The Straits Times, 26 October 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES [THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Final* No. 514 Sunday, October 26, 1941 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 514 Sunday, October 26, 1941 Price 10 Cents
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  • 169 1 Increased Danger To Vital Donetz Basin In South Fresh Nazi Troops Plunged Into Battle Regardless Of Terrible Cost Lcndon, Saturday. •TO-DAY'S news from Russia shows that while our iHm ■ppor to be successful in beating off repeated land and air :> on Moscow, the enemy's threat to
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  • 838 1 BRINGING up fresh reserves, the Germans are still fightin- hanl to liro.x tn :<i to Moscow, and active operations continue along the three main ronds to the capital, states the official Russian news agency. In the neighborhood of Mojcrisk the German's thr-w In larse number of
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  • 229 1 Admiral Cunningham, Commander In Chief in the Mediterranean, said y.-stcrday tliat Britain was making big strides towards winning the battle of the Mediterranean. In an nterriew with a correspondent aboaid his flagship, he said: "It is a wonder to me Italian merchantmen are still willing to go to
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  • 96 1 Chungking, Saturday. CHINESE military report- I M today Chinese troops in northern Honan MIIHM M harass the Japanese gariison at Chengcliow, with the object of eventually retaking the town. Kwangwu, an Important cWy >20 miles n:rth-east of Chengchow, wa^ recaptured on Thura d-^y afirr n
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  • 25 1 Twenty-two members of tbe Women's RO'Bl Naval Service were reported killed or presumed killed In an Admiralty casualty list Imml yeMtntay^Rcuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 For the first time a woman has taken over the duties of an Assistant Provost Marshal. She is Assistant Section Officer George, of the W.A.A.F., working under the Provost Hard" 1 of the R.A.F. While armed with full powers to enforce dJscipllns, the women police are
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  • 99 1 London, Saturday. WOUNDED German soldiers from the Russian front are arriving in Warsaw at the rate of between 11.000 and 14.000 daily, says an Intanbul d spa ten to the independent Freiu n >a» ,^-jency quoting a neutral obsA/cv ftrho has recen.U .'r.-;*vd from
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  • 119 1 New York, Saturday. "THE rc»l and inescapable end of the United States foreign nolicy is the destruction of the Hitler menace," declared President Roo>evelt in a message read to the annual forum of the Foreign Policy Association. "In achieving that end, our responsibility is fully
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  • 60 1 Peiplng, Saturday. rpHE United States Consul at Tslngtac lodged a strong procsst with the Japanese Coruul-Genaral today demanding the punishment or a Japanese, who on Thursday assaulted and struck Anna Soehnleln, of Milwaukee, WLsconson, who Is a Catholic Nui. known as Sister Turbia, In
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  • 188 1 British U.S. Patrols Gradually Mastering U-Boat Wolf Packs London, Saturday. THE combined forces »f the British Convoy Fleet and United States patrols have so tightened defences in the Battle of the Atlantic, that, despite the joint attack of Nazi raiders and hi- U-boat flotillas now operating, Germany is getting less
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  • 95 1 Incidents On ThaiFrench Border Bangkok, Saturday. THE situation on the Thai-Indo-Cbina frontier is unsafe for the Thais because of the frequent occurrence of gun fire directed at the Thai side, according to a notification by the frontier authorities, quoted by a Thai dail>. No fewer than four incidents, in which
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 173 1 Petain As Hostage To Prevent Mass Executions? Vichy, Saturday. MARSHAL Henri Petain has pressed the German occupation authorities to cease tragic reprisals," the victims of wh eh are Frenchmen who have no connection wi h the terrorist attacks against German authorities, Adm. Darin informed the Council of MinL-.^is to-day. Rumour*
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  • 95 1 CHINA CANADA TO EXCHANGE MINISTERS Ottawa, Saturday. THE Department for Ex erual Affairs to-day announced t'^at Canada Is I prepared to exchar-'e Ministers Plenipotentiaries with China. This Is regarded as the first mi lor Indication that the lon?-range Canadian policy towards Janan Is no longer based on apneasement. The Canadian
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  • 61 1 London, Saturday. IT Is understood that Lord Louis 1 Mountbntten is shorly leavin-Gr-at Britain to take un an important appointment en'iMing him to pYOMOtlon f o the rank of a commodore of the firs class. Lord I<-mils Moun'bat'en Is beinrelieved by Captain A. O. Talto f D.SO., as
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 68 1 Churgkin?. Saturday. MR Fo chi>.g-ju, Chinese motion IT picture magnate, is scheduled to proceed to America at the end of this month. He will take four recent Chinese pictures for public exhibition in the United States, one of them beinr Tight of Bast Afia." which was
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  • 46 1 Hcng Kong. Saturday. THE Hong Kong Government is stag- Ing a recruiting campaign, principally directec at the Chinese, for the defence services, ineludirg auxiliaries for the medical corps, supply, fire service, air raid precautirris, constabulary and street guards and communication service— Ui.lted Press.
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  • 53 1 Pittsburgh. Saturday. pHTNA Is stronger she has ever been before, declared Dr. Hu Shin. Chinese Ambassador in Washington He gave th^ following reasons for this araertlon: China's huge te-rltory: her vast population: the historic unity of the people: the Internal reconstruction achieved: and aid received from the
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  • 33 1 Th<» Bulfrarlrn Government has formally li.vlted the Italian Government to send 300 Italian war wounded t o convalescent homes In Bulgaria, where they will be "the masts of the Bulgarian people."— United Press.
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  • 447 1 Britain Will Dare Any Action If Hazard Is Justified Eden London, Saturday. A/IR. Anthony Eden, the B.itish Foreign Secretary, spoke today at Manchester about the aid Britain is giving to Russia. It was only natural, he said, that people should ask where and when Britain was coins to strike. "That
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  • 84 1 Cairo.^Baturday. NAPLES was given no resp te from R.A.F. a tacks after tht "heaviest yet" raid on Tuesday night. The following night in a further raid by heavy bombers. hits were scored on station buildings and railways yards, and further nres were started. A supplementary R.A.F. Middle
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  • 81 1 London, Saturday. AN Air Ministry commurique today states that despite the persistence cf unfavourable weather over th" Continent, Bomber Command squadrons last night attacked objectives In the Rhlncland and elsewhere in Western Germany. Docks at Bre.^t wc/e also bombed. Coastal Command aircraft j during the night attacked
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  • 64 1 Auckland. Saturday. THE New Zetland National Se.-.:^e Minister has announced that r«pv'.atlonf «re being introduced or which cotisT'.CTitlous cbir-ctors In th« Domlnlcn will tr prevented from earning more than a soldier. Whatever he rrnv b" >r nir.- T rnf ticet«a ccme over the T.eeKly pay of a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 T*l HEHG CO. lotion v i I ..1. -in r> St. SinK»p«rc,
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    • 93 1 FOR I SERVICE QUALITY ECONCIIY Alxc.iys I'/.v/': CHOTIRMALL'S i f PREFERS l^ REFRIGERATIOR GRANTS Pork Sausagea. a local product of unexcelled quality, are preserved by KELVINATOR Refrigeration. Selected Carcases cf pigs are stored In a large KELVINATOR Freezing Room for proper seasoning: then, after manufacture tn« finished sausages are k:pt
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  • 150 2 Sydney, Saturday. TAER" is rniuh interest \n Austri' v in lonnectio.'i the forthr'jminn tl >' «>f r, fhnnceM! r ot the Duchy of Lancaster mom fs c\ppct-d to confer v.i'U the Federal Coy im"nt on mca-'.a'-."n lor the defence o£ i the racific. ,'csted that
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 189 2 Have Paid To Learn Both With Health And Pocket AGAIN Thank You For Your Wonderful -YsastVite Dear Sirs, fdßUm 1 feel I ought to add my thanks to hundreds of others jju must have. .six years ago I began to Buifer from nerves,
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  • 116 2 T.kJo, Saturday. NIN!". persons were killrd and iiiju.ed during the two- week air rlefcure drill in Tokio 1 which ended at noon to-day. the police announced to-day. The po'icc said the casualties were much hipher than expected. owing to the interest
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  • 95 2 SantUgv (.Chile). Saturday. I THE MMpaptt Mcrcuno to-day advises the CM'.m.i Oovfrnm nt to adopt nicessarv mm -ures in the face of the Imminent war between •'apan and Unlttd Stales In the Paclllc. OiitliTilng the politic? 1, military and economic dangers, tiie newspaper stresses among thf peri's the
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  • 81 2 Vichy. Saiu'day. j THREE more Frenchmen shY rciry for i'l'-riai poVses'ion of rrrrs and mun'tJona," arcordinir to th" Virhv nrv/i a-j-ncy. The ortlor wa-, by Oen. von S -uelpnar 0 1. 9te\ RM r~rnmr.r.d?- of the nrmy of occupation in France. neuter. TIN United Strt?
