The Singapore Free Press, 31 August 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya v ,i. Singapore, Wednesday, August 31, 1955. Price 15Cts.
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  • 109 1 Drugs for Rita after shock Rli lIAYWORTH suf•red such a "severe e nio<ion;il shock'* from her >reak-up with Dick givmei that she was liven drugs by her doctor and confined to bed yesterday. The actress's attorney, Stmuel Zagon, revealed t!u> when he appeared in Hollywood federal court and gained a
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  • 226 1 Strike -hit hotels talk tomorrow NO NEW CONTA CT WITH UNION THE Singapore Hotel Association will meet tomorrow to review the situation In seven strike-hit hotels. A spokesman of the Association said his members had no further contact with the union and it had been agreed not to enter Into
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  • 54 1 Dulles hint rHERE were indications that Soviet military iquipment may have been jffered to Arab states, said Bittfl States Secretary of Itate. Mr. Joton Foster )nlle*. Washington yes.crdav. Mr. Dulles said there was feme reliability in indications but the Sjfc^te DeDartii ent had no, official
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  • 56 1 On.- o* the two model prioners who escaped from lhangi Jail on Saturday, ill bin Hassan, was caught ast night in Moulmein Sreen. The other man. Kok Jek Choa, has already «urrndered^ r li i r d prisoner. Chia rue, who escaped from Outam Jail, on the
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  • 25 1 A;. Egyptian soldier was ißed yesterday and five iviiians wounded in three lathes with Israeli forces i the Gaza border strip. P.
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  • 20 1 Sir Winston Churchill will y to the South of France ext month for a few eek.s' holiday- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 78 1 THEY CLEAN STREETS— BY MACHINE ANEW road -sweeping machine commissioned by the Singapore City Council to do the job of strikers went into operation today. Another machine is being tried out to clean the drain*. The machine can clear 12 cubic feet of rubbish i<i an hour. Mr. G. Kdmond.
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  • 45 1 A small explosive ehartfe was set off yesterday just beneath the window* of President Juan Peron'.s #mce in Oaaa Rosada. the Government House in Central Buenos Aire-s Police said the explosive, thrown from a speeding car went off harmle&lv UP.
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  • 33 1 September first grade rubber buyers f.o.b, opened in Dir.Kapore this morning at Si.40 3 per lb.. down flveeiunths of a cefnt on last night's close. Tpe opening t< ne was quiet.*
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  • 89 1 MALAYS have increased in greater numbers than Chinese, according to the report for 1954 on population by the Federation's Registrar of General of births and deaths. Since the 1947 census, Malaysians have increased In numbers by 465.816 and Chinese by 331.571. There were 2,893,650 Ma- layttani In
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  • 88 1 I'n.LIAM Francis, of Iverhead. New York, is ful for the car acci^ the was in— ft brought Uht to him after 10 of darkness. I'm so happy I'm almost Francis said at the ■stand he operates. "I can see the customers light matches. I can
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  • 391 1 Tvnyku** rail to iiriiain pHE British Government and the Malay Rulers must be prepared to foster nationalism in Malaya or hand the country over to the Malayan Communist Party, said Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Federation's Chief Minister, at this morning's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council.
