The Singapore Free Press, 22 August 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale in Malaya ;I I >inj{:»norp, Mon.. Ail*. 21, |f):>:>. Price 13 (ts
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  • 520 1 NEW CLASH TODAY: 11 MEN HELD Riot squad out as groups of strikers roam city streets (JMALL groups of City Council strikers tned Singapore streets this morning, throwing ties at refuse vans, updustbins and intimidating new workEleven strikers were rrested when crowds hed with the police Beach Road and nder
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  • 239 1 Duke of Edinburgh yesday blocked the road ith his Land Rover to prereporters and camera D In cars following PrmMargaret, now aged 25 lie set out from Balmoral in Scotland on a f !iday picnic. Princess, still limping spraining her ankle in ill the
    U.P.  -  239 words
  • 20 1 4 m 11*1.1 2 5« r«« -»-rt t lt<l llic fourth ii listtd M miwiiifc.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • 25 1 Negotiation! to settle the two and a half month-old strike A| the Firestone -factory in G<ylanK started at the Singapore Labour Ministry fc*
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  • 260 1 Morocco riot dead 800: Jets open fire TKOOI'S and militar> equipment were Mown from Paris to Morocco yester- IJf as a fresh wave of violence bioke out after Saturday'i bloody rioting. put fi roll he week-end's I B rb«-r n arrived In Khourlbga. Boon fro ihouting demonstrat into the European
    Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  260 words
  • 24 1 Moscow Radio yeiterday quoted the Soviet magazine News ;i.s saying it ht>i>«'<i Britiiti Prime Minuter Sir Anthony Bden would vi*u Russia ■oon
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  • 29 1 The BlAgftDOre Rubber MnrIcet opened toll morning <>n fcn uncertain torn* with |TAdt, September ihlpmtni, at $142 a lb., 2' i cents bolow Saturd^y,, (lost 1
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    • 64 1 ■ft w <^» juj 10 i H T 18 I MHd^l ■J w «38 Hv A S3 i i i I > wR H f&& V i 1 1 PB i HIGH POTENCY FORMULA ■W4L42JUM M I'm Am i 20M< Potency w. p ormui> > r IN BOTTLES OF 100
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  • 113 2 SINGAPORE'S Chief Minis tea-, Mr David Marshall turned cameraman (above picture) at a private Chinese dinner he tfave W> tne Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox -Boyd, at the Capitol Biue Room on Saturday nljrht. Mr. Lennox-Boyd is in the left background, with head turned in conversation with
    Free Press  -  113 words
  • 426 2 SUDAN MUTINY: EGYPT SEEKS BRITISH AID pGYPT today officially proposed to Britain that J British and Egyptian troops be sent to the South Sudan to restore order after the outbreak of mutiny there. Major Salah Salem. Egyptian Minarter in charge of Sudan attains, proposed that a round-table conference of Budanese
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  • 18 2 Two crewmen were mLs.sing rday following an cx]>\<>ano Rre aboard the 1 000--ton Qreek tankex Phr>nc.