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  • 120 2 S Tho S'> ret of the Immense S success of Yeaat-Vite lies, of S course, in the fact that It is an <> > accurate scientific combination S of PIKE MKDICINAL YEAST S <Sacchan..myces CereviHian, > S -.nd other wonderful tonic In- S gradients na prescribed by lead-
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  • 76 2 Completely RUN-DOWN, Suffered from Insomnia And Continual COLDS. Dear Sirs, I take great pleasure in trriting to you on behalf of your excellent tonic. Some time ago I felt completely run-down. suffered from -nsomnia ar.a continuous colds, to I started taking a course of Yeast-Vite, c;ii lean truthfully say the
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  • 37 2 Chr.ilcncd "Stalin" bj Mmc. wife of the Soviet Ambas Lon-. tank tics ortc of the first to be pro-laced bj British taci.or.ei for JhMrii dur.ig the nc?nt "Tanks for Russia" campaign.
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  • 960 2 U.S. Urged To Act Quickly In Pacific Situation Washington. Saturday. IMMEDIATE T^V-kase of Japan by the I'niled Slates, ttiereby cutting oif Japan from all sources of war supplies should be in.stiiu rd," dec'a-ed Senator P< pp;r to newspapermen t^tlay. He agr^ei with t!ie s'.::icment m:-.u? by the Navy Secretary, ilonel
    Reuter  -  960 words
  • 60 2 Lomlon, IK/I ItARIHELMY. the Krcnh Secretary of State of Justice, has announced a further postponement of the political "war juilf trial, according to French newspaper reports quoted by th* German radio. l*ie trial will not be opened until the beginning of next year
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 50 2 S London, Saturday. EVEN women were among the 14 Persons executed at Pecs, in Hungary, after being sentenced to death by a court-mart! jl, according to a Budapest dispatch quoted by tlv; French radio. They were charges wttk "subversive activity and Illegal detention rf arm*."— Renter.
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  • 30 2 S Mexico City Saturday. ENOU Alfonso Ro.-*;ns*elg Diaa has been appointed Mexican Minister In Lcndun following the resumption of dlploiritic relations between Mexico and Bntaln.— Reuw.-.
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  • 192 2 New York, Saturday. PXK Army planes and three civili-.n craft v.e'e mis«;i!ig this morning, aitcr two Arni> shirts era*r:cd, on: taXWfbtf a cew of five men to their deaths. A Flyint Fortress landed nt Cliarlpston, Fouth!l la, af er the pilot had ordered
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  • 196 2 Shanghai, Satuiciay. rE United States Maritime Commiss on's alleged decision to cease snipping w.\r supplies to Russia via Vladivostck la criticized by several local newspapers here. The American -own ?d Shanghai Eveninsr Post says the decision "1^ not reassuring. It smacks too much cf appeasement and
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  • 88 2 de Gaulle Troops In French Soma liland Vichy, Saturj...... THE invasion of FrvrrM iSomaMar rl by »wo I andj de Ga»il!ist ci l-j'"n<--, who ocennied Dasenait, ?o 1 nor(h-we<t cf Tartjrnrp.h, \».-\s arnosmcri here torir.y by tiie Scretarit of Slat? for Pr.' The Sec:etar!-it told the I Pre.~s at n~on
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  • 86 2 Isub!:n. Eaturdiy. THE steps vfcich the Eire Govi is tc ta::e to cc ntrol Klkral Rri am are not \m r?d in p\\ statement tc-r!ay. Trcvfl p.-rrr.its Wtß no* hi- t.< hi to persons who a-o omplovrd or for whom < h lmmcdiat-'y prailable in Fir^ n-r to
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  • 68 2 V.n The stii:.? aflMUac i^ at Bell A raft tories at Buffr'o nr.:l T ha* wttled rr..ce of Pri duel nint. vl.ich Utes that I na-e wwd to Mtarn tli<» itri tho rny-roll on MDOdaj wa.- BUM b" th" United Au i rji o* the f Inc istrial
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  • 63 2 Vaehiagtan, ?^t Tin: D 1 .on hmet a staU lrr.t anr. mnr«ri> nt, or. Wcii that '!1 s'd for Ru«ia would b« Uirou h B<; on. MavjtchusctU. ..fter Oct. 18 way inarcura'f, nnd th.v defence carpt-; would continue dlvkl d f.s far as practicable the r
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  • 30 2 TAe >.inff inspecting the •flip's co-ivany of a ct uter flagship (a V court* 0/ a wrt. (o tf»« Fkrt in mtUMts r«tor*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 304 2 Veast-Vite Quhkly Relieves HEADACHES INDIGESTION LASSITUDE INSOMNIA DEPRESSION RHEUMATISM "NERVES" I CONSTIPATION No Relief— Ho Pay note ttwply obtain a M tabM kottlt o» Inringi YEAIT- LOflK FOR VITE Tab^h (ram any Itom. T»k« at directed, antf /^SjL^f^T 2...JT IT jrou art not ttiorwftily mtitfitf, vost tht trnpty !ftW[-iM>^^ THIS
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    • 375 2 EYE EXAHIriATIOXS, EYE^USSES. EXCLUSIVELY (TH^MP/ON XJPTKAL C 2 4 AIM MM HI OU.. me 41 R A. Th-imnson. rtr. o. OruUr Sfi«nrr. 3."j yrark' I uroprar < i-.xpri Irnce w Storturb The skin-pores of your feet should be con•tantly elimm.itinc acid impurities When your fe«t torture you. when they ache
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  • 406 3 IF the economic blockade against Japan is maintained and tightened for another six months by the United States, Pritain and the F.iitish Dominions, Japan will have to "plead for an economic truce with Am Tica and Britain and .«ue for military armistice
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  • 88 3 'l wo Indian o!/iccrs utio have Uutingtuslied tfitmtclvst in rcc- nt up>.;utiont in Abyssinia, are making a lecture tour among the trotypt in Northern Ireland. They are Capt. K. L. Atal from U./t), who uxu at the battle of Keren and the capture of Asmara,
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  • 66 3 San Jose (Custa Rica), Saturday. DtMOUHS that local merchants are v selling goods to firms on the AngloAmerican "black list" are being investigated by national anti-Nad fronts '>.ere v.ith a lew to exposing the offenders with publicity and bring them to tribunals for punishment. It Is said that
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 37 3 A further sum of four lakhs of rupees, making a total of 124 lakhs, has boon cabled to the Air Ministry in by the Mr ~s War I'un.l for ■hi> purcha-e of ..ines for Madras squadrons.—Reuter.
