The Straits Times, 14 December 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL*** 11 No. 521 Sunday, December 14, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malay* No. 521 Sunday. December 14. 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 1305 1 London Hint Of More R.A.F. Reinforcements Main Japanese Assault Still Against Luzon London, Saturday. THE main force of the Japanese assault in the Pacific is still directed against Luzon, the key island of the Philippines. In addition to increasing their forces at Aparri and Vigan, in
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  • 138 1 Navy Sinks More Of Italy's Ships London, Saturday. AN Admiralty communique reports what it describes as a brilliant night action fought in the early hours of this mornIng. In the Central Mediterranean our destroyers on patrol sank one Italian cruiser, damaged another damaged a torpedo-boat and sank an E-boat with
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  • 76 1 London, Saturday. THE Vichy Cabinet this morning ap- proved Adm. Da: lan 's policy following his meotuiß with German and Italian leaders. The Cabinet met for two hours and beard Darlan's explanation of France's general policy in the light of the new war developments and
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  • 84 1 Washington. Saturday. 'THIS conversation indicating the attitude in America towards Germany took place yesterday between President Roosevelt and Senator Glass on the United States war declaration. Mr. Roosevelt: "I am told that some of th? members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wanted
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  • 65 1 New York. Saturday. TfOURTEEN persons were tound guilty in the espionage conspiracy trial at Brooklyn (New Vo.k). Federal Court. The men were convicted of con-piracy to avoid registering as Geiman Go-.ornment agents, and conspiracy to deliver to Germany vital American deience secrets. They, together with
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  • 67 1 Wellington, Saturday. MR. Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, has sent this message to the New Zealand Pri« I Minister: "I am deeply grieved abou. the severe losses your heroic division suffered In the forefront of the battle. All accounts I received pay the highest
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  • 65 1 Pueblo (Colorado i. Saturday QELLI Gerent, a ten-year-old boy. showed up at the Nnval re-ruin"; oßi.ce here and offered to enlist. The recrultln* officer said to him: "Can you f<rht .T~tvxn?" i»nrt wot tM< l»<fi "Look. pal. you gotta lot of men who can l!~k
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  • 21 1 New York. Saturday The financial exrhan<res have ceased to denl In German. Ttnlian and Japanese securities. Unitod Press.
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  • 45 1 Manila. Saturday. SENTRIES' rifles blaied in Manila's black-out s reets bw4 ni<h' when fifth co'umnlst* set o/T re 1 flares. i ers and members of the C'onstabu'a-y. under orders to enforce the blackout, also fired «>n teveraJ houses showing —Reuter.
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  • 405 1 London, Saturday. THE definite defeat of the German Army before Moscow, announced by the Soviet last night, is the crowning triumph for the Red Army which has held the capital against the fiercest onslaughts in the recorded history of war. Considerable territory has
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  • 20 1 London, Saturday. Salvador has declared war on Germany and Italy according to the National Broadcasting Company. Reuter.
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  • 148 1 ATTACK ON JAPS NEAR HONG KONG Chungking, Saturday. fHE Chinese military spokes- man told United Press today that violent engagements had been started to-day betwe. Chinese crack troops and Japanese troops along the KowloonCanton railway in order io harass the Japanese troops moving toward
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  • 84 1 The Chinese Air Force carried out its first bombing attack s nee the Pacific war started. Bombers attacked the Japanese base at -'am chao, island off Macao, on Thursday, according to information fiom the Chinese Air Force, Headquarters. Samtchao island is one of the important Japanese bases
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  • 39 1 London, Saturday. Un Bullitt. President Roose- velt's representative in the Near East, has arrived in Cairo by air. He is to survey conditions at first hand and report on leaselend needs In the Near East.
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  • 219 1 Englishmen Escape From Bangkok By Aeroplane, Bullock Cart Rangoon, Saturday. THE first European* to get away from Bangkok after the Japanese entered the city arc three representatives of the British Overseas Airways Corporation, Including It* DirectorGeneral, the Hon. Mr. Walter Runciman. They reached Rangoon yesterday after a four-day trip which
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  • 306 1 jMOST of the London and Provincial newspapers *'*-show increased optimism regarding the Far Eastern situation, praising: tho continued resistance of the American and British troops. The Press generally comments editorially on one lesson which the Far Eastern hostilities h;ne already demonstrated, namely the need
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  • 29 1 London. Saturday. THE V:chy Governments neu- irality in the k'acifi: 1 has been notified to belligerent powers, according to the German Raiio.— Reuter.
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  • 88 1 London, Saturday. TODAY'S Cairo communi in gives n»v.s of more sik ful action an I adds that Axis troops are falling hack on th' 40-mile front. The RAF. have a: °nemy communications and supplies. In Crete large fires were started at Melcmi ae-odrcme. A lar«e petrol dump was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 TAI HENG CO. lotion fy Colrman St., \Sk Singapore, Phone. 3375. Jl^
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    • 95 1 ANNOUNCEMENT INTII. FI'RTIIER NOTICE Ol R BUSINESS HOIKS WIIL BE from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m EVERYDAY CHOTIRMALL'S An overwhelming majority of q! Provision dealers. Hotels and Cafes throughout Malaya de- I Ajo pend upon KELVINATOR RefM m i&Mir rijjeration. For over 27 years. I O^'^t KELVINATO R— with its
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  • 89 2 Manila. Saturday. MR P. Sayre, High Commisoei for <iie Philippines, fioin here, said "The 'nc&sage I sond to you In Aincrir i is th!l we are on the lront line and are flghtins to I ttfa fur we have abkiin. 1 nc« in our cause and
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 Mr. CtMNML accompanied by Mn (hurohill, recently »»id a Msii in :in anti airc~aft site in the London area Ban h« 13 hk ryes as be looki skywards.
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  • 100 2 ion, Saturday. A Ministry comimm.que I that las; night dock! i»t Brest and Dunkirk were attackrri by aircraft of the Bomber Command. Coastal Command aircraft bombed an oil refinery at Donge*, near St. Nazaire and large ires among the oil tanks. HucL^ons of the same
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  • 78 2 London, Saturd A n greement has been reached r the purchase by the British Ministry of Food of £>0,000 of tea from the Netherianda Indies for 1942, being the same quant ty as in 1941. Great satisfaction has been exd in Dutch circle.-; in
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  • 118 2 T Havana, Saturday. for the Inteiior, Mr. Victor Vega Ceballos, has signed decrees the establishment of an internment camp where Japanese, Italian and Germ.m naitonaLs can be interned if they disobey Government restrictive'ning their movemen s, the most important of which are the regulations
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  • 36 2 Mobile (Alabama) Saturday. THE United States Navy has 1 seized the world's largest oil tanker, the Fiench vessel Shehe razade (13,467 tons) and has interned 40 members of the crew. Keuter.
