The Straits Times, 17 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Famine In Asia
    • 107 1 BHANOHAI. Feb. Id —The Relief and Rehabilitation Administration's .ston office director. Mr. Ch-ng Pao Nan, is proceeding to Washington within the week, rairying 14 of the 20 specimens of i trass which famine- striken and Hupel peoole w*re ementlng »heir mud I diet. Mr Cheng collected th* specimens
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    • 131 1 LOM 15.— The political and financial weekly, tr.e Economist, publishes a lull page rrom a rorresponcu-nt in Btmbay on th>- Indian fcwi situa--1 Lnf in India." says the <>ndcnt. "is that If anyone to sutler it should be Japan An outbreax of lamine in the present state ;>f
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  • 109 1 LEFDS. Feb. 15:— The Yorkshin- Post. discussing the problems of deciding Malaya's post-war status, said today: "Malayan present condition should surely put political questions for the time being Jn the background Bh° Is desperately short of food, clothing and household Roods «CT all kinds while lboting^ind lawlessness
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 364 1 INQUIRY ORDERED BY CANADIAN PREMIER Feb. 16:— The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, bd> ordered an inquiry into "disclosures of secret and confidential information to unauthorised persons," relating to atomic power. No official information is available as to the indentity of the country concerned
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  • 115 1 NEW YORK. Fej. 15.— Seven hundred British naval ratings staged a walkout strike after going aboard the 80,000-ton liner Queen Mary last night but they returned two hours later after Naval Officers had assured them that their protests against over-crowding' would be met by an
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  • 88 1 HONGKONG. Feb. 15— The rice ration to the colony's estimated population of 1. 000 000 will be halved from Monday owing to a serious shortage ln supply centres, it is announced. The present ration of four katties— a katty is equivalent to just over one pound every five
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  • 65 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. I— LNKRA headquarters reports that typhoid fever is sweeping across Europe. The present epidemic is one of the most severe resulting from the second world war. It is centred in an area extending from Berlin to Silesia and East Prussia hat is also present in
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  • 136 1 BIRMINGHAM. Feb. 15— Major Woodrow Wyatt, Member of Parliament for Aiton, speaking here tonigUt on his recent Indian visit said the Indian problem would have to be dealt with within the next few months If violence on the greatest wait since the Indian Mutiny was
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  • 155 1 VATICAN CITY. Feb. 16:— Sixty-nine cardinals and future cardinals are assembling here for next week's consistory i meeting) of the Sacred College at which 32 of them— including 28 non-Ita-lians—are to be created cardinals. The youngest of the new cardinals is Monsignor Bernard Griffin. Archbishop of
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    • 38 1 YOKOHAMA. Feb. 15.— Robert L. Dickens, a 27-year-old American Negro soldier, was sentenced by general court martial to life Imprisonment and dishonorable discharge from the army after he waa found guilty of murdering a Japanese In Toklo.— UP
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    • 43 1 SEATTLE, Feb. 15.— The worst earthquake 1 i 27 years rocked the entire Pacific north-west coast tonight causing thousands' of dollars worth damage The town of Olympla, near the earthquake's epicentre, had a 30 second tremcr which shattered windows jind broke dishes U.P.
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    • 44 1 CAIRO, Feb. lfi K :r F:\; A tiiav asked Ismail Siky Pasha, a "strong Baa" vjrpe politician, to Xorm new cabinet. Iwnall Blky to reportedly attempting to form an all-party coalition. The action cam* after the resignation yesterday qf Premier Nokraahy Pasha.— U. P.
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    • 79 1 KINGSTON. JAMAICA, Fab. 16:— All but IS of the lunatics who escaped from a Kingston asylum after 390 attendants went on strike for better conditions, have been returned by the police who are now In charge of the hospital with the aid of the emllltary. Scores of the Inmates roamed
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  • 101 1 BANGKOK. Feb. 15:— At least 1,000 people are homeless and the city's famous silver market completely gutted as the result of the disastrous fire at Bangkok last night, damage being estimated at about £500.000 The Ist Battalion of the Queen's Royal Regiment and Gurkhas who helped
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  • 116 1 A "Battle of Britain" fighter ac« has handed over to one of the RAF's most decorted bomber aces as Senior Air Oflflcer Air Headquarters, RAF, Netherlands East Indies. The RAF's new second In command in Java— for such is the status o» the S.A.S.O.— to
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  • 356 1 LONDON, Feb. 16— The Prime Minister Mr. Clement Attlee, has received a report of Indonesia from Mr. Harold Davies, Labour Member of Parliament for Leek, who has Just returned from the Far East as an Oxford University Regional Committee lecturer to the British forces bpK£
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  • 406 1 Syria And Lebanon LONDON, Feb. 16.— The British Foreign Minister. Mr. Ernest Bevin, told the Security Council today that he was willing to accept the general outline of the Dutch delegation's proposal which expressed complete confidence that British and French troops will be withdrawn from the
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  • 36 1 NEW YORK. teb. U -The 102-storey Empire State huildine—New York's tallest skystraper—will be the headquarters of the I'mted Nations Organisation for a rive year period, it was authoritatively learned here tonight.— Beuter.
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  • 173 1 DRASTIC CONTROL IN JAPAN TOKIO. Feb 16: -The Japanese Government announced today a drastic programme of economic controls ln an effort to reestablish currency stability discourage black market activities, adjust price levels and fo cc consumer goods Into the market Ordinances to be promulgated at once will block bank deposits'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 MUSIC FOR EVERYBODY (LIST No. 3) MAIL-ORDER SERVICE— Our Specialty! All orders recdved Ml attendee and despatched on the same day of receipt. POPULAB Mr SIC ALBUMS: COMMUNITY SONG BOOKS: S Valses from Gilbert Sullivan FAD: Community Song Alums. Operas gs._ i n 9 books. Q $3 8 Famous Musical
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  • 106 2 01 mr iuvtnf memory of Mr. Z Var. Ml Accountant. StraiU Tlmet who paatfi away 00 S7-12-IMS Deep: muni by hta aorrowliif wife a.-] AHna and hU brother-in-law Ur J A N Saldar.ha WEE Mrs W*e Joo Jtn fnee Madam r*n N»o Cheei at her residence M Koek Road,
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  • 753 2 Stolen Rubber Illicit tapping ot ruobei trees Is reaching considerable proportions In some par^s of tiie Peninsula. Much of thL> upplng Is being done inexptrtl.v and with a lrequency that Is bound to have permanently harmful effects on the trees. Tappers in employment are *eavint estates because they find
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  • 307 2 News that a further batch or Dutch evacuees is likely to leave Singapore In the near future, and that the total departures will then exceed 6.000. serves as a reminder of an important contributory cause of current shortages. Even when this next batch leaves, there will still remain
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  • 148 2 Sunday Times Corr, LONDON, Feb. 4— Many Malayans of the older generation will be glad to hear that Sir Andrew Caldecott, one of the most distinguished members of the Malayan Civil Service who became successively Governor of Hongkong and of Ceylon, was married a few days
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  • 888 2  -  Frank Roberts By Grim Story Of How 100,000 Died In Nip Slavery Some weeks ago the grim story of the Burma-Siam and Kura Railways was published Th-? s— casually handed in rthe Japanese gave detuils of the forced labour used on the railways and from that sheet
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  • 436 2 Sunday Times Corr, LONDON, Feb. 3.— A very warm tribute to Malaya's new Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Is paid In the Sunday Times today by "Atticus." He says that In selecting Mr. Mac Donald the Prime Minister has shown a fine sense of the dignity
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  • 619 2 The rccepLon of the Dutch proposals contained in the statement of policy handed to "Premier" Sjahrir of the Indo--1 nesian Republican GovernJment in Indonesian circles appears to be unfavourable ibut it is generally agreed that the proposals constitute mor^ than previously offered and certainly
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  • 487 2 (The Editor, The Surdnv 7 Plr. I hnvp tli" hono-v f<> rpfer t*> ♦he p.rtlrli* rallM "Wry Tunny In »h#> Sunday Times of Peb in. As B.M.A. Ml^U— South Ea-=t Asia Air P' and. therefcrr chr>n?rd with wntrhlr«j and i-ponsorintj civilian Intercut*. I c»>n oniy .«av that your
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 SITUATION VACANT WANTED Mi-lent Secretary #tei-<Rr. experience and Mian required Arnly »o V-r.-M 27S Or MISCELLANEOUS IJ:aRN Accotin'anry By Post, ■trait* School of Accountant fPlo•w Postal Jn«tltute» G K Narendra A n 'Accountant) Frtneipa; PO Box No 805 TONN SAXOPHONES sliver plated. JpM bell, v lendld condition ulth cane taw
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  • 600 3 There Will Be More Arrests— bma The disturbances in Singapore on Feb. 15 had a sequel In the courts yestcrda\ when a total of 37 persons appeared on charges ranging from holding an unlawful procession to rioting and assault. F.fteen Chinese, who pleaded guilty
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  • 65 3 Sunday TiTie s Corr LONDON. Friday Holding that reinstatement andrr the Civil Kmploymrnt Act do»s not apply to employment outside the U.K., the I'm pi re under the Act has upheld a Colonial Office appeal arising from the recommendation of a Treasury special commit'ee that the
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  • 339 3 Doctor Given Shock Torture Treat ment A Singapore doctor who was hung from a beam and given repeated electric shocks gays evidence yesterday when Edward Bavier, otherwise known as Tanishiro, an interpreter attached to Kempei-tai headquarters during the Japanese occupation, was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to three Singapore
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  • 101 3 Sunday Times Corr., Ipoh, Feb. 16 Major Alexander Macdonald, an ex-member of Force 136, the undercover organisation which parachuted into Malaya before the re-occupation, was charged with murder before Lt-Col J. G. Adams today. Macdonald, who had returned to his pre-war occupation as a
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  • 303 3 Report Short Measures Controller An assurance that the racket among certain Sinp-i-pore retailers of giving short weight In rations would be immediately investigated on receipt of a substantiated report, was given by Lieut. -CoL J. Hamer. Deputy Food Controller, when his attention was drawn yesterday to this form of abuse.
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  • 269 3 Chief Justice Under Japs Sentenced Sunday Times Corr., IPOH Feb. 15.— Raja Omar bin All, Chier Justice in Perak and Kinta D.strlct Officer under the Japanese, was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by a British Officer Court today for sedition. The charge arose from a speech made by Raja
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  • 369 3 The condition of the roads in Singapore has deteriorated since the re-occupation. This is due to an unprecedented weight of military traffic. Today Singapore's road doctors are busy repairing the island's 354 road miles Md 34 miles of backlanes. The situation has altered so murh since
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  • 79 3 Civilians will not be able t» travel on Malayan railways ai result of the railway workers strike at Kuala Lumpur. This was announced yesterday. A skeleton railway service will, however, operate, but it will be for use of military personnel only. Previous to this, civilians
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 IN LOVE MjgPifcMfl IN W A H 11^^ COURAGE WINS! 1 2(>tli vrijr\ 1 ox I cchniculour Jewel' 'CRASH DIVE" TYRONE PCWER [AHA ANDREWS JfIHE MIDNIGHT AUDIENCE LAST NIGH f b« WAITED, WATCHED g^^^k wL ANXIOUSLY M|fl FOR THE Jp^" j^fe TO STRJhP! J HELL SfniKE MO,~E a. M.P's GO
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    • 421 3 JUBILEE THEATRE Wbert Everybody •■njoy* 11 a.m 1. 359. «M t pm Today— s Showi 20th Century Pox presents "THAT NIGHT IN BIO" with Carmen Miranda Don Amer-ln- photographed In gorgeous technicolor The piciure wi.ii lull of Romance! Music: Song Tonr»: Danrea! Next hanfe: A super Malay plctuie that all
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    • 131 3 R. C. A. RADIO TUBFS KEEHUAT RADIO CO. m-114, Orchard I'oad Telrphone 4MC SINGAPOKI LiTii'cd Mark of thh Kmpirr prwtlact Ju.«t received. 2so arffrr I TVWC Q^HtU,XL |f mar mmf km** d Sof|t sVtucu £*4*U*vm Outstallon agent, rtquiivu Please communicate with Bos No \t% Sinrapotr Style Your Hair By E.<r-
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  • 2600 4 M.P.S OPEN FIRE ON SARAWAK MO VE From Our Own Correspondent, London? IVI P.s showed considerable anxiety over the proposal to cede Sarawak to the Empire whe.t the Secretary for Colonies, M. Hall, explained the plnn in the Hous? of Commrns. Several speakers laid great emphasis on the necessity for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 33 4 NOTICE To RUSION DIESEL ENGINE Users For your own protection, may we recommend that you consult us before I purchasing locally any fuel injection equipment which may prove useless. UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. (SINGAPORE)
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    • 545 4 RA V V 3 SHOW S DAILY It AD D V v a 3, sis 9i5 pm. nArri Edward Arnold St Lionel Barrymore In Today at 3.15 ti M pin "PENALTY" Dennis Morgan St Merle Oberon In with Gene Reynolds. AFFECTIONATELY YOURS preceded ">y A high voltage drama with comedy
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 181 4 TODAY'S RADIO (From Singapore) RED NETWORK an S2S metres and 61 metres from noon to 1 p.m. and 6 30 p.m. to 11 p.m Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m (news in Hokklen at 1 p.m.; In Cantonese at 1 '.o pjn.). and from 1 pjn. to 9 pjn. (news In
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