The Straits Times, 3 January 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 304 1 Third Ministerial Resignation Heralds Final Crisis LONDON, Jan. 2.— While the 76-year old Persian Premier, Ebrahim Hakimi, Is anxious to settle the differences in his country, he may have no opportunity as there is a slroltg move afoot in the Persian Parliament to overthrow the
    Reuter; UP  -  304 words
  • 135 1 STERN GANG HIDEOUT FOUND Tel Aviv, Jan. 2.— Following an explosion, police have discovered the hideout of the notorious Stern gang which is believed to hav? participated in the recent outbreak of terrorism in Palestine it was disclosed last night. Police fired on two men fleeing from the scene and
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  • 147 1 De Gaulle's Threat To Resign PARIS. Jan. 2.— After a dramatic- French Assembly meeting with Genera] ue oamlc mreatentl.g to iv sign if ihi Socialist, tanked by the Cotimunl:ti, pyrfi'ted m their demr.nrt that tJ.e national defence budget be cut oy 20 per cent.— the French Socialists Rave m late
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 674 1 LONDON, Jan. 1.— The worst danger of the nationalisation of Cable and Wirele^ relates to the foreign concessions held by the corporation, states a special artiCk in the Daily Telegraph today. These concessions, says the article, "extend *o a number ot European
    Reuter  -  674 words
  • 156 1 The French authorities will henceforth assume the task of maintaining law and order in southern Indo-China except in certain defined zones In which the Japanese armed forces will be interned pending their repatriation, and in which the Britisli will remain responsible so long as
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  • 33 1 HYDERABAD, Jan. I— The AllIndia Women's Conference here unanimously passed a resolution protesting against the "strong nations' forcible Imposition of their will on Palestine, home of the Arabs for centuries."— Reuter.
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  • 62 1 SIGNING OF ANGLO-SIAM TREATY The pictures below were taken at the signing of the Anglo- Siamese T.eaty at Government House on New Year's Day. In the first picture Mr. M. E. Denin- (third f-om left) is seen addressing the Siamese delegates. Lower picture shows Mr. Dening signing the treaty. On
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  • 109 1 LONDON, Jan. 2.— The Chinese Government has decided to appoint a permanent committee of representative citizens of Shanghai to advise on the administration of the city, Reuter learned today. The committee will consist of seven Chinese, three Britons, three Americans and one Frenchman. Invitations have already been
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 35 1 Gromyko For Far East Commission LONDON. Jan. 2.— Moscow Radio, quoting the Tass news agency, rerx>rted that the Council of the Peoples' Commissars has appointed M. Andrei Gromyko to the Faa Eastern Comm ssion.— U.P.
    UP  -  35 words
  • 300 1 TERRORISTSKILL DANE JAPS BATAVIA, Jan. 2.— Egon Estron, Danish Evangelist, and five Japanese travelling as his protecting escort have been murdered bj Indonesian extremists at Tebing Tinggi, 44 miles from Medan on the north-west coast of Sumatra, according to a Netherlands news agency dispatch from Medan. Japanese troops In the
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 72 1 MOSCOW, Jan. 1:— Experiments have now been concluded on a new grade of rice evolved at an experimental station of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, east of the Volga, reports the Soviet news agency. This rice grows not in irrigated fields but in dry steppe
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 97 1 LONDON, Jan. 25.— Despite the peace treaty signed with the Siamese Government, the provisions of the Trading: with the Enemy Act of 1930 continue to apply to trade with persons in Siam. Cnder the Act, no commercial or financial dealings with the ••enemy" are
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 184 1 Treaty Will Relieve Our Rice Shortage The rice obtained from Siam under the Anglo-Siamese agreement signed in Singapore on New Year's Day will be used by Bri1 tain to relieve the acute shortage in the neighbouring countries, 1 particularly Burma and Malaya, 1 writes Reuter's diplomatic correspondent in London. The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 690 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs. Jan. 3, 1946. Stern Justice An ajjieement signed In Singapore on New Year's Day ended the state of war which had existed between Great Britain and Siam, and India and Siar... since J&. u.try 1942. While the treaty was_ being negotiated,' Britain was subjected to
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  • 2212 2 LONDON CRIME WAVE Some Midnight Streets Are Best Avoided London Letter By Our Own Correspondent London, Dec. 9. Your correspondent lived for seven years In Malaya. During two or three of those years, Chinese gang warfare was rampant and Singapore's murder rate was popularly supposed and Indeed, statistically proved —to
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 38 2 The payment by the CM. A. (as also by <he Japs) of low salaries 1; a io t caire of corruption. Better pay and working conditions. In my vl-jw. may be a solution "Gunboat No. 2." Singapore.
