The Singapore Free Press, 24 October 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya Singapore, Monday, October :11, is;,;,, prf^ 1)tls
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  • 34 1 Princess leaves at midnight picture. c dinner party at the Kensington (London) home of Mark Bonham Carter is over. It's nearly midnight Princess Margaret leaves alone. Group-Captain 1 owhsend was also a guest.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 73 1 DICKBTB at the Binga- pore Cold 8 tort g c •-hop m Orchard Road showed new signs of life today after their weekend lull. They have put up new posters m front of the shop and are preparing more. They have erected n
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  • 69 1 A resident of Cavenagh Road, Singapore, saw smoke from a compound early this morning and summoned the Fire Brigade. When the firemen arrived they found an electric main distribution box on fire following a .short circuit. There was no connection between the short circuit and the
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  • 29 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened on an uncertain tone this morning with first grade, November shipment, at $1.21 a lb.. I 1 cents below Saturday^ closing price
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  • 36 1 South Korean police .said a young farmer working m a field was hit and killed yesterday by a small bomb believed to have been dropped by a U.S. plane baking part m manoeuvres. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 16 1 Japanese film makers are planning a one week film Festival m Rome nexi spring.
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  • 313 1 WINDSOR TALK IS TURNING POINT IN DRAMA I observers 1c 1 1 Prince Margaret Iked with her sister, en, and the Duke i ti, at Windsor .'.ay about her romance with Captain Pott 1 r ed they discussrecent meetings the Princess and ri (i ipeculatlng Ible marriage believed that had
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  • 27 1 UNIVERSITY MEN TO CONFER m" academicia n Universities ol Malaya, Indonesia, •pines, 81am and i; begin a confer- South-Bast A 110 In j n i.ext Monday. I
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  • 47 1 I >!li;si Dl NT Eisenhower stood n i i :4 1 1 1 unaided yentct (I. iv for the Rrst time since his hearl .Hi.k The s<;iics showed thai he had lost font n>. In i >< month he been i«» hospital. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 429 1 -2-1 fe/oii; a/ France PRO-GERMAN nationalists won a crushing laiuWich- victor) m the explosive Saar yesterday, inflicting a stinging blow on* Prance and dangerously increasing pressure for the ri<h coal-and-«teel territory's return to Germany. I he German speaking Saarlanders rejected l>\ a sensational two to one margin
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  • 184 1 DIPLOMATIC quarter* m London nlghi BXpressed deep concern over the rejection of the Saar Stat ute m yesterday's Saar plebiscite as It Lb felt tin. Is liable to reawaken an historic French Gi rman point of tension. The Franco German agreement to divide m pocket Saar
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 527 2 ISRAEL PREMIER HITS AT U.K. ARMS DECISION MTHK biggest Middle crisis since the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 faced Western statesmen as they reached Paris last night for preparatoi y talks opening tod ly before Thursday's Big Pour conference In Geneva. 'i h< Ir v
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  • 179 2 PROSPER BY ENDING RACE BAR IN JOBS yin. PRESIDEN i R hard M. Nixon Id m Washington y« t< day that ban "i livvou I be rau ed ii the Ited Stai el religious cllsi rimination. "Ev< ry man, v n child m the U I fleeted by i I
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  • 153 2 More Syria troops rushed to border OYHiA rushed troop reinforcements to her heavily foi tifled 50-mile border with [sr lei yesterday after a violent clash on Saturday night deepened the already growing tension between Israel and her Arab neighbours, The Syrians said an Israeli unit penetrated half a mile into
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  • 48 2 New French drive to oust rebels FRENCH troops \esterday launched a new drive to clear rebelling tribesmen from the Riff Mountain near the Spanish Moroccan frontier. There was no indication of the size of operation, but French officials at Rabat said planes and artillery were supporting ground forces.
