The Singapore Free Press, 23 July 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press Largest Afternoon Sale m Malaya No. *****. Singapore, Sat., July 23, 1955. Price 15 Cte.
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  • 405 1 I^HE Big Four foreign ministers, after marathon talks lasting all day, last night failed to break the East-West deadlock over how they should tackle future negotiations on issues crucial for world peace. M. Antoine Pinay said on leaving the Palace of Nations:
    Reuter  -  405 words
  • 226 1 Asian lands the first plane 6.45 A.M. DRAMA AT PAYA LEBAR THE first plane to land at the j new Singapore International j Airport at Paya Lebar touched J down at 6.45 this morning. The plane was a Malayan Airways Dakota and it was piloted by First Officer Chan Soon
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  • 159 1 BEARS GO WILD IN STORM IjiOUR fear-crazed brown bears tore open their cage* and struggled with their trainers m Palosco. Italy last night when a thunderstorm wrecked a touring circus. The 10-minute storm struck the circus at dusk, ripping the huge tent to pieces and smashing two carriages. AU but
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  • 57 1 The President of Hewitt Robins, a large rubber consumer, said m New York yesterday that the Federal Government should sell about 15 per cent of its rubber stockpile to stabilise the market The size of the sale recommended would not weaken government stocks which are
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 25 1 The Singapore Rubber Market opened steadily this morning with first grade. August shipment, at $1.31 a lb., half a cent below yesterday's closing.
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  • 37 1 A deputation of about 40 laid off employees of the Ho Ho biscuit factory saw the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, at his "meet the people" session this morning at tbe Assembly House. Singapore.
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  • 55 1 THE bodies of five Indian sisters aged from 11 to 26 were found hanging from branches of trees near their home at Durban. South Africa early yesterday. kM It is thought they decided' on mass suicide because their parents refused them permission to visit the home
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 155 1 TERRORISTS early today blew up four transformers, m Saigon, plunging the city's diplomatic quarter m darkness. Saboteurs placed time-bombs under the doors of huts housing the transformers. The explosions roused the city at 1.30 a.m. Police said the saboteurs ere members of antiDvernment groups and lggested
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 78 1 ONE of China's 10 vice premiers admitted last night that a tense situation had developed over the nation* grain supply but denied reportJ of famine. Chen Yun's address before the National People's Congress was re-broadcast by Peking Radio. He claimed that last year's floods m the
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 31 1 President Soekarno of Indonesia and Prime Minister Nasser of Egypt knelt together m prayer m Cairo yesterday, the last Friday noon worship before the nresident goes to Mecca.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 26 1 Thieves broke into a provision shop m Mount Pleasant Road, Singapore, last night and stole $520 m cash and liquor and cigarettes worth $480.
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  • 33 1 One of four men arrested by police at Hillside Drive, Singapore* last night escaped when police took him to a house ln Syed Alwl Road to carry out a search.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 gm* m*aj* m jAJ *Vv%, .<■* i-"jAY Jr^TdA- )fV t*ir f •^■^T j*m\sy. >^ CafcttLi *%t" >' "W?' Mw* Ammm\ f f j KmA. mmW Jlr W^S*hl*i mmmmt*. *'/*'"AJ*\ fc ttßvfp"^*^*^^^^ I. >1 y^-^ttmMam*^ i a■' Ki' 1 1 -*m^p' aI 1 I I V* j ALL NEW £a G*«
      113 words

  • 111 2 34-NATION TALK ON PROBLEM OF POVERTY EXPERTS from 34 countries m will attend a conference "on regional planning and development* m London laW m September. Those concerned with regional planning will discuss mutual problems and consider the formation of a permanent International association and centre to co-ordinate and sustain research.
