The Straits Times, 26 August 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 323 1 Anglo-American Policy Towards Siam 'THERE seems to be an idea abroad that Lord Killearn is a food dictator and can order countries to stand and deliver, switch ships at will, take loads destined for one country and pass them to another m a word,
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  • 68 1 RANGOON, Sat— A demons 1 ranon organised by the Anti-Fes. cist League "against the Government'.s repressive measures against the peopio press and some organisations was staged m Pf>n«roon today. Carrying red Communist banners Burmese participated m a number of processions m their respective localities shouting nat onalLst
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 79 1 LONDON, Sun-Moscow Radio f-hargod that th? pr?ocnt Turkish control of the Dardane:l"3 ignored the lawful and just right* of the Soviet Union as cue of the main Black S?a powers." The broadcast, made no mention ot the Turkish note rejecting the Soviet propolis for
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  • 56 1 Tortured He Seeks To Convert Japs SEATTLE, Sat— Mr. Jacob D. Ijeshazer. 30, who was captuied and tortured by the Japanese, .-•aid he was t>o:ns back to Japan as a missionary. Pie said he plans to marry and than head for Ja. pan to try to convort to Christianity \)\o
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  • 459 1 NON-LEAGUE MUSLIM IS STABBED NEW DELHI, Sunday. ,IT was officially announced today that Sir Shafat Ahmed Khan, a member of India's new interim Gov^rr* msnt, was stabbed on Bator- > day night at Simla. He I resigned from the Muslim League only a few days ago. He was found lying
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  • 193 1 TEL AVIV, Sunday. PALESTINE'S Jewish "unI derground" bombarded the Jews with leaflets rallying them to passive resistance against the British, and raised banners urging the Jews to "volunteer for the liberation army." Armoured cars still patrol this all-Jewish city. As quickly as the
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  • 140 1 NEW YORK, Sun.-^ir Alexander Cadogan said m a radio address last night that he did not believe it would be possible to remove th? power of veto from the United Nations Charter, which grants the special veto right to t':e Big Five Powers— U.S., Britain, Russia,
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  • 53 1 PARIS, Sun.— Several leaders of the banned Tunisian s paratist Destour Party have ben Direst ed by the French authorities while hold!ng a secret meeting m Tunis, it was officially learned here today. Oflflcial quarters addfd tnat tension m Tunisia had "notably increased" s'nee the Muslim Ramadan
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  • 156 1 B ATA VIA, Sunday. An official statement issued m Batavia draws attention to the "deliberate misrepresentation of the attitude and conduct of Allied HQ on the question of supplying of rice for India from Java m a dispatch published yesterday by the Indonesian News Agency Antara." Antara
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  • 83 1 LONDON, Sun.— Britain's food outlook at the end of the current term had both bright and gloomy aspects. The Ministry of Food gave bad news yesterday that poultry rations will be reduced a quarter pound per bird on October 1. The ration cuts lor dairy
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  • 169 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday. r^HK Government of the United States has announced that Yugoslavia has bowed to the American ultimatum over the shooting down of VS. transport planes. Whether America takes the case to the UNO, the official statement indicated, will depend on official evidence of the
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  • 92 1 ATHENS, Sunday. DANGEROUS deterioration m public order was reported, during the few la3t days. Only one week before the plebiscite on the return of the King, civil war is spreading m Tha3saly and th? whole of Northern Greece. Political murders are increasing m Athens and
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  • 81 1 ROME. Sun— From his summer home at Castel Gandolo Pope Pius XII pressed a button that illuminated by radio the newly erected cross of Monte Amiata In Tuscany. The cross was destroyed m 1944 during the fighting between the Germane and the Allies.
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  • 73 1 LONDON, Sat.— Rhodes island m the Eastern Mediterranean, target for Allied bombers while it was m Axis occupation durng the war, is to undergo a new form of air attack. A plane left Britain last night with a cargo of sodium arsenate with which UNRRA planes will spray
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  • 93 1 A hundred German children, aged from 7to 14 years, from war-battered areas ol the Ruhr, 1 -ft Steele, near Essen, for Eire, where they are to liv? at the of the Eire Gov ernment. They will stay at feast 2 years, and it is anticipated
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  • 121 1 "Britain And U.S. Obstruction ists" MOSCOW. Sun BK'TAI.N and America arc accused m today s Red Star, organ of the Soviet Army, of an organised attempt to slow down the Paris Conference artificially and prolong the proceedings "so that the An srlo. Saxon bloc might impose their will The Red
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  • 300 1 "Danger Of War In The Balkans" PARIS, Sunday. THE Eastern bloc dropped a bombshell into the rela tively peaceful week-end atmosphere of the Paris conference last evening when the Ukrainian Foreign Ministei. Mr. Manuilsky, announced that on behalf of his Government he had sent a letter W> the Security Council
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 219 2 Washington Observers Predict Trouble WASHINGTON, Saturday. THE already troubled relations between the United States and Russia have been subjected to a new strain with the prospect of mutual limitations on the activities of their diplomatic representatives. It is expected that m accordance with President Truman's new and
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  • 55 2 CANBERRA, Sun.— The Australian Minister of Commerce, Mr. Will am Scully has said that UNRRA refused offers of Australian dehydrated foods. Mr. Scully said m a pr;&s statement that Australia offered subrtant'al quantitks of dritd eggs, '•.otrtoes. carrots, and other vegetables, but UNRRA 'just did
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  • 183 2 LONDON, Sun.— Sergeant John Hugh Harvey, R.A.M.C., of Michael Street, Fulham, has received a letter from the War Office telling him that the nine charges on which he was convicted by a court martial have been quashed. The letter rsads: "You are informed that
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  • 66 2 CAIRO, Sun. One thousand two hundred houses wer c washed away or damaged during the night by Nile flood waters at the uppsr Egyptian village of Karal el Gharby. Three thousand acres of cotton, maizj and sugarcane were submerged. Sidky Pasha, the Egyptian Premier, said today the
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  • 56 2 LOVELL, Mass, Sat.—Monsignor Edward L. Smith, chaplain of the American Legion Veterans' Organization, today de. manded universal United States military tra nlng because there "will always be wars so lonp as human beings populate the earth." The atom bomb, he said, would no more stop a war
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  • 93 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday. iMERICAN naval attaches have been withdrawn from the ports of Archangel and Vladivostok at the request of the Russian Government, the U.S. State Department spokesman announced today. The attaches left übout two weeks ago. The attache m Odessa is remaining there to deal with
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  • 61 2 JOHANNESBURG, Sat. The police suddenly arrested seven alleged Communists today including a woman city councillor. Earlier the police had raided the Communist headquarters here and m Capetown and arrested the Party's secret-.ry. A barrister and an Indian student were included m todays batch. Three described th'mselves
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  • 78 2 BUENOS AiRES, Sat. The Supreme Court today ordered the Government to release 11 persons held on charges of esplor age for the Axis powers. The group included Johan Siegried Becker and WUhelm SeWlitz, who are considered by the American and British Embassies as the chiet
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  • 70 2 NANKING. Sunday.— The Chinese Government intends to establish Consulates m the Philippines wherever there are largo numbers of Chinese. This will be m addition to the Legation and Consulate-General m Manila. it ?s- estimated that ther» are Setwfen 130,000 and 150.000 Cnineoe m the Philippines, and tneir economic
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  • 235 2 Ex-Under Secretary On Problem Of India LONDON, Saturday. THE British task m Jndia is to hold the balance fair, I declared Mr. R. A. Butler, Member of Parliament and former Under-Secretary for India, at Witham, Essex, tonight. "There will be neither tranquillity m India nor unity of policy at home
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  • 79 2 Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary visited an exhibition of Regency treasures at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, on the first day of the town's Regency festival. Many of the works of art were lent by the Royal Family. The former royal residence at Brighton was built by
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  • 235 2 SHANGHAI. Sunday. THAT the Chinese Government should encourage foreign capital to invest m public utilities m China, especially Shanghai, was urged by Mr. T. C. Tsao, Commissioner of Public Utilities of the Shang hai City Government, m an address before a distinguished foreign and Chinese
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  • 147 2 'BEVIN BACK BECAUSE OF EGYPTIANS' LONDON, Sunday. r! of the main reasons for the return of the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, from the Paris conference to London i 3 understood to be the discussion of the Egyptian situation, says the "Observer" diplomatic correspondent adding that there is to
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  • 48 2 ROME, Sat— A total of 44.000 men of the 1925 age group has been conscripted for the Italian Army, it was officially announced today. The 18-month period of compulsory service is still m force but a reduction is under consideration, the announcement said Reuter.
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  • 57 2 BANGKOK, Sun.— A number 01 Japanese surrendered personnel, including 93 who escaped a month ago from Bangkok camps, are still at large. The Ministry of the Interior issued a notification warn ng them to report to the police. The notification also warned persons hiding or communicating with
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  • 128 2 TOKIO, Saturday. General Douglas Mac Arthur, Supreme Commander m Japan, today named 505 factories m eight fields of Japanese industry for potential removal by the Allies as reparations. No factories have yet been earmarked for actual removal by a specified Allied power. Continued operation of those essential
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  • 96 2 NANKING, Sunday. FIGHTING m northern Kiangsu province above jakao assumed "alarming proportions" Chinese pros dispatches said as Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and General George C. Marshall met at the summer capital ol Ruling. Simultaneously with reports of heightened hostil ties m Kianizsu came a call
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  • 47 2 LONDON. Sat. Major Cecil Boon, R.A.S.C., will be tried by a court martial here on Tuesday on 11 charges of collaborating with the Japanese m Hong Kong while acting as liaison officer at a prisoner of war camp, the War Office announced today. Reuter.
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  • 125 2 BERLIN, Sunday. niPLOMATIC quarters m Berlin viewed the release of Mr. Litvinov from the post of Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister as an indication of Russia's growing trend towards nationalism and a blow to those who hope the Soviei Union will depend fully on international conference tablen
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  • 130 2 SYDNEY, Saturday.— Australian ex-Servicemen have returned here from Singapore claiming they were induced to go to Malaya to serve with the Naval Base Police by misleading promises They say they would have been left stranded and starving m Singapore but for the intervention cf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) TENDER NOTICE. 1. Tenders are invited for the purfchace of the following craft: Serial NO.RN34, Craft H.L.P. (Harbour Launch Petrol) Quantity: One. Serial No. 1132, Craft R.C.L. (River Cra t Landing) Quantity: One. The above crafts are located at Bla-fcang-Matl. Serial No. *****, Craft T.T.S.B.
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    • 221 2 Ovwr] ox BECAUSE "Star* newspapers are preferred B#^P by families above all others m that they WOT protect the mind and preserve the spirit against the chimera of ravaging rumour, flagrant falsehood, disseminated deceit ...ward off the lightning of lies and libels... W^^^ talismans of truth, ballasts that assure an
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  • 345 3 Further Releases To Be Made CTATISTICS obtained from the Currency Commissioners show that there is over $27 million worth of silver and copper coinage m circulation m Malaya. A very small proportion only of this is at present m circulation. It is felt that
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  • 129 3 "BURNING DESIRE TO LEARN" and girti m Ma. 3 iaya today have "a passionate intensity of purpose a burn, ing desire to learn, the like of which we have never known before." thinks Mr. H. P Cheese man. Director of ETduea.-on. Malayan Union. Teachers, he says, nave also been 'stirred
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  • 35 3 More than 100 Indian ?rtisans employed m the construction or tongkangs at Jalan Sultan went on strike yesterday morning. The men are deman^'roT sn taemie m wages from $3 to $6 per day.
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  • 43 3 At 2.30 p.m. on Saturday a lorry loaded with timber caughc fire m the vicinity of Bukit Pan. jang village. The Mun cipal Fire Brigade were called out and the tire was extinguished. The lorry was badly damaged.
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  • 201 3 QESCRIBED m shipping cirri. cs and by war wounded as one of the finest hospital ships m the world, the 20,000. ton Nederland Liner Oranje which was used during the war years to convey thousands of sick and wounded Australian and New Zealand troops
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  • 761 3 Share quotations, as at Aug. 23 according to üM Malayan i sreoioicers Association <Singapv.r°i were as follows. IM)l STRIAIS Buy-» Seller Alexandra drvkwork* Ords S2 00 $2.40 Alexandra 8r ckworfc* Prefs 2 80 3.00 Bru Malaya Trustee 6c Executor Co 8.00 9.00 Consolidated Tin Smelters 24/3 25
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  • 46 3 An aerial photograph of the 20,0.10 Nederland Liner Oranje. one of the fastest passenger ships afloat enterin; the port of Ymuidcn at Amsterdam In July this year, the first time after five years of war service between the Middle East and Australia.
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  • 465 3 by the Japanese, outputs lor ihe preliminary period a. unlikely to reach normal level. No. 1 dredge awaits th; restoration of No. 2 before the pontoon is lying submerged can be raised. The report stressed the financial strength of the company with investments and
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  • 68 3 AN attempt by fou» Ch nese to smuggle into Singapore 24 bags of Siamese white rice was frustrated by revenue officers of the Customs Prevent "p Rran"* on patrol duty off Jurong on Saturday. The rce was leaded m two sailing vessels 20 bags m one
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  • 106 3 Dr. W Glyn Evans. Chef Medical Officer. Kelantan. writes with reference to an article "Penicillin Used On Smallpox Patients" which appeared m the Straits Times on Friday. Aug. 9, that the article was written and published without his knowledge or conren*. He adds, "Since publicity has already
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  • 543 3  -  A Market Correspondent Uy IN their selection of industrial shares this week investors have displayed a distinctly selective attitude m contrast to the rather general demand of few weeks ago, and m the absence of reports on the post-war condition of many companies are relying more on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 NOTICE. CHAN CHOCN GUAN, (es-Chinese Interpreter, Chinese Protectorate MALACCA.) Will any person who has any knowledge of the movements of the abovena rd m March, 1942 or who has any information ol his whereabout since '.bat da*e please communicate with: Madam Chew Seh Wah. 13. Kampong Banda Kat>a MALACCA WE
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    • 188 3 New Stocks Received at ROBINSONS ENGLISH TRUNKS SUITCASES Leather, Fibre Canvas ENGLISH MOSQUITO NETTING NZTJ CYCLAX EE/UTY PREPARATIONS Creams. Lotions. Skin Food Pn«*der<». GINTS' TIES English. Slk Foulard Cotton. MECCA! tO SETS Size* 0 to 4 LAN SON CHAM PAG rM from Re ny« SILVERWARE Tea Pots. Su;ai Basia<>. Cream
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  • 39 4 Dr. Ha S'u Khan Mr. S F. 110 thank all friends and relatives who sent wreaths, scrolls, telegrams and letters of condolence, loaned cars and lorries, :na attended the funeral ol their father. Urn late Ho Sialc Kuan.
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  • 57 4 In ever loving memory of PATRICK JOHN O'DWYER who passed away In v P.O.W. Camp, Kuehing. British Nort'.i Borneo on August 26th 1945. Some day. some time, we 11 understand The working of God's wondrous plan, When He will link the broken chain And bind the aching hearts
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  • 973 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, Aug 26. 1946. On The Top Of The Cathay A letter criticising Lord Killearn is printed m this page today. It is a grossly unfair and uninformed letter, but it is a perfectly natural cutburst from the Singapore man-in-the-street whose office and social orbits do
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  • 129 4 LONDON, Sat. TWO of the ten-ton century-old stone pillars at the entrance u> Victoria Station came down like n nepins today just as a crowded bus was leaving the stand. A quarter-ton of blocks tumbled across the middle of the road and the debris hit the w.ndcws
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  • 523 4 Killearn civilian staff occupying other people's houses OF late there has been a considerable volume of correspondence and articles m tne Press regarding residential premises which are requisitioned by the military authorities. i understand that Oct. 1 next has been set as th deadUris date for handing back "almost all"
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Main In The Street
    • 379 4 IN the matter of food it may well be that he who shouts the loudest gets the most. Poor Malaya, sucked to 0"*? marrow by the swarm of locusts that fed en her for four years and feeble-voiced from semi-starva-tion, has been sold down the
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    • 195 4 IN reply to the letter headed "50,000 Meals A Day," I cannot see how "E.V.C." can reason it out that "it is a crime to allow 50,000 people to eat more rice, and leave the remainder of the public to suffer from shortage." Does he classify
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    • 121 4 LORD KILLEARN'S broadcast was a waste of his breath and of our time listen-ing-in. He said the Japs took away all the rice for their umy during the war. But we had more rice to eat during the occupation than now. The msnuaJ worker had somethine like 20
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    • 208 4 IN the footnote to "Military Tuan Besars" you say that "brigadiers and colonels artjust as human m such matters as civilian tuan besars." Grantee. But how is the civilian employee to reach these big shots? It is through an officer ot lower ran that our voices
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  • 351 4 A Citizen Exp lodes THE announcement tiiat a leie- gram has been despatched to the International Emergency Food Committee m Washington by Lord Killearn. emphasising the acute food crisis with which we are :aced. and the promul.^a- tion ol th? order to cut our rise ration are m such painful
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 780 4 KIONG.-To Poh Choon. wife of Kong Chai Hock of Straits Times on Saturday 24th Aug. 1946 at 11.30 p.m ;i son, James. Both well. VANHENEN. To Anr,e, wl*e of D.W.B. Vanienen of Rubana Estate, Tcluk Anson, a son. MOLLMANN— On August 23rd 1946, r.t Batu Gajah Hospital, to Chris; wife
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    • 58 4 OYSTER STERNA We can ".ervice and repair these watches as far as the limited resources at our disposal permit We are very short of tools ano spareperk. at present but hope to -estore facilities to full efficiency by the end of this year. We regret we caruiot repair othei makes
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    • 12 4 OTHER LETTERS— PACE SIX Wholesale Dealers' Rite Racket —Broken Rice Seamen's story.
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    • 142 4 lor REPAIRING WASHING OF CARPETS always rememic A HAMID RAHIM /V, prictnr <-" H. A. CHAN! 24»a ORCHAEB BisA!» OPTICIAN Keilow oi cne Institute Opninainuc Opticians (England.) Fellow ot the Worsh pfuJ Company of Sprctacle-Makers <Eng i Freeman of ihe City of London RAFFLES PLACE i- OPP. UTTLfc*- MfistiTsT" BRITISH
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  • 2053 5 Alteration In Siamese Rice Plan May Be Necessary L ORD KILLEARNANS WERS PRESS CRITICISM A 2,000-word statement which answers certain criticisms against Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner for South-East Asia, m his handling of the rice crisis, was issued by the Office of the Special C ommissioner yesterday. The document takes
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  • 124 5 By Our Chinese Correspondent THREE Chinese schools m Chinatown as well as the Singapore Chinese Kinder, garten School have applied to the Social Welfare Department, for meals under the public kitchen scheme to supply both teachers and students, about 3,000 m num. her. with mid -day
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  • 127 5 A fight, which started between serviceman and civilians at Jalan Besar Stadium about ten minutes before the end of play yesterday, developed into an ugly incident. Spectators crowd, ed on the field and the referee had to call the game off. The servicemen were
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  • 215 5 IT is perhaps not known to the casual reader or member of the public, what the current activities of the Office of the Special (ominisfcioner have b.-en during these months. They illustrate the machinery which b necessary to him in his work of
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  • 26 5 THE postal address and proper designation of the Singapore General Hospital, according to a Government statement yesterday, is now: "Singapore Civil General Hospital".
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  • 192 5 A WOMEN'S training school where Singapore women and girls will learn household work, general domestic science, health of children, hygiene, home management and cooking will come into being m Singapore shortly. The school is at present being planned by the Social Welfare Department and Mr. T.
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  • 93 5 ACHIN-3L woman living in Sclat Road in the Kaxnpong Bahru area was shot by gunmen who entered her house in the early hours cf Sunday morning She was taken to hospital in a serious condition. Shortly after 2 a.m., hree Chinese armed with pistols entered the house
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  • 36 5 Capt. D. Skingley, Registrar and Inspector of Motor Vehicles Kedah and Perl s, has gone oack to England on demobilisatioi 1 and will return to Malaya next year, says the Stre ts Times correspondent. Alor Star.
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  • 310 5 THE trial of juvenile offenders m Singapore will shortly be carried out m a separate court m the old Supreme Court building and is to be presided over by an officer specially appointed. In addition, the Government is considering the introduction of new legislation for the
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  • 197 5 BISCUITS FOR SALE IN SINGAPORE QUANTITIES of biscuits have been distributed by Messrs. Henry Waugh Co., Ltd.. Boustead Co., Ltd., and Jackson Cc, for sale to the public at $2.20 pei 1 4 pound tin (Jacob Biscuits) and $1 4.5 per one pound tin (Crawford Biscuits) by the ii!>.( wing
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  • 23 5 At 11.30 am. today at tli? Seletar Naval Base, a 'People; Restaurant' will b«' opene-1 under the ausrjices of the Social Welfare Department.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 When you learn this Priceless SECRET ji you Tire easily, foci Rundown, get Depressed f li|P when your brain acts llowly nature is merely telling you I that certain glands are tired dried up. But when you feed i I mjk these glands and revive them, you have started the
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    • 280 5 FIRST AID Ruin fc i/nY 1 UWtW «mMH HBWP^^^w^KL. V c kJomeone is injured. Send for a doctor! Until he arrives we must help the patient it" we ha\e learnt First Aid. Sometimes proper equipment is not available and the hirst Aider must then improvise; for example, using baking powder
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  • 252 6 IPOH, Saturday. THE Kinta Town Board's new chairman, Lt. Col. R. H. Drake-Brockman, presided at Thursday's meeting of the board which by a majority strongly opposed the Government's recommendation to increase the State revenue by raising fees of licences of all descriptions now being
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  • 116 6 Lady Gent Will Reorganise Girl Guides (From Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, AT her first Press conference ixi Malaya, Lady Gent, wife 01 the Malayan Union Governor at King's House. Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, sa d she hoped to take a great part m social welfare work m this
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  • 81 6 From Oar Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. DIG crowds of workers braved v the rain to buy 35-cent meals on Tuesday when Penanp/ first People's Restaurant was opened by the Resident Commissioner. Mr. S. N. King. Located on the Renong ground site, where the Japs had built
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  • 100 6 From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, fat. A brilliant idea by the Alor Star was police m issuing whistles some weei^ ago to shopkeepers throughout the town resulted m the apprehension of a Chinese housebreaker by a shopkeeper. The shopkeeper sounded the alarm on seeing
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  • 130 6 AUSTRALIAN RYCENA FOR RICE From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday, FE first consgnment of i.,:en!i is expected to arrive m Kuala Lumpur shortly irom Australia and ths will ease the rice position m the Malayan Union considerably. Rycena, which is an Australian product of wheat, has proved to be
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  • 152 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) IPOH. Fri. rE inquiry opened today be. fore Inche Jamal m the Magistrate's Court, Ipoh. into the circumstances connected with the death of Victor Perera who, at tme of his demise m July 1943, was a clerk m a Japanese firm, the
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  • 68 6 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, tat. A 27-YEAR-OLD Hokkien, Ong Teng Heng, wras produced before the District Ju3ge on Thursday on two counts of caus ng burt to extort a confession at the Jap military police headquarters at Wol f erstan Road m 1943 and one
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  • 70 6 MALACCA. Friday. IT the monthly meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commission held yesterday the members welcomed Mr. E. V. G. Day. the uew president. Mr. Tan, welcoming Mr. Day on behalf of the Commissioners, said that Mr. Day was not new to Malacca, having been there
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  • Straits Tims Post-Bag
    • 215 6 ILTHOUGH the government fa has taken the necessary steps to control prices, corruption is still m full swing due to the weakness of the food control Inspectors. The rice wholesaler sends the allocation to the retailers, but does the correct quantity come? Surely not. There
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    • 231 6 ris a matter for regret that the Dutch should have taken such unreasonable and drastic action against Chinese traders who are not only risking their lives and money in trading with the Indonesians but also taking food oo Dutch-controlled areas. In return, they bring back to us
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    • 114 6 I DON'T see any reason why the Government should not control broken rice, instead ot letting it go to the black market. This encourages the S amest padi planters to smuggle broken rice i.nto Malaya and charge black market prices. In some cases broken rice is as good
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 498 6 UIDOP MELAYU A Book That EVERYONE Should Read. Contents Rise of Malay Nationalism. What Is U.M.N.O. Who are the Malay Leaders? Why Have the Malay Women Come Into the Political Scene? Who is Malay National Hero? Read All About Malays and Their Fight Against the Union Plan m Ilidop Melayu
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    • 905 6 MISCELLANEOUS THE SERVANT8 AGENCY (Estd. 1911 > supplies domestic servants well trained in European noraes. Apply 17 Dhoby Ghaut, nr. The Cathay. EUROPEAN MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Engineer, first clao- credentials, erection of Hydro-electric and Diesel electric power Hou.<«. Substations. Dredges Workshrp. seeks permanent position Box 806 S.T. MRS. WINIFRED IRENE LUNUbLV
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    • 646 6 MJEzekiil *Swpi ESTABLISHED IN 19iO OPTIC IANS OPTOMETRISTS 13, Battery Road. Singapore! For Appointments Phone 7631. When you think of:— Typewriters. Calculators. Adding Machines. Card Index. Roneodex. or other office appliance, repairs or stationery supplies, think ot OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 1st floor. 14D. Chulla Strert, nexl t* Cheong Koon Seng
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 180 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALA V A RED NETWORK (root oood to I p.m and a. 30 to 11 p m on 225 metres from noon to 2 p.m on 4.825 mcs/sec in 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 mes sec in 6i metre band. CHINESE
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    • 142 6 at 1.30 p.x.) ano 8.15 j.m to 11 p.m ixcept on Sundays whsn the afternoon session opens it s p.m (news Headlines i 8;;c p.m am* rews at ».3O p.m MALAY noon to pm (news at 12.45 p.m.) an<- from 6 p m to 8 15 p.m (new* tn Malay
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    • 132 6 Peace Conferenca; 8.30 a.m. News. 7.50 p.m. Cricket commentary; 8.0O p.m. Skyrockets dance orchestra; 8.30 p.m. News; 8 35 p.m. London Calling: 8.40 p.m. Interlude; 8. 45 p.m. Talk; 900 p.m. Navy Mixture: 9.30 p.m. R-dio Rhythm Club; 10.00 p.m. Eugene Pinl; 10.30 p.m. Radio Newsrcel; 10.45 p.m. London Calling;
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  • 1900 7  -  Rear-Admired G.P. Thomson SECRETS OF THE CENSORSHIP 4 By During the peak of the Luftwaffe's blitz on the British Isles, on May 10, 1941, a Messerachmitt 110 crashed near Glasgow and a German officer was arrested. There would have been no particular news m that,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 707 7 S.s. GENERAL GORDON to MANILA and SAN FRANCISCO on AUGUST 28th. TO MANILA Fares with complete food and beds. Cabin class 551 81 .90 Emerceney dais SS9I 90 TO SAN FRANCISCO Cabin Class: US $4OO 03 Emergency Class U.S $2H" M American President Lines, Ltd. Union BWg Tel 6228 GOVERNMENT
      707 words
    • 453 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. l laconwcmtf hi Singapore i BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailing; to 4no from Un.w-o Kingdom Samaffarte dae from O.K. 28 Ui Aag. Samoa doe from V X 30th Aue Samharle (tails for U.K. 4th Sept. MeMkii saOs for UK. lOth sepi Western Australia The «frftes» sra raeu «t
      453 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 506 7 pened, this proved only a spur to North, who, on the theory that "he couldn't get hurt" at a low contract, blithely went to two hearts. East doubled, and North then began to learn that tt is the low contracts that can be slaughtered! West opened the diamond king and.
      506 words

  • 701 8 Airmen Lead Chinese 4-2 AN incident between spectators near the touchline caused the charity soccer match between the Combined Royal Air Force and the Singapore Chinese Football Association at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday to be abandoned eij?ht minutes from time. The Airmen were leading by four goals to
    701 words
  • 45 8 In a socr?r math played at the Naval Base ye&t:rday, th~ Naval Bas? Asian soccer team beat the RAF. (Hosptab £eletar by two goals to on.'. Paul and Roberts scored lor n m: nn is. whil? Gorman scored Hie Alnnen'a only goa!.
    45 words
  • 209 8 Russian Wins Sprint Title At Oslo OSLO, Sun. THE first man ever to w.n the European athletics championship title tor the Soviet Union is sprinter Karakulov. He captured the 200 metres when the championsh.p continued ai Bislet stadium here today. He scored a close victory over the Norwegian Tranberg in
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 183 8 In a low scorinz cricket m»t.~'n at Thomson Road grounJ yeste-day Colo1 n:als beat the Base Accounts Cricket I Club. j Scores w?re: BASE ACCOUNTS C. C. JRUey b Ratnayalce 41 Symons c Miller b Ratnayake 5 Lucas b Colling 1 !Rlgby b Colling 0 Connick lbw b
    183 words
  • 36 8 London. Sat. To-day's Scottish :.oceer lesuits wer?: A DIVISION Fallcirlc 2. Queen of the South 3 Hibernian 3 Hamilton Academicals 2 Kilmarnock 2, Morton 3 Motherwell 0. Hearts I. St. Mtrren 4, Aberdeen 2
    36 words
  • 79 8 In the main event of last night's boxing Jimmy Bird knocked out Van Loon m the fifth round of a scheduled ten round right. Other events resulted: Chia Men Onn r>eat Dave McInrov by a t.k.o. m the second round. Jeswant Singh knocked out Yep Chong Beng m
    79 words
  • 458 8 (Prom Our Own Cones-ondpn* > IPOH. Sat. THERE was a big u.osit at to-day's races here m the Perafc Turf Club's one-day meeting when Distinguished won the last race by a ?pd f oni Harlequin to pay $97. BIG SWEEP The draw on the Blf Swetp.
    458 words
  • 282 8 Cricket Club 's Easy Win Against Police CINGAPORE Cricket Club followed up their three run win O against Singapore District on Saturday with an easy win against the Police yesterday, m the cricket match played on the padang. The Club scored 141 and the Police were all out for 68.
    282 words
  • 282 8 SAB APATHY IN FORM A GOOD double by V R. Sapapathy who skippered the Ceylonese against R£M£. yesterday on the St. Georges Road ground and the brilliant fielding of the R.E.M.E men were the features of the mater* which resulted m a win for the C.S.C After the Ceylonese had
    282 words
  • 262 8 UIGH scoring featured the S R.C home and home match captained by D'Almelda pndl L^iissius. played at the S.RC. pac'ang yesterday. D'Almeida's XI batting fitsi made a score of 221 runs. 76 Oi which came from Aeria's b?t. Lelissfus, m reply, put up 251 for the
    262 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 349 8 MAJESTIC Premier Chlness Picture Palace 4 shows daily: 1, 3-15, 7 »-l5 p.m KHOO SHAN LIEW HAN A flrst class picture m Mandarin. Five grand song hits to entertain you Music nnd Sons lovers should not MIS 3 this picture. lAbl 3 SHOWS: 3-15, 6-30 A 9-15 p m MISS
      349 words
    • 213 8 11 m-2-4.15-6.30-915 P m f Alii Tel. 5281 VsWrtl^Mj^toy DANNY KAYE SCORES AGAIN IN "WONDER MAN (IN TECHNICOLOR) HHH j Openißg Tomorrow jflßftfffcs H^^^i| YVONNE DE CARLO I Selected out of 20 «00 ffirU »oi %m* jflj the sensational role of <3|tj "SALOME. WHERK SHK ~*wSrA P^F i DANCED" was
      213 words