The Straits Times, 15 August 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 25,185 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 15. 1916. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 [MILK I LFoOpJ BEAR j BEAR BRAND BRAND M I L t\ 5W.55 m* ai| MIL/ IV i!s rt* 0^ in "S natural puriS ex ;|l TV else. ff p5 ctrl ij^^Ws o>- tropical I^SJi SOLE IMPORTERS J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. y (INCOBPORATBD IN BNGLAND) SINGAPORE STOCKED BY STOCKED BY
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    • 263 1 NEW KODAK CAMERAS t At the following prices f^ Vest Pocket Kodaks jfl Price $16.25 SP^l EtSj^lJß No. 1 -a, F. P. X., R. R. Lens JP^I *39.50 J^ffj f^ No. 3, F. P. X., R. R. Lens fl V. P. KODAK No 3 a FP'K"R> R LenS fSmL^^xF with
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  • 1063 2 The following casualties are reported: London, July 19. Wounded. -2nd Lieut. S. T. Stephens. Devons 2nd Lieut C. S. Stephenson, Yorkshire L.I 2nd Lieut. D. W. Suthery, Sea forths 2nd Lt. S E. Syken, Duke of Wellingtons 2nd Lieut. T. A. Turner, R A 2nd Lt. K Li?
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 The Straits Times FBR F.M.B HEADERS. The Mail Train postal suaTtoe enable* us to and into tbv X.M.S. oaob evening a Special Edition ol Tbe Steaits Times containing all tbe important telegrams and news received up to a late boor in thu afternoon. This editica oan be nought ia aoe
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    • 48 2 Dog's Head Guinness aE I JI »1 B B W ~/"-y "■Zi'Z- &-\A I The TONIC that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food Of high medicinal value. NOT! The above DOG'S HEAD Label ia on every bottle. Refuse imitations. Sold Everywhere. 18 4—14 7
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    • 426 2 HAVE YOU HAD MALARIA. There are certun disorders, such as malaria, that especially debilitate and mate the body an easy prey to more dangerous diseases. Ask those who have bad it regarding tbe present condition of their health, and most of them will answer Sinoe I had malaria I have
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    • 890 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB THE AUTUMN MCE MEETING (Undsr SRI Rulai Of Racing) WILL IE HELD ON Tuesday, October 17; Thursday, Ootober 19 and Saturday, October 21, 1916. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY Tuaaday, Ootober 17, 1916 la*. THE VISITORS STAKES AND PURSE— 3 46 p.m. and 8.45 p m Value of tach
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    • 831 2 In all raoes the advertised Seoond prixsi will only be given whan there are not less than five Starters, the property of different owners. HOT* i— Tha attention of owners is oalled to Rule 133. whioh makes tha hour for Soratohing B p.m. on tha DAY BEFORE tha Race. Owners
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  • 973 3 A BRILLIANT CHAPTER IN WAR HISTORY. What is Being Done in France. A British M.P. writes hi the Evening Standard One of the most brilliant chapters of the history of the war is that of the mobilisation of science in France. This war has been carried on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 REMOVE ALL BLOOD IMPURITIES. BUILD- UP YOUlt HEALTH with J* SSSENCK oo rLUio extract of RED JAMAICA l^.*'***^ Pronouno»d b> Vf.% HICHEST MEOICAt <ITTHOBITItS Ihe most l i|] i lj^lkil^ f jjwi 111 if I I WTfc 1 1 1 ■BEi "rTOHPiO LIVER, DEBILITY, ERUPTIONS, RHEUMATISM, OBSTINATE SKIN DISEASES. &c.