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 2 Mr. Chia HtOg (Ink and Miss ClMBg Sui Lin after (heir Marriage at the I'M«* Church in i'misiy Street, Singapore. The bride ls the daughter <>f Mr. Mrs. Cheng Kuang Yu and tho bridegroom is the son of Mr Mrs. Chia Poh Jiang, both of Singapore.- Free Press picture
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 128 2 TEAR GAS ROUTS SCREAMING STRIKERS |>OLICE hurled back icreamI Ing striking steels er wltta tear Its b from the door- of prefecture at Albi. Fr yesterday. One policeman and five strikers were injured. The riots started around midnight Saturday when union delegates left a meeting with management representative! to tell
    U.P.  -  128 words
  • 74 2 AMERICAN Arnold Milton Kiehn. who was ordered to be deported from Hong Kong, unexpectedly boarded the British freighter Wangaratta shortly before midnight last night en rout« to Vancouver British Columbia. Kiehn who refused to eat for 13 days in protest against Ms deportation, said. "There
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 246 2 200 NOW FEARED DEAD IN U.S. FLOODS rE death toll in the worst floods In the history of the North-eastern United States soared to the 200 mark yesterday while thousands of people battled for survival against water shortages, food spoilage and threats of disease. The official toll stood at 188
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  • 29 2 Generalissimo Chiang K^ 1 shek. will address the eonftt enre on overseas Chinese ed cation and culture, schedule to open in Taipeh, on Sept. i U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 18 2 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Tokyo bv plane today for aiiLT a week'i visit to Japa
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  • 252 3  -  Vivienne Puckridge Gay birthday party of Menorah Club bv (HANDLES were very much the centre of attraction last niuht at the Menorah Club party in a Has -bedecked hall in BeiH'oolen Street. For not only were there two sets of candlesticks and candles
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  • 131 3 'Hoax' raid on military camp FOUR young army officers who confessed to a "hoax" 1! raid last week on a mUitary l camp at Rhyl, North Wales. have been dealt with and posted to other stations. A sergeant major at thf pamo said he
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 146 3 THE civic fathers of Whall ey a village 30 miles north of Manchester, turned road .weepers at crack or dawn yesterday and by breakfast time had cleared the main street of week-end litter. Whulley 'population: 1,3781 is one of Lancashire* bu villages
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 7 3 ESCAPE TO FREEDOM -IN 'COFFIN' mms ,;,f,v'
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  • 432 3 Geneva conference has knocked horror out of H-bomb THE itom haa .>hed it> cloak ol ry and horror in Geneva in the last t* tnd before the world i liurbin^' r ol a nem jt«hat c;in brin-j more to<xi. better health and Increased Dower to meet the needs r#j mankind.
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  • The Singapore Free Press MONDAY Aug. 22. 1955 Opinion
    • 139 4 I EADING scientists of the world, both East and West, meeting in Geneva have shown the world that the atom, put to peaceful uses, means more food, better health and increased industrial power for mankind. And in dissolving the "atomic curtain." which until no w has
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    • 68 4 IIUNDREDS of lives have been lost in the French North Africawide riots and massacres. And the French Government cannot escape some of the Ihe French authorities have had ample warnings of the impending flare-up. Hut precautions have obviously been inadequate. No-om- will sympathise with violence and defiar\oe of
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  • 586 4  -  JOHN RODERICK by A CANADIAN member of the Indo-China Armistice-Control Commission estimates it would take at least five divisions of neutral troops to guarantee a free election in Vietnam. He guessed that a number of soldiers would be required to police the polling places alone. Since
    A.P.  -  586 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 30 4 THRIFTY WEDDING f* I KT TT \JI 111 U edding Kin* ft »i 5 available in >„ </« r/^iij ffl />/(,. />M fiver <n. the /<<</; SILVA LTD. SINCAPORE, IPOH, K. LUMPUR Z
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    • 40 4 QUIET QUIET QUIET thai'* the word T for Hie NEW h- J i/» i —^-—.r- mi/ rr^-"^ —^-H*it- M 1,, f 1 1 I w»^* h'ift WL jA= .1 y,^O w S v WL Johnson SEA-HORSE OUTBOARr SINGAPORE MALAYA BORNEO