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  • 32 2 pieiure. Mr. Sylvain Max van Gelder and his bride, formerly Miss Irina Myssiakoff, after their wedding at the Presbyterian Church m Orchard Road, Singapore, at the week-end Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 75 2 MR. HAROLD STASSEN President Eisenhower's adviser on disarmament, yesterday spoke optimistically about ultimo <: tiorus m arms. Referring to meeting the United Nations committee on disarmament which has adjourned after the Big Four conference In Geneva, he said the talks had shown "encouraging pieces
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  • 232 2 riRENCH Premier Edgar Faure said In Annecy yesterday his government did not contemplate either imposing new taxes or calling up further classe.s of reservists next year to cope with the situation m North Africa. Speaking at lunch attended by local parliamentarians M. Fntire said the
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 ili Folks so *> 9^ }re meet (maim Be JV##* Starts ij^^i^ittiPyuii^pfe^j^ai. today ■H^BHSHE^S^^ A /y^Sffll SW Pl lin L nCn (M sh ldcs $160 per yd. y\ mß3r\ 1 English Cin^ 36 1.60 y ySE[\ English Printed Voiles 44 2.00 v^tfflftfljk English Printed Cretonne 48 240 "Horrockses" Doubleside Printed
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  • 169 3 S Navy ants more SUDS j i Navy is ready to i an all-atomic programme Mid to build nine of undersea ma- the fiscal year I, uly 1, it was dis- ihington yes•itative Defence source said the included funds line submarines m i d budget for Hut chances are budget
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  • 66 3 COLOMBO NOW FACING MAJOR FLOOD ('OMHIBO WU thrtuVy toned by a major Hood yesterday with Hie sudden rise of the Kelani Kiver. It has risen nearly three feet m hours. Thousands of flood victims mi n low -lying areas around the capital were streaming into the city and Colombo authorities
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  • 180 3 Biggest conference on birth control opens in Tokyo r yiiE world's biggest conference on birth control opens m Tokyo today with the spotlight on a pregnancypreventing pill that can be taken as easily as candy. Rome 300 delegates from 21 nations vviil spend six days at the international conference on
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  • 285 3 Jakarta 'rivals' hold 'co-operation talks' £OME weight has been given to unofficial results of Indonesia's general election yesterday when the first official returns were announced. They tallied reasonably closely with the unofficial votes which previously had been announced. The results were of voting m the electoral district
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 169 3 AN OBSCENE PICTUREBY REQUEST AF AMO U S British photographer of nudes revealed yesterday he took an obscene photograph at the request of the political intelligence department of the Foreign Office, during the war for propaganda purposes. Photographer Horace Roye said m his autobiography Nude Ego published this week that
    U.P.  -  169 words
  • 42 3 Lord Rt^ading. Minister ol State for Foreign Affairs, arrived m, London by alff yesterday alter representing Britain at the meeting In Singapore of the Colombo Plan Consultation Committee which he described as very successful and very friendly." Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 29 3 Seven U.S. Marines were killed In Santa Ana, Call fornia, yesterday m a head on crash <»t their car with an oil tank truck. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 34 3 The death toil from Monday's crash ol million alro sportsman Joe] Thome's plane into a North Hollywood apartment house rose to eighi yesterday practically wiping out two entire families. A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 23 3 The volcano LJaima m Southern Chile erupted on Saturday, causing panic m nearby villages. No serious damage wa.s reported. A. P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 108 3 AUSTRIANS In the pro ?lnce o! U]))'' I n tria went to the poll yesterday to elei t 1 heir provincial parliament m the nations ftrst election after the end of it yeai 01 foreign occupation Voter., oi the former American occupation zone
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  • 167 3 BUTLER FACES HIS No. 1 TEST MR, k A Butlei Bni iini Chai cellor ol r Exchequer face th bl t test oi nil career hen he pre lentg hij supplementary financial budget In [he How. c i>t Common on Wedne day f| > meet the threat ol Inflation The