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  • 131 3 Adel&lde, Saturday. YOUTHS undar 18 may train for the 1 A IK and Join up Immediately they are pliable, M a proposal of the Deputy-Director of RecrulthvT. Lieut.--t i W.i i :> ars fniit. Ueut.-Oal. WalU- profKKT.t the format Ii n of a He-erve
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 237 3 Shanghai, Saturday. i THE authorities here fear pos- sible rice riots as prices reached an all-time record of $190 per zah— l76 tb. compared I with yesterday's 152, while wheat and flour Jumped from 30 to 41 yuan per catty coincident wi h the new slump In
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 69 3 New Delhi, Saturday. "THE first meetln? of the Oorwultatlve Committee of Fconc-mlo* en postwar reconstruction was held ye.'terdav. Sir Ram».-aTil Mudallar, Comr>rrce Member of the Government of Indlr prpphr<=!»fHi thi.t the rrretlns; would have mainly to c<lvl-* the Government on the best methods by whlrh after the war trade,
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 45 3 A squadron of 20 p!nnes will shortly hr p enfrd to the Indian air force by the Province of Bombay as a contrlbu- 'lon to the war effort. The money for the purpose wps -vbserlbed through the Bombay War Gif'.s Fund. Reuter.
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  • 32 3 Washington, Saturday. /GERMANY has still not replied to the v UnltM SUtcs note regarding th? sinking of the United Stn!«»s freighter Robin Moor, Mr. Cordell Hull toM today's press conference. United Press.
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  • 97 3 Shanghai, Saturday. AS a resuit of obtaining iniormation through raloi illegal radio Station allrg-ed to be dispatching intormation to Chungking, four Japanese gendarmes, accompanied by French police, raided the French Concession home of Col. Ivan Constantin Mrachkovsky, a White Russian. The Colonel comm.tted su cide before
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  • 261 3 London, .Saturday. ON the occasion of >he opening of the International Labour Conierence In New York on Monday, The Times in a tttdM to-day, s .res.sinj? the great opportunity now beforv. 1 the International Labour Olllce ol preparatory work lor the world's ry after the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 206 3 v .i*^> BROWN OUT. a 1* Kight hand head lamp out. 1 ii Mr- r^iir eft hand head lamp entirely SmU Km 9 Marked out except 2" circle in HOI EOfl KOI centre ruvo.rd with news&M 359 BiSla «^fm*m pitKr EKSICq 3. Side lamps blacked out except Hflg >W| bfllf»M>M
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    • 82 3 When I recovering from FLU fr^y Jt PHOSFERINE Thcnuaodi at conrwietcexo* "Urn and feverish colds get out o. led only to Snd that the after-effect* art worse than the attack itself. This is where Phosferine can be of great value. It strengthens, braces and invigorates it will put you oa
      82 words
    • 102 3 '«^^^^^HV^Hk SB SJ& LH 8 i ■> ire unknown to mothers who use Cerex— Cow Gate's follow-on food. When it becomes necessary to introduce surch into baby's diet at the age of six to seven months, it is essential that this should be done in a manner that will not
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 niAi:y iyn cvrley 3pi '.ss* ¥!PiCk 0^- „,1 YUCID cjvjcCT uAIID Tnua Incidents from thb HEIR rINcST HUUKt Wm Front* <f^/> i origin. A V' ySm [•jbninc oh. *ff "**^R*k >Mta>tx>li I r^k v ll i IS F.^ES«IOSINKIN6, A C*V LATJR. A BUB" "O t«f C«(«r (O»»5tO Ht» •'•■''OJ aldlp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 TO-DAY At 11 a.m. U A||nn|| 3.15, 6.15 9.15 MLnMmDnM Be Sure To See It!^ Jl •YoureSureTo 1 V 2»«^^s Be Thrilled! M Th« outco.n of mUMALUBbfi Plvta Sea Wolf In M B^ j j 1 3 1 1 1 their biggeif MW §[^9 R^UZ^ Warner Bros. A Jig hit
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    • 285 4 Wind up your week-end with a Little Golf at our WEE-LINKS or Drop in at our SKATING RINK (Golf sticks and skates supplied at a small charge) TO-NIGHT Tea Dansant from 7.30 p.m. Late Dance, 9.30 12 Season extended owing to Popular Demand Republic's 'SOUTH ot the BORDER" (Gene Autrj)
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    • 217 4 SEASON EXTENDED! Everybody's praising LARAINE DAY'S Brilliant Performance! CAPITOL] 4 S DAV 11 A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 Acclaimed as one of the Year's Finest dramatic screen triumphs. Take Your Seat On The Jury And Hear The Sensational Evidence Against This Beautiful Girl Accused Of A DIABOLICAL MURDER! With LATEST METROTONE
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  • 125 5 vnu are not firir-hcd with fev<* i Vban your temperature has gone down. Your bociy is undermined and not till you have built il up are you really sut of dan The uu' i i. il-at lever wea>.' RttkSl i' unfit to takt eolici iuod. Very
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  • 114 5 Arthritis Agony Curbed In 30 Minutes The arrazuig new discovery Rumrnd banishes the pnlns of Arthritis. Rheumatism. Lumbt go. Neuritis and! Sciatica like mtgic In 30 minues aft?>r the first dose pejn* disappear, and in a few days this mi rvellous medicine dissolves arc! rcri'Oves the body poisons and Cric
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  • 124 5 MRS. E. TEAN CHENG (nee Nellie Ong) age 25. younger daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. Yean Keat and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ong Slew Jiang, passed away peacefully at General Hospital on Saturday, 25th October, 1941 at 0.15 a.m. The cortege will leave 193. Marine Parade
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  • 123 5 HASTY MEALS SLUGGISH DIGESTION In these days when we all have to "go to It." leisurely meals are apt to go by the board, and. all too often heartburn, lla'ulence and a feeling of heaviness are the net result. A little BISURATED 1 MAGNESIA powder or tablets will give you
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  • 353 5 KNOWN throughout the world for their prowess, Singapore a colony of "coin divers" Is now something of the past. Most of them have forsaken their dangerous but more lucrative vocation for service in the R.A.S.C. and R.A.O.C. and, in far off Cocos, with the Cable
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  • 171 5 THROUGH three theatrical per- formances at the Palace Theatre, Eu Tong Sen Street, Singapore, on Oct. 20 and 21, the Pi-rak Chinese Amateur Dr imatic Association of Ipoh raised nearly $10,000 for the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Distress Fund and the China Relief Fund. The
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  • 114 5 At The Cinema THE ALHAMBRA 1 CULL of ills and laughs, The Saints V.. ation," shown at midnight at the Alhambra cinema last night, is excellent entertainment. Included in the programme is a coloured Mickey Mouse cartoon. THE CAPITOL ttQNE Night ln the Tropics." shown at a midnight screening at
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  • 116 5 WITH the object of safeguarding tho interests of the Malayan Pineapple Industry, an amendment to the Pineapple Industry Enactment will be introduced ln the State Council. Selangor, In the near future, by which the control of the Malayan Mark will be vested ln one authority. J
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  • 66 5 fINE of the biggest consignments of V mall arrived yesterday for the Australian Imperial Forces, Malaya. This moan tain of mail was distributed within a few boon to the various A.I.F. camps throughout the country. Tbe Sunday Times picture above, in which one sees three
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  • 39 5 Manager Of The Improvement Trust Found Dead In Stream MR. L. Langdon Williams, m manager of the Singapore Improvement Trust, was found dead yesterday, lying in a stream running at the side of the Kota Tinggi road in Johore.