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 51 2 Hundreds of underprivileged children are looking forward to their annual outing sponsored by the Rotary Club for August 27 Plans for the event, which takes place at the New World Amusement Park will be discussed at a meeting at the Capital Blue Room on
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  • 38 2 Doctors at the City of Hope medical centre m Hollywood said actress Suzan BaU still was m serious condition from a recurrence of cancer which caused her leg to be om*mtated over a year ago.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 24 2 Five workers were reported missing and 10 seriously injured yesterday after an explosion m a powder factory at Gifu. Japan- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 18 2 The first Negro brokerage firm has started operating In Wall Street. New York.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  18 words
  • 132 2 WIVES FOR SALE BY INSTALMENT PLAN IS URGED I rplIK sale of wives on the I J instalment plan may return to Eastern Nigeria. I A government commit- E tee. Inquiring unto the E current prices paid to E parenLs for brides, recom- mended a price freeze of F E
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 101 2 ARMED Russian troops clamped tight controls on car traffic entering and leaving the Soviet zone of Austria yesterday. Austrian gendarmerie headquarters said the Russians told them they were hunting for a deserter who disappeared two days ago from a garrison at Urfahr near
    U.P.  -  101 words
  • 398 2 Sir Anthony says— lift the Iron Curtain EXCHANGE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS' SIR ANTHONY EDEN, the British Prime Minister, yesterday called for increased cultural trade tourist and communication contacts between East and West. He made his appeal m a speech tabled at the fifth day's session of the Big Four conference
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 202 2 GIVE-AND-TAKE BY BOTH SIDES WESTERN officials now m Geneva, believe that the summit conference has resulted m some give-and-take by both East and West and that the most outstanding Russian concession has been recognition of the West's NATO and W.E U. defence alliances. Russia's offer
    U.P.  -  202 words
  • 244 2 West will ask Diem to talk with Reds rE Big Three Western Powers will shortly make a joint approach to South Vietnam on the crucial question of preliminary talks with Communist North Vietnam to organise free elections for reuniting the country next year, it was learned m Geneva last night.
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 31 2 The Italian Senate (Uppei House of Parliament) last night gave a vote of confidence to the new centre coalition cabinet headed by professor Segnl. Leftwine Christian Democrat. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 35 2 Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala's projected visit to Red China will be delayed until October to permit a Ceylonese trade delegation to make a prior visit, authoritative sources m Colombo said yesterday.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 21 2 Brigadier Gen. Carlos Romulo has been called back from Washington for consultations with Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 148 2 THE Defence Ministry m Bonn yesterday displayed what (half a million of West Germany's best dressed young men will be wearing m the next few years military uniforms. There were no Jack boots. And the old-type steel helmet, wtih the curly brim that Europe
    A.P.  -  148 words
  • 50 2 Law to arm 6,000 passed The first two rearmament laws received final parliamentary approval yesterday m the Upper House, the Bundesrat But the Bundesrat postponed until August 5 action on a pay ordinance whi en will have to be approved before the first 6,000 volunteers can be called up- U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 E Read Con Demor's review of E the week's radio I E programmes— one of E the many interesting E E features m the Radio Weekly, E E f I f l lf -fl y° ur on y comprehensive E 1 iimmiiiimiimnmn t0 whats AND EACH WEEK YOU CAN ALSO
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  • 357 3  -  VIVIENNE PUCKRIDGE By J\( X and Daphne Barker, well-known London cabaret artists have a new project. still Shrouded m mystery, for Singapore when they return m three months. For two ears m London, they had their own 1 tte night restaurant, and j II
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  • 124 3 J)EATH struck an elevator-railway car packed with 140 tourists m a thunderstorm last night, spilling men, women and children down the 60-deeree slot* of Kaprun Mountain. Officials said two people were killed and at least 34 m tired, including children. The cable car,
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 138 3 MUCH of the northeastern United States gasped for breath yesterday under a hot sun which sent temperatures higher by the minute. At many places the temperature already was nearing the 100-degree mark at noon. Drastic water economy measures were imposed m some sections of Pennsylvania and
    A.P.  -  138 words
  • 27 3 The death toll m last week's uranium mine disaster m East Germany has risen to 33 lt was reported yesterday m tw_ lin.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 15 3 Frozen shrimp from Pakistan will go on the American market next week- A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 33 3 Russia has about 85.000 collective farms, Vladimir Mat.skevich, First Deputy Minister of Soviet Agriculture and leader of the 12-man Russian farm delegation touring MidWest America, said at Ames. lowa, yesterday- U.P.