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 0 Dc Souza Street, Tel: *****, Singapore 1. 2 with flowers V cable or airmail parts of the via '-INTER--ORA" Ton 8 i m. 7 p.m. from 8 i m. 1 pm# t ite IB
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    • 48 3 H H B I B B GB 3, B B B B B HBBBBHMhhhbmm SPOTLESS MIRACLE FABRIC* bb&'^bVbVbl movingmmfast!^ +*daW//////,/ >, BlB^^BiJp"^^^ :'s%. %V-7 4^^'^BWflVnK^ra BBB^^BaßfiP*^^^ '^^2 J M M* ■■■■flBBVB«B«BMB«9 wj mb mb BB BM BB I Ml BB 1 I flB BM I flB I 41 BVJBk
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  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 231 4 rpHE of uncer- tiiinty and inertia that marked the early phase of changeover I m Government is clearly being put behind us. This fact has been strikingly demonstrated by the action of Singapor e's three Chambers of Commerce m deciding to work together for the good of
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  • Article, Illustration
    413 4 Where Ike lies i11... by RENE MacCOLL WHAT'S it like m Denver. Colorado, where President Eisenhower lies ill? In mile-high Denver the sun sparkles and the air crackles, and you can buy a Geiger counter on easy payment terms at the "uranium age cosy corner store." Personalised
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  • 327 4 World without men (CONSIDER a world without men, where women are father and mother oi children. This is theoretically possible but most unlikely based on experiments with a frog world where females have been eliminated. The males produce all the young tads. This womanless world of frogs and conceivable manless
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  • 235 4 NOW that the diet-racket, after a short interlude of silence, is m full working order again I predict that it will need all its resources to fip^ht a newcomer, Professor Railton. The professor claims that his system of physical culture makes diet inf. 1 unnecessary, Here is
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    • 20 4 QUIET QUIET QMI-T j T!^* A-.^^^ "-1C ~j7*J^£ '\Ji*'ll£'P'-J ~"j L _|TT '^y Johnson SEA-HORSE OUTBOARD A BORKEO SINGAPORE MALAYA
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  • 735 5  -  Adelaide Eastley BY.. Mktehtainment m ML ?apore these B ias been on a ili each fes'";|st|li inu an har- babel of tonV*h H 1 1 rha P s no other city "IB world has been IK >iourfu] as Singa■B Ah a t wi t h m'TlP I lofty
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  • 255 5 IAM reminded on an incident which happened during the war on the Pacific Island of Palau. Reformers ordered the local girts to wear bras. Packing cases of the feminine finery ..were flown m and dumped from the cargo plane beyond the reef. Strong men hauled the boxes
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  • 110 5 THE play, written m 1947, is a thought-provok-iifg evolvenif-nt of psychological turmoil In which feminine characters whose life pa I t <> m s arc m juxtaposition arc enmeshed m mutual problems of the spirit the nun. Si.ster Bonaventure and the stranded suspected murderess, Saxmt Cam, facing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 ulMed IISf lit ijlllil •'VIOUSKASTKADKIIS I/n).|il a P° r e, Kuala Lumpur, Penang |$g|.
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    • 108 5 cakes are delici&us hA, when made milk Spry EYour cakes Bind pastriors arc lighter, more f\ A^l digestible a joy to cat when !h>y ,v 'Hade j |^l J| t§ mwk with Spry It., perteci con :.n<y a I 1 quick thorough mix brings out the fullness of I *A«-,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 453 6 ••>•••. >•••■..,.»,.... llllll#lll9l9lt#llllllll|l4llliVll a '■■'■■M- HII^PIHHHIi^HBBIIHIIII^^H f^~l It m\ 1 mm t mmWJ imrm >■■ >•' "^L -flf fiH X '+> ff, I i i4IW v l rtVi'kXVi. i >I\MMC\KI l» Lee Falk and PavUi I V M FOUND //MAT 7.0 CIAY uEoTtNANT NQT TM£ R^.Al BUT A^N M»66INS/1a
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  • 49 7 lapore will see these beautiful girls soon. They r of manj lovely members of Japan's leading i revue company. Their production here will he first outside Japan. lovelies are: (Above) Miss Itsu Yada; (right) uko Simizu and (below, left) Miss Suzuko mulii an,i (right) Mariko Yada.
