <irrik te« >"""' in ms nonour at lr«clfnsbnra r a
    Popper; Keystone; Reuter  -  264 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT 0£ YOU* M€AN$ OF {jacket tf&iaL* 0000 LARGE COOKERS \m '■nff| Piftw^jj^gSSSSSm cooking EASTERN —^b FOOD arc available on I hire at only $2.50 per *i; ,r month. Iho foil win^J I aia^if a features Bra r lud <i W Large automatic Oven. i i
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  • 713 12  -  ANNE SHARPLEY Chaperon to 22 beautiful girls— could have left my sword ut fiome." By ty HA T sort of a dragon would you expect to be Chftperoning 22 of the world's loveliest girls? Frankly, on my way to sec Mis. Patricia Emms the WO
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  • 444 12 CLEANLINESS PRAISED Twentieth in a series of articles by Free Press writer VIVIENNE PUCK RIDGE to mark Singapore's Health Week from November 21 to 26. HPIIE high standard of public health in Singa- pore was praised by Dr. J. Henß Liu, the retiring vice-chairman
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  • 559 12  -  Princess Ira By in an interview with Ruth Lloyd 'WHEN I split my dress yesterday, who do you think sewed it up for me? Alfonso! I can't sew a stitch. Isn't he an angel?" Princess Ira, curled like a kitten on the bed of
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  • Article, Illustration
    511 13 IF "the proper study of mankind la men," IT follows that the proper study of bridge is bridge hands. That is Why the recent publication by the American Contract Bridge League of the book that details the bidding and play of 224 hands i s so Ulterei tin&
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  • 734 13  - They 're looking for those hard to find nudes SUNNY GIAM reports on photography in Malaya ADVANCED amateur photographers are seeking models for figure studies. Many cameramen are willing to pay relatively high fees to .suitable girls for a few hours Of posIng but the response is poor. Photographers are
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 210 13 ■DAILY CROSSWORD Sb ft ES ROSS 4 Soldiers march thus but not I maj be to eat. or on It (6), 5 This will can denote the UV— V«ry fishy value of a business (4). 6 Begins by showing BOmC■l either mascu- thing acid in a ship (6). i-i lume
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  • 491 14  - NOW YOU CAN GO TO YOUR BANK IN YOUR SWIMSUIT Dorothy Roe by 4 M E R IC A N 8 soon ge\ perfunK d cheQuos comp&ci with built in cheque books, n Ann rican bunks COnt inue f heir efTorts i woo feminine customers. it v< ri; th ba
    A.P.  -  491 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 14 picture. «S^u£S%SSS^ZS^JS^ d>Slr n is inHudl »S Pluitusteed, Kirk's Cross, Dagcnham in« win^toti bnn K ing vulh them Offering of fruits, flowers and bread.- Topical Press
    Topical Press  -  26 words
  • 34 14 f O young man today need fear the future, I bclifVe that the young man of ideas, ambition, and ability can look forward to the greatest opportunities in history- Karl T Comuton,
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  • 259 14 A drink of THIS brings relief riMfE use Ol radioactive iodine a peaceful product oi atomic energy has b dramatic effect" In the treatment ol over active thyroid glands, according to in Herman Branson He told a group of ciana that hi had observed pauenta with a hyper-thy row
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 269 14 CARPETS! Have Then Dry f%*mt»ri FREE PRESS at I WASHINGTON SHOPP 'M ■HCIEUMCI. G(JIm; I SING APORE-9. TEL. ***** I 412/114 ORCHARD ROAD m wL&^^^m CHRISTMAS fl& it TRADE HAMMM moderate' price. fRAFT qhhp •t wars? Tel: ***** 7377. S'pore. TEL ***** SINCAPORE Vigour and Good wTLtfl AM©'* rv Heaiih
      269 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 198 15 ;ONCISE HOUSEHOLD ENCYCL 0 P E D I A 1X g|! j,.hn llamineilun 2 h .i.d.M)melv -bound i practical advire on .peel of hoBM lift tram furnishing to garthi tnaintenanc* of Containing over 6.000 Photographic us and Diagram.s and 600 Illustrations in Q (|.)th la/- (1 VOIS.) i jiic |M,
      198 words
    • 166 15 Pupi Übii f r your FLOWERS It it€£t IJ4W Vtßlt 1/I't Ili4'iti 4'h*»Cßpi*r l"f€#fft ff. We ntggesi you call or />/io//t J (///</ ftd convinced. Selected Range of Flowers. Baskets, Cut-Howers. Bridal Bouquets, Wreaths Etc., All Keudv to liftftt Your Requirements. Km to it y FLOWER SHOP 114, EAST COAST
      166 words
    • 160 15 iMAKI \l -Sll'lll Electric Ml I US U» i |>.< Current adjust abl t > on 111) or »li) Volts. I'ackrd i'i bcu'itif ul leather case with Zip-fastener. Retail Price $55/- each Postage- Tax Extra. Sole Agents M. PRAGER LTD. 159, Cecil Street, Singapore Tel: 6938, P O Box 1051.