      38 words
    • 71 2 NighUo'l disposal m Kalian"? Road area tt :ms to be badly nejected. In a month, there were oniy two clearings of the bucket m my house. A letter to the department concerned brought neither relief nor reply. A personal call to the department resulted m an assurance that
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    • 68 2 of Lembu Road and Derker Road appeal for action t-> be taken against the dumping of motor part* and chassis ?nd scrap iron into roatii and Uraias m the area. The^e dump? apart from being ob^ttuctlon to traffic ar*> p'acps where mosquitoes can breed ttH coi:e?Uo:i of
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    • 82 2 T am amuseC by pondent "Essentially Urgent" wr o r.rot" en the subject of salaries reefnty Government and Municipal flecks fhould consider themselves fortunate In peuins back their jobs. In being given victor/ b^nus^s i"id. If mv t^'mWFtfm i« <-■-. rect. Increments which wcu!d b"en paid to them
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    • 95 2 Many locally-domiciled ox-lntern-t?.-are not living m the Slme Road Tranrit Camp, but, owing to pecuniary circumstance!", are still drawing dry rations. Thi- assistance is highly welcome am commendable but a more centrairea di«rtrbuMn<? depot should be found. In these difficult days of meagre traiiarx>rt facilities and sky-high transport
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    • 106 2 Government and municipal employees are said to be awaiting relief from their present financial dlstrecs arising from cast of living. One correspondent to your column said: "Our victory bonus is exhausted...." May I point out that former employees of the Imperial (British) Government, comprising R.A.F., Naval Base and
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    • 55 2 I If there ex: tT a rott:n pub'le trai;'port f-y.-,..e:n In Eingapors t.icn 0M it.: alonj Bu' Tlnali Uoj 1 nr- nvr-r s-pecir'.l r..j;iuii. \<ah the »xoci^..j-: or one bu-. company, o'hers who r u:i t^! I public tran-p^rt sys-em along 'hi- r-md I are charging aoro.dinj t»
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    • 41 2 It MM t« c^oi iC..^ I tnj I B.M.A. to v.ond'ict a lottery tnroueiijout Malaya at $1 a ticket. 40 p:r cent. of 'hi prec-eas rcuit n th- RrJ rTosj Fund, leaving the t iance lor POHM S. Keksen, Singapore.
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    • 60 2 The Forces' n^w^paper SEAC recently publ;sh'd ccvvr^l cr .mali. One of :heni was In the "Wot" series Wot no mail? While Iba t&otch 7/&s very funny, it drpietH a true Jt^-tc cf a-Tairs. I ar.-J ir.any t^.-crs !in my de achment think It b hi-h .time someone coss
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    • 102 2 A rep-rr m the S'r.!ts Timr that certificate; were av.-UU the ul csniildale, of t k scc::t txamina ion held at S: ..ic I,r camy cany la t t lhe c I Internet? v.ho p-»s nd |2kb s-cret rx■amlnation are prebiiiy taktDß a breather fomewhere far l:om tinsrapore
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    • 97 2 Your leadinpr arti.-le on "Rubber Price" pubii hed recently should be an eye-opener to the B.M.A. cpoclal.y your re/erence to cerain dealers olferin^ pi oO cento a kati ar.' not 36 cents per Ib. In 'la.pmij. ihe Civil Affairs OOcw appointed a new dealer, on condition tha: he
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    • 113 2 Since the Sunday Times m its issue of Dec. 16 published pictures of the survivors of the Jap-massacred village of Kalagon In Burma, I suggest thiyou pubn^ri the picture of the survivors, if any, of the Indonesian village of Bekassi razed by the British m retalia lon for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 639 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED FINANCIER with $20,000 for export business of Malayan Produce ui.J Import ot Engineer. ng stores. Good Profits— Apply Box 143 S.T. WANTED A MALAY CLERK wit»knowledge of English and trading bu Jness, good salary. Apply to Bag.nda-Zakaria-Malaya-Indone&ia, 229, Beach Road. WANTED: Efficient shorthand typist %-i.h sound knowledge
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    • 217 2 TENDERS. 1. Tenders will be received for the supply of the following articles to the Johoxe Bahru Prison for a period of 3 months commencing from 15th January. 1946:— (a) Rations for Prisoners Pork per Ib. Ginger per lb Beef— fresh Chillie-— <lried Mutton m Tamarind Vegetables (Kangkoug, Coriander Bayam.
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  • 789 3 BETRAYAL OF EURASIAN MAN, GIRLS ALLEGED Kempei Officer Admits Torture Preliminary Inquiry Into Case Against de Silvas Sensational evidence as to how two local residents, Doreen de Silva and her husband, Manuel de Silva, employed by the Japanese Gestapo, caused several Eurasian women and a man to be arrested as
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  • 103 3 Final SurrenderTo The Press Promptly at four o'clock on Thursday the British, Indian, Australian and Siamese delegates Hied into the conference room at Government House u.\ site (10 as it international usage, the representatives of the victorious powers leading). I'rince Viwat was the first to arprnd his signature, the dead
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  • 79 3 Four Pcnang residents were dismissed from the Penang Special Court after charges ol collaboration. Eu Cheow Tcik and h.s wife, Mabel Lim, Coral Alma Phipps and Rita de Cruz formally stood before Special Magistrate G E. Conaghan. when he proclaimed that after due investigation of the complalnta
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  • 203 3 I. N. A. TRIAL DECISION WITHIN WEEK NEW DELHI. Dec. 31.— The court-martial which Is trying Capt. Shah Nawaz Khan, Capt. Saighal and Lieut. Dhillon of the Japanese-sponsored "Indian National Army" on charges of waering war against the King and of murder, closed here today after the final session lasting
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  • 40 3 A proclamation issued by the Supreme Allied Commander yes- terday returns all Burma to Civil Government. The greater part of the country returned to Civil Oovernment last October when i the Governor resumed his duties.
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  • 122 3 A Labour Committee under the chairmanship of the DC.C.A.O., Singapore, has been set up and its first meeting will be held at the Municipal Council Chamber at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Three members will represent the employees, three will be heads of the largest employing departments.
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  • 242 3 Malay Court Changes KEDAH SULTAN TO VISIT U.K. Sir H_rold MacMlchael, special representative o? the British Government who is now in Malaya on a mission connected with the proposed Malayan Union, has formally proclaimed on behalf of the Government rpcoenition of HH. Tengku Ibrahim inbi Almerhum Sultan Mohamad IV. C.M.G.
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  • 178 3 The Far East Band of the Royal Marines is In Singapore and will "Beat Retreat" on the Padang at 6.15 on Jan. 5 and 9. This custom originated in the days of walled towns. Just before sunset a drumman woi'ld "Beat the Retreat" while piquets,
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  • 134 3 MORE ITEMS Ol\ RATION LIST Milk, tinned meat and dehydrated vegetables come onto the rations list from Jan. 14. The sugar ration is» increased to 3 tahils per head per week, from the present ration of 3 1 petfortnight. It will be issued weekly Tinned
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  • 283 3 Straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 1.— A large crowd, including Lieut. Gen. Sir Frank Messervy, attended the first post-war meeting of the ?elanpor Turf Club held here on New Year's day. Racing was keen throughout. Mr. Chips won the event for cracks in Class
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  • 121 3 The strikes in Singapore have all been called off with the exception of the 1,000 workers in the United Engineers' workshops and shipyards where there appears to be a deadlock as U.E's decline to pay the strikers for the period they were absent from work.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 183 3 Victoria Institution Old Boys' Association. Unter the auspices of this Association, a meeting of all old boys of the Victora Institution will be held at the Selnnp.or Chinese Assembly Hall. Kuaia Lumpur, on Sunday,- the 6th: January. 1946, at 2 p.m. 1. To pass a vote of condolence on the
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    • 414 3 REWARD Lost one male Terrier dog, white, answering to name rusty frum Jervois Road Grange Road area. Reward for its recovery Phone No. 3403. TRADING OPPORTUNITIES WITH AUSTRALIA Stra ts Settlrments or Malay States Merchants an-J psrscns desirrus of making Business Contacts with Es-tab'L-hed Australian Manufacturing and Primary Producing concern?:,
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    • 311 3 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DAN C E 111 pm tolZMpm. Admission Charge: SI 00 to Nun UcvidrnU JUBILEE T9SJITBE WHERE BVESTOtn ENJOij 1. 3 30. 6.30 A 9 p m TO-DAY LESLIE BANKS In "SONS cf th- SFAS" with GERALD ELLIOT NEXT CIMNCI "MAN IN CillY vith MARGAF.ET LOCKWO')D Sat. sth
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  • 256 4 Chiang AsksU.S.En voy To Be Mediator CHUNGKING, Jan. I— Following Generalissimo Chiang Kal- I slicks invitation to him to mediate, General George Marshall, United States snecial envoy to China, today conferred privately with Gen. Chou En-lal, Communist representative m Chungking, for two hours. It is believed
    Reuter; UP  -  256 words
  • 264 4 Commonwealth Plan For India Now Practical LONDON, Jan. 1.— 1946 will be a crucial year m India's history, said Secretary of State for India, Lord Ppthick Lawrmc. m a broadcast to India tonight. "I want you to realise that the British Government and, I beliave, j the whole British people
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 98 4 NEW YORK. Jan. 1.-The wildest, noisiest, costliest, New Year's eve celebration ever swept through New York with the famous Times Square traditional New Year's gatherine; place— bursting wi h a mass of delirious people a.s never before. More than 2,000 policemen were on duty m
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  • 80 4 Spring Revolution In Yugoslavia VIENNA, Jan. 2.— Gen. Mihailovich, pro-Nazi Jugoslav I leader, is plotting to overthrow Marshal Tito's regime, according to the correspondent of the United States Army newspaper, Stars and Stripes With 70,000 Chetnik guerilla fighters who are loyal to exKing Peter, Gen. Mihailovich is hid ng m
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  • 45 4 LONDON, Jan. I.— William Joyce, former "Lord Haw Haw," today lost his last chance to T n aue thp gp'lows and will be hanged at Wan&sworth prison Thursday. The Home Secretary decided not to Interfere "with the due course of law."— U.P.
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  • 28 4 MALTA, Dec. 29:— As a protest against the crown colony adminl tration, Malta's G^neral Workers' Union yesterday announced a one day strike lor Jan. a. L^
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  • 72 4 LONDON, Jan. I —Melbourne Radio today said that Hiroshima, the first city to feel the terrific destructive power of the atomic bomb, will be the headquarters of the* R-itish occupation fo-ces m Japan. "The first British forces are expected to reach Hiroshima late this month,"
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 609 4 NAAFI Goods Sold By Tender SWELLING THE BLACK MARKET "The court strongly deprecates the practice of a military organization, such as NAAFI professes to be, at this present moment of disposing of goods to civilians when under the Offences Against the Forces Proclamation, thfre is a direct prohibition of possession
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 \Q A T H A V Where Everybody Goes 11 a.m. 2.00 4.15 7 p.m. 930 LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY I GENE AUTRY The Singing Cowboy In "IN OLD MONTEREY" Song, Music, Laughter OPENING TOMORROW A Brand New Release! JACK BENNY ALEXIS SMITH m THE HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT with
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    • 23 4 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND Rubber (k>aftul:it n:,» Acid Sole l)istri!>uting Agents: CHIDA FRANCIS «c CO. 113- A, Cecil Street, Singapore.
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    • 224 4 GROCERS MERCHANTS Danesi Macaroni Factory INNISFAIL North Queensland AUSTRALIA READY TO SUPPLY TO THE TRADE Reliable Jkjsood SPAGHETTI VERMICELLI MACARONI Packetted m cases 221bs net ORDER NOW Prices given Free on board at Sailing Port DANESI MACARONI FACTORY INNISFAIL North Queensland AUSTRALIA SIDELLA EXPORT IMPORT CORPORATION 90, Wall Street. New
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