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  • 130 5 In Defence Area Without A Permit (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. T. P. Oosterhuis, a Dutchman. was convicted by Mr. J. B. Weiss, first magistrate, to-day on a charge of entering the Johore Bahru defence area without a permit. Mr. N. C. HaLsey ot the Police, said he
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  • 73 5 rpWO children and one adult died as a result of road accidents during the week ending Oct. 24 while 15 people, including three children, were injured during the same period, according to the weekly statistics on road accidents from the Assistant Superintendent of Police, Traffic Branch.
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  • 87 5 A SPECIAL programme in comment- oration of Czech National Day will be broadcast from the Singapore Station to-morrow at 8 p.m. The programme will include a speech in Czech followed by a translation in English by the Czech Consular Agent. Singapore, Mr. J. A. Lulcy, and a
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  • 85 5 THREE Chinese, Kuek Goo, Urn Han See and Tan Ah Wan, who were convicted in the Singapore third court last week on a charge of assisting in the management of a chap-jee-kee lottery in New Market Road, were sentenced yesterday. Kuek was sentenced to eight months' rigorous
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  • 57 5 A 38-YEAR-OLD Japanese. Kamasuke Sueyoshl, appeared ln the Singapore third court yesterday on a charge of failing to notify the Aliens Registration Officer ln Singapore of a change of address which occurred between Oct. 12 and Oct. 23 from 14, Queen Street, to 12. Malay Street, for mention.
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  • 266 5 GAOL FOR 'ABLE DANGEROUS' COMMUNIST DESCRIBED <u> a man who had long been known to the police as "a very able and dangerous activist of the Malayan Communist Party," a Cantonese, Lam Kong Se«, was convicted on a charge of assisting ln thr management of the Malayan Communist Party and
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  • 243 5 PROGRAMME of Singapore Volunteer Corps drills up to and for the week ending Nov. 2 are: Monday, Oct. 27: 1715 hrs, Headquarters, S.R.A. iv). Sec. Training; j 1715 hrs. Headquarters, S.S.L. Bty. R.A. (v). Manning and L.G. TrainIng; 1730 hrs. Hindquarters. B.V. Sig. Coy., Signal '1 raining; 1715
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  • 88 5 CHARGED with being a member of the Malayan Communist Party, a 27-year-old shoemaker, Lo Han Goan. was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore third court yesterday. Lo was arrested on June 7 ln a shoemaker's shop in Middle Road. A number of Communist documents
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  • 35 5 At the half-yearly meeting of the Negri Sembtlan Government Se.vants Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Messrs. E.S. Tam.iblrajah, H. E. Pernanuez, S. Rajah. K. Slvagiiru. A. SLnnathural and K. Arumugam were elected new honorary auditors
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  • 170 5 (From Our Own Correspondent; Taiplng, Saturday. IN commemoration of the opening of their association the Talping Chinese Shop Assistants Association has sent messages of confidence to Mr. Winston Churchill. British Prime MintsU-i. President Lin-sen of China, and Gen Chiang Kai-shek. The message to Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 433 5 ANNOUNCEMENT BANK OF CHINA (Specially Chartered by the National Government of the Republic of China as an International Exchange Bank) SINGAPORE beg to announce the opening on October 27th 1941 of their North Bridge Road Office at 539 543, North Bridge Road, Singapore. Chief: Mr VAN KWONG CHONG TELEPHONES: Chief's
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    • 92 5 ERIC COATES (Composer and Conductor) conducting the Symphony OrchestraD0X429 LONDON SUITE— (a) Tarantelle Covent Garden. (b) Meditation "Westminster" (o March "Knlghtabrldge" DOXIX7 A Sojir by thr way Song- of Loyalty D0X506 7 CINDERELLA -A Phantasy Three Parts By the Sleepy Lagoon D0X513 4 LONDON AGAlN— Suite (1) March— Oxford Street.
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    • 383 5 ATTENTION RUPTURE SUFFERERS Here's how lo completely cure your Rupture! Brooks famous British made appliance has ended for thousands the discomfort and pain of rupture it can do the same for YOU Pill in the coupon below for descriptive booklet telling you more about Brooks nnlque rupture appliance. j^_ So'
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  • 1338 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE Dog and The Cat had grown so big and The Man and The Woman had shrunk so small that while The Dog and The Cat were settling down for the night in the twin beds The Man and The Woman were sitting
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  • 367 6  -  FOUR ACES By "pLEASE settle this argurr.ent for us," writes a reader. "Should North have passed at three hearts, or should South have expressed a eh >ie between North's two suits North. Dealer Both sides vulnerable SA9 S 7 3 H A D K J 10 9 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 609 6 mmvmimmm DOS OWNERSi^ij V XViSW -^ssssssV- r^sssssssssssssOsss^sra sss^ssss^sssssssiS^sssssS *t HOW TO END i £1 or nearly 50 years, in every kind of I •ftAC c f 0 AT 1 climate, dogs have been made fit— »J. -2^— I fnd kept fit— by regular conditioning BR^l 1 ith my Condition Poyvders.
      609 words
    • 128 6 t r*s»/^\ w IT b easy to take snaps you'U be proad 2\ A A I \l \<f/ to show— snaps full of detail, crisp and VCV jt\ V I dear if you always load up with Kodak C^i^ > •Verichrome' film. These features makt 3[^J w>t> I V •Verichrome'
      128 words
    • 713 6 v TiirXj^r^^ r ~*'»i Ksji. i I J) FOOD FOR H ml «lit be ycur son. MUSCLE. BONE I.D sj c o \j r r Before you realise It NtKV t J he will have grown to youth and manhood. Will tw be strong? That depends on you, not on
      713 words

  • 771 7 By The Onlooker FUR captured British generals, two of them VCs, an alimarshal, and a flight-lieutenant are living a Swiss Family Robinson life in a beautiful villa at Sulmona in the Sabine Hills, 30 east of Rome. Sixty-year-old, one-armed, oneeyed General Carton de V/iar*. V.C., D.5.0.,
    771 words
  • 253 7 The wedding took place at the Ctaorch *f St. Jo<wph. Singapore, on Oct. IS, of Mr. Walter Rodrignes and Mia Hilda Schrlkls. Left to right: Mr. Vincent Rozario (best man), Mr. Vincent Ror.-<to (sponsor), bridegroom and bride, Mrs. Muriel lUuragarten (matron of honour), Mis* Dorothy Klaas (bridesmaid). Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 liH¥)Blf law IM .M--1119 mm 11 a.m. a\ MM Brush Bloodstained danger for teeth That tiny trace of blood on use Gibbs S.R. the nnest your toothbrush is like a way both to help cure and red flag. It warns you that prevent gum diseases. In there's danger ahead the
      158 words
    • 11 7 »i~^"* i< *f flurry Bj; a flHflflA BI^W9^^^^PV^^^^V^fc^^^^^^r.^^^^l v>^*^/ti#£^5 first! J
      11 words
    • 208 7 DISCONTINUED I AS FROM 31" DEC. Present conditions make it Impera- tive that the offer of Free Gifts I in exchange for Bournville Cocoa Coupons be discontinued as from 31st December 1941, up to which >l date, Coupons may be exchanged as usual at all branches of Messrs. Sime, Darby
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    17 words
  • 716 8 More Food AT the "Grow More Food" exhibition in Singapore on Friday the Governor made another appeal to all to endeavour to grow their own supplies of vegetables. We do not know what total results have attended previous appeals although we can number among our friends several who have
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  • 891 8 WORKERS at a large canning factory ln the northern Caucasus have cabled to Moscow announcing their collective decision to redouble their efforts and to Increase output by 50 per cent. This is merely one of thousands of solemn undertakings recorded since the beginning of the wan
    The Times  -  891 words
  • 96 8 New York, Saturday. MR. HARVEY FIRESTONE has presented Dr. E. W. Brandes, of the Agriculture Department, with over 1,000,000 rubber soeds, part of a shipment of over 2.000.000 seeds from the Firestone plantations in Liberia, to experiment on stations the Uniled States has established in Brazil Peru,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 591 8 THE NEW WORLD CABARET TO-DAY TIFFiN DANCE 1.30 to 4.3* pm. Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 9 30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 eta. Id Wt hat* a wide range of suit B§ B M lengths ■JH -Rockmllr" wLaB tniting» U.S.A. Hsbbbbbbl WAIN SHI ILL 6 ■^^B in Silk and Wool MiMMMm Alto
      591 words
    • 128 8 Sydney is only 2»/2 to 3*. 2 days tuvei iron*. Singapore oy air, and 21 days of pleasant cruising by sea, while Perth is only 11 days by sea. Modern 'planes and ships operate regular services F w A complete change In Australia, with its stiMm U^k mulating climate, sport
      128 words
    • 758 8 X.P.M. LINE REGULAR SERVICES TO THE NETHERLANDS INDIES CHINA AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AFRICA R. V. KORINKLIJKE PAKETVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ KP M LINE (Inc. in the Netherlands Indies) Tel 5451. TAKE PHILLIPS' j^^^^^f Upiet Stomach Flatulence jt Indneitcoo Bilioutnesi IMM I Htartburn Conttipttion I ■^■sssi^^ '^***4*«^ #s«H Tke t»»4«o <re im*i Miner HbL_
      758 words

  • 35 9 rIE Prxak Turf Club has made a further donation, this lime of 514.130. to The War Fund. This brmirs the Club's contribution to the war effort ta over $100,000.