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  • 33 2 laiE Pacific war has already hit Japanese markets Tokio stocks are low-divjng. Tokio radio quotations distlcse a fairly regular decline; the steepest drops are in Manchukuo Tobacco and Kokura Steel
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  • 34 2 T Cairo, Saturday, •tin of the famous South African intby team, the Sprlng- yin? "Hh the Dn- ran, has been swarded tine DLtinr.i i?hed Scrvic* Order Irr '■•'•sin Übya.- heater.
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  • 1023 2 Tributes To Malayans' Reaction To War "Keep Your Heads Low And Your Hearts High" ANNOLN'CING thai it was proposed to raise a Malaya War Distress Fund, the Governor, Sir Shemon Thomas, in a broadcast from the Singapore radio station las* Bight, stated that he
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  • 180 2 Ship Versus Aeroplane Controversy Washington, Saturday. Dl HANDS for invc^.u'iition and re-appraisal of tin baUlesui)! vs. aeroplane controversy u.n- renewed in Con-Krev<i-)na) quarter; here due to the recent sinking. This is now considered of the utrisst import .nee before Conpi< acts iv n nnection with the new Hill au;.i .ising
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  • 83 2 London, Saturday. NO information regarding the reported declaration of war by Bulgaria against Great Britain and the United States has been received in London, it is stated in authoritative quarters to-day. Diplomatic relations, i. is po nted put. with Bulgaria were severed many months ago and
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  • 91 2 Tokio, Saturday. GEN. Tojo, Japanese Prime Minister, warned the Japanese people today that the Japanese nation m >.st be prepared for a long up.-. "We must no, be intoxicated by initial victory," he said, "and we must be ready to undergo every kind of necessary
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  • 52 2 (From Our Own Correspondent') London, Saturday. IN order to conserve rubber reserves, the Minister of Sunply Lord Beaverbrook, has banned all sales of motor tyres for two months beginning to-day. Motorists with spare tyres are earnestly requested to make them available to those
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  • 36 2 Wellington. N.Z.. Saturday. TIIB Labour Minister. Mr. Webb, de-cla.-od today: •The Government will not tolerate hold-UM in essential Industrie*. Anyone doing so mill be removed from the Industry."— Reuter
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  • 165 2 New York, Saturday. THRKE of Americas most powerful labour leaders have pledged wholehearted support for the war effort of the United States. Mr. William Green, P C3ident of the American Federation of Labour, sail t to-day; "Labour knor.s its duty. It will do It anl
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 2 N« word of praise is too high for tbe Naval men who piloted their impll veraels to and from Tohruk carrying food and ammunition to the forces thrre. Under heavy bombing from enemy planes and <ihrll lire from land, these men carried oat their duly in a most courageous
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  • 141 2 C IBERIAN Red Army units equipped with skis have jut marched IS kilometres, heavily armed, and many Red "oldlecs havf made ten-kilometre crossings oh skis despite toad wintry weather, says the fOirbarovsk radio. These Red Army Kiel exercises In Siberia are In reply to an
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  • 78 2 Washington, Dec. 13. THE special Japanese envoy, Mr. 8. Kurusu, who rushed here in order to keep the talk* with the United States going while Japan prepared to strike at Pearl Harbour, is still awaiting an opportunity to return home The Japanese Ambassador, Adm Nomura,
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  • 119 2 Washington, Saturday. THE State Department announced to-day Uiat 216 members of V ilted Slates embassies, legntlcn, and consulates, including 38 vornen, had been Isolated in the Far Kast war aone. There were also »l embasry officials and workers In Berlin and Rome. The swls» Government haa been aaked
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  • 210 2 Appeal To Chinese By Consul- General THE hopes that all Chinese merchants would carry on immediately and transact business according to fixed market prices were ardently expressed by Mr. Kao Ling Pal in a circular issued yesterday. Chinese labourers, the local Chinese Consul-General added should resume work as usual Women
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  • 305 2 New Defence Measures In Australia Melbourne, Saturday. /THE War Cabinet has decided to grant unlimited powers of expenditure In urgent, matters to individual Bervic3 ministers, without reference to War Cabinet or the Business Board. Ministers will act on submissions setting out details of proposals, and reasons for urgency. The Government
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  • 52 2 Montreal, Saturday. rE W«st Coast defences of the Uiiited States &nd Canada are "complete In ev**ry detail," announces the Canadian Government spokesman. Plans to meet a Dorsible Invasion attempt have ai£o been completed, although such a contingency is not considered likely to arise. The Joint Defence Board is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 VITA-WEAI CRISPBREAD is a rich source of nourish* ment because it is made from all the wheat. It is particularly £ood for children, providing healthy exercise for the teeth. It is non-fattening Lccnuse the starch has been mode digestible. It's delicious try it yourself. Jfp^m^ PEEK F REAM 5 Made
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  • 162 3 A Cruiser Bombards Axis Base Alexandra, Saturday. A FAMOUS British cruiser mad a daring raid on Wedncsdav on Dcrna harbour, when ship ping, workshops, the haibour works and offices received direct hits as repeated salvoes from the cruiser's guns poured more than 200 shells into this third most important Axs
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  • 120 3 Washington, Saturday. THE tpxt of the telegrams exchanged by the Philippine President. Senor Manuel Quezon and President Roosevelt, have now been released. President Quezon pledged full support of the Commonwealth and said: "Everywhere. the oeoples are loyal to the United States and are determined to stand
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  • 126 3 London, Saturday. BY the misfortunes of war the Admlral.y Christmas card th's year will also be a memorial card to one of Britain's finest vessels— the Prince of Wales. The picturesque colour of tht lost battleship appears on the card together with the Prime Minister's
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  • 50 3 MONSIGNOR PAVEL MACHECEIC ITI Vice- President of t'.^e Free Czechoslovak Stat« Counrll In London has been sentenced to life Imprisonment by the German court at Bratislava on th<» charge of putting himself at the disposition of Dr. Benes and his prory-vupnria aiming at the restoration of the Czecho-Slovak Republic." Reuter.