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  • 90 7 OR DING to a fifth former, no concentration can be ted from a girl recuperating from a giddy weeksaid Mrs. Jessie Robinson head of Blackpool iate School for Girls. Robinson quoted from the fifth form girl's self t which went on: "This year I have
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  • 224 7 Head denies ill-treating fidgeting schoolboys '1 M,n,i IYLOiU: '»< M tfern Second School. Norwich, deni h I treated! and making them stand to at on becau Rep< the itiorj when chi. ted. I Mr 1 been in chai ;e of the for five y< i '1 Ipline. i noticed on<
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  • 319 7 vo ONE at the Sunday school concert laughed A^ louder than seven-year-oki Robert Kiernan when the "African explorer" ran on to the stage, followed by two youths dressed as dogs. But when the "explorer" fired a revolver at a fourth man shouting at the back of the
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  • 80 7 TWO AIRMEN HAULED UP 250 FT. CUFF riiwo young airmen w< r< 1 cut ofl !>v the tide below Q 2 10 fool cflfl at N' iqu ly wyh '•■•<'• r lapping th< li anklea they waved hand i erchh i.. to call help 31 ,i n r )|!k i
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  • 35 7 Tea< liiM" d young cuckoi 1 cuckoo I Mr Oeoi Layer, of Hal id E i Tlw I n i n k ding to Hi Lay< j tei ing
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  • 102 7 Dies on first trip in yacht v |RTHUH hii »ut In Brl i tJI( ftr frie I i th hi As they t\ ..Till! Arthur smith, a po Immer, held him up i1• 1 if \va. Smith cued b foreign i w f' i' ofl bhel shl p. Aftef tn
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  • 81 7 Hayloft now a museum MARY OKMHIiY, '■'-'>. <>f i ickerley, ne ir Romsey, Hants, ha i turned a hayloft adjoinin her home Into a museum it houses hundred 01 relics she has gleaned from v field n the site of a Rom n yilla >tEast Tythi rley, i!• p collection
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 14 7 *P' r-s MiwiaDßOiHiHßn' ■<$< rUti SOP^ m. is EDQQfD^HnoDf &>! I. "roBSH^I WXr£ V* .^XIR bBSBBa
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    • 100 7 Hi-Fidelity Record m gs^fHW parknosv on \\>i- >--\Ui, Swonce I B^V^l ii. a ocowok co., i/rn.x^^j Loidl.iw Builciina Lottery IM Sinaannrc •Musi 10§n>tu*it 77i< f Latest Designs m CEPEA GRAFTON 0 'aiton A Silk Cuaranl '< I Ani brink Fabi A Right tin I right d Avnil.ilWc m big .mH
      100 words

  • 598 8  -  RUTH HOYD by Who killed the millionaire who was foo mean to save his own life tfOR < Ight months the nuuidt si man-hunt m history has been grinding the F. 8.1. Into the ground. Now the dragnei has been baited: 30,000 U.S. dollars to
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  • 417 8 writes a Special Correspondent DROVE down to Windsor Foresi to have .1 look at Allanbay, where Princess Margarei and Peter Townsend spent their much publicised weekdid. Two da have made 11 an historic place whatever happens, it has bein the pre ent case
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  • 135 9 Injection mistake kills boy DOCTOR telling of a mistake when he gave nine-year-old boy an ction said he asked a cc nurse for 100,000 nits of penicillin. minutes later the child breath-holding atck. crick Dibb said an later the nurse told thought she had q mistake and had him 500,000
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  • 230 9 -J-YEAR-OLD U.S. airman was jailed for 12 years at Cambridge Assizes for raping a 31--ear-old single woman. He was told by Mr. itice Hilbery: "You it was who suggested this iwful enterprise of swooping on a woman." Bradley Barnes, stationed at Alconbury. Hunts, was so
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  • 114 9 L-DRIVER SAT ON HIS KNEE ()VER to the v.-inte line veered the car, then My back to the kerb. The policeman stopped it. I'd this, he told Croydon lit, was what he saw. the driving scat sat the tractor. HLs feet were on c controls. On his knee sat a
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  • 155 9 I [NTH, shortly bttOtt his death last ■J November Sir George Robey u.sed to wave his homo m Baltdetn, near Brighton, and walk along the Itreet to I tl< ws vendor. He had all his newspapers dtllftred, 10 banted nothing except to give th«* newsvendor
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  • 553 9 HE WAS NUMBER ONE BURGLAR 'Phantom Freddie is jailed WHEN a country h o Iks c bur g j a r alarm Clanged for 'Phantom Freddy" he beat no Ignominious retreat. For Frederick John Robinson- Britain's leading housebreaker had his own technique m an emergency like that. Calmly he climbed
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  • 38 9 Ginger haired triplet Brian Kirby, of Stratford, Warwickshire, has had to have a "Tony Curtis" haircut. His fiancee kept on mistaking him for his brother Dennis. The third brother, Allan, has black hair.
