The Singapore Free Press, 1 October 1955

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya 1 1::77. SlOfap«re, Saturday. October 1, If).-).-), Price 13 CU
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  • 323 1 TENGKU'S TASK ON CITIZEN PLAN PHE success of the Marshall Citizenship plan lor Chinese and other In Singapore de)ends largely on the influence th c Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Kahnnui, can exert on the 140,000 Malays m the Colony, who oppose it, 'his was uppermost m the minds of
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  • 143 1 City afire in wake of typhoon POLICE reported, that the city of Niigata, 150 miles north of Tokyo, was on fire today m the wake of typhoon Louise which landed on Hokkaido early this morning after having made some 215,000 homeless m Western Japan yesterday. The whole centre of
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 28 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened this morning with October first grade, buyers f.o.b. quoted at $1.391 4 a lb., five-eighths of a cent above yesterday's close.
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  • 168 1 AP ÜBL I C Calamities Fund to help fire and flood victims was formed m Singapore this morning under Government auspices. The public are asked to give generously. Money is required immediately. Its immediate object Ifl to help victims of yesterday's fire m Kampong Tiong
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  • 147 1 PRINCE Bira, wealthy Siamese sportsman, his wife, 40-day-old son and 20 guests were saved when th<Prince's yacht Lelonta Second, was wrecked ofl the tiny Italian island of Capraia at midnight on Thursday, police revealed m Leghorn last night. Detail* of the rescue were still lacking
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  • 206 1 2,000 bank clerks m Singapore will soon get a ten to 15 per cent increase m salaries, better working conditions and one and a half times overtime for extra work. A spokesman of the Exchange Banks Association told the 1 ree Press this morning that
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  • 91 1 Anew Comet Jet airliner tuck oir from Hatneld, England, yesterday for Athens and Khartoum on the first long-dLsbancc flight for the British planes since they were grounded 18 months ituo after a series ot mishap*. The Qe Havillarui plaiiL' ij the Comet Mark 11. Tlie original Comet Mark
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 634 1 FREE PRESS PROBE ON WORKING CONDITIONS Free Press Industrial Reporter DURING the last two days 1 have made extensive inquiries into the allegations by Mr. Lim Chin Siong, PAP assembly man and Middle Road union leader, that European-owned or managed firms m Singapore were less
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 95 2 AUI i R U 'A Mm i rnal Affau Mi Richai < j said In Lou don li t nighl thai he tiiiMir hi tii- Sea to i tn-u' r< tonftt) c fo the m. I lm< i ;i'.(i ii.o' i tal le 11
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  • 64 2 Ul LTAN Sid] Mohani kl mcd Mouiay Ben Arafa has agreed to "fade awaj from the Moroccan throne, ofii< iaiv at the French Residency said last night, i hej v <m\(\ xi\t- no di- tails beyond laying there would be no abdication. As the Sultan was
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  • 177 2 Membership m balance after Algeria question voted on to agenda FRENCH Foreign Minister Antolne Phiay and 1 the French delegation walked out of the Genera] Assembly of the United Nations yesterday after the assembly approved inclusion of the Algeiian question on its agenda* Earlier
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  • 24 2 The Princess Royal arrived m Quebec City aboard the liner Empress of Francr yesterday to -start a monthlong tour of Canada.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 161 2 Indonesia Nationalist party challenges npiiL Indonesian Nation 1 list Party has popular appeal d< pite recent less o t .politi prestige judging fro official re 1 vo t n g In Thur. p»j -c: tion. With results m from per cent of Jakarta's polling stations the Mas jumi (Muslim) Party
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 47 2 At the inaugural meetin: of the Singapore Voluntary Workers' Association yesterday, Mrs. Eileen Boswell, a teacher and welfare worker of Bukit Timah, was elected president. Among the othrr officer are Mr. G. H Kiat, vic< president, and Mrs. A. Pu ford, honorary secretary