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  • 631 9 Aerodrome Defended Against "Enemy Parachutists" In Realistic War Game By Oar Special Correspondent. BRITISH. Australian, Malay and Indian troops yesterday combined successfully in the defence of an aerodrome in > southern Malaya against attacks by "enemy parachutists," in one of the most realistic ex* ercises held in this country. The
    631 words
  • 221 9 WEDDINGS Taylor-Cumming MR. Graham Taj lor, of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and Chim was married to Miss Jean Mabel dimming at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The bride Is the dauchter of Mrs dimming and the lato Mr. Alexander Cummlng, of Epsom. Surrey, and thr bridegroom is the son
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  • 39 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Scremban, Saturday. THE marriage took place at the Church of the Visitation, Seremban. cf Mr. Lew Khcon Fen of Seremban, and Miss Ong Sook Eng. younger sister of Mr. Ong Pit Son of Sorcmban.
    39 words
  • 19 9 Mr. D. J. Benton. manager of StafleH estate, Batu Tlga, and Mrs. Benton. have returned from holiday In Auotra.:'a
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  • 23 9 There iriil be an At Home at the Pa'sonage. St. Marks Church, Seremban. on Nov 3 to meet the new Bishop of Singapore.
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  • 16 9 Pandit R. Njtarajan, headmaster of the Klang Chettiar Tamil School, haa left for India on holiday.
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  • 135 9 HARVEST Festival is being celebrated at Gillman Garrison Church and at the Military Chapel at Alexandra Hospital to-day. I: will be the flrst Harvest Festival to be held at the Military Chapel which had its dedication service nearly a year ago on Nov. 17. Gifts of Rower* and
    135 words
  • 90 9 THE "carefree attitude toward reli- gjon of certain young Malays who held posts in the Government" was deplored by the sUtan of Perak m the course of an address to a large gathering of Milavs at the Ub idiah mosque !n Kuala Knngsar on Wednesday, on
    90 words
  • 46 9 -pHE Novices dance competition sponsored by the managrment ol the Great World amusement park during the week end resulted: First: Mr. Ho Kon Kce and Miss Lucy Choong. Second: Mr. Low Thlan Chong and Miss Juliet Loh, Third: Mr. and Mrs Llm Lay Hian.
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  • 19 9 To-day's military band concert from the Singapore radio station will be given by the Manchester Regiment at 12.45 p.m.
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  • 292 9 rIE flrst prosecution under the Indecent Advertisements Ordinance, 1941, was heard in the Singapore fifth court ysterdaj when Erumbadu Venkatachari, sole proprietor of Chari and Co.. a medicine shop in Roblnsin Road, was charged. Venkatachari, who appeared o<> a summons, pleaded guilty to charge alleging
    292 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 529 9 p more trouble with pSGUITO BITES m g I ,tg m *a»i«»illala«» SWOT •••"JP PvT^PWM IWHVf M mm Mala Way. vm mtMt ihn iru younclf Immcdiaicly am arc Oitirn h> motquilo. toak pitctal >n •<wi in T C P and dab thn on irwroughly. i.n ant mtnmit chis n«w (ypt
      529 words
    • 350 9 *Lcvk smart there! BRYICMW tf tke perfect -J/airVreruny rV9mx& V^ES Brylcreem is the perfect hair dressing for By f^^^^^\ men who c »n't afford to take a chance with Z iLwW// J their appearance. A well-groomed head V ililft n means a well-groomed man. Look smart J^?ss^aV si U O|P
      350 words

  • 1416 10 The Week's Markets BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. £HAPTER and verse of the F.M.S. Restriction of Drinking Hours (but not of quantity consumed) Act have now been circulated and an efficient police force will shortly assume yet another addition to Its
    1,416 words
  • 109 10 Rlrt quoted per koyan M plenls. Other commodities quoted per picol except where otherwise stated. Singapore, Oct. 25. Buyers Selitrs Gambler f 7.50 Hamburg Cube $12.25 Java Cube $12 00 ?opra Mixed $2.65 Sun Dried $2.90 Peppei White Muntok $18 25 White $17.75 Black $8.26 Sago Floor
    109 words
  • 79 10 Singapore. Saturday, Oct. 25. Buyers Seller* Price* Prices No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose) 38*6 3**4 No. IX R.S.S. fob la cases October 38-J, 39 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bale* October 38' i 38* F.A.Q. R.S.S fob. In bale* October 3794 WH FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX
    79 words
  • 43 10 rpHE following alterations In share quotations published in the Straits Times on Saturday were made by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday: TINS No Change RUBBERS No Change INDUSTRIALS UnltedEng. Ord. ($5) 10.90 11.20 x.d. United 7 Pref. ($10) 16.55 16.75 x.d.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 683 10 Check tha^ |K| fatal joss i W of weight/ a it may be the fxfojnce ATYPICAL T dread d |feose sHi .*9 Put on pounds of fine, firm flesh > n 30 days* i You know, only too well, what that steady i J jM A lorn of weight toretelU.
