The Singapore Free Press, 20 October 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 20 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malay u JJ j siiißapore. Thursday, October 20, 1955. Price 13 CU
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  • 188 1 Parson prays for Princess i CI RGYMAN yesterday i\ prayea for a blessing on Princ Margaret at her testing" and for divim mcc to the Royal F this time of operand domestic crisis.'" The parson, the Rev. S. Cook, minister of a ional church. was leading prayers
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  • 20 1 Sin gapore Rubber opened quietly this with first grade. shipment, at 251 a lb.. Pi cents beterday's close
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  • 128 1 Margaret's first day without seing Townsend QBINCESS MARGARET, 1 composed and smiling, last night dined with the Archbishop of Canterbury md 50 bishops. She was i dazzling figure m ivory satin among the bla< kclad, s aitered churchmen The dinner was at Lambeth Palace, centuries-old London home of the Archbishops
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 85 1 MR. Tan Ah Tail is to succeed Mr. Justice T. A. Brown as Puisne Judge m Singapore. He is the first local man to be appointed a permanent judge of the Supreme Court. Mr. Tan has been a lawyer m Malaya for more
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  • 19 1 U.S. Senator EL Alexander Smith has cancelled a trip to Singapore and other FatFast areas.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 118 1 ALL was quiet this morning near the Singapore Cold Storage shop m Orchard Road, where 106 pickets were arrested yesterday for alleged obstruction. The police did not allow pickets to camp on the five- foot way. About GO pickets gathered on vacant ground opposite the back
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  • 122 1 J OCAL employees of M.ila*J yan Airways m the Federation and Borneo have been asked by their union m .Singapore to get ready for B ■strike if today's talk with the management for more pay failed. Tii'' vice-president ol the union, Mr Abdulla
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  • 92 1 Preml( r Mgo Dinh \> m ye iter ri;, v n lected absentee "emperor" Bao Dai'a latest eflorl to dlsmls him and declared he would go ale ar| With plan., lor the rehn-n j on Sunday which is expected t(> make him Soul h VI
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  • 173 1 ATOMIC REACTOR FOR ASIA m Spore or Ceylon |*HE UNITED STATES will offer to set up an atomic reactor m one of the Colombo Plan Asian countries for research m the peaceful use of atomic energy. Announcement of the offer will be made by the leader of Ihe American delegation
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  • 55 1 Three bomb blasts rocked the city of OlUn, Algeria, last night, police reported The explosions sounded within moments of each < ther. There wa.s no Indication of how many might hi re I bee n killed or injured by the explosions. Police said damage to on
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 70 1 Field Marshal Sir John Harding, new Governor of Cyprus, told foreign correspondents last night that he had covered the troubled island with a "security spider web" and said he hoped 'eventually the terrorists and intimidators will be the flies:" Two battalions of infantry were being used
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  • 20 1 Egypt and Syria will sign B military pact m Damascus today it was announced m I Cairo Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 ifHag. JBBliHJlJiydffjyßre^ 2ij^«hß» Rat I 'ww. X'jH_M_3_HM^_ll_Bttfo l^^*^j__^ I ■I IflwtiilMHSil'SM mtete~&BMr tow WBjt BBBHHBSHS ifloS By PFAFF ///<• u-orWV /;..s7 .svu-/;/:;- machine MODEL 60 HPUSIHOLD MACHINE FOR STRAW. HI ',Tir(HIN(l
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  • 126 2 Russia's Geneva tactics FORECAST oi tin la tics which may bt used by Russia at tru forth coming leneva confi ci m ol Foreign ikinistera i given yesterday by thi authoritativi monthly International i ii'The success °f the confer tnce should not 1 1 c n sldered to depend a
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  • 244 2 Security Council MY seat still vacant 'riiK United Nations Genera] Assembly failed I yesterday to break the deadlock on the vacant seat on the Security Council and for a i jond time postponed further voting. Nun votes have failed to produce the required tWO-thlrdS majority
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 69 2 Ths government announ ced In London ye terday th it the Queen has approved the appointment oi Mr. Derek Walker Smith. (.<> c and Co n b c r vat I v c Member of Parliament, as Parliamentary Secretarj to th( Board Ol trade.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 63 2 The American Newspaper Publishers' Association said m New York yesterday that the $15-a-ton increase by a Canadian newsprint company was neither wise nor justified. A statement by Mr. Cranston Williams. general manager of the ANPA said: "We are surprised because several leading Canadian producers have indicated