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  • 149 2 CHIANG FIGHTERS ATTACK BRITISH SHIP: 2 OF CREW HURT T*HE 1,911 -ton British steamer Tefkros was attacked by two Chinese Nationalist FB4 flghters off the mainland port of Swatow yesterday, the Communist New China News Agency reported. Two members of the crew were injured and the radio and a storeroom
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 156 2 We'll tra in As ia students Japan JAPAN wants to cut out war re] ti ition she 111 several Asian untrli by giving them ild undi thi Colombo I'!.' 1 Bui the Jap esc proh a. ma |i at lh( Coli bo i' .n m. i ting -'1 Bini ap
    156 words
  • 36 2 The nad lan Mlnlst< r '<<] Bxt( rn,il Affairs Mr. Lester P< an n, left 01 tan a by alt y< it< r <- I i foe Lond< n on hli v..,y i', Moa Reu ter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 57 2 A «irl watches helplessly as flames envelop her home m yesterday's disastrous fire at K am pony Bahru. Singapore. The fire destroyed about 100 huts clustered on a hillside adjoining the S.I.T. housing estate. This girl was one of the 1.500 people from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 GANOHN IAYANTI MAHATMA GAKDHIS BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE MEETING. A PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hall, No. 3, Race I Course Lane, Singapore-8, on Sunday, 2nd October, 1955, at 5.30 p m., m remembrance of i Gandhiji's Birthday. Speakers: Mr. R Middleton-Smith. Mr. Thio Chan Bee. i
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    • 27 2 W@oP^ dog OcJowr STOP 'seosonor ■l dffffcuttics too. LITERATURE OM PEQUES. OBTAINABLE IROM AUCHEMISTS STORES M. A. LATIF BROS Branch:--20, huli;t St. Sin^;\|><ir< <k Ampun>>St, Kuall Lump"
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  • 506 3 Per on gave scooter parties for teen-agers gOTS OF hiSSES TO MY TMEAStJME. IUiOTE EX-DH TMOH VFLLV RIVAS, for- > mer Argentine Prelent Juan d. Percuddly brunette ilh B poodle hairprotested to Buenos Aires authorities yesterday "I am K)t the only one" •ho received Peron's favours after group parties m
    U.P.  -  506 words
  • 284 3 Now uniter police guard |)OLICE fearing gang revenge yesterday placed a day and night guard on an aged clergyman, who has betrayed the underworld of Soho, London's Latin quarter. The parson, the Rev. Basil Andrews, 88, Is a key figure m a government-ordered probe Into "the Jack
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  • 83 3 THE PRINCESS FORGOT HER FUR COAT QRINCESS Ira, 15- I year-:>ld Venetian bride of Prince Alfonso of Hohenlohe-Langeai- burg, left Le Havre E yesterday for New York with her husband on board the liner Liberte. Earlier a special courier arrived with an r expensive fur coat E E which the
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  • 163 3 DILMUS KANADY, Texas businessman freed from a Chinese prison last Monday, refused yesterday to complete bis return to the United States. It was believed that Kanady, 36, feared that if he returned to the U.S. ho would be sent back to Red
    U.P.  -  163 words
  • 30 3 Mr. George Vernon Tate, 65-year-old, presideni of the Tate and Lyle sugar company, (Uc<\ yesterdaj In London following b receni i lou i op< 'i ion Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 192 3 4 STATE OF EMERGENCY has been declared m the Corozal district of British Honduras, ttered by a hurricane earlier this week. The hurricane, called Janet, left more than 350 people dead as it. ripped across the Caribbean before moving on into MU xico, The damage
    Reuter; U.P.  -  192 words
  • 166 3 'WOMAN SENT DEATH NOTE TO IKE' \H< STON woni m was i all yesterday ma Federal charge ol i tiding ;i threatening letter to PreIdeni BUenhower Tom n Hanson, secret '■crvh < agenti Nild Mra jonnie Mac EKhaufler, W, signed ii f> i name and ifidre to letter to the
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 90 3 FIVE-CAR PILE UP IN S'PORE M\< i.nn Keng Hor a c it nay Orianii itlon itlve an'i fonnei i pajx rman, had i nan c ■<• ip< last night ta vn cle COIU ilOf) ii: N 'lie Road, Biogapore, [is 15 rear "id daughter, June who wai i^ated next i
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  • 59 3 Persia'; Queen Boraya arrived In Rome by plane from Paris yesterday with 49 pieces of luggage. She plans to stay there for "a week of rest" before continuing to Teheran. Travelling with tier was hej mother, Mrs i T tandiary wif< ol tin Ei tni!