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • 79 3 DIVORCEE JAILED AS SPY pRFTTY Ursula Schmidt, 29. was sentenced at Frankfurt yesterday to one year and five months m jail for spying on the U.S. military m West Germany lor Russia. The shapely divorcee was convicted by the Hesse State supreme court of having "treasonable relations" with Soviet military
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  • 169 3 Loveliest girl m the world MISS ENGLAND and Miss Sweden are co-favourites to win the Miss Universe title to be awarded at Long Beach, California, where 11 experts are to decide who shall be named the loveliest girl m the world. Miss England, 18-year-old Margaret
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  • 156 3 Church v. State war is almost ended T»HE Pope's represent- ative m Buenos Aires, Nuncio Monsignor Mario Zanin, talked yesterday for one hour and 20 minutes with Foreign Minister Jeronimo Remorino on problems between the Church and the Argentine government. Afterwards both sides indicated optimism but gave no news of
    A.P  -  156 words
  • 26 3 Legislators from 15 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries yesterday voted to meet each year to strengthen the ties binding the Atlantic alliance.— A. P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 43 3 Lady Black, wife of Governor Robert Black, has accepted honorary membership m the Inner Wheel, ladles' auxiliary of the Rotary Club. Another new honorary member is Mrs. R. K. Tandon, wife of the representative of the Indian Government.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 ken entertaining friends a/ways keep tradition Vfitk **uB *Ki** CAMUS U Grande Marque GOGNAG
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    • 109 3 The Drug that Allays ¥EM& OBLIVON I (Methylpentynol) I CAPSULES No longer any need to dread >\- that visit to the dentist :J: that important interview :i: that vital examination that speaking entfatfement ASK YOUR DOCTOR OR YOUR DENTIST ABOUT THE WONDERFUL NEW DRUG OBLIVON (MethyipentynolJ Capsules British Schering Ltd.
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  • 258 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, July 23, 1955. Opinion Nearer the next step KEYNOTE throughout yesterday's unfinished debate was sincerity. There is no doubt that nearly all Singapore's elected representatives, no matter their party, have dedicated themselves to the cause of speedy and full selfgovernment for the island. And when
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  • 714 4  -  JOHN FISHER says THE big show is now on, I mean, of course, the meeting "at the summit" between Eden, Eisenhower, Faure and Bulganin (with gladhand toast drinking Kruschev cavorting somewhere m the background). The object of the conference is world peace, and
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  • 313 4  -  BRIAN PARKES by I>EHIND the barred doors of an old company board room m Jo h a nnes bu rg newspapermen face a sinister twentieth-century inquisition. This is the country's Press commission inspired by re-public-seeking Premier Johannes (The Lion) Strydom's Nationalist Government. British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 25 4 mj Fountain pen* f* scribe lm WORLD ft 4 m* V Ammmr vK 7 \iamW So,c AfjcnH: r/ Jfj lACOBSON \-J" > BEN BERC (SPORE; LTD.
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    • 59 4 It V 1 Jl<l*H*Ji*ttS *m m* I' It's so easy! Shooting films with a BOLEX home movie camera is a real pleasure. Designed along up-to-date lines, with accent on simplicity of operation, they are the ideal choice for the beginner. Send to-day for a descriptive folder giving full information about
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 39 5 Locally-engaged civilian staff "paraded" with the Royal Air Force, Seletar, at a presentation ceremony. Air Commodore A. E. Clouston, A.0.C., Singapore, presented awards to the four civilians and six R.A.F. officers and non-commis-sioned officers seen above.
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  • 311 5 Legalise housey-housey SAYS M.P. ANGERED BY RAIDS Ci YES DOWN! The House of Commons is off on a genial mental gambling spree. Kelly's Eye and Clickety Click, Legs Eleven and Top o' the House the old exciting .slang of Housey-Housey— is bein •> whispered among the backbenchers. Tt started because
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  • 65 5 Doctors could do nothing about the constant pain m 67--year-old Bob Pardy's thigh. He had to give up his council job. Then his 67-year-old wife, Elizabeth, tried an oldfashioned remedy for rheumatism a poultice at their home m Crumlin, Mon. And out came a small piece of
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  • 62 5 Mr. Perce Pearce, an American film producer, friend and associate of Walt Disney, has died at his Hampstead home. He was 55. For the last few weeks he had been collecting material for Disney's US. television programme. He had lived m London for 10 years. He
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  • 363 5 WIFE PLAYED ON DOCTOR'S SYMPATHY WITHOUT examining a patient. Dr. William Mackenzie Ross gave the patient's wife 29 certificates to say he was ill. The husband was not ill and knew nothing of the matter, but with the certificates the wife drew £72 sickness benefit. That was "infamous conduct" by
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  • 69 5 Lady Dorothea Head, of Winkfield. Berkshire, wife of Mr. Antony Head, Secretary for War, was fined 40s. at Bow-street for parking two hours m Dover-street. Piccadilly, last April. She pleaded guilty m a letter. P.C. Elliott said she told him: "I always allow for this when
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 Another NEW SWIMSUIT FOR 1955 $sss CATALINA satisfies g y*^ every exacting demand: Ay y^| FOREMOST m FASHION 1 Jk/ \</ VARIETY m STYLING to give Perfect Fit Cr /^l ft Flattery to all types of CSS?^ FAULTLESS H WORKMANSHIP SUPERIOR FABRICS Beyond all doubt the FOREMOST SWIMSUIT W\ I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 735 5 CHURCH OF ENGLAND I Paya Lebai: 8.15 a.m 8,8. Bible St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Class; 8.45 a.m. Siniday School 9 Holy Communion; 8 ajn. Sung a.m. Service m Malay, Mr. Tan EucharM and Parish Communion; Tuan Van; io a.m. Service m 930 a.m. Sunaay School; 10.30 a.m. English Rev.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 621 6 MANDRAKE by Leejalkand !_Phj|Davis j STAR j I ~~1 tut TOURIST OPERATES THE I I LOOK AT THE RAOAR TAKE JL^SiISS.. 1 rjADUS^ i B° RN yuu are on t fsM-m ST.LL SLEEPS. NOW IF I CAM p^ AW J WWNG/^ f^V^ v^TD^ SS" "are" Ty^t Tes^ t BRING MY
      621 words

  • Round the World Market Prices
    • 182 7 I ()M)O\, July Previous Today ITBBER No. 1 RSS cJ.f. European 38 U buyers Unquoted Ports' July 38', sellers Xi BBER No. 1 RSS cJ.f. European 38' t buyers 37', buyer Ports Aurust 38\ sellers 38 sellers i-i UKIK No. RSS Spot 39' t buyers 38 2
      182 words
    • 99 7 NEW YORK, July 22. Previous Today Tin Straits spot and nearby 99.25 nom. 99.00 nom. futures J^y 98.00 bid 97.50 bid mi luiures ju7 99.00 asked 98.50 asJied Aupust 96.10 bid 95.75 bid 97.10 asked 96.75 ask»Ki September 95.10 bid 94.80 bid 96.10 asked 95.80 asked TONE:
      99 words
    • 31 7 NEW YORK, July 22. Previous Tcwlay *> mistrial 461.07 f 69 20 Railroads qq fi7 10 Domestic Bonds JJ-JJ 15 Utilities 66.10 66.45 64 Stocks Composite Averagre 166.70 168.09
      31 words
    • 52 7 Spot Malabar 48%. Awaiting re- July shipment 41',. Lam P° n f_ s^ lease 48. Afloats 47% to 46%. July 48%. Awaiting release Afloats Sarawak spot 44. Awaiting 47% to 46%. July 46%. All sellers release 43%. Afloats 42% to 41%. ex-dock. Above prices quoted m U.S. cents
      52 words
    • 124 7 July 22, Previous Today COPRA Philippines c.i.f. UK/North European delivered weight per c «iwe Ion? lon July/ Aug $183 value $183 selleis COPRA Philippines f.o.b. Manila m bulk, per long ton Unquoted Unquoted VOPRA Straits c.i.f. UK/North European delivered weight per £66% buyers £66 ,i bujers
      124 words
  • 217 7 THE Army said "Sorry" for an officers' mess party that woke up babies m the middle of the night and set clogs barking. Angry complaints came from many ot the 2,000 people living m the Putson housing estate m Hereford when the party
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  • 301 7  -  VIVIENNE PUCKRIDGE By THESE are some of the girls who will take part m a parade of hair styles m aid of SAT Aat a charity ball at Raffles Hotel on September 10. Picture shows (from left to right): Georgina Perry, Felexie
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  • 71 7 MRS. LAURA CAUBLE said at a meeting of New York air pollution control board: "It's hard for you men to understand women's problems. "Women now are almost completely clothed m nylon. "If their stockings can be disintegrated by this city's sulphur fumes, why can't
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 j LEAVE YOUR PACKING j to SINGAPORE PACKING COMPANY LTD. IN ASSOCIATION WITH SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. i 63, The Arcade. Singapore. Tel: ***** 3 Linej 1. Rodger Street, Kuala Lumpur. Tel. 4347.
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  • 1797 8  - 'LITTLE SURE SHOT' C. D. T. BAKER-CARR by The true story of Annie (Get Your Gun) Oakley THE WORLD'S STRANGEST STORIES ONE grey November day Kaiser YVilhelm 11, Kinperor of Germany, stood respondent m his uniform a few panes away from his retinue of staff officers Inside a high-walled garden.
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  • 421 9 Britons attacked on safari through Africa rpHREE-AND-A-HALF-YEAR-OLD Brian Keats was I the hero when 10 Britons five men, three women, ;md two children were ambushed by armed bandits m Kritrea. One robber broke into a caravan where Brian was sleeping and tried to snatch a
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  • 64 9 'I will '-goes on record A 25-year-old coalman. c V too shy to ask a girl to marry him, made a re- cord of his proposal. Then the recording manager played it to the coalman's sweetheart, Miss Barbara Kemp, 21, of To ton. Nottingham- shire. She was delighted, ac- j
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  • 27 9 A London optician who gave himself a sight test m his own consulting room, then asked for his National Health fee, has had his claim rejected.
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  • 62 9 The "tremendous" increase tn the number of people dabhiine" m the tobacco trade was 8 a rmljofproblem for the National Union of Retail Tobacconists. Mr. Alfred Colder, the President, told the Union s annual conference at SoutneI The dabblers included green-grocers, fish and chip bars, iron-mongers, and
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  • 197 9 THE 76-year-old Aga Khan, wearing white 'silk pyjamas and a woolly undervest, sat on a settee at the house he took for Ascot week. There he talked about a new cure for gout. He said: "A year ago -my hands were
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  • 192 9 THE Army last week showed off its latest way of teaching simple maths to back- ward soldiers by drill. AU done by numbers, of course, but none of the old "One-two, one-two stuff. Lined up m the Great Hall of Eltham Palace, South London, was
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  • 52 9 THE young woman stood m her stockinged feet m hot, sticky tar. It happened m Chesterfieldstreet, Mayfair London. The heat had melted the tar, and her slip-on shoes had stuck and slipped off as she crossed the road. Two young men rushed to
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  • 23 9 Four men who admitted taking a bamboo trolley-bus pole were told by Old-street magistrate, Mr.. Harold Sturge: "Be your ages."
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  • 322 9 MRS. MARGARET REBECCA MASON, 13-stone and 32 years of age, is a very brave woman, said Judge John Maude at London's Old Bailey. For Mrs. Mason, fair-haired, genial landlady at the Nag's Head tavern m York-road. Battersea, saidi no to the Joneses.
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  • 183 9 It's a lawful command court PROBLEM for a court martial: Is it a lawful command to order a Territorial to sweep a barracks floor? An officer defending 22--year-old Gunner Thomas Marren at Liverpool argued, that it was not. He said: "A lawful command is one
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  • 41 9 I Sir Walter Monckton, Minister of Labour, launching the London Federation of Boys' Clubs "Sponsor a Boy" appeal, banded to the Fund a £1 note which had been sent by the Duke of Edinburgh.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 152 10 ATHLETIC CH AMPIONSHIPS OFFICIALS prepared the pole vault nail Singh. He attempted to jump 12ft. Singapore record of lift. 9Jins. Picture for an all-Malayan record bid by GerOijins. but failed. However, he set a new below shows him m action. COMING HOME a good 20 yards winner m the mile
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  • 233 10 Standard is improving all the time SINGAPORE athletes set nine 3 records when the annual Colony championships were held at Jalan Besar Stadium. Today the Free Press presents a page of pictures showing some of the records being created. The overafl strated M Colony afl fore from fl Amateur fl
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 17 10 1 up I and I over mm* mm *^*T^ at J lift. 9 j piiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiifiiiiiiiiil
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 Cr*^fg you* jgggg g LARCE STANDARD ji^F 1 Tl COOKERS ft with large oven space I > j two boiling plates J I jll and grill-boiler. **W Available on hire fji J fl/ £2.00 per month h\ I Consult your Electrical Contractor or Ring 2419 Ext. 352
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  • 940 12  - The Duke opens a creche in the Silver Ring William Douglas Home NOW EVERYTHING HAS A 1955 LOOK BUT WHATEVER IS CHANGED OR IMPROVED IT IS STILL ROYAL ASCOT by i 1 QUEEN ANNE, they say, is dead, but the memory of her lingers on. It was on Saturday, .August
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  • 640 12  -  Mary Hewat Now they call it Chequers... where the Premier takes his breakfasts m the sun and his wife believes m letting the rose-bushes grow by IT is a small thatched cottage m a small Wiltshire village, but the people of Broadchalke (pop. .661) are calling it
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  • 242 12 The wives want a secret ballot in Commons MEM3ERS of Parliament should have a secret ballot m the House of Commons, so that no one knows how they vote, says a proposal put forward by the British Housewives League. The league's secretary, Mrs. B. M. Palmer, said: "Thousands of people
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    • 196 13 LEARNING— the easy way ENGLISH m eight weeks" is an exciting thought tv many of the students from various countries who come to the University of Michigan. Not only is it possible, but it is the achievement of more than 5,000 students from 48 different countries who last year studied
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    • 52 13 TTHE winners of last week's colouring contest are: <li Miss Tan Bee Lee (13a 5, Carmichael Road, off Braddell Roacf, Singapore 13. <2> Miss Elizabeth Simakoff <8». 16-E, Dunearn Road, Singapore. •3* Master N. R. Ramachandram (10^), 35, Anson Road, Penang. (4; Master Pius Chong (9), 41, Cotswold
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    • 293 13 Rupert and Morwenna— lo Once again the little friends hear the scratching noise coming nearer, and the giant crab appears. In one claw is a slender stick and at the top is a star brighter than any they have ye seen. Seeming to pay no attention »o them, the creature
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    • 913 13  -  KATHLEEN HICKLEY by CIMPLE SIMON jnet a pieman going to the fair. k7 Said Simple Simon to the pieman: ."Let me taste your ware." Said the pieman to Simple Simon: "Show mo first your money." Said Simple Simon to the pieman: "Indeed I have not
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 44 13 CROSSWORD SOLUTION •umaa SI '»MH GI doj.-) TT aiV !I *-*n 'I qina S *ua.\ot(iMH p»''M. I f»ißA«jxa T -agro I SMotl BtOJI '81 arroj M 'isiamaH '91 PIO >I «MV 0! **3 '6 "'a '8 I ,n Q 9 jequ. *no I— tsoiUV
      44 words
    • 162 13 -m**Mr~~~ ■■pm *■***"*<***— BSW— BfesiL— s^rew— I i i s^rew I I CLUH A<'R '>>>■•- l. -Stick i "i m playing billiards. 3. RlV*i on Which Rome Stands 6 Capital of Rumania 8 A ceitain pernxl important m history. 9. she waw tempted by the .serpent m the I den
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  • Article, Illustration
    1736 14  -  T.E.B. CLARKE T.E. B. CLARKE'S versatility as a screen writerimpressively proved by nearly 20 films including Passport to Pimlico. The Blue Lamp and Tha Lavender Hill Mob reflects experience just as various. He has been m most jobs from newspaper reporter to policeman. Born m 1907 the
    Popper  -  1,736 words

  • 543 15  - 'BEA UTY SPECIALS' FOR HOME JEAN WISDOM by r pHE currently popular x and sensible idea ot creating a healthy complexion before you apply make-up isn't a new one. It was begun back m the Ray nineties, by Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Chicago born journalist, author and authority on health and
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  • 109 15 TAKE no notice of the pessimists who predict that, because there are too many people being born and too few dying, the world is heading for mass starvation. Instead listen to a British authority on farm economics, Mr. Colin G. Clark who, m a tour of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 j THE WORLD'S MOST SENSATIONAL j iSS^**^ WASHING DISCOVERY! |*!ot9M££&7 l^fcjjMMW; AmtmW.Am. S*^W^ctKß!!AW*. m mm* r- J Amt m*\ MS At m*T AmmmTmmmf I*i i J Smm* Sw^ r A -'^fc^B makes heaps of glistening while lather. Admire the results J*t WM W *m\ I 'L** m k* '''a AIIA
      138 words

  • 193 16 iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J SHALL always remember walking across the grass, opening the low white gate, and seeing Rowland Emett and his wife waiting behind the door it is cut m two like a .stable door. I shall always remember them there
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  • 594 16 His WIFE sets him his daily chores AND IT STOPS HIM WORRYING ALL We ""while I SUPPOSE I should have |OHe by train to sv*> Rowland Emrtt. the cartoonist But I wasn't sun* whether the Far Twittering and Oysterperch Railway connected with the Southern Region. And I hate always been
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  • Article, Illustration
    426 16 ■tv/TIEN partner responds to an opening one bid by bidding one no-trump, he .shows a limited hand However, the range Is from 6 t> 10 points a full ace. Sometimes the opener has the kind of hand that will go places if the re*ponder has a maximum notrump,
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  • 124 16 fi/HE Canadian High Com--1 missioner, Mr. Norman Robertson, and his wile gave a tea party at Canada House, London, for more than 500 of their countrymen m Britain. Among them was Mr. Cliff Medland, of Winnipeg, who imports generating plants. He is on his first
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 295 16 latl I I I I |i» I I I I I I I I I D I I I I 9M I *M CLUES ACROSS 3 Sounds as if they're Frankles 1 Do start for home (8). c jHfc T K-««,fl„ fallowed 4 Appeals m fnendllss fashion? 5 lter l
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  • 460 17  - She took pay-cut to become a star James Bacon By ACTRESS MARA COR- DAY is on her way to film stardom because she knew when not to act like an actress. Until a year or so ago, Mara was one of the mast photographed cover girls m America. Possessing a
    A.P.  -  460 words
  • 105 17 PETITE Marisa Pavan, twin sister of Pier Angeli, gets the full makeup treatment for her Kith-century role of Catherine de Medicini. Queen of France, m the film "Diane.'' Beginning as a shapely young beauty, Marisa ages 20 years as the film progresses "And not very pleasingly,"
    105 words
  • 239 17  -  Michael Ruddy Y ou can't have your cake and eat it, some stars of cinema and television are finding out. One-night tours, formerly easy money for •stars between pictures and other commitments, are now nard going. During the past five weeks, Martin and Lewis and Bob
    239 words
  • 348 17 Hollywood now wants beauty plus brains ¥TP TO A DECADE or so ago, glamour and brains were never necessarily associated with a successful Hollywood career. In fact, "beautiful but dumb" was an expression that probably originated m this business. It was aptly applied to the scores of gorgeous ladies who
    348 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 71 17 ITh< Ladies Choice carvenirl parfums de Puris /V J» MA G R I F F E /f^^ 1 4 CHASSE GARDEE K I ROBE DUN SOIR //y\\ A/k Obtaiitabir at leadina Sforrt J FAVtf-UUtA WATCH CO LTD -i^r-*^s>*y i 18 F B<MTy Road Sinypof Going on Leave? KEEP IN TOUCH
      71 words

  • 4 18
    4 words
  • 127 18 HE WAS UNBEATEN IN U.S. ADHEMAH Ferroira T):i J\ Silva nf Brazil, who won the wrM'l hop, step and jump championship at Mcxi- tm City's Pan-American 3 I Cianies la*- 1 March when he j leaped 54 ft. 4in.. completed al\ tour of the 1 'njtecl States recently. He tfave
    127 words
  • 137 18 Lon See Teck (Raffia won the Individual chain ptoo m the "A" diM ion ftt the Haig Boya (1) and <n» combined athletic sporta hi Id yt U rday. He icored \h points nxm wins m the discu shot putt, high
    137 words
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 18 picture. SURPRISE winner of the Ascot (iold Cup was the Italian horse Botticelli, ridden by E Camici. Here he is beating Blue Prince II (W. Can*). Popper
    Popper  -  27 words
  • 74 18 3 BOD. cricket team to play O.H.Q. Blgnftl He-t. ;it Princess Mary Barracks Dover Koad, at 2 .111. today Ls: Capt p. Harper (capt). Maj R. J. Mackenzie, oar. Fa M. Osman, sqms t. Walker, Bgt. E. p. a. Haw, s^t Dftuncey, Sql
    74 words
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  • 342 19 Acceptors at Bukit Timah today mHE card of event for today's Gymkhana meeting at > Timah are given below. r\( 0NE— 2.15: Hacks Div. 2 KtchwHffali 12.07)— 5J4F. Audiola. 2. Craigmount. 3. Fine 4. Sunstream. 5. Flame, 6. ner, 7. Evening Star. 8. Rand- Academy Award. 10. Ranee. Dinar. 12.
    342 words
  • 87 19 LAZARO KOCI, manager of world flyweight boxing champion Pascual Perez, yesterday scoffed at London press charges that his Argentine fighter was dodging a match with Welshman Dai Dower. "Perez will stick to his announced intention of staging his first defence of the tide m
    U.P.  -  87 words
  • 460 19 p.'. i) Johore state records were en and another equalled 'be first Johore Combined ■'■> athletic meet held m Batu ■rUs bettered were the wo--220 yards and the 80 metre* In the 220 yards, Kepol 1 Muar> set a new state record 'he heats
    460 words
  • 46 19 photo. VIYIV (nearest camera), the French trained horse, with R. Poincelet up, gains a narrow win ln the King George VI and the Queen Elizabeth Stakes worth CSMHj at Ascot. On the rails Ls Acropolis (D. Smith) who finished second. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
    440 words
  • 62 19 *L"NGLAND won the fourth speed- way Test match against Australasia at Bradford by 66 points to 42 and thus levelled the series with each side having won twice so far Kj.,'lhji(l owed their victory largely fo the brilliant riding and fine team work of local
    62 words
  • 57 19 LEW HOAD battled from behind > yesterday to defeat Bob Falk bttfg of Brazil 3-6. 8 6. 7-5, 6-1 and i-l-.e Au>'ralli to lead m the /Unerteaa MM DevLs Cup final at ill*- Kentucky Ken HoMrwall survived a game < otnebiK k by Jobc At;uero to win
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 73 19 Two open events will be held at the annual athletic championships |of the Achilles Club on the R.I. ground on July 31 starting at 3 p.m. These are the 880 yards and the discus. All wishing to compete m these two events should get m
    73 words
  • 32 19 X P.M.. who were unable to field a team, conceded ualkover to Stiinvac m tiieir Leagua Cujtl Competition Ofoup "D" scheduled t< he j)laycd at YMCA ground yester day
    32 words
  • 44 19 Tlie Army cricket tram to play Police al Thomson Road tomorrow In Urn senior tourney Ls: Major Lewla (Capt). .Major BrOOBBbe Major Whitmell. Major Evans Capt W»-bb. CfPt Aber. 2,Lt. Calver Lt Wellard V"A) II Barron. Bft DattkCey, WO II Hewlett
    44 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 429 20 PUNTER'S DELIGHT AND STORMY WIZARD BEST IN FIRST GALLOPS UY I Xli: I'KKSS RACING OKKISPONDFNT QKBDY Punter's Might and UM useful Stormy VVizard tr-iiiiiiij- track at IVnan« this iminiiiu. when onicial training for the Cold (up meting began. f Ridden by riding hoys, both clocked So 1 5 lor 31
    429 words
  • 268 20 S. Africans in lead by 87 runs I ENGLAND TOOK A PALTKI m LEAD OF 20 KLNS ON THE FIRST INNINGS WHEN THE SECOND DAY OF THE FOURTH TEST MATCH AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA WAS CONTINUED YESTERDAY. They were all out for 191 m reply to the South Africans' tirst innings
    268 words
  • 49 20 picture. THIS is Gora Singh, the man-mountain wrestler who freight .~>4'2-lb. with the GO-lb. sheep he will eat on the green m front of the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday at 1 pm. (iora fights King Kong at the Happy World arena on July. Free Press
    Free Press  -  49 words
  • 170 20 T'HE Singapore Amateur Boxing Association is confident that at least six countries will take part m the first South East Asia boxing championships which are scheduled to be held m Singapore from Au«. 29 to Sept. 3. Burma and Hong Kong have already
    170 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 410 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. BIRTH 20 Words $H (minimum). kea'is. i<> Pat-ride and John, Daughter, Karen Elizabeth, on *lt\ July 1955 at Bungsar Hospltsl Both well. ACKIfOWLEDGMENT Words $t (minimum). MR. AND MRS Aiirley Westerbout thank friends, relatives, for peewits, congratulatory messages on the occasion of their marriage, on 10.7.55. SITUATION WANTED
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 278 20 WEEKEND SPORT TODAY TOMORROW SOCCER CRICKET mmmaammma m ma I SENIOR TOURNEY; Army v FRIENDLY: Singapore v Royal Po|| Thomson Road; S.C.C. v "WvJftJB 1 ■Kftr* 1 a*mi m m IA- LA. ground; C I.C. v Royal LEAGI E, Dl\ 2B: farrer NaV Nava Basf S C R C v
      278 words