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  • 1067 5  -  Adelaide Eastley Bv r pHE beginning of what critics predict will be a brilliant career opens tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. at the British Council naileries for 21 -year-old Mr. Lu Choim Min when the Singapore Art Society breaks a long-standing rule and sponsors his exhibit and sale of
    Free Press  -  1,067 words
  • 166 5 THE Chicago Tribune anx nounced yesterday that it was abandoning most of its 'simplified .spelling because it had complicated rather than .simplified things for children learning to read. For about 20 years the Tribune haus been spelling certain words phonetically-such as frate
    Reuter  -  166 words
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 273 6 MANDRAKE by Lee Falk and Phil Davis I I WO" V h&'S \OBC7. THAT'S \I I JOKE IF YOU //ANT j/ TM NOT 1 I H<M 010 ARE YOU, F j A fJ T > MANORAKE, YOU'RE WONDEP- /VTME TmNTYYEAA- r THtS IS YOJR CHIEF. J iMANit^y- R >p— -j
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    • 708 6 YOUR j I LUCKY STAR j |>UKN tod.i>. you lim a 4 4 forceful character with a 4 4 high degree of uiploniacy. You know how to work hard. 4. X yourself, but also how to get 4 4 the utmost cooperation of >our 4 co-wofkers. You are vttbtg 1
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  • 205 7 V 14-YEAR-OLD Bristol will talk to some Britain's top scientists when {jives a lecture to the British Association for the Adnient of Science on Sep)vT 2. Margaret Sllcocks. second pupil at Portway secondmodern school. Bristol, is i talk to the association on ieeding habits
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  • 64 7 The five-year-old Cole quads were bridesmaids recently at the wedding of their former nurse, 23--year-old Miss June Patricia Barret and Constable Derek McNauffht The wedding took place at St. Martin's Church Kentish Town. Edna, Patricia, Frances and Marie Cole were all dressed in white and carried
    Popper  -  64 words
  • 347 7 'Pray God will convince him of wrongdoing 9 THE Duke of Edinburgh's playing of games on Sundays is strongly criticised by the Vicar of Fowey, Cornwall, the Rev. J. R. Aspinall, in a letter to the evange- lical newspaper, The English Churchman. The vicar suggests
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  • 42 7 Tan Ah Bak pleaded guilty in tho Parit Buntar Magistrate'* court to t charge of breaking the curfew. Tan was found out of doors at Kumpong Sanglang at 8.30 p.m. on the night of Aug. 14. He was fined $100.
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  • 28 7 ie to circumstances beyond control, the committee of Jewish Menorah Club tponed the annual meeting scheduled to take place jresterto Sept. 4 at 22-B, Benoolen Street, Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 Three generations of soap salesmen for Boustead and ompanv are pictured here: Grandpa Jeo .S? 1 he (riffht) 88, who was employed from 1900 to 1937. when he retired; his son, Mr. Yeo Hong Hin cent re), 55 "h ls chief salesman, and grandson, Mr Yeo Kim Ch*ee, ap prentice
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 137 7 THE town halls of Britain like the banks and insurance offices are getting increasingly short of staff. The reason is the same: pay is not high enough. Middlesex County Council Britain's second biggest has Improved pay and given a fiveday week to
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    • 38 7 SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. 65, Thf Arcade, Singapore. Trl: ***** lines 1, BtigW Str«*«*t. Kuala Lumpur. M. BIT Operates a BAGGAGE Door to Door DELIVERY SERVICE throughout the World IN ASSOCIATION WITH BDfGATOII IM< Kisci company LOOTED
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  • 1496 8  - GO AND SHOOT YOURSELF L.P. Davis The Field Marshal Said by -**Jfc*_ZTv«f :r «3_a*?_\ ■THE four mefl carrying a plain deal coffin down the narrow backstairs ol Vienna's fashionable Hotel Klcm.scr in the early morning hours of May 25, 1913, had no idea of the identity of its suicidal occupant.
    Reuter  -  1,496 words

  • 42 9 picture. HORSESHOE NECKLINE, surely appropriate for the day, encircles two pink roses on the nylon dress worn by Miss Barbara Flower of Bournemouth to the races. With the H-line, rose embroidered dress, she wears a pink straw hat.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 334 9 Oh\ Mary, this London's a wonderful sight, With the people all working by day and by night, They don't sow potatoes or barley or wheat, But there's gangs of them digging for gold in the street. LENA would not grow old digging for
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  • 23 9 Moscow radio has reported that one of its television broadrusts has been picked up in Copenhagen < 1,100 miles) by freak reception.