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    • 89 3 A serious steam lorry accident baa occur r«d at Demodera, Ceylon. A steam engine going to BandaraweJla with two vans, carry ing I'iO cbests of tea went down a precipice, 60 feet deep. The two brakesmen were killed iostantaneoosly. Tbe driver escaped with a dislocation ol one arm. Tbe engine
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    • 475 3 PREMATURE BALDKESS Due to Dandruff and Irritation, Prevented by Cutkura. Tbe Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heaL Daily shampoos with Cuticura Soap and occasional applications of Cuticura Ointment gently rubbed into the scnlp skin will do mush to promote huir-growing conditions. Sample Each Free by
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    • 265 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet -Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 726 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P- O.- British India AMD A pear Line. (Companies Incorporated in Bnoland). MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICB3. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with Hit Majesty QovernLaenti. Ohm., Japan,, Gaylon, Australia. India, Ad.n, Egypt, M.dit.pi-.n..n Ports and London. steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward
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    • 281 4 COMBINED SERVICE OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft (INCOOPOKATID IN Enula.ND) THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. (Incobpokatid in England) imriiH Fpamantta iP.-th North W«.t Australian Ports, Java •"<* Imgapor*. Western Australia (sailing at Java M fc. daoea,ent offer.), Derby, Kingg Sound (Port for the Kimberley 0013
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    • 722 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. (Incorporatil in Slam). SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Id- F K eU J' Trin «f arm Bisot, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Tabu Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai. Fatani, Singora. Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon. Langsuen, Chnmpon, Kohlak A Bangkok. Dim Oapartura BORIBAT 9 Aug 16> 3 p m The Steamers are
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    • 419 4 steahei muam. THE OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., AND THE CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in England) pi The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homowards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp ever; fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILINtS. ntytk JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) EUROPEAN LINE A Rervioe is maintained between Yokohama, via ports, to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with tl mperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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  • 136 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, August 1 5. High Wates, USH a.m.. 11. 87 p.m. Wednesday, August 16. ■lifh Wild (I M. M. homeward mail due P. and O horn-want mail doe. HoxioK. Vol Drill Hall. 9 p.m. Thursday, Auirust 17. Hiffb Wttw. Ml a.m., 0.53 p.m. Homeward mail
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  • 165 5 PRODUCE. SiMOAPoaa, Ai'<.t'>T 15. 1010 Gambier I 10 25 do (Cube No. 1) nnpickod ii».oo Copra Sundriod 910 do Mixed B.HO Pepper, tiituzk 27. 75 Jo White Sarawak buyers 34.25 Sago Floor Sarawak 4 86 do Branui No. 1 3.00 Pearl Sajjo 490 Tapioca, small Hake 10.90
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  • 252 5 Today. Mersing and Kemaman Hock Lee '2.30 pm Snurabaya and Saiuitrang B. P. Guan 2.30 pm Bangkok Produce 2.80 pin P. Dickson and Port Swettenbam Calypso 2.80 pm Saigon Dumbia 2.80 pin Anamba and N'atuna Is. Batavier 2.30 pm Malacca and Muai Lady Weld Bpm iVrt Swettenham,
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  • 192 5 Tlit I' and o. homeward luail steamer Novara has left lluni>koni> and m due here at M a.m. to morrow. She sails at 8 a.m. on Thursday the ITtb. The H. I. contract packet TeesU with mails from London was expected to leave Nexapatani on Sunday. Aiiuunt