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  • 58 1 Ti hi i:m TOSIS continued lo be Malaya's No 1 killer la*t y^ar, arrording to the annual report of the Kef Utrmr of Kirth* and Deaths, Mr, E. M McDonald. ÜbifM at today's Federal I>egislative Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur. More than ii.uu people
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 FREE TODAY: 48-page Malayan Industries Supplement w^m^mm I^* the iDOn T3CCS rREE TOMORROW: Complete Form G^iide tor vj^JL
      18 words
    • 121 1 ■^1 Ht^a^. J .^BB& *3bt B^^' r :^M 4 ft vJB %L--'mJF «9j 'I C. »f M* jStA jk m pA i ft js&i jEbT I y Nature intended all to enjoy complete <^\ and THtiiceful »leep each nijcht in order to gain itr«ngth. energy and onftdenc* a(^ JM *tj
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  • 122 2 o.i viant a Pakistani law student, told Karachi reporters yesterP^v thafhe 'pfam f^ne-man-Goa-style'- protest invasion of the Indian-occupied part of Kashmir on J^g M3 demonstration) he e l a d n whi,.do?ewS he Sd release at the border. Tied to its r K woufdVa
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 2 picture. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the Commission-er-General, being greeted by Mo- M. SaraTanamuthu, the Ceylon Commissioner In Malaya, on his arrival at the Ceylon Sports Club, Singapore, last niffht. Mr MacDonald was given a farewell cocktail party by the Club. On the left "p« Mrs Saravanamu-: thu. Free Press
    Free Press  -  48 words
  • 95 2 A PORTUGUESE military tribunal has sentenced eight Goan Hindus charged with subversive activities, to prison terms ranging from one to 12 years with fines and ruspension of political rights, it was announced in Panjim yesterday. One man was acquitted. The group were arrested
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  • 100 2 DRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S plan for mutual aerial inspection by the United States and the Soviet Union of each other's establishments as a means of preventing surprise attack and ffivine warning of mobilisation, has been supplemented by a proposal to we ground observers as well. This
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 37 2 Most of the mutineers of ttte Sudan Defence Force fled from their headquarters at !Xtett before government troops" arrived to detain them following an uncondi--1 tional surrender, reports 'From the south said y ester- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 334 2 DULLES: TIME NOT RIGHT YET FOR POLL IN VIETNAM MR. JOHN FOSTER DULLES, the U.S. Secretary of State, said in Washington yesterday the Inited States certainly agreed with Premier Ng<> Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, that conditions in North Vietnam were not right for frte elections. In reply to a
    A.P.  -  334 words
  • 13 2 All British operational trooos will leave Austria by September 19.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 112 2 Shocked Ministers -but he got his story A GREEK Jour, shocked the tish, Greek and Tin tfril Foreign Ministei London yesterday by sitting unobserved through the opening session of their secret conference on Cyprus and other East Mediterranean questions. The reporter identified as Mr. Kar.ivi.iv diplomatic correspondent of a Greek
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 2 The Bishop of Singapore, the Rtfht licv. H. W. Baines, yesterday dedicated and blesscvl the new vicarage of St. Paul's Church in Upper Seranftoon Koad, Singapore. The Archdeacon, the Rt. Rev. Robin Woods (centre back) a principal of St. Andrew's School. R. K. S. Adams, also took part in the
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 1 Bajaj Tf&ttes'^ i Sensational Hit! I I' 1 EXCLUSIVE I DRESS F&TOIICS by well "known k manufacturers from I SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY AND ENGLAND mi are now on display at j I I iirvattu flfrfff c*>d Prices! I I i PLEASE CALL EARLY at your favourite store- BAJAJ TEXTILES,
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  • 215 3 Not subject to US law at time says Chaplin rILM star Charles Chaplin has protested the S. government's asses- sing him U.5.5516.167.47 about M51.500.000 in income taxes and interest for 1953. US Tax Court records snowed yesterday. Chaplin, who left the United States m 5
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  • 148 3 POLICEMEN NOT GUILTY OF MURDER InHARGES against two H H police inspectors f Murdering an African ifSSSSSd t in court in K-nya, yesterday afU tte magistrate. Mr. A. C. r f: e 0 n said medical ev P had materially alL id 'he position." Th, 'inspectors were then .uiUed with
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 54 3 Christopher Rees, 24--rear-old Welsh Nationalist vho unsuccessfully camwisned as a candidate durng the British general elec:ion last May while in prison, has been released from Swansea, Wales, jail after serving a six-month sentmce. He was convicted for refusing to submit to a medical examination under the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 25 3 Encephalitis, a brain disease, has afflicted 202 Koreans, mostly children, in he past three weeks. The ieuth toll has reached 55. A.P
    A.P  -  25 words
  • 18 3 A- station on show Russian hosts showed Isitine Yugoslavs the Soiet atomic power station lear Moscow yesterday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  18 words
  • 22 3 MAXIMUM price tar **ftjl 31 will be raised on s* >t. iD tl n has unoun- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 225 3 'Cruel 9 punishment may be outlawed HPHE first U.N. congress on prevention of crime and treatment of offend- ers meeting in Geneva yesterday approved a 'prisoners charter" prohibiting "all cruel, inhuman or degrading punishments. It adopted a set of 95 standard minimum rules which would
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 piciure. MISS DIANA ST l"®*™. "g^™",,,' S n^re" with celebrate her t» en '*l" rst J%* s t a .L,?i<.k s n 1>low her parents, Mr and W. f. StrcdwitK > stred therapist- Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 48 3 BRITONS are smokinf so many cigaj rettes that some com- panics have begun rationing dealers, it was i disclosed in London yesterday. Manufacturers say supplies are low not because of a shortage of tobacco but because the factories cannot 1 keep up with the dt_ 111,111(1- U.P.