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  • 203 9 THREE hundred be-kind-to-your-neighbour cops have been detailed to take part in the biggest road-safety campaign ever planned for LonThe super courtesy cop.s Will be in cars, on motor-cycles, and on foot. They will work in teams of four, eight, or 16, and vi ill man 64
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  • 388 9 LIFE BEGINS AT 40 FOR MAN WHO CAN'I READ OR WRITE WHAT does a man of 40 do when he cannot read and write and an accident stops him doin^ an unskilled job where reading and writing do not matter? One answer |g to go to school and catc-h up
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  • 212 9 British forces to get mobile atom 'kettles' MOBILE atomic power plants arc being developed for iTI the British Army and the R.A.F., it was disc losed at the atoms- for-peace conference in Genera. They will probably be mounted in large, tank like vehicles, to provide electric power for landing fields
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  • 181 9 Under- 16s get police shock at X film THE audience settled expectantly in their seats. The screen slowed; the film an X certificate was about to begin Then the lights went on again. A police officer asked all the under- 15's to stand up. A dozen did so. and were
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  • 47 9 Sir Oedl Newman, company director and former High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, who died last May, aged g:j. left £101,518 in His will. in.s father diamond magnate Sir Slgismund Ni'iimann the name was changed by Sir Cecil left £L>.228,000 when he died in 1916.
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  • 358 10 ON WOTH THE DACNE! ■„:.:.^:%B™-_llllll|| P™WP"lli J| I [|||||H|~ n "<<^- f ""|F 1 Wl^^^^^^^P m."^w «s■" 3s H t fc 1 8& BP a tS». _|||^|gK .'lf af™? ii ____||__^^^^^vS MORE PICTURES TOMORROW (ABOVE): Aft.-r delighting patrons it a Colony nightspot with a double appearance Saturday night, the Australian
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  • 194 12 'Garden of Eden' is just a swamp TIIF legend of the ex- kstctiec of a valley > "(iarden of Eden" Um Papua hiKhhiiidi has been shattered by a patrol officer's report. What at first appeared t<» be Grassland," said /> Mr J. P. Sinclair, "turned out tu be belts of
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  • 702 12  - He brought royal clash into the open FRANK GOLDSWORTHY llr liiuni by attintv and by nature J)R All red Blunt, 75-year-old of Bradford, speech to a diocesan conference in December 1936 ".sparked the explosion" that led to King Edward vn r.s abdication, is to retire in October. 111
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  • 591 12  - COULD YOU DO THIS AT 50? Anne Sharpley Kf/ She brnl dottii, Irgs quite straight ami put her hands Hat on the floor then shuffled across Ihe stage. ALEXANDRA DANILOVA. the Russian Ballet dan"ccr who has danced for 42 years and still dances, didn't likr the question. Slim as an
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  • 98 12 FRESH BUTTER AND MEAT BY JET PLANE BRITAIN may soon be enjoying fresh, not frozen New Zealand moat and butterthanks to the use of jet transport planes making the New Zealand London trip in under 24 hours. Meat flown from New Zealand will consist of high quality cuts, prepared and
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  • 594 13 by the SINGAPORE DOCTOR AIR. K. put his tongue out, then pulled down his lower lip. There were small ulcers scattered in the shown parts. I put the tongue depressor into his mouth to inspect the bark of his throat. A few shallow
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  • Article, Illustration
    109 13 Mr. 11. (ji. EiTemcy. an assistant in flu- BtttrtttU Engineering Department of the I niversity College, London, demonstrates one of the recent researehes being conducted there The experiment shows how it is possible to carry gas, electricity, radio and telephone via the same one-imh ordinary topper tubing. The mains electricity
    Popper  -  109 words
  • 118 13 Double-drugs for high blood pressure TWO dru^.s which originated thousands of miles apart have been iuuntf effecth treating a form of }ii^h blood presj ure, aN< Yc ikM< d College phy.-^dan has H ported. The drugs are chlorpromazine. first synthesized \z France, and Rauwolfla, the ancient Indian "snakeroot herb. Both