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  • 58 9 BUT AUTOMATION WON'T MEAN UNEMPLOYMENT Automatic controls and electronic instruments do not result m unemployment, Mr. R. A. Butler, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, told the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers He cited the chemical industry as an example. "You employ 16 per cent, more men than m 1948," he
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  • 160 9 fpiIKKK are t o Ue M johs for S.S. generals or war riniuials m the new Orman Army; nor lor Communist fellow travellers and neo-Na/is; nor for divorcees, except m extenuating circumstances. So rules the directive published recently by the committee which the Bundestag
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  • 149 9 ACTOR Peter George Wilde has been Found not guilty of hitting bis mother-in-law over the head with beer bottle. Wilde, who i s 36 and lives m a Hat m Stourbridge Road Kidderminster Worcs told Kidderminster magisti that his mother-in-law. Mrs. Kathleen Smith,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 it*s un Eurlf) X'mas ihvvr to our t* a irons Our v GRAND Mm tft gMppr<>* autaoit o# tUvtr pttsi sup/nu t. >♦♦ Here are a few of the Sensational Saving Items Printed Shioxe 36" .40 Cts per yd. Printed Voile 45" .90 Cfs per yd Rockfast Curtain Ferguson s
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  • 64 10 Round about SINGAPORE c dinner party at the Kensington (London) home of Mark Bonham Carter is over. It's nearly midnight Princes <•'• H: 1.M.-,,,,,, fc, W tttmtt m I >r Miss iv,,,, v rt IM>ll r< clll artiva| T- """I musir-^v at MHM.v^n, fr,, m a friend. hR, (ABOVI Federation
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  • 369 11 (EXTREME LEFT): Toasts, "yam-sengs" and autographs were the order of (m night ;it a Colon] restaurant 1 where a sumptuous Chinese banquet was given to the departing uelenatcs of the Colombo Plan Conference In Id m 1 Singapore by three of the Chambers of (Inmmerce. At
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  • 240 12 the opening of a Belgian Consul's office m Singapore, Belgium has effected marked progress m her trade relations with Asian countries, Mr. Gaston Jenebelly, the Consul, right told the Free Press. The jurisdiction of hi offices embraces Malaya and the three territorie of British Borneo.
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  • 221 12 New US consul at work EWLY- appointed Ame- rican Consul-General j for Singapore, Mr. Durbrow I Elbridge, has already taken Up his duties m the ikav Cecil Street headquarters Ol American authority here. Highly-r<\->pected m consular circles, Mr. Elbridge brings to his Singapore post a wealth Oi diplomatic experiences m
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  • 713 12  - YOUNGSTERS LEARN TO SW IN ICY WATER ANNE SHARPLEY c dinner party at the Kensington (London) home of Mark Bonham Carter is over. It's nearly midnight Princes Ity Do you consider six month* old too young for a babj to have Its first dip at the swimming pool and thai
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  • 508 12 KEEPING BLOOD BANKS STOCK A BIG HEADACHE Nineteenth m a series of articles by Free Press writer VIVIENNE PUCKRIDGE to mark Singapore's Health Week from November 21 to 26. /nVING your blood to save the life of a dying hospital patient can be an experience well worth your time and
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  • 685 13 Mm now what dM I n wrong I itely," -said talked, she m t pit or her ffl I' rible pains m she said. B have a good out one or two X h meal T X table m my M pain H I reases
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 13  -  GILES by 'Attention, please, gentlemen. The only cutting were doing round here tod<»y is your air.