    U.P.  -  48 words
  • 68 3 rALIAN police claimed yesterday their weekend sweep through the bleak Calabrian hilta had smashed the power of bandit king Antonio Marci 1 The Wolf of Aspromonte" I —and his 200 Outlaws. Thirty member* of the gang had been arrested, and the rest were fleeing
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  • 132 3 rpHE British Ministry of 1 Housing yesterday refused to confirm an application by Eton Urban Council to purchase compulsorily part of the famous playing fields of Eton, England's leading public school, to build flats. The college Itself had not objected to the proposal but
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 29 3 Austrian Alpine rescue t^ams yeaU-rday came upon five students mis-sin* s nee Sunday in the Alps. Lin/ reported. They wenexhausted but otherwise unhurt. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 25 3 The Japanese Foreign Office Is concerned over the reported bad treatment of fishermen held In South Korean detainment camps In Pasan A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 208 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, Aug. 31, 1955. Opinion CHEAPER LIVING rpHE improving situa- tion in the Federation added to the general world trend promises to provide the Singapore Government with a heaven-sent opportunity to lower the cost of living. Any appreciable reduction, it must be agreed, would be a
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  • 426 4  - Jamaica tackles its biggest task PHIL MAGELSDORF by HP HE byword for A Jamaica is development. Faced with wide unemployment and a low standard of living, the present government of Chief Minister Norman W. Manley has set its sights on improving both situations. Its goals: Development of industry, development of
    A.P.  -  426 words
  • 260 4  -  UNKNOWN FDFDF TIE fining of a man for pulling the communication cord without reasonable excuse recalled the story of George Moore in a train with Dr. Gogarty. Moore was admiring a view from the window. "I'd give £5," he said, "to be able to stop and look
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  • 667 4 'Housecleaning' in a Red state Here's what happens to "unwanted" people in the big cities of a country when Communists are in power HUNGARY has launched a new wave of deportations of 'superfluous" citizens from Budapest and other major cities to sparsely populated areas on the nation's inhospitable plains. Persistent
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 23 4 i "In Singapore i \'BSENA's\ I 5 always' for I HIGH CLASS JEWELLERY I I 11. SENA LTD.! SINCAPORE. PENANC b BANGKOK C
      23 words
    • 149 4 l Helena Rubinstein's ICOLOR-TINT RINSES] Rinse your hair /flj^i- WBt^k Swith shining colour— jp < wash it out m I at ui//. Ny^ II^LAMOROVS colour that V VJ can be rinsed into your Hltfe IM^ hair and washed out again at I Hi I the very next shampoo Colour t
      149 words

  • 881 5  -  adelaide Eastley BV.. BACK IN LONDON FROM JUNGLE LfERE in Singapore H one race which, In p. filiation statistics t any rate, is at the ottom of the heap in anal representation, s the Japanese. Ind now we have one lr Toshi Sugita, plainively sneaking for 300 apanese
    Reuter  -  881 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 iipiiißiiißiilWlWßlLWil"*™" l^ ASAHI Cultured QQ Pearls GRACEFUL v AND lustrous ly&Sfi' Necklaces fillip Chokers Earrings Brooches k a variety of designs now on display L P. H. de SUVA LTD. IINGAPORE IPOH KUALA LUMPUR I 45. HIGH STREET SINGAPORE I STATION RD. IPOH. 6. EMBANKMENT K LUMPUR mm ■...■un«n..«:: 1
      56 words
    • 201 5 D6C C 8 "i3? ER^ M r C^ 78 r.pjn. SUndard Record* \^S POPE7OO6 IARA MIA (David WhitAekl) V«*il-vldi-vlci (The Dennis WLslon Quartet. 7010 THAT'S ALL I WANT FROM YOU (9uil MllU-r with Johnny DotmlaM T>»eedi«e-L>ee <Suzl MUWr aiid The Johnetun Broti). 7011 HI 'BBLE BI'BBLE— Th« JohnaUm Bn*. Cl»ee
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 YOUR JFAVOURITE CARTOONS 'MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis V x s—A *™i)\ igrP~lgg^S«U SIT DOWN ll«t y^"HUMAN?yI ff\ "p^i— V*?l /nO-'BILUONS/ j fc^Mj TARZAhT by Edgar Rice Burroughs JL '"V-^Jr^V^T y QJ<?E PO<2 SLCCPING SCIC- 1 /T/iTVkT^^^^ -1 2hJft*>>ay?/ S^Tj NESS gELPM^'S TO SaENC£- l< I \J/Um^rj\lb~~7~/ -Jh^S-Mt
      153 words
    • 480 6 YOUR I LUCKY STAR BORN today, you are one of u. individuals apparently destined fame and success. You may be b to rule— but, if not. you will ri.,< leadership through your own int< Lual force and vigorous power. You know how to recognise opp tunities; seize them and make