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 13 I) I lure. luo Imc r.d mei ciowa the Mack stiaw hat worn i>> Mrs. BtelUi Munday of Grave tend, Kent, »n C*ld Cap daj at the Royal A»cot race Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 374 13  - POLlO— just how dangerous is it? William Barton I>OLIO strikes at a com- munity, and once again fear of the disease seizes the public. How much of this anxiety is justified? I have asked doctors and medical authorities. To a man, they believe far too much importance is given to
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  • 2089 14  -  MILTON SHULMAN PIDIT mm y\ 111 Till K wrMtag about S i h!ms. pla\s or books, MIL'I o\ SiII'I.MAN provokes con- Irovciv. B« »'.is Ibat kind of pea, I'.orn Toronto, Canada, > li \r;ns ago. In* was a ban is- tei before arriving in llritain <
    KOOLMAN  -  2,089 words
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  • 129 15 ;lml;kl;d EVERYWHERE touches of open air life from the Continent brighten the Mayfair scene. This cool balcony C gathering of women sitting among plants and palms, sipping coffee and iced drinks under striped umbrellas, is an extension of a busy hairdressing salon looking over Park Lane. Bamboo shades
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  • 194 15 It s that inner attitude that counts WHAT is glamour? "Glamour," says French fashion designer Lily Dache, "is what makes a man ask for your telephone number. But it is also what makes a woman ask for the name of your dressmaker.'' "A woman becomes more plamourous as she grows
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  • 209 15 HOT weather and cold drinks. The two hold hands like strangers in! Try these and m-o what I mean: 1. Mix one tablespoon lime juice with one quart of ginger ale. Pour into tall Rla.sse.s and into each ulas.s drop two teaspoons of ire en-am.
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  • 24 15 WHY, oh way, aro we not allowed U) admire the bridegroom in w e d d i n g groups? Society magazines
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  • 550 15 ...and af fhe only city where a woman can feel at home THAT IS THE SECRET BEHIND A RADIANT SMILE U'HAT is it that Paris doea to woman? Bo many English mils l< the shores ol Britain timid, n o n d i cript,
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  • 604 16 He 'mained up' and let a house burn RUSSELL HOWE tells of the 'Do-it-yourself craze that is sweeping America At ILLIONS of Americans 1" arc today trying to circumvent the American tradition of being in debt from the cradle to the yrave by doing repairs and building furniture Or even
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 16 HIUTISII actress Joan Collins, now under contract in Hollywood, has been Riven the "glamour treatment* n .v tt*« studio experts there. Result: she looks so different to the girl who left Britain six months ago in search of a future and a fortune.
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  • 249 16 Jo still makes his fortune by phone AN ALTOGETHER fantastic figurf has bobbed Up south of the Loire. His name— Joseph Joanovici! Does it rin« a bell? In those hectic days after the Liberation, he was aj celebrated as another figure on the colourful Parisian scene, Max Intrator. They were
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  • Article, Illustration
    352 16 npODAY, we begin publication of the sixteen prearranged "pur' deals which were pliiyed recently at more than 150 colleges. In a contest to determine the lnteri olleglate bridge champions. Competing pairs try to earn pars by achieving the results previously determined by a committee of experts working with
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 238 16 CLUES ACROSS lie? (7). 2 How a rug dates! (9). 6 Eve Is In a mesh (5) 8 Describes some district councils 7 Sls wt tnls wa^ (6) M (5) 11 Take a rod from an earldom ror 9 Gets black with Noah's boat In- a tree (3) side (7>.
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  • 565 17  - WHY they're so jealous of JILL DAVID LEWIN dfd dfdfdf SHE'S THE GIRL WHO SAYS TM NO ACTRESS' -AND GETS A STAR PART IUHAT seemed at first the craziest bit of film casting of the year has launched a new girl on a new career in a blaze of jealousy.