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  • 654 13  - It' s a pleasure to be ill here I HA VI i i< f timed home from visiting a colleague who la In hospital a a result of a scnous m< it >r accid( i it On setting out i wa inclined to pit j him, foi m f w
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  • 931 14  -  WILLIAM HICKEY by if i 2i 2 n Lu l?U If h«. vSL *J fI S IIS n IL 1 I pol ml. 1 thi It will of unfcn< I don. l mv In i 1 SalaBui he, unlike id ato r s,
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  • Article, Illustration
    433 14 thk point <ount no-trump i sharpened to pinpoinl accuracy when it Is combined wIIh i he I itayman (Convention I'tic ,n i(n iii two-dub i ponse to an pei one notrump bid fi» n that ihow > foui i ird ms lot uil ll he hold "M" i
    433 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 235 14 i.t T.r "~!HaW f-*-, i^ TTi r/' i l^i I ail 1 I CLUES ACROSS 2. Cargo largely composed of l N<x on a rink for bu Uxesa a number (7). <«j j Many ;> verse can be hard to decipher (4). 4. a graduate with heather o. Bnacton of
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  • 757 15 JP name, to t a ,hto n at fc egvicc cvwy w<wnan Hgn>e THE ROYAL THREE HAVE THE ANSWERS I AMIES I llsays: j I HARTNELL I says: |j| II STIEBEL I l|| says: rplIK woman with a 1 problem to-ycar-old Mrs. younger, oi
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  • 94 15 RHEUMATIC f E V B I?, winch cauiea mof« long time crippling lllnen m children than any other difes may be controlled by medicine m the next 10 This hopi iul pr< did lon wtm made recently by <\ panel of medical autho ritirs who
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 51 15 WHEN GOING _A>^^- ff-i ON LEAVE OR J^^A, I r! W^^S^ REMOVING ntfTO^ro? I i: J l ]^lfiiMpiiiii LOCALLY i I'WWliiraiilUilHlHmi Consult I SINGAPORE BAGGAGE Transpoii Afency 1 1 < i PACKING INSURANCE STORAGE ihr \i< td< s 'ii. i pore Tel ***** 3 LUMHi IN ASSOCIATION WITH SINGAPORE PACKING
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  • 1937 16  - ALL DRESSED UP AND SOMEWHERE TO GO PETER DE POLNAY miiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii BY I TRUI oosmopoliian, PETER DE POLNAY is Hungarian by birth, went to school In I npiand, lived before the war m Paris. li< i m.js m France > t the beginning of the German occupation, w;is imprisoned by
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 25 16 r piU RIMWM If Salnrdavs ln»l II II topen t.ilr 111 MU Wll< "'VHi mi is \is it Hi hi pp in, lIMIMIII lIIIIIIIIMIMII in'
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    • 54 16 iTi iIkLMb T F IT" fTrT I I '"™™.l_LLr jl— L*j.MBt— J.LJ sfli js. IVvdding JPicturvs Make arrangements NOW for your photographs lo lie taken hy a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 or write to FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHIC l>. 110-116 Cecil 9treei Singapore This itrvice is only iVßlkibk
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  • 78 17 (Wo) man of many parts Tjr a scriptwriter i work when he rite a part for the nit of a famous elevision comeiptwriter is T.E.B. i ator of the 'he Lavender Hill comedian is Benny Hill. reveal.-; that he lontlus studying Bi tage and televiAs a result, he 1 Benny's
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  • 28 17 I\ AVI A last year 1 I 12S feature i abroad. In the i list the United ds with 51 films, by England with
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 17 li;|I i;|v <mi reti .1 iuw kind of mi.- i 4. pi'% i" >"s totart f Fathff lanlpero Serra Ihf explore! v<\< i mi»o '«i«<i Uit lust ulijjious missions i" C«ltf«f^fc
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  • 860 17  - My Heart Attack saved me!' DAVID LEWIN confesses FRED ALLEN the U.S. comic m a special interview with pRED Al 1l- unv of America's top radio eom< &U m his London hot. i tin day and talked gloomily of the prent stun- of humour. Humour," he said, "is ust getting