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  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 211 7 LONDON. Aug. 30. WW B» a Previous loday vo 1 ESS eXf. 40 7 S buyers 40 > 2 buyers BBK an Ports September 41 sellers 40 sellers jurop^n r° rw j H RS8 cXI. 40 buyers 40 buyers r BBK Ports October 41 sellers 40 sellers
      211 words
    • 105 7 NEW YORK. Aug. Previou, Today IN Straits *pot and nearby 95.75 nom. 95.75 Dot) IN futures August 96.00 nom. deleted September 94.80 bid 94.80 bid 95.80 asked 95.60 ask< October 94.05 bid 94 05 bid 95.05 ask d 94.80 asked ONF: Stead?. SALES: Nil. IBRTR futures September
      105 words
    • 38 7 Spot and awaiting Malabar 44. n,. September 43. Saraik and afloats 39^. Afloats 39. Sept. 39. Lampong spot and awaiting ™te*f*">?llT£ <£L* Sept. shipment 43 sellers ex-dock. .pot Above prices quoted in U.S. cents per lb.
      38 words
    • 36 7 NEW YORK. Aug. M Previous Today I Industrials 464.37 464.67 I Railroads 156.50 156.50 I P°.™* tic B° nd 25 ii 66.06 I tilities DO i2 iR««ft I Stocks Composite Average 166.87 166.88
      36 words
    • 112 7 j Aug. 30. Previou* Today loFRA Philippines ci.f. UK/ I North European delivered I^Hght per long ton ***f $172 v_ sellers $170 nom loPRA Philippines f.o.b.' Maniia Unquoted in bulk per ton Unquotea ■oi'RA Straits c.Lf. UK/North I Kuropean delivered weight per I long fa. A«g./Sept
      112 words
  • 176 7 DEBATE ON NEW ATTAP HOUSES FOR CITY A SINGAPORE City Council committee report, recommending that a .scheme be worked out to allow attap house.s within the city, will come uy for debate at the Council's meeting today. If approved, it means that areas already occupied by attap dwellings, and the
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  • 68 7 CARRIER HAS FLOWN 201 SORTIES THE British aircraft carrier H.M.S. Eagle has operated 201 aircraft sorties to date, the largest number ever flown by any British carrier. She has been on Intensive flying training in the Mediterranean since May. An Admiralty spokesman says that the Eagle, now on her way
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  • 37 7 The Udayakalasmithi of Bukit Panjang, Singapore, presented a drama to a packed community centre hall in celebration of the Indian Onam festivalthanksgiving for a good harvest. The drama was in Malay alam.
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  • 154 7 Budget to be discussed in Colony SINGAPORE City Council O wll K ive a reception to delegates to the Congress of the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organisation which wiH be held in the city from September 13 to 19. The congress will
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  • 238 7 Wanted: Telephonists for Colombo Plan talk in S'pore SINGAPORE Government Is busy looking for secretaries, stenographers, telephone girls and receptionists at the first Colombo Plan conference to be held in the Colony from Oct. 17-22. They have found a few so far. But it h£tf not yet named its delegates
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  • 201 7 JAP SETTLERS? A DELICATE QUESTION PROMINENT Singapore Chinese who suffered under the Japanese during the occupation years were chary yesterday of commenting whether the Japanese should be allowed into Malaya when the country gets her independence. "It's a difficult and deli- cate question," said Mr. T W Ong, who led
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 45 7 THE OLDEST SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLERS IN THE WORLD I Dependability And Reliability Arc guaranteed By SINGAPORE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Expert Packers Of Many Years In Association With SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT tf Thr Arc ad,. Bl»fM~* »Jj Jf" Kod K ,r StnMt KuuU l.ampar TH^
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  • 1413 8  - THE GRIM SECRET of MOAT FARM Florence A. Kilpatridc by FDFDF For four years, no questions were asked about the Vanished Lady, then rumours began to circulate... MISS CAMILLE HOLLAND finished the story she had composed in her neat precise handwriting. The theme was, as usual, of love, though she
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  • 362 8  -  JAMES BACON by OARITA MONTIEL, beautiful Spanishborn actress, is one of the few people who ever has a good thing to say about the Hollywood traffic problem. "I love eet.' f she says. "I love eet best on the freewavs where I can zeep, zeep, zeep."