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 35 2 The Florida Supreme Court ruled yesterday that segregation m Florida schools is unconstitutional.* The court refused, however, to require the University ol Florida to open its doors Immediately to negroes U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 41 2 Vice Admiral Alfred M pride. Commander ol the UB. Seventh Fl< el has been named Command! i of the Navy's Pacific Fleet Air Poi cc. rr» succeed Vice Admiral Harold M. Martin who li ret lrins A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 19 2 I vet) members of t hi Japam se oat mlsi lon left Canton foi hi me yesterday,
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  • 242 2 f iUlh' Importance of rubber, m the 1 Malayan Federation economy was shown b\ the fact thai it accounts fo* about P**>' cent oi the planted area and fur about 56 per cent Of the I derations mi exports m 1953, the
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 379 2 SECRET MacA PAPERS OUT: AND BIG US ROW GROWS THE US. Defence Department yesterday made public long-secret oiTicial records showing that Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur repeatedly urged steps to bring Russia into the war against Japan Publication of the documents furnished new ammunition for both sides m the controversy which
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  • 141 2 Chaplin hits at U.S. 'freedom Silent-film .star and producer Charles Chaplin sent a cable from his home at Corsier sur Vevey, Switzerland, yesterday, to friends m New York saying that every American was now "a prisoner on probation with a chain around his leg." They "could be jailed any time"
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  • 166 2 THE Kenya Government revealed yesterday that more than 60,000 Mau Mau detainees and convicts are still being held by authorities although about 1,000 were being released each month. A detailed statement on its rehabilitation programme .said that at the end of last month
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 I JHe« Sofe Agents: j P Town Country 1 BOUTIQUE Corner of High St. Cr North Bridge Road << S> DRESS SALON 1 Meyer Chambers, Raffles Place. Wedding Fixture* Make arrangements NOW for your photographs to hr taken hy a FREE PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone Singapore 2800 or writs tr> FREE
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  • 107 3 4 DAY ticket to take f\ ol a passport sis of a resolution by the Council of mi ultative As- m Strasbourg yes- ike I ravel m i isier. r 1,3 a ber governments lied on to cut draslly the formalities tramust go through oing
    U.P.  -  107 words
  • 50 3 The American State De- j artment has refused to 1 yen touring Soviet men to visit Detroit on id the city is off--1 to Russians. Russian journalists.! 1 Now York, were emincled that the Soviet h a s banned Americans to Rus- I Listrial centres. —I
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  • 18 3 become "one t" nations m m trad in S com- American Journmerce said yes- A. P.
    A.P.  -  18 words
  • 129 3 snpHE Indonesian Consul -General En 1 Singapore, Dr. Hermen Kartowisastro extreme right) and his wife pose with _some oi their guests at last night's ErecepUon m honour of the Colombo Plan sdelegates, -Others m the picture (from left) arc _j>r. I. Anak Agung (i de Agung-,
    Free Press  -  129 words
  • 210 3 |>OLICE and federal agents staged the year's second mass round un nf 1 narcotic pushers m Philadelphia yesterday after roo^nolirWlSP STr? I l Ved m the ™»™U for ££gj fte *^evISSS^MS than 200 detectives, uniformed police and Federal Narcotics BureauaeTnt? carrying 237 warrants, launched
    U.P.  -  210 words
  • 58 3 JOHN HODIAK DIES OF HEART ATTACK 11/10 VI F actor John Bodiak (above) collapsed at his home at Tarzana, California yesterday shortly after getting up to So t <> work and died of a heart attack. The handsome 11-year-old actor was m the midst of making the picture "Threshold of
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 29 3 Mr. Alfred Zaehringer, president Of the American Aeronautical Society, said yesterday that the Soviet Union had started building a rocket -powered space Satellite early this year Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 166 3 MRS Erika Olaser Wal lach, who ipent Aye year In Communisl 1 1 t ivit v, S8 Id ''I Mo COW 3 terday Ihe notoi lous Vor kuta Labour Camp ap p in I to be goii g ha me v She told reporter
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  • 208 3 4 fortune from her husband who ran away 40 years ago i woman whose husband vanished aftei »'ao lX weeks of marriage 40 years ago no* has learned to her astonishment that she pi (bably will Inherit $750,000 from his estate. And. through a strange twist ol tate, her cl