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  • 56 17 Setting is in modern Ireland PHILIP DUNNE will produce "The Painted Days." unpublished novel of modern Ireland by John Bryne. Dunne is expected to announce producing plans for •'The Painted Days" after he finishes "The View From Pompey's Head."" and "Katherine," his next pro-ducing-directing assignment. Bryne has bren hired to
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  • 162 17 V, piIODI'CEK Joe > X Pasternak turned actor for the first time m thirty years to appear m a scene m one of his own productions. At the Instigation of Director Charles Virior, the producer accepted a walk-on, nun -speaking role m a backstage Zic.tffeld Follies sequence
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  • 234 17 lIANA LKE ;md Sail j raser, t o lovely sci een m w com( rs, look so good m theii c but app< n anccs thai mot lon pi< ture executives predict film go< i w 111 be seeing t hem frequently from now on,
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  • 45 17 pAROLYN JONES popu lai young Actreju P( turned to Hollywood foi wi Important supporting r»>i'' m Alfred Hitchcock^! pense thriller The Man Who Kneti Too Much Mi J( I .1. CMi B f n Pet< on, mv comecli singer, Un Ui€ i*'UA
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 934 18  - Keep that centre-half guessing... ROY BENTLEY c dinner party at the Kensington (London) home of Mark Bonham Carter is over. It's nearly midnight Princes -^v~V~S^v. D W V> Bom 1924 m Bristol. Played as amateur for Bristol >> Hovers 1938, then signed pro /or Bristol Rovers a Transferred to Newcastle
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 18 photo. NIKOLAI KOGTYLEY of Russia winning the world Urhtvrciglit weight W t* championship with ;i record total <>i 38Z.0 kilogTAnu s 112.5; snatch 1 dean md jrrk li;>), iv Munich recently. A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • 553 19 'One more try' Pompey's with a title fight photo. M W,/^. 1 111 S UMI I)INV V()l ANm POMPE* inn <ii\m, vi MEETING %ix\i, lv<.uV.°!v lOK mi VIIIKS WORLD LIGHTHEAVYWEIGHT BOX NG lI .VMI'IONsIIII* LONDON NEXT .1 \N i \KV Pomp< Trinidad's 26- r ea; old coffee coloured "forgotten man
    Reuter  -  553 words
  • 438 19 ITER having much the better of the play ut Changi i :.N\ Police on Saturday, Changj "A" were 1 51 by two goals to nil In a Division One A. League match. gaii tast-movmg mg ,ck. the Police played brilliantly, goal when 1
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  • 44 19 'T'iiE Singapore Combined Schools water-polo team trounced Royal Air Porce 12-0 it Seletar yesterday. i.eft winger Thomai Lee scored four goals m succession Other '.scorers were Tan Bng Bok (3), ■Gordon King (2), Tan Eng Uang <2) and Derek Mitchell
    44 words
  • 104 19 JOE LANCASTER, 29-year-old Manchester railway clerk, yesterday set a new world best performance for two hours' running by covering 22 miles 418 yards at Walton, Surrey. Four men beat 22 miles to be well above the previous best of 21 miles 698 yards by
    104 words
  • 93 19 I n the ihuii game uf their Federation tour, the Indonesian soccer team suffered their second defeat when thr went down to a Federation side 4-3 at Prince* Road stadium. Kuala i.umpur, yesterday. The tourists Rave a ttood account of themselves and had the edge over the
    93 words
  • 73 19 INDONESIANS TO PLAY COLONY XI TOMORROW THE touring Indonesian Chinese footballers will plaj another match m Singapore to--morrow against a Singapore Selection at Jalan Besar st.i- dium. Kick-ofl is at 5.15 p.m. The Singapore team will be i picked from tlm following: Foofc Teng, Skinner, Vass. Kok Cheng, Atnan Kastawi,
    73 words
  • 42 19 T\\r visiting Burmese foot 1 ball team ended their threeday visit to Red China's northern city ol Wuhan yes terday by defeating the Wuhan Squad A 2 before 30,000 fans The team then I left lor Canton. UP