    A.P.  -  362 words

  • 621 9 HE ONCE FLED TO STORE AFTER ARREST AN English priest wno, after being arrested in d^ to a year's imprisonThirty seven year old Robert Parkin Peters was fonvicted of stealine a lire-purchase car and of Staining a £35 diamond engagement ring by false pretences.
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  • 264 9 CORPORAL, YOU CAN PUT AWAY THAT 'RED' TAPE MEASURE THE corporal on duty outside Catterick Camp's Naafi club took one look at the young cavalryman's immaculate "civvy" trousers, and called for a tape measure. Then he knelt down carefully measured round the trouser-turnups with their knife-edge creases, and told the
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  • 104 9 A SMALL black dot decided to keep cool. She took to the i water at Seaford, Sus- sex. but the ebb tide i carried her out pwUU I I ly, and then i A man plunged in to j rescue her. The tide
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 9 Glynis Johns, who E plays Josephine, and Peter Finch are shown here as they appear in s 5 the Boulting Brothers new British film comedy E 'Josephine and Men.' E Glynis wtts voted top E E woman box-oHice at- traction in the 195* E popularity polls. Petjr E Finch is
    67 words
  • 157 9 a WOMAN who used to A o Wn a Mayfalr shop m sffik^murt take quite a bit of doing," Mr Henry Elam depufjr chairman of "Si »ea gumy to converting £28 to ner own use. thr This happened said the a |LT"h n op
    157 words
  • 164 9 Son of 16 said 'no divorce A BOY of 16, a Roman Catholic, had decided that at all costs his parents must not be divorced, a judge said in London. But Judge Rowe Harding added: "I am not here to administer the law of the Roman Catholic Church or ol
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 (Removable, portable take it anywhere y CmOpm«MoMNi.9Q The world-famous Dazey can opener designed for use on any non -porous surface glazed tile, plate glass, stainless •steel porcelain and enameled metals. No screws, nails or tools necessary Available with magnetic lid lifter. In colors. from 520..W. THE MARDEN CO., ?8 82.
      70 words
    • 62 9 CCYMA /Jr^ c /^Sfa SEAUTY AND p«cision U /7 for Perfection in TimeW X Keeping-Its lovely to look at -delightful f to own /T. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL /^IHrSA lEADING WATCH DEALEKS YOV CAN TELL BV THE FEEL SHROFFS CARPETS 47.49, STAMFORD HOAD SINGAPOM PI"»-« »0? T PITMAN'S PUBLICATIONS Avruto for
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  • 369 10 ROUND ABOUT S'PORE FDFD m m& mm ■MiiHAllili lloun to earth... (TOP, left): A big mouthful maybe for a little man, bat that didn't stop four-year-old Cyrus Medora from enjoying this piece of roasted suckling pig even if it meant using his fingers to hold it with. Cyms, brothers and
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  • 932 12  - These Russian women -they're tough! SHELLEY ROHDE by Ytrhospent a tourist-week in Moscow TOOK over a Russian girl's Job for a day. For two hours high above the clouds somewhere between Moscow and Leningrad, I knew something of what it is like to be a girl worker in Russia. The
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  • 415 12 FDSFD rS a good fault to be forgiving, I suppose. Yet I don't know. Eve once lured me to the top of a Ferris wheel where we sat in the darkness, singing wildly in a crazy chair. I have no head for heights and .clung despairingly to
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  • 281 12 Miss Ma nil Weerakoon's 17 inch waist recently posed the question: Who has the smallest waist in London? Here Mrs. Matthews seems to provide the answer ...and the lape measure* only seventeen inc-lio* I UNBELIEVABLE as it may seem there is a 17-inch jui \j in
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  • 124 12 milE widow of ex-Resi--1 mental Sergeant-Major J. D. L. Hayley has presented his medals to the museum of the Royal West Kent Regiment at Maidstone. Hay ley's three sons are still in the Army. Together with their father they share 106 years service
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  • 402 13  -  RICHARD HUGHES When melody invades politics the music makers feel the blast of an ill wind i by a STRANGE, "war of A songs' 1 has broken out between the Japanese communist Party and Japanese conservative interests. Each side is busily organising local community
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 496 13  - Mr. Fisher is still TRUMPS FRANCIS MARTIN by 4 FTER two and half years, Eddie Fisher is declared by his recording company to be top-seller and trump card still. Last Fisher lontfplay they put out was a ten-incher with six sentimental 'oldies" on each side. "My Serenade To You." Seem