    A.P.  -  208 words
  • 62 3 DEATH CRASH INTO SKYSCRAPER BY 100 BIRDS \BOUT LOO birds were killed during the night by crashing into the upper part <>l 102--floor l&mpire Stat e building m New York. They apparently were on their way south for the winter. Most of the birds were described as warblers, They were
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 6 3 "JB! 3K '.iv rl RA^ EXQUISITE
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    • 62 3 FiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiiit: iitit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiini iiiiiii imu Shoes with that 1 WILLOW FULL BROGUE I custom wing tip with perforated (rim m> E 5 Sizes; 6 11. from $35.50 pair _C?S*_l /^^mMStw\ LOAFERS nth apron front and for perfect relaxation! I ORIXIAN ami Ml'LI- SLII'IM I"> ,^!J&tjh I m i wi li-
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  • 215 4 The Singapore Free Press THURS DAY, Oct. 20, 1 955. Opinion OUR DAILY BREAD /CANADIAN statesman Mr. Lester Pearson can draw comfort from the fact that, although the words "and wheat" seldom accompany refen nces to "rice," actually there is a surprisingly groat and growing wheat, habit among Asians. This
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  • 565 4  -  PETER HAHN reports DUENOS AIRES smiles again. The return oi spring and freedom has r< t ored the noro I i hrobbing pulse of the city. Young but still un i xperienced, the Lonardi administral lon has dipped its arms vigorously and deep into the mire
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  • 448 4  -  JAY G. HAYDEN says (\NE effect of Presi- dent Eisenhower's illness has been to increase greatly the importance of popular primaries m the selection of Presidential nominees next, year. Assuming, as almost all leading politician.- do, that BisenhOWer will refuse reelection, presidential-pre-ference voting SO far
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 EXCELLENT RINGS >> OF DIAMONDS GEMS >> ,N I << PLATINUM GOLD. 1 C I) >S With Smart Bfft I nt j( Workmuusfi if) G. C. De SUVA BROS << 3. RAFFLES PLACE >^jngaporcJ Tel *****. >^
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  • 112 5 ii Ilfcui-shen, an seientthe tinted i X i hi> family IS board a train m Hong Ks«| l«r Red China rei "tiv j},, ui-rc umong 4 J „hw were allow t 0 return to their md S3 M^ Inited j <,os« rruut-nt. Pr
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  • 269 5 B.E.A. chief foresees new power plant era m air |ON DON to Edin- burgh m fifteen minutes A supersonic Vertical Take-Off Jet, flying directly into and out of underbid, noise-screened terminals m the city centres, might one day do it,
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  • 186 5 MARRIAGE must not he nullified because sband or wife is sexually incapable, said he Bishop of London, if the couple have adopted B id. happened, he told the Convocation of Canterwho had taken a child Into the family egai adoption or by artificial Insemination
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  • 45 5 POLICE LEND SA XPH ONE CJAXOPHONIST J a m c a k5 Durranti ol Cornwall Mansions, Cremorne road Chelsea, was told by magistrate Mr. Paul Bennett, v. C at West London thiit h<> could borrow his Instrument from thi> police for broadcast! and other engagements.
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  • 60 5 Metal dealer! C"any old "iron?' men) may soon have to register with local councils. The report of a Government committee published hy the Stationery office suggests they should be required to keep records of transactions. A comparison of recorded purchases with information "otherwise obtained" about sales had
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  • 272 5 4 WIFE said her Army officer husband came home on leave with 15 framed photographs of different women, Mr. Commissioner Grazebrook said m the Divorce Court. He kept them m his room— with photographs of herself and their two daughters. "A more insulting thing tordo I
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  • 286 5 PROGS' NEW DEAL FOR SHOP STAFF IS WELCOMED THE Singapore Progressive Party's new Bill to five Improved working conditions tor shop and clerical winkers has had a favourable reception from both employers ami employees. One ol Ihe Bill 1 1 propo aJ L a 39-ho n i eek, which excludes
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 563 6 r-r-'- -n i r~7 1 i W~~ V —^i I'• 'J^^* 9 -> w .^^^^■■■■[^■ll NAKOA/-YOU \/YtS--BUTFOR 1 DIDN'T LEAVE \f MR. HIGGINS, HELLO, CHIEF, f A6AIMT I JUST << V^ s^ J S fi L. HAVE 1/ A MOMENT I HERS^FOB THE //HAT BRINGS I GOT HERE. SS T