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 229 4 The Singapore Free Press Opinion THIS EVIL MUST GO SATURDAY, Oct. 1 L 955 Perhaps the greatest single evil corrupting youth m Singapore Is the gambling machine, and the latest move to get the Government to ban it should find widespread support. Pin tables and other gambling devices today op<
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  • 622 4 FRED MANOR tells of a new Communist offensive lyiliLE a cold peace Is settling upon the world at large, the cold war still rages m one particular sector: the Soviet Union and her satellites have launched an all-out offensive to demoralize Eastern bloc
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  • 786 4  - FREEDOM around the CORNER R ICHA HUGHES for these Japanese war criminals h majoi Inn naJ i h< ni" turned lex parol< ftei r \i..' only 10 s '11< 1 1 jll en 1 6 n i m charitj and oodv. Hi, it ma j .'> m i* aonabl( enou
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 133 5 THE COLOUR BAR IN BRITAIN t I 1 »»t London, Negroes m gland find a colour problem comparable with ia t m parts <»i America, a Negro Congressman .said. pi 5 man A. C. Powell pi esents Harlem >ndon that Negro icemen had told him
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  • 375 5 IT WAS ON SOMEONE ELSE'S LAM) YJK. FRED RUSSELL and his wife Mildred built themselves a dream home. lor six months they dug drains, carted bricks, and mixed cement. Then they learned that the house into which they had put their £750 Hie savings
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  • 217 5 SCHOOLBOYS m the Nottingham district are Rambling with their lives every day m a modern version of the old game "I dare.' They play it on the railway tracks. As an express train thunders towards them, they wait for the last moment, then dash across
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  • 93 5 A MAN trapped 14ft up on a mobile crane freed himself by using an oxyacetylene burner. Frank Pearson, a 43-year-old car dismantler, of Dews-bury-road, Ossett, York.;, was adjusting a chain holding up a car body when the chain slipped. His right leg was pinned. Moving
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  • 216 5 IJAKKY GNOME, 40 yean old and three feet six inch. 1 tall, walked hand" In-hand Lth his fiancee, 19-yeai old Pal Carto v. ho La ftvc feel Li, from Bristol magUtratej court The magistral i had j v f vtiii ,cd to allow them to be married
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  • 218 5 1 ,000 drawings of approved plans THE Singapore Improvement Trust has an up-to-date General Improvement Plan of over 1.000 i drawings Of every approved Municipal Council scheme, i blacklane or regular line of street before 1927. The drawings also cover every Improvement j scheme, addition or alteration to the Plan,
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  • 185 5 OfcVfcN-YfcAR-OLD Tommy Bata. heir to the £25,000,000 world-wide shoe business, arrived m London from Canada alone. And by that action he fulfilled a family tradition. For Tommy's family believed m being sHf-rcliant. The tradition bega-n with his grandfather, the son of a village cobbler m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 299 5 1 I I |,Lf l Jrilil,, l lii..L^i*Ji,,il,i.ilX^-i.lLT^.'j^^^^ CHURCH OF ENGLAND St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Holy Communion: 8 a.m. Sung Eucharist and Parish Communion; 9.30 a.m. Sunday School; 10.30 a.m. Matins; 11 a.m. Mandarin Service; 11.45 a.m. Holy Communion; 6 p.m. Even- Chapel of The Ascension YVoodsville: H a.m.
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    • 402 5 St. Anthony's Church (Manda!) 5.30 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Church (Orchard Rd.) 9 a.m. Morning Service and Sunday School; (5 pm. Evening Service. Straits Chinese Presbyterian Church (Ptrinsep St.): 8.45 a.m Sunday School and Bible Classes; 10 a.m. Morning Worship. Jubilee Church (Outram Rd.) English Service— 4.3o p.m. Katong Presbyterian
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 181 6 w .vIA\IIIIAI%Ii h\ t.^v I alk and l^hil Davi* \"I Z" I DOO OAY. r,.':ooN'Cnr--| Ffan-tas^c' t-h.s /s so I I t^e an ca>tchoame.^ [KEPI LOOK? V 1 SIMPLi I CAN fif AL d/«. '->M OOMM y. CG6, WHAT'S y Of COURSE/ fOU //A,f.wc?/ y v A'. Go'," f 1
      181 words
    • 642 6 IJOUN today, you hav< an loqul] l> mind. STour lnt< rests are wid md J th< I danger ot your becoming f»a f; no i tte thing, although adroit In a number of flelds. Hi .•v. r. this can be avoided if m v >uth, you el el th< care<
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 193 7 I i I ie No 1 RSS cJf 4^ buyers 397 8 buyers can Ports October 4os seller 4u u tellers Rl/BBEB No. 1 RSS c.i.f. 39 S buyers M\ buyer, turopean Forts November 40\ sellers 404 sellers KIBBEB No. 1 KSS Spot 40's buyers 40 buyers
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    • 107 7 NEW YORK, Sept. 1)0. Previous Today TTN Straits spot and nearby 96.75 nom. 96 62 nom. TIN futures October 95.75 bid 95.75 bid 9(5.75 asked 86.75 asked November 95.25 bid 95.25 bid 96.25 asked 96.25 asked December 94.75 bid 94.75 bid 95.75 asked 95.75 asked TONE: Quiet.
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    • 43 7 and awaiting 39, afloats 38^. Oct. 38. Sarawak spot and awaiting release 34, afloats 34, Oct. 34 Above prices quoted Lam pong spot and awaiting release 39. a floats 36' V Oct. 38 Sellers ex-dock m U.S. cents per Ib.