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  • 62 3 Some of the Canadian girlt who arrived r* England recently to join the the Motor Transport Corps. Not only have these girlt volunteered to serve in Brita:n, but they paid their own expenses to girt there. Thm «*<H not rceiv; any pay, and they vrtll
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  • 259 3 Chungking. Saturday. QNCE Soviet Russia declares war on Japan, the latter's liquidation will be assured, says the influential newspaper Ta Kung Pao in a leader. The world's war si.uation has been further clarified by the German and Ital an declarations of war on the
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  • 170 3 Allied Reverse In Its Proper Perspective New York, Saturday. A DDRESSINO those "who might be dismayed at the events of the last few days," the New York Herald-Tribune recalls the predicament of Admiral Beatty who, in the opening phase of the Battle of Jutland, was struck so hard by the
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  • 390 3 London, Saturday. •'A GREAT opportunity offers 1* self in India— perhaps for ba last time" writes the Daily Herald in a loader. "If seized mm?' ously the gain will be ouble: a new accession to our r st'ength and a new step to olving the
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  • 158 3 Ku bishev, Saturday. FE Polish Prime Miniser, General Sikorski, has for the firs' time formally inspected the PoLaii troops on Soviet soil, thLs army being built up in Ru&sla on the wind-swept, snow covered steppts Travelling from Kuib.shev General Sikorski was accompanied b> the deputy for
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  • 69 3 Manila. Saturday. THE Shanghai radio reports that 1 American and British correspondents in Shanghai were Invited to attend a press conference called by the Japanese military authorities yesterday. They were told that the Japanese were planning no concentration camp at present except In special cases. Nothing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 615 3 BIRTH At Singapore on Der. 13th. 1941. to B»*ttine. wife of Lt. Co!. H. M. Taylor, RE a son. ENGAGEMFNT RnEY— BLACKI'I HN — engagement is announced between Captain F-autt Ktto RUey of the Gordon Highlanders, only son of tho laic Mr. F. L. RUey of the F.MS. Police uetlrcd)
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    • 70 3 W Wr<& TOOTH PASTE 90 9 £*%w with IRIUM JjL Of aC Tooth Paste* tnd Powders *^Nt^ls^»»yP/» j K P* PCOnt^B ONLY PEPSODENT CONTAINS IRIUM "^BfcjS^ ?;ffi g to reveal natural brilliance of letth. This famous scientific s »v. VZ/fnT^ k^H ingredient in Paptodant Tooth Pair* and Tooth Powder BjffifJ
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    • 280 3 the best TURKEYS are, sold quickly ORDER iOURS MOW PHONE 5376 FIVE LUES C.S. ISOA Advt. oi Singapore Cold Storage Co. UK European residents in Eastern countri.s are in in,rea«ii|< nnmbprs vnding their children to Australia's splendid boarding schools. The advantages are Uk \Bk obviou* lnvigorat ng ilimate exceptionally tavcurabic
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 52 3 All in a Day's Work- —by Rick Klmes «j mad A 2<Qb I f THt'v* v^jHS'' C^^j RaiD LA^T I CA*RTH DmO^'T v r1&«_» Bluer Curley fw tbOßt tlTff* KAJOW-ALL. CAW VbO iUGCESr 7> Ilif' f vnTHIWG IHAT MKiMT MAKE iHESE SMOOTJ MoB£ WTfeßESTwby MOP OUT ***> »T 2) {o*
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  • 22 4 A Depot Superintendent of the Rescue Service in Britain. Note his beret and anklets, which have recently been anthorbeat.
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  • 390 4 They Rolled Up In Force At Farrer Frenchman' Fly MYSTERY surrounds the history of the first plane to fly in Singapore, nearly 30 years ago. Scores of people approached remember the occasion when the whole of Singapore turned out at Farrer Park, to witness a bold attempt by a crazy
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 4 Dr. S. Appadurai, Assistant Medical Officer. General Hospital. Johore Bahru. and his bride. Mahaesarary Nacalinfam. They were married at Seremban.
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  • 253 4 Singapore Weddings Lucas-Grant THE marriage between Miss 1 Joan Anne Grant and Mr. C. K. Lucas Biightman took place at S.. Andrews Cathedral yesterday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grant of London, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs H M.
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  • 168 4 O'iVIWG to present conditions, the marriage between Miss Margare; Graham Crookdake and Lt. Robert Norman Bruce-Lock-hart, R.N.V.R., which took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday, was celebrated quietly. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crookdake, of Hong Kong, and the bridegroom Is the son of
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  • 67 4 MEW rtmilatlons bgmlnst profiteering issued in Johore to-day are published od this page. The regulations deer from the Singapore regulations In that it is an octree to sell foods at prices higher than those prevallng on Dec. 6. Hie penalty for^ogtno'lng the ant!profUeertng regi'l&tlon <h Johore Is
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  • 58 4 PASSIVE DEFENCES ORDERED TO POSTS IN PERAK Cm** Our Own CoiTt«pondent) Taipinrmember* of the passive defence mi vires In Perak have been ordered by a r.Jtxrtte ntification to report to their appoints posts at places of assembly and to perform suih duties as may be ordered at an> boar of
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  • 64 4 A FINE of $200 or. In dj.'auH. Tv months' limrircnment wa» n posed on Lee Han* Hin-; in the Stiifv pore fourth court yesterday, when h was convicted or. a charge of possesstai pen* bearing counterfeit trade marks It was alleged that I«e had b?cn com
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  • 85 4 I AN appeal against sentence of I death parsed on a hawker, i Chua Tai Yons. at the last Assizes was dismissed by the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday. It was alleged that in June last Chua entered an opium den kn Jalan Sultan and fatally
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  • 48 4 This London coupie have f^cd uf l!;c r of Home Security's learning to 'prepare for winter raids." They have made a refugt room vrith a Morrison shelter in it. Besides keeping the eouf\e rafe in air raids, this shelter serves as dining and vtngpomg table.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 Another HRIGHT, CHEERFUL SHOW OPENING TO-DAY! 4 shows AT THE /»»PlTni |11a.n.,3.15,6.15,9.15 Universal'^ new musical comedybit HE INVESTED IN BLONDES. ..AND WOUND UP ON WAIL STREETj___s "^tf&^V j IONCHANcY,Jr. lOWEQUIIUN rrs&vr Ife-j/ M JEROME COWAM IRIS ADRIAN J M «ti*#>l XAMKKEUY SKEW NOWOO (A f r«tt<J by lhc'nto« f^onrt Auooot.
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    • 540 4 STATE OF JOHORE. EMERGENCY REGULATIONS (GENERAL 1939) PROHIBITION OF INCREASE OF PRICES ORDER 1911 (1) In exercise of the power* conferred upon roe under Number 52 of the above Regulations. and all other powers thereunto me enabling, 1 hereby prohibit until further notice any person from selling any article or
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    • 82 4 THE REV. G. V. SUMMERS will preach at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church Kampong Kapor, Singapore at 4 p.m. to-day. IMPANEX MADE IN HONG MONO BY I HQNQKONO MATCH FACTOBV Ample stocks on hand. Ask yo«r dealer for this Empire Prod act. Price uncharted since September PRICE MAINTAINED If your
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  • 441 5 50 Planes Took Part In First Big Attack WHAT residents of Province Wellesley, on the main- land opposite Penang, saw of the Japanese air raids on the island, was described to a Sunday Times reporter yesterday by a resident of the Province who
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  • 62 5 :..jiJ-.-U in the airciatt operating f.r.i, ktaUM of the K.A.F. I i -iliii-r AMHI in a marhine subscribed for by residents of the Netherlands Indies as one of a number presented to the R.A.F. It is named Falembanf Oeloe II and is flown by a Group Captain.