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 187 7 LONDON. O<t 19 1 R*< rlf reVi V Us RIBUtK No. v J^ buyers 35% buyer.-, I'o.ts October 36* wlton 36 seller BIBBEB N <»- IVf KS cl1 85% buyers 3r buyers M |UM ,p,.,n rortfl November 36 sSelu rs JJJJJJJ BiBBtK No. i tf- 8 8
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    • 109 7 NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Previous Today tin .traits spot and nearby 96.12 nom. 96.12 norn TIN tutur^ October 95.50 bid 95.00 bid 96.00 asked 9G.00 asked November 95.00 bid 94.75 bid 95.50 asked 95.75 asked December 94.50 bid 94.50 bid 95.00 asked 95.50 asked H>M Quiet. SALES:
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    • 57 7 aiabar spot and awaiting afloats 39 to 38 0 38, Nov. 37, Dec. 36, l March m equal monthly lots 34. Sarawak spot and await- ing release 34, afloats 33%, Oct. 32. Lampong spot and awaiting release 41%, afloate 39 to 38%, October 38. Sellers exdock. .4 bore
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    • 30 7 NEW YORK, Oct. Previous Today l lstr i als 448.58 453.09 Klillload 149.01 149.83 Domestic Konds 98.60 98.63 J 61.86 61.75 Mocks Composite Average 159.63 160 72
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    • 124 7 °Sh Phi "PP |lwa ci T Previous T°oday 9 North I uropoan delivered OnHfrJE 1 J g ton Nov cc $181 sellers $180 sellers I<>PR.\ Philippines f.o.b. Manila m bulk por ton Unquoted Unquoted jntV Straits c.i.f. UK/North European delivered weight per lori tt>n Nov., Dec
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  • 488 7 H_L_P _T •M. Navy startles shipping world W 1 »no one manning the engine room ol H.M.B. Ark Royal, fchia 37.000--tnh r °s:i_i pped h(}I1( V( ,jn^ haa startled the shipping world by going to her anchorage at Splthead and making fast with the
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  • 180 7 Jailer de luxe jailed PERNAND BILLA will! spend three years m a jail less pleasant much less pleasant than the one where he was chief jailor. It was wine, women and song at his Pont 1 _veque prison m Normandy. France. In their cells, prisoners listened to soft music from
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  • 174 7 A SURGEON who? operated on a man S for peritonitis said I that he found a surgical S towel inside him. j Eight days earlier, 5 the man had been oper- < ated on for appendici- tis. Bu t after that < operation the
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  • 127 7 A DOCTOR m rural Perthshire has filmed the birth of a baby boy m a cottage. His film is to help train district nurses because they handle more births than midwives do m Scottish country districts. The motiher he asked to be filmed
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  • 72 7 LANCASHIRE comedian Norman Erani had to loin the Mil icians' Union m Toronto before the band nt th< local theatre would play for him because he tool 17 minute ad "Three Blind Mice" on i trumpei for 18 second oi hii [\> had to pay si*"
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  • 213 7 A vicar's daughter —men get 3 years rnwo young men arer< lall ed foj t hree reai Ihp attempting a erioua i on I m- acfre n ds i hter ol vicar m car on a d tej ted Th.- men are Dewsbury RUgbj League footballer Trevor Callighan, aged 25,
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  • 101 7 An association of the residents of the Joo Chlat j area has been formed to take over the present activities of the Community Centre run by the Department of Social Welfare. The a-ssociation Joo Chlat Community Association was formed at a meeting at which the following officers were
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1 7 aadasdas
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    • 47 7 j POPPY DAY I SATURDAY STH NOVEMBER 1955 H J please give generously l Space kindly donated by I JOHN LITTLE (MALAYA) LTD. I 1 8 lllllllllllCJlllllllllllirillllllllHllClllill'ilMlCJiililllllllirillllimilllClllllllll'iliCJ..- r T "j Sterling Traveller! Cheques SINGAPORE TRAVEL BUREAU 11 The Arcade (Ground Floor) Phone: *****. Singapore, 1. Tele "Travbureau"
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  • 1892 8  - UNKNOWN PRIME MINISTER WILLIAM BARKLEY For everyone fascinated by power and the way you get it, this book is exciting by The story behind the now Pi mi, Minist< i ;.!'< mad< w< liv< ■nd 1 1 learn Wh< i would have thought thai t oday a document would bt
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  • 242 9 Town of hope for 75,000 rpHIBTY-TWO miles I 1 in»ni London is the t.iuii of hope for the f homeless r It has 75.000 people tad tan promise homes lur everyone. it has 368 empty I houses with "For sale" notice* outside It has a huge coun- cil estate where
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  • 219 9 NY motorist m Britain ai can now have his car ughly tested for roadrthin at Government expense. The test will take about 14 minutes. Twenty major ints will be checked at a which the owner 1 not have to pay of 'tween 2s. 6d.