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    • 37 7 NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Previous Today Industrials 4 G8.08 466.62 J V l ni:^ f 15M5 155.05 40 Domestic Bonds 98 49 98 54 15 Utilities 8&57 G3 14 Stocks Composite Average 166.21 165.56
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    • 123 7 OPRA Philippines c.i.f. UK/ North European delivered weigh! per long ton Ort./Nov. COPRA Philippines f-o.b. Manila m i>nlk pc, on (<H'K\ Straits r.i.f. IK North European delivered weight per long ton Sept/Oct Oct. Nov CM ONIJT OIL crude Straits 11 'k, North European m Hilk per
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  • 283 7 THE Singapore Government would be "wasting Iti time* 1 U it Intended to do away with uttap dwellings, said Mr. Mak Pak Shee, Chairman ot the Attap Dwellers' Association yesterday. Mr Mak, who la also Labour Froni Assemblyman for Geylang, was commenting on i Government propo a]
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  • 168 7 Dog she wouldn't leave E lIT I D O W Florence ff Emily G;inncy and E E her dachshund dog E Jason were found lying E side by side m a gas- E rilled kitchen. They E were dead. E Police broke Into 56- E year-old Mrs. Garmey's home m
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  • 214 7 Board members of the Singapore Family Planning Association are studying ci report from a committee Investigating population growth and attendant economic problems on the island Of Mauritius. "Some of the recommendatlonfl m the report,* 1 said Mrs. Joanna Moore, vicechairman of the local as»ociation,
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  • 163 7 SINGAPORE PROBLEMS MAY BENEFIT )f disease and poverty n\e annual increase will have been checked Long oefore the population will have increased to one million." This reference to family limitation, backed by the committee's recommendation that advice should be officially sought from such body as the International Planned Parenthood Federation
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  • 137 7 ESTA TE FLATS SO HOT r PHE "unbearable" heat m .some of the S.I.T flats m Brickworks Estate has brought a complaint from Mr. Lee Choon Eng, Labour Front Legislative Assemblyman. In a letter to Mr. J M. Fraser. Manager of the Singapore Improvement, Mr. Lee said he had
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  • 112 7 Fastest shorthand writer m Singapore today is Mr. Lini Swtp Kiat, 32, private secretary to the Commissioner for Labour. l\!.r,, who passed the |vn I t y of Secreiarirs shorthnul examina I ion with first dass honours, topped speed tetl Rt iho WOPdS Pr mlfltltC last year.
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  • 33 7 Gifts of 4,000 mooncakes The Hi i f il i Red I In Bii ipon the M< v i\ ;terday b) Ibutii,:,. 4 000 mooiv to nearly 20 Institution Hoy, Town, h ipli
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  • 279 7 TN a new drive to increase its principal source of revenue, the Singapore Rural Board has decided to clamp down on landowners who have paid no assessment on their vacant lots. The Board decided to increase the assessment on houses next year. These measures
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1585 8  - The Man in the Iron Wig JONATHAN CURLING THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES by TWO HUNDRED and live years ifO, In the winter (A 1750, fashionable peo p l c looked out ol then w lndows m st. Janu •street and cried "There he gO£fl the Man In t he iron
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 9 picture. CARDS CAN BE TRUMPS for the girl who wants an unusual outfit. Betty Davenport, 21, of Holborn, London, shows how.... An accomplished magician who specialises m card tricks she wears a playing card dress and a bracelet which maintains the theme. Her earrings? The dice.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 105 9 CREDIT MY FIANCEE'S ACCOUNT... AN 18-year-old temporary bank cashier credited his fiancee's account with £40, a court was told. And, said prosecutor Mr. Arnold Hepton at Hull, Yorks, he admitted stealing £250 m six weeks. "He is a very ingenious young man. He perfected a scheme. But he was discovered
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  • 25 9 I slie Ornie Wilson, governor of Queens- Australia, has died m spital at Chertsey, Surafter being involved m road accident. He was TO-Reuter.