    42 words
  • 324 19 DESUI i B m the Brlti h iUj b prog] unm< on :it urdaj were; (OIMV lIAMI'IONSIIIP Devon 11 Cornwall 0; Somei el f) CJloik rstrrsliire 6 CLUB WATCHES: Blfl Mm ith I LJanelly 9; Harlequin Swansea 0; London (A I" Bedford 3; London Wei h 0
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 247 19 mWENTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Mansor bin Savvi, captain ol 1 the Roiifth Riders C. won the LOO- mile McGregor Watt trophy massed -start race from 10 others at The Gap yesterday, Mansor, winner o[ the 1055 cycle "Tour of Singapore" meet, finished his )'<n-c with a time
    247 words
  • 15 19 i> a i Belei r |-o m ii lendl} I >■„••• Cut
    15 words
  • 45 19 Danny Kid of the Philippines, ono of the top contenders for the world flyweighi boxing title was outpointed by world champion Pascual rvn v z of the Argentine m a ten round n. n-title bout m Buenofl A'ic on Saturday Reuter
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 37 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S j FAMOUS QUINTET I i Ace Band of Singapore with ij MISS SALOMA I the Malay j I "Marilyn Monroe 0 ()o it Rind II "I lor I .i!»lr Rl i 1 1 ions
      37 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

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  • 60 20 I|ULQARIA yt, v de- > Britain 2 :1 c >;■•■!. pic itch plaj ire 70 000 I v B( Li kl SI id nn. a etui n m itch will be v i m Hri'-tm v.r>.\ T inner, to be dec: aggregate goa from b n
    60 words
  • 117 20 Soccer with a punch in it... HRENCH Police were r called on to the field ;it a Paris football grouftd yesterday after Sunderland players fought with the French goalkeeper. Fighting started towards the end of the game, after Len Shackledon scored the Roal which nut the English First Division side
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 91 20 'Rosewall is under 21' reminder 808 ROSEWALL, father Of Australian Davis Cup star Ken, said m Sydney yesterday that he knew nothing of an allegation that his s >n had signed a professional contract with Jack Kramer Rosewall Ls r-n exhibition tour oj Canberra with X n and his team-mate.
    U.P.  -  91 words
  • 196 20 Wales beat England after 1 7 years WAI ES, playing with tre- i ien lou Pi rvour, on day beal England In lnt( lonai f lotball match for the first t• ne 193 with B 11 2-1 tnai be >■ 'm odd :i! Ninian i 1 1 by the
    196 words
  • 317 20 BLACKPOOL, minus their English international outsiderighi Stanley Matthews who was playing against Wales at Cardiff, on Saturday handed over the leadership of Division One of the English football lea&rup to Sunderland. Blackpool w e r e beaten 2—l by lowly Sheffield United after trailing
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 20 TAIT, the Newcastle oat| side-risht is tackled hv Evans, the Arsenal lefi back during their Div 1 match at High bun Reuter rphoto I
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 33 20 Hi '-.< f'S Bandor th i i >a clocked a worl s n cord llm i\ ci DO m 1 13 mm fi mill mm. 14.2 c.) m V it( Pd Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 59 20 fiUIE New Zealand I itirii 1 cricket team, who lo the first Test a v k a? 'were beaten by s<-\ a:c kets m Bahawalpur i sit urday by the Paki-; Prin Minister's XI m thei] day game. Final scores: New Zealan 139 and 149. Prim
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 282 20 j Straits Tim"* Free Preti I For the convenitM- i'■ r r?s our roprosrntarivc it Ist f floor, SINGAPORE COLD STOR- a<"-F ORCHARD ROAD, w,n re- I ceive smoll adV9rtl%9tt\Qnti end ortiwo's to box numbers. Classified advertisers nft Ifioy oho bo handed to: CITY BOOK 'iTOfiE LTD. Winfhist If Hou'.i\
      282 words
    • 27 20 Are you toe "One-Gulp" "ONE-CULPERS," If C of necessity, need a beer that is smooth enough to go straight dowr: hitting thj sides of tho stomach. I
      27 words