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  • 302 9 THE last customer had gone from Tappens seafood restaurant m Brooklyn when bangs on the door brought a porter to open up— and m walked five masked gunmen. ™,irI?J? Wv the V had the porter, a waiter and the cook rounded up. Alas, none knew
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  • 32 9 Twelve stained glass panels of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries discovered m an outbidding of Blicking Hall, Norfolk, are being installed m Erpingham parish church on the estate.
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  • 202 9 JEWELLERS all over Britain have been warned about certain an -made wrist-watch bands fl bracelets bcin^ shipped into the country. They were told: If you sell them, you be prosecuted. importers were also told to watch out tnem. Hundreds are believed
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  • 234 9 NOW THEY CAN SWAP THEIR HOUSES hitU gr me some dnn t WALSALL Town Council is planning a swap your house scheme. Tenants who can't stand the noise and dirt from a nearby electro- plating Plant will be allowed to exchange their homes with workers who want to live near
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  • 96 9 IF a modern Christopher Columbus (15th century discoverer of America) wanted to go to the U.S. said Governor Harrlman of New York, he would have to: Put his name on a quota list that discriminates against Italians and wait 10 years for his name to
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  • 242 9 BECAUSE of the shortage of official married quarters. Britain's three Services are still using private furnished flats and houses, with rents subsidised by the taxpayer to the extent of £1,000.000 a year. The scheme was started six years ago a.s a stop gap measure. The figures are
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  • 38 9 AS a boy was leaving a London juvenile court a toy revolver fell from his coat and clattered on the floor. Asked the magistrate: "Didn't the police search him before bringing him here?"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 144 9 SCREAMING GIRLS "MOB" GIRLS IN m* m JAPAN! In this week's W| JW3§ WEEK-ENDER read why the Jgt huge all-girl shows there are Ww~i iP big business, y^—- M nist tells you how the f wntri ifn a f ■< drivers operate FICTION: Blazing adventure m this week's chapter of
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  • 202 10 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA CONVOCATION Two hundred and thirty graduates of the University of Malaya last Saturday received various degrees at an impressive convocation ceremony m Oei Tiong Ham Hall. Because of the record number of graduates the ceremony had to be divided into two sessions. Mr. Malcolm
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  • 30 10 These graduates (above) seem to be cheerfully accepting the fatherly advice tjiven by the Chancellor, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. m h's now famous "Three Don'ts'" speech.
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  • 65 11 Mr. P. L. Thiagarajan, of the Chief Secretary's Office. gives a helping hand m fixing the cloak for Miss Wong May IJan, an Arts graduate (above). He does the same thing for Miss Ong Cheng Sim (m picture at left). Others hi the picture are
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  • 306 12 00, Us lee! Thi* first rvert Fremeh fetshiaes *#i« fr POUR of the world's most beautiful *4 i r Ls arc coming to Singapore next month. Chaperoned by the Comite Prancaifl de L'Elegance, they arc coming to show Singaporeans for the first time a
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  • 504 12 Water— the answer to toothache Sixteenth m a j series of articles i by Free Press j writer VIVIFNNE PUCKR IDGE to mark Singapore's Health Week from j November 21 to 26. OETWEEN 90 and 95 per cent of the population of Singapore are suffering from dental diseases. Thus the
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  • 633 13  - Motor bicycles spread havoc on the road NEL SLIS by I the war a f sor < of motor I appeared on roads oi phe motorised I; met with a Mm. especially t already exist- heeled frae ger Faris-to-.j dam road-burning leok< Ith acorn on 0 weak mough" to H
    A.P.  -  633 words
  • 129 13 BIG HIT AT PARIS MOTOR SHOW 111 sensation of the 1 Paris Motor Show is itroen. Promised *rj year since H>:>2, the like its famous v <>r, is revolur -from i( s suspen(,!l stem, completely without leaf or 111 springs, or torsion to its disc brakes. 1 rake, are operated
    Popper; Reuter  -  129 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 104 13 0//0//( > //0//0// (> ,vv/OV( > //^\X <lV /o\\<AV.//<,\NO// ,\\< \V,^ STANDARD TEN m_B _«_3_^¥_L '_B^_3^B3it'^ „y r^_S_B__—^ *'^**WM_Wb _i_^_i ff*^ w>^M A WP^mm A BRILLIANT, HANDSOMELY STYLED 10 ft l\ SALOON BY STANDARD Offering Comfort, Performance and real Economy The St.ind.ird Ten is ,i model of economy combined with
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  • 1684 14  -  LOUIS GOLDING by Please, senor, please, on a day like this what must a man do?' But did this story REALLY happen? Check with your answer tomorrow. r pill. answer (o ywltlfljj'l "DM ii Happen" talc— Hls< \> CRUISE" is i 8, ii (lid happen.