      160 words
    • 110 15 PEA w% L S (SIMULATED) LANKA Jewellers, (THE HLOUBB POR CEYI ON OEMS) 20, BATTERY ROAD, SPORE 1 PHONE: *****. The New Mysore and Bangalore Sarees Arc here MAGANLAL'S 85/87, Arab Street, S'poee-7. Tel: ***** APPAREL FOR BOY BY TOM SAWYER OBTAINABLE AT The PEKING Co., Ltd. 60/62, North Bridge
      110 words
    • 132 15 The Finest Portable Typewriters in the lIPPA TYPEWRITERS Sole Agent 9 i HAROIAL SINGH SONS LTD. 26, Raffles Place. S'pore-1, Tel: *****/3 For the BEST BUYS visit BAJAJ'S Grand Season SALE NOW IN FULL SWING 71, HIGH STREET the shop where all shoppers go! For Quality Call At 309. Orchard
      132 words
    • 159 15 GarrarD The WorU i Wit §M Automatic Recunl < r <.t BftJl N> me FROM ALL RADIO DLALERS KEE HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. .S'pore K. Lumpur INinrvf. SAREES #fofSff#iff#fV ami /of DEEPAVALI Our Dtcp.iv.ili Ycir Range is Now on Display and we invite our Patron* to view them at ou
      159 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2009 16  -  DIANA GREENLY By ys&L m It was the morning of the day when the fourth gardenia blossomed that the lame Scotsman limped into the story. But did this actually happen? Tomorrow the answer will be published. r pll RIMWM 1,, w-st.,,|. iv |»i,l H I|HM M 111. \l|,
    2,009 words

  • 634 17 ANOTHER 'pictureor another world 'CB' NEVER SAYS DIE j ECIL H. DrMILLE, laden with honours and at the peak of his lon.cj career Spanning tiie history ot motion pictures, recently celebrated his seventyfourth birthday in Hollywood. Despite hi.s years well beyond the Biblical three-soore-and-ten, the lamed producer-director marked the day
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  • 649 17 SHE'D rather have a HOME than a CAR... SINCE she first appeared in films Sheree North has had to change her telephone number at least half a dozen times. "And. at that the message service which takes my calls when Fm out, is still overwhelmed with calls for me," says
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    45 18 LT.S. Olympic prospect J George Harrison, I<>, breaststrokes to victory in the 400--metre individual medley race during the National Amateur Athletic Inion swimming championships held in Los Angeles recently. His time of smin. 23.3 sec established a new American record. The former mark was 5:29.