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  • 371 13  - 'Boogie-woogie as dangerous as poison gas' RICHARD HANSER by iLTHOUGH the Soviet Union and fcr satellites keep deDunoing American 1 as a symptom of k-f'adent capitalism," fcy can't stamp it out -hind the Iron Curin. Imerican jazz in all its ftifestatlona is regarded Russian psychological ateglst* as one of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 52 13 The Ladies Choice carvenfe) parfums tie Paris J*]*jL MA G R I F F E /t\ "/'V CHASSE GARDEE 1 ROBE DUN SOIR /AA A/ s CrtoinoW* al loading Sl»»t t A Vtl If ÜBA WATCH CO LTD <^^>*J PACKING I i b, i r TRANSPORT STORAGE LTD. 173 CECIL
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  • 2193 14  - THE INDUSTRIOUS ANTS... H.E. BATES n» IX IS novels hare been trans- l.ihfi into 16 languages. life short stories stand high in the list of dollar earners. When he joinrd the KAF in the war he was given the job of writing short stories about Air Force life. They became
    KOOLMAN  -  2,193 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 36 15 THIS wide winter stole for lUj or evening wear in GREEN South West African Persian f lamb, is from the e autumn collection of I London designer Ron- aUi Patterson.
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  • 518 15 iMiiiiiiiliiiiW If ihiilmT liSiinK ™^^f^jj^___m A SOMBRE winter lies ahead for the women who can afford couture clothes. Colours are cloudy and dark in tone, reminiscent of London fogs and autumn leaves in the parks. Here and there we find the red glow of a watchman's brazier,
    Rudolf  -  518 words
  • 193 15 THE CHOICE. A children's menu served at London s Savoy Hotel, alongside the normal postersize menu, so that the youngsters can have something less indigestible than lobster thermidor and chicken a l» kl On the menu is minced liver, spinach, carrots semolina pudding stewed prunes and rhubarb.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 894 16 DOLORES IS JUST WONDERFUL I T1 1 •vI i nl E 1 iTS <'Jfwn T MET Bob Hope's wife. Dolores, the other night. I shan't forget the occasion. She is one of the most fascinating women I have ever met She is tall. slim, attractive of course. But possessed of
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  • 57 16 I HEARD about a restaurant near neet-street which, owing to structural repairs, now has to carry a notice, "This building is dangerous, enter at your own risk." And such is human nature that "if anything" says the proprietor, "we get more people than ever in
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  • Article, Illustration
    427 16 SIXTEEN prearranged "par" deals recently played in more than 150 U.S. colleges to decide the 1955 Intercollegiate Bridge Championships, are being presented each day in this page. To play these deals in your own game, instead of reading the par results now. save the entire series until completed.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 197 16 CLUES ACEOSS 5 Moan for th« Isle of Man. (4). 1 Her cares are confused (8). 8 Oae mi^ ht tW o separate 7 Gin, but not to drink (5). £s in the middle of these 8 Comfort a fish moetly (7). Instruments (6). 9ls thl. an injunction to a
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  • 615 17  - FIG LEAVES TABOO FOR EVE JAMES BACON By So search is on for that perfect ostume LX>R the first time in Hollywood memory, a producer is conducting a world wide search for a costume designer. And what's really strange about the search is that the Job requires costumes for Adam
    A.P.  -  615 words
  • 450 17 'GIVE ME THE FEAR OF GOD' cries De Mille TSCAPE has long u been the basis for great literary works and screen dramatisations—e scape from prison, from illness, from destruction, from poverty and so on. So there Is plenty of tension on the big tage at a Hollywood tudio as
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  • 15 17 A Th rK «U« »l A»«JJ" T "u™. «r«-.. IT- P»'"
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  • 98 17 THEY RE predictinr that Joan Crawford's new husband. Alfred Steel?, the aoftdrink baron, will soon branch out a bit and take an active financial Intercut In his bride's profession Back from a sixweek honeymoon trip across Europe, the Steeles hare checked In at a Hollywood studio,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 39 17 Stir p«u mio hot water and botl far one minute only. Sweeten and fUvour to uste. J Stnn and tenre bu< or cold. just a, vmpU that. A*d r~»*T «"W* J'' ,to« Aw. rm n~i mb <•"""<* >-"-'•' tlu moment.