    1,684 words
  • 41 14 J^OUIS GOLDING is an Inveterate traveller— Goodbye to Ithaca beinjr the latest result. „,^1; loom **P his other 50-odd publications. Sixty this year and a Mancunian by birth, Goldine was educated at Manchester Grammar School and Queens College
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    882 15  -  ANNE SHARPLEY adasfsdfsd The new kind of coffee house has brought a *mWKm\ R) ~~*~"H— K_M MM _M ~M~nH__HMn_MW new look to London...and a new kind of mmmmmm _m_^_m_m_m mm Mvn_«snnn— mmmtv girl with it iaV kind of eonA mporary looking girl came m when they tar ted
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  • 206 15 is enjoying a boom m Britain for informal evening wear. I have noticed at recent evening functions many women wearing lace, either long or short, plain or re-embroi-dered. Mrs. Jack Hawkins has chosen a cream ballerina style, spangled with diamante; Lady Burgh ley prefers a floor length gown, m
    A.F.P.  -  206 words
  • 112 15 SUSAN HAYWARD will sing before the public, after her film "I'll Cry Tomorrow," is released. "But I want to study at least a year before I take, for me, such a drastic step," says the star whose low contralto was discovered for her
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 39 15 T. *Vr— OBLIVON (Methylpentynol) CAPSULES *4^^_k^a*Tit* nr_s _*n i iY~_7 f _iK* i— ii i Aeailahle al nil lendina Of mists A THE FEDERAL DI3P2.,SARY LTD. 33 Raffl i lace Sin- S '.ipr»r. Cold Stor)«, A (id. OrrHird Rd
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  • 1204 16  - Miss Ramsay is not a very good typist MILTON SHULMAN But now she doesn't have to be by MISS LOUIE RAM--11 S vY'S SUI4--the old 1 rl 'lit well ivnd: "ll at fli iv don't m (I. give it up." For Mi rnsay'.s at opportunity cai becausi she decided that
    1,204 words
  • Article, Illustration
    334 16 'FtfORTH'S skinny ninny openii g Md is m accordance with modern expert Style, although usually this hand would be pasted unless the heart suit wen somewhat stronger say kui- ten nun' at a minimum, c.nod playeri have found th it W p i.vs to get m the first
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  • 43 16 "fWVtERE is too much talk A about the proper way Of bringing up children Parents today cue oofl- i red becau c they have forgotten the methods used m their upbringing." Presiding Judge John Warren J IJU 'of Domestic Relations
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 274 16 k_g_ HKS* WM _E_i WEE a_Hai" *§sl BB BB 111 f BS q 1 i _afi_io I I I R I i I —I— I li i I L— _JRBBL_M_MawAw_JLß_^_wßd I Ll ES ROSS 3 Indicate no part In II (8). 1 A dream maybe (5), 4 Shape igaln with
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  • 710 17  -  THOMAS WISEMAN ...fffV/f or ositloooti4 cc ietney uveUstcoett SHOW TALK by !jssue a warning to foe knights and the j oi the drama; competition. nd ot his first a West End L i i -ry -Thomas ntant and cU n he still
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  • 155 17 slMli5 lMli nSAR OLD San- lieschrr was disI it u <'^<ms" with Uulmark tMI !ht <»d of most i,i Pictures," she J n Uie girl Is I, 1 1 into the H lns he always &Hs n nis I r.des over the r
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  • 64 17 jt| INK, of course, stands for success, Take Mrs. Itx Richard Gordon. She did bet husbands .job as an anaesthetist for a year while he concentrated on writing. t writing box-office bombshells like "Doctor In Ihe House" and DoCtOf At Sea Sa.\s Mrs Gordon, full-time house
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  • 213 17 Lana 's hounded by 'Li'l Big Stuff' JIST as Lina Turner thinks she is l>eing- "hounded to death on the set of Diane. "Big StufT" Steals the show The see no. calls for the lovely star to play IIL; opposite twenty one 1 5 foxhounds all eleven months old and
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  • 464 17  - Now she begins that journey to the stars Actress Eunice Gayson has the panache oi an animated cartoon; she sug- gests to me a female Mickey Mouse. While she is not yet defying me laws of gravity. Miss Gayson i.s doing very nicely these days. The Rank Organisation have given
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  • Article, Illustration