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  • 326 5 TVER since that fateful Monday morning when Japcr launched her bombers against civilian Singapore, new time-tables ami "institutions" have crept into the lives of thousands. One of the new institutions in Singapore 's the daily procession of thousands of people which winds its way
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  • 72 5 AT a recent party, Dr. ll u Shih, the Chinese Ambassador in the United SUtca, was introduced to Frank Forest, the concert singer. Forest asked Dr. Ilu a number of questions about China particularly about production. The Ambassador described his nations exports and surplus
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  • 177 5 Govt. Move To Grow Food On Estates (From Our Own Co/respondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. UNDER the signature of the Adviser of Agriculture, Mr. \V. N. C. Bel Brave, new regulations are published in a Gazette this afternoon which has for its object the cultivation of certain areas of estates with
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  • 45 5 MEMBERS of the Services and public having Information for. or wishing to make inquiries from, the police in Singapore are advised to communicate with the Police control room, telephone 5331. extension 315 or ?31. The inquirer should sale for tU« officer on duty.
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  • 26 5 IMPORT EXPORT REGISTRY THE arrangement recently put Into force whereby th 2 P*g' try of Imports and Expritc was to be op™ on Sundays Is suspended.
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  • 68 5 THE Japanese are using large 1 incendiary bombs in air raids, similar to those which they have used recently in China, according to an <>ni< il statement in Singapore. These bombs, on bursting, give off an acrid smoke but this is not gas and should
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  • 94 5 REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION TEN adult male Japanese are believed to be at large in Singapore. The men have been missing since the round-up on Monday morning immediately after the air raid on the city. A reward of $100 a head is being
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  • 165 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiptng, Saturday. MISSING from his home since Nov. 24, is Anselm Tegjeu. 15-year old student In Standard VII of St. Oeorce's Institution here. He is the son of Mr. R. H. C. Tegjeu. senior member of the tutorial staff of the same
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 551 5 Became Beautiful in a week WRINKLES CONE SOFT SMOOTH SKIN -LOVELY COMPLEXION Miss Orouet made this amazing change In ocr appearance in R days Reaa below her personal letter in which she explains exacts now she did it one how any woman can do the same. can nardly believe it
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    • 329 5 THE GIFT THAT IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED f\ f 111 T f IN ISTr ARTISTIC PRODUCT 1 K^HB* -W A most practical gift to give ssHf ft fl —and a most acceptable one Bflll to receive! Malayan Pewtor &< Is entirely hand-made and -9*Jz i>s»> designs are both modernistic ra^* fife
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  • 1551 6  -  NATHANIEL GUBBINS By AS your Uncle Nat's butlers, footmen, under footmen, parlourmaids and housemaids are gradually called up for national service, the is approach- Ing when your Uncle will be asked to peel the potatoes and wash up the dishes. Already he has been asked
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 504 6 *Lcpk tmutt there,! >v it iAe perfect -f/air Dretn'na mrafe S_2§ft 51 Rnlcreem is the perfect hair dressing for mSfj men w^° can't afford to take a chance with L jEWLf s^. their appearance. A well-groomed head vW V ifflWft h m a n» a well-groomed man. Look smart |v)
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    • 60 6 NOTICE. M. EZEKJEL A SONS. Qnallfled Opticians of It ami 12. The Arcade Singapore, has ne connection nor interrM with anj firm or OptU-Un? rarrrin* the name EZEKIEL Singapore. M. Ezekiel Sons (Established In 1916> Qoalifled Ophllialmie Opticians ONLY ADOKKSS II A 12. Tht 4rr«d* BsfOdlng Siacapore. Telepho-er 3*4t. Entrance
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    • 299 6 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY iTH^MP/ON YSPTICAL 0? 4 ARCADE MM, 'PHONE 3002, K A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Sclen-e. 35 years' European I'.niraJ Expeiicnre. Appointments Preferred. 10 drops will brace and invigorate you Phosfenne is the finest touc for bracing, strengthening and invigorating you. When you feel gloomy ana depressed
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 510 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE IP your partner Is a placU soul and doesn't easily froth at the mouth, you can remedy that condition by cooking up a "bridge Insult" to flln? in his face. The wonderful part of it is that you can remain perfectly calm yourself and ran look perfectly innocent
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  • 1663 7  - Mainly About Malayans The Onlooker By AVNE of the oldest residents of where he las lived for the last 51 years, is Mr. Andrew S. Read, president of the North Pcrak Eurasian Association, who has just celebrated his 7Tnl birthday. He was born on Nov. 30 (St. Andrew's Dny). 1869.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 why 1 Wisdom toothbrush outlasts 3 best bristle brushes Made with Nylon. S^MB^^^^BiWi 2. Doesn't go soggy. 'jjt*2B!&k]sv 3. Bristles don't come out. I^^LiQjj&y^"'"**-^ Best Bristle brush ureckeJ Wisdom brush tuith nylon tufts after 70,000 scrubs on glass rods. uas still like netv after same test. TMli tufts of
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    • 777 8 Opinion Malaya Under Blitz IN this column last wee 1 we 1 ended an article with these words We cannot afford to sit back In anything resembling complacency and we should not need a Japanese bomb to make us sit up and take notice." But that ls precisely what we
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  • 1740 8 Hitler Gaoled Me For My Religion By Pastor Martin Niemoller I HAVE met Adolf Hitler exactly three times in my life. I met him for the first time in January, 1931— he did not come to power until January 30, 1933— at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin, where seventy Protestant
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 607 8 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-OAY TIFFIN OANCE 12 noon to 2.30 p.m. fg^ Admission I 1.1 i UJJ TO-NIGHT 9 30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 cU. MR piano "riV-T Sflfir TUNING-REPAIRS -Sv h ,ue» £1 H REMOVALS-HIRE WAIN EHISLL'S UkA I r C U A Q I P Q IN
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    • 470 8 MAN WHO LOST 21 lbs. Lost His Indigestion Too The fat man Is proverbially good i.atured and e;?y going. But here a fat mar. accused of being to jive with. His wife wr:t<> us about him. JM read v hat »he has to say. Her letter is candid; it is
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  • 171 9 •TUESDAY'S radio programme includes news bulletins in English at 6 ajn., 7.30 am. 8.30 a.m.. 10 a.m., 1.30 p.m. 5 p.m., 8.30 p.m.. 10 p.m., and at 12 miiinifrht. In addition, official announcements, if any, will be broadcast at 1.20 p.m. Other special Items are A
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  • 15 9 The Singapore Musical Society's concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall I to-night lias been cancelled.