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  • 635 17  - Disney has a goldmine in this feast of fun MICHAEL RUDDY by WITH 175,000 people a week driving to see Disneyland, each spending an average 15s. ($6.30) for admission and rides, Walt Disney has a goldmine in his feast of fun for young and old. In addition, the Disney company
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  • 138 17 It's STAND EASY' NOW ON G.B.S THE PROJECT to make a super-film out of Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man,' with Alec Guinness, Claire Bloom, and Laurence Harvey, struck a few snaffs. The picture should have begun some weeks ago. It has been postponed because the script is not ready.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 50 17 4 >1 < johnsons pride. I Pr.dc gi*e« you H»c r.chetf, longe»f 'itf.nn luttro you've ever icen on wood Wifhour cubbing' A hard, genuine wax coating rh.i» rcti»r» rin«u mirkv tpillcd rhingt, w*kc» eJtier! |u*t lpplv Let dry. Wipe UgHrly I KIAN GWAN (MALAYA) LTD. E KUALA LUM N
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  • 95 18 TwuiE Sept 13 British heavyweight championship match 1 between title holder Don Cockell and former champion Jack Gardner, mas cancelled yesterday to allow Gardner to hare a knee operation, promotor Mr. Jack Solomons said today. Solomons said he WOUld fly to the United States to look
    U.P.  -  95 words
  • 142 18 Seventy dm* tors art available to see that every E boy boxing for a dub .tlli- liated to the I/Oiidon Ama- teur Boxing<iation ke«-p> fit. Report, to b t presented E to thr SMCting on E l«ff. -7. states that the LA
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  • 69 18 DIXTUN players have been Invited to represent SinoMalays ifftt«l Combined Business HOUM XI in the Feith charity cup soccer match at Jalan Besar Siadium on Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. The team will be picked from: Chet Sen?. Yew Chang. All Samijan. Hassan. Hin Weng, Kok Seng. Oma
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  • 29 18 picture. f^DDIK FIRMANI, signed from Charlton Athletic by Sam*J doria. Milan, for C 35,000. wears tr»«-k ■>! of his new .!'il- as he trains at Milan.- Popper
    Popper  -  29 words
  • 98 18 RUSSIAN diplomats from the Soviet Embassy ut The ji igue, an American Embassy team 2-1. at a irimdiy game of volleyball. Th< i Russians, who surprised the whole diplomatic corps with tln-ir challenge ;i few d<i>^ igo, showed thefnselves the superior players, although the Americans
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 32 18 ALAST-MlNims goal scoieu wy m.sidt'-lt'lt Rahmat earned a replay for Kinwpore CorlnthUnjJ when they held Dockyard "A in the BAFfi Junior Cup tie ;it Jalan Beooi iUdium irt Lerdajf.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 31 18 FREE PRESS AISTJN w* w niriMiMtn m/^^^MWv^iM^^MS%< Wbs&M^m™g^joy .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^P^ am v\ v "^^SM^fc^ fc Py r-^Mwm HM^^MwiaWßW^CsM MSIR^>W. ■wfias?^^^S^^^ 1 B SWT;:* !*»ys«^s Al V^ A S OKl'r Sl> 111 I
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  • 134 19 K 2: Lime Dust OtBglW) beats Fairy Tale (Donnelh I l»y a kmglk and Star Sapphire f Paterson). RACE 3: Super Picture (Bell) \v;»^ t three-length winner from Sudden Chiii' (Awi) RACE 4: Rice Mill (Mortimer) clears away to a four-length victory from Ever Victor? II
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  • 597 19 Flying Princess gave Mr. Tan first success on the turf SATURDAY S RACES REVIEWED: INLYING PRINCESS l five year old mare bf Ort; .< kl- x a I Hyperion horsr, displayed fine battling qualities whin she ln\tt off Loo rig ;ind then Little Pappa in a tight finish for
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  • 210 19 A whtri.WlND Innlnga by bowler Peter Heitit arid a foUd rourth-wickd pwtnenbip of n Lv Jackie McGlew and Roy McLean gave the South African crlcketen a resj>ectable total of 2.09 on the flm day of their match here against Hampshire at Southampton on Saturday after thrir