    439 18  - CRUEL CROWDS JOHN ARLOTT JEERS CAN STIFLE SOCCER GENIUS "—-Says—. V CROWD (tn break a footballer but it cannot make one. It can, moreover, destroy the quality of a hams football and many mate lies are lost through panic 'encouragement." Wh n Middlesbrough's great rorh ird line oi i92t; 28
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  • 51 18 The Saar was elected to full membership of the International Motor Cyc 1 c Federation m Paris yesterday. The question of the affiliation of East Germany was also discussed at the Federation's congress. It was decided to review it again at the next autumn
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  • 51 18 Other Nationalities beat France by 32 points to 19 after leading 18-14 at halftime m their international Rugby League match played under floodlights at Leigh, Lancashire. Other Nationalities scored 4 goals (8 tries to France's 5 goals (3 tries). A crowd of 15.000 watched the match.—R
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 26 18 Yugoslavia beat the Republic of Ireland by four goals to one m a soccer international at Dublin yesterday. They led 3—l at half-time.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 432 18 team Is strengthened by the inclusion of three Seletar Players, F/Lt. Dark. F'O. Pape and Cpl. Newberry a HOCKEY: Here again the selectors seem to having quite a task to neld a good, hard-hitting and goal-scoring team. Some very good hockey has been
    432 words
  • 28 18 Engl md !a al b\- goal I i I i 2 0 at halftime In ternatlonal fool under doodlighl cJueotei Lfl t night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 18 photo. <;OIU)ON PIRIK realised his greatest ambition when he !n«L Z t VS i fa^ OUs Czech r«nner, m the 10.0110 metres at the White City, London recently Here is Gordon breasting the tape. Popper
    Popper  -  35 words
  • 42 18 Yesterday's I' K. rugb. results were: League New Zealand tour: Featherstone Rovers 6 New Zealanders 7. Union club matches: Leicester 3. Oxford University 6; St. Mary's Hospital 0, Cambridge University 0; United Services Portsmouth 6. United Services Chatham 11. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words

  • Article, Illustration
    28 19 IBERTSON, ihe Chelsea goalkeeper, pushes Indors. the Chelsea It half out of the way favc from Gauld, Charlp inside-right, during: b match at the Valley. [Chelsea won 2-1.
    28 words
  • 107 19 Gan Eng Seng in 2-1 win; Raffles held SCHOOL HOCKEY iFLES Institution were P l > to a scoreless I >y Anglo Chinese then hockey P al Hi. around t .V J 2nd XT match vere beaten 3-0. A by Bock Lye pave an interval lead. Keok f and James
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  • 23 19 I;\ |€letar "A" team A F. Ma lava by to two at hoc-vest,.,-day. 1•] and Young "ar. Pereira for R.A.F.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 19 Say what you like, the die of automation is already on US
    13 words
  • 41 19 nil ft. Singapore Hockey Ai J oclation'i niv i li igue I'iin.c betw< f si Wand< 1 1 and (i H <,> Ch< duled played at Tanglin today he beei post poned becau oi tie sua trial
    41 words
    286 words
  • 408 19 Goal-shy Reds get last-minute winner CHINESE BEATEN 2-1 CJRC. "K.ds" crack forward line goal iky resterdai mJ-TJ"* 1 5! Uu i li,,u they haa v hard-worked Uiimse K. side with their backs to th, wall m i>iv. i league noekej Ue hut onlj managed to scrape through to
    408 words
  • 110 19 ELEVEN countries have so far entered the Pan-Asian basketball championships for the Xanyang University Cup which will be held m Singapore m December. i Last yar there were four countries less when the championships were inaugurated. The women have come .forward this time and seven
    110 words
  • 119 19 TtMS Malayan Kugh> I I nil, n yesterday announced the following -1 nominations from whom will be selected ll who will visit Baag kok early ne\t month FULLBACK; It. Scott (N-Mal). WING THREES: P. Spark (Spore). 1. Nai dole (Joh). CENTRE-TUB RES: li. Forte* (SeJ),
    119 words
  • 49 19 Florence's new mark accepted by Channel S.A. THE English Channel A Swimming Association yesterday aeeepted Florence Chadwick's swim from Dover to France m 13hr. 55min as a new record. Tho 34-year-old San Diego, California, swimmer's time was 11 minutes better than that established by England's Bill Pickering m August.