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  • 64 9 Mr. Guilio Attias. the (Till room ■i< v .i'«J at Hotel, who is netting for rale, in aid of the War I ii nd-. his remarkable <ol'ecticn of Hit minialarc bottles of liquor from different parts of the world. The b(.tt!rs rrptcrent nearly
    64 words
  • 166 9 Taxi, Bus Drivers Dealt With Severely For Excessive Overcharging THERE have been a number of reports recently where taxi and bus drivers and even ricksha pullers have overcharged excessively. These cases have been dealt with severely in the Registrar of Vehicles Court by Major William Rose, who has inflicted heav>
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  • 181 9 THE second regular business session of the Malaya annual conference of the Methodist Church was held in Wesley Church. The business included reports on the Church's extensive work in Sarawak. The morning's rjrogramme was opened with devotions led by the Rev. G. V. Summers and closed with
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  • 110 9 I"HE Custodian of Enemy Pro- perty. Straits Settlements, desires to inform the public that applications to occupy houses which belong to non-enemy owners and have lately been vacated by tenants of enemy nationality should be addressed to the owners direct, not to the Custodian. Most of
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  • 71 9 IN present circumstances the Malayan Post Office is likeiy to be left with much undelivered correspondence, because of compulsory evacuations and changes of address or removals for olhereasons. Persons moving to new addresses should give the Post Office their old and new addresses, and
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  • 137 9 THE Police Band will play on Monday at Raton* Park at 5.30 p.m.: March, "Florentlner" (Julius Pucik); Overture, "Maid of Orleans" (Harold Rawlinson>; Selection, "The Geisha" (Sidney Jones): Walse. "Des Alenettes" (R. Drigo); Cornet Solo, "A Perfect Day" (Jacobs-Bond) Reminiscences of the Plantations, (Chambers). On Wednesday at
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  • 60 9 ITNDER sentence of four years' rigorous Imprisonment on a series of charges of criminal breach of trust and falsification of accounts, Mohamed IsbaJc, former sub-postmaster attached to the Beletar Post Office, unsuccessfully appealed against the conviction in the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday before Sir Percy McElwalne (Chief Justice 8.8.).
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  • 67 9 ABNORMAL purchases during the past four days have made it necessary to limit further the quantity of food which a private purchaser may buy at any one time. An Ord-r has. therefore, been made prohibiting consumers generally from acquiring food so that the quantity in their possession
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  • 252 9 Magistrate's Warning To Profiteers THE next time you will be im- prisoned without the option of a fine." said Mr. K. M. Byrne. Singapore fourth magistrate, to a I number of people, who appeared i uc-JCfC him_ yesterday, charged with offences under Ihe food CCHtrol ordinances. For selling fish above
    252 words
  • 81 9 (From Our O«n Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. £HAI TONG. a shopkeeper, was charged before Inche Taib bin Hajl Andak in the police court with selling rice for more than the price fixed by the Food Controller. It was alleged that Chal Torn? at Senal sold five
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  • 73 9 THERE is a lot of racketeering Jn the sale of salt. I have heard in some cases that 80 cents have been charged for a katty." said Mr. J. P. Merson, Food Control Officer, In the Singapore district court yesterday, when Moh Ah LJm was
    73 words
  • 126 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiplrg, Saturday. A BUSINESS houses fire watching organization has been formed in Taipinfr. Every business house In Taiping big cr snail, ii respective of na-tlon-litv. whether Chinese, Indian or Malay is urged to prcvlde at least one member or more to jotn the organization. There
    126 words
  • 77 9 (Frotr Our Owr Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. CALE of foodstuffs is restricted «n w JoJirre in accordance with the advice offered by the Food Controller. Cept. W. A. Gordon-Hall, to the various dealer;. These restrictive measures are adoptee? as a precautionary measure, and cvstrmrrs are asked to co-operate
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  • 111 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. "I AM the mother of several children and cannot keep strict control over all of them," said an Indian widow before Inrhe Haroun bbi Ahmad, the Segamat Magistrate, when one of her sons war charged with the theft of empty kerosene
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 306 9 To be tair and younger Is the dearest wish of every woman over thirty. They won't look younger by a year if they try to hide their wrinkles with make-up but they will certainly be younger by ten it they begin a simple home beauty treatment with EVELYN ASTROVA FACE
      306 words
    • 60 9 I THE THIRD WAR CHRISTMAS TINDS JVTALAYA MOBILISED And The Democracies Gattefi»£_ Strength For Final Victory What more appropriate gift in Malaya this Christmas than a War Savings Certificate! $3, 1 5, $75, 1 50, $750 redeemable at any time. Three per cent compound interest. Particulars of War Savings Certificate
      60 words

  • 803 10  -  "The Inquirer" Around The Town By THE crump of bombs on Monday m irnlng did much mor<> than to put an end lo peace and quie: in Singapore and the shock of th naval news o:\ Wednesday the rude jolt that has
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  • 305 10 London. Friday. MR. Hugh D.uUn. the Minister! ot E<*onomic Warfare. Mid that oil U the crux ot Japan's war potential problem; hence thei protection of tha Netherlands liulns and British North Borneo trateglcally even more imnt than the Philippines. 'a and Dutch territories In i are
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 110 10 New York, Dec. 1?. THE reluct vv>~ *o -S£il tne small 1 rClYiaining supplies of free rubber restricted the turnover despite- bigger inquiry. Pending a permanent plan for controlling distribution, the au horities have prohibited the sales of new tyres, except for higher prelerence ratings, and restiicted manufactures for non-essential
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 65 10 London, Dec. 12. TIN dealers are awaiting official ins.iuctions about liquidation of open contracts. The price at which the Ministry is requisitioning United Kingdom stocks has not yet been announced but is expected at around €260. The Metal Exchange and home merchan s are likely perforce to close for the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 88 10 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Singapore, Saturday. nu.Tcr* Seller* Price* Price* No IX RSS (Spot loobe) 38 38>, No i.x K s.s r.o b id ca*e* December 38 3»'/ m G.F.A.Q K.SS 1.0. b la o»le» December —39% 38% F.A.Q R.S.S (oh in bale* December 3"s 37? i All fob
    88 words
  • 38 10 FOREIGN Imports of rubbji last month totalled 22.817 tons, compared wLh 24,306 tons in October. Total imports for th--11 months of this year wer? 245.671 tons, compared with 220.778 tors, in the corresponding period of 1940.