      683 words
    • 29 10 ay 6 4 +*Zs^^ w mrnttmu. HIMRODS -O W% W^^»#^^ ASTHMA CURB. M mmr iW /«/W Df OUnt WaaM Kolawi W^. la Wi book. "100 a»r« in Eoroo* CURE
      29 words
    • 122 10 **4Ha tthl h of th /J atii ic h I Of ag JDSEPH TRAVERSE SOHS.ITIt^ 1041 Wanna J HI has invested £43,000,000 in Government War Loans. Since adequate Life Assurance is as necessary in war time as any other time, obtain the cover you need and the premium you pay
      122 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 163 11 +T I fTW/ THAT 5 THE SECRET C V OF MY GOOD HEALTH. I Do you long to be attractively slim? '^ff^' To have a lovely clear complexion M Then start a course of Beecham's *~--^2^^m^r- -^ZidS Pills to-day. They are so simple to E-fattaßß^^*^ take, harmless, gentle, yet always
      163 words
    • 410 11 ilyiiiiiip^ Cyour family and guesu thlt i quality tarn. INSIST ON CHIVERS JAMS CMIYIMI SONS ITO.. THI ORCHARD FACT OUT. HISTON. CAHMIO6I. iNO Try also Chivertf Olde English Manna lade, Canned Fruils and Vcgrtcb's Agents: V. R. VICK li CO.. HONO KONO I3ANI* CHAMB SINGAPORE: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY It CO PENANO
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1436 11 Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE ZIIL 225 m. 1.333 k ca.; ZHPI 30.96 m. 9.69 m cs.; ZIIP2 48.58 m. 6.173 mrs.; ZIIP3 41.38 m. 7.25 tn ca. ZHL, ZHPI ZHP2. 6.40 a.m. Opening announcements tn French; 6.45 News ln French'; 7.00 News commentary in French; 7.15 Singapore calling, and musict; 7.30
      1,436 words
    • 610 11 EMPIRE STATION EASTERN SERVICE on GSV 17.81 m cs.: ln.8) mclrr-!.; OS*— 15.H w/ts.; 1981 metres; GSU— 6.15 a.m. Ne*s; 62j Ncy.s ai 635 War commentary; 6.40 London calling; 6.45 News in French; 7.00 Greetlntrs from Beaver Club; 7.30 Weekly programme siunmary; 7.45 '•Listen to My Note Book" by J.
      610 words

  • 805 12  -  R.H. Naylor By SUNDAY, OCT. t€: Nothing wrong with this yeaJ Everything appears to be most gloriously right. Here U a birthday which carries luck in the best sense of the word for at least a year ahead. Financial luck, personal luck, social luck. Unless you
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  • 405 12 JANUARY (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): Personal affairs take precedence this week; an old friendship renewed surprisingly, but home-life stormy. Improved business conditions, owing to co-operation from others. Financial problems Monday, Tuesday. FEBRUARY (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Go "all out" for what you wont ihis week, particularly first three
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  • 392 12 By Max Factor OOWDISR puils are not like per- fumes and liqueurs, which gain quality with age. Nor can they be likened to good violins, which improve with use. Powder puffs are akin to most of the other accessories to modern living. In that they wear out and
    392 words
  • 99 12 Sound advice to restore husband's failing strength "No, Mrs. C your husband need not remain weak, anaemic, rundown. He does not need costly medicines either, all he requires is a good health-build-ing tonic- Waterbury's Compound." Doctors for more than 50 years have been recommending Waterbury's
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  • 277 12 By R. A. THOMPSON. D.O.Sc. (Dr. of Ocular Science.) Stage actors have only to learn to walk, talk, and move convincingly. But movie actors must learn to act first for the eyts— that is the eyes of the audience, and secondly through the eyes. The movie
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 324 12 FOUNDATION FOR BEAUTY by Beauty most be carefully and lovingly cultivated. The work of Cleansing, Toning and Nourishing the skin is most essential and for this very purpose Elizabeth Arden has created her Cleanse-Tone-Nourish system. For Cleansing the skin there's Ardena Cleansing Cream; for Toning Ardena Skin Tonic; for Nourishing
      324 words
    • 238 12 How I Got Rid of Winkles —and made myself look 10 years younger M^^S^gJtU 9 t i ylzSrm 4 tA v&Read this amazing letter from Mist C "Omi i*7. looting into my mirror, I In about ft weeks the result waa really •aid to mytclf 'My dear, you art begin-
      238 words
    • 159 12 YOU DARE NOT DESTROY THIS BOOK! The literature you get with most products is worth reading but could then be thrown away with little loss. But if you want to make the most of Milton you simply dare not destroy the Milton Directions Booklet. It is as invaluable as Milton
      159 words
    • 251 12 *3& SKIRI ■Hi if j Ik a> «W 2^ THE KONc- 1 RAY .i the throughout the British lil«, tra K ?S j^k wtarmg in thousand.. I, ,h« aklrt which rsp. dl? becomts ■■^^B'RBfl popular in MTy country to I which it is Introductd. Why,' II |B BxauH it has
      251 words

  • 474 13 TALES of sea adventures worthy of Drake and his men were told by the captain and crew of the Dutch warship Vankinsbergen when I met her at a British port after she had spent two years in foreign seas, writes the Sunday Dispatch naval correspondent.
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  • 51 13 Sergeant James Allen Ward, of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, who ;.oj recently awarded the Victoria Cross for extinguishing a ftrr in a Wellington bomber wnen returning from a raid on Muntter, being entertained by his squadron. He it seated at the heat of Uic
    51 words
  • 84 13 ]\EW England, American land 11 of the Pilgrim Fathers, may help to rebuild Plymouth, from where the first Pilgrims set sail. That i- one of the postwar dreams" of .Vjsj Dorothy Thompson, American commentator, she stated in a broadcast. "1 would like to see the
    84 words
  • 228 13 A SPECIAL branch of the Uestapo has been created by H mmler "for the surveillance ol public morale in air-raid shelters in Berlin. Its name is Luft-schutzkeller-Gestapo (Air-Raid Shelter Secret Police). Especially since the two-tfay bombing of Berlin began, there i.uve been
    228 words
  • 245 13 Britain's Young Scientists To Get Their Chance BRITAIN is to give a chance to her young scientists. They will be ensured a university education if worthy of it. All fees will be paid by the State, as well as the full cost of residence. And ability will be the only
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  • 98 13 i A FTER having been torpedoed three times, William Henry Thompson Princes Park. Liverpool, a first-claw boy In the Royal Navy, is now a prisoner In Germany. A lew months ago be escaped from a sinking ship after she had been torpedoed. Later he wa.* reported
    98 words
  • 50 13 BOYS KILLED ON ARMY RANGE Four boys found a small object on an army firing range in the south of England and threw it against a stone. There was a violent explosion and three of the boys were killed, while the fourth was s: rious'.y Injured arid is In hospital.
    50 words
  • 152 13 HOW a British Hurricane pilot landed his plane on the sea and, single-handed, captured an Italian E-boit waui told by an R.A.F. officer who reached Britain recently. The fighter pilot was on patrol near Malta when he saw the E-boat approaching, says the Air
    152 words
  • 112 13 rwi.s suggested by the coroner at a Chester Inquest that jealousy caused a dog to attack and kill a baby. A verdict of "Death from misadventure" was returned on Graham Clark. the flve-weck-cld son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Clark, of Meadow Plate. lUndbridge, Chester.
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  • 18 13 HOME PREPARES FOR FIRES— Mussolini has opened a number of firefighting training centres in the vicinity of Rome.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 375 13 FOR THE smart set 1l laW To make ■Itractivc wavci md url? qu^lcJy and rasiiy gri a boidc of Amami Wit Set and follow the full, Ie Uirccunns encloscJ. Arrumi Set ii lion-oily, non-*ucky, very quickiy Give vi'ursel! a smart set today Obtainable iniinlwu. Amami 1 WAVE SETS Try i>.
      375 words
    • 221 13 stop iww^fty Hb3^Mm£^M^^F o\>ffll|llr Ippuranri but th« t>arrt« oi/t- lll^ Itflndinfl m«fj -flail OK^""™ -^v •i f will relieve you of the gg> /7 J* C torment of prickly beat. Use it at S^* > y I Ay (be first sign of irritation and you'U k> I y < V"^
      221 words
    • 320 13 o*'' _^4gggggc^^^ N. fc/**" SANITARY PROTECTION IS NOW WORN INTERNALLY Tampax has ended all the old discomforts. No chafing. No irritation. No odour. Completely invisible and fully protective— and so mjch more hygienic! TAMPAX UFOD. TSADt MAHJC WORN INTERNALLY SoU Avtnu n M w.- THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD, m i
      320 words

  • 185 14 Intii?;e3tion Made Work a Misery TThen tli- pains of Indigestion nre tniwing Jfi :i can hardly to do ycr wi.rk well. I'< ;\t w;u r wl „1 1 jipened in i <> In un. To-oay, work h<>^ become a pleasure i<) mvii, as he
    185 words
  • 243 14 O EAT ING the Spartans by eight goals to nil at Anson Road stadium yrserdry, Royal Air Force (Scletar) qualified for the final In the S.A.F.A. Cup com petition. The winnors of todays same between the Chin s' S.C.F.A.) and the Argylls play the
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  • 1462 14 FAIR DIVIDENDS AT PENANG RACES From Our Own Correspondent Pcnang, Saturday. T\rVIDENDS were fair on v the lust day of the Penang Turf Club's autumn meeting to-day. Samory paid the highest dividend with 535. Van Rreukelen saddled throe winners. The going was heavy. Race 1 Hones, Class 4, Dhr. t,
    1,462 words
  • 99 14 THE Highland Brigade rugov team to mr-ot Mm Hova] Artil'pry at Jalan Bnsar St-"Hnni on Wednesday at 5 p.m. will beyLieut. B. Bancroft fAr<»ylls): 2 Lt. V. I D. Rtowart (Gordorsi. Capt A. O. Close (Gordons^; Capt N P. Farquhar fAnrvl's^: 2Lt. H.
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  • 91 14 THE Straits Chinese Recreation Club's oprn Invitation la-vn tennis tournament opened yesterday when five ties r.cre paved. Of these ties four were decided In straight sets. Results Oprn Singles <'h:im I>ioiv.hip: LJm Hee CMn beat S. A. Holyland. 6 —4, 6 —2; A. Thomas beat J. S. Khor.
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  • 456 14 British Airmen's Rugby Win Over Australians HARD, fast and exciting ex* changes featured this season's first Malayan Kusbj Union match in aid of w». charities in whiih the Royal Air Force beat the Royal Australian Air Force by ei«!it points (a goal and a try) to three points a (penalty
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  • 41 14 A SINGAPORE Police eleven had an easy victory at soccer over a Navy eleven, beating them 6 o, the score at half-time beinT 4 o. The scorers were Cnvalho (2). Knt'emin (2), Harbajan Singh and Rodrlgues.
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  • 922 14  -  "Doc" By rOLLOWERS of boxing will be well catered lor whan the semi-linab> and the finals of the Command Inter unit novices boxing competition takes place. Unfortunately both scml-finala a'l'j finals will be hold on the same night on Tuesday. Oct. 28. M.mrhesters vs Gordons was to
    922 words
  • 141 14 side for o,or oO mi:. c.T.u. went down b ih in .i 'kiii c on the padaiv lamlyn scor«\l (he the posts v. ad<l.*cl the extra points. >;i on- til i.. but Kvn- gap ibcrti The Ootu on tiw other hand io.«t tiia mrtoM ol l'a«e
    141 words
  • 43 14 S.C.R.C. VS. I.A. Tin: fo!lowtr~ is t:ie S.C.R.C. h->.';.>v tram I Association at Hon^ Mm Own on Check Woh: C. Woag, Can Koe Stem*: n Ann. C) Swee, Ons Fwec Kent*. Huck V Kce po-r, Or>n I>e Klan, Llni T-n Huck Wan. Guto
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 237 14 $INdA WATER uMpr^^Turtt r N r MINERAL WATER from the Srlctar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink vwth excellent corrective properties r V v p°7 j& Equipped Tor ait J HtfL. repairs *2ftU shipbuilding OUR FACILITILS INCLUDE THE FCLLCWiaG Two Graving Docks TVmrrwions:— I f Wk No. 1 Dock No.
      237 words
    • 47 14 ■■L )B fdfs ivwg j£ f APB 3 LET THE STRAITS TIMES TAKE YOUR WEDDING PICTURES We are now fully equipped for the production of first-class commercial work of all descriptions as well as news-pictures. Please address your enquiries to THE PRODUCTION MANAGER. STRAITS TIMES. Phoiw 5471.
      47 words
    • 42 14 ■X/ ///iiliilllllilliwß Did you MACLEAN your teeth today? 1 Of course I did For sparkling white teeth, healthy %nms, a fresh coot mouth, use Maclcaas. It quickly removes staios, whitens aod polishes the eoamct aod ii v ccoooouc»l in use. I^^"., TcttfT
      42 words

  • 476 15 YESTERDAY'S Singapore civilian hockey trial held n\ the Singapore Hockey Association, in which Colours beat Whites by four goals to one. was very useful in at least one respect it has apparently sm'ved the left back problem that has been confronting selectors of the Singapore
    476 words
  • 214 15 VIGOROUS play in adverse conditions was seen at Sepoy Liner yez' e.-dav. when the Mecilcal College Seniors beat the Juniors by .«eve:: pain's (a try and a dropped goal) to nil in a "ruelling rugby game. Th* Seniors, who scored their points ihroura Ochlers with a
    214 words
  • 253 15 (From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban, Saturday. BRINKMANN'S Sports Club soccer tnam f crn Singapore wc-e to Bartataa during the past wee': when they engaged a Neprl Sembllan tram which Included several State vid wtileti rlavrd trcdor t*i» npme of the N S.FHA. President's XI. Eiinkmann s proved
    253 words
  • 40 15 llxa following wt'l represent Me Indian Youth Association ttM Comlintd Navy to-day at Farter Park at 515 pm.: Sithr:nb~ram, Suleiman, Harixn, Ramoo. Man lam. Mutnu-k.-Lshi an, Adaikalam. Q. Suppiah ArIJT. Dollßh. R< Kamacbandra, PiilJhT, Q. Thaiigavelu
    40 words
  • 134 15 T/HF: Singapore Civilian side to meet the British Army and Navy in a hockey match in aid of the War Fund to be played on the S.C.C. ground on Tuesday will be: Ye« Cheok Wah; R. Barth, P. h. de Souza; B. S. Varma, L. Reutens,
    134 words
  • 269 15 From Our Johore Correspondent < jN spite of neavy ground conditions a koon tarsfe s^on at 1 the Johore Civil S?rvicp Club yesterday when the Loyals met Johore at rugger and defepter? them by 12 points ff<- tries) |g thrfe <z. ncn^lty "^nli The l/yyals were
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  • 198 15 (From Our Own CorrMir-^lent) Sydney, Saturday. fHE Moon-o Vall?y Gold Cup race run today resu'ted: Yours TrrJv 'U. McLern') 7.3 1 True Fliiht (Ilartney) 8.10 2 Son of A'irous (Tunkivitch) 6.12 3 Reading (3. Thompson) f).O 4 Won hy half a Iptifftli, a hrarl between
    198 words
  • 112 15 (Prom Our Cwn Orrreipondinf* Kuala 'jumpur, Saturday. CELANOOR, who set out at the beginning of tr><* '"ason to nottM the selection of Etr.*e hockey t"ams only to civMlr.rv. for the first time lnrludr>d an Indian Ar-ny player ln State trial this event-.)? which resultet in a win
    112 words
  • 320 15 i3y Our Perak Corre.; pen dent) JJOI WITHSTANDING that Perak's ru'ser and hockey teems were away at o.her centres, there was the usual tpori'- gala at Ipoh durinp the holidays Chief attraction was a triangular cycling contest between Perak. PenanT and Selangor at the Jubilee Park grounds
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  • 268 15 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. C::OAGING two of the stronges oadminton parties in Ipoh. ln th^ course of their holiday tour, the KMla I^umpur Technical School badminton team were beaten on b .tii occasionr. Thj Scnool lost to the f Uigsvilla B.P. by the runaway marrjin of
    268 words
  • 130 15 Keppd Golf Club los< to Senov I mes Golf C^ub m a we nen's inter- club match. Re ulw (Kcppel first): TTr-:. A. M Low (14) 2 M ss S. Lira.l (12) 5, Mrs. S. R. Binslall (14) 4. Mrs. A D. WUlls maon (18) 4, Mrs.