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  • 102 9 Flew 12,000 miles and found bride rpWENTY THREE- YEARA OLD R.A.F. mechanic Pat Yearsley flew 12,000 miles to Australia for the Australia Air Force week celebrations and won himself a bride m 15 minutes. The bride, 25-year-old Christine Lees comes from Henley m Aden, Warwickshire. Pat's home is m Stratford-on-Avon,
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  • 230 9 IT 8 o'clock In the morning 400 people arrived uninvited m a farmer's Reid to stage a cock-fight. i i i hallenge match, The County ol 1 v, v. t tie County o! LelX, P licemen, tipped ofl ataoul the illegal i, were
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  • 130 9 npHE Ceylon Minister to Indonesia and CommisA sioner m Malaya, Mr. M. Saravanamuthu said on arrival m Singapore, that he doubted whether the Communists would make any gains m the first popular elections m Indonesia which began on Thursday. r- Mr. Saravanamuthu, who arrived by air,
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  • 272 9 And they lived happily ever after... i£Uin/\wa\ iweetnearts rerry Walton, 16-year-old oft -tall American student, and Carol Martin, pretty, auburn-huin-d, 21 -year-Old London secretary, are on their way back to England aa Mr. and Mrs. Walton. Five and a halt months after running away
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  • 171 9 £6 FOR VANISHED GARDEN MR. JOHN PARKS. the 37-year-old engineer who claimed i £45 10s. from Wbrces- j tor Corporation after the rock garden m front of his council house wa^ i uprooted, has been E offered £6 $50 compensation. Mr. Parks' rock <.',ar- den, In Tudor-way, Dines Green. Worcester,
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  • 165 9 Nile police for a few hours, had another rough shock when they came back. They found a bill for .£lO to pay at a left-luggage office where they deposited all their belonging* In four suitcases last May. "This just about clears us out," said Terry. "We
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 for the most Luxurious sleep E M WkW BwJb IWIBB^ *^L jm mj Jink E mm TM I GOO it ,^k^^ <mm 1 SPRING INTERIOR MATTRESS Pricet from $130.00 I "HYPNOS" Pillows Feather and Down 519.00 each 1 1 Feather Only 51 0.50 each MNCORPORATEO IN SINGAPORE) RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORL
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  • 305 10 WORLD NEWS IN P CTURES picture, picture. The camera focusses on Sir Seymour Howard, Lord Mayor of London, as from the historic Guildhall m the City he makes his speech at the banquet inaugurating. Britain's first commercial television service (above). Popper Queen Mother, Princew Margaret, the (jurm and roan* Prince*
    Popper  -  305 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 27 11 TABLE COOKERS... Especially designed to accommodate local Kwalis are available on hire at only 50 cents per month. Consult your Electrical Contractor or Ring 24/9 Ext. 352
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  • 893 12  -  QUEK AII CHIAN I n? j jQUEK .St-li«»«»l An essay contest on War and Peace, announced by Mr. Cheong Hock Hai, education officer of St. Andrew's School and conducted among senior pupils of Singapore's secondary schools, elicited much response and numerous interesting comments. The
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  • 463 12  - The rebirth OF a vanishing native race ARTHUR SCHOLES By 'phe world's most primitive race bs slowly 1 Winning its battle for survival. Austl stone-age Aborigines last year, for the fli m two centuries. Showed an increase m numbers* The Aborigines numbered about when the white man first went to
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  • 425 12  -  ARCHIE TEAGUE By AUTHORITIES m the desert gambling resort of Las Vegas, m Nevada, have thrown up solid barrters against juvenile runaway marriages m an attempt to erase the "marriage mill" blot that once smeared its reputation. A marriage licence bureau that operates around the
    Free Press  -  425 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1298 13  -  CHARLES LANDSTONE AN OLD THEATRE PROGRAMME AND TWO CHEAPLY PRINTED BITS OF CARD.... RECALLED THE TRAGEDY OF MYRA POOL by I was about to leavi t he roomy SUbUI m winch I hud lived since the end '>t the First War. Th<» time had coma to deal
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  • 363 13 DID IT HAPPEN wanted to deceive Maoom on this point, she wal good enough actress to carry off the lie. r U Huh With her parents dead 1 there were no other relatives left who could say anything aonut Myra's associations at (lie time of Forde's previous visit to England.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 589 14  - Beth's ghost will help you to get slim SYLVIA LA MOND by I ii kocke is well 1> equipped to give omen advice their figures, has the long, of a modelBut v few years ihe weighed over and measured und the hips. Figure ConsulAmerica, and the ghost of Beth her
    Reuter  -  589 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 14 picture. "Poetry," an elegant day dress from the Soviet Zone of Germany, was shown at a propaganda fashion display m the Communist- run Leipzig Fair. In Burgandy velvet, it has an attractive neckline trimmed with white lace. Popper
    Popper  -  38 words
  • 359 14 I'VE been looking the light bright h, the glimmer of tnd wit that any fashion fun. round it, m clothes you can or borrow; In ts you can 1 LSHION: It'« but It make* 1v- try .skirt i like, swinging m,, Hi BICUM bc;:fl
    AP  -  359 words
  • 191 14  -  Louise Petrie by IUDY was talking J excitedly about her new evening dress. In yellow brocade, the tiny flower motifs a shade darker than the ground, the dre s s sounded wonderful and a perfect choice for Judys dark beauty. Then I learned the importance of this
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 67 14 jjiiji .^^r"-.. j Lovely European .V^ //^M^B^y iiiijiiij girls like this '(W^SSSmStSß^^^ ji 'Hazeline' Snow" "^v 1 a i£^ 1f I Hk tin- fu ft >• t i'.ri <>f 'H.i,-' -gMz^fes, <?kin r44 4 HAZE LINE SNOW '.y^ Till r-, ar b of a BURROUGHS WTLL C O M f
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  • 1350 15 I SAY, OLD MAN, THIS JUST ISN'T CRICKET! iw jk hphose dapper, well- turned out men of the Foreign Office must surely ha v n blushed for shame when they s;tw how their boss. Mr Harold Ifacmillan, the For ei^n Becrei ary, turne i out for the Politician* m t
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  • 432 15 VyilEN partner doubles the opening bid f Or a takeout and the next hand takes some action other than a pass you are no longer required to resDond to the double. Hence, anything you do becomes a free bid, which must be based on substantial values m your
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 237 15 DAILY CROSSWORD CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN l Run for an earl and dor. i. sicndor, but headless tor of dnmitv? <»i) o rill 2. Pilot energy (f>>. 4.. Tin;, sort of paper seema to deacribe a goodeoach m V«7' acs l rfl:ur;in e Fianc- (0). (1 -8. i.. internal part
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  • 137 16 DIKIDOZAN'S farewell fight at the Oreal World arena KaBt night was the hardest of his Malayan tour. He was up against the tough, Indian heavyweight champion Dara Singh, and he had to fight every Inch Of the way for a draw. It was
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 16 Uai siM.ii s mobbed Ihc crowd after tin- ftghfl h< had a roufiins reception rrorn his overjoyed sun pntffe who invsuird the rirm and cheered him all the way to hi.s UrrsMiig iooiil.