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  • 282 10 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. THE war has almost put a stop to transactions in the share market. Last Monday morning, five hours after the first bomb dropped on Singapore, "business as usual" was the order but. naturally, there was no rush of business.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 203 10 Fh.n thing in vie morning— W<m fl£/i even before washing —think of SsQftf Inner Cleanliness. For a clear- f^^» *^?Ef skin, bright eyes and that inner IB'"' '^ffj sparkle which is the secret ol 1 fk& loveliness, Inner Cleanliness is far more effective than any outside -"^B treaunent. And Andrews
      203 words
    • 141 10 NEW PERSIL GIVES STILL WHITENESS LATHER/ jjj^dß 9a^^^^^^^^^^ ««^H A Wk t2lW^lN6l I Mr m»" v**^ Hr^'" J E VCI 7 woman is enthusiastic I jf Wife about New Persil, and they .T| praise it for these three Jk k v f >«Ht i points which make it even l|t
      141 words
    • 414 10 L T^fS^^Sl I GUARANTEED 10 YEARS OLD rai A&^&K i^ The Quality >f a goad brandy is determined by Its BBC} /Wvßiisi?rx?fl ,JtCT of maturity. In this lies the success of French WK BW W \?ft brandy— a siccess that is the heritage of 600 years of HBH M Tl&'*S^l^3*SS9
      414 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 868 11 SEE YOUR HAIR GROWING WOU MMM tai^yaar hair |rt«M| wltH pnf\\l] TUirif CTDfIMP I "S». Ula." Boalthy Tb»rkn«a. BU«dcU> UlxU TT 1 lllvi\<O I IxUH VJ ~r::r rrrr wavy hair like this of roe. a«l -omeD-.*™ M M l w M (r >ar«a«la| Na*ai Mtara Un aaa« aaythNi| Ilk* Rk
      868 words
    • 332 11 UllllllilllllljP^ ■bßb\\ *wr t^^*^^*"*'^^^^*ra?^C^B>V^ s J^^^^^^^t v^Bßsm HAVE ENGLISH JAM W^J^ 3^s%dHß FOR TEA TO-DAY rive your family and gucsu thli hljh quality (am. INSIST ON CHI VERS JAMS CMIVIRS lON9 ITO- THI O«CMA*D lACTORT. HISTON. CAHtftlOCl. %MO Try a'.-o Chiver** Olde English Marmalade, Canned Fruits ana Vegetables /.^..-nts. V.
      332 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1049 11 Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE /.HL 825 m. 1.333 k ea,; Aim 31.96 m. 9.89 in ea>; ZHP2 41.51 m •.ITS m c*.; ZHPJ 41.34 m. 7.25 sea. ■Mb 6.40 a.m. Opening Announcements in French: C.45 News In French*; 7.00 News Commentary In French; 7.15 News in Mandarin: 7.30 News In English:
      1,049 words
    • 327 11 5.30 News In Japanese: 5.45 Special Programmes for the Estates In Tamil. Hokkicn and Cantonese: 7.00 Dutch Programme; 7.15 News In Dutch*; 7.30 Dutch Programme; 7.45 Thai Programme; 8.15 News !:i Thai; 8.30 News In English*; 8.45 French Programme; 9.00 News In French; 9.15 New* In Arabic; 9.30 Muslct; 10.00
      327 words
    • 664 11 EMPIRE STATION EASTERN SERVICE en CSV— 17.81 m/cs.; 16 84 metre*; G8F— 15.14 m/es.; 1911 metres; GSD— 11.75 H/cs.; 25.53 metres.. 0.15 a.m. News; 6.25 News Analysis; 6.30 War commentary; 6.40 London calling; 6.45 News In French; 7.00 "Gentlemen with Wings"; 7.30 Weekly programme summary 7.45 Anniversary Salute, 'Falkland Island';
      664 words

  • 886 12 What The Stars Foretell R. H. Naylor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14: The year that begins today will bring varied experiences, more than a little excitement, perhaps a spice of danger. Bu' you can be sure that it will net bring x>redom. The pace of life will accelerate nlmost at once and
    886 words
  • 407 12 JANUARY (Dec. 21-^Jan. 18). Uphill going ior next day or so: work easier, people more amenable after Wednesday. Saturday lmoortant for new srhemes. personal afTs>lrs. Money luck consistently good. I i:BBI'ARY (Jan. 20— ieb. 18»: You feel charitable, cheerful events Wednesday and Saturday Justify your optimism.
    407 words
  • 712 12  -  Max Factor By THAT law which none of us may defy or disregard, the law of averages, rules that about sixty-six out of every hundred women have a •normal" tkin, with this signifying that their complexion it neither too abundant m oil, or
    712 words
  • 318 12  - Better Living Through Better Vision. C. A. THOMPSON By D.O.Sc. (Dr. of Ccnlar Science). A Philosopher in anciei.t Greece was asked if he would like to live o be a hundred. He replied that he was not concerned with the length of life, but with its breadth. Printing to a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 276 12 rROM THE WISEST MEN TO Jcffltf FAIREST WOMW JQ9H9^ i a wise man who chooses an Elizal>eth Arden fr\{[ for does he not nay her the greatest compli--11.112 the finest beauty pceparatioM 0 fifcj r ./iAYNARD&CO.LTD. f£tJkf™^ Battery Road Singapore. *^7 Phcne 6115 THE PEKING COMPANY. =GIGANTIC^= X^MAS SALE now
      276 words
    • 90 12 For Pictures tit WEDDINGS RF-INIONS CHRISTENINGS DINNERS DANCES MEETINGS Consult tbe STRAITS TIMES. Phone or write the Production Manager. Phone 54*1. SB IB LAVENDER Th« Lovable Fragranoa M^ Syj^p /.^ff Gii"~r case vvvsH sj^^m Wm&BxK^s§?^^''-'-''-' f^y3?^3^M These are a few of the intimate little luxuries by Yardley, dear to the
      90 words
    • 216 12 ANDREA liEDi r~~iiiiiini' i HOLLYWOOD S By"*W^ mrJt I Have you tried this perfect lip r*^£lhv\ -*19% 1 «n*ke-up? Created by Max Factor Hollywood, it i$ supcr-mdelibtt #J| and moiiturt-proof... in new Color Jfo Harmony shades to give your lips ■P^B jtfw' •> _^a^B I aD vr n g» lastiog
      216 words

  • 496 13 Army Doctors Use "Lie- Detector" A CANADIAN soldier who refused treatment with an electrical appliance, well known in the medical profession, which is. among other things, a liedetector, has been sentenced to six months' detention for feigning Infirmity. This sentence was promulgated on Private W. M. Hamilton, of the Cameron
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  • 416 13 •"TERRIBLE things will happen 1 in Germany If the war lasts another year." Thomas Mann, world-famous German novelist, cabled that warning from America to trio B B.C. recently and it was broadcast to Germany. "Germans." said Thomas Mann, "ycu muft yiurrelt shake of! the base
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  • 87 13 Private Bruno Starke returned home to Leipzig on short leave from the Eastern Front, he discovered that his wife had been assigned by the local Nazi authorities to the town's so-called "legal mating centre." and compelled to submit to Storm Trooper Wrldemar Moss. Starke killed
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  • 75 13 OTHLN Arthur Katt, a Chicago de- tectlve. taught his nlfe the finer points of sleuthing, the unexpected result was a divorce (catles the Sunday Dls-atch New York correspondent). Mrs. Katt testified that she had hidden in the back of her husband 's enr and
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  • 755 13 Battle Of Flanders— VII pENPRALLY caking, the proposed defence scheme against Invasion from Germany now worked out aa follows:— The Allied line, beginning at Antwerp in the north, would run south via Louvain. Wavre and Namur, thus coverlng Brussels itself. The British sector, extending from Louvain to Wavre. would have
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 490 13 LOSS of JSHLI WEIGHT i_M HOSPITAL BED/ Those who ire losing weight steadily, is this Halibut Liver Oil that one singU day by day, live in the shadow of a tiny drop equals in Vitamin A content m nameless dread. They know, although whole spoonful of Cod Liver Oil. And
      490 words
    • 431 13 < i \if \f j& ~v \vH _____«^_k>-'' /Si* IK\ Yet she'd had a tiring day. When she Try White Mask next time you are going came to dress, she'd felt fagged out. But to a very special party. And while you are instead of trying to hide her fatigue
      431 words

  • 195 14 Lucknow, Saturday. "AUR struggle cannot bear simultaneously the weight of two major issues the issue of the removal of British control and the issue of nonparticipation in all wars irrespective of equity or policies and alliances." I Thus sad the former Premier of Madras.
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 66 14 London. Saturday. AFTER carefully studying all available statistics, experts agree that Japan's own oil reserves should be sufficient for I to 14 months of war. writes Itcuter's military commentator. Japan's own production of oil in Manchuria and from her wells in South Sakf.
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 397 14 How China's Women Fight CHINESE women who have been supplying their fighting mer with blankets laboriously made on spinning wheels of medieval pattern are to have up-to-date machinery from Britain. The new looms will be based on a design not used since the eirhteenth century, and on a smaller scale
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  • 48 14 Cairo, Sa:urday. A BRITISH mobile column in Libya has surprised a German workshop holdng 27 tanks. With a burst of cannonade, it knocked out three tanks and captured the remaining 24 before the Nazi crews and engineers had time to organize resistance.
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  • 52 14 London. Saturday. AMERICAN plant capacity in the heavy bomber industry will be Immediately doubled accord ni to a promise by Mr. W Knudsen. D're~tor of Production Management This will brln^ th«; ournut to more than 1.000 fovrengired hoavy bombers a month renorts the D.iily Teegraph
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  • 36 14 Washington. Saturday. THE Chairman of the Senate Naval 1 Committee. Senator Walsh, has introduced legislation to authorize a 30 per cent. increase In the vessel strength of the Navy Reuter.
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  • 84 14 London, Saturday. THE rune of the Emperor of Ja 'an 1 will bo struck off the roll of the Knights of Garter at a private ceremony which will be held shortly. The Emperor was given the KO. by K:nfi George V In 1929. when the Duke of Gloucester went on
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 83 14 Manila, Saturday. "THE British evacuat on snip Anhul, carrying 470 Britisn civilians, mostly women and children, was bombed in Manila's outer harbour on Wednesday, it has been officially announced. Some of the passengers were injured but nobody was killed and the Anhul
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  • 25 14 Sydney's Gift To London Mr. hciUH ttomton, Minister of Home Security, accepting a gift of a mobile kitchen, presented by the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 121 14 Heart Of Japan Is Vulnerable London. Saturday. *UOR 4b years, or ever since ■T she seiied Formosa. Japan has been planning conquest on the mainland." says The Times in an editorial to-day, "and she has faithfully copied the policies of her German mentor. "The treacherous Japanese preliminary blows have been
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 204 14 New York, Saturday. FROM end to end the American nation is speeding up Its pre paratiens for safeguarding lives in the event of air raid. The lightning stab at Hawaii, and the reports of hostile planes over th" 1 American mainland itself
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 82 14 New York. Saturday. AN aeroplane, without lights, flew low over blacked-o«K San Francisco eastwards. There was no indication whether *t was an enemy machine or a United machine testing the efficiency of the black-out. F"ares were reported to have been dropned ever the financial
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  • 44 14 Washington, Saturday. fTvHE arrest of 2,541 Axis aliens and 43 American citizens of German, Itaiian, 'ju:q Japanese extraction has been reported by the Federal Bureau ox Investigation. All the American citizens referred to were arrested in Hawaii— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 319 14 The country gives them the latest and best nothing is too good tor our Air Force in the way of equipment now is the time to do something for them personally. The Gillette one-piece razor (twist, it's open twist, it's closed) will delight any man who likes speed, efficiency, engineering
      319 words
    • 413 14 J yoR ANHIVERSM X X f J J /VaewnatU Fw_ f y S S m f W X I ar# G««»anl«»d yffiH mh fm X m For Lil. by Park»rt JB S^K when you give this dearly-cherished Sim jewel-like PARKER VACUMATIC The Gift that Delights Forever because the pen is
      413 words
    • 222 14 Relief in3o Seconds from Tfl/s&y of CATARRH New Medical Compound Act* Like Mafia No need to win 1 day longer to relieve the miscr> of catarrh Chcmi«» nov» "ijvc KARS()I>RINt— ne» oimpcunu ihai ecu like maim. Simply wiifl KAKtODR INB twice up each nostril (hrouch Che h.mj> po.Het cube and
      222 words

  • 59 15 "The committee of the Singapore Turf Clnb has announced that owing to prevailing conditions racing in Singapore will be suspended until further notice. The Singapore Turf Club has completed its programme for this year, and its next meeting, the three-day Spring season was scheduled to take
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  • 117 15 (From Our Own Correspondent. i Sere-moan, Fiiday. "THE final of the All Blues Cup 1 competition among Asiatic rugger sides in Malaya has been pos;poned indefinitely owing to the present situation. It will be recalled that despi.e the dec'slon of the Malayan Rugby Union to suspend the
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  • 144 15 D. S. BADMINTON (Prom Our Own Correspondent Taiping. Saturday rffi following are the winners and runners -up in the 1941 Dindings and tMtmwan bruinunton championships, which have just been completed: Men's singles: Teh Gin Sooi A. M. Ibrahim <runitfrup); men's doubles. Teh Gin Sooi and Ng Kuok Thye Aw Slew
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  • 171 15 |>I-\YINO last week-end at the home L court, the Merry Union 8.P., beat the Red Rose B. P. by six games to two. (Remits Merry Unl~n flr*t< George beat Syed Sallm 18 17 15 I; R-iyn.und I-Ycis beat M A. Lange 13—18, 18—16, 15—10; The
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  • 647 15 (By Our Perak Correspondent) A LULL in sports Is Inevitable In the present circumstances. The brown -out restrictions have lnvolun tarily put an end to the attempt at revival of professional boxing in Ipoh. nnd as far as I can see, there is no trs'dbilHv at th^
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  • 775 15 Gemas Beat Rembau In Poppy Day Cup Final XHE Poppy Day cup fcotball final was played at Tampir. between Rembau and Gemas resu'ting in a well deserved victor; for the latter by two goals to one. Rembau, captained by Harun. was strong contained several ex-State players. Gcmas, captained by
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  • 908 15 THE Dindings and Sitiawan badmin- ton championships were concluded during the week at the Chinese Assembly Hall. Kampong Koh. Sitiawan. and Teh Gin SooU as predicted. Is once again the triple crown champion, annexing the singles, doubles ar.* mixed doubles honours. His partners In the two latter events
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  • 441 15 THE discussions that took place in local badminton quarters en numerous matters of current interest during the previous week and the preparations that have been made for some time now by the local badminton clubs for their up-country tour during the Christmas holidays have all now been upset
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 160 15 J SOLUTION •>r all types anil ure. of Hair. Spiral, Croquignai a •r Combination fjp. rase ask lor (rr< tkm sample. ML T^ iccre Dispeitssr FnJRSI Limited, I f^j^pi Singapore. l&Jfiyj TOOHEYS PILSENER the finest brew from A v st ral i a HERE'S TO-EE" IBOUSTEAD A CO., LTD. I
      160 words
    • 40 15 ►uX^ Ljl Did you MACLEAN a^B^L^B^kw For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth, use Macleans. It quickly removes stains, whitens and polishes the enamel md it is economical in use. J^feP^^^^^^aft^a^a^ar^aV^^ L, 1 J^^fe "British .to the
      40 words
    • 278 15 i r, Now Amazing Sea Plant, Rich in Minerals k Vitamins. quickly builds up WEAK. RUNDOWN men k women M trill do the mm for tOUI Why are you weak, rundown, nervout t Simply because your system lack* tufticicnt Mineral* and Food lodine Replace these lose dements remineralitc your system
      278 words

  • 218 16 1 A LLEGED to have told the police be started a nre to "smoke out his mother-in-law." Robert Sage Dixon, 33, machinetool fitter, of Woodgrange Avenue. Eallng, was at Eallng recently committed for trial at the centra! criminal court. He was charged with setting fire
    218 words
  • 436 16 A CTUAL experience of air raids, coupled with the aid of science, has laid some bogies regarding the effect on the human body of exploding bombs. Close study by a group of scientists who are working quietly to make Britain safer, has yielded conclusions about
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  • 98 16 JEM CARNEY, formerly light weight boxing champion of England, hero of a score of bare knuckle fights, died recently In a London hospital. He was nearly 84. Jem fought a 74 -rounds contest with Jack MacAuliffe. Irish world champion, in 1887 In a barn at Boston,
    98 words
  • 100 16 OOSTMEN who work in a big Lon''on letter-sort'nfj oPic» hive on? of the strangest air raid shelters It was built by Roman soldiers 1900 years ago. When excavations were made on the site of Christ's Hospital for an exten--Jon of the General Post Office In
    100 words
  • 350 16 A WOMAN who accused her father and stepmother of having kidnapped her daughter was awarded custody of the child In a Brisbane court. The woman Is Mrs. Phoebe Maude Llnton. 32. of Northcote. Auckland. The child is Owenda Marie Llnton, aged seven. Mrs.
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 16 A Sovkt armoured train defending on* of the approaches to Leningrad.
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  • 299 16 Writes 13 Suicide Notes Rigs Own Death Engine BEFORE rlgglng-up the elaborate death-trap with which he took his life. Aubroy Eric Simpson, formerly of Sydney, calmly wrote 13 death notes and then went to bed and slept. Simpson's disfigured body was found lying near a double- barrelled shot-gun at his
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  • 266 16 'Give Them Ribbons To Wear Now AN R.A.F. squadron leader sent this letter to the Daily Express: "Tens of thousands of men have now served through campaigns overseas. But they have nothing to show for it. These men know what is coming, and a r e ready and anxious to
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  • 126 16 VV HILE Lsaac Ronald Pinchbeck was TT with his regiment, his wife's behaviour prompted her moih.i 10 w. i.e to him. He obtained compassionate leave, and went with his rifle to the Hampshire cottage where Mrs. Pinchbeck was staying with their three chll dren. His wife
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  • 194 16 AT a court-martial it was said in defence of a subaiterr. who had been accused of giving dishonoured cheques in paymen of his mess bills, that he had to "live on £7 lor a mon'h at a place where the mess wa~ probably the most expensive
    194 words
  • 146 16 IpIVE French boys landed at Eastbourne after spending two nights and a day crossing the Channel in two canoes. They are two pairs of brothers and a friend, aged from 17 to 194. One night they set out from a French inland town and paddled down
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  • 66 16 "I HAVE often teen amazed and disgusted by the ingratitude of those who, owing almost all the happiness of their declining years to their employees, have -evoarded them by miserably inadequate bequests." So wrote Captain lan Reidhaven Grant, R.l\, of Bath, in his will, leaving VJOOO
    66 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 503 16 "KEY" BRANDY /f $S*>^ years O/J JtpaM—^l^iHM \LL I ASSKS ARE ■fe'fßglßßlifftifiySlTlff^-1 CONTINUIWG AS ISI ilJlßiTlfftV^la^ffllli OnMM M KVERY MORNING. liaiS^&lTaiHraAmViflßlllilil evening session is ■If jiii Tij Lrij'Trrarini "jßiii m>w from 4.30.— «.30. ■KayAUaWiiUUaU^ p.m. kn.abling stull'lJll'/.MU'i: DENTS TO REACH l i ***""M"»»i HOME BEFORE DARK. United Engineers Building,
      503 words
      291 words