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  • 43 19 <« '.aps. th< Kentui kj i" rt O winner v.<>n the $!•»•> American Derby In Cli n Satu iflk Ju f| i ood and Parador waa third Swan kv the BrttUh-bred Khaled, defied top weight ULuL, Uu- Reu te r
    Reuter  -  43 words
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  • 224 20 r I I 111 I lO\ < l-.rmrr J I ngland cricket <apum, told Renter yeslerdav that h,- wnu.d uridrtgo .i m.ttnpul' al.\.- ojM-iatKMi in I »••<!- near I i- iTtrfcaMrc hnmr at 3 Pud«ev in earl> >• pt»mb»r 1 h»- «»p*' f atJoti und»r ana»s
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 181 20 IHIF ARMY CLINCHED THE INTER-SERVICES TENNIS riIVMPIONSIIIP FOR 1965 AT (HANOI ON SATURDAY BY DEFEATING THE R.A.F. BY SIX MATCHES TO TWO Thi.s was also the result of the meeting between the teams. The Army have an one more game to play against the
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  • 57 20 20 Woid* $H i nuntmuml COVENTRY: On August 15th In London Tony, belovH Hu band <jJ •.1,.- and nttber of Mara >:■*■• mm) John R I P At the General Huspi ft] Sunday Winifred D'Cnu Scully. C leaves 40 Bturrock Road 4 p.m. i t .i Cathedral of Oood
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  • 66 20 If H urd* $ti < minimum >. MR AND MRS K. NAGURAN thank all Priendi and Relatives for their Valu'ble PresenUs. Conuratul itory 'd Attendance on <>. itioo of Iheir Uarrtagi <>n ■j i-S-9 ,HI FAMILY of the 'ate Mrs. Yip Chip Ouan Nee Kon sie\^ itlvei and
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  • 17 20 20 H './'/> S6 l minimum i CHERISHED MEMORY Dl > depart* I Me on 1 1954
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  • 58 20 WATCHED by ten survivors of the original All Blacks side of 1905. New Zealand beat Australia by 16 points i tw'. goals, a penalty goal and a try to eight <a goal and a penalty goal* in the first Rugby Union Test of the
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  • 64 20 A quartet of Japanese swimmers bettered bv nearly one second the world's 400-metre medley relay record at Kuie last night in an unofficial meet with a Lsitin<j U.S. team. The four raced over the course in 4 mins. 17.2 sees. The mark of 4
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 154 20 Malayan L.T.A. final results t FOLLOWING are the reWltl of all the finals in the Malayan lawn tennis open rhiMiptonthlpi which concluded itt Ipoh >«>terda> MEN'S SINGLES: Ong ben Bee beat K. 11. Ip 6-3, 5-7 6*3. MtVS DOUBLES: K. H Ip and Khong Kit Soon beat On? (hew Bee
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  • 35 20 A 26-year-old British racing driver. Mike Keen, whose Co-jper-Bristol crashed in Satur- day's nine-hour international sports car race at Goodwood. Sussex, died in the Royal West Sussex Hospital early yesterday without regaining consciousness.
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  • 276 20 Season starts with upsets, and a feast of goals U.K. SOCCER REVIEW IN sweltering heat almost throughout tho country, the English football seaaon started on Saturday with a spate of heavy scoring and the usual early .season U] Chelae*, foi their home tiiairh (0,000 crowd by partding tl pionship Cup
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 228 20 SUMMARY OF SPORT Peng Han and Frank beaten MALAYA'S DoOgUl I I had to pack up due to clutch trouble In km main event, motor-cycles racir.4 unlimited •20 laps) which won by India's Jack Wilk^ at yesterday's m ing In Colombo. \v. •a ho rode a B.S.A. Gold Btar, also
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 162 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. SIT! A 1 lONS \M 2i, ,;</> |J (Min.)-Hox 30 cts. extra ROPKAM BBCRETARY n I ;t Film < .Sir $600/ p. month anticipated duration I In the Colony, i re md Other B B3< I F.P SITUATIONS WANTED 2<i Word* $2 iHin.j—Hox <t* ♦>''< ICKDICAL SALCfI tUpretent
      162 words
    • 28 20 1 m The bar -man says... r'i ii^ .'c "Always the best' and after 22 years in the AdHphi Grill POO Tiang Kwang should know varlsbcT^q of course
      28 words