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  • 647 17  - HEY NEEDED THAT HERD TO FILL A SCREEN HAROLD HEFFERNAN By [BUNG 145 j and crewHollywood Mexico City and ros (COW--00 head or md 300 horses los Organes Zacatecas, M* lenes In u The n" proved to be t and most i ication efr undertaken llywood studio. Gable, Jane Roberi
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  • 259 17 -AND THE PICTURE BARONS ARE HAPPY 'HE over-inflated Las bubble has with a sickening a flock of ywood personalities it profitably the last three years. only are the emporiums at l< irl gambling mcr-iiio;" they've nocked the bottom out fabulous ywood talent paytop Hollywood
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  • 252 17 THIS GOOSE PECKS -on cue ULTIMATE m nonsensical Holly woo d talent learchej has come to an end. aft f r a three-month hunt, din ctor Williani wy ler has found bis desired "cranky goose" fr-i b role In ,i r Oooperi "Thi I rii ndly Pi r luasion," After
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 40 17 JSL eau de r {^r| cologne .J I m;i ftrifff fj robed'unsoir I •v. tfmm *AVBf UMA WATCH CO ITO II Imm^i R<m4 m»« M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds Jewellery 67 .Stamford Rd., (Eu Court 81d^.,) S'porc, 6. Telephone 7923.
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  • Article, Illustration
    518 18 Whisk .md Mr. Owl were very ticited, M also was Toddles, at the light of the gold m the casket and they all began to t at once until a tap at the door stopped their chatter. They looked up to see Hank's face peering around the door.
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  • 850 18  - THE SECRET OF the CAVERN KATHLEEN HICKLEY jiiMHß^^sg^ y ..n.^r New adventures of the Earthmen on the Mystery Planet as told by IT is the ,v« ar £155. An International Spate Patrol rocket ship, ISP 1, has arrived at the newly-dis-covered planet lleuter, where it is susim te that a
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  • 139 18 Many fine efforts submitted TOHSRE ■eu B Vei y BOOd i <■• Mi- anU l oj a itu ing car eni i U being uhmitted from Singapore wid all parti <a the i-» dei itlon Aunl v Wendy re poM: high I ;ir!fl:trfl m thC effoi i ol iin conn
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 81 18 \Down by the Seal (IOLOtJR this picture Of ftfe will he taken into j familiar seaside scene consideration. with paints, (rayons or v Ive ults next Saturday, chalks, and you may urn, one of four cash pri/"s. (iWO for hoys, and tun Name (Master MKs) for j;irls). lill In your
      81 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 171 18 CLUES ACROSS.— I, Is this the commonest British bird? 5, Cry of a sheep. 6, A book byRobert Loui.s Stevenson. 8, In music the opposite of sharp. 10, Breathing organ. 12, Famous American president. Ifi, Rembrandt is famous for his 17. Canadian province between Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains. CLUES
      171 words

  • 110 19 Seletar letter end of the season match \va.s played la^t riday when RAF Changi (■re the visitors m a i iendly match followed by c presentation of cups id medals to United Serces League winners and i rs-up. Final score Changi: 4 I him 1, Spalding. 2
    110 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 19 (Malaya) referees who hart officiated <*t i.'Jii matchei from March to Aligns! These referees Lhangj and Seletar. Standta* (from left): Cpl. Bradley, SAC Wilkinson, LAC kjhr Su,i Newton, sii Mr. Alain. Seated: 8/ Tech Hamill, r o Tucker Cpl. McCulloch, C/Tecb Wrlnge, lit. IVUshan front; cpi. Copelaodi Sgt koUL
    49 words
  • 331 19 The following have been selected to travel: Sgt. Tay- lor (Supply Wing) LAC Hasey (Admin. Wingi, SAC LleweJlyn (Tech. Wing) Cpl.! Corbally (Supply Wing) all of Seletar. Cpl. Rogers (Changi). Ac Korrigan (Changi i, Sqn Ldr. Hogg (Changi). 0 Golf: The Station