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  • 43 5 Tlir Kcrhn rorreHpondt'nt of hi: Tijd states Itrrlin «tlirujH Miat a Zeppelin, named h< utwlilkud, an air .hip of enormous dimenaioaa, will abortly open a regular air service to America. A second /< ppt-lin of the same description is ia course of construction.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 MOP.TGAGtE S SALE Oh M.mnaf, Aoui >i 31, 1010. 1 Kourtt en lots of freehold land nitrate at Siglap. planted ith coconut trees, being lots Nos. 209 to .'Hi, part of (irant No 9, estimated to contain the total aiea of 38,000 sq. It el CHINO KBNO LBB 4 CO.,
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    • 518 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LBT, honse No 6, Ttinggal Road Water Rent $80. Apply AUagrff k Co. No 18, Battery Road. 16-8-28 8 i WANTED, experienced assistant f' r honS9 bold furniHhinii dspartment Apply Whiteawav. Lairllaw ,t Co.. Ltd. IBB— 1? > TO LET, compound hou«e known a» No. 91, Tbomson
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    • 600 5 W. D. H. 0. WILLS ENGLAND B "SWEET CHESTNUT" The Tobacco with a Sweet and Nutty Flavour. Packed in 2 oz. and 4 oz. airtight tins ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS AUCTION SALE Of A FIVE-SEATER WOLSELEYSIDDRLBY MOTOR CAK The property of R. Peirce, Eeq. (leaving ihe Colony) At Powell
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    • 186 5 MORTGAGEES SALE Of VALUABLE LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES, KNOWN AS No. 33 b, KILLINEY ROAD, AND No. 10. CRAIG ROAD. SINGAPORE. To be held at Messrs. Cbing Keng Lee Co.'s Sale room On Monday, acoist 11, at 2.80 p.m. (1) Freehold land situated in the District of Claymore containing according
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    • 477 5 VICTORIA THEAT«E, SINGAPORE: COMING! FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY COMING!! Commencing Thursday, August 17. THE NEW BANDMAN OPERA COMEDY CO. I'NDIR TIIK DIKKC'TION OF MAURICE E. BANDMAN Thursday Tub p 'uuiar muhicai comedy Auat 17 THE CINEMA STAR From the Saaftesbury Theatre, London. Friday, GRUMPY Aug. IS I (which has taken
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  • 61 6 Baktholomeu/.. On August 16, at No 086. North Bridge Road, D. Bartholomeuz. Funeral at 5 p.m. Cremation at Gaylang Tamil Cemetery. Ceylon papers please copy. V*n CvvLKNBUBii.— On Monday, August 14. 1916, at Murton, Holland Road, Singapore, Barbara Joan, aged 6 years and 11 months, tbe eldest and beloved
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  • 1105 6 ThE Straits Times. TuESDAY AUGUST 16. RUSSIA'S GREAT PROGRESS. Petrograd communiques for week* past have been a steady record of amazing progress. Almost, indeed, one has hesitated to believe that the Germans, who a year ago were supremely menacing and victorious, can be falling to pieces at the rate that
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  • 43 6 Mr. Bigot, manager of an important coffee plantation at Mount Bavi, near Sontsy, in Tonkin, was beaten to death with bamboo*, when going to pay bis coolies, and succumbed to bin irjorieo Twelve Annnmitp* concern* d in the affair have alicauy 0.«.u arrested.
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  • 22 6 Part of Seremban town now enjoys tbe advantage of electric light. Tbe current is expected to be available for tbe remainder shortly.
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  • 24 6 Sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment was passed on one Yeo Sek Ngee, who was convicted of hoosebreaking, in tbo district court tbis morning.
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  • 32 6 Tbe class in conversational Malay started in tbe V.M.C.A. four months ago, has done good work. An opportunity is offered to new students to join, on Friday, at H. 16 p m.
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  • 28 6 With tbe approval of tbe Chief Secretary to Government, tbe F.M.S. Railway Administration notifies that coagulatex will henceforth be charged first class rate and conveyed at owners' risk.
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  • 44 6 On account of both tbe Chief Justioe and Mr. Justioe Earnshaw being engaged in the Penang Court of Appeal, which opened today, tbe sittings of the Singapore Supreme Court are suspended, and there are no further cases down for hearing until tbe 29tb inst.
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  • 37 6 Our Ipob correspondent telegraphs that a meeting of motorists at tbe Ipob Club, last night, decided to resuscitate tbe Perak Motor Union. Mr. Herbert Cooper was appointed hon. secretary. A committee was elected to make preliminary arrangements.
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  • 66 6 In 1908, Lord Fisher wrote in his daughter's birth-day book tbat Germany would be at war with England in 1914, and tbat Jellicoe would be the Nelson of tbe Fleet. He justified bis prophecy at tbe time by saying tbat by 1914 the Kiel Canal would be enlarged, the German
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  • 90 6 Tbe general balance sheet and profit and loss account of tbe Netherlands Trading Society to December 81, 1915, show tbat the net profits amount to f. 5.9 U, 408.9:2 [.£495,117), out of which, after providing for the statutory reserve to tbe extent of f. 6X8,381 .78 (£57,3671, a dividend of
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  • 112 6 People who have had bicycles stolen will have no sympathy with Viap Khai Tack, who received a sharp sentence in tbo district court this morning. Accused is an old offender in the bicycle theft line. Hiusual method was to hire a machine, tbe owner of which would not see it
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  • 108 6 At tbe Shanghai Mixed Court recently the British Assessor. Mr. Grant Jones, commented very strongly on certain lawyer's advertisements which have been appearing in Chinese newspapers. rie said The advertisements themselves are so blatantly vulgar in tone that I am convinced that counsel themselves cannot be responsible for their publication,
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  • 130 6 Another street accident occurred on Sunday evening in Bukit Timab lioad. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K«ss were proceeding towards Bukit Timah in a rubber tyred ricksha when a motor car coming from the opposite direction ran into them. As is usual tbe motor car was unhurt while
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  • 145 6 Tbe statement tbat a German aeroplane was brought down near Douaumont by an American pilot reminds us that there are auy ouuibt r of AmericaDH both in our air service and in that of tbe French. Indeed the French, we have read somewhere, have formed an American air battalion. Iv
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  • 222 6 Yesterday the secretary of the Straits Athletic Puyoica! Cuhurnt*. which, according to the nob-paper, was established November 24, 1911.' Kent us a note. He wrote It is hereby notified for general information that Mr. (Soli Clioon Yung (7 atone), a member of the Straits Athletic Physical Culturists, will meet Mr.
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  • 417 6 During Volunteer field operations at IVnang on Sunday, Mr. Robertson, of the United Kngineers, had tbe misfortune to break his leg. On Sunday evening at St. George's Church, i'enang, tbe Bishop of Singapore instituted the Rev. Keppel Oarnier as to tbe Chaplaincy of I'enang, Mr. J. Straton
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  • 25 6 We beg to acknowledge MO to the Straits Times Aeroplane Fund, beiou third monthly installment from Mr. J. W. (iillman, Garing Estate, Malacca.
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  • 29 6 Mons. J. de Courtois begs to acknowledge with thanks the following additional subscriptions Already acknowledged 117,897 Mrs. Mary G. Thompson. English College. Johore. 6 118,008
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  • 233 6 Any one visiting tbe premises of the Singapore Harbour Board at Taojong Pagar, if he lias not dune so for the last tew months, will be surprised, says a correspondent, at the vast strides luaJu towards tbe completion of the wharf. With the exception ot a few
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  • 266 6 The following properties were disposed o( by aaction at Messrs Cliing Keng Lee and Co.'k Hale room ye«tt rday aluroooo Lease bold land and bouse No. A, iiace Course Koad, area 1,72(1 Hjuare feet, bought by K. M. Fackircandu MancaD tor 13.600; It-atehol 1 land and bouse No.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 JAS. WATSON CO. No. 10 VERY FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY IN QUARTS AND PINTS SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. When its Anything Electrical then- 'CENTRAI I lUCIJ lENCINE WORKS ITalfc, SINGAPORE. Our Leading Line f BLUE SERGE SUITS to measure $45. 00 Newest materials, ideally out and tailored JOHN LITTLE
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    • 200 6 ANOTHER PROGRAMME AS GREAT AS THE LAST AT THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ALHAMBRa Beaoh Road Tbe Leading Theatre In Singapore. Corns Tonight if you want to tee a Good Show SECOND SHOW AT 9.1S I'ATHE PKB3ENTS Singapore i favourite emotional actren FLORENCE REED A powerful Sold Roostsr play in 5
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  • 839 7 RUSSIA SVICTORIES. Bothmer Critically Placed. THE WESTERN FRONT. Progress of the Operations. Rbutkr's taMHBI London. Augnst 14, 12 35 a.m. A Petrograd communique show* tbat tbe Russians are pouring across tbe tributaries of the Dniester, building bridges under fire and dislodging tbe enemy from fortified positions. General Vcherbatcheff's
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  • 241 7 British Prisoners' Losses On Rate of Exchange. After putting prisoners of war on starvation rations and subjecting them to other privations, with evil cunniog Germany bas conceived anef hardship for the men held in captivity. In order to bny foci British officers often have to cash cheque*,
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  • 348 7 Words of One Syllable "Unless" One be of Two. The task of preparing a four paged pamphlet consisting entirely of words of one syllable was undertaken by a Cambridge don in answer to a challenge thrown ont by one of tbe officers of the S.P.C'.K National
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  • 308 7 Mine Work and Bomb Thiowing By Shropshire*. Yesterday afternoon tbe public iad another opportunity of witnessing mimiofield operations in the neighbourhood of Alexandra Barracks. Those who attended saw some very interesting work, giving a food idea of trench warfare as carried out at present. Among those present were
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  • 471 7 Methods by Which Industry May Be Aided. The direction in which Goverameit action might be taken to assist the subcommittee of tbe Board of Trade's Advisory Committee on Commercial Intelligence, to secure trade after the war, is indicated in a retort just issued by the Board. Stress
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  • 98 7 Major lUynal, the heroic defender of Vanx, write* to bis wife from Mainz, wbere he is now interned, tbat tbe Germaus have faith fully carried ont tbe conditions be laid down in writing wben be surrendered. Tbe Crown Prince gave him bis sword and a copy of
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  • 122 7 '!'!>■ following appointments are notified in tbe official Gazette of the State of North Kuiui Mi. E. W. Morrell to be a Magistrate of the First Class; Mr. H. Myddolton to officiate temporarily as Diktriot Magistrate, Sandaknn Mr. C. l>. Martyn to act as Dm triot Officer, Labuck and Sogst,
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  • 1275 7 SOME GOOD BOUTS AT THE PALLADIUM. Corpl. Rose Wins Championship. There was quite a large audience for tbe boxing at tbe Palladium last night, though not so large as at tbe previous show. Probably the fact tbat there is to be another show in another place to morrow
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  • 466 7 Late Lord Kitchener's Estimate In 1914. Lord Kitchener's estimate of the number of women in Britain who would be made widows by tbe war was mentioned by Mr. Hayes Fisher, on June 21, wben presiding at a meeting of tbe Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation at Middlesex Guildhall.
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  • 358 7 Prophesying the Need for The "Last Million." Coder tbe title of Lord X., Viscount Esber coutributeH a striking article on Lord Kitchener's character to tbe July number of llio National Review, from which we take the following extracts In 1911, many secret documents were composed, and many
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  • 72 7 The spinning mill industry ia the moat proinineot of the lnduxtries of Japan. The utiiukxrof spinning mill companies is now 34 with a total capital invisted of over V.86,000.000. The number of spindle* at work, accordion to the investigation made at the middle of Jane, wu 2,708.000. Tli. workmen employed
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  • 871 7 INITIAL INTEREST-DIVIDEND DECLARED. Report of Directors for Past Year. The following is tbe report of tbe directors of Malayan Collieries, Limited, for tbe year ended June 80 last. It is signed by Messrs. J. A. Russell and Co., the managing agents and secretaries. The directors have pleasure in
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  • 23 7 A well-known City hotel, tbe Salisbury hotel, Salisbury-square, London, baft been commandeered by tbe GoTernment for the aooommodation of tbe War Savings Committee.
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  • 1795 8 IMPORTANT PLANT CASE AT IPOH. The Meaning of a Word. Tin- li'u« of Malaya of August 11 reports: A mutter of much general interest was argued D»f. n- Mr. .lunticn Karrer-Mauby in the Ipoli Supreme. Court yesterday, in while a rixlit of way over private property
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  • 156 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Kriday, August 18 Tcisdat. Ah.i>t 8. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. S.RE.,V.i N.C.O.'s. a S.V.K. N.C.O.'s. i. Chinese Co. Bras Basab Road Malay Co. Officers and N.C.O.'a. 5 p.m. Sepoy Lines S.F.A. Co. Wkdnimmy, IMBJ 16. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall
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  • 116 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6. During the visit of the Bandmann Company, commencing on Thursday, dinner at the Aiklplii HoUl in to be accompanied each evcniDg by a number of specially select dancex, tin- proprietors of the hotel having engaged l'tof. B. Kichard
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    • 192 8 The cricket match played between the V.M.C.A. and tbe M S.V.R. on tbe Polo ground on Saturday last, resulted in a win for the V.MC.A. by 30 runs. The lull scores are as follow Y.M.C.A.— S. H. Maclntyre c Williams b N'aylor 1, M. Ignatius b Naylor 0, Bala
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    • 172 8 The following ties in tbe S.C C, lawn tennis tournament were played yesterday afternoon A Sin'.i.k- Final. Ruchwaldy v. Manning, unfinished. B Sinqlks Final. Hadden v. Winter, unfinished. Newcomkrs' Handicap— Final. Patcrson beat Burne. Profession Pairs. Mer. X Smith and Sinclair w.o. beat Tel. VI Carr and
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  • 264 8 A New Product of the World Conflict. She was reading a Spanish newspaper when the conductor announced that he was ready for all fares, please." She bad been reading it all the way from Hammersmithbroniway to Hyde park-corner. She replied in English of the most English description.
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  • 257 8 The report of the Perak Rubber Plantations, Limited, states that the net profit, after providing for administration expenses, directors' fees, writing off the expenditure on immature area, and allowing for depreciation, is £41.064. To this has to be added £8.829 brought forward, making the amount to the
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  • 47 8 The annual report for 1915 on Prisons in Scotland shows that the number of commit Uls in that year wan 27.840. decrease of 16.190 as compared with the preceding year, and the lowest total since 1869. The decrease is most marked in offences usually associated with intemperance.
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  • Correspondenec.
    • 860 8 To the Iditor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to the leading article in your issui of August 12, I do not think 1 shall be the only one among your readers wbo is surpssed at your attitude regarding the proponed seizure of German property as
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  • 73 8 l/nited Serdang (Sumatra).— 24o,6B2 lbs. Sungei Kari (Sumatra).— 27,ooo lbs. Asaban (Sumatra).— 24,o64 lbs. Tandjong.- 12 1.486 lbs. Sialang.- 98.896 lbs. Bila Sumatra.— I.BOH lbs. Anglo Sumatra. 78,647 lbs. Ampat (Sumatra).— l2.6B7 lbs. Tanah Datar.— ll,293 lbs. Bah LiM.-9.847 lbs. Toerangie (Sumatra).— 6.s4l lbs. Mendaris (Sumatra).— B.lss
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  • 90 8 Hero is a story that in going the rounds' showing that wen of the Fleet are not to be pumped by inquiring railway passengers. A civilian started a conversation with a couple of bluejackets home on leave. He asked them il they had been in the big naval battle, and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONER'S SHOP Bras Basah Road, Singapore, uroiar os^e:^^ From 9 n.rrt. till la p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. 812— 712 ADELPHI HOTEL DURING THE BANDMAN SEASON SPECIAL TANGO DINNERS ($2.50) FOR FIVE
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 52 9 0. K. CEMENT (Best Danish Portland Cement) New Supplies arrived per M. S. Chumpon SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC Go., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN DENMARK. Double Disc Ploughs in stock for immediate delivery. Write for prices, call and see them. Centrifugal Pumps Large number in stock. All sizes. (Jniteers UNITED ENGINEERS,
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    • 385 9 M COAGULATEX 20% Reduction in Price We beg to announce that the price of Coagulatex has been reduced twenty per cent, from this date all previous price lists are consequently hereby cancelled. Orders now received will be executed at the reduced prices and filled in their consecutive order. We take
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 551 10 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Inoobfobatsd in Straits Settlements) HIAOOFFICIi Winohssttf Houss, |in|apor«. LONDON OFFICE i 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has A 30.000 depoaited with tbe Supreme
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    • 395 10 INSURANCE. UNION WtUMNCE OFFICE. LIMITED. (Imcobpobatbd n Hongkono). Capital Subscribed. ..l2,6oo,ooo Amount paid-up 600,000 Reserve tcid 1,600,000 Hbad Omca, Honoeono. The undersigned, having been appointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared -o accept Marine Risks at current rates. BOUSTBAD a CO., Agents. SUN LIFE cV.V;.v OF CANADA (INCOBPOBATBD IN
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    • 461 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Honobono). PAID-UP CAPITAL |1S 000,000 RBSBRVB FDNDB ■^umiuh Sterling 41,600,000 at I/- •16,000,000 Silver ,18,000,000 188.000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! 116,000,000 COURT OW DIRECTORS W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 0. T. M. Bdkins, Bsq. Hon. Mr.
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    • 520 10 BANKING. CHARTERED RANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENOLAND BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares ot 430 eaoh 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of Bngland, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London Connti and Westminster Bank,
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    • 828 10 INSURANCE. STATISTICS show that only six persons in each hundred who reach old age have enough to maintain themselves in comfort. Are you one of tbe six f You will be if you carry sufficient endowment asuuranoe. You will not if you are of those who expect to die of
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  • 1337 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The New Dodge Bros. Car. T. K. Wong thus writes to the Malty Mail regarding tbe new Dodge Bros, oar for which the Central Engine works are the agents I I have just had an opportunity of putting one of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 247 11 TYRES The Very BEST DUPIRE BROTHERS SINGAPORE /CAUTIONX f Tijrc bursts at high speeds are extremely dangerous. Stelastic f Tyres are safest and best and the only tyres holding the f R.A.C. Certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts and punctures. RAFFLES CHAMBERS PHOTOGRAPHIC to let STORE STUDIO Commodious and airy
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 544 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER Jl3 X-4 JlZj i\» BREWED in SCOTLAND BITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, shift-men for electric generating station. Apply to Derrick 4 Co. 11-6— n WANTED DRBBSER. Vacancy filled. Applicant" thanked. Manager, Bernam Estate. 13-B—ls 8 WANTED. SHORTHAND TYPIST. Good salary to competent man. Apply Box No. 687, Straits Times. 14
      544 words
    • 522 12 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, seoond-band robber-tyred trap, i Apply Trap, c/o Straits Times. 12 B— ls 8 WANTED TO PURCHASE, a large roll top deck; must be in good condition and i cheap. Box No. 629. Straits Times. 8-B— lS-8 WANTED TO PURCHASE, a second hand prismatic compass. Apply to G. M.
      522 words
    • 874 12 HOUSES TO LET. TO LET, Dunrobin, Barker Road, entry August 1. Apply Lee Cheng Van and Co. 17-n TO LET. 8, Chancery Lane. 8 bedrooms, •tabline and tennis oourt. Apply Chins Keng T.w 4 Co n-">— n TO LBT. Houseo Nos. 7, 8-», Chanonry Lane Apply to China Keng Lee
      874 words
    • 359 12 KIAM KIAT CO. KM and 109, Market Street. 1 Phonk 491. Sole Agents. The Mulcott Belting Co.. Limited. Btock for immediate supply. GALVANIZED WIRE Assorted Nos. BARBED FENCING WIRE GALVANIZED RIGGING WIRE 10-4—o-4 HUP HING DHOBIE 42-1. Newton Road Having extended premise*, solicits custom Excellent reference! Rates moderate. 8-B—7-0 FOR
      359 words
    • 255 12 JUST ARRIVED Galvanised Steel Plates. Mild Steel Plates 8' x 4' x 16 G. x 4' x f 8' x 4 x 20 G. 1 i 1 1 7' x 4' x 82 G. «'il'x A* 8' x 4' x 22 G. 8- x 4' x aY 8' x 4'
      255 words
    • 466 12 MOTOR CARS •phone I For HIRE m Mb. promptly attends *X 1 I II to your call with I \B I I oomfortable cars, Tlf day and night. \J \r Charges Moderate STRAITB MOTORCAR SERVICE. US til, ORCHARD MAO. To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 326 12 Straits V)imes. Telaphonaa. Editorial and General 70 Managers Office 262 Job Printing Department 848 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business maters advertisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneoub wants of
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