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  • 42 18 BILL CALVERT (Singapore) gets in m straight right to the head of Aye Ko (Burma) in their bantamweight bout daring the first day of the South East Asia boxing championships o n Monday. Calvert won on point.
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  • 235 18 Chelsea are on top —and they mean to stay there pHELSEA know its tough at the top. They found out \j the hard way. But after 50 years of glorious and inglorious soccer they captured the coveted title of football champions of England. This season they will learn its even
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 67 18 R.A.F. Changi Hockey selectors have chosen the following teams to play in the Singapore seven-a-side hockey tournament which starts today. Changi "B" v C.S.C. today: LAC Ramee; LAC. Shanmugam, Cpl. Rogers; LAC. Jesson; LAC Maniam, Pit. Off. McLelland, LAC Martin. Changi "A" v. Y.M.SA. tomorrow
    67 words
  • 23 18 Mr. and Mrs. R. K. L. Wingate won the mixed four-, 'omes (nineholp, stableford) competition at the Royal Singapore Golf Club.
    23 words
  • 238 18 pOYAL Singapore Golf Club u> beat Royal Air Force by 15 matches to 12 in a golf match over the weekend. Results Ot.S.Q.C. players first): Foursomes: Stirk and Paterson beat Beamish and Forrest; Harvey and Kane lost to Brown and O'Carroll- Thomson and Thome-Thome
    238 words
  • 131 18 T)ETER May, England's 26-year-old cricket captain, took home to Reading with him after his team's teat-match victory at Kenninoton Oval, match-box passed to him by Jack Cheetham, captain of South African team, It was originally given to Cheetham by the Mayor of Cheltenham ivho hoped it would
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  • 350 18 AMERICA FACES TENNIS CRISIS A MTCRICAN TENNIS EXPERTS AGREED A UNANIMOUSLY THAT THE DAVIS CUP WILL STAY IN AUSTRALIA INDEFINITELY, WITH NO SERIOUS CHALLENGE FROM THE U.S. IN SIGHT. "The cup is "Down Under" indefinitely and everybody from the players to the U.S.L.T.A. officials realise it." wrote Jim Burchard of
    U.P.  -  350 words
  • 83 18 JOHORE BAHRU RA JUBILEE SHOOT A SMALL-BORE rifle com- petition wiil be held at the Johore Bahru Rifle Association range on Sept. 24 as part of the Sultan of Johore's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The competition, open to all small-bore rifle association clubs and teams in the Federation ajid Singapore, will
    83 words
  • 243 18 A small football league pro- gramme last night saw Bristol City gain a 5-2 win over Rotherham who only missed promotion to Div. 1 last season by a fractional goal average. Bristol City, promoted from Div. 3, thus completed the season's first double as they had
    243 words
  • 20 18 VESTERDAY'S Rugby League results: Dowsbury 12. Warrington 8: Doncaster 13, Batleji 4; Roohdalo Hornetc 12 Olriham 4. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 365 18 Ma played football too... LOOKING back to the days of her youth. Mrs. Mary Alice Dixon, of Preston, who has been celebrating her golden wedding anniversary, recalls how she and her workmates at the local firm of Dick, Kerrs spent their lunch hour kicking screwed-up paper along the floor of
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

    R.M.  -  316 words
  • 54 19 Mtas Angela Mortimer and Miss Angela Buxton (Britain* beat Mta Hhirlcy Fry and MLis Doria Hart <V& > 4-6, 6-4. 6-2 in the double nnal of the Essex Country Clubs women's Imvn tennir tournament at Manchester, M;».^s, yesterday. MLw Fry oeat MUs Hart 7-5. 3-5. 6-2
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 119 19 rF SOUTH JOHORE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB OPENS nsfflSSoN witTi a match against the naval BASE AT SELETAR ON SEPT. 3. A welcome return to the fifteen Is Norman Robert*, one of the finest threequarters of two sea>son.s ago, who Ls back from leave In
    119 words
  • 13 19 T«la\\ ties in the T IICi Ehw s°»s On, M £2
    13 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
      74 words
    • 26 19 OCEAN PARK HOTEL'S FAMOUS QUINTET Ace Hand of Singapore with i MISS SALOMA i the Ma l.i y "Marilyn Monroe" Kinxi ***** for 1 able Reservation*
      26 words

  • 140 20 rpFIK Norwegian runnri Audun Boyson. beat has own 1 world record for 1.000 metres with a time of Z min. II MC. at Stockholm yesterday The old record wa> I min. M »<•<* Second man in the race was Poul Smith of W (.< rmany in
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 336 20 HAMPSHIRE had the distinction of overthrowing the county cricket champion, Surrey, by 129 runs yesterday. It was their 15th win of the summer, the most rames they have ever won in a season, and put them in third place, behind Yorkshire in
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 33 20 t>. LEVERS tChangl) won the 25-mile time trial cycle race organised by the Seletar Cycle Racing Club at Bukit Timah on Sunday. His time was lhr. 2min 51ser.
    33 words
  • 189 20 SINGAPORE'S swimming champion and Olympic representative, Neo Chwee Kok, won the 1,500 metres event on the final day of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association championships at the Chinese Swimming Olub yesterday. Chwee Kok was an easy winner by two and a half pool lengths from
    189 words
  • 177 20 8. AFRICA— Ist Inns: 254 MIDDLESEX— Ist Inns: 108 SOUTH AFRICA— 2nd Inns Endean b Titmus 39; Goddard c Bdrich b Warr 0; Duckworth b Moss 10; Waite c and b Titmus 12: McLean c Warr b Young SS: Cheetham c Robertson b Titnrn* 5: Wirislow c D. Compton
    177 words
  • 43 20 KEN Rosewall (Australia) is favoured to win the United States lawn tennis singles championship which opens in New York on Friday. He is top seeded overseas player. Vic Seixas. the holder. U second seeded behind Wimbledon chamnion Tonv Trabert.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 170 20 HEAVY GOING AT IPOH FREE PRESS RACING CORRESPONDENT 'TWERE was some excitement at the Ipoh racecourse this morning when Star Signal, a bright prospect for the $25,000 Sultan's Gold Vase bolted after throwing his jockey, Don Paterson. The runaway horse crashed against the rail
    170 words
  • 186 20 MIDDLESEX. REQUIRING 334 IN THEIR SECOND INNINGS TO BEAT THE SOUTH AFRICANS AT LORDS YESTERDAY. WERE SKITTLED OUT FOR 98. LOSING THE MATCH BY 235 RUNS After saving the follow-on by three runs on Monday, Middlesex dismissed the Springboks for 187 and were left to
    186 words
  • 24 20 Germany defeated Sweden. 119 points to 93. in a two-day track and field meet at the Olympic Stadium In Stockholm yesterday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 98 20 SOCCER SBHFA League and Cui Group "A M S.T.C. v F A Jalan Besar; Group "B": For v Malayan Airways. S.T.t Sime Darby v Bren»riPi Farrer Park, firoup "C" C4 Storage v Guthrie, SII.B Group "D"- Thornycrofi i Stan vac F N. HOCKEY S.H.A. seven-a-side touinrr Ceylon S.C
    98 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 569 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. UfHOOfCUDTf 29 »rd» $f < minimum GRAND CLEARANCE SALE of all remaining Carpel* and Rugs" at OrteaUl Carpel PftlftCt. 295-7 Orchard Road. S rwre. Phone <>447J CORONA FLORIST Opening on Ist September Ready t9 vrve with a Wile Ran-e of Fresh Cui Flov. er.s for All Occasion* Call
      569 words
    • 201 20 NOTICE SINGAPORE MARITIME EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION A Federation to represent the interests of Ship Owners and others employing local seamen has been registered under the Singapore Trades Union Ordinance. It Is understood that to date there are nine members of the Federation and that other Ship Owners who employ local crews
      201 words
    • 16 20 W/^M^l^'ZjS-^' AMSTERDAM V 3 I every J^A twenty four hours. f/f/, J^fk Xff/t BOY4I OUrCM iP
      16 words