    49 words
  • 63 19 A GOAL hy Tee flan Leon*? almost on time enabled the touring Indonesian., to hoiu Penang to a 3-3 draw m their soccer match en Victoria Green. Penanu, Penang looked winners When they led 3-1 with goalfl hy Slang Hock. Slang Teik ;»nd Cheng Eng.
    63 words
  • 52 19 HOC KEY SH.A. League. Div. 2: R.A.I Changi v B.A.F. Seletar, Changi; S Police v R.E.M.E.. I; Div. 3: Police v i Jb. Dutch Club ground: Die and Wireless v M.B.T.C, (able and Wireless ground. RUGGEB St. Andrew's School v B atty S.C., Woodsviile; B.C.C. "Ii" v All
    52 words
  • 58 19 pOLOURS held Whites to a 1-1 drawn In the Singapore Women's Hockey Association trial on the padang yesterday, N Raj.tratnam scored both goals. M AT Tanglin, Singapore Services I women I bent The Rest 4-0 m a trial hockey natch yesterday Cpl winsiow (Changi) .cored three
    58 words
  • 59 19 F ENGLAND'S Mis., Veronica j Anstey. 20, yesterday won the New Z< aland women's golf champiom hip on the Shirley course, Christ Church, beating Mis:; Chilian Atkinson, 21, also of Bng Land hy one hole m an exciting 36 hohss final a p w v.* eks
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 103 19 Two groups "i Malayan spoi tsmen the Tech nical College Kuala Lumpui and the Malayan Sikhj will visit }\':v Konp In Dcci mbei i f annoui m Kuala Lumpuf fi SU r day A group it 'i fi ie k< y and rui yen ol Ihi
    103 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 186 20 Moore is willing to fight Pompey \KI I v Johnston v manager of \rdue .Moore, -.aid m New York yesterday that he I E v*as willing tor the I light heaTy weight champion to defend his world title against E _YoI a n d c Pompey (Trinidad* instead of E,
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 460 20  - BOARD HIT FORD FOR A SIX TO RETAIN F N TROPHY Tan Hong Poh by CUXGAFORJE 'lelephone O Board > last year triple champions sue ressfully defended the Prater and Neave trophy, when they trounced lord Sports Club H-'l i«> an e\ citing final of the Singapore Business Houses 1
    460 words
  • 58 20 New honour for Ray Lindwall I>AY LINDWAuT the XV former New South Wales player, has achlej ed a new honour ii first-class cricket by being appointed Queenj land captain m fr game against Ni South Wales beginnii it Brit bane on Oct i Lindwall ta ke s over from Ken
    58 words
  • 380 20 By KAI.PII BLAKEMAN rN a game tint was lifted above the I ordinary only by a spirited finish by the Royal Navy, r.a f. Singapore won the second oi the Inter-services matches when defeating the Royal Navy at Changi yesterday 12 p. unt.s i 2 trios.
    380 words
  • 215 20 1 ETTLE PAPPA and RigO*J letto have been promoted to Class One. ar- cording to the la t est amendments to the straits Racing Association classiflcation list. Ambassador, a former Class One runner who was j deleted and ran m M.A.R.A. I gymkhana
    215 words
  • 91 20 47 will run in C'shire handicap DORTY-SEVEN final accep--F tors were named yesterday for the Cambridgeshire Handicap at Newmarket on Wednesday. Last night's callover at London's Victoria Club left Manati the unchanged favourite at 9-1. Other odds included Pirnie 100-8. Turks' Blood 100-7, Retrial 100-6, Cronus 20-1. Double Red, Novonto
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 328 20 r y\ IE Singapore Amateui lmti a h i.ii ion after mcci In uu t. nl (hi anm ur ed tii" 1. 1,1 oi ten at**-] i and 1 9 Bwimmei ito m< ci .ie tndonei lan 8v immln Fedei al lon al the
    328 words
  • 127 20 IN an earlier same. Metal Box held Breweries to thrilling I—l draw m the Junior Cup final. It was a gift goal scored toward the closing stages that earned Metal Box a replay. These two teams will clash at the stadium again tomorrow. Kick-off will be at
    127 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 380 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTH 20 Winds $>> (minimum) CLUNIE l-ROSS To lan and B rbara on itt- 10-55, at Kan(i mg Kerbau Hospital, Gift of a Son Mothei and child well. ENG YCIM IINTS 20 Hind', $6 I minimum). DIAS-PERERA The engagement is announced oei ween Mi Walter Dias ol W.
      380 words
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