    130 words
  • 112 15 THE MagapoM inte: club lea up tab!t te-nls chainnlon'-'iip final will b^ played B. tie Happy WorM coy stadium on Oct. 30. Positi N w. sn •J p Rloni; r >o A. A Spoitf. Assn. "A" re Q r." A. P Ciin-fc Chin Woo A A. •'A 1
    112 words
  • 601 15 THE early completion of the Singa- pore badminton tournaments has brousiu a.out a lull in the game i here much earlier tiian usual, but it has enabled th- pliycrs to hanc up j their racquets ln pood time lor a earned rest. Opinions. he differ as to the advlsabil
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1018 15 BELOW PAR v SOME DAYS? Run down Mysteriously brtow pat mnie <la\s? Slack after a late niu'lit I->el you fuc<l roorp sleep t mnal heuiiaches V All s; l; its of const :pttion. Hut you are aafflWt] TejjtUar" t Sn are lots of |>eo|>le who ru-\«-rtli*-less are «•< »n->i >:it
      1,018 words
    • 156 15 PUPPIES \M*,ut 00 C on SHERLEY'S 0 mCTOL m TaV Mar roar Mboios on L*ctol T!L^ wwig^ Too mucn meat mvi too and witcn t'lom crew In J «*»^/^l ruueit heat lor your fi*v SSff'SS^'nT-in^- 55* fACTOf, "o" And. 'S ."^r-claTly to. Lacto rS*£aniUinvY Pgj«Hi tln d wn L1 'c
      156 words
    • 259 15 Wief in 30 Seconds from Misery of CATARRH New Medical Compound Act* Liht aria No nccJ to wan a day tonga sg T ol cjtarrh nou ruv« KAi<M)|)KINI:— ;cw m.:,t., il compound :!ia| acnukcaapc Simply snill KAK.SOUKINB iwicc up each n«.sinl through th< handy r K Het fuo< and
      259 words

  • 305 16 IN flying to Britain Hess fell into a trap, laid by the British Intelligence Service without the knowledge of Mr. Churchill, to avenge the Gestapo's capture of Major Best and Captain Stevens on the Dutch frontier in 1939. Such is the assertion made by
    305 words
  • 59 16 lIENRY JONES IS, of Sundzrland, played "catchers" with an egg. It hit the floor. A few days later a chastened and repentant Jones gripped the dockrail spikes and heard the Sunderland magistrates' solemn pronouncement: "Wasting food is a very serious offence. Maximum fine is 1100
    59 words
  • 251 16 R.A.F.'s OneArmed Pilot "O NE HAND Mac> tne orly v one-armed pilot in the R-A F. —perhaps in the world— ls tiyin? a lour- cannon Hurricane. He is using steel fln^ers invented hy himself, Ms mechanic, nnd bill doctor. He has astonished. R.A.;*.' medical men, "One-hand Mac" Is officially FllghtLleurenant
    251 words
  • 205 16 WISHING In the Serpentine, Hyde Park, hitherto a crime, forbidden by Act vt Parliament, is J now to be allowed. Ardent an- glers as well as the bent-pin and jam-jar tiddler fishers will welcome this surprising news. The concession, which it has taken the greatest war in
    205 words
  • 198 16 - JESSIE MATTHEWS bad to leave her jewellery and fur coats behind when she left England fur New York to start rehearsals of the new Schubert Brothers musical play recently. "She was allowed only 401 b. of luggage," her husband. Sonnle Hale, said to the Sunday
    198 words
  • 51 16 Max "X", exiled German who is now skipper of a small transport running between Tobruk and British bases in the Middle East, was a commander of a L'-boat in the last war. He is seen chatting with Stan Sheldon who is well-known in Sydney sporting
    51 words
  • 127 16 MAN TALKS THROUGH HIS THROAT A VISITOR to Adelaide recently was Mr. H. H. Shannon, of York Road. G'.en Iris, Victoria, who talks through his neck. The "voice" consists of a rubber cylinder with an ebony reed Inside and a rubber tube at each end. The lower tube plugs into
    127 words
  • 99 16 A SHELL-SHOCKED soldier who had been unable to speak since Dunkirk was cured when he helped with a card trick at a hospital concert. When Mr. Lionel King a?ked one of the patients to help him with his act. the soldier went on the stage. At
    99 words
  • 38 16 > 130,000 FILM LETTERS."— During one week about 130,000 fl!nn letters were received In Britain by air from troops in the Middle East and some 250.000 air postcards were dispatched. More than 10,000 postcards were also sent to Malta.
    38 words
  • 125 16 rpHE United States Senate Investigation of war propaganda In films had its repercussions in a Hollywood night club early one morning, when Errol Fiynn. the actor, rushed up to the well-known columnist, Jimmie Fidler. who appeared as a witness in Washington recently, and shouted: "You're
    125 words
  • 200 16 BRITAIN'S fat men are getting thinner. And women's worries about, their waistlines are .disappear ng without their having tb resort special treatment. Three men, approached by a News Chronicle reporter, said they were 151 b., 101 b. and 81b. lighter than they were this time last year.
    200 words
  • 122 16 WHEN German soldiers try to strike up conversation with young Alsatian girls and ask, "Where arc you going to in such a hurry, mademoiselle?" the usual reply is. "To England." In geography lesson? children In Alsace refuse to givStrasburg, Mulhouse. Warsaw or Prague
    122 words
  • 71 16 UOLIDAY- MAKERS at Morecambc cannot buy in the town's market now until 3 pm. This rule has been fixed to give landladies and residents, many of whom have evacuees and soldiers to look after, a chance of doing their shopping without having to
    71 words
  • 111 16 i ]y{R- Churchill has been able to a-> something about Harry Hopklns's old hat. New York. Washington, London and Moscow have seen it. says th» Express staff reporter In New York. 1* is dilapidated and shapeless, and there is a White Hou«e rumour that it wa
    111 words
  • 329 16 SENATOR Robert Rice Reynolds,, 57-year-old chairman of the, United States Senate Military i Affairs Committee, has marri^-j I for the nfth time. His bride Is the 19-year-old blonde heiress. Evalyn McLean, whose mother. Mrs. Edward Beale McLean, owns the Hope Diamond. Called
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 244 16 l^flV BRANDY^ 1 In THE LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Autumn) 1940 RESULTS just published: 87 per cent, or PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS I were awarded Passes in B|YlDi"iW t «kl^a| gffl^jjl MERCF and 28 ocr rent UUJ*fflji4ffl|flMS|^^ of these attained DIS- {fWHf9>Pv4^v4'MI"(NTWMwMKMHiPfP| Enrol NOW for t!io new term. h °ne »022.
      244 words
    • 228 16 HnPBVPCninM *^rr*yrrr***T*vi^ $63.Stainless steel, unbreakable glass, ncv.- magnetic, nith adjustable wristlet. JUST ARRIVED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS CARDS COMPENDIUM OF IMHB SOFT TOYS CHILDREN'S GAMES STAMP ALBUMS ETC.. ETC. THE ORIENT STAR NEWS CO. 108, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. NEAR COMPLETE BREAKDOWN The niii who wrulr 'hit ST" lr«tn to
      228 words