    331 words
  • Article, Illustration
    86 19 I n Ron£' n S i n^ ap 4 re soc c (i l eam standi »s (from left): F Sgt. Hayes (trainer, WO R m H Hh*&S^ MKFV?*** l Ki^*™ C'pl. Pratt, J T Nash. O'Neill «f R?F« J\' m w L Af lbrahlm lA< CMarke S ldr Dew-Par^
    86 words
  • 113 19 JACKS S.C. entered thi final of the Singapore Business Houses league and cup competition when they beat Thornycrolt 3-1 m the semi-final replay at F '6 N ground yesterday. Jacks now meet Singapore Telephone Board S.C. at Jalan Besar on Wednesday. Jacks were superior m attack
    113 words
  • 740 19  - LET'S STAMP OUT THOSE 'CREEPERS' IVOR BROADIS says JIMMY < I I lI K I I of tli. Pltyi-rs 1 I'liion could not Mavt- created iii^rr stir m Soccer it he had made ail dub direeton p«v for their own drink R< foi mi are i"n^ overdue i can I
    740 words
  • 57 19 /VAN ENG SENG School vJT beal St.. Andrew's School 3 2 ;i f hockej on the (''.in i'J Mi j j j School ground ye terday A hu Bakfl r LOM N;irn Senß id bis Bens Hock «ored Gan i i.". Seng School md
    57 words
  • 49 19 i ear-old fruit inter B rd Olym javi tto iwln 111. 1 1 f i i Pram md an v thj r Hi r< urned to Dovei b] boat and < ild tr; igali tod a: twa tln th< mind today Km told UP
    UP  -  49 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 30 19 j OCEAN PARK I HOTEL'S S FAMOUS QUINTET Ace Band of Singapore with MISS SALOMA the Malay I "Mai il\ ii Monroe" ()()<> Ring H551 f<>» 1 able I Reservations j
      30 words

    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 116 20 HUTTON IS IN PLASTER I EN HUTTON, the formI > er England cricket cap tain, who has a slipped disc, has been put m a piaster jacket. He will remain m Leeds Infirmary for about a week. The proposed operation on his back has been postponed indefinitely. Two specialists who
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 70 20 Turkey's Cavdet Sumer, riding Seres, placed third yesterday m the final event Of the international horse show at Hinerolo, Italy, for the "Gen. Berta Prix." Sumer'fi mount covered the 14-hurdle course m 1 mm. 40 sec, with 12 penalty points. In the "Gen. Borsarelli Prix"
    70 words
  • 28 20 Eighteen Burmese soccer players arrived m Tokyo last night for a series against Japanese teams. They open at Osaka against an all-star team tomorrow. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 77 20 1 THIRTEEN probables and jockeys for the Newbury Autumn Cup. to be run over 2 miles at Newbury. Berkshire at 1400 GMT today are: A'tivo CA. Breasley). Romany Air (W. Rickaby). French Squadron (C. Gaston). Flame Royal CL, Piggott). Bon Mot H (C. Smirke). King's Love <J.
    Reuter  -  77 words
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 31 20 Singapore II a r b o v r Board Police and 8.0.D. "B" played to a scoreless draw m the 5.11.A. Div. 2 hockey league match at Alexandra yesterday.
    31 words
  • 147 20 records were broken :i1 the annual Hartley Secondary School swimming championships at the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club yesterday Mm Ting Khianj ol niv a received the Individual Laycock Challensi Shield by winning the 200 metre's freestyle, BOm breaststroke, and comiiiK .second m the 100 m
    147 words
  • 217 20 JOHNNY PODRES. celebrating- his twenty-third birthday, silenced the Yanks' big bats yesterday at Brooklyn and the Dodgers won the third game of the World Series B—3. The Yanks still had a 2—l lead m the scries after winning the first two games m their
    A.P.  -  217 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 20 TillE Army three-daj cycle race over a distance of 280 miles V is won by Pte. Allan Jackson of the RA.'VU 1 (left). Sapper S. Boyd of the XI was second. The winner's time was 11 hr. 32 mm. :>5 sec.