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    Reuter  -  590 words
  • 332 18 A $4,500,000 village withi accommodation lor 6,000 j athlete;, lro m 70 countries! is last rising in a pleasant tree-lined suburb ot Melbourne. Aware ol doubts expressed both in Australia and abroad as to Australia's ability to handle an Olympic games, the
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  • 54 18 QERANGOON Engl i S h School beat St. Andrew's School by 5-1 in an inter-shool hockey match match played on the S.E.S. ground yesterday. Serangoon led 3-o at interval and scored through George Jacob (2;, Picardo Gomez, David Mfinci. and Charlie Koh, Ang Kiat'
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  • 177 18 AUSTRALIAN tenni.s .star Frank Sedgman indicated he i.s nut interested in an invitation by American promoter Jack* Kramer to rejoin nil touring pro fessional troupe thi.s year At the .same time, the former Davi.s Cup playei said he may form hi.s own professional .squad
    U.P.  -  177 words
  • 290 18 RUGBY UNION TIIF HIGH NUMBER OF PENALTIES GIVEN IN RECENT Rl («BY UNION MATCHES IN BRITAIN HAS RENEWED A CONTROVERSY. Brigadier A. R. Aslett whoi represents the Army on the s Rugby Union, thinks that the came would be improved bV sending off the field
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 239 18 Hungarians going all out for Olympics BEHIND the Iron (urtain, Hungary is already training her star athletes on an Intensive round-the-clock basis in preparation for the Ohmpic Games of 195G at Melbourne. Refugees arriving from Hungary have told Western Intelligence interrogators that even political lectures have beta minimised to allow
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  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • 624 19 It should be fast and furious soccer between two champions -aEJ&liii&al-^ i-^^i^io^ Kj n s two unbeaten I 50c «t r teams B tl the fain E, a (cast of fast Ej hnious football. Wi'd thai li Just l i:, v Should get n the Marines t the Argonauts I
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  • 201 19 *G/ »re Military Force the Galistan Challenge 1 arksmanship with a gregate of 358 from with 280. and maaf were represented n\ Newman (80), dipt, R. 1 <90), Lt. a. Gaade <92> Karim <9tit The 1 omprlsed Comd. Gnr. (69), sub. Lt. K. 1 9),
    201 words
  • 35 19 I°WTS "•a jlO< KEY '>'< v. \V;irnlrrns, Green, Div. ti RMN., KhalM "A" v SBC, Div. i v ;uui t 1 and i ti-oiiiui. »»C. "A" v. YMCA. SOCCER Selection Indo- Jalan Bi sar
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  • 187 19 Singapore Amateur. Swimming Association have arranged the following programme for the Indonesian swimming and water polo team, who are expected to arrive in Singapore on Not 5. starting at 4 p m loom freestyle men and women. 200m breast stroke men and women, 40()m freestyle men,
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  • 171 19 r rEN former ring, greats, 1 including Gene Tunney, Mickey Walker, Benny Leonard and Harry Green have been elected to boxing's Hall of Fanm The announcement was made yesterday at the dedication ceremony for the Hall of Fame at the Ring
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • 93 19 THE 1956 world motorcycling championship*, will be decided on results in new Grand Prix events. Dates and venues of fixtures were decided yesterday by the Internationa] Motor Cycling Congress in Paris They are as follows: May 5-6: Spanish Grand Prix. May 27: French Grand Prix June
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  • 114 19 THE: semi finals ol the .Senior inter-club cum petition ui the Singapore Badminton Association win be decided tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the BJB A. Hall. The ties are: Marigold versus Merryt ime and Flower versus Mayflower. The schoolboys doubles, between Won« Boon Kong and Nk Ah
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  • 75 19 Boxing cird( aid y< trrrlay the title Bghf betw< n Argent lna*i world flyweight champion Patcufri p yi and M i nila'i Leo B pin i.« I ntat pi inn< d lor Nov. 5 may be poatpon- fd until later next month Pi roz hurt his nrht
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 58 19 Probable teams air: Marmos: Maswan Maskom; Johan, Abdul Rahman jnr; Hassan. Khamis Krdoi, Osnian Johan; Omar Awang, Ibrahim Mansoor, VVahab Abu, Ahmad YusolY, Ali Johan. Arßonants: goo Woon; Yrow Mevg Yons:, Mohd. Noor; Wifiliaxn Tan, Raahid (iiman. Luw Kee Senj?; Kahim Minhat, Itadin Ali, Salim Abdullah. Drxter
    58 words
  • 92 19 CINOAPORE /Ulan Rugby Union team i.) meel ah Whites at Thomson Road today l?: Boon K*n«; LOQgpOttlh, Chong Yew, Seevaratnam, Rajab; Chin Ponp. W;ih Patt; Metha, Franrl.s Urn, YiM-n fh'-n, Blllat, Ronal<j Toh: Scharenßtitval, D. Adffx.'k, Prancl ial All Whites team will be chosen from: W;in
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 429 20 Four Charmers work well on heavy track THIS MORNINGS GALLOPS AT K.L. FM)I it (!j m BMff) i»« wnoted lo 1 lass I alter bit splendid "double" in Clan* 5 it Penani re cently, moved freelj la ;t stead) half -speed -spin <»»> heavj track Kuala i.umpur this morning. Bob
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  • 23 20 2>i Words f6 (minimum) YEO: To Rosaline, wife of H i CThuan, al Youngb Memo lal Hospl il, on 23 LO Carol.
    23 words
  • 146 20 Kramer flies to see Hoad r V tNN I S promoter -I Jack Kramer left Los Angeles lor Australia yesterday for a ••face to fact" attempt tt> sign up Davis Cup star Lew Hoad, who last week turned down Kramer's Malaya n $135,000 professional contract offer. Kramer's surprise trip came
    U.P.  -  146 words
  • 48 20 Jim Jones boxing manager of Canadian heavyweight boxing champion Euri Walls, i nri vc. terday they win t\y on Nov. 4 or 5 to England, where Walla is to ftght Ewart Potgieter, the South African who weinh> sm ih 1 1 i i 7 n 2in A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 261 20 RUMOURS that the Cambridgeshire Handicap favourite Manatl was unsound were firmly denied by his trainer. Captain Boyd Rochfort before last night's Victoria Club Callover on tomorrow's big event. At tin 1 callover Manati was strongly backed to Win V 18.000 sterling but he eased slightly
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 90 20 BANTAMWEIGHT b 0 x e r Francis Militante of Honolulu, scheduli d to make lu.s u.s. mainland debut last night against Frankie Campos In Los Angeles, was reported missin from his training quarters yesterday. Billy Hunefeld, the promoter called the match off. Hunefeld said that
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  • 42 20 MESS Galina Zybina, Russian Olympic champion, brokp her own world record for the women's shot put with a distance of 58 ft, SVa in. in Btalinabad yrsterday. Her previous world mr«rk was 53 ft. 5 4 in Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 128 20 O.A.F. SELETAR took a sity in their Div. 2 2-0 beating u Univ hockey match at Bu Timah yesterday. It vvli.s University, match this seas :nd ful^r deserved their vt University h «J team and had a depend half lme which wa/r2 sible
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  • 72 20 uinuapohe Malaya will meet PtMuing Malays m the Sultan'a Gold cup Ana] at Kuala Lumpur on Friday. Officials: Bakar Lam in, Haron Angullia, Naya Haron. Ibrahim Isa. Yusoof Kader Players: Osmaa Annullia. Idros Albar, Ostnan Johan, Johan Hassan. Hassan ArifT. Omar Awang. Ibrahim Mansoor. Ahmad
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  • 50 20 IVA.F. Seletar beat raa by 11 pointy (a goaD and a penalty i to six <rfro pe<J goal and i penalty) a ***** match player Tengah yesterdaj Pape scored i try, kick a penalty and converted try by Bowen. McGow scored all thi points ft R.A.A.F.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 20 DUGGAN, the Navy scrum- half, picks up tin- ball as it is heeled from the scrum during the match between R.A.F. and Navy at Changi, which R.A.F. won 12 8. The referee, Mr. Cantrell, watches closely. R.A.F. players facing the camera are (from left): Temaari, Grice. Heath. McGee and Packer.
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  • 54 20 THE Fijians will be without two of their original selection to meet the Colony in their floodlit rugger match at Jalan Besar on Thursday. Injuries have forced Bogitinj and Rayawa Withdraw fr< m Thursdaj game and the Fijian selec org have called in M. Kon
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 454 20 CLASSIFIKI) ADS. COMMODATION ANT 2ti Word* M kf/«.i Box >u cts. extra. WEI.!. -FURNISHED ROOM with Bn Lkfast. Ideal Single Pei m \tta ted Bath, Indep- j i eni Entr ti all other mo .i conveniences. Private Cot '< idei e. Bus route 1 i lin. Phone *****. ACCOMMODATION PO
      454 words
    • 35 20 7 A DG?P? H 1 GATES j rißßHSllß^S^lillliliiii! V-r" r umt mm mmmW] DEPEND ON ITS SEC U R I T Y MALAYAN WIRE MESH FENCING CO. U*j)j[ 7 Jms Bukil Timafa Road Siagapor* Ph
      35 words