    41 words
  • 43 20 Yesterday's U.K. Rugby results were: Rugby League, Yorkshire Cup semi-final: Castleford 8, Halifax 24. Rugby Union club matches: Bridgend 3, Pontypridd 8; Harlequins 6, London Scottish 3; Maesteg 6, Llanelly 3: Rugby 10, Coventry 8; Newton Abott 3, Paignton 8. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 77 20 T>OYAL Air Force Singapore water polo team will tour Ceylon next week. The team »i'.\ leave Singapore on Oct. 3 r.ii will be away for ei^ht to ten days. Seven players have been rhc.sen to make the tour. They •>-.'.'. play four matches. The pi en
    77 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 437 20 TODAY'S SPORT llllll!lllllllll!l!IIIIMI!lllllllllll!ir. MX < I R Sill^.ipo' r I li)ll'H 1 111. ill I lar I pin r lendl) It I- C1 1 Han ttcu i Wmlm b 8.C., 1 ilaa f'<- i 1 ji m illll Xl V sll 1 eaffis*. Wi 1 Cej '"i 1 |,C \>
      437 words
    • 58 20 tW don't let I I THIS Y~ HAPPEN ■M TO YOU! Furniture removing is a jab for experts Your heavy, furniture, porcelain, crystal Silverware needs our expert care. We p'■ crate, transport or store everything fOI PHONE 6577 BAGGAGE SERVICE run TRANSPORT STORAGE a m mm gk L I Ifl
      58 words

  • Unknown
    • 5 1 RACE DAY Special Amateur tipsfers
      5 words
    • 292 1 RAHIM'S choice tor today is TANAH BIJEH SINGAPORE soccer star Rahim Omar's selection for Wednesday's races— WALLA WALLA— ran true to form and gave Rahim his first winner m the Amateur Tipsters' League. Walla Walla paid $12 and $6. Rahim now improves his position. From being minus $10, he now
      292 words
    • 4 1
      4 words
    • 814 1 FREE PRESS RACING CORRESPONDENT OAIN or shine, it's James Aitcli for the Singapore Gold Cup at Bukit Timah today. This smart front-running stayer is equally effective on any going it was soft when he scored his first win over the Bukit Timah mile
      814 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 86 1 TANKARD SAYSMY three best bets for today are: GOLDEN DOLPHIN (Race 2), MALAYAN SCHOLAR (Race 4) and Z A BAG MO Ml (Race 6). RADIO MALAYA will broadcast commentaries on all the races today. They're off but you can catch them with a canon <^> The World* Most Rcm.irk.iblc Precision
        86 words
    • 2800 2 RACE ONE (I. 1. 1)1 3— til 1 11 S 11 Ks DELIGHI J4 9-55 Elbowed nice speed to clock 37 2 few 31 27 :< Ckx feed 311 a 5 [oi 31 M 8 j5 Second to i .< vii i Ing tf-^u bo
      2,800 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 185 2 BETTER PICTURES W AT YOUR J ING 1 R T I V S [\i)otto.nMik 53 Bmm SPOOL TYPE TURRET CAMERA Here is the camera that defies comparison for versatility and value. Combining tho advantages i the finest m Icrv, fjuality 3-lens turret flexibility and spool film economy, it represents the
        185 words
    • 5 3
      5 words
    • 1000 3 RACE 1-2.15: CLAbfr l, DIV. *~6 FURS. 872 PUNTER'S DELIGHT 5y beg (Mr Ac Mm th t 088 LILLIBI'LLKRO 6y br<^ < Mrs Uord in H, i R d eM ?JS «>«niiHl> 030 NATIONAL TRUST 4y ehegCP.H &TW. CtaS H HH, g'}? Hu< on STARRY 6y
      1,000 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1002 3 3F m |t; HiM Wen with 8-10 .n 1)1\ 'J-lin rare ;n 1-44 i-' 5, M Had Naiakal f<w < ompany o 1 w 3F In 2 S SIKAITS CODE: 22-9-55 Finished behind Karrlngay In SF ti <>v: la 40 25; 24-!* < Becond t<> Jasker n
      1,002 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 137 3 Horrockses REG D. GUARANTEED Horrockses h i^Ji^i AyT^k. I CUARANIHO /\jC^J^Cj H Jl£\ coiouns( /\*(*£Jrff\j\ A MARK OF QUALITY J it y a Once seen, the magnificent variety r,f V attractive and colourful patterns offend by Horrockses quickly become an obsession to women of taste. J Sole Agents BOUSTEAD &CO
        137 words
    • 1673 4 FLYING PRINCESS: 15 0-55 Kepi with Golden Melody over 31 id 43; 17-9-55 Kept with Golden Melody over '.ii m 42 2/5; 20-9-55 Weni easily on the bit I over 31 m 4] with Golden Melody; 24-9-55 Thud to I Lil le Pappa In Div.
      1